Semper FiChapter 1 The Hunter
- 2 years ago
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Senator Robert A. Morgan of Oregon had just barely returned to DC from his busy flight back to Salem, when his AA barged into his private inner sanctum from her area of his Senate office. Tammy Hunter was generally a sight for sore eyes, but her obvious anxiety suggested that she might have graver intentions than to flirt with him as usual. It was too bad, but he understood.
"Yes, Tammy?" Robert reacted impatiently, wanting to get the unpleasant matter done with.
"Oh, it's not that bad, Senator. Well, it's not bad at all, per se. It's just that your new intern is insisting on a private chat with you. I don't know what exactly is so necessary, but maybe she knows something about your CAP that I don't. Did you get a really high score and not tell me?" Tammy asked him, cutting to the proverbial chase.
"First things first. The intern, Ms. Audrey Dunning, am I right, wants to meet me in total privacy? No can do. Tell her I'll meet her, but anything that she can tell me, she can say so in your presence. If it's that delicate, you can be trusted with her confidential concern," Morgan demanded.
"Yes, sir. You're right, of course. She's rather pushy, which just isn't like the girl. It's the first time that I've seen act like this at all. I don't know what she has in mind, but it's pretty serious. Whatever the case, I want to make sure that she isn't up to mischief. You're right. A witness will help with these kinds of conferences," Ms. Hunter concurred, relieved that her boss wouldn't give in that easily. Of course, he was a former Marine, so what else would he do?
"As for my CAP, I'll tell you, since I doubt that you'll care. I imagine that you have a high enough score to sponsor in your own right. I can't imagine what would hold you back. I have an even 8. That entitles me to six concubines, I believe. I intend for them to be girls, of course. I don't have any bi tendencies, I assure you, though I have a lot of respect for the gays and lesbians out there, such as yourself," Robert assured Tammy.
"Wait, did you just call me a 'lesbian'?" Tammy frowned at her boss's words.
"Well, yes. You're gay, right? You and Erica had your commitment ceremony and are in a civil union, or did I imagine that cute little Sapphic wedding that I attended. Is there something that I should know?" Senator Morgan asked in confusion.
"Robert, I am bi. So is Erica. We got married because she is my woman and I intend to stay with her, but we're not even remotely pure lesbians. We're not exclusive, either. That may be where you got confused. We share your dislike of that monogamy crap.
"I gather that you didn't realize this, but some of us are wilder than you expected. I'm just glad that the Swarm stuff, for all of its trouble, has given many of us an opening to show it better. I'm also pleased that it will likely finish off the 'traditional family values' that the yahoos and talking heads like to trumpet. Future generations will be very free when it comes to sex and love.
"Erica and I want you. Now that we know what's standing in our way, we're going to get you. The good news is that this still leaves you with seven ladies to select. You were right about my CAP. I scored a 6.7. Erica came close with a 6.4, but her aggression wasn't as fierce as mine was. She's set to be my concubine and loves the idea. She'll like it even better when I allow her to fuck you. Sorry if I'm rambling. I just wanted to declare for your benefit that I'm not gay, and neither is my wife," Tammy clarified breathlessly, resolved to eliminate such silly ideas from her boss's head.
"Well, that was a mouthful, babe! I'm glad that you cleared that up, but it still doesn't resolve the business of my rather assertive young intern. She's pretty, but I hope that she doesn't keep acting like this. It can be annoying," Robert insisted.
"True, but I'm curious as to what she wants. So, shall I tell Ms. Ambitious that you'll see her right away, with me in attendance, of course?" Ms. Hunter agreed.
"Indeed. And, Tammy?" Bob added.
"Yes, boss?" the brunette wondered, hoping that he would say something nice.
"If you're interested in linking households, I'm game for the idea. Let's brainstorm tonight, over supper. Erica is invited as well, though she won't have as much say, being a future slave and all," Robert proposed.
"As long as I get to be with Erica and you both, preferably in bed a lot, I'll meet you anyplace you wish, Senator," Tammy answered with a risqué gesture added for effect.
Audrey Dunning was a very Irish girl, down to her red locks, fair skin, and freckles. Her eyes were a blue-green that seemed almost turquoise. She had a great figure, and she did her level best to show it off. Her deliberate choice of the "Catholic schoolgirl" look helped a lot, between plaid skirts and her tendency to bend over while going commando. Bob assumed that this was an attempt to find a sponsor, though he couldn't be sure. She also flirted shamelessly with both sexes.
"Alright, Miss Dunning, let's hear what you want. You heard what Tammy told you, right? Anything that you can tell me, you can tell her as well," Robert demanded.
"Very well. I will be frank. I like you. I don't care if you have a high CAP or not, though I suspect that you do. I have many reasons for this, but I actually desire you, Senator. I can tell that you like me as well, so there's no sense in pretending that your interest in me is platonic. Sorry for my pedantic style, but that comes of dealing with so many academics and politicians lately.
"So, seriously, if you'd like a slave, I'm up for it. Don't start that bull that concubines are not slaves once they leave with a sponsor. I know better. That's the main appeal for me, in fact. I want to be a sex slave, at least for you. I'm pleased that my score is 6.3. It's high enough to attract you, whether you're a volunteer or not. If Tammy is also into you, well, I can control my jealous side enough to share you with her. Is she your lover, or that blonde's? I'm not sure what the relationship between the three of you is," Audrey explained unabashedly.
"This is an interview for a concubine slot? I see. How do you know that you're fertile? If we were getting serious, would you obey a fellow concubine that I set over you? Would you have sex with other men or women when directed to do so? How about your future career in politics? Why give that up for a life of sexual servitude? You know, a lot of feminists would call you a traitor," Senator Morgan raised the usual objections to eliminate them.
"I'm assuming that either Tammy or Erica is the senior concubine of whom you speak, and I definitely have no trouble with screwing them or complying with their demands. I just want a place in that pecking order of yours. I am 20 years old and want to reach 30, so that trumps a public career. The radical feminists can go fuck themselves in the ass with giant dildos and zero lube. I'm interested in sex with men as well as women, but I really hope to sleep with you. So, when can I fuck you?" the college intern answered as she licked her lips. She looked ready to jump the Senator's bones at the slightest excuse.
"What about tonight, Bob? You wanted to go on a date with Erica and me, so how about adding Audrey. I think that it would be fun to eat supper as a foursome. She certainly qualifies as concubine material, in my humble opinion. Or is it her resemblance to Erin that makes you uncomfortable? I see the similarity between them. Hell, if I didn't know better, I would think that she was Erin's daughter. Wouldn't that be hot, screwing your old flame's daughter? Would that turn you on, or would it scare you off?" Tammy teased Bob.
"Um, you caught me. I was gonna tell you guys. I was born Audrey Carmichael Fitzpatrick, but Ira Dunning adopted me when I was a toddler. Erin is my mother. Both Dad and she were picked up at their anniversary party, of all things. So I'm suddenly alone and need some company of the masculine sort. That's not going to creep me out, so why should it bother you, Senator? I'd love to tag along, if you don't mind. I like your style, by the way," Ms. Dunning confessed, and then slipped her arms around Morgan to hug and kiss him.
Instead of stopping her, Robert cooperated for some atavistic reason that made no sense to him. Seconds later, Audrey's tongue slid down his chest as she removed his tie and unbuttoned his shirt. His hands guided her eagerly to his crotch, where the intern started a BJ that would put Monica Lewinsky to shame. Perhaps it was the lure of a taboo craving to fuck the face of his ex's daughter. Maybe it was something kinkier, but Robert didn't consciously know.
Of course, Tammy's moral support only improved Audrey's odds. She closed the door for privacy and kissed her boss on the lips to reassure him that this was a great idea. Her hands moved toward his groin as well, stroking the Senator as he shoved his dick down Ms. Dunning's throat. Ms. Hunter soon lowered herself to his level and began to help Audrey suck his cock.
"Fuck me, Senator. I want to be yours. Lift up my skirt and enter me, the way that you have wished to all this time. I'm not wearing panties or any such rubbish. It's just a sample of what you can expect tonight at your dinner party, if I know myself and your AA. I can see what's happening. She's your fuckbuddy, possibly your concubine, and this Erica babe is interested in being your property, too. You're planning something, aren't you? Good for you. I just want to partake of it. So, yes, I am applying to be a concubine, in case you doubted it. You're a seven or eight, aren't you?" Audrey whispered as she fellated the older man.
"I'm old enough to be your father, you know. Theoretically, I could be your father. The time frame is right. And if your mother told you that I'm a dirty old man, she told the truth. I doubt that you're my daughter, because I like to think that Erin would tell me if I had a kid, but I wanted to let you know that I'm not a monk. I am an eight, as you said, and one doesn't become that by being a choirboy. Then again, not even choirboys are so chaste these days," Robert laughed before he gave Audrey what she sought.
The Senator pounded this gorgeous Irish babe from behind, while Tammy licked his cock after each stroke. Robert Morgan found this perk to be a handy fringe benefit of being pro-Confederacy (he was floor leader for the Confederacy Friends Party), in that he lacked the obstacles and inhibitions of many Earth First types. The evacuations meant that women like this were more blatant, making it easier to find them. It also encouraged former prudes to grow up and break free of their moralistic chains.
"Damn, I love you so much!" Audrey gasped as he fucked her roughly, much to her satisfaction. She couldn't contain her secret too much longer, as it was so delicious.
"Oh, honey, thank you, but I think that is just the sex making you talk that way," Robert groaned as he slammed the delectable redhead. Tammy gave him a look that said that she intended to enjoy her full share of his dick when he took them out that night. He shivered with excitement at that thought.
"No, Dad, it's a bit more than that," Ms. Dunning corrected her biological father as he reamed her yet again.
"Dad? Is that a kink of yours? It explains a lot, dear. It's kind of hot, actually," Morgan admitted about the appeal of father-daughter incest.
"I'm glad that it excites you, because you've just screwed your flesh and blood for real. I am your daughter, Senator," Audrey informed him with a kiss after he came and pulled out of her.
"Holy smokes, Bob! That is so fucking wild! Just wait until I tell Erica the good news. We get two Morgans for the price of one. I bet she's telling the truth. She really is Erin's girl. Don't give me that look, boss. Many men fuck their daughters these days. The ban on incest is really passé, Senator," Tammy assured Robert, and then reinforced her statement by locking lips with each of them.
"It's a lot to accept at once, girls. I know that you're right, but a father usually finds out that he has a daughter in a different context, not immediately after taking her 'doggie-style', while she is dressed as a schoolgirl and bent over his private desk. It's a lot of knowledge to absorb, ladies," Morgan told them as he panted and sweated from the news more than the exertion.
"Well, Dad, I can see why Mom didn't tell you about me. She was obviously afraid to set eyes on you again. I am sure that she knew that it would put her back in bed with you, though I don't share her objection to that idea. Mind you, neither does she anymore! I hear that she has really loosened up. Too bad it couldn't happen sooner. You could have found four concubines in your home and office before even going elsewhere. Please don't change your mind. I might even be able to locate Mom and improve your odds of adding her as well," the intern urged her sire.
Willow couldn't believe how quickly she began to relax in the spring. While the air temperature was quite cold, and she'd shivered tremendously as she shed her layers of clothing at the pool's edge, once she was inside, her body warmed quickly and felt soft and calm. Even old aches started to melt in the spring's magical waters. Kieu-Linh was working soap through her hair, and Willow watched her a moment. The young woman was very beautiful, and though many of the people she'd known in...
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The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
Copyright by calibeachgirl and shuttlepilot All rights reserved, 2011 Chapter 14 Our House… A house is not a home unless you share it with the person you love or so he’d been told. They wandered around the Zoo as Kelly tried to name the different animals. Frank finally sat down on a bench, needing a break. A four-year-old child somehow had more energy than any adult he had ever seen until she fell asleep. ‘Disneyland?’ he asked. ‘Are you crazy?’ she answered. ‘Disneyland? My God, she’ll...
Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2012 Thank you for reading. A special thanks to Bill, Michael, Lewis, Cassandra and Elliot for editing, reading and commenting to make this tale that much better. Chapter 26: A minor inconvenience Three weeks after Solvang… Diego Gonzalez casually strolled down the hallway, a bag of chips in one hand and a soda in the other, slowly twisting his head to watch the three cheerleaders sway by. Although he had only three minutes left to get to...
My mother once wore combat boots. She joined the Marines, bested more than half of the other enlisteds during boot camp, and actually killed some unlucky Iraqi in the Gulf War. She said it was a clean shot through his heart. Officially, the military didn't allow women on the battlefield, but open warfare promotes real priorities. My mother, in a uniform, was as unisex as it gets, and her C.O. didn't give a fuck about sex the day tanks rolled across the Kuwait border. Her war experience...
The water wasn't just warm, it felt smooth and silky, the minerals in the spring making his rough skin take on a softness it had not known since childhood. It made him feel slick all over. Hitch floated on his back, nude, staring up at the clouds gathering overhead. He let his body drift in a lazy circle around the pool as the spring offered a steady flow upwards, spilling out to where it met the rushing creek nearby. Miller was washing himself with soap when movement up the trail caught...
October 19th was Kieu-Linh's sixteenth birthday. They celebrated with a small tinned cake which Hitch had picked up over the Summer from Mountain City. He'd bartered for it, not in anticipation of consuming it, but because he expected he could probably trade it later for something of more value, such treats rare from what he'd seen. With a long shelf-life and a dwindling supply of such things available, Hitch had wagered that it would be worth significantly more the following Spring than...
It took all day to dress the bear and return it and the two does to their bunker. While Hitch carved up the meat and cleared the hides, Kieu-Linh refilled their water supplies from the creek and hauled the heavy canisters inside. Hitch had always kept enough water for a month of drinking and basic sanitary needs in the bunker, but with the teen staying, it halved the overall duration. Since it was the snowfall which might keep them locked in, he didn't really fear being without water just...
They celebrated Christmas as the snow fell for the tenth day in a row. It hadn't been heavy, but it was steady and cold. Kieu-Linh and her parents were not overtly religious, and Hitch had long-ago lost his faith in God, but it was traditional for him, a time when he'd enjoyed moments with his family, though just as often he was deployed and had to use video chat to see his wife and daughter. They had cut a couple of branches from a pine outside the bunker and built it into a tree-shaped...
Morning showed a light snow had fallen after the rain. Hitch had pulled back the heavy blankets to see his breath make cloudy trails in the cold air. His skin was chilled wherever it was not against Kieu-Linh's body, and he felt stiff and achy as he tried to move from where she was laying with her head on his chest. She stirred and shivered, then tried to ball up against him tighter to get warm. "We should get inside and warm up by the fire." Kieu-Linh resisted, groaning her disapproval....
It was amazing how quickly Diego came around. The six had spent the day inside as the snow continued to come down in wet clumps. Other than chilly runs to the outhouse, there was nothing to do but sit and talk and eat and play cards. Miller and Kim-Ly had gone to nap while Hitch and Kieu-Linh cleaned up after lunch. Catalina had gotten cold and Diego snuggled with her on the rug under the blankets. A soft sigh turned both Hitch and Kieu-Linh to look to where the young couple was completely...
The ceremony was fun as Miller put on a robust, dramatic display as he led them through the moment. He proclaimed them 'man and wife' and they kissed, then retired to the bedroom, making love for most of the afternoon and napping late into the night. They found that Kim-Ly and Miller had settled beside Catalina and Diego, and they refused to retake the bed, insisting that the newlyweds enjoy their wedding night. After making mugs of hot cider, Hitch and Kieu-Linh returned to the bedroom...
The convoy rumbled west at a measured but steady pace into the night, stopping only for brief minutes to allow time for the troops to urinate and take rations. Hitch and Kieu-Linh had ridden in the back of a modified Humvee which was crowded with equipment and supplies. They huddled together in the hot interior, sweating, but at least they were moving towards Willow. They said little, doing their best to doze and stay calm. He had no idea where they were going. The driver insisted he was...
Mortars exploded no more than thirty seconds after his daughter had departed. Hitch and Kieu-Linh quickly donned helmets and flak jackets, then rushed out to find protection. Old instincts had Hitch rising for a fight, his mind already taking in every detail and craving more. Plumes of dust were close by, and more impacts pounded within a hundred meters. Hitch heard shouts around them, the rattle of a .50 caliber exploding to their east. "We're being overrun!" a man shouted with...
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They had left on schedule a few hours before sunset in Willow's truck, the three of them on the bench seat with windows down and wind blowing across their bodies on a warm evening in November. Hitch and Kieu-Linh had bought gold with their credits along with a few supplies. Hitch bought his wife a new rifle with a scope and it thrilled her to talk about going hunting again. They'd picked up ammunition and clothing, food and a small camp stove to use on the journey east. He'd worried a bit...
Robert Morgan turned to Tammy and Erica, "Well, I guess we have some recruiting to do. Let's split up for now. We can cover more ground that way. I recommend we agree to a set of questions and a road-test that will ensure that the concubines are the right stuff. That way, we don't have to worry as much about each other's approval." "Sounds good to me. Why not recap the basic expectations and then test-drive them? Anything else, well, it is covered by our shared authority, and if they...
Once on board the Scimitar, the Confederacy transport ship, Kari made the usual announcements with her typically chatty way, while making sure that Clive stayed close to her. She wasn't letting her man get out of her sight. She couldn't wait until she was allowed to have kids with him. He might not get out of bed, other than to use the restroom, for hours at a time. Of course, she would share him with her female concubine, former key grip Connie MacDougal, but Kari would make sure to come...
Robert Morgan's enhancements didn't turn out to require much, mostly for wear and tear due to his age and the effects of a politician's easy life. He came out of this with a somewhat enlarged cock, of course, but not the monstrous type that some volunteers foolishly picked for themselves. He wondered how in the name of Sam Hill any man would want a cock so large that he couldn't do anything without risk of injury to it, not to mention the danger of damaging concubines so badly that they...
Robert Morgan continued fucking Sarita Chambers pretty hard now, as it was the first chance he had to fuck her at last. She was expected to become fertile in a few months when Tammy had the nannites restore her ovaries to normal, but not quite yet. Of course, about that time, Tammy herself planned to have Robert put a bun in her oven, which was fine with everyone involved. Erica already had Robert's seed in her, and it was more than two months along now. His fertility was not in doubt,...
Audrey and Katie practically attacked Robert the moment he got back to his pod, while Carly, Julie, Maria, and Jackie each watched in fascination at first. Both pregnant girls simply couldn't keep their hands of the man that all the ladies but Julie were calling "Daddy" now. Then again, all of them but Julie were young enough to be Robert's daughters, so that made sense. Audrey's tongue explored Robert's front, while Katie's pleasured his back. Both ladies knew exactly what Robert...
Billy Godwin was very glad that this day's training was over, as it had been a rather grueling business, to put it mildly. Simulated combat was definitely no walk in the park, and the real Swarm were likely to be a lot worse than any holographic simulation of them. Even so, he had performed well enough to impress Robert, who had naturally led the team during the action and outdid himself as usual. Their job was to both take the enemy position and to inflict maximum casualties on the foe...
Carly indeed got her gang-bang, and it was hard to say who enjoyed it more. On the one hand, the men certainly loved fucking her sweet pussy and ass in turns, but on the other, Carly herself derived no small benefit and delight from being taken that way. Robert certainly did his part to give himself better odds of impregnating her, as he didn’t want to give up hope of that. He had been plenty generous with Billy in terms of letting him fuck and impregnate his concubines, but he still wanted...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My mother once wore combat boots. She joined the Marines, bested more than half of the other enlisteds during boot camp, and actually killed some unlucky Iraqi in the Gulf War. She said it was a clean shot through his heart. Officially, the military didn't allow women on the battlefield, but open warfare promotes real priorities. My mother, in a uniform, was as unisex as it gets, and her C.O. didn't give a fuck about sex the day tanks rolled across the...
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BDSMThe sounds of the ocean filled your ears, a familiar sound...your name was John. And you were lying on something..sand, a beach? And the sound of birds squawking and chirping in the distance. This wasn't your ship. It had been weeks since you had heard the sounds of birds. Probably months by this point, cramped on the ship and working tirelessly to maintain the thing. From preparing sails to fixing boards to making sure that one old geezer you forgot the name of stopped hitting on the captain's...
Hello, beautiful people. I had shared a couple of my experiences here back in 2018 then I got busy and forgot about it. Today while talking to a friend, I recalled that I used to write stories on ISS. I shared a story with her, and she liked it. So I again got the motivation to share some more of my experiences. You might find it a bit longer, but you won’t be disappointed. So here it goes. I once had an intern working for me. She was good looking, but I never paid much attention because...
“We need to talk.” Denise burst though the door to our apartment towing a rolling overnight bag. I almost fell off the barstool I was sitting on. I was on the dining area side of the kitchen counter. I caught myself and stood up with a “deer in the headlights” look on my face. A white see through thong was my only garment. “Uh, hi Denise,” I stuttered. “Sure. Let me go put something on.” “Oh no you don’t, mister. We’re having this out here and now, while Roger is parking the car,” she said...
BisexualJune 12, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Why are you leaving early?” Kara asked. “I have an important meeting downtown,” I said. “Then I get to try to explain to the troops at NIKA what happened with Lone Star. That should be fun!” “Have you figured out what’s really going on with Dante and Lone Star?” Jon asked. I’d broken the news, in as much detail as I could, to everyone at dinner the previous night, just after Manny Nuñez had called to say that DCP accepted my terms and that the money would...
"So... Yeah," I say as the professional make-up artist applies a layer of adhesive to the tops of my ears. "Why, exactly, again?" "It's his favourite show," Charlotte explains. "He's done so much for us over the years, it's only fair we throw him a party for once." "And he's 55 this year, it's as good a time as any," Hannah says. "And the show's celebrating its fiftieth anniversary, it just makes sense, really." "Oh, I get that," I say as the make-up artist applies latex...
My body was hurting, I was moving slowly to the kitchen where Mam handed me the glass of water and saltines. Back in the bathroom holding Lana my body still hurt. She felt as good as ever maybe better, but I still hurt. Lana helped me up when she was feeling better, and I took more than my usual time to finish. I didn't get in the shower. I simply washed up and hoped I would smell okay given from that. When I opened the door Lana was there smiling at me. "Good morning Angel I love...
I left the bar early so I could get my call from Ms. White. I was just inside my pickup at five thirty when my cell phone rang. It was Ms. White. "What is all the cloak and dagger stuff about, Chuck?" "I found some stuff in the office today that is pretty personal in nature that you might want to look at so you can decide what to do with it. Where can I give this to you?" "How much is it, Chuck?" "My satchel is full. Four or five big envelopes and it is sensitive enough that I...
I pulled up to the curb just as Jenny unlocked her apartment. She waited for me at the door. She was smiling. At me. “I don’t know what you see in me?” “Don’t worry about it, Kenny. Just get here and fuck me.” Two shakes of a lamb’s tail later, our clothes were scattered over the familiar ground of the foyer. Jenny and I were, however, scattered over the living room this time. All the lights were out, which relieved me of seeing Sherry and Kim. Kim. My thoughts shifted to moments...
The bell above me jingles as I push open the front door and enter the bookshop. Discovering the bookshop by chance during my wanderings, I had immediately made a beeline for it. At somewhat of a loose end after finishing my visit to the cemetery and with a couple of hours to kill until my Aunt arrived to pick me up, I explored my old hometown, pangs of nostalgia hitting me as I took in the familiar sights of the town where my parents and I used to live. A little while spent wandering had led me...
FantasyWe went into the den and started watching CNN. It was strange to see how they operated with an all woman/girl setup. I guess some of the girls were daughters or other relatives helping out. The open newsroom format with people doing things behind the reporter was a neat change after it had happened. It made you feels like there were people out there and everything would return to normal. Wanda had sat down across from me in another couch. The couches were all light gray plush leather. I...
hy friends’ mera naam bali hai aur meri ummar 29 ki hai , basically i m frm bombay but now i setted in lucknow . mai jab bhe net pay bettha 2 ISS ke story zaroor partha . mujha story read karna pasand hai . so maina socha jab mai aap dosto kie khani read karta hu tu kyu na mai ap ko apne khani sunaoo. . ya baat 2004 ke hai jab mai bombay say lucknow aa raha tha meri family phalay hie lucknow shift ho gaie thi lakin mai wahie bombay may tha ku k meri study chaal rahie thi aur exam bhe hona...
Friday after work at Robotix I drove the girls to the Dillon train station and they caught a train for the city. From there they’d take a different train line west to Westborough and their home. Margaret had told the girls she would meet them at the commuter train station in Westborough and bring them home for supper. Since it was peak travel time and the weather was good, the entire train journey would only take about ninety minutes. I could drive them in a little under an hour unless there...
On Friday evenings once he got back from his weekly sales trips, Marin and Sarah Seyenne often went to bed early and celebrated his return. If she wasn’t careful, Cassidy Seyenne would overhear her parents’ activities. When she was little, the sound of her parents being affectionate provided a powerful sense of safety and security to the curious child. ‘Mom and dad love each other, and all is well.’ When she became a surly, angsty teenager, any affection shown by them was cringeworthy at best...
IncestThe perfect mistress called me and told me to meet her in the secret house,i couldnt hide my excitement,my heart was pumping hard when she opened the door,she was standing there,pure prefection,long leather boots,and a rd collar in her hand,and said get naked tie your balls and put the dog collar,you have one minute to do it i was undressing i notice there is another naked masked waiting in the bedroom,good doggy,she said when i was standing in front of her naked with a red...
I'm 71 years old and this is my story. I married very young. I was 18 and my new bride was 21. Although I had tried very hard, I was still a virgin. When I fucked my new bride on our wedding night I was in heaven. Because I was still new at it, straight fucking was good enough for me. But over time I wanted more and my wife was not willing to go beyond straight fucking. No matter how much I pleaded she would never suck my cock or let me eat her pussy. Our straight sex continued over the years...
BisexualMy original submission, I hinted about more public places, however, I departed from that on Chapter 2 at the request of Krystal (my step-daughter with whom these stories are about). She wanted me to share this once special encounter because it meant a lot of both of us.This time, however, I am driving... Well, I should say I am in the drivers seat, but Krystal has her hand on the "stick shift".Speaking of driving, several weeks ago, I needed to drive several hours to a little town out in the...
Synopsis: A roguish thief, noble cad (and indeed a bounder) uses his magical gift much against his inclinations to obtain justice and work for a good cause. He now finds himself upon an entirely different sort of career path than he would have preferred, one now of honor and integrity – much to his shock and dismay! Sex contents: A Little Sex Genres: Fantasy Adventure/Mind Control/Mystery Story Codes: MF, Fantasy, Humor, Magic, Mind Control, Mystery, Oral, Anal, Slow (of course)