Stitch And Bitch Club
- 2 years ago
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It is simply a fact of life that nothing is going to get accomplished on the first Monday after spring break. Everyone has to tell all their friends where they were and who they saw and who said what to whom and why all of this was just sooo important. The teachers usually just give up. Mr. Kennedy spent the first half of Government, in fact, quizzing Jesse and Hal Stonerider and me about the results of our baseball tournament.
When I wrote that the teachers usually just give up, of course, you knew that I didn't mean to include Mrs. Palmer. Mrs. Palmer collected all of our essays at the beginning of class, and then started a discussion of Captain Ahab. It quickly became clear from the sighs throughout the room that a number of my classmates weren't in complete accord with Mrs. Palmer's views of the captain, and were now wishing that they had written their papers on some other subject. Apparently, they hadn't yet figured out that Mrs. Palmer only cared if it was well-written.
In Religion, Mrs. Jenkins announced that there would be another test on Friday, when we would end our study of the "historical" books of the Old Testament. On the following Monday, we would begin the "prophetic' books, beginning with Isaiah. As I was writing myself a note to remind myself to let Tanya know about the test and the new assignment, I became conscious of a sort of buzzing in the classroom. I looked up and saw people trading excited whispers as Mrs. Jenkins finished writing the assignment on the blackboard. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out why.
We had a baseball game that afternoon against Garden City, one of our toughest opponents. At least that's what Coach claimed. On the bus trip there, he tried to motivate us by telling us that the Gardeners were still stinging from the beating we gave them in last year's league playoffs, and that they were loaded for bear this year. We really didn't hear anything after "Gardeners," though. The final outcome demonstrated, better than anything else, that we weren't quite prepared to take the "Garden City Gardeners" seriously. Particularly once Matt asked them if they had a lot of hoes at their school. It was hard to imagine that they hadn't heard it all before, but it still riled them up. After they scored four in the bottom of the first and two more in the bottom of the second, Cary Roberts sat down next to Matt and told him in no uncertain words to shut the fuck up. It was too late. We scored a few runs ourselves, but Matt and Eddie combined for three more errors and we ended up losing 12-4.
The bus ride back home was a sort of surreal experience. The second tournament game was the only sporting event in my life that I had any memory at all of losing, and I had reacted by ripping Matt's television cord out of the wall of his motel room. But we'd all gone back to our rooms after the brief trip to the motel, so this was really the first time that I had seen how the whole team reacted to adversity. They reacted pretty much the same way that they had to success. The bus trip back from Bishop Connor two weeks ago had been full of guys laughing, rough-housing, and bragging about girls they had never gone out with, The bus trip back from Garden City was full of the same guys, who appeared to have forgotten the game as soon as it was over. There were a few exceptions, of course. Cary sat up front with Jesse, going over the pitches that they'd been successful with and the ones that hadn't worked out quite as well. Coach sat in front with his assistant, Coach Craig, as if they were resigned to a season of games like this. Tommy and Rabbit were off in their own little calculus world, quietly trying to figure out something their teacher had stumped them with earlier in the day.
Maybe this was how it always worked. Forget the loss, concentrate on the next game. So I just sat next to Bobby Bunt as he dozed off. I still took pride in the fact that after thirteen innings I had an earned run average of zero. And hell, we were still 4-2, although that came out to 2-1 in league play.
I called Tanya that evening, and we traded stories on what had happened while she was out of town. It was a very one-sided conversation. After she told me about visiting her grandmother, we were quickly into re-runs on her network. I told her about my SAT score, and she shrieked with delight, particularly since my highest score had come on the writing portion for which she had been my ostensible tutor. I told her about Jill, which also pleased her. And I told her about our ball game, which she quickly dismissed as an aberration. Then I told her about Religion, about the test and the assignment, and I asked her if she had any idea why the book of Isaiah would cause such a stir in Religion class. She just sighed.
"It's just I wish we'd started with another book. The Christian gospels are all written to treat Isaiah as a sort of prediction of the coming of the Messiah. Have you ever listened to the Messiah?"
It sounded like opera, and the answer, in any event, was definitely no.
"Well," she said, "it's loaded with passages from Isaiah, to give the idea that Jesus' arrival as the Messiah was all pre-ordained. So I just have the feeling that next week I'm going to be a very lonely voice in a very loud crowd."
"Don't worry," I assured her. "I'll be there for you."
"I know it," she sighed.
To be honest, it didn't sound as if she knew it. At the moment, though, I had more to worry about than whether Tanya thought I was going to take the Christian side in Religion class next week. For example, I still had a Religion test this week, and the A, rather than the A-plus, I had received on the first test we had taken, was still on Mrs. Jenkins's book. I knew that I had to buckle down and study for this test, so that's exactly what I did, pretty much to the exclusion of anything else.
Excluding Tanya didn't turn out to be that hard. I had sort of forgotten that her other set of friends — the ones we'd had lunch with oh so many months ago when she'd first rescued me from Coventry in the cafeteria — were all yearbook types. It turned out that Tanya was actually the editor of the faculty section. And as the editor of the faculty section, she was going to be busy every afternoon that week with final preparations for getting the yearbook to the publishers. From my standpoint, though, she couldn't have picked a better week. She was happy in her world; I was cramming like hell in mine. The thought of what another A on a Religion test would do to my quest for UVA was enough to overcome, temporarily at least, my other obsession. We did make plans to go to the hastily scheduled choir concert on Saturday evening. Mr. Collins was apparently so taken with the success of the tour that he decided an immediate performance was needed. Ann O'Hara was fully recovered, of course, and would perform her duet. But Jill was going to be in the Three Little Maids.
Excluding the non-Tanya aspects of my life was not that hard, either, although in retrospect, I would have been better off with, say, a slightly wider focus. For example, I really didn't pay sufficient attention to the third round of tryouts for "The Sound of Music." I had no intention of trying out myself, of course. My knowledge of "The Sound of Music" was limited to the movie, and Julie Andrews' freakishly high singing voice. From what I knew of the characters in the movie, the only one I was qualified to play was the goat. And he was a puppet.
Originally, of course, there weren't supposed to be any more tryouts. Jeanne had tried out at the first set, three weeks ago now. Then there was a second set, on the following Tuesday. Mr. Collins was supposed to announce the cast after we came back from spring break. Instead, while Jeanne and Jill and I were doing dishes together on Monday evening, Jeanne had glumly informed us that there was a new sign posted outside the music room, indicating that yet another round of tryouts was to be held the following afternoon.
"Why?" I asked.
"I don't know," Jeanne answered. "Do you think he's unhappy with who tried out? Like, what's the point of more tryouts?"
Jill grabbed Jeanne's arm, nearly quivering with excitement.
"You mean I can try out?" she asked, her eyes alight. "Oh, god, I could be, like one of your daughters."
"What daughters?" I asked.
"You know," she dismissed the question. "When that nun chick —"
"— Maria," Jeanne interjected.
"— marries the old guy —"
"— Captain von Trapp."
"— she gets like ten kids."
Jeanne was smiling now, too.
"That would be cool," Jeanne said. "You could be Liesl, the oldest one. She and Maria have a duet together. Or the Mother Abbess. She and Maria have a duet together, too."
"Wait a minute," I asked. "This is another mother?"
Jeanne sighed at my ignorance.
"The head of the convent," she told me.
When that didn't make any obvious impression, she tried another idea.
"The chief nun."
"Aaah," I nodded.
"Of course, that is supposed to be Ann's role," Jeanne mused.
"Yeah, and I think she'd make a better nun," Jill laughed.
"Wait a minute," I said. "This is Ann O'Hara?"
"Yeah," Jeanne agreed.
Jill was right. Ann would make a better nun. She was just a little chunky. Putting a body like Jill's in a nun's outfit would be a crime against humanity. Well, a crime against men, at any rate.
"Okay," I said. "Help me out here. This is Ann O'Hara who's in my class, right? So if she can sing duets in French and all, how come she's not going to be this Maria?"
Jeanne smiled.
"It's tradition," she explained. "You get your big role in eleventh grade and then in twelfth grade you sort of mentor the next girl coming along. So last year Ann was Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, and this year she's supposed to be the mother abbess. She has some really great songs. She sings 'My Favorite Things' with Maria and then she sings 'Climb Ev'ry Mountain.'"
Jeanne launched into the last two lines "Climb Ev'ry Mountain," — "Follow ev'ry rainbow, 'tiiiiiiiil yoooouuuu fiiiiiiind yooooour dreeeeeam" — and then burst into laughter.
"Those are the only lines I know. I've sort of been practicing Maria's songs," she said shyly before she turned to Jill. "Anyway, it's tomorrow after school. I'll come with you. You just sing that French song."
So we had a plan.
In addition to the musical, I didn't pay enough attention to Astronomy. During Wednesday's lab, Cammie asked me what time I wanted to get together on Friday night.
I looked over at her. Why would I want to get together with Cammie Rowe on Friday night? I mean, other than the obvious. More important, why would Cammie Rowe want to get together, or even be willing to get together, with me on Friday night? I hadn't skipped any more time, had I?
She sat there, waiting for an answer, and I finally blurted out, "seven-thirty?"
"Seems kind of early, don't you think? I don't think the sun sets until almost eight."
"Eight-thirty?" I asked.
"Okay," she said as the bell rang to signal the end of class. "Don't make me call you this time. This is your project, remember?"
Oh, shit.
Needless to say, that killed any spare time I had for the rest of the week. As much as I was motivated by getting an A-plus in Astronomy, I suspect that there was also a part of me that didn't want Cammie to think of me as any more of a fuck-up than she already did. So I ended up dividing my time on Wednesday and Thursday nights, as well as Thursday study halls, between studying for the Religion test and setting up a schedule for my observations on Friday evening. There was a chance of rain on Friday night, which would make visiting the observatory a little pointless, but I wasn't going to count on that. I stayed up until one o'clock on Wednesday night, but I could only make it to midnight the next night.
I was very happy with my performance on the Religion test. As far as I could tell, I nailed every question. Astronomy didn't go quite as well. Cammie had to correct a few things I had done. But she was okay with that. We were lab partners. That was what lab partners did for each other. And she was impressed with my preparation, particularly the little grid that I had copied from her. Finally, at eleven-thirty, we were done.
"God, I'm exhausted," I slumped back in my chair as Cammie handed over the observations that she had recorded.
"Fortunately, it's the weekend," she said.
"For you," I laughed. "I got a game tomorrow."
"Oh, that's right," she smiled. "A big one, right?"
"They're all big, kid," I said, standing up and stretching.
"Asshole. Rabbit says that Montgomery's supposed to have a good team this year."
"Yeah, but I'll be pitching," I winked at her.
"Asshole. You know today's Friday the thirteenth, don't you?"
"Are you serious?"
"Why?" she laughed. "Don't tell me you're superstitious. Oh wait, you are. Jeanne told me she had to park in the same space when you took your SAT last time."
She was having a good old giggle at my expense.
"Very funny. So you coming to the game?
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MY NEW CAREER - PART 8 As the wheels of the limousine crunched on the gravel of the long, curving driveway, I peered out through the darkened glass at our destination. Set back a long way from the road in one of the city's leafiest suburbs, in what seemed to be some kind of private park, the mock Tudor mansion was huge. Its gables and chimneys cast long shadows in the late afternoon sun as the vehicle came to rest outside an ornate front door. The driver, a taciturn young man in a...
Please read Chapters 1-4. They will give you a better understanding of the characters and the story to this point. As always, constructive comments and emails are welcome and appreciated. Also as usual there are no graphic sex scenes in my stories. Thank you for taking the time to read my work. I hope you enjoy the story. **************** The three men were two days north of Santa Fe on their way to the Chico Basin near Colorado City. Josh Kelly, John ‘Red’ McCall, and Jerry Barnes hoped...
Matt woke up holding his naked mother to his nude body. Looking over at his alarm clock, it was seven in the morning. His mother stirred in his arms, looking up at him reverently."Morning," he said softly, kissing her cheek, "You feel ok?""I'm just fine," she replied, smiling. She then looked down between them. "Though it looks like you need some relief.""You're sure you don't mind?" he asked, his need starting to get stronger."Not in the least," she said, kissing him. "It's been so long since...
“Come fellow squire! We have a mission to complete today!” Sárkány said as he was addressing to his partner. “I am not your squire...” Tefnut said in an almost quiet irritation. It was a beautiful day in a place that would eventually become Dare County, North Carolina. Sárkány was in his human form dressed in colonial attire as he looked at the Egyptian Goddess Tefnut that was also in her human form. Sárkány looked like a Hungarian man that stood at six feet tall. Tefnut, on the other hand,...
Chapter 14 – Elizabeta Note: All characters in this story involved in sexual situations are 18 years of age or older * Elizabeta sat down on one of the pool’s many lounge chairs. She reached down into a small canvas bag on the ground next to her and pulled out a bottle of suntan oil. She then reclined onto the chair and began to apply the oil to her arms. ‘You’re putting suntan on?’ I asked with a slight smirk as I sat on the chair next to hers. ‘Aren’t you tanned enough?’ ‘Of course not,’ she...
The first time I saw a guy nude was at a sleepover, at my best friend Zoe’s house, six of us from the same class were staying the weekend at my mates house on a sleepover. I was 15 and although I had seen nude guys on the net I had never seen one in the flesh. It was Saturday night and we were trying to think of something to do, we had spent Friday night watching DVD’s and playing games so we were running out of things to do, after a while the conversation got round to guys, and it turned...
It was a typical monday afternoon, boring with a side of shit weather,so I decided to go to my friends house,when I got there he wasn't in,so his mom,Lynn,who is such a hottie for a secretary,she was wearing a pink shirt,a skirt, tights and some very arousing leather boots, just invites me in to wait for him, so I did.Lynn was a curvy woman with dark blonde straight long hair, she had quite the tits on her, 36DD! Lynn was a MILF for sure."So how was work?" I asked Lynn,"don't even get me...
BOB Cummings eventually arrived with a couple of younger detectives in his investigating team, neither of whom I had actually seen before. I presumed the heavy bombing was taking its toll on policemen, stretched as they were with looting from private residences, as well as factories and warehouses damaged in the raids, and their contents ‘liberated’ under cover of the blackout. Bob must’ve first spoken to PC Coker, who had remained outside the flat, guarding the stairs against the interested...
It was a beautiful morning with the sun streaming though to herald a new day. I felt completely rested, Fatima was lying next to me and I could make out the rise and fall of her body as she breathed in and out. I eased myself from under the quilt and crept to the shower, ensuring I did not disturb her slumber. Once in the shower I soaped myself and gradually became more awake, as I did so I slowly became slightly aroused as I thought of all the sex I've had with her within 24 hrs , my penis was...
"The Last Hero" A short story by Michael Gentile---During the introduction to "Hogan's Heroes" there is a solemn, military press sequence that contains 6 thrusts before it is broken into a circus atmosphere upon the 7th. It is to those (6) that I dedicate this story.---- "30 seconds. God be with you."- "Saving Private Ryan"Word had come for most via scuttlebutt, in small whispers, passed American to American, German to German. An ashen-faced Sgt. Washington had entered Colonel Hogan's afforded...
Hi dosto. mera naam Sunny hai, m delhi ka rahne wala hu. Toh time waste na krte hue kaam ki baat par aata hu, ye khani tab ki hai jab mai 21 saal ka tha, mane abi tak sexy nhi kiya tha or sex ki icha bhut jayada hoti thi har time sochta rhta tha koi na koi mil jaye. Par ye itna aasan nhi ki koi tume ase hi mil jaye. Meri pados ki ek aunty thi uski 3 ladkiya thi, aur aunty jayadatar bimar hi rhti thi, ye us time ki baat hai jab aunty bimar thi aur wo hostpial me admit thi aur unke ghar par akeli...
Summer Brooks has everything I love – a petite body, sweet tits, and cute pigtails, so I’m heartbroken when I find out she hasn’t been able to have an orgasm lately. I watch her rub her inexperienced pussy on her favorite stuffed animal as she tries to get over the hump, but she can’t do it without some help from our stud. He lets her play with his cock while she clutches her toy, and her pussy gets dripping wet. As the orgasmic pleasure fills her up, she climbs on top and screams as he fucks...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: Depending on feedback, I may write the continueing stories. My Boyfriend, My Neighbor and Me My boyfriend is a college student and is often busy working on assignments so, he is unable to stay over. This was one of those nights. Despite my pleas for him to stay so we could fool around, he just kissed me and out the door he went. I wanted him and he knew it. Damn! He does this to me on purpose. Now what am I going to do? I guess I will just have to wait until tomorrow night. I sat...
Present – SSA Hotchner – Headed to Texas I can't believe it! One of the roving bands of terrorists has started taking out cell phone towers in Texas - something that until now they've left alone because they've been using them for communications (and we've been using them to track the fools). So the powers that be deemed it important enough to send me and a team to Texas to try to stop these idiots. It's one thing if you mess with the government, but when you start messing with big...
On Monday evening Claire and Andrew came to the hotel for dinner. They saw Helena and the group and were asked to join them. After dinner Helena invited Claire and Andrew to spend a few minutes to discuss business. All six retired to Helena floor with Xena bring up 8 cappuccino’s. Andrew mentioned “I have turned off my mobile phone over the weekend due to the number of calls about the purchaser of the shares. Technically you do not own them until we have paid out the respective shareholders...
Author's Note: Hello! As always, if you'd like to see more of this, I have up to chapter 22 currently on my deviant art with chapter 23 now available on my patreon. Also, since chapter 24 is the last planned chapter, I'm planning ahead to the next thing I'm going to write and I want your help to decide. I'll be taking a little break from longer stuff to focus on shorts and one-shots until I've got my next long story all planned out. Some of these one-shots will be swap, some won't....
As I grabbed my towel and headed toward the shower room I decided not to wipe the cum off my face. I walked over slowly with a towel thrown over my shoulder, cum still all over my face and a hard cock. I managed to turn some heads on my walk of shame or walk of pride. I rinsed off my body quickly and chose to explore the glory hole area. My cock was aching for some relief. The glory hole area had a raised platform with several large holes. About half of them were enclosed in cubicles with...