Lauren free porn video

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Although there was no sign outside to advertise it, the place was called 'Intime.' It was tucked away in a quiet street. The street was tree lined with Georgian style lamposts which cast a yellow light on the damp pavement. There was no traffic and few footfalls. My taxi stopped outside. I paid the cabby and stepped out into the cool evening air and hesitated momentarily. I looked at the glossy black front door with the large brass number 6 placed high upon it and almost lost my nerve; almost, but not quite.

Friday evening – two weeks earlier

Like most people I have a telephone at home but most people call my mobile. Not many even know my number and so it is always a slight surprise when it rings. I had just got home from work, about 8:30, and the ‘phone was ringing as I opened my front door. I dropped my bag on the kitchen worktop and picked up.


‘Listen, you don’t know me but I think you used to be Tilly Marston’s girlfriend, Lisa? My name is Lauren Sage; does that name ring any bells?’

Tilly and I had been together for seven years until she was offered a job in New York and decided with my agreement to take it. She was formidably intelligent and ambitious and I had known she’d resent me forever if I had stopped her. She had asked me to go with her but I knew in the depths of me that she didn’t want me to really. I’d have cramped her so I’d said no, cried for a month and let her wings spread. That was four years ago. My beautiful Tilly; the mention of her name stopped me dead. Was there, I wondered, some dreadful news about her?

‘Er, yes, is Tilly alright; has something happened to her?’

I had not heard a word from her for at least two years. Of course we had promised to keep in touch and we did for a while, but her emails had become fewer and fewer and ultimately stopped.

‘Yes, she’s fine.’ I drew breath again. ‘Do you remember hearing my name?’

“What? Well, no to be honest. Oh, wait,’ I must have sounded a complete idiot. ‘Yes, yes I do remember vaguely.’

‘Good. Listen, Tilly works for the same company as me and we were talking a couple of days back and she said I should call you. She said we’d get along and since I’ve just arrived from New York to stay here for a while she thought we’d have fun.’

Bloody typical: she can’t even be bothered now to call me herself. As I thought that I heard my mobile make the noise it makes when a text message comes in and as I held the ‘phone I opened the message.

It read, ‘You’ll like her – go for it. See – I do still think of you J ’

‘Look, I’m sorry but it’s all a bit confusing. I haven’t heard from Tilly for ages and here I am getting a text from her at the same moment as you call. Could you call back later, I need to get my head round this.’

I put the ‘phone down without waiting for her reply. I poured myself a rather large gin and tonic, shook my hair loose, kicked off my shoes and sat at the kitchen table. I gathered my thoughts and replied to Tilly’s text. ‘Why now?’

Tilly had been the first great love of my life. Perhaps, she still was. Her response was unnervingly quick and I felt, oddly, as if she were watching me.

‘Lauren is very senior, very rich, very bright, very us. I’m not setting you up. I just know you’ll like her. Before you ask – yes, I am in a relationship and happy. I stopped writing out of, well, love.’

‘And fuck you,’ I thought.

I took my gin up the bathroom and ran a hot, steamy tub, slid into it and cried, the first time for probably three years. I heard the ‘phone ringing downstairs but didn’t answer it. I got out when the water was going cold. I slipped on a dressing gown and went back to the kitchen. Another text.

‘Answer her – dopey.’

She’d often called me that. I poured myself a smaller gin and tonic and almost spilled it when the ‘phone rang again. I stared at it for a few rings then answered it.


‘Hi, it’s Lauren again.’

‘Sorry about ringing off like that,’ why did I care?

‘No, no, I understand, it must have been a bit of a shock. I didn’t handle it real well, did I?’

Where does that accent originate? It’s not my idea of New York. More Clarice Starling.

‘Tilly said I should look you up and that she’d let you know – I didn’t realise that she hadn’t done so. All I wanted to say was that if you fancy a drink one evening I’d like it.’

So how the hell did Tilly know I hadn’t got a new lover? What makes her so arrogant to think I’ll act as a guide or whatever for her pal? I may have been obedient when we were together, but now? Only one thing to do.


Saturday evening

‘I’m staying here until I get a flat.’

‘Here’ was the Grant Hotel. It was one of the best in Bloomsbury, near the British Museum and way out of my price range. We were sitting in the bar, two large glasses part filled with wine, hers red, mine white. She was quite stunning, tall with shoulder length blonde hair, more gold than blond really. Her eyes were a deep blue. Her nose was too long, so were her legs. Well actually they were perfect with fine ankles and good shoes. The dress an understated pale blue silk number with tiny straps and her tits moved as she spoke suggesting that, like mine, they were unfettered if bigger.

We talked. She didn’t enquire about Tilly and me and I didn’t enquire about Tilly. She wasn’t the name that couldn’t be mentioned; in fact we’d got that out of the way early on. We just talked; about her job, my job, her family and mine (none). Her ‘daddy’ is something big in the NYSE and I privately laughed, imagining a large statue. Her ‘ma’ was long gone and her three sisters were respectively and in order of age, a lawyer, a cardiac surgeon and an actress. The last had not pleased ‘daddy’ at all but he was over it now. Lauren herself was something corporate, like Tilly. She ran stuff, managed things, fired people and generally ruled the world. Tilly was like that; she had ruled me. She was the brightest star in the firmament and I could not imagine the two of them getting on. Two alpha lionesses seldom become friends.

I had decided to go comfortable. I don’t usually wear trousers but I have a pair in dark blue silk that are the only pair I’ve ever had that I really like and so, with a white silk blouse and black flats and my chestnut hair loose I had made an effort but not set out to show myself as available, if you get my drift?

The truth is she was wonderful company. She was feminine with an edge. She had a wonderful sense of humour, laughed at herself, understood irony and was utterly self-confident. She was tactile too. Her hand would stroke my arm to emphasis a point or she’d touch me, on my knee or my shoulder or, once, my face, when I was speaking.

Wednesday evening

I called Lauren. When we had parted on Saturday evening she had said, ‘Call me.’ The kiss had been perfunctory, more than air, less than mouths.

‘I wondered if you’d like to come over for supper?’

‘Love to – Friday okay?’


‘8:00 pm?’

‘8:00 pm.’

‘Great, see you then.’ End of call. Christ, I thought, it’s Tilly come back to haunt me.


‘I’m sorry I’m late.’ It was nearly nine. ‘I got stuck with a group of asshole accountants and couldn’t get them to stop boring me to death. Had to come straight from the office, hence the battledress. Could I get a vodka and tonic?’

Years of cooking for Tilly had made me aware of the corporate life’s vicissitudes and so I’d done something that would keep if she were late. Good job, too. She was wearing a dark blue business skirt suit with heels, stockings and cream blouse. Very nice. I’d done the ‘I’m not a housewife’ thing and worn a knee length red shirt-waister. I poured her drink and she sat taking a long draught of it gratefully while I sorted out the meal. She had lost the jacket and I could see she was wearing a bra this time – presumably accountant assholes don’t get to see her nipples. I had, at least I had noted their presence under that dress.

We’d kissed when she arrived. I’d almost extended my hand to her but she just leaned forward and planted a well formed mouth on mine. There was nothing predatory about her, she just seemed super confident that I would neither mind nor object. I didn’t.

I’d set the table so we’d be facing each other but when my back was turned she re-arranged it so we’d be sitting with her on the long side of the table and I on the short side to her left.

‘Hope you don’t mind me organising – I cant help myself sometimes.’

I dished up the meal and sat at my allotted place thinking how she seemed to take ownership of each situation she found herself in. Now, there’s a word, ‘ownership.’ Why did that make me shiver?

She poured wine, she talked, she listened and she touched.

‘She said you were good.’

I looked up from between her legs. She’d kissed me properly when we drinking brandy in my sitting room. She hadn’t worked up to it slowly; she’d slipped her arm across my shoulders, pulled me to her and plundered my mouth. I’d been wanting her to for about two hours and I guess she knew. I did not resist. I opened my mouth as soon as her lips touched mine and she had lingered, her tongue deep in my mouth, stroking, almost fucking me there. Her tongue seemed large, strong and insistent. She led me, put my hand where she wanted it, put hers where she chose, undressed me, exposed me. Her blouse was open, her skirt on the floor beside my dress, her stockings still clipped but her knickers were nowhere to be seen. At some point during the sublimely arousing experience she had literally pushed me down between her legs and I had felt the grip of her fingers in my hair as I lavished attention on her. I licked, kissed, sucked, fingered and generally did all I could to get her to the point where she clearly needed and urgently needed to be. She climaxed with a lifting of her hips and a grunting that became a whimper then a roar. It was magnificent; like an athlete.

I looked up from between her legs. “Who did?’

‘Tilly.’ She cupped my chin. ‘She has not handed you on to me so don’t go getting all indignant. She just said, sometime we’d been wagging the chin, that you were good and, boy, she spoke the truth.’

Why was I not indignant? I should have been. I wasn’t though.

She pushed me quite gently away and stood, then she reached out her hand and helped me to stand. I stood before her, quite naked and she kissed me again then led me to my bedroom. Once there, Lauren shrugged off her blouse.


I sat on the bed. She walked around my room, opening drawers and wardrobe, examining, invading my space. I didn’t mind. She found my vibrator and the small collection of other things that Tilly had either bought for me or told me to buy. They were all in my bedside table drawer, handy for when I needed them. She found a long silk scarf and she rolled it around her hand then came to me and placed it around my eyes. As she blindfolded me so she kissed me – firmly but not urgently. I felt her sit beside me. Her face was close to me and I could feel her breath then she whispered into my ear.

‘Does that feel good?’

I nodded because it did feel good.

‘Say it.’

‘It feels good, Lauren.’

‘Lie down.’

She lifted my knees and then I felt her between my legs, her hair caressing my thighs and then her tongue slithered slowly and firmly over my pussy. I was already aroused from my session between her legs and this served only to raise my excitement. I arched my back slightly and she told me to lie still. Her tongue slowly moved over me, little pressure, no urgency as if she were tasting me. I felt the tip of her nose nestling between lips that were swelling and opening. I reached to touch her hair.

‘Keep your hands by your sides.’

The exploration continued. Her tongue slithered down to my dark star and I knew it was a test; did I like it, did I allow it? Then I realised that the word ‘allow’ was not right – I should have said ‘accept.’ There was no doubt that she and Tilly had a lot in common. Her tongue probed my rear, not entering but pressing and licking around it then returned slowly up to my clit. This continued for a lifetime.

I arched my back and she growled, ‘Lie still dammit – how many times do you need to be told? Move again and I swear I’ll leave.’

Have you ever tried to remain perfectly still when someone is bringing you to ecstasy? Most lovers want to feel your arousal, sense their success but not, it seemed, Lauren. I tried, God knows I tried but there came a moment when my will lost and I let loose a groan of orgasmic pleasure, my back reared off the bed and my thighs clamped her head. I came and came again or maybe it was just one long one.

As I recovered I apologised, fearful she’d leave but I heard her smile.

‘Not bad. We have time to improve on that.’

She removed the blindfold and crawled up over me to kiss my mouth, then she rolled to lie beside me.

‘Okay, as I see it, it goes like this. We’re body lovers now and we might become mind lovers, who the hell can tell? But you’re too long without discipline.’

She turned her head towards me – I was already looking at her.

‘Let me make this clear, it has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with Tilly. This is us. If you want to see me again,’

I went to speak but she literally clamped her hand over my mouth.

‘If you want to see me again ‘phone me tomorrow morning at 10 and say, “I want to see you, Lauren.” If you say anything else, even hello or how are you it’s over, understand?’

She removed her hand.

‘I understand.’

‘I’m leaving now, I have a car waiting. Stay here for at least ten minutes.’

I watched as she dressed. She smiled down at me.

‘It’ll hurt you know.’

I nodded.

‘Say it.’

‘I know it will hurt.’

And she was gone. I lay there, not entirely out of obedience but partly because my body was exhausted and my mind working hard to get itself around all that had happened. In fact I lay there for more than ten minutes. I slept.


10:00 am. I called her number and she picked up almost immediately.

‘I want to see you, Lauren.’

‘Good morning,’ her voice was full of warmth. ‘Sleep well? I’m viewing apartments this afternoon, care to come?’ She did not wait for an answer. ‘Meet me at the Grant at 1:30, we can grab a sandwich and go from there.’

‘I’ll be there.’

‘Of course you will. Wear something I’ll like and no, but no underwear.’

She rang off and, to my shame, my hand went between my legs and brought me to a less than satisfying climax. It was not, after all, her hand.

A little before 1:30 I arrived at the Grant and sat in the lobby. She came down a little while later and she looked gorgeous, her golden hair tied back, a pair of tight leather trousers over heeled boots and a cream linen jacket over a pale blue blouse. Like Tilly, she did the whirlwind, barely time to draw breath as she dragged me from hotel to estate agent and agent to flat and flat to flat. At each apartment she took detailed notes, asked copious questions, snorted at the agent’s weasel words.

My feet were killing me when, at five, she made an offer on one of the flats. I expressed concern that she was being impetuous but she brushed that aside with a gesture of her hand.

‘Come on babe, time we had a drink. Did you cum after you called me? Of course you did.’

Her arm over my shoulders we stepped out into the street and she hailed a cab immediately. Was the whole world at her command? We stopped at the Grant and as we passed reception she ordered a bottle of Champagne to be sent up to her room.

‘And make sure it’s cold, sister, or you’re fired.’ Her smile told the receptionist it was a joke.

Lauren’s heels clattered across the tiled floor to the lifts and I followed. In the lift, as soon as the door closed she reached out and lifted my skirt.

‘Good girl.’

The lift sighed to a stop and she let my skirt fall and turned to lead me down the corridor to her room. She pushed the key card into the slot and led me into her room which was large and with views over the surrounding rooftops. She took off her linen jacket and threw it to me.

‘Hang that, Lisa, I need to piss real bad.’ She disappeared into the bathroom and I dutifully hung her jacket in the wardrobe and found myself touching her clothes all of which were beautiful and hideously expensive.

When I turned around I found her standing, looking at me. A knock at the door reminded her that the wine was coming and she pointed to the door.

'Get that.’

I did, of course. I let the waiter in, Lauren signed the bill and he left, pleased with a generous tip.

She pointed to the open wardrobe. ‘Like what you see?’

I nodded dumbly. ‘Take your skirt off.’

I turned my skirt so I could undo the zip and lowered it, stepped out of it and placed it on a chair. I stood in a blouse and stockings feeling a little nervous.

‘Pour the bubbles, babe, I’m looking for something I want to see you in.’

She rooted through the content of her wardrobe as I opened the champagne and poured her a glass. She turned and smiled.

‘Get yourself one as well, you’ve earned it.’

She was holding a leather skirt, long and deep red. She brought it to me and stood behind me. It wasn’t until it was on that I realised it had no back, stopping at my hips.

Her hair brushed my face as she said, ‘I bought this for you. I had to guess your size but it seems okay, no?’

I laughed. ‘It’s not really suitable for a stroll in the park.’

‘That wasn’t quite what I had in mind.’

Still standing behind me she ran her hands over my breasts, across my stomach, down the front of the skirt and around to stroke my exposed buttocks. Her hand slipped between my legs and a finger stroked me. Her mouth was close, so close to my ear.

‘Next Saturday we’re going to a club. It’s called ‘Intime.’ We will meet there. You will come from your own place in a cab and when the door is opened you will say to the woman who meets you that you are Miss Lauren’s whore. If you say anything else she will not let you in. She will take your coat and if you are not wearing this skirt she will give your coat back and ask you to leave. Now, open the small box beside the wine cooler.’

I walked across to the wine cooler and picked up a black leather box, about six inches square. I opened it. It was lined with maroon velvet and, nestling in the velvet, was a steel plug with a jeweled base.

‘Have you ever worn one of those?’

The truth was that Tilly loved to fill me that way and I had often worn one. I said that, yes, I had.

‘It will be in place on Saturday. Now take off the skirt, put your old one back on and sit.’

The room was warm but my nipples were hard as dried peas under my silk blouse. She passed me my wine glass then sat facing me. Her eyes wandered over me, examining me. We drank our wine and I wondered where this evening was heading. It was by now seven o’clock.

‘Do you need to eat?’

‘I’m fine thank you, Lauren.’

‘Come and stand beside my chair.’

I stood and moved to stand beside her. She put her hand on my stomach and pushed me, guiding me to the precise position she wanted. Her hand fell away and we looked into each other’s eyes.

‘Are you going to be obedient?’

‘Yes, Lauren.’


The question startled me and answers swirled in my head; because I enjoy being obedient, because I want you to want me, because I need to be, you need me to be.

‘Because it is what we both need.’ She smiled. ‘You said I have been too long without discipline and you are right. You need someone who will accept your discipline.’

She smiled again. Her hand touched my knee and then slid slowly up my thigh, under my skirt. Her eyes never left mine and I found it hard to hold her gaze. Her fingernails scratched lightly over my skin until she stopped, her finger barely touching my lips. It moved, breathtakingly slowly, over them and I quivered, hardly able to stop myself from pressing down onto it. My nipples ached, my mouth opened involuntarily. Her pressure increased a little, her finger stroking along my crease and making me swell under her touch.

All the while she watched my eyes, even when her other hand lifted her glass to her lips. Her finger stroked me harder and I felt myself opening and so did she for her finger curled up into me and delved inside and now her thumb made contact with my clitoris and I almost buckled. Her finger slithered out and I felt a sense of loss until it slipped to my rear and stroked around that until I moaned with pleasure. She told me to be quiet and her finger ran back to my pussy and stroked it more firmly before re-entering me and stroking deeper. She stopped moving her hand and just sat there with her finger inside me.

‘When was the last time you were caned?’

‘On Tilly’s birthday, four years ago.’

‘Why were you caned?’

‘It was her birthday treat to herself.’

‘Do you miss it?’

I am no masochist but I had accepted Tilly’s cane many times, sometimes for her pleasure, sometimes for discipline. Why does a grown woman allow it? I was never forced, never coerced. She would tell me to fetch the bamboo and I would. She’d tell me to bend over the chair and I did.

‘Answer me.’

‘Not exactly.’


And so I did. I explained that I had loved Tilly, understood her needs and her desires and that accepting her cane was a part of my love for her. She nodded, apparently satisfied. Her finger curled inside me and sent a shock of unexpected pleasure through me and then it stopped moving.

‘If I told you to fetch the cane now, would you?’


‘Why not?

‘Because I haven’t learned to love you yet.’

Lauren laughed. ‘So you stand there with my finger in your cunt and you let me tell you to come to the club with a ridiculous skirt on and a plug in your ass but you need to love me before you’ll let me cane you. Complicated little whore, aren’t you?’

She was telling me. I had never felt so many conflicting emotions. She was right, I was letting her finger me, order me, control me. I felt shame and arousal, embarrassment and weakness and huge desire. Her finger slipped slowly out of me and I felt that sense of loss, of deprivation again.

‘Turn around.’

I turned and her hand slithered up the back of my leg. I could feel my own moisture on her fingertip. That finger delved between my buttocks and pressed.

‘Take off your blouse.’

I unbuttoned it and removed it, letting it fall to the floor. My nipples were shockingly engorged. Her hand left my body and she stood, moving to stand behind me. Her hands covered my breasts and she kissed my neck as she squeezed my nipples, gently at first and then with increasing pressure. She whispered in my ear as my head rolled back onto her shoulder.

‘You’re going to go to the bedroom, undress except for your stockings and your going to kneel on the bed. When I come in you will put your head down onto the bed and you’re going to ask me to hurt you.’

I went into the bedroom and stood for a few moments, wrestling with myself. Then I took off my skirt and shoes and knelt on the bed, facing the door. It seemed forever until she came into the room. She stood in the doorway, her hand between her legs and waited, her eyebrow lifted in a question. I lowered my face to the bed.

‘Please hurt me Lauren.’

Slowly she unbuckled the belt of her black leather trousers and pulled it from the belt loops around her waist. She laid it across the palm of her left hand and slowly pulled it across the palm until it fell, then she repeated the motion.

She walked slowly across the bedroom and I lost sight of her.

‘Say it again but only if you mean it.’

‘Please, Lauren, hurt me.’

I heard the belt swish through the air and it slammed into the bed beside me. She left it there and came to look into my eyes.

‘Soon enough, little one, soon enough. For now, I think we both need to fuck.’

I watched as she undressed, removing her blouse slowly until her breasts were exposed. She undid her boots and took them off then slid those tight trousers down her long, long legs. She was wearing silk panties, almost transparent and she took them off slowly and held them to me face.

‘You got Lauren all wet babe, you’re a good girl and good girls get looked after.’

Her hips swayed deliciously as she walked to her suitcase and pulled out a strap on. Facing me again, she slowly strapped it to herself, inserting a small internal dildo into herself. The outward facing dildo wasn’t huge or grotesque, nor was it a replica of a penis, but almost a series of balls of gradually increasing sizes, pale blue in colour. The bed dipped as she knelt behind me. I felt her hands on my buttocks and then the touch of the tip of her dildo at my gate. She pressed gently and entered my moist canal, pushing deeper and deeper until I could feel her hips touching the backs of my legs. Then she began to sway. Her rhythm increased and we were both ready, both on the edge. I could not resist pushing back against her and she stroked my hips in encouragement. All the while she kept repeating, ‘good girl,’ like a mantra.

My orgasm was fast and followed seconds later by her own.

She lay beside me and folded me in her arms, our faces close.

‘If I told you to fetch it now?’

‘I would.’

Next episode - 'Intime'

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A quorum for a sitting of the Wizengamot was a mere seventeen of its members. When the prosecution of death eaters had been at its peak, often double that number had been present. But today, the day before Christmas, the hearing chamber was full, all fifty-one members in attendance and the packed chamber giving a sense of importance and urgency to the proceedings. The only other occasion in the last ten years on which the chamber had been full was the prosecution of Harry Potter a few months...

4 years ago
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Yeah I love to be a cuckold

The room was in darkness and silent when I suddenly woke up…The silence was broken by noises coming from the master bedroom. These noises sounded like passionate, whimpering cries with yearning groans. There was the marital bed headboard slamming into the wall, startling the bed in the guest room upon which I was spending this long night.These passionate noises kept me from slipping back on the bed to pass out again.In the background, I could hear clearly my sensual wife’s frantic moans...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 13 Anger Management

June-July 1978 On Tuesday I had my appointment with Doctor Mercer. I gave her new pages from my journal, but not the one from the previous night. I’d give that to her next week, after she spoke with Bethany. I didn’t want the fact that I had sex with Anna to color Dr Mercer’s opinion of me. We spent most of the session discussing my emotions, after I’d explained I’d moed from sadness to anger. After that discussion, it seemed to me that she was OK with a shift to anger. She asked about...

4 years ago
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School Time Ka Pyar Aaj Tak Kayam Hai 8211 Part 1

Ye kahani sachi ghatnao pe aadharit hai aur ismai sirf naam badle gae hain baki sab situation aur jagahe same hain ;) to agr koi guess kar pae to try zaroor karna ;) Hi mera naam harman hai aur ISS story ki heroine ka naam hai pari. Pari aur mai ek dusare ko pichle 6-7 saal se jante hain.Andar se bahr tak ;) chut se le k lund tak aur gand se le k chuchi tak aur chati se le k nipple tak.Sab kuch jante hain hum dono ek dusare ka ;) is chudai story k reviews comments appreciations and criticism...

3 years ago
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You and Me Again 2

It was the bachelor party of a a limo and everything including the dancers. Everything was good and set.Around midnight the dancers showed us a good time and frankly got me worked up, but the dancers found the other men more interesting due to the fact they had more money. So they stayed at the hotel and I had to ride the limo back alone, which sucked but then you would make this ride back a ride I would never forget.I was so horny sitting in the back I thought what...

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The Island Chapter 39

Half an hour later, I found myself in a quandary. After dragging our weary (and in Jill’s case, sore and dripping) asses to our feet, the two sexy stewardesses and I made our way from the clearing to the nude beach. We didn’t bother dressing, just carried our clothes to the cubby and dropped them in, noting it was pretty full already, and stepped onto the sand. A small crowd of people were there, including Rain and River, Alison, Juhee, Peter, John, Anjali, and Onyeka with her two...

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Justins Story

By Chris "Nasty" Hicks Part 1 (Love at 1st Gigabyte) My name is Justin Polton, but I go by J.P. I'm 31 now, but the story I'm about to tell you started when I was only 23. I'm a half white, half black, handsome Motherfucker. I'm about 6 foot tall, clean shaven, with short brown hair, and a fucked up attitude. But, can you blame me? I'm fucking rich. Well, anyway! here's the story of the last 8 years of my life. And I warn you in advance, it's some real graphic shit in...

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godmothers lust

This is the story of my sexlife with my Godmother/cousin. I say godmother/cousin because she is actually both as choosing a relative to be a God parent is common place in the Caribbean. Yes I am from the Caribbean and my name is Kenny, 32 yrs old, I’m 6’2” tall, a well built 250 lbs, educated and better looking than I am not. My god mother’s name is jenny (not real name) and she is 20 yrs older than me and was always a hot natural Caribbean woman about 5’5” light skinned ample 36c boobs, very...

2 years ago
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Relaxing Ride Chapter 2

      Relaxing Ride Ch. 2       by       Comments are welcomed.       Please do not copy or distribute this story.       This is chapter 2 of a story involving sex between a middle aged and a 21 year       old woman. This is a subject near and dear to me. If anyone has any       lesbian stories involving age differences, I would appreciate reading       them.       * * * * *            By now I was hornier than hell and secretly lusted for her body but wondered       if she felt the same. My...

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Naked in School Orientation Speech

Boys and girls, I want to thank you in advance for your positive attitudes about participating in the Naked in School program. I know many of you are nervous about taking off all your clothes and walking around school this week with nothing on. I’d like at this time to go over the rules of the program and hope that this will answer many of your questions, and maybe calm some of your apprehensions. At the end of this brief orientation, I’ll be happy to answer any questions and address any...

1 year ago
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The Problems With LoveChapter 18

"Wakey Wakey," said Lottë softly when they arrived home. Daphne slowly came to and Lottë tenderly led her into the flat. Robin followed with Daphne's bag which he put in the spare room. "Now then, poppet," he said. "How about that stiff drink Lottë promised you?" "Yes please, Dad." "I suggest you don't have gin. Apart from the initial kick it's very good at lowering low spirits so whisky or brandy?" "Brandy please, Dad." "It shall be done. Lottë darling?" "I'll just...

1 year ago
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Private Mary Solaris Enjoys Intimate DP Threesome

Mary Solaris is a saucy redhead who has come to Private Specials, Anal Loving Teens 2 as horny as ever and this is one threesome you won’t want to miss! This wild tattooed nympho is bored of her boys playing Damas and she’s looking for something much more thrilling as she pulls apart her panties and lures them in for some fun. Deepthroat, anal, DP and much more, this threesome truly has it all and you can watch all the action on where Mary sucks and fucks her way to a couple of...

3 years ago
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The Local Gym

Mike Inness has been absent from the gym for some time. He did enjoy watching the tight, skimpy gym clothes the women would wear, plus working out was rewarding. So feeling energetic and possibly horny, he drove to the gym. Once there, he noticed a different woman behind the desk. Last time a much more butch looking woman would stare at the people entering. Now a gorgeous auburn haired woman, not older than 20, stood behind the desk. Her green eyes connected with Mike's as he approached the...

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My wife a fantasy

Unfortunately this is all in my head but I would love for it to happen! This is also my first ever story so be gentleA weekend without the k**s - delightful! We decide to book a hotel in London and plan to see a show. We have not ordered any tickets but hope to pick up standby's. We arrive and check in. We head to the bar and aim to relax. The place is jammed - a wedding party it looks like! We squeeze onto a corner of a table and order drinks. We start to chat to the other people on the table...

4 years ago
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Maid Financial Assistance Sex Fun

Hi guys hope you all liked by earlier maid story. Now I am going to post another maid story of mine. After our earlier maid whom I had fucked left the work, we hired a new one and she was of around 40-45 yrs old slim average looks, like the earlier maid not like the person whom I would die to fuck but ok short of. From day one I had made a good repo with her but at the same time kept a safe distance from her when it came to sex as I have to first get her confidence that she would not complain...

3 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 78B

Once the girls left, Alicia did her final check-in with Kendra, then went to her room and dropped into a dead sleep. She felt really strange: Exhausted mentally but buzzing with physical energy. It was a combination that she was sure wouldn't let her sleep, but she was out as soon as her head hit the pillow. "So everything went well?" asked Jenna. She usually didn't speak with clients, but this little fantasy the girls had asked for was pretty unusual. She wanted to make sure they'd...

2 years ago
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My New Career Chapter 1

MY NEW CAREER - PART 1 Nervously, I checked my watch, for what seemed the fiftieth time since arriving. And for the fiftieth straight time, it was still too early to go in. In fact I could swear the hands hadn't moved. Resisting the urge to shake the offending timepiece, I stared up again at the gleaming office tower I was waiting to enter. It seemed rather too expensive a location for a training college, but I had rechecked the address several times. Pulling the letter from my...

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Conversations with Amy All

(Editor’s note: this is an edited version of a multi-chaptered work that was previously on Literotica under this author’s name.) * Chapter 1 Amy needs a shoulder Amy is a neighbor and one of my favorite people. She’s in her mid-twenties, dark red hair, slim–even after two kids, cute, great sense of humor, and generally a joy to be around. My name is Robert, Rob for short. I’m 20 years older, and live one house away from adorable Amy. Currently I am unemployed, by choice. I left my last...

4 years ago
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THreesome gone cuckold

I finally gave in last night, she wanted to suck another cock while i fucked her. We got on a chatroom and found another average white guy who was willing and close by, I let her set up the meeting at a local hotel. When we arrived she began putting on her makeup and some sexy lingerie. Then a knock at the door, she answered and let him in. He wasnt the same man i saw on the webcam, when i asked her about it she replied "The other guy couldnt make it, so i found Dante." I was only prepared...

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Thousand Dollars a Week Winner

Gary Ford grunted as lay on the bed in the motel room. This big titty white chick, Jessica, was riding his eight-inch dick. He massaged the enormous 38FF boobs. They bounced around as the raven-haired whore with blue eyes rode his cock vigorously. “Fuck that dick, bitch,” commanded the 44 year-old with six k**s. “I love this big Black cock,” whined the back room juke joint slut.“Yeah, hoe! Ride this dick!”“Yes, daddy!”“Yo’ pussy wet a fuck on mah big nigga dick, bitch!”“Yes, sir!”“Call me yo’...

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Anjali 8211 My Mountaining Experience

Hi, I am Rajveer from Indore with another gr8 story . Kindly revert back with your comments on He’d been for a walk in the mountain and was taking a rest on a roadside bench and enjoying the spring sunlight. Across the road he noticed a young girl walking down towards him. Very sweet he thought… yes.. very very sweet indeed!!..Her name was Anjali , Later I came to Know Anjali strolled, almost skipping, down the mountain path towards the road where he sat. She reached the road and paused for a...

Gay Male
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Lost Love

"Hi, honey," Terra bounced into the room, reading the scowl on her cousin's face. "What are you thinking?" "Oh, I don't know," Nichole sighed. "I'm just in a funk." "It's about him, isn't it," Terra said softly. "You can't stop thinking about him, can you?" "I try, but I don't think I'm ready to let go," Nichole said. She pointed towards the big bay window, its light streaming into the kitchen. "It's beautiful out and all I can do is be depressed." Terra put her...

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This story is based on an account described in a chapter on obsessions in a first year university psychology text book. The date of the recorded events is not known but that edition of the book was printed in 1958. It describes how a couple of weeks of traumatic experiences influenced one of the participants in the long term. The role of the housekeeper (the children called her Mrs D for short) and the punishments dealt out to the three children are closely based on the academic account given...

1 year ago
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My Ultimate Birthday

We were fresh out of new ideas when it came down to trying to figure out what exciting things we could do this year for my birthday. Last year I had the two girl show during a party for my birthday. The year before that Aundra invited Sherri and another friend to take me out and show me a good time! Previous birthdays before that always involved something sexual…an orgy one year, a stripper show another year, a sex slave for the day. I told her I wanted to dress her any way I wanted and make...

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The Birthday of a Lifetime

A few months had passed, and Stacy and I kept having sex when Ashley was not around. Ashley and I kept having sex when Stacy was not around. All in all, I could not complain. My birthday was coming up, and Ashley had asked me for months what I wanted for it, besides a threesome. I said nothing. This had gone on for about a month until I finally said I'd love to do a sexy photo shoot of her in all of her sexy outfits. She thought about it. "We can do it as long as no one is home," she said out...

2 years ago
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Poolside Pleasure

as they arrived to the swimming pool they noticed that it was empty and no one was there. "looks like we got the pool to ourselves" Riley said. "looks like it" Zak said as they got out. as they got to the pool zak began taking off his clothes. both riley and ashley couldn't help but stare at zak as he took off his shirt and his shorts. "damn hes so hot" Riley said. Ashley couldnt help but stare and blush at the sight of her friend. Zak got into the pool and swam around a little bit....

2 years ago
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Quality Time With Rashi

By : Pradeep Mukherji Hey, there.It’s my first and real story of some cozy moments with Rashi,my first ever bed partner.I am currently studying in IIT,Delhi and live with a small gujarati family there as paying guest.They are extremely generous towards me.They have their daughter named Rashi,who is a beautiful college going girl with mind blowing assets.Long flowing hair,blue eyes and an everlasting beautiful smile on her pretty face. When I first saw her I was mesmerized.Within a few days we...

4 years ago
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Anzu James Naked in OrbitChapter 11 Friday School

I was walking through Paris. Not the habitat of that name, but the one in France. Everything was in black and white, and I was trying to remember the French I'd taken my freshman year. I could hear some song in the background, in English. But then I did hear something in French. "Voulez vous coucher avec moi, ce soir? Voulez vous coucher avec moi?" I looked, and it was Botilda. She was dressed in a halter and short shorts, with high heels and a feather boa. "Voulez vous coucher avec...

2 years ago
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A Slut Like MeChapter 4

"What are you thinking you want to say to her?" Hubby asked. "I honestly don't know," I replied. "I ... really ... I don't know. I wish I had a better sense of what's going on inside of Megan. I just couldn't tell if she's angry, or hurt, or defiant, or just a normal teenage girl going through her own stuff in her own way ... wrestling with her hormones and all that." "Do you think she's having sex?" "I ... I don't know. Again, I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised. But,...

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My Neighbors Fuck My Wife As Iam In The Driveway

I am at work and I hear "Hi Marty",Its my wife,back then girlfriend.She is wearing her tennis dress,and I ask "are you wearing any panties?". Yes,I put them on in the parking lot.She likes to wear this dress because she thinks she's not noticed as much if they think she just played tennis,when she shows that much leg. She came to get my keys because we are going to the mountains for a few day's with another couple.We are leaving from my place to meet Dave and his wife up in the...

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Project Phoenix Part 2 Chapter 2

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and forced feminization. It is meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you're below 18. This story is a direct continuation of my two earlier stories set in the universe of Project Phoenix. Both of them are available here on FictionMania. Readers who are unfamiliar with them might want to read them first to get a better grasp of what's happening. I also would like to thank the readers who left reviews of my...

1 year ago
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Seduction of Piper

I want to thank Farmgal who's sexiness inspired this erotic and steamy tale. Thank you Farmgal, I enjoyed writing my sexy fantasy of seducing you.Stephanie was attending the check out register at Victoria’s Secrete when an extremely sexy woman strolled into the store. Stephanie’s heart beat faster and her eyes locked on this sexy woman as she sauntered towards the display of the new line of sexy panties and bras. The woman’s eyes locked with Stephanie’s for more than a few seconds. Stephanie’s...

2 years ago
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Nurse Daddy roleplay

Daddy Im sitting at my desk imagining... Im in the waiting room at the doctors office excited to get a check up. I found out this hot nurse works there and wanted him to check out all of me. I went back to the room to wait for you to come in. Mmmm. U did and my pussy instantly went wet.i had just stopped in on my way to work. U were asking me the usual questions about my health,meds I'm taking etc. I answer u in a flirty voice. U smile and I blush. U are so damn cute! U ask me to disrobe so i...

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Portia and Grace Chapter 1

Grace and I had been co- workers for about 18 months. I had developed a massive crush on her around about Halloween. It had been seeing her in her costume that did the damage. I'd always admired her timeless style but this was different.For the office Halloween party Grace had gone as Cat Woman, her stunning curves clad tightly in the matte black suit. I suppose seeing her in the office at the photocopier and taking in her beauty had never crossed this line before. I somehow hadn't noticed how...

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Chronos Chronicles 3 Journey AroundChapter 4

The next day we come to the road, only Diana wants us skirt around it. You do not want to follow the road, going will be much easier? I ask. Easier yes, but I am not going to bet my life on it being Brute free, she says as she scans the pavement as far as the eye can see. The road is big enough of 2 way traffic, the lines and barriers, from before are barely visible. There are fallen trees lining the edges and pot holes the size of wading pools in the black top. I remember it being...

4 years ago
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Unplanned Vacation in a Nudist Camp Part II

I was waking up slowly. It was one of those pleasant moments that you just don’t want to interrupt with any serious thoughts. For me this moment is pretty much like playing a lottery. You know that in few seconds you will have the answer. It’s either Monday and you have to rush in the office or it’s Saturday and all you have to do is screw your girlfriend. Now, thoughts began to pop up in my mind, I started to remember and connect things. I started to whisper to myself while opening my eyes,...

3 years ago
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Step sisters feet

I just got home from college, greeted my family and my half-sister Monica. I am very happy that we are going on vacation. As soon as I arrived, I started packing up for the trip.It was very hard for me to focus because Monika kept talking to me about how she spent the last week. Blah, blah, blah ... The only thing that caught my attention was her beautiful feet. Sometimes I suspected that she could see how I looked at them. She constantly waved her feet, scratched them or touched them. My penis...

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Fun shopping day with my wife

This is a story of a very sexy day out me and my wife, Anne, had to Leeds a little while ago.I’m Eddie, a 34 year old Yorkshireman. I’m 6’ tall with blue eyes and short dark brown hair. I’ve been married to Anne for 11 years now and she’s the best wife a man could have.Anne is slightly older than me, and has a great body. She’s 5’10” tall with long sexy legs and a nice arse. Big natural 32FF cup boobs with large pink nipples, that stand to attention whenever she aroused. Her face is very pretty...

3 years ago
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A House in Disarray7 Bootyful Evidence

As the phone by her bed shrieked, Em wanted to bury her head and return to sleep, but couldn’t. Not in her position. Susanna cracked one eye open and peeked at her from the shelter of a pillow. “Are you—?” Em rolled over, grabbing the receiver. “I’ve got it. It takes me a minute. I’m used to waking at a specific time.” She leaned away from her girlfriend, trying to keep her voice pitched low. “‘Alo? Detective Rules here.” “Em, this is Mike Eddleson. I’m calling from my home. You need to...

1 year ago
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Family Randi Whore

Family Randi (Bitch) Family Randi (Whore) M+/f, incest, humiliation, non-consentMy mother wasn?t the prettiest but wasn?t bad looking either. Simple and traditional are two words that fit her nicely. At 40 her figure wasn?t bad either. 38-28-38. Ok, so it wasn?t great either. As I said she was moderately fine. A perfect housewife. Traditional Indian dresses was all that she wore. Daily poojas (prayers) was part of her routine. Not once did I see any skin on her other than her arms and...

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Cozumel Revisited

I woke up with a bit of a hangover and a smile plastered across my face. I could smell sex in my room, and my mind replayed video tidbits of the previous evening. Lori and I had done body shots and had enjoyed each other in a vigorous bout of drunken-tequila-girl-sex. She’d asked me for a favor before she left, and I had agreed. Tonight we were planning on double-teaming her boyfriend, Mark. He was blissfully unaware, and the thought sent a quiver of anticipation through my pussy. I eased my...

2 years ago
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Morning Delights

Yes I'm a horny 51 year old single guy, with what some call a huge piece of meat. This is a story that happened to me a few years ago. It was early one morning when I was coming home with the paper. There was a woman who had her unit on the market. I asked her if she minded telling me what she was asking for it. The woman told me the asking price and asked if I'd like to see it. I said yes and thanked her for the offer. Karen was wearing a short light blue cotton skirt and light blue shirt. Her...

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Fun With My Girl Friend

This is my 1st life sexadventurous with my girl in 2011. Yes, it’s long ago. But, I am trying to recollect all what happened and it makes me so wild. Unfortunately, she is married to a good guy and happy with her life and am happy that she’s good. I might find a nice girl in the future. But this is one of my unforgettable moment. Her name is Keerti (name changed). She works for an MNC tech support job in the night shift. I used to work for an MNC day shift. It was May, 2011. My parents have...

2 years ago
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There Can Be Only One Chapter 19

There Can Be Only OneChapter 19The girls appeared to be quite taken aback, half expecting Ross to let them go now he has had a little fun with them… wishing rather than expecting... because they knew he held all the trump cards. They looked at each other hoping that the other had a solution to their dilemma but once again they knew that there was no alternative but to do as he asked. Their hands once again reluctantly edged towards their pussies. Ross was grinning…he had them exactly where he...

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The Things I do Story 20

At 24 years old I was starting to think that I needed to do something to change my life. I was addicted to sex, I knew that but I didnt want to give it up. The feeling of a stranger lying on top of me, pinning me down with his weight as he slid his hard cock into my wet cunt was a feeling I couldnt get enough of. And then, that final feeling of hot fluid flowing into me as they took their pleasure from my young slim body was like drug. But saying that, I did want to stop working at the...

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SONS GIRLFRIEND PART 2The story continues . Those who did not read part 1 this is about Clare my sons girlfriend, we stopped in a field while on a trip were she wanked my cock and i fingered her pussy licked her out and she gave me a blow job from heaven.Well we picked up my new car which was the purpose of the trip and on the return we stopped in a hotel for lunch , this place had rooms to let and we both knew were we were going to end up. Room paid for, key in hand and we couldn't get in fast...

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