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I looked at my sister in startled amazement. She had, sort of, in round about words, just offered to have sex with me. I think. I stared at her. She blushed slightly and dropped her gaze to the floor.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," she whispered.

"Uh. Okay, yeah tomorrow." I managed to say.

I turned and left, walking down the garden path towards my car, not seeing anything around me, just hearing her words over and over again in my mind.

"Okay then, why not tomorrow," she had said.

Viv was forty now, just turned forty one in fact. When she was in her teens and early twenties she was beautiful, sexy, and intelligent, everything I desired in a woman. At almost four years older than her, I'd gently lusted after her since before she was twelve, until, at around twenty nine, she'd finally got married. After she got married they moved abroad and I hadn't seen her so much, then a couple of years later she'd had two sons in fairly quick succession, just thirteen months apart, so her travels had come to an abrupt halt. I had never married, but I was self employed and hated taking time off work unnecessarily. If I didn't work, I didn't get paid, and I liked being paid, so I had to work. My travelling, apart from my work, was equally non-existent, but working away from home all the time, and never in the same place for more than a few months at a time, I had never found the time, or to be honest the inclination, to have a relationship myself, so although I managed a few small affairs and a few more one night stands, they never lasted.

Then John had upped and left her. There appeared to be no obvious reason, John wasn't seeing another woman, or man for that matter, and neither was Viv. She was shattered when he left and vowed to bring up their sons on her own. Unfortunately her mother in law had other ideas. Jennifer was a cow. No two ways about it, she was a nasty piece of work. No one was good enough for her son, and the fact that he'd married a non-Catholic, not only in a CofE church but not even in Ireland, was too much for her. As soon as she knew that her precious son had walked out on her hated daughter-in-law, Jennifer was off to immigration, and six weeks later Viv was summarily ejected, despite objections from her employer.

"Don't let anyone tell you Ireland is a nice place," she told us. "It is cliquey, prudish yet salacious, and in many ways, outside of the larger cities, extremely backwards. It's very pretty, but ..." she'd shaken her head in disgust. "Non Catholics are virtually second class citizens. For some, non Roman Catholic Christians are actually lower than non Christians." She'd looked around at the dinner table where most of the family were sitting, listening to her words whilst we ate.

"That's not right." Mum said, surprised.

"Between us," Viv said, "we've lived or worked in most countries in Europe for a while, and Phil's even worked in the States for three months. I bet not once did any of you notice any discrimination on grounds of religion."

We all shook our heads.

"Yeah but I was working not far from San Francisco, one of the genuinely more cosmopolitan cities in America." Phil said.

"There is Northern Ireland," said Dad, who had been sent to Belfast during the 1970's a few times by his office. "I never saw any problems in that respect, not once."

"Yeah, I know." Growled Viv. "At least there the religious bigotry is confined to a few morons and some politicians," she paused and shrugged, "one and the same I s'pose. At least there it's both out in the open and extremely obvious, and yet not as institutionalised as it is in the south, but in any case it's still Ireland and if you're the wrong denomination in the wrong place you'd better beware. You've heard the story that Jews actually think Northern Ireland is one of the safer places for them because the various Christian sects are fighting each other and leaving them alone?"

The was a mixture of shakes and nods around the table.

"I don't suppose it's really true, but it's an interesting comment on the relationship between the so-called Christian faiths across the whole of the island of Ireland." She shrugged and continued her diatribe. "When I went into hospital for Sam's birth, I had to fill in a form, and one of the things it asked was my religion. The only options were Catholic, Jew, Hindu and other. I don't think even Moslem was down, and the woman asking the questions had never even heard of Sikh's or Buddhist's. I ticked other, then put Church of England, which I suppose I am, or was, and the treatment I got from most of the staff was diabolical. Most of the nurses, but strangely not the midwife who I know was a devout Catholic, were rough with Sam and rude with me, John was treated like a sub human, I was discharged 24 hours earlier than I should have been, and I got the barest of minimum food whilst I was there. It was just as well that my own GP was a human being. Actually I have a sneaking suspicion that even though he had an Irish name, O'Connel, he wasn't actually Irish."

"What was work like?" Matt asked.

"That was fine. It was a German subsidiary of an American company, so there were lots of different nationalities around. Plus, being the type of company it was, 95% of the Irish working there were the intelligent and educated sort, which meant that most of them didn't give two hoots for religion, or if they did they weren't bigots, didn't worry about what other people were. A lot of the ones I knew were really horrified and embarrassed at the way I was treated, so it's not all Irishmen by any stretch of the imagination."

The conversation had gone on like that for a couple more hours. As much as anything it was her way of trying to cope with the loss of both a very well paid job, and her sons. The court in her local town had told her that because she hadn't converted to Catholicism she was by definition not a good mother and custody of the two boys therefore automatically went to the father. Viv was distraught at the loss, and for a while had become very fragile emotionally.

Fortunately John wasn't a bad father, in fact he was a very good father, and didn't deny Viv access, the only problem was getting to them as she no longer had the money. She was considering appealing to the UK courts, or even to the International Court of Human Rights, as she was sure that under EU law, the Irish government was not allowed to just deport her like that. Phil, our youngest brother told her all this, and she said she would investigate.

In the months since she had left Ireland her anger had actually got stronger, but it was now more controlled, and she could just about cope. Most of the time. She had bought a flat about fifteen miles from me, and about the same, or a little more, from our youngest brother. Our parents lived about 160 miles away, and the brother that fell between me and Viv, Matt, about 110 miles from me in the opposite direction. This was the first full family gathering we'd had since Viv had come home, but due to our parents age, by about eight in the evening they were starting to flag, and wanted to get back to their B&B. Matt also decided to head off back to Birmingham at the same time. He had a two hour plus journey ahead of him and his family, and Jake, his youngest son, was starting to get rather tired and fractious. Phil and I stayed a little longer before Phil's girlfriend rang him on his mobile, at which point he too had left. He was a building contractor and had to be at work at six in the morning. It was now nearly nine in the evening, and though still relatively early for us I thought it was time I too went.

"Hang on a mo. I want to ask you something."

"Sure," I said.

"I found your web site last week."

"Oh, yeah?" I asked cautiously. I took glamour photographs, had for a few years now, and had put up a large number of the better ones on my web site. I knew my mother disapproved, very strongly, but by both of us avoiding the subject at all costs, we got on. Viv on the other hand knew I had a web site, just had never been on it before.

"I like some of the photo's you've done. They're pretty."

"Yeah," I said, "that's the whole point. Photographing pretty girls rather than not so pretty ones." I smiled slightly.

"Which ones are your favourites?"

"In one way or another, all the ones that are up are my favourites."

"Yeah but you must have an overall favourite?"

"Three or four."

"Which ones?"

"Hard to say."

"Well then, blonde or brunette?"

"There's a couple of blondes, a brunette or two, at least one redhead."

She moved over to her computer and switched it on. "Well alright then, show me."

I shrugged and sat down next to her. Once she'd connected, she pulled up my web site and tried to get into the main portfolio. I took the mouse off her and redirected her to another part of the site.

"This is my own personal portfolio. There's only twenty pics here, and these ones are my particular favourites."

She clicked slowly though them, looking at them. Just under half of the pictures were portraits, there were a couple of full length fully clothed. The remainder were a mixture of topless, lingerie, with a couple of classic nudes thrown in for good measure. Three of the pictures were black and white, the remainder in colour. None of them were even vaguely pornographic. Not even soft porn. In fact the whole of the site was like that, not even soft porn except very very occasionally when a bit of pubic hair strayed into the picture. I'd photographed page 3 girls with their clothes on.

"So come on then," she said, "you must have a favourite amongst these."

"I don't know that I have particularly." I began to click through them myself now. "Possibly Claire. Not the brightest of girls, but quite tall and very pretty, beautiful in fact.

"One brunette," said Viv.

"Donna, again not the brightest of girls, but she knows what she wants, and was a very good model; Toria, oh stunningly beautiful, intelligent, sexy, I was definitely in lust with her."

"Two blondes," Viv grinned.

"Jenny's a Redhead, not as pretty, but incredibly sexy. Six foot nothing in her bare feet, and nearly thirty when that picture was taken. She worked in the same office as me as a computer programmer. The whole office lusted after her to some extent. Drove racing cars for a hobby. Incredibly fit."

"Did you lust after her?"

"But of course, she has red hair." I didn't add anything else as if that was all that needed to be said.

"And finally Tara. I wasn't in lust with her, I was in love. Still am, truth be told. She's an amazing girl, been through all sorts of shit in her life and just about manages to smile. She's incredibly intelligent, bright, cheerful except when she's depressed, pretty, sexy ..."

"All right, I get the picture," laughed Viv. "But she's a brunette, and I got the impression that you preferred red-heads."

"Well I do, but it's not the most important thing. In Tara's case it was her quick wit and intelligence that attracted me, as well as her stunning good looks."

"So okay, Tara is your favourite, who's next, the red-head?"

"Jenny? I dunno. Any of them."

Viv pointed to the black and white picture of Donna. "I like that one." She was wearing a short white jersey and black briefs, and kneeling up on a bench at an angle to the camera.

"Yeah I like that one. She reminds me a tiny bit of the way you looked when you were that age."

Viv laughed and I knew she was pleased. Donna didn't really remind me of Viv, not very much, but this particular picture did make her look a tiny bit like Viv.

"Do you remember when we were younger?"

"Which bit? There's a lot of that."

"You know, when we used to touch each other?"

"Oh god yes." I hadn't thought about it in a very long time, but when I was about 14 or so I guess, Viv had let me touch and stroke her pussy and I had persuaded her to hold my cock. One time I'd even got her to masturbate me, but I was quite ignorant at that time, and didn't know anything about oral sex, didn't know how to masturbate her, and she being only ten knew even less than me. It had lasted a few months but then something, I'm still not sure what, had made us stop. I'd fantasized, and even wanked, over those memories for a long time, but nothing had ever happened again.

"What do you remember?" she asked.

"Phew. I'm not sure all together. I don't remember why we started, I just remember you letting both Matt and Phil touch you one time, and I seem to remember that Phil actually hurt you?"

"Aye, but don't forget he was only five."

"Oh, yeah, true."

We changed the subject then, and began to talk about what Viv proposed to do over the next few months, but eventually it was time for me to leave. I'd already offered to come over the following day to help her shift the last bits of junk out of the house. I kissed her on the cheek and prepared to leave.

"You know," she said softly, "I always regret that we never did anything more than touch all those years ago."

"Yeah? Me too. I fancied you for ages, and would have done almost anything to have you make love to me, or ... well even just oral sex, just to see you naked again ... anything, but that was years ago."

"Okay then, why not tomorrow?"

I looked at my sister in startled amazement. She had, sort of, in round about words, just offered to have sex with me. I think. I stared at her. She blushed slightly and dropped her gaze to the floor.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," she whispered.

"Uh. Okay, yeah tomorrow." I managed to say.

I turned and left, walking down the garden path towards my car, not seeing anything around me, just hearing her words over and over again in my mind.

That night I masturbated over the memories of my sisters body for the first time in over twenty years, possibly nearer 30 years. I couldn't believe what she'd said to me, and couldn't wait until the following morning to see how much she'd meant by it.

I showered and dressed carefully the following morning. If I'd misunderstood her I was just going to be in for some heavy lifting to get rid of all the junk and shift it down to the tip. On the other hand if she had meant everything I thought she'd said, I was now, maybe, in for a very delayed, but still much desired, treat. Sex with my sister.

When I got there she was still in her dressing gown, and some long silk pyjamas. She had long since lost the stunning figure she'd once had, but was still an attractive, middle aged woman.

"Good morning," I grinned.

She smiled softly. "Come on in. I wont be a sec. There's coffee in the pot if you want it."

"Great." I walked through to the kitchen, and called back to her, "do you want me to pour you a cup."

"Please." She was right behind me where I had thought she had gone to her room.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't realise you were there."

She smiled again, picked up the mug of coffee I had poured for her and beckoned me through. "I'll just get dressed, then we can get started." I shrugged mentally. Oh well, I'd obviously got it wrong. I was even more amazed therefore when she just stripped off in front of me. I turned my back politely, though I didn't really want to.

"Am I that ugly now?" she asked softly.

"Er, no, but ..."

Her voice had laughter in it. "I thought you wanted to see me naked."

I turned to look at her. She wasn't looking at me, in fact I got the distinct impression she was deliberately looking away from me, but she was also asking me, inviting me, to look at her whilst she got dressed. Her figure had thickened over the years, and her small boobs had grown somewhat and become a little saggy. Her bum was still relatively firm, but her thighs and buttocks had stretch marks. I couldn't see her stomach or pubic mound, so I could only guess what she might look like there. She pulled on a pair of white briefs, over which went some jeans and a white tee-shirt. She looked amazingly sexy all of a sudden.

As she finally turned to me and gave me a small smile, I took a half pace towards her and picked up her hands. She just watched me as I lifted them to my mouth and kissed first one, then the other. "Not just yet," she said, "later." She turned abruptly away from me and picked up her coffee and holding the mug with both hands begin to take small sips from it, all the while watching me.

I looked back at her, and could see something strange in her eyes. There was a smoky look that I could neither explain nor describe, but it turned me on enormously.

"What are we doing first?" I asked.

"Getting the stuff shifted down the tip."

I smiled slightly. "Yeah, what I meant was where are we starting."

It was Viv's turn to smile. "If we start in the kitchen and just shift everything onto the front lawn, and not actually take stuff down the tip until everything's out of the house."

It was a strange morning. For nearly three hours we worked, saying little, but getting all the old junk she wanted rid of out onto the front lawn. Throughout the course of the morning though, we had touched each other more and more frequently. Viv had started it, instead of just tapping me on the shoulder to get me to move to one side, she had put her hand on my backside instead. I knew this was deliberate, because with what she was carrying, it would actually have been more awkward to touch me where she did. Some ten or fifteen minutes later, I did the same to her. Viv appeared to not even notice, except that she moved slightly to one side to let me past with my burden.

It was when we had almost finished the first stage of our task that it finally became more explicit. I had just dropped a very heavy mangle onto the ground and stood up again. Leaning against it for a moment to get my strength back, Viv came past me with an almost empty box in one hand, the other holding a can of lemonade.

"'Ere darlin' getcher laughin' gear raand tha'" she grinned at me.

"Cheers ducks" I grinned in response and took a huge gulp. Viv dropped her box, and as I had my head back drinking deeply, she ran a hand over my crotch. It startled me and I gasped and began to choke as some of the liquid tried to drown me.

I coughed and spluttered for a few moments, half hearing Viv's peals of laughter as she disappeared back into the house.

"Toe rag," I said after I had finally got my breath back and followed her into the house. "You deliberately did that."

She grinned, "of course."

I grabbed her around the waist, pulled her towards me, and tried to bend her over. "I aught to spank your bum," I said laughing."

"Kiss my arse," she said, still grinning at me.

"Okay, bend over."

Viv gave a little squeal of surprise at my words, as she realised the unintended invitation she'd just given me. She turned away from me and bent over, pushing her bum towards me. As I bent down to kiss it she giggled and stood up again, and was about to move away when I shot out a hand and slid it between her thighs. I grabbed her crotch and squeezed lightly for a brief moment before releasing her.

She gave a short scream and moved away from me laughter, surprise and even a little shock in her eyes.

"Would you care to pass me those last couple of boxes, and we're finished in here," I said, a smile playing about my lips.

Viv acknowledged my change of tack by picking them up and lofting them towards me. I caught them one at a time, lofting each one out of the door and onto the pile outside before the next one arrived. We'd got everything out of the house Viv wanted out, and now just had to load up our cars to get it all to the tip.

"I think it's time for something to eat, before we start hauling it all down the dump," I said, looking at my watch.

Viv glanced up at the clock, and nodded. "There's some cheese and tomatoes in the fridge, some nice bread in the bin, and I think there might even be some decent butter around somewhere."

"Sounds good to me."

She preceded me into the kitchen, and as she stood at the sink, washing her hands, I crowded behind her, pushing myself firmly against her to reach around her and wash my own hands. She giggled and pushed her bum back against me, I responded by pressing my belly against her and for a few seconds we pressed ourselves together. I'm sure she could feel my erection forming, but she said nothing about it. Instead she turned around suddenly, reached her arms around me neck, and planted a quick kiss on my startled lips. Before I could grab her and repeat the action, she had squirmed free of me and moved away, giggling like mad.

"Food," I said, calming myself down with more prosaic thoughts.

"This do?" she asked.

I turned and my jaw dropped. She was leaning back against the kitchen table, her jeans and knickers around her ankles, her tee-shirt pulled up almost to her boobs. Her legs were spread as wide as the denim would allow, but there was no mistaking her offer. I just stared.

"You wanted oral sex with me, so just do it," she said softly.

I approached, looking into her eyes and seeing a quiet determination in them. There was no mistaking that she really wanted me to do this. I didn't even ask if she was sure, I knew she was. I knelt down in front of her, and began by kissing her navel. After two children, even if it was eight years ago, her stomach was a little loose. Nothing that some good abdominal exercise wouldn't cure I was sure. Her dark pubic hair was thick and bushy, and I knew, given the chance, I would want to trim it. She obviously no longer wore a bikini. I spent a few minutes stroking her with my fingers, lightly parting her pubic bush, before bending my head and finally tasting her. There was little taste at first. I could see that her labia were still dry and closed, but as I kissed and licked, they began to swell and darken, parting to let the inner labia show through, and soon after she began to get wet. I began to take long slow licks all around her crotch. It tasted slightly bitter, possibly of sweat after our hard work, but there was an additional slightly creamy salty taste that I knew was her arousal. Letting my tongue catch the nubbin that was her clitoris I made her jump and gasp.

"That's enough," she said a short while later, her voice shaking with her arousal. At least, I hoped it was that. She pushed me away, to my disappointment, and bent down to pull up her knickers and jeans. I stopped her and pulled them up myself, stroking her legs as I did so, settling her soft briefs about her hips, stroking her crotch one more time before pulling up her jeans. I watched as the crotch of her briefs began to dampen, but she wouldn't let me touch her again. Instead she pulled me up, put her arms around me and gave me a long, deep kiss.

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I looked out the window and daydreamed while my history teacher was in the middle of his lecture. “Jay, would you like to answer the question?” I immediately snapped my attention out of my daydream. “I’m sorry. What was the question again?” The teacher smiled, knowing that he had caught me daydreaming again. “I asked in what year did the space shuttle as we know it today lift off for the first time?” I sighed, “1981.” He smiled at me. “Very good. I see you have been reading like I have...

Love Stories
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WeFuckBlackGirls Zoey Reyes 09112017

Tuesday nights are popular at Zoey Reye’s dance studio. She teaches a class called “Stripping For Your Gal”. The class is just as it sounds: Zoey teaches men how to seduce their ladies through sexy dance. Sounds crazy, but you know what? She’s got five slots open for that particular class…and it’s been a sell out since Day 1. You’re about to find out why: what starts as a sexy dance class soon turns sex at dance class. Zoey Reyes has always had a thing...

2 years ago
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Leon Gets Stacey Wet

It was a hot and humid night and midnight was getting near. Stacey was wearing a sexy red bikini and a small pair of cotton shorts that barely covered her bottom. She was rolling and ready to hit the annual "beach party" at the frat hard. The frat had outdone themselves on the decorations and they had even gone so far as to hang misters above the dance area to cool everyone off.The frat guys were handing out cups of punch to the girls as they walked in. Stacey was pleasantly surprised by the...

Straight Sex
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Fucking The Wife Who Doesnt Like SexChapter 3

When Carl got home on Friday night Jessie was there at the front of the garage, waiting for him. Getting out of his car he saw Jessie in the headlights, as he stood to the side of the door. He could tell that the man wanted to talk to him, so he indicated for Jessie to join him at the back of the car. As he opened the trunk and removed his suitcases he asked Jessie what he wanted. "I want you to tell me how you hypnotized Miss Catherine, sir." No preamble. Just a straight forward...

3 years ago
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The Best Day Ever

The Best Day Ever Chapter One It was hard to believe reallly, but as Chris sat alone in his very own college apartment he was completely happy at last. It had been an unbelievable weekend of work for the entire family but it was done. An apartment. And, not just any apartment but his apartment. Finally, at the age of 18, Chris was moving into his very own place. His. His very own place in a completely new and exciting mid-size college town over a days drive from any one and...

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A Girl Only Dreams Make UpChapter 14

In all his life, Alan has never thought once about a dog the way he is now. He would under any normal circumstance never think about any kind of sexual activity with an animal other than another human being. He doesn’t know why he let what happened happen. Or better yet, why he didn’t stop it when he knew what it was. It isn’t because he is deprived of sex. He can have any woman he wants. Hell, he fucked his therapist three times the day before, and that’s not including the blowjob he...

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Family Embrace Chapter 2

“Devin, what did you do?”Oh god. She knows. How? Did I pick up the call by accident?“Mom, I can explain. I didn’t mean to pick up the call. I’m sorry you had to hear that.”“Honey, what are you talking about? What did you do at Emma’s? She said she broke off her engagement.”“Wait, what? She did? Oh no, I can’t believe this. It’s all my fault. I should have just moved back home with you. I knew I was going to fuck her life up. I should have never called her. Her life was going great until I came...

3 years ago
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Trick or Treating a Witch

"I love your eyes, baby," she whispered looking at me. "I love your mouth, bonita," I replied with a smile. After a few sloppy smooches, we fell asleep, me at the bottom, Eve on top with her legs apart and her wet pussy touching my limp pride. My girlfriend was Brazilian, dark-skinned, dark-eyed with long wavy black hair and a curvaceous body inviting a guy’s attention with ease. We had been dating for a little over four months and we were a good match. Sexually and...

4 years ago
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You Only Live Once 8211 Part XI

Four days later BIL was on 4 day tour to Delhi he didn’t take me. I went to drop him for an early morning flight which was at 5:30 am. I dropped an hour before around 4:00. He gave me the keys to one of the flat near Spicer College and told you can get your new dick in your wet cunt out there rather then that shabby place but be safe I though when I am already given the permission by the head of my house then why go home after what my BIL said headed straight and reached below Mehmood shabby...

2 years ago
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Music Love Ch 02

‘Will you sign my CD please? Please?’ Jake turned around, arms full of groceries, and looked down into the eyes of the cutest little girl he had ever seen. That’s what I get for not using a cart, he muttered to himself. He set his groceries down on the floor before getting on his knee to sign the old CD cover the little girl held out to him. There weren’t many places that Jake could go without having to sign autographs anymore. Most musicians were bothered by it and, although there were times...

3 years ago
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Briannas Game

MEETING BRIANNA 1/ Steve Mayfield, thirties, pulled up at the electronic gates of the big detached house. The lane it sat on was narrow and quiet. Just six or seven properties here. It was hard to tell because the gardens were so expansive. He buzzed on the control panel. "Steve Mayfield for Brianna Caldwell." A short wait. "Come on through," the woman's voice said. The gates slowly opened, peeling apart, and he drove through, finding a spot near the main house. He...

3 years ago
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TV and movie ENF

Women across franchises are going to be stripped and humiliated. Whether they have big tits or small, a hairy pussy or a bare one. Whether it be a falling towel or stolen clothes. No girl is safe.

3 years ago
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Taking Her

Watching my sexy girl dance in a leather mini skirt that barely covered her firm curvy Latino ass got me hard as a rock... she is a tiger in bed, gives head on demand and has the tightest little waxed pussy I’ve ever felt... my only complaint was that she would never completely open herself up sexually to my more devious desires; I longed for a little more kink... I did notice though that when she drank she got extremely sexed up and also her memory went by the wayside... I’d been thinking of...

2 years ago
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HandsOnHardcore Sasha Rose Sara Bell Anal Lovers Utopia

This pool party gets wet, wild, and raunchy and you get to be a part of it as our 4K premium porn cameras roll on this hardcore group sex event. It’s an anal lovers utopia as the ass banging, licking, and fingering plays out. Our sexy glamour models, Sasha Rose and Sara Bell enjoy Josh and Maximo Garcia’s dongs deep in their dirty buttholes and wet pussies from every angle in our Hands On Hardcore spectacular. Get in the mix as our babes are plowed from behind in doggystyle and ride...

4 years ago
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BeckyChapter 3

Becky’s turn: Widow woman in bed with a man for the first time since her husband passed away. I have his arm pulled around me and I’ve got the most wonderful warm glow centered in my muffinal region. I always styled my pubic mound as a muffin. It’s kind of plump. And if I want to be coarse, it’s had the shit fucked out of it. That ‘muffin’ thing, that’s me. I guess I’m strange. I never really liked the graphic terms some people use about sexual parts I don’t talk like that, but I know some...

2 years ago
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Magic Is Gross

I had heard there was a new girl, but until I saw her: Holy Shit! Where was Curtis? It had been his job to collect and catalog all the hot chicks at school. She was a brunette. Her hair waved around her oval face. She had clear, lightly tanned skin and pale pink lips. Her body! I mean, Yes! Yes! Yes! She was tall, at least 5’8”, and slender but with a flare to her hips that promised an incredible ass if she’d only turn around. Her jeans were baggy but I’d bet her legs were as hot as the rest of...

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Afternoon Delight

They saw each other at a coffee shop and both of them were alone.  They exchanged pleasantries, you know, how are you, do you still work there, who are you seeing.    They discovered they were both between "friends" right now.  They sat and had their coffee together, even though both had ordered it "to go".  They also discovered they still had the hots for each other, even though years had passed since they had been a couple.    "What are you doing for the rest of the afternoon?" she asked...

Straight Sex
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Mike the tutor

The phone rang. “Hello.” “Hi mike this is mom.” “Oh hey mom what’s up?” “I need a big favor form you. You sisters friend Kristin is falling way behind in her math class. Since you are so good at math I was hoping you could help her.” Not wanting to sound too eager. “You can’t find any one but me? What about Mrs. Cross the lady that helped missy” “She moved a few weeks ago and she was the only math tutor in town. The reason I thought of you was so you could make some extra money on...

3 years ago
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Love Making With Colleague Part 8211 3

Avi and Netal here. This is a continuation of our story “Love making with colleague – I,II”. Please read the story and drop in comments on This is “Sex in meeting room – Part 1”. Present situation: After an year and a half of steaming sex with my girl, I finally broke up with her. Her parents and my parents did not agree to our marriage due to caste difference and we had to part our ways. At present, she is few months pregnant with my kid. I will come to this part later, as we have long to...

5 years ago
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Fantasy By Paul G. Jutras (One of my early stories dealt with an American in a student exchange program with Japan. After reading Shisutaabooi, it gave me an idea to do another one.) Ever since Shawn was a little kid he was interested in the culture of Japan. It didn?t matter if the kung fu movies he watched showed a realistic version of it or not. What he wanted even more than to visit Japan was to be a woman. When summer approached on his 17th birthday, Shawn tried to talk to his...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 7 Bethany

March 4, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “Well?” Kara asked with a smirk as she, Jessica, and I sat down to a quiet dinner in the ‘Indian’ room. “About as wild as could be. I was more than a little concerned by Abbie’s plan, but in the end, when she told me why, it made perfect sense.” “What was her reasoning?” Jessica asked. “She felt that it had to be raw sex and nothing more, because otherwise Becka would never have left.” Kara giggled, “Abbie seems to get smarter every day.” “I never had a...

4 years ago
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Woman Scorned

Woman scorned ©2010 Jennifer Morrell Please feel free to post my story anywhere, but please do that with mentioning me as the author. This is my first story in a different language of my own. Please forgive me if some grammar or wordings are not entirely correct. Enjoy! Woman Scorned Where do I begin to tell you about my life and about when my life took a strange turn? I'll tell you. I was a guy of about 35 years old. Just an average Caucasian male of 6 feet tall,...

2 years ago
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My First Time

My best buddy had a pool and I would go over and swim all the time. The whole neighborhood would. It was a blast. The moms would take turns watching us. I was just hitting my teenage years and puberty came early for me. I grew a thick bush on my balls and started to shave well before any of my friends. I had gone over to swim and got a boner while I sat at the bar waiting for everyone else. I told to go without me and would be right there figuring everyone would go out and I could take care...

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CherryPimps Jillian Janson Cadence Lux Craving The Touch Of One Another

Gorgeously sweet babes Jillian Janson and Cadence Lux are hot and ready to fuck! They love showing off their long legs in their black stockings and thinking of each others hands as they run up and down every curve on their bodies. The touch of their lips as they meet; the intoxicating smell of roses; enough to drive anyone wild with lust. Spread the rose petals out and lets fuck encased by their aroma. Cadence can not get enough of Jillian’s tits. She needs to get that babe naked so she...

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The postman 2

I lay in bed on the night thinking about what the postman and my neighbours had done to my little body, I could feel my boy pussy throbbing from all the abuse it had received from their cocks. It was at this point I realised my cock was hard and I was wanking it like crazy. I shot my load into my hand within seconds of thinking about all the cocks that had fucked and used me this afternoon. I lifted my cum filled hand to my mouth and slid the contents into my open mouth. I allowed the warm...

4 years ago
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The alarm blared from the tiny phone's speakers beside my head. I fumbled around until I felt the cold plastic of the case and swiped the screen. Immediately, the sound of the alarm stopped and I contemplated returning to my peaceful slumber. That idea was dashed rather quickly, however, for I knew I had to get myself on a regular schedule if I was ever going to get a job. Lazily I slipped from the bed, practically rolling out, and grabbed my glasses from the bedside table and put them...

3 years ago
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The Girl in the Window

As she made her way from her bathroom into her bedroom she looked out at the view she had, mostly of various empty balconies. But there also was Guesseppe, the retired electrician across the street who was ending his day the same way he always did: a beer and a cigar. Guesseppe sheepishly averted his gaze when their eyes locked. Gabby bushed a little, but her eyes lingered. It was only expected that such a man would look away when caught ogling at the young broad in nothing but a towel. This...

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Family Fetishes

My dad was laying beside me, snuggled close to me under the covers. He wasn't wearing anything except his boxers. His fingers gently comb through my hair, massaging my scalp to lull me to sleep. Nearly dozing off now, I hadn't realized my tank-top strap had slid down, exposing my right breast to my father. I shiver suddenly, feeling a tingle at my chest. I open my eyes to look and to my surprise, my dad was touching me, circling his thumb around my nipple until it harden. "Wh-what are...

4 years ago
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The Coachs Tradition PART 5 Finally

It has been a while since my last story which was two parts, and now we're finally on to part 5 of the long running saga! Sorry it took so long to make a new one!To those of you who don't believe this is real, take it as fantasy, though I assure you it IS in fact real. Though obviously memories fade so the stories are all based on what I can remember happening.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Graduation day had finally come and me and James'...

3 years ago
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A Symbiotic Relationship

I met Jenny at the neighborhood sports bar that I often frequent with my buddies. Jenny works part-time as a waitress and goes to school part-time at the local junior college. She can be quite the flirt especially with the older guys like us that love the attention of a young sexy chick like Jenny. Jenny stands about 5'6", brunette, with beautiful green eyes and a creamy white complexion. All of the girls at the bar are required to wear the same uniform which consists of a striped referee shirt...

Straight Sex
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Seducing My Sisters Boyfriend

Alone I sat in my bedroom finishing up the final page of a report for my sophomore English class when a knock at our front door sparked my interest. I didn’t have time to go out and explore, unfortunately. This was my very first assignment in my very first semester of college. I had tested out of all of my freshmen classes, so here I was, barely 18, and planning on finishing my degree before I turned 21. I had to stay focused, no matter how bored I was. When I heard the voices of my family and...

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A change

Courtney and Arthur are fraternal twins, their parents were multi-billionaires both of their parents died when their private plane crashed when you and your sister were 9. your aunt and unlce are made your legal guardians however they leave you in your parents home in the care of your nanny and butler. your parents left there vast fortune in trusts accounts that you will gain control in increments as you grow between the ages of 18 to 30. They also left a trust account to make sure that you and...

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From Loving Wife To SlutChapter 8

When I walked into the kitchen David was sitting at the kitchen table working on a bowl of cereal. It was the first time I had been alone with him since the night of Jake's party. I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table with him. "We need to talk young man." "About what?" "You know damned well about what." "Why is it bothering you?" "Because you are my son, that's why." "Bullshit mom, you loved every second of it and you can deny it all you want, but that...

4 years ago
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Zwei Schwestern auf der Couch

Zwei Schwestern auf der Couch Heute mal ich, Kristin, der weibliche Part von uns beiden, und ich werde von einem Erlebnis mit Caro, meiner Schwester, erzählen: Mittlerweile waren Max und ich schon einige Monate zusammen. Neben anderen Gemeinsamkeiten, wie gut Essen gehen, ähnlichen Musikgeschmack und Reisezielen, lagen wir auch was Sex angeht absolut auf einer Wellenlänge. Missionarsstellung oder einfach nur im Schlafzimmer auf dem Bett waren natürlich die allerersten Erlebnisse, aber wir...

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PornWorld Ria Sunn Irresistible Babe Ria Sunn Offers Her Holes for DP Pounding To Gangland Boss

Seductive babe Ria Sunn knows how to use her femininity to gain an advantage so when she has a meeting to trade goods with well known criminal, Yanick, Ria offers him a different kind of bonus. She sends her bodyguard Angelo out of the room and Yanick soon helps her strip down to her lingerie. This this femme fatale pulls her lace panties to one side and enjoys some pussy licking action before sucking off this gangland stud. They are in the middle of fucking when Ria’s bodyguard walks in...

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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 35

Gina returned to her bedroom after breakfast to find that her clothing for the day had again been arranged for her, arrayed in a neat line atop her bed. Some changes had been made from the previous day's attire. The skirt had been replaced by rather abbreviated shorts. She took them into her hands and discovered that they were hot pants, made of a stretchy material similar to spandex. Accompanying the shorts was a tube top of a similar material, with a high cutoff and a triangular opening...

2 years ago
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BangbrosClips Natasha La Piedra Natasha Likes it Rough

Natasha La Piedra joins us this week for a special update. This chick craves cock more than anything else. So much so that we decided to get her two guys to properly fuck her. Alberto Blanco and Tommy Cabrio were the ones in charged of stretching her pussy. On top of her insidious lust for cock, Natasha likes it rough. She kept begging for them to fuck her harder and harder. Natasha got fucked in several different positions making her cum multiple times. Finally, this all culminated with two...

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Anna 1 Anna and the Firemen

Trying to ignore the pain in my back, I gently squeeze Anna's firm buttocks. Such a sweet ass she has, a great handful to hold on to, to pull her against my penetrating cock as she rode me to an orgasm.She's collapsed on my body now, her heavy breathing still puffing against my neck as she cuddles in post-orgasmic satisfaction. I squeeze her buttocks again. Let her get her breath back, and then maybe I can roll her over, throw her legs over my shoulders, and fuck her hard and fast for my own...

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My Aunt Padma Showed Me Heaven Part 5

Hi friends, I am penning down my memories after a very long time. I hope you like this story too, as in my earlier stories. I am a 52-year-old man presently living in Bangalore. This particular incident happened in Mysore. During summer vacations, I had been to my dad’s younger cousin sister, Padma Aunty’s place. I was studying Engineering and was about 19 years old. That night Padma Aunty and I had sex had a second round of sex. I slept in her arms with my cock lodged in her pussy around 4 in...


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