- 3 years ago
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London, England. September 2003.
Height difference can make a relationship awkward.
This is true with both physical and achievement heights, Doug Ramsay reflected. As happened much too often when he should be concentrating on something else, profound insights were intruding upon his thoughts.
Six foot two inch Cat Osterman was pressing her naked self hard against him, her limbs coiled about his bare torso as he thrust his manhood into her inner folds. The gangly brunette was only a few inches taller than Doug but this still made any coupling between them uncomfortable. They could not kiss lips to lips without her leaning over, him rising on tiptoes to meet her, or both of them lying down as they were now. Neither of them minded the height difference much, they had never really discussed it, but still it was there. They got around it as best they could and enjoyed being together. The other distance between them kept them apart.
They had met eighteen months ago in Austin on the University of Texas campus. Doug was visiting his alma mater to watch a softball game. Cat was on the mound, achieving another of her many strikeout records as a pitcher. Doug was a sheriff's deputy back then and he used his badge to get into the players' recreation area of the stadium after the game and meet Cat.
A few sparks of conversation followed by an invitation to dinner made them an item. Doug had been startled that things had gone so well at such speed. He often felt like he and Cat were such different people that they could never find common ground. She loved sports and he would only watch them if a beautiful and skilled athlete like Cat was playing. Being with her was like an impossible dream. Perhaps that was why Doug found it difficult to concentrate on the present when he coupled with Cat and why he did not honestly know where they were headed. Their relationship had continued to blossom rapidly after the first meeting, as each was a free and open person who enjoyed the other's company and wanted to keep things going. Then Cat got the call.
It came from a former coach who was very proud of her. Cat's pitching skills had paid off in the best way, he said. She was going to test for the Olympics and chances were she would get in with the greatest of ease.
Doug praised Cat as soon as he heard this but also scaled back their dating. She did not need the distraction, he told her. Forget about me and everything we have. This is your chance. Go for it. You have to get the success you deserve and turn it into the coaching career that you want. You're a legend. I'm just a common man, and probably not the man for you.
Soon they were mere friends with benefits. Doug remained one of Cat's contacts and a good source of understanding but romance was no longer on their minds.
What we have is great on its own, Doug thought in the present, leaning up and crushing Cat's face against his. Their tongues met from open mouths, entwining as they exchanged caresses. Her dexterous hands circled his shoulders and massaged his back. They then came around and toyed with the thin dark hair that covered his strong chest and stomach muscles. Cat lightly clawed those muscles with her nails, further stoking his arousal. Doug's own fingers were on her breasts, squeezing and pinching the tan aureoles. Cat's legs pulled his firm manhood deeper into her shaven loins and she yowled as she clenched her knees around his rear.
Cat's still not an Olympian yet, Doug told himself. It will be another six months or so before training for the Games begins. However, she's already taken off a year from college to achieve this dream. It'll be worth it, but it will still push her back. My own life has changed too.
When Cat and I broke up, Doug recalled, I was already feeling the stress of law enforcement. I couldn't do the job forever and I had already achieved all I wanted out of it, so I decided to retire. I published my first bestselling thriller novel and then quit the force to apprentice as an entertainment mogul with Clifford Antone. Aided by my membership in a secret society known as the Friendship, I amassed some wealth and moved to London. There I opened my own dance club and bar called "Inside Out". Not bad for a young man of twenty-five years. Cat and I are in the penthouse of the swinger's haven that occupies the apartments above my club now, enjoying ourselves on the last night before she has to leave me again. I never want this to end but that's the way things have to be.
He moved his hands off her tits and into her long dark hair, stroking and yanking on the strands. Cat sighed and licked his face and he kissed her neck in reply. Their arms went around each other's torsos and they held one another tight as they continued to exchange coital thrusts.
They had to part, Doug knew. They had different lives. Cat was more famous than he was even with his new achievements and that could only grow. She also had other lovers besides him, male and female. None of her relationships was that serious at the moment but someday things could change. He did not want to intrude on that. Denying someone happiness was a thing Doug never wanted to do.
Thus he contented himself with being Cat's fan, watching her as she rose away from him and reached for new peaks. What honor he could give her he did. Cat accepted it all. She recognized herself in a character in his novel and laughed, happy that he cared. They remained good friends even as they drifted apart emotionally.
"I will always have you on my mind," Doug promised her. Cat nodded and said the feeling was mutual, though she agreed their steady relationship should be no more.
All they had left was calls and visits, exchanges of advice and happiness for the goals each had achieved. Moments of loving such as the present were growing less frequent and neither could guess when the next chance might come. Let us put it behind us, Doug thought, fondling her hips and shoving himself into her. We'll let what we have be enough and make up for what we don't.
Cat agreed, her brown eyes blinking at his blue ones as she joined with him. Her hands roamed all over his body, memorizing by feel his stocky muscles and his thick dark blond hair. Cat often told Doug he physically reminded her of the actor Seann William Scott. It amused her that he did not always share the lack of inhibitions usually exhibited by that actor's characters. Doug was as handsome as she was striking and had a wonderful sense of creative humor. It was because of this that Cat had so quickly accepted him as a lover and friend.
He admires me, she thought, in a strange way that I have trouble appreciating sometimes. I see him as just marvelous casual sex, I always have. He wants more, but I can't think about that now. I have a life to lead. I'm not part of his world and he can't share mine. We have to be happy with what we have. My athletic career is growing at an exponential rate. Tomorrow I have to leap away from Doug and go back to embracing it. I have to get my current semester of college over with and then head for the Olympics. Whatever's ahead, he'll cheer me on but our time together will be sporadic at best. We're destined to be separated, even though right now we're so close. Keeping this in mind, she fervently caressed her lover's back.
They clutched each other tight, forgetting the future and reveling in the moment. He speared his cock into her cunt, warm moisture flowing from her and lubricating his condom-coated organ. Cat took that rod inside, bouncing strikes and fouls off it with her fingers and inner muscles. She tossed her head and cried out as Doug's hands ran her body's bases, imprinting her memory onto his brain with every sound.
"How's that new Longhorn catcher working out?" Doug asked Cat, slowing between kisses. She smiled, recognizing one of his distraction techniques to stave off a premature climax. "Are you getting along well?"
"Yeah!" Cat replied in a breathless murmur. "Megan and I are best friends. She's a great lover too." Cat grinned and licked his ear.
"Awesome. Think she'll go to the Olympics with you?"
"I don't know. She's good, but the coaches aren't noticing her like they are me. I'll miss her, but it's okay. There will be plenty of other potential friends."
"Yeah," Doug agreed, pecking her on the cheek. "I'll introduce you to some more if the games don't give all you can handle."
Cat smirked. "Like Keira Knightley?" The actress, a frequent visitor to Doug's new business, had joined in their coupling twice in the past few days.
"Other beautiful women as well," Doug promised. Keira was not the only famous guest at his club. There were many, and some of the beautiful women were rapidly becoming Doug's lovers and friends. He was trying hard to relax and accept the experience. "I'll get you men also, if you want them. I'll do whatever you desire, Cat, just to keep myself on your mind."
It was the promise of a passionate moment, they both knew, heartfelt but possibly not sincere. Cat shrugged it off and kissed Doug, telling him that such words were not necessary with her deep silent breaths into his throat. You will be with me whatever happens, she told him, just as long as thoughts of me are in you. He sensed her promise and smiled, again enfolding her in his arms as he struck the head of his cock against her clit.
They traded movements and caresses a while longer, sighing and kissing each other's faces and lips. Words were behind them now, as the pleasure had become too overpowering within both Doug and Cat. He buffed her lips and neck, then leaned down and sucked her breasts. She scratched his torso like a favored nail-sharpening device in climax, living up to her name with her gestures and purrs. He exploded into her seconds later, moving his head back up to lick her lips as he shot his load. They broke apart, grinning at each other. She slapped him once, hard across the face, and then tumbled away from him as he laughed and rolled his eyes.
The lovers took a moment to recover, exchanging regular looks and smiles as they both rested and let out heavy breaths. They lay among the white sheets of the penthouse bed, close to sleep but not quite there. Soon each person's hands were traveling back towards the other. Woman grinned at man, and man grinned in reply. They rolled together again and embraced. Doug idly played with Cat's cunt and nipples while she stroked his balls. They shared a kiss and then snuggled together, neither quite yet ready for more. Cat offered Doug her palm and he slipped his hand into hers, giving a content expression that she returned. They beamed into each other's eyes, and then moved together as they both felt their arousal flare once again.
Knock, knock, knock.
"Who's there?" Doug called out, releasing Cat and rolling away from her. He looked at the bedroom door. It has to be someone safe, Doug thought. No one gets into the upper floors of my club without a pass. It's late at night, though. I hope this isn't an emergency.
"It's Clarke!" came the reply.
Doug gave Cat a frown, recognizing the voice of his security chief. His athletic lover shrugged and he nodded. They both sat up on the bed and steeled their minds. Cat saw Doug's law enforcement training in the way he readied himself for the unknown situation and she responded to it with her own preparations. "Come in!" she shouted at the door.
The portal opened at the touch of Clarke's master key. The security chief then walked inside. He was a large Bushman over six feet tall with powerful rippling muscles. His head was bald with a wise warrior's face and his voice unaccented. Cat once again reflected on how much Clarke reminded her of the former wrestler turned actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. He was as big as the Rock, though with darker skin and less hair. Clarke wore a tan jacket, a black shirt and urban camouflage pants. He grinned when he saw Doug and Cat, looking both their bodies up and down.
Cat smiled at his attention. She had caught Clarke eyeing her several times during the past week. They had talked a little and become friends. Clarke was a world traveler and had seen a lot in the military. He didn't mind sharing his experiences with an interested person. Cat hung on every word, intrigued. Talk was all she had done with Clarke thus far, though. She was attracted to the Bushman but catching up with Doug had kept her too busy to pursue other men as of yet.
Maybe next time I'm in London I will try and get with Clarke, Cat thought. That is, if by then Doug's gotten over me enough to not mind me having sex with his best friend. I don't want to hurt him. I'll just keep hoping enough other famous women enter Doug's life and distract him from me between my next visit and now.
"Is something the matter, Clarke?" Doug asked, grimacing in discomfort.
Clarke chuckled. "I've never seen you naked before, Deputy Doug."
Doug raised his eyebrows. He and Cat were into free love, he reminded himself. She was more at ease with it than he was but he was trying to improve. Clarke was their buddy. Thus, neither he nor Cat had bothered to cover up in front of Clarke. Was that a mistake? "And?"
"You look good."
Hearing Cat giggle, Doug blinked and stared at Clarke. "Are you coming on to me?"
Clarke shrugged and smirked. "Do you want me to? I wouldn't mind doing that, you know. I go both ways, like most of my team."
He was referring to the squad of former Special Forces soldiers who worked at Inside Out in various capacities. They had once been employed by the United Nations as an elite counterterrorist unit under Clarke's command. We were like the heroes of that old cartoon "G.I. Joe", Clarke told those who asked. An unorthodox and very effective freedom fighting force. We're not in the military anymore but we still have our training and camaraderie. We all sleep together too, more or less.
The Bushman's current employer looked away from him and coughed. "Well, Clarke," Doug said, "that's flattering, but I'm afraid I don't go both ways. I'm straight. I'm all about the ladies."
"Really?" Cat jumped in, laughing again. "I know you experimented once."
"Yes," Doug confirmed, "and I wasn't turned on at all. Sorry, Clarke. Men don't do anything for me, not even you. I got nothing against gay people. I fully support their rights. I have a gay brother in New York and, as you know, I adore bisexual women. I have other gay and lesbian friends too. I'm just not gay myself."
Clarke pointed his index finger at Doug and clicked his thumb, sharing Cat's smile. "That's fine, Deputy Doug. I'll be content with fantasy."
Doug gaped at him, incredulous. Cat guffawed and clapped him on the back. "Relax!" she told her lover. "Clarke's just pulling your chain!"
"I can see that," Doug replied, hiccupping. "He's lucky I don't mind."
"You gotta understand, man," Clarke said. "I'm a force of nature. I rarely discriminate in fucking or fighting. It's just who I am."
"Most of the time, I'm grateful for it," Doug said, trying to recover from the sudden shock. "You're a good friend, Clarke. You've proven yourself quite an asset to me the past three months. I just don't like you in a ... well, you know." He gestured at Cat and himself.
"I might like you that way, Clarke," Cat declared, seizing the opportunity. "When I'm here next and have time."
Doug gave her a surprised look followed by a nod of acceptance. Clarke was beaming at Cat, he noted. No problem, he said to himself. You two have fun together. Thanks, Cat, for showing me just how far apart we've grown.
"I'd like that," Clarke said to Cat. He then looked at Doug. "What's the matter, man? You've been having tons of women lately. Keira and her celebrity friends, for one. They should have bled all jealousy out of you by now. Tess and Jodi Lee from my team have both gotten with you too. I know some of the other women are also waiting their turn. It's not just because you knew Jodi Lee and several other people on my team in high school either. You've got seeds planted all over the place! Let's not forget that tall redhead and the little blonde who have come in almost every night since we opened the club. Why haven't you gotten with them yet?"
"Alicia's with Dave, Clarke."
"That idiot fop who thinks he can break into celebrity life? They won't be together much longer. If I had a nickel for every time I've heard them arguing loud enough to wake the neighbors..."
"I know. Still, I don't like to go after other men's women. As for Erika, well, I think I want to take things slow with her."
"What? Come on, man! Those two are seriously hot!"
"Yeah, Doug," Cat agreed. "They're nice people and great actresses. I've gotten to know them a bit these past few days and they both like you. They're also into each other, although I don't think Alicia's accepted that yet. She's a bit of a homophobe."
"Right," Doug answered, throwing up his hands, "and Erika's a rebel Scientologist paladin. Both of them make me crazy."
"So get over it." Cat punched him in the arm. "So what if Alicia's a bitch? She can change. So what if Erika's religion has a bad reputation? Erika's a good person despite all that. Did you forget we have one of her people's churches on campus back in Austin? I know they're not completely bad."
"I know that too. It's kinda hard to forget they are bad as well as good, though." Doug blinked at Cat, a guess coming into his thoughts. "Wait a second. Have you and Erika... ?"
"Yep," Cat confirmed, smiling. "I was with her last night while you said bye to your old girlfriend Angie. You'd better not reject Erika too long, Doug. She's very skilled." Cat smirked slyly and licked her lips, tapping her fingers on Doug's chest.
"Okay," Doug said with a wave of dismissal. "Enough crazy sex talk. I don't think I wanted to know about half this stuff. Clarke, I'm sure you didn't come in here to discuss it."
"No, man," Clarke replied, shaking his head. "It's enjoyable, but it's not why I stopped by your room. I got something else I need to share with you. Uh, is she cleared to... ?"
"Yes," Doug interrupted. "Cat's one of my Friendship initiates. She's not a high-ranking member like you or I, but she can hear whatever you want to say to me."
"Good." Clarke nodded as Cat beamed at Doug. "I think she might want to hear this too. It's a story Cat's asked me about before." He walked to a chair near the bed, took off his jacket and sat down. "By the way, Cat, your flight's been delayed. Some al-Qaeda dumb-ass threatened to blow up part of Heathrow Airport."
"Damn it!" Cat cursed, looking at Doug. He shrugged and gave her a look that said, "What can you do?" Cat nodded, then sighed and turned back to Clarke. "Is the terrorist in custody?"
"Yes, but they think he might have accomplices. All flights are grounded until Scotland Yard makes sure all their suspects are caught." Clarke shook his head. "The world just won't get out of this stupid war. I hate it so much."
"Don't we all," Doug concurred. "It's been going on since before the Middle Ages and there are no signs of stopping. It slacks off for a while and then comes back worse. I lost friends on 9-11 and I have others who are still fighting. You too, right?"
"Yep," Clarke said. "I also used to fight in the war on the front lines. That's why I'm here. You remember how we met, Deputy Doug?"
"Yes. You were in a bar on the East End nursing past sorrows. I thought Alcoholics Anonymous was taking care of that."
"It is, but there are some things I can't tell them. You've never asked me about my final mission either. Don't you want to know why I got relieved of my command?"
"No, Clarke. I figured that was your business. You're capable despite whatever happened and Keira told me it wasn't your fault. She's your longtime friend and martial arts student, so I figure she would know whether I could trust you or not. Keira vouched for you and I got to know you, and that's enough for me."
"Well, I need to tell you about my last mission anyway. I was thinking about it again tonight and I can no longer hold it inside."
"I figured as much." Doug looked at Cat. "Are you too tired to listen to him?"
"No," Cat said. "Go ahead, Clarke."
"Yeah, I'm not too tired either," Doug fibbed when Clarke looked his way. He and Cat fluffed up the bed's pillows and sat up, ready to listen. Doug grabbed the open soda can on the bedside table and took a long gulp. Clarke smiled and began his tale.
The Middle East. Fall 2002.
My name isn't really Clarke, but that's what most call me. The moniker was awarded during my training for the South African Special Forces Brigade. I excelled at every qualification course, so much so that my instructors took to calling me "Superman". I told them I hated that name. The other recruits were envious about it and I felt I was no one special. My only intention in doing so well was to prove the formerly racist South African government was wrong about people with my skin color. We can be great. The instructors accepted my words and dropped the nickname they'd given me. They started calling me "Clarke" instead. That title I decided I could accept.
You probably wouldn't be able to pronounce my real name. It means "wind in the valley" among my native African tribe. The witch doctor gave it to me at birth when he prophesied my destiny. I still laugh at the name today. As I said before, I'm nobody special. Why should I put on airs?
Even with my modesty, I achieved great things in life. At just shy of thirty years old I was a highly decorated officer in this planet's finest Special Forces unit. At least, that's what I used to be. I have a great job today too. I gotta forget about that job now, though. I need to revisit the past.
One year ago, I was the field leader of an elite counterterrorist force directed by the United Nations. My team was composed of soldiers and support troops from various countries around the world. Most of those who are still alive work in your club now, Doug. You know Yoshi Aoi, the Japanese chef with the soul of a samurai. Jodi Lee Nichols, the Aussie waitress who used to check out strange territory for me. Mike Hernandez, the Central American demolitions engineer who's become your disc jockey. Wouter Staal, my reliable Dutch coordinator. Contessa Winfield, the sweet sexy Irish-Italian doctor from Greenwich Village. Asher Stravjan, the albino Pole who cleans your building's floors.
Asher's a particularly interesting guy. He looks like an old man even though he's my age. That's because of his condition, as you're aware. Asher's got the genes of just about every persecuted people in history inside him. His father was a Roma Gypsy and his mother was a Polish Jew. He's albino, gay and extremely talkative. Correction, he used to be extremely talkative. You'll soon find out why he ain't that way so much anymore.
Like Jodi Lee, Asher served me as an infiltrator and scout. He spoke over twenty languages back in the day and could talk to anyone. He's also very insightful and a master of trickery. He can get close to you and become your best friend and you would never know he was planning to stab you in the back. Not that he would ever betray you or me, obviously.
Asher's been picked on all his life, but instead of letting that weaken him he's chosen to rise above it. He's very like me in that way. He's quite handsome, he sort of looks like the great action star Clint Eastwood when he's not disguised. His father's people trained him well in Gypsy stuff — you know, costumes, juggling and acrobatics. Asher is also a genius at disarming bombs and tense situations. What, you want me to move on? Fine.
There are some others on my team you don't know. Farouk al-Kharish, the Saudi sergeant. Baxter Page, the American photographer and computer expert. God only knows where those two are these days. Then there were those you'll never get to meet, like Chen Ming, my Chinese second-in-command. Also Tanya Brown, who was a sniper born to a couple from Kazakhstan and New Zealand. Tanya and Jodi Lee were very good friends. Oh, wait, you did know her? Shoot, Doug, I'm sorry. This story may be a downer for you.
I can continue? Good. Thanks. You got another soda? Thanks again.
I had many other comrades back then too, lots of men and women of diverse backgrounds. I called most of them lovers and all of them good friends. We were made up of all human divisions — sexual orientations, religions, nationalities, you name it. The only things we had in common were strong hearts, open minds, and intense military training. Almost every country in the United Nations sent people to the team. We had US Marines, Army Rangers, and Navy SEALs. There were also British Special Air Service, German GSG-9, French GIGN, you name it. The U.N. built us to be diverse and fight terrorism. We worked together very well. They didn't mean for us to break military protocol as much as we did, but we got good results so it was usually okay.
As of 2002, we had been in existence four years. I served my country for seven years as a Special Forces officer and ended up highly decorated, so the U.N. requested I lead their new elite unit. My government agreed and signed the transfer. I was still in the South African military, but I only answered to three men outside my team.
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This story took place about two years ago when I was twenty three years old. I’d always taken pride in my appearance; five feet six inches tall, long, almost black, dark hair, hazel/blue eyes, slim body and 34 B cup breasts, working out to stay as fit as I could most days. I’d go running with Issabella on most occasions and on the weekends we’d be joined by some of our male friends, regularly ending with us having sex, either mid run or after it. Although I’d known Issabella since school and...
ExhibitionismIntroduction: One trip, one hot night, and the day I made three of my friends millionaires. We go to the bank, and open an account for Marshall. I transferred the twenty-five thousand dollars into his new account. We then go to lunch and Marshall had a certain restaurant in mind as he had me drive to it. We eat a great lunch. Just before we leave the Judge shows up. He watched as Marshall put a one hundred dollar bill on the table for the tip. The Judge curious asks, Marshall, how in the...
My name is Tori, I’m 5’8 and weigh 125 pounds. I just turned 18 not even a month ago. I have blond hair which stops at my waist and blue eyes. My favorite feature of mine are my 36 D breast, I feel so blessed. I just moved in with my best friends’ brother Jason into his apartment in New York. It is a short term solution but honestly I couldn’t be happier about it, I have always been insanely attracted to him and being so close to him is driving me crazy. He is 4 years older than me but we kinda...
The Mechanic showed me where all the instruments were located. I had used them all in flight school, so I wasn't intimidated. Then he went about showing me how little I had learned. He gave me a bunch of numbers that told me the plane was a first class glider if I wanted to stretch the MPG. According to him I could climb to altitude then cut the engine and feather the prop, then just sail. The little aircraft would allow me to ride the air currents. "Don't worry you will learn all about...
Heather and Melinda sat in sullen silence, waiting for it to be over. The weekly nadir of their existence was Sunday morning church services. To the two of them, it was an exercise in boredom and little more. Beyond this one hour ritual, religion rarely was evident in the Sovert household. The father was not enamored of it, either. He said nothing in open complaint, but he was unusually testy on those mornings, and tended to nod off during the sermon. Now the closing hymn was sung, and it...
Casey Calvert, a very bored masseuse, greets her next client, Maya Kendrick, as she arrives at the parlor. Although Maya is nothing but chipper and friendly, Casey looks like she’d rather be anywhere else but there. But a job is a job, so she soon sets to work. Maya definitely notices that something is wrong as she gets the most unenthused massage she’s ever gotten in her entire LIFE. Through small talk with Casey, she learns that Casey’s lost all passion for her work with...
xmoviesforyou"Hello? I'd like to speak to someone with regard to information about the vigilante," Glen said. "I can help you with that case, sir. What do you have to tell us," said the voice on the other end of the phone line. Glen glanced at the little piece of paper in his hand again. He had noted down the officer's name from the TV. "No, I want to speak to DI MacIntosh," he said. "I can assure you, sir that I can help you just as well as DI MacIntosh could, now why have you...
Part 3 I couldn’t sleep again. I just had great sex with my wife, but now I couldn’t help but wonder if she was horny for Mark and not me. Now she tells me she is going back tomorrow. She already told me she is not supposed to tan two days in a row. Why was she really going back? I got up early the next morning to go to the gym. Boy did I need to let some steam off. I couldn’t help but watch the married women that were more socializing than they were working out. Were they cheating? Were they...
It had been a cold rainy day so when I got home all I wanted was a nice . I walked into my apartment and expected to find it quiet and empty. But to my surprise I could already hear the shower running. I immediately became excited. He was home. I had not seen him in two months and had been fantasizing about him coming home every night since he left. My dream world was going to become a reality tonight. I got undressed in the bedroom so that I could surprise him. I knew he had not shut the door...
EroticThings between Val and I returned to normal after that. Well mostly normal. There were a few odd looks and silences for a few days. Val's friends were still trying to get her to ask someone to the Valentine's Day dance. They didn't care that it was still a month away. They thought that the sooner Val had picked someone the sooner the preparations could begin. Whatever that meant I had no idea. Tiffany wasn't as loud about it around me though. In our last class together for the day Val...
We are both in our mid-40s married for just a couple of years. Both have an extremely high sex drive. And both of us are willing to do almost anything to please each other! So this starts out by me the husband reading stories on Porn sites. I've recently became curious about prostate play. She seems willing to try anything to please me short of another person. So it all started with a date night with no kids for the evening. After nice dinner and a few cocktails we made our way back to the...
Psychologist stepmother Jelena Jensen is on her way to work when she finally meets her brand-new stepdaughter Kenna James. The pretty blond teen is visiting from college where she’s living on campus and finishing her last semester. When her dad and Jelena decided to get married it happened very fast. Kenna is really excited to hang out with Jelena and do the things mothers and daughters do. Jelena proposes they spend a few minutes getting to know each other while Kenna’s dad’s...
xmoviesforyouHer red heels means mom's ready for Teddy bare. by Oediplex 8==3~ “Hi everybody. I'm a little nervous, this my first meeting of SA. Deep breath, okay, here goes.” “Hi, my name is Ruby, and I am a sex addict. I guess we are suppose to tell our story? I'm here because my therapist said that I needed to cum, I mean be here - not . . well, sorry I didn't intend to make that pun . . but that is kind of the point isn't it? I needed to cum, and cum and cum again and again. I...
I was sitting in the park, listening to my iPod, when suddenly I was plunged into shadow. I looked up and two of the moms were standing over me, and they didn't look too happy. "You're Julie's friend, right?" one of them, a very large, sturdy woman with dark hair and eyes named Monica, said. "Uh, yeah, I guess," I said. "I'm friends with several of the moms here, I suppose--" "Yeah, but special friends with Julie," the other one, a tall, broad-hipped blonde named Pam said, or...
We fell into a daily routine that included Trey slipping into my bedroom after Brett had left for the office. He usually had a massive morning wood, and he’d step over to my side of the bed and slap my face with it until I woke up and gave him a blowjob. He’d stand by the bed, naked, with hips thrust forward, his head back and eyes closed, and his fingers laced behind his head. He’d move his hips back and forth, sliding the shaft of his cock into and out of my mouth over and over until he had...
I felt a sense of relief as I pulled into my driveway and noticed that Brian's Mustang wasn't there. He loved that car so much that I was jealous of it sometimes. If it wasn't there then neither was he. I hurried into the house and ran straight into our bedroom and the attached bathroom. I didn't wait to lay out any clothes I just stripped off my skirt, blouse and bra, leaving me naked. I really didn't know where my panties were, but that was a matter for later consideration. I turned the...
Madame Lahore comes to her senses, regaining control over her body. The wise woman knows immediately what just happened: A High Daemon is among them. A Daemon can be a vicious creature, coming through the portal opened by Dark Eros Energy from another world. Many different creatures converge this way into the human world. It seems that a Daemon raped and impregnated a human woman, giving birth to Ayama. Usually, Daemons are kept at bay by the Light Eros Energy produced by humans. Madame Lahore...
A few weeks ago, my mother's black lover Jess, had sex with me. Let's just say he took what he wanted and that was my young, white pussy. Since that first time, Jess has been pouring his hot spunk into my pussy. I am worried because Jess refuses to wear a rubber and I am not on the pill. I know it is just a matter of time until Jess fertilizes me. One afternoon my Mom was out of the house. As usual, Jess came into my room and he stripped down. I was now staring at his huge, black dick. Jess has...
Hi friends, here is the continuation of the previous part. Thanks for your support. Thanks for your awesome reply friends. That too from many girls. Kindly check my previous post for intro. Going to the story. After our terrace fuck, we went down to her flat. I ordered food, she went straight into the bedroom and switched ac on. I followed and pushed her inside the bathroom. I was about to undress. She pulled me inside and turned the shower. In no time, we both were drenched. We both were...
8. I love sleazy places. I feel at home and strangely comfortable. The motel I used in my home city was comfortable. I guess it was too comfortable. One day about two weeks after the Levonne whore-fest I went to the same motel with a wonderful afternoon of phone sex, porn, masturbation, and perhaps random strange cocks planned. There was a possibility that a guy I met in an arcade would stop in and fuck me. I dressed in my usual- all black slutty clothes, the strappy heels, the...
Hi ISS readers… thank you so much for your comments about my previous story…I am Parvathy from tamilnadu… a married female in her late 30s… this is another fantasy about having sex with my neighbor Deepak Raj my next house neighbor…. Leave your comments at Story begins here… Like every summer we teacher for +2 class in tamil nadu don’t have much time as vacation…. But my daughter wants to go see her grandparents… so my husband took her to see them and said he too will spend a week time there...
It is simply a fact of life that nothing is going to get accomplished on the first Monday after spring break. Everyone has to tell all their friends where they were and who they saw and who said what to whom and why all of this was just sooo important. The teachers usually just give up. Mr. Kennedy spent the first half of Government, in fact, quizzing Jesse and Hal Stonerider and me about the results of our baseball tournament. When I wrote that the teachers usually just give up, of course,...
As time passed, my cursed eyes became more accustomed to the darkness. Before long, I could just barely make out the shape of my tied up hands if I bought it close to my face. Other things around me began slowy to take on their own dim shapes, like timid little animals letting down their guard in the most gradual stages imaginable. As much as my eyes became use to it, though, the darkness never ceased to be darkness. Anything I tried to focus on would lose its shape and burrow its way...
I had this interesting dream early Thursday morning. If you read enough steamy sensual stories, eventually your brain will concoct its own version depending on how good your imagination is. This dream in particular, I was the guest at a couple’s house for a MFM meeting. I was there under the cover of an in-house computer repairman. My deal was that I would look at their computer (not the files) and teach them how to understand their computer in order to make better use of what they had. The...
The day the party to celebrate Junior’s birth was held, turned out to be a blustery fall day. Orange, red, and yellow leaves dropped from the trees to be carried by the wind. The rustle of dry leaves rubbing against other leaves provided a background noise easily recognizable as the sound of fall. People wore windbreakers, sweaters, or jackets trying to keep warm in the face of the chilly wind, but their efforts failed. It was too cool for a light jacket, too windy for a sweater, and not cold...
I am a well known woman. I have graced many popular TV shows, have a fan base number over 100,000, and I am a sex addict.Obviously you can understand my need for continued anonymity, but I am desperate to let you know, that my mind, body, and soul, want you, all of you, and I lie at night just thinking of my desire to let you see me, that really does turn me on.When I am filming, and here is a bit of insider information, must of us are nude under our skimpy skirts and dresses, our pussies are...
"Ugh. What the fuck time is it?" The bed was a mess. The wrinkled green sheets were all undone, mostly kicked off the foot. Its occupant had his face planted into a pillow, and bits of his elbows and legs were sticking out from the one blanket still shrouded over him. He groaned and slid his form upon the velour for a few minutes more, but sleep would not reclaim him. He grasped blindly for the night stand, knocked over some unseen object, and at last picked up his head with a dejected...
One Friday evening several weeks later, Tess was sitting home feeling blue. Her brothers had gone to a wrestling match, and her mother had gone shopping with several friends. Her father was in the den watching a basketball game on TV, and Tess was in her room reading a heavy, inspiring romance. When she got to the part where the hero swept the heroine off her feet and carried her to his bed, Tess realized her pussy was damp. She rubbed her thighs together, feeling the warmth, the wetness, as...
*All pictures are from the pornstar Kylie Page* I pulled my boxers back up around my limp cock, still dripping with cum from the load I just blew. I rolled over the empty bed and stood up, sun piercing through my large window onto my tanned skin. I really couldn’t help my attraction, ever since I learned I liked the sight of a pretty woman my sister was the one I jerked my cock too, almost every single time. I couldn’t count the times I’ve jacked off to that single Facebook picture. Ever since...
IncestZachary checked himself in the mirror and straightened the cuff links of his crisp white suit shirt. He thought he was due for a bit of a hair cut, his salt and pepper hair was just beginning to curl to his ears. His custom fitted charcoal grey suit jacket hung perfectly from his broad shoulders, tapering slightly at his trim waist. The black trousers fit him perfectly, accentuating his muscular thighs and backside. His black soulful eyes regarded his reflection in a positive light, not to...
a*****ED on our camping trip!Mom and I decided, well actually she decided we were going camping over the 3 day holiday weekend. I'm in my teens and I don't spend a lot of time with her so I reluctantly went along.We arrived at the campsite. It was a rented tent big enough for 6. I remembered mom use to come her with dad once in a while. Mom took our backpacks from the car, threw it down and pulled her top over her head undoing her bra freeing her big 34 EE tits with big, I mean massive nipples...
Hello friends, I am Sidkid 20 year old from Udaipur ,Rajasthan Height 6’2″ Weight 80kg Body type : athletic Shoe size lol : 6″ Any girl , bhabhi and aunty from udaipur or near udaipur can contact me at full privacy and satisfaction guaranteed. Now comming to the story well I will start in hindi Baat 2 mahine pehle ki hai As mai engineering k final year mai tha as such jyada ladkiya to college mai hoti nhi hai aur jo hoti hai wo kiss tak hi rok k rakhti hai. Hawas ka item bomb fat rha tha. Ek...
When Krystina heard the bang on the door, she didn’t know who it was or why they were there. After all, the rain hadn’t let up since it started. Just a never ending storm. She looked through the peephole and opened the door immediately. There stood Adam, her friend from high school, soaked to his core. ‘Oh god! Adam, what are you doing here?!’ Shivering and looking sad, Adam replied, ‘I need to talk to you, can I come in?’ ‘Yes, of course, of course,’ Krystina closed the door behind him and...
After Michelle overheard Mistress Carmen. She than starting panicking wondering who is Mistress talking but definitely to do with her. She immediately went back to work to continue the chores. Some time later Mistress Carmen comes to check up on her new slave. "I see you have done well pet, i must get some sleep so do you whore. Mistress attaches a leash to Michelle's collar and led her to Mistress bedroom and in her bedroom was a small little cage in the corner of the room. Mistress then...
It is four twenty, which means everyone should be chill about smoking a little ganja. But when Karla Kush and Diana Grace are all out of pot, they try to buy some from an undercover cop! This guy is a real square, so he is serious about his drug enforcement. The only way out, is for these two sexy stepsisters to get down and dirty with the law. They ride the cops hog, taking turn drenching it in pussy juice. Then, they share his prick with their mouths, licking and slobbering like their freedom...
xmoviesforyouI love cock. I've always lusted after cock and the older I got the more I wanted it. I've slept with getting on for a hundred girls and done things most men can only dream about, like lesbian thresomes with a girlfriend and one of her friends or some other babe.But secretly I craved big hard cock to suck and fuck. I've always wanted to please hunky, horny men and be their slut....but up until a couple of months ago I'd never been with another man or tgirl.OMG how my life has changed and I want...
CrossdressingThis story is a work of fiction. Names were not changed to protect the innocent because this never happened. It is a work in progress. Let me know what you think. Kelly is my brunette daughter. She is 17. Cute in most peoples eyes. Of course perfect in my eyes. Didn't go the cheerleader 'route' Not tall enough 5'4” and 110 pounds. She has perky B cups, has a wonderful personality, and a partial attitude. Her friends are alike in their thinking but not in their appearances. More...
My lady boss and I were at her mom’s place as we were about to get married. Supriya took me to her home, where her mom was all ready to welcome me into her house and her hole. Her mom, Rupali, welcomed me inside. As I was touching her feet for blessings, she kept pulling up her saree to tease me sexually. Rupali said, “Beta, Supriya must have told you what I need?” “Yes, mom.” “So, come with me, baby!” Supriya said angrily, “Mom, stop it. Fuck my boyfriend at night. Let us...
Hi all, This is Mac from Mumbai. I am 23 Yrs old guy and have a nyc long penis to satisfy a women.Any Women who wants an Open relation or who wants me to satisfy her can contact me on ma mail id Now coming towards the story.This happened between me and ma maami Neha. She is nice white awesome babes with 34 size boobs.I shifted to mumbai for my job purpose and i used to live with my mama. Ek bar holi ka time tha and mama ko kahi bahar jana tha do din pehle holi se. So maine mama ko airport...
Eve called a meeting the next morning in the seminar room at Biological Sciences. All the staff were there, and the students, including Gabby, Stefan, Cassie and Julie, and Anjolie, Jane and Doctor Kelly from the hospital. Some of the cured women were there too, the Landers twins Sophie and Jessica amongst them, and their father John. The door was closed, and locked, and the blinds were drawn. The excitement in the room was palpable. Eve would be telling them something momentous, and...
Left ... Right ... Left ... Right... Kasia no longer felt. There was no pain. No exhaustion. Just unending numbness. One foot went in front of another, eyes half focused on the backs of the strangers before her. Where were they? How long had it been since the last rest? She couldn't say. Neither did she care. Left. Right. "Camp! Camp!" The cry came from somewhere up ahead. Instinctively, the stream of refugees pressed to the left, up against the moving wagons. Kasia saw the uniformed...
"I'm too impatienttt to dineee at nineee!"Badum bum bum"I must be wined and sixty-nined!" I belted flatly at the top of my lungs as my dog Nala winced and laid her ears flat at the sound of my amazing singing voice. "Oh shut up! What do you know about the fine vocal arts?"It was Saturday night and I had a dinner date with... wow. This man has bent me over in a parking lot, practically forced me to masturbate at my job, has me trying a GD butt plug and I still don't even know what his...
Anal"Dude, I need your help, and it's gonna sound crazy, okay?" Caleb immediately said as he opened his front door to let his friend in.His best friend Adam has just arrived after receiving a frantic phone call from Caleb only twenty minutes earlier explaining that it was an absolute emergency and that he needed him to come over immediately.Caleb lived not too far away on the other side of the campus and so he quickly threw on some runners, his jogging shorts and a gray sweater and headed over to...