Tonys AdventuresChapter 7 Visit to Aunt Ada
- 5 years ago
- 24
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Great Aunt Ada Takes a Hand
Great Aunt Ada, as she was called by the family was now 75 years old. She knew that she did not have long to live, or so the doctors had told her. Now to her, the problem of succession was one of the things that had become vitally important with her increasing age. She looked at the detectives report that lay on the table in front of her. Suddenly she looked again at the photograph of Tony, then the date of birth.
Her heart missed a beat. She wondered was it a coincidence, that he had the same date of birth as her daughters child. The child that had killed her beloved daughter, when it was born, the illegitimate son of a labouring man. She wondered could it be? Certainly there were some very interesting similarities. She reached for the telephone.She spoke rapidly, and excitedly to the detective agency that had been investigating Tony's background.
She put the phone down carefully. Her heart was pounding as she looked at the meagre evidence in front of her. If this Tony was her Grandson, then she had a real heir. She did not need to force Rota into marriage. Anyway she would not want her Grandson to marry Rota or would she? After all in many ways, Rota was a girl after her own heart, and she had been a good wife to her cousin Bertie. She had made him happy and looked after him well.
Tony now knew that he was very much in love with Rota. Her impish sense of humour, her vivacious personality, and her love of life were infectious. Each day with her, was a new and exciting adventure. She was a person who seemed to be always happy, and she thoroughly enjoyed every moment of her very active life.
Despite the fact that they had a very open relationship, they were almost inseparable. She made no attempt to discourage his liaisons with other females, and showed no sign of jealousy. In fact, at times it seemed she actively encouraged these relationships; especially with her friend Susanne. Tony was surprised by this attitude, and when one day he questioned her seriously about it, she replied.
"Life is for living, so let's live it the way we want to; jealousy is a wasted and very destructive emotion. Let's face it, if we are honest, sex is as important as eating and drinking to most people."
She had one day, early in their relationship, laughingly suggested that they should have separate bedrooms. At least until after their wedding. Her reason, she claimed was that she suspected that one of the maids was in the employ of her Great Aunt Ad; who paid her to report back on her nieces various activities. But Tony was not in any way amenable to this suggestion. He pointed out quite firmly that society had changed its values, and that Great Aunt Ada, surely would not expect them to be that proper in their behaviour.
Secretly, Tony suspected that Rota was pleased that he was prepared to put his foot down, and insist on spending his nights with her. She too, had fallen in love with this young man. Even though he was several years younger than she was. After this conversation they did agree however, that they should be more circumspect in their behaviour in public. This was not a problem, as they were both so content with each other, that for the present, they rarely wanted any one else in their lives.
Even at meal times, they would openly fondle each other. While the staff discreetly pretending not to notice, went about their duties with inscrutable faces. But they were happy in the knowledge that their mistress had found someone, with whom she was happy, and who they also liked. Even periodic visits from Aunt Debbie, could not distract him, from his adoration of his bride to be. Although, his sexual encounters with Debbie, were equally as rewarding, as they had been on the first day of his visit.
Rota was always happy to see her friend Debbie, and was as always prepared to share Tony's affections with her. They both appreciated her company, as she too shared their outlook on life. Her marriage to Ron was coming to an end. Her sessions with Tony had spoiled her for any other man.
The wedding arrangements were going apace, and then one day Rota announced to Tony, that they had both been summoned to spend the weekend with Great Aunt Ada. It was obvious to them both, that the impending wedding had triggered the demand for Great Aunt Ada to meet Tony at last.
It was with great trepidation, that Tony set off with Rota, to meet her aunt. On arriving at Hogan Hall, they were met by Rota's despised cousin Malcolm and his wife Amanda.
"What ho Coz," he chortled, in his sickening pompous manner.
"So this is the next lamb for the old connubial slaughterhouse what?"
He chuckled heartily, as he was introduced to Tony. Paying him scant attention, but determined if possible, to put Rota on the defensive. Tony quickly recognised that Malcolm was a twit, not worthy of too much attention, so he let his inane comments pass by; treating them and Malcolm with the contempt he felt they deserved.
But Tony, was immediately intrigued by his wife Amanda. At a first glance she looked like the typical dowdy female that Rota had described. Tony however, detected a person of greater intelligence, and personality than Rota's sweeping assessment of her had been. Looking closely at her, he could see that she had lovely almost perfect features, short dark hair, and a very trim figure. He detected a shrewd glint in her eye, which implied that she was not as staid a character, as he had been led to believe. As he took her hand he squeezed it slightly, and gave her one of his best charming grins.
To his surprise, he felt a squeeze in return, and a glint in her eye, that was both interesting, and highly suggestive. He had to admit to himself, that he was intrigued, and that he had begun to find her extremely attractive. She had made his pulse race faster than it should on a first acquaintance. She was, a nice looking girl, not pretty necessarily, but interesting was the way he would describe her. In particular when she smiled her whole face lit up.
He sensed by the occasional withering looks she gave her husband; that life was not easy for her, being married to Malcolm. Tony found that he was looking forward to getting to know Amanda much better. Whilst freshening up in Rota's bedroom, Aunt Ada sent a message that she wanted Rota and Malcolm for a family meeting that afternoon. She suggested, which was tantamount to a Royal Command, that while she was meeting with her two family members, perhaps Amanda could entertain Tony on a tour of the estate; the message also tactfully said that she was looking forward to meeting Tony tomorrow for a family lunch.
Amanda meanwhile had been as intrigued by Tony, as he had been with her, and being thoroughly bored with the whole stupid contest between Malcolm and Rota. She was looking forward with great interest to spending the afternoon with Tony. She privately thought, that great Aunt Ada was as crafty as "a cartload of monkeys." From past experience she recognised that Great Aunt Ada did nothing without good reason. Amanda also craved some excitement, during her brief stay here, and she suspected that Tony would be more than willing to give it to her.
She had, she was sure, recognised a kindred spirit in Tony, and as a result she had told the Chauffeur, that she would personally drive the Rolls for the tour of the estate, and surrounding district. She was not sure quite what to expect from Tony. But her sister Samantha, had told her in great detail about her meeting with Tony in the barn whilst out riding, so, she lived in hope that the afternoon would not be entirely wasted.
She knew what Aunt Ada expected from her, and she knew that pairing them off for the afternoon was no accident. She knew that Aunt Ada was a devious old trout, and this was all part of her master plan. She was determined that on this occasion, she would do her best to conform to Aunt Ada's wishes, and enjoy every moment of it, because it suited her as well.
After changing into a light summer dress, loosening her hair style, putting on some silk stockings, and a little more make up than usual, she met Tony as arranged in the front hall.
"Hello Tony. " Not wasting time, and setting the scene she boldly took his hand in hers, and guided him through the front doors to the waiting Rolls Royce.
" We must be off smartly, to obey the Royal Command. - so hop in."
As Tony sat down beside her, he realised that in some indefinable manner that Amanda was a different woman from the one he had met previously. Now she was very much more relaxed, without Malcolm, and there was an aura of underlying sensuality around her. He realised then, just how much she had changed her appearance for him. But more than that, she gave the overriding impression of being free. It was as though she had been, at least for the time being, released from her chains and was desperately trying to be her real self. If only for a brief time. It was the first time in his life, that Tony had ridden in a Rolls Royce. Normally he would have thoroughly revelled in the experience, but today he was so intrigued by this new Amanda that he took very little notice of the car.
"And how is dearest Rota treating you?" Amanda queried, as an opening remark and giving him a brief smile.
"Very well, and I love her dearly."
"Yes. I like Rota, but, I know she does not think very much of me." Amanda told him.
"She thinks I'm boring old fart like Malcolm."
"And are you?" Tony asked, watching her response carefully
"That's for you to find out" She smiled impishly at him, as she put her foot down and they sped away on the lake road.
"I believe that you had the pleasure of my sister recently?"
"Did I?."
"I'm sure that if she was anywhere as attractive and sexy as you. I would have remembered." Tony told her. Amanda blushed, taken completely by surprise, at Tony's impromptu gallantry.
"I believe you both got caught in the rain together, and kept each other amused for a few hours in a barn?."
"Oh Samantha. Yes a lovely girl, we talked for ages, until the rain stopped."
"Yes. She spoke in glowing terms about you as well." Looking sideways at him, as she spoke laughing out loud as she did.
"I don't think she told me very much about any conversation though."
Meanwhile Aunt Ada had done her homework about Tony. Her private detective had produced a rather large dossier about him; his home and his life in general. At first, she was not convinced that he was her Grandson. But then everything just seemed to slot into place. She was fairly sure, subject too a few final checks, that he was definitely her Grandson, and after hearing Rota talk about him, she realised that they were both very much in love, and now she was convinced that he was very much the right man for her.
Certainly she knew that Rota could never change, and Tony seemed to have very much the same interests in life. In fact she came to the conclusion they were a perfect match. She watched Amanda and Tony with interest, as they entered the Rolls Royce at the front door. She pitied Amanda, but noticed with concealed amusement, that she was leading Tony by the hand. If Tony's reputation was to be believed then anything could happen, and she hoped it did. Amanda deserved some little happiness in her life.
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Christine and Angie laughed as Adam’s car pulled up in the driveway. He’d obviously given little thought to speed limits, considering how quickly he’d arrived after Christine’s phone call.Christine shooed her niece away with an insistent wave of her hand as Adam stepped out of the car. Angie giggled and hurried to hide in the bedroom as the two women had planned over breakfast.The doorbell rang, and Christine opened it without stepping in front of the door, because she was dressed only in a...
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Dear friends, I am writing a story about my past after a very long time. By the way, I am Rajesh (changed) aged 45 years and currently residing in Bangalore. This incident happened when I was studying Engineering and was around 19 years old. My dad asked me to go to Madras (now Chennai) to his sister, Mandhira aunty’s house to give her company for a few days. Still blushing, Mandhira aunty turned to move away from me, but I just moved closer to her and held her hands and I could feel the heat...
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Christine glanced out the window at the sandy-haired young man mowing her lawn and licked her lips with a little shiver. For the last week, she’d found her thoughts almost completely consumed by sex, and two people figured very prominently in those frequent fantasies. One of them – stripped to the waist with a sheen of sweat glistening on his muscular torso – pushed a lawnmower around the various obstacles in the yard.Seeing that Adam was nearly done with the yard work, Christine turned down...
IncestChristine put on a show out of habit. She whipped her dark hair over her shoulder as she looked back at the man that she’d met in a bar a few hours earlier. He furiously pumped her pussy, probably close to filling the latex sheath between her and his cock. She wore a mask of pleasure, but it was exactly that – a mask.He’d managed to bring her to her peak, but the orgasm had disappointed her sorely – doubly so because she’d sought out a one night stand for the specific purpose of breaking a...
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Hi friends, nanum en nanabnum chennai chepak stadium selalam endru mudivu seithu irunthom. Bus il selalama alathu train il selalama endru thitam potu kondu irunthom. En nanban train il selalam athil thaan kasu kamiyaaga agum endru solinan. Sari va machi naam trainile selalam endru mudivu seithu irunthom. Kaliyil trainil iruvarum selvatharku kathu kondu irunthom, anru iru pengal irunthaargal, avargalai sight adithu kondu irunthom. Iru pengalin amma irunthaal, aunty parka sexiyaaga kanadi potu...
Hellor friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil sexiyaana kutai pavadai auntyai eppadi usar seithu mater seithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Ithu oru unmai kathai enbathaiyum ungalidam solli kolugiren, en kaama anubavathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil pagirnthu kola vaaipu koduthatharku migavum en nandriyai therivithu kolugiren. Vaarungal kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar vinoth eppozhuthum pengalai sight adithu kondu irunpen. En kalluri kaalam mudinthu ippozhuthu 25 vayathu aagiyum entha pennaiyum...
Dear friends, I am writing a story about my past after a very long time. By the way, I am Rajesh (changed) aged 45 years and currently residing in Bangalore. This is the next part of my story. I woke very late in the morning and came out from the bedroom stark naked not bothering to dress up as I knew we are alone in the house right now. I saw Mandhira aunty in the kitchen fresh from her bath, wearing a white kurta and white leggings. I went behind her without her noticing me and pressed my...
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IncestMy second older sister would exhibit herself but only rarely. And that was the limit for her family sex contribution. But it was with my younger sister, Ann, with whom I shared youthful pleasure. When she was 14 and I was a month shy of 15 we started our doctor exams and fashion shows. These took place in my bedroom in the evenings. Her usual complaints were of soreness on her chest and on her thighs. Mine were mostly between my thighs and bottom. In the fashion shows we took turns modeling...
Aunt Vanessa was mom’s older sister aged about forty. She had come back to town a week or so ago after getting divorced and she was renting a house whilst she got things sorted. At least that’s what mom said. “You can help her fix things up or move furniture or do some painting. There must be something she can find you to do that’s better than playing on that computer all day. You are such a misery with your friends away.” A couple of minutes later she had phoned Aunt Vanessa and sent me on...
I was about 16 when my mother’s aunt, Mary, was suddenly widowed. She must have been in her late sixties by then. My mother felt responsible for her so the whole family made sure that everything was okay for her and that she had no problems. She was an intelligent woman and still very lively. She would ask me to go to the house to fix minor things around her place that needed some attention. One day, she phoned mother and asked if I could pop over and help her move her late husband’s rocking...
Hi to all ISS readers, this is Rahul back with continuation of my previous story where I enjoyed with my aunt. We were kissing each other then I planned to fuck her in ass, so I started to kissing her in lips and took her in my arms I gripped her from ass and lifted her up and brought her to the kitchen and we both stand beside the dining table, then I started to kiss my aunt from behind. She started to resist and begged me please Rahul don’t do I can’t take that pain please and then I...
IncestHi all, its Ali here!I'm back with another incident with my widow aunt where she introduces me to BDSM and I discover one of my favorite kinks.Let me quickly share a few important background details for the new readers. I come from a very strict Muslim family. It is an extended family which consists of my father and the families of his 7 brothers. We live in a big city in central India which I will not name for privacy reasons. Our family is well-off as my father and uncles are mostly at high...
Hi, it's Ali here! This is another true event that occurred when I was in junior college. As my father was the second oldest amongst 7 brothers I lived in a huge joint family. There were around 30 of us living comfortably in 3 huge houses which were joined together. I was the third c***d and had a twin sister and an older sister. Although I had 15 cousins I was still the favorite k** in the house.Let me first describe my Aunt. My eldest Aunt, Sheen, was quite dusky and short, around 5 ft 6...
Hi all, its Ali here!I'm back with another long, but incredibly detailed memory. This time I've decided to make a post of the top five times my widowed, Muslim Aunt Sheen boldly showed off her nudist nature at different places. I have tried to put the events in a chronological order and included as much details as I can remember from all those years ago, so I hope you like these short posts as much as you did the earlier ones I uploaded. *Please don't forget to like and comment below as it...
Hi all, its Ali here! I’m back with another incident with my widow aunt where she introduces me to BDSM and I discover one of my favorite kinks. Let me quickly share a few important background details for the new readers. I come from a very strict Muslim family. It is an extended family which consists of my father and the families of his 7 brothers. We live in a big city in central India which I will not name for privacy reasons. Our family is well-off as my father and uncles are mostly at...
Another from me I hope you’ll enjoy. Again, as usual with this site, I wrote this in what was almost one continuous effort and, once more as per usual, because of time constraints, it’s largely unchecked and has received no edits. To that end, please forgive any typos and/or other errors in the text. I hope any fuck-ups which remain don’t detract from your enjoyment of the scene.Thanks for reading.Ricky – Cambridgeshire, UK – 12th of July 2020***“What is at about me?”I felt awkward, embarrassed...
This is an account of events from the trip Aunt Sheen had promised to get her daughter Dee back home from Pune as she had moved for college last year. My earlier posts give the juicy details of how my widowed aunt and cute older cousin and I began a taboo sexual relationship. I have described the time my older cousin Dee seduced me and we lost our virginity to each other, and later on when her mother, the widowed wife of my father’s eldest brother seduced me and I discovered some sexual...
I gawked when came out onto the decking. I was sitting half-reclined on one of the loungers next to the pool. It was shady under the big parasol shade but I still had sunglasses on. And I was grateful to have them because at least they gave me some cover to mask my surprise and delight at seeing my ripe, voluptuous Aunt Amy in the two-piece swimsuit.“I hope you don’t mind,” she said from behind her own huge sunglasses, “but it’s too hot to wear mush else.”I gulped down against the inappropriate...
Hi all, its Ali here.I want to tell you guys another time when I and my widowed Aunt Sheen went on a short trip to Goa. It is one of the most memorable times I spent with my sexy aunt. This is from back in 2007 when I had turned 18 and Aunt Sheen was a little over 45. She had been widowed a year ago and had two ch****en, a son and daughter, Dee. (I'd already fucked Dee who was 2 years older than me, but that's for another time). Aunt Sheen had caught me jerking off and seduced me over a year...
Before…“We’re lovers now,” mumbled my aunt. “This is so very special for me. How about you? How do you feel?”“Like I want to do it again,” I said as my cock twitched with desire.“Oh-ho-ho,” chuckled Aunt Amy as she went up onto an elbow. “The vigour of youth.” Her fingers encircled my girth. “I think you’re going to be fun, my gorgeous nephew.”For the following four days it was like a honeymoon with my aunt. We kissed and made love; we rutted, with me fucking into her body as we snarled and...
(Teen Mike spends time at Aunt Suzy's house)My name is Mike. It all started about a few years ago when I was 18. I went to my Aunt Suzy’s house to spend the day swimming with my cousins, Brian and Lisa. Brian was a year older at 19 and was a sophomore in college. He was about my size at 6’0 and couldn’t be more than 165 lbs. Lisa was my age at 18 and we were both seniors in high school. Lisa was the type of girl that you knew would be hot at an early age. She was about 5’6 and maybe weighed 95...
My name is Mike. It all started about a few years ago when I was 18. I went to my Aunt Suzy’s house to spend the day swimming with my cousins, Brian and Lisa. Brian was a year older at 19 and was a sophomore in college. He was about my size at 6’0 and couldn’t be more than 165 lbs. Lisa was my age at 18 and we were both seniors in high school. Lisa was the type of girl that you knew would be hot at an early age. She was about 5’6 and maybe weighed 95 lbs., had gorgeous legs and started to...
My name is Mike. It all started about a few years ago when I was 18. I went to my Aunt Suzy’s house to spend the day swimming with my cousins, Brian and Lisa. Brian was a year older at 19 and was a sophomore in college. He was about my size at 6’0 and couldn’t be more than 165 lbs. Lisa was my age at 18 and we were both seniors in high school. Lisa was the type of girl that you knew would be hot at an early age. She was about 5’6 and maybe weighed 95 lbs., had gorgeous legs and started to...
When Dauntless Doug, single-handed, brought the Japs to their knees and waded ashore in Tokyo Bay, the war was over. Now it was spring 1946. I was discharged from the Army Air Corps and a member in good standing of the 52-20 club, a program that paid vets twenty dollars a week for a year if they couldn't find employment. There were jobs around in our small town of four thousand people but I had the brilliant ideas about writing a novel before I settled down to the old grind.I got into the habit...
I am a 18 years old swimmer with a very thick and horny virgin 9 inches dick. I fantasize about my Mom’s younger s****r, Aunt Brandy, every night. She is a astounding 36 years old, 5 foot 10 inches tall, blue-eyed blonde, with the firmest 36 D breasts and nicest, long legs and a hard round ass. My Dad always comments about how delicious my Mom’s s****r is, and how he would love to fuck her. She knows how we lust for her, because she seems to get extra exuberant when she is around us. Aunt...
I am a 18 years old swimmer with a very thick and horny virgin 9 inches dick. I fantasize about my Mom's younger sister, Aunt Brandy, every night. She is a astounding 36 years old, 5 foot 10 inches tall, blue-eyed blonde, with the firmest 36 D breasts and nicest, long legs and a hard round ass. My Dad always comments about how delicious my Mom's sister is, and how he would love to fuck her. She knows how we lust for her, because she seems to get extra exuberant when she is around us. Aunt...
I am a 18 years old swimmer with a very thick and horny virgin 9 inches dick. I fantasize about my Mom's younger sister, Aunt Brandy, every night. She is a astounding 36 years old, 5 foot 10 inches tall, blue-eyed blonde, with the firmest 36 D breasts and nicest, long legs and a hard round ass. My Dad always comments about how delicious my Mom's sister is, and how he would love to fuck her. She knows how we lust for her, because she seems to get extra exuberant when she is around us. Aunt...
I am a 18 years old swimmer with a very thick and horny virgin 9 inches dick. I fantasize about my Mom's younger sister, Aunt Brandy, every night. She is a astounding 36 years old, 5 foot 10 inches tall, blue-eyed blonde, with the firmest 36 D breasts and nicest, long legs and a hard round ass. My Dad always comments about how delicious my Mom's sister is, and how he would love to fuck her. She knows how we lust for her, because she seems to get extra exuberant when she is around us. Aunt...
Hi all, it's Ali here.This is another incident which happened with my widowed Aunt Sheen. As you know she was widowed with 2 c***dren, a son and daughter, when she was around 45. Aunt Sheen had caught me jacking off to porn a few months ago. If you read my previous posts you will know how she seduced me after catching me jerking off. Turns out she had been desperate for a good fuck for more than a decade and finally decided to seduce me. She trusted me and we had been very close since I was...
“What’s the matter? Didn’t expect this?”I gawked, speechless. She was looking at me, a hint of a knowing smirk on her lips, eyes flashing mischief.“Weren’t so shy last night, were you?” She said it in accusation but there was no sting in her tone, just wry amusement. “So,” added my aunt, “tell me, what do you think? Am I what you’ve imagined?”As I boggled, not believing she was there, naked except for the deep girdle of the suspender belt, the stockings, and shoes.My father’s sister’s head...
My uncle Tony and my Aunt Kristie had been married a good ten years or more but after a good few years things began to change, he apparently started to work long hours and then business trips away and then I heard my mother telling my father one day there was whispers of an affair as well.So on my twenty first birthday we had a family get together, there was the usual presents and party food and few drinks, and by early evening I was ready to head out to the pubs with my mates for a big fucking...
Hi. My name is Britney Burris, and I'm from the tiny suburban community of Apple Valley, Washington. My best friend growing up was Jessi Nolan, and during our teenage years we both had huge girl-crushes on her Aunt Fiona, whom we both thought to be the coolest woman on the planet.Perhaps I should tell you a bit more about Jessi & myself before continuing. While we're the same age, we had our differences. I'm tall, blonde, and slender, while she's a bit shorter than me, but also very...
Hi. My name is Britney Burris, and I'm from the tiny suburban community of Apple Valley, Washington. My best friend growing up was Jessi Nolan, and during our teenage years we both had huge girl-crushes on her Aunt Fiona, whom we both thought to be the coolest woman on the planet.Perhaps I should tell you a bit more about Jessi & myself before continuing. While we're the same age, we had our differences. I'm tall, blonde, and slender, while she's a bit shorter than me, but also very...