Cammy, Ada, And Lauren free porn video

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Here’s a long one for you guys. Might install this one in multiple parts. Just remember that this one has a loooong slow buildup. Don’t expect graphic content in every installment, however I will try to keep you interested with some service until the action picks up. Either way, enjoy the read. Usual Disclaimer, all characters over 18, I own nothing, etc.


DRAMATIS PERSONAE: Blaine Willstrom — 19, instructor of martial arts, typical college student. 6’4′, 196 lbs. Untidy wavy brown hair, brown eyes. Camille Eschod — 18, an instructor at the same dojo as Blaine, as well as the daughter of the chief instructor. 5’2′, 115 lbs. Wavy blonde hair, cool blue eyes. Called Cammy by most everyone. Ada Suessmorn — 19, a student at the dojo as well as friend of Blaine’s and acquaintance of Cammy’s. Straight dark hair, green eyes. Pale skinned, slight of build. 5’8′, 126 lbs.

****************** SCENE I: College cafeteria, Blaine sits with his mind occupied…

SCENE BEGINS ******************

The dojo. The martial arts academy where I learned so much more than self defense. It made me stronger, though the tests were rigorous, and the tribulation ever-present. What could plague a student of martial arts to such an extent, save a complicated kata, or perhaps those tricky shoulder-rolls?

She was beautiful. I mean, both of them were. But Cammy… There’s only so many words I could use before you got bored and stopped listening. But succinctly, Cammy was an angel. The lightest blonde hair tumbled down to her shoulders, and her blue eyes were as cold as late December mornings. I would watch every class as her nimble body performed the trickiest of techniques, and the strongest of strikes. For though her body was very womanly, the force with which she struck would set her breasts alight with motion, and to see her stretch her lithe form was an unworldly pleasure.

Her skin was stretched taught over her perfect form, and her demurely concave stomach was artfully connected to what were fast becoming perfectly womanly hips. Most women couldn’t make the uniform (a standard karate gi) look good, but Cammy certainly could.

The only other girl at the dojo who could even rival Cammy’s beauty was Ada. She was a treasure all her own: dark hair cut short bobbed around her neck, contrasting with her pale light skin. Her height was slight, as was her build, ‘barely-there’ breasts were paired with the fullness of her thighs and rear, creating a deliciously sexy dichotomy that plagued my mind on many an occasion. This would have been no problem, had Ada not been a good friend of mine.

Now, it was no secret that I had feelings for Cammy. Well, it was a secret to her. After all, she was an instructor like me, which meant we were forbidden to be together. Not that it stopped me from dropping hints…which she never seemed to pick up on. It’s hard to be too up-front, when her parents own the dojo.

But, that’s the way it’s always been…Every day I go to the dojo, and instead of confessing my love for her, I keep my job. Every day I keep on training instead of asking her out. Every day, I savor the fruits of seven years of training, instead of the lips of an angel. Of course, these lamentations were old news to Ada. Being both my friend and confidant, it often seemed she knew me better than I knew myself.

‘Blaine! Are you even listening to me?’

I shook myself from the internal monologue, my spicy tuna roll coming back into focus. ‘Sorry Ada. There’s a lot on my mind lately.’

‘Bullshit,’ she countered, leaning down to look me in the eyes. ‘There’s only one thing on your mind, just like every day. You’ve got that ‘Cammy look’ in your eyes.’

‘Like I can help it. Maybe if she weren’t so close.’

‘Just because she’s here doesn’t mean you should keep thinking about her.’ It was true, though. There I sat in the college cafeteria, trying to eat and hold a conversation, but my mind was very much absorbed by Cammy. She was sitting about five tables away, alone as usual. She’d been home-schooled since her earliest years, and so had trouble being outwardly social.

Within her circle of friends she was cheery as a picnic on a Tuesday afternoon. However, no one had ever known her to have had any boyfriends. This was one of the things which attracted me to her. A pure, innocent, beautiful shrine maiden. She seemed so happy, and yet so fragile.

‘But then again,’ Ada said slyly, ‘why don’t you just ask her to come sit with us?’

I looked at my food, dumbfounded for several seconds till I found a response. ‘Why would she want to sit with us?’

‘She knows us. You two chat often. She’s eating alone. Isn’t this one of the scenarios you teach the kids about showing compassion,’ Ada said. It was true. Maybe that would strike a chord with Cammy.

‘Okay, but if I crash and burn, what happens then?’

‘It’s just eating lunch with you, genius. And besides, I’m here too. You don’t think I’d leave you two alone, do you?’

With that, I rose and walked towards Cammy. As I approached, I marveled at what she wore. I guess I was still getting used to seeing her out of her dojo uniform. Her blouse was sheer, and though she wore another shirt beneath, as I approached it allowed me a peek at the peak. Peaks, I should say. Such delightful buoyancy, such a gap there between! Not too large, not too small. The perfect handful…

‘Hi, Blaine,’ she said with a smile, craning her neck to identify who stood behind her. Lechery puts a foul voice on the air, one she must have heard. ‘I didn’t know you ate lunch in this slot too,’ she continued.

‘Yeah, it’s weird, but, uh…we seem to share nearly all our lunch blocks together. Weird, eh?’

She giggled. ‘You’re not stalking me are you?’

I thought quickly. A joke to lighten the heavy question. ‘Only when I need the best sparring partner in the dojo,’ I replied with a smirk.

‘You’re sweet, but you give me too much credit. It takes two to tango.’

‘Or two to Taijutsu as this case may be.’

‘Exactly,’ she said, with one of her trademark smiles, perfect row of white peeking from behind the full lips, delicately painted with a slight amount of girlish pink. ‘Did you need something?’

I need you. Need your presence in my life, not just at the dojo, as a partner, and not just here to look at. I need you to be with, in all things. Beauty radiates from you like light from a glorious star. I could spend a perfect week just breathing with you, and die happily a moment after. ‘Well, not really,’ I said, holding my tongue as well as my romance. ‘I was just wondering, you’re eating alone, and I was thinking, my friend and I are over there. You remember Ada from the dojo, right?’

I motioned over to Ada, who waved to Cammy, who returned the gesture in kind. ‘Yes, her,’ I continued, trying to be brief. ‘Well, we’re over there, do you maybe want to eat with us?’

‘That’s nice of you to offer, Blaine. I’ll get my things,’ she replied. That was easy, I thought. Time to score some bonus points.

‘Let me get that for you,’ I remarked, picking up a bag which I assumed to be full of clothes. I knew from chatting with her that she was in some dance classes, so a change of clothes made sense.

Cammy grinned as we picked up her things, and moseyed back to Ada. As we sat, I took another bite of my roll, unsure of what to talk about. Ada looked at me, confused. She saw my mouth was full, and so took the initiative.

‘Your top looks great, I love the color, Cammy.’

‘This? Thanks, Ada.’

Ada smiled, settling into the topic. ‘It’s the perfect color for your eyes.’ She looked to me. ‘Doesn’t it match her eyes, that cool blue hue, Blaine?’

Dammit, Ada. Using color temperature and eye contact. She knew I couldn’t resist an art discussion or Cammy. Put together…Forget it. I swallowed the large bite I had with a loud gulp.

‘Yeah, it’s
cool blue alright.’ Don’t stop there, man. Throw in a compliment. ‘But maybe it’s the light or something, ’cause from here, her eyes look much brighter than the blouse.’ I took this opportunity to lean in closer, peering into Cammy’s eyes as she tried not to blink with giggles.

‘But hey,’ Ada said. ‘Anything’s better than the gi jacket, right Cammy?’

‘Oh my God, I know. It’s cut way too far forward. Not slimming in the least,’ she responded.

From there, I let them take the conversation, occasionally peppering the conversation with wit, compliments and jokes like arrows from a company of crossbowmen. They talked about the changes Cammy would make to the uniform: high-heeled tabi-boots, a pink gi, so forth. Girly stuff.

With a start, Cammy jumped and began to shiver as she reached below the table. She appeared to be in pain, but my fears were allayed as she produced a her cell phone (pink no less), which shook in her hand with a low whirring noise. As she answered the call:

‘Hi mom…No, school…Blaine and Ada…, Ada…Black belt, Thursdays mostly. Yeah, her… … Okay…Understood. ‘Kay, love you…Uh huh, bye.’

She ended the call, and took a large sip of her drink, and stood up with her tray. ‘Sorry guys, I have to go. They need me at work to help set up. We’ve got a test tonight. You’re gonna be there, right Blaine?’

‘You know I couldn’t miss the promotion exams. Such a big event for the kids. I’ll see you around 6–‘

I felt a pain in my leg as Ada kicked me in my shin. She always did have a mean snap kick, in this instructor’s opinion. She shot me a look, and motioned with her eyes to Cammy.

‘around 6–unless…Unless you needed an extra set of hands to help set up,’ I finished, without much of a break.

Cammy looked away for a moment, then back with something resembling a sad smile. ‘Oh, that’s alright. I think we’ll be good. Save your hands for tonight. You’ll need them,’ she remarked. I’ll admit my mind began to wander at that point…Images of just what my hands would love to do for her tonight. ‘For attacking during the test, I mean,’ she added, with a faint blush to her face.

I sighed wistfully, perhaps a bit too loud: it seemed Cammy heard me, as she stopped before walking away again, backpack hoisted. I thought to myself:



****************** SCENE 2: Same cafeteria, Blaine watches as the wind outside blows Cammy’s hair.

SCENE BEGINS ******************

‘Well, that went surprisingly well,’ Ada said cheerfully, raising her drink to her lips, happy eyes visible over the bottle rim.

‘Yeah,’ I said. ‘Was it just me, or do you think she caught her own innuendo?’

‘Of course she did. You saw her blush. I think she heard you sigh too. Too cute.’

Ada grinned. She looked as pleased with my conversation as I was. Suddenly her grin faded, and she cast her eyes downward. She ducked under the table.

Shit, I thought. It hadn’t occurred to me how stiff I got just being next to Cammy. Had Ada seen me when she was under the table? I crossed one leg over the other, attempting to hide my obvious arousal.

‘Well, well…What’s this, Blaine,’ Ada said slyly as I felt a hand brush past my leg. Why the hell would she tease me like this? Did she like what she saw?

‘Now, Ada,’ I said, trying to keep my voice level despite the embarrassment. ‘Let’s be adult about this.’

‘Whose bag is this, Blaine?’

‘Excuse me?’

‘This bag…it’s pink and black. It’s not yours, is it?’ Damn. I guess it wasn’t me she had seen. A bag though…whose was it? I looked under the table as well, surprised at how close Ada’s face was.

‘Christ, back off, Ada. I can smell your lunch.’

She cracked a smile, and blew another whiff of her salad laden breath into my face. I reeled, but regained my composure to look at the bag. It was indeed pink and black, with kanji on the sides. Cammy’s?

‘I think this belongs to Cammy, Ada.’

‘Oh yeah, didn’t you carry it over from her table for her?’

It was true. This was definitely hers. We exited the table-cave, and more closely examined the bag. It had her name on it, as well as her address and other information for returning it. ‘Look on the bright side, Blaine.’

‘What’s good about this? She probably needs this.’

‘At least now you know her address and phone number.’

‘Not funny, Ada.’

‘Oh, I thought it was hilarious.’

We finished eating, and exited the cafeteria into the fresh spring air. It was only the second day of spring, but already the campus was bustling with students like a flower crowded by bee-traffic. ‘The late spring break sucks,’ Ada lamented, turning to me as we neared the diverging paths to our classes. ‘But the spring air’s so nice around here. Love is in the air, Blaine.’

‘Every goddamned day. It definitely is.’

‘You just need to get confidence, Blaine. Maybe date someone else for practice before you go for Cammy.’

‘I don’t think I could do that. I’d feel like I was using them. I guess because I would be.’

‘That’s true,’ she responded, casting her gaze aside.

‘Besides, I don’t know who I would ask, anyway. I’d probably spend the whole time comparing her to Cammy, too.’

‘Well, you know I’m always available,’ Ada said with a smirk. ‘You could use me.’

‘You’re just full of funny jokes today, aren’t you Ada?’

Her smile faded. Again her eyes avoided mine. ‘Yeah,’ she said sadly. ‘another funny, stupid joke.’

We said our goodbyes, a hug from Ada and I ruffled her hair. Something she always said felt like a big-brotherly gesture. As she left, I pondered on that fact. Ada was a friend, and I knew she was pretty, but I also felt like I had that brotherly duty to her, a duty to protect her, keep her from harm, be her best friend when no one else would. If she had ever been interested in a guy, I would be the first to judge him, to warn her if I knew anything bad. I suppose she trusted my judgments, she hadn’t had a boyfriend in four years, back when she was 15, back when relationships were immature.

Not to suggest that anyone else was any different. Even then, when we had entered college, dating and relationships still seemed like kids playing house. Although, that opinion came from an onlooker, not a participant. I’m sure to them, it felt like the most important, wonderful thing in their tiny, two-person world.

As Ada walked away, I saw the breeze lift her conservative skirt, exposing some of her tender thighs. They were pale as the rest of her, but the gaze was brief as she realized it occurred. She flattened the pleats with her palm, and walked off. Was she really suggesting we date, or was she joking again? Either way, the thought intrigued me. Dating a friend? And even further, dating Cammy? My mind a blur with the beauty of my friends, I strayed off the cement, thinking…



****************** SCENE 3: Alone in his room, Blaine recovers from his classes.

SCENE BEGINS ******************

I guess one could call it recovery. I certainly was starting to feel the stress leave my body. It left me feeling drained, but the emptiness was a pleasant lack of reason: replaced instead by bliss and feebleness. Single dorms were second to none for this sort of thing.

My hand moved faster, today would be a quick release, I could tell. The first one was always quick. I tried to limit myself o once per day, although I still don’t know why. In my mind, I couldn’t help but picture Cammy. Stroking up and down, I decided to slow, and be more methodical to prolong the excruciating tension.

In my mind I saw Cammy in her school attire from
today. The blouse which had allowed me a view at her perky buoyant breasts. The same chest I had felt pressed against me countless times as we practiced ground defenses. Although never long enough for my tastes, I still felt guilty about imagining Cammy when I pleasured myself.

I evoked memories of her, sweating with effort, trying to retain her mount on my waist. I thrust my hips, trying to throw her from me, but her thighs gripped me expertly, and I was torn on whether or not to tap out.

I regained my speed, my erection expanding just so, as it filled with my seed. Out it spilled, in thick gouts of sperm, landing across my chest and stomach. I sighed heavily, managing to clean myself off before sleep took me.

I opened my eyes, sleep-covered lids wrestled open to behold beauty. Cammy’s face hovered over me. I tried to sit up, but Found my body trapped. Cammy sat on my torso, and pushed my shoulders back into the soft bed.

‘We’re not in class, so you don’t have to throw me off this time,’ she said in a soft, low voice. She motioned to her chest, more specifically her bra, which hooked in the front. ‘Would you like to do the honors, Mr. Willstrom?’

I never answered, instead reached my hand out, trying my best not to mess up. Despite my efforts, the clasp would not come undone. Bewitched by some anti-perversion charm, I chuckled to no one. Cammy looked down at me and smiled.

‘Come on, Blaine, this isn’t a test.’


I woke and bolted my body forward. What time was it? I looked to the clock, wiping the drowsiness from my eyes. It was ten till five. Thank God, I thought. I still have time. I jumped out of bed and grabbed my things to head for the shower.

Dressed and refreshed, I left my room at around quarter past five. I walked to the parking lot, and there she was, where she always was. The trusty Hummer. Dirt and wear-tear had taken it’s toll, but the black hunk of metal and toughness kept on rolling. Expensive to fuel, but it was such a short commute to the dojo, it was rarely a problem.

Ada had always teased me about the Hummer, mostly because she thought it was too big. Compensating for something, she had joked. I had nothing to be shy about, but the Hummer was awfully hard to park. I had such troubles as I struggled to find a space which would accommodate me in the dojo’s parking lot.

‘I guess it’s no surprise it’s crowded,’ I mused. ‘This test’s a big one.’

As I strolled inside, I was greeted by Cammy, who was marking off the boundaries for audience seating. ‘Hi, Blaine,’ she chirped as I started to change into my tabi boots.

‘Hi there, Ms. Cammy,’ I responded. Because the students referred to the instructors with either Mr. or Ms. before their names, it wasn’t uncommon for us to hold a conversation this way.

‘How was your afternoon, Blaine, err…Mr. Blaine?’

A snapshot of my dream thrilled my brain for a moment before I shook it off. ‘Interesting,’ I said, finishing with the tabi. I walked onto the training floor, and practiced a few dive rolls before walking over to Cammy, picking up the test roster. ‘So who’s testing tonight,’ I pondered.

‘The usual suspects. Mostly kids this time. How boring, right?’

‘Yeah,’ I laughed. ‘I fancy a good beating tonight. If only some of the big guys were here.’ I decided to push my luck. ‘Unless you’d grace me with a match before the test starts?’ I looked at the clock. It would be a good fifteen minutes before anyone started to trickle in.

‘Wish I could,’ she said with a sigh, ‘but I’ve got some intro paperwork to do. We got a whole family started today. ‘Sorry.’

Damn again. ‘Oh yeah,’ I remarked, a new thought entering my mind. ‘Where’s the old man?’

‘I heard that,’ a gruff low voice tolled from across the room. A door closed after it spoke, and I knew he had exited the bathroom.

‘Good hearing, huh? Hi granddad,’ Cammy said cheerfully.

‘Evening, Mr. Eschill,’ I said, trying to override my previous comment.

* * * * * A NEW CHARACTER ENTERS: Elsom Eschill — 67, 5’10’, Cammy’s Grandfather as well as owner, head instructor of the dojo. * * * * *

‘That’s more like it,’ he said with a warm smile. ‘How was your weekend, Blaine?’

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Two for Lauren

My friend, Brent, had been dating Lauren for a few months when he decided to set me up on a blind date with Lauren’s roommate Gail. Brent and Lauren decided to make a double date out of the evening.  I had met Lauren a few times of the past several weeks, but had not yet met Gail.  I liked the arrangement, as being on a blind date with someone can be awkward.  After dinner, Lauren wanted to go to a new club for some dancing.  Brent loves to dance, but dancing is not my strong suit, but Gail...

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Johns Dream Come True Lauren

Introduction: This is a continuation of Johns Dream Come True. It is not neccesary to read it but please do if you wish. I greatly appreciate any and all suggestions and comments that can help me improve my writing. Please enjoy the story and please comment or pm me at any time. 16 years later -Lauren It had been sixteen years since that wonderfully fateful day. Sixteen years that John had been thrusting his 7 inch cock into his wifes cunt. Sixteen years of pure bliss and erotic pleasure. And...

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Johns Dream Come True Lauren

-Lauren It had been sixteen years since that wonderfully fateful day. Sixteen years that John had been thrusting his 7 inch cock into his wife’s cunt. Sixteen years of pure bliss and erotic pleasure. And all this pleasure had blessed them with an adorable daughter. She had her mother’s rich brown hair and sweet innocent eyes that seemed to always be looking for more than a girl her age should be. However, she had her father’s gift for making others enjoy themselves and be happy....

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Market ForcesChapter 65 Looking For Lauren

Harry turned out a small team to go hunting Lauren. He'd been trying to bring on a new set of "cadets" as he called them. All girls under twenty, Harry thought they'd be helpful for collecting the increasing number of eighteen to twenty year olds we were being asked to find. Four of them were sent off with a list of some of the places that the Emir knew Lauren used; a couple of photographs and Sarah's description of the way that Lauren was dressed. Harry told them just to report in when...

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Crazy Ladies Ada Pt 1

I never had the desire or ever wanted to take the virginity of a 30 year old born again Christian. Yet I sat at my dining room table contemplating just that. My roommate Rory, whom I found out years later was queer as a football bat, threw into the conversation one evening that Ada another roommate had decided to give up her virginity and asked him if he'd do it. I sat there somewhat shocked for a few moments, surprised with the two friends of mine. For some reason I felt I knew what was coming...

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Lev and Lauren

Note: I suppose it’s not good to do so, but I need to start with an apology to any Jewish readers if I have misused or abused the richly expressive Yiddish words and phrases that appear herein. So as not to distract I have included a brief list of Yiddish words and phrases at the end of the piece with their English meanings. Also I certainly hope I have not inadvertently insulted anyone by my attempt to frame this story in a Jewish context. Years ago I attended Navy Journalist School . In...

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Sydney and Lauren

“Fuck, I don’t have any lube, and it won’t work unless it’s slippery.” Noted Sydney. “I could just fuck myself with this first and hope Lauren doesn’t wake up from my moans.” Slowly she begins rubbing the dildo up and down her slit, getting her juices flowing. Finally, when her pussy is just wet enough she rams the dildo into her own pussy and lets out a loud scream instead of the moan she was aiming for. “Holy shit, this is huge!” She thought. “At least it will be...

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A Night of Surprises for Lauren

It was Friday afternoon and like any other regular college student, I was really looking forward to the weekend. Luckily for me, I had a party lined up at my friend Adam's apartment near school. He lives with two other college guys, so I knew pretty much what to expect: a bunch of guys sitting around, a keg of beer, a few bottles of hard liquor, a few skanky girls, and probably some pot. Usually, I wouldn't get too excited over a night like this, but tonight was completely different.Tonight I...

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My girlfriends roommate Lauren

I had just gotten off work, and was happy to be able to leave finally and go see my girlfriend. I checked my phone, and I had 3 unread texts from my girlfriend, Sophie. “Hey Jason, turns out I’ve got work tonight too, but I should be home right after you.” “Sorry, works been slammed, won’t make it home until after midnight. Love you” “So my sister is in the hospital, she was in a minor car accident. I’ve now got to drive back to my parents for the night, would you go by my place and...

5 years ago
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Alex and Lauren

Ahhhh. A new school year. A place to start over, a time to make new friends and forget old differences. Alex was looking forward to the first class of the new school year, when he was finally a senior and almost out of school. Besides, there were plenty of new freshman who were young, innocent and naïve, all of whom were totally hot, or had that freshly scrubbed look of a late bloomer beginning to flower. Alex pulled up to the curb in his new Mustang, exhaust pipes booming and the headers...

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Team Photos 10 Lauren

Introduction: Laurens Present Introduction: Sorry for the wait, but life has been intruding and i couldnt get as much writing down as i wanted to. This chapter worked out differently than intended, it was going to be the whole weekend, instead this is just Friday night. Ill continue working on it this week and will hopefully have some more out soon. Part 10: Laurens Present The rest of the week passed in a blur, things felt pretty weird and I felt like I was being pulled in every direction at...

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Team Photos 10 Lauren

This chapter worked out differently than intended, it was going to be the whole weekend, instead this is just Friday night. I'll continue working on it this week and will hopefully have some more out soon. Part 10: Laurens Present The rest of the week passed in a blur, things felt pretty weird and I felt like I was being pulled in every direction at once. Caitlyn and I developed a little routine, each morning I would watch her get dressed and it would get me so hot I would just...

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Bringing out naughty Lauren

Hi fellow readers. Even though I've enjoyed a number of very fun sexual experiences over the years I've found myself struggling to transfer them to paper, at least to my satisfaction. For my first try I've decided to use my current girlfriend and a really sexy night out we shared last year. The thing about Lauren that made the night really hot was, unlike most of the women I've dated, Lauren, while no virgin, is pretty sexually reserved unless I spend a couple of days telling her my fantasies...

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A Christmas day Mericle with my cousin Lauren

Hi everyone! My name is Jake. I’m a normal high school senior kid. I’ve had sex quite a bit of times with my girlfriends. I’m not a big stud who goes around fucking every girl he sees. This last Christmas, I did something I thought I would never do with my older Cousin who’s a junior in college. It was amazing, so I wanted to write and share this story to everyone I can. It was the day after Christmas and my cousin Lauren invited me over to her house. I was surprised that she invited me over,...

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Although there was no sign outside to advertise it, the place was called 'Intime.' It was tucked away in a quiet street. The street was tree lined with Georgian style lamposts which cast a yellow light on the damp pavement. There was no traffic and few footfalls. My taxi stopped outside. I paid the cabby and stepped out into the cool evening air and hesitated momentarily. I looked at the glossy black front door with the large brass number 6 placed high upon it and almost lost my nerve; almost,...

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My Sex Journal pt2 Lauren

I had not long turned 15 when I began my 3rd year of high school. It had been almost a year now since my encounter with Nicola and sadly I was still carrying my cherry. It was now back to the usaul dry humping and fingering routine which, after Nicola, was growing tedious. I obviously enjoyed the half a dozen or so blow jobs and pussy eating I had gotten since then but I was aching to loose my virginity. I needed to be inside a girl badly, and It would come from a very unexpected place. At the...

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My Daughter Lauren

I said this after cooking a dinner for my wife who is actually my daughter but that was before our relationship started and became the greatest thing to ever happen to my life How It All Began: “ Now Lauren, please don’t cry, she was my wife and your mother and will always be missed, and we both know she wouldn’t want us to be crying, she would want us to be doing something special since its now just me and you” I then took my dick out and she began to suck it without me even asking BACK...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e14 Lauren

Series 4, Episode 14: LAUREN We see that familiar opening sequence – various scenes of UK life, taken from the introductions to previous episodes – a field, a beach, a pub, a motorway ... And then we’re looking at something new - we’re in a semi-industrial, run down old part of town. Clearly an area that’s seen better days. Half of the factory units/shops around here are locked up with ‘TO LET’ signs stating, ‘LOW RENT’. Despite being half closed, there’s a good number of vans driving...

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ADA Miss Cumalot Pt 1

The alarm went off and I groaned while reaching over to hit the SNOOZE button. “Damn.” I said getting out of bed. As my usual routine, I turned the TV on, turned to channel 2 and waited to see what Atlanta rush hour traffic would have in store for me. “We go now to Karen Minton with your weather.” Fred Blankenship said on the television. I shook my head. “Makes no sense how fine that man is.” I said walking into the bathroom to brush my teeth. It was supposed to be cool that...

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Crazy LadiesAda Pt 2

Search for Crazy Ladies for Part 1Crazy Ladies:Ada Pt. 2 ...Most men will say that the worst blowjob they ever had was still pretty damn good... So we carried on like that for about a week. She kept wanting to know what comes next. Several times I almost told her but kept from it. This seems to heighten her excitement, how far I did not know. I then made her start guessing. Each night during that week I'd have her strip naked for supper to get used to her body. After supper I'd lick her pussy...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 34 Lauren

October 22, 1990, Chicago, Illinois When Katy finally calmed down, I brought her to the ‘Indian’ room then went to get Jennifer, who had become quite close to Katy in the time since Katy had moved in. I let my wives and Abbie know that we’d have dinner later, and just to keep plates warm for us. “Do you have any idea what’s going on?” I asked. “Any clues?” Katy shook her head, “No! Everything was fine. She left for school at the normal time, seemed to be in a great mood, and told me she...

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Team photos 4 Lauren

Introduction: Lauren gets what she wants Team Photos 4 Lauren That was intense, I had never cum so hard in all my life. I think I actually blacked out for a minute or two. I came to with Caitlyn shaking me. Hey you, that was awesome! my words could hardly express just how awesome it had actually been, but I had to say something. I could still feel little twitches in my pussy and the inside of my thighs was rather wet. Had I squirted all over myself? The idea brought sent a shiver right thru...

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Andee Goes Away With Lauren

I’d been away with Lauren before, and we always seemed to have shared this mutual interest for each other. But since neither of us had ever really experienced a same sex relationship, the mood just seemed to remain sexually charged but reserved.  This weekend would be a little different, however. Usually a few of us attend the annual pharmacy conference and share a hotel room. But this time around our co-workers had opted to skip it and stay home. Personally, I was looking forward to it. It’s...

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Courtship by ProxyChapter 6 Lauren

“You appear younger than your other Sisters,” Kyle told her. Lauren had a small scar on her chin that Kyle had the strongest desire to kiss. Other than the scar and the obvious tattoo on her leg, she looked flawless. “I may appear a few years younger than Cammy and Tara, but we are the same age.” “Don’t get me wrong,” he said. “They are both beautiful women, it’s just that you look like you’re still in high school, or college at the latest.” “Yes,” she said nodding. “I do get carded...

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Daniel and Ashley Jack and Lauren

Daniel and Ashley were an ordinary couple. Daniel was around 5”11, average weight, nice length cock and not that muscular. Ashley was 5”5 with D cup breasts, a bit thicker than Daniel. They also loved Exhibitionism. They would drive about with Ashley half naked, sometimes completely naked if she was feeling horny, masturbating and leaving her big natural breasts on show for people to glance at as they drove past in the night. This night was different, this was going to be their most exciting...

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Team Photos 12 Lauren

Enjoy PART 12: LAUREN We all just lay there, slowly coming back to our senses after our first little group session. I was desperate to orgasm myself but I figured I could wait for now, I was sure it wouldn’t be long before I got some attention as well. I was so proud of Caitlyn; she seemed to finally be getting over her hang ups about boys and cocks. After a couple of minutes of silence, Caitlyn reached out and lightly touched Alex’s cock, still sticky and shiny from the blowjob...

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Walking home down the empty street, Lauren carried her bag close to her side. She could feel someone watching & it unnerved her. She looked left, looked right & crossed the street to be more under the street lights, but as soon as she reached the other side, she felt a strong grip around her neck, being dragged backwards down a dark alley & pushed into a van. Another strong male grabbed hold of her as she was kicking & screaming. A cloth was placed on her nose & everything...

5 years ago
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Tonys AdventuresChapter 7 Visit to Aunt Ada

The grass was hot, and the blanket tickled his bottom as he sat down, but he hardly noticed it. She stood in front of him at arm's length, looking down at his erect penis, then she knelt in front of him with her hands behind his head. Staring into his eyes. Tony ran his hands slowly up and down the soft skin of her waist, and then pulled her towards him, to kiss her breast. He kissed the soft skin around her erect nipples, and then began gently sucking. She pulled his head to her breast, and...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Team Photos 5 Lauren

Introduction: Who gets what they want the most? Team Photos 5 Lauren and Dusty ALEX That bitch! That dirty fucking little whore! How dare she do this to me!?! I ate her pussy, I even stuck my tongue in her ass and this is how she rewards me? That little bitch was going to pay and she was going to suffer for this. Thoughts like that kept me awake and fuming for nearly an hour before I started to calm down and think about how I could get revenge on her ass. Tomorrow was Monday and she always...

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Layover with Lauren

Traveling for work isn’t it’s all that it’s cracked up to be. I was stuck in Denver trying to fly home but the weather canceled all the flights. I was standing the necessary line to get my hotel voucher and this beautiful woman was behind me arguing with her boyfriend. She hangs up and sighs; I can see she was more angry than hurt. I glanced and saw an engagement ring on her finger. I just lean over and say – Guys, right…” She looks up and smiles. The line wasn’t moving and so we talked for a...

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Fernanda Peituda Safada her true story

This story is about a beautiful hot Brazilian women Fernanda also known as Peituda Safada.She is working at strip-club Rota96 in Curitiba BrazilFernanda (Peituda Safada) her true storyOver time I had long chats with Fernanda and became to know her very well, she also told me a lot about her daily/nightly activities at the club in Curitiba.So what follows gives a detailed description of her hot live, I got permission from Fernanda to post it all here, she is proud in her work and likes that I...

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First Date With Lauren

It had been a tiring day and long trip up to Liverpool, but Lauren said she was going to meet me at a bar on Strand Street in the city centre.  We had talked about it on and off for a while, and we had agreed on our date and time, but it was now past 8 PM and she was meant to be here for 7. I checked my phone again, nothing.   Disappointedly, I finished up my drink and made my way out of the bar. Somehow, somewhere, my wires got badly instincts let me down. It wasn't like me.  Deep...

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Meeting Lauren

Would you believe that we met at a church? Ironic. I still remember seeing her, eyes closed, on her knees, her wavy, blonde hair cascading down her back. I admit, my mind immediately began daydreaming of what else she might do in that position. Little did I know just how right I was. I’m just lucky I had happened to attend that week with my friend. He was able to introduce me to Lauren. I probably made a fool of myself that day, struck by her deep, blue eyes into a dumb silence, but I...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Fernanda Peituda Safada hottest stories

Following are all real life encounters!You can also be part of it if you meet Fernanda (nickname Peituda Safada) in Brazil!Fernanda gangbangedThey were 15 guys, they leave me out in a Nightclub in São Paulo where I worked as dancer also. We go to a house of one from this guys, there we stayed in big room, in middle was a normal table, I had to go first on table with my short shirt on and dance for them, the guys were sitting around me and pulled out their cocks and wanked them by looking how I...

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