Ada free porn video

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A cool breeze fluttered the curtains beside the opened French doors, softly suggesting the approach of autumn. This was Ada French’s favorite time of the year, mainly because the weather was calmer and nature’s colors turned unbelievably beautiful.

The distant bellow of a bull drew a soft smile. Ada was beginning to smile again eight months after cancer finally took Jake, a relief to her but an immensely greater relief for the corpse-like shallow-breathing man that had been her husband for fourteen years.

The marriage had been gratifying but without progeny and now she was alone because they’d separated from their folk, traveling to where land was cheaper. Their bank loan and savings landed them a 2218-acre ranch that had since been sold to a neighbor apart from the ranch house and 12-acres, enough to support Ada’s horses and a lame skinny cow called Susie that none of the buyers had wanted. With all that done, Ada had spent the past two months passively healing. Now she was ready but for what she had no idea.

In the eighteen months hoping Aaron would throw his illness but accepting he was dying, Ada had found comfort in writing romance novels and two had been published as paperbacks. The second had flopped and she was now into her fourth novel, based on the sister she’d grown up with who was now mayor of a town.

Ada looked up from her laptop and saw something she’d never seen in this location… someone was progressing along the road on a bicycle. As the cyclist came closer it became clear the rider was male. She smiled, thinking of romance, not romance with the cyclist but the romance of the cyclist riding into autumn. In this valley trees were bountiful, unlike many ranching areas. Early ranchers were immigrants who’d come from treed parts of Germany and they’d planted trees to make their new land look a little like their homeland. She hoped the guy loved nature, he probably did being a cyclist on tour. She knew he was touring because of the saddlebags plus a pack on his back.

Ada’s house was the only one for some miles close to the road. As the cyclist approached the gateway and looked up to the house Ada stepped outside and waved and called, ‘Come in for a drink.’

The guy waved and dismounted.

Ada felt no fear, assuming a cyclist in such a remote area posed no threat to her. That might be naïve but she wanted someone to talk to and she was curious why anyone would cycle way out here.

The guy walked his cycle up the path and her totally black German Shepherd Rufus circled the visitor suspiciously. Ada called, ‘Just don’t make any sudden movements. Rufus is very quiet.’

The guy looking at Rufus half-tripped. The dog went rigid, ears sharply forward and Ada called quietly, ‘Rufus, no’ and he calmed.

‘Good morning, I’m Ada.’

‘Oh Mrs Wilkinson,’ the stranger said and by way of explanation added, ‘The name Wilkinson is on the mail box.’

Ada relaxed. ‘Yes but call me Ada. Everyone does.’

‘Right. I’m Guy Rollo who despite a solid education has gotten himself hopelessly lost. I was riding from Edgewater to New Ulm.’

Ada laughed and placed her hand over her mouth and apologized.

‘Why should you apologize?’

‘Because it’s so funny,’ she said, eyes sparkling.

‘What because I am touring on a bicycle?’

‘No. You have mistakenly taken a circular route. If you continue the way you are heading you will end right back in Edgewater.’

‘Oh fuck. Oh no. I’m so sorry. That just jumped out. I’m so sorry.’

Ada smiled. ‘That’s all right Guy, apology accepted. Be aware that ranching folk tend to be earthy. Would you like to wash up while I make coffee, have a shower if you wish if you have been camping.’

‘Thank you, I’ll do that,’ he said, looking at Rufus.

‘Rufus is very intelligent. He has now accepted you because he’s seen me accept you.’

‘I’ve been two months on the road and have been chased by dogs five times and been bitten once though without much damage.’

Clucking in disapproval Ada went to the pantry and turned with a covered plate. ‘These muffins were baked yesterday, most people prefer to eat them fresh. I’ll just have a half and you may demolish the remainder if you wish. If you have been cooking for yourself and biking you’ll be hungry.’

‘This is a beautiful valley. The best I’ve seen in a month. I’m glad I got lost.’

‘So am I. I’m glad to have someone interesting to talk to. My neighbors still dwell on how am I coping after the death of my husband. God, he died eight months ago.’

‘People can speak without thinking.’

‘Like you with your explicative when told where you were heading?’

Guy laughed, blowing some muffin crumbs over the table. ‘Sorry – you are funny.’

‘Leave the crumbs. The rats will clean them up.’

Guy looked around for rats and the laugh told him he’d been suckered. He came out of that by saying something interesting.

‘I recently completed a doctorate in psychology and have taken six months off to cycle around some of the country, attempting to get close to nature and to real people. I bypass cities and larger towns.’

‘You do have a map?’

‘Yes, with water-proof covering. It’s in the bottom of my backpack but I thought crap I’m not digging that out… I can find New Ulm without a map.’

‘You may have managed had your doctorate been in geography.’

Guy choked and blew more crumbs. ‘God, I should be eating outside.’

‘Where there are rats.’

He looked at Ada closely but her face was impassive. ‘How large is the ranch?’

‘Twelve acres.’

‘You mean 1200 or 120,000?’

‘No, I’ve sold all but twelve acres.’

He laughed. ‘I can see why you were yearning for someone interesting to talk to. You have a very lively mind and probably are physically lively as well. I saw two horses.’

‘Yes, I usually ride after lunch. Like to join me?’


‘Yes in two hours you’ll want more to eat won’t you and you’ll stay the night? Please say yes and that gives me the excuse to cook a full roast dinner.’

‘I should be heading on.’

‘If you head on you’ll be back in Edgewater.’

He laughed and then said softly, ‘What would your neighbors think?’

‘They are entitled to think what they like. How’s that for mastering psychology?’

‘Metaphysically you receive an A mark. Excellent work. It also tells me you are at peace with yourself, although that remains an impression in the absence of hard evidence.’

‘Yes, I like that description, I’m at peace with myself. Only last week I began smiling without a reason and that ability has remained with me. Rather than just a night why not stay a couple of days? As you know it’s autumn and I’ll take you places that will thrill your soul.’

‘How could I refuse a lady?’

Ada jumped up. ‘In that case I’ll let the roast thaw naturally and we’ll have that tomorrow night. Tonight we shall have spaghetti meatballs.’

‘My mother’s favorite dish along with apple pie.’

‘Are you hinting?’

‘Oh god no. Sorry.’

‘You apologize far too much. You should not say it if you feel the need to apologize. Apart from that F-word you have had no cause to apologize to me. Stand by what you say and people will know you are a man. How old are you?’


‘And blond and good looking. Oh my. The girl’s won’t be expecting any apologies from you. You also have emerged from institutionalized learning and so are, to some degree, finding you feet in the outside world. For that reason you are doing an amazing thing cycling leisurely. You’ll be meeting people like me only too happy to add to your education. My contribution will be to put you on the right road to New Ulm and to lecture you about the need to keep your map handy.’

‘What if I were meant to come down this road and pass at exactly
the time you looked out in my direction? You could have been out the back scraping up doggie droppings?’

‘I also have wondered if you coming down our road was no accident.’

Guy looked at Ada intently but she went out to the freezer without elaborating. He took his backpack and looked at the two bedrooms and placed it in Ada’s bedroom.

After lunch they went riding. Guy had been pulling his jeans from his backpack when Ada came into the bedroom. She made no comment about him being there only to say, ‘Ride in those baggy shorts – we won’t be riding for hours, just down to the river which is one of those beauty spots I was talking about earlier.’

She pulled off her dress while still talking to him. ‘Please pass me the jeans on the hook just inside the left door behind you.’


‘You have a lovely body. How old are you?’

‘Ten years your senior. Thank you for the compliment. Wheel your bicycle into the house that will be left unlocked. Bring your valuables. I’ll give you a saddlebag. Rufus will remain guarding the house.’

He left the room.

Ada had been astonished to find Guy’s pack in her bedroom, leaving her wondering why he hadn’t taken the guest room, and those thoughts made her blush and she frowned when thinking perhaps he thought it was obligatory to hump the hostess. Oh no, she didn’t want him thinking that but too late, what was done was done. And then came a relieving thought: perhaps he was overdue for a woman? They fucked like monkeys at college didn’t they? She’d last had sex about six weeks before Aaron died. So who was overdue!

She dressed slowly, apprehensive about having a male’s hands roaming over her body. Would she like that? What if he was too big for her, or too small to make it worthwhile? Someone who was not Aaron dribbling into her mouth, someone who was not Aaron firing semen into her… no, she couldn’t allow that. She wasn’t protected. God she hoped he had condoms. If she liked it he better have a good supply! Or were they reusable? She couldn’t remember. She and Aaron hadn’t had children yet they had unprotected sex and had never found out was she barren or was he firing blank shots.

Ada finally decided to take it as it comes. She giggled and wondered what if she could no longer release in climax – would Guy be disappointed? Perhaps that was silly thinking because she didn’t feel like a dried up old woman, not that she knew how they felt about themselves.

* * *

Although Ada favored Jerry she’d also ridden Sally frequently so there would be no rodeo-style introduction for Guy. He had the choice of mounts and said he hadn’t ridden much so Ada should chosen for him. She chose Sally and rode her around to make sure she wouldn’t start off in a playful mood. The saddlebag that also contained a snack and two water bottles were attached while Guy made himself known to Sally and a couple of minutes later they were off.

* * *

They rode down a long narrow track to the river. Guy was still struggling with the unanswered question: Why had Ada not questioned why his backpack was in her bedroom? He was unsure that the young widow, so very hospitable, would want him to seduce her. She’d shown some of the signs but, alas, not all of them. She’d not licked her lips looking at him or stroked a breast, looking at him. But according to his fertile imagination she was thinking sex.

Ada had referred to him as good-looking and he was almost sure she’d been looking for a bulge. Then in the bedroom she’d taken her dress off in front of him. Her breasts were small but appeared well shaped and her panties were rather large, not like the skimpy things women in the city wore, and she had practically no belly protruding.

Ada was a woman in her prime and meant to be fucked at least once a day. But having allowed him to see her body he knew it had been a natural gesture – she’d come into the bedroom to change and had taken off her dress to perform a function, nothing else. She’d not pouted and not stroked a breast or pushed out her vulva at him. She was an unabashed countrywoman, and nothing more. If he wanted a fuck he’d have to push the right buttons.

After riding two miles along the track used to shift cattle from one pasture to a fresh one, the landscape changed suddenly as they arrived at the rim of the river. They were in an ancient glacial valley but below them was the much younger valley cut by the river over just a few centuries and man had planted it over the past 200 years, mixing exotics with natives. The trees were changing color, preparing for sleep over winter.

‘It is beautiful, incredibly beautiful.’

They staying looking up and down the valley until Ada said, ‘Take care with your weight going down here, keep leaning back a little. Allow Sally to pick her way, she knows best.’

They rested on the riverbank, having their snack and water, and then Guy was given the opportunity of riding two miles down the river, with two crossings or going back the way they’d come.

‘Down river. My ass is hardened by bike riding and so I’m not experiencing discomfort.’

Guy was glad he’d taken that option because they saw deer, put waterfowl to flight and he identified many types of birds and Ada named those he didn’t know.

After they had unsaddled and were brushing the horses Guy said, ‘That was a most rewarding experience Ada.’

‘I anticipated you’d enjoy it. I call it My Eden and it was lovely to have someone with me. Tomorrow we’ll drive and then tramp to an even better Eden, the headwaters of this river.’

‘I’d like that.’

There was a pause and Guy suspected she was giving him opportunity to say it.

He swallowed, ‘Ada?’


‘About sex?’

‘Would you like to sleep with me?’

‘Oh yes.’

‘I feel the same way. Would you like to do that now or tonight?’

‘Tonight. I’ll enjoy thinking about it.’

‘Me too. I’m off to prepare dinner. I’ll leave you to finish with a light combing and let the horses out into the pasture, first gate on the right and hang the bridles on the wall.’

When Guy entered the bedroom he found Ada, dressed after a shower, combing her hair. He learned over her left shoulder and they kissed. He took the comb and continued combing her long brown hair with its gentle waves that were reappearing now that it was drying.

‘That’s lovely and a long time since anyone has done that to me.’

‘I thought as much.’

‘You are very thoughtful and show sensitivity. I like that.’

‘Did you go to college?’

‘Only for two years. I’d met Aaron – that’s him in that photo with me over there on the wall. He was six years older and was keen to come out here where land was cheaper He came out and purchased the land and at the end of the academic year I followed and we married in Edgewater. We lost all our friends leaving the city but made new ones.’

‘What were you studying?’

‘English lit.’

‘And now you write?’

‘Yes, you may read my present draft of four chapters if you wish.’

‘Yes please.’

‘I’ll open it on the laptop and then bring you a glass of wine.’

‘May I kiss you again, this time with you standing?’

‘Yes of course. From now on you don’t have to ask.’

Ada thought this encounter would be great experience for novel writing. She resolved to be as sexy as she could comfortably be. Who knows where that would take her?

They were almost the same height. Ada gazed at Guy as she felt his arms go around her, thinking was that how a man looked when thinking about sex. He felt strong and he pulled her to him and she felt her breasts splayed and her bra dug into her. Now that was a thought. Serious kissing should be done braless and without front buttons. Guy’s buckle pressing into her stomach produced another thought but suddenly all other thoughts were blown away – was that a growing erection she could feel a
gainst her thigh? She moved her hips laterally and smiled triumphantly into the deep kiss, knowing the budding erection would only require him, if they were nude, to lift her a little and with her legs parted it would be perfectly placed to enter her vagina.

Ada groaned.

Guy pulled away and asked was he holding her too tightly.

‘Give everything to me hard,’ Ada said recklessly and he chuckled.

Ada fetched the wine and Guy put his hand out for her and smiled, saying thank you. ‘You write very descriptively with great fluidity. I’m already thinking your heroine is stronger than the hero. That can’t be right.’

‘I’m afraid it is but it will change, eventually. Darlena will grow her man, encouraging Hughson to use his strengths to their maximum as required and to show him how to exploit his competitive nature.’

‘Would a male really tolerate that?’

‘Don’t be so naive Guy. Hughson will be virtually unaware of what she is doing to him.’

‘Oh the guile of women.’

‘Oooh, you know about that do you?’

He just smiled and returned to reading the start of her first draft.

Ada sang softly as she worked in the kitchen. It had been a long time since she’d done that. Excitement gripped her but also a touch of fear. What if she was too dry from being under-used – she only used her small vibrator around her clit? She dug around in her bedroom drawers and with relief found a spray container of vagina-safe lube. She placed that in her bedside drawer and returned to the kitchen humming with that fear exorcised.

She sipped her wine and wondered would Aaron be watching them in bed. She then dismissed that was an illogical thought and relaxed even more. She hoped she wouldn’t be too preoccupied about having a penis in her again and forget to move her ass. Men liked their women to be mobile in bed. She’d often read that.

* * *

The bathroom was between the bedrooms and when Guy returned Ada was standing by the bed, looking a little pale and rather nervous, so vulnerable. He thought he knew how to fix that. He walked up to her confidently and standing slightly off-center, kissed her and reached down and cupped her vulva.

‘I love holding a cunt like this.’

A huge surge seized Ada. At the time she couldn’t describe it to herself. She thought lifted and freed, but that wasn’t it entirely. The way he’d uttered that hateful cunt word had almost stunned her, But she was watching his face, saw his goodness and the way he’d said that simple sentence seemed so naive, so beautiful, so appropriate. He squeezed and she pushed against his hand.

Ada loved the attention she was receiving, she loved the though of what lay ahead and she knew she could love him. Later she’d describe it as the most profound sexual experience of her life because he was in the process of turning her into a live woman again, instead of the empty husk she’d become, starting from that day Aaron was delivered that terrible news that he was doomed to die from cancer, though of course the prognosis had been presented a little more sugar-coated than that.

The surge subsided but she didn’t mind. The greatest moments in life were just that, moments.

‘Undress me,’ she whispered.

He groaned, asking would she drop his pants and underpants because his bent over cock was killing him.

Ada did that quickly and still on her haunches as Guy’s erection sprang straight she kissed it and licked it a full stroke before she stood, being aware there was plenty to lick. She was almost panting but steadied as Guy began undressing her almost reverently. She’d dressed after her shower in her best underwear. She smiled when he crooned it was so lovely and she adored the way he looked at her breasts with the slightly upturned nipples. It was unbelievable he didn’t touch them.

Guy went on to his knees and bent into to her groin and sniffed. Yes sniffed. She felt her body hit high arousal, surprised she wasn’t feeling revolted that he’s sniffed for odors. He pulled the panties aside and licked her, just the once, but as it passed over her opening she felt it push in just a little and ever so briefly. He wormed a finger in and then held it up to her. For goodness sake, he wanted her to taste herself!

He said nothing, but held the finger up patiently and so she sucked his finger and felt her body jingle as some of her sensitive points reacted. Oh lordy, if he was into this he’d probably try for her ass.

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Rachel had to admit, this young man had charm inside that stamina. She liked the way he waited on her as he made them both a light brunch. It was brunch, as it was later in the day, and she liked the way he made a fuss over her between kisses & the little squeeze and nudge. He also wouldn’t let her touch his dick, which was soon doubled over in his boxer briefs. Damned if she didn’t find herself wanting it. “So what’s next, Cowboy?” Rachel asked with a grin. “Well, someone appears to...

2 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 23 Birthday Bliss or Blues

Chapter 23: Birthday Bliss or Blues Repercussions from the swim debacle followed, the school principal wasn’t happy that I had been pulled out from detention by Bill. But after a meeting where my Mom came in to discuss what happened, he understood what had happened, the coach was meant to be at the meeting also, but had abstained, saying he had more important things to do than deal with a whining student. He had given the principal his reasons for his decision in a previous conversation...

3 years ago
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Ian part 4

"A whole week off!" Maisie squeaks in my ear as the bell rings to signify the end of the school day- and indeed, the end of this half of the term. At least, it would be the end of the school day for me, were it not for the fact that when I arrive home, I immediately head up to my bedroom and exchange the itchy, clingy black tights and knee-length skirt I've worn all day for an even itchier, even clingier pair of pink tights and a black tank leotard, just as I've done every Tuesday and...

1 year ago
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HotCrazyMess Winter Jade Stripper Step Sister

Winter Jade’s stepbrother has long thought he had a hot stepsis, but he’s never been able to act on his attraction. That all changes the day he finds some lingerie in the mail when he mistakenly opens a package for his sister. Later, Winter’s steprbo overhears her talking to a friend about making money as she admires the lingerie set. It finally adds up that Winter is stripping for cash, something their parents would not approve of. Winter’s stepbrother decides to let her know that he’s in on...

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My first BIG dick

I opened my front door and there he was, with his massive member already hanging out of his jeans. He slowly walked in, grabbed me by my hair and closed the door behind him.He put his other hand around my throat and started pushing me down. I frantically dropped to my knees in front of him. He didn't say a word. He just held his stiffening dick in one hand and pulling my hair with the other, making my head tilt back so I was looking at him.  He rested his massive cock on my innocent face and...

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A Dancers Introduction

A Dancer’s Introduction.Standard warnings: If you are too young, stupid, ignorant, and gullible or it is illegal for you to do so, do not read this story.  Any resemblance between story characters and real people is purely coincidental (unless you ASK to be in my story).  Finally my thanks to those that helped me write this one, you know who you are.The dance competition had been going well. All of their friends were placing well. Amber and Jason were scoring pretty well too. At the moment...

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Tory DaughterChapter 19

Wearing a threadbare coat that had belonged to Amelia Robertson's late husband and with an apple and some coins in one pocket and a thick beef sandwich in the other, Billy Fields walked north two weeks after he was arrested and beaten, his hand well healed and his blackened eye back to normal, almost. He took a circuitous route with many pauses and was reasonably sure he was not being followed. The old lady wept as she watched him leave, and Anne stayed in her room, having refused him a...

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SusanChapter 20

Back at the Collins apartment, Susan informed Barbara that she and Steve were dining with them that evening. "But, mistress," Barb protested, "I'm not supposed to be dressed in the apartment." "Of course not, silly," Susan replied. "We're undressing for dinner, tonight." When she told Jeff, he licked his lips at the thought of being able to see Barb really naked. Hitting him in the arm she said, "You always see her naked, turkey! And what's that lascivious grin all about,...

3 years ago
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Uncle Devon Takes Advantage

When Kristina was only twelve, my sister teased, "It seems as though your little niece has a crush on her handsome Uncle Dev." From then forward, whenever I was around the youngster and no one was paying attention, I purposely encouraged that 'puppy love' she held for me. She tried not to be obvious in her flirting, but it was pretty obvious how much she liked me, although I must say that my niece did manage not to show her feelings when others were around. Of course her mom knew, but...

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The Night

It was the summer of 1962, early june. I was 14 years old that spring. Hadn’t yet had a serious girlfriend or my first real kiss. That was about to change. My father travelled a lot and was gone a lot during the week for 3 or 4 days at a time. me and Mom spent a lot of time together during those days and were really close. At 35 Mom was a beautiful woman with dark black hair and green eyes and the same cheerleader body she had in school. But we were a very conservative family and the most I had...

4 years ago
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Young Master Ch 02

There I was, still impaled on a shemale's cock, one belonging to what was supposed to be my sissy slave, wearing her bra, her cum on my cheek along with my post-fuck smeared make-up, and my cum running down the full length mirror. "I fell" wasn't the best explanation for what happened, but it was all I could think of with my step-father's hulking frame looming over me. I knew I was fucked...well more fucked than already had been, but I still hoped for some miracle to save me."You...fell? I'm...

1 year ago
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I finally did it

I posted a story a few days ago giving a little background on who I am and what I like, I was surprised to get a whole bunch of private messages, liking my story and giving me advice. I'm in the waterbury Connecticut area, I received a private message from an X hamster guy in my area who said he would gladly offer up his cock for me. I sent him my private email address and he sent me a few pictures of his cock, which was at least 8", cut and black as coal, he was shaved and from the pics looked...

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So Shy

Jenny Gallagher was painfully shy. She was the kind of girl you could be in a class with all semester and never realize she was there until the last day of class, when she tripped on a desk leg or sneezed during the final. She was a nonentity at my high school. One day I decided to say something to her. I had literally never seen a person even speak to her about anything. Even the teachers seemed to sense that she was too shy to be called on during class, and not one of them ever...

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This happened while I was still married. My cheating husband was out of town "on business" so being Friday night I hit the town with my crazy girlfriends! After bar hopping we settled down on a Latin club. The music was great & there were plenty of HOT guys to pick from! As the night progressed we kept getting hit on from guys. Now truth be told all I was interested this night was to dance my ass off, drink & go home. Just wanted to not think about my failing marriage.There were 2 guys...

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Another time with her

After having been with her my sex life felt a little lackluster so I tried to spice it up myself. Anal was out of the question with my wife and even getting head was a mission. I fantasized often about sucking her dick, the texture and taste and the feeling of when she exploded in my mouth, I loved it so much I started trying to replicate it. I was blessed with good flexibility and one day alone at home I started trying to cum in my own mouth. I’d seen it on some forums and sites and knew if I...

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On a fine winter morning, I was reading newspaper. My eyes got stuck on an advertisement of a worldwide contest being sponsored by National Geographic Channel inviting candidates for sending documentary films to them on various genres like adventure, wildlife, natural beauty etc.,indicating that they will give one million dollar cash prize and an exclusive award to the winning documentary.I, being a professional videographer myself got interested in taking part in this contest. I thought to...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 354

Parachute accident my ass. The kid had scars on his pretty face consistent with someone or maybe many someones kicking the shit out of him. Most likely some of those bad ass Legionares decided to give him an attitude adjustment and went too far. He wouldn't be the first. As long as he would fight, I didn't give a shit who he screwed. For me it was about keeping his eye on the prize and that was one thing Legionares were famous for doing. I know some men were uncomfortable working with gay...

2 years ago
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Exposing sister in the Library Part II

Exposing sister in the Library - Part II Posted by Paul606 For the next few weeks, Jennifer and I were nearly inseparable. I’m glad my mother’s work picked up, and that my father was still out of town, or someone surely would have noticed how much our relationship had changed, and how whenever we were alone, we would look flushed and even a little sweaty when someone came to find us. My older siblings were off to college, which meant that for most of the time when we were not at school or...

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Y Camp

Tommy and Zack were born only three days apart and their parents lived next door to each other. That was the butt of many jokes for a while. They were teenagers now and their sixteenth had just happened. Declining a fancy party, the boys decided take the camping gear they’d gotten and spend a couple of nights in the woods behind their houses trying it out. With the houses empty on a Friday night their single moms collaborated on supper and opened a new bottle of bourbon. As they got tipsier...

3 years ago
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Ma Or Sister Ko Choda

Namaskar dosto mai rahul from jaipur. Mai jaipur city mai kam krta hu or wahi rhta hu meri family ke sath. Mai 25 sal ka hu thoda sa gora chehra he lund ka size 7″ lumba or 3″ choda. Mere ghar mai 3 room he or kitchen or chota sa aagan he . Ek room mai mere papa mummy dusre mai didi or unke hi bagal wala kamra mera. Meri didi or mere kamre ke bitch mai khidki he jisse dono kamre mai aasani se dekh sakte he. Hamere family mai panch log he papa sohan 49 jo hamesha kam ke silsile se bahar rhte he,...

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Alien Pest ControlChapter 5

The little fleet jumped to an unoccupied area well out on the galactic arm. There was no time during the transit, so they had to plan a course of action after they arrived. No one was so foolish as to believe that just their two small ships were enough to defeat a whole civilization—this was just a scouting mission. A thorough sweep of the volume of space, 100 million klicks in radius, showed one spaceship, but it did not look like the kind that they had been fighting. This ship was moving...

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Into It Book 2Chapter 8

We traveled to Karen's home in time for supper with her parents and younger brother, Jeff. We had met but this was an opportunity to get to know him better. I hadn't noticed but Karen had been taking pictures with her phone while at the house. I found out quickly. She cried out, "Mom, you're not going to believe what my future husband has done! He bought us a house. He's letting me have the kitchen and bathroom done to suit me! I have pictures!" After the appropriate hugs and kisses,...

4 years ago
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All I know

By Jordan hennessyCHAPTER 1 DEATH IN YOUR EYESSir stop its me joey you'r best freind, My heart was beating mad sweating like a man in the isle of no return,Cars and people rushing like I would have been placed in the middle of london,Screams and shouting someone help us!!!! Please man look at the people around you calm down I can help you out of this, A short barrel pistol locked and loaded pointed to the tip of my mouth. Jo Mate shut the hell up dont make me pull this trigger, Felling the cold...

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Exploring Our Wild Sides

Hi All, This is a sex story about how I and my girlfriend fulfilled a fantasy of ours. Read on for more information :) I met my current girlfriend while we were still in India, about 5 years ago. After getting our respective undergraduate degrees, we moved to the states for more education. Long story short, we stayed together through 2 years of long distance obstacles and are far better off for it. We currently live together somewhere along the US east coast. My name is P and her name is L....

1 year ago
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Annie and Me Our Early DaysChapter 8

Frank and I insisted that the girls slow down, their pregnancy's had stunned us both, him especially, he was forty six while Nancy was thirty five, Annie suggested that we ask Julie to join the team, she was working as a hair dressing apprentice for about four pounds a week and she wasn't enjoying it in the slightest. So when we got home that night Annie rang her and asked her to come round, she was overjoyed and jumped at the chance to double her wages and when Annie told her she was...

4 years ago
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Killer App

Killer App- by Zouscha My girlfriend Penny had gotten me the new laptop for my birthday.? She blew a lot on it, I knew, getting the maximum memory available and it had access to a huge gaming library built in.? She knew I loved gizmos of all kinds, and this was no exception.? I'd tried a dozen games in the first hour and was having a ball, lugeing down the Swiss Alps and re-fighting World War Two. But I was looking for something different.? I scrolled through the thousands of games...

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Savita Bhabhi8217s Health Check Up 8211 New Comic Video

Savita bhabhi goes for her annual health check-up. A young doctor looks at her lustily and decides that he should feel this hot and sexy body. Our sexy bhabhi was now in his room in a hospital gown. Watch how he checks her boobs and pussy on the pretext of a health check-up. And, of course, you don’t want to miss how Savita bhabhi moans as she enjoys every bit of it! You can watch more such Savita bhabhi hot sex videos. If you want to watch the full episode, join SavitaBhabhiVideos...

1 year ago
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XMen Blue Flu

Morning broke on the Xavier estate, its students just getting woken up for the morning classes and the staff preparing to teach them. The kitchen was busy with Emma brewing a pot of vanilla coffee while Logan read from the newspaper in his hands, the plum of cigar smoke trailing up as Kitty and Scott walked in, a muffin in Shadowcat's mouth and almost dropping her report papers for her class. "Mmuuuuugh..." Staggering in with pink eyes and a runny nose Hank sneezed into his arm before sniffling...

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New Start 6 Part 4

WRITER'S NOTE: My grandma really did die and I thought including her death and some true events while staying true to original fiction story of previous parts would help me work through the sorrow I feel. THE NEW START 6 PART 4 By Paul G. Jutras "Paula honey, you almost forgot to pack your toothbrush." Ann said as she walked into her daughter's bedroom. Paula looked at the suitcase and let out a sigh. "Now I'll have to pack all over again." Paula said with a glum look as she saw...

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I was twenty and horny, he was a random guy at the store, but he was down to fill my backside with his cock. The arcade was a series of private viewing rooms, with enough space to comfortably enjoy the companionship of another. We grabbed a room, he slipped a ten into the machine and I stripped naked. He firmly gripped my ass as he stuck his tongue down my throat. I was rock hard and ready to go. He pulled a pack of condoms, lube and a bottle of poppers. That was new. He smiled at my...

Gay Male
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Fehde am Gymnasium

Die Mädchen: Helen war im Grunde das typische, schüchterne Girl-Next-Door. Brünett, stabil gebaut. Mit Hang zum Dicksein, wenn sie nicht aufpasste. Kein Riesenhintern, aber rund genug, um ab und zu gehänselt zu werden. Und sie war zu schüchtern, sich dagegen zu wehren. Helen begann schon in der sechsten Klasse, eine Oberweite zu entwickeln. Während die anderen Mädchen noch auf den Ausbruch ihrer Pubertät warteten, trug Helen schon die ersten BHs, und zwar nicht, weil sie wollte, sondern weil...

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Growing Up A MasterChapter 21 Karens Big Night

The women made me a hearty breakfast, with pancakes, bacon, eggs, fruit and more. Karen served me a huge plateful, telling me, "You need to build your energy up!" I grabbed her as she started walking away and gave her a deep kiss. "Looking at you builds my energy up all by itself," I told her. She blushed and went to eat hers. We spent the rest of the day lazing around and playing. We hung out by the pool quite a bit, and all the women took pains to make me realize that I was hanging...

1 year ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 5

The word turmoil had always been a favourite of his. It conjured up chaos, mayhem, directionless thrashing about. Well, that was his mind as he trudged the quarter of a mile or so back to his hotel. A woman, than whom a more flawless, achingly beautiful example he had never met before, though he had seen them in films, or movies as she would call them, that woman, seemed to have taken a shine to him. While he knew that their boyfriend/girlfriend game was only that, it betokened an intimacy...

3 years ago
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Teachers Lake Fun Part 2

She felt his arms around her as they kissed. She’d started to scream inside of herself for him to take off her lace dress. She had to have it off. She burned so heavily inside that Janelle was screaming it out madly already. Nothing feels better when you’re kissing a man, that you’re crazy about, then when you feel your dress rise higher and higher, up past your waist, and up over your shoulders and finally your head. Of course it’s a lot better when that man is Darrell too. Janelle was...

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Special Dee

The low, soft hum of the Quadrotor drone was drowned out by the squeals of delight of the children who had been invited to Dee-Dee's twelfth birthday party. Parents for Dee-Dee's five invited friends had dropped them off earlier and now all six of the girls were playing in our back yard as they awaited the announcement that the cake and ice cream were ready. I sighed as I thought about that – OUR back yard. Yeah, it had been OUR back yard up until the final divorce decree about two...

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