Semper Fi Pt. 03 free porn video

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Copyright by calibeachgirl and shuttlepilot
All rights reserved, 2011

Chapter 14 Our House…

A house is not a home unless you share it with the person you love or so he’d been told.

They wandered around the Zoo as Kelly tried to name the different animals. Frank finally sat down on a bench, needing a break. A four-year-old child somehow had more energy than any adult he had ever seen until she fell asleep.

‘Disneyland?’ he asked.

‘Are you crazy?’ she answered. ‘Disneyland? My God, she’ll go…’

‘Crazy? Sorry, I couldn’t help it. When are we getting married, Caitlyn?’

‘I had to make sure that you wouldn’t freak out… you know… with her.’

‘Are you kidding? I’ve never had so much fun in my life.’ It was true. He had forgotten the simple pleasures of life, all these years… the joys of childhood… the joys he had once upon a time.

‘Yeah, but Frank, life isn’t all amusement parks and zoos. There’s other things, too. Staying up all night with a sick child and kissing her hurts and worrying about her every second she’s not in your sight and even then… and, she’s just four. What happens when she’s older and there’s boys involved?’

‘We’ve got guns.’

‘Frank, I’m being serious.’

‘So am I, Caitlyn. I love you and I love her and it’s been long enough.’

‘Where will we live, Frank? I’m still in Oceanside and you’re here in San Diego.’

‘As much as I like this apartment building, I’ll move or we can buy something in-between or something, like Del Mar. We can work this out.’ We’ve got to make this work. I’ve got to make this work… for Kelly… for Caitlyn… for me.

‘Are you sure?’

‘As much as I have been about anything.’

‘Church or civil?’

‘What do you want? Church would be nice. We’ve got a flower girl.’

‘Oh, Frank…’


The real estate agent, in her yellow and white spotted dress, walked through the condo, pointing out the view from the front window. ‘You can see the ocean from here,’ she said, ‘and I’m sure you can agree that two-forty is quite reasonable.’ There were only a few condos left but the economy had hurt real estate, everywhere. This unit had been available for months and her Lexus lease payment was coming due… again.

‘Only eight-hundred-and-fifty square feet, though,’ Frank said, wondering how Kelly would like living in such a small apartment. There didn’t seem enough room for all the toys he wanted to buy her, let alone the Victorian dollhouse he planned to build. He got down on his knees and looked closely at the carpet, finally getting up after running his fingers through it over and over.

‘Yes, that’s true,’ said the agent, ‘but the beach is only five minutes away, the schools are excellent and there’s the pool, don’t forget.’ This sale was taking longer than she had hoped… maybe, they would go away empty-handed, like her other three clients. Time to think positive, she realized and determined to push a little harder.

He stood there, looking. There was no yard to play in but the beach WAS only five minutes away and there was a park… it had definite possibilities. Day care, though…

Frank walked through the condo, again. The two bedrooms were about normal for California, thirteen by eleven, which meant only a full sized bed would really fit. On the other hand, he thought…

He looked at Caitlyn. ‘Give us a little bit, please,’ he said to the agent.

‘Of course,’ she said, walking outside, satisfied, now, they were going to buy.

‘What do you think?’ he asked, pacing the beige carpeted living room area. He wondered if there’d be room for another child. Probably not without moving…

‘Well, it’s only two-fifty and it is halfway…’ she started to say, looking out the window at the pool three floors below, its blue water shimmering the reflection of the afternoon sunshine. Her apartment building didn’t have a pool and she’d always been too busy to go to the beach.

‘Do you want to look at something else?’ he asked, wondering if there WAS anything else. The price was doable with plenty left over each month to live a good life together.

‘What about Maria?’ she asked.

‘Oh, Jesus, I forgot. Does she even want to come? What are we going to do?’

‘Yes, we’ve already spoken. Find something bigger, I guess.’

‘OK, then we’ll see what else there is.’ Frank walked out the door to speak with the agent.

‘Well…’ she said, ‘there’s two others in this complex, three bedrooms each, one at three-twenty five and the other at three-thirty.’

‘Fine, let’s take a look.’

Caitlyn turned slightly and gazed at the Pacific below the bluffs through the wide, white blind slats. ‘No, this is the fourth place we’ve looked at and everything else costs way too much and isn’t much bigger.’

‘So, you’re good?’ For the first time in his life, home was going to be more than where he hung his hat… if he had a hat.

Caitlyn looked at Kelly sitting quietly on the floor, playing with her bear, giving it some ‘tea’. God forbid, she thought, anything happens to that bear, Kelly takes it everywhere. ‘Kelly?’

‘Yes, Mommy?’

‘Would you like to live here?’

The little girl looked around the condo as was quiet, again, thinking. ‘Daddy live with us, too?’

‘Yes, Baby, we’re all going to live together, forever.’

She put up her arms to be held. ‘Good. Daddy, can I swim?’

‘I’ll teach you, Sweetheart. All right, then, I guess we’re home.’ He took Caitlyn into his arms and kissed her, tenderly and once only. As much as he wanted to, there was Kelly to consider.

‘New furniture?’ she asked.

‘Of course… and a gun safe.’


The rest of the week was spent ordering furniture. Full size bed, two nightstands, two dressers… white tiled table and four chairs, sofa and love seat and coffee table and a 60 inch flat-screen… twin beds and dressers…

‘Es muy bonito,’ said Maria, looking at the new kitchen. ‘Puedo cocinar mucho comidas de bien aquí.’ She walked over to the stove and opened the oven door. ‘Muchas enchiladas…’

‘Well, she’s happy,’ Frank remarked. ‘I guess we’ll be eating pretty well.’

‘Don’t think that doesn’t mean you’re not taking me out to dinner, every now and then.’ Caitlyn laughed.

‘Breakfast in bed…’

‘Shh… she’ll hear you.’

‘Ha ha ha ha haaaa… that’s too funny. Maria?’

‘¿Sí, señor?’

‘¿A qué hora es cena?’

‘No hay nada aquí.’ She looked at Frank, wondering if he was loco.

‘Maria, juego con te. C’mon, let’s go out to dinner.’ He scooped up Kelly and held her close, tucking her in his arms. ‘Who’s little girl are you?’

‘Yours, Daddy… you’re silly.’

‘Este el viernes, nosotros estamos en casa,’ said Maria, a huge smile on her face.

They drove toward the freeway to Bellisario’s Pizzeria. After they walked in, the door stayed open and Frank went back to close it. On the walls were New York Giants and Yankees’ jerseys which didn’t surprise him… but he was becoming a Chargers’ fan so he did make a comment about something or other.

He ordered a medium pepperoni and a Greek salad and was surprised when the woman came outside to yell their food was ready. Considering they were in Southern California, the attitude rankled him but the pizza made up for the rudeness. Maybe, they were taking the New York lifestyle just a bit too far, he thought. Definitely going to be a take-out place for them…

It took almost an hour to drive back to Oceanside but he kissed Caitlyn and Kelly goodnight and then made the long drive back to San Diego. The morning came early enough, as it was.


Caitlyn sat on the edge of the desk. ‘Garrett, I’d like you to, uh, give me away,’ she said. ‘You’re the closest one I’ve got.

‘So, you finally woke up and let him catch you… or, is it the other way around?’

She blushed. ‘Does it matter?’

‘No, not really, as long as it’s for the right reasons. It’s been five years and he still loves you. That’s got to be a record. When?’

‘As soon as possible. I’ve got plenty of time saved up and so does he… and we’re caught up, here.’ She closed her files down and shut her laptop.

‘I’d be glad to. Remember, I told you…’

‘Yeah, yeah, I know. You were right.’


Even with the death of the admiral’s wife, lacking additional evidence and without any viable suspects, it soon became a cold case like all the others as Frank became more involved with the approaching wedding.

In the intervening weeks, Frank and Barbara caught a chief petty officer who embezzled seventy thousand dollars and a gang of gun runners who had infiltrated the Corps while Caitlyn and Garrett caught a liquor store robber-turned-killer and an attempted car-jacker who had shot a mother of two.


Chapter 15 M-I-C…K-E-Y… M-O-U…S-E

A sexy, winsome smile played at the corners of Garrett’s mouth and set Barbara’s heart on fire. As they walked along, he teased her, making her laugh.

‘Laugh if you like,’ he said. Her attitude amused him.

‘I’m not laughing at you, but you make me smile a lot,’ she admitted. She looked at him with a thoughtful expression. ‘Maybe, that’s why I’m here.’

‘Maybe,’ he replied, his gaze still locked on hers.

When he looked at her, he made her feel warm. She couldn’t look away and watched, mesmerized, as his gaze wandered over her face, studying her… liking what he saw… finally dropping to her lips.

‘You know, you’re very lovely. Beautiful, actually.’

Men speaking about her looks always made her uncomfortable, mostly because she never could find herself believing them. She felt herself flush with embarrassment but he sounded like he meant what he said.

‘You’re not here just because of my looks, are you?’ she timidly asked.

‘To be honest, I didn’t even pay that much attention to what you looked like when I met you.’ It sounded trite but she felt he was telling the truth. ‘Now that I have, let’s just say that I’m overwhelmed.’ He gave her a toothy grin. ‘And… you blush when I tease you.’

She opened her mouth to protest but before she could say a thing, he reached out and touched her cheek. He was about to kiss her, she knew it and her breath caught in her throat. He couldn’t kiss her, not here, not now. She looked back at Caitlyn and Frank but couldn’t move away from Garrett and as his hand stroked her cheek and his thumb swept over her full bottom lip, instead of moving away, she moved closer, so close she felt the heat of his breath on her skin and when his long fingers worked their way through her curly hair, urging her closer, she reached up to his face with her own hand and lightly touched him. His mouth covered hers… his lips were warm, his touch persuasive.

She thought to pull away but the sensation of his mouth on hers was too much. There was nothing hesitant in his kiss. His lips moved over hers, savoring her response and persuading her to give him more and more. His arms wrapped around her and his tongue slipped into her mouth and she heard herself give a small moan of pleasure, a sound that encouraged him even more.

She knew she had to stop… they were in the middle of Disneyland! but she couldn’t stop herself. All her hesitations and doubts about him disappeared with her compelling attraction to him.

Their attraction had simmered below the surface from the day they had met and now had exploded in the Magic Kingdom like the fireworks that flew when the park closed.

Barbara couldn’t reason, couldn’t protest, couldn’t stop kissing him or resist the pleasure of him kissing her. They had moved to another place and were separated from the real world around them even as so many tourists walked around them, watching and laughing.

She leaned her head back and felt him hold her shoulders. Her mouth opened under his and the kiss deepened, rising in intensity and hunger as her fingers glided across his chest, feeling the heat through the cloth of his shirt.

She pulled her mouth from his and her head dropped to his shoulder. She felt too weak to pull away from him but knew it was impossible to stand there as everyone walked around them. She was shocked and amazed it had gone as far as it had.

‘Garrett seems to like your partner,’ said Caitlyn, watching her partner and Barbara finally walk along Main Street toward the Castle, oblivious to the world around them.

Frank, having learned his lesson at Sea World and the Zoo, was pushing Kelly in a stroller that seemed intent on pulling to the left. He had that strange feeling, caught between heaven and hell, of a man who had loved a woman and seeing her with someone else. If it worked, then good for her… and, Garrett. Why did he feel jealous? He felt confused as his face reddened, remembering the nights he had shared with Barbara.

‘Uh, yes, I suppose he does,’ he said, quietly. Ever since he had returned to Caitlyn, his relationship with his partner had been strained. No matter what she did, no matter how professional she tried to act, it was always there…the way he held her gaze when she had smiled… the way he looked at her when he thought she wouldn’t notice. He tried to think she didn’t know how he had felt but couldn’t bring that about.

Kelly’s hand snuck up along the side of the stroller sunshade. ‘Daddy? Can I have some ice cream, please?’

‘Sure, baby, just wait a minute, OK?’

‘OK, Daddy.’

Up ahead was a vendor and he bought ice cream bars for everyone before heading to Fantasyland. Peter Pan, Casey Jones, and the obligatory visit to the gift store for Mickey Mouse ears took up the next hour, followed by the even more obligatory ride on the obnoxiously sweet Small World boats. At least, it was cool and dark… and then they went to the maddening Toontown.

Frank thought back to when he had first gone to Disneyland in the early 80s with his parents. The park seemed so much more fun but now he was looking at it from an adult’s eyes. He wondered if his parents had felt the same way when they took him around the park, themselves.

‘You look cute, Frank,’ said Barbara, looking at his Donald Duck shirt. ‘It matches your personality.’

‘Uh, thanks, Barbie… Barbara.’ He didn’t know whether to laugh or not and hoped that Garrett wouldn’t break her heart like he had… he wondered if he HAD broken her heart. Probably not, he thought. She seemed happy enough with Garrett’s attentions. He didn’t know whether to be happy or sad about that revelation. His love life had always been a series of missed opportunities and ‘what might have beens.’

Frank looked at Caitlyn and then his little girl, knowing where his future lay. Time to quit worrying about what might have been, he knew, and take care of what will be. He just wished he could shake his feelings about the situation.

‘I don’t know about you but I need some real food in me and soon,’ said Barbara, ‘and none of this fast food junk here in the park. Let’s take the Monorail over to the hotel and eat there.’

‘All right,’ said Caitlyn, feeling the same way, knowing full well how little girls became cranky once their stomachs started demanding attention.

Garrett looked at Barbara. He wanted to kiss her, to taste her, to savor the way she would kiss him back, her lips soft and warm beneath his, her tongue slipping with his. He wanted to feel her body against his.

Garrett smiled. He never double-dated before and was enjoying himself immensely. He wondered, though, why Frank kept watching them as he had. Maybe he was being protective of his partner, just as he was about Caitlyn.

In Caitlyn’s case, though, the existence of Kelly put a com
pletely different spin on the situation. He hoped it would work out, this time. Caitlyn had made such a bad mistake, last time.

‘Garrett?’ said Barbara.

‘Huh? I’m sorry, I must have zoned out for a second.’

She pulled him over to the side, near the steamboat. ‘Let’s have dinner at the Blue Bayou… you and me. We can meet them later, somewhere.’

‘Uh, yeah, sure. That would be nice.’

She took his hand and tugged him in the direction of New Orleans Square and eventually they were seated just a short distance from the small white boats floating toward the pirates down below. Surrounding them were the twinkling ‘fireflies’ and the sounds of crickets and frogs from the twilight swamp.

‘What would you like, Barbara?’ Frank asked, looking at the menu. My God, he thought, the prices in this place!

Barbara was looking at her menu. She didn’t realize the restaurant would be so expensive. ‘I guess,’ she answered, ‘it takes a lot to keep Mickey in business. Why don’t you choose, Frank?’

Frank looked at her and made a decision as the waiter approached. ‘Two surf and turfs, please,’ thinking it had been a while since he’d had lobster for dinner. Besides, why would he want to be that way with her? What difference would twenty bucks make, anyway?

‘How would madam like her filet?’ asked the waiter.

‘Medium rare, please,’ Barbara replied. She handed the menu to him and sipped her iced tea just a bit. ‘Thank you, Garrett,’ she said, her voice sultry and almost in a whisper. She batted her eyes for a moment, making him think of what they used to call ‘bedroom eyes.’

‘You know,’ Garrett said, as the waiter walked away, ‘I’ve really enjoyed myself today and…’

‘Me, too.’

‘And, I’d like to see you again, that is, if you’d like.’ He realized, finally, that living alone was destroying him and the hurt his ex-wife had given him was needing to be put away, as far as possible. It had been almost twenty years, he recognized, and his life had been so empty for what? For nothing…

She looked at him and made a decision. ‘Yes, I’d like that very much.’ She put her hand out across the table and he took it in his, putting his other over hers and slowly, gently caressing her long fingers. ‘I like your hair,’ he said, filling the silence that had descended between them. God, he thought, I sound like a schoolboy.

With her other hand, she touched her hair. ‘Thank you. My friends told me I needed to be ‘out there’ a little more.’

‘I think it’s wonderful.’ He kept her hand in his, not wanting to let her go. A little older than she, he was thinking of wanting someone to spend the rest of his life with. Barbara, he thought, was quiet yet funny and intelligent and pretty for her age. He fantasized coming home to her in the evening and having dinner and then going to bed with her. He colored crimson, feeling himself becoming aroused at that sight in his mind.

‘Yes,’ he declared, ‘I think it’s wonderful.’

Their food arrived and although he glanced up and smiled at her, they became quiet, wondering if what they had agreed to was the best idea they ever had or a disaster waiting to happen.

They both started to talk at once.

‘No,’ Garrett said, laughing, ‘ladies, first.’

‘Are you planning on staying with the department?’

‘I’ve got a couple more years and then I can retire. It gets old, after a while and it’s so depressing.’

‘I see,’ she said. ‘NCIS is at least full of surprises. We cover so many different things. Have you ever thought of maybe… changing?’

He was silent for a moment. ‘Not until just this second… don’t they have rules about… you know?’


He dipped another piece of lobster into the butter and then, on a whim, offered it to her. She opened her mouth and sensuously closed her lips around his fork, taking the delicacy from him. She made a wide smile.

‘What’s so funny?’ he asked.

‘I was thinking of something else.’

‘Oh. OH!’

Dinner went its inevitable way and Garrett was seriously considering getting a room at the hotel, even if just for an hour but he wanted their relationship, if there was indeed going to be one, to be built on more than just a wild time beneath the sheets.

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1 year ago
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Fucking with the stars

Jodie Sweetin sat in the outside office waiting to see the producer of Dancing With The Stars. The pretty blonde former child actress had been invited to be on the upcoming season of the very popular show and was asked to come in and speak with the producer. She’d been waiting for about 10 minutes when the door opened and out came Mischa Barton. She looked up and couldn’t help but notice the large wet stain on Mischa’s silk blouse. Mischa hurried past her and then the secretary told her she...

2 years ago
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My Niece and Her FriendsChapter 15

“If I’m going to be sliding this down your throat, I’m gonna go and make sure it’s nice and clean first,” I said as I got up from the bed. “Can I ... can I wash it for you?” she asked as she looked up at me imploringly. “Sure, sweetie, whatever you want.” She followed me into the bathroom and I ran a sink full of hot water. I grabbed a clean washcloth off the shelf and tossed it into the water. She wrung it out thoroughly and then placed the hot steaming cloth on my spent dick. She took her...

1 year ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 16

After, Obligations, Improvement Edited by: Old Fart Perra and Kahrin both squealed like little girls and came together in a big hug as soon as they saw each other the next morning. After some quick chatter and complaints from both of them about being sore, making Kal curious as to why Kahrin would be sore, the two women disappeared into the back of the inn. Kal sat down next to Bren who was eyeing him warily. “Did I do something wrong, Bren?” Kal asked. The big man grunted and...

3 years ago
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An evening with Christina

This was a little over a year ago and I was dating a girl named Christina. The relationship tanked, but we had some fun while it lasted. Christina was a Puerto Rican girl with soft, permanently tanned skin, perky brown nipples, and a rump you could sink your teeth into. We would spend time at her place Friday evenings usually (among other times/places) and watch WWE Smackdown in her living room while her mom was in her own bedroom doing her own thing. After a while of watching and teasing...

Oral Sex
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Mutual Satisfaction Part 21

She closed her eyes and recalled the feeling of Terry touching, kissing and then licking her breasts as she masturbated. In her mind's eye she envisioned him in bed and jerking off into her black silk and lace panties and that increased the speed of her fingers against her clit. That mental picture combined with the fact that he was thinking about her as he stroked his hard cock pushed her over the edge quickly. She was forced to bury her face in a pillow so her orgasmic cry did not wake...

4 years ago
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Hiding in SchoolChapter 14

For a second my heart broke after hearing my best friend’s words. Then I was angry and growled, “I don’t see how you have any say in who I can or can not date. I really care about her and Steven. I deserve a chance to be happy and I know that I can be that with them.” Sue looked at Bree and smiled, “She’s developed a backbone. She’s finally fighting for things she wants. I take it that you and your brother are at least partially responsible for that. So I want to say thanks for that. I was...

2 years ago
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The naughty family pt1

It was past midnight, Saturday over and Sunday beginning when I was heading up the stairs to go to bed when I'd heard noise coming from my son's room. I paused at the head of the staircase, my hand still on the railing as I considered the sound of something being bumped into or maybe dropped. I had just made my rounds, checking that the doors were all locked and the downstairs lights were out and I knew that since Scotty was four hundred miles away, finishing up graduate school and my wife was...

3 years ago
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The Forever Secret

My story is fiction. Or is it? My name is justice I am male. I was 16 years old when I had this experience. This story is about my girlfriend, her best friend Sassy, my best friend Armand and me. We were all 16 years old at the time. My girlfriends name is Sasha, she’s Spanish nice looking with average size tits with a beautiful body and nice black hairy pussy, Sassy lives on the same street as Sasha, She is a natural red head about 5’5” slender , Nice hand size tit’s and very...

1 year ago
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Finding a New Life Ch 1112

I apologize for how long it took to get these chapters out … things have been busy lately due to illness and injuries. CHAPTER ELEVEN -2 weeks later- ‘So Grace, what are your wedding plans looking like?’ Lily wanted to know. ‘Mom said she’d kill us both if we tried to elope, and she’s decided to hire a wedding planner,’ Grace said, wrinkling her nose. ‘Who’s wedding is it?’ Tyler asked, snagging half of Grace’s turkey sandwich. ‘Mine,’ Grace said, sticking out her tongue at her brother. ...

2 years ago
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Mike and Lily Naked in SchoolPart 6 Friday Evening

Well, the shower in a baseball locker room after a victory is always a happy place. When you beat a team you haven't beaten in six years, it's a particularly happy place. What I found out that day was, when your girlfriend is there and asks you to help wash up-it's a very happy place. Of course, it would've been happier if said girlfriend was asking me to help wash something other than some pretty nasty cuts. But, hey, you can't always get what you want, right? What was a bit strange...

3 years ago
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The Room Service Girl

In a small community, in this case, 60,000 people, where you have lived for a long time, using a dating website and focusing on your exact geographical area inevitably means you come across people you know. That’s perfectly natural - you’re all there for the same thing and it’s nothing to worry about, as long as your profile is tasteful and decent.That’s how I see it, anyway, but different personalities see it in different ways. I know a guy, for instance, whose snappy pickup line on one such...

2 years ago
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My Hands

You look like you need to relax. Lay down on your belly and let me rub your neck. You feel tense. Let's slip of that shirt and bra so I can work your whole back. Your skin is so soft. I love the way it feels to my hands. My hands are working your entire back and neck. You begin to relax because it feels so good. Your breasts peek out from under you and make me want touch them. You smell so good as your perfume meets my nose. I'll slip off your pants and rub your legs too. Your panties are kind...

4 years ago
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Swallowing a Load a Day Gay

It was a warm spring day. I was walking with a buddy, named Tim, that I often went down on lately. We were walking to a liquor store to grab some brews and blunt wraps, puffing on a blunt on the way. By the time we were almost there, I was already sky high and horny as fuck. There was a wash and large field we had to cross to get there. It was faster than walking on the streets."Fuck man, I'm horny!" I said as we approached the wash. "I need my mouth filled!""You know I'm always down to fill...

2 years ago
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Cinder Whore Chapter 6

It had been a little over a month since Bella had gotten her nipples pierced. She was healing well, and it was time to go get her piercings checked."Bella today you and I are going back to see Big Pete and have him look at your piercings to see how they are doing. Hopefully, we can get your clit hood pierced today too if things are going okay with your other piercings," he said."Yes Master," Bella said. While she wanted to please her Master, Bella was understandably apprehensive about getting...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Bald Raw Stitched and Satisfied

Bald, Raw Stitched and SatisfiedBy ladybalddreamzI was rather nervous when I got to the hotel. I had been speaking via email to the woman I had chosen to be my Doctor for several months, but now we were meeting I was rather apprehensive, although I was immensely excited at the same time. I had told her what I wanted to do and she was very excited by my ideas. She asked me for all the details and I held nothing back. Then she sent me a list: Shave your cunt and anal area. Make sure it is...

4 years ago
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An Officer and a Gentleman1777 Ch 04

Major Tremaine had been summoned to Army HQ almost as soon as he returned from the Indian camp. He hurried over yet he had been kept waiting almost 45 minutes. It was just another example of how this army was being run. He still believed in General Burgoyne but time was being wasted. It was almost the middle of June. They should on the Lake by now, threatening Ticonderoga. Yet they sat, cooling their heels. As he waited, Jeffrey thought about last night and Polikwaptiwa. He had been with all...

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aing Kelly

The four men circled the shoppers car park in a black van, eyes alert, looking , watching. With the exception of the driver, they were all stoned and mellow with alcohol. On their third rotation they saw them. He was around fifty with short greying hair. He wore expensive clothes and had the air of a wealthy man. She was different. They guessed mid to late twenties. Tall with long blonde hair and a nice trim figure. Her designer dress was short, showing off shapely, tanned legs. The men watched...

1 year ago
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Fun With A Couple In Goa 8211 Part 1

This is my latest experience which I am sharing with u. I m Ravi Pratap M 44 working in a private company as marketing executive in Patna and hence, I have to undertake extensive traveling. The story told in this, happened with me during my tour to Goa to participate in a meeting. To participate in the meeting, I board air flight from Patna which was to be changed in Delhi. When I boarded another plane at Delhi, I was in window seat. Next to me was a couple (around 35/33) with a boy (5 yr)....

2 years ago
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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 31

“Pregnant?” He eeped. A breath and a swallow of coffee and... “I thought you were the responsible one?” “I am ... never had a lick of trouble over periods. What would I need ovulation control for?” I pondered a minute, counted days in my head and didn’t like the result ... so I counted on my fingers. Same damn result. “Feel my forehead,” I requested. He did. “You’re warm.” “Shit!” “What?” “Exactly halfway between periods.” “I wasn’t planning on being a Daddy,” he said. “I wasn’t...

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At last

100% fiction! My daughter has always looked sexy dressed up ready for going out,she has seperated from her husband and lives alone in her flat.over the years we have kissed like father and daughter and at times she and then i have kissed that much more but nothing happened but both knew there was something in it then recently she needed her door handle putting back on as the screws had come loose.she was going out for a girls night out and came into the lounge dressed as i was working,black...

3 years ago
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Home Visit

Home Visit As she approached the surgery on a cold, dank, and generally miserable mid winter morning Lisa was full of foreboding, the last time she’d had an internal the male doctor had been rough and she was contemplating more of the same this time. His rough skin, lack of compassion, and his leery smile had been the last straw for her, it had pretty much turned her off men for good. Lisa was living alone again now and alone was how she felt, she had looked online for another woman who may be...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 39

8PHE0039 word count 3383 ******** Day 39, Friday Chastity didn't have much appetite at breakfast. Jazz stole a sausage. She said, "If you're not going to eat it, I will." "I have some news about the baby," Chastity said. "It's not good news." Joi sat at the table with Baby Drake. "Out with it." "I might be wrong. But there's a little boy who's a regular at my coffee cart. He's sick." Joi made hand motions, 'Roll film.' "The baby is a blended bodice - can provide...

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Robbies first time with his sister Sharon

I’ve wanted to fuck my sister since the first time I jerked off when I was twelve years old. I would peek through the door jamb at her and my mom when they’d get in or out of the shower. I would pretend to be asleep on the couch with my hard cock sticking through the fly of my boxers when my sister would come home from dates at night. I was obsessed! This is the retelling of the first time I finally got to fuck her. It was the summer of 2009. I had just turned 29, my sister, Sharon had just...

2 years ago
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My name is Stacie, and I've always wanted to be pregnant. Ever since I was a little girl all I could think about was having a baby inside me that would grow and grow until I just became absolutely huge. I hoped that I would be beautiful so I wouldn't have a problem finding a guy to help me with my desire. When I turned 17 I was 5'11", had brown hair and green eyes, measured 38D-28-36, and weighed 120 pounds. My measurements weren't perfect, but I thought I still looked pretty good. My dad...

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Loose CannonsChapter 7

Cody went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. He couldn’t remember the last time he had ventured into that particular room with the need to cook. Angie had always ruled over the kitchen. He knew the general layout and where most things were stored, but it was just general knowledge. It took him a little time to prepare a breakfast of scrambled eggs with bacon. The bacon was a little burnt and the eggs were runny, but he had made it so he ate it. He had a feeling that he was going to be...

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breaking my hymen

I've been babysitting for the longest time. Every weekend, I have a job and have made enough money to buy a car. I've been babysitting for the Jackson's for about two years now. They hired me overnight and will be paying me three hundred dollars.I'm so excited to go over there tonight. The best part of babysitting over there, is their gorgeous son named Jack. I wasn't sure if he'd be home, but I was hoping he might be. I've had a crush on him for the longest time. He's so incredibly handsome.I...

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Aussie Holiday

When I get home from work there is an email from my friend Bob in Australia. He has invited me to a fantasy vacation, "One that will both seduce me and take your breath away." Oh how inviting, a sexy friend and a beautiful country one could not ask for anything more. Now, I am really confused as I sit reading through the travel brochures, I can't get my mind off Bob. Since my divorce I have not done much dating, but have found several friends online and a handful of guys, that in my...

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Just Another Day

Kathrine Smith was a daydreamer. She couldn’t stay focused on anything. She was a housewife and mother and liked to escape to the grocery story. She’d walk up and down the aisles thinking of great menu ideas she’d like to make. She just liked to get lost and not be bothered for a while. Katherine was quite miserable in her life. She missed working and instead cared for her three children and her husband. She had an infant, a toddler and a preschooler. She was tired of playing games and washing...

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Young and Curious Part I

As stated in some of my other stories (I never post anything that is not true), I've been mentoring youngers and newbies in the art of sexual pleasure. Historically, youngers (especially) have rejected older - more mature - people as sexual beings. They tend to believe they have a corner on the market. That has been changing in recent times.I recently was contacted by a young man who was referred to me by a previous mentee whom I'd coached for about a year. This young man is 19 y/o, and a...

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Potential Part 21

I'd like to extend my greatest appreciation to those who read this and give feedback or at least make a comment. To the trolls who open this just to click thumbs down, seriously are you that pitiful? If you make it to the end of this chapter, get your ass to the comments section and give me feedback. Remember, this is a learn as I go hobby. I have no fuckin' idea what I'm doing. Read and enjoy, that's why I do this. Potential by Bistander Chapter 21 Envy or Jealousy...

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Doing Miss Wilson and Keeping On Doing It

You met Miss Wilson in my recent story, "Learning to Type and Other Things" and I wanted to share with you what happened in the next two years after I came upon Miss Wilson pleasuring herself there in her typing classroom late on afternoon. After that first time, I still called her "Miss Wilson" for awhile, but then I began, of course, calling her by her first name. It's hard unless you're really bashful and repressed to fuck a beautiful woman regularly and call her "Miss Anything"....

1 year ago
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Hot Saturday

It was the second week of May and this was the first really warm day of the year so far, and fortunately was a Saturday so that we could enjoy it. After a long cold winter and an indifferent spring it was so good to feel the hot sun again. A text message from Gary, my new(ish) boyfriend, asked me (actually told me) to meet him at a pub out of town. He had been working in the morning at the vehicle repairers and so I was looking forward to doing something nice in the afternoon with him. I...

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Sex with my passenger

Let me tell all ISS readers that at the moment what ever I am doing has no connection with this story. This happened when I was just starting my working career. Any horny female aunty can mail me at I had detailed my first encounters with the female sex, when I was driving a taxi from Mysore to Ooty and beyond, when I had the privilege of having a dream encounter with the Bengali lady who had engaged my taxi for a trip of south India. It was very enjoyable and I learnt all about sex and the...

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Ultimate SpiderWoman Issue 13 Karmacoma

Issue 13: Karmacoma I inhaled the funky smell of the dank and dirty warehouse gym. It had the rank lingering stench of body odour and the sharp abrasive bite of masking cleaning chemicals, chemicals that could never erase the decades old stink of stale sweat that permeated the leather gloves, the cracked punching bags, the warped wooden mu ren zhuang, the worn uneven dark oak floors, the fraying floor mats, the dirty stained plaster walls, the grimy seats and the well used speed balls....

1 year ago
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Darcelines First Night

Jeremy pushed me out of his car, onto the cold wet street. You better make me cash tonight, Darcy, he growled angrily and drove away. I wiped my eyes and pulled my mirror out of my small purse, fixing my make-up. I hated how I looked, too much make-up and not enough clothes. Jeremy had been my dealer for a while, then my boyfriend, then my abuser, and finally…my pimp. He bought me slutty mini-skirts and revealing tube-tops, a switch blade, and pepper spray. I still hadnt gotten a john, a...

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The Flight

My life was not what one would call Adventurous. I had a simple job in a simple little town. I was a shift supervisor in a plastics factory. Then our company got bought by a big Silicon Valley company who wanted to use our cheap sturdy plastic as casing for a new tablet PC. I suddenly found myself promoted replacing the recently dismissed COO. That brings me to where the story a cab to the airport. The Company was flying me Business Class to California to handle last minute merger...

4 years ago
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first sex with cousin

When I was 16 I had an 8 year old cousin named angie, she was really cute, she would always run around in my mom’s house naked, so I could always see her pussy , usually I wouldn’t look though because hey she’s my cousin. But on her 9th birthday, when everyone left that night and it was just me, my mom, and my sister and Angie, she took off her clothes and ran around the house, what a sight! Her small pussy was flopping around and her breasts were just developing, I got a huge hard-on, and...

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