- 2 years ago
- 29
- 0
At a quarter till six, dusk was already falling. Brian was walking Cassie home from the ball field where her daughter had just played. Cassie and Nicci were kind of new in the town and Nicci had gone home to spend the night with her own new friend. She only lived a block away but he really wanted to spend more time with her. They were laughing a little self consciously, the way two people do when they are first getting to be comfortable with each other. They didn't notice anything out of the ordinary when the van pulled up.
The man riding in the passenger's seat called out amiably, "Hey, can you tell us how to get to Camp Street?"
Brian had lived in the area longer and he stepped closer, already gesturing into the distance
Suddenly, the side door on the van slid open and two men stepped out, both holding guns, pointing at Brian and Cassie.
The passenger said, "Get in quietly and no one will get hurt."
Cassie froze in terror, eyes wide and white.
The man grinned down at her in the most maniacal way she'd ever seen, showing all his teeth in a horrible sneer. "I might even get around to committing another crime while you're here, darling."
Another man reached out and roughly pulled Cassie into the van and as they were shoved inside, the fourth man put a hood over each head. There were no seats in the back of the van and Cassie stumbled when she was pushed inside. When they'd taken away her sight, her terror rose and she scrambled up against one wall, drawing herself into a tight ball.
They rode for only a very short time and, although she had completely lost her sense of direction, Cassie felt sure they were still in town. It was fully dark now, she could see that much under the bottom of the hood.
When they stopped, she felt strong, rough hands pull her out and lead her away from the van. She noticed first grass, then a sidewalk, then three uneven steps. A disgustingly filthy smell assaulted her nostrils as someone pushed her into a house. It felt hot and musty like it had been closed up for a very long time with rotting garbage left inside.
She was shuffled through the house then almost brutally slammed against a wall and told to sit.
"It's hard to breathe under these sacks," Brian spoke up.
"No one asked you," one of the men answered.
"Go ahead and take them off," the leader intervened. "We may be in for a little wait. Don't want to kill you if I don't have to."
Cassie was almost afraid to move, terrified at what she might see, but she slowly pushed the fabric up off her face. The cooler air hitting her felt immediately better but the smell was suddenly much worse. Nauseating.
She looked around slowly - her eye for detail noting everything.
They were sitting on the soiled carpet, backs against two walls that formed a corner. The carpet was threadbare and stained so badly it was slick and shiny. The house was obviously vacant although the power was still on. The room was dim, lit by a single naked bulb hanging near the far corner where the captors were congregated.
Cassie watched the men carefully, trying to figure out what they wanted. Especially the one that she considered their leader. Eventually she heard one of his buddies call him Randy. To her, he looked more like a charming used-car salesman. He was a handsome man and very charismatic. His eyes gave him away. They were open just a little too wide for a completely sane person. He looked like he was hyped on crystal meth or he was a paranoid schizophrenic. Either way, that meant he was unpredictable.
She wished she'd worn jeans today instead of this short sundress. They kept staring at her and she was continually fighting to tug it down just a little further. She sat cross-legged up close to Brian and kept her mouth closed.
Randy had a cell phone and he used it to notify the sheriff's department of his hostages and his demands. He didn't tell him exactly how many were in the house. He just named a figure and gave a time limit of 18 hours, which would be noon the next day. He said that when the time limit expired, he would shoot a hostage every half-hour till he got what he wanted. He really didn't want to have to do that - it would cut a big chunk out of his profit. He hung up quickly.
"Might as well take a nap, guys," he told them. "Seems like we'll have a bit of a wait."
Nothing further happened for the next five hours. Tension was so thick in the room that Cassie felt her muscles turn to stone. She kept shifting positions, trying to stretch and relieve the ache but nothing seemed to work. They were encouraged to talk but Cassie didn't feel much like talking. Rage was lurking just below the surface and she didn't think it would be too smart to let it escape. Besides, she had nothing to say. Making pleasant small talk was just not an appropriate thing to do at this time.
Brian had been a soldier, she already knew that. In their lowest tones, they were weighing their odds of escape. "If you get a chance to try, take it without hesitating," he told her. "You can bring back help, understand?"
She nodded, wondering if that meant he'd leave without her if he got the chance.
At midnight, Randy made a quick call to check the progress of his expected pay-off. Just before he hung up, he said, "Well, shit!"
When he put the phone down, he strolled across the room and knelt down right in front of Cassie.
"Got some said news for you, baby," he told her with an evil grin. "The cops said they can't find where you have any family to contact. I guess that means when the time comes, I get to shoot you first." It was as if he craved the fear that would cause.
Instead, Cassie's fear had begun to turn to anger hours ago. She'd been on her own too long to let fear turn her into a jellyfish and now this man was threatening to take away the new wonderful life she'd just begun.
"I'm not scared of you," she said coolly.
For just one second, there was a flash of surprise and anger in his face. His need was to be fully in control, to have other people quaking in awe at his power. The moment passed and he laughed a harsh, menacing sound that made her want to turn away.
"You will be though," he promised Cassie. "It just became my main purpose in life to make sure are." He patted her cheek and turned away. The look in his eyes made her blood run cold.
"Don't confront him like that," Brian warned her in a whisper. "He's not playing with a full deck, sweetheart."
But she'd set her jaw. "The worst he can do is kill me."
Brian sighed at her belligerent tone. "No, it's not," he said.
She fell silent, her mind racing, looking for something to do to save herself. It was very difficult to concentrate when she needed to go to the bathroom as bad as she did now. She asked Brian what she should do. Turned out, he had to go too.
"Is there a bathroom here we can use?" he asked. The captors glared at his boldness but figured it might not be a good request to refuse. It would only make the smell worse.
Randy delegated the duty to one of the other guys. "Take them one at a time and don't let them close the door all the way."
The youngest guy Kevin, seemed not quite as cocky as the others, was given the task. He took Brian first, since he'd asked. When they returned a few minutes later, he asked, "Who's next?"
Cassie stood up, feeling unused muscles creak.
He walked behind her down the short dark hallway. It was very eerie because the walls were painted black throughout the house. The bathroom was a horror and there was again only one small bulb burning over the sink. It cast looming shadows in the corners.
As soon as she entered, she saw what she was looking for. A window at the end of the room opposite the door. Now if she could just manage a little bit of privacy.
When she entered, she pushed the door closed just like she would've done under any normal circumstance. This time however, her guard caught the door just before it shut, leaving an unacceptably wide opening.
"Please?" she asked in her most appealing helpless voice.
"You heard Randy."
"But you can give me a little more privacy. At least turn around, okay?"
For some reason that voice always had the desired effect on men. It melted them and rarely failed to get her what she wanted.
His compromise was to keep the door open only wide enough to get his hand inside and cover the lock. As an unhoped for courtesy, he did turn away.
Trying to make it seem an innocuous as possible, Cassie really did take the time to use the toilet. She was surprised to find dusty toilet paper on a roll but not surprised at how rank and foul the room was.
While she used it, she got a closer look at the window just above her head. The lock was broken, which was a good thing. The bad thing was that she would have to climb up on the toilet unnoticed to get out. She wasn't sure if her guard might be peeking at her or not, but if he did, her plan was moot.
When she stood up to pull her panties up, she reached out quickly and quietly to test the window. She was amazed to find it swung out sideways. She'd noticed too that all the other windows she'd seen were covered with thick black tar paper. This one was not... maybe in a past attempt to air it out?
"Hurry up!" her guard called. He'd heard her moving.
"I am. I want to wash my hands." Whether there was water or not, she had no idea but she had to buy some time to get her nerve up.
She moved closer to the door and examined its lock. Though badly tarnished, it was a standard indoor lock, the kind you pushed in and twisted. His hand pressed against it.
It was now or never. She kicked the door with all her strength and the man howled, jerking his hand away reflexively. She shoved the door closed and turned the lock in one swift motion.
As she scrambled onto the toilet, she could hear shouting and running in the hallway. She heard someone slam against the fragile pressboard door as she pushed herself through the tiny window. Just as she realized she was going headfirst into some overgrown shrubs, the door burst in behind her, but she was outside.
"Shit!" someone yelled behind her. "Randy! She got out the window, man!"
A brief instant flashed and she wondered what Brian would think of her actions. That she was brave or just stupid?
The yard was rocky and overgrown and it slowed her down until she cursed out loud. Her mind was working faster than her feet, trying to figure out where she should go. If she stopped to pound on a neighbor's door, most likely Randy or one of his men would catch her there. She could already hear the scrambling of someone coming out after her.
"You bitch!" Randy's voice called, much closer to her than she had estimated. "When I catch you, you're really going to wish you hadn't done that!"
His inevitable nearness made her decide quickly not to try to keep silent. She started screaming as loud as she could, calling for help.
She came to the edge of a large yard or vacant lot, she wasn't sure, but it seemed there was nothing past it - no lights, no buildings, nothing. Just as she checked back over her shoulder, realizing she'd made a disastrous error in coming this way, a huge weight slammed into her and knocked her to the ground.
In the darkness, she felt jagged rocks tear her hands and arms and she tasted dirt. Randy's body pinned her down and no matter how she struggled, she couldn't budge him at all. She continued to try to kick and punch him, but he grabbed both her arms and held them, bruising her skin.
"I should kill you now!" he panted with chilling amusement in his tone. "But I have something much more fun in mind!"
Cassie had frozen at the pure evil of his voice and it terrified her. She fought him harder than ever but his muscles were like iron.
"Stop it!" he laughed again and his laughter was the scariest thing of all. She couldn't stop though, Randy finally sighed in exasperation and punched her in the face with his fist. She went out like a light.
He stopped for a moment, partly to catch his breath, partly to listen and see if anyone was coming out to see what was going on. A couple of lights had come on as they'd run past.
"Stupid bitch!" he called her again as he picked her limp body up and tossed it over his shoulder. "Gotta fucking carry your ass now!"
One of the other guys saw him coming up the walk and opened the door for him. They'd ripped a small piece of the black paper out of the front window to be a peephole when they first arrived. From the outside, the house still looked unoccupied.
Randy entered and dumped Cassie's body on the floor right at Brian's feet. Her dress had come up and the other guys were staring intently at the tiny white bikini panties she wore.
"Wake her up," Randy ordered. "I ain't done with her yet."
At first sight, Brain had been afraid she was dead. There was blood down both arms, skin off at both knees and her face clearly showed swelling and a cut beside her lip. She looked like the corpse of someone who'd been beaten to death.
Brian patted her cheek and called her name. She woke quickly with a jump and a cry, immediately trying to pull away from the hands that worked on her.
"Cassie! Cassie!" Brian called, pulling her close to him despite her efforts. "It's me, baby. Stop fighting us!"
When she recognized them, she slumped limply and grabbed her head. The world seemed to be spinning around her. "Where... ?" she moaned.
She didn't get a chance to finish her question before Randy leaped at her. He knelt down and shouted right in her face, making her flinch and pull back.
"I guess I didn't hit you hard enough to kill you!" he yelled. "I should've knocked your fucking head off! That was the most stupid thing I ever saw!"
"You wouldn't kill me," she whispered where only he could hear. "You want the money too bad."
For a moment, Randy was stunned right into silence, then he started that horrible laughter again. "I like you, little girl. You got balls." He was quite unused to having anyone talk back to him. "But I can't let you get away with this or somebody else will be wanting to try stupid shit."
He snatched her up by the arm and dragged her towards the hallway.
"No!" Brian called out involuntarily.
One of the others pointed a gun in his direction and asked calmly, "You got something to say, big guy?"
He reluctantly sat back and closed his mouth. His death wouldn't save her.
Cassie weakly tried to pull away from Randy but she was still very dizzy from being knocked unconscious. His grip hurt her arm.
They went past the bathroom on to the farthest bedroom at the back of the house. Very little light came from the hallway but enough for Cassie to see it was just a large empty room. Randy shoved her roughly inside, making sure she fell onto the dirty floor. He didn't bother to shut the door behind himself.
Time became very distorted for Cassie then. It appeared to slow down so that everything moved in slow motion but at the same time, it sped up so quickly that she hardly had time to realize what was happening.
Randy stripped her panties off her and pushed the thin dress up around her waist. She screamed for him to stop and tried to fight him off. She never had a chance against his size. He unzipped, pulled himself out and without any lubrication, he forced his way inside her. Cassie screamed in sheer agony now. He was larger than average and she was much smaller. It felt as though she was being ripped open with a hot metal rod. It burned and it tore and he was ruthless.
"Damn girl! You got the tightest little pussy I ever been in. It's as tight as a twelve year old!" He kept pumping and grunting and calling her names.
Cassie fought and cried the whole time, screaming until she ran out of breath and could only lie there gasping. Thankfully her struggling had excited him all the more and he came quickly. When he pulled out of her, he had not even broken a sweat. She curled up in a fetal ball and rolled away from him.
He used her white panties to wipe the blood off himself, ignoring her for the time being. She felt unconsciousness trying to claim her again and was torn between giving in to its peace or exploding into a screaming rage.
When he turned his attention back to her, he leaned over and whispered, "I bet you're a great fuck when you want to be." He drew back and slapped her bare ass loudly. "Get yourself cleaned up."
For the first time, she thought of the others. Surely they'd heard it all. They knew what she'd just had done to her. Her face burned with shame.
"Can I go to the bathroom?" she asked, avoiding his eyes.
'Sure," he laughed. He stood and pulled her to her feet with one solid tug. She took the bloodied panties and went into the hall. When she stepped into the bathroom and started to close the door behind her, he laughed again. He stood just inside the door with her.
"Like I'm going to let you do that again! I'd fuck you again in a minute but I ain't chasing you down for it."
She couldn't stop the quiet flow of embarrassed tears that wet her cheeks now as she fumbled to wipe away the blood and semen. It seemed no matter what she did, she couldn't get the smell of him off her. He kept up a stream of crude remarks the whole time.
When she was finished, she washed her hands and started to go out past him. He grabbed her, one hand behind her head and one on her chin, and kissed her hard and fast on the lips, forcing his tongue into her mouth.
It took her so much by surprise that she didn't even think to pull away and it was over before she could act. She stared at him in blank shock until he grinned at her. Cassie slapped him hard across the face.
He caught her hand as she drew back. It had only been a reflex action but she was suddenly afraid it would cost her her life.
"What are you trying to do, baby? Get me excited again?"
Gritting her teeth, she pushed around him, back towards the main room, hearing his laugh echo in her ears.
She returned to where she'd sat most of the night beside Brian but she wouldn't get close to him now. She felt dirty. She didn't want anyone to touch her.
"I'm sorry," he leaned down and whispered. She felt all the eyes in the room were on her.
"For what?" she said bitterly. "You didn't do anything."
"That's what I'm sorry for," he said. "That I couldn't stop it."
Cassie just shook her head. There was nothing to say about it. It had happened, it was over, it was her's to deal with. She closed her eyes and tried not to hear Randy bragging to his buddies.
She awoke abruptly to the sound of someone pounding on the door. Her whole body was sore and stiff and she inhaled sharply when she pushed herself to a sitting position.
Joe was watching through the small hole that faced the driveway. He hissed, "Fuck, Randy! It's the cops!"
"Ah, hell," Randy sighed, hardly seeming upset at all. He got up, cocking his gun, and paused to point an accusing finger at Cassie. "This is all your fault."
She was barely awake enough to understand what was happening, much less why she was being threatened again. The seam of Brian's jeans had left a print on her cheek.
There was another pounding and Randy yelled, "I'm coming! Hold your ass!"
"Open up! Police!"
"Don't make a sound!" he warned them in a whisper. To his guys, he said, "If the cops start in or if any of them makes a sound or a move, blow them all away!"
Randy opened the door a tiny crack, keeping the gun drawn in his right hand out of the cop's sight behind the door.
"Yeah, Officer," he asked sleepily, "What's up?"
"We are searching for a some people who committed a crime early in the evening. There were reports of some screaming on this street and we are checking out the neighborhood. We'd like to come inside and check, if you don't object. When did you move in? This house is still listed as being vacant."
"Just today," he answered. "We're just getting settled in."
"Well, welcome to the neighborhood, but I hope you don't mind if we come in and have a look around?"
This cop was on the porch alone and Randy could see another figure standing back beside the car.
Randy blocked the door and said without a trace of sleep, "Actually Officer, I do mind. Do you have a search warrant?"
Immediately the cop became suspicious. This guy was hiding something.
"I don't have one, no. I was just asking for your cooperation. Although I can get one very easily and be back in an hour. Would you prefer to wait?"
"Why do you want to hassle me, man? I just moved in, my family's in here asleep. Hell, I don't even know if you're a real cop. You could be some criminal pulling a scam. Cops don't normally search houses at 4am."
"Want to see my badge?" the cop asked. "Would that make any difference?"
Randy seemed to pause to consider the idea, then he answered, "Yeah. Yeah, that might."
The cop pulled a credit card-sized ID holder from his back pocket and took a step closer to the door, holding it out for Randy to examine. At that moment, Randy pulled his hand from behind the door, pointed the gun directly at the cop's face and squeezed the trigger. He was dead before his corpse hit the pavement. Randy laughed and slammed the door.
"What the hell did you do that for, asshole?" Jimmy asked. Cassie had come to the conclusion that he was second in charge.
"What? He's got on body armor. I had to shoot him in the face."
"No! Why'd you shoot him at all?"
Randy shrugged nonchalantly. "He'd have just come right back with more of them."
"Like that other one out there isn't calling in more of them right now?" Jimmy reasoned. "That was stupid!"
Randy only laughed. "It won't turn out any different. Anyhow, killing people makes me so damn horny!"
Cassie jerked her head up when he said that and found him staring directly at her.
"Back to the important stuff," he smiled at Cassie. He reached down to take her arm but she snatched it out of his grasp.
He hesitated and sighed, "I think we need a lesson about who's in charge." He stepped closer to her and grabbed a fistful of her long hair. If she'd not scrambled to her feet, he would have dragged her down the hall. She tried to fight him but it hurt so much that she had no choice to go with him.
Things began differently for Cassie this time. Randy shoved her into the back bedroom but this time he turned on the overhead light and he pushed the door closed.
"I like women with fire," he began, "But what I like most is putting the fire out. It's not that I want to break that spirit, I just want it to know who controls it."
"In the situation we are in, you can do pretty much whatever you want to do to me," she said, trying not to let any fear show. "But you'll never control what's inside me. You'll never change the loathing and disgust I have for you. You will never make me tolerate what you are."
"We'll see," he smiled. "Take the panties off."
She stood defiantly, amazed at her own nerve. "No," she whispered.
It was a contest of will for only a moment, both of them staring eye to eye. Randy was very impressed with her courage but was also beginning to get annoyed. He raised the hand that held the gun and pointed it straight at her face.
Cassie stood less than a foot from the barrel, her eyes going from the gun to his face and back. Should she let her life end this way trying to protect her dignity? Was it worth never seeing her daughter again? Making the little girl grow up with no family in the world? A tear trickled down her cheek.
No. It was not.
She started to reach down but Randy stopped her. "Too late, baby. I don't repeat myself and I don't play games."
Her eyes widened in sudden paralyzing panic. She'd pushed him too far and was about to lose everything! She screamed "No!" when she saw his finger twitch.
The gunshot was so loud her ears hurt. Everything seemed muffled, like in a room padded for acoustics. She was frozen but strangely she felt no pain. As the echo began to fade from the room, she opened her eyes. Randy stood in exactly the same spot but the gun was turned a few degrees to her right. He'd fired just over her shoulder.
Tears began to stream down her face and the sounds she made were part sobs, part manic relief. She was shaking so badly that she dropped to the floor.
Randy pushed her back to lie flat and ripped the panties down her legs, amazed that she hadn't pissed herself. He'd seen grown men do that before when they thought they were dead. He climbed on top of her and pinned her to the floor.
"I don't play games, little girl. Do you think you might remember that now?"
Cassie nodded her head in a frantic, jerking motion.
"Good. Now quit the blubbering and pay attention to me, okay?"
Another nod.
"Take a deep breath," he instructed, breathing deeply to demonstrate. She did it. "And another."
After five of these, she felt her heart beginning to return to its normal beat. Her mind still whirled madly.
"Now, I'm going to show you just how much control I have over you, baby." His eyes had gone to that lusty, half-lidded way and she felt him growing hard against her, pressing into her.
"Please don't hurt me," she sighed, hating herself for that pleading tone in her voice. Fear had her fully in its grip now.
"That's all up to you," he said, his breath coming harder now. He had started kissing her neck and shoulders. "I'm just going to prove to you that you have no control whatsoever here with me."
What scared her most now was that she knew he was right about that. He was already causing her skin to break out in chills because of the subtle nibbling on the side of her neck. He was being surprisingly gentle, tender, and she fought with all her might to resist any feeling of arousal.
He let one hand run down her side to her warm thigh and then shifted his weight so he could push the hem of her dress up. She didn't even think of the gun that he'd laid aside.
Cassie whimpered, biting her lip as she felt his fingers brush lightly against the closely trimmed hair down there. They tickled her for a moment, then separated the lips which had already begun to get puffy despite all her efforts to the contrary. A hard finger ran firmly from the bottom to her clit at the top.
"Hmmm," he whispered in a teasing tone, "My little prisoner is getting turned on?"
She shook her head in denial and cried, "No," very softly.
He leered. "You can say that all you want but all this wetness down here is saying a lot more." He continued to stroke the clit adding a bit more pressure, causing her to squirm beneath him.
"Mmmm, I like that! I bet you're amazing in bed when you want to be. I bet you're a regular slut, aren't you?"
"No!" she said, "no..." but it trailed off weakly.
"A nasty little slut," he repeated, relishing the sound of it. "To be getting so turned on. Maybe this kind of danger gets you hot? Maybe getting shot at makes you want to cum?"
"Please," she whined and it was unclear what she was asking for.
He pushed his long middle finger deep inside her causing her to gasp and arch her back.
"The little slut likes this, yes," he smiled, feeling like he was going to burst, he was getting so hard. He inserted a second finger and she grimaced.
"It hurts," she said anxiously.
"From before," he confirmed, "But at least you're nice and wet now. It won't be so bad this time. I bet you taste so good."
He pulled the fingers up and brought his hand to his face. Thick, clear fluid covered the first two fingers, making a glistening web between them. Instead of tasting them, he put his fingers to Cassie's mouth. He rubbed them over her lips while she tried to twist her head away.
"Don't fight me," he warned and she was immediately still. He pushed the fingers into her mouth.
"Lick them," a long sigh, then, "Suck them."
Cassie obeyed, trying not to gag. She tasted cigarettes and metal from the gun and she tasted herself.
Randy slowly withdrew the fingers and put them back to her pussy, pushing hard inside.
"Now I get to taste," he told her. She assumed he would suck his own fingers but instead he put his mouth on hers, driving his tongue into her mouth and licking around her lips.
"Oh yeah, just like I thought."
He began to move the fingers in and out of her now and he let the ball of his thumb rest against her clit. With each thrust in, it was pressed firmly and rhythmically.
"Give me your cum, little slut," he urged. "Give me that orgasm that's just dying to get out."
Cassie had clenched her eyes shut and was trying to get her mind on anything except the feeling between her legs. But she couldn't. It was building, getting stronger. She wanted to die before she wanted to cum for him and that was way too much of a possibility.
"Cum on baby, give it to me. Your body knows what it wants. Your body knows who it is going to obey. Don't try to fight it. Let go. Accept it."
I had watched my Mum spanking Jack when he was stark naked. Jack was the boy next door and in the last story I was punished when Mum found out how I had made him come all over the wall and carpet after his spanking. My mum worked as a volunteer at the local library each Saturday morning so Jack made his excuses at home and snuck round to my house. We’d both found the spankings a real turn on, and I knew where Mum kept all the implements she’d used on us both.We couldn’t decide who would spank...
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xmoviesforyou"What time is it, Jess?" He cleared his throat. He had just decided on the Egyptian Red lipstick, and glanced at the dresser mirror before answering. Every step of the process was exhilarating, but every choice - from what color lipstick to how he should toss his hair, made him a little anxious. He looked at his full mouth, the crimson dress he wore, and then at the reflection of the alarm clock across the room. "Quarter to six," he answered, looking over at her. Sarah was...
"What's next, Mac?" Judge Harry T. Stone twirled his gavel idly as the two hookers were taken away to the lockup. "Last one of the night, your Honor," the court clerk said, slipping the folder in front of the judge. "Public indecency." "I always like to go out with a bang, Mac," the judge said. "OK, Dan, what have we got here? Buns on the run? Or the whole hot dog?" "More like a cocktail frank from the looks of him," the assistant district attorney said, approaching the bench....
"Fucking slut."I was in trouble. When He told me to think about what I had done all day and that He would talk to me when I got home, I knew my punishment would be bad. When I got home He met me at the door and instructed me to strip. "You were a bad girl. You will be punished. Repeat." He said."I was a bad girl and I will be punished." I repeated quietly, looking down. He then led me to a chair and told me to bend over. When I did He bent out my elbow and said, "Don't move, Slut.""Yes,...
BDSMI ran out the door and followed her down the road. Becky could run faster than me and I could only hope to keep her in sight until she stopped. I finally caught up to her sitting under the big cottonwood tree next to the pond. Tears were streaming down her face and she wouldn’t look at me. “Becky, honey, are you okay?” Through her sobbing she muttered “I don’t know”. Finally, she turned and looked at me, wiping the tears from her eyes. “Am I just a fuck toy for you; someone you keep around...
------------- Ruslan (short blonde hair, 6'7'') - Leader Serafima (dark red head) - support/medical Karina (blonde Hair) - Sharpshooter sniper Timur (Dark hair 5'2''} - computer/hacker expert Egor- Electronics expert Stas - Explosives expert Pibald group ------------ Evelyn (Auburn hair) - Leader former wife of General Gance/sniper Christine/Chris (blonde) - personal combat expert- Evelyn's daughter Trina (red head) - Tall muscular, armed combat, Chris's lover Betty (Dark...
It was a hot Saturday summer night, and Vincent had agreed to babysit his neighbors’ two daughters, Sarah and Amy. Their parents were going out to dinner and a movie for the night, and Vincent needed the money badly. “It won’t be that bad,” he thought as he rode his bike over to their house, binder in hand. “I’ll just do some homework, watch a little tv, and mooch their fridge. And they have that bitchin’ AC, so I can cool my ass off. Shit, it’s hot.” The night was starting not to seem so...
To all my readers... I wanted to thank Julie Van, CurtB, and Jim H. for inviting me into their writing group. The main body is mine, with the collaboration and advice of the rest of the group, to add the necessary polish and coordination of storylines. To them, I am grateful. That said, we do hope you find this chapter enjoyable. Please feel free to comment below!Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van and Satinlvr_mwf******Chapter 27******“And this is all...
The door slammed as her roommate walked into the room. She dropped her panties right on the floor and he skirt flew up as she flopped onto the bed. “I’m exhausted” She said to Sandra. Sandra’s view was perfect. It was as if her roommates pussy was right in front of her face. She could smell that flowery scent she always thought of when her mind was nose was inside her lover. She licked her lips and turned to her book. “What are you reading?” “Just something for school” Sandra looked up...
Hello all mera naam rahul he aur me 25 saal ka hu. Meri sis 27 saal ki h.Uska naam chandni h. Vese mene kabi uske bare me kabi galat nai socha tha lekin halat kuch ese ban gaye aur hum dono behek gaye. Me iss pichle 6 saal se padh raha hu lekin ye meri pehli kahani h. Agar koi sis apne bhai se chudne k liye tadap rahi ho to muje contact karna.Me tips dunga Aap ka jyada time nai waste karke start karta hu. Pehle to me apne bare me bata du. Me software developer hu aur girls, bhabhi, aurato ko...
So it started on a Wednesday before I went to bed you told me to clean my ass out. So I went to the bathroom and proceeded to give myself enemas getting all nice and clean thinking I was going to get my ass hole pounded. After I was all done and washed up I opened the door to the bathroom and nothing had changed. You were still in bed and the bedroom door was cracked you tell me ok now come to bed and snuggle with your mistress master. Without hesitation I do still thinking something is...
How this all happened I will never fully understand, but I'm not going to gripe about it. I'm married to a wonderful woman, and into a great family. We have always gotten along with each other, we have out fall outs now and then, but what family doesn't? Having been married for 15 years, it's needless to say our sex life had died down tremendously. It isn't that we don't still love each other, but with the k**s in school and other activities we are all involved in, there just never seems to be...
Seduced at 36,000’ The voice overhead said, “American Airlines flight 84 to Washington Dulles is now boarding at gate 55.” It was 10:30 on Sunday night and Spencer was taking the Red Eye to the East Coast. He never liked taking these flights, but getting in early on Monday morning was certainly better than arriving in the afternoon and being totally out of it for the week ahead. He would arrive in Washington around 6:25 local time and be at his hotel by 8:00. He would have some breakfast,...
Whispering Wind is an open game between the readers and writers. Anyone may comment and anyone may write (subject to following Writer Rules and basic grammatical English). Readers may leave a comment suggesting something the main character might attempt. The writer will then roll a d100 and add any Libido points to that roll. If successful, then the suggestion will be followed. If failed, the main character will not act upon the suggestion. The writer will set the Difficulty based on the...
Mind ControlI didn't faint from the blow to my kidney, but I wished that I had. I didn't have time to move from the crouch the blow to my kidney had forced me to before there was another blow to my side which rolled me over. I found out later that a kick was being aimed to my head (which could have been fatal) when the pistol shot rang out, and a huge body fell to the ground beside me. The next thing I knew was that I was lying on the bar and a very angry Joe was facing half a dozen toughs. He had his..., there I was sitting on the couch with my best, but older, friends 18 year old daughter sucking my cock as her older brother was fucking her from behind. It all started when I caught her sucking her brother off out back of the work shop. She had her blouse unbuttoned and no bra on. Her amazing young breasts sway and bounce from her action sucking her older brother. I kept hidden until just as he cum so there would be no denying. To my amazement she took all of him just as he bucked and...
"Wass up, Wass up?"Katie heard the words before she noticed the tall, sexy, black man who said it. He was walking behind her towards the other side of the bar. Katie looked over in surprise. He had long dreds, a satin purple shirt on, and tight, tight jeans. Her eyes went straight for his package. When Katie finally raised her eyes, she met Marquis's big brown eyes and felt an instant connection between them. Oh yeah, this man was hot and deserved a little attention. Or maybe a lot.Katie was...
InterracialVoluptuous British Bombshell Stella Cox loves her naughty sex toy business but when she gets a visit from Federal Agent Mickey Mod asking for her legal paperwork she gets a dirty lesson in Immigration Authority! Mr Mod handcuffs Stella and crams his huge, thick cock down her little throat and she can take it sooo deep. Then he ties her up in 3 hot positions and Stella begs him “Please put your big American cock in my ass!” He fucks her ass and pussy until she cums and screams...
xmoviesforyouIt is Submission Day. As Meg hits send on her final draft of Sealed with a Kiss, she can’t help but feel excited, nervous, and fucking terrified all at the same time. This happens every Submission Day, but this one is different. Abigail is a character that Meg worked long and hard for, so what if her agent doesn’t like it? Hell, what if it gets rejected? All the usual anxiety whirls into a hurricane in her head, and she’s learned three ways of dealing with it: yoga, ice cream, and/or hot,...
HardcoreI was feeling horny which means I wanted to suck a nice juicy cock. I posted an add on Craigslist and after a few emails I was on my way to Bob"s apartment. When he opened the door I realized I hit the jack pot. Bob was a good looking man and like me, was divorced. He was in a Tshirt and shirts and from the looks of things not much more. He led me into the bedroom where we got naked really fast. He approved of my hairy body and as he walked over to me I could feel my heart race. He...
Wyoming Trucking, 9/ Ute Trucking, 3 By: Malissa Madison We'd just returned to the diner from seeing everyone off, when a freak gust of wind swept down the center of the highway out front sending snow billowing in its wake. As it died down though it curved into the parking lot and then died out as the loose snow settled again. I turned my attention back to Momma, Daddy and Tim when Cold Winter began pointing. "Look Mommy Angels," she said. Turning my head I saw them walking...
My wife was a woman in a bit of an emotional or moral turmoil. On one hand she wanted to explore but on the other she was a complete prude. When we were at home she dressed in a very conservative manner seeming uptight all the time. The only exception was when we went on holidays when she would loosen up and wear bikinis and somewhat revealing clothes not much mind you but certainly more than she did at home. We had discussed going to Key West for Fantasy Fest a number of times and looked at...
John had to hide out, the new abilities that he was experiencing were a little too much for everyday people. After Mitch had left, going god only knew where, John had waited a few days before he tried to contact him. "Mitch? You there?" John thought, "I'm having a little problem here." Sighing when he got no reply John thought the nanomites had information.
Hi all, I’m Ritika, 20 years old. I often come to this site to get excited and fantasize about a sexual adventure. I often ended up fingering while reading these stories. I’m a student and at the last leg of my graduation. I also work part-time for a food delivery company and make extra money for my expenses. I look attractive with fair skin, 5.6ft height, and 50 kg weight. I measure 32-28-32. I keep my cunt clean and hygienic. I had my life’s first crush on my classmate I dated for almost two...
December 18, 2000, Pontiac, Illinois The guard led us to the metal door from which he and his partner had emerged moments before and used his radio to ask for it to be opened. When it was, we followed him through, with his partner bringing up the rear. The hallway was short and we had to wait to be buzzed through another strong metal door. Once we were through that one, we walked down a long hallway, with Samantha and I electing to walk single-file so we could easily stay in the center, as...
A little while ago I posted a story and request for ideas about bondage and tickling. This is a follow-up about the ordeal Alex cooked up to get even with me. Before I start I should probably explain a few things about Alex and myself. We have been lovers for several years now and while we regularly tie and torment each other, I view myself as being submissive and masochistic and Alex as dominant and sadistic (oh how she can be sadistic!) Fortunately this works out quite well for us :-). In...
The sun streaming through the partially closed curtains woke me from a deep, dreamless sleep. Groggily, I rolled onto my side and took a moment to watch Nate, who was still sleeping soundly beside me. One arm was laid across his stomach, the other behind his head. He looked so relaxed all stretched out beside me, his strong chest gently rising and falling with every breath. In my mind, I replayed our activities from the night before. I had been so excited to run into him outside the club and...
Straight Sex"Dammit Chung, how the hell are they still tracking us. We got rid of all the dogs with Ling's balls of CS and itch powder. We haven't heard a bark since yesterday afternoon but they are still on our asses. We are about an hour ahead of them by my thoughts and we need a rest." This whole fiasco started with a simple recon mission to check on two of the small roads in the Mekong that seemed to have picked up a lot of new traffic. We had been asked by the Seals out of Dong Tam to check the...
A few years back I had a amazing experience and want to share it with you.I woke one summers morning with the usual morning wood as I rubbed my cock I heard my step mum going into the bathroom for her morning shower, I had seen her tits before but never her pussy, her tits where ample and all naturel,her nipples where pink but imagend sucking on them many times, she had a 18yr old daughter from a relationship she had and got pregnant at 15 and gave up all to raise her.Sandra was sexy and the...
The land lord just shot my sister full of cum. He told me if my father was here he would clean us both he said. But you clean your sister good boy. NO mother yelled stop he will not if you don't like are deal will stop. Fine cunt but my friend and me will be fucking you hard tonight understand . Mother looked at us and said yes .Around 6 the landlord called and said they would be there the next night something came up. my sister went for a ran around the high school track. About 2 hours later...
Unfortunately, this story just based on imagination. It started for me as an ordinary Sunday morning when the rest of the family had gone to town. I turned on my computer and went on various dating sites and pages where you can exchange MSN contacts. I met a girl who wrote that she lived in Denmark as I did, so I quickly became interested in getting her the MSN. I got it and added her. We wrote together on MSN for half an hour about everything, and occasionally we startede talking about sex. At...
Erotic FictionBob Costas was in the screening room going over the tapes of the most remarkable football play he had ever seen. Costas was the star of the NBC pre-game shows for its NFL schedule. Since NBC was the network with this year's Super Bowl, he was handling the expanded multi-hour pre-game show before the five-thirty (Eastern) kickoff. The video tape he was viewing had been made at a game played the day before between four Chicago Bears and four girls. He had been told that they were the men's...
Let me give you the requisite description of my wife and get that out of the way. My wife is half french and half Vietnamese. She's tall, five foot nine inches tall in thigh high stockings, but with a small muscular frame and not skinny; still weighs a pound or two one way or the other of one hundred and forty pounds; and fills a 34C-cup on the rare non-working occasions when she wore a bra. Her hair is nearly waist long and naturally jet black; however, she's changed colors so many times that...
Alex's Adventures in a Land of Wonder Truth or Dare © Nick B May 2007 I would never have thought that my mother would have taken me with her. I was sixteen for God's sake and I had better things to do. Actually, I didn't, but I could have found something and anything would have been better than going there. I'd got into trouble at school (not for the first time) earlier. It wasn't my fault, but the teachers... well you know how teachers are and Mum had gone ballistic. I was in...
Tracey moved in next door about 6 months ago. She lived on her own, and from our brief conversations, I had learned a little about her.She was in her 40’s, not thin, but not overweight, had ginger hair cut short, and about 5’6” tall. She worked in a local office, and had moved into next door as a result of her mother passing away. She had spent most of the last 10 years caring for her, but sadly illness took her away. Tracey had decided to make a clean start by moving to a new house, and a new...
“Oh, hullo Nikki,” Sally Denver said in a friendly tone. “Hullo Mrs Denver ,” 23 year old Nikki replied not sure how else to address her ex-headmistress. Nikki had attended the school where Mrs Denver was the headmistress until she was 18 years old. Sally smiled at her ex-pupil and asked, “How have you been Nikki, what are you doing now?” Nikki smiled back and said, “Oh after school I went to Uni got my degree and now I’m training to be an Accountant. I’ve just got off the train going home...
SpankingMera name pooja kushwaha hai. Meri age 23 hai. Mein tcs me work karti hu. Ye kahani kuch din pahle ki hi hai. Mein leave lekar ghar ja rahi thi jabalpur. Ghar valo ko surprise dene ke liye. But jab ghar pahuchi to khud surprised ho gayi. Kyuki ghar par koi ni tha. Sham ko bhai aaya to meine usse poocha ki baki log kaha hai. To usne bataya ki sab shadi me bhopal gaye hai. Mere bhai ka name upendra hai. Uski age 25 hai. Height 5.2″ halka sa healthy. Mein apne bare me to batana bhool hi gayi....
It was late one spring evening in this busy southern university town. The night air was already hot and humid. Sounds of the night echoed in the background as Josh stood in the doorway. The hot humid air did not circulate and hung heavy like an encompassing weight draped over his body. The musty aroma of sex and sweat mixed with the lingering sweet scent of cannabis stirred in his nostrils. Standing before Josh just inside the doorway was a girl clad only in sheer lacy panties and a cut off...
I wish to help married women . Are you locked in a loveless marriage? Starved of attention and affection, partner away or too tired to pay you the attention you deserve, non-existent love life? Or are you just looking for some excitement in your life? But you don’t want to end your marriage either.Looking for a part time lover to fulfill her private straight desires? Tell me .. I respect womanhood and vouch on the fact that a woman needs to enjoy sex more than a man . This happens when women...
Saturday at noon, the book club was meeting at my home. Our husbands had left early this morning for a full day of fishing, followed I’m sure with an evening at our favorite strip club. I made an apple pie and rhubarb pie the night before. This morning I made chocolate fudge, butter pecan cookies and chocolate covered strawberries. There were four bottles of Dom Perignon along with four bottles of Joh. Jos. Prüm Riesling (white wine) in ice buckets. The table was set with my fine china and...
"Wake up it's a beautiful morning..." The sound of the old nineties song by the Boo Radleys blares from my phone, raising me from my slumber and reminding me that I have a big day ahead of me. After I rise from my bed, I pad through to the bathroom, reminded every step of the way that I've had plenty of big days over the last few weeks as well. The first, most obvious thing I notice as I sit in my shallow bath (a mandated part of my recovery program) is the fact that the area...
I didn't, I couldn't move. My body remained frozen except for a growing itch between my shoulder blades; a feeling that I was fervently hoping would go away if I didn't physically move. Yes, I know that's how rabbits react when hit by a passing car's headlights but at that moment it was a feeling I could totally associate with. "Turn around, Mr. Hayles," demanded the woman's voice and my worst fears were realised. I closed my eyes in despair and turned slowly to meet the bearer of my...
Everyone thought that once Harley, Stefanie, and Wallace had reached an agreement, that would end the story, but not so fast my friends, a new twist was in the wind, and all the principals were to soon find out.Harley had no further need of the apartment, he could now fuck Stefanie and Danielle in the safety and comfort of the Ward home. Harley being the horn dog he is was strained, but able to pretty much satisfy two nymphos, with assistance from Stefan and Wallace of course. On those...
IncestHello co-readers…. The real life stories of forum made my mind to write down one more of my own true story this is my second time i am going to write my story for the readers of My name is mohit, 23 years old.5.9 height from gk2, Delhi. I am going to tell you a story of mine with a neighbor girl her name was sreeba and she was a sister of my friend. Its about the two year before when we get involved with each other. Sreeba’s family try to be very modern and for this reason it was...
Elevator Meeting Copyright 2002 - Katrina Llyr ([email protected]) We met first on the elevator in my building, I'd seen him around the building, and thought that he had a friend down the hall from me, I'd seen him knocking at a nearby door. I was on my way home from work, he was on his way back from a jog by the looks of his exercise shorts and sweat soaked T- shirt. "Hey, I've seen you around but haven't introduced myself, I'm Carl, you're up on 8 right?" "Yeah, hi,...
Tuesday morning began the way I liked a new day to begin. Both girls easily got up and worked out with me. We stopped for coffee, orange juice, and a light breakfast before showering and getting ready for work. Brindle reminded me to take a different car than my Escape when I headed to the garage. I found the Porsche 911 keys, hoping the car would get me to work on time. Brindle came with me to teach me the proper way to start a Porsche 911. A 911 should always be on level ground when you...
He grinned mischievously, hopping up and running out of the room, his wet sticky cock flopping around as he ran. “I’ll go start the shower,” he said as he hit the hallway. I stood up feeling his cum now almost cold slide down my body. I raised my arms high above my head into a long stretch, the cum on my neck squishing against my shoulders as my body tightened. I let out a soft moan, the tension released as I dropped my arms down to my side. I opened my eyes to see my neighbor standing in the...
First TimeWHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is an interracial story.This is a story about a mother, Erin and her daughter, Fran. Erin is 47 and Fran is 20. Both women are dark brunette hair that falls to the...
Hi ISS readers, I am back with the third part of my sexstory ‘Satisfying my Widowed Chachi’. As I narrated in my previous story how I my widowed Chachi, Reena, urged me to have a sexual session with her elder sister Sheetal. In this story, I am gonna narrate a session where Reena, Sheetal and I had a three-some session. Please share your feedback at As I mentioned earlier I became fond of Reena’s body and her sexual drive but I felt betrayed as she forced me to fuck Sheetal, that didn’t come...
IncestI was at school talking with my girlfriend, Ashley in AP anatomy class. We were talking of how far we’ve made it together and when we first started going out. We were both in 11th grade and have been dating since 8th grade and we were both faithful.. Well until the summer started. I always dreamt that I would lose my virginity to Ashley. We made a promise in ninth grade that we were going to wait until graduation night before we had sex for the first time. Ashley was middle height, about 5’5...
Hiii dosto mera naam pushp hai… Mai ek 20 saal ka ldka hu… Me punjab ke amritsar shehr me rehta hu… Maine aaj tk bohot saari ldkiyo aur bhabhio ko choda h… Mera lund 8′ lamba aur 2.5′ mota h… Ab sb ko bor na krte hue apni story pe aata hu… Story se pehle me apko apni chachi k baare bta du… Dost wo ek aisa maal h jise dekh kr aapka khada ho jayega aur dil krega k whi use chod du… Unki age 32 years h aur kaafi bdi gaand wali h… Unka size 34-38-36 h… Unka name anu hai Ye tb ki baat hai jb me 11th...
Hi, am Sunny, aged 29 years working in an MNC at Hyderabad. This is my first story and its a real incident happened 3 months ago. The actual story started 2 years back. Please, you should have the patience to read this story. Smita, one of my colleagues works with me in the same project and sits beside me. Being a shy guy, I don’t talk much with girls and the same happened with Smita. We used to talk only on project requirements. Smita has a college friend who is working on a different project...
I woke feeling like I didn't sleep at all. The brat must have felt as rotten as I did because I spent the first few minutes in the bathroom dry heaving. Eventually, I was able to brush my teeth and get dressed — one of the new dresses — and go down for breakfast. "There's my little sweetheart!" Mrs. Redmond all but threw her arms around me. "You poor thing! I heard you up there; how are you feeling, any better?" "You definitely did not sound good." Brian remarked. I hadn't seen...
The visitor It was a nice warm day and we had designated this day as our day of enjoyment... The kids were all out and after havingb3 kids and 21 years every break should be… The visitor It was a nice warm day and we had designated this day as our day of enjoyment... The kids were all out and after havingb3 kids and 21 years every break should be planned, cherished and enjoyed. We had made big plans that day... Mainly being indoors and relaxing.... Planned a lunch out at the fancy...
Wife[ For Julie---and for all the persistent interest and encouragement she's shown me for a long time now. Thank you for that. Likewise, this is for those who crave a significant change in interracial relations, as well as an end to the sad legacy of 'white' hegemony! The ultimate stage on which this may occur is in the wombs of more white females, and the surrender of their male counterparts to such a (hopefully) not-to-distant reality. ]"His name is Habib."When I confronted my wife regarding the...
“Oh, you like this then, do you?” the Simon masked person asked, noticing Beth’s predicament. Beth went to shake her head vehemently but Alex demanded she stay still whilst she took the picture. Simon had delved into his pocket and reached for his own cell phone, throwing it gently on to the bed. “Take a few for me too, please” he requested. Beth’s jaw dropped. How could anyone be so perverted? Dirty little fucker! Alex paused to swig some more of her drink before picking up Simon’s mobile...
Wife Lovers"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" I jumped with fright and nearly out of my foreskin, but I was able to keep some order of control as I tried to hide myself from Karen, and her best friend Melanie who both stood in the doorway watching me taking aim at the plant on the floor. Their eyes had gone wide the second they had caught sight of the cock in my hand and both girls just kept on staring and staring, enough so that I could feel my face beginning to turn beet red once more, for like the...