Ada free porn video

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A cool breeze fluttered the curtains beside the opened French doors, softly suggesting the approach of autumn. This was Ada French’s favorite time of the year, mainly because the weather was calmer and nature’s colors turned unbelievably beautiful.

The distant bellow of a bull drew a soft smile. Ada was beginning to smile again eight months after cancer finally took Jake, a relief to her but an immensely greater relief for the corpse-like shallow-breathing man that had been her husband for fourteen years.

The marriage had been gratifying but without progeny and now she was alone because they’d separated from their folk, traveling to where land was cheaper. Their bank loan and savings landed them a 2218-acre ranch that had since been sold to a neighbor apart from the ranch house and 12-acres, enough to support Ada’s horses and a lame skinny cow called Susie that none of the buyers had wanted. With all that done, Ada had spent the past two months passively healing. Now she was ready but for what she had no idea.

In the eighteen months hoping Aaron would throw his illness but accepting he was dying, Ada had found comfort in writing romance novels and two had been published as paperbacks. The second had flopped and she was now into her fourth novel, based on the sister she’d grown up with who was now mayor of a town.

Ada looked up from her laptop and saw something she’d never seen in this location… someone was progressing along the road on a bicycle. As the cyclist came closer it became clear the rider was male. She smiled, thinking of romance, not romance with the cyclist but the romance of the cyclist riding into autumn. In this valley trees were bountiful, unlike many ranching areas. Early ranchers were immigrants who’d come from treed parts of Germany and they’d planted trees to make their new land look a little like their homeland. She hoped the guy loved nature, he probably did being a cyclist on tour. She knew he was touring because of the saddlebags plus a pack on his back.

Ada’s house was the only one for some miles close to the road. As the cyclist approached the gateway and looked up to the house Ada stepped outside and waved and called, ‘Come in for a drink.’

The guy waved and dismounted.

Ada felt no fear, assuming a cyclist in such a remote area posed no threat to her. That might be naïve but she wanted someone to talk to and she was curious why anyone would cycle way out here.

The guy walked his cycle up the path and her totally black German Shepherd Rufus circled the visitor suspiciously. Ada called, ‘Just don’t make any sudden movements. Rufus is very quiet.’

The guy looking at Rufus half-tripped. The dog went rigid, ears sharply forward and Ada called quietly, ‘Rufus, no’ and he calmed.

‘Good morning, I’m Ada.’

‘Oh Mrs Wilkinson,’ the stranger said and by way of explanation added, ‘The name Wilkinson is on the mail box.’

Ada relaxed. ‘Yes but call me Ada. Everyone does.’

‘Right. I’m Guy Rollo who despite a solid education has gotten himself hopelessly lost. I was riding from Edgewater to New Ulm.’

Ada laughed and placed her hand over her mouth and apologized.

‘Why should you apologize?’

‘Because it’s so funny,’ she said, eyes sparkling.

‘What because I am touring on a bicycle?’

‘No. You have mistakenly taken a circular route. If you continue the way you are heading you will end right back in Edgewater.’

‘Oh fuck. Oh no. I’m so sorry. That just jumped out. I’m so sorry.’

Ada smiled. ‘That’s all right Guy, apology accepted. Be aware that ranching folk tend to be earthy. Would you like to wash up while I make coffee, have a shower if you wish if you have been camping.’

‘Thank you, I’ll do that,’ he said, looking at Rufus.

‘Rufus is very intelligent. He has now accepted you because he’s seen me accept you.’

‘I’ve been two months on the road and have been chased by dogs five times and been bitten once though without much damage.’

Clucking in disapproval Ada went to the pantry and turned with a covered plate. ‘These muffins were baked yesterday, most people prefer to eat them fresh. I’ll just have a half and you may demolish the remainder if you wish. If you have been cooking for yourself and biking you’ll be hungry.’

‘This is a beautiful valley. The best I’ve seen in a month. I’m glad I got lost.’

‘So am I. I’m glad to have someone interesting to talk to. My neighbors still dwell on how am I coping after the death of my husband. God, he died eight months ago.’

‘People can speak without thinking.’

‘Like you with your explicative when told where you were heading?’

Guy laughed, blowing some muffin crumbs over the table. ‘Sorry – you are funny.’

‘Leave the crumbs. The rats will clean them up.’

Guy looked around for rats and the laugh told him he’d been suckered. He came out of that by saying something interesting.

‘I recently completed a doctorate in psychology and have taken six months off to cycle around some of the country, attempting to get close to nature and to real people. I bypass cities and larger towns.’

‘You do have a map?’

‘Yes, with water-proof covering. It’s in the bottom of my backpack but I thought crap I’m not digging that out… I can find New Ulm without a map.’

‘You may have managed had your doctorate been in geography.’

Guy choked and blew more crumbs. ‘God, I should be eating outside.’

‘Where there are rats.’

He looked at Ada closely but her face was impassive. ‘How large is the ranch?’

‘Twelve acres.’

‘You mean 1200 or 120,000?’

‘No, I’ve sold all but twelve acres.’

He laughed. ‘I can see why you were yearning for someone interesting to talk to. You have a very lively mind and probably are physically lively as well. I saw two horses.’

‘Yes, I usually ride after lunch. Like to join me?’


‘Yes in two hours you’ll want more to eat won’t you and you’ll stay the night? Please say yes and that gives me the excuse to cook a full roast dinner.’

‘I should be heading on.’

‘If you head on you’ll be back in Edgewater.’

He laughed and then said softly, ‘What would your neighbors think?’

‘They are entitled to think what they like. How’s that for mastering psychology?’

‘Metaphysically you receive an A mark. Excellent work. It also tells me you are at peace with yourself, although that remains an impression in the absence of hard evidence.’

‘Yes, I like that description, I’m at peace with myself. Only last week I began smiling without a reason and that ability has remained with me. Rather than just a night why not stay a couple of days? As you know it’s autumn and I’ll take you places that will thrill your soul.’

‘How could I refuse a lady?’

Ada jumped up. ‘In that case I’ll let the roast thaw naturally and we’ll have that tomorrow night. Tonight we shall have spaghetti meatballs.’

‘My mother’s favorite dish along with apple pie.’

‘Are you hinting?’

‘Oh god no. Sorry.’

‘You apologize far too much. You should not say it if you feel the need to apologize. Apart from that F-word you have had no cause to apologize to me. Stand by what you say and people will know you are a man. How old are you?’


‘And blond and good looking. Oh my. The girl’s won’t be expecting any apologies from you. You also have emerged from institutionalized learning and so are, to some degree, finding you feet in the outside world. For that reason you are doing an amazing thing cycling leisurely. You’ll be meeting people like me only too happy to add to your education. My contribution will be to put you on the right road to New Ulm and to lecture you about the need to keep your map handy.’

‘What if I were meant to come down this road and pass at exactly
the time you looked out in my direction? You could have been out the back scraping up doggie droppings?’

‘I also have wondered if you coming down our road was no accident.’

Guy looked at Ada intently but she went out to the freezer without elaborating. He took his backpack and looked at the two bedrooms and placed it in Ada’s bedroom.

After lunch they went riding. Guy had been pulling his jeans from his backpack when Ada came into the bedroom. She made no comment about him being there only to say, ‘Ride in those baggy shorts – we won’t be riding for hours, just down to the river which is one of those beauty spots I was talking about earlier.’

She pulled off her dress while still talking to him. ‘Please pass me the jeans on the hook just inside the left door behind you.’


‘You have a lovely body. How old are you?’

‘Ten years your senior. Thank you for the compliment. Wheel your bicycle into the house that will be left unlocked. Bring your valuables. I’ll give you a saddlebag. Rufus will remain guarding the house.’

He left the room.

Ada had been astonished to find Guy’s pack in her bedroom, leaving her wondering why he hadn’t taken the guest room, and those thoughts made her blush and she frowned when thinking perhaps he thought it was obligatory to hump the hostess. Oh no, she didn’t want him thinking that but too late, what was done was done. And then came a relieving thought: perhaps he was overdue for a woman? They fucked like monkeys at college didn’t they? She’d last had sex about six weeks before Aaron died. So who was overdue!

She dressed slowly, apprehensive about having a male’s hands roaming over her body. Would she like that? What if he was too big for her, or too small to make it worthwhile? Someone who was not Aaron dribbling into her mouth, someone who was not Aaron firing semen into her… no, she couldn’t allow that. She wasn’t protected. God she hoped he had condoms. If she liked it he better have a good supply! Or were they reusable? She couldn’t remember. She and Aaron hadn’t had children yet they had unprotected sex and had never found out was she barren or was he firing blank shots.

Ada finally decided to take it as it comes. She giggled and wondered what if she could no longer release in climax – would Guy be disappointed? Perhaps that was silly thinking because she didn’t feel like a dried up old woman, not that she knew how they felt about themselves.

* * *

Although Ada favored Jerry she’d also ridden Sally frequently so there would be no rodeo-style introduction for Guy. He had the choice of mounts and said he hadn’t ridden much so Ada should chosen for him. She chose Sally and rode her around to make sure she wouldn’t start off in a playful mood. The saddlebag that also contained a snack and two water bottles were attached while Guy made himself known to Sally and a couple of minutes later they were off.

* * *

They rode down a long narrow track to the river. Guy was still struggling with the unanswered question: Why had Ada not questioned why his backpack was in her bedroom? He was unsure that the young widow, so very hospitable, would want him to seduce her. She’d shown some of the signs but, alas, not all of them. She’d not licked her lips looking at him or stroked a breast, looking at him. But according to his fertile imagination she was thinking sex.

Ada had referred to him as good-looking and he was almost sure she’d been looking for a bulge. Then in the bedroom she’d taken her dress off in front of him. Her breasts were small but appeared well shaped and her panties were rather large, not like the skimpy things women in the city wore, and she had practically no belly protruding.

Ada was a woman in her prime and meant to be fucked at least once a day. But having allowed him to see her body he knew it had been a natural gesture – she’d come into the bedroom to change and had taken off her dress to perform a function, nothing else. She’d not pouted and not stroked a breast or pushed out her vulva at him. She was an unabashed countrywoman, and nothing more. If he wanted a fuck he’d have to push the right buttons.

After riding two miles along the track used to shift cattle from one pasture to a fresh one, the landscape changed suddenly as they arrived at the rim of the river. They were in an ancient glacial valley but below them was the much younger valley cut by the river over just a few centuries and man had planted it over the past 200 years, mixing exotics with natives. The trees were changing color, preparing for sleep over winter.

‘It is beautiful, incredibly beautiful.’

They staying looking up and down the valley until Ada said, ‘Take care with your weight going down here, keep leaning back a little. Allow Sally to pick her way, she knows best.’

They rested on the riverbank, having their snack and water, and then Guy was given the opportunity of riding two miles down the river, with two crossings or going back the way they’d come.

‘Down river. My ass is hardened by bike riding and so I’m not experiencing discomfort.’

Guy was glad he’d taken that option because they saw deer, put waterfowl to flight and he identified many types of birds and Ada named those he didn’t know.

After they had unsaddled and were brushing the horses Guy said, ‘That was a most rewarding experience Ada.’

‘I anticipated you’d enjoy it. I call it My Eden and it was lovely to have someone with me. Tomorrow we’ll drive and then tramp to an even better Eden, the headwaters of this river.’

‘I’d like that.’

There was a pause and Guy suspected she was giving him opportunity to say it.

He swallowed, ‘Ada?’


‘About sex?’

‘Would you like to sleep with me?’

‘Oh yes.’

‘I feel the same way. Would you like to do that now or tonight?’

‘Tonight. I’ll enjoy thinking about it.’

‘Me too. I’m off to prepare dinner. I’ll leave you to finish with a light combing and let the horses out into the pasture, first gate on the right and hang the bridles on the wall.’

When Guy entered the bedroom he found Ada, dressed after a shower, combing her hair. He learned over her left shoulder and they kissed. He took the comb and continued combing her long brown hair with its gentle waves that were reappearing now that it was drying.

‘That’s lovely and a long time since anyone has done that to me.’

‘I thought as much.’

‘You are very thoughtful and show sensitivity. I like that.’

‘Did you go to college?’

‘Only for two years. I’d met Aaron – that’s him in that photo with me over there on the wall. He was six years older and was keen to come out here where land was cheaper He came out and purchased the land and at the end of the academic year I followed and we married in Edgewater. We lost all our friends leaving the city but made new ones.’

‘What were you studying?’

‘English lit.’

‘And now you write?’

‘Yes, you may read my present draft of four chapters if you wish.’

‘Yes please.’

‘I’ll open it on the laptop and then bring you a glass of wine.’

‘May I kiss you again, this time with you standing?’

‘Yes of course. From now on you don’t have to ask.’

Ada thought this encounter would be great experience for novel writing. She resolved to be as sexy as she could comfortably be. Who knows where that would take her?

They were almost the same height. Ada gazed at Guy as she felt his arms go around her, thinking was that how a man looked when thinking about sex. He felt strong and he pulled her to him and she felt her breasts splayed and her bra dug into her. Now that was a thought. Serious kissing should be done braless and without front buttons. Guy’s buckle pressing into her stomach produced another thought but suddenly all other thoughts were blown away – was that a growing erection she could feel a
gainst her thigh? She moved her hips laterally and smiled triumphantly into the deep kiss, knowing the budding erection would only require him, if they were nude, to lift her a little and with her legs parted it would be perfectly placed to enter her vagina.

Ada groaned.

Guy pulled away and asked was he holding her too tightly.

‘Give everything to me hard,’ Ada said recklessly and he chuckled.

Ada fetched the wine and Guy put his hand out for her and smiled, saying thank you. ‘You write very descriptively with great fluidity. I’m already thinking your heroine is stronger than the hero. That can’t be right.’

‘I’m afraid it is but it will change, eventually. Darlena will grow her man, encouraging Hughson to use his strengths to their maximum as required and to show him how to exploit his competitive nature.’

‘Would a male really tolerate that?’

‘Don’t be so naive Guy. Hughson will be virtually unaware of what she is doing to him.’

‘Oh the guile of women.’

‘Oooh, you know about that do you?’

He just smiled and returned to reading the start of her first draft.

Ada sang softly as she worked in the kitchen. It had been a long time since she’d done that. Excitement gripped her but also a touch of fear. What if she was too dry from being under-used – she only used her small vibrator around her clit? She dug around in her bedroom drawers and with relief found a spray container of vagina-safe lube. She placed that in her bedside drawer and returned to the kitchen humming with that fear exorcised.

She sipped her wine and wondered would Aaron be watching them in bed. She then dismissed that was an illogical thought and relaxed even more. She hoped she wouldn’t be too preoccupied about having a penis in her again and forget to move her ass. Men liked their women to be mobile in bed. She’d often read that.

* * *

The bathroom was between the bedrooms and when Guy returned Ada was standing by the bed, looking a little pale and rather nervous, so vulnerable. He thought he knew how to fix that. He walked up to her confidently and standing slightly off-center, kissed her and reached down and cupped her vulva.

‘I love holding a cunt like this.’

A huge surge seized Ada. At the time she couldn’t describe it to herself. She thought lifted and freed, but that wasn’t it entirely. The way he’d uttered that hateful cunt word had almost stunned her, But she was watching his face, saw his goodness and the way he’d said that simple sentence seemed so naive, so beautiful, so appropriate. He squeezed and she pushed against his hand.

Ada loved the attention she was receiving, she loved the though of what lay ahead and she knew she could love him. Later she’d describe it as the most profound sexual experience of her life because he was in the process of turning her into a live woman again, instead of the empty husk she’d become, starting from that day Aaron was delivered that terrible news that he was doomed to die from cancer, though of course the prognosis had been presented a little more sugar-coated than that.

The surge subsided but she didn’t mind. The greatest moments in life were just that, moments.

‘Undress me,’ she whispered.

He groaned, asking would she drop his pants and underpants because his bent over cock was killing him.

Ada did that quickly and still on her haunches as Guy’s erection sprang straight she kissed it and licked it a full stroke before she stood, being aware there was plenty to lick. She was almost panting but steadied as Guy began undressing her almost reverently. She’d dressed after her shower in her best underwear. She smiled when he crooned it was so lovely and she adored the way he looked at her breasts with the slightly upturned nipples. It was unbelievable he didn’t touch them.

Guy went on to his knees and bent into to her groin and sniffed. Yes sniffed. She felt her body hit high arousal, surprised she wasn’t feeling revolted that he’s sniffed for odors. He pulled the panties aside and licked her, just the once, but as it passed over her opening she felt it push in just a little and ever so briefly. He wormed a finger in and then held it up to her. For goodness sake, he wanted her to taste herself!

He said nothing, but held the finger up patiently and so she sucked his finger and felt her body jingle as some of her sensitive points reacted. Oh lordy, if he was into this he’d probably try for her ass.

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Tap tap tap. You idly browse Reddit. Sort by Top -> All Time. You've seen everything there. You know the performers and artists by heart. Check a related subreddit. Top -> All Time. Same thing. There's nothing new. You check the comments. Nothing that makes you feel something. The stuff you've been looking at lately has been increasingly weird and extreme, trying to coax yourself to react, to pay attention and care. It doesn't work. Going without human connection for so long has been messing...

4 years ago
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Morning fun

I was having a delightful dream. Her wet warm tongue was sliding down the top side of my dick and her soft lips were grabbing my root with delicate grace and exquisite skill. It was an amazing blowjob. Suddenly, I felt the sides of her knees against my shoulders, and I realized this wasn't a dream. I've always loved looking at Julie's magnificent pussy, and, when I opened my eyes, there it was, inches away, while I was getting wonderful wake up head.Life is good!“What a glorious sight to wake...

4 years ago
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My New Bull part 8

"Kath", I hear my husband calling me."In here, taking a bath"The door opens and Brian sticks his head in."I brought some dinner home. It's from that new Thai place we have been wanting to try, and don't worry I didn't get the spicy stuff.""Thanks babe, just give me a minute and I will be right there. Hey, why don't you open a bottle of wine to go with it."Brian smiles and nods and then he is gone. I climb out of the tub and grab my towel. Standing in front of the full length mirror I realize I...

3 years ago
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Entfhrung einer Mutter

Katharina (39) stoppte ihren Minivan in der gepflasterten Einfahrt vor ihrem Einfamilienhaus. Mit einem leisen Surren schloss sich das Straßentor hinter dem geparkten Wagen, während die dreifache Mutter in Richtung der Eingangstür des Hauses ging. Sie hatte gerade ihre Kinder Lisa(18) und Paul (19) in die Schule gefahren und wollte nun erst einmal durchschnaufen. Jeder Morgen war ein einziger Kampf im Haus der Familie Grüzner, denn die Kinder kamen meist ewig nicht aus ihren Betten heraus und...

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fun in key west

Introduction: wife and i had fun in key west ***********************************************Key West ***************** On our recent vacation to St. Thomas, we did a 2 day trip to key west for my Birthday. My wife asked what I wanted for my B-day, and I told her I wanted to wear pantyhose with shorts and sandals and walk around town with her. This is a first for me( and her) wearing hose in public. But I figured in Key west it would be OK. I was very nervous as I dressed. I wore suntan...

1 year ago
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XVideos POV

Ah, POV porn, the crown jewel of feeling like you’re the one sticking the dick into a pornstar. I remember many times when I went over to POV porn for a good time, and I didn’t want to go out. Don’t get me wrong, scoring sex with hot chicks is like my specialty, but sometimes I don’t feel like going to a bar or a club, and picking out a girl, then getting her a drink and all that bullshit. Sometimes I just want to relax, sit back, and start jerking off like a real gentleman! And what better way...

POV Porn Sites
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Friends To The End

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tom and Aaron sat down at a table waiting for the bell. Tom was always trying to look at Aaron when Aaron looked away. Tom was gay and he liked Aaron. Aaron looked back at Tom. Tom smiled. "So what's going on in life?" Aaron asked. Tom really wanted to give him the news. "Nothing" Tom said. Aaron knew the look on Tom's face. "There is something. I know that look. We've been friends ever since kindergarten....

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69 or bust

What can I say, i just love to eat pussy, and when i do eat the pussy i eat untile im full and then i like to be layed on my back by a nice jucy women and be face fuck real real good just long enough too make your pussy squirtthat sweet pussy juice down my mouth....damm im horny... just something about a woman fucking my face hard as she can that does it for Me ,dosent even matter what type of chick you are, you could be lez, butch, fem, streight, thick, skinny, bald, long hair, short hair,...

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Martha Space MadamChapter 2 Mistress

Just before three o'clock the next day Alan walked past Martha's desk, admiring the virginally white demure blouse buttoned to the neck and the rather old-fashioned long dark burgundy skirt with white shoestockings peeping out of the slit which went to waist level at one side. He could almost swear she had no knickers on and he remembered exactly how she had looked yesterday lying naked on the bed for his inspection and approval. She frowned at him and he suddenly felt like a little boy,...

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RebaChapter 5

Things had finally settled down at the house. One of Duray’s boys had shown me a phone application they used to schedule appointments for the girls that worked directly with the major websites like Backpage, Backdoor, Backchat, Snapchat, Craigslist or whatever they are called. Anyway, it wasn’t nearly as complicated as it looked to use to see who the girls were scheduled with so I was scanning through the app to see how I should plan my weekend. I couldn’t believe I was planning my weekend...

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Light and DarkChapter 9

We gonna go home now Let's go! Glory Days, Bruce Springsteen Sutton, Surrey, November 28th Gabriel lay staring at the ceiling, the chair reclined as far as it would go, wondering exactly when it was he'd started thinking of himself as Gabriel again. Perhaps he'd been Gavin for a little longer than was usual, certainly under more intense scrutiny than was usual. People looked, people probed gently, but it was all superficial. "Why did you tell them, Charisma?" he enquired, quietly,...

3 years ago
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Becoming a Rubberdoll Part I

Becoming a Rubberdoll Part I By: Chloe Latex 69 This story is a work of fiction. I have always fantasized about becoming a woman and in real life that is what I am working on right now. I have also fantasized about being a rubberdoll. That might happen in real life for me as well, but my story will be fun! I plan on publishing this story on some erotica sites like BDSM Library and Fictionmania. If anyone could offer any criticism both positive and negative I would kindly appreciate...

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A summer with my Stepsister Mary Part 1

Introduction: This is my first attempt at posting a story, and this is one that really happened between me and my little stepsister. It takes a while to get going, but bear with me. I would love to hear your critiques, criticisms, and suggestions, but please remember that this is my first try. I have more of this story waiting to be posted, and believe me, it gets fun and exciting, but first I want to see what kind of reaction Part 1 gets. A summer with my Stepsister Mary, Part 1 This is a...

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Mais quest ce que tu fais dans ma chambre

Mais qu'est ce que tu fais dans ma chambre! Je pensais ?tre tranquille ? la maison et voila que ma s?ur rentre du lyc?e en avance. Elle me trouve dans sa chambre avec une de ses culottes en train de me masturber. Je suis p?trifie, je ne sais pas que faire. Tu es vraiment une salope! Tu d??gueulasse toutes mes culottes! Je reste la sans bouger et la je vois ma s?ur sortir son t?l?phone portable et me prendre en photo. Ne sois pas si timide je suis que tes copains vont appr?cier. Non ?coute mon...

4 years ago
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Relation With Cousin Sister

I am new here so let me introduce myself. I am Aryan 28years of age from pune. Well built and have 6.5 inch tool. The Girl in the story is Neha, she lives in Bangalore.. same age and have figure 34-28-32.(Came to know later). Story starts way back in 2005 in my cousin brother’s marriage. There i saw her first time and fallen in love with her. It was indeed love at first sight. She is sister of my Cousin Bhabhi and also my cousin sister due to far relation between our families. We didn’t got...

2 years ago
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TripinChapter 43

The professor took me to a small Italian restaurant where he was obviously known, if not well known. "So tell me what is good her?" I asked. "Everything is wonderful. I know that sounds like a commercial, but it really is. What do you like to eat?" he asked. "I'm not sure to be honest. I like things with beef and cheese in them for sure. Other than that, I have no real idea," I said. "I don't think I like chicken." "Then try the Lasagna, it is excellent and god knows you can't...

2 years ago
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Home Tutoring

"Like this, Professor Ford?" said Madison as she lowered herself to the soft carpet before her friend Lacy."Yes, that's right, just like that," I said. "Oh, one last thing," I added, then reached over from where I sat and pulled Madison's short black skirt up over her bottom, exposing the gentle curve of her young ass, pretty panties frozen beneath the thin material of her sheer pantyhose. She gasped and peered at me with a confused look. "It'll help with the demonstration," I said with a...

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The Friendliest NeighborhoodChapter 2 Discovery

The day was hot, about 80 degrees, and everywhere in the neighborhood you looked you saw tank tops or tshirts and shorts. Working in the back yard I heard voices from Kevin's own yard beyond the high fence. Knowing that if I went upstairs I could look down into their yard, invading their privacy, but after seeing what I had seen earlier I didn't care. Getting a pepsi from the fridge I went upstairs and looked out the window. On the deck, lying on a lounge chair in the bright sun, was...

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My sister My Cum Slut

My sister, My Cum SlutThis story is a complete work of fiction. All characters are over the age of 18. How did this all start you ask? How did my sister become my cum slut? Well, it all started when I was 24. My younger sister, Kristen, was 19. We had never been super close, but we had some mutual friends and we got along well. I had begun to notice how sexy my little sister had grown up to be. She was shy and never had many boyfriends. I knew she wasn't a virgin, but I also knew she was never...

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Hiding in SchoolChapter 13

“Not exactly what a father expects to see when he goes to check on his only child.” Dad looked sternly at both Steven and Bree, “This isn’t the kind of thing you were planning on doing with Kyla on your date is it?” “No sir. I am just as surprised as you are with this,” Steven said. Bree had a grin on her face as she looked at my Dad and said, “Not on the first date.” Then she looked serious, “And not for a long time. Maybe if we were married.” Her face turned red, “Not that I’m saying I’m...

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Office Swap Part 1

Office Exchange Part 1 We had all heard about a blue light of an alien going through offices causing all kinds of chaos by swapping traits of all the workers present. We never believed we would be affected by this due to our small size of ten people. I am the leader of a small team in my mid 30s. I have a predominantly female staff with a 7-3 split between females and males. We are a pretty diverse group Chi Chi is a young 19 year old Asian receptionist. She is very slim and keeps...

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Miranda Warning

Miranda couldn't believe that people posted crap like this to the internet. It was obviously just spam, posted to the targeted audience of one of the web personals sites. It was posted in the category 'Male seeking Female' with the headline 'Submit yourself to me'. When she opened the message, it seemed too ridiculous to take seriously. The poster claimed to have a subliminal hypnosis program that would work through a computer monitor. ' Complete every session, and it will turn you into...

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A girls 1st time sex

She was late, 30 mins already, her stepfather would punish her again. She was in for a spanking. She was supposed to be at the library, but she had been to a party. It was a st trinians and she was dressed very sexily. She had on white sheer panties and a white push up bra, a size to small. Her white blouse was tied up under her breast making them look very voluptuous. Her pleated red skirt was short. She had long over the knee socks and high shoes. Very daring but she loved to dress to cause a...

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Tasting American Pussy

I was representing my company at a conference in the U.S. I was supposed to stay at new york for 5 days.On the very first day i had finished doing what was officially essential. So i decided to take off & go for the sight-seeing. Our company was an indo-american joint venture so all the representatives from my company,including me,were looked after by a local representative. Her name was Sidney.She was taller than me by an inch or so,fair but tanned,having average-sized boobs,blonde hair & was...

4 years ago
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Sleeping Beauty

Stan made sure his home door was locked. His wife Alice was zonked out anyway. She was drinking way too much, and taking the prescription downers as well. One day that would kill her, and Stan would dance a jig to celebrate his freedom. His youngest child, Freddie, was long since asleep as well. And his 13 year old daughter Cathy had gone to bed quite a while ago, but Stan knew she'd still be up. Although Alice was too much of a drunk to figure it out, Stan knew quite well that Cathy had a...

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Ch 2 An Unexpected Pleasure The Sleepover

In the back of her mind Deana thought, “One of these nights when Bradley is gone, maybe Sue will stay the night. I’d love to see if she is still bisexual.” They sat there enjoying dinner, and she pondered how to ask Sue to spend the night. She didn’t want to ruin the friendship when Sue learned the real reason for the sleep over. She took a sip of her coffee, swallowed hard, and nervously asked. “Sue how’d you like to spend the night at my place the next time Bradley is out of town?” Sue...

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Business Trip in Atlanta

Business Trip In Atlanta I was staying in Atlanta for work. from the first day i was so horny, i wanted some cock to suck really bad, and started thinking about getting fucked in my ass. I was scanning craigslist, but wasn't getting a lot of responses to the ads i was replying too. I decided to put up my own add, and i added a picture i took in the hotel room. I used the mirror next to the bed to get a nice picture of my plump round ass sticking up in the air begging to be fucked. I got replies...

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it started with a kiss

It all started…with a kiss. I crawled up the sofa on my hands and knees and requested a kiss, but I got more than I intended – his hand was in my knickers aiming straight for my clit. That first stroke of my clit, top to bottom, making my legs shudder. We kiss as he makes a common assault to my clit with his fingers, making me groan into his mouth… “That’s it, there’s my girl.” A short while later I hear that familiar growl: “Do you want to cum for your Master? Show me who you are.” “Yours...

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EvilAngel Riley Nixon Shaved Head Gaping Ass Sloppy Sodomy

Striking, all-natural Riley Nixon sports a sexy shaved head, crotchless lingerie and a fleshy rear. With a butt plug lodged in her sphincter, the babe joins heavily hung director Mike Adriano for a sloppy session of anal sex. Riley flaunts her gaping asshole when Mike plucks the toy from her anus. She kneels obediently for a cock-worshiping blow job. Riley vibrantly rims Mike’s bunghole and trembles when the hung stud plunges her ass with his fat cock. A sloppy sodomy session features...

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Renaissance at Greygarth House Part Four

Jane gathered her things together as the train began its final run into Kings Cross. She was still wondering how best to give her daughter the history behind the changes now taking place at Greygarth. The evening before, she had discussed the matter with Al and Ron. She had been all for making a full disclosure to Viv about the suffering she had inflicted on her husband, but he would have none of it. He had made the point that Viv was likely to begin with a highly negative attitude if she...

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Halloween Awakening

After four years, Josh and Sandra thought they had a pretty good marriage. They both had a pretty active and imaginative dating life, and the only real difference was that now it was with each other and not multiple partners. However, one of the big things that had changed over the years was that the frequency of sex had dwindled. Josh's job was stressful enough for him to work late at least once a month. While Sandra understood, she did lament the need for scheduling sex and together time. In...

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The American dream

The gang were at the bar, having a big night. Fortunately a buddy dragged a couple of gorgeous ladies to our table and proceeded to chat , a bigger girl of Hawaiian decent, beautiful tattoos and an amazing rac. Immaculate dark hair framed her face contains the brightest smile, all the boys were consumed with her breasts. Her friend was almost the polar opposite. A petite yet Shapley blonde that could only be described as a quentisential California girl with long flowing locks and striking blue...

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This story follows on from: My First Bi- Experience.After my horny session with Jackie and Mark at the party I decided I needed to sleep and subsequently crashed out in the bedroom my friends, our party hosts, had sorted out for me. I stripped off to my underpants and slid between the sheets. I slept very well and with no alarm clock to wake me would probably have still been in the arms of Morpheus well into the Sunday morning. But I was awakened by a body slipping in my bed beside me. Then...

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Car Park Encounter

A chance encounter in a quiet car park, as seen from both sides ! I’d love to know what people think of my fiction.*************************************************************************************************************************June and her hubby were a devoted couple who'd been together since they'd first met as teenagers. Fit and attractive, they were looked every inch a model, middle-class couple with two, well behaved c***dren. Outwardly everything looked as close to ideal as most...

3 years ago
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Stock Ch 34

Morning dawned beneath a low layer of clouds that made the view out his window seem dreamlike. Sean looked down at Elizabeth’s sleeping form and he grinned. “Maybe it is a dream.” Elizabeth stirred at the sound of his voice and smiled. “It’s cold. Get under here and keep me warm,” she said with her eyes lightly shut. Sean was more than happy to oblige. No matter how often they slept together, he never tired of the feeling of her skin on his. He ran his fingers along her body, tracing...

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