Fill Me Up free porn video

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He saw her at the car park of the local superstore. A large blue shopping bag, thrown around her shoulder hid almost all her upper body from him. Wearing casual jeans, black top and pink lacy pumps, first she didn't seem anything extraordinary. Apart from her ass. Her ass was impeccable. No doubt, she spent a fair amount of time at the gym perfecting it.

He watched her striding towards her car with long, airy steps, as if she was dancing on clouds. Her auburn ponytail swung rhythmically from side to side. Then he saw her smile, a smug smirk that said 'I own the fucking universe.' Whether she noticed him or not, he wasn't sure. Behind her dark sunglasses, her eyes didn't give a hint. But he had to know the reason for that smile and more than anything, he wanted to be the one, making her smile like that.

His mind was in overdrive trying to come up with a chat up line, anything really, anything to make her stop and talk to him. But she was gone, already at her car, tossing her bag on the passenger seat of a black Nissan, then she went on to return her trolley to the bay.

He walked towards her, his steps hurried, but nothing close to the airiness of her steps. By the time he was close enough to say anything, she was starting her engine. Dumbstruck, he walked back to his car and decided to follow her.

She didn't make it very hard, as she was just heading to the petrol station next door. But instead of parking at one of the pumps she steered left to the air/water station. He pulled up to the adjacent pump stalking her, first from the safety of his car, then getting out. He was watching her every move. He saw her unscrew her tyre caps, feed 20p into the machine, which came alive with a loud buzzing sound. She set the correct pressure, then bent down to her front left tyre, disappearing from his view. He started filling up his car even though it was still nearly full.

When she reappeared, she was pulling the hose towards the front of her car with the same ballerina steps, but now going backwards. She pulled the hose to the max and when it reached its full length, it slightly jerked her body back. Stepping to her front right tyre, she turned and pulled the hose across her stomach. With the hose binding her to the vehicle, she bent down resting her bottom against the side of the car and attached the tube to the valve. Only three feet away she was and 'Only a few words away.' he thought.

He wondered why did she wrap the dirty cord around her stomach, maybe for stopping the hose reeling back, he did not know, but it was fucking sexy. It made him want to tie her up, in the same fashion, with the rope cutting into her skin just underneath her small breasts. Then she looked at him, pushing her glasses up her forehead with her free hand.

Large hazel eyes, wide with an expression of a deer looking into the headlights, recognising her fate, but powerless to do anything to stop the collision.

He was at the wheel, with the power to steer away or step on the brake, but he wasn't about to do either.

'Wow,' she thought. 'look, what we have here.'

The first thing she noticed was his black hair. She had a weak spot for black hair. Ever since that beautiful model ex of hers... It was short on the side and at the back, longer at the front, spiked up. He had a tattoo on his neck, it looked like part of a dragon. She wanted to have a closer look, tearing off his black T-shirt, that clung to his tight biceps. They were not sculpted gym muscles, but belonged to someone, who spent his day doing hard physical labour. And the way he held the nozzle, like those sexy half naked firemen in those charity calendars.

'Hey, boy, you could fill me up, too, any time.' she wanted to call out but instead she curled her lips into a pouted smile that said 'Would you?'

'Are you ok, there? Do you need any help?' he enquired. She wanted to say, 'Yes.' but then she understood, that he meant, help with the tyres.

'Nah, I'm alright, thanks.'

Very disappointed puppy eyes looked back at her, so she decided to throw in a lifebuoy.

'But you know any good mechanic? Stupid front tyres keep deflating. I have to come here every week.'

'In fact, I do know one.' he said. 'Wait there.'

He replaced the nozzle and leaned into his car retrieving a pen and a small notepad. He came over to her and started writing. When he was finished, he tore off the sheet and handed it to her. She smelled delicious, like some exotic fruit, mango and coconut maybe.

'This is the mechanic.' he circled the first number on the checkered sheet. 'Tom' was written above the number.

'And this,' he circled the second number, 'is me'.

'Matt' was written above that one.

'You know, just in case you need anything else. Anything at all.' he said with a suggestive grin.

'Like mowing my lawn.' she giggled.

'Anything, really. Just give me a call.' And with that, he was walking back to his car. All self-possessed in confidence, that she will call, sooner or later. Sooner, rather than later was his guess.

'It was nice to meet you, Matt.' she called after him, tasting his name on her lips.

'And it was nice meeting you,..'

'Leni, my name is Leni.'

That is such a cute name he taught, getting into his car

As soon as she got home, she wanted to call him. She was still too full of energy even after her dance class. 45 minutes intense workout is nothing when you have the kids away for the weekend and you finally have your 8 hours sleep. She lifted up her phone and typed in his number, then she forced herself to put the phone down, onto the table.

While she was cooking dinner and doing the dishes the voice in her head kept on nudging her towards her phone.

'Call him. Call him.'

She tried to keep herself busy, but at 6 pm she couldn't restrain herself any longer. She picked up the phone and without hesitation this time, she pressed 'call'.

He didn't answer.

'What if he gave me the wrong number.' she panicked for a brief second. 'Impossible.'

Suddenly she was not hungry anymore and pushed her plate of steaming korma away on the table. Then her phone buzzed. It was him.

'Hi, it's Matt. Just got a missed call from you.'

'It's Leni.' When he didn't say anything she added, 'We've met at the petrol station this morning.'

'I remember.' She could see him smiling at the other end of the line.

'Listen, you said to call you, if I need help with anything. Well, one of my bedrooms needs to be painted and I'm really, really bad at diy.' she lied. She was quite capable of doing projects like that. She already painted all her bedrooms herself after her ex had moved out, but that was the best, she could come up with. 'I don't know whether you are willing to do that sort of thing.' she said hesitantly noticing the silence at the other end.

'I can go over later and have a look.' he said. 'Let's say, nineish. Is that ok?

'Perfect.' she said maybe a bit too readily. 'I'll text you my address.'

'See you later.'

'See you.'

As she was nervously pacing the living room, her more cautious alter ego wanted to know: 'Why do you keep bringing strangers home?' But it was very rare that she listened to her.

When at 9:07 he knocked on the door, she opened it without a second thought. If only she knew, what she welcomed into her home...

He looked hot as hell. Bit of a stubble here, a rock star leather jacket there, a pair of big dark hungry eyes and she was already weak in the knees. He threw his jacket on one of the hooks and followed her inside.

'Would you like a glass of wine or a beer maybe?' she asked looking into the fridge. 'Well, wine or Corona, that's the only beer I have.'

'Corona is ok.'

She took two misty bottles out of the fridge.

'Glass or bottle?'

'Bottle will do.'

She popped the bottles open , then bent down and opened one of the cabinets to take out a chopping board, a knife from one of the drawers and a lime from the fruit basket.

She cut it up into six small, even wedges and propped one onto each bottle.

He was watching her as her small index finger pushed the lime inside the bottle with a 'plop'. Her nails were painted silver, matching the colour of her eyeshadow . Her eyes were also lined coal and her lashes had a touch of mascara. He noticed that unlike that morning, she was also wearing blood red lipstick. It wasn't a loud, fake one that make you look cheap, it was just a touch of colour on her small, cute lips.

'So what's your story, Leni? Is Leni short for anything?' he asked leaning against the kitchen counter with his back.

'It's short for Alena. My life story? Divorced last year, two kids. Nothing exciting. I work for a travel agency and travel around Europe quite a lot. And you?'

'One little girl, she is four. After we separated, her mum moved down to Poole, probably just to punish me and piss me off, so I don't see her too much. And I am a landscape gardener.' He also punched his lime wedge into the bottle and had a taste.

'Then you probably seen the lack of landscape in my front garden.' she laughed.

'I've seen much worse, trust me' he said curling his lips around the rim of the bottle. She really doubted it. There is not much worse then broken up concrete, with weeds sticking up in the cracks. That was meant to be one of her next projects.

'Maybe one day you could draw me a plan and we discuss the price' she said sipping her beer.

'I already have a price on mind,' he said with a mysterious smile. She tilted her head questioningly. 'you.' His sexy, wet pout made up for the lousy chat up line.

He leaned in to kiss her neck. She tasted just as good as she smelled. Mango, definitely mango.

He wanted another taste of her and maybe a bite too . He noticed that the top two buttons of her white, almost see through blouse were undone. 

'So inviting.' he thought. Other than a blouse s he was wearing black skin-tight jeans with diamante studs sewn around both the front and the back pockets, low heeled silver sandals. Around her neck, a white lace choker. He wondered, whether the similarity to having a collar was intentional.

He went on to open the third button of her blouse, while his lips were tasting hers. He kissed her beautiful, open cleavage and traced the now visible bra line with his fingertips.

She gave out a long sigh.

When he opened the fourth button his tongue was brushing over her collarbone.

She reached under his black polo neck shirt with both of her hands. Her fingers were dancing on his ribs first, as if she was playing the piano, then she trailed them towards his back. Her fingertips dug into his flesh pulling him closer, inviting, demanding his closeness.

His lips wandered back to her mouth for a hungry kiss, while he continued his work on the buttons. There was only two left when he slid his palms under her blouse cupping her breasts.

Her nipples were so hard, unnaturally hard in fact. He pulled down the fabric of her bra covering her breasts to have a peek. Just as he suspected…

Her nipples were pierced. Small silver barbells in each of them.

'Whoa, you should have warned me.' He said looking at her surprised.

'I’m warning you now, they are very sensitive.'

He tore off the rest of her blouse with a sudden bold move of his hand. Then quickly got rid of her bra too to get a much closer look.

'So cute and sexy.' When did you have them done?' 

'Last year, a gift to myself after the divorce.' she smiled.

'Did they hurt?'

'Fucking hell, they did, but now they are the best thing ever.'

'I bet they are sensitive.' He pinched the right one between his fingers and didn’t let go, studying her face.

'They've always been, but now they are "supersensitive".' she grinned.

'I like the sound of that.' he said reaching up to her left one, rolling, kneading it between his fingers. Then he started exploring with his tongue. His hand gently supporting her right breast, his tongue sketching around the little barbell, gently trying to push it from side to side.

'And I bet you play with them all the time.'

She blushed.

It suddenly became quite hot in there and he pulled off his shirt, too . She reopened her eyes and was taking in the sight with a pleased beam. Her palm stroked his perfect chest. His tattoo was of a dragon, a rather large one. It was drawn mainly over his shoulder, with its head on his chest and tail on the back of his neck, almost as if it was sitting on his shoulder ready to attack whoever came too close. It wasn't a scary one though, luckily, as she did not like weird, scary tattoos. Skulls, for example usually freaked her out a little. It was artistic Japanese style. He also had a band on his other arm, made of stars and other astral symbols. It added a mystical layer to his beauty. It made her want to learn his story and explore all of him.

He undid her her jeans button and zip and with his hands under her arms, lifted her up onto the counter and continued his work on her nipples.

His mouth had the slightest taste of metal, so he reached for his bottle.

There was something really sexy about him drinking. Maybe his thirst, as if it was foreshadowing the long, sweaty journey they were about to take or maybe just the way his lips curled around the rim. It was such a turn on to stop, to look, to think, to fully comprehend the situation, to lose themselves in a bubble of hope and daydreams.

Then he had an idea; reaching to his left he picked up a few lime wedges off the chopping board and squeezed one above each nipple.

'So thirsty.' he implied, his mouth and tongue tasting her, licking the juices off of every inch of her little, hard, attention seeking nipples.

She softly purred like a kitten, holding him firmly, pulling him closer by his shoulders
His hands wandered down to her thighs.

'You taste exotic. I want to taste you everywhere. ' he said greedily, his mouth sucking on her nipples, his fingers tickling her tummy, trailing alongside the waist of her jeans, playing just underneath her undone jeans button, but he did not make a further move.

She was getting edgy. She wanted him inside her, inside her hotness. Just one finger or his tongue, anything really, but she wanted to feel him.

He still did not make a move. He seamed to be enjoying his newly found toys and decided to be an annoying tease.

She pulled him closer and purred in his ear 'Pleeease.'

She learned very early in life, what a powerful world that was. Quite possible the most powerful word of all. It really was "the magic word" . And she loved using it, perfecting it throughout the years so by now it was unrejectable. It also kind of merged together with 'need' and sounded somewhat like 'Please, I need'.

Part of him ached to give her what she wanted; to tear her jeans and knickers off, stick all his fingers into her hungry little cunt, have a taste of her - most definitely - wildly running juices, then impale her onto the kitchen counter fucking her hard, getting lost in the sight of her swinging ponytail, then grabbing her by it and bite into her neck, into her flesh, as he come.

But the other part of him urged to tease her further, wanted to see how far she can be pushed , until she will be begging on her knees. This 'please' was all cute and would surely work on some, but he was more than that, he wanted more than that. He knew that once her needs are fulfilled, that desperate look in her eyes will never ever return again. And he was in love with that look. He wanted to take a photo and keep it for ever. Or he wanted it to last so long that it will forever be embedded into his mind, burning the imprint into his retina.

So he decided not to deliver her wish. Not just yet. His hands were trembling as he took them off of her, as if they were not designed for not touching her.

'What is he doing.' She thought, her need pulsating between her legs. 'Such an evil tease. I need him to touch me for fuck's sake. Maybe he is not turned on enough. Maybe I should suck him off.' She tried to slide off the counter, but his hands kept her fixedly on top.

'You, stay there.' He said firmly. 'Stop being so fucking impatient.' She had to learn who was in charge here.

'Impatient.' How she despised that word and how it often was being said to describe her.

But she couldn't help it. That was just her, the little energiser bunny, one of her exes used to call her that. One who never wasted time and always got what she wanted. Well, almost always.

'I need you to touch me.' She declared demandingly.

'I am touching you.' he said fondling her breasts, biting on her nipple teasingly. 'Is it not enough?'

His smirk was less sexy, more borderline irritating this time.

'I want your fingers inside me.' Her voice was sharp, urgent and slightly aggressive.

'The thing, you see, Leni, - he added her name for emphasis - is, that I actually prefer hearing begging to orders. His body was now withdrawn, his eyes distant. His hands were pinning her thighs onto the marble counter, but otherwise he was not touching her body any longer.

'Pleeease.' She tried again. But it did not seem to be working. He was l ooking right through her, as if she was made of glass, staring at nothing in particular.

'I’m sorry,'he said with mimicked sadness, 'you have to try harder than that'.

She understood, that she found her match. It was good. She liked to be challenged, she liked to be played with.

'The thing, you see, Matt, is that since I first saw you at that petrol station, filling up your car. I thought, "Wow, I wish he filled me up, too".

He gave a gleaming smile. 'And I can assure you, I will… at some point. But actually, do you want to know what I had in mind when I first saw you?'

A dark shadow crossed over his face and his provocative eyes were communicating something like this:
'So we like to play dirty, do we? You found your sport, little one.'

'Yes, dying to.'

'When I saw you with the hose around your stomach, I though being tied up suits you.'

She was a bit shocked. Shocked in a good way. That one sentence brought new promise of prosperity into the future. Now not only she was about to have some fantastic sex, she finally found someone with the same dark side. The endless possibilities sent her fantasies into overdrive.

But of course, nothing prepares you for the reality.

With one sudden move he pulled his belt from his jeans and even before she had time to think anything of it, he gathered her hands and tied it around her wrists. They went around her slim arms three times, before he could fasten it on her wrists. But when he did, it was secure. It was unbreakable.

'Just as I thought,' he admired, 'suits you.'

He spun her around and pushed her against the counter, her bound arms displayed helplessly on the grey marble top. He pulled off her jeans and knickers.

'Open your legs.' he growled. 'Your ass out.'

She did as she was ordered.

He inspected her pussy and noted, that he has never seen anybody so dripping wet.

A wooden spoon taken from the utensils jar was his weapon of choice and he was so quick to deliver the first blow to her bare bottom, that she didn't have time to object or even just to realise what was about to happen.

She hissed as the pain spread in her left cheek. Her body tensed up for the next blow, but he held off. He marvelled at the quickly spreading redness on her delicate skin.

Then he spanked her again and again alternating between her cheeks.They were not particularly hard blows, but it was the uncertainty of when, where and how hard the next whack will happen. The suspence, anticipation kept her on the brink, on the borderline between pleasure and pain. Her senses were tightrope walking between torture and bliss.

Between the blows she felt the cold marble counter under her arms and breast and her bottom on fire.

She was making sounds of pleasure with the occasional curse when he hit her sightly roughly.

With every single slap she pushed her hips closer, into the wood of the cabinet, and raised herself until she was on her toes, the muscles in her thighs and calves were flexed to the maximum and he noticed she was holding her breath for the next blow. So he waited until she was breathless and could not hold it any longer. She exhaled with a full body tremble.

The next swat bit hard on her thigh. Her knees buckled, all her muscles loosened, as her upper body collapsed on the counter, her head dropped on her bound arms.

'Please.' she heaved.

'Pull yourself together.' was his only answer. She raised her head again arching her back, expecting whatever came next. It was the most cruel so far, across both of her cheeks.

'Please, stop.' she whimpered.

'Do you want me to stop?'


'Can't make up your mind?' he chuckled. 'Here, let me decide it for you. Open your legs wider. Push you ass out. Just like that. Good girl. Wow, you seem to be rather enjoying this, miss... Mind if I continue?' He placed the spatula on her swollen pussy and playfully gave them a few whacks.

She quivered under his touch.

Then she saw him tossing the spatula into the sink and pulling a metal serving spoon from the jar. The metal was cold, smooth and lingered just long enough to leave her wanting more.

When he grabbed her ponytail and pulled it downwards, making her look up the ceiling, she whinged like a puppy.

'So on edge. You think you could cum like this?'

'Yes. Pleeease don't stop.'

He laughed. 'Such a naughty girl. Open wide.'

He continued spanking her wet pussy with the oversized spoon, making squelching sounds as he did.

She was held in position by her hair and she never felt so helpless and used in her life.

She couldn't help it and she came with a sudden jerk of her body and a small squirt. It wasn't like any of the orgasms she ever had before. It was a brisk lightning, a mere bodily reaction. Her mind was still on the edge wanting more. She was not fulfilled, not spent. It was certainly not one of those orgasms after which you want to light up a post coital cigarette.

'Did you just came?' he asked making her turn her head to the left so he can look at her face.

She shook her head as much as she could with him still holding her ponytail firmly.

'It did look like that.'

'Was it the kind of orgasm they often describe in books as a lightning?' she suddenly wandered. It sucked regardless.

'I'm not sure.' she heaved.

'You are not sure?' he said mockingly then laughed. 'Either way, it is my time to get some fun.' he declared.

He pushed her to the floor by her shoulder and started undressing. He took off his T-shirt, then his jeans. His black hipsters did close to nothing hiding his hard-on.

She crawled to him on her knees and kissed his bulge through the fabric of his boxers and held out her still bound hands expecting him to untie them. But he simply shook his head.

He rolled down his shorts to reveal more tattoos just at the top of his thigh and a stunning, slightly curved, fully erect penis.

'Open your mouth.' he instructed and looking into his eyes she realised, that even though she was faced with his throbbing cock and couldn't wait to taste it, it was his look and his words that really turned her on.

'Keep talking to me.' she wished as she obediently opened up for him.

He pushed in with a plopping sound as her lips closed around him. With her arms still bound underneath he was in complete control.

'Use your tongue.' he requested pulling out.

She licked it's mushroom head, as if it was the most delicious lollipop. It was. She softened her tongue and swirled it around its head then the shaft. Her lips occasionally nibbled on the side of it. She was not used to not being able to use her hands. She wanted to grab it, stroke it up and down, take his hardened balls in her palm, but she couldn't. It was a unnatural, unfamiliar feeling. She did experiment with restraints before, she even owned a pair of handcuffs, but they were mostly used by her unimaginative ex, to tie her to the bedframe and fuck her from behind. It was fun at first, but became quite dull after the hundredth time.

She wondered if this one will turn into a bore after a while. Is it his kink, to tie her hands and use her mouth and he was now?

'In.' he commanded curtly.

Even if it was. She liked it. She liked to be used and ordered around. The small puddle on the floor underneath was a reminder just how much she enjoyed it.

They did a few more rounds of in and out, licking and sucking and she learned the rhythm, the length and he didn't need to say anything after a while.

Then he suddenly said. 'Enough.' and instructed her to back up slightly on her knees and kneeled down himself in front of her.

Her pussy was hot and open as he reached for her.

'You have no idea...' he breathed into her neck, into her ear as he pulled her closer with his other arm around her neck.

She was on the brink of coming again.

'But, no not tonight.' he said. his voice was heavy and pained. It wasn't meant to be a teasing game for her. It was a game, a challenge. To control her, he had to control himself but something inside him made him play this game.

He wanted her, where she was, on the edge as long as he could keep her.

She was like a beautiful wild bird, he found. Keep giving her crumbs and she will stay. Fill her up and she will fly away.

This was playing on his mind as he took the belt off her wrists. He stood up.

'Hand up, palm on the back of your neck.' he said. He re-tied it around her wrist, then around the back of her neck then the other wrist.

'Elbows out.'

She could have lifted her arm and untangle herself, but she didn't. She liked to be on display for him. Her breast proudly at attention.

'Make me come,' he was more pleading than ordering this time. She looked up to him with unbelieving, questioning Bambi eyes.

'You heard me,' he said 'Make me come'.

She hesitantly opened her lips and he forced his full length in. She has never felt so dirty and used in her life and she never felt so dazzling.

When he filled her mouth with cum, she was depleted, pleased, contented. When he gathered up his clothes. She asked him matter-of-factly, 'Are you going to leave me here like this?'

He nodded.

'But you are coming back, right?'

'Don't be silly, of course I'm coming back. Just getting some rope.'

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I had just had the strangest, sexiest, grandest twenty-four hours a man could have. My daughter and her friends had used me as a teacher and a 'toy' for their pleasure for the whole time. My thoughts now went back to my wife. I really missed her. She had been so alive and in love with me, as I was in love with her. That she was gone forever still kept me on edge at times. I knew that my daughter thought by giving herself to me, along with her friends, she was doing me a big favor. Sue was...

3 years ago
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pushing the limits

Pushing the threshold!I see a massage guy “James” regularly. I was str8 till I saw him and over the first few visits, I became aware I am open sexually. He told me during a meeting that he told another client about our get together and the client stated that must be hot to watch. I said “wow’ that would be hot. The next time I saw him I had noticed the lights down a little more than usual, but a lay face down and he began my massage. 40 or so minutes just like a normal massage then as normal...

4 years ago
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Lucy goes to the Ball Part 2

Lucy put her hands out and closed her eyes as Valerie approached. In a moment, Lucy felt smooth leather around her left wrist and a tug as it was tightened and fastened followed by the same around her right. Then she felt the two pulled together and clipped, so her wrists were immobilized. Lucy opened her eyes. For the first thirty seconds or so she told herself that nothing was different, her hands were just held together. Although she could still move her fingers, Lucy started to feel...

2 years ago
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Spanish Heat

It had been a long flight. Two hours trapped on a cramped plane, cramped between two rows of screaming schoolkids, and sat next to your 16 year old brother, whining about how his iPod's just died, and your dad'svsnoring were especially draining. That isn't including the innuerable delays, lost luggage and an early wake-up this morning. The resulting arrival time was far later than the airline predicted. You arrived at Malaga airport just as the sun was going down, when you just wanted toliedown...

1 year ago
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Fuck Fest in Gym

God I want to fuck him Laura thought to herself as she stared at his muscular arms and biceps. Her trainer had to be one of the best looking guys she had seen. All she wanted to do was rub her hands in his brown shaggy hair and touch him all over. She wanted to make a move but she was too shy. However, she knew she was good looking. At five foot seven she had long lean legs and hard abs from the continuous hours she had spent sculpting her body. One of the pluses of her body was her chest. She...

2 years ago
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memories of a friend

there was one in particular that loved to expose himself to me. he'd started when we were in grade school. i was the oldest of 3 girls, my sisters one and two years behind me, and i WAS the target of most of the boys in that neighborhood. i'm not going to name names or cite ages, but my friend taught me about the male anatomy, and i taught him about the female anatomy. okay, okay, so i was a nasty girl!.....i prefer to think i was curious beyond my years. my friend and i...

4 years ago
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At School

At School by Janet Harris So, here I am, typing this at a school library computer in my white blouse and tie. I've been a boarder for four days now and I think I'm getting used to it. What I'm not getting used to so fast is being female, because, though no one here would believe me, that has only been for four days too. Before that I was a middle-aged man who sometimes fantasized about being female, without being at all gay. I used to think my fantasy impossible because it had to be a...

1 year ago
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Lost my virginity to Megha

Hi all, this is ajay from bangalore. I am 25 year old, 5.6 feet height working in a mnc in bangalore. I am staying with my parents. I am a regular reader of iss site. Here i am penning down my first real experience which i had with a lady who is elder to me. Her name is megha. Please post your comments and suggestions to Please note names are changed for keeping privacy. At that time i am 24 year old. We had a friend of my father who used to visit our house. We were good family friends and we...

2 years ago
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True SubmissionChapter 2

I met her again. I can’t believe it, I there were a zillion things against it, but somehow I saw her again two nights ago, on Saturday. Her name’s Isabel. I met her for the first time a week ago when I saw her dancing at the Abbey with some other girl. That first meeting with Isabel didn’t go well, and I am not entirely sure why not. I am a good looking guy, fit, educated, and with no small skill when it comes to dealing with women. I won’t say that I could have any woman I wanted, but I do...

3 years ago
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My Second Time with a Porn Star To Be Chapter 3

It was Monday morning and I was back in school. I couldn't concentrate on anything, all I could think about was how horny Candy was with me last Saturday night, and how I just lost my virginity to her! At this point I am being powered by my male hormones I had to get out of class, I didnt even know what class I was in at this point. I quickly raised my hand and asked to be excused to go to the restroom. I was distracted, the thoughts kept rolling in, all I could see in my mind was Candy lying...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Twin Pain Sluts 2

STORY OF THE TWIN PAIN SLUTS Chapter II The beauty Parlor This story is about a twin boy and girl that are hired to be "play toys" for a Sadistic mistress named Mistress Ann. Don't let the title stop you from reading it since it is about a wild and adventurous "family" that are into exhibitionism, sexual adventures, wild parties, and a touch of B&D! That Saturday morning, Sindy woke Ann up, and told her that...

3 years ago
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The Mrs Hollingsworth Project part 3

"The 'Mrs. Hollingsworth' Project" (part III) Rick drove along by himself the next day, out of the city and into the suburbs in the same direction his driver had taken him and Ms. Lawrence only the day before. He had to laugh to himself. He'd just sent a dear family friend back home with her head spinning! He'd challenged her expertise and just as expected she snapped at the hook! He loved doing business and relished his skills and knowledge of human nature. Of course Ms....

2 years ago
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CousinChapter 16

They dragged the couch back some and spread some thick quilts and pillows on the floor in front of the TV. Dan retrieved one of his tapes, loaded it into the VCR, turned off the lights and then joined the girls on the quilts. The three snuggled together on the floor and watched as the tape started. The plot line, such as it was, of this one had two young women, a brunette and a redhead, paddling along a river in a canoe. Both wore only bikini bottoms, their rather large breasts showing no tan...

2 years ago
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Anything to please my sweet Ana

I grunted softly into the pillow as this stranger's black cock nudged my tight asshole. Every instinct told me to clench up and close my legs, but instead, I spread them even wider. The thick black cock invaded me slowly but firmly, spreading me up and causing me to grit my teeth. To distract myself from the discomfort, I reflected on how I had gotten into this situation.It was my sweet wife's birthday. Anita and I had reached an understanding that it was acceptable to ask for present any new...

2 years ago
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Its All In The Wrist Chapter 2

I stretched luxuriously, my tummy flat on the cool, crisp Egyptian cotton sheets of the king-sized bed, thumbing through a picture book of Idaho that I had found on the desk. You had excused yourself to pick up a few last-minute items to sustain us during our week in the wilderness. It struck me again - I was in Idaho! I was actually going through with this! Was it wrong? Yes, I conceded. And, later, I might regret my actions. But now I didn't care. I was living outside the rules and it tasted...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Mothers Submission Chapter 17

"What are you doing", Alex said, his eyes drawn to his aunt's fit, nude body. "I just got off the phone with your mother", Polly said as she stepped closer. "She told me about the two of you." "She did", Alex asked, surprised that his mother had revealed the truth. "Yes. And she's very upset about what she did, but I know that you're hurt too." She put a hand on Alex's chest as he backed against the wall. "What I think you need right now is something to let your frustration out...

1 year ago
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The Love of My Life

Everyone has a story about their first time. Some are sweet and romantic, some are incredible, some are bizarre and some are disasters. My story may be all those things rolled into one. When I think back even I have a hard time believing what happened. I do know that I wouldn't be where I am today without the incredible woman who dropped so suddenly into my life, a woman I met the fall of my second year at college. I owe her so much. I was getting that familiar buggy feeling I get when I'm in a...

First Time
4 years ago
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The driving lessons

Rachel Doyle stirred drowsily in the fragrant bubble bath as the shrill ring of the alarm clock woke her from her slumber. She had fallen asleep for 20 minutes in the warm scented water and reached drowsily for the bath-tub plug to release the soapy suds and quickly shower. The pretty 24 year old brunette was 6 months into her in-turnship with JP Morgan and was anxious to climb the corporate ladder and join the rat race in the world of investment banking. Thus far she was well on her way, with...

3 years ago
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A STUDY OF NEW EXPERIENCES, IN OIL ON CANVAS. Andrea was giving me that look again, the sultry one that indicated some deep, private thought lingering behind those pretty hazel eyes. This was always torture for me, I would sometimes fantasize about the reasons behind that look but there was no way to know for sure. I’m sure that I’m not a lesbian, I like boys and I have never thought about another girl in that way until now. Okay, that’s not technically true, I once shared a clandestine moment...

2 years ago
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Hunting Of My Aunty

Hi i am Ron 28 year’s old leave in Kolkata. This is my first story, so, i need your support & comment about my story. I leave in a small apartment on Balligaunge place. It is adjacent to my uncles flat. He is my grandmother’s brother’s son. Actually when i transferred to this city, my father called this uncle to look after me, & my uncle took this flat on rent for me. I was very much depressed about my looks because i am very dark completion & only 5 ft. 4 inch in height, my all friends was...

3 years ago
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Billy and Wili Wound Too Tight 5 in STOPWATCHChapter 27

'You see, I'm her Little brother... 15 minutes is 15 minutes. It wasn't my doing ... well ... it was me that went to Akron, to the University, and it was me that knew JimiJac. And I suppose it was me that bought the Sandoz Clinical ... so ... maybe ... kinda ... almost and sorta ... it might be my fault we got caught fucking on the school house lawn ... in broad daylight. But she's so damn pretty and those anti gravity bouncers with the erasers sticking at 45 degrees towards vertical and...

3 years ago
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There Oughta Be a LawChapter 2

I must have dozed off. Because I woke up a little disoriented. I had my arms around a beautiful woman. My chin was resting on the top of her head, and I was spooning her. My crotch was pressed right up against her back side. I glanced at the clock next to the bed. Yep, I had dozed off for at least an hour. It was still before midnight, but we had just had a marathon sexual session and I guess my body decided it needed some rest. I whispered into Ellen's ear. "Hey there, are you...

2 years ago
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The Secret Life of a Robot Fuck ToyChapter 4 Victim

A week went by, and Billy got paid and bought the bed he promised. It was big, too big for his car, so we had to use Dave's van to bring it home. He grunted and struggled to drag it into the house. He struggled more to get it set up in the room. But now we had a bed. Finally, we slept together side by side. I clung to him and he didn't seem to mind. Little pinches, a few kisses. "Please fuck me." That night, after he finished me off – again with his fingers – he didn't leave and sleep...

2 years ago
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Sex with my friend

This is Manish here from Bangalore, going to narrate a really true experience with my friend Sonia at my residence. I am basically from Mumbai, me and Sonia studied in the same college. We were good friends after our college I went to Bangalore for my studied and got information from my friends that Sonia is doing some airhostess course in Mumbai. I was very happy about her. One year passed I got along with the life in bangalore.And I got news again that she got through in one of the most...

1 year ago
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my secret life

Introduction: on the outside i am a housewife and mother, but when no one is around i am a cock hungry slave…just a normal day for me I have a secret, a dark secret. I have a secret life. During the day and when my husband is home I am a mother and a housewife. I run my house and make sure everyone is out and about on time for work and school. I keep my house clean and make sure everything is in order. But once everyone is out of the house I become a different woman. I have an hour to get ready...

2 years ago
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Sorority House Neighbors

Sorority House Neighbors By c.c. I should have been happy--no, make that ecstatic! Wealthy enough to retire in my late 20s, married to my lovely and sexy young wife Jayne, and we just bought a house with a luxurious swimming pool in the bohemian off-campus neighborhood... which I soon discovered was right next door to a Sorority House! I was even more intrigued when I found it was the Lesba-Delta House: the University's openly gay sorority! Visions of kinky couplings next...

2 years ago
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Shower Time

“Do you think anyone on the team knows about us?” Sam asked his best friend. “No way. How could they know?” Aaron asked. “I don’t know, things have a way of getting out,” Sam said. “Will you just be quiet and take your shorts off?” Aaron ordered Sam. “Not even in the shower and you are ordering me around,” Sam said with a smile. “That’s right, now get in there before I have to punish you,” Aaron said, as he removed his shirt. Aaron and Sam had been friends since junior high and were now in...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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REAL Asian Massage Parlor Stories 1

Man do I have many to share with you.I have to start somewhere but I am 55 yrs old and have been going to Asian massage parlors since my older brother stared taking me when I was 13 for my 8th grade graduation present. But I still cant get enough of them!.I seek out the full service places,who care about hand jobs,that's for pussies and I can jerk myself off if I want..Now that I'm a bit older I have a routine and a local place about 20mins away I go to. I usually take half a Viagra so I get...

3 years ago
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The Missing Cargo PlaneChapter 12

As it turned out, Karen only had to allocate six apartments, but she had to come up with seven more radios. AI promised to deliver them by tomorrow morning. Ed, Hank, and Shirli were the first three in line, so they got the available radios. Hank and Shirli were married with two children, George, 15, and Helen 12. The others were Tom (73) and John (16), traveling together. The others were Lois, Sue, and Albert. Ed and Lois partnered very early, and it wasn’t long before Sue and Albert became...

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Young man is fucked by two virgins

Young man is fucked by two virgins When we came home from school, we looked forward to the afternoon. They are twin girls, called Betty and Juliane and today her 18th Birthday. They were still virgins, in other words, they have never had sex with another boy. Today was for Betty and Juliane is a special day, because your parents went away in the afternoon for a weekend with your family to Texas in a beautiful small town that bears the name of Lewisville. The twin sisters had thus a flat...

3 years ago
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Missy Brother and Dad double incest

My name is Sean, I got stuck helping out at a Prom for girls and boys. My sister Missy was inside dancing, and I was checking out all the young girls. They were all so hot looking in their fancy gowns. I sat with my dad outside who was drunk. Dad started telling me about how I ought to get me a girl. He went on and on how hot they were. Finally he leaned over in his whiskey breath and said: “Your sister is hot son. I’m gonna tell ya someth‘in, and you must promise never to tell anyone...

2 years ago
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Pay to Play Chapter 1

I don’t like being a prostitute.I just happen to be very, very good at it. No other job I’ve tried to pick up has paid half as well as bending over and thinking of anything else.I spy a car idling nearby, usually a good indicator of an interested but reluctant individual. They were my favorite. The illegal nature of the whole encounter usually kept things quick and brief, because they didn’t want to get caught.I saunter toward the vehicle, the headlights catching my tight black leather shorts...

3 years ago
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Sex With Unsatisfied Neighbour Janaki

Hi all, This is sravan from Hyderabad. i am 28 years old and staying in near KPHB-JNTU. i am a married person. This story about how i fucked my neighbour aunty Janaki. This is my first story in ISS. I have been regular reader of ISS since one month only. Coming to the story: Janaki is very beautiful and gorgeous. she is my neighbour and she is having 2 years kid. Her husband runs business in near KPHB. He always spends his time in shop only regularly I used to go for morning walk. She also...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Shalina Devine Alyssa Reece Lesbian Lovers Shalina Devine And Alyssa Reece Get Anal Fucked After Party

Following a wild night of partying, Maximo Garcia wakes up and finds himself at Alyssa Reece’s place. After a bit of chitchat, Allysa starts sucking Maximo’s dick in the middle of her kitchen, and before long the two are having hardcore anal sex on the living room couch. In the middle of the fuck session, while Maximo’s cock is balls-deep in Allysa’s asshole, her roommate and girlfriend Shalina opens the front door and walks into the room. At first, Shalina is not happy but eventually, Allysa...

3 years ago
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Fucking A Sweet Chick

Hello everyone at ISS. My name is Ayaan. I am 25 years old. This is my first story here. Read it and I am sure you will love it. Give your feedback/comments. If any girl/women is interested in me after reading the same, please contact me through my email id I was in Pune for my training. The training was for two months. My office timing was 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM. I was alone in the city and due to that my masturbation increased. Sometimes I had jerked off twice, particularly on Sundays. I...

1 year ago
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Horny teen

Horny teenmy neighbor is 18 years old. he put an eye on me. One day he came to my house to help me. At home there was no one but me. He went behind me and touched me. There was a shirt on. When the hard touched his cock felt. hands caressing my buttocks, both of us standing. He shoved his hard dick and stuck his dick between my legs. He put me on the table behind my feet in the back of my foot was made amımı.kalçımı made a move back and forth with a move back to my pussy continued to flash....

2 years ago
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Rock and Water Chapter 1

For some it's the desert, for others it's the ocean. Myself, I find solace at the end of my weekly hikes. My destination is always the same; a waterfall. I'm blessed to live in the Pacific Northwest where there are no shortages of hikes or waterfalls. Alone with my dog, I can take in the sight, sound, smell, and even the taste of the air as water crashes off the rocks around me. It's here I can clear my head and breathe deep. Most days I allow myself to linger just a short time before turning...

4 years ago
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My Seed My Wife My ChildChapter 7 Linage

Each day Mary would come and bring a bath. Hot water was hauled up from somewhere and poured into a bath where I wallowed till it chilled. I dried off and rested by the fire. I had an array of books, each erotica. I understood more now. Each afternoon I was severed lunch. Each night I was served dinner. After dinner the fun would begin. I never knew what. Sometimes it would be Felicia and Richard. Most nights it was just Richard. We began to talk and he finally explained himself. "I needed...

3 years ago
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Short: Moving Day The embarrassment nearly made her faint. She fought it though, not wanting to miss even a second of what was happening to her. Fran had fallen asleep on the couch. The moving people were at the house until after dark, and her bed was gone. Mom was supposed to be back to wake her before the men came back. She didn't and they did, and there she was sprawled on the couch with nothing but her panties and bra on. The bra was just a trainer, but she scarcely needed that. Their...

1 year ago
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StasyQ VR

StasyQVR! Looking for some erotic striptease in VR? The new wave of virtual reality pornography brings a new level of realism to the game and with it an unprecedented level of intimacy previously unheard of in sex films. It’s hard not to feel like the sluts are really into you when they stare directly into your eyes while slurping your penis clean. It’s this feeling of familiarity that breathes new life into relatively softcore solo and striptease scenes, like the kind you’ll find on...

VR Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Ill make it a Date Part Three

(As ever, thanks a million for the comments and suggestions. Your time and attention in reading my stories means more to me than I can say. The reviews have really knocked me out, and I hope to improve as I go along. Now, hoping the eyeballs won't "fsail" me again, I'll start Part Three. I may cut it short just a bit early so that I can find out - hopefully - from readers, how sexy the sex portions are. If they're good enough, much more intimacy will follow.) ...

2 years ago
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Weekend with Kelly my new lover part 4

After we got out of the tub and ate dinner I asked her if shewas ready for dessert.Her eyes sparkled and said "Of course my dear".I told her I'll meet her in the living room.She stood as I moved her chair back from the table. I kissedher lightly on her lips.Then, leaving the kitchen and going to the master bedroomto get myself ready. I applied some lube to my favorite dildoand slid down on it stretching my hole to ready myself forher. Walking out into the living room and finding her relaxingon...

4 years ago
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Rough Rider

I had just moved back to Ohio from Florida, into a small town by the lake, needing to keep in shape I joined a gym and started working out, there's quite a few ladies but only a couple that are naturally attractive, two of them work there, and another one is a member, and they are all pretty hot.It was a Wednesday afternoon , I was at the gym getting my cardio workout when in walked an incredibly sexy and flirtatious red head, named Iris skin like alabaster with piercing eyes of green and soft...

2 years ago
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Meri Pehli Cudai

Hey all guys how r u? Maine bahut si stories padi hai par but this is my real story hey my name is Sanju im 23 old guys with 6 inch lund . Yaha se meri stroy suru hoti hai ek sin main baitha tah to merew brothr ne boloa ki tume fudi marni hai to maine kha ha to woh muje ek laidies se milya usne to woh bola ki iski mar lo to mane bola ke jagah kha hi o usne muzhe ek room diya to jabb main wahan par gya to waha par ek ladki thi kpi hogi 34 30 36 ki tu maine usse kha ki...

2 years ago
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Lemon Park Horror Ch 01

This is a true story. It happened back in 1995. Names have been changed due to the fact this story may lead into some future fantasy stories written with this factual occurrence being the base for them. Please read and enjoy. Suggestions for direction for future stories is appreciated. It was an unexpectedly warm night back in February 1995. There was this wonderful girl I was hanging out with at the time, Andi. We had some speedbumps in our relationship and had kinda lost touch with a few of...

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Ice Fishing With the TwinsChapter 10

I’ve been with a few women in my life. I wasn’t a virgin when I got married, but I wasn’t a cocksman, either. The woman I was most familiar with was Cathy, who taught me pretty much everything I know about how to please a woman. Of course I never thought about it like that. I thought about it as learning how to please Cathy. As it turns out, multiple women appreciate some of the same things, when it comes to being bedded. That said, Gloria was nothing like Cathy in the lead-up to the main...

3 years ago
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Adventures of a Greenie Off Planet Vol 2Chapter 15 Martha

Kukur Nurop found himself covered with bruises from a severe beating and completely naked in the lizard scat composter. His hands tied to his back, it took him quite some effort to get his head over the lid, only to receive a shovel load of more of the revolting greenish lizard poop into his face. He yelled and cursed on the top of his lungs and his racket alerted an Oghr overseer. “What have we here? Trying to escape by hiding in the shit box? Couldn’t handle the stench eh?” I am Kukur...

4 years ago
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The Lonely Housewife and the Passionate PostmanChapter 2

The newly liberated sexpot Harriet Honeybottom welcomed all male visitors to her door the old-fashioned way. She either got down on her knees and gave them a good sucking or bent over and let them bang away with frenzied enthusiasm. The young postman that had hit her sensitive trigger with his marvelous dong had been transferred to a rural post much to his chagrin and her disappointment. At least the new next door neighbor came over on a fairly steady schedule to borrow a cup of sugar for...

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