Semper Fidelis Ch. 01 free porn video

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The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography.

Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.

This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.

Part 1 – Prologue

Tuesday, March 15th. The Ides of March. For me, it was the anniversary of the failed attempt to assassinate me in front of the tailor shop, and I had been forced to shoot a person dead. That’s something never to be taken lightly nor shrugged off, and I realized that if I ever did become desensitized to killing, that it would be time to hand in my badge as a Town & County Police Officer.

For some reason, I was feeling a sense of deep foreboding as I went into MCD to join the Detectives for the morning coffee klatch. And we all know what that means:

‘This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!’ shouted the lovely redheaded reporterette from in front of City Hall at precisely 7:00am. ‘Channel Two News has learned that the Town & County Council will consider what actions to take regarding Police Lieutenant Tanya Perlman. While Lt. Perlman has mostly recovered from her wounds, she remains paralyzed from the waist down.

‘There is a brewing battle between the Police Union and the top level Officers of the Police Force. The Police Union states that if Lt. Perlman returns to duty, then former Commander Robert Brownlee should be reinstated as Deputy Chief. Additionally, several Council Members have stated that their constituents are concerned about Lt. Perlman’s ability to assume her duties, and that she cannot meet TCPD physical fitness requirements.’

Bettina continued: ‘Channel Two News has also learned that the Council expects to receive notification of the civil lawsuit filed by the County Concerned Citizens for Safety and the Fire Department Union on behalf of Assistant Fire Chief William Jefferson.

‘Police Commander Donald Troy was formally cleared of any wrongdoing in the dispersal of striking EMTs, and he was also cleared by a Board of Inquiry of any wrongdoing in personally making the arrest of Assistant Fire Chief Jefferson for having Fire Department officers block the Midtown Highway near Junction Station.

‘Jefferson remains out on bond, charged with assaulting a Police Officer and using Government property to commit a crime, that being the blockage of the highway. All of the other Firemen involved have been disciplined internally, and will face no more legal challenges.’

‘In political news, Karl Frazier of Public Policy Polling has told Channel Two News that SBI Director Jack Lewis continues to lead Republican Legislator Sean Stockton by a substantial 54-39 percent margin, with 2 percent going to the Libertarian candidate Blade Schwartz, and 5 percent undecided. Stockton faces strong headwinds from reports that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which is strongly pro-Amnesty, is funding political PACs and television ads sympathetic to Stockton. Let’s go to the tape.’

The tape showed Republican Sean Stockton giving a speech to a sparse crowd. ‘We must respect immigrant workers and their families! We must have compassion for them!’ he said. ‘Giving them Amnesty is an act of love!’

For some reason, most of the Detectives in the MCD room looked at me when they heard that. I let my face show nothing.

Bettina came back onto the screen. ‘And in local races, Dagmar Schoen and John Colby were expected to have tough races for their Council seats, but have surged to double digit leads, shocking expert observers. And in the District Attorney’s race, incumbent Gil Krasney leads Jenna Stiles 55-45 percent. Karl Frazier says that the number of undecideds in this race is virtually non-existent, which is also astonishing with this much time left in the race.’

‘Doesn’t look good for Jenna.’ Cindy said sadly.

‘It’s early yet.’ I said, then peered at my cousin. ‘You okay?’

‘Yeah.’ Cindy replied. ‘I’m just missing her. Ariel and Wanda have the gym running as good or better than I ever could run it, so there’s not a lot for me to do there. Teresa was talking about one of us moving in with the other, and I had to say ‘Hello! You’re dating a hot young stud that is the CEO of the hottest young company on the planet right now!’.’

I smiled. ‘What did she say to that?’

‘She said they’re just ‘friends with benefits’ right now.’ Cindy said. ‘I told her to go get a shovel to clean up the bullshit on that one.’ I laughed out loud.

Cindy then said: ‘Hell, Teresa loves little Doug more than that baby’s birth mother does… oh, you didn’t hear me say that.’

‘Er, no.’ I said. ‘Well, I understand why you’re feeling down. It’s been a tough year for you, so far. Why don’t you go to your office and prepare for the Angels meeting.’

Cindy left MCD and crossed the hall to her office. Going in, she saw an object on the desk. It was a stand holding two flags on black sticks at angles. One was the American flag, the other, the Canadian flag. The flags were bigger than the ones at her childhood home, but reminiscent of them. There was a note attached, that said ‘American by birth, Canadian by the Grace of God. Never forget your heritage. Don.’.’

‘Aw, that’s sweet.’ she said. She felt much better now.

Part 2 – Death of a Marine

Tuesday night, March 15th, 10:30pm. Two black vans rolled up Reservoir Road with their lights turned off. The license plates on the back were the only markings that they were State Government vehicles.

Inside were a total of eight SBI Narcotics Task Force officers, wearing full combat gear: helmets, double armor vests, and dark blue military-style clothes, including heavy steel-toed boots. They were armed with M-4 semiautomatic ‘assault’ rifles as well as Colt .45 semi-auto pistols that had been Army surplus back in the day.

Pulling into the driveway of 2467 Reservoir Road, they exited the vans swiftly and quietly. Going to the door, the leader signaled to two men to ram it.

‘Wait!’ said one of them. ‘Aren’t you going to knock and announce our presence?’ This was required by State Law.

The leader walked up to the man that had said it. He grabbed the man’s collars, half choking him.

‘Listen to me, you fucking faggot.’ the leader snarled. ‘This is a no-knock drug raid. Now shut your god-damn mouth.’ Turning to the man with the ram, the leader said ‘Okay Rogers, let’s go!’

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hearing the noise outside, Gunnery Sergeant Manuel Jose Guernica sat up in his bad. He was on leave, having served three tours in Iraq, two in Afghanistan, and a couple of others in places that cannot be mentioned in this unclassified setting.

He heard scraping around the front door. He got his lockbox by his dresser, pressed the code numbers to open it, and took out his Beretta M9. He advanced down the hall—


The SBI agents battered in the door and rushed inside. Gunny Guernica yelled for them to stop. In reaction, the SBI agents open fire upon him, relentlessly squeezing the triggers of their high-powered, military-grade rifles, emptying their magazines into him. After several seconds, the leader ordered a cease fire.

Guernica’s wife Vera was screaming. Their six year old boy Miguel was screaming and their two year old daughter Sofia was crying. The agents rushed in, dragged the woman to the ground and put their guns to her head. The little boy was also thrown to the ground, and the hot barrel of an M4 was pressed into his cheek. The baby girl was then put on the floor, where an SBI Agent pressed his boot onto the side of he
r little face. They could all see the husband and father lying dead in the hallway as SBI Agents milled about, screaming and hollering as they tore the house up.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

‘We got company.’ one of the agents snarled. Six TCPD vehicles, including a SWAT van full of armored men that had been on call, rushed up to the house, followed by a silver Police SUV driven by the Police Commander, and another one driven by the Captain of Detectives.

As we exited our vehicles, the SWAT Team leveled their guns at the SBI Agent that was outside, showing his gold badge of the Narcotics Task Force. ‘We’re SBI! This is our raid!’

I came up. ‘You didn’t inform us of this, which violates State Law.’ I thundered. ‘Where is your warrant?’

‘Right here.’ said the Agent. I looked at it, shining my flashlight on it.’

‘2461 Reservoir Drive… that’s in Nextdoor County, on the other side of the lake!’ I screamed out.

‘Sir, this is 2467, too.’ said Hugh Hewitt, leader of the SWAT Team. ‘Wrong on two counts.’

‘Arrest this son of a bitch!’ I ordered. ‘SWAT Team! Disarm and arrest every SBI Agent here!’

The SWAT Team went inside as if they were facing an ISIS army. I heard them yelling at the SBI Agents to put down their weapons, and the SBI saying for my guys to drop theirs. I then yelled into the house ‘This is Commander Troy! Shoot to kill all SBI agents! I say again: shoot to kill all SBI Agents!’

‘Sir, there are two children and a woman inside.’ said the SWAT man at the back, closest to the door.

‘Don’t shoot them.’ I said. ‘Shoot the God-damn SBI agents if they do not surrender immediately. SBI Agents! If you do not drop your weapons and surrender, you will not leave this house alive, I swear to God!’

The SBI leader got out his cellphone, as if to call reinforcements. ‘Shit.’ he muttered. ‘No signal.’ Geez, I wonder how that happened, I thought to myself.

‘All right!’ said the SBI Leader. ‘We’re coming out.’ They all came out. My men were more than a little rough in disarming them, searching them for weapons, then cuffing them and putting them into the SWAT van for transportation to County Jail.

‘Commander!’ called out Hewitt. ‘You need to see this.’

Cindy and I went inside. A man was lying dead on the hall floor, his body riddled with bullets. In the bedroom, a woman and two children were lying face down on the floor. Their hands were secured behind their backs by zip-ties… including the two year old girl.

‘Somebody cut off those zip-ties.’ I ordered. ‘Captain Ross, will you please attend to these children until we can get a child psychologist here?’ I knew that these traumatized children would respond much better to her than to the men in armor that resembled the men that had just murdered their father…

As I went outside, I saw an older man coming up. He was allowed through the cordon, after all, he was a Police Chief Emeritus.

‘What the hell happened here, Crowbar?’ asked Chief Griswold. He lived three houses down the road.

‘The God-damned SBI.’ I said. ‘Did you hear anything, Chief?’

‘I need to make a statement to your Officers.’ said Griswold. ‘Those Agents did not call out and identify themselves before battering in the door. The first thing I heard… was the door being rammed in, then gunshots…’

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

4:00am, March 16th. The wife’s story, videotaped, was devastating. She told us what had happened, that there had been no warning nor identification by the Agents. Her husband had thought they were burglars and went to confront them. He did not fire his gun, and the intruders had kept shooting him over and over again. One of them had stood over her husband, just firing bullets into his body as he lay on the floor.

‘Sir,’ said Martin Nash as the Crime Lab busily worked. ‘We have Gunnery Sergeant Guernica’s Beretta… preliminary results show it wasn’t fired.’

‘Gunnery Sergeant?’ I asked.

‘Yes sir.’ said Nash. ‘Active duty, United States Marine Corps. On leave, visiting his family after his last deployment ended. His wife works at Town High School as a Spanish teacher. They both grew up here, though her parents moved to Arizona a few years ago.’

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

‘None of you are to say a word.’ said the SBI leader as they were being transported to jail. ‘Demand lawyers. Our guys will have us out of here in no time.’

‘Oh, I’d think about that one some more.’ said Sergeant Rudistan in his jovial way, which belied the tension and his readiness to kill any SBI Agent that so much as sneezed the wrong way. ‘The Iron Crowbar is not very happy right now. He is going to barbecue your asses.’

‘The… Iron Crowbar?’ gasped the man who’d questioned the no-knock entry. His name was Matty Graves. ‘Oh my God…’ He leaned over and vomited.

‘Jesus!’ gasped the SBI leader. ‘You fucking wimp!’

‘And I’m going to shove your face into that mess, and make you clean it up.’ said Rudistan… to the leader.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

‘So what do you have, Mr. Crowbar?’ asked Chief Moynahan as I sat in his office with him. Cindy was sitting beside me, she had relinquished the Guernica children to the care of Dr. Laura Fredricson, helped by Detective Joanne Cummings in civilian attire. Dr. Fredricson had treated the burn on young Miguel’s cheek, a circle that matched an M4’s fire suppressor. She also said it was like being branded, and would never go away. I gave orders to identify the exact SBI weapon that had done that, so that the rifle’s owner could be charged with various child battery charges.

‘We’ve got eight SBI Agents that conducted a drug raid.’ I said. ‘But the warrant, which was issued in Midtown instead of their home office jurisdiction of Westphalia, gives the address of 2461 Reservoir Drive… which is in Nextdoor County. They instead hit 2467 Reservoir Road, in our County. I called the Nextdoor County Police. They were not informed of any raid by the SBI, which as you know, they are required to do after their last drug raid fiasco in my County.’

‘Yes,’ said Moynahan, ‘The story of you firing a machine gun at them is still talked about all over this State, and in the most reverent terrrms.’

‘Sir,’ said Cindy, looking at the warrant, ‘this address does say ‘2467’.’

‘No, that’s a European-style ‘1’, with the little flick down from the top.’ I replied. ‘It does look like a ‘7’… a ‘7’…’

Cindy looked up to see me going into a reverie. After a moment, she said ‘Don?’

‘Uh…’ I said. ‘Sorry about that. I was just thinking of something. By the way, where is Chief Griswold?’

‘Last I saw him,’ said Moynahan, ‘he was in the Main Conference Room, calling the Governor of the State about this.’

‘Good.’ I said. ‘Anyway, they hit the wrong place all the way around. There were no drugs in the house, except ibuprofen and her blood pressure medicine. Both the wife and Chief Griswold have given sworn statements that the Agents did not identify themselves before breaking into the house. Having the Chief give that is going to be devastating for them. They also were really abusive towards the children, totally unnecessary use of force. The M.E. is doing an autopsy on Guernica now.’

‘The SBI is going to say it was a botched raid, but that the Agents should be released and punished internally.’ said Moynahan. ‘What do you say to that?’

‘I say,’ I said, ‘that they are going to be charged with the first degree murder… of a United States Marine.’

Part 3 – Legalities

‘This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!’ she said from in front of County Jail at 7:00am, Wednesday, March 16th. ‘Channel Two News is following the breaking story of an SBI drug raid gone horribly wrong! Manuel Jose Guernica, an active duty Marine, was shot and killed by SBI agents during a raid on his home on Reservoir Road!

‘Channel Two New
s has learned that the SBI raided the wrong house, and that the correct address was over in Nextdoor County. The Town & County Police responded to 9-1-1 calls of gunshots, and arrested the eight SBI Agents after an armed standoff. The SBI Agents are being held at County Jail. Commander Donald Troy has stated that there is enough evidence to charge the agents with murder and other crimes, but would not elaborate, citing the ongoing investigation. The eight agents have been assigned lawyers provided by the SBI. So far, SBI Director Jack Lewis, who is running for Governor, has not responded to calls for comment.’

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

‘Consider me to be the representation of the United States Government on behalf of Marine Gunnery Sergeant Guernica.’ said Jack Muscone of the FBI. ‘I know it’s your jurisdiction, but consider this an offer of assistance, and we may be wanting these assholes that did this after you are through with them.’

‘Which won’t be until their dead bodies are taken off the table at Jacksonville State Prison, if I have my way.’ I replied. ‘But I’m glad you’re here, Jack. This one is going to get ugly. Fast.’

‘Yes, it is.’ said Jack. ‘I’m hoping I’ll have a chance to… ‘talk’ with Dick Ferrell again.’

‘And it’s very likely that you will.’ I said. ‘He’s in the State Office Building next to your Federal Building off Courthouse Square. Jack Lewis is here, too…’

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

‘Oh my God.’ said Jack Lewis as he read the TCPD reports. ‘Oh… my… God. Dick, weren’t you monitoring this?’

‘Yes sir.’ said SBI-Narcotics Task Force (NTF) Director Richard ‘Dick’ Ferrell. ‘From Westphalia. We had radio contact until the TCPD showed up, then our signals were jammed.’

‘This is… bad!’ said Lewis. ‘You guys do realized that I’m running for Governor? And what this could do to my campaign?’

Deputy SBI Director Robert Gaston said ‘Yes sir, we know. We’re working on mitigation right now.’

‘What about our agents?’ said Lewis.

‘Our lawyers are meeting with them this morning.’ said Ferrell. ‘They’re going to have a preliminary hearing this morning, where we will ask for them to be remanded into our custody. This was a location mistake, nothing more. We’ll probably have to settle with the family, but insurance will cover that.’

‘Who’s the judge at the hearing? Nance?’

‘No sir.’ said Gaston. ‘Folsom stepped in and appointed Watts to do it.’

‘Shit!’ gasped Lewis.

‘He’s a Conservative.’ said Ferrell. ‘If he doesn’t give us our guys back, we say he’s politically partisan and trying to hurt your campaign, then appeal to Leahy.’

‘He’s also black, Ferrell.’ Lewis said. ‘You try to smear him, and we’ll be called racists.’

‘He’s Conservative, Director.’ Ferrell pressed. ‘Black hate his guts, call him an ‘Uncle Tom’. They’re not going to turn against you and the Democrat Party over that Conservative piece of dog shit, no matter what color he is.’

‘Dick,’ said Lewis with no small amount of exasperation in his voice, ‘you have to understand that the Media would try to gin it up as a racial issue, just because they can. They know Blacks will vote for Democrats no matter what Democrats do to Blacks, so they, the Media know they can make a circus out of it. So just forget about that idea.’

‘Yes sir.’ said Ferrell. ‘Anyway, all I care about is getting our agents out of the Iron Crowbar’s jails. They’re in grave danger while they’re in there.’

‘I daresay.’ said Gaston. ‘I’m getting word that the Iron Crowbar is really going to push for murder charges. I’ve been told he’s really hot about this one, though I’m not sure why.’

‘The first thing that needs to happen,’ said Lewis, ‘is that I have to have some separation from this. I’m going to say I didn’t know about it ahead of time, which is mostly true. I’m going to say all the right things about how sorry the SBI is about that man being killed, and that I’m going to start an investigation to get to the truth. Meanwhile, make sure the lawyers get our men out of this County… and out of the clutches of the Iron Crowbar.’

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Semper FiChapter 5

Robert Morgan continued fucking Sarita Chambers pretty hard now, as it was the first chance he had to fuck her at last. She was expected to become fertile in a few months when Tammy had the nannites restore her ovaries to normal, but not quite yet. Of course, about that time, Tammy herself planned to have Robert put a bun in her oven, which was fine with everyone involved. Erica already had Robert's seed in her, and it was more than two months along now. His fertility was not in doubt,...

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Semper FiChapter 6

Audrey and Katie practically attacked Robert the moment he got back to his pod, while Carly, Julie, Maria, and Jackie each watched in fascination at first. Both pregnant girls simply couldn't keep their hands of the man that all the ladies but Julie were calling "Daddy" now. Then again, all of them but Julie were young enough to be Robert's daughters, so that made sense. Audrey's tongue explored Robert's front, while Katie's pleasured his back. Both ladies knew exactly what Robert...

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Semper FiChapter 7

Billy Godwin was very glad that this day's training was over, as it had been a rather grueling business, to put it mildly. Simulated combat was definitely no walk in the park, and the real Swarm were likely to be a lot worse than any holographic simulation of them. Even so, he had performed well enough to impress Robert, who had naturally led the team during the action and outdid himself as usual. Their job was to both take the enemy position and to inflict maximum casualties on the foe...

3 years ago
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Semper FiChapter 8

Carly indeed got her gang-bang, and it was hard to say who enjoyed it more. On the one hand, the men certainly loved fucking her sweet pussy and ass in turns, but on the other, Carly herself derived no small benefit and delight from being taken that way. Robert certainly did his part to give himself better odds of impregnating her, as he didn’t want to give up hope of that. He had been plenty generous with Billy in terms of letting him fuck and impregnate his concubines, but he still wanted...

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Semper Fi

Note : This story is completely fictional! My mother once wore combat boots. She joined the Marines, bested more than half of the other enlisteds during boot camp, and actually killed some unlucky Iraqi in the Gulf War. She said it was a clean shot through his heart. Officially, the military didn't allow women on the battlefield, but open warfare promotes real priorities. My mother, in a uniform, was as unisex as it gets, and her C.O. didn't give a fuck about sex the day tanks rolled across the...

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Bunny Fide

One of the problems we faced in trying to control—if not turn back—the expansion of the Sa'arm was the lack of weapons that could kill enough of them to reduce a hive's ability to function. We had learned, quite early on, that shock and awe doesn't go very far when you can only surprise a small minority of the units that make up the gestalt. I'm a grunt, a GROPO. I could have had more rank, really, given my CAP score, but there was something about being a GROPO that appealed to me. I...

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Sisters By The Pool Part 110

Still, it isn’t as though Danielle could claim complete anger at the situation. She could have easily freaked out, screamed at me, and left. Instead, she stayed, and joined the fun. Well, at least that is how I remember things. Danielle hadn’t said much after the night wrapped up. She hinted that she would need a little time to process everything that had happened. I don’t think she wanted to lose me, but after discovering the situation, it was only fair to give her a little space. We...

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Putting on a show in the balcony

I had invited my sweet Ana to share some days with me at Miami.My Boss had sent me there for just a couple days, to attend a very boring conference. So, I would spend the afternoons a bit busy, but could enjoy the remaining of the day with my wife, talking a walk, sunning, shopping or having good sex in our hotel room.On the second morning, after taking breakfast in the room, my sexy wife was getting hornier by the second, as she explained to me.We kissed hard in the middle of the room, with...

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A mothers present for her sons birthday II

While she was contemplating all of this in her head, her son had just woken up and walked in the kitchen. Seeing his mother, and remembering what happened the night before, his already semi-hard morning member became fully erect as he stared at her womanly hourglass figure. The morning before, he was having trouble keeping his eyes away from her because of all of the fantasies it caused to pop up in his head. But, after last night, David gained new found confidence and became actively...

1 year ago
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A Week To Remember

A WEEK TO REMEMBER By Carrie McIvor My name is Gary, but when I am dressed up, I am Carrie. Last month, I told you all about my crossdressing being discovered by my girlfriend, Kelly. And the wonderful events that followed. Well that all happened about a year ago. Since then, Kelly has moved in with me and we are engaged to be married. I now have an extensive wardrobe of women's clothes. I dress as Carrie pretty much all the time when I am at home, but with the exception of a couple...

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The Mind Control Device Short Son Awakens to His Sexy Mother

A mother and her son are unaware that Dean Michaels is about to perform his second test of the mind-control device. They are shopping in their local grocery store, Wholesome Food, picking up a few odds and ends. What is about to happen will change them forever. The machine activates. The mother and son discover the joys of incest while they are under its influence. When it turns off, Carter shouldn’t remember that anything happened between himself and his sexy mother. Carter Miller –...

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In A Stars Footsteps

In A Star's Footsteps Domino sat at the large vanity table, littered with cosmetics of every hue and shade with a large collection of brushes. The large mirror was surrounded by a series of bright lights. She was emphasizing the fine, highly arched lines to represent her eyebrows. She had undergone painful waxing to remove all traces of her brows so she could style them differently every day to match her dress and mood. Electrolysis had removed all facial hair to her chest area. Every...

3 years ago
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Male Sex Organ

You are fascinated by the male sex organ. All the amazing components that make up the male anatomy. In this case, the specimen before you is me. I let you lay me down on my back naked so you can examine my manly parts up close and personal. I have not had an orgasm in a full week knowing you were going to have this opportunity with me today. My prostate gland is deep inside me. My anus looks like a rosebud and is the opening of my asshole. My perineum is my cock's root, the area just...

1 year ago
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Indian woman visiting US part 2

On Monday the next when Ahmed came in to take me to the office, he came up in the room instead of usual calling up from lobby. I was ready and waiting for him impatiently, I have been kind of day dreaming since yesterday, those large hands, stinging blows, his rough plunging into me was coming back to my mind again and again and though I wanted to shake off these thoughts, but found them coming back again and again. When I saw Ahmed coming in the room my heart leaped to my mouth, my heart...

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Having Fun With Spitz Ch 2

Raven reacted much as I thought she would. It was just more fuel to her having excuses to make me blush in public. Our games of mutually embarrassing each other had grown incredibly complicated and this was just too much of a slam dunk for her. I’d never hear the end of this. She genuinely wanted to know what it was all about (and film it) so after we both finished with work for that day, we went to have dinner together at the Senza’s home. I don’t remember what we had for dinner that night....

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Marriage And Honey Moon

Hi this is Babu.  After fucking my first wife Vijaya i went to my second wife Parveen ammi. I told her to hand over her baby to Vijaya and come into the bathroom. She came in with a glass of milk to me she said it is her milk she has put pista badam and cashew in it. She was looking gorgeous in her black sari G-string blouse G-string panty hairs opened kajal in her eyes my sindoor on her forehead her nipples cunt navel and her ass. She had the mangalsutra in between her huge 44 sized boobs nose...

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The Futa Fairy Futa Teachers Naughty Wish Chapter 1 Ms Marcies Student Dilemma

Chapter One: Ms. Marcie's Student Dilemma By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Every day was torture when I walked into the hallowed halls of Washington College, the school where I taught at. Everywhere I looked, the girls strutted down the halls, so youthful, so sexy in their tight jeans, their tighter tops, their short skirts, their leggings that molded to nubile flesh. My heart raced, my pussy so hot in my panties and pantyhose, my nipples hard in my blouse. So many beauties. The...

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k Next Door

Beth Addams was a gorgeous, exceedingly sexy 36 year old married woman who took great pride in her physical appearance. To look at her one would think that she was still in her teens with her shoulder length true blond hair, big innocent sky blue eyes and a tight firm body that was the envy of every other woman whom she knew. Being raised and living in the deep south she would spend a lot of time lounging around and swimming in her swimming pool. She loved to wear extremely figure accenting...

2 years ago
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The Airplane Ride HomeChapter 12

People packed the area in front of the dorm as Sam made his way to the RV. He thought of Keith and Angela and their unique relationship. They hinted that they wanted to include him. The thought made his dick plump. He reached the van, mounted the steps, threw open the door. Sam froze. His father sat on the convertible couch with his eyes closed, a look of intense pleasure on his face. His mother knelt in front of him, his cock in her hand. Her head bobbed up and down on his dick. Sam stood...

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Multi-Phasic By Ellie Dauber, Copyright 1999 "Who am I to be today?" The speaker was a phantom, wavering shape that was only vaguely recognizable as human. It drifted like smoke through a soft shimmering void. Its - her -- voice was soft and feminine, but hesitant with fear. It had been so many days, days without counting, since the torture began. "Do you remember who you were yesterday?" The second being manifested itself as a ball of bluish green light. It pulsed...

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Padosh Wali Bhabhi Ki Chut Or Gaand Ki Chudai

Hello Dosto mera name jay hai or mai gujrat ka rahne wala hu meri age 25 year hai or mai ek mnc mai job karta hu. Mere land ka size 6.5” hai or 2’’ mota hai. agar koi bhabhi or aunty mujhe sex ke liye invite karna chahti hai to mujhe mail kar sakti hai mera mail id hai. Meri yeh kahani aaj se 2 saal pahle ki hai jab mai 23 year ka tha or mai apni padhai khatam karke ghar aaya tha. Waise to sab din normal bit rahe the lekin jab ek din mai bajar se ghar aaya to maine dekha ki ek ladki jo bahut...

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NubileFilms Blake Blossom Looks Better On You

Dressed to the nines, Blake Blossom lets herself into her boyfriend Ryan Mclane’s house. She knows that she’s the other woman, and she revels in it. Dropping her purse, Blake struts into Ryan’s bedroom and goes through his wife’s drawers until she finds the lingerie. She picks out a few sets that she likes and then strips down to try them on. The purple bra and thong doesn’t feel right, so Blake goes ahead and tries on the red set. She finds Ryan’s...

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Punishment From The Maid

she gasps very loudly in complete shock because she had never seen a guy do that before. immeadiately i stopped and just stared at her. she yelled at me and told me that i could have hurt myself and that what i was doing was sick and perverted. she told me i had to be punished severely to learn my lesson and that my ass officially belonged to her now. she leaves and come back with a black bag. out of it she pulls a set of restraints. she tossed them to me and made me put them on. these...

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Kaamwali Vaishali Aur Chachi Part 8211 2

Hello I am Badshah and this is my recent story of how I had sex with my aunty Vidya. We used to stay in same building she was wife of my father’s brother. She is 20 years older than me. Unke baare Mai puche toh wo rang Mai kaali Hai aur height 5’2″ hi hogi. Unke chooche toh jyada bade nah Hai par unki gaand behad badi Hai. Unko puchke hi Mai apni story yaha post Kar rha hu. Umid Hai aapko achi lagegi. Baat tab ki Hai jab mere nanaji bimaar padd gaye the aur maa aur papa ko gaon Jana pada. Ye...

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The Scavenger Hunt

Longville University was a small liberal arts college in central Virginia. It had a small student body that was almost all associated with a different Fraternity or Sorority. Two of the most well known Fraternities and Sororities were the Brothers of Sigma Epsilon Pi, and the sisters of Kappa Rho. Both the brothers and the sisters had managed to cram themselves into the cramped living room of the Sigma house. The pledges for both the frat and the sorority sat before them rather scared of what...

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Hallowen at Misteress Anns

Halloween at misteress Ann's It was a month before Halloween and I got a call from Mistress Ann, she asked if I was doing anything over Halloween? When I replied "I wasn't" she asked if I could drive down to her place in southern California because she was planning a Halloween party for some of her fetish friends. And if I drove down I could dress up as a sissy and have fun plus she had another favor to ask but she wouldn't tell me unless I drove down. Let me explain im 47 yrs old...

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LUST OR REGRET YOU DECIDEI was 24 when I had my first job at a law firm it was what I had studied to do in the last 4 years,I was really pleased to be able to work as a defense lawyer for the next few years it was always my intentions to one day have my own law firm,While working in the office there was always opportunities to date some of the office girls in fact it was so easy for me to chat them up as a single man I was always told that I was very good looking young man, Over the coming...

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Miss Lucy

Miss Lucy (F/b, 1st) by Anonymous (Address withheld by request) *** In 1950, when I was 12, we moved across town into a nicer rental house. It was an older 2-bedroom house, with a small house in the back yard. This back yard house was rented by an lady who was about 55 years old. Her name was Lucy Granger and we met her when we looked at the house with the landlord. She was very nice to me on that first meeting asking all about school and telling Mom and Dad they better watch me...

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Doggie Ka Surprise

Hello peeps! Here is my first story on iss. If you like it, please leave a feedback on email given at the bottom of the story. My boyfriend encouraged me to write this story and he will soon be sharing his end of the story if this gets good feedback! Enjoy reading.. “hello, your highness… aap kaha ho? Main aapka wait kar ra hu..” “yes, doggie.. Main nikal ri hu thodi der meh… Sara kaam ho gaya? Khane meh kya banaya h aaj mere doggie ne?” “haa sara kaam kar diya doggie ne… surprise h aapke liye...

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A Journey By Train Ch2

To eliminate any possible confusion I suggest you read Part 1 first as this is a continuation of that story.A Journey By Train, Ch.2.She tasted so good I was reluctant to let her have her hand back. Eventually I brought my attention back inside the car and pulled out of the lay-by. I asked myself what I had started but was too excited by the promise of a wild adventure to doubt myself for long. I drove through familiar country lanes, much more slowly now that we were off the motorway but still...

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Fantasy Coaching the Team

My high school football team is pretty prestigious. Not only do they play pretty well at the state level, they've also gone national thanks to Coach Nelson. He's become somewhat of a community hero, earning lots of honors for not only producing successful team players who get full scholarships to college, but he also teaches his team important life skills. These guys get more than just a high school and sports education, learning things like auto repair, maintenance, health and hygiene skills....

Group Sex
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Butler No MoreChapter 13

“Good morning, Mrs Catherine Freeman. Kathleen Malone’s treatment proceeds as planned. It has reached 71 per cent complete, and all appears satisfactory. We anticipate completion at about 11.37 a.m. Was that all?” “That is all. Thank you and goodbye.” Rather than wake her spouses unnecessarily, she went through to the kitchen to make breakfast; mostly cereal and coffee. She scoffed the cereal hungrily, and sat at the table sipping her instant coffee, thinking about her new life in a...

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The Room

Okay, here’s the usual description of this post. Folks it totally fiction for people and places although the weather described might just have a hint of truth. Other wise it’s a product of an idle mind. Enjoy.Chapter 1:Life changing experiences can be in odd places and times. I had that feeling as I closed the door to room 641 that something big had happened.A little background first. My wife Barbara and I met almost five years ago after both of us had gone through divorces.I’m 5’7” and she’s...

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Love Grab At The Naked Turtle

Roger Kovack had spent the last four years getting his degree, as well as working for the Donzi Marine racing team. Some said that he had a genius touch with the Mercruiser engines. Since he had no steady girlfriend, he decided to go to Vermont to spend a lazy summer with his uncle, Russell Clark, who had a home on Lake Champlain, located in Barnes’s Bay of South Hero. Russ, his mother’s brother, had invited him to spend the summers in Vermont, instead of cooking in the Florida heat, each...

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