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Morning dawned beneath a low layer of clouds that made the view out his window seem dreamlike. Sean looked down at Elizabeth’s sleeping form and he grinned. “Maybe it is a dream.”

Elizabeth stirred at the sound of his voice and smiled. “It’s cold. Get under here and keep me warm,” she said with her eyes lightly shut.

Sean was more than happy to oblige. No matter how often they slept together, he never tired of the feeling of her skin on his. He ran his fingers along her body, tracing imaginary figures over her hip and ass. He rubbed his morning stubble along her cheek, causing the woman in his arms to growl discontentedly. Sean felt nails digging into his back in retaliation. He growled back at her, raking his course features over her face as he kissed her roughly along her neck. Her skin grew pink and tender with his abrasive rubbing, making her appreciate his soft lips even more when he deigned to use them alone. As she clawed at Sean more desperately, he redoubled his efforts.

Sean ran his face down her body, gripping her firmly as she writhed beneath him. When he alighted on the tops of her breasts she moaned approvingly and rubbed her thighs against his. Sean chuckled warmly and returned the favor, leaning his weight down between her legs. He played with her firm breasts, alternately kissing and fondling each of them. One of the joys of sleeping with Elizabeth was the likelihood of finding her frisky in the morning. She always appreciated his morning erection and this time was no exception.

Before long Elizabeth was moaning happily from his attention and Sean could feel the resulting dampness on his thigh as he rubbed. However, he was nowhere near done playing with the perfect globes in his hands and mouth. He took his time running his tongue over a nipple and then switching to the other one while a free hand ran light circles over the freshly exposed tip. He had heard that it was possible for some women to orgasm from breast-play alone and although he didn’t think Elizabeth was one of them, Sean was determined to find out for certain.

Elizabeth shocked him when she took the initiative by firmly grasping his member and guiding it into her steaming depths. The position was awkward, forcing Sean to abandon her breasts, so he shifted his attention to what was happening at the mingling of their hips. He pulled forwards, plunging himself deeper and causing his beautiful lover to gasp in pleasure. Her brown eyes darkened in hunger and the sight along with her long black hair splayed about her in a wide halo fueled Sean to even further heights of desire. He was now able to keep his pace long and steady since his hip joint had time to recuperate. Sean held his lips to Elizabeth’s as she gasped into his mouth when a whimpering cry was uttered from her lips. She shuddered and Sean could feel her rippling with an orgasm down below. Sean slowed his pace as sweat dripped down his brow. If he weren’t careful he’d let loose himself but he wasn’t ready just yet. He didn’t fully enjoy himself unless Elizabeth came at least two or three times.

Elizabeth wrapped her legs around Sean after he felt the steam in his groin diminish enough for him to pick up the pace. She groaned at his redoubled efforts and thrust up her hips to meet his own downward lunges. Her groaning grew in pitch as her hips sped up, forcing Sean to keep up in a blur of movement. She wailed and cried out Sean’s name with every forceful collision. Her pussy grasped his cock and seemed to suck at it as if her very life depended on it. The sensation was too much for Sean and he sprayed her insides with a triumphant roar. Elizabeth clamped down on him hard and shook with her own violent orgasm as her eyes rolled back into her head. Their bodies locked in a rictus of pleasure with muscles strained so tightly Sean was certain that a bone or two would snap.

Sean collapsed atop his lover with a final shuddering spurt. He rolled over and cuddled up next to his lover. Elizabeth murmured something but he didn’t quite catch it.

“I said after the bout of sex last night, one would think that would be enough. I wonder if it’ll taper off after we’re married.”

“Not likely. You keep inspiring me to all new heights,” Sean commented. “After we have the baby, who knows? It might get even better.”

Elizabeth playfully slapped him and then settled into his comforting arms again. “Sean, are you sure about what you just said? About a baby, I mean.”

Sean looked down at her and hugged her tighter. “Of course I am. I want one as badly as you do.”

“But,” she hesitated. “Do you think you’re ready for that big of a change? A baby is a big thing. I mean, you’re still young…”

“Let’s not get started on the whole age bit again,” he chided. “We’ve been over that already. By my friends’ standards I’m already an old man. I mean, the woman I love and my two best friends, Eric and Vanessa, all have a decade on me.”

“Don’t remind us,” she groaned.

Sean smiled. “Look. I am ready for a baby. I’m actually looking forward to it, to show a new life what wonderful things there are in the world, to be a father. Yes, I’m ready for that. And let’s put it this way. We’re rich. If I wanted to I could stop going to school to help raise our kid. It’s doable.”

“Sean, you don’t really mean that. You’ve worked hard for your biochemistry degree.”

“That can come in time. We’ll only have an opportunity like this now.”

Before she got too old, Elizabeth knew he was thinking but was not saying. He was putting his dreams on the shelf for her sake. True, financially they could manage but putting Sean’s degree on hold was an entirely different matter. But Elizabeth wanted a baby badly as well. She didn’t know what to think.

Sean interrupted her thoughts. “Look, let’s put it this way. Grad students raise families all the time and they usually have the hardest time balancing raising the baby, studying for classes, and going to work. With our financial position we don’t have to worry about the latter. To top it off in the other case, both parents are grad students. All I’ll have to worry about is class and all you’ll really have to worry about is work. Between the two of us we’ll give our child plenty of time and love. There’s only one problem that I can’t get over, though.”

“What’s that?”

“How are we going to prevent Eric, Vanessa, and your parents from spoiling our baby rotten?”

They both laughed.


Sean let out a satisfied breath as he thumbed off his cell phone. “It’s done.”

“What is?” Elizabeth asked, looking up from her sandwich. They were having lunch and, as always, Elizabeth was comfortably sitting in his lap as they ate.

“I just got a call from our real estate agent, Kathryn. The paperwork’s been cleared. The house is ours and we can move in.” Sean watched as a great burden lifted off of his fiancée’s shoulders and the grateful smile stretch across her face.

“That’s some of the best news I’ve heard,” she beamed a warm look his way and beyond into some not so distant future. “It’s really starting to come together now.” She put down her sandwich and snuggled in Sean’s arms. “Our wedding, our home, and our future.”

Sean gave her a warm squeeze. He couldn’t express in words just how relieved he was now that they could get on with their lives. He just kissed her and let it go at that, letting his lips express what words would only mangle. The next step to take would be preparing their nest. Sean was fond of his apartment but after spending so much time at Elizabeth’s house he had gotten used to having much more space. Sean grinned. Speaking of which, he couldn’t wait to see the look on his lover’s face when he showed her some of the remodeling he snuck in behind her back.

“Well, let’s get cracking,” Sean announced. He called up the moving company that they planned on using before and was very glad to find out that they could begin within the week. They were going to be very busy in the next few days.

They finished their light lunch and cleaned up before getting things organized. A list had already been drawn on how to go about packing and the essentials of the things they were going to need. Eric and Vanessa came over in the evening and lent them a hand. Sean’s clothes hadn’t been much of a problem, he didn’t have much. Elizabeth also had most of her clothes squirreled away with her surviving furniture in a storage unit. Sean stepped into the other bedroom and knew that his work was cut out for him. The weapons racks would be difficult to dismantle and the proper temporary storage of his weapons would be more than a trifle task. He would take care of that last.

“Sean?” He turned around at the sound of his fiancée’s voice. “What are we going to do about your mural?”

He hadn’t given it much thought yet but did so now. “I don’t know. Maybe roll it up and save it for now. The fixative that I sprayed it with should protect it, at any rate. As for displaying it again,” Sean looked at his fiancée, “I’m not lonely anymore. I can put those images behind me from now on.”

Elizabeth smiled at him and stepped into his arms. “You know I’m also very busy with the wedding plans. And now you’re throwing in all this work on moving into our new house. We’re going to be terribly busy. I’m not sure if I’ll have enough energy at the end of the day for our usual evening recreational activities.”

“Well, since I’m sure you’ll be very tired I suppose I can just help you relax a little by giving you a massage every night.”

“Mmmm. I thought you’d see it my way.”

“Love you, too.”


The week had seen Sean and Elizabeth through the hectic process of moving into their new house. Elizabeth was at the same time pleasantly surprised and mildly annoyed at Sean’s minor remodeling of their closets. He had a contractor come in and knock down the wall partitioning the two closets and moved it over so that one was larger than the other. Elizabeth was pleased with the larger closet space, as Sean knew she would be, as most women would be. However, she saw right through his ploy and huffed about him curtailing her expansion plans for his wardrobe. He knew she was poised to fill the closet with clothes of her own choosing. Of course, Sean played it innocently and said that she needed the space. He forged ahead and mentioned that the carpenter would be back in a few weeks to put in a shoe rack for her as well. She grumbled slightly at his going over her head and then soundly kissed him in thanks. Sean couldn’t be more pleased with himself.

Vanessa and Eric were a big help in getting things organized after they moved in all the boxes and Sean’s furniture. The king-sized bed that Vanessa bought Elizabeth for her birthday looked right at home in the master bedroom with the diaphanous curtains hanging from the four oak posts undulating gently from the breeze blowing in from their balcony. Sean and Elizabeth had a quick wrestling match on the vast mattress, mangling the sheets into a mountain range of cream and silk. Surprisingly, Elizabeth wound up on top and out of breath. They kissed.

“Hmm,” she mused. “I can get used to this. But we still have a lot of things to do. We’ll continue this sometime later.”

“You’ll have to pin me again first.”

Elizabeth gazed at him challengingly. “That can be arranged.”

Sean swallowed the dry lump in his throat and stood stupefied for a moment before catching up to his fiancée as she went out the door.

Eric and Vanessa were taking a break and were snuggled up in Sean’s couch, which they had just finished moving in. Sean and Elizabeth smiled at them as the entered the room, quietly watching their friends as they chatted. Or rather, while Vanessa talked and Eric sat silently except for the occasional comment. They really were a perfect example of how opposites attract. Idly, Sean wondered what their roles in bed were. He shook that thought from his mind and made some noise to announce that he and Elizabeth had entered.

“You know,” Sean began, “I hate to admit this, but my couch really doesn’t fit the room.” Already he could feel Elizabeth’s lips curling up in a predatory smile and he was beginning to regret opening his big mouth.

“You’re right, Sean,” Elizabeth commented. “I guess we’re going to have to go shopping.”

Sean winced. What was it about the way she said that word that gave him the willies? He suppressed the need to shudder and kept his mouth shut before he said anything else stupid. “So, what’s for dinner?”

Eric and Vanessa looked up from the couch. “Well, I’m too pooped to cook,” Vanessa declared and Elizabeth seconded that.

“Pizza it is,” Sean interjected. He had his cell phone in hand before anyone could protest. Next thing on the list would be to get the phones hooked up in their new home. Sean swelled in pride at the thought. It was theirs. Not his or Elizabeth’s, but something that belonged to both of them. Sean paid attention to Elizabeth’s plans as she thought of decorating and planting a garden while Sean ruminated on converting one of the rooms into an exercise room. They also were beginning their plans on the nursery. That brought another smile to his face as he ordered a large pie with everything and another chicken with pesto.

They gathered in the kitchen and chatted about the house and upcoming wedding plans. The wedding was still a ways off but that just gave them more time to hammer out more details or add new ones. By now the buzz and joyful rush of planning had worn down and the women had taken a more leisurely pace, which was better by Sean and Eric’s opinion since they were offered more bite-sized chunks of how much it was going to cost them. The guest list was enormous with the combined families of two couples, especially when Eric and Vanessa’s family were Irish with their famed large families. Elizabeth, not wanting to be outdone, extended her invitations to all of her old friends that she had before she met Charles. Sean simply groaned at how much the catering was going to cost him.

After dinner Eric and Vanessa decided to call it a night and left Sean and Elizabeth alone in their new home. This was the first night they were going to spend in the house now that moving in was out of the way. Certainly, the place still had much needing to be attended to but it was beginning to feel like home.

Sean wrapped his arms around his fiancée lovingly. “Like your belated birthday present?”

“Very much so. You know, we never celebrated your birthday.”

“I was in a bit of a coma at the time,” he commented wryly. He didn’t like Elizabeth touching on that terrible time not too long ago. “And we had just had our first date the time before.”

“I ruined that one for you after I threw you out of my house, didn’t I?”

“Well, I’ve stopped making all that big of a deal out of my birthday. So there is no loss there.”

“Really, why?”

Before, Sean would have shrugged off the question. If it were anyone else he might have. But Elizabeth wasn’t just anyone. “Well, you know I’m not all that social a person. I don’t make friends easily. There’s no doubt in my mind that I get that from my dad. He wasn’t the most sociable of people. So when it came to social events and such…”

“He really never made a big deal out of it and he never threw you any big parties.”

“That about sums it up.” Sean shrugged. His father’s antisocial personality was also why Sean was so attached to him. He didn’t have many friends, so Sean was the one he talked to
in the end. Elizabeth nudged him out of his somber thoughts.

“Well, how about we throw you a party next year and make up for all the time lost.”

“That’d be nice,” Sean replied then grinned. “Can I have a piñata? I’ve always wanted one of those since grade school. They looked like so much fun.”

Elizabeth laughed with him. “Consider it done. We can hang it from the maple out back.”

Sean gave her a peck on the cheek as they walked toward the bedroom. He loved how she indulged some of his more childish requests. His childhood had been rushed, but now that he had the time, he would try to reclaim some of that which had been denied him. Elizabeth once remarked that his wall mural was his inner child that wanted to draw on the walls with crayons. He hadn’t thought about it like that until that moment but she was quite right. They entered their respective closets to change into their nightwear.

Sean shouted as he put on his pajamas. “You know, with you just on the other side of this wall, I should drill a hole in it so I can watch you.”

He heard Elizabeth’s chuckle on the other side. “You don’t have to do that. All you have to do is come in. I’ll let you watch all you want.”

“Yeah, but there is something naughty about peeping through a hole.”

More laughter tickled Sean’s ear. “If you play your cards right maybe I will let you drill that hole.”

Sean grinned as he stepped out of his closet. The smile he was wearing slipped from his face at the sight of Elizabeth as she closed the closet door behind her. She was sheathed in black lace that hinted and tantalized with every hidden charm underneath. Her firm legs were wrapped in long black stockings that were held up by a pair of garters that had Sean’s fingers itching and the sheer smoky panties hid nothing and accentuated her ripe womanhood. Sean’s eyes roamed over her flat stomach and up to her firm breasts as they were cupped delicately in gauzy lace. The arm length satin gloves gleamed dimly in the bedroom light and made her bare shoulders looked good enough to eat. Yes, Sean was definitely going to nibble on those shoulders. Her hair was artfully done up, exposing a delicious stretch of neck. But the seductive shimmer in her eyes as she licked her lips hungrily was what totally floored him. Was it hot in the room or was it just him?

“My my, Sean,” Elizabeth grinned savagely, “You’re looking a little flushed. Maybe you should lie down for a moment.” She stepped up to him in tall black heels, putting her eye to eye with him. Sean gulped at the way her hips swayed as she walked. She put the tip of her satin clad finger on his breastbone and tipped him towards the bed. He lost track of his balance and clumsily fell backward on the mattress.

Elizabeth uttered something between a purr and a moan as she considered him under her steamy gaze. Sean was cornered and panic rose up into his throat. It had been a while since she had deliberately seduced him but the results had been devastating. His mouth ran dry as he slowly scrambled backwards with his hammering heart in his throat and with Elizabeth dominating his field of vision. She was a goddess as she crawled up to him and smoothly straddled his hips. A knowing seductive look flared in her eyes as she ground her hips against the lump in his boxers.

“I thought it would be nice to have a memorable first night in our new bed, in our new home,” she smiled at him. Sean was too stunned to give a reply other than a whimper as she continued to gyrate in his lap. She gave a throaty chuckle that set all sorts of bells and shivers off rattling his spine. “I liked being on top this afternoon. I felt empowered. Told you I’d pin you again and I plan on capitalizing on the situation.” She leaned down and kissed him. Sean’s nerves blew a fuse at the sensations attacking him, the smell of her perfume, her lustful hips grinding into his manhood, the scrape of her bra on his bare chest, and her lips. God, her lips were so soft. Her tongue was liquid velvet as it slid into his mouth and he drank it in and caressed her tongue with his own as she towered over him.

Sean ran his fingers over her back as she held his face to hers. He delighted in the silky smooth feel of her skin and marveled at its texture as he always did. He found the clasp in the back and snapped it open. Elizabeth moaned into his mouth and put more pressure onto his groin. His hands slid from her back around to her front and relished the sheath of muscles he trained into her stomach. She pulled back and squeezed her breasts together with her upper arms as the strings of her bra slid over her shoulders, holding the delicate lacy cups in place. The sight made Sean’s heart lurch and his manhood strain with building pressure. His hands reached out to her but she batted them aside and smiled devilishly at him. She was going to be in control tonight. Sean lowered his hands and spanned her taut belly as he laid back and enjoyed himself. He was over the shock of the situation now, but still very much aroused.

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when I was saving for my first car in 1960 I often collected soda pop bottles as one could get as much as three cents back on some bottles and it was a handy way to get money. One of my favourite places was the local dance pavillion with its near by band stand where people liked to throw their bottles. I also,liked it because there were times when heavy rain, sudden violent electrical storms, even bitter blizzards in winter when ice fishing in the nearby lake needed shelter and it was easy to...

2 years ago
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Skin Deep

She was beautiful. Her skin was silky smooth, her hair a shiny and perfect black, in flowing locks. Her dazzling hazel eyes pierced your soul, and her lips were pouty without overdoing it. Having gotten to know her online before knowing what she looked like, I was glad; for truly, her beauty would have rendered me mute. It rendered me mute now, but since we'd agreed to meet here, she laughed - a sound like tinkling wind chimes - and spoke to me, shaking me out of my muteness. On our third...

1 year ago
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21Naturals Vanessa Decker Come in the Kitchen

Watch this beautiful, artfully shot erotic scene featuring two beautiful stars. Vanessa Decker is a beautiful brunette babe who wants to get taken completely by Max Fonda. Their love unfolds on the kitchen counter as he softly kisses her neck and perfect breasts. Then we move to the couch and see what a true babe Vanessa is, with a perfect bubble butt and toned skin. Max fingers, fucks and kisses her sweet wet pussy, doing everything a man would in order to make this orgasmic angel come again...

3 years ago
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sister named Revathi and she is my mom’s elder sister’s daughter. Since my parent often goes to native I sometimes go to her home for studying. Revathi have lost both her parents and my parents only take care of her but she wants to stay away from us so she is in separate house and she is doing her Bcom 2nd year whereas am doing my engineering 1st year. She is 1 year elder to me. She loves me very much as her younger brother and she have introduced me to all her friends as her own brother...

4 years ago
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First Time

"Oh my God... Oh my God!!" Instantly my heart is pounding and sweat is dripping from my face. I heard her only seconds before she entered the room. "Oh my God, what am I going to do?" My stomach aches; I can't breathe. "What are you doing?" she asks. I sit there on my knees with my feet tucked under the bed. I can't force any words out of my mouth. I think I'm going to throw up. She sees the anxiety on my face. "What are you hiding?" she asks suddenly in a voice that conveys both...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Keira Croft The Phone Sex Operator

Keira is super frustrated that her stepbrother Nathan keeps interfering with her work from home job as a phone sex operator by making way too much noise from his own room. Nathan claims it is to drown out her loud, fake orgasms. Convinced he wouldn’t know the difference between real or fake, Keira’s hands drift down her shorts and she entices him with a quick orgasm which he is convinced is real… when he discovers it isn’t, he challenges her to allow him to make her have...

3 years ago
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My Girls Night Out

I'm not such a good story teller, but the following is a true event and I thought I would give it a go.  I welcome your comments and constructive criticism.  Please do not duplicate without my persmission...   It was a rare night when both kids were gone and my girlfriend had invited me over for drinks and sitting in the hot tub.   I was looking forward to some good old fashioned girl time.   I grabbed my swimsuit and headed out the door. Emily was in the shower when I got to her...

3 years ago
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Journey OutwardChapter 44 Shuffle

We make our way out of the build now a party of 6 rather than the party of 5 we started with. Gunga din at point, Seth and Gun flanking me and our new friend. Camulus following behind. "Why the hell do I keep end up following you," he mumbles from his place in line. "Universe, likes me," I sing out. "Your universe can bite me," He grumbles. "Knock if off you two," Gunga Din says as we near the area where we last left the rest of the Protectors. But He keeps his tone light, he...

1 year ago
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Jessica meets Master M and Mistress V Part 2

Before reading you should read part one here: (if you haven't already)Now we can resume:As Jessica ate Mistress V's wet, cum-filled pussy Master M was looking on enjoying the show and watching his wife moan in pleasure. Once Jessica had cleaned up all of M's cum, she continued to eat out V's dripping cunt, until she once again felt Mistress V's hand tap her on the shoulder: "Sweetie, I want you to stop, but only because I need to feel you...

2 years ago
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The business trip to Butte, Montana brought them together. They brought overnight bags with them. Their meeting would last into the second day. As he drove across a bridge they watched a flock of Canada geese standing on the riverbank watching the water flowing by. He said, "Geese." "Mmmm, Will you be seeing her?" "What?" "Lynn. Will you be stopping by to see her while we're here?" He downshifted as they came into town and rolled up to a stoplight. He glanced at her, then turned...

1 year ago
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Reddit Collared, aka r/Collared! Do you like chicks with collars, leashes, chokers, and similar crap? Well, somebody with the same kink decided to make a subreddit called r/collared/, where all that shit is allowed. There are some rules that he or she explained on the side of, but I shall go over those a bit later in this review. It is straightforward; if you think you’d appreciate chicks in such settings to wear collars or different shit around their neck, you might want to check...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Freeze FrameChapter 9

I woke up with Caitlyn still asleep on top of me, I also had a splitting headache. Much as I hated to wake her, she looked so cute curled up against me, but I needed some water and some painkillers. I decide to wake her in the right way by gently stroking her tail which had wrapped itself around my arms, and giving her a kiss on the forehead. She slowly came awake with a slightly purring sigh, "Mmrrrrrrmm," she said then becoming more aware of her self, "OW my head! Ohh I feel like I'm...

3 years ago
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The Date

Peter looked across the room, for perhaps the fiftieth time that afternoon. He attempted to hide his gaze by putting his hand across his forehead as if he was in deep thought. As subtle and as artful as he thought his surreptitious look was, his action was not lost on Andrea. She turned her head, letting the sheer sides of her blond hair flick across her face as she looked across the room towards his table. She was most careful not to look directly at him, instead letting her eyes sweep across...

2 years ago
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Sarahs StoryChapter 4 Sarah meets someone new

It had been six months since my divorce with Leonard was final. I just couldn't believe him not wanting his own kids. I'd gone on with my life but I know the loss of my baby will always be with me. My business was really doing well and I hired a woman to work with me. She had degrees in investments and was a great help. She worked on commission but I did start her out on a salary till she would be able to build up her accounts. It was nice having someone to talk to on a regular basis. She...

3 years ago
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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 12 Arsenal IV

After we had triaged the wounded and contacted the Union Carriers, the news spread fast. There was an intense but very short space battle. The Na tribe and their closest allies had used their ships to bring the non-Dai troops to Thana Shoo, with many Muta-Kerr and Shiruti still in the ships. They were intended to take over the mothers and battleships of the non-compliant tribes. The Dai were fired up with anger and flew their fighters with a merciless vengeance. However, the true difference...

3 years ago
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Life With The ParkersChapter 3 Preparation

For the next several days, the girls took turns reading the books before daddy got home. They would talk about what they had read and what to do with daddy. They certainly didn't talk to their friends about it. Tuesday night, after their showers, they met in Chrissie's room to go over their plans. "Reading these books makes my pussy itch and get all wet," said Chrissie. "That just means they make you horny," said Beth. "You just started with your periods two months ago." "Yea,...

2 years ago
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Lets Have a Threesome

It is a cold and blustery day and it is snowing out. I decide to call my friend Jayne and my friend Mark. They come over and we decide to watch a movie and have drinks. We put the movie in and start to watch it. About an hour later, we are all pretty drunk and feeling good. We start talking about things and we decide that we want to all get together and have a threesome. We all take each other clothes off slowly enjoying each others bodies, looking and dreaming of playing together. Mark...

1 year ago
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Playing ballball

One day I went to the park to play some basketball with some of my friends. I was running late because I overslept. I throw on some basketball shorts and a tank top.My… One day I went to the park to play some basketball with some of my friends. I was running late because I overslept. I throw on some basketball shorts and a tank top.My friends blew my phone calls and text messages. We were supposed to be there around 3 and I showed up around 415. They were all there playing. When they...

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Ai Kawaii as sweet slave

At the end of last issue I left my readers with a thrilling cliffhanger and very difficult choiceAi Kawaii is deeply sedated in bed and tied up with ankles to wrists at both bed posts: all open!On offer for me are two tight holy holes of her: her hymen intact, her sphinxter never penetratedOn offer for me are also her small bums both firm tight - a bottom begging for some sexy spankingIn her sedated state I make her come from my licks and kisses at her slit and clit both swollen nowIn her first...

3 years ago
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Caught In A Girls School Summer Dress part

If you've read the first two chapters, scroll down or read again.As I came down the staircase I heard a key turning in the front door, thinking it must be one of my sisters back from University, for the weekend, I carried on bouncing down each riser so the skirt of my dress would lift up. My mum had left me a note saying she would be home late tonight, so I had the whole evening to dress as I pleased, I wouldn't have minded being caught dressed by Mrs White, from next door, she had seen me in...

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A Good Workout

“Hey. I notice you have a nice little workout routine,” said a feminine voice. “Mind if I join you? You could be my physical trainer and, maybe, give me some tips that will help me keep in shape.”Glancing back over my shoulder, I saw Trisha standing at the open gate that separated our back yards. The tiny young black woman wore a white outfit that consisted of a cotton tank top and the tightest pair of shorts I’d ever seen. I don’t know what turned me on more about her get-up; the way the white...

First Time
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PureTaboo Jaye Summers The Bad Uncle

Her father’s buddy for years, ‘Uncle Joe’ (Charles Dera) has watched the girl (Jaye Summers) grow up and, now that she is of legal age, his fondness for her has become an obsession. Every time he is over at the house, he gets distracted by her teen body and how much he’d like to take advantage of it. But, he can’t do anything while her dad’s around. Joe comes up with a plan to take the girl away for the weekend to his ranch house – as a high school...

2 years ago
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Friends with Great benefits

Like I was telling you in my other story, I had met Randy. He was a young hunk that cruised the strip and ran his car fast to show off. We would hook up now and then and the sex was always amazing. He was living with his Mom at the time, mainly due to money situations. I had met her and we got along great, so it was nothing for me to stop by. He worked on my car for me at times. So for us to head out to the garage was nothing new either. I had a more than annoying friend named Terry who was...

2 years ago
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Back to Him Ch 0103

Chapter 1 Doesn’t every person you meet leave a mark on your life? How much more a person you pledge your life to and then lived with for two years? How do you forget about someone like that? Joanie woke up in the morning her head full of curly question marks. How many years of separation for each year of marriage? One year wasn’t enough. Would she ever forget? The memory of Lawrence was stronger than usual. When the divorce finalized in two weeks, they’d go their separate ways. Lawrence could...

2 years ago
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Franks Decision

Debbie was a slut. She'd been one the entire time I'd known her and that had been almost ten years. Since the eleventh grade. For some strange reason known only to God my wife Tammy and Debbie have become best friends. Even though Debbie was a round heeled slut I'd never fucked her. Not that I didn't want to because the girl was hot! Seriously hot!! But just before I turned sixteen my dad sat me down and talked about the facts of life. Not the birds and bees talk, but about life. The good,...

3 years ago
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Turned The Driver Gay 8211 Part VI

I am in the centre and Sonu and Lucky are on my either sides, Lucky’s first full blown sexual experience, and Sonu’s first threesome experience, I can see 2 hunky Sardars sleeping soundly besides me and I did not know when it became morning as we were pretty tired from the other nights escapades, this was supposedly my last day here and we would have to leave tomorrow back to Delhi. My heart sank at the thought of losing the company of my 2 splendid hunks who have found their new found fame and...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Starting the new year off with a bang

I awoke at ten on New Year’s morning. The sun was peeking through the windows but that didn't wake me. I woke because my man’s hard cock was pressed against my ass. I was still a mess from the New Years Eve sex we'd had which was awesome as always. I let him enter me and spoon snuggle fuck me till I felt him unload deep inside me. After he withdrew, I felt him kiss me on the neck and then he got out of bed leaving me there to feel his cum drip out or me. I'd been happy to have a sort of boring...

Straight Sex
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The Reunion of Surrender Exerpt One

Jane was working late in the news office one Friday night. She knew it was lame to be working at the paper on a Friday night rather than out and about on the town, but as normal, she felt more safe hiding behind her words and her horn-rimmed glasses then sipping sodas at the mall with all the other kids. The faculty advisor had left about an hour ago and the janitor had just poked his head in to tell her he was leaving and make sure she had her key to lock up. One of the perks of being the...

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I get hired as handyman

What does a reasonably active professional man of 60, full head of hair and reasonably libido do when made redundant? In my case it was a case of being realistic and finding any job that pays the bills. So when I saw this ad for a mature concierge porter/handyman, I thought why not?’ After submitting the application I was invited to be interviewed by the ‘property management committee’. As I entered the old upmarket Edwardian mansion block in the suburbs I was met by a smartly dressed lady but...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Janice Griffith Persuasive Beauty

Blonde bombshell Janice Griffith is bent on seduction with her super skinny body clad in a sheer pink bra and barely-there thong. When she struts up to Johnny Castle in her high heels, he knows that it’s time to stop getting ready for work and to start pleasuring the willing woman in his bed. Starting with a series of lusty kisses, Johnny gradually works his way down Janice’s body. Her bra is soon pulled down as Johnny unveils her full boobs. When he pulls Janice’s thong aside...

3 years ago
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Johns Eyes Are Opened

I don’t know when it started. Maybe it was something I was born with. Maybe, the race is evolving. In my case, by the time I was thirteen I knew two things about it for sure: First, I liked taking those steamy group showers when PE class was over because I got to be naked somewhere with other people – even if it was all other guys. Second, I realized I had to keep that fact a secret, because ‘everybody knew’ queers were less than human. At the same time, I enjoyed as much as any of my friends...

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The Holiday that changes us Part 1

? stano come una piccola decisione possa portare a grandi "cambiamenti". Tutto ? iniziato qualche mese fa. Ero in un centro commerciale con mia moglie e dopo aver pagato la spesa, la cassiera ci ha dato una cartolina per un concorso a premi. Il primo premio era un viaggio su un'isola nell'Oceano Pacifico in un resort esclusivo. Visto che non avevamo particolarmente fretta, compilammo la cartolina con i nostri dati e la imbucammo senza sperarci troppo. Alcuni giorni passarono e ri...

2 years ago
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wild group

Having found myself visiting saunas, read my 1st story, I became a bit of a regular and some of the ones in my nearby city.I kept hearing about a small, select, sauna a bit further out. It had 'mature' days and everytime I heard a story from someone I thought 'this is the place I need to be'.It took some arranging, moving things around so I had a free mid week day.It was sorted and filled with excitment I made my way there.It was indeed a small place, having been used to the big city two floor...

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The Script

June opened the envelope because it had her name on it. That was unusual for an envelope that looked like business post; those were always addressed to David. The other thing that made it stand out was its size, a bulky A4 envelope, more like a mail order magazine than a letter.She slit it open and dumped the contents on the kitchen table. A CD and a thick pile of printed paper with a covering letter from some legal firm.She sat down suddenly, shocked, unable to breathe, unable to focus.It took...

Wife Lovers
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Tom Meets New Friends in the Sauna

If you are looking for well-written pros, them my stories are not for you. They are based on the things I have fantasised about throughout my life so are not meant to be realistic or factual. They are about good, hardcore sex, not romance and so are meant to be fanciful and raunchy; even ‘raw’. If it can happen in porn films it can happen in my stories so don’t read them and then leave smart arse comments about what teens do and don’t say or 10-inch cocks being ridiculous (Google Jonah...

2 years ago
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Cyber Dog

Professor Carl Davis was proud of his invention. It had taken the man a mere three years of trouble and toil to create the body, but will all living things; the body is but a shell. It was another ten before he managed to bring the semi-sentient AI on line. Working in his basement, keeping the project a secret at least until he was sure of results lest he loose his job at Ravensmoor University, Professor Davis laboured almost non-stop until the day of the break through. In a sudden burst of...

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