Semper FiChapter 1 The Hunter
- 2 years ago
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They celebrated Christmas as the snow fell for the tenth day in a row. It hadn't been heavy, but it was steady and cold. Kieu-Linh and her parents were not overtly religious, and Hitch had long-ago lost his faith in God, but it was traditional for him, a time when he'd enjoyed moments with his family, though just as often he was deployed and had to use video chat to see his wife and daughter.
They had cut a couple of branches from a pine outside the bunker and built it into a tree-shaped display, hanging dried cherries from fish hooks and using colorful yarn as a sort of garland. It was meager, to be sure, but it made Hitch feel good regardless.
Kieu-Linh had progressed quickly in her reading and writing skills to the point where she was ready for a challenge. As a 'gift' to her, Hitch gave her a book from the storage box, Little Women, the classic coming of age story of four sisters around the time of the Civil War. Hitch knew it was a stretch for her so early in her learning, but he also knew Kieu-Linh would find that it helped her a lot to become an accomplished reader.
She was overjoyed and hugged him tight. Though Kieu-Linh knew they had books, she hadn't really considered trying to read one. When Hitch told her, "I think you're ready for this," his confidence seemed to light her up and make her feel proud of her accomplishments.
After she kissed him, she looked at the book again, then her smile dropped. "But ... I have nothing to give you..."
"You've already given me more than enough ... I could not ask for more than your love and your friendship ... Never in a million years could I repay you for giving me joy again."
She grinned and kissed him again. He saw her eyes curl up in thought, then she giggled. "I know what I could give you..." There was a delightful smile on her face.
"What might that be?" he asked.
"My butt."
"Mmm ... we'll see ... you're pretty small back there..."
"I wanna try..."
He kissed her again, replied, "okay."
"What do I do?" she said.
"First, you'll want to go move your bowels and clean up really well ... take your time."
She giggled. "Alright ... be back in a few."
Kieu-Linh disappeared through the passage to the outhouse and Hitch sipped warm tea, wondering at the way the young woman had grown so much over her months with him, sexually and otherwise. She'd continued to grow, now about 5'8. Her breasts had filled out more, less puffy, beautiful and tender. Her mind had expanded, as well, as she took to reading and writing like it came naturally. She was already a skilled hunter when she came to him, now she was learning to stalk and track as well. The way she'd brought down that bear with two well-placed shots was very impressive.
He couldn't believe she wanted to try anal sex with him. It was a long ways from the voyeuristic pleasure he'd gotten from her all those months before by the spring. He couldn't have dreamed he'd come to love her, or anyone, so quickly. He imagined how much she might grow over the rest of the Winter, and found himself feeling more optimistic about the future than he had in many, many years.
Anal sex was something he'd enjoyed only a few times in his life. Julia hadn't particularly liked it, much preferring vaginal sex. She'd let him penetrate her ass a few times, but she felt uncomfortable and he didn't pursue it after the first few months together. He'd been with a girlfriend or two who had enjoyed it, but it was, even then, an infrequent excursion from their typical lovemaking.
He had some second thoughts about introducing Kieu-Linh to it. While he'd seen her tight, dark anus many times, he'd never done more than sweep a finger by it. It just wasn't something he'd cared to explore while the new relationship energy was charging through him. Her pussy was more than enough. Even that day, he didn't really feel the need to explore her other hole. But when she'd suggested it, he felt a surge of excitement to try something new with his lover. He hoped they could do so in a way she enjoyed. He knew she was going to be very tight there, and he seriously doubted she'd be able to take him inside her butt without a long period of working up to it with a tongue and fingers.
She returned still grinning. "Ok," she said lightly, "what now?"
"Let's start real slow. Come here, my naughty lover."
Kieu-Linh purred and settled onto the mattress next to Hitch. They started by kissing and touching each other slowly. Hitch slid a finger between her legs and then brought her onto her back, moving over her slightly, fingering her tight vagina. She moaned as he alternated touching her clit and her slick channel. After warming up together, he said quietly, "now, let's see if you enjoy being touched there..."
She watched him with wide eyes, lips parted, already panting heavily. He helped her roll her hips up and she held her legs with her hands, opening her thighs wide. Hitch crawled between her knees and used his finger to probe her vagina again, bringing a second up to gently circle her anus. She jerked a bit at the contact but didn't resist.
He drew the girl's wetness down from her pussy, lubricating her tighter hole. Gently, very gently, he probed with his index finger, slipping just the tip inside. Kieu-Linh gasped and rocked slowly. "Mmm..." she purred.
Hitch brought more wetness from her vagina, adding more and more as he inserted just the tip into her rectum. The sixteen-year old was tensing a bit, so he slipped a finger into her vagina again, then used another to slip inside her anus. Kieu-Linh was incredibly tight there, and Hitch could feel her muscles spasming around his penetration.
"I'll go slow," he whispered, "if it feels uncomfortable or you want me to stop, tell me..."
"Okay ... so far ... feels good..."
He pushed deeper inside her butt, drawing another groan from her throat. Pulling back he drooled saliva close to her hole, wetting his finger again, and pushed back inside, another inch, her clasping, gripping butthole resisting him.
He worked his way in and out, not pushing further, using more and more saliva to make her slippery. Hitch pulled his fingers out of the girl and leaned down to lick her. He could smell a faint odor from her recent bowel movement, but it didn't stop him from lapping against her anus. She moaned as he licked her there, her body trembling and rolling slowly. Hitch used his tongue to push spit inside her tight ring, probing her butt, tasting the meaty, rich flavors he found there.
Hitch brought his fingers back to her crotch, slipping one into her pussy while sliding a second into her ass. She took him easier this time, still very tight, his knuckle now lodged inside her tightest hole. He started to finger her steadily, not hard or fast, but firm enough to start to loosen her muscles.
He took his time, working around in a circle, carefully slipping in and out, relaxing her automatic grip around his digit. He probed deeper, deeper, soon he had his middle finger several inches into her butt.
"Feels like I need to poo..." she said, panting, "feels big..."
"If you want me to stop--"
"No ... no ... feels ... good ... ohh..."
Hitch added more saliva, pushing it inside, further loosing her clenching hold on his finger. He ran it up against the topside, then around to touch the lower parts of her rectum, her body relaxing more, taking him easier.
It was over thirty minutes later when he thought she might be open enough to try. It was still going to be very tight and probably uncomfortable. As he raised up onto his knees, he could see her swollen clit pulsing with the girl's heartbeat. Uncomfortable or not, Kieu-Linh was aroused and very turned on.
"I think," Hitch said, "it would best if you decide how much to try. Let me lay down..."
Her knees came down and she rolled off the mattress. Hitch was on his back then, penis hard and throbbing. He, too, was very turned on.
Hitch led the teen to straddle his hips facing him. "Just like when you've taking me in your pussy this way, only, roll your hips forward a bit. I'll help you guide it in. From there ... you can control how deep it goes..."
Her eyes were alight with sexual excitement. She was sweating, even in the cool air, her cinnamon skin glistening, flushed. Her nipples were tight peaks over firm young breasts, and her hairy cunt drooled thin, clear fluids as she squatted over him.
Kieu-Linh brought her hips forward and Hitch felt his penis brush past her slick labia. "Use your pussy first ... to get me wet..."
She purred as she sank down, her tight vagina slippery. Kieu-Linh rode him slowly, staring with desire into his eyes. He nearly came right then, barely managing to say, "ok ... now ... let's try when you're ready..."
She grinned, still panting, and pulled up and off his cock. Her hips rolled forward slightly, and he again felt her wet labia slide past his swollen dick. He held himself still, his hand on his penis as she brought her body lower.
He slid past her hole and between her butt cheeks, then had her raise slightly while he guided his cock to the right spot. Wet muscle slipped down over just the tip of his dick, and he knew she was in the right position. "Just sink down as you want..."
Kieu-Linh breathed slowly a minute, steadying herself for being penetrated in her ass. Finally, she started to slide lower. Hitch felt tight resistance at first, but the preparation had made her anus slick and better able to take him inside. She pushed down and he felt that wonderful pop from the head of his cock sliding past the tight ring of her butthole.
"Ohhhh..." she cried out. "Ohhh ... just a minute ... just a minute..."
He held still, already nearing orgasm. Kieu-Linh caught her breath, then tried to take more inside. "Owww..." she said, but didn't stop sliding down. "Oww..." Another inch disappeared inside her and Hitch knew she couldn't dilate much further. Kieu-Linh tried anyway, rising up slightly, then pushing down again.
Two more inches slid through her incredibly tight ring and she froze, breathing heavily. "Now I really feel like I need to poo! Oh ... Oh..."
"If it hurts," Hitch started.
"No ... no ... I'm okay ... just ... different ... not bad..."
"This might help..." he said, reaching his hand up from where he'd held the base of his cock, lightly circling her pulsing clit.
Her hips bucked forward at the contact and her anus let more slip inside. Her rectum was warm and squishy, velvety, her tight butthole clamping strongly around his penis. Hitch smelled her wet pussy strongly as she started to move up and down his length, slowly fucking him with her asshole, a puddle of her cream leaking onto his pubes. She trembled and started to orgasm, her anus loosing just a bit, her body becoming shaky and sinking down further.
Kieu-Linh gasped and cried out as she climaxed, juices drooling down from her vagina and running over Hitch's groin. She kept moving, writhing, impaled on his penis, using her legs to shift her weight as best she could, her maturing body trembling with pleasure and discomfort and release.
Hitch unloaded. His muscle spasms forced semen through Kieu-Linh's tight anus and up his shaft, flooding her bowels. He groaned his pleasure, his cock burning inside Kieu-Linh's ass. Each pulse sent hot, sticky cum into her rectum, and she moaned as he came in her tightest hole.
He held her waist tightly, keeping her still, his flesh sensitive as he squeezed the last of his load into the sixteen-year old's butt. Hitch shuddered, shuddered, rocked up against her, his cock sinking deeper, another glob of cum sliding out. He opened his eyes to see Kieu-Linh staring back at him, breathing heavily, tense, on shaky legs.
Hitch eased the girl forward slowly and off his cock. She cried out as his dick came free with an obscene plop and a wet splatter of trapped air. Warm cum drooled down onto his genitals as he brought her lips to his, both panting and moaning lightly. "Oh ... god ... Kieu-Linh ... oh ... god..."
She was smiling again, flushed, her body twitching randomly. She relaxed over him, her small breasts pressed against his chest. He caressed her butt cheeks firmly, holding her tight to him, buzzing from his orgasm, buzzing from the sensation of fucking Kieu-Linh's butthole.
She giggled and whispered, "so ... did you like your Christmas gift?"
Hitch could only offer a satisfied chuckle, kissing her again.
"Better than my vagina?"
He shook his head. "No ... not better, just as amazing ... I can't believe you took so much of me, Linh ... I didn't think ... You're so small there..."
"It helped that you used your finger a long time. At first ... there was no way," she laughed, "it kind felt weird ... but then, after a while ... it started feeling nice ... like ... I dunno ... just ... nice ... and when you touched my button ... mmm ... it felt perfect..."
"So ... you think you might want to do that again some time?"
"Definitely!" She kissed his cheek and rested her head against his. "I'd do anything with you that feels good, James ... anything..." Kieu-Linh raised up a moment, said softly, "I do wish you'd do that in my pussy, though ... I love that feeling ... I can't really feel it back there ... not the same ... flood of warmth ... like in my pussy..."
"I know, Sweetheart ... I know ... We'll figure it out ... I'd love that too, but you know why we can't..."
"I know ... but one day I hope you will again. I'd love to have your baby, James..."
"I love you, Linh..."
"I love you, James..."
December turned over to January, and January to February. It got very cold the last weeks of the shortest month, and snow fell regularly. It was useless trying to hunt, the snow made it treacherous to go beyond the limits of the camp. And they couldn't fish. The creek had frozen over in December and was covered in thick ice. Hitch figured he could probably find a way to icefish like he had in his youth on family trips to Canada, but it wasn't worth the effort. They'd done a good job portioning their supplies, and they had plenty left to get them well into the Spring if it came to that.
Kieu-Linh continued to grow, now 5'9, her breasts becoming rounder, larger, still the size of peaches or tangerines, but they had lost most of their puffiness. Her reading skills had developed so well that she'd finished all dozen or so books they had, and she was craving more. She continued to keep her journal, and though she still battled moments of depression and homesickness, recording her thoughts helped a lot, and they made love often with little else to occupy their time.
In all ways, she and Hitch became very close. They talked about everything, from the world before The War, to Kieu-Linh's days at the cabin, to a small handful of dirty jokes Hitch knew from his time in the Corps. He confessed his voyeuristic moment to her, the first time he'd seen her and masturbated, and Kieu-Linh laughed about how she knew he loved her then. He didn't try to explain that it wasn't love in those moments, only lust, but he laughed with her often about it and found himself growing dependent on her emotionally, an unexpected strength he never considered she might give him.
The Winter months were always the hardest as a recluse. Even though he'd preferred that life at the time, it was agonizingly claustrophobic. Even during the brutal and bloody defense of Tulsa in the Winter of 2023, the first time the Imps almost broke through their lines during a frigid four-day ice storm, there'd been other men and women nearby. There were many things to do, more than he had time for, and each one of them was a life or death activity. He had no time, then, to be lonely.
Months passed as they had for years. Hitch survived on his hunting and fishing and foraging skills, going once to town in July to trade meat and hides for flour, oats, cooking oil, a bundle of tea leaves, two pairs of jeans, a large tarp, and a big sack of dried peas. There had been no recent signs of Imps in the area. In fact, they hadn't been seen in Mountain City since the Winter. No one knew much about what was going on beyond the mountains, but what rumors trickled in suggested nothing...
Denver turned out to be a dense hub of civilization compared to other places they'd seen along the way. Granted, they had generally avoided cities and towns, preferring to do as little as possible to draw attention to themselves. There'd been more cars closer to Colorado and the blurry borders between Free America and the Chicago-based United States, and they'd been able to catch rides the last hundred miles into the city. There were only a few military checkpoints, and they were largely...
Mortars exploded no more than thirty seconds after his daughter had departed. Hitch and Kieu-Linh quickly donned helmets and flak jackets, then rushed out to find protection. Old instincts had Hitch rising for a fight, his mind already taking in every detail and craving more. Plumes of dust were close by, and more impacts pounded within a hundred meters. Hitch heard shouts around them, the rattle of a .50 caliber exploding to their east. "We're being overrun!" a man shouted with...
October 19th was Kieu-Linh's sixteenth birthday. They celebrated with a small tinned cake which Hitch had picked up over the Summer from Mountain City. He'd bartered for it, not in anticipation of consuming it, but because he expected he could probably trade it later for something of more value, such treats rare from what he'd seen. With a long shelf-life and a dwindling supply of such things available, Hitch had wagered that it would be worth significantly more the following Spring than...
The Imp divisions around their position were obliterated. Intelligence gathered by scouts painted a picture that made it clear the last assault the enemy had launched was all the Imp army had left, every reserve thrown into the fight. Even if the bombers hadn't come into to decimate what remained, and even if the Imps had been able to overrun the position, it would have been a largely Pyrrhic victory. They would have been unable to exploit the situation and move, in force, against...
Morning showed a light snow had fallen after the rain. Hitch had pulled back the heavy blankets to see his breath make cloudy trails in the cold air. His skin was chilled wherever it was not against Kieu-Linh's body, and he felt stiff and achy as he tried to move from where she was laying with her head on his chest. She stirred and shivered, then tried to ball up against him tighter to get warm. "We should get inside and warm up by the fire." Kieu-Linh resisted, groaning her disapproval....
The convoy rumbled west at a measured but steady pace into the night, stopping only for brief minutes to allow time for the troops to urinate and take rations. Hitch and Kieu-Linh had ridden in the back of a modified Humvee which was crowded with equipment and supplies. They huddled together in the hot interior, sweating, but at least they were moving towards Willow. They said little, doing their best to doze and stay calm. He had no idea where they were going. The driver insisted he was...
They had left on schedule a few hours before sunset in Willow's truck, the three of them on the bench seat with windows down and wind blowing across their bodies on a warm evening in November. Hitch and Kieu-Linh had bought gold with their credits along with a few supplies. Hitch bought his wife a new rifle with a scope and it thrilled her to talk about going hunting again. They'd picked up ammunition and clothing, food and a small camp stove to use on the journey east. He'd worried a bit...
The water wasn't just warm, it felt smooth and silky, the minerals in the spring making his rough skin take on a softness it had not known since childhood. It made him feel slick all over. Hitch floated on his back, nude, staring up at the clouds gathering overhead. He let his body drift in a lazy circle around the pool as the spring offered a steady flow upwards, spilling out to where it met the rushing creek nearby. Miller was washing himself with soap when movement up the trail caught...
It was amazing how quickly Diego came around. The six had spent the day inside as the snow continued to come down in wet clumps. Other than chilly runs to the outhouse, there was nothing to do but sit and talk and eat and play cards. Miller and Kim-Ly had gone to nap while Hitch and Kieu-Linh cleaned up after lunch. Catalina had gotten cold and Diego snuggled with her on the rug under the blankets. A soft sigh turned both Hitch and Kieu-Linh to look to where the young couple was completely...
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It took all day to dress the bear and return it and the two does to their bunker. While Hitch carved up the meat and cleared the hides, Kieu-Linh refilled their water supplies from the creek and hauled the heavy canisters inside. Hitch had always kept enough water for a month of drinking and basic sanitary needs in the bunker, but with the teen staying, it halved the overall duration. Since it was the snowfall which might keep them locked in, he didn't really fear being without water just...
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
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The new year had passed long ago on Earth, but our start of the new year was just another day on Arbor. The Arborian New Year started on the first day of spring, the vernal equinox. I chose that propitious day to deal with the alaspore and its master. I wove a new trick out of something Cor showed me how to do using the wind. I wove a cocoon out of moving air as she had shown me. I was able to use it, as she did, as a method of transportation, but I couldn't become the wind as she could, so...
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“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Meredith Daulton was running around her house yelling. They’d been given the evacuation order a few minutes ago. The Ranch wildfire was coming and they had twenty minutes to get out.Paul Caruso was packing both the car with computers, legal papers, and some clothes.“My jewelry, “Meredith screamed as she threw a bag at him. “I need that, it’s valuable.”“Is it insured?”“Of course it is...”“Then you don’t need it. I said clothes now, get in the fucking car and let’s GO!”She snatched the bag from...
Love StoriesMy Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
Got a thing for (hairy) amateur naked women nudes? AbbyWinters here we come! Mainstream hardcore pornography is something akin to the professional wrestling of sex. Or, to possibly put it a little more accurately, hardcore porn is to sex what professional wrestling is to violence. In other words, fake. Okay, sure, porn does not reach quite the same level of fakeness, but it is fake, nonetheless. I mean, the actors in a porno are, after all, actually fucking at least, whereas in pro wrestling,...
Premium Amateur Porn SitesChapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...
edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
Jared leaned back in his recliner and sighed in satisfaction. The light from the fireplace and a single oil lamp on the table next to him cast flickering shadows on the walls of the cabin. He saw no sense in turning on any of the electric lights when he was just relaxing after a lunch of venison from a deer he’d shot and dressed himself. Though he was on the grid, he tried to use it as little as possible, preferring to rely on his solar panels and generator.Only five years before, he’d been...
MatureWinter was coming soon, a cold one too, judging by the breeze; living so close to Lake Michigan made predicting weather patterns pretty easy, especially as winter approached. I took in a deep breath, the crisp air was refreshing, like the feeling you get drinking cold water after chewing on Dentine Ice; unlike my boyfriend Jace, winter was quickly becoming my favorite season. There is nothing better than the smells of winter: nutmeg, cinnamon, oranges and cloves, and of course, roasted...
First TimeWinter was coming soon, a cold one too, judging by the breeze; living so close to Lake Michigan made predicting weather patterns pretty easy, especially as winter approached. I took in a deep breath, the crisp air was refreshing, like the feeling you get drinking cold water after chewing on Dentine Ice; unlike my boyfriend Jace, winter was quickly becoming my favorite season. There is nothing better than the smells of winter: nutmeg, cinnamon, oranges and cloves, and of course, roasted...
First TimeJeden Tag musste ich mit diesem Zug zur Arbeit fahren. Jeden gottverdammten Tag. Einsteigen, ratter, ratter, ratter, ratter, Aussteigen. Abends das gleiche Spiel wieder: Einsteigen, ratter, ratter, ratter Aussteigen. Einzig und allein im Sommer war das angenehm wenn die Damen mal nicht mit ihren Reizen geizten und mal etwas Haut durchschimmerte. Aber im Winter.... Öde. Das einzige was man da tun konnte, war das Handy anzuwerfen und irgendwelchen belanglosen Mist in die Birne geprügelt zu...
Mind ControlMONTANA WINTERA wind so fierce it rattled the house woke me a few minutes before the alarm. I had a feeling that the noisy gale was trying to tell me something, that it was a wake up call in more ways than one."Uncle Noah, Uncle Noah!" My nephew Josh pounded at my door.So much for snuggling into the blankets for those last few minutes before sunrise and pretending a really warm body was curled in behind me."Come in, champ.""It's my birthday," Josh said."I know," I said. "The big one, oh, double...
????????????????????????? Persephone in Winter??????????????????????????? by Night Writer ??????????????????????????????? Prologue Elyse waited patiently by the open trunk of the car as the boy placedthe last bag of groceries inside. She found herself smiling, for noparticular reason.? The sun was warm on her face, and a slight breezeplayed with her hair, tickling her cheek, teasing her in and out of herdaydream. The soft knit of the light sweater fell away from the firm swell of...
Mark Bartel relaxed on the sofa, soaking up the warmth of the fire. He smiled, his gaze resting on his dog Chip. The big English spaniel was sprawled on the rug, sound asleep."We had quite a day didn't we buddy?" Mark murmured softly, "Lots of fresh air, exercise and a hot hunk who could thaw a glacier in the middle of winter."Mark snorted softly, knowing Chip could care less about the hunk. He had more interest in the wildlife. Although, he reflected, anyone hooked up with that guy could...
Jared leaned back in his recliner and sighed in satisfaction. The light from the fireplace and a single oil lamp on the table next to him cast flickering shadows on the walls of the cabin. He saw no sense in turning on any of the electric lights when he was just relaxing after a lunch of venison from a deer he’d shot and dressed himself. Though he was on the grid, he tried to use it as little as possible, preferring to rely on his solar panels and generator. Only five years before, he’d been...
As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...
PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...
Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...
Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...