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Note : This story is completely fictional!

My mother once wore combat boots. She joined the Marines, bested more than half of the other enlisteds during boot camp, and actually killed some unlucky Iraqi in the Gulf War. She said it was a clean shot through his heart. Officially, the military didn't allow women on the battlefield, but open warfare promotes real priorities. My mother, in a uniform, was as unisex as it gets, and her C.O. didn't give a fuck about sex the day tanks rolled across the Kuwait border.

Her war experience affected her, but not in the classic way. She wasn't troubled by nightmares or flashbacks. It was hardly a real war, having lasted long enough to drive across that postage stamp of a country. It made her throw up. She told me once, she couldn't stomach America's new military role. Peacekeepers, World Cops, however the boys in (what used to be called) the War Department wanted to spin it.

In her own home town, mother had seen enough poverty, sickness, legal atrocities, oppressive culture, and the suppression of women to piss on the whole charade. Mom would have happily racheted a machine gun the moment orders came down to take out America's fundamentalist jack-boots. She got pregnant with me, on purpose, to end her active duty. She returned to the city of her childhood to run a free medical clinic.

I grew up basking in her strength and joy of the moment, but time wore the sugar coating to the bitter pill. My mother was dying. I thought her painful bouts at the toilet had something to do with her period. The doctor at the clinic couldn't find a cause, but she begged her to join the class-action suit against the military. Having read about 'syndrome' cases, the doctor incontrovertibly decided mom was another victim of the war.

Mom didn't think that way. She understood, when she joined the military, that results were more important than troops. She believed in the goal, protect America from foreign enemies. That she might have ended up poisoned was the chance she took, but it had been her choice. If others wanted to sue the government, well, she wouldn't call them wrong. A lot of folk think the military's every button is as shining and noble as their TV commercials.

For my own thoughts, I was barely sixteen and wished the president would give us a million bucks. My mom had already made her million bucks. She named him Sam. That's me. I didn't know she was dying until near the end. She didn't really suffer more than the homeless people she helped, but she hated pity. My mother didn't lie to me about it. She just never out and said, 'the calcium in my bones is evaporating.'

My mother is a lesbian. She and the doctor used to make out on the sofa bed in our rent controlled in-law, but that was before she began losing her breath at odd moments. I suspect their political differences about the military proved their undoing. They had their spat, never had sex again, and continued to work together professionally. Mother decided to not spend time looking for a new partner. It really is that hard to find decent lesbian spouses among the hets, faux lesbos, and drama dykes. The effort wasn't worth it, since the clinic was her professional life and I was her private life.

One muggy day we decided to build a cooling fan for our bathroom window. She scrounged an electric motor from a discarded, fancy scooter, and I trimmed fan blades out of slats from a wooden crate.

"This bastard's got two horse power. It's going to blow a wind tunnel through the house. Better tether your dolls."

"Action figures, mom."

"Sure, and those brightly colored, stuffed animals are collectables."

"I don't play with them anymore."

"Then you might as well bring girls home for the night."

This surprised me, but I knew she was kidding. "Sure, so you can seduce them away from me with your hard body and commanding 'tude."

"Hah! This body's gone soft, and even my own son don't pay me respect."

I replied in my girlfriend voice. "Shut up."

"Yeah, right. Make me."

Well, I had to try. Tools scattered across the floor as I tackled her. She pinned me with a reversal by reflex.

"Did you time me?" She gloated. Her tall body felt unusually pliant laying on top of me, and her torso quivered slightly. Her breathing felt odd, lungs against my lungs, as if it were a struggle.

"Maybe half a second. You still got it."

"You're getting heavier. I thought it took longer."

"You're the boss."

"Sam, I wish you wouldn't say that."


"I'm your mother. I'm responsible for you, but I'm tired of being the boss. You're nearly grown, and I've done a fine job of raising you. Be proud Sam. You're my best gift to this world, and it's my gift to you. From now on, you're your own boss." Five inches from my face, I watched her face relax into a reassuring smile.

I don't know how they could have, but her words choked me up. I had tears in my eyes. Perhaps her voice simply resonated with my heart - I swear it stopped beating for one count. I exhaled sharply and just snuffled for air and gulped saliva. My mother, the power in my life, had freed me. I hugged her just long enough to hide my face in her shoulder.

She stood up and reached a hand down. I lay there. She was my goddess. I didn't know much about spirituality, but my mom's spirit blazed like holy light. I knew the moment I took her hand she would suddenly become my best friend. I was afraid.

"Suit yourself." She turned and bent to collect the tools. "I'll fasten the blades to the motor, tomorrow, while you're at school. These look fine." She slid one sanded length along her palm like she was testing a knife for sharpness.

Behind her, I finally lifted my ass off the floor and shook off the dust. I thought everything was back to normal, until she straightened and turned around.

I'm sure you had to be there, but for the in my life I noticed the clothes she was wearing. I guess in my mind she was always the drill sergeant, or the handyman, or a dozen other male roles I had hung around her neck. She was wearing a dress. It wasn't very blousey, but it said more about her hips than her shoulders. Her breasts never did stand out, but there she was, visibly female.

I wasn't about to admit to myself why it made a difference. All of a sudden, I wanted to run out of the house and find my mother. Sanity interrupted my fancy. Mom had worn this dress and others for the last ten years. Maybe it was the contrast. One minute, we were building something together, something masculine, a loud wind machine, the next she was laying on top of me, soft and pretty.

She noticed me staring at her in a very conspicuous manner. She looked at me like I was nuts. "Get the vacuum cleaner and un-dust the rug." She lifted the tool box and headed toward the kitchen.

"I thought I was the boss now."

"Then tell yourself to do it."

"What if I told you to do it?"

"Make me."

It was definitely a time of change around the house. Her, me, we, and everything that made us family were all spinning around like that feeling you get in your gut when you're about to try something new. Out of the blue, my gut wanted to make her, make her do something of my will. I couldn't take my mom in a fair fight, and she could take anybody in a dirty one. I wanted to be her boss, real bad. This time I decided to brave anything she put in my way. It was as if a stone had settled into a comfortable spot in my stomach.

"I'm telling you. Get the vacuum, and clean this rug." I steeled my gaze and prayed I didn't blink first.

"Nice try." Mom offered her usual 'amused at her kid' grin, but for one microsecond I thought I saw something else.

I took a step towards her, not threatening, just confident. "If you didn't hear me the first time, I will repeat myself." This was my mother's own signal she used when her patience was wearing thin. I'd rather not mention how often I'd heard it. My heart pounded. Inside, I wanted this more than anything. I wanted her to acquiesce.

"Sam, are you sure you want to start this?" She returned a different version of her attitude about crossing her. If her voice hadn't hinted at a slight lack of breath I would have backed down in an instant.

"Yes, and to finish it. Get the vacuum, mom." I never raised my voice.

My mother, her eyes dropped for a fraction of a second. The world turned upside down. My stomach flip-flopped. I swallowed but never blinked.

"I'll get the vacuum." She said simply and set down the tool box.

It couldn't have been that easy. I was struck dumb. Now what?, my mind raced. I had burned all my jet fuel trying to keep my cool. If I didn't get away soon I was going to lose it, but I didn't want to act totally lame. She wasn't going to let me get away with absolute victory. I may have had the high hand this round, but she was still my mom for the next two years. I picked up wood bits and pieces of wire, anything that might choke a vacuum. I was just heading outside when I heard the motor switch on.

That day, I felt like I had stepped across the grand canyon. Will against will, my successful contest to best my mother filled my head euphoric. I trembled at the thought of it, but I wanted to do it again.

It took longer than a week for my courage to return. Our lives remained mostly the same. She managed the clinic ten hours a day, keeping it organized for the doctor and her assistants. I farted around with my friends, wasting time, learning how to survive teen society. They thought I was cool for having an openly gay mother but didn't ask what her actual love life was like.

Her's was dull. She might have been celibate, excluding normal, personal options. She entertained a few friends and went out for a show or dinner, but the last hint of romance was buried in her loud, but unintelligible, argument with Joyce, the doctor. They would call each other occasionally, but mother never discussed her relationships, at least not with me.

My sex life was outright abusive, self abusive. Some girls thought I was gay, (like mother, like son), others preferred the chest beating of my male peers over my cultivated respect for a woman's power. Oh heck, I dated a bit, but they were tepid interludes. I usually found girls my age less reasonable than soap opera characters.

I shouldn't insult them. I didn't act my age either. I was far too mature for my own good. I was in love with my mom which, ironically, is ridiculously immature. I was the man. She was the woman. At least that's what my body said, every five hours. To this day I can't believe how often I jacked off. I've never regretted it. Mom discussed sex with me in her usual direct way.

"When you get an erection, jack it off and enjoy it. Once you learn how you like your sexual pleasure, you'll have a lot more fun sharing it with your future lovers."

Of course society has its taboos, some worthy, others random, most could use a little rethinking. I had listened around enough to know where to and when to palm my cock. But my fantasies were mine explore however which way I wanted. Mom certainly had no sexual thoughts about me. This, I discovered during an incredible circumstance, was not as limiting as it might suggest.

Remember, I was sixteen, raised to examples of confidence, discipline, and respect, and I had the hormones of a satyr. I excelled at public school, snubbed vapid girls, and masturbated to the sound of my mother repairing the oil fired heating unit in the basement. It may not have been mother nature's way, but for me sexual pleasure hit its peak when I included my mother in my fantasies. These fantasies increasingly revolved around making her obey me.

The second time I contested her will, I thought I'd be kicked out of the house. I had imagined I was playing a game of dice with my mom, using dice with invisible pips. More to the truth, it was like cracking the code on a safe wrapped in dynamite.

We were sanding the ancient wooden floor in the main room, preparing it for a new coat of lacquer. Mother was glowing. Sunlight from the window glistened through the sweat cooling her skin. What was normally a loose tank top was now fully plastered around her midsection. I watched her with brief, intense glances. I didn't give her tits a single shot, but her hips, damn they moved like they were attached to a wheel. I swear, even on her knees, her power of action was driven from her legs. Her arms were merely conduits of thigh energy.

We had been scraping the old varnish for three hours without a break. Yeah, I was in shape, but I wasn't particularly well built. I was nearly as thin as my mom. I was certainly more tired. At one point I asked myself a simple question. Why? What the hell was I doing this for? Shit, I could be out with my friends, but I had told them this weekend I was supposed to help mom with the house.

We saved rent by doing our own repairs. We also fixed stuff for the renters of the main house occasionally, just to be neighborly, she told me. They were an older couple, gay men who didn't approve of lesbian mothers. Go figure. I'm glad I never had to talk to them.

Right in the middle of the work, I stood up and looked down at my mom. "Call me when you're finished. I'll help you with the reapplication." I felt my eyes testing hers once more. Who's would be strong enough?

She looked up, initially surprised. Her eyelids extended, and I already knew the sentence leaping to her mind. "Get your butt back down before I make it a permanent fixture to the floor."

"Sam, I'm not in the mood for levity..."

I told her, "I'm not being funny, nor is this fair, but it is what I've decided."

I thought she was going to shake her head, disapprove. She stood up and slapped my face. It was all wrong. My mother never hit me in anger.

Later, I discovered it wasn't anger that motivated her. She needed my help. She was growing ill. Her vast energy reserves were seeping into the aether, and they would never return. She knew she was still quite strong, but she also knew her fate. Mother had locked her secret behind a steel wall of cryptic emotions. It was my fate to decipher them.

My head twisted around, straining a neck muscle. "Ow!" I grabbed my neck, but I had to stand my ground. I was so stupid. "Fine, you can paint the damn thing too, by yourself!"

I told you mother never cried, but I haven't said she never mourned. We were only human, a parent and child beginning to separate in the cause of independent foolishness. Only my mother was doomed to accrue dependence like frost on a window. You witnessed it's growth but couldn't see it growing. One day she would rely on me absolutely for remainder of her short life. Mother would bear witness as I found my own voice and opinions, but it was still too early for a child challenging himself to see anything more than his own interests.

Mother didn't apologize for hitting me. She turned to one side, ignored me, then looked at the floor. Many seconds later, she crouched down and picked up the sandpaper.

Once more, my chutzpah failed, and I backed out of the room as my ego drained. I made dinner that night and washed the dishes, but nothing could have made up for my transgression. Mother didn't speak to me for a night and a day. I was pretty worried, but that night, when I jacked off, my thoughts replayed the day's event. At the point when I remembered her sigh, my orgasm hit me harder than her open palm. Cum flew all over my naked body.

Maturity and I were locked in a wrestling match. I really thought I acted more like an adult than my peers, but I certainly had a childish way of showing it. My silly game with mother played out over many months. However, I never lost myself to it. I only defied my mother when I was fully possessed of my faculties. If I had ever controlled her with less than a full head, she would have walked right over me. In a way she was controlling me, teaching me something penultimately adult.

"Mother, ask the neighbors for a nice apple. These are too spotted."

"Mother, get the TV from the main room and set it up on the table while I eat dinner."

"Mother, stand right there. I need to change my clothes. You can add these in the washing machine." Acting on a powerful impulse, I removed every shred of modesty right in front of her. My cock could not have remained soft under those circumstances.

I kept getting hard-ons. Controlling her was incredibly erotic, for me. Mother was about as interested in penises as a taxi driver is in public transit. But after the first time I showed her my erect dick, it became an integral part of the act. She didn't care enough to roll her eyes. To me, it was a virile display of my new manhood. To her, I suppose she decided not to suppress what might prove an innate male trait, believing in the myth of visual seduction.

Although I masturbated constantly, my ability to command mother occurred on infrequent days of the month. We would spend weeks of regular, sort of, mom/kid activities. I'd keep my shit from piling up around the house. I invited friends over on days comfortable to her. She'd ground me for driving a friend's car before I earned my license.

I got drunk one night and told her to suck my cock. She told me, in English plain enough for a sotted brain to understand, I would not talk to her that way. The next day she enrolled me as a volunteer at a alcohol recovery clinic. I never let my friends booze me up again.

It was long, my journey of self-possession. Mother's power over me was a different kind of possession. Once I mastered her parental right to push and constrain me I was complete, my own man. I had a long way to go.

I was nearing my seventeenth birthday, and feeling realistically cocky. My path that night led me to my mother, who was sacked out on the sofa bed. She slept in the living room, and I had a walk-in closet. Coats and trousers and good tops hung above my cheap futon. It was very well insulated for the city's.

"Hi mom. I know it's late, but I want to look at you lying there." I stood in the archway between the living room and the kitchen. I was fully naked. I couldn't tell her state of dress as she lay under thick covers.

"Please, push your blankets and sheets down. I want to see you."

Mother always contested me. Her eyes met mine and informed me this was not something she was going to do. I received her message silently, kept my face blank, and slowly nodded my head.

"I could turn them down myself, but do you really want me to fix your bed for you?"

She blinked at that. I didn't know she mentally added, 'like you were an invalid', to the end of my question. She sighed and then looked at me in way I would never forget. It was the look of need. Slowly, out from under the covers, one arm after another snaked its way free. They haltingly pushed the warm spreads down to her thighs. I've seen her naked tits many times, but never when she was being made to reveal them solely for my own gratification. Her crotch was covered with a plain, white pair of panties. I took my cock into my hand.

"Don't move until I'm finished." I was so unnerved by her acceptance of my new audacity, I wasn't sure I could get off, but her unresisting body was more than sufficient to raise sperm to the pitcher's plate. I tried to keep a steady, languid pace, but in the heat of my climax, my hand found itself ripping along my swollen prick. She waited, unimpressed, until my cum shot out into the hand towel I held in front of my cock. Afterwards, she told me to get her a beer.

I had more than a few disappoints attempting to recreate that evening. Mother fought every inch of that battle. Eventually the beaches cleared. Her fortitude gradually fatigued against the height of my sexuality. I began masturbating regularly in front of my mother a couple weeks after my seventeenth birthday. At some point she must have decided it wasn't worth her fading energy.

Justice weighs Her judgment on golden scales. My plate was sinking fast. One day, I was thrown clear when something plummeted upon the other plate. Up until that time, I had thought only of my own convenience and pleasure.

After the first time I masturbated openly in front of her, I seriously worried that I had overstepped her boundaries. That and because I didn't want to get into a rut, I gave mom plenty of non-sexual commands. The last piece of our psychological jigsaw puzzle fell into place when I least expected it. We were watching television on our beat up sofa. I was sitting, eating an orange. She reclined with her legs propped up on my lap.

"Mute button." She said the instant a commercial interrupted.

I clicked on the upbeat. Then I moved her legs and dropped the remote in her lap. I needed to throw the orange rind into the kitchen garbage. It was sure to be a long break. After tossing the rind, I opened the fridge and peered within. Not really looking, I suddenly piped up.

"Mom, cycle through all the channels ten times and remember the ones that are showing old, black and white films. I'm going to fix me a sandwich."

It was the lamest thing I ever told her, I think. My dick still got hard, but displaying it never crossed my mind. The act itself was erotic, there was no non-erotic control of my mother for me, ever. I fixed my sandwich, efficiently and quietly. I know I surprised her when I returned to the couch.

She surprised me like a thunderbolt. Her right hand manipulated the TV remote. Her left hand was reaching up her short short, left pant leg, and she was rubbing her clit. I dropped my sandwich on the beautifully varnished, hardwood floor. She ignored me, and in a whisper, recited her count on the remote.

"four... ," she languidly switched across all fifteen of our aerial's channels. "five... ," repeat, "six..."

My breath left me. I was prepared to suffer a stroke right then and sink into my final demise. I didn't need to see her fingers pushing into erect flesh, exciting her beneath white denim. I may have actually witnessed my mother masturbating during my previous 18 years, but it would have been a private event for her.

Here she was totally focused on her mission, enjoying it for what it was, an act of conceding her will. An unimportant event, such as her son catching her in the act of masturbating to the tune of her own capitulation, was the last thing that would interrupt her.

I did what any self-possessed eightteen year old would do under the circumstances. I picked up the sandwich, wiped the floor clean with the sink sponge, and then I cleaned out the sponge. Only after I heard her say 'ten' did I return to the main room. I shouldn't have waited. I only embarrassed myself.

"There were three channels showing old films. One was just beginning. The one with Sidney Portier."

"Thank you, mom."

"My pleasure."

I took my pleasure later that night by masturbating once again in front of my mother. She lay on the sofa-bed, reading a book.

When I was nineteen, my mother was killed by an unnamed, immune system dysfunction. She died on her own bed, in her own home, with her son holding her and telling her she was the strongest force in the world.

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Richard Newcastle, one of the most powerful men in the known universe jumped to his feet and did a little dance while chortling. His wife, Vonda looked at him as if he had lost his mind. This caused Richard to start laughing. Richard Preston Newcastle, the heir to the empire, was feeding at his mothers breast. He cared for nothing except the nourishment he was getting. Vonda listened with that part of her mind that let her read minds. She listened to her son as he fed, and he was becoming...

4 years ago
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Weekend on the Great Lakes

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joe and I struggled carrying the storage trunk from the van along the dock to our lake cruiser. 140 pounds of Bitch Meat I laughed to myself. Dan, Jeremy, Sam and Dave waited on the ramp to the boat to help us. Our boat was loaded and now all we needed is to store our weekend guest on the tail of the boat. The Marina security cameras would show nothing out of the ordinary. Grabbing this slut had taken some...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Olivia Lua Step Sister Fucks And Sucks

Olivia Lua and Brad Knight are in a race to use the shower, so they each peel off their clothes as fast as they can. By the time Brad has whipped out his hardon, Olivia is already nude with her pierced nipples and her bare twat. He sticks around, watching as Olivia wets herself down. When Olivia bends down to get the soap, Brad makes his move and slides into her slippery twat from behind. Olivia is instantly into it, and it’s not long before she has propped one leg up to give Brad easier...

2 years ago
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Submissive Owned Mums

On her knees she was currently blowing her master's penis . Bobbing up & down , she had been hypnotized and enslaved by her skinny perverted well-hung son Todd who had just turned 20years old . 3mths ago, she had begun sucking his 10 inch dick & now was an expert with no gag reflex . Ernie was a cuckold & Todd's stepdad, he was filming today's festivities. As Franny engulfed the full sausage Todd let out a long moan and exploded down his mom's throat. She was a great cocksucker he...

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Love Making With Divorced Office Colleague

Hi, All. This is Sam from Chennai, Age 29, Height 6 ft., Weight 80 Kgs. Now working in a BPO. So far, I have had sex with 3 women of different age category. My first was with my neighbor aunt who was 45 years old. My Second Experience was with a divorced office colleague who was 29 and the third one was with a girl I met at a computer training center. The sex story I am going to share now was with my 2nd Partner, a divorced office colleague when I was 21. Her name was Remya, a Mallu bomb. She...

2 years ago
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The Gamblers Folly

The Gambler's Folly Belladonna "Have you lost your mind, Clarence?" Nelson asked his longtime partner at his law firm. "I wasn't thinking straight!" "That's an understatement. If this gets out, it could ruin all of us. You didn't just screw yourself here; you've risked the rest of us." "I'm sorry, I..." "Just shut it, Clarence," Marianna added as she looked down at her fellow partner as he squirmed in his seat. "What do you want me to say?" Clarence asked as he threw up...

4 years ago
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Cost of TimeChapter 6 Savoring Victories

"Uh oh," Trilium whispered to Noia. Noia turned and followed his gaze. Captain Landsruhl was talking with one of the Hostigi soldiers; probably their commander. Captain Landsruhl looked upset and he was staring at Noia and Trilium. "Come along, Noius," Trilium said. "I think that Hostigi officer has heard of you." They'd gone only a few steps when Hestophes stopped Trilium. "Look, I know we owe you; I swear I'll tell the captain myself. But this isn't the time for...

2 years ago
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The Guest

Mom and dad had left for the week end and the young daughter was all alone. She was asked to entertain a friend coming to stay for a week. He arrived just after noon and she was out by the pool in her bikini. She was going to sun bathe topless, but knew the visitor would be arriving any time. He walked to the pool and greeted her. He stared at the girls sexy body in the skimpy suit. The triangles of fabric barely covered the huge tits and the bottom thong had less material. He liked what he saw...

1 year ago
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The Captain and Nancy

It all started as harmless chat in an online adult chat room. She caught my attention and I was intrigued by her lusty manner. She was Scarlett and I became Rhett. We figured out when the best times to meet in the chat room were and chatted more and more frequently as time went on. I learned that she was married with three children and living in Puerto Rico where her hubby was stationed in the Coast Guard. I told her that I was also married with two children and living on the East coast of the...

First Time
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Times Change a hot evening prior to the real fun

Monday arrived and I finished work a bit early and headed home. Cheryl had called and wanted to go out to dinner, and, of course, I agreed.“We have reservations at seven, so please be ready, it’s about a half hour drive from here,” I heard her say from the bathroom. She came out of the bath, naked, smiled at me, and headed for the master bedroom closet. I showered and by the time I got out of the bath she was downstairs, making noises in the kitchen. I dressed and headed down to the kitchen, it...

3 years ago
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Cuckold Eunuch

Cuckold Eunuch I lay naked on the floor, as I always did when Sam came home from one of excursions.It was late, about 1.00am as she came bursting into the bedroom.“Ah there you are, Darling, all ready for me! I have collected some lovely creamy cum just for you!”Sam was wearing a short skirt and high heels and an open jacket under which she had a bodice type top that pushed up her C cup boobs making them seem way larger.Brushing her long brown hair over her shoulders she then lifted up her...

1 year ago
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Jace Not Jazzy

“I see you’ve cut off your beautiful long hair, Jazzy,” Lorna said during this morning’s FaceTime call.“It’s Jace, mom, and I donated it to Locks of Love, so I would think you’d be pleased,” Jace replied.“Honey, I know you like being a boy, but you’re so pretty. You know, a lot of young men wear ponytails or man buns these days,” Lorna pointed out.Jace was annoyed. “Mom, let it go, okay? My hair will be making wigs for kids who’ve lost their hair to chemo. I would think you’d be proud of me.”“I...

2 years ago
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How It StartedExhibitonism as A Married Couple 2

  With my pussy burning with fever so hot, I strolled backed to the dressing room, and lustfully look at it in the mirror. My clit was no longer hiding inside her hood, it was fully erect and throbbing out of control. I just wanted to stroke it off . My swollen thick lips were parted just enough to see the tiny droplets of my sexual wetness flowing freely. I cant take the heat anymore, placing the palm of my hand against my kitty while I spread my long sleek legs widely before the mirror. I...

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Dire Wolf and FangChapter 16

The next several weeks were exhausting and also fun. By now the class had reduced to 6. 4 guys, Glenda, and myself. We were now going basic throws, as well as blocks. And on the day the Mutant Control Act passed and was signed into law, we also moved into the new dojo. It was bigger than the old one, but not much. It had been a small grocery store built right after WWII, but the ceiling was much higher. Now we were seeing the real Clint. He was now able to walk us through the movements, and...

4 years ago
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Barbras ReawakeningExplorationchapter 2

I was just sitting back down at my desk in front of my computer with a hot cup of tea when I heard my dial up modem finally connect with Nightfriends Bulletin Board. My throat was feeling sore and I was finding it hard to swallow. “Great” I thought…”Just what I need, the freakin’ flu.” Well, maybe it wasn’t the flu but until I went to the doctor all I knew is that I had a nasty t sore throat and was feeling feverish, What a way to start my three days off. I had started feeling rough...

2 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 2 The Nightmare Continues

When I came down again I was in the yellow dress and 4 inch heels. He looked me up and down. "Open the top 3 buttons and the bottom 3." he ordered. When I'd finished there were just 2 buttons holding the dress together. My breasts were exposed and you could see right to the top of my legs. He had me stand in front of him and then slowly turn around. He ordered me to lift my dress exposing my vagina to his stare. After looking me over for several minutes he told me to go. As I went to the...

1 year ago
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My Fathers SonChapter 5

“So my dress is black and long with a long slit on the side so it’s going to be kind of sexy but not slutty.” It was the next day during lunch and I was trying to pay attention to what Wendy was saying but my mind was on Jack. It all felt like a dream. How we had kissed and how we’d rubbed against one another and how we both wanted more... “Sara?” I looked at my friend and smiled awkwardly. “Yeah.” “Are you even listening to me? Everything I’ve said you just say “uh huh” or “umm”. What’s...

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AllGirlMassage Jenna Foxx Liv Wild Have You Seen My Clothes

Liv Wild is enjoying a pleasant massage at the skillful hands of her masseuse, Jenna Foxx, although it’s winding down. Once Jenna’s done, she leaves the private room to let Liv enjoy the last few moments of peace before getting dressed and going back to real life. Yet, when Liv reaches out for her clothes, she comes up empty-handed! Liv is in a panic, her clothes nowhere to be seen. She has little choice but to venture out of the private room for help, which means trying to hide her...

3 years ago
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Grandpas teen has a friend

For those of you that havent read This teen loves her Grandpa then here it is woke a few times in the night to find Jack cradled in my arms, her tits were pressing into me and I could feel her hairy bush on my stomach. I still couldnt believe what had happened last night, however when I woke up in the morning Jack was gone. Gone from my arms, gone from my bed and indeed gone from my house. I had a quick look in her room, at least...

1 year ago
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ImmoralLive Maddy Black Screaming Anal Orgasms Abound for Big Tits Banshee Maddy Black

Porno Dan is very proud of his nephew Dean Van Damme. Dean has come up with some great suggestions as to where to meet women during their time in Prague. Dean tells him this spot in the woods is where chicks from the Czech Republic tan topless. Dan and Dean sneak through the woods and see a woman in a red bikini getting ready to go tanning. She pulls off her top and unleashes her huge tits. They are so big that one does not need his glasses to see them. Dean encourages his uncle to talk to her...

2 years ago
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Humiliate your Husband

Humiliating your husband is creating mortification leading to a state of being humbled. Here is a list of how to humiliate your husband: Tease your husband with the idea of, you sl**ping with another man. Comment on how good other men look to you. Tell your husband that you like big endowments. Tell your husband that his endowment is not big enough for you. Tell your husband your lover/s are much better at sex. Tell your husband he is a wimp. Tell your husband he is a jerk. Laugh, grin, giggle...

3 years ago
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Vampire LifeChapter 3

I spent months moving from place to place. I generally stayed in empty warehouses and office buildings when I could find them, but I’d occasionally spring for a ‘no tell’ motel. I pondered going home, but every time I thought of knocking on the front door, Robbie’s words came back to me. What was I really going to say to my parents anyway? I followed Robbie’s example, except I preferred women to feed on. I’d generally jump on drunken people when they left bars. I hoped that their...

2 years ago
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Universum 37 Star Trek Der erQikliche Test

Neulich im Q-Universum „Vater" „Ja ? Was ist nun schon wieder Du Nervensäge. Nicht mal ein paar Tausend Jahre hat man vor dir Ruhe." „Vater bitte. Du vergisst schon wieder was Tante Katherine zu dir gesagt hat ." „Was denn Sohn ? Das Ich mich mehr um dich kümmern soll ?" „Das Du dich mit Mir und meinen Problemen beschäftigen und mir den Weg zu einer Lösung weisen sollst. Durch deine gute Führung und weise Sichtweise sollst Du mir ein gutes Beispiel sein." „Klugschwätzer ! Aber schön, erklär mir...

1 year ago
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The Sissification of a Hero

Izuku Midoriya loved being a hero. He loved saving people with a smile and giving strength to the weak. He loved the feeling of doing something great and the happiness that followed from the people around him. Something he did not love however was paperwork. Sadly however, with great responsibility comes a great amount of paper-work. Especially if you're the number one hero with your own hero agency. Izuku groaned loudly and put the pen down as he finished his fourth damage report of the day....

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LoveHerFeet Vanna Bardot I8217m Just Doing It To Pay For School

I was at my babysitting job today where I’m usually able to webcam in my downtime. Todays show was so hot I was bringing in so much money masturbating and showing off my sexy feet and toes that I totally lost track of the time. Mr. Bailey walked into the room while I was naked with my legs spread and pussy soaked from masturbating. He was shocked and I was mortified! I explained that I only webcam to make extra money for tuition. He wanted to know exactly how I tease my fans with my feet so I...

3 years ago
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The Girl in the Red Cloak Ch 02

Although Lukas crossed her mind occasionally that day, on the whole Clara was far too busy to give him much thought. Between administering the valdir and using her own powers to help the sick, she scarcely had a free second to eat, let alone ponder the mysterious Maharian. Her work was rewarding though, and she saw with relief that the valdir was doing its job. It appeared there would be no more fatalities from this plague, provided she continued her careful observation and care. By the time...

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My first time

The first time I had sex I was 18-years old. It was with my girlfriend at the time. She had just came back into the country and had nowhere to stay so my parents decided to have her live with us for a bit. I was a virgin and she had already had sex with mulitple partners which made me a little nervous that I was going to suck when we eventually had sex. Well after fooling around and getting close a couple of time I finally decided that it was time to have sex. It was a Wednesday and I had...

4 years ago
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Two Married Dudes

Two Married DudesIt was a Sunday afternoon. Peter had been busy working in the box officeall day and was ready to call it a day. He brushed his brown curly hairfrom his forehead as he climbed the stairs to the office. His 5'10" 165lbframe ached as he crossed the booth. He was tired and you could tell hewas tired if you looked into his eyes behind his octagonal eyeglasses.His eyes were brown and a little red from a day full of customers andstress. As he entered the office he heard Jeramey over...

2 years ago
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Seduction From Dusk Till Dawn Day 3

We spend the day at the house, walking down to the beach area below. We take blankets and ice chests filled with food and alcohol. We relax and sunbath and go for several short swims. There is not a sole around and you tell me that you want to watch me relax nude. I remove my bathing suit and lay back down in the sun. You begin to rub some suntan oil across my body making sure to spend extra time rubbing it into my breasts. You then rub the oil down to my pussy. The oil is warm from the sun...

3 years ago
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Sweety Bhabhi Ne Mere Samne Jeans Utari

Hello friends mera naam bunty(badla hua) hai , age 26 , height 5,8 I’m good looking or mein ek achhi rich family se hoo …frends mein bahut time se fsi blog ka reader hoo or mujhe fsi blog bahut pasand hai to maine deside kiya ki mein bhi apni life ka real incident jo mere saath hua hai aap sabse share karoo or aapkie comments suno ki aapko mere saath jo hua hai wo kaisa laga ye mera mail id hai please aapke jo bhi comment hai wo mujhe kare …… Friends ye story shuru hoti hai 4 month pehle ,mera...

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craving dark chocolate2

i looked in2 his eyes as i stood up & pulled malcolm 2 his feet, then pushed him back on2 the couch & knelt between his knees. his pretty cock was very dark & still soft, the mahogany glans still covered by his velvety 4skin. he sat with his legs spread wide & his cock hung down between his thighs, lying on his shaved ball-sack. i put my hands on the floor, next 2 the front of the couch & leaned 4ward, opening my mouth & letting his delicious cock slide between my lips,...

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A Commitment is a Commitment

It was my mothers 38th birthday in two weeks and I had been searching for a book she used to have from school, she had often told me about it. And one day she went into the loft to get it to show me. I had been showing an interest in poetry, which had surprised her greatly, me being Mr Macho and all that. She called to me and I climbed the ladder. We hadn’t been up there for years and had forgotten how much junk she and my dad had collected, but she couldn’t find the book anywhere. We even...

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The Holiday

Bridget had grown up on a small holding in Ireland in a Roman Catholic parish and had enjoyed her sister's company through their teens. They were told to leave the small holding when the stallion visited their mares but of course they always found a covert way to creep back close enough to see the mating.Bridget had been a bright young girl and encouraged by the parish priest's sponsorship she had been sent to boarding school and then she won a place at University and trained as a pharmacist....

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How My Junior Year Changed My Life

Today was the big day, the annual rival soccer game against Schaumburg High School had come. Throughout the day everyone, friends, teachers, other people I don’t know, came up to me wishing me luck, they really wanted us to win! As game time approached I could feel the nerves growing inside of me, until I heard the ref’s whistle and the game kicked off. Our stadium was packed full of fans, all rooting for us to win. The game started off extremely poor for us as we gave a way a penalty kick...

3 years ago
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Doing Twins And Not Knowing It

This is a true-life story that occurred to one of my friends in college just a few years ago. It was the most amazingly sexy and funny story I'd ever heard. My buddy, Ron, was dating one of a pair of beautiful identical twins. I mean, these two 19-year old babes were identical down to the smallest details of their gorgeous bodies. I don't think there's any way Ron could ever have known what they did to him that night until the twins admitted it and let him in on the little joke they'd...

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Secret Desires In France Awakening Part 9

ALEX In the following weeks, the only good news was that Rob was almost never there. Apparently, he had meetings from New York to Hong Kong. Ever since he had heard Louise’s lovemaking, Alex had felt miserable. Well, miserable and terribly horny too. That was the problem. Some time ago he had seen a documentary about the Romans and their crossing of the Rubicon river. Nowadays, the commentator had explained, crossing the Rubicon was a metaphor for passing a point of no return. Coming in his...

1 year ago
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BigTitCreamPie Diamond Kitty Diamonds and Creampies

Diamond Kitty moved into a new area. When she was doing her early morning jog all of a sudden Derrick Ferrari recognized her and shouted out: Are you Diamond? She thought he looked cute so she invited him to her house. Here she first took a long shower to get rid off that sweat. Slowly she rinsed her amazing breasts with soap. This made her so horny that the second she came back down she immediately pulled down Derrick’s pants and started to suck his cock. She stuck it deep into her throat....

2 years ago
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A Cross Country Trip

There I was driving my Uncle Joe’s new motor home on Interstate 90 in Montana. Now Montana is beautiful country, it rightly earned the name ‘Big Sky Country’ because of the scenic views. Well that’s what I read anyway. However, I was crossing the state in February and the weather was shit! I had been driving in a snow storm for the last four hours and there weren’t any signs of it letting up in the near future. I was down to about 30-35 MPH and visibility was so poor, I was lucky to see the...

1 year ago
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6 Chasing CanariesChapter 7

And then it was over, as fast as it had begun, with Lori collapsed on top of Rhonda, their chests heaving and their breath coming in gasps. Rhonda's hands began running softly up and down Lori's back, where the perspiration was beginning to darken the colors of the head cheerleader's uniform bunched up around her waist, under her lover's caressing fingers. "Wow," Chet breathed. The sound seemed to remind the girls they had an audience. Far from embarrassed, Lori grinned up at Chet....

3 years ago
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One Hot Tamale

There must have been a dozen of them, at least; all sitting around the long row of tables that had been pushed together to accommodate such a large party. All between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-five, I'd guess by the way they were all dressed in their slutty best, laughing and carrying on. I could see the look on my husband's face. 'Oh Great ... A bachelorette party ... Just what we needed right next to our table.' It was supposed to be our special night out. The kids were at their...

4 years ago
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The call

She awoke with a start. It was 5:55am. Exhaling in a half frustrated, half indulgent groan, she sank back into the new winter sheets she had just pulled out three days ago. The season was changing. Outside, Fall was making its graceful exit and the gritty cold winds of Winter were approaching. Four months it had been, and yet it was with her. ‘Wake up 5 minutes before My call’ he instructed her. He had no authority over her except that which he exuded. The decision to obey him was...

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