Persephone milks Pluto Part 2
- 4 years ago
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????????????????????????? Persephone in Winter
??????????????????????????? by Night Writer
??????????????????????????????? Prologue
Elyse waited patiently by the open trunk of the car as the boy placed
the last bag of groceries inside. She found herself smiling, for no
particular reason.? The sun was warm on her face, and a slight breeze
played with her hair, tickling her cheek, teasing her in and out of her
The soft knit of the light sweater fell away from the firm swell of her
breasts as she reached to close the trunk lid, then settled smoothly
over them again as she turned to the boy to tip him.? She caught him
staring and blushed, almost having forgotten how a boy might be
distracted by the slight sway of a woman's bare breasts and nipples
beneath the ordinary white turtleneck.
Looking over the boy's shoulder, her smile widened, and she waved.
Steven had disappeared at the last minute, and now came bounding across
the parking lot clutching a small bouquet of wildflowers.
"For you, my lady," he announced as he bowed, raising the offering as
though she was royalty.? "You!" she said, giggling.
The boy watched them play.? He saw the sparkle of happiness in her eyes,
and the kiss that Steven planted on her lips, then turned away to give
them their privacy.? There would be a day in his future as well, he
thought as he walked back to his eight hour shift, a day when he would
see the same sparkle in the eyes of the perfect girl, the girl of his
They drove with the top down.? The immaculately restored Triumph
convertible took each turn as if it had just come off the production
line, hugging the road with familiar security as they left the highway
behind, traveling the winding lane that led them home.
Elyse stretched her arms upward, the fall air rushing through the
spaces between spread fingers.? Weeks ago the leaves had changed from
summer green to blazing yellows and reds.? Now a fresh layer of red and
brown covered the roadside as the last of the forest harvest fluttered
reluctantly to earth.
Steven glanced at her as he drove, smiling at her playful gesture.? He
could see where the sweater revealed the soft skin of her belly as she
stretched, and the shape of her breasts and nipples under the white
"I've never seen you leave the house like that," Steven said, breaking
a long silence.? Elyse grinned at him with satisfaction and stretched
higher, relieved that he had finally noticed.
"I thought you might like it," she said, her face now tilted upward
into the wind.
"I'm sure the boy at the market liked it," he answered with a hint of
"Mmmm, I didn't think about that.? I suppose it's harmless enough.? I
doubt that I've corrupted him for life."? She laughed and turned to look
at him.? As she lowered her arms, a falling leaf met her outstretched
hand and tangled itself in her fingers.
He kept his eyes on the road ahead, refusing to return her look.? "What
I'd really like is that my wife not expose her breasts to every
teenager in town."
Suddenly the joy of the crisp air and fall colors was drained from her.
She sat next to him, hands in her lap, shocked into silence.? "I - I did
it for you..." she said quietly.? She stared at the leaf, turning it
over and over in her lap.? It was perfectly shaped, but brittle and
brown, without color or life.
Hidden away in the woods at the end of a gravel lane, the sprawling
house's presence was surprisingly overwhelming to anyone who might come
upon it by chance.? A wedding present from Elyse's father, the summer
"cabin" as he called it had belonged to his father as well.? Though
made of large logs taken generations ago from deep within the same
forest, its sheer size and modern interior made it anything but the
diminutive description her father was so fond of.
"I'm sorry," Steven said as he turned the key and the car's engine
died.? "I love the way you look; I love everything about you.? You know
that.? It's just that I don't want everyone in town staring at your
body.? I know you did it for me, but it's a small town.? Someone may take
it the wrong way.? If everyone thinks you're flirting, well, who knows
what might happen?? It's embarrassing."
Elyse stared at the leaf, now turned to hard branching veins as its
petrified flesh crumbled into her lap.? "I know," she told him.? "It was
silly - I just didn't think about the consequences.? I'm sorry."
Steven leaned over and kissed her.? "Don't be sorry.? Besides, you can
show me your nipples, at home, any time, in fact, all the time, if you
want."? He grinned, hoping to get the same response from her.
She did her best to show him the grin he wanted.? As she returned his
kiss, she felt his hand on her breast, his fingers teasing her nipple
beneath the thin knit sweater.? She kissed him harder, the sounds of the
woods bringing her alive again, making her wet for him then and there.
His belt opened easily, and in seconds her hand closed around his
erection, stroking it, pulling it free into the wilderness she loved.
"Not here," he said finally.? "Let's go inside."
"Here," she moaned, as she lowered her face to his lap, reaching for
the hard tip of his sex with her tongue.
"Elyse," he said abruptly.? "What's gotten into you today?? What if
someone should come by?"? She took an inch of him, then another, into
her mouth. She knew he wouldn't resist; she was sure he couldn't, once
she began to move her lips and tongue over him.? When he cradled her
head in his hands, she melted inside, and closed her mouth even more
tightly around him.? "Please," she thought, "show me, show me what you
want me to do to you, show me how you want me to suck you, how you want
to fuck my mouth, oh god, please show me..."? But he pulled her face
away from his lap, her soft hair tangled in his fingers, her eyes
pleading for something he didn't understand.
"Inside," he whispered.? They sat, trembling, staring into each others
eyes.? Elyse nodded, and, with a smile Steven didn't recognize as one of
consolation, felt his hands slip from her hair.? The air had taken on a
sudden chill as she helped carry the groceries to the house.? Winter was
coming.? If only she had worn her jacket.
That evening Elyse sat curled up in a big overstuffed recliner by the
fire, her nose buried in a book.? Her robe had worked its way open,
revealing a delicious, smooth expanse of thigh, as well as the deep V
between her breasts.? Steven sat across from her on the sofa, his papers
scattered over the wide, rustic coffee table. Now and then she glanced
up at him, checking to see whether he noticed each time she shifted
positions, letting her robe open another inch.
"Damn it!" he muttered.? "Where in the hell - Elyse, have you seen part
of my manuscript?? A loose page maybe?? Something with a lot of
calculations on it?"? He still hadn't looked at her.
She knew how important his paper was to his future - at least she
thought she understood.? His explanation was always a little cryptic to
her, all that math and those strange symbols.? She did understand that a
college professor would always be just a college professor if he didn't
distinguish himself in his field.? Publish or perish.? She had heard him
say it so many times, as though she might have somehow forgotten the
"You're tired," she told him, her voice as silky and inviting as she
could make it.? "Why don't you come to bed? We'll look tomorrow."
"But it was just here!" he insisted.? "Maybe I left it in my office."? He
rose and left the room, never glancing at her open robe.? "For Christ
sake!? Damn it, damn it, damn it!"? His curses echoed from the open
doorway down the hall.
Elyse sighed, put her book on the floor beside the chair, gathered her
robe around her, and went to help.? She stood at his office door,
listening to him rant and watching him tear though stacks of papers.
"It must be here!? It has to be!"? He still hadn't looked at her.
"I'm going to bed," she told him finally.? "You coming?"
"Soon," he told her, finally looking up at her.? She had let her robe
fall open again.? She was naked under it, and smiled when she saw him
staring at her body.? Steven paused and sighed, as though he was annoyed
at being caught ogling her.? "I'll be up soon," he said evenly, still
shuffling through a chaos of white paper.
An hour had passed before he woke her from a light sleep as he slipped
into bed beside her.? She felt his hand cup her breast, then move slowly
down her belly, finally probing between her legs.? Pushing away the numb
calm of an hour's sleep, she turned toward him and placed her hand
along the side of his face.? Another minute, and he would kiss her, then
move closer, working his hips forward tentatively, as if asking
permission to enter her.? She would find his penis and hold him, playing
with him lightly, coaxing him nearer, assuring him with her pounding
heart and loving touches that she wanted him inside her.
He made love to her with tenderness and precision.? She knew every move
so well.? He would wait hours for her to cum.? On the rare occasion when
an orgasm eluded her, times when merely enjoying the closeness of being
one with him was enough, he seemed relentless.? It shamed her to think
of the times she had pretended, offering up a quiet sigh of a climax so
he could finally enjoy his own release.
She stroked his chest and shoulders as he worked, his erection reliable
and tireless, pushing into her with machine-like predictability.? He
would lean closer to nibble on her neck soon, then find her ear with
the tip of his tongue.? So loving.? So caring.? So careful.
Elyse studied his face until his eyes closed.? Concentrating, she
thought.? Trying to please me.? Trying to make me cum.? As time passed,
she stared past Steven, into the darkness of their bedroom.? He loves
me.? He loves me.? He loves me.? She would make the practiced sigh, tense
her body, then give up a crescendo of moans, her sign to him that he
had satisfied her, and all was right with the world.? Elyse wondered if
he counted her moans, analyzed them with the precision of the mathematics
that had become his life.
He loves me.? He loves me.? He loves me.
????????????????????????? Persephone in Winter
??????????????????????????? by Night Writer
?????????????????????????????? Chapter 1
It wasn't quite as though she was cheating.? He had known for some
time.? And she knew he knew.? She couldn't help crying out a bit louder
when she came.? She had always been quiet, her small throaty moan
rising on those few special occasions when she seemed especially wet.
Now she came with mouth wide open, filling the darkened bedroom with
unfamiliar words, telling him over and over how she wanted him, how she
loved his cock inside her.? When she straddled him and played with her
breasts, or rose on her knees offering him entry from behind, he knew
another man took her that way.? Yet, they went on, week after week,
knowing but not admitting, too fearful to let the words pass between
She was the first to break the silence.
"I have to tell you about him."
He couldn't look at her.? He wouldn't.
She watched him look away, then glanced at the phone.
"I don't love him.? I just can't say no to him."
His spine turned to stone at her words.? His hands trembled, breath
coming in thin packets that racked his chest.
"I want to stop.? But when he wants me - "
Steven jumped when the phone rang.? His eyes went to it, then to Elyse.
She ignored the insistent warble, now pale and oddly neutral as she
searched for his reaction.
She was slim and fragile in the cotton sundress.? Enough light poured
through it from behind her to reveal the outline of her breasts and
waist.? He guessed she was naked beneath it, then was sure of it as
she approached the phone.? She pressed it to her ear, listening,
motionless, familiar lines of bare thigh revealed through the
translucent cotton.
Elyse held the receiver out to him, knowing he would take it.
He listened, still frozen in place, while the voice delivered options
and ultimatums.
"She still loves you, you know.? She comes to me for something else, a
sense of possession, an unresolved sensual necessity. You can choose
to allow her this, or flee, freeing yourself of the pain and her love.
The decision is yours."
The voice was precise and confident.? He could see she knew it well.
Her eyes were wide with anticipation and excitement.? The voice told
him everything, what was, and what was to be.? And Steven knew that a
part of her already belonged to the voice, but not the part that loved
him. Could he share her flesh to keep her shining eyes?
"Your decision is one that's easier to agree to than to live with.? But
then, agreeing is only the first step, is it not?? Can you take the
second?? Only time will tell. And time is growing short.? So, to test
your stride, the second step, if you're up to it.? Simon says ..."
At sundown, Steven followed his wife into the warm rain of the shower.
Elyse offered herself to him, head back, erect nipples waiting for the
soap in his hand against them, then down her belly, smooth slippery
skin made fresh for her late-night lover.? Her thighs tightened at his
touch as a soapy river raced over them, swirling into the drain below.
She turned her back to him, and he studied the lines and valleys of her
shoulders, filled now with frothy white as he passed the soapy cloth
over them.? Finally, gliding down the deep crevice of her back, his
hands now free of everything except the scented soap, he cupped and
lifted the soft but firm globes of her ass, circling over them, feeling
the weight of them in his hands.? Her legs opened.? She leaned against
the shower wall, her open slit reminding him of his duty.
Simon says...
The soap made her slick and wet between her legs.? Had it been that way
before he touched her there?? Did her back arch a little when his soapy
fingers drifted into the space between fleshy cunt-lips?
After a quiet moan, her words - bitter, breathless, agonizing.
"Will you give me to him?? Will you clean me, dress me, take me to him?
Will you love me after I take another man inside me and cum,
screaming under him, knowing I love you more each day?"
His answer was not with words, but with actions.? He dried her with the
large towel, careful not to dwell where more questions would come.
????????????????????????? Persephone in Winter
??????????????????????????? by Night Writer
????????????????????????????? Chapter 2
The house was one of many hidden behind dense hedges and wide iron
gates along the endless avenue. Finding it was painfully slow. The
camera's cold, glass eye found them, internal elements shifting with
precision, then stared unblinking at them through the windshield for
what seemed like hours.
At first they sat in silence in the waiting car - her heart racing with
forbidden surrender to another, his with apprehension, and finally
terror. She was delicious in the cool evening light. He had never
seen her so radiant - the creamy white skin of her neck gracefully
arched over a tempting hint of heaving breast revealed at the border of
the modest neckline.
The dress was delivered earlier that day, a plain black box with a
single red rose attached.? Steven was curious but quiet upon its
arrival. She placed it on the bed unopened, smiled, and put her arms
around his waist.
"He always dresses me.? Oh, it's not what you think.? No garter belts
or lingerie, none of that.? He puts me in the most tasteful clothes,
something different each time.? Very chic.? Very expensive.? Afterwards
he takes them from me and destroys them."
"He thinks that little of you?"
She smiled, resting her head on his chest against a bounding heart.
"No - he thinks that much of me. Each time, I'm what he wants
me to be.? Each time is special.? And after, it's gone forever.? Me, the
place, the time, the dress - it's his creation, unspoiled, and forever
unshared by anyone."
Her words still echoed in his head as they waited in the dark car.? The
dress fit her like a glove, a black, velvet glove. He marveled at how
the fabric could be so thin, and yet so opaque.? It moved as though it
was a part of her, revealing fleeting lines of breast, hip, and thigh
with the slightest motion of her body.? Down the front, a single row of
soft, tiny, black buttons, an inch apart, ran from neckline to ankle.
He had watched her button each one, an agonizingly slow process.? She
had taken her time, smiling up at him after every two or three, as if
to say, "Imagine how long it will take him to get to me, to open me up,
to peel me like a piece of wet, juicy fruit."
The heavy gates swung inward on smooth, silent hinges.? He hesitated,
his foot hovering above the pedal, now uncertain whether he could guide
the car through the entrance, then along the densely wooded drive that
would take her to him.? She sensed his reluctance and turned to him.
He fought for breath as she leaned closer, her trembling body draped in
exquisite ebony.? The fine, delicate swirl of her ear bore sparkling
clusters of emeralds that flirted with the light between perfectly
placed strands of hair.? She took his hand.? Her smile was weak but
"Now that we're here, I can't ask you for this.? I can't bring myself
to utter the words, to sound so selfish, or to hurt you."
Her eyes were liquid and wide with sympathy.? But was there a fleeting
hint of excitement in the flicker of her dark lashes?
"I can only tell you that it's happened, that it's something I can't
escape.? Something in me needs this, something so powerful I feel I'll
self-destruct if I don't see it through.? I don't understand it. I
can't answer your questions.? But I can love you. Is that enough?"
He flinched when she squeezed his hand lightly, then took the wheel and
drove through the open gates without a word.? She turned away without
apology, looking straight ahead as he drove on.? The tear he waited for
never came. He knew the road ahead was the only way to keep her.
The gates vanished into darkness behind them as the car crept along a
broad curve, lit only by muted lamps hugging the driveway at regular
intervals.? He heard her small sigh as she settled back into the seat,
her eyes now staring miles into the night.? Guessing her thoughts
tortured him as he peered ahead into the blackness.? Was she already
with him? Did she know his plan?? Was she eager to escape his costume
for the night, to be naked and used in a game of their making?? Or was
it the anticipation of the unknown - something that would push her far
past boundaries not yet crossed?
The house rose like a glowing fortress, awash in the blue-white of
countless lights spread over the sprawling grounds.? The hulking
Georgian manor, spacious entry court, and winding drive were carved out
of the surrounding dense vegetation that contained the light within it,
keeping the property in near-daylight long after sunset.? A wide portico
supporting six massive ionic columns dropped to the level of the
circular driveway through a series of gleaming white marble steps that
sparkled under the intense light.? He stopped the car in front of them,
peering into the rows of tall, arched windows lining the front of the
massive two-story structure.? Taking his hand again, she looked as
though she belonged there - elegant, beautiful, a precious gift to
be enjoyed, treasured, possessed.
"Wait for me?"
"I'd rather not.? I - I don't think I can..."
"No, my love.? I'm not asking.? He is."
"But, he never said anything about having to watch you with him.? I
couldn't take that. Isn't this enough?"
"He doesn't want you watch us.? In fact, he won't allow it.? I'm his
and his alone when we're together.? But you must show that you're
willing to share me, to give me to him whenever he wants.? Bringing me
here to him, and later returning me to our bed is the only gesture he
demands.? You have to give me willingly.? It's sex, not love.? I love
you.? I always will.? Please show him you'll wait."
She was out of the car before he could answer, making her way up the
rows of steps.? As she turned just briefly to glance back at him, he
noticed the flush across her face, and her hardened nipples straining
against the delicate fabric.
She rang the bell at the door.? He watched her as she waited patiently,
hands at her sides, the slim curves of her body on display in the
finest detail under the intense light.? Even so, the black dress clung
to her body in ways that would have made her unrecognizable to him from
the back, had she not just left her place beside him minutes ago.
The door opened.? She took a step forward.? His arms encircled her, one
at the waist, the other moving up her back until his fingers dug into
chestnut curls, pulling her closer.? She lifted her chin and opened her
mouth to him.? He covered it with his, suddenly pleased that her
response was so eager, that she would so savagely invade his mouth
while her husband watched.? His hand moved lower, palm now gliding over
the hard flesh of her ass, naked under the wisp of black cloth.? She
moved close against him, her legs closing around the muscle of his
thigh.? Her hips tilted into him, then again, and again, as the kiss
became more frenzied.
Steven watched them from the car, the kiss, his caresses, her thighs
clutching the stranger's leg, hips grinding against him in heat.? And
when he thought he could watch no longer, they stopped.? Two large
hands appeared on her shoulders.? He was speaking to her. She was
nodding, slowly, mechanically.? His hands disappeared again, retreating
down the front of her dress, busy, doing what? From the back it was
difficult to tell.? His hands reappeared on her shoulders, this time
pulling the dark material to the sides, then down, over her arms, until
her bare back glistened in the floodlights.? Elyse stood before him,
naked to the waist, her hands now busy below his belt, her actions also
hidden from her husband's sight.
She knelt, now on her knees below him, her hands still busy, still
hidden from her husband by waves of shining hair.? Her small fingers
closed around his cock, smoothly running the length of it as the tip
grew wet before her eyes.? She closed her lips around it, the ball of
flesh hard and warm against her tongue.? She welcomed the familiar
taste of him, and let him know with eager but careful teasing, sucking
and licking just as he had taught her.? But this time it was different.
She was wet, and loved the feel of him in her mouth as she had on each
occasion, but now she felt her husband's eyes upon her.? Would he allow
her this one passion?? Was he strong enough to accept her physical need
for another and be party to it as well?? She loved Steven desperately.
He nourished her soul.? But Simon fed her cunt, and her mind refused to
consider having to choose, should it come to that.
Steven watched them from the car, stomach tied in knots, glancing away
each time doubt began to overcome him.? Although he saw nothing but his
wife on her knees in front of him, her flexing back naked in the night
air, agonizing images filled his head - her lips sucking greedily at
the stranger's cock, her hands busy, milking, coaxing the semen from
his body into her waiting mouth.? He fought the temptation to escape,
to turn the key and drive away.? But he knew her well enough by now to
recognize the genuineness of her love for him and her need for this
stranger's hold on her.
At that distance, it was difficult to make out the man's features.? The
skin of deep bronze against the crisp white shirt, shining jet-black
hair pulled back, bound into a short tail, all suggested a man of Latin
descent.? And the voice on the phone; he thought he detected a slight
accent beneath the intimidating, articulate voice.? His display of
total control as Elyse knelt before him, her naked breasts offered to
him as Steven imagined her caressing a stranger's cock with her lips
and tongue, all against the backdrop of the brilliantly lit mansion
presented a surreal and painfully erotic scene that mesmerized him. As
much as he needed to look away, he found he could not.
After a minute, maybe two, the man reached for her, pulling her gently
to her feet.? His hands appeared again, this time lifting the dress
back over her shoulders, methodically fastening the open buttons, one
by one.? The demonstration was brief but effective.? Elyse understood
the intent all too well, but wondered whether the show of power was
excessive, considering the emotions her husband must already be
juggling.? She also knew that power was everything to Simon, power and
control.? He would insist on an offering, a sacrifice, from her husband
from the start.? To witness her submission from behind, with few
details, forcing Steven to imagine her mouth on Simon's cock, to ask
himself if her nipples hardened when she touched her lover, to agonize
over what Simon saw as he looked down over her bare shoulders and firm,
young breasts - all this was what he would demand.? Simon took her
hand, and as the mansion swallowed them she warmed inside, knowing she
had not heard the engine rev or the car speed away into the night.
????????????????????????? Persephone in Winter
??????????????????????????? by Night Writer
?????????????????????????????? Chapter 3
She sat some ten feet away from Simon in the walnut-paneled library.
Glasses of brandy rested on identical cherry tables beside each richly
upholstered wingback chair.? He was unusually quiet this evening,
taking time to savor the rich, dark drink, allowing her to nearly
finish her own generous portion.? She expected he would talk of her
husband, and was apprehensive about betraying her love for him, even
with unshared thoughts.? Instead, he sat and watched her, his fierce
eyes drinking in her slim body, harboring clues to her fate later in
the night.
"Do you love me?"
His first words startled her, both with their suddenness and their
content. She hesitated, trying to guess the answer he wanted from her.
"Simon - I..."
"Do_you_love_me?? A simple question - four words - none more than four
His eyes were locked on hers - dark with savage intensity. Her hand
trembled as she reached for her brandy, only to find the glass empty.
"I love my husband.? I love your cock."
He stiffened suddenly and leaned forward in his chair, dark eyes
"Such language from a pretty wife.? The day will come when I tire
of your hungry, young body.? Poor little thing, hanging on my gate,
used and discarded."
He had never spoken to her like this.? Would he turn her away for
giving just one wrong answer?? Should she beg?? Play indignant, or
proud?? What did he want from her?
His fierce stare melted into a wide smile.
"But how could I possibly discard such a thirsty young woman who knows
so well what she wants, and loves.? Oh, I did very much like the sound
of that - what was it again?"
Now she trembled for a different reason.? She felt the coolness between
her legs where her juices pooled, wetting her inner thighs.
"I love your cock, Simon."
His smile faded a bit, his eyebrows arched, then after a few thoughtful
seconds, he tilted his head to the side with lips pursed.
"I love your cock, Simon," she purred slowly, letting her heat warm
every word.
He poured another drink, then rose and went to her, half-filling her
glass as well.? She drank it in gulps, not stopping until it was gone.
When he reached for her the empty glass slipped from her hand,
shattering with a pop on the hardwood floor.? Without flinching, he
began to open the dress; one button, then two, three, lingering
deliberately before going to the next, savoring the trail of tender
skin left behind as the front of the dress parted.? It seemed to take
forever, and by the time he had undone the last button, she was
breathless and limp.? She slid lower in the chair over the slick
fabric of the open dress, until her hips passed over the edge of the
seat, supported only by her splayed legs stretched out on either side
of him.
"Are you wet?"
"God yes, Simon. Can't you see?"
The dress had fallen away from her belly and legs.? He studied the
swelling slit between her legs with a puzzled frown.
"Show me."
She struggled to hold her cunt open to him, her fingers slippery with
the fluids that poured from her.? She had never felt more naked,
more vulnerable.? But that's what Simon did.? Why did it feel so good?
From what dark corner of her imagination had this maddening addiction
Freed itself?? Her husband was just fifty yards away, waiting for her
to return to him, knowing that she would give her body to Simon in ways
that would forever remain her secret.? Was at least a sliver of the
excitement from knowing her husband agreed to surrender her, and would
likely do so in the future?? Was it really his strength, his compromise
to keep them together, or some perverted sense of power over him that
made her dripping wet so quickly tonight?
"Play with yourself.? I want to watch your face as you cum."
"Please Simon, I -"
A sudden ripple of disappointment shot through her.? Her first orgasm
was always the most intense, and riding it out without his cock in her
was something she hadn't expected.
"Well, well. You are a spirited little thing tonight.? You've never
hesitated for a second at one of my requests - always eager to play
the slut so unbecoming a prim and proper wife."
"I - I want you inside me when I cum."
"So.? We regress.? Remember how we play?? Simon says..."
She sank two fingers deep inside, then drew them out slowly, one along
each side of the hard, wet button of flesh.? Cradling it between them,
she eased both fingers along her swollen clit, circling over the
sensitive tip every so often with a trembling swirl.
He stood between her outstretched legs and watched with satisfaction,
then raised the half-full glass of brandy in the air over her, tilting
it slightly just above her upturned face.
"Simon says, 'Open'."
Her mouth fell open just in time to catch the ribbon of burgundy that
fell from the rim of his glass.? He smiled down at her as he kept it
coming, soon filling her mouth faster than she could swallow it.? As it
overflowed across her chin he followed with the glass, pouring a thin,
steady stream over her breasts and belly, until it funneled between her
legs, mixing with her own sticky nectar, finally trickling into a
building puddle on the floor below.
"Decisions, decisions.? What should I do with such an anxious young
lady?? Should I grant her her wish and stick my cock in her?? Although,
I haven't really heard her beg convincingly for it this evening.
Perhaps I should bring her husband inside.? We could watch her face
together, her body twitching as she fingers herself to orgasm in my library."
He turned his back to her and walked slowly toward the door.? Would he
do it - even after he had promised not to push her husband hard enough
to endanger their marriage?? He was going too far - she couldn't allow
it - but she was so wet, now suddenly much closer to the brink, still
without his prick filling her.
"Simon, please!? I can't - can't hold out - much - much - longer.? I
need you, Simon.? I need - your - cock in me.? I - need - your - cock -
I need - your - cock - I -"
He wore a pleased grin as he turned to face her.
"Ahh, you have such a way with words - convincing words indeed."
His chair was only a few steps away.? He went to it, sat, unzipped the
front of his pants, and pulled his erection through the opening.? Her
eyes were glued to it - so hard and thick, like a bar of bronze
sculpted into a warm likeness of the perfect cock.
"Simon says, 'Over here.'"
She slid over the edge of the chair until her knees touched the floor,
allowed the dress to fall from her shoulders, then crawled to him on
hands and knees, slowly, with her head down, the way she knew he would
want her.? Stopping between his parted legs, she waited for the sound
of his voice.? He withheld it until he could see her shiver, knowing
that her need to be filled grew with each agonizing second.? He watched
in silence as the small of her long, smooth back arched, her ass rising
and falling almost imperceptibly in a futile effort to bring relief to
the ache between her shaking thighs.? 'How long would she wait?' he
wondered.? Hours? - Days? - this fragile, loving wife, cowering, naked
on the floor below, silently begging to be taken by a stranger...
She watched her breasts hanging and quivering, engorged nipples
straining toward the floor, and through the space between them the
small tuft of hair matted and dripping with her juices.? In time she
closed her eyes, knowing that the sight of her body's response to him
would only excite her more.? Soon her eyes were clenched tight as she
struggled to concentrate, to become whatever he wanted that night,
at whatever cost.
Her body shook in rhythmic spasms.? Ridges of muscle rose between her
shoulder blades, and her inner thighs flexed and relaxed in an
uncontrollable cadence.? He waited for a sign - something new,
something not easily surrendered.? When her tears fell from within
the tangle of hair that covered her face, landing with tiny splats
between his feet, he spoke.
"Look at me."
Elyse raised her head slowly. Thick waves of hair parted to reveal her
tear-streaked face.
"Interesting.? What brings tears to the eyes of a wife as she sluts for
another man?? Is it shame, an overpowering disgrace born from the
incapacity to control her own desires?? Or is it simply pure lust, her
body's final desperate mechanism for dealing with extended deprivation,
fired by a ravenous carnal appetite? Of course, a true slut could
never feel shame.? A true slut would abandon everything for a good hard
fucking, never stopping to think twice about her future, or the future
of those she loves.? So which is it? Tell me, are these the tears of
a slut or sinner?"
She searched his eyes for some small hint that this was just a game,
hoping that he would break into a sympathetic laugh, scoop her up in
his arms, and take her to his bed.? Soon she understood her answer was
required, a necessary part of their evening together. But which
"Both.? I'm both, Simon."
Her voice cracked and wavered. She could taste the salt of her own
"I-I'm your slut-your slut, Simon.? And-and sinner-and worse, in my
husband's eyes."
Leaning forward, he ran his fingers lightly over her face, then cradled
it in his strong hands.? She welcomed the gentle pressure as he drew
her closer, stopping just inches from his towering erection.
"You may be many things in his eyes, but *you've* made this a refuge
from such things, a refuge from all things proper and respectable.
You've asked him to bring you here, and beyond that, to wait in the
wings as I use his wife's body in ways that must test the limits of his
He paused, his fingers working their way under her hair, circling the
small, delicate contours of her ears, then trailing lower, caressing
cool bare skin at the back of her neck.
"I'm not interested in the sinner.? The world is full of sinners. So
don't waste my time with words.? Actions speak with much more
She sat up, rested her hands on his thighs, and took the solid, golden
head of his cock into her mouth.? Closing her lips tightly just over
the jutting ridge of the glans, she attacked the meat of it with the
tip of her tongue.? She could feel the beat of his pulse as she tested
the hard ball of flesh, pushing hard against it, swirling around the
edges, then gently probing the eye at it's center.? Each precious
droplet teased from him arrived warm and sweet against the back of her
"I don't think I've ever seen you suck me with such abandon, or for
that matter, any wife so willing take another man's cock in her mouth.
Are you as eager to take your husband's in the same way?"
She stopped and looked up at him.
"We don't - I mean, not like this.? It's different with him."
"I see."
He sighed, showing his frustration with her evasive answer.
"Please, don't..."
"Come now.? Whining doesn't become you, my dear.? Tell me.? I insist.
Just how different is this husband of yours?"
She lowered her eyes.? Her nipples seemed to reach out to him,
embarrassingly hard.
"It's more - more, comfortable with him, I guess.? It's safe, calm,
warm, wrapped around each other in our bed.? I could never - I mean,
it's just not the same.? He'd think - "
"You may be surprised what he thinks.? Must a wife who does her whorish
best by night forsake the lady she's become by day?? You think nothing
of offering your body to me for whatever amusement I might invent.? In
fact you flaunt your lust, so desperately, so ravenously, for what you
could easily have at home."
"I don't understand it, Simon.? It's not as simple as you make it.? I'm
not proud of this - I know I'm hurting him deeply.? Do you think I enjoy
"Do you?? There is a certain exhilaration in exercising one's
power over another, even if it's someone close to your heart.? The
liberation from feelings of powerlessness can be a stimulating
awakening.? And, as horrifying as you might find it on the surface, the
pain you deliver with a newfound weapon can be both empowering and
A sudden chill shook her, causing her hands to tremble as she moved
them along his thighs.? When her hands found his erection she closed
them gently around the firm shaft.? She could feel the heat it radiated
before touching him, and imagined it flowing into her fingers, along
her bare arms, then into the core of her body, finally chasing the
chill back from where his words had summoned it.
She found herself crying again - suddenly, unexpectedly sobbing,
despite the comforting warmth that poured into her.
"Please stop, Simon.? Why can't you leave him out of this?? Why won't
you just fuck me?? I'm begging, Simon - oh God, I'm begging you..."
He rose and went to a desk at the far side of the room.? From the wide
center drawer he retrieved a coil of thick, heavy cord.? Her heart
raced when she saw it, partly from fear, partly from excitement.? He
ran a portion of it through his fingers, now careful not to look at
her.? It was woven of black silk, thick as his finger, but hollow at
its center.? Looping it loosely around his hand several times, he
tightened it slowly, feeling it collapse slightly as its suppleness
conformed to the contours of his knuckles and palm.
She was on her knees by his chair when he returned.? He reached for her
hand, she gave it, and he helped her to her feet.? Gently but firmly,
he brought her wrists together, circled them three times with the cord,
then once more, passing it between them, finally tying the knot between
her palms.? He again looped the remaining length about his hand and
headed for the wide, open stairs that led to his bedroom.? She
followed, two short steps behind, as much as the rope would allow, her
cunt open, red, and flowing with juices from an hour's torment.
Persephone in Winter
??????????????????????????? by Night Writer
??????????????????????????????? Prologue
Elyse waited patiently by the open trunk of the car as
the boy placed
the last bag of groceries inside. She found herself
smiling, for no
particular reason.?
The sun was warm on her face, and a slight breeze
played with her hair, tickling her cheek, teasing her in
and out of her
The soft knit of the light sweater fell away from the
firm swell of her
breasts as she reached to close the trunk lid, then
settled smoothly
over them again as she turned to the boy to tip him.? She caught him
staring and blushed, almost having forgotten how a boy
might be
distracted by the slight sway of a woman's bare breasts
and nipples
beneath the ordinary white turtleneck.
Looking over the boy's shoulder, her smile widened, and
she waved.
Steven had disappeared at the last minute, and now came
bounding across
the parking lot clutching a small bouquet of wildflowers.
"For you, my lady," he announced as he bowed,
raising the offering as
though she was royalty.?
"You!" she said, giggling.
The boy watched them play.? He saw the sparkle of happiness in her eyes,
and the kiss that Steven planted on her lips, then turned
away to give
them their privacy.?
There would be a day in his future as well, he
thought as he walked back to his eight hour shift, a day
when he would
see the same sparkle in the eyes of the perfect girl, the
girl of his
They drove with the top down.? The immaculately restored Triumph
convertible took each turn as if it had just come off the
line, hugging the road with familiar security as they
left the highway
behind, traveling the winding lane that led them home.
Elyse stretched her arms upward, the fall air rushing
through the
spaces between spread fingers.? Weeks ago the leaves had changed from
summer green to blazing yellows and reds.? Now a fresh layer of red and
brown covered the roadside as the last of the forest
harvest fluttered
reluctantly to earth.
Steven glanced at her as he drove, smiling at her playful
gesture.? He
could see where the sweater revealed the soft skin of her
belly as she
stretched, and the shape of her breasts and nipples under
the white
"I've never seen you leave the house like
that," Steven said, breaking
a long silence.?
Elyse grinned at him with satisfaction and stretched
higher, relieved that he had finally noticed.
"I thought you might like it," she said, her
face now tilted upward
into the wind.
"I'm sure the boy at the market liked it," he
answered with a hint of
"Mmmm, I didn't think about that.? I suppose it's harmless enough.? I
doubt that I've corrupted him for life."? She laughed and turned to look
at him.? As she
lowered her arms, a falling leaf met her outstretched
hand and tangled itself in her fingers.
He kept his eyes on the road ahead, refusing to return
her look.? "What
I'd really like is that my wife not expose her breasts to
teenager in town."
Suddenly the joy of the crisp air and fall colors was
drained from her.
She sat next to him, hands in her lap, shocked into
silence.? "I - I did
it for you..." she said quietly.? She stared at the leaf, turning it
over and over in her lap.?
It was perfectly shaped, but brittle and
brown, without color or life.
Hidden away in the woods at the end of a gravel lane, the
house's presence was surprisingly overwhelming to anyone
who might come
upon it by chance.?
A wedding present from Elyse's father, the summer
"cabin" as he called it had belonged to his
father as well.? Though
made of large logs taken generations ago from deep within
the same
forest, its sheer size and modern interior made it
anything but the
diminutive description her father was so fond of.
"I'm sorry," Steven said as he turned the key
and the car's engine
died.? "I love
the way you look; I love everything about you.?
You know
that.? It's just
that I don't want everyone in town staring at your
body.? I know you
did it for me, but it's a small town.?
Someone may take
it the wrong way.?
If everyone thinks you're flirting, well, who knows
what might happen??
It's embarrassing."
Elyse stared at the leaf, now turned to hard branching
veins as its
petrified flesh crumbled into her lap.? "I know," she told him.? "It was
silly - I just didn't think about the consequences.? I'm sorry."
Steven leaned over and kissed her.? "Don't be sorry.? Besides, you can
show me your nipples, at home, any time, in fact, all the
time, if you
want."? He
grinned, hoping to get the same response from her.
She did her best to show him the grin he wanted.? As she returned his
kiss, she felt his hand on her breast, his fingers
teasing her nipple
beneath the thin knit sweater.? She kissed him harder, the sounds of the
woods bringing her alive again, making her wet for him
then and there.
His belt opened easily, and in seconds her hand closed
around his
erection, stroking it, pulling it free into the
wilderness she loved.
"Not here," he said finally.? "Let's go inside."
"Here," she moaned, as she lowered her face to
his lap, reaching for
the hard tip of his sex with her tongue.
"Elyse," he said abruptly.? "What's gotten into you today?? What if
someone should come by?"? She took an inch of him, then another, into
her mouth. She knew he wouldn't resist; she was sure he
couldn't, once
she began to move her lips and tongue over him.? When he cradled her
head in his hands, she melted inside, and closed her
mouth even more
tightly around him.?
"Please," she thought, "show me, show me what you
want me to do to you, show me how you want me to suck
you, how you want
to fuck my mouth, oh god, please show me..."? But he pulled her face
away from his lap, her soft hair tangled in his fingers,
her eyes
pleading for something he didn't understand.
"Inside," he whispered.? They sat, trembling, staring into each others
eyes.? Elyse
nodded, and, with a smile Steven didn't recognize as one of
consolation, felt his hands slip from her hair.? The air had taken on a
sudden chill as she helped carry the groceries to the
house.? Winter was
coming.? If only
she had worn her jacket.
That evening Elyse sat curled up in a big overstuffed
recliner by the
fire, her nose buried in a book.? Her robe had worked its way open,
revealing a delicious, smooth expanse of thigh, as well
as the deep V
between her breasts.?
Steven sat across from her on the sofa, his papers
scattered over the wide, rustic coffee table. Now and
then she glanced
up at him, checking to see whether he noticed each time
she shifted
positions, letting her robe open another inch.
"Damn it!" he muttered.? "Where in the hell - Elyse, have you
seen part
of my manuscript??
A loose page maybe?? Something
with a lot of
calculations on it?"?
He still hadn't looked at her.
She knew how important his paper was to his future - at
least she
thought she understood.?
His explanation was always a little cryptic to
her, all that math and those strange symbols.? She did understand that a
college professor would always be just a college
professor if he didn't
distinguish himself in his field.? Publish or perish.? She had heard him
say it so many times, as though she might have somehow
forgotten the
"You're tired," she told him, her voice as
silky and inviting as she
could make it.?
"Why don't you come to bed? We'll look tomorrow."
"But it was just here!" he insisted.? "Maybe I left it in my
office."? He
rose and left the room, never glancing at her open
robe.? "For Christ
sake!? Damn it,
damn it, damn it!"? His curses
echoed from the open
doorway down the hall.
Elyse sighed, put her book on the floor beside the chair,
gathered her
robe around her, and went to help.? She stood at his office door,
listening to him rant and watching him tear though stacks
of papers.
"It must be here!?
It has to be!"? He still
hadn't looked at her.
"I'm going to bed," she told him finally.? "You coming?"
"Soon," he told her, finally looking up at
her.? She had let her robe
fall open again.?
She was naked under it, and smiled when she saw him
staring at her body.?
Steven paused and sighed, as though he was annoyed
at being caught ogling her.? "I'll be up soon," he said evenly,
shuffling through a chaos of white paper.
An hour had passed before he woke her from a light sleep
as he slipped
into bed beside her.?
She felt his hand cup her breast, then move slowly
down her belly, finally probing between her legs.? Pushing away the numb
calm of an hour's sleep, she turned toward him and placed
her hand
along the side of his face.? Another minute, and he would kiss her, then
move closer, working his hips forward tentatively, as if
permission to enter her.?
She would find his penis and hold him, playing
with him lightly, coaxing him nearer, assuring him with
her pounding
heart and loving touches that she wanted him inside her.
He made love to her with tenderness and precision.? She knew every move
so well.? He would
wait hours for her to cum.? On the rare
occasion when
an orgasm eluded her, times when merely enjoying the
closeness of being
one with him was enough, he seemed relentless.? It shamed her to think
of the times she had pretended, offering up a quiet sigh
of a climax so
he could finally enjoy his own release.
She stroked his chest and shoulders as he worked, his
erection reliable
and tireless, pushing into her with machine-like
predictability.? He
would lean closer to nibble on her neck soon, then find
her ear with
the tip of his tongue.?
So loving.? So caring.? So careful.
Elyse studied his face until his eyes closed.? Concentrating, she
thought.? Trying to
please me.? Trying to make me cum.? As time passed,
she stared past Steven, into the darkness of their
bedroom.? He loves
me.? He loves
me.? He loves me.? She would make the practiced sigh, tense
her body, then give up a crescendo of moans, her sign to
him that he
had satisfied her, and all was right with the world.? Elyse wondered if
he counted her moans, analyzed them with the precision of
the mathematics
that had become his life.
He loves me.? He
loves me.? He loves me.
Persephone in Winter
??????????????????????????? by Night Writer
?????????????????????????????? Chapter 1
It wasn't quite as though she was cheating.? He had known for some
time.? And she knew
he knew.? She couldn't help crying out a
bit louder
when she came.? She
had always been quiet, her small throaty moan
rising on those few special occasions when she seemed
especially wet.
Now she came with mouth wide open, filling the darkened
bedroom with
unfamiliar words, telling him over and over how she
wanted him, how she
loved his cock inside her.? When she straddled him and played with her
breasts, or rose on her knees offering him entry from
behind, he knew
another man took her that way.? Yet, they went on, week after week,
knowing but not admitting, too fearful to let the words
pass between
She was the first to break the silence.
"I have to tell you about him."
He couldn't look at her.?
He wouldn't.
She watched him look away, then glanced at the phone.
"I don't love him.?
I just can't say no to him."
His spine turned to stone at her words.? His hands trembled, breath
coming in thin packets that racked his chest.
"I want to stop.?
But when he wants me - "
Steven jumped when the phone rang.? His eyes went to it, then to Elyse.
She ignored the insistent warble, now pale and oddly neutral
as she
searched for his reaction.
She was slim and fragile in the cotton sundress.? Enough light poured
through it from behind her to reveal the outline of her
breasts and
waist.? He guessed
she was naked beneath it, then was sure of it as
she approached the phone.?
She pressed it to her ear, listening,
motionless, familiar lines of bare thigh revealed through
translucent cotton.
Elyse held the receiver out to him, knowing he would take
He listened, still frozen in place, while the voice
delivered options
and ultimatums.
"She still loves you, you know.? She comes to me for something else, a
sense of possession, an unresolved sensual necessity. You
can choose
to allow her this, or flee, freeing yourself of the pain
and her love.
The decision is yours."
The voice was precise and confident.? He could see she knew it well.
Her eyes were wide with anticipation and excitement.? The voice told
him everything, what was, and what was to be.? And Steven knew that a
part of her already belonged to the voice, but not the
part that loved
him. Could he share her flesh to keep her shining eyes?
"Your decision is one that's easier to agree to than
to live with.? But
then, agreeing is only the first step, is it not?? Can you take the
second?? Only time
will tell. And time is growing short.?
So, to test
your stride, the second step, if you're up to it.? Simon says ..."
At sundown, Steven followed his wife into the warm rain
of the shower.
Elyse offered herself to him, head back, erect nipples
waiting for the
soap in his hand against them, then down her belly,
smooth slippery
skin made fresh for her late-night lover.? Her thighs tightened at his
touch as a soapy river raced over them, swirling into the
drain below.
She turned her back to him, and he studied the lines and
valleys of her
shoulders, filled now with frothy white as he passed the
soapy cloth
over them.?
Finally, gliding down the deep crevice of her back, his
hands now free of everything except the scented soap, he
cupped and
lifted the soft but firm globes of her ass, circling over
them, feeling
the weight of them in his hands.? Her legs opened.? She leaned against
the shower wall, her open slit reminding him of his duty.
Simon says...
The soap made her slick and wet between her legs.? Had it been that way
before he touched her there?? Did her back arch a little when his soapy
fingers drifted into the space between fleshy cunt-lips?
After a quiet moan, her words - bitter, breathless,
"Will you give me to him?? Will you clean me, dress me, take me to him?
Will you love me after I take another man inside me and
screaming under him, knowing I love you more each
His answer was not with words, but with actions.? He dried her with the
large towel, careful not to dwell where more questions
would come.
Persephone in Winter
??????????????????????????? by Night Writer
????????????????????????????? Chapter 2
The house was one of many hidden behind dense hedges and
wide iron
gates along the endless avenue. Finding it was painfully
slow. The
camera's cold, glass eye found them, internal elements
shifting with
precision, then stared unblinking at them through the
windshield for
what seemed like hours.
At first they sat in silence in the waiting car - her
heart racing with
forbidden surrender to another, his with apprehension,
and finally
terror. She was delicious in the cool evening light. He
had never
seen her so radiant - the creamy white skin of her neck
arched over a tempting hint of heaving breast revealed at
the border of
the modest neckline.
The dress was delivered earlier that day, a plain black
box with a
single red rose attached.?
Steven was curious but quiet upon its
arrival. She placed it on the bed unopened, smiled, and
put her arms
around his waist.
"He always dresses me.? Oh, it's not what you think.? No garter belts
or lingerie, none of that.? He puts me in the most tasteful clothes,
something different each time.? Very chic.?
Very expensive.? Afterwards
he takes them from me and destroys them."
"He thinks that little of you?"
She smiled, resting her head on his chest against a
bounding heart.
"No - he thinks that much of me. Each time, I'm what
he wants
me to be.? Each
time is special.? And after, it's gone
forever.? Me, the
place, the time, the dress - it's his creation,
unspoiled, and forever
unshared by anyone."
Her words still echoed in his head as they waited in the
dark car.? The
dress fit her like a glove, a black, velvet glove. He
marveled at how
the fabric could be so thin, and yet so opaque.? It moved as though it
was a part of her, revealing fleeting lines of breast,
hip, and thigh
with the slightest motion of her body.? Down the front, a single row of
soft, tiny, black buttons, an inch apart, ran from
neckline to ankle.
He had watched her button each one, an agonizingly slow
process.? She
had taken her time, smiling up at him after every two or
three, as if
to say, "Imagine how long it will take him to get to
me, to open me up,
to peel me like a piece of wet, juicy fruit."
The heavy gates swung inward on smooth, silent
hinges.? He hesitated,
his foot hovering above the pedal, now uncertain whether
he could guide
the car through the entrance, then along the densely
wooded drive that
would take her to him.?
She sensed his reluctance and turned to him.
He fought for breath as she leaned closer, her trembling
body draped in
exquisite ebony.?
The fine, delicate swirl of her ear bore sparkling
clusters of emeralds that flirted with the light between
placed strands of hair.?
She took his hand.? Her smile was
weak but
"Now that we're here, I can't ask you for this.? I can't bring myself
to utter the words, to sound so selfish, or to hurt
Her eyes were liquid and wide with sympathy.? But was there a fleeting
hint of excitement in the flicker of her dark lashes?
"I can only tell you that it's happened, that it's
something I can't
escape.? Something
in me needs this, something so powerful I feel I'll
self-destruct if I don't see it through.? I don't understand it. I
can't answer your questions.? But I can love you. Is that enough?"
He flinched when she squeezed his hand lightly, then took
the wheel and
drove through the open gates without a word.? She turned away without
apology, looking straight ahead as he drove on.? The tear he waited for
never came. He knew the road ahead was the only way to
keep her.
The gates vanished into darkness behind them as the car
crept along a
broad curve, lit only by muted lamps hugging the driveway
at regular
intervals.? He
heard her small sigh as she settled back into the seat,
her eyes now staring miles into the night.? Guessing her thoughts
tortured him as he peered ahead into the blackness.? Was she already
with him? Did she know his plan?? Was she eager to escape his costume
for the night, to be naked and used in a game of their
making?? Or was
it the anticipation of the unknown - something that would
push her far
past boundaries not yet crossed?
The house rose like a glowing fortress, awash in the
blue-white of
countless lights spread over the sprawling grounds.? The hulking
Georgian manor, spacious entry court, and winding drive
were carved out
of the surrounding dense vegetation that contained the
light within it,
keeping the property in near-daylight long after
sunset.? A wide portico
supporting six massive ionic columns dropped to the level
of the
circular driveway through a series of gleaming white
marble steps that
sparkled under the intense light.? He stopped the car in front of them,
peering into the rows of tall, arched windows lining the
front of the
massive two-story structure.? Taking his hand again, she looked as
though she belonged there - elegant, beautiful, a
precious gift to
be enjoyed, treasured, possessed.
"Wait for me?"
"I'd rather not.?
I - I don't think I can..."
"No, my love.?
I'm not asking.? He is."
"But, he never said anything about having to watch
you with him.? I
couldn't take that. Isn't this enough?"
"He doesn't want you watch us.? In fact, he won't allow it.? I'm his
and his alone when we're together.? But you must show that you're
willing to share me, to give me to him whenever he
wants.? Bringing me
here to him, and later returning me to our bed is the
only gesture he
demands.? You have
to give me willingly.? It's sex, not
love.? I love
you.? I always
will.? Please show him you'll wait."
She was out of the car before he could answer, making her
way up the
rows of steps.? As
she turned just briefly to glance back at him, he
noticed the flush across her face, and her hardened
nipples straining
against the delicate fabric.
She rang the bell at the door.? He watched her as she waited patiently,
hands at her sides, the slim curves of her body on
display in the
finest detail under the intense light.? Even so, the black dress clung
to her body in ways that would have made her
unrecognizable to him from
the back, had she not just left her place beside him
minutes ago.
The door opened.?
She took a step forward.? His arms
encircled her, one
at the waist, the other moving up her back until his
fingers dug into
chestnut curls, pulling her closer.? She lifted her chin and opened her
mouth to him.? He
covered it with his, suddenly pleased that her
response was so eager, that she would so savagely invade
his mouth
while her husband watched.? His hand moved lower, palm now gliding over
the hard flesh of her ass, naked under the wisp of black
cloth.? She
moved close against him, her legs closing around the
muscle of his
thigh.? Her hips
tilted into him, then again, and again, as the kiss
became more frenzied.
Steven watched them from the car, the kiss, his caresses,
her thighs
clutching the stranger's leg, hips grinding against him
in heat.? And
when he thought he could watch no longer, they
stopped.? Two large
hands appeared on her shoulders.? He was speaking to her. She was
nodding, slowly, mechanically.? His hands disappeared again, retreating
down the front of her dress, busy, doing what? From the
back it was
difficult to tell.?
His hands reappeared on her shoulders, this time
pulling the dark material to the sides, then down, over
her arms, until
her bare back glistened in the floodlights.? Elyse stood before him,
naked to the waist, her hands now busy below his belt,
her actions also
hidden from her husband's sight.
She knelt, now on her knees below him, her hands still
busy, still
hidden from her husband by waves of shining hair.? Her small fingers
closed around his cock, smoothly running the length of it
as the tip
grew wet before her eyes.?
She closed her lips around it, the ball of
flesh hard and warm against her tongue.? She welcomed the familiar
taste of him, and let him know with eager but careful
teasing, sucking
and licking just as he had taught her.? But this time it was different.
She was wet, and loved the feel of him in her mouth as
she had on each
occasion, but now she felt her husband's eyes upon
her.? Would he allow
her this one passion??
Was he strong enough to accept her physical need
for another and be party to it as well?? She loved Steven desperately.
He nourished her soul.?
But Simon fed her cunt, and her mind refused to
consider having to choose, should it come to that.
Steven watched them from the car, stomach tied in knots,
glancing away
each time doubt began to overcome him.? Although he saw nothing but his
wife on her knees in front of him, her flexing back naked
in the night
air, agonizing images filled his head - her lips sucking
greedily at
the stranger's cock, her hands busy, milking, coaxing the
semen from
his body into her waiting mouth.? He fought the temptation to escape,
to turn the key and drive away.? But he knew her well enough by now to
recognize the genuineness of her love for him and her
need for this
stranger's hold on her.
At that distance, it was difficult to make out the man's
features.? The
skin of deep bronze against the crisp white shirt,
shining jet-black
hair pulled back, bound into a short tail, all suggested
a man of Latin
descent.? And the
voice on the phone; he thought he detected a slight
accent beneath the intimidating, articulate voice.? His display of
total control as Elyse knelt before him, her naked
breasts offered to
him as Steven imagined her caressing a stranger's cock
with her lips
and tongue, all against the backdrop of the brilliantly
lit mansion
presented a surreal and painfully erotic scene that
mesmerized him. As
much as he needed to look away, he found he could not.
After a minute, maybe two, the man reached for her,
pulling her gently
to her feet.? His
hands appeared again, this time lifting the dress
back over her shoulders, methodically fastening the open
buttons, one
by one.? The
demonstration was brief but effective.?
Elyse understood
the intent all too well, but wondered whether the show of
power was
excessive, considering the emotions her husband must
already be
juggling.? She also
knew that power was everything to Simon, power and
control.? He would
insist on an offering, a sacrifice, from her husband
from the start.? To
witness her submission from behind, with few
details, forcing Steven to imagine her mouth on Simon's
cock, to ask
himself if her nipples hardened when she touched her
lover, to agonize
over what Simon saw as he looked down over her bare
shoulders and firm,
young breasts - all this was what he would demand.? Simon took her
hand, and as the mansion swallowed them she warmed
inside, knowing she
had not heard the engine rev or the car speed away into
the night.
Persephone in Winter
??????????????????????????? by Night Writer
?????????????????????????????? Chapter 3
She sat some ten feet away from Simon in the
walnut-paneled library.
Glasses of brandy rested on identical cherry tables
beside each richly
upholstered wingback chair.? He was unusually quiet this evening,
taking time to savor the rich, dark drink, allowing her
to nearly
finish her own generous portion.? She expected he would talk of her
husband, and was apprehensive about betraying her love
for him, even
with unshared thoughts.?
Instead, he sat and watched her, his fierce
eyes drinking in her slim body, harboring clues to her
fate later in
the night.
"Do you love me?"
His first words startled her, both with their suddenness
and their
content. She hesitated, trying to guess the answer he
wanted from her.
"Simon - I..."
A simple question - four words - none more than four
His eyes were locked on hers - dark with savage
intensity. Her hand
trembled as she reached for her brandy, only to find the
glass empty.
"I love my husband.?
I love your cock."
He stiffened suddenly and leaned forward in his chair,
dark eyes
"Such language from a pretty wife.? The day will come when I tire
of your hungry, young body.? Poor little thing, hanging on my gate,
used and discarded."
He had never spoken to her like this.? Would he turn her away for
giving just one wrong answer?? Should she beg?? Play indignant, or
proud?? What did he
want from her?
His fierce stare melted into a wide smile.
"But how could I possibly discard such a thirsty
young woman who knows
so well what she wants, and loves.? Oh, I did very much like the sound
of that - what was it again?"
Now she trembled for a different reason.? She felt the coolness between
her legs where her juices pooled, wetting her inner
"I love your cock, Simon."
His smile faded a bit, his eyebrows arched, then after a
few thoughtful
seconds, he tilted his head to the side with lips pursed.
"I love your cock, Simon," she purred slowly,
letting her heat warm
every word.
He poured another drink, then rose and went to her,
half-filling her
glass as well.? She
drank it in gulps, not stopping until it was gone.
When he reached for her the empty glass slipped from her
shattering with a pop on the hardwood floor.? Without flinching, he
began to open the dress; one button, then two, three,
deliberately before going to the next, savoring the trail
of tender
skin left behind as the front of the dress parted.? It seemed to take
forever, and by the time he had undone the last button,
she was
breathless and limp.?
She slid lower in the chair over the slick
fabric of the open dress, until her hips passed over the
edge of the
seat, supported only by her splayed legs stretched out on
either side
of him.
"Are you wet?"
"God yes, Simon. Can't you see?"
The dress had fallen away from her belly and legs.? He studied the
swelling slit between her legs with a puzzled frown.
"Show me."
She struggled to hold her cunt open to him, her fingers
slippery with
the fluids that poured from her.? She had never felt more naked,
more vulnerable.?
But that's what Simon did.? Why
did it feel so good?
From what dark corner of her imagination had this
maddening addiction
Freed itself?? Her
husband was just fifty yards away, waiting for her
to return to him, knowing that she would give her body to
Simon in ways
that would forever remain her secret.? Was at least a sliver of the
excitement from knowing her husband agreed to surrender
her, and would
likely do so in the future?? Was it really his strength, his compromise
to keep them together, or some perverted sense of power
over him that
made her dripping wet so quickly tonight?
"Play with yourself.?
I want to watch your face as you cum."
"Please Simon, I -"
A sudden ripple of disappointment shot through her.? Her first orgasm
was always the most intense, and riding it out without
his cock in her
was something she hadn't expected.
"Well, well. You are a spirited little thing
tonight.? You've never
hesitated for a second at one of my requests - always
eager to play
the slut so unbecoming a prim and proper wife."
"I - I want you inside me when I cum."
"So.? We
regress.? Remember how we play?? Simon says..."
She sank two fingers deep inside, then drew them out
slowly, one along
each side of the hard, wet button of flesh.? Cradling it between them,
she eased both fingers along her swollen clit, circling
over the
sensitive tip every so often with a trembling swirl.
He stood between her outstretched legs and watched with
then raised the half-full glass of brandy in the air over
her, tilting
it slightly just above her upturned face.
"Simon says, 'Open'."
Her mouth fell open just in time to catch the ribbon of
burgundy that
fell from the rim of his glass.? He smiled down at her as he kept it
coming, soon filling her mouth faster than she could
swallow it.? As it
overflowed across her chin he followed with the glass,
pouring a thin,
steady stream over her breasts and belly, until it
funneled between her
legs, mixing with her own sticky nectar, finally
trickling into a
building puddle on the floor below.
"Decisions, decisions.? What should I do with such an anxious young
lady?? Should I
grant her her wish and stick my cock in her??
I haven't really heard her beg convincingly for it this
Perhaps I should bring her husband inside.? We could watch her face
together, her body twitching as she fingers herself to
orgasm in my library."
He turned his back to her and walked slowly toward the
door.? Would he
do it - even after he had promised not to push her
husband hard enough
to endanger their marriage?? He was going too far - she couldn't allow
it - but she was so wet, now suddenly much closer to the
brink, still
without his prick filling her.
"Simon, please!?
I can't - can't hold out - much - much - longer.? I
need you, Simon.? I
need - your - cock in me.? I - need -
your - cock -
I need - your - cock - I -"
He wore a pleased grin as he turned to face her.
"Ahh, you have such a way with words - convincing
words indeed."
His chair was only a few steps away.? He went to it, sat, unzipped the
front of his pants, and pulled his erection through the
opening.? Her
eyes were glued to it - so hard and thick, like a bar of
sculpted into a warm likeness of the perfect cock.
"Simon says, 'Over here.'"
She slid over the edge of the chair until her knees
touched the floor,
allowed the dress to fall from her shoulders, then
crawled to him on
hands and knees, slowly, with her head down, the way she
knew he would
want her.? Stopping
between his parted legs, she waited for the sound
of his voice.? He
withheld it until he could see her shiver, knowing
that her need to be filled grew with each agonizing
second.? He watched
in silence as the small of her long, smooth back arched,
her ass rising
and falling almost imperceptibly in a futile effort to
bring relief to
the ache between her shaking thighs.? 'How long would she wait?' he
wondered.? Hours? -
Days? - this fragile, loving wife, cowering, naked
on the floor below, silently begging to be taken by a
She watched her breasts hanging and quivering, engorged
straining toward the floor, and through the space between
them the
small tuft of hair matted and dripping with her
juices.? In time she
closed her eyes, knowing that the sight of her body's
response to him
would only excite her more.? Soon her eyes were clenched tight as she
struggled to concentrate, to become whatever he wanted
that night,
at whatever cost.
Her body shook in rhythmic spasms.? Ridges of muscle rose between her
shoulder blades, and her inner thighs flexed and relaxed
in an
uncontrollable cadence.?
He waited for a sign - something new,
something not easily surrendered.? When her tears fell from within
the tangle of hair that covered her face, landing with
tiny splats
between his feet, he spoke.
"Look at me."
Elyse raised her head slowly. Thick waves of hair parted
to reveal her
tear-streaked face.
What brings tears to the eyes of a wife as she sluts for
another man?? Is it
shame, an overpowering disgrace born from the
incapacity to control her own desires?? Or is it simply pure lust, her
body's final desperate mechanism for dealing with
extended deprivation,
fired by a ravenous carnal appetite? Of course, a true
slut could
never feel shame.?
A true slut would abandon everything for a good hard
fucking, never stopping to think twice about her future,
or the future
of those she loves.?
So which is it? Tell me, are these the tears of
a slut or sinner?"
She searched his eyes for some small hint that this was
just a game,
hoping that he would break into a sympathetic laugh,
scoop her up in
his arms, and take her to his bed.? Soon she understood her answer was
required, a necessary part of their evening together. But
"Both.? I'm
both, Simon."
Her voice cracked and wavered. She could taste the salt
of her own
"I-I'm your slut-your slut, Simon.? And-and sinner-and worse, in my
husband's eyes."
Leaning forward, he ran his fingers lightly over her
face, then cradled
it in his strong hands.?
She welcomed the gentle pressure as he drew
her closer, stopping just inches from his towering
"You may be many things in his eyes, but *you've*
made this a refuge
from such things, a refuge from all things proper and
You've asked him to bring you here, and beyond that, to
wait in the
wings as I use his wife's body in ways that must test the
limits of his
He paused, his fingers working their way under her hair,
circling the
small, delicate contours of her ears, then trailing
lower, caressing
cool bare skin at the back of her neck.
"I'm not interested in the sinner.? The world is full of sinners. So
don't waste my time with words.? Actions speak with much more
She sat up, rested her hands on his thighs, and took the
solid, golden
head of his cock into her mouth.? Closing her lips tightly just over
the jutting ridge of the glans, she attacked the meat of
it with the
tip of her tongue.?
She could feel the beat of his pulse as she tested
the hard ball of flesh, pushing hard against it, swirling
around the
edges, then gently probing the eye at it's center.? Each precious
droplet teased from him arrived warm and sweet against
the back of her
"I don't think I've ever seen you suck me with such
abandon, or for
that matter, any wife so willing take another man's cock
in her mouth.
Are you as eager to take your husband's in the same
She stopped and looked up at him.
"We don't - I mean, not like this.? It's different with him."
"I see."
He sighed, showing his frustration with her evasive answer.
"Please, don't..."
"Come now.?
Whining doesn't become you, my dear.?
Tell me.? I insist.
Just how different is this husband of yours?"
She lowered her eyes.?
Her nipples seemed to reach out to him,
embarrassingly hard.
"It's more - more, comfortable with him, I
guess.? It's safe, calm,
warm, wrapped around each other in our bed.? I could never - I mean,
it's just not the same.?
He'd think - "
"You may be surprised what he thinks.? Must a wife who does her whorish
best by night forsake the lady she's become by day?? You think nothing
of offering your body to me for whatever amusement I
might invent.? In
fact you flaunt your lust, so desperately, so ravenously,
for what you
could easily have at home."
"I don't understand it, Simon.? It's not as simple as you make it.? I'm
not proud of this - I know I'm hurting him deeply.? Do you think I enjoy
"Do you??
There is a certain exhilaration in exercising one's
power over another, even if it's someone close to your
heart.? The
liberation from feelings of powerlessness can be a
awakening.? And, as
horrifying as you might find it on the surface, the
pain you deliver with a newfound weapon can be both
empowering and
A sudden chill shook her, causing her hands to tremble as
she moved
them along his thighs.?
When her hands found his erection she closed
them gently around the firm shaft.? She could feel the heat it radiated
before touching him, and imagined it flowing into her
fingers, along
her bare arms, then into the core of her body, finally
chasing the
chill back from where his words had summoned it.
She found herself crying again - suddenly, unexpectedly
despite the comforting warmth that poured into her.
"Please stop, Simon.?
Why can't you leave him out of this??
Why won't
you just fuck me??
I'm begging, Simon - oh God, I'm begging you..."
He rose and went to a desk at the far side of the
room.? From the wide
center drawer he retrieved a coil of thick, heavy
cord.? Her heart
raced when she saw it, partly from fear, partly from
excitement.? He
ran a portion of it through his fingers, now careful not
to look at
her.? It was woven
of black silk, thick as his finger, but hollow at
its center.?
Looping it loosely around his hand several times, he
tightened it slowly, feeling it collapse slightly as its
conformed to the contours of his knuckles and palm.
She was on her knees by his chair when he returned.? He reached for her
hand, she gave it, and he helped her to her feet.? Gently but firmly,
he brought her wrists together, circled them three times
with the cord,
then once more, passing it between them, finally tying
the knot between
her palms.? He
again looped the remaining length about his hand and
headed for the wide, open stairs that led to his
bedroom.? She
followed, two short steps behind, as much as the rope
would allow, her
cunt open, red, and flowing with juices from an hour's torment.
-->Chapter 10 The shock that woke him was as though he had been dropped into the car seat from a great height. When he opened his eyes, he found himself strangely energized, in spite of the lucid details of his dream. Why had he let this man have his wife, over and over? Few husbands would have been so accommodating, so weak in the face of a wife's professed sexual encounters. How could he have brought her here a second time? Suddenly he knew what had to be done. Neither the manicured lawn nor...
Wife Lovers"She does love you. Perhaps too much."Simon's voice still carried the same self-confidence that Steven remembered from the only other time he had heard it. His thumb hovered over the "End" button, an instant away from silencing him. Instead, he pulled the car to the side of the road, unable to look away from Elyse's name staring back at him from the tiny glowing screen."How did you get her cell?" Steven asked, after a moment's pause. He was determined not to let the defeat show in his own...
Wife LoversWaiting in the chilly car was no easier this time than the last. Consumed with agonizing images of his wife with the dark stranger, he sat unmoving behind the wheel, staring into the darkness, hoping to find an answer there, but finding only more anxiety and pain with each passing minute. "What kind of man allows this?" he argued silently to himself. "What kind of wife does this to someone she loves?" He should leave her - start the car and speed away from this revolting house that held her. A...
Wife LoversThey sat facing each other in a room unfamiliar to her. He had led her past the library to the back of the house where bright lights no longer spilled through the towering windows. It was a room of secrets, dark and quiet, lit only by shrinking tongues of flame and dying embers sputtering in a nearby hearth. She thought it smelled of man-smells, of leather, tobacco, and the charred wood of a campfire. For a brief minute, just after he took her hand, led her through the door, and then closed...
Wife LoversHis attempts to find the mansion were frustrated at every turn. The neighborhood's streets formed a maze of circles and cul-de-sacs hidden from one another by dense but impeccably groomed landscaping. Each time he made a wrong turn and she showed him the way, he wondered how often she had found it on her own. In the dark, each private entrance looked alike, until they came face to face with the twisted bars of his imposing iron gate and the familiar glass eye of the camera, peering down at them...
Wife LoversChapter 6 It arrived a month later, delivered by a tuxedoed messenger who smiled briefly, then returned to the limo waiting at the curb. The package was large and black, its length and width secured tightly by a gleaming silver cable of ribbon. A single red rose was tied at the center with a shining knot nestled between clusters of menacing thorns. Steven stood behind the closed door for a full minute, not able to take a step, staring at his own reflection in the glossy surface. "What is it?...
Wife LoversChapter 5 He woke slowly, first to the constant hiss and sizzle, then to the familiar smell of bacon, teasing him from his sleep with a hint of a perfect breakfast made just as she knew he would want it. Sleep had finally come to him sometime early in the morning, but the lack of it hung about him as he lifted his legs over the side of the bed and stood to face the day. She had drawn the blinds so he could sleep late, and waited until mid-morning to start his breakfast. He would shower first,...
Wife LoversChapter 3She sat some ten feet away from Simon in the walnut-paneled library. Glasses of brandy rested on identical cherry tables beside each richly upholstered wingback chair. He was unusually quiet this evening, taking time to savor the rich, dark drink, allowing her to nearly finish her own generous portion. She expected he would talk of her husband, and was apprehensive about betraying her love for him, even with unshared thoughts. Instead, he sat and watched her, his fierce eyes drinking...
Wife LoversChapter 2 The house was one of many hidden behind dense hedges and wide iron gates along the endless avenue. Finding it was painfully slow. The camera's cold, glass eye found them, internal elements shifting with precision, then stared unblinking at them through the windshield for what seemed like hours. At first they sat in silence in the waiting car - her heart racing with forbidden surrender to another, his with apprehension, and finally terror. She was delicious in the cool evening light....
Wife LoversChapter 1It wasn't quite as though she was cheating. He had known for some time. And she knew he knew. She couldn't help crying out a bit louder when she came. She had always been quiet, her small throaty moan rising on those few special occasions when she seemed especially wet.Now she came with mouth wide open, filling the darkened bedroom with unfamiliar words, telling him over and over how she wanted him, how she loved his cock inside her. When she straddled him and played with her breasts,...
Wife LoversPrologue Elyse waited patiently by the open trunk of the car as the boy placed the last bag of groceries inside. She found herself smiling, for no particular reason. The sun was warm on her face, and a slight breeze played with her hair, tickling her cheek, teasing her in and out of her daydream. The soft knit of the light sweater fell away from the firm swell of her breasts as she reached to close the trunk lid, then settled smoothly over them again as she turned to the boy to tip him. She...
Wife LoversThe house was one of many hidden behind dense hedges and wide iron gates along the endless avenue. Finding it was painfully slow. The camera's cold, glass eye found them, internal elements shifting with precision, then stared unblinking at them through the windshield for what seemed like hours. At first they sat in silence in the waiting car - her heart racing with forbidden surrender to another, his with apprehension, and finally terror. She was delicious in the cool evening light. He had...
She sat some ten feet away from Simon in the walnut-paneled library. Glasses of brandy rested on identical cherry tables beside each richly upholstered wingback chair. He was unusually quiet this evening, taking time to savor the rich, dark drink, allowing her to nearly finish her own generous portion. She expected he would talk of her husband, and was apprehensive about betraying her love for him, even with unshared thoughts. Instead, he sat and watched her, his fierce eyes drinking in her...
"If only others could see you as I do." He paced slowly as he spoke, eyes feasting on white flesh against the crimson sheets under her. The bed, a heavy four-poster with a canopy frame, was positioned at the very center of the room. At first sight it was an imposing structure, a fusion of dark carved woods and burnished metal in an old-world Mediterranean style. As he circled it, he studied her from every angle. Her thin wrists were stretched above her head, bound by two feet of cord...
He woke slowly, first to the constant hiss and sizzle, then to the familiar smell of bacon, teasing him from his sleep with a hint of a perfect breakfast made just as she knew he would want it. Sleep had finally come to him sometime early in the morning, but the lack of it hung about him as he lifted his legs over the side of the bed and stood to face the day. She had drawn the blinds so he could sleep late, and waited until mid-morning to start his breakfast. He would shower first, buying...
It arrived a month later, delivered by a tuxedoed messenger who smiled briefly, then returned to the limo waiting at the curb. The package was large and black, its length and width secured tightly by a gleaming silver cable of ribbon. A single red rose was tied at the center with a shining knot nestled between clusters of menacing thorns. Steven stood behind the closed door for a full minute, not able to take a step, staring at his own reflection in the glossy surface. "What is it? What's...
His attempts to find the mansion were frustrated at every turn. The neighborhood's streets formed a maze of circles and cul-de- sacs hidden from one another by dense but impeccably groomed landscaping. Each time he made a wrong turn and she showed him the way, he wondered how often she had found it on her own. In the dark, each private entrance looked alike, until they came face to face with the twisted bars of his imposing iron gate and the familiar glass eye of the camera, peering down at...
They sat facing each other in a room unfamiliar to her. He had led her past the library to the back of the house where bright lights no longer spilled through the towering windows. It was a room of secrets, dark and quiet, lit only by shrinking tongues of flame and dying embers sputtering in a nearby hearth. She thought it smelled of man-smells, of leather, tobacco, and the charred wood of a campfire. For a brief minute, just after he took her hand, led her through the door, and then closed...
Waiting in the chilly car was no easier this time than the last. Consumed with agonizing images of his wife with the dark stranger, he sat unmoving behind the wheel, staring into the darkness, hoping to find an answer there, but finding only more anxiety and pain with each passing minute. "What kind of man allows this?" he argued silently to himself. "What kind of wife does this to someone she loves?" He should leave her - start the car and speed away from this revolting house that held...
The shock that woke him was as though he had been dropped into the car seat from a great height. When he opened his eyes, he found himself strangely energized, in spite of the lucid details of his dream. Why had he let this man have his wife, over and over? Few husbands would have been so accommodating, so weak in the face of a wife's professed sexual encounters. How could he have brought her here a second time? Suddenly he knew what had to be done. Neither the manicured lawn nor the marble...
"She does love you. Perhaps too much." Simon's voice still carried the same self-confidence that Steven remembered from the only other time he had heard it. His thumb hovered over the "End" button, an instant away from silencing him. Instead, he pulled the car to the side of the road, unable to look away from Elyse's name staring back at him from the tiny glowing screen. "How did you get her cell?" Steven asked, after a moment's pause. He was determined not to let the defeat show...
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Love StoriesGot a thing for (hairy) amateur naked women nudes? AbbyWinters here we come! Mainstream hardcore pornography is something akin to the professional wrestling of sex. Or, to possibly put it a little more accurately, hardcore porn is to sex what professional wrestling is to violence. In other words, fake. Okay, sure, porn does not reach quite the same level of fakeness, but it is fake, nonetheless. I mean, the actors in a porno are, after all, actually fucking at least, whereas in pro wrestling,...
Premium Amateur Porn SitesJared leaned back in his recliner and sighed in satisfaction. The light from the fireplace and a single oil lamp on the table next to him cast flickering shadows on the walls of the cabin. He saw no sense in turning on any of the electric lights when he was just relaxing after a lunch of venison from a deer he’d shot and dressed himself. Though he was on the grid, he tried to use it as little as possible, preferring to rely on his solar panels and generator.Only five years before, he’d been...
MatureWinter was coming soon, a cold one too, judging by the breeze; living so close to Lake Michigan made predicting weather patterns pretty easy, especially as winter approached. I took in a deep breath, the crisp air was refreshing, like the feeling you get drinking cold water after chewing on Dentine Ice; unlike my boyfriend Jace, winter was quickly becoming my favorite season. There is nothing better than the smells of winter: nutmeg, cinnamon, oranges and cloves, and of course, roasted...
First TimeWinter was coming soon, a cold one too, judging by the breeze; living so close to Lake Michigan made predicting weather patterns pretty easy, especially as winter approached. I took in a deep breath, the crisp air was refreshing, like the feeling you get drinking cold water after chewing on Dentine Ice; unlike my boyfriend Jace, winter was quickly becoming my favorite season. There is nothing better than the smells of winter: nutmeg, cinnamon, oranges and cloves, and of course, roasted...
First TimeJeden Tag musste ich mit diesem Zug zur Arbeit fahren. Jeden gottverdammten Tag. Einsteigen, ratter, ratter, ratter, ratter, Aussteigen. Abends das gleiche Spiel wieder: Einsteigen, ratter, ratter, ratter Aussteigen. Einzig und allein im Sommer war das angenehm wenn die Damen mal nicht mit ihren Reizen geizten und mal etwas Haut durchschimmerte. Aber im Winter.... Öde. Das einzige was man da tun konnte, war das Handy anzuwerfen und irgendwelchen belanglosen Mist in die Birne geprügelt zu...
Mind ControlMONTANA WINTERA wind so fierce it rattled the house woke me a few minutes before the alarm. I had a feeling that the noisy gale was trying to tell me something, that it was a wake up call in more ways than one."Uncle Noah, Uncle Noah!" My nephew Josh pounded at my door.So much for snuggling into the blankets for those last few minutes before sunrise and pretending a really warm body was curled in behind me."Come in, champ.""It's my birthday," Josh said."I know," I said. "The big one, oh, double...
Mark Bartel relaxed on the sofa, soaking up the warmth of the fire. He smiled, his gaze resting on his dog Chip. The big English spaniel was sprawled on the rug, sound asleep."We had quite a day didn't we buddy?" Mark murmured softly, "Lots of fresh air, exercise and a hot hunk who could thaw a glacier in the middle of winter."Mark snorted softly, knowing Chip could care less about the hunk. He had more interest in the wildlife. Although, he reflected, anyone hooked up with that guy could...
Jared leaned back in his recliner and sighed in satisfaction. The light from the fireplace and a single oil lamp on the table next to him cast flickering shadows on the walls of the cabin. He saw no sense in turning on any of the electric lights when he was just relaxing after a lunch of venison from a deer he’d shot and dressed himself. Though he was on the grid, he tried to use it as little as possible, preferring to rely on his solar panels and generator. Only five years before, he’d been...
Do you know what I love most about winter? That you hate it. The cold gives you the sniffles and I know firsthand that you much rather enjoy being dressed down than up. And your cheeks…they get all red, like a cute, perpetual blush, and I just can’t help but giggle when we go out together. “Stop being so childish,” you always say. Or, “You embarrass me.” But I know you like it. You like to watch that little smile creep over my full, pink lips and it makes you smile cause you’re thinking...
Do you know what I love most about winter? That you hate it. The cold gives you the sniffles and I know firsthand that you much rather enjoy being dressed down than up. And your cheeks…they get all red, like a cute, perpetual blush, and I just can’t help but giggle when we go out together. “Stop being so childish,” you always say. Or, “You embarrass me.” But I know you like it. You like to watch that little smile creep over my full, pink lips and it makes you smile cause you’re thinking...
Straight SexA small slice of winter1.Frank walked out of the apartment building and stepped onto the cracked, cement sidewalk. It was cold – the temperature barely breaking even – and he detested having to vacate the confines of his warm apartment to venture out into that bitter air. But it had to be done, and so with a brave defiance he shifted his winter cap to cover his ears, put his hands in his pockets and began the walk, head down and nose out of the wind.In about ten minutes he would arrive at his...
Bianca unlocked the bathroom door and peeked her head out into the hallway. There, as she expected, was Doctor Winters, a tall, curvy blonde with hair pulled back into a neat bun, glasses sitting in front of brilliant blue eyes. And with a smirk on her face that she couldn’t conceal. “So, Bianca, I see you’ve been having some fun with my secretary...” She peered past Bianca and watched as Kate, her secretary, began to put her clothes back on. Her face and hair was covered in sticky, fresh cum...
A little while ago I received a phone call off my boss saying that my car had been hired for a weekend. This means I'm driving what normally turns out to be some rich k**s about from party to party. Not a bad gig I suppose. I pull up to a very plush hotel and wait outside as instructed. It's the middle of the day and a young couple head my way. The lad confirms this is their car and he hops in. Being a gentleman I jump out and open the driver side rear door. I open the door for what I could...
I looked out the window and shuddered. Snow had fallen the night before, and it had not been cleared yet. I went back to the fireplace, and stirred the fire, then went to the iron stove and looked at the water that was boiling. Good, it was ready to brew the leaves of the drink I wanted to enjoy. I crushed seven leaves because I wanted a strong drink, and dropped them into the small pot. Instantly the smell of tea filled the air, with a hint of peppermint. I inhaled and sighed. It had been a...
The next morning the hunters and bush beaters ate a quick breakfast and we loaded up in the truck and wagon. I drove to the fork of where Sotar’s Stream and the Mari River merged and dropped off the beaters. We then drove back upstream to the entrance of the swampy area where the hogs lived. We ventured in about 50 yards and found good perches to shoot from. Meanwhile the beaters had been making a lot of noise and beating the bushes and trees with some rebar I had given them for beaters and...
They celebrated Christmas as the snow fell for the tenth day in a row. It hadn't been heavy, but it was steady and cold. Kieu-Linh and her parents were not overtly religious, and Hitch had long-ago lost his faith in God, but it was traditional for him, a time when he'd enjoyed moments with his family, though just as often he was deployed and had to use video chat to see his wife and daughter. They had cut a couple of branches from a pine outside the bunker and built it into a tree-shaped...
As you drive towards the train station, I suddenly change my mind. I decide to stay for the other two days, I’m still off. I never have the chance to come up to Vermont and practice my favourite winter-sports lately. As I’ve grown up in a country where we used to have proper winters with ice covered lakes and snow covered mountains for all the three months of the season, I really did miss them. As my daddy used to say, I learned ice-skating before I learned to walk. It was a bit different with...
As you drive towards the train station, I suddenly change my mind. I decide to stay for the other two days, I'm still off. I never have the chance to come up to Vermont and practice my favourite winter-sports lately.As I've grown up in a country where we used to have proper winters with ice covered lakes and snow covered mountains for all the three months of the season, I really did miss them. As my daddy used to say, I learned ice-skating before I learned to walk. It was a bit different with...
Group Sex“Let’s have some fun!” Octavia said. The weather had begun to warm but there were still mounds of snow throughout Tyrell. The city had come to its customary shutdown during the winter months. No one had left (or arrived at) the capital in weeks but the sun was shining for the first time in days. Joseph and Liala offered quizzical looks. “I have a lot of experience in doing fun things in the snow,” Octavia declared. “We’ve been cooped up in the castle for weeks. Frankly, I’m sick of looking...
After Winter, By Armond "Frozen brown. All there is out here, goddammit! Where the hell's spring?" "Stop bitching. It'll be here, any day now, the rumor is. But not for our good Captain Owain." That would be me, my idiot Black Brigade escorts were referring to - Captain Owain. Prince Owain. Owain of the Sorrows. The man who'd lost everything. My chaperones may be little more than the glorified ass licks of a tyrant, but they were dead on about spring - for me, it will...
German Embassy, Moscow 11:01PM December 31st, 1928 Leona Graaf tried to adjust her tiara for the fifth time. She failed miserably. ?Arrgghh!!!!? she screamed at the empty washroom. She stamped her foot, damn Peter, damn him! She sighed and looked in the mirror again. The tiara remained at a drunken angle on her head, mocking her efforts. Worse, some more of her fine blonde hair had come loose and fallen across her face. Trembling with anger she tried again. First she put the hair back in...
This is a true story from the days I lived in New York and had this 'thing' with Adrian.oops, I should at least change his name, but what are the chances of him reading this site or even remembering me, or the things he did to me 5-6 years ago??? It's 5 to 6. I walk to the corner watching my steps on the frosty sidewalk. I pull my hat down and my scarf up, not only to protect me from the glacial wind, but to make sure no one recognises me when I get into your car. You pick me up from our...
ToysMonday, April 16, 2007 (Continued) "I've got a job for you too, Jonathon Winters." He was one of the cameramen. I'd picked him because I'd been able to find out his name and he seemed to have a positive, happy attitude. "What? Me?" he asked in surprise. My not turning my body or head when I addressed him caused even more confusion. "Yes. God just told me to provide humanity with more proof that I'm an archangel. He's unhappy with humanity's unwillingness to divert itself from...
I was just 13 when my father died. That left my stupid little sister and me for mom to take of. We were devastated over his death for a long time. Living in the mid-west, the winters can be bad. Mom did her best to run dad's small farm. One winter day I was 18 & on a Friday after school it started snowing. By dusk it was really getting deep. By night it was above knee deep. Mom & I feed, watered the livestock cleaned corrals. Grandpa came by with his plow and moved driveway and barn...
[...It is my first story. A bit long but have written it with heart. Positive feedback will be appreciated...] The story revolves around a teenager named Joey who lives with his mother in a small farm. It is situated near the Berg Lake which is close to the Mount Robson of the Canadian Rockies. Joey is not like the normal teenager. Rather than enjoying the luxuries and parental governance that most kids possessin their childhood, Joey was forced to help her mother to earn their...
Everyone knows that winters in Oregon bring very short and very cold days. Most people get depressed at this time of year, that’s why there are so many snowbirds traveling to Arizona anticipating the warm weather. Well my husband is too young to be a snowbird, but since he has family in Arizona he usually travels there at this time of year. This leaves me home alone for at least a month or so and since I am in my early thirties, everyone knows I have an over zealous sex drive. I have the...
Introduction: An Innocent teenager discovering the wonderful world or love and women […It is my first story. A bit long but have written it with heart. Positive feedbacks will be appreciated…] […It is my first story. A bit long but have written it with heart. Positive feedback will be appreciated…] The story revolves around a teenager named Joey who lives with his mother in a small farm. It is situated near the Berg Lake which is close to the Mount Robson of the Canadian Rockies. Joey is...
Mandy Ritter looked out from the ski lodge balcony, as her friend Rita Starling pointed over snowy hills to where the sun cast midday rays on the distant mountains, bestowing an almost ethereal glow.Nothing ethereal about the way Mandy was feeling on their ‘Fantastic break’ in a beautiful location in the French Alps, where, Rita promised, they would each have two main goals. But already it looked like being a disaster.Rita’s goals would be skiing and sex, as she was well experienced in...
First TimeI like to ski in winter and check out all the resorts. Each year I try and find the perfect one that will keep me coming back. My wife does not ski but will hang out around the resort or cuddle up to the fire while I'm out and read a good book. This trip however proved to me that yes, anything can happen. ANYTHING!I booked a cabin for the week. It was nice secluded with a hot tub, big screen just the whole works. We arrived, unpacked and while taking a look around I could see this cabin was...
Cape Cod Winter {Loosely based on a true story}I was invited to spend New Years week to my pals house down in a summer resort. His wife invited some of her friends. The first few nights was nice. I had my own bedroom but New Year weekend, the house had lots of folks. I was only single guy We went up to the local party town for NYE {New Years Eve} festivities. We had tickets to a buffet/dance party at this famous nightclub. Anything goes at this club. I rode with R. an d his wife J. and we met...
Winter came early and hard. After the first snow it only got worse. I'm a forty year old widow living on a fixed income in an old house that needs a lot of work. I thought we could get through the end of the year when I would get a small endowment from my husband's last job. My son Andrew is eighteen and needs a lot of clothing as he is growing like a weed. He is near six foot and is filling out like a football player. He also eats like a small horse. I do work part time at the truck stop...