Adam free porn video

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Hello Friends: This is a photo of Adam. Adam is the latest

young man to audition for

my upcoming theatre season. He wants to be a professional

actor. Some of you

know that I have gotten many young men their starts in

professional theatre.

Some have gone on to become big stars. For any of you

living in the

Minneapolis area, the man starring in Peer Gynt at the

Guthrie, Mark Rylance

started out with me in every sense of the word.

Anyway, I am helping Adam look into Drama Schools and

Universities with

good programs. He has little money, so I have to write for

some scholarships

for him. I have connections and can help him as he is

talented. But...there

will be a price of course. I told Adam nothing comes free

in life. He knows

I am gay and that most of theatre is. He knows what I mean

when I say there

is a price. And he has agreed. We have not discussed all

the details yet,

but they will include sucking my cock and taking my dick up

his young ass.

Like so many boys I help, he is the product of a broken

home. I have given

him a job cleaning the toilets and the theatre, to help him

, and I am

considering using him in two upcoming shows. I also have

some potential

modeling jobs for him for local tv ads and some newspaper


But it all hinges on how comfortable Adam is with himself

and his body,

and how willing he is to share with me his attributes. I

have scheduled a

photo session with him this afternoon at my condo. It will

of course

include undraping the goods.

My approach with Adam will be similar to I think, the

one I used with the

boy we call Naked David. Adam is quite shy, so first I will

get him to

undress and pose for me. Then I will make him get naked in

front of my gay

friends and colleagues. This should totally humiliate him

and provide some

fun. Then we move on to some simple submissive things...and

then on to more

complex tasks. Eventually I will make him clean the toilets

bare assed naked

and crawl around the theatre. He will be made to give his

mouth and ass to

every one of my friends. He will be invited to parties

where he will be

fondled and used.

And that will be just the start. Meantime, we will see if

we can have a

bit of fun with him at school. If we can get some of the

boys to use him.

This is accomplished by having him send some of the photos

we take to some

of the jocks at his school along with very personal

admiring emails. You

would be amazed at how creative high school jocks can be.

So today is a big day for young Adam. It may set him on a

course which

will change his life forever. I have to move slowly of

course and be

careful. I have not yet seen Adam's that I

mean what he has in

his pants. He has not done a nude audition for me with the

other boys due to

his age. If we use him naked on stage, we shall have to

change his name and

lie about his age of course. But young fresh prick meat

really brings the

gay audiences in, especially for the special late night

shows we sometimes


Adam was very nervous at our initial interview. I rubbed

his next and his

shoulders to relax him. But now, being around the theatre,

he has relaxed

quite a bit. I have notices that he has a really nice ass

mound in his

trousers. It looks like he has good globes. He is a very

sweet boy and hangs

around all the time now, as he hates to go home to his

wasted mom. It is

really the perfect set up.

I have tested his submissiveness in some small simple

ways. I asked him

the other night if he would take some dirty jock straps

from some of the

actors home and wash them for us. I mean, usually of

course, the actors wash

their own filthy fuck straps, but I had them leave them on

purpose. I told

Adam they had to be washed by hand as some of the actors

were allergic to

machine washing. To make things just a bit more

interesting, my buddies and

I pissed on some of the prick pouches and even jerked off

on them. They were

totally sticky and foul. I told him the best way was to

wash each one

separately by hand in warm soapy water.

He did a really good job. They came back fresh and

spotless. I gave him a

tooth brush to clean out the tile grout from the tiles

around the toilets.

We all compliment him and tell him this is the way most

young actors start

out. Some of my friends lie and say they started the same

way. Everyone is

always very kind to him, rubbing his back and shoulders and

patting him on

the ass. I think for that first time in his life he feels

wanted. And boy

oh boy, is he ever wanted! Right in the crack between those

ass cheeks.

I don't think I will fuck him today, even if the shoot

goes amazingly

well. I don't want to rush things and ruin them. I may tell

him I feel very

close and special about him and that I usually don't feel

so special about a

new actor. I may even tongue kiss him a bit if he seems

cuddly and wants

come affection. If that works, then tonight after the show,

I will take him

out and who knows.

Here are some photos of the first time I met him at a

Christmas party. He

was a bit wasted at the time, which is what gave me the

idea that he might

be ripe for plucking. He was with a girl at the party, but

who gives a fuck.

He is actually much cuter than these photos show which you

will see in the

shoot I do today. People always look worn out when they are

wasted. I cant

wait to take photos when he is really worn out from getting

dick up his ass.

You can see though even from these that he does have a

really good mouth for

sucking dick! So you see how patience is needed in this

game. I have been

gently gaining his confidence from Christmas up until now.

Oh I wanted to

have at that ass and mouth over and over, but I told myself

to play it slow

and safe.

After I get some really good photos of Adam, I will share

them with you.

Let me know what you think or suggest.

Part One

Well, my first photo shoot with Adam went better than

expected. He is

more submissive than I thought. And he is so eager to

belong and fit in that

there should be no problem "fitting into him." Oh there is

that thing

about him not being gay, but I never ever let that get in

the way. I took

the little fucker to the theatre for our first private

encounter because

a.) he is comfortable there. And b.) It is kind of a common

ground for us.

We used the kitchen area off the green room for his "first


modeling photo shoot." What fucking bullshit you have to go

through just to

get into a sixteen year old kid's mouth and ass. I did do

some talking to

him about how he has seen guys naked in some of my shows

and how if he wants

to work for me and travel say to Thailand or London or

Russia or other

places I work, he will have to be adult about the whole

thing and not be shy

about his body or his sexuality. So far, he has only been

in two high

school plays, and I hardly think they count. The fucking

little puppy is so

eager, he just nodded his head like a good little doggie.

Now I warn you at the outset of this email, if you are

looking for an

account of me raping his tight little ass, you will be

disappointed. I told

you such things take time. And when your goal is not only

to rape a boy's

mouth and ass, but to actually turn him into a mindless

fuckslut, then you

really have to move carefully. If I like the cunt enough,

this could turn

into a long term affair like with Danny and Bradon and

Naked David. Some of

you will not approve of my methods, but if so, you are

reading the wrong

guy's stuff. To totally break a boy's mind as well as body,

you need to use

everything at your disposal, including booze and drugs. It

is much more

complicated than it seems in the fiction stories about such

things. You need

to spend endless hours just talking to the kid...getting

into his mind

before you get into his ass. If you are truly into wanting

to totally

humiliate and degrade the kid, then you have to learn which

buttons to push.

We already have him serving us in the theatre in dozens

of ways. "Adam,

get that from the back room, will you?" "Adam vacuum the

lobby, will you?"

"Adam clean the toilets." He has gotten used to me having

my hand on his

leg and his back and his neck. He has gotten used to the

theatre "custom" of

hugging and kissing hello and goodbye. My kisses have

progressed to his

mouth and have gotten longer and longer.

When we party after shows, we invite him along, and I

have some of my

buddies help me to get him buzzed and then we kind of kick

back on a couch

or someplace and he has gotten to resting his head on my


shit like that. I have suggested to him that there is no

room for a steady

girlfriend in the life of an up an coming actor, but I

have not yet ordered

him to drop the twat.

And so on to yesterday's photo shoot. He was nervous.

Quite nervous. A

good shoulder and pec rub helped him to relax. First some

nice photos of

our new star. I snapped many more of these than I needed,

just to make him

feel good. In he business we call them head shots, even

though they often

include some body. Also called promo shots. They are the

photos you send to

agents. Oh boy, did Adam fall for that.

Then I asked our new star to lift his teen shirt and

give me some sexy

shots for the teenage girls. He laughed and obliged nicely

I of course did a

lot of hands on posting of him, feeling his naked tummy and

rubbing my hands

over his tits. What I like about Adam is there is so much

to work with here.

His titties will need lots of work, as will his young ball

sack and ass. I

know such intense work will be very painful for the sixteen

year old, but of

course, he doesn't know that yet.

Next we stopped for a joint. He got I, I got hard. He

was a bit more

relaxed when I asked him to raise his shirt but to point at

his dick as if

to see, "look what I have here."

I casually asked him if he has ever fucked a girl. His

answer was no. He

is one hundred percent virgin. Yummy. I always use really

foul language with

boys of his gets them going. I said to him, "So you

never had your

fuckmeat up a cunthole, huh?" Stuff like that. You can see

a boys tits rise

and fall as his breathing gets heavier when you talk that

way. I wanted to

get some shots of his tits, so I had him hook his tee

shirt over his neck.

He has really workable nipples...flat but large. I can turn

those tint sow

udders in no time. They will stick out so rubbery and pouty

when I get

through with them, that he will be ashamed to ever take off

his shirt in

public. Of course he will be displayed on stage and at the

gym, and other

places we take him, like after hour parties at gay bars

where he will

eventually dance naked before being gang banged. All of

that lies ahead for

innocent little Adam in the next few months. If things go

as planned. You

never know one hundred percent when you are working with

young boy cunt.

But I needed to see how far I could gently push the boy.

So I asked him to

strip to his underpants. I was happy to see that he wore

briefs instead of

boxers. It might have meant he knew he would be posing. I

asked him if he

always wore briefs and he said no, only sometimes. I told

him he looked

like he had a really nice package, pointing to his dick

lump. He blushed. I

told him I bet lots of girls at school wanted to get their

mouths on that,

and some of the boys too. Then I soothed him again by

talking about how open

and honest we are in the theatre. I told him he must

realize that already.

He said that was why he liked to hang with us so much. We

seemed to free and

without any hang-ups. Then he made a great step forward. He

told me he

really liked me and appreciated all I had done for

him...letting him hang

around the theatre and earn some money, and be exposed to

theatre. He had

no idea how exposed he will be.

In weeks to come if all goes well, he will be bare assed

naked in the

theatre much of the time, cleaning the toilets naked on his

hands and knees.

He will probably become addicted to drugs and be willing to

do any fucking

thing to get them. I will not do that. I will not hook a

boy on drugs. I

have my standards, hard for you to believe, I know. But I

also know that

other actors he meets at parties will get him going.

I know what some of you gentle readers and friends are

thinking. It is a

horrendous crime to allow a sixteen year old boy to get

into hard drugs. I

am a monster to allow it to happen. GUYS, WE ARE TALKING









will be mated with

dogs and God knows what else. That is if things go as

planned. He will also

probably be expelled from his high school because of some

of the things we

have planned for him. He will have no place to turn, except

to those of us

who will guide him into a world of sleaze and fuckslop. His

jaw will be

permanently sore and his lips swollen from sucking so much

dick! His asshole

will be permanently stretched form the things we will shove

up there. He

will become a fucking fucked up sixteen year old mess! I

wouldn't worry

about a few party drugs.

If it is moral assurance you want, we got Naked David

hooked on drugs to

get him to do the obscene perverted acts we required of him

for our

pleasure. But later, after he was a homeless street hustler

taking it up the

ass five or ten times a day to make enough money for that

days' drugs and a

place to sleep, we arranged to have some stern SM masters

take him in and

"clean him up." It was almost as much fun forcing him off

the drugs as

getting him fucked up in the first place. I'll make sure we

clean Adam up

after we fucking ruin him, okay?

Anyway, I got the little twat down to his undies. Then I

suggested that he

show us a little of his manhood. He was really shy. I told

him if he wanted

to act for our company, he had to be prepared to play nude

roles now and

then. I said we could not have anyone working for us who

was shy and afraid

of his own body. He said he knew that. Christ, he has seen

enough of our

shows to know that we like young swinging dick on our


So, after a moments hesitation, he flipped it out of his

underpants. What

was interesting was the foreskin was rolled back and I got

a nice shot of

his smooth little teenage dickehad before he self

consciously pulled his

foreskin back over the cocktip. Almost as if that was

protecting it from

me. He is not huge, but very cute at sixteen. His balls

will provide hours

of pleasure as they can be nicely worked on and stretched.

I had him lie on the counter so I could get a nice

"centerfold" photo of

him. I had to keep urging him to not be so shy about

showing us his

fuckmeat. "Nice handsome guy like you with such a healthy

fat cock,

shouldn't be shy about showing off," I said. "Oh yes, the

girls are going

to loe getting fucked by that. I can tell."

By now you probably realize one of Adam's most endearing

qualities. He is

not the brightest candle in the candelabra! He falls for

shit like that.

I am somewhat obsessed by his balls though. I can't wait

to get to work on

them with some really heavy weights.

I adore how in the photo he is making the peace sign.

It's like in all his

teenage innocence he is saying..."it's okay that I am lying

here with my

underpants pulled down and my sixteen year old dick and

balls on display,

because I am making a peace sign and that is cool! It's

okay that a grown

adult is taking naked photos of my most private parts

because I am making a


I wanted him to slip the underpants off, but he was

reluctant. I told him

I had no time for shy actors and that I really liked him,

and I hoped he

wouldn't disappoint me as I thought he was "special." He

told me this was

all new to him and he was just scared. He promised he could

do better next

time. So...I cut him some slack. You see how you need to be

patient to get

the young ass you want. I scheduled another photo shoot

with him, and told

him that the next time, I expected him to act like an adult

and not a

simpering boy. Then I hugged him and even went to far as to

give him a big

kiss on the mouth. He responded, which really gives me

hope. He even opened

his mouth for some tongue. He said he was really happy at

our theatre and

ad never felt so at home anywhere. Then, wearing just his

underpants, he

hugged me for a long time and said he hoped he never let us

down in any way.

I had visions of his sweet lips around my cock while one of

my pals fucked

him up the ass. I told him that as long as he trusted me

and did everything

I asked him to, we would grow creatively and personally. I

rubbed his ass

globes through his undeies. He has very very nice ass

globes. His crack

seems nice and deep. Don't worry, I will get lots of photos

of that next

time. We stood that way, his head on my shoulder, me

rubbing his ass, and I

knew even if he was straight, he would soon be the fuckboy

we all want him

to be.

Then I told him he'd better clean the toilets for the

evening performance.

I suggested he not get his nice clothes all dirty, and that

he clean the

toilets in his underpants. I gave him a very small brush to

use, almost a

tooth brush, telling him the tiles around the toilet bowls

and urinals were

really dirty and he should spend some time scrubbing them

real well.

I have a confession to make. I jerked off watching him

scrubbing the

urinals in his underpants.

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Fifty Dollars for Full Service

Elizabeth jumped when the doorbell rang. The magazine she was reading almost fell out of her hands. He was here early. The room suddenly felt too hot. Elizabeth’s breath caught in her throat, her chest tight. Killing time had been bad enough, but now that the moment was here, well, she realized she wasn’t truly ready. Her heart triphammered against her sternum. He rang the doorbell again. Get moving, Liz, Elizabeth told herself. She put the magazine aside, glanced around the...

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hook up with transsexual

Another great tape and another great yank of the crank. Yea, she-males were pretty hot, Tom thought as he hit the eject bottom on the tape deck, but where on earth would he really find one? He had little doubt that if he did find a place where they hung out that there would be more than a few with a serious case of ugly. The chances of finding one like the ones in the video taped he had just been watching was pretty slim. But, he knew if he never went looking, he would never find one. He knew...

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Look, I know I'm not supposed to pick up hitchers. It's not smart for me, and it's not smart for the hiker. But it was a rainy afternoon, and the guy up the road looked really dejected. He was somewhat small anyway, and his shoulders slumped over as he slogged through the mud. All alone in the half-dark like that, he reminded me of my cat when I had rescued him as a stray from a sudden downpour. The kid had a yellow poncho on and wasn't carrying any bag or even a gas can. I supposed he was...

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Three Sisters ndash Crazy dream

Crazy dream or can life really be this good, Ricky was the youngest of 4 k**s and was blessed or cursed with 3 older sisters all depending on how you look at it. From an early age he was treated with seeing 3 beautiful girls running around in various degrees of dress or undress. When they were young they would even bathe him, he was their own personal live doll. They would dress him up and he played along, not because he liked it but because they were nice about it. If he didn’t play along...

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Girl Talk he had the Biggest Cock

Scott had to travel and work out of State for a few weeks and told me to "have a good time" while he was away. At 40 years of age and raising two teenagers, I was bored with my usual fuck-buddies and wondered if I still 'had the looks' to attract a younger hunk. I had been day-dreaming at work about a recent hire, Tim, who was single and handsome. Girl-talk around the employee lounge revealed that he had hit on several of the young women, and a few that had dated him said he had the "biggest...

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The Daddy Room

The Daddy room:Would you like to be Daddy in the Daddy room?  It’s a real fantasy of mine.  It has helped me come for years along with some other fantasies of mine.  Some would say it's some pretty sick stuff.  I used to think so but not anymore.  Now I find my fantasies getting darker...The Daddy RoomThat day had been a long one. I had started out in the mask room. Where you have a mask over most of your face and men fuck your holes, not knowing or caring what you look like, or who you are,...

4 years ago
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a Vampires Halloween

  After living for 200 years, you tend to get bored. Wanting things to be different, needing that suspense that you vaguely remember from being human. After 200 years, you’ve done and seen it all. No surprises. Ethan turned vamp, or as his kind like to call themselves ‘immortals’ when he was 29. Tall, about 6’1′, a good 200 lbs, all toned muscle. Shaved head with piercing black eyes. (Think Vin Diesel, only taller.) Dressed in an all black business suit, he stands by his office window, looking...

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PureTaboo Reagan Foxx All We Have Is Each Other

Danny (Sam Solo) is a quiet, shy college student who has decided to return home for the summer to live with his stepmom, Nancy (Reagan Foxx). Even though they are not related, Nancy has always been a loving parental figure to Danny and seemed so lonely and isolated on the family’s ranch. When he arrives, Nancy is so grateful to have the company and helps Danny settle in. But, over the course of the following days, a series of unfortunate events happens to Danny. His glasses break,...

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Scotts Wish

Just a short story I wrote in a few minutes. SCOTT'S WISHES BY PAUL G. JUTRAS Scott lived all alone in a small cabin at one end of a lake. One day he went down to the water with a towel, soap and shampoo to bath. While in the water, he dropped the soap, but what he grabbed instead was a mysterious bottle. His slippery hands rubbed the bottle all over as he tried to grip it. From the bottle a turbine headed male genie appeared before Scott. "I am the genie of the lamp!" The...

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Zhara Part 1 A New career

Zhara – Part 1 - A New Career Chapter 1 – IntroductionWearing a French Maid’s outfit, waspie and seamed stockings and tottering on 5? high spiky heeled lace up calf boots, Zhara was a provocative site as she exited the chauffeur driven car and entered the up market beauty salon.For someone who had two weeks ago been unemployed and living on the generosity of her flatmate, this was a sensational change.Chapter 2 – The Ad Zhara had been out of work for a month and things were getting tight. Her...

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Western Girls Come Out To Play

I know it sounds lame but my roommate of the time, Ella, had wanted to join the Western re-enactment society because she wanted to dress up and play the role of a saloon girl in the hope of getting closer to Jack Hargreaves.Tall and muscular with chiselled good looks, Jack was a regular member of the society and always took the handsome gunslinger roles. His other claim to fame, if he but knew it, was that he could make Ella soak her panties just by entering the room. Sadly for Ella, he was...

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My Friends Dad Bummer Vacation

“So what do you think?” Simon dropped the brochure in front of me. The words Tropical Paradise stood out straight away as I picked it up.“Looks good,” I said. The palm trees and secluded beaches piqued my interest. Simons strong hands rested on my shoulders as his lips pressed against my ears.“I thought it might give me a chance to have you all to myself for a week.” His hands slid down my body and delved into the front of my shorts.“Mmmm, I’m sure we’ll both have our hands full.” A smile crept...

Gay Male
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My Aunt Wants To Be Fuck

Hi to all Incest Sex Stories readers. I have been reading this stories for the past 7 years. I am Harikrishnan(name changed) currently working in Bangalore. I go to my village every week to fuck my aunt. I feel now is the time to share my experience with my aunt Gayathri(name changed)(equal to sister, uncle’s wife) which happened 6 years ago. I am 23 years old. At that time I was 18 years old and she was 24 years old with great assets 30,36,32. She looks like an angel. She has two children’s...

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Mine Are Nicer

Fbailey storyI was looking at pictures of naked girls on the Internet when my cousin popped her head into my bedroom and said, “Mine are nicer.”I panicked and couldn’t cover my monitor, couldn’t hit the right keys, and literally didn’t know what to do. I didn’t even know that she was visiting.Brenda then repeated, “Mine are nicer. Really! Want to see them?”Well at f******n, I had never seen a real pair of boobs before so I just nodded my head, yes.Brenda then closed my bedroom door, locked it,...

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Opus OneChapter 4 Trio

When Richard got back to his room that evening, Jer was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling. "Where have you been, man?" Richard asked. "Huh?" "I thought you were coming into the city with us this morning." "Oh, yeah, I forgot I had a lesson," he said. He sat up and rubbed his face. "At six I woke up to take a piss and remembered. So I went to practice." "Close one." "Yeah, I guess," Jer said dismissively. "Would've sucked if you missed your first lesson." "Nah....

4 years ago
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The Summer Continues pt 4

Introduction: Part four in the true story series of a boyhood summer of learning about myself. This is a continuation of my summer experiences… by far the wildest summer of my life. I am not a writer, but just wanted to share my stories with the world a bit as otherwise I do not get to talk about it. If you do not like the subject matter above, no need to read on. I hadnt seen Matt since Friday, and even with the playtime with Tyler, I was still itching to see him. It was Sunday morning and I...

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My first time being domd

One of my last meets was with a dom male and he did things to me that i thought i would never do, but what choice did i have with a dom male. we where chatting on msn and i told him i was going to be alone with the next 30 mins, he then went of line and i did not think much about it, till you guest it about 30 mins later a knock on my front door {i had meet him before] and at the door was the guy i had been chatting to. He came in with out saying a word i was a little taken aback with him just...

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Fun On the Job

When I turned up at his house, I assumed that this would be a normal massage job; since this house was no different than a number of jobs I had done over the year. I had got dressed before I arrived, and I was pretty sure as I caught a look at myself in the rear view mirror that I would not be getting any complaints tonight as usual. It had been a working formula for me, white satin blouse, black mini skirt, stockings, suspenders and satin knickers and bra. Clients loved me in these...

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Murphy 5Chapter 16

It was only 9:00 when we walked back up the hill to the bungalow. I saw a big SUV turning in the main gate and watched as it slowly came our way. I saw the sign on the door, ‘Polaris’. Damn here they are and I don’t see Bobby ... this may be my best one yet. I’d love to get Chelsea to walk naked down to the lake and stand on the beach. DAMN. She jumped from the SUV before it even stopped and ran for me. She was naked. Meghan and Eden were talking, they didn’t see Chelsea until she was...

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Try it now

My wife and I have been married for almost a year now, although we have lived together for almost 5. Our sex life from the very beginning has always been awesome and she has always been a little hottie. Although she has enjoyed Variations or Forum with me on numerous times for masturbation or fore play, she has never really opened up any fantasies with me until we got married. Risqué, for us was mutual masturbation or a quick flash at a Kid Rock concert. Once we were married, things...

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South American Mom fucked in French Quarter La

concatenate of stories. I am Fernando from Brazil. In my third semester of University of São Paulo, I took 6 months aboard study at University of Louisiana. Kent and I room together at school, and thanks to hanging around with him I've had some wild experiences with a lot of women. But this last Summer , I had an experience that I never thought would have been possible. You see, My mother went to a conference in New Jersey for five days, and she decided to visit me in La. on weekend before...

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Skin Deeper

Skin Deeper By Bryony Marsh The burly U.N. troopers and the lab technicians glared at each other, neither group bothering to conceal their loathing of the other. The lab staff were under no illusions as to their status: they were prisoners, and their samples, their equipment and every notebook was forfeit. "So. You're seizing private property now." Although the U.N. force hadn't begun any interrogations yet, their leader already understood a great deal about the setup. The tall,...

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The smoldering rays of sunshine seeped through the beige satin curtains of the bedroom, glistening like pure crystals against the sheets and two nestle-chocolate bodies, one in a deep slumber while the other watched in adoration at the steady beat of his rising chest. The aroma smelt of sweet caramel, fresh strawberries and other islandy fruits, sugary cane and mouth-watering brown cinnamon lingered in their bedroom, it portrayed a sweet scent fragrance shop in every way. The sun rays of...

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Bikini Beach Reluctant Voyeur

Permission granted to archive this on any free archive, as long as notice is given to author. Bikini Beach: Reluctant Voyeur By Radioactive Loner Copyrighted 2000 "Mr. Anthony?" Jacob's name was followed by repeated emphatic thumping on the door. Jacob stood absolutely still, not wanting to generate even the slightest squeak of the floor to indicate he was there. "Mr. Anthony, I know you're in there!" After about five minutes of concerted thwacking, the din ceased and a piece...

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A Wicked NightmareWet Dream

----------------------------------- It was a Friday night as the most awesome and amazing guy i had ever met had just taken me out to a date at a five-star restaurant called FishTales. I'm wearing the a nice floral lace patterned longsleeve mini dress with Thigh-High Boots. Underneath, I was wearing a black bra that concealed my 32b's and black lace panties to conceal my 5.5" circumcised cock. Yes, I am an African-American transgendered woman and my name is Joanna. I'm that darker...

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Babysitter Gets Caught

When I arrived they where all dressed for a formal party. Mr. Olsen looked great in a tux. Mrs. Olsen looked fabulous. She was wearing a very clingy red dress, the kind that under cloths would show through. That’s why I was sure she was only wearing a very small thong. Their baby girl was already asleep. They showed me the kitchen and the T.V. and told me to relax and make myself at home. They said they would probably be home quite late. I said “That’s okay. I’ll probably fall...

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Maa Ki Kaali Mohabbat 8211 Part 1

My name is Daksh Sinha. I am 23 years old, and working in an IT firm in Pune. Aaj jo story main aapko bataane jaa raha hu, wo tab ki hai jab main 15 saal ka tha. Is story ki main character hai meri maa Ridhimma. Is story me aap padhenge, ki kaise samaaj ke bandhan ko todte hue meri maa ne apni zindagi ko aage badhaya. So without wasting any time, kahani shuru karte hai. Meri maa ki age 43 hai, aur us waqt wo 35 ki hua karti thi. We hail from Bihar. Mere father army mein the. Unki aur maa ki...

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Clark and Diana

The following is a work of erotic fiction and includes scenes of sexual activity. It includes characters that are copyrighted by DC Comics. This story is intended for the non-commercial enjoyment of fans and should be considered a parody. No copyright infringement is intended and no profit will be made from the distribution of this story. It had been just over two years since the chorus had first echoed through the canyons of the city. Twenty-six months during which the simple four sentence...

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guy is strip searched by women

Strip Search in a Sex Prison I am on the way to a sex prison. The waiting list was so long. It took a while before I was sentenced. A blond guard showed me the way. Her Guard uniform seems to be tighter and clearly shows off her appealing figure. The blouse had a few buttons undone and I could see her cleavage. I wouldn’t mind fucking her. In the room was a brunette guard who unlocked my handcuffs. that I could see her cleavage. “Strip,” she commanded. I unbuttoned my shirt and took it off....

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Stroking Codies Ego

I am a 32 year old woman. My name is Tammy. I few years back before the economy crashed I had a job working had in an accounting firm. I hired a young man that year named Codie to intern with us. He was in his early 20’s and like most young men he spent a great deal of time flirting. I had caught him on many occasions eyeing me. I don’t consider myself difficult to look at. I am almost six feet tall and my best assets are my legs and my backside. My husband used to say, your legs go all the...

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Tarun and Varun8217s Birthday Party Comic Video

  // Savita and Shobha plan to celebrate the twins, Tarn and Varun’s birthday next week. The plans are so hot that they end up enjoying lesbian sex! But what about the party? They plan to dress up as sexy school girls like the ones in porn films. But on the day of the party, they end up sexily clad in front of their father, Amit! Amit gets very angry when he sees what Savita and Shobha are doing to his sons. Savita is afraid that he will tell everyone about her secret. So what does Amit...

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Futa Naked in School 05 Futas Naked PassionChapter 3 Staciersquos Passionate Rebellion

Stacie Ward’s Week, Friday My stomach writhed as I sat naked in the main office of my high school. My heart pounded in my chest as I gripped my cell phone. I felt like I’d eaten a ton o lead. It just weighed me down, crushing all my insides with dread. My phone vibrated. Another angry message from Meaghan. My ex-girlfriend went scorched earth after catching me and my swim coach, Valeria Castellano, confessing our love for each other while in a passionate embrace in the girl’s locker room....

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The Sex Files 8211 Part 1

“Chiru, are you sure you’re okay with me going on my own?” Gayatri asked his boyfriend Chirag, ready to leave for Mumbai. “It’s okay, Gaya. I trust you. Bye!” Chirag ‘Chiru’ said, smiling. Soon, Gayatri ‘Gaya’ left, dressed in a mostly white colored salwar kameez with a narrow neck, short sleeves and buttons in the back. Similar to what she always wore to work. Gayatri was a 28-year-old accountant working at an office in Kochin, Kerala. She had worked there since she was 26. Hailing from...

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Bright Star Quest I The Book of BaysilChapter 6 Baysil the Lame Cleric

They camped that night in the mouth of a small box canyon. He'd urged that they push on, though already the afternoon sun was casting long shadows among the rocks. "We'll be better able to handle anything we run into in the morning when we're fresh," Darrick had argued, and the others had agreed with him. "No telling what we might find, or what might find us." Baysil took the first sentry watch, unable to sleep now that they were so close. Not far off the monastery loomed against the...

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Fucking on The Ice

From the time I saw the ice capades on tv, I decided I wanted to dance and skate on the ice with one, if not more of those beautiful, sexy ladies, holding their firm bodies in the palms of my hands, while feeling them up, ultimately ramming their pussies with my hard dick. I enrolled in classes to learn to skate and dance on the ice and, soon started dancing with the gorgeous ladies I had seen on tv. No, I wasn’t gay, nor was I really interested in dancing on the ice. I was just...

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Rose and Rowan part 10

As I lay on me bed sliding my dildo into my pussy, I think about him, his tall muscular body, his dark hair and piercing blue eyes. They way the water drips off of his body as he steps out of the pool after swim practice. I moan feeling my orgasm building, as i imagine him on top of me thrusting his big cock into my my tight pussy. I moan as my orgasm reaches its peak my legs shake my body spamming as I ram the dildo in and out of my pussy. I leave it in my as my body continues to spasm around...

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