Higher EducationPart 1 free porn video

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I remember my first day on the job like it was yesterday. I was sitting behind this very desk trying to act like "professor cool" as students filed into the room. Believe it or not, I had on a tweed jacket, with elbow patches and a vest. I even had a pipe on my desk, although I didn't smoke. However, behind my attempt at a suave demeanor was a very nervous young man. Maybe it was because I had never had a class with thirty students. The size of my classes at the small private school had been in the neighborhood of twelve to fifteen students, and more importantly, all boys. Here, I knew from the roster that I had about twenty girls and ten boys in my first class. That seemed to be the general ratio for my other classes as well.

From my Army days and teaching at a boy's school, I had grown very comfortable being around and teaching guys. Now I would have to learn to deal with the fairer sex. Not that I was totally inexperienced with girls but, believe it or not, I was a somewhat shy, if not naïve man. Sometimes I think that's why I went into the Army and even accepted the job at the boys' school-I could do the macho thing to cover up my shyness with girls.

It was a warm day in late August when the term began so the girls were wearing as little as possible. I tried not to watch as one pretty co-ed after the other flowed into the room. However, while my eyes were pretending to be on the papers on my desk (I have great peripheral vision) I could see the ladies as they walked by. Most wore shorts and tank tops, but some had on short summer dresses. I grew up in a house with three sisters so I was familiar with the "hoochie" look-a cross between sluttish and... well sluttish, but acceptable in the circle of most teenaged girls.

My first challenge was learning all of their names. However, I was and am terrible with names. I know the trick is to associate the name with something else but I have a hard time remembering the "something else." Anyway, I always try. There was Jennifer, with the big breasts. I thought she looked like Jennifer Aniston, although this Jennifer had much bigger breasts. Then there was Rachael. She looked a little like Rachael Welsh (when she was young-unfortunately without the big breasts). Then there was Molly who had on a multicolored top that reminded me of a lollipop. Molly... lolli... well, you get the picture. It didn't work anyway.

Somehow I muttled through two classes that morning with one left in the afternoon. I hoped that I had maintained my professional demeanor but I had a pretty good suspicion that many of the students knew that I was green. Several of the girls stopped by my desk to say hi and bat their pretty eyes at me. At the time I thought that there was no way that they could sway my objective opinion of them, which was strictly based on their academic achievements. That was one of the many things I have been wrong about in my career.

When the ending bell rang, and the students had left, I looked up to see my mentor standing in the doorway. Each new teacher is assigned an experienced "older" teacher to help them learn the procedures and policies of the college. It is actually a pretty good program and I've mentored a number of new teachers over the years. My mentor was Abigail VanBuren. Abigail was an "older" woman of about forty. (When you're thirty, anyone over 31 is "older.") She wore her hair short and had horned-rim glasses. However, underneath her "college professor" exterior she appeared to be a very sexy woman. It happened that she was also the Dean of the Philosophy Department, my boss and a very important person to my career. However, I had no idea how important at the time.

"Jim, I have a few papers for you to sign and then we can go to lunch if you like."

"That would be great, " I said as I nervously straightened up the papers covering my already messy desk.

"Come on down to my office."

Abigail turned and walked out the door. As I hurried to follow her down the hall, I couldn't help notice that, while she was always professionally dressed, she wore her clothes too tight. However, she had the shape to get away with it. That day she was wearing a gray business suit with a form fitting skirt and jacket. She had on a white blouse with a colorful scarf around her neck. My eyes followed her rear as she strode purposefully on four-inch high heels down the hall in front of me. It almost appeared that she was swaying her hips a little more than necessary. However, I thought it could have been because of the very high heels that she was wearing. I found out it was the former.

I followed her into a large and well-furnished office and sat down in a chair in front of her large desk. There was a leather sofa, two end tables with lamps, a coffee table and two desk chairs in the spacious room. Covering the walls, were bookshelves and plaques showing her academic accomplishments and awards. A very lavish office even for a Dean of Philosophy, I observed.

Her desk was neat and tidy like her. The room smelled of lilacs but I wasn't sure if it were her perfume or the real thing. There were large bouquets of fresh cut flowers on her desk and the coffee table, giving the otherwise mannish office a feminine touch. The flowers could have been lilacs but I had no clue about such things.

Abigail sat down at her desk and folded her hands on in front of her. "So how was your first morning, " she said with a knowing smile, her blue eyes sparkling.

"Very tense, but I got through it somehow."

"I can still remember my first day of teaching. It was very trying and I almost quit after the first week. That's why we started the mentoring program. Unfortunately we lost some good people before we realized that we needed to give the new teachers some additional support."

I smiled and said that I appreciated her taking her valuable time to help me. She admitted that she didn't normally mentor anymore but when she saw someone "special" she made an exception. I sensed something in the way she said "special." I certainly didn't consider myself special. However, I found out what she meant a few minutes later.

Abigail got up and walked around her desk with several papers in her hand. She leaned back on the desk in front of me. My eyes naturally went to the expanse of nylon that was revealed as she leaned back and her short skirt pulled upward. Her opaque nylons shimmered in the sunlight coming from the window. When I looked up I saw her watching me and I blushed like a high school boy. I'm sure she noticed but she didn't say anything.

"Uh... are those the papers I have to sign?" I stammered, trying to cover my embarrassment as I reached out for the papers.

"Yes, " she said, but instead of handing them to me she put the papers down on the desk beside her. Then, to my surprise, she scooted up and sat on the desk.

My eyes opened wide when I realized that I was now almost eye-level with her legs. When she crossed her legs, it made her short skirt pull higher. I could actually see the tops of her thigh high nylons and a hint of white flesh where her skirt and the desk met. Again, when I looked up, I saw her looking at me, this time with a smile on her face. I was beginning to get very nervous.

"Jim, there are a few rules around here that you should know." Abigail paused as I tried to keep my eyes on her face.

"First, as you are aware, I am the head of the department. I run a pretty tight ship and I expect my teachers to obey the rules." She paused and then added, "When I say jump, you should only ask how high." There was a smile on her face but I was pretty sure she wasn't joking. "Additionally, I expect you to be on time for class and prepared. I expect promptness from all of my teachers. Is that understood?"

"Yes ma'am, " I answered, and swallowed hard. This sounded a lot like the speech that my drill sergeants gave me when I entered the Army. Only, there was a lot more "mother-fucker's" mixed with the military language.

"Secondly, the college takes a very dim view of teachers fraternizing with students. I warn you of this because almost seventy per cent of our student body is female. You are a handsome young man." Again she paused and smiled at me. I almost thought she was going to wink. Then she continued, "Do not doubt for a moment that some of the students will try to use their considerable charm to get a grade with their body that their mind can't achieve."

I didn't respond but nodded my head. Then I watched as she reached up and pulled the scarf from around her neck.

"It's getting warm in here isn't it?" she said and unbuttoned two of the buttons on her blouse. I could now see that she had a substantial cleavage. Then she unbuttoned her jacked and pulled it open.

I gasped. She didn't have on a bra and I could plainly see her hard nipples poking through the thin material. Although I wanted to avert my eyes, I found it impossible. I could even see the dark rings of her areolas. I felt an unwanted tingle in my groin and squirmed in my chair.

Abigail was quiet for a time, most likely watching for my reaction. Her eyes darted to my groin. I think she saw what she wanted to see. She continued, "So stay away from the co-ed's and be prepared and you will be rewarded." Then Abigail pointed to the forms next to her on the desk. "Sign these, " she said as she uncrossed her legs.

My eyes glanced toward her now open legs. I almost gasped because it appeared that she wasn't wearing panties. However, I forced myself to look at the forms. They were some kind of tax withholding forms that I was certain I had already signed several weeks ago. Still, I wasn't going to argue. I wanted to get out of there as soon as I could. I signed both forms quickly.

"There is only one rule left to understand, " Abigail said as she got up and went to the office door. She turned and leaned against the closed door, smiling at me. Her hands were behind her back and I heard a distinct "click." Then she walked over and casually closed the blinds, leaving the room lit only by a small desk lamp that I hadn't even noticed was on.

I could feel sweat beading on my brow. I wasn't that naïve and knew that I was on very dangerous grounds here. However, nothing in my military experience prepared me for this. I felt the sudden urge to get up and run from the room. However, I was pretty certain that it would mean the loss of my job. Instead, I sat in stunned silence as the older woman approached me. She stepped between the desk and me. I was almost afraid to look up at her. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I saw her throw her glasses onto the desk carelessly. They slid across the desk and fell to the floor on the other side. Suddenly, the prim and proper Dean of Philosophy went to her knees in front of me. I opened my mouth in shock and looked at her face. It was a mask of lust. Then, I jumped as she placed both hands on my thighs.

"Very strong, " she said as she squeezed the muscles in my tense thighs.

Incredibly, I felt a moment of pride that I still kept myself in excellent shape. However, that passed quickly as I watched her hands slowly moving up my thighs and then toward my groin. I sat stiffly in my chair, almost as if I was disembodied and watching from afar. Suddenly her fingers found my groin and my entire body tensed and I gasped.

"Mmmm nice, " she said as she felt my lengthening penis under my slacks.

Again, I felt the overpowering urge to run. Instead, I closed my eyes and trembled as her expert fingers worked on my covered penis until it was a throbbing tent in my pants. As much as I didn't want this to happen, I was incapable of stopping it. When I heard my zipper being pulled down, my eyes flew open and I looked at the kneeling woman. However, Abigail wasn't looking at me. She was busy fishing her hand inside my slacks, searching for my swollen shaft.

I closed my eyes again and moaned when her warm hand wrapped around it. I heard a sharp intake of her breath as she pulled my penis out into the open.

"Oh yes, " she whisper to herself. "I knew you would have a nice cock."

I opened my eyes in surprised at her words. I saw her pretty blue eyes staring back at me as her soft hand with red painted fingernails wrapped around my throbbing penis. By this time I was very excited and it was all that I could do not to spend in her face like some horny teenager.

She held my penis up and waved it like a baton and said, "The last rule is that this... is mine anytime I want it." With that she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue to lick the swollen head.

I didn't argue. Instead I moaned and watched her run her tongue around the crown until it reached the dripping head. She squeezed her fist, forcing a large drop of clear liquid from the slit before swiping her tongue across it and swallowing. Then, she growled deep in her throat and took my penis into her mouth.

I bit my tongue to keep from moaning as I watched her head move downward until her lips were in my pubic hair. I do not have a giant penis, and while it is bigger than average, I had never had a girl take me all the way into her throat. However, Abigail didn't seem to have a problem. I could feel her tongue come out to tickle my balls as her throat muscles massaged my shaft. My fists clenched into balls in order to avoid grabbing her head. I surmised that she wasn't a woman that liked to be forced to do anything. Instead, I lifted my hips and moaned.

Abigail sucked me for a few minutes and then pulled her mouth away, her lips making a loud pop as the swollen head slipped from her sucking lips. Her lipstick and saliva was smeared on my penis. Her eyes were wild with lust.

"So... you like to have your... cock sucked?" she asked rhetorically and breathlessly as she looked at me and fisted my slippery shaft. I could see her firm and bra-less breasts moving up and down with her growing excitement. "That's fortunate because I loveeee to suck cock." With that the pretty woman dropped her head and took me into her throat again. I felt her tremble in excitement and heard her moan deep in her throat.

It had been quite some time since I had had sex and it didn't take long for my balls to begin to tighten. I felt compelled to warn her. "Dean... Dean VanBuren, " I groaned, not knowing what else to call her. I heard her moan and felt her suck harder. "I... I'm... going to..." I warned as I lifted my hips and hissed thought my teeth. My penis throbbed and suddenly began to spew my juice deep into her throat. My penis was so far down her throat that I doubt that she tasted the first couple of blasts. Then she pulled her head back until just the crown was in her mouth. Her fist moved up and down the shaft in a milking motion. Suddenly, her body began to tremble. I realized that she was climaxing as she was drinking my sperm.

I was sitting with my head back and still gasping for breath when Dean VanBuren rose. Through half opened eyes I watched as she walked around behind her desk and picked up her glasses. Then she sat back down at the desk, put her prim glasses back on, and pulled a tissue out of a drawer to dab her lips. "I forgot that I have an appointment for lunch already. You don't mind if I take a rain check do you?"

"Uh... no... uh not at all, " I said, almost relieved that I didn't have to go to lunch with her after what just happened. I stood up quickly.

"By the way, there is going to be a little party at my house on Friday night. I live on Monroe Street just across from the entrance to the campus. Everyone knows where it is. See you about eight?"

I assumed the party was to greet the new staff. "Yea... sure, " I said before I could think of an excuse not to go. As I stood trying to get my thoughts together, I heard her clear her throat. I saw that she was looking at my crotch. My face turned bright red when I looked down and saw that my almost soft penis was still hanging out of my pants. There was a drip of my sperm hanging from the head. Abigail had a smile on her face as she reached over the desk to hand me a tissue. I snatched the tissue and turned away, wiping my penis before hastily putting it back in my pants and pulling up my zipper.

"Nice butt, " I heard her say as I sheepishly left the room. On one hand I felt a little used, like many women do. However, on the other hand I had just gotten a blowjob so who was I to complain. Still, it was something I hadn't expected or even wanted.

Chapter 2

I was still stunned as I entered the school dinning hall a few minutes later. The dinning hall is a large building with floor to ceiling windows on two sides. There was the general dining area for students and then a smaller room for the teachers. I stood in line and got my food then headed for the teacher's dining room. When I entered I looked around for anyone that I knew. I saw a pretty red haired girl waving to me from a table across the room. I made my way over and sat down at the table with several other people.

"Hi, " I said to the red headed girl. Then, I introduced myself to the people at the table, noting that they all appeared to be younger than I was. The young woman's name was Katie and she and I had met briefly several weeks ago during my whirlwind orientation. Unfortunately, I had been fast tracked for this job and did not have time to go through all the orientation that the new teachers typically were required to go through. Actually, it was quite strange because I had interviewed with Dean VanBuren and only one other person before being offered the job. It was late in the summer and I had no hopes that I would begin in the fall semester if I got the job. Then, when I got the letter notifying me that I was hired, I was shocked to say the least. I had to rush to find housing and move. I barely had time to say goodbye to friends before my life was uprooted. Later, as I found out, Dean VanBuren had quite a bit of pull within the University and had hand picked me.

In a few minutes of listening to the talk at the table, I found out more than I wanted to know about the gossip around campus. However, not all of it was bad. I learned that Katie also worked for Dean VanBuren. She had been with the school for three years. She seemed sweet and very approachable. The other three people worked in various departments and had all been with the school for five or six years. They seemed nice enough but somewhat standoffish. That was okay by me, I knew that I was from a different background than most people in the academic world.

Finally, the other teachers at the table finished lunch and left Katie and I alone.

"So, how is your day so far?" Katie asked with a bright smile.

I smiled back at the pretty girl, noting that she didn't look old enough to be teaching elementary school, let alone college. "I guess pretty good, " I said in a somewhat non-committal tone.

Katie looked at me funny and then said "Oh. You've been to see Dean VanBuren already huh!"

"How did you know?" I asked in shock.

"I've seen that look before. In fact, I've had that look before." She looked like she wanted to laugh but held back.

I'm sure my face showed shock. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Could she know what really happened? Or was she just assuming that I got the lecture on the rules? I had no idea.

Katie leaned closer to me and said, "You're not the first or the last to be called to her office. And, that won't be the last time you go there."

"What... what does that mean?" I asked, playing dumb. However, before she could answer, another teacher asked if he could sit down.

"Sure, " Katie said and turned to me to add, "I'll talk to you later."

The new arrival introduced himself as Professor Thorton. He was an intro level biology teacher and about my age. As we made small talk, I found myself distracted by Katie. She had to be twenty-five or six years old but looked 17. Her hair was bright red and her skin was a creamy white with freckles across her nose. Her eyes were so green that I thought she might be wearing colored contact lenses. She was a very pretty girl.

I learned in the course of the conversation that the Philosophy Department had seven teachers. That included Katie and myself. There were two older professors who were close to retirement. Another guy in his mid forties and two others, a man and a woman, that were in their thirties. I hadn't met any of them but figured that I would get the chance on Friday night at Dean VanBuren's house.

For the rest of the day I had a difficult time concentrating. I saw Dean VanBuren in the hall several times but we didn't speak. She would smile at me as we passed and her eyes would flash with passion.

The rest of the week was a great learning experience for me. I got to know several of the faculty as we ate in the dinning hall. However, Katie and I did not get a chance to talk privately again. She was always too busy, or maybe she was avoiding me.

My evenings were filled with getting settled in my apartment, which was a little upstairs flat in a large private home not far from campus, and arranging things like finding doctors and who to call for service etc. One evening I went out to get some fresh air and took a walk around the town. It was a beautiful college town with large oak tree lined streets and turn-of- the-century homes. It almost seemed like a Norman Rockwell drawing of Middle America. I liked the town and quickly felt very comfortable. Little did I know of the simmering decadence just below the surface.

The week seemed to fly by and before I knew it Friday was upon me. I was tired but exhilarated. I was still young enough to think that I could make a difference if I worked hard enough. I truly believe that I have made a difference. However, there were a lot of bumps in the road.

When I left my apartment for the party that evening, I felt like I was walking on air. It was a warm evening so I decided to walk the mile or so to the Dean's residence. I didn't have a car anyway so the only other choice was to take a cab or ride my bicycle. Neither seemed appropriate. I was wearing a long sleeved blue oxford shirt, a pair of kaki pants with brown Dockers with no socks. I felt pretty cool... I was a college teacher-a very important person in this town.

As I cut across the campus I stopped a student and asked which house was Dean VanBuren's. He pointed to a large colonial home just outside the gate. I thanked him and walked on, whistling. As I approached the house, I could see that it was a far bigger house than I imagined. It looked more like the home that the president of the college would live in instead of the Dean of Philosophy. However, I learned later that Abigail VanBuren was the great granddaughter of the man that started the college. I would have been more worried about what happened earlier in the week had I known that Abigail was not only filthy rich but also the most powerful woman in town or on campus. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

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Higher EducationPart 4

It was barely light outside when I slipped my arm from around Abigail and crawled out of her bed. I dressed quietly, wrote a note to her and left it on the nightstand. I thanked Abigail for a delightful evening and said I would see her on Monday. As I left the house I decided to slip around to the back to see if Maria was up yet. She was an early riser so I thought I would take a chance. The truth was that I couldn't wait to tell her the good news about her boyfriend. I saw that there was a...

4 years ago
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Higher EducationPart 5

I entered my morning class a little late on Thursday and was surprised to see that Molly wasn't there. When she didn't show up by the time the class was over, I began to get a little concerned. She was normally very reliable and, so far, hadn't missed a class. It was nearly eleven thirty and I was still in my office when Molly walked in. I was relieved when I looked up and saw the pretty co-ed. "There you are Molly. I was a little worried about you." She looked a little frazzled as she...

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My Fucking Adventures 8211 Part II

Hi friends!This is nilu again..After the khandala incident my life had completely changed.When i reached home, i hugged my dad as i entered my house. mom was sleeping inside still she was ill.i felt something strange in my dad’s behavior.while hugging he placed one of his hand on my ass and hugged me tightly.this was something he hasnt done it before.however, i took it casually and went inside still remembering my fucking adventure with ajit uncle. it made me wet again.I kept my bags in my room...

4 years ago
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South Beach Marcie Cheats

Javon's parents sold a company that they had started and built for years. They are now wealthy, but still want to live a normal life. He is their only child who was born later in their lives. Although spoiled as a child, his parents raised him to be a responsible adult. He and his family moved to Miami to escape the cold Chicago winters. Javon's first week was spent at a hotel right across the street from South Beach.Javon's first sexual experience was with a woman named Josie and her...

4 years ago
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Turned Legal

You are an 18-year-old girl named Alice. You stand in front of the mirror crying. "That bitch!" you shout and hit the sink with the palm of your hand. "I wish he didn't want her anymore. I wish no one loved her and everyone loved me." You imagine how it would be to be wanted, no! needed by everyone. You would never be chosen second. No one would ever cheat on you. You could do anything you wanted. You stand there, crying for some time, before washing your face and going to sleep.

3 years ago
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Naked With Her DogChapter 8

Janey balled Rodney on Saturday night, and two nights later was over at Margaret's. The other woman let her in the front door of the little house with a great little smile and real diamonds of excitement in her moist, slitted eyes. She was smaller through and through than Janey'd remembered, just enough to make her fine- boned body feel engulfed by Janey's hug in response to her. She thought she looked good leading the way down the hall quickly, talking over her shoulder to make Janey...

2 years ago
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It wasn't supposed to be like this. Not at all. It was ridiculous, actually. Katherine knelt there passively, with everyone watching, while Jessica poured warm chocolate sauce down the front of her dress. Katherine cursed herself for allowing it all to happen. It had begun as a silly idea. Leigh-Ann brought it up over a mouthful of dim sum. The trays of food released their spiced steam into the already humid air of Katherine's conservatory. Rare orchids and tropical flowers always seemed to...

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Fantasy Gang Bang

At my dom's house.I am dress in a corset and thigh-high fishnets with lacy see-through black panties. My eyes are painted and lined and my nails are freshly polished. I am clean and smooth from head to toe. I am wearing my studded metal bitch collar, and my dom holds the leash. I am a little nervous but excited. His job is to put me in heat.He does so with the skill he always displays. With gentle hands, he caresses my shoulders and arms. The back of his hand lightly strokes my cheeks. ...

2 years ago
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Popular 3

I've already gotten more response to the second part than the first; that's why I wrote part 3 so much more quickly. It's still going to be a while before Tom isn't Tom, but a slut on his knees. Please keep telling me what you think, and if you have any requests. By the way: I'm a tall, thin, finely featured man with a secret desire to be treated like the slut I feel I am. I live in the NYC area. If anyone has any advice, I'd be ever so grateful. [email protected] Popular...

3 years ago
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Mama Papa und das Sissy Baby

Ich lebe noch immer mit meiner Stiefmutter in einem Haus. F?r mich war sie immer die Mama. Mama weckte mich und mein Bett war klatsch nass. Ich kann nicht sagen ob es daran lag das wir erst vor ein paar Monaten umgezogen sind oder an was auch immer aber es war mir mehr wie peinlich, denn ich war schon 22 Jahre alt. Mama zog das Bett ab. Am Abend setzten wir uns dann zusammen aufs Sofa. Sie sagte: Also ich finde wir m?ssen was ?ndern. Dann zeigte sie mir eine Windel und legte sie auf den T...

4 years ago
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Village Sex Slave

Well this was supposed to be summer, and all it seemed to do was rain. We had been trying to get a long weekend away for the last couple of months. Finally, the forecast was looking good for the forthcoming weekend, so arrangements were made. My husband and I decided to go down south for three days of fun and sex. We made our way down on the Thursday evening and booked into a small hotel in a fishing village on the coast. Friday was spent walking on the beach and sunbathing. I decided to do...

2 years ago
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Stewies Day in Hell Family Guy 2

shoved up against his father's pube's, and his flaccid cock still in his mouth. After the fucking he just got from his dog he felt so scared and confused. All he could do was suck on Peters cock like a pacifier. Brian stood over him, wondering how he should torture the baby next, when chris walked down the stairs. The sight of Brians hard dick hanging out of it's sheath, along seeing his baby brothers face shoved up against his fathers crotch, made him hornier then he has ever...

1 year ago
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FamilySwap Ashley Wolf Destiny Cruz Fighting Over The Bed

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Destiny Crus and her new swap brother Joshua Lewis are supposed to learn how to be a family. They haven’t even spent a night in the house and they’re already fighting, though. They both want the same bedroom, and Destiny is prepared to do whatever it takes to get her way. She crawls into bed fully clothed to try to stake her claim, but Joshua climbs in right after...

3 years ago
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Missing MagazinesChapter 2

My cock was throbbing with excitement. I needed a quick release; but first, I had to retire to the solitude of my room. I crawled back to my room and once inside, I locked it carefully. I quickly began to undress in the darkness. Having stripped off my shorts and vest, I turned on the night lamp. Standing in front of the mirror provided in the door of my cupboard, I looked at my reflection. "Not bad." I thought, admiring my rigid boner. I didn't know about the size of the biggest and the...

1 year ago
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The Owl House Girls in Diapers

Thanks to the abundance of magic, the Demon Realm is full of possibilities when it comes to ABDL stories. But why exactly would any of these girls be wearing diapers? Could the biology of a witch differ from a human? Maybe someone was cursed? Maybe they just need them? The decision, my friend, is up to you. (NOTE: All age play involved is non-sexual in nature. Characters in this story MUST be written as 18 years old or older, and obviously, from the show The Owl House. Additions are more than...

2 years ago
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Night with Lucy

We have been talking for two years now and you finally worked up the courage to come visit me when I'm in uni in Scotland. Instead of renting a hotel room you just stay in the spare room of my flat.Lucy is a 5 foot 5 brunette with 36D breasts, a slim figure and an ass that could knock you off your feet.You arrive at the bus station and I meet you there. We hug for ages, then I grab your bag and walk you back to mine to relax. You get to mine and go to get comfy. You put on a baggy t-shirt and a...

Straight Sex
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Prologue: "Michelle? Did you lose a bet or something sweetie?" "Very funny, Jen. No, I have to stop at Uncle Randy's and pick up the suitcases Mom lent him. He won't even open the door for me unless I'm dressed the way god intended. I've got too much going on today to put up with that shit." "Sorry, as they say, you can't pick your relatives." "Yeah, I certainly wouldn't have picked him. Anyway, I've got the nail dryers we borrowed. Thank you so much, that wedding party nearly...

2 years ago
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The Ugly OneChapter 12

The doubts returned when I awoke. Did yesterday really happen? Was it real? Had the women really found me attractive enough to sleep with, or were they just acting? I couldn't tell about the last one. I knew that any decent courtesan was capable of good acting, and they could have certainly faked part of their reactions before and during the orgy. Maybe despite my protestations, they had fucked me as a favor to Tamara. Or Summer. Maybe they considered me ugly, but as 'professionals, '...

2 years ago
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Bureaucracy 1

She rises at approximately 7am. With some effort she rights her aching body, peels away her warm night clothes, and drifts towards the shower. The hot water wakes her gently, as images from the past night's dreams begin to reassemble.As the lust percolating in her unconscious begins to pour its way down into her body, she feels swollen in her own hands. Her ass and breasts seem heavy, ripe.Her heart flutters as she steps to the glass wall and pins her arm against it. With her hand trapped over...

1 year ago
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Friends Finally Become More

This is my first submission although I’ve enjoyed reading hundreds of stories. Please give me feed back and don’t forget to vote ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I’m sitting next to Eleanor on the sofa and stare longingly at her as she looks toward the TV. We’re both quite drunk although Eleanor more so than I. it’s late, around 4am and we just got back from the club, we originally planned to go back and meet everyone else at Eleanor’s flat, her boyfriend and the rest of our mates had left the club around...

2 years ago
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Younger Hotwifes craving

So my gorgeous younger mid 30's Hotwife is having one of her "I want to fuck with your head" evenings! She's dressed in her black latex dress (that barely covers her perky arse), hold up stockings and heels on, shes in the mood & I know it. She tells me to strip, which I do, she throws a pair of her knickers at me & tells me to put them on, which again I do without hesitation. She tells me to bend over then whacks me a number of times with her paddle until my arse is red, she then...

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Losing my virginity to the football team

I was saving my virginity for Brent. We were both virgins, or at least that was what I thought. "Brent, be gentle with me, okay? I'm scared!" I pleaded to Brent. My best friend Ashley told me that when she lost her virginity, she told her boyfriend to slow down, but he couldn't control himself. She told me that "useful" information the day before I was planning on losing my virginity to Brent. Brent sat me down on the benches that the boys had in the changing...

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Blondies Midnight Snack

I wake with a need, one I can’t explain, but it hurts. It hurts deep inside, you know the type of pain only a lover can help relieve. I watch him sleep, and he is perfectly beautiful in the moon light. I notice the time, it’s late, close to 3:00 in the morning. I can’t help it, I need him. He is sleeping on his back, wearing nothing, as he always does. He looks so peaceful, it’s a shame I’m about to wake him, but I can’t deny this need. I let my hand slide down towards his cock, feeling it in...

2 years ago
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Bad Influence

Adding chapters to this story is encouraged. When writing a chapter keep in mind that Kim shouldn't be able to turn May back to her old ways overnight. It'll take time to get May back to her old slutty self. Pretty much anything goes in terms of story paths. A path where Kim winds up failing? go for it. Kim can do anything to get May back and May can be dragged through a lot (in due time of course). As for Kim's reminiscing, i'll add those chapters throughout as her plan to re-corrupt May...

3 years ago
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Love Her So Much To Let Her Free

hi am married guy of 30 years. to be frank i’ve had this cuck desires for quiet a long time now. it got real recently and I will share you my experience here. We are Keralites settled in Mumbai. My Wife is 25 years, good looking. To describe her.. shes 5’4”ht (almost same as me), fair slightly tanned complexion. Her body measures are 34c 30 36. She is a shy Kerala house wife. As a person she is a playful girl with her own set of kink n naughty stuff. Not at all a flirt or not even good at...

2 years ago
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The Dead Hand

It is difficult to keep the spectre of death at the front of one’s mind. Eventually, a human being can adapt to anything. Your first few weeks working at a nuclear launch facility, the dread of having to perform your duty weigh heavily on the mind. But after months without incident, even this occupation becomes mundane. No longer do the air-conditioned concrete hallways chill one’s bones. Instead, they are an inconvenience to be kept at bay by an extra layer or two. Drills become a chore,...

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Doctor Secrets Incident 8211 Part I

First of all thanks to ISS for keeping such a website where real people can share their real experiences. Of late I started reading stories from almost one year from now; but never shared my own stories. So I think it’s my time to share all my incidents with the girls, mentioning that every incident in doctor secrets are 100% real and happened in my life so far. I came from city of destiny (VISHAKAPATNAM/VIZAG) which having beautiful seashore. Due to various circumstances I couldn’t get into...

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Dear Johnpart 8 of 15

PART 8 OF 15 --- CHAPTER 22I wheeled myself across the floor waiting for I knew not what. Was I being unreasonable? I supposed that on any number of levels I was. But, all of that being true, it was also true that I was right! I was going to be relegated to second class citizenship; and while I was willing to accept the truth of that, I was not willing to accept any pretense that such was not the case.They’d done so much for me that I was willing to accept my status. Yes I was. But I was going...

1 year ago
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Mrs P Drops By For Tea

If you are given an opportunity to play out your fantasies, you may find that following through might just be one of the hardest decisions you make in your life. But when you take that leap of faith, you may find yourself pleasantly surprised, and pleasantly fulfilled… This is the story of an encounter that happened to me not so long ago. The agony of this encounter was not having anyone to share it with. It was a decision wracked with the anxiety, the fear, and eventually the sweet reciprocity...

1 year ago
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Meine ersten Erfahrungen mit einem Mann

Es fing alles so an, dass ich immer schon gerne Pornos geguckt habe und dabei viel mir auf, dass fast in jedem Porno immer der Schwanz ganz groß dabei ist. Ich fand es immer geil diese dicken Dinger anzugucken. Besonder wenn eine Frau anal genommen wurde oder mit den Füßen einen Pimmel gewixxt hat. Also hab ich aus Spaß im Suff einfach mal eine Anzeige geschaltet, dass ich einen ältern Herrn suche der mir sein Ding zeigt usw. Daraufhin meldete sich Tobi. Tobi beschrieb sich als normalo Mitte 50...

3 years ago
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A Christmas Conversation

A Christmas Conversation Katie Leone Chapter One Kathleen walked down the hall of the church towards the pastor's office. It was a meeting that was a long time in the making, but it was one that she was dreading. She listened to the sound of her heels clicking against the highly polished tile floor and imagined a clock ticking down towards zero hour. Church was an important part of her life; she couldn't deny that, but Jessie was the most important. Kathleen paused and...

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My out of controle wife story two

To under stand this story please read the first story of my out of control wife. As I said in the first story my wife Kim is 30, she has long dark brown hair, brown eyes, with a set of 41c breast which look out of place on her slim body and seem to just hypnotize men. Two weeks had passed since Kim’s adventure in New Orleans and we have had sex every night. We haven’t used the green potion but the tape excites Kim because every time she watches it she is ready to jump my bones. We were talking...

Group Sex
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A day shopping1

They talk about their little adventure fondly as they are driving home. They pull into a fast food drive thru and order a couple drinks. Mary, still feeling horny, remembers one of Davids fantasies. As they are waiting for the car ahead of them to get their order, she leans over,unfastens David's pants, pulls his dick out and starts to give him a blowjob. When they pull up to the window she starts bobbing up and down with more enthusiasm, and starts making all kinds of slurping and moaning...

2 years ago
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That Bitch Really Helped Me

Hey all, This is my first sex story, looking to write more in the future. I’m a straight guy in Pune that loves one on one, threesomes and orgies. Hit me up on So I’m a student studying engineering and I came back home for my vacations and internship. The internship was in a factory situated on the outskirts of town and the travel used to really kill me. I used to come back and just sleep like a log after work. One day a friend suggested we chill at a local pub and I hadn’t had any pussy in...

4 years ago
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Good Day in the Park

Posted: 5/6/2013 6:41:18 PM Comments: 12 Votes: 63 Rating: 4/5 I love getting fucked in public places, plain and simple: parks, rest areas, back alleys, truck stops, bookstores, etc. I'm a bit of an exhibitionist and voyuer, so if I don't get any, I may be lucky enough to see someone else getting some.I parked my car in the lot and headed for the paths at one of the local parks. I encountered a few guys, but they didn't seem interested. The park was busy today!From the paved path, I...

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Michelles Gift part 1

‘I’m so glad you could make it!’ exclaimed Michelle when she saw Siobhan and Siobhan’s boyfriend walk into the bar. ‘Well, you didn’t think I’d miss your birthday, silly! Sorry we’re late.’ Siobhan gave a wry smile and then turned toward the tall, black man accompanying her. ‘Michelle, I want you to meet,’ ‘Brian,’ Michelle finished the introduction for her friend. ‘It is very nice to meet you, I’ve heard so much about you.’ ‘All good I hope,’ chuckled Brian. Basically the extent of what...

2 years ago
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Daddys Story Chapter One

Introduction: After the end of his marriage, a father goes down an unexpected path. As I drove down I-75 toward a small town outside of Lima Ohio, I wondered if I was making the right decision. Friends and family members have put the majority of my recent decisions in the bad idea pile. They included ending my marriage, quitting a well paying job, and my choice of company. Due to these actions a lot of friends became former friends. Others said I was becoming a different person. They were...

4 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 51

The weekend was mostly spent relaxing with the Littlebuck family and visiting old friends. Kent and Karen were glad to see me, and they even told me they were closing the restaurant the next month. Apparently, the food business had been rough, but they were making a good income from the store part. In fact, they were going to open a game store just a few blocks away. “When we did the taxes for last year, the game part actually grossed more once the expenses were removed. So we started...

1 year ago
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InterracialPickups Sidra Sage 12312020

Sidra is super horny for her Handsome Doctor so she always goes to see him just to take off her clothes and have him look at her pussy and ass. This week her doctor has a new intern, so he is filming the interactions to give him pointers on his bedside manner. As Sidra goes through her usual horseplay making the doctor take a close look at her mouth, pussy and ass to make sure everything is ok, Dr. Prince pulls his intern aside and tells him this is the girl he’s always telling him about...


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