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At a quarter till six, dusk was already falling. Brian was walking Cassie home from the ball field where her daughter had just played. Cassie and Nicci were kind of new in the town and Nicci had gone home to spend the night with her own new friend. She only lived a block away but he really wanted to spend more time with her. They were laughing a little self consciously, the way two people do when they are first getting to be comfortable with each other. They didn't notice anything out of the ordinary when the van pulled up.

The man riding in the passenger's seat called out amiably, "Hey, can you tell us how to get to Camp Street?"

Brian had lived in the area longer and he stepped closer, already gesturing into the distance

Suddenly, the side door on the van slid open and two men stepped out, both holding guns, pointing at Brian and Cassie.

The passenger said, "Get in quietly and no one will get hurt."

Cassie froze in terror, eyes wide and white.

The man grinned down at her in the most maniacal way she'd ever seen, showing all his teeth in a horrible sneer. "I might even get around to committing another crime while you're here, darling."

Another man reached out and roughly pulled Cassie into the van and as they were shoved inside, the fourth man put a hood over each head. There were no seats in the back of the van and Cassie stumbled when she was pushed inside. When they'd taken away her sight, her terror rose and she scrambled up against one wall, drawing herself into a tight ball.

They rode for only a very short time and, although she had completely lost her sense of direction, Cassie felt sure they were still in town. It was fully dark now, she could see that much under the bottom of the hood.

When they stopped, she felt strong, rough hands pull her out and lead her away from the van. She noticed first grass, then a sidewalk, then three uneven steps. A disgustingly filthy smell assaulted her nostrils as someone pushed her into a house. It felt hot and musty like it had been closed up for a very long time with rotting garbage left inside.

She was shuffled through the house then almost brutally slammed against a wall and told to sit.

"It's hard to breathe under these sacks," Brian spoke up.

"No one asked you," one of the men answered.

"Go ahead and take them off," the leader intervened. "We may be in for a little wait. Don't want to kill you if I don't have to."

Cassie was almost afraid to move, terrified at what she might see, but she slowly pushed the fabric up off her face. The cooler air hitting her felt immediately better but the smell was suddenly much worse. Nauseating.

She looked around slowly - her eye for detail noting everything.

They were sitting on the soiled carpet, backs against two walls that formed a corner. The carpet was threadbare and stained so badly it was slick and shiny. The house was obviously vacant although the power was still on. The room was dim, lit by a single naked bulb hanging near the far corner where the captors were congregated.

Cassie watched the men carefully, trying to figure out what they wanted. Especially the one that she considered their leader. Eventually she heard one of his buddies call him Randy. To her, he looked more like a charming used-car salesman. He was a handsome man and very charismatic. His eyes gave him away. They were open just a little too wide for a completely sane person. He looked like he was hyped on crystal meth or he was a paranoid schizophrenic. Either way, that meant he was unpredictable.

She wished she'd worn jeans today instead of this short sundress. They kept staring at her and she was continually fighting to tug it down just a little further. She sat cross-legged up close to Brian and kept her mouth closed.

Randy had a cell phone and he used it to notify the sheriff's department of his hostages and his demands. He didn't tell him exactly how many were in the house. He just named a figure and gave a time limit of 18 hours, which would be noon the next day. He said that when the time limit expired, he would shoot a hostage every half-hour till he got what he wanted. He really didn't want to have to do that - it would cut a big chunk out of his profit. He hung up quickly.

"Might as well take a nap, guys," he told them. "Seems like we'll have a bit of a wait."

Nothing further happened for the next five hours. Tension was so thick in the room that Cassie felt her muscles turn to stone. She kept shifting positions, trying to stretch and relieve the ache but nothing seemed to work. They were encouraged to talk but Cassie didn't feel much like talking. Rage was lurking just below the surface and she didn't think it would be too smart to let it escape. Besides, she had nothing to say. Making pleasant small talk was just not an appropriate thing to do at this time.

Brian had been a soldier, she already knew that. In their lowest tones, they were weighing their odds of escape. "If you get a chance to try, take it without hesitating," he told her. "You can bring back help, understand?"

She nodded, wondering if that meant he'd leave without her if he got the chance.

At midnight, Randy made a quick call to check the progress of his expected pay-off. Just before he hung up, he said, "Well, shit!"

When he put the phone down, he strolled across the room and knelt down right in front of Cassie.

"Got some said news for you, baby," he told her with an evil grin. "The cops said they can't find where you have any family to contact. I guess that means when the time comes, I get to shoot you first." It was as if he craved the fear that would cause.

Instead, Cassie's fear had begun to turn to anger hours ago. She'd been on her own too long to let fear turn her into a jellyfish and now this man was threatening to take away the new wonderful life she'd just begun.

"I'm not scared of you," she said coolly.

For just one second, there was a flash of surprise and anger in his face. His need was to be fully in control, to have other people quaking in awe at his power. The moment passed and he laughed a harsh, menacing sound that made her want to turn away.

"You will be though," he promised Cassie. "It just became my main purpose in life to make sure are." He patted her cheek and turned away. The look in his eyes made her blood run cold.

"Don't confront him like that," Brian warned her in a whisper. "He's not playing with a full deck, sweetheart."

But she'd set her jaw. "The worst he can do is kill me."

Brian sighed at her belligerent tone. "No, it's not," he said.

She fell silent, her mind racing, looking for something to do to save herself. It was very difficult to concentrate when she needed to go to the bathroom as bad as she did now. She asked Brian what she should do. Turned out, he had to go too.

"Is there a bathroom here we can use?" he asked. The captors glared at his boldness but figured it might not be a good request to refuse. It would only make the smell worse.

Randy delegated the duty to one of the other guys. "Take them one at a time and don't let them close the door all the way."

The youngest guy Kevin, seemed not quite as cocky as the others, was given the task. He took Brian first, since he'd asked. When they returned a few minutes later, he asked, "Who's next?"

Cassie stood up, feeling unused muscles creak.

He walked behind her down the short dark hallway. It was very eerie because the walls were painted black throughout the house. The bathroom was a horror and there was again only one small bulb burning over the sink. It cast looming shadows in the corners.

As soon as she entered, she saw what she was looking for. A window at the end of the room opposite the door. Now if she could just manage a little bit of privacy.

When she entered, she pushed the door closed just like she would've done under any normal circumstance. This time however, her guard caught the door just before it shut, leaving an unacceptably wide opening.

"Please?" she asked in her most appealing helpless voice.

"You heard Randy."

"But you can give me a little more privacy. At least turn around, okay?"

For some reason that voice always had the desired effect on men. It melted them and rarely failed to get her what she wanted.

His compromise was to keep the door open only wide enough to get his hand inside and cover the lock. As an unhoped for courtesy, he did turn away.

Trying to make it seem an innocuous as possible, Cassie really did take the time to use the toilet. She was surprised to find dusty toilet paper on a roll but not surprised at how rank and foul the room was.

While she used it, she got a closer look at the window just above her head. The lock was broken, which was a good thing. The bad thing was that she would have to climb up on the toilet unnoticed to get out. She wasn't sure if her guard might be peeking at her or not, but if he did, her plan was moot.

When she stood up to pull her panties up, she reached out quickly and quietly to test the window. She was amazed to find it swung out sideways. She'd noticed too that all the other windows she'd seen were covered with thick black tar paper. This one was not... maybe in a past attempt to air it out?

"Hurry up!" her guard called. He'd heard her moving.

"I am. I want to wash my hands." Whether there was water or not, she had no idea but she had to buy some time to get her nerve up.

She moved closer to the door and examined its lock. Though badly tarnished, it was a standard indoor lock, the kind you pushed in and twisted. His hand pressed against it.

It was now or never. She kicked the door with all her strength and the man howled, jerking his hand away reflexively. She shoved the door closed and turned the lock in one swift motion.

As she scrambled onto the toilet, she could hear shouting and running in the hallway. She heard someone slam against the fragile pressboard door as she pushed herself through the tiny window. Just as she realized she was going headfirst into some overgrown shrubs, the door burst in behind her, but she was outside.

"Shit!" someone yelled behind her. "Randy! She got out the window, man!"

A brief instant flashed and she wondered what Brian would think of her actions. That she was brave or just stupid?

The yard was rocky and overgrown and it slowed her down until she cursed out loud. Her mind was working faster than her feet, trying to figure out where she should go. If she stopped to pound on a neighbor's door, most likely Randy or one of his men would catch her there. She could already hear the scrambling of someone coming out after her.

"You bitch!" Randy's voice called, much closer to her than she had estimated. "When I catch you, you're really going to wish you hadn't done that!"

His inevitable nearness made her decide quickly not to try to keep silent. She started screaming as loud as she could, calling for help.

She came to the edge of a large yard or vacant lot, she wasn't sure, but it seemed there was nothing past it - no lights, no buildings, nothing. Just as she checked back over her shoulder, realizing she'd made a disastrous error in coming this way, a huge weight slammed into her and knocked her to the ground.

In the darkness, she felt jagged rocks tear her hands and arms and she tasted dirt. Randy's body pinned her down and no matter how she struggled, she couldn't budge him at all. She continued to try to kick and punch him, but he grabbed both her arms and held them, bruising her skin.

"I should kill you now!" he panted with chilling amusement in his tone. "But I have something much more fun in mind!"

Cassie had frozen at the pure evil of his voice and it terrified her. She fought him harder than ever but his muscles were like iron.

"Stop it!" he laughed again and his laughter was the scariest thing of all. She couldn't stop though, Randy finally sighed in exasperation and punched her in the face with his fist. She went out like a light.

He stopped for a moment, partly to catch his breath, partly to listen and see if anyone was coming out to see what was going on. A couple of lights had come on as they'd run past.

"Stupid bitch!" he called her again as he picked her limp body up and tossed it over his shoulder. "Gotta fucking carry your ass now!"

One of the other guys saw him coming up the walk and opened the door for him. They'd ripped a small piece of the black paper out of the front window to be a peephole when they first arrived. From the outside, the house still looked unoccupied.

Randy entered and dumped Cassie's body on the floor right at Brian's feet. Her dress had come up and the other guys were staring intently at the tiny white bikini panties she wore.

"Wake her up," Randy ordered. "I ain't done with her yet."

At first sight, Brain had been afraid she was dead. There was blood down both arms, skin off at both knees and her face clearly showed swelling and a cut beside her lip. She looked like the corpse of someone who'd been beaten to death.

Brian patted her cheek and called her name. She woke quickly with a jump and a cry, immediately trying to pull away from the hands that worked on her.

"Cassie! Cassie!" Brian called, pulling her close to him despite her efforts. "It's me, baby. Stop fighting us!"

When she recognized them, she slumped limply and grabbed her head. The world seemed to be spinning around her. "Where... ?" she moaned.

She didn't get a chance to finish her question before Randy leaped at her. He knelt down and shouted right in her face, making her flinch and pull back.

"I guess I didn't hit you hard enough to kill you!" he yelled. "I should've knocked your fucking head off! That was the most stupid thing I ever saw!"

"You wouldn't kill me," she whispered where only he could hear. "You want the money too bad."

For a moment, Randy was stunned right into silence, then he started that horrible laughter again. "I like you, little girl. You got balls." He was quite unused to having anyone talk back to him. "But I can't let you get away with this or somebody else will be wanting to try stupid shit."

He snatched her up by the arm and dragged her towards the hallway.

"No!" Brian called out involuntarily.

One of the others pointed a gun in his direction and asked calmly, "You got something to say, big guy?"

He reluctantly sat back and closed his mouth. His death wouldn't save her.

Cassie weakly tried to pull away from Randy but she was still very dizzy from being knocked unconscious. His grip hurt her arm.

They went past the bathroom on to the farthest bedroom at the back of the house. Very little light came from the hallway but enough for Cassie to see it was just a large empty room. Randy shoved her roughly inside, making sure she fell onto the dirty floor. He didn't bother to shut the door behind himself.

Time became very distorted for Cassie then. It appeared to slow down so that everything moved in slow motion but at the same time, it sped up so quickly that she hardly had time to realize what was happening.

Randy stripped her panties off her and pushed the thin dress up around her waist. She screamed for him to stop and tried to fight him off. She never had a chance against his size. He unzipped, pulled himself out and without any lubrication, he forced his way inside her. Cassie screamed in sheer agony now. He was larger than average and she was much smaller. It felt as though she was being ripped open with a hot metal rod. It burned and it tore and he was ruthless.

"Damn girl! You got the tightest little pussy I ever been in. It's as tight as a twelve year old!" He kept pumping and grunting and calling her names.

Cassie fought and cried the whole time, screaming until she ran out of breath and could only lie there gasping. Thankfully her struggling had excited him all the more and he came quickly. When he pulled out of her, he had not even broken a sweat. She curled up in a fetal ball and rolled away from him.

He used her white panties to wipe the blood off himself, ignoring her for the time being. She felt unconsciousness trying to claim her again and was torn between giving in to its peace or exploding into a screaming rage.

When he turned his attention back to her, he leaned over and whispered, "I bet you're a great fuck when you want to be." He drew back and slapped her bare ass loudly. "Get yourself cleaned up."

For the first time, she thought of the others. Surely they'd heard it all. They knew what she'd just had done to her. Her face burned with shame.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" she asked, avoiding his eyes.

'Sure," he laughed. He stood and pulled her to her feet with one solid tug. She took the bloodied panties and went into the hall. When she stepped into the bathroom and started to close the door behind her, he laughed again. He stood just inside the door with her.

"Like I'm going to let you do that again! I'd fuck you again in a minute but I ain't chasing you down for it."

She couldn't stop the quiet flow of embarrassed tears that wet her cheeks now as she fumbled to wipe away the blood and semen. It seemed no matter what she did, she couldn't get the smell of him off her. He kept up a stream of crude remarks the whole time.

When she was finished, she washed her hands and started to go out past him. He grabbed her, one hand behind her head and one on her chin, and kissed her hard and fast on the lips, forcing his tongue into her mouth.

It took her so much by surprise that she didn't even think to pull away and it was over before she could act. She stared at him in blank shock until he grinned at her. Cassie slapped him hard across the face.

He caught her hand as she drew back. It had only been a reflex action but she was suddenly afraid it would cost her her life.

"What are you trying to do, baby? Get me excited again?"

Gritting her teeth, she pushed around him, back towards the main room, hearing his laugh echo in her ears.

She returned to where she'd sat most of the night beside Brian but she wouldn't get close to him now. She felt dirty. She didn't want anyone to touch her.

"I'm sorry," he leaned down and whispered. She felt all the eyes in the room were on her.

"For what?" she said bitterly. "You didn't do anything."

"That's what I'm sorry for," he said. "That I couldn't stop it."

Cassie just shook her head. There was nothing to say about it. It had happened, it was over, it was her's to deal with. She closed her eyes and tried not to hear Randy bragging to his buddies.

She awoke abruptly to the sound of someone pounding on the door. Her whole body was sore and stiff and she inhaled sharply when she pushed herself to a sitting position.

Joe was watching through the small hole that faced the driveway. He hissed, "Fuck, Randy! It's the cops!"

"Ah, hell," Randy sighed, hardly seeming upset at all. He got up, cocking his gun, and paused to point an accusing finger at Cassie. "This is all your fault."

She was barely awake enough to understand what was happening, much less why she was being threatened again. The seam of Brian's jeans had left a print on her cheek.

There was another pounding and Randy yelled, "I'm coming! Hold your ass!"

"Open up! Police!"

"Don't make a sound!" he warned them in a whisper. To his guys, he said, "If the cops start in or if any of them makes a sound or a move, blow them all away!"

Randy opened the door a tiny crack, keeping the gun drawn in his right hand out of the cop's sight behind the door.

"Yeah, Officer," he asked sleepily, "What's up?"

"We are searching for a some people who committed a crime early in the evening. There were reports of some screaming on this street and we are checking out the neighborhood. We'd like to come inside and check, if you don't object. When did you move in? This house is still listed as being vacant."

"Just today," he answered. "We're just getting settled in."

"Well, welcome to the neighborhood, but I hope you don't mind if we come in and have a look around?"

This cop was on the porch alone and Randy could see another figure standing back beside the car.

Randy blocked the door and said without a trace of sleep, "Actually Officer, I do mind. Do you have a search warrant?"

Immediately the cop became suspicious. This guy was hiding something.

"I don't have one, no. I was just asking for your cooperation. Although I can get one very easily and be back in an hour. Would you prefer to wait?"

"Why do you want to hassle me, man? I just moved in, my family's in here asleep. Hell, I don't even know if you're a real cop. You could be some criminal pulling a scam. Cops don't normally search houses at 4am."

"Want to see my badge?" the cop asked. "Would that make any difference?"

Randy seemed to pause to consider the idea, then he answered, "Yeah. Yeah, that might."

The cop pulled a credit card-sized ID holder from his back pocket and took a step closer to the door, holding it out for Randy to examine. At that moment, Randy pulled his hand from behind the door, pointed the gun directly at the cop's face and squeezed the trigger. He was dead before his corpse hit the pavement. Randy laughed and slammed the door.

"What the hell did you do that for, asshole?" Jimmy asked. Cassie had come to the conclusion that he was second in charge.

"What? He's got on body armor. I had to shoot him in the face."

"No! Why'd you shoot him at all?"

Randy shrugged nonchalantly. "He'd have just come right back with more of them."

"Like that other one out there isn't calling in more of them right now?" Jimmy reasoned. "That was stupid!"

Randy only laughed. "It won't turn out any different. Anyhow, killing people makes me so damn horny!"

Cassie jerked her head up when he said that and found him staring directly at her.

"Back to the important stuff," he smiled at Cassie. He reached down to take her arm but she snatched it out of his grasp.

He hesitated and sighed, "I think we need a lesson about who's in charge." He stepped closer to her and grabbed a fistful of her long hair. If she'd not scrambled to her feet, he would have dragged her down the hall. She tried to fight him but it hurt so much that she had no choice to go with him.

Things began differently for Cassie this time. Randy shoved her into the back bedroom but this time he turned on the overhead light and he pushed the door closed.

"I like women with fire," he began, "But what I like most is putting the fire out. It's not that I want to break that spirit, I just want it to know who controls it."

"In the situation we are in, you can do pretty much whatever you want to do to me," she said, trying not to let any fear show. "But you'll never control what's inside me. You'll never change the loathing and disgust I have for you. You will never make me tolerate what you are."

"We'll see," he smiled. "Take the panties off."

She stood defiantly, amazed at her own nerve. "No," she whispered.

It was a contest of will for only a moment, both of them staring eye to eye. Randy was very impressed with her courage but was also beginning to get annoyed. He raised the hand that held the gun and pointed it straight at her face.

Cassie stood less than a foot from the barrel, her eyes going from the gun to his face and back. Should she let her life end this way trying to protect her dignity? Was it worth never seeing her daughter again? Making the little girl grow up with no family in the world? A tear trickled down her cheek.

No. It was not.

She started to reach down but Randy stopped her. "Too late, baby. I don't repeat myself and I don't play games."

Her eyes widened in sudden paralyzing panic. She'd pushed him too far and was about to lose everything! She screamed "No!" when she saw his finger twitch.

The gunshot was so loud her ears hurt. Everything seemed muffled, like in a room padded for acoustics. She was frozen but strangely she felt no pain. As the echo began to fade from the room, she opened her eyes. Randy stood in exactly the same spot but the gun was turned a few degrees to her right. He'd fired just over her shoulder.

Tears began to stream down her face and the sounds she made were part sobs, part manic relief. She was shaking so badly that she dropped to the floor.

Randy pushed her back to lie flat and ripped the panties down her legs, amazed that she hadn't pissed herself. He'd seen grown men do that before when they thought they were dead. He climbed on top of her and pinned her to the floor.

"I don't play games, little girl. Do you think you might remember that now?"

Cassie nodded her head in a frantic, jerking motion.

"Good. Now quit the blubbering and pay attention to me, okay?"

Another nod.

"Take a deep breath," he instructed, breathing deeply to demonstrate. She did it. "And another."

After five of these, she felt her heart beginning to return to its normal beat. Her mind still whirled madly.

"Now, I'm going to show you just how much control I have over you, baby." His eyes had gone to that lusty, half-lidded way and she felt him growing hard against her, pressing into her.

"Please don't hurt me," she sighed, hating herself for that pleading tone in her voice. Fear had her fully in its grip now.

"That's all up to you," he said, his breath coming harder now. He had started kissing her neck and shoulders. "I'm just going to prove to you that you have no control whatsoever here with me."

What scared her most now was that she knew he was right about that. He was already causing her skin to break out in chills because of the subtle nibbling on the side of her neck. He was being surprisingly gentle, tender, and she fought with all her might to resist any feeling of arousal.

He let one hand run down her side to her warm thigh and then shifted his weight so he could push the hem of her dress up. She didn't even think of the gun that he'd laid aside.

Cassie whimpered, biting her lip as she felt his fingers brush lightly against the closely trimmed hair down there. They tickled her for a moment, then separated the lips which had already begun to get puffy despite all her efforts to the contrary. A hard finger ran firmly from the bottom to her clit at the top.

"Hmmm," he whispered in a teasing tone, "My little prisoner is getting turned on?"

She shook her head in denial and cried, "No," very softly.

He leered. "You can say that all you want but all this wetness down here is saying a lot more." He continued to stroke the clit adding a bit more pressure, causing her to squirm beneath him.

"Mmmm, I like that! I bet you're amazing in bed when you want to be. I bet you're a regular slut, aren't you?"

"No!" she said, "no..." but it trailed off weakly.

"A nasty little slut," he repeated, relishing the sound of it. "To be getting so turned on. Maybe this kind of danger gets you hot? Maybe getting shot at makes you want to cum?"

"Please," she whined and it was unclear what she was asking for.

He pushed his long middle finger deep inside her causing her to gasp and arch her back.

"The little slut likes this, yes," he smiled, feeling like he was going to burst, he was getting so hard. He inserted a second finger and she grimaced.

"It hurts," she said anxiously.

"From before," he confirmed, "But at least you're nice and wet now. It won't be so bad this time. I bet you taste so good."

He pulled the fingers up and brought his hand to his face. Thick, clear fluid covered the first two fingers, making a glistening web between them. Instead of tasting them, he put his fingers to Cassie's mouth. He rubbed them over her lips while she tried to twist her head away.

"Don't fight me," he warned and she was immediately still. He pushed the fingers into her mouth.

"Lick them," a long sigh, then, "Suck them."

Cassie obeyed, trying not to gag. She tasted cigarettes and metal from the gun and she tasted herself.

Randy slowly withdrew the fingers and put them back to her pussy, pushing hard inside.

"Now I get to taste," he told her. She assumed he would suck his own fingers but instead he put his mouth on hers, driving his tongue into her mouth and licking around her lips.

"Oh yeah, just like I thought."

He began to move the fingers in and out of her now and he let the ball of his thumb rest against her clit. With each thrust in, it was pressed firmly and rhythmically.

"Give me your cum, little slut," he urged. "Give me that orgasm that's just dying to get out."

Cassie had clenched her eyes shut and was trying to get her mind on anything except the feeling between her legs. But she couldn't. It was building, getting stronger. She wanted to die before she wanted to cum for him and that was way too much of a possibility.

"Cum on baby, give it to me. Your body knows what it wants. Your body knows who it is going to obey. Don't try to fight it. Let go. Accept it."

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Her first time

I love when a woman tells me what her fantasies are and what to do. Because then they think they are in total control.Case and point, she told me that she never had anal sex and that she wanted to do it so badly that whenever she thought about it she shook with anticipation. She couldn't wait to get me to her room and at this point I know I was in control. I didn't want her to loose that sense of power so I played along! I kissed her neck as she orders me to caress her ample curves and remove...

3 years ago
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Fun again in Sanua

This is a true story of my latest trip to my favourite sauna and the unexpected action I found there. I found myself with an empty diary and opportunity to drive the hour or so my favourite sauna knowing that I had all afternoon to spend. The downside was that it was Tuesday and I wondered whether I'd be there all alone! After careful prep, trimming pubes, douching and making myself smell good I used a bit of moisturising cream to both tone my cock and smooth the entrance to my arse. I was...

1 year ago
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The First Encounter With Neighborhood Aunty

This is my 1st story. I have been reading stories since 8 years. I am trying to put my hands on this. I will share each one of my experiences. This is the 1st episode.   So basically I am from kolkata alipur. I am a handsome man of 24. I have been working as a mental and physical satisfactory machine I.E., a gigolo from 4 years and my journey has been amazing. I have met many women. I will share each a every experience with you all.   I live with my parents in alipur. We have 2 hot aunties...

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Fire Station Fuck

I joined a rural volunteer fire station in NW Arkansas about a year and a half ago. I’m one of the only women on the department. My main goals were to help my community, stay fit, learn something new, and to also do what most of the men on the department did; get away from the spouse and kids for a while. Last month Jake, a new member, joined our small volunteer department. He was a career firefighter in the next town over and had been with his department for three years. He brought a lot of...

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Chick SHows Her Pierced Pussy At NonNude Beach F

WTF!!!! Did this really happen? We stroll on the beach and as we walk by we notice a young lady tanning on her belly. As we look closer we realize that she may not have on a top or bottom and this is a public non-nude beach. Shes with a friend (lucky guy) and we had to confirm that she indeed did not have on anything. We thought she might be wearing a tiny thong because from the looks of it her pierced pussy tricked us into thinking she was wearing a tiny gstring. So we quickly found a good...

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Mary Deannas Anniversary Fuck part 4

Sharon Learns It AllWe went to a restaurant that had secluded tables and she just said, "Spit it out girl!"I didn't know how to begin. Sharon said, "I know its hard. I KNOW what you are going through. Let me help you."I stared at her, with the implication of what she had just said going through my mind."You. You and Robert, too," I stammered?She nodded yes and said, "Robert has been Fucking me for two years. I was his first conquest after he started working here. Now, tell me how it happened."I...

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But Who Am I ReallyChapter 10

'And the question of the day, ' thought Hugh to himself, 'is how many adults does it take to buy a dress?' Hugh looked around the waiting room of the bridal shop. 'I guess the number is 6. How did I get roped into this?' They were waiting for their personal wedding gown consultant. The group included Hugh, Erin, Erin's Mom, Hugh's Mom, Liz - the real-estate agent, and Erin's sister Mary. The wedding was now just a week away. The last month had gone by like a tornado, events,...

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It had taken one more breakfast than Nallen’s original estimate but Daddy was now — very carefully! — walking around — with Mom and Debbie’s fussy assistance. Nallen had asked him to wear some just-above-the-knee shorts so that he could watch my father’s new calves work, make sure they were working correctly. Also some light shoes for needed arch support. Evidently walking is just like riding a bike, once you learn you never really forget how. We had decided that Uncle Peter — the man had...

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My first BBC

As our time went on, our sex life started slowing down. I was getting bored with it, and sometimes wouldn’t even be able to cum because it was the same thing again and again. One day we were fighting about something, it happened a lot and she said she was going out. I said “whatever” and continued to watch TV. She went upstairs and spent a long time getting ready. She came down dressed amazing. Tight black dress with her DDs pouring out, stockings and a garter, some knee high leather...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Girlfriend

Coming to the story myself from hyderabad. Any unsatisfied hyderabad aunties and ammerpet girls feeling lonely sex hungry contact my mail This is my first story. Spelling mistakes unte kshaminchandi. Give me your feedback. Na peru ajay. 5 feet 8 inches. Atheletic body. Na modda vachesi 7 inches, inka herione gurinchi vasthe tana peru x anukundam. Tanu inter lo parichayam aindhi naku. Second year chavutunapudu tanu nenu vere branch kani ela chusindo gani tane vachi propose chesindhi. Taruvata...

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Earths CoreChapter 5 Middle Sector No 131

“Die?” For a moment Zax failed to understand the question. Was he not dead already? In a way that was his assumption. He was ready to also make it his answer when a cold sensation from his dantian changed his mind before he could get a grasp on it. “I won’t die here”. It came out as a casual matter of a fact, against their disheartening circumstance. Numerous projectors shed light at the bottom of the crevasse. The sky was only a distant, finger thick crack. The earth was laced by tracks...

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Games That Grownups ndash Part 4

The time seemed to have gone so fast it was like a blur; only three weeks ago Joyce had become the lover of her daughter, Dawn. And those few weeks seemed to have been a montage of steamy sex, passionate and intense. Joyce wasn't sure she'd been so satisfied since her honeymoon, and if she was truthful, not even then. Dawn had proved to be a skilled and enthusiastic performer, able to do things with her fingers, tongue and pussy that were only matched by what she could do with a strap-on. Many...

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A Second ChanceChapter 26

"I want to go out," Grace said. "Dress-up?" "No ... Out ... out there ... on the lake ... for the weekend." "Yes ma'am. How are we fixed for galley supplies." "What ever we need ... call the chandler ... I can afford it," Grace was absolutely wound up over the money she got for the 'imitation' diamonds. So ... I looked over the larder ... made a list ... asked Grace to look at it. She did ... I got the list back ... it was full of 'redacted' lines. "Grace ... it's two...

1 year ago
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My Sisters Habit

It was Friday night, about three o'clock. My sister Deanne had come home a minute ago, blind drunk again, as she often did lately. Right now, she was stumbling up the stairs in a fruitless attempt to make as little noise as possible to avoid waking up our parents. Of course, she didn't need to worry about that, I doubt even a cannon blast would wake them. Not with his loud snoring and her earplugs. However, it did wake me. In a few more moments Deanne would stumble into my room, she...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 212

We all had a busy day planned. Jenny was going to Annapolis to chair the Governors Criminal Task Force meeting. Jason was going to go through the Crash Morton files with a fine tooth comb and then discretely check to see if all the exemptions were still in effect. I had left early to go to KCC and was only going to work half a day. Ching Lee and Vicky were doing training of my new security people today. Marcy and Lorrie were working the numbers on the Crash airport. We had a 12:00 meeting to...

4 years ago
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Preachers Daughters Part 4

Thinking that a cup of coffee might help, he rose and stepped from his study into the halt. The bathroom door was open and he glanced in. His heart skipped a beat and he stopped in mid-stride. Kathy stood in full view, naked, slowly toweling her small body. His eyes locked on the small buds of her breasts and then slid down over her flat tummy to the down-covered lips of her pussy. His cock reared and pulsed against his slacks. "Oh, hi, Daddy," she said, looking up and discovering...

1 year ago
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Training Marisa

Training Marisa By Rosemary Flowers Chapter 1: Her Arrival I have finally found a wife who is truly submissive. She wasn't always so. Feminising a man to the point where he is more feminine than a woman, to the point where he forgets he ever claimed a life as a man, to the point where she lives the life of a truly submissive wife and servant, is a long and painful process. Especially for her. But I digress....

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A Night in the Old South

Ellen heard muffled voices somewhere off in the darkness and froze in her tracks. The rutted path upon which she struggled to keep her footing, had no doubt been recently trampled by soldiers on their way to and from the irregular picket-lines, which the tattered remnants of the Georgia Militia had stretched thinly through the woods northwest of Savannah to defend their retreat. The deep grooves impressed into the mud, which made walking so treacherous, were dug by heavy cannon wheels, she...

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Eat Drink and be Mary

Eat, Drink and be Mary By Morpheus Justin, the tanner's son, hurried away from the village and towards wild forest that grew on the far edge of the river. He grinned mischievously to himself as he thought about the woodcutter's daughter, and how she must be starving for attention living way out there all alone. "Well" Justin chuckled aloud, "I'll soon fix that!" Though Justin had only seen the woodcutter's daughter on the rare occasion that she'd been in the village, he'd...

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Strygans Funhouse

No one is ever sure how they end up at the gates of Strygan's Funhouse, and you are no exception. You stand in an eerie yellow-green spotlight, surrounded by swirling opalescent mists. Strygian's Funhouse towers over you, its endless stories disappearing into the dark clouds above. A giant grotesque scowls at you, it's open maw a portal to the rooms within. The air smells faintly of smoke, and somehow sinister sounding calliope music escapes from the portal before you. A disembodied voice,...

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Harry Potter and the Sisters Black Chapter 3

Damn, he thinks to himself, that wasn’t a dream after all! Harry quietly sneaks to his dresser and fetches a change of clothes before heading to the shower. On the way to the bathroom, Harry notes that all the Dursley’s are still asleep. Harry’s about half-way through his shower when he hears the door open. He turns to see what looks like a dark haired female enter the room. As he open his mouth, Bellatrix says, “Don’t worry master, it’s just me.” Bellatrix steps into the shower...

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The Family

It was a day like any normal day. I walked home from school following my normal path, held my head high as school is finally over. Time to live my life and not have to worry about anything. As I walked I stumbled across a tablet lying on the street. I picked it up and investigated it further. It seemed like any normal tablet, same size and screen shape. I turned it on and it booted up like tablets do. However in stead of taking me to the Home Screen, it just told me to type my dream. The first...

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sexy pregnant sophie

Chapter 1Sophie turned over in bed, brushing her long blonde hair away from her eyes so as to take a look at her companion from the night before. This didn’t have the desired effect; her lover from the previous night had vanished without so much as a goodbye. Of course he had, it had been the same for a while now. I mean, who would want to wake up to realise they had spent the night with a very, very, pregnant woman. This was the third guy this month that had ran off, not to mention the first...

2 years ago
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Getting to the Point

Like anyone I can have my ‘bad’ moods. In my case, being a little conflicted and gender confused, it popped up once too often. A few months after Jack and I started dating – actually it was a true relationship by then – there was a period of adjustment needed; I didn’t see it but he did and, being a man, acted to put things back on track for us. It wasn’t the last time…We’d gone out for a nice dinner and I’d been a real bitch from the very beginning. I was just having a bad day and took it out...

2 years ago
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My Cousin Alli Part 1

On the morning they arrived Allison and my Uncle John arrived at about 11. My Uncle came in with the bags saying that James and my Aunt Lucy wouldn’t make it till 3 since James had a hockey match. Allison followed him and what had happened since I last saw her was amazing. The little shy Ginger haired brown eyed 11 year old was now a sexy blonde brown eyed 13 year old. She had dyed her hair and built her face up with make up to cover her freckles even when she was eleven she had about C Cup...

3 years ago
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The Long Hot Day

It was a Friday morning, already heading towards the 100 degree mark, and it was just too hot and too nice of a day to be cooped up in an office; or anywhere else for that matter. I called into work and played the act that I was sick and would schedule a dr appt to check and see what was wrong. The only thought on my mind was finding a nice cool water spot and enjoying the day. I packed a light lunch of leftover chicken and some fruit from the fridge, and slipped on my favorite kakki shorts and...

4 years ago
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The Voice Over BBBBTS

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....The Voice over....I am always looking for ways to meet, hot voluptuous women. I love bigger women with curves. A nice perfect hour glass figure. I had a great idea last week. I would take a few weeks off, from my regular job. I would put up some help wanted posters around town. I rented a small office, near my house. I put in a big oak desk. A big brown leather chair to sit in. A big brown leather couch and two fake plants in my office. A small computer...

1 year ago
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DDFNetwork, aka Porn World! Sometimes I hear people complaining about how it’s too hard to find things to watch on Netflix because there’s just so goddamn much to choose from. Tell me about it! I feel the same way about online smut. Sometimes I know I want to polish the old pole for a few hours while hopped up on Chinese boner pills, but I’m not sure if I want to see a woman riding a cock that’s too big for her cunt, a hot lesbian licking another’s twat clean, or a threesome with DP reverse...

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CondominiumChapter 2

Chris, Jess, Amber and I got more and more daring over time. I think each of us goaded the others to some exhibitionism. We went skinny dipping in the condo pool several times after some of our swap romps, wearing robes to the pool, and then slipping into the water so that hopefully (maybe) no one in any of the other units noticed, but we had the fun of swimming naked. Things changed for the four of us one night after Chris suggested, "Hey, let's go up on the roof, and mess around up...

2 years ago
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Toms bondage torment

It had been a few weeks since Tom had taken the spare room in Jessica's flat. Jessica had taken on the lease for the whole flat and had been desperate for someone to take the second room. She was particularly pleased with Tom, he was tall, good looking and seemed like a fun kind of guy.Tom had also been pleased to move out from the flat he shared with his ex-girlfriend. Jessica's flat was small, but in a good part of town. Jessica herself seemed nice enough. Not what he'd call stunning,...

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Jane and Elaine

Jane was my ex-gf's mother who I was having great saturday morning sex with until we got caught! Elaine is Jane's downstair neighbour, friend and ex work-mate. On friday night two weeks ago I bumped into the two of them in a pub in Stirling, they were out to celebrate Jane's 60th birthday. I had just finished my work so I was still dressed in my manky working clothes, so after having a quick pint and a chat with them I left to go home, Elaine had mentioned what pubs they were heading to later...

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Paddling and Punishment Enema Farts Fm

Paddling & Punishment Enemas:Firstly, I was suitably restrained on her lovely leather-padded dungeon table. Then she "opened" -- no pun intended -- with a 1-2-3 enema. After suitable time has elapsed I was  allowed to fart out/ evacuate my filled, cramped bowels. Then it was back on her table, perhaps on my back this time with my feet hoisted high above me, and she forced a hot, soapy large volume enema into my bowels, between 3 and 6 litres of it! She devilishly used one of her custom-made...

4 years ago
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Calendar Ch 03

Cal was busy working on his stamp collection, sorting through several old stamps he had recently purchased at an auction, when he heard the chime of his computer signalling an incoming email. He glanced at his watch and was surprised, since most of his emails were news or sports updates, and came at the top of the hour. It was 8:21, which meant it was spam which had slipped by his filter, or a personal email – and he had received very few of those the last year or so. Running his hand through...

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Not OrdinaryChapter 7

A whole month passed with me following the same cursed routine. Training, patrols, rest, repeat. And contrary to my experiences the first night of patrol, there were no more monsters strong beyond the norm. In fact, I could handle most of the monsters myself, without any assistance from Samuel. Speaking of Samuel, that guy was a big, hard reality check. I had assumed, incorrectly, that since his ability hadn’t yet unlocked, he would not be that great in the field. I had experience patrolling...

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Nylon Awakenings

Finding out about nylonOh, those awkward teenage years. The sexual awakenings of one’s youth and the sexual desires and tastes that would be brought forward into adulthood. I think I must have been about 12 the first time that I masturbated myself to orgasm, and from that point on I had developed a new hobby that I would participate in several times a day! And it really didn’t take much to arouse my younger self in those days, either. There would be unwanted erections in school lessons,...

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Skipper Licked Me Daddy

I pulled my F250 into the driveway, bounced up to the garage and slammed on the brakes. I threw open my door, then stopped, trying to calm my temper and organize my thoughts. Murder was illegal in Washington. “Slow down, don’t go in there mad,” I muttered to myself. I hated getting calls on my cell phone when I’m in the woods, trying to put down an acre of timber before the owners get mad and parcel it off to somebody else. It really pisses me off when somebody...

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Michaels Dream

Story: #41 Copyright ©2008 Written: July 25 2008 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** Note: I don’t have any knowledge of Gender Reassignment Surgery(Sex Change) if some things in this story do not make sense it is due to that lack of knowledge. ******************************************** "BEEEP, BEEEP, BEEEEP" The sound of the alarm woke Michael...

1 year ago
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ChristinaChapter 23

"What?" I blurted. Tina's eyes were pained as she repeated, "She said two guys tried to get to 'er in their trailer. Said Dan shot one in the trailer an' one outside, but the first guy hit Dan and the second one got her. Dan's in the hospital. Cindy got treated and released. She's with her foster mom now." "What about Dan?" I asked. I thought I was the adventurous one. "He's in the hospital, but he's gonna be okay..." She paused. "I'll talk to 'er after school and find...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 252

A young lad from Sydney, Nova Scotia goes off to University, but halfway through the semester he foolishly has squandered all of his money. He calls home. ‘Dad,’ he says, ‘you won’t believe what modern education is developing. They actually have a program here in Antigonish that could teach our dog “Jiggy” how to talk.’ ‘That’s amazing!’ his Dad says ‘How do I get Jiggy in that program?’ ‘Just send him in here with $1200,’ the young lad says, ‘I’ll get him in the course.’ So his father sends...

2 years ago
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"Mother," Cheryl said. "Absolutely nobody in my class has to be home at eleven o'clock. Nobody!" "That's not true, sweetheart," Lori said. "Cheryl has to be home at eleven." "We could make it ten," Dan said. "That would make your statement true." "DadDEEE!" Cheryl screeched. "I'll tell you what," Lori said. "For every minute that you get home before eleven, Mark can stay here a minute later. We'll be in the bedroom." "It's the Valentine's dance, it celebrates love...

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Book 9 The HatchlingsChapter 6

Virlane and DeClan quietly entered the bedchamber, both Zara and Kat looked up quickly, DeClan looked at Zara with Tabby cradled in her arms sleeping and just wanted to wrap his arms around his little one and his children and cry, Zara seeing the look on DeClan’s face got up and tucked Tabby in the cradle next to a sleeping Mal and TeeLinn. Zara put her hand on his arm “what happened?” Zara found herself crushed in DeClan’s arms, Kat glanced at Virlane waiting for someone to say something,...

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Fantastic Fuck Doll

Dear Mr. Warthog, After reading one of your stories, I thought I would tell you a story about myself and my girl friend that I think you will appreciate. My name is Sarah and my friend’s name is Jill. We are from Australia. Although quite liberal now, I wasn’t always that way. I did learned, however, at an early age that I had the look that attracted men. At first I was embarrassed at the attention and really didn’t know what to do about it. Later, I learned that a lot of nice...

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Telugu couple erotic story

Aha roju,sunday, ravi, intlo bluefilm chustu enjoy chestunnadu. Ravi bharya Saroja , market ku vellindi. One hour taruvata,saroja , inti ki vachhindi ,calling bell kottakunda, ravi yem chestunnado chusindi .ravi bf chustu hastaprayogam chesukuntunnadu, stun ayindi,saroja. Calling bell kottindi ,saroja,ravi bluefilm off chesi ,door teesadu. Saroja navvukuntu ,yem chestunnavu ,ravi,andi. Ravi, nidra potunnani abaddam cheppadu, ‘yey ,nenu,chusale ,nuvvu yem chestunnadi’ sarojoa andi. ‘Naku...

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NAKED LEGAL 2 The First Day

CHAPTER TWO: THE FIRST DAY The next morning I stepped out of the shower, drying myself and looked into the mirror after wiping a large circle of fog from the surface. I looked at my body critically as if I was evaluating the finishing touches of a completed outfit. I raised my eyes from the reflection of my body and giggled at the eyes staring back at me. Except for a few items, this was my outfit for the day. I had done the due diligence as Mr. Franklin said. I reviewed all the...

2 years ago
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Working Girl Part 2

I woke up just after noon. My next shift at the restaurant wasn’t till 4:00 pm so I stayed in bed a little longer. I pulled out the bag I kept next to bed to hold the money I had made in my new endeavor. I counted out the $4200.00 that I had made in the last two days. I thought I would feel dirty about the money, but I rationalized that I hadn’t forced Bob to pay me for sex. I actually felt better that he wasn’t cheating on a wife at home. I felt I was doing him a service by giving him a sexual...

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LOVE HIM Hung Like A Bull Chapter 2

L h O i V m E-Chapter 2 Hung Like A Bull-On my way to the ranch the next morning Cody’s email played over in my mind like the flashing white lines reflected in the hubcaps. Every mile marker I passed became a metaphor for the all the steps it’s taken me to get this amazing guy into my life. I beat myself up wondered why in the hell it’s taken me so long to get serious with him? In my eyes he was perfect, his shy smile melted my heart, his perfect bubble butt I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off...

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Ammaye Njan Panni

Hai njan appu age 24 job multi national companies kottayam salary 30000 per month njan nalla vealuth colour ane nall body nalla pokkam eni eantea ammayea patti parayam name jaya job onnu ella size 34 28 36 nalla vealutha niram arum onnu nokki pogum ammea kandal acchan marichittu 20 year ayi njan otta magan ane eni kadhayileak varam anikke arivaya kalam muthal njan eannu vanam adikkumayirunnu teachera orthum ayalathea cheachiyea orthu okkea oru dhivasam njan job kazhinju arubol amma dress...

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Male Cherry goesPOP Pt2 Male Cherry goesPO

Once I landed in Vegas I knew that I would live up to the City's manta: "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas".I arrived at the baggage claim greeted by hot weather. I was thankful that I decided to change into a clingy maxi dress and sandals before leaving the house. As I am waiting for my bag to make its way around on the belt I am scared to death with a soft....sensual kiss on the nape of my neck. I jumped and turned around to find Bryan's chocolate solid frame swallowing me. I playfully...

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Lads Holiday Chapter 5

The next morning, I was woken while it was still dark to see the girl thathad spent the night in my bed disappearing away out the door. I slid backinto my bed and managed to get a few of hours of more comfortable sleepbefore the guys all woke up.We all lay in a while, but it was Charlie who was awake first. He got upand walked across to the window, wearing only a pair of tight boxer briefs.He stood there stretching and looking out for a while, then walked back andchecked his bag. I watched...

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Shofteem By shalimar The sun was just peeking its head over the horizon on that particular September morning as the clock radio began to wake up the sleeping beauty. It was set to a soothing music station that usually put the assistant district attorney in a happy mood. But today wasn't going to be a happy one even if she did win the case for which she was about to do her summation later that morning. She needed to ask for the death penalty. There was overwhelming evidence that the...

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