Chatting With Troy free porn video

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Chat Guest: Troy On Thursday October 28, 1999 6PM EST Edited by Anne-Mal Troy can be e-mailed at: [email protected] (*Anne-Mal) Hi All! So how are you all doing tonight? (Troy) Okay. (Regal) Doing okay. (Don) Ok. (*Anne-Mal) Gee, for role-players, you don't seem a lively group! (Don) Well this is our first role-play chat and right now, we're wondering if anyone else is going to show up! (*Anne-Mal) Gosh, everyone always wonders that! (Regal) Oh, everyone always shows up at the last minute. (Don) I sure hope so. (*Anne-Mal) Though to be honest, you didn't give that much notice. (Don) Oh, I thought that you were going to give notice! (Regal) I'm curious to what comes up in discussion tonight. (*Anne-Mal) I was worried that *I* would make it tonight. Stupid computer wouldn't use IE right and I had to "upgrade", if that is what you want to call it! (Don) Hello nothere. (*Anne-Mal) Is that no there or not here? (Don) Are you related to notmeyou? + regal has arrived. (Don) Two regals? (regal) Lost the darned connection and to return I have to have a slightly altered name. - Regal just left. (regal) Excuse me a sec. - regal just left. + Regal has arrived. (Regal) There. (*Anne-Mal) Unsure if your a proper name tonight Regal? (Regal) I'm sure, unless I somehow turn into a Pasty Girl. :) + tt has arrived. (*Anne-Mal) tt: time traveler? (tt) In the flesh! Hi Anne-Mal! Greetings from the vast reaches of time! + Julie has arrived. (Don) Hello, wife of Bashful is it not? :-) (Don) Are you here for the role-play chat night, Julie? (Regal) Hiya Julie. How's the bakery business? - Julie just left. (Regal) I think that was a different Julie. (*Anne-Mal) Bash's Julie goes to school on Thursday Night! (Don) Maybe we should have rescheduled? (tt) Where is everyone? I thought we'd get more people! (*Anne-Mal) Why Don? (Don) I don't know Anne, doesn't seem like a big turnout and I don't know if everyone saw the post on the list and the message board. (Regal) I still think we'll have people coming in. (*Anne-Mal) Gee, this many came to my chat! (Don) You're kidding! I don't believe you, Anne. :-) (Regal) If nothing else, they'll see something going on in this room and look in. (*Anne-Mal) Let's start in about 5 minutes to let the latecomers arrive. (tt) It may be your exclusive chat with Troy! People are coming in... (Don) and going out! (*Anne-Mal) Anyway, you're role-players! All you have to do is log off and come back under a different name! (Don) LOL Anne, or create new characters! (tt) LOL! True! Perhaps my characters would want to come... (*Anne-Mal) Let me take an informal poll, is anyone here not a role-player? (Terry) I'm not! Just here is see what's it all about! (Don) Hi Arlene. (Arlene) Greetings, Don! *Curtseys* (*Anne-Mal) I guess you can tell when someone is a role-player because they pop in and out! Editor's Note- I have removed all the people popping and out, for space reasons. (Arlene) I took a break from transforming rapists to come here, Troy is one of my favorite friends from 1999! (*Anne-Mal) You have to explain that Arlene before I start! (Arlene) Anne, I have been dead for over 100 years. I am a ghost. I have been raped while I lived. That is why I'm a ghost. I get my revenge from transforming rapists and wife beaters. (*Anne-Mal) What about husband beaters? (tt) Listen to her. She knows what she's talking about. (Arlene) I've never heard of wives beating their husbands! Maybe they do that in 1999, but never when I was alive. (*Anne-Mal) Okay let's begin! Tonight's guest is Troy! A favorite of the role-playing rooms and chosen by his peers to have the first role-playing night! Hopefully these chats will give you a feel about what role- playing is about and help you get involved with them! (Don) *Standing ovation for Troy* (*Anne-Mal) That is a good idea Don, everyone welcome Troy! (candi) Hi Troy! (Terry) *Applause for Troy* (tt) Welcome, Troy! (Arlene) Greetings, Troy! *Curtseys* (*Anne-Mal) Do you have an opening statement Troy? (Troy) No, just start the questions. (*Anne-Mal) Okay, let me ask you a few myself since I am a newcomer. (Troy) Fire away! (*Anne-Mal) I have heard that the people who control the role-plays are called narrators, is that correct? (Troy) I call them runners, but that's just me. Narrators? I like it! (*Anne-Mal) Is role-players the correct term? (Troy) Sure, that's what we are. (candi) What happens in the chat rooms, are they structured? (Troy) A typical role-play is of two general types. One is where the narrator takes an idea and the players become characters in the scenario. The other way involves a bit more randomness, which usually happens with large groups. We do random transformations to whoever walks in and play it from there. (tt) How did you get into role-playing and why do you enjoy it? (Troy) The first one is much easier to answer. :) I started playing Advanced Dungeons and Dragons with my brother and a couple of friends about 3 years ago. So when Mindy started the chat room here I was curious about what was done here and I just stopped by and got involved. As to why, I just like changing people and being changed. It's fun to do it on- line because you get immediate reactions. (*Anne-Mal) (Could you explain what Advanced Dungeons And Dragons is?) (Troy) Advanced Dungeons and Dragons is a medieval fantasy role-play game. (*Anne-Mal) Is there much TG in those types of games? (Troy) There's some, but I never used it in my games. Except for the Polymorph Other spell, it allows you to change an opponent into basically whatever you want. (skribble) Could you briefly discuss the responsibilities of a role-play narrator/runner? (Troy) The runners make sure the story moves along, detail the transformations (unless agreed otherwise) and settle arguments, that's about it. Everything else involves the players. (skribble) Could you hit on the responsibilities of the players then, Troy? (Troy) The most important thing is to have fun! Other than that stick to your character! Try not to say anything out of character. Don't argue or talk to others during the session, whisper if you need to say something to someone. Finally remember that the runner is in charge. (Amy) You have been around the role-plays. Explain the controversy with Morthien. (Troy) When we started Morthien actually ran role-plays, but eventually he burned out in running them and he told people he didn't want to run them anymore. Now, according to him, people keep asking him to do so and he gets upset when things don't go his way. (Amy) Was he good at it? (Troy) Yeah, he was. He is a good role-player, when he doesn't fight you. (Amy) That's a real shame then. Thanks. Now I'm informed. (*Anne-Mal) How about asking your question now Arlene. (Arlene) Troy, you seem to be fascinated by me, my clothes, and my time. Why is that? And I must add that you have always had time to talk to me, and that thank you dearly. *Curtseys* (Troy) My fascination with Arlene, her time and her clothes. She's very polite, very well mannered and dedicated to her cause. Her time is one of my favorites in history. As for the clothes, they're different! (cindi) Could you give an example of a transformation? (Troy) A simple transformation, here goes, let me pick someone at random: skribble please put on this ring. (skribble) All right. *Putting on the ring* (Troy) Skribble's face becomes softer, his nose shrinks and his lips puff out nice and full. (skribble) *Touches face softly* *A startled look in my eyes* (Troy) His shoulders acquire a feminine sloping. (skribble) *Crosses eyes trying to see lips* *Can feel something, heavy about his lips* (Troy) His hair starts to grow, slowly at first, then quite rapidly, becoming a dark curly mop. His chest slowly starts to push forward. (skribble) Oh...My... I... *Runs fingers through new, soft tendrils* (Troy) His nipples enlarge and his stomach begins to shrink, as does his waist. (skribble) Uhhh... Ohhh... *Watches chest inflate and swell* (Troy) His hips and rear push out, becoming nice and full. (skribble) *Holds midsection* *Feels the constriction of muscles* (Troy) His body hair vanishes as his Adam's apple shrinks away. His legs become long and sleek, while his feet become dainty. (skribble) "What is happ.." *Grasps throat as he realizes difference in voice* (Troy) And last, but not least. His male genitalia retract, becoming female genitalia in it's place. Skribble, how are you doing? (skribble) I feel... so... *Sigh* overwhelmed... and... *Soft giggle* ...pretty! (Troy) Good! That's one example of a transformation. Did you like it, Anne? (*Anne-Mal) Interesting and you keep doing it as people come in? (Troy) Yeah, though I don't always do it in that much detail. :) (Don) Ladies and gentleman, let's give a big applause for Troy's performance as well as skribble's magnificent reaction! (Elise) *Claps* (Regal) Yay! (lurker) Woo-hoo! (skribble) Why you are so cool Troy! How does one achieve your level of coolness? (Troy) I have no answer for that one. (*Anne-Mal) (That is how you stay cool!) (skribble) I just had to ask, cause, well, I think you are darn cool! (Troy) Some people just seem good at this. (Holly) Troy. How do handle a role-play as new people keep popping in after you started? (Troy) The best trick to doing that is to let them choose an item, it usually gives you a clue what transformation they want, from there it's simple. (Holly) What if choosing the item does not fit the role-play? Suppose it is a body swap role-play and new people keep coming in. (I don't like to be rude.) (Troy) I try and figure a way to work a person in. However, if I can't, I inform them of the problem and ask if they can wait for the next role-play. (TT) What is the best way to create good characters? (Troy) I should ask you that tt! :) For me, I just find a way to connect with my character. You won't have fun with a character if you can't identify with them in some way. (skribble) How do you avoid role-play burnout? (Troy) It's tough, though a really good role-play with someone you really like playing with seems to be the best cure. (skribble) Another question please, I am full of them! :) (Troy) Go for it, I have answers for questions I haven't been asked! :) (skribble) How does a player make sure that the role-play goes in directions they find to their liking, without offending the runner? (Troy) I try to find out is whether players are offended by sex in their role- plays. I allow sex and I allow rape, but I do not allow incest. Others can decide what they allow or what they don't. (skribble) What about lesser concerns, like descriptions. If a runner isn't giving you the depth in description you would like, how can you express that to the runner? (Troy) Ask nicely for more details. If they won't give, they might not be comfortable with doing it. So try and work with them. (*Anne-Mal) You mentioned previously that a problem is getting people to be a narrator or runner, as you say. (Troy) Yeah, people get intimidated when they play with a good one. (*Anne-Mal) Who can be a runner? (Troy) Anyone can run them, it just takes practice. (Olivia) I have been told that of the characters you created, I am your favorite! Where did you get the idea for creating me? (Troy) You are a compilation of three things: A character from Dungeons and Dragons I once used. The dominant part of me. And my favorite look. (*Anne-Mal) Since were nearing the hour, everyone say hi to Troy! (skribble) Hi Troy! (Olivia) Hi Troy! (Don) Hi Troy! (TT) Hi Troy! (Regal) Hiya Troy! (C.) Hi Troy! (Lynda) Hey Troy! (lurker) Hi Troy! *Blush* (Terry) Hi Troy! (Morthien) Take care Troy. Maybe one day I too will be cool enough to have a chat. (Troy) Hello everybody! Thanks for coming! (*Anne-Mal) Can anyone run a role-play, even a novice? (Troy) Yes, anyone can play. We play no favorites. (*Anne-Mal) Okay, let me open it up for open chat! Remember that Troy is still the center of attention! (skribble) What are the most typical role-play scenarios that you encounter? (Troy) Costume parties, by far. (skribble) A good thing or bad thing, Troy? (Troy) A good thing to me, it allows me to pick some of my favorite characters to be! :) (Olivia) Yes, I like them too. Remember the one we hosted, Troy? (Troy) Yes I do, Olivia. (Olivia) Your welcome, Troy, my love! (Troy) I have been wanting to thank my favorite runners and players, so let me take the time now. This isn't the whole list mind you. Thanks to Arlene, Daisy, Ling, Lynda, Morthien, Mystica, Nicole, Olivia, Skribble, TT and all the rest! (TT) You're welcome, Troy. (skribble) Thanks for the shout out! (Troy) No prob, Skrib, you've earned it! (Arlene) You're welcome, Troy! *Curtseys* (Troy) By the way, though I haven't played much with Regal, he's always been good. (Regal) Well, Regal hasn't been around much lately, but thank you. :) (skribble) Any scenario that you have been dying to play, but not yet had the opportunity? (Troy) Actually, I do have one I haven't got to play yet. I'd like to somehow end up in a movie as the leading actress. (skribble) Would you mind sharing one or two of your more memorable experiences? (Troy) As a player, it was my first role-play with Mystica. That was my first celeb role-play. As a runner, that would probably be an early group one I did, which was the first time I used my Magic Bag. Regal was involved if I recall correctly. I also loved changing Olivia, that was a very involved role-play. (Olivia) Thank you, my love. (Regal) If it was what I think it was, Magic Bag is a good way to include new people. Was it where each person pulls an item out of the bag? (Troy) Yeah, it's what I like to use as an introductory game. (Regal) Yes, that works very good. For everyone here, Magic Bag is a game where each person pulls out an item, then a TG change is based on that item. (skribble) What do you value most in a good role-play, Troy? (Troy) Detailed descriptions, I like to picture what I've become or what someone else has become. (*Anne-Mal) How about having a special role-play for newbies? (skribble) How many folks here are newbies, out of curiosity? (*Anne-Mal) Me! (Amy) Me! (Melissa) What was the longest role-play you have been in? (Troy) At the role-play room soon! :) skribble, our role-play is now at what, 3 days? As for in a chat room straight, I have had 3 hour role-plays. When I'm not on a computer, it was about 20 hours. (skribble) Yeah Troy! 3 days and counting! Don't worry, I know I owe you. (ranma2) We had a group in Germany that lasted 2 1/2 years. In one session, the longest was about 26 hours at a convention. (Melissa) A straight 26 hours? Wow! It's hard to keep one together so long. (ranma2) Well players drifted in and out. A couple left the game due to being too drunk to play any more. (Melissa) It's hard to have a role-play last, especially with original players. (*Anne-Mal) Since things are getting a little slow and the log is rolling, how about an impromptu do role-play! (Troy) Okay, but I'm not running it! :) (*Anne-Mal) Okay. Let me run it! (skribble) All right Anne, let us have it! (Troy) It's not hard Anne, just try and corral all your players! (*Anne-Mal) Fred the magic genie has appeared! (Melissa) Neat a genie, wishes!! (*Anne-Mal) He has given you the opportunity to change into the person who would most like to be! (Daisy) I wish I was Daisy Duke (Regal) Interesting choice. (ranma2) I wish I was Ranma Saotome. (*Anne-Mal) Except that you must find someone to take your place. (skribble) What do you mean, Anne? (*Anne-Mal) Who ever you chose, they will be forced to be you, no argument! (Melissa) There's always a catch! (*Anne-Mal) So who steps up to Fred! (Morthien) This sucks a role play starts, that isn't a boring overdone TF and I have to leave! (Daisy) I guess I'll go first (*Anne-Mal) **Daisy who will become you?** (Daisy) Miss Catherine Bach! (tt) LOL! (Nancy) Who's she? (tt) It's ahead of your time, Nancy. That TV show aired in late 70's early 80's. (Melissa) Dukes Of Hazard, good show! (*Anne-Mal) (Mrs. Ringo Starr?) (Daisy) That's Barbara Bach! Catherine is otherwise known as Daisy Duke! (Melissa) When she was young or like she is now? (Daisy) Younger! (*Anne-Mal) **So Daisy, who do you want to become!** As Daisy is deciding, Fred makes Catherine Bach appear! (Regal) Boy, will she be ticked off. (*Anne-Mal) [Catherine Bach]-"Hey, what's going on!!!!!" (Daisy) Oh, hello Ms. Bach! I know, let me be in Sandra Bullock's body! (*Anne-Mal) **Daisy to affect the transformation you must tell Ms. Bach what you are doing!** (Daisy) Catherine, I hope you don't mind this, but now you get to see what it's like to be a man. (*Anne-Mal) [Catherine Bach]-"What do you mean? What you are doing? Why am I here? What is going on!!!!!!!" **Granted** (Troy) Poor Catherine! (*Anne-Mal) Daisy begins to change into Sandra Bullock! While Catherine Bach starts to change into Daisy! (Melissa) Nice Daisy Duke's you're wearing Daisy! (tt) Yeah, those are really nice! (*Anne-Mal) [Catherine Bach]-"Oh my GOD! What is happening to me???????"! (Daisy) Soon you'll understand why all the men always wanted your body! (Melissa) Next wish! (*Anne-Mal) [Catherine Bach]-*Turns to a friendly face in the room* "Someone please help me!" (tt) What's wrong, Catherine? (*Anne-Mal) **Who is next!!!** (Troy) I'll go! (Melissa) Change tt into Harriet Tubman!! (*Anne-Mal) [Catherine Bach]-"Can you help me?", she turns to tt. (tt) What's wrong, Catherine? (*Anne-Mal) [Catherine Bach]-"What are all these strange feelings in my body and why is that man changing into a woman?" (tt) It must have been some kind of magic spell. It's the genie!!!!! (*Anne-Mal) **Troy, who will become you?** (Melissa) Pam Anderson Lee for Troy!!! (Troy) That's easy the person who will become me is Victoria Adams! (*Anne-Mal) (Any thoughts on becoming Sandra, Daisy?) (Daisy) Well now Ms. Bach you look very nice! Or shall I say Mr. Bach! I feel absolutely incredible! (*Anne-Mal) **And who will you become Troy!** Fred makes Victoria Adams appear! (Troy) The same person, I'll become Victoria. (*Anne-Mal) [Catherine Bach]-"I AM A MAN!" (tt) So you are, Catherine! (Troy) Well at least he figured it out! (*Anne-Mal) [Victoria Adams]-"Where am I? I was taking a bath and...." (Troy) Well now you're here, luv! And soon you won't be, well you! (*Anne-Mal) [Victoria Adams]-"Oh my gosh I'm naked!!!!" (Troy) Yeah, your body is lovely! (*Anne-Mal) **You must tell Victoria what you are going to do!** (tt) Here! *Hands Victoria a towel* Cover yourself up! (Troy) Victoria, I'm going to take your place! I'll be the cute famous British babe and you will lead my boring life! (*Anne-Mal) **Granted** (Troy) Kewl! (*Anne-Mal) [Catherine Bach]-"You did this Daisy! I am now gaining all your memories!!" Victoria Adams begins to change to Troy and vise versa! (Troy) Great! Now I have her tight, sexy body! (*Anne-Mal) [Catherine Bach]-"I know who you all are!!!! I will get you!!!!!" [Victoria Adams]-"What is happening......... EEK!!!!" **Who is next?** [Catherine Bach]-"I am next!" **Catherine who do you pick to be you?** (tt) Oh no you don't! (*Anne-Mal) Catherine points at Daisy- "Her!" **No reversals, sorry!** [Victoria Adams] "Hey! Why do you look like me? And why do I sound so funny?" (Troy) Because I am now you Vicki! And you are me! (*Anne-Mal) [Catherine Adams]-"Ha! I pick her!" And points at Troy! **And who do you want to be?** [Catherine Adams]-"I just want to be me again!" **Granted** - Troy just left. (*Anne-Mal) Catherine vanishes! And Troy tries to run away but he changes into Daisy! **Who is next!** (gigi) I want to be Jennifer Lopez. please (*Anne-Mal) *Gigi, who will take your place!* [Victoria Adams]-"No, I want to be next!!!!" **gigi, you must pick someone to take your place or you can not change!** [Victoria Adams]-"Hey I am starting to get Troy's memories! This is supposed to me my..., I mean his chat!!!" Well in that case 'Troy' do you have any closing remarks? [Victoria Adams]-"Thanks everyone for showing up. I hope to see more of you in the chat rooms! Hey, what am I saying!!!" (tt) I don't know, Victoria! I guess you're my friend Troy now! (*Anne-Mal) Okay Troy, I guess I will close the chat log! [Victoria Adams] "Thanks, goodnight everybody! Wait, I am not me!!!!!!!" Too late Troy! The chat is over!!!!!! Oops, forgot I haven't the special powers yet. How was that as a runner? Too much me? (tt) Not bad for your first time. (*Anne-Mal) Kind of like being a moderator. So before I close the log, everyone say bye to Troy! (tt) Bye Troy! (Nancy) Bye Troy! (*Anne-Mal) [Victoria Adams]-"I AM NOT TROY!!!!!" End of Chat

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Home alone again and getting a bit bored at that night.Then the phone rang and it was my loving girlfriend Helena.She was also alone at home; better we could say, she was without her hubby at home; but some of her good friends were there, making her some company.Helena told me she needed some help from me; because she and Camilla could not stand so many men there. I accepted the offer and told her I was almost on my way. Helena asked me to dress sexy and get ready for an unforgettable night…I...

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Chatting With A Stranger

The Internet is an amazing thing. It can take us anywhere in an instant. It can take us to amazing sensual heights, or to our darkest deepest fantasies. I suppose that's how my story started. I still can't decide whether it's an amazing sensual height, or if it's a deep dark fantasy. I guess I should start by telling you a little about myself. I'm 23 years old, white, five foot six inches tall. I have dirty blonde hair, and green eyes. I'm pretty busty, and feel somewhat sexy with my...

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Chatting with Brandy DeWinter

Chat Guest: Brandy DeWinter On Sunday August 15, 1999 11:30AM PST Moderated by Wendy-J Edited by Anne-Mal You can e-mail Brandy at: [email protected] Only Wendy and I are here when we start... (Anne-Mal) Hi Sis! (*Wendy-J) Hey! (Anne-Mal) Feeling better? (*Wendy-J) I am alive and well! Chatting with our Guest of honor! She should be here momentarily. + Brandy has arrived. (Anne-Mal) Hi Brandy! (Brandy) Gee, there's already two more here than I...

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Chatting with Chrissy

Chat Night Guest: Chrissy On Friday September 24, 1999 6PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal Chrissy can be e-mailed at: [email protected] We begin by Chrissy showing why she is one of the friendliest authors here. (Chrissy) Hiya Anne! (*Anne-Mal) Hello! So how have you been? (Chrissy) Not too bad. I am now employed. *Big grin* (*Anne-Mal) Woo-Hoo! (Chrissy) So staying up late isn't so easy anymore! :) (*Anne-Mal) I guess that is good for you! (Bad for us!) (Chrissy) How...

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Chatting with the Professor

Chat Night Guest: The Professor On Friday September 24, 11PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal You can contact the Professor at: [email protected] (*Anne-Mal) Hello! (Sir_Lee) It seems I'm the first to arrive today! (*Anne-Mal) So far. Chrissy did have a chat a couple of hours ago. (Sir_Lee) Yes, but I can't hang out before 3:00 GMT, the phone rates kill me! (*Anne-Mal) Ah, your a European too! (Sir_Lee) Not really, I'm from South America. The phone rates here drop...

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Chatting with Amy Brett

Chat Night Guest: Amy Brett On Monday September 27, 1999 6PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal You can e-mail Amy at: [email protected] (Morthien) Who is the guest tonight? (*Anne-Mal) Hi Morthien! Amy Brett. Julie get a copy of her chat log Bash? (Morthien) Lo Anne-Mal. Don't know her. I'd like to have a night but no one would show. (Bashful) Sure they would, when do you want to do one? (*Anne-Mal) I always show! (Except when I fall asleep!) (Morthien) It would just be...

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Game of Thrones House Blackfyre Rebirth Reworking stroy

((Note: I will most likely come back and Fix the story of anything that doesn't make sense once it is finished.)) House Blackfyre is infamous for their repeated and unsuccessful attempts to overthrow the Targaryen dynasty in a series of conflicts collectively known as the "Blackfyre Rebellions". There were five Blackfyre Rebellions, with the largest and greatest being the first rebellion led by Daemon Blackfyre. The rebellions took place across a span of over sixty years, ending in the fifth...

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Losing My Footjob Virginity True Stroy

I have had a foot fetish for as long as I can remember. In fact, I can even remember around the time my foot fetish started, but that’s a story I’ll get into another time (if I build up enough courage to do so). I’m currently in my late 20s but funny enough, my fetish for feet was pretty strong as a k** and as I grew, so did my arousal for feet. I would find myself staring at them and at times would get caught looking. Like most people with fetishes I was somewhat shy about it and didn’t...

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Mistress Troyce

I bade Trevor good night, kissing him  on the cheek.Trevor looked a bit dazed. "Troyce, you don't have to end it here. Your husband is clearly not what you like me, right?"It was hard for him, my  sudden distance, since my tongue had been plunging in and out of  Vince's mouth, as well as a few other places, just twenty minutes before."Vince, you're a sweet guy, but this is all about Geordie. Thanks for answering our ad."I shut the door as Vince was still  protesting. Now was my time...

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Chatting with Morpheus

Author's Chat Night Guest: Morpheus On Saturday June 26, 1999 2PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal (*Anne-Mal) Hello sue! (sue) Hi Anne! I just wanted to pop in. I hope when I return the chat will be continuing. (*Anne-Mal) Well we will see, Saturday afternoon may be a bad time. (sue) Well, perhaps the European folks will be continuing on. This is a good time for them. (*Anne-Mal) Mindy wants to do a chat on Saturday, but at 11am EDT! In the middle of July! (sue) I think that would...

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Chatting with Jack Chalker 2

Chat Guest: Jack Chalker On Sunday December 5, 1999 12:30PM PDT Edited by Anne-Mal + jchalker has arrived. (TgDon) *Trumpets blare* (Morgan) YAY! "Identity Matrix"! The best!!! (ninja660) Our guest has arrived! :) (TgDon) *Swords rise up in deference* (Sapphire) Hip, hip, hurray! (TgDon) *All rise* (DanielSan59) All Right! Welcome! (Lorna) YEAH! (ninja660) Greetings Jack! (*Julie) Welcome!! (*Bashful) Welcome Mr. Chalker! (Jean_Rea) Welcome Mr....

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Chatting with Jenny Adams

Chat Guest: Jenny Adams On Saturday October 16, 1999 6PM PST Moderated by Bashful Edited by Anne-Mal Jenny can be e-mailed at: [email protected] Jenny has a book called "Change of Life" published by Reluctant Press. Why does she use the name Jenny Adams? Simply put, when I began writing to submit to Reluctant Press, all the authors used female pen names. Since my real name and the name Jennifer start with the same letter, I took it. Then I started posting stories to the...

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Chatting with Pam of TGStories

Chat Night Guest: Pam of TGStories On Tuesday July 6, 1999 6PM PST You can e-mail Pam at: [email protected] Edited by Anne-Mal As always, we socialize a bit before the chat! (J) Is there something we can talk about? (GeorgiaCnf) Pam is probably downing a stiff drink before meeting the masses! :) (J) How well attended do you think this one will be? (Alex) A stiff drink before mass? (GeorgiaCnf) J, it's half an hour to go and the lecture theatre is filling rapidly!...

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Chatting Threesome

My two on-line friends who I have been talking to for a year, decide we will meet and actually have an endeavor. I am so excited and get myself ready. I make sure I am completely waxed and that my pussy is looking her best. We have exchanged pictures and clips, so I know exactly what I will be playing with, and am so very excited. We decide that we will act out one of our fantasies together. I have also met a friend that I have been chatting with who is an expert at having threesomes with...

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Chatting with Paul1954

Chat Guest: Paul1954 On Sunday June 6, 1999 at 2pm PST Moderated by Wendy-J Edited by Anne-Mal You can e-mail Paul at: [email protected] (*Wendy-J) You are now all on candid mike! (Paul1954) I do know a few pubs, but that one is all imagination. Maybe I need more research! (*Wendy-J) Yep! (Darkside) Wheatsheaf. A classic Brit. name for a pub. (Lorna) Wheatsheaf? Sounds like too much whole grain goodness! (Paul1954) Oh, we've got lots of good names. We spend a...

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Chatting To Hot Fucking With Colleague

I was working in Hongkong in a senior position with a shipping company. My company’s headquarters was in Mumbai and they had chosen me to lead the far east operations from Hongkong. In our company we use to use the skype software to chat with our clients/vendors and colleagues in various offices worldwide. I use to interact with my staffs in head office in mumbai a lot for official purpose. It all started on one of those days when i was late night in office in hongkong i saw one my staffs...

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Reese Witherspoon dommed

any of the actresses mentioned below. This story is written down for enjoyment purposes only. Reese witherspoon woke up with a headache. She didn't know where she was. All she could feel that she was blindfolded. Not only that, she was tied to the bed with duct tape, unable to move her hands and legs. She also noticed that she was nude. A duct tape covered her mouth so that she shouldn't shout. All she remembered was going to a producer's home for some script reading of a film they were...

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Chatting with Sapphire

Chat Night Guest: Sapphire Creator of Sapphire's Place On Friday: May 21, 1999 6PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal We socialize a bit before the chat. Do you mind if I keep the chicken story from last night in Steve's Log? Not a'tall! Why should I mind? Chicken story? Liz had a little problem on Mindy night! + Mindy has arrived. MOM! HIDE!!! ...

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Chatting brings mother close to son chapt 3 and 4

Chapter 3 I created a new yahoo id for myself : youngbom I knew mostly after 9 pm Nikhil would get online. So did I from my room. I searched for his hotboy and found him easily. “hi” I wrote to him “hi” came the reply “Whats you’re a/s/l” he asked me I was puzzled. “whats a/s/l” I asked “Are you new to chatting” he asked “ASL is age, sex and location” “okay I am 19 year old male from Mumbai” I wrote falsely “What about you” “18 m mumbai” came an equally false reply from my son I thought I...

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Chatting se chudai tak

Hi friends I am back again with a new true story, hope ki apko meri pheli story COUSIN KE SATH EK RAAT pasand ayi, that’s why I got so many mails, this is my second story here agar kisi ko sacchi lage to sacchi hai aur joothi lage to joothi, jaise ki maine apko bataya tha ki I m 25 and live alone in Mumbai and my family is in delhi, to ab story ki taraf chalet hai, I chat on rediff, my id is thane_mumboy, once when I was chatting ek ladki mili, yeh baat sirf 2 months phele ki hai, she was...

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Chatting With Lisa About Sperm

Lisa has invited me over for dinner, and we have been sitting at the table, chatting for a while about kids and work while enjoying the lovely dinner she had prepared. Now we have taken our glasses of red wine and sat down in each our own corner of the sofa. “But, Lars,” Lisa says, as if resuming a long-lost thread of conversation. “There is something I wanted to ask you about, something we talked about a long while ago.” “Yes... ?” I say as I sip the dark red wine, feeling quietly...

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The Dark Destroyer

We had been married for 15 years Lisa was stunning cute little blonde around 5’2 short little bob cut now when she was younger she kept it longer , she has a great rack 34 DD I loved it when she tit wanked me with loads of body oil, in truth I was punching above my weight all the rugby lads all ways took the piss in the bar after the match joked she was going to leave me.It was Lisa’s birthday at the week-end I was plans for her special day , we had a party arranged at home for Saturday night...

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Chatting brings mother close to son chapt 1 and 2

Chapter 1 I used to spend a lot of time on the computer in our house because of work. But as my son Nikhil started growing up, he started getting interested in the computer too. Initially, he would wait patiently, but grudgingly for me to finish with the computer, before he could start working on it. But by the time he became 16 years old, he became more demanding. And kept saying that he needed the computer more than me, as he had to use it to discuss his school homework with his classmates...

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Chatting brings mother and son together

Jyoti was clinging onto me as she danced. Once in a while in between we would kiss. Her pallu had fallen down revealing her fair smooth waist and jutting breasts. Even some of the other guys, dancing with their partners couldn’t help but steal a glance at my wife. My wife had her eyes semi-closed and was gyrating sensuously, oblivious to the rest.of the crowd. I set my plans into motion.. I quietly took out a red rose from my pocket and put it inside her purse. She was so drunk she didn’t even...

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Chatting with AnneMal

Chat Night Guest: Anne-Mal On Thursday September 16, 1999 6PM PST Edited by Julie Anne-Mal can be e-mailed at: [email protected] (*Julie) The log is now open. (Bashful) Is hubby going to be here Anne? Editor's note-See the ending to MAER. - Anne just left. (Anne-Mal) Anne? This is deja vu! + Anne-Phorcy has arrived. (Anne-Phorcy) (One too many Anne's!) ;) (Anne-Mal) There are never enough Anne's! (Bashful) Yes there are, some times one is too many! I loved...

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Chatting with Jack Chalker 0 System Crash

System Crash (Chalker first chat try) On Sunday September 26, 1999 10AM PST (BDerksen) Looking for the Chalker chat? :) (Anne) No, just getting it ready! Be back in two hours, see ya then! (BDerksen) Heh. Two hours it is, then. :) (KathieJ) Guess so. Hope to see you there. That was Anne-Mal. She's great. Gotta go again, sorry. Bye! (BDerksen) Ah, okay. Bye! :) A hour later. (*Anne-Mal) Hi! (TESS) I'm just trying this chat thing for the first time in my life. Is there...

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Chatting with Nostrumo

Chat Night Guest: Nostrumo On Saturday September 25, 1999 1PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal Nostrumo helps as an editor of TG stories. You can e-Mail Nostrumo at: [email protected] We start as Anne-Mal is late again... (Nostrumo) Hi! (Sir_Lee) Hi, it seems I got here first again. Where's our moderator? (Nostrumo) I don't know, but I think she will arrive soon. (I hope!) (Sir_Lee) By the way, Nostrumo, a thing that I have been curious for a while, is your name meant...

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Chatting with Bashful

Chat Night Guest: Bashful Monday July 12, 1999 6PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal Editor's Note- The Chat Room was down before the chat. Mindy got the system up and running just minutes before Bashful's chat would start. No wonder we call her Magical Mindy! (Mindy) There is a virtual domain software package on this server that was also on Fictionmania that drove it crazy. I need to remove it and go to something else, it forgot it's settings. (CarrieGore) Just another fun episode in...

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Chatting with Julie

Chat Night Guest: Julie Edited by Anne-Mal Julie can be reached at: [email protected] On Friday, July 30, 1999 6PM Carol Collins had a chat night. Well Julie and I had a conversation before that chat. (Julie) Hi Anne! (*Anne-Mal) Hi Julie! (Julie) Are you ready for a great chat? (*Anne-Mal) I am always ready for a great chat! (Julie) I'm on the old PC. I need all the help I can get. :( (*Anne-Mal) Maybe you and Bash should compete to see who is the best author,...

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Chatting with Jack Chalker 3 PostChat

Post Jack Chalker Chat On Sunday December 5,1999 2:45PDT Edited by Anne-Mal Jack Chalker had just left and so... (*Anne-Mal) Now lets all go out and buy his new book!! (BillHart) Too late. I've already read it. (Stephanie) My copy is on order from Amazon! (Andrew) *Cheers* (TgDon) *Claps loudly* (sue) Thanks so much for putting this together, Anne! (Sapphire) Thanks Anne! (Darkside) Well done, Anne. A fantastic chat and you did a great job of keeping us in...

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Chatting with Ellen Hayes

Chat Night Guest: Ellen Hayes On Sunday September 19, 1999 1PM PST Moderated by Bashful, Julie and Wendy-J (Ellen is too much for one to handle!) Edited by Anne-Mal You can send e-mail to Ellen at: [email protected] Ellen gives special thanks to Brandy, Chris, and pes. We find the guest arriving before the moderator, a taste of what was to happen! (Sir_Lee) Hi Ellen, did you get here early so as not to be late to your own chat? (ehayes) Something like that, but...

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Chatting with Eddie Glover

Chat Night Guest: Eddie Glover On Monday July 19, 1999 6 PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal I arrived a little late in the middle of a conversation... (*Anne-Mal) So did I miss anything good? (Eddie) I'm ready for my close up Mr. Demille! We were just speaking on the joys of computer freezes or lack thereof! (Carrie_g) It becomes the cruelest editor. :) (*Anne-Mal) At least you are forced to rewrite! (Eddie) No problem. I'm not nervous or anything. Really. :) (Carrie_g) I...

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Chatting with Tigger

Chat Guest: Tigger On Sunday October 10, 1999 1PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal He can be e-mailed at: [email protected] Wendy-J had problems getting on, so I started the log just in case... (Anne-Mal) Hi Elrod! Hi Betty! (Betty) Hi! Are you the one who wrote Archie and Betty? (Anne-Mal) Yep, with CJ. (Betty) That is so cool! I loved it! (Anne-Mal) Hi Oberon! (Oberon) Good eve one and all! *Bowing* (Betty) Hi! (Oberon) This is my first experience of the chat...

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Chatting with JRD

Author's Chat Night Guest: JRD Saturday May, 22 1999 6PM EST edited by Anne-Mal (Moderator_Anne-Mal) Hi again Liz! (LizBennett) 'Fraid I can't stay. I must pop in and out. We have a dinner party tonight. (Moderator_Anne-Mal) Your dinner activities seem to make all the logs! (LizBennett) Bye for now! (Moderator_Anne-Mal) I noticed that you had a few more stories posted to Fictionmania Bash! (Bashful) Yes, thank you for noticing. I don't know how Mindy does it! I...

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Chatting with Radioactive Loner

Chat Guest: Radioactive Loner On Saturday October 9, 1999 5PM PST Moderated by Bashful Edited by Anne-Mal His stories have appeared on Fictionmania, the Transformation Stories Archive and Sapphire's Spells 'R' Us Annex. All of his stories can be found at his website. You can e-mail RL at: [email protected] So Bash started the log, warming up the crowd, he then left and... (cNf) RL there is you, the moderator and Carrie! The rest of us are just spectators! (Or groupies!)...

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Chatting with Thomas Hassan

Chat Night Guest: Thomas Hassan On Saturday August 28, 1999 11AM PST Edited by Anne-Mal You can e-mail Thomas at: [email protected] In a change of pace, the guest is in the room first! (Thomas) Hi! *Looking around the room, waiting for the audience* (*Anne-Mal) Hello! (Thomas) Hmmm soemthing on mz kezboard here is fishz! (*Anne-Mal) For some reason everyone comes late, so don't worry! (Thomas) Arrgh! American keyboard... (*Anne-Mal) I doubt that members of the...

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Chatting with Vickie Tern

Chat guest: Vickie Tern On Saturday December 4, 1999 12PM Edited by Anne-Mal You can e-mail Vickie at: [email protected] >Before we go to the chat, Vickie is such a pleasure to read, here are some answers from the questionnaire! I can chat now with pleasure! I'm much less conflicted or inhibited or timid now than a few weeks ago. First, I just spent a week at a gender meeting with lots of all kinds of TG-concerned or TG-impacted folk. See the opening section of "A...

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Chatting with Jack Chalker 1 PreChat

Jack Chalker Pre-Chat On Sunday December 5, 1999 11:15AM PDT Edited by Anne-Mal (Jeff) Hi Anne! (*Anne-Mal) Hi! (Jeff) I wanted to make sure I was here this time! (*Anne-Mal) Getting in line early? (Jeff) Yep, how about you?? (*Anne-Mal) Yep, I'm getting in line early too! (Sir_Lee) Hi guys. Long time no see... (*Anne-Mal) Hello esteemed friend from Brazil! (Sir_Lee) You know, I probably only discovered Chalker because one of his books had "Brazil" on the...

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Chatting with Steve Zink

Authors Chat Night: Guest Steve Zink On Wednesday May 19, 1999 at 6 PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal Before the chat begins we socialize a bit. (*Anne-Mal) So how did the meal turn out after last night's chat, Liz? (regal) Oh yes, you made me hungry. (LizBennett) Well, it's embarrassing to say. You see, I did not read the label carefully enough. (regal) That bad? (LizBennett) I thought I was rotisseriing a chicken, but the label *actually* said, "stewing hen." It was as tough...

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Chatting with Elrod W

Chat Night Guest: ElrodW On Tuesday August 24, 1999 6PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal You can e-mail him at: [email protected] We start off like an episode of the "Waltons"... (elrodw) Hi, Anne. I made it! (*Anne-Mal) Hi! (cNf) Gday Anne, how are you? (*Anne-Mal) Hi cNf! (cNf) And of course Elrod, how are you?? (elrodw) Doing fine, not a bit nervous! (cNf) Gday Carrie. (CarrieGore) Hi elrod! (elrodw) Hey, Carrie! (*Anne-Mal) Hi...

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Chatting with Chilli TNG

Author's Chat Night Guest: ChilliTNG On Friday: June 4, 1999 6PM PST With special guest moderator under the microscope, Wendy-J Edited by Wendy-J (*Wendy-J) Here we go! Chilli, do you have an opening statement? (Chilli) Well, since you asked so nicely, I'll keep this brief! (I've been known to ramble on a bit). Thanks to EVERYONE for showing up. I'm OVERWHELMED at the response. I just want to say a quick thanks to a couple of people and then we can get going. Thanks to...

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Chatting with Elaine

Chat Guest: Elaine On Sunday July 18, 1999 12:30PM PST Moderated by Wendy-J Edited by Anne-Mal You can e-mail Elaine at: [email protected] She wishes to thank Nikkie, Rhonda Wagram and Kim! Elaine arrived a little late and so Wendy started the log late... (Elaine) I was watching the Toronto Grand Prix, a Scotsman was in front. (*Wendy-J) LOL! A girl after my own heart! Fast cars and good Scotch! (Elaine) I do write a Motorsport column. (*Wendy-J) WOW, a professional...

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