Higher EducationPart 2 free porn video

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The early morning sunlight coming into the room brought me gradually out of a sensual dream. I was getting a sweet blowjob. I forced my eyes open and saw that it wasn't a dream. Abigail was on her knees between my legs, sucking me. A sigh came to my lips and I reached down to caress her soft hair.

She looked up and I saw her eyes smiling back at me. Her lips were too stuffed to smile. Slowly, her eyes closed and she continued to suck. She did love to "suck cock" as she said. I laid my head back on the pillow and was enjoying her skill when the bedroom door suddenly opened. My eyes flew open and I jumped when I saw Maria come into the room carrying a tray with toast and coffee. I could feel my face turn red with embarrassment as she walked beside the bed and set the tray down on the night table. Then I saw her smile at me. Abigail ignored her and, if she minded, she gave no indication.

Suddenly, the specter of having someone watch made me tremble with excitement.

Maria took her time arranging the food and coffee on the tray. I could see her eyes scanning up and down my body as she watched her boss suck me.

I reached down and grasped Abigail's head, moving it up and down on my now pulsing shaft. Her eyes opened again and she looked up. I knew that she could see Maria watching us. However, instead of stopping she moaned and moved her head faster. My hips lifted from the bed and I groaned as the head of my penis pulsed with excitement. I knew that I couldn't take much more. When Abigail began to move her hand on my shaft, I groaned quietly and reached my peak. The swollen head of my penis expanded and began to spit my thick juice into her mouth. Abigail moaned and swallowed repeatedly as she sucked my balls dry.

Before my penis went soft, Maria scurried out of the room and closed the door. I reached down and pulled Abigail up until she was lying in my arms. Our lips met in a tender morning kiss.

The sun was only just above the horizon when I gently pulled my arm from around Abigail's sleeping head. I went into the bathroom and found a bath towel and wrapped it around my waist. I needed to find my clothes and get out of there. I didn't know if Abigail cared but I preferred not to be seen leaving her house after staying all night. I wasn't sure of her status or power at the time but I didn't want to get both of us fired for having sex, especially me.

I grabbed a piece of toast and a cup of coffee and walked barefooted down the long staircase and into the study. However, I didn't see my clothes. I went back into the foyer and down the hall, looking for the laundry room, figuring that Maria might have thrown my clothes in there. I went through the large modern kitchen and opened a door that I thought was the laundry room. I was in luck. Apparently Maria had ironed and folded my clothes and left them on a table. My shoes were lying next to my shirt and pants. I stuffed the piece of toast into my mouth, dropped my towel, and grabbed my pants. Just as I bent over to slip them on I heard something behind me. I turned around and saw Maria standing in the doorway. I was naked with one foot in my pants as I stood staring at the pretty woman.

"Very nice butt for an Anglo," Maria said in Spanish.

What she didn't know was that I spoke fluent Spanish. It was a critical part of my job in the Army. Like in the US, there are numerous dialects of the same language in South America. From the few words I had heard Maria say, I surmised that she was from a northern province of Colombia. In fact, I knew most of the varieties from that part of the world because I had spent several years working there to stop the drug trade

I pulled the piece of toast from my mouth and responded, also in Spanish, using a dialect that she was familiar with. "You're not so bad yourself."

The shock was evident on her face. She spoke again in Spanish, saying, "So you think you're pretty smart huh?"

I looked her up and down before I responded. She was wearing a pair of skintight white slacks and a black, low cut top. Her casual attire indicated that she was obviously off work now. My eyes came to rest on her substantial cleavage. I hadn't noticed when she had on her maid's outfit, but her breasts were huge for a tiny woman. She could not have been over five-foot two in her stocking feet. Her hair was dark brown and her eyes were even darker brown. When our eyes met, I thought that I could see the famous Hispanic passion glowing in her eyes. I said in Spanish, "No, I'm not that smart, but I know a beautiful and passionate woman when I see one." I was amazed at what one night of passion did for my confidence. I was almost cocky.

A look of disbelief came to her face. She sized me up to see if I was serious before she decided to answer. "Thank you!" she said in English.

"You're welcome and I meant it."

"Maybe you had better get your pants on," she said with a smile as she looked down at my still naked body.

My face turned red when I realized that I had forgotten that I was exposed. I sheepishly pulled my Dockers up and reached for my shirt.

"I'm sorry but I did not find any underwear when I picked up your clothes."

"I didn't wear any," I said and blushed again.

"I guess that's quicker when you're servicing women."

I detected a hint of disdain in her voice. I guess she figured I was just a gigolo, looking to get ahead by servicing the boss. "Listen, this isn't what you think," I said, not entirely sure that it wasn't what she thought.

"You don't have to explain anything to me," she said and then added sarcastically, "I'm just the maid."

"Come on Maria, don't be like that. Don't put yourself and me down. Besides, you don't even know me."

"I'm not sure I want to know you." She leaned against the doorframe and crossed her arms over her large breasts... maybe because I kept staring at them.

"Why not? I think that I'm a pretty sensitive and caring guy, besides being a gentleman."

She looked at me incredulously and her eyebrows rose.

"It's true."

"If you say so."

"I tell you what, why don't you let me buy you dinner tonight and I'll prove it to you?" I could tell that her first thought was to tell me to drop dead. However, I smiled at her and said, "Please."

She didn't answer right away. Finally she said, "All right gringo, but I chose the restaurant."

"Fair enough," I said and smiled as I buttoned my shirt. "I don't have a car so I'll pick you up in a cab about seven. Can we meet down on Tyson and Monroe? I... uh... I... well I'd rather not have Abi... Dean VanBuren see us."

"Yea, that would probably be a good idea. I work for her too."

Then I thought for a minute. I was embarrassed but I had to add, "The restaurant won't be too pricey will it? I don't have a lot of money. I'm a poor teacher you know."

"No, but it's not Taco Bell either."

"Good on both counts," I said and laughed. She laughed too, her pretty teeth shinning. I liked Maria. I thought that we somehow connected, even if she didn't. Maybe it was because I had spent so much time in her area of the world. Whatever the reason, I felt an immediate kinship to her.

I left the house whistling like I had when I arrived last night. Things were looking up I thought, ignoring the obviously dangerous path I was now on.

I was apprehensive as I rode in the taxi toward my meeting with Maria. I was pretty sure that she wouldn't show up. Why should she? She didn't know anything about me. Sometimes I do dumb things and this might have been one of them.

When the taxi arrived at Monroe and Tyson, there was no Maria. I was about to tell the driver to take me home when I saw her hurrying down the street. I smiled to myself as I watched her rush to the taxi, her breasts bouncing freely. She was wearing a tight white sweater with short sleeves and a v-neck that showed off her ample cleavage, black stretch pants, and high heels. I loved the way Hispanic women dressed. They weren't afraid to show their bodies, although some of them probably should have been.

As she bent over to get into the cab, her large breasts giggled, confirming that she didn't have a bra on. "Hi," I said and added in Spanish, "I didn't think you would show." I said it in Spanish because I preferred not to let the taxi driver know my personal business. I was pretty sure he was Arab.

"I almost didn't," she responded, also in Spanish.

"I'm glad you did. You look beautiful."

She blushed and said "Thank you."

"Where too?"

"Estavar's on Twenty-second Street," she said, more to the driver than to me.

We made small talk while we drove to the restaurant. I found out that she was the oldest of eight children and that all of her family still lived in Colombia. She had worked in this country for four years and sent money home to her family every month. I could see sadness in her eyes as she spoke of her family. I changed the subject, not wanting to start the evening on a sad note.

"So, how is Dean VanBuren to work for?"

"She is wonderful, if not a little... how you say... 'extentrick'?"

"Eccentric. I can see that. She seems like she can be very demanding though."

"Si... but she has been good to me."

"She was pretty good to me last night too," I said before I thought. I looked at Maria and she didn't seem to take offense at that.

"Ms. VanBuren is... is a highly sexual lady for sure. However, it seems that most American's that I meet are hung up about sex. Ms. VanBuren isn't." She laughed and her face lit up.

So did mine. I liked this lady.

When we arrived at the restaurant, Maria waited for me to open the door of the taxi. You don't see that much in America anymore. She was going to force me to be a gentleman. I paid the cab driver and we went into the restaurant. It was a small restaurant that appeared to cater to the Hispanic trade. As soon as I walked in, I realized that I might have been the only Anglo in the place. That was fine with me, I was used to being around this crowd.

The host greeted Maria like family and they hugged. Maria introduced me and I said a few words in Spanish. Then we were led to a nice table in the corner. When the waiter came over, Maria greeted him like a long lost brother.

"Paulo, this is my new friend Jim Adams."

I liked her use of the word friend "new friend." "Pleased to meet you," I said and shook his hand. I don't ever remember shaking a waiter's hand. Obviously, Maria and Paulo were good friends.

"May I get you a drink?" he asked.

"How about the house wine," I answered, figuring it would be the cheapest.

"Very good," Paulo said and left.

When he returned a few minutes later he had what I realized was a very expensive bottle of wine. I looked at Maria and frowned. Paulo saw it and whispered "On the house." My face brightened.

I asked when Paulo had left again, "Is Paulo your boyfriend?"

"No, just a good friend."

I sighed in some relief. I asked, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Suddenly, Maria looked shy. "Yes," she whispered.

I raised my eyebrows, wondering why she had agreed to go out with me.

She knew what I was thinking and added, "He lost his "green card" and had to go back home a couple of months ago." Maria looked like she was going to cry.

"I'm sorry to hear that." I thought for a minute and said, "I have some friends that might be able to help." It seemed like the right thing to say.

"Can you?" she asked, her face changing from a frown to excitement.

"I can't promise anything but I can try." I hoped that I hadn't put my foot in my mouth.

Maria smiled and reached over and squeezed my hand. A tear trickled down her cheek.

I grasped her hand and held it. An electric shock when though me and I think Maria could feel it too. I could see Maria's face begin to flush hot. There was definitely something here.

The rest of the evening was very enjoyable. We finished the bottle of wine and ate a wonderful ethnic dish that Maria suggested. Paulo was very attentive and even brought us another bottle of wine. I hoped that he wasn't going to get in trouble or lose his job, although he said he had another job as a waiter in a fancy restaurant at a big hotel in the city.

Everyone seemed to know Maria, including the owner who made a point of introducing himself. Somehow it felt like we were at a family outing rather than a restaurant. By the time we left I think I knew everyone there. Maria and I were a little tipsy but also well fed.

The taxi dropped us off on Monroe and Tyson and we walked the rest of the way. I took a chance and reached over to hold Maria's hand. I was pleased when she didn't pull away.

Maria had an apartment in the basement of Dean VanBuren's house. We quietly went around to the back of the house until we reached some steps. We went down the steps until we were standing outside her door. It was rather dark with one dim light bulb above our heads.

"I had a wonderful time. Thank you!" I said sincerely.

"So did I," she admitted almost reluctantly.

Suddenly I was very uncomfortable. I was trying to decide whether I should kiss her or not. I remembered that I told her that I could prove that I was a gentleman. I touched her face and said, "Well, I guess I had better be going." I turned to leave.

Before I reached the first step, Maria grabbed my arm pulled me back to her quickly. Suddenly, we were kissing passionately. I moaned as her sweet tongue entered my mouth. When I felt her large breasts pressing to my chest I started to get excited. My hands slipped down her back until they were at the top of her buttocks. I wasn't sure how far to go. However, when Maria's hips began to squirm against my rapidly hardening penis, I moved my hands lower and grabbed her ass, pulling her into me. I heard her moan.

As our kisses continued, I moved my hands until they were under her sweater in back. Slowly I moved them across the soft skin on her sides until they were in front and between us. Maria moaned and moved back slightly. I figured it was okay to go further. I inched my hands upward, moving ever closer to those wonderful breasts that I had been staring at all night. A second later I had them in my hands. Now we were both moaning as I kneaded her soft flesh. Her breasts were as warm and soft as I had hoped they would be.

Maria pulled her mouth from mine and I thought she was going to protest. Instead she buried her head in my shoulder and whimpered in excitement. Growing bold, I raised my hands and pushed the sweater upward until both breasts were free. Quickly I bent my head and lifted one large orb to my lips.

"Oh God," Maria gasped as I began to suck her large nipple.

I hadn't even noticed but as I was busy with her breast, Maria had reached behind her and unlocked her door. Slowly she began to move backward, bringing us both through the now open door. When I realized what was happening I pulled my mouth from one wet nipple and smiled. I slammed the door with my foot and turned back to Maria, pulling her back into my arms. Suddenly, we were going after each other like we were love-starved teenagers. I practically ripped her sweater as I pulled it over her head. Her fingers fumbled as she rushed to unbutton my shirt. A second later, her soft breasts were pressing to my bare chest and we were sucking each other's tongues again.

Maria pulled away, gasping for breath. She whispered, "Let me suck you." Then she began to move slowly down my body, kissing my chest and stomach as she passed.

I didn't protest as the dark haired beauty went to her knees. I watched, without helping, as her shaking fingers opened my pants and pulled my zipper down. She gasped as my pants fell to the floor. I hadn't worn underwear again and my penis sprung out at her. The head was already dripping my pre-cum juice.

Maria mumbled something in Spanish and grabbed my penis. She stared at it for a second before bringing it to her open mouth. I moaned as she took me inside. Suddenly I was in heaven as her soft lips and wet mouth sucked me. My fingers entwined in her hair and I gently led her head up and down.

This was one passionate lady. Her mouth was like a vacuum cleaner. While she couldn't take me all the way down her throat, I didn't care. My hips began to move back and forth as my excitement grew. I pushed her back because I didn't want to cum that way.

Maria face showed surprise as my penis popped from her sucking mouth.

I pulled her up and kissed her again then led her over to the sofa. It was my turn to get to my knees. I quickly stripped her pants off, leaving just her heels on. When I spread her legs I saw that she had a dark bush that was trimmed short and neatly into a V, pointing to the smooth lips of her sex. Her vagina was gorgeous and positively huge. The outer lips were large and puffy and the inner lips were pink and swollen. It was going to be more than a mouth full.

"Oh yes," Maria moaned as I began to kiss her thighs.

Slowly I moved downward until I was an inch from her swollen sex. I reached up with my fingers and opened her lips. The large clit practically sprung out at me. It looked like a miniature penis. Maria jumped when I blew warm air onto it. Then with an animal like moan I opened my mouth and sucked the smooth nub into my mouth.

"Ahhhheee!!!" she screamed. Her legs shot up in the air and her thighs wrapped around my head.

I had never eaten a woman with this much flesh on her vagina. It filled my mouth and I could taste her sweet juice as it ran out like a river. I began to lick the fleshy lips slowly, taking my time to find every nook and grove. When my tongue reached her hole, I used my fingers to spread her open. Then I stiffened my tongue and plunged it inside.

"Oh... my... God," the excited lady screamed in her native language and grabbed my head. She began to "fuck" my face, smearing her juice from my forehead to my chin. I let her do what she wanted. Within seconds her body lifted off the sofa and she screamed that she was cumming. My face was deluged in her warm juice and suddenly it seemed like I was eating a warm watermelon. Her copious juice ran out of my mouth and dripped from my chin. I couldn't swallow it all. I had heard of women that climaxed like this but this was my first experience with a "squirter." It was wet and nasty but I loved it. I sucked until I though she was finished climaxing. However when I tried to pull my face away, she pulled me back and suddenly began to push against my lips again. Seconds later she screamed and began to squirt again. Each time I thought she was done, she would start again. It went on like this for quite some time. I had the feeling that she would continue to climax for as long as I continued to use my mouth on her. By the time she let me go, I don't think there was an inch of my upper body that wasn't covered in her juice.

When I lifted my head from her saturated crotch, I saw her smiling down at me with a sheepish grin. Then she whispered, "I'm sorry, I should have warned you... some men don't like... you know... like that."

"Not a problem for me, I loved it," I said with a smile and then licked my lips.

Maria began to move. "Come up here and let me do you."

We switched places. Maria was now on her knees between my legs, my throbbing penis ready to explode in her face. I watched as she took my shaft in one hand and cupped my testicles in the other. She said, "Very nice," in Spanish.

I closed my eyes as she began to lick my balls, moving her tongue slowly upward and across the hard shaft. When she got to the head, she twirled her tongue around the dripping slit to collect my juice and then sucked it into her mouth. It was about that time that I began to moan.

Maria giggled and pulled back. She knelt up, lifted one of her breasts and brought it toward my swollen penis head. Then she pulled my shaft down and rubbed her large and very hard nipple across the slit, coating her nipple with my juice. When it was shinny she lifted her breast to her own mouth and licked it clean.

My eyes were hooded in pleasure as I watched her do this several times. I was so excited that I thought that if she touched me again she was going to get a face full of cream. Maria recognized it too and brought the head of my penis to her mouth. She began to suck just the crown as she pumped the shaft.

That was all it took. My penis began to throb and then it squirted my cream into her mouth. Her hand continued to pump me, as her lips remained tight around the crown to insure that none escaped. I could hear her moaning as she drank my juice. She squeezed my shaft and continued to suck until there was nothing left.

I lay back on the sofa and watched her for some time. She continued to kiss and lick my shrinking penis and empty testicles until I was forced to pull her head away. I lifted her head and saw a satisfied look on her face as well as a drop of my cum at the corner of her mouth. When I recovered enough strength, I stood up and bent over to pick her up in my arms. "Where's the bedroom?" I asked.

She pointed down the hall and then buried her face in my chest.

I carried her into her bedroom and laid her gently on her bed and then snuggled next to her. I wasn't sure about her but I certainly needed a little time to recover from my intense climax.

"Wow, that was great," I whispered.

She smiled up at me as she lay in my arm. "Was I as good as Dean VanBuren?"

That was a loaded question and came out of the blue. I paused for a minute, trying to decide how to answer. "I told you that I am a gentleman, so it wouldn't be appropriate for me to 'kiss and tell'." I was proud of myself for that comment.

"All right," Maria said but sounded a little disappointed.

"You were very, very, very good," I added quickly. "You are definitely the most passionate woman I have ever been with."

She seemed to like that and snuggled back into my arms.

I thought for a moment and said, "So how was I compared to being eaten by Dean VanBuren." It was a shot in the dark but after seeing Maria coming into the room while Abigail and I were having sex, I knew that there had to be more to their relationship.

I heard Maria gasp and she rose up and looked at me with wide eyes. "How... how... did you know?"

"I didn't. I just guessed." I smiled and added, "I don't have a problem with it. In fact, I think it's pretty neat. I'm a guy remember."

Maria put her head back down on my chest and whispered shyly, "I... I don't do her. She just... just... you know... does what you did."

"She just eats you."


"I imagine she loves it as much as I did. But you didn't answer my question," I pressed. "Is she better than me?"

Maria sighed and began to circle her finger across my stomach. "She's... she's a woman and women are different." She evaded the question.

"I know that, but was I better?" I was only teasing and paying her back for asking me the question.

Then she said, "I'm a lady and a lady doesn't 'kiss and tell'."

"Touché." I conceded a draw.

Maria giggled and at the same time she reached down and began to play with my soft penis. She giggled again when it started to respond. However, I almost stopped her when she began to kiss down my stomach. Instead I sighed and let her work her way down until she had me in her mouth again.

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Higher EducationChapter 3

When her contractions stopped, I pulled my cock out of her ass with an audible plop. I hardly could remove it from her asshole before it started squirting strong jets of come all over her sticky pussy. I shoved my cock back into her ass, making her grunt. With my cock balls-deep in her ass, we both collapsed panting, covered with sweat. I was on top of her, still holding her tits. I felt my cock go limp within her rectum. "Squeeze my cock and feel it swell," I whispered in her...

2 years ago
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Higher EducationPart 3

I was feeling a little remorseful as I left Abigail's office that afternoon. I'm not entirely sure why, or even what was bothering me. I was worried about my job for sure, but it was more than that. As I have said, I was a somewhat naïve guy, almost leading a sheltered life to that point. Incredibly, it might have been that I was feeling like I was using Abigail and not the other way around. However, I knew that wasn't rational. Abigail wanted what happened. Hell, she set it up....

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Higher EducationPart 4

It was barely light outside when I slipped my arm from around Abigail and crawled out of her bed. I dressed quietly, wrote a note to her and left it on the nightstand. I thanked Abigail for a delightful evening and said I would see her on Monday. As I left the house I decided to slip around to the back to see if Maria was up yet. She was an early riser so I thought I would take a chance. The truth was that I couldn't wait to tell her the good news about her boyfriend. I saw that there was a...

4 years ago
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Higher EducationPart 5

I entered my morning class a little late on Thursday and was surprised to see that Molly wasn't there. When she didn't show up by the time the class was over, I began to get a little concerned. She was normally very reliable and, so far, hadn't missed a class. It was nearly eleven thirty and I was still in my office when Molly walked in. I was relieved when I looked up and saw the pretty co-ed. "There you are Molly. I was a little worried about you." She looked a little frazzled as she...

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Taking Stepdaghters Christian friend Samanth

Claire has been friends with Samantha, a Christian and a volleyball player, since elementary school. They have been in volleyball camp together every summer, on league teams together. I've seen Sam in volleyball shorts a million times, watched her bubble butt stretch those shorts from pancake flat to full round over the years. She has dark brown hair and eyes and pale skin, imaculately groomed. She wears the same outfit at least once a week religiously, it makes her feel pretty: v-neck red...

3 years ago
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hot day

It was a Sunday hot sunny day and I did not know where to put, but I went into the woods for a walk, I said to myself, because in the forest will most cold. I was just walking in the shade of the canopy of trees and listening to the rustle of leaves and chirping birds. I thought that I alone in the woods on Sunday afternoon, but I was wrong. I met a young girl who came to me opposite, we are welcomed, because we barely knew, because only a generation or two behind me. The word is given a word...

2 years ago
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How I became The Volleyball Teams Slut Part 4

‘Meet us in the gym,slut 3. You’re in trouble’ I couldn’t imagine how much more trouble I could find myself in… I was reading this text, still standing nude in the boy’s washroom. I could smell the sweet scent of sex, as a sat down on the toilet seat. I began to clean up as much of the cum as possible, it feels like it has gotten everywhere! I took my time. There is no rush to more abuse at the hands of the volleyball team. I stood up slowly. I could hear guys doing their business around...

3 years ago
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The Week I Turned Into Erin Chapter 6 New Beginnings

SATURDAY I woke up to Speckles licking my face. I opened my eyes and pet her. The sun was streaming through the window. I slept pretty good. I got up to let Speckles out. But first, I changed into one of my old t- shirts, and grabbed a pair of Kathy's shorts. Passing my height mark on the door jamb I noticed I didn't shrink. Cupping my breasts told me those have not grown either. I grabbed the back of my hair. It seems to have stopped growing right at the middle of my...

2 years ago
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Visit from SisChapter 11

"E-easy," Roberta moaned into the pillow. "Go easy--ahhh! Yes! Yes! Dammit, yes!" Amy lay on her back beneath her brother's legs, eagerly tonguing the massy weight of his balls. She let her pink, vixenish mouth trill upwards to follow a wonderful vein running over the underside of his thick cock. And Roberta--Roberta was on her knees, but lay with her face and shoulders and beautiful, firm little tits pressed down flat on the mattress and pillow. Her ripe ass was perched high in the...

1 year ago
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I came across a story, "Wife Sharing Nightmare" by Shock, a rework of another story, "Badfuck" by Karl Kramer. I was inspired to write my own version, to twist my own particular kink in the tale. Size doesn't matter, except to the women to whom it matters. I learned that this month. I've learned a lot about penis size and women lately. Most I wish I could forget. Joanie and I had been married for over twenty years. We were both virgins when we met in college. She was seeing someone else...

1 year ago
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FilthyPOV Arietta Adams The Night Before Christmas with My Daughter Under the Tree

The holiday season is so amazing in our family house, just this year my wife is out of town on business but that is ok cause I get to spend the holidays with my beautiful amazing daughter. Like every year I catch her under the tree shaking presents trying to figure out what she got this year. We always play a game this time of year, if Arietta wants to open a present early she is gonna have to do something special for daddy. Arietta is already trained for this and she really enjoys pleasing her...

4 years ago
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Sex in Elevator

Hey Friends. How r u all. This is my new story .Very unique one. If someone ask me Y? then my answer is pls read it once. Its An Autobiography OF En Elevator. I got an Idea when i was reading a book. A very odinary book as thats my hobby.So i Wrote this Story as i m an Elevator in a Commercial building. So the Story goes the way, Typically, my existence is not at all interesting. My doors open, one or more people step in, my doors close. I go up or I go down. My doors open, one or more people...

1 year ago
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beach sex part 1

It was a very hot day at the beach, the sky was clear and there were plenty of waves in the ocean. I went there to enjoy the beach but I didn't plan on hooking up with any hot babes except maybe flirting with a few girls. So as I walking along the beach to find my place sit and set up my stuff I noticed this incredibly hot babe wearing an even sexier bikini that barely covered her fit body, she looked like an SI swimsuit model with her big boobs and great curves and a cute navel ring. She was...

1 year ago
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JAN Part 2

This is a continuation of my story and Jan the older church going friend. Two weeks went by after sending the pictures I had taken of Jan for her to send on to her friends in the chat room.I had looked at the pictures several times and jerked of to them twice.The memory of her body stuck in my mind, and although she was not my type, there was something about her that made me wonder what she would be like to fuck.She was extremely naive and, to me, would not know much at all, and likely be a...

1 year ago
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DickDrainers Mia Kay Mia8217s BBC Throat Training Day

Mia Kay’s been a good girl all week! All her chores done on time, cleaning up her room, no bratty episodes…she’s been a lil angel! So today she gets a very special reward for lunch: BBC! Her favorite! And it gets even better. Mia gets to have some black ass too! But on one condition: once she starts eating BBC…she has to keep eating it (and the ass) until she’s told to stop. No matter how deep it goes. No matter how much is crammed into her pretty lil mouth. Good...

2 years ago
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Jim Naked In SchoolPart 3

Alarm clock. That's odd, it's not where it should be. Hang on, there's an arm here. Carly, oh my god. Rays of sunlight were struggling through the crack in the curtains and lighting up her beautiful face. It played on her upturned nose and sparkled in her opening brown eyes. Her whole face was just so radiant. She gave me a tired smile as she started to come to terms with the scene. This is the first time I have woken up next to a naked woman, and I hope to god that this will not be the...

4 years ago
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What a night

Introduction: please dont tell my husband hehe I am not sure if I would call the events of the night consenting rape or simply poor decisions, but it resulted in the most bizarre sexual experience of my life. I had just turned 21 and was finishing my senior year of college. I had been a slut so far in college and had no intentions of changing that now. I was out to the bars one Friday night and honestly, on the prowl to get laid. I was attractive, 56 brown hair, blue eyes athletic build with...

3 years ago
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Tammy came again and again

While growing up the only one of my three stepc***dren that wanted to go fishing was my youngest stepdaughter. The oldest daughter had no use for it as well as my stepson. Tammy, the feisty redhead would beg to have me take her fishing, and that we did. She finally grew up, got married and found a husband that loves to fish, but only with his brother.One day, the family was all together and we got to talking old times. Tammy brought up how we used to go fishing together and what fun she had....

4 years ago
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Parents Just Dont UnderstandChapter 10

After that, blowing Niko became a regular thing. Whenever Mom was out of the house, he’d push me to my knees and cum either into my mouth or onto my exposed tits. Then, once I got better at it, he didn’t even wait for Mom to leave the house. He’d send her into the kitchen to start getting dinner ready, grab my hair, and lead me to his cock. One time, she came into the room before I’d even had a chance to swallow his cum. She didn’t suspect anything, of course. Stupid whore. One day, I was...

3 years ago
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Taking her Chapter 3

You sit on the floor for a few moments just trying to collect your thoughts. Your whole body is on fire from pain and lust. You get into the shower and feel the warm water flow over every bruise and welt on your body. You begin to wash your self. As the wash cloth passes over your nipple you can't help but let out a small moan. You remember what he said, you can't cum. You continue to wash avoiding any areas that might arouse you further. You wince as you reach each welt and can't help but...

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My wife comes home dripping wet

That afternoon my sweet Ana came from work laughing…I asked her if she was in a good mood and she said it had been a fine day.Then I insisted why, but she said only that it was a fine day.All week she had this huge grin on her face coming from her office.I asked everyday why and everyday she said she was just happy…On Friday evening she called me to my office, saying she was coming home a little late; she was going to the pub for a couple hours after with the guys…Ana arrived late that evening....

3 years ago
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I love the way you look at me I feel the pain you place insideYou lock me up inside your dirty cageI like it when you chain me to the bedI need to feel youYou need to feel me I love the way you break my skin i feel the hate you place insidei need to get your voice out of my head, Cuz I'm the guy you'll never findI think you know all of the rules, There's no expressions on your faceI hope that someday you will let me go, Release me from my dirty cageI love the way look at me I love the way you...

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A Bunked College Day Let Me A Virgin

Let me first introduce myself before I start the story. I am Ashish and I live In Mumbai. I have a good physique and i am 5.6′ tall. I have decent brown eyes and good looks. Now I start my story. This was a real incident that happened to me a few days ago while i was watching a LIVE telecast of Sri Lanka vs New Zealand ICC World T20 match. My parents used to go to office and my siblings were attending their colleges. That day i bunked my college and was watching match. So suddenly door bell...

2 years ago
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Slutty Wife 83 Vacation Day 2

SATURDAY - DAY TWOI woke up feeling very little relief. Heather still wasn't in my bed so I decided to get up and check in the next room. It was quiet enough... so at least they weren't still playing. I put my ear up against the door and heard nothing. I reached for the handle, and to my surprise, it turned and the door opened. I opened it slowly to avoid any creaking.The room reeked of pussy and it was intoxicating. And right in the middle of the bed with no covers or anything was Sarah...

2 years ago
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What To Do About Edie a Sequel

Actually, it turned out that figuring out what to do about Edie was the easy part. I loved her—I loved her more than I'd ever loved anyone, in fact—but I wasn't going to stick around and be her happy cuckold of a husband. Thinking about what I'd seen her do made me want to throw up. In fact I had to pull the truck over to the side of the road at one point, because I was afraid I really WOULD throw up. I thought about how turned-on I'd gotten watching her fuck the shit out of those two...

3 years ago
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Children of the LightChapter 8 Minds of Iron

Thoughts of steel. That's the impression I had of the Sh'kxu. TeJon proved to be a wealth of information about the aliens and the Preci, as his people called themselves, but it was all at least fifty years out of date. Even old information is a start, and slowly we pieced together a picture of the aliens and their impact on Precipice. Two hundred years ago they had appeared in the skies above Precipice, and began bombing without warning or prelude of any kind. This was not some real life...

2 years ago
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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 17 Ravi Ravishes Leena

Leena was a very horny little girl. Her cousin had rudely and inexpertly taken her cherry, her father had inadvertently demonstrated a classier scene of ravishment, her schoolteacher had given her a proper screwing and an older girl, a woman, had shown her what two females could achieve together. So she knew all about fucking (or at least she thought she did) and she loved fucking and she was horny and unsatisfied. And jealous. The past twelve days had been interesting. Little Leena had seen...

4 years ago
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The Train Ride

My wife and I had been married for two years. We were both 26 years old and both had jobs in the city of London. I want to relate a story that happened a little while ago. A story that I will never forget.Katie was a human resources manager with a major recruitment company and I was a lecturer in economics at the University of London.I was just over six feet tall with brown hair and eyes and a bit of a keep fit fanatic. Katie also enjoyed regular exercise and she particularly enjoyed running....

1 year ago
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The Virgin Sister Chapter One

My sister and I are twins. We get along great, not like some brothers and sisters. Our dad is in the Navy and we've never lived anywhere long enough to develop close friendships with other kids, so we've become each other's best friend by default. We're both pretty smart and have tested in the top percentile of our classes academically. We do just about everything together. We go to the movies, hang out at the mall, sometimes we even double date. I also think we have a special connection...

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The perfect match for me would be a guy who only wanted me 2 take care of his sexual needs. A very sexual guy who needed me a lot. A guy with a big cock with a nice set of balls. So, he would give me all the cum I wanted. He would have to like me to suck him a lot. I would like to wake him up every morning with a slow warm and wet suck. I would suck all the cum out of his balls and keep sucking to keep that cock hard for my hot ass. He would then roll me over on my stomach onto a pillow So, my...

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The Katy Nightmare Part 3

My attempts to get a good night's sleep were a complete waste of time. I'd spent the night drifting in and out of consciousness, contemplating everything that had been going on and with the events playing over in my head again and again. The school uniform. The bed. The diary. The homework sheet that clearly wasn't mine. They were all things that I could just write off as cruel pranks individually, or at least try to ignore, but combined were making me fear my life as I know...

3 years ago
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The Reunion of Paul and Ellen

The Tender Spot had been closed forty minutes. Everyone else had left. The lights were out, but thin, weak rays of light eked through the front windows blinds from the streetlight outside. Paul glanced at the piano, fingered a few notes, before joining his hands together on his lap. Thinking. "Who said anything about that?' "I did," Ellen said quietly as if someone else in the room could overhear their conversation. "I'm talking about me," he said, revealing his nervousness to...

3 years ago
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Sucking off my Residence Assistant

The day I met him was a big day. It was the day I moved out of my parents' house and into my college dorm. The first week at school was only freshman, so that we could adjust to college life before the upperclassmen moved in. Having always been interested in older guys, I assumed it would be a dull week in terms of meeting hot guys. That day we had to attend a mandatory "alcohol awareness seminar." The girl in the room across the hall and I walked to the campus center and found seats in the...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Cam Models! Just like a blog, just about anyone can set up an adults-only camming site. That is not necessarily a bad thing if you ask me, but there is a cost. Since anyone can do something does not mean that creation is going to be good. As we all know, quality control on the internet is hardly a real thing. Fortunately for all of you, I have been perusing the internet to gauge the quality of such sites, in this case, CamModels.com.These Models Come From All Over The WorldWith over eight...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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It was just after 11pm, I was watching a movie with Jessica( or Jess is what she preferred ). She was the type of girl who would let you feel her up but nothing below the waist...even though it was OK for her to jerk you off. We had stopped watching the movie and started making out on my couch. I unfastened her bra and was groping her chest. She had perfect sized breasts. Just a little more than a handful with very sensitive nipples. Jess slipped her bra out of one of her sleeves but kept her...

3 years ago
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Transcendent Chapter 2 Egg

Sean wasn't used to the quiet. Silence was no longer a part of modern life. Most people were surrounded by noise while at work. Whether they were employed in some field that required constant verbal communication or they were simply besieged by the dings and alerts of computers all day, the assault on the senses was constant. While commuting, the radio, podcasts or audio books were your constant companion. At home, it was the TV or YouTube always on in the background. Even when he went out...

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Tammys Training

Tammy’s Training By Seeker 111I was out drinking at my favorite bar one Saturday evening when I came across a very nice looking lady sitting alone and nursing a drink. Her hair was thick and luxuriant. The soft light reflected gently from her mane. It shined like the color of a sunset just before dark. Her figure was trim and held the promise of treasures hidden beneath her clothing.  She had a sad look on her face constantly staring down at the glass. I called the bartender over and had him...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 103 The Centaur

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian/bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently,...

1 year ago
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MylfXTeamSkeet Kenzie Taylor Tits In The Tub

Kenzie Taylor is everything we want in a woman. Tall, blonde, blue eyes, gorgeous. And most importantly, big, huge, ginormous titties. She has got it all, and she knows it. After we walk in on her in the bathroom, she caresses her beautiful boobs and shows us how soft and bountiful they truly are. After showing us her treasure chest, she hops in the bubble bath to get sudded up, and then reaches down to her nether regions to pleasure herself for us. All this before our stud joins her in the...

3 years ago
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my life 3 true story

Over the next few weeks things continued as before Paul wasn't therI had left , I would be with Frank on my own, which always led to sudescribed her wanking or him fucking meHis cock was so big for me back then, when he penetrated me it hurt but the pain would subside and it became easier.Wednesday nights became a regular night for us, while I was training one night he said he had a friend coming that night, and asked if I still wanted to go back to he's place I said OK but was a bit...

4 years ago
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At His Office 3

We had a date. Two straight days of fucking then go on a date. I always do things backwards but this was… a pleasurable thing. I took a taxi to his office because I’m just not that familiar with the city. It was an impressive building, lot of stories to it. I went inside and told the front desk guy that I was here to meet a Mr. Bellacroix. All he did was stare at my chest and point to the elevators. I was wearing a short-sleeved red t-shirt that said ‘dirty bitch’ and it was slit from the...

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