Niece on a BoatChapter 11 Dive
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The doorbell ringing at 9:45 that Wednesday evening initiated the unraveling of my wife's deception, although she did not realize it yet.
I answered the door to find myself facing a man and a woman dressed in reasonably normal business attire, although the clothing was somewhat out of style and obviously well-worn. I immediately got the idea that these two were with the police; not so much from their appearances, but from the fact that this was the week that Frank and I had agreed upon to execute our campaign of payback.
"Good evening, Sir," said the woman. "Are you Mr. Douglas Franklin?"
"Yeah, I am Doug Franklin. May I ask who you are and what this visit to my house at this time of evening ... unannounced as well, I might add ... is all about?" I had to play the ignorant fool, even though I had a good idea what was coming next.
"Who is it, Honey?" came the voice of Joyce, my wife ... the lying, deceitful ... well, anyway ... she had been really nervous all evening ... more about her later. She was wiping her hands on a kitchen towel as she came into the front room into which the front doorway opened.
"I don't know yet ... Sweetheart," I said, trying to keep the sarcasm out of my voice. As she came up beside me, she had a frown on her face.
"Are you Mrs. Joyce Franklin?" asked the woman at the door, shifting her attention from me to my wife. The man with her still had not said anything and looked bored--if anything--with the whole situation.
"Look," I said, trying to feign annoyance and cover my inner glee at what I suspected this was about, "you have been asking questions here on my front porch and have yet to tell me just who you are and what this is about."
With a resigned sigh, the woman withdrew her hand from her shoulder bag; and the man behind her pulled his hand out of the inside pocket of his sport jacket. When they both flipped their hands in what appeared to be a synchronized and practiced manner, two police badges caught the illumination of the front porch light fixture.
I heard Joyce, my wife, groan to herself as the woman said, "I am Detective Sergeant O'Neal and this is Detective Scurry, and we are investigating an assault that occurred earlier today. And we would like to ask you and Mrs. Franklin some questions."
I had practiced my put-on expression of surprise a couple of times over the past few days in front of the mirror, and now was the opportunity to see if it went over without arousing any suspicions.
"What assault? And why would you believe that my wife or I would know anything about such a thing?" I said with rising irritation--also well-practiced--in my expression and voice.
I glanced around to look at Joyce and saw that her face had lost all color and that she wore an expression of stark terror. She was looking away from all of us and appeared to be about to hyperventilate.
The male detective spoke up at this point. "The assault took place early this afternoon, resulting in severe trauma to the victim. In one of his few lucid moments before he went in for surgery, he identified Joyce Franklin as the primary witness to what happened to him. This has also been corroborated by several other witnesses at the scene of the event in question."
Still pretending ignorance and surprise, I said, "Who was this ... victim? I mean ... my wife ... the primary witness ... what... ?" At this, I paused--just as an honestly startled husband should pause--and continued to play the role of the ignorant fool, as part of the scene that was now bringing my wife's little secret world down around her ears.
"Mrs. Franklin, what is nature of your relationship with a Mr. William Gerardo, and what were you and he doing together when he was assaulted in the back parking lot of the Newton Motel on King Street this afternoon?" asked the Detective Sergeant O'Neal.
Well! That was blatant. She was obviously going for shock and awe.
There is was; out in the open. No getting away from it now.
Joyce let out an anguished sob and it appeared as if she were going to pass out.
I just turned my head slowly back toward my wife and looked at her with an expression of curiosity and surprise (at least I hope I did okay with those looks), that slowly turned to alarm and then anger, as she began to bawl openly and back away slowly from me.
Fridays are usually a bit less hectic than the other work days in the week, so I was not particularly busy that day in the middle of the afternoon when my secretary, Jan, told me that I had a call on line 1.
"Frank Simmons," I said.
"Mr. Simmons, this is Deputy Gibson, with the Cherokee County Sherriff's Office. Could I schedule a few moments of your time this afternoon or evening?" said the husky voice on the other end of the call.
"Deputy Gibson, I don't understand. Just what is the nature of your request?" I asked, already realizing that Doug must have held up his end of the bargain already if I was getting a call like this one.
"I'd rather wait and tell you in person, Mr. Simmons. Could I drop by your residence later to speak to you this afternoon or evening? Also, it might be best if Mrs. Simmons is available for this as well; in fact, she really needs to be there for this meeting," he said somewhat evasively.
I was glad that he could not see the smile of satisfaction on my face as I said, "Well, I must say that I am confused, but curious. Of course, you may come by. Is 7:00 okay? My wife, Sybil, works during the day, but she is usually at home in the late afternoon and evening. We both should be home by the time you get there."
"7:00 p.m. it is, Mr. Simmons. See you then." And then the connection was broken.
I hung up the phone, swung my chair around, stood up, and took a deep, satisfying breath as I gazed out the window of my office.
"Tonight, Bitch. It all comes out in the open tonight," I thought.
Then I realized that I would have to play out my part completely. I would have to call home to alert Sybil to the coming visit of a Sherriff's Deputy or else she might suspect ... rightly ... that I was setting her up.
The home phone rang four times and went to voicemail. This was strange; Sybil was supposed to be home by this time of the afternoon. Maybe she was simply in the bathroom. I called again five minutes later and got the same result. I waited ten more minutes and then I left a message telling her that I would be home at about 6:15 and told her about the call from Deputy Gibson and my lack of knowledge about anything concerning the pending visit.
As I hung up, I grinned to myself as I thought about how oh, so like an unsuspecting husband I had sounded as I had left that message with just the right amount of concern in my voice.
Back to Wednesday:
I had allowed the fury that had built up within me to be let out in the form of ranting and yelling at my cowering and crying bride. To ensure that I did nothing more than scream, I made sure to vent my feelings to the fullest all while Detectives O'Neal and Scurry were still around to serve as protectors of Joyce, and witnesses to my restraint in not getting physical with her.
After I had finished my histrionics and had visibly calmed down, and after giving the detectives all the answers that I could provide, I had left the front room and gone upstairs. There, since I had already pretty well decided what I was planning to pack to take with me, the hasty packing of clothes and toiletries was easy.
Then I had to make a great show of leaving. It did not take long before I was stomping down the stairs dramatically with my suitcase in hand and my backpack with my laptop computer and some documents I would need for a few days.
Joyce was still caterwauling on the sofa in the front room.
As the story had come out, with the help of the two detectives, it would seem that my wife had been to the Newton Motel twice in her life. On both occasions, she had been there to have sex with one Bill Gerardo. The end of the second visit had been rather more eventful than she had ever imagined or expected.
It would seem that, after Gerardo and she had left the motel room today and had split up to go to their separate cars, a hooded man had appeared from behind a van parked next to Gerardo's Lexus, surprising Gerardo when he was turned toward his car. The unidentified man had carried a baseball bat in one hand and had not appeared to care that Joyce saw him.
For the next few minutes, the hooded man had beaten Gerardo severely, badly bruising his ribs, breaking his left arm and right leg, and paying special attention to Gerardo's groin area once the victim was on the ground. Following the beating, strangely, the assailant had not attempted to rob Gerardo. He had simply looked up at Joyce with the bat propped on his shoulder and had shaken his head at her. Joyce, for her part, had remained frozen in place and speechless with terror.
After the hooded man had turned and run to the lot of the adjacent convenience store and had disappeared behind it, several people had begun to notice the wounded Gerardo and one or two had come over to help. Two others had simply stood back and taken cell phone pictures and video.
People had finally noticed Joyce standing there, recognizing that she had been there with Gerardo, and several phones had captured her image.
According to witnesses, she had finally broken free of the grip of her terror and had turned in panic to get into her Corolla. It had take quite a bit of frantically trying to get the key in the lock before she was able to get the door unlocked and open, and then to scramble in and get the car started. Once the engine had finally turned over, she had sped away from the lot, with one or two people's phones capturing images of her car, including her license place.
It seems that, according to Detectives O'Neal and Scully, Mr. Gerardo had drifted in and out of consciousness on his way to the hospital in the ambulance and had said the words, "Joyce" and "Amy" alternately. He had been awake only once in the regional hospital's ER long enough to answer a couple of questions for police and mention Joyce Franklin's name before he was being wheeled into surgery.
"So, Mrs. Franklin ... once again, I need to ask ... what was the nature of your meeting with Mr. Gerardo?" Detective O'Neal had asked with an expressionless look at my wife.
"I ... I..." she had swallowed and had looked at me with the saddest expression I had ever seen her wear. She had then whispered, "Doug ... I am so sorry ... I..." Then she had looked away and begun crying again.
Only when I had begun yelling at her, asking what the hell this had all been about had she finally relented and admitted that she had been at the hotel with Gerardo for sex, but I had been too incensed to listen to her when she had tried to say, "But it is not what you think..."
Yeah, I had thought; right out of the infidelity manual of instructions, under things to say when you get caught cheating. That was when I had begun to put on my show of going upstairs to pack and leave.
I was remembering all this as I drove away from our home of the previous four years--one year of living together followed by three years of supposedly happy marriage--after only about a half hour following the arrival of the two detectives. Now, I was headed to my already-arranged hotel room for a week's stay.
Regardless of how things turned out when all this was over, I needed to be away from the house right now in order to keep alive the subterfuge. I also had to prepare myself psychologically to carry through on my part of the agreement with Frank. I had to get my 'game face' on.
Forward to Friday again:
When I got home Friday afternoon, after having received the call from Deputy Gibson, I discovered several not really surprising--or unexpected--things.
First, Sybil, my wife of eight years, was not there. Her car was not there either. After I had dropped my gym bag and had stopped in the kitchen to grab a Yuengling out of the fridge, I had looked at the wall phone in the kitchen and had seen the blinking light--no doubt indicating my voicemail message from earlier.
Passing through the den, I got the impression that something was slightly out of kilter, but I was still too jacked up with anger to dwell on it. I climbed the stairs to our bedroom and sat down on the bed to take off my shoes. I stripped off my shirt and tossed it toward the hamper--missing it, of course. I took down my pants and, when I went to hang them up in the closet, I noticed that Sybil's clothes were gone.
I sighed and turned back to the bedroom. Looking in her dresser, I saw that all her underwear and stuff was gone too. When I got back downstairs after dressing in some slacks and a polo shirt, along with my moccasins and no socks, I then realized why the den had been different--several knickknacks, pictures, and other items of Sybil's were missing.
Ah, well. Good riddance, I guess. I should have been sad; after all we had spent a quarter of our lives together. But I was still just too pissed at the time; and, after all, I still had a part to play in front of Deputy Gibson when he got here in a little while.
"Mr. Simmons," Deputy Gibson asked, "when did you find out about your wife's affair with Mr. Philip Avery?"
"My wife's ... what ... affair? Avery?" I put on the well-practiced confused and surprised look. "You mean ... my wife is cheating on me? Who... ?"
Then I gave a visible deep inhalation of breath, closed my eyes for a second, and did my best to appear to be trying to remain calm--although I was laughing my ass off inside.
"Before you said anything just now, Deputy, I had no idea that my ... wife was having an affair." Then I opened my eyes and looked at him, after having rubbed my eyes with the forefinger and thumb of my right hand; the forefinger and thumb that I had coated in Tabasco sauce right before the Deputy had rung my doorbell. My eyes were now visibly red and tears were forming when I addressed him.
"I guess that her ... lover ... is this ... what did you say his name was ... Avery?" He nodded slightly. I whispered as I sat down heavily, "No. I ... I had no idea."
"May I speak to Mrs. Simmons, Sir?" Gibson asked. "Maybe she can shed some light on our investigation. Is she here? We will need her statement as well."
I shook my head and tried to appear dazed. "She ... when I got home, she was gone; along with all her things. I ... I guess she has left me. That's all I can make of this." Now was the time to switch gears emotionally, if I were to carry this off for the benefit of the Deputy. It was time for the aggrieved husband to strike out in righteous anger.
"Just WHEN did the Sherriff's office begin investigating the dalliances of slut wives who whore themselves out while their ... BELOVED and trusting fools of husbands work to provide for them?" I stood and began to pace and wave my arms to add to the dramatic look of things. Then I paused to give the Deputy my best snarling look.
He was obviously a veteran of many of these types of situations, as he was not fazed a bit. In fact, he looked slightly bored by the whole thing.
"Mr. Simmons, we do not investigate cases of adultery, or 'dalliances, ' as you call them. But we do investigate matters when those dalliances may be the instigating cause behind felony aggravated assault and battery, and possibly attempted murder," he said without raising his voice one bit. But he was watching me closely as he said all this.
Once again, I put on the surprised look. To quote Captain Renault from the movie, Casablanca, silently in my head, "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here."
"Deputy, I am shocked ... absolutely shocked to find out that my wife has been cheating on me. But, do you really think that she hurt her lover; tried to kill him?" I asked, knowing how ridiculous it sounded.
Deputy Gibson almost smiled as he drawled out, "Noooo. I don't think that she did anything like that. What I am trying to find out is just who else might have had a motive to do something like that. For instance," here he looked piercingly at me, "the aggrieved husband, maybe?"
Okay, it's Oscar time!
"Wh ... I ... Deputy, I assure you; I had no idea that this ... affair was going on. And I CERTAINLY am not a violent man. And just when did this assault supposedly take place, if I may ask?"
Deputy Gibson paused for about ten seconds; obviously gauging my response and thinking about just how much to tell me as he assessed my possible guilt in this matter. "It took place at a motel parking lot out on Lone Tree Road at about eight-thirty yesterday evening.
"It seems that the motel has a bar attached to it; and the victim, Mr. Philip Avery, was a regular there, often meeting with Mrs. Simmons, I am sad to report." Deputy Gibson really did not look sad at all about telling me this. Then he continued.
"He had only had two drinks yesterday evening, in the company of your wife, I might add. They both seemed agitated, according to the bartender. They finished their drinks, and then he walked out to his car in the parking lot just a few minutes after she had left on her own.
"An eyewitness in the parking lot says that a man wearing a black ski mask, and wielding what looked like a baseball bat, assaulted Mr. Avery by striking him high in the back. Then, once the victim was on the ground, the masked man proceeded to beat Mr. Avery all over his body. He avoided the head, but seemed to take particular delight in striking Mr. Avery's testacles." Here the Deputy paused and seemed to wait for me to show some sign of emotion--maybe shock, outrage, or guilt.
"It's been our experience, Mr. Simmons," Gibson continued again, "that this type of attack, and the physical targeting of the beating, is indicative of a cuckold husband taking his revenge on his wife's lover."
I couldn't help myself. I actually flinched at the word 'cuckold.' But, other than that, I was able to maintain my expression, combining innocence and incredulity at my circumstances.
"Deputy," I finally said, "I ... I am still trying to process all of this, so forgive me if I sound strained right now. I mean ... what with my wife leaving me ... and finding out..." I let my voice trail off.
Nodding in feigned sympathy, the Deputy gave me a look that hinted at the idea of, 'Go on ... and?' obviously looking to see if I would rise to the bait and maybe confess to something.
"I can assure you that I had no connection to the incident you have described last night..." I said with a sigh, "other than the connection that you have alleged about my ... wife's knowledge and ... relationship with this guy, Avery. But, last night, I was in my office with my office manager, Janet Barkley, finalizing our business tax filing documents until almost ten p.m. Just contact her, and she can verify my whereabouts during the time frame that you describe."
Deputy Gibson simply nodded and said, "Yeah; I already talked to her just after you left your office this afternoon and before coming over here. She already provided you with your alibi."
Now, I had to show anger in order not to give away anything else. "What do you mean; you ... you already talked to her? Then, what was all this about asking me all of these questions, and hinting that maybe I was involved?"
"Hey, hey, Mr. Simmons," Gibson said, now stepping back and leaning back a bit to give himself some room to react if I got violent with him. "We have to check out everything in these cases. And, you have to understand that, based on many past cases of this type, the aggrieved husband is usually the primary suspect until something else comes up."
"And now, I presume, something else has come up? I mean now that you know where I was during this assault?" I asked, still showing anger, but demonstrating restraint as well.
"Let's just say that we now need to pursue other avenues of investigation, and leave it at that ... for now," he said. Ah, still trying to rattle me.
"Well," I had to do the 'indignant' bit now. "If you have anything more to suspect me of, and you wish to ask me anything, you can do so through my lawyer!"
"Calm down, Mr. Simmons," Gibson said, with the upraised hands, trying to pretend that he meant to ease my hurt feelings with his gesture, and still not raising his voice. "I don't think it will come to that. By the way, if Mrs. Simmons DOES contact you, I would ask that you tell her to contact the Cherokee County Sherriff's Office, and I would ask you to let me know too about any contact with her." At this, he handed me his card.
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Elegant and thicc Bella Rolland plays with her pussy and licks a clear anal toy. She wraps her fingers around Mark Wood’s dick alluringly to give him a blowjob. He fucks her cunt doggie-style, making Bella squeal in pleasure. Mark pokes her tight sphincter, filling her butthole with hard meat. Bella masturbates her sensitive clit while his thick prick works inside her asshole! Her eyes roll back in her head as she sits on his big dong, and her bunghole gapes. Bella gives him a raunchy rim...
xmoviesforyouHello dosto, Mera name amool hai. Mein jo kahani bataney ja rha hu wo sachi story hai jo mere sath hua hai. Abhi meri age 32 hai. Yey bat us waqt ki hai jab mey 23 sal ka tha aur mere mom dad ki road accident mey death ho gayee thi. Uskey bad mein aur meri choti sister (neha) akley ho gayee thee. Us waqt meri sister ki age 19 sal kit hi. Mom dad key bad humlog key chacha humlog ki dekh rekh kartey thee. Per unki najar meri sister per pari thi. Aur chacha aur chachi jab icha hota ghar key ander...
Hi friends I am new here and I am working. I am from punjab this is my first story read it enjoy it humnee naya makan liya tha to hum abi shift nhi huye the us makan me per kabhi kabar dekhne ko jate the or dhire saara samaan lakar rakh rhe the ek bar main apne makan mein naye bed rakhwane gya to beds ko fit b karna tha to carpenter ko fit karna tha to usne bola ki nishan lagane ke liye thoda sa fevicol ya paste chahiye to hmare ghr to filhal kuch nhi tha 1-2 dafa jaane se padosoyion se jaan...
I was hanging out with my bff Jill at the mall one night before going to her house for a sleepover. We had a blast shopping for cute little outfits and pointing out to each other which boys were checking us out. Jill and I are both 16 and we’ve known each other since we were little, but that’s pretty much the only thing about us that’s the same. Jill is a tall brunette with a slender body, perky B-cup breasts, and killer long legs. I’m a petite blonde with a bubble butt and D-cups. ...
Suddenly the sounds of an oboe played by Mimi and a viola played by Nina were heard, along with a clacking board like in Kabuki, played by Yoshi, a Japanese male friend of Carol's from Vancouver. Cameras controlled by Anita and Carl were taken in hand and Bella, a tall Jewish brunette, another friend of Justin's from San Francisco took hold of the portable tape machine and the carefully controlled boom mic. In the middle of the gathering, Jordan and Caleb sang a duet of love, stripping each...
"Good morning, students and staff," Holloway was just beginning. "This morning we have another student who's in The Program and who'd like to present some information about himself. As with Dee, who spoke yesterday, I'm hoping this will cut down on repetitive questions and answers that waste time for everyone. Go ahead, Ben." "Uh, hi, my name is Ben Daire. A lot of you know me," he began. "Now that I'm in The Program, I guess everybody knows that I have two cocks. At least,...
Mera naam mahesh hai. Mere ghar main main, mere 2 bade bhai aur mom, papa aur 2 badi bahan hai. Papa service karte hai, ek bade bhai scientist hai jo Bangalore main hai aur dusare bade bhai ph.D. Kar rahe hai aur conferences main busy rahate hai. Meri mom aur ek badi bahen gaon par mere grand parents ke care ke liye gaon par rahate hai. Mere saath meri ek badi bahen, papa aur ek bhai total 4 log rahate hai. Mere age 20 saal ka hai aur pure family main chhota hun isi wajah se main sabaka dulara...
I decide to cut my last two classes and head home, as I sneaked off the campus another class mate name Benny W. called out to me. 'David, where you headed man.'I looked back to see him scurrying after me, as he caught up to me I said 'I'm going home early,' he looked at me and smiling said 'let's go over to my house, I have the new PAC-man game,' Since this was the rage I quickly agreed. We hurried through streets and made it to Benny's home, we entered and Benny assured me his folks would...
“Where’s your keys, George?” asked Frank conversationally. The last guests had just left, and it was just the four of them still at the country club. “In my pocket,” replied the father of the groom, confused by the question. “You sure? Let me see them.” George shrugged and reached into his pocket, pulling them out and jingling them in Dave’s face. “You’re right,” remarked Frank, reaching out and snagging them. He thrust them into his pocket. “You won’t be needing them tonight.” “What?”...
Tuesday, August 3, 2010 “Kate, this is going to be hard for your mother,” Jan said. “Why don’t you let me handle the introductions?” “Is that her?” Kate asked, nodding in the direction of the waitress. “Yes,” Jake said. “She looks so much older.” “These three years have been hard on her,” Jan said. It took a couple of minutes for Marie to find her way over. She wearily pushed herself away from the bar and walked over, frowning. “You are too young to drink,” she said to Jake. She looked...
Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
When my wife and I of 16 years decided 5 years ago to open up all the way in our already happy marriage. The sex has always been amazing between us but we both talk truthfully about past lovers and when she went all the way back to the east coast for a few weeks to visit family and unwind from work I told her to leave the panties at home and go get your fuck on. That must have been the right prescription for her because she went on a strict diet of cock and cum. She hasn't visited for 5 years...
Algoa Bay, Union of South Africa Clara was thinking. “Always a dangerous thing, Antonin would say,” she mused. And she’d reply, “Never hurt Winnie the Pooh.” She mentally sighed. Would she ever see him again? The men from the Easy Tyme, were jury-rigging a ramp to get the contents of the wooden crates to the mostly submerged rock-bar. The contents were heavy: one a lead-lined crate, filled of course with the fissile material and another with some explosives, to make the fissile material...
Logan was a teenage male who lived in a typical sub-urban American home. He wasn't particulary muscular, or scrawny, just your average blonde boy. He lived with his twin sister Charlotte and his mom. One day, while out for a walk, he found a mystical book which fell from the cosmos above him. Opening it, he saw the first page. "I, the wizard Merlin, who once assisted the mighty King Arthur, have long since died. My spirit has crafted this book. Those in write in it may change reality however...
FetishKarmen Karma gets DP’d by the European Connection, Markus & Steve! Karmen is wearing a purple fishnet outfit as he shakes her ass for us out by the pool. Excited to be tag teamed she pulls her tits out and plays with them then makes her way over to the wall where she finally slides down her thong panties. Karmen teases us with her horny holes before heading out to find her studs. They’re waiting for her in the kitchen and the second they get their hands on her, Markus & Steve start...
xmoviesforyouAndy's Training Chapter 3 By Cissykay After being stretched for what seemed like days, I finally heard voices outside the door. Aunt Betty and Cissy were recognizable, and I heard two other female voices also. When the door was finally opened, I saw four very beautiful and sexy women standing there. "So this is our new project. She's going to be quite a knockout when I'm through with her. My name is Nancy, and I'm a cosmetologist that caters to many of the she-males in the...
Hello all, My name is Anish. I am a 32-year-old unmarried guy from Mumbai, India. I moved to Ireland for my studies a year ago. I am a horny guy with a 7-inch length and a 2.5-inch thick boner. I love to have sex. In my previous relationships, I have fucked my girlfriends quite well but was not satisfied with any of them. This story is about meeting my soulmate in Ireland and how she changed my life forever. Let us begin. I lived with my mother, Ragini, back in India. She is 55-year-old with a...
IncestThis is a story and at the same time a dream of mine, that i would love if probably not enjoy quite much.I have arranged a meeting with a single man, on a specific location, on which, i am to appear at a specific time.Arriving at the place, a house wirh a garage suitable for two large cars, i enter the garage as told, and the door at the back of it.The garage contains only one car, an expensive one for that matter, passing nervously, awaiting the meeting planned ahead.It leads to stairs going...
Everyday I would make sure I was at school at 6am because there would be fewer students at the school at that time and I would go into the classroom and would read romantic novels until it was time for the lessons to start. I didn't even raise my hand in class because I knew that would draw out a few snickers and taunts from my classmates. One afternoon after school, I was in the school library doing my Chemistry homework, I was concentrating so much on it that I failed to see that someone...
So I'm not sure what exactly got into her today haha but she is still with Ben. He has come to see her late at night on the weekend quite a bit recently, usually on Friday nights once we're already home, but this is new. Recently when he's come over, they've started texting late and he comes over, fucks her mouth and her pussy, they both cum and then he sleeps on our couch and we sleep in bed together. Then, they'll usually fuck again in the morning and he will leave and we'll start our weekend...
It happened when I was f******n. No, I didn't have sex at that age. It was when I discovered my love for members of my own sex. Surprising as this may sound, it was my mom's fault.You see, in our house, if the bathroom door is shut, that means someone is using it and you don't enter. If it is open, it is free for use. My parents have done a good job of enforcing this in our house. So it came as a surprise one morning when I went to the bathroom to take a shower, and walked in on my mom, already...
Marcus whispered into Mandy’s ear, “Take me out.” Mandy slowly turned around to face him and they kissed slowly and wetly as she rubbed her hand over the impossibly large bulge in his trousers. She moaned into his mouth as she felt the massive ridge of flesh below her hand. Tom watched this take place and groaned inwardly as he imagined just what his wife was feeling at that moment. Mandy slowly unbuckled the belt on Marcus’s trousers and he helped her release the button which opened them up....
InterracialLYDIA'S IMAGES... It was the Baraandi's last day, and it was just after the captain had announced that the members of the ship would have to enter the life chambers. April was seeing this scene from Daggerlos's position. Technically, the chief of internal security wasn't "bridge crew", but his position was stationed on the bridge, so he had seen everything that April had seen. After the captain's announcement, he left the bridge, ostensibly to go through the ship and help...
"Whine With Dinner" a.k.a. "Just Desserts" Grant Wellsley and his wife Editha had been seated at their usual table near the center of the elegant and expensive downtown New York restaurant. They had ordered their drinks, selected their dinner and were now relaxing. They had been out on the town and had been to the early show of one of the top plays on Broadway. Now, it was dinner and drinks to end the luxurious evening. The club owner entered the room to talk to the maitre'd as a...
"Oh, no," Belinda groaned to herself, "not now, please not now, I don't have time for this right now!!!" But no amount of pleading or denial would change the basic facts, she was a lesbian fem who although she lived alone and all of her lesbian friends were fems, once every two or three months the uncontrollable urge to be taken by a bull dyke and just plain be dominated!!! When the urge struck her, her frilly panties would be drenched with a flow of pussy juice that was almost overwhelming!!!...
Well first, I walk into your room and dont know that you are home... It had been awhile since I saw last because you have been working at your new job so much lately... It had only been a few weeks since you got home for the summer from college, and I was celebrating having you in the house again...You dont even notice me, since you are propped up on the other side of the bed, half naked with your dick hanging out...I dont notice you, but you see, im being sneaky too...I was seeing if you were...
Hello Old Friends! Your favorite writer (I guess) is back with another of her sex episode about a smoking hot German guy, which will leave you wanting more. I thank you all wholeheartedly for appreciating so much. It is because of you guys that I keep coming back to this platform to share more stories. For those who are new to my sex escapades, let me tell you a bit about myself. I am Chahat Khanna, 5’7″ tall, fair-complexioned, and have big eyes always looking out for hot sex partners. I have...
Today I decided to do some roadwork with this particular horse and to follow a bridle path to enable me to do some canter work to keep him fit. I can’t deny that the delicious feeling of my clit against the saddle turns me on and often dismount my horse feeling wet and slippery in my panties and breeches. Claire has the horse ready and off I go. It’s a warm sunny day and I have on a sleeveless tee-shirt and skimpy bra, I normally wear a sports bra but it is so warm I do not want the...
I was more than a bit surprised that Phil decided to stay in Langley instead of moving to the U.S. after he graduated. Perhaps it was the fact that his mother would be living in our house once more. That seemed to be a big thing with him and I got a lot of positive feedback about what my family felt was a very generous move on my part. I even got a nice note from Carla's parents thanking me and wishing me good luck on my new job. That was a surprise in itself. The week before Christmas,...
I was thrilled to have Samantha come to visit me. I had really missed her since I moved away three years ago as a result of relocation due to my job. I loved to go shopping with her or to just chat. We were more friends than Aunt and Niece.When I met her at the airport I was shocked that she was now a young woman."Aunt Connie!" She screamed as she ran to me"It is so good to see you Samantha! Oh my but you are all grown up now! I have missed you so much!" I said as I hugged herOn the drive to my...
The three young soldiers seemed relieved when the colonel intervened and told them to use the lad's mouth but not to fuck him. Perhaps they had no more need to rape to get their rocks off. Technically, they had been raped themselves from the moment they stepped into the room and then all night long, but in a different obligatory kind of way. Survival! I was apprehensive. I did want to fuck him, Franz was gorgeous, but not under duress seeing his pleading eyes communicating with mine, not...
I was there, sitting at my desk in my own office, thinking my Boss was a complete bastard. He had given me the worst tasks during the last three years working for him and I had done everything, without claiming a single word.So, I decided it was time for a change, or better I should say, for a raise in my poor salary.After lunch that Friday, I looked myself in the mirror, touched a bit my red lipstick and I climbed up the stairs to my Boss’ office.He was a handsome black man, almost eighty...
When her shift ended at 11:00, Ruthie returned to her room for the first time in 24 hours. She could tell that Shannon was somewhat curious to know where she had been, but since the two students were not on speaking terms; Ruthie did not feel obligated to offer any explanation. She loaded her backpack and immediately left to meet up with Mike for lunch. Among the items Ruthie decided to stuff in her backpack was the dress that he had bought for her the previous weekend. As much as she wanted...
Trevon thrust his hard black dick into the sexy white bitch on her knees in front of him. Her soft white ass was covered with red welts from his hand. She liked it rough and had begged him to slap her harder. She was in her forties and wasn't young but she had a fantastic body with big tits, a tiny waist and a big round ass that was just right for fucking. "Fuck me harder baby," the white bitch panted as another climax shook her soft round body. He husband sat in the corner of the hotel room...