- 2 years ago
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Chapter 2 Connecting the Dots
Alan and his parents arrived home, and his mom heated some leftover chicken for dinner. There was little conversation at the dinner table. Alan’s grandfather was deteriorating rapidly. The doctor had spoken to them while his grandfather was sleeping, telling him that Alan’s grandfather had told the medical team in the CCU that he did not want any heroic measures taken to prolong his life, and by the doctor’s estimation the end could come anytime from within a few hours to a few days. After dinner Alan’s mother sat on the couch and began to cry softly. His dad sat down next to her and held her, and he could see that they were rocking forward and back, at a slow pace. His mom was taking this very hard. Her mother, too, had died a lingering death, of cancer, even before Alan was born, and the emotional toll of now watching her dad slip away was trying on her. Alan sat down on the other side of her and took her hand in his, and this seemed to brighten her spirits. She came out of her shell a bit, turned to him and kissed him on the cheek, tousling his hair. She smiled at him, and took a deep breath. He was glad he could be a comfort to his mom.
Alan’s dad rose to answer the phone, and his mom put her arm around his shoulder. They sat quietly for a few minutes. ‘So,’ his mom asked, ‘how was school today?’ Alan started to turn a little pink, but his mom was looking straight ahead, and didn’t notice. Alan told her it was just another regular day, a short smile forming on his lips.
Later that night Alan was awake in bed, staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep. He was still shocked about the day’s events. His life had taken a strange turn, not a bad one to be sure, but strange nonetheless. Some of what had happened could be explained. Having sex with an older woman, his teacher even, was unexpected, but not out of the scope of rationality. He peeled the blanket off of him and looked down at his body. The thing he couldn’t begin to understand was the sudden growth spurt in his penis. He began to review the day’s events in his mind, and was brought up short. Just before Ms. Kelly had taken his penis in her hands he had been worried about it size, but when she touched it, it suddenly grew. Alan got out of bed and turned on his desk lamp, pulling open the drawer to get his ruler. The memory of Ms. Kelly holding his penis was arousing him, and he wanted to measure his cock.
He pumped it in his fist a few times, and it began to grow to full length. With his left hand he place the edge of the ruler at the base, and saw that his erection measured nine inches. He was dumbfounded. Getting back into bed he thought back again to the tryst with Ms. Kelly and suddenly it hit him. That buzzing sensation, that was the key. He first felt it in the hospital during the strange encounter with the old man, and later, right before Ms. Kelly kissed him during lunch period. Again when he saw her after school, and the kicker, his cock had tingled right before she grasped at it. Whatever was happening to him, that buzzing, tingly, sensation was the common factor. He looked down again at his crotch and imagined his penis before it had grown, and it began tingling again. He watch in astonishment as it reverted back to six inches, and just to be sure, he wanted to measure it. He got out of bed again and stepped towards the desk, reaching for the ruler. When he was about two feet from the desk the ruler levitated and floated into his hand.
Alan was breathing hard now, a little scared by what was happening. He tried to remember what the voice in his head had said when the old man held his forearm. ‘You have the power to control the actions of others, and more powers will come to you as you develop your skills.’ The old man had given him something. Some kind of power. He had used it to fuck his teacher. He had used it to make his penis grow. He had used it to summon the ruler from the desk. And he realized he had almost no control. ‘Develop your skills,’ the voice had said. Alan went back to bed and concentrated on his penis. It started tingling again, and almost instantly returned to nine inches. He decided to see what else he could do. Going into the bathroom he looked at his hair. It was chestnut brown, like his mom’s hair, medium length and a bit messy-bed hair. He closed his eyes for a moment and concentrated. When he opened them his hair was smoothed out, like he had just combed it. He closed his eyes again, and upon opening them he was a blond. Again, and he was completely bald, like Michael Jordan. One last time, and his hair was back to normal.
Looking down at his torso he saw that the long winter, followed by all the time spent sitting in the hospital with his grandfather, had left him about five to ten pounds over his ‘fighting’ weight. Most of Alan’s exercise came from bicycling, and he had barely put his ass in the saddle since autumn. Over the winter his parents had given him a car, the old one, when they bought a new model for his mom to use. He hadn’t even been biking to school anymore, even when the weather had warmed up.
Thinking about it deeply he closed his eyes and felt his whole body tingle, and when he looked down he saw that he had slimmed down and toned up. He was having fun, and decided to slightly increase the muscle mass of his arms and legs, but his first effort was shaky, leaving him looking like Ah-nuld. ‘Too freaky,’ he said to himself, chuckling, and dialed it down considerably. He spent a good hour playing with his body, but in the end he looked almost exactly as he had, though he kept the nine inch dick and the improved muscle tone. Just as he was slipping under the covers, around one in the morning, dad knocked on the door with a grim look. ‘Alan,’ his dad started, ‘It happened. Grandpa Joe is gone. Mom’s getting dressed, and we’re going over now.’ Alan began to get dressed, all thoughts of the Seed pushed to the back of his mind.
A few miles away Megan Kelly couldn’t sleep. She felt like she was going crazy. ‘How could I have let that happen?’ she asked herself. ‘I could lose my job, be blacklisted from every school in the country. Everything I have worked for, down the tubes.’ For some reason it didn’t matter to her as much as it should have. She knew in her heart that she was developing real feelings for the boy, and part of her brain was telling her that love was more important than a career in teaching. But for Megan Kelly teaching was a defiant act against the expectations of her upper-class parents. She really didn’t need the job to support herself, her family was rich, and she was well provided for up until her recent twenty-fifth birthday by her mom and dad, when the trust left to her in her grandfather’s will came under her control. People wouldn’t have guessed by her middle-class lifestyle, but her trust contained millions of dollars, almost ten million to be exact. When she began teaching she could sense the unspoken disapproval from her parents. They had expected her to be an upper class wife and mother, Junior League, the right benefit committees, and the rest. They didn’t understand why she wanted to work at all, let alone be a teacher.
The men from the funeral home retrieved the body of Grandpa Joe from the hospital, and Alan and his parents watched it disappear around the corner. His dad has his arm around his mother, supporting her, and Alan took the keys from him to get the car and bring it around. The funeral was going to be held the next day, and Alan took his parents home. They needed to sleep. It was almost three in the morning, and they planned to meet the funeral director at ten. On the car ride home Alan’s dad told him that he wanted him to stay home from school tomorrow, because he and mom would be out making arrangements, and someone needed to be home to answer the phone.
When fifth period came around, Ms. Kelly was anxious to see Alan, but was disappointed by his absence. One of the other students in class told her that she and Alan were in the same homeroom, and
the teacher there had told the class that Alan’s grandfather had died. Megan was torn between her relief at not having to confront him over their inappropriateness the day before, and her desire to be with him again, to hold him close to her body and feel his warmth, and feel the warmth running through her own body.
Later, in the principal’s office, she asked the secretary about Alan and the funeral. The secretary told her that the funeral was tomorrow, Thursday, in the afternoon, and that the family would be receiving visitors that evening, after the burial. Megan didn’t know if it was proper etiquette for her to show up at the house, but the secretary informed her that a good-sized contingent from the school would be going. Megan didn’t know until then that Alan’s mother was on the school board, but was glad that this gave her a good excuse to go to their house. The lesson in fifth period had went well, and she didn’t know if it was because she lacked the distraction that Alan would have presented to her.
While his parents spent the morning at the funeral home making arrangements Alan used his unexpected free time alone to experiment with his abilities. The phone rang intermittently, mostly friends of his mom, and he had a quiet house to himself. He started with making objects move. He levitated some of the living room furniture and set it down softly. Once, when the phone was ringing and he was headed to the kitchen where he had left the cordless headset he realized that he needn’t do so. Just as the phone reached him he opened his hand to take it. Since no one else was around he couldn’t use his power to influence people, and the more he thought about doing it, the more questions in his mind opened. He wondered about the ethics of taking control of people. One problem he foresaw was that he had no one to talk to about his situation. He didn’t think his parents would understand, let alone believe him if he were to tell them about the Seed. The other problem facing him was that there was no one to help him. The old man who gave it to him was dead, and he didn’t know if any other living person had a seed of their own. Maybe he was the only one, maybe there were hundreds or even thousands of seed people. They might even be clubs or associations, Alan didn’t know, and furthermore had no idea whom to ask, or even if asking was a good idea.
So far, he thought, he had only influenced one person, Ms. Kelly. He didn’t not know about the assistant principal, or Mr. Stanton, his Physics teacher. Both of them were about to discover Alan and Megan together, the former during the lunchtime kiss, and the latter while Alan and Megan were having sex. The Seed had sent out a signal to each, at the behest of Alan’s subconscious to stay away from the English classroom.
Around three o’clock Alan’s parents returned. After the funeral home they had gone to Grandpa Joe’s house to get him a suit of clothes to wear for the burial. Alan could see that his mother was physically and emotionally debilitated and he did what he could to console her. Thoughts of the Seed and his new powers evaporated.
The next morning Alan stayed home from school again. His father hadn’t said anything to him about staying home, but since the funeral was today, at three in the afternoon, he figured that he would have to leave school early anyway, to change into his suit, etc. Plus, he his mom had begun to depend on him, and he wanted to be there for her. Around noon a few of Alan’s friends from school showed up, giving up their lunch breaks to pay their respects. A bunch of his mom’s friends had been milling about the house since after breakfast, and Alan was glad for it because they occupied his mom, keeping her mind off her loss. Alan took his friends out to the back porch and they shot the breeze for about a half an hour, until the time came that they had to head back to school.
After the funeral and the burial, the limousine dropped Alan and his folks off at their house. The street was lined with cars. Some of their friends and neighbors had gone to their house after the funeral to set up for the evening. Alan saw that the dinner table was pushed against the wall, groaning with plates of food and cakes. Someone had set up big coffee urns in the kitchen, and the house was littered with folding chairs which had been lent by the funeral home. Alan’s mother sat on the living room couch and people came in dribs and drabs to pay their sympathies. Alan sat next to his mom for a while, but after a bit she shooed him away, telling him to hang out with his friends, so he did. There were a great many people in the house, friends and neighbors, relatives, people from his dad’s law firm, and a bunch of people who knew his mom through her work on the school board. Alan even saw his principal from across the room. Some of his teachers, past and present, came over to him to offer their sympathies. He started to wonder if Ms. Kelly was here, he figured she wasn’t. Ms. Kelly was relatively new in town, and he didn’t think she knew his mother in a professional capacity. His mother had never mentioned knowing her, and Ms. Kelly had never indicated to him that she knew about his mother’s position.
As he stepped into the kitchen to get a soda he saw her. She was standing around with a klatch of teachers from his school, and when he entered their eyes met. All of the teachers in her group turned and they greeted him individually, Ms. Kelly last. A few of them had hugged him, and she thought that since some already had, she could also. Megan stood on her tiptoes and put her arms around his neck, her cheek resting for an instant on his. They parted, Alan got his drink and decided to leave the kitchen, thinking that his presence made Ms. Kelly uncomfortable.
As the hour grew late, the crowd in the house began to thin. As his friends left Alan would walk them to their car, and his dad did the same when his work colleagues left. Around nine o’clock he saw a bunch of people leave, and Ms. Kelly was at the coat rack which had been placed in the foyer, another loan from the funeral home. He excused himself from conversation had had been having with his dad, turning to Ms. Kelly and speaking in a voice loud enough so that the people still at the house could hear him, he addressed his teacher, ‘Wait up, Ms. Kelly, I’ll walk you to the car and you can tell me about the reading assignments I missed.’ He saw her eyes widen for a brief second, and she responded, ‘Don’t worry Alan, you can make those up anytime.’
Alan approached her and said, still in a voice audible to the room, ‘OK, thanks Ms. Kelly.’ He paused for a second. ‘I’ll walk you to your car anyway.’ Alan’s dad watched them leave together, and he nodded his head in approval. ‘We’ve raised such a little gentleman,’ he commented to his wife, and she agreed. She didn’t know what she would have done without Alan these past few days.
‘Do you want to have ‘the talk’ now, Ms. Kelly?’ Alan asked as they walked towards her car. ‘I have some time. My parents are busy with the visitors.’ Alan had a pretty good idea about what Ms. Kelly had to say to him. She used the remote on her key chain to pop the locks on her car, and gestured for Alan to get in on the other side. As he was settling himself in Alan considered his options. He had pretty much decided that he was OK with the idea of using the Seed to make changes to himself, and his ability to move objects with his mind was cool, but he resolved only to use it in private. He had considered the mind control aspects of the Seed carefully, and decided that it would be wrong, very wrong, to manipulate people into doing things they didn’t want to do, and he believed he had the will power to follow through. If Ms. Kelly out and out refused to continue their affair he would live with it, but it looking at her, five days a week, for another three months (the rest of the school year) would be a massive test of his resolve.
He was surprised when Ms. Kelly started the engine. He turned to her, ‘What are you doing? I thought w
e would talk here.’ Ms. Kelly didn’t say anything for a minute.
‘Alan.’ She paused. ‘I think it would be better if we talked in private.’ As they drove conflicting thoughts raced through her mind. A few minutes later she pulled up in front a row of townhouses, parked, unbuckled herself, and got out of the car. Alan followed. After she had locked the door behind them she turned to Alan and threw herself in his arms, her cheek resting on his chest, tears pouring from her eyes. Alan wrapped his arms around her and held her, his shirt blotting her tears. She straightened up and pulled Alan into the living room, having him take a seat on the chair, while she sat on the sofa, facing him. She didn’t want to sit next to him, not entirely trusting herself.
‘I know why you want to speak to me, Ms. Kelly,’ he began. She looked at him, and sniffled, the reaction a byproduct of her crying jag in the foyer. Alan continued, ‘You want to tell me that we can’t ever do anything like that again, that you could lose your job and get into a lot of trouble, right?’ Ms. Kelly was listening, her chin resting on her chest, her eyes fixed downward, not daring to look at Alan. ‘Let me just say, Ms. Kelly, I understand, and if that’s how it has to be, I can deal with it.’ He saw that his teacher had begun to cry again, silently, a solitary tear running down her cheek. He wanted to lean over the coffee table which separated them and wipe it off, but he decided that it might be inappropriate, so he sat quietly and waited for her to respond.
She raised her head up to look at him, wiping her tear away with the back of her hand. She was so emotional that her throat felt constricted, she thought she could barely breathe. When she tried to speak she could only whisper. ‘Yes, that’s exactly what I wanted to say to you. B-but I’m glad you said it because a big part of me doesn’t want to stop.’ She let that conversational bomb hover in the silent air for a few seconds before continuing. Alan strained to hear every word, her voice was so soft. As she began to speak again Alan could see that she was trembling. He got up and walked around the coffee table, sat next to her and held her. She gave a hushed moan and began shaking harder in his arms. Alan kissed her on the top of her head, admiring the pleasant odor of her hair, and she began to calm. When he thought that she had calmed down enough to speak again, he leaned back and gently pushed her away so he could see her face. Still, she didn’t speak for a minute or two, but rather stared intently in his blue eyes.
He considered the situation again. He was not using his powers to force her responses. Granted, he hadn’t known that he was using his powers last time, when they had sex in the classroom, but tonight he didn’t feel the telltale buzzing in his head, or for that matter, his penis. If Ms. Kelly decided to continue sleeping with him of her own free will, he certainly had no objection. Lost in his internal deliberations, he took no notice as Ms. Kelly head approached his. He was shaken from his pensiveness by the feel of her lips brushing against his. He heartily returned the kiss, her mouth opening to admit his tongue. She tasted like coffee, he thought to himself. She broke the kiss and placed her chin on his shoulder, her body pressing in to his.
‘Ever since that day I haven’t been able to think about anything else but you, and what we did together,’ she began. She was about to tell him that she loved him, but bit her tongue, not wanting to spook him away. It was just a few minutes ago, when he held her and kissed the top of her head which had put her over the edge.
She wanted him.
She wanted to be with him.
She wanted to be his girl.
She hoped he would have her. Damn the consequences.
© 2003 Have you ever been in love so bad, your bones hurt. You think of the person day and night. They get in your brain, in your blood and in your soul. You dream of them, dreams of passionate love making. Well, I've felt that way about one of the most beautiful, caring, and loving persons for most of my life. She's been there for me since the day I was born. No, it's not my mother. But, my beautiful sister, Alana. She's ten years older than me. She has been my sister, my mother,...
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Brushing your hair begins at the very ends and works from the bottom to the top with a slow patience that untangles your hair carefully step by step. Luxuriously you are caressed over and over again until at last the brush slides deliciously over your scalp and down the full length of your beautiful long hair. The feeling is intensely sensual. A warmth spreads over your skin and settles inside you. Your face is flushed. Each stroke is made lovingly, an exquisite experience repeated over and...
For over a year we worked our asses off at Longreach. We carefully selected people to migrate to our new base. Besides the repair ship, Marn; we also had a mining/refinery ship! It was busy converting raw material into useful finished products for us. The base on the planet which we named Alton, was located on the continent where Eric had spent so much time. The second base was named Caston. Both bases were recruiting people for various positions. One thing we wanted was a trained army. Not...
Giovanni POV: No, that wouldn’t be right. Tiffany wouldn’t be happy if she knew I saw her naked so I stopped myself from looking. I heard her walk back out the door and close it behind her. I’m not sure why I was behaving like this. Did I like her or was I just sex starved? Tiffany POV: The next day the girls and I went to the beach, to get tans so that by the end of the holiday we’d be nice and brown. We laid on the beach for hours, (although I laid in the shade for most of it as I was...
It was really the Count of Monte Cristo who had just arrived at Madame de Villefort's for the purpose of returning the procureur's visit, and at his name, as may be easily imagined, the whole house was in confusion. Madame de Villefort, who was alone in her drawing-room when the count was announced, desired that her son might be brought thither instantly to renew his thanks to the count; and Edward, who heard this great personage talked of for two whole days, made all possible haste to come...
Hello everyone. Mera naam Farhan khan hai. Hyderabad ka rehne wala hu. Meri age 22 hai. Student hoon. Ye meri life ka pehle sex experience hai jo meri khala shabana aunty k saaf hua hai.Agar aapko ye chudai story pasand ayi ya koi hyderabadi mujse sex karna chahe toh email kare par. I will be waiting for your e-mails. Chalo ab chudai story par aate hai.Pehle mai apni shabana aunty k baare me bata du, shabana aunty 40 yrs ki hai, gori hai, thodi moti hai, bad bade boobs and bhaari gaand hai. Ek...
Dear friends, this is a true story which took place in Assam. I am Samar and my wife is Manasi aged about 32 years. Like most Assamese girls Manasi is quite beautiful, a bit on the plumper side with a stunning figure of 38-26-40 height (medium height) 5ft 2 inches and 65kg. Right from the time of our marriage I wanted her to be sexy and well maintained. I used to send her to gym, yoga classes for swimming and I also urged her to go to beauty parlours on a regular basis. I also imported costly...
As mentioned, Lisa’s mother dropped her off and you could tell by the look on her face, she was still upset. Uncle Mike opened the door and let the very attractive girl enter his house, still talking to his sister-in-law through the screen door, obviously still agitated. As she passed him, he noticed her long blonde hair, was gathered in a decorative scrunchie and she was dressed in a short skirt with a sheer blue blouse that showed off a matching sports bra she had worn underneath. . . as...
Part I: There’s no telling how I fell in love with him, I just did. Blake, the one boy I couldn’t stay away from. In high school we had our ups and downs, ones we could laugh about, and ones to this day we still don’t want to mention. We got back together, as friends, when I got back from travelling around Canada. Then when I got a cell phone we began texting constantly. Here’s who I have to thank for him and I, True Blood Season One, and the two women at Financial Stop on the corner of...
You are driving down an empty road. The area around you is completely barren. Suddenly, the engine of your car sputters, and dies. You pull off to the side of the road, clamber out of your car, and pop the hood. Your face is greeted by a rush of steam and smoke. Once the smoke clears, you examine the engine. You don’t notice anything out of place, but you smell a faint aroma of gasoline. Looking more closely, you notice that your gas tank is punctured and a large pool of gas is spilling out.
Maturegirly boy – boi – breasts – nipples – fucking – anal sex – crossdressingI'm really glad I had the good fortune to be working when you came into the library. I was pleasantly surprised that I was sexually attracted to you. You were at least six feet tall and trim, and breathtakingly handsome. I couldn't help but think you were a younger twin of George Clooney, and hot! Up until now I usually didn't think of men as being "hot", but at my five feet three inches you made me feel really small and...
Blonde masseuse Nicole Clitman is hanging out at home searching the Internet for something sporty to get into. She finds a cyclothon and wants to register but she needs a bicycle. She calls her neighbour Marcus London to see if his wife’s bicycle is still for sale. Luckily it is and he can bring it by in one hour. He arrives promptly with a great bike and he refuses to charge her a penny. To repay his kindness, she offers him a massage. That’s an unusual situation for married...
xmoviesforyouChloe and Amanda helped me string clear lights through the trees in the backyard for a more festive atmosphere. The former owners had done a good job with the landscaping, trees and shrubs around the perimeter giving privacy while leaving the rest of the space mostly open with a few benches and a small table tucked into a secluded nook. My favorite spot was under a huge cedar tree, a rustic bench wrapping all the way around it. I loved to sit in the shade of the fragrant branches and...
I collapsed to the floor when he released me from the wall. He went back to the bedroom. I tried to follow but my body was wrecked with pain and I was exhausted. I just lay where I was and fell asleep. When I woke, the terror of the night before returned to my mind. I decided to get out of this torture chamber before Gary returned. I crawled to the bedroom. There was no one there. I hadn't the energy to go any further. I climbed onto the bed and collapsed. I don't know how long I lay there...
Steve’s parents left him and his step-sister, Jenny, for two weeks. Jenny tried to blackmail her brother but he looked right through her. Instead of being forced into submission he blackmails her in return, showing that she shouldn’t have messed with him in the first place. Blackmail doesn’t really fit into Steve’s moral code so he drops his leverage against his sister. She on the other hand loved the idea of being his slave so much that in the end she gives him the consent he needed to...
My man Roger and I have had sexual adventures that many people would be envious of: some incredulous of even. Around once a month I love having a second man to pleasure me and before I pleasure him while my man watches, and often he will pleasure my man: oral sex only – no intercourse is the rule. In the afterglow of a recent wonderful sex session (just the two of us) I remarked that of all the sexual combinations we had enjoyed I had never seen Roger suck another man’s cock. “Some of your...
I am available to have a great time with girls, lonely aunties or sex deprived housewives who would appreciate being discreet. Please email your feedback about this sex story on and we can talk to each other. Once we have built some trust amongst us we can set up a time to meet. I am currently in New Delhi but I keep traveling to other metros frequently so anyone who is interested in me can email me. I am Raj (Name Changed) and this sex story is about me and the girl Puja (name changed), I...
It’s a Sunday afternoon and I am looking forward to having some weekend fun with the wife Angie. Recently we have been playing a few additional games before having sex, like doing a photo shoot or slowly undressing in front of each other etc. Today though she surprises me. She went to an Ann Summers party during the week, and she has waited until now to tell me she’s brought some material handcuffs and ankle ties. Well, she’s never even mentioned anything like this before, but tells me that...
I had been wanting to do this for a long time and my husband's 40th birthday was coming up soon and it seemed like as good a time as any. I teased him for the weeks leading up to the night that something special was coming for him. This year his birthday fell on a weekday and neither of us were able to get the day off work. I was able to finish early and as soon as I did I raced home to prepare. I showered, I made up my hair, put on my face some sex underwear and managed to greet him at the...
Consciousness returned slowly. I lay on a soft bed in an unfamiliar room. The décor was pink and there were quantities of lace. It was warm, with subdued hidden lighting. I was naked. My arms, shoulders, back, anus and testicles ached. So did my head. My nipples felt sore. I struggled to sit up but the headache forced me flat again and shut my eyes. The door opened and a woman entered. She wore a sexy little black dress and killer heels. I tried to apologise for being in her room but she...
"Where do you want this one?" Luke asked from my bedroom door, carrying another box. My things had arrived, and it seemed like Grandma Alice had packed the entire house. There were boxes stacked all over my room, and I had already decided that I wasn't going to unpack it all because packing it back up later would be a pain in the ass. "Anywhere," I waved, as I finished unloading another box of clothes into my dresser. Luke placed the box on a stack of a few others before wiping his...
Hi i am kumar, i am a big fan of iss and i have been viewing this site for almost 3 years. Lets come to the story. This is not a story, it happened really in my life. It happened 5 years back when i was 21 studying my post graduation.after the completion of my first year we had summer vacations and i had some time to take call centre training as i was very much interested to do some job in my early stages. So i have joind in one training centre and very soon all the students have become friends...
IncestWelcome to one rather unconventional site… called db Naked. At first glance, I really thought this was an ad, then I thought maybe this is just a site filled with lots of galleries. But after a bit of browsing, I came to the conclusion that this place is actually a generic porn site that just looks a bit different than what most of us are used to.The content here is pretty random, and I am pretty sure that like 90% of it is professional pornography, so if you were looking for amateur shit, this...
Pornstar DatabasesThis is my first story. Hope you enjoy!My girlfriend walked through the door of our apartment carrying brown paper bags. She had just gotten back from the grocery store and sat down the bags on the table."Hey baby, what'd you get for dinner?" I asked."What do you think about having dessert first?""Well Kryssi, what do you have in mind?" I answered curiously."Go to the bedroom and you'll find out."I wasted no time and darted through the door into our bedroom. I waited impatiently as I became...
Oral SexThinking of you, Lateshay.I want you to strip for me. I want to watch you bare your splendid body for me.I want to caress your soft, beautiful body.I want to please you very much.My mouth is on your neck right now. Kissing your throat, and nipping the very soft flesh under your ears.Kiss me, Gorgeous. I want your moist lips on mine.Kiss me as I fondle your wonderful, beautiful breasts.I love your soft breasts. Your nipples are perfect.Can you feel your nipples hardening as I gently tug at...
I look out the window at the dark grey sky passing by, clouds overlapping the tips of evergreens fading into dusk. I am wrapped by white walls and digital dreams, the tv, the plush couch in which I eternally lie, masturbating furiously in the spit of noon washing against the windows. Mom comes home. I pretend to play video games while searching for bizaar pornographic content on the incalculable internet, that stream of consciousness permeating the folds of the cerebral destiny, flick-flashing...
hi frens i am 27 yrs old from nepal and i work in consultancy we have 4 staff in office 3female and 1 male me since working with the female got me so excited to see them nude. i use to think of what if i can fuck her in the office.Among three of them one name sunita who have very sexy look , height 5’6” and figure , 36-24-28, as we do have our office dress guys wearing suit and pants where girls should wear skirts , she used to wear short skirts that always helps me to erect my cock. i used to...
I met this woman who was quite submissive and we began a normal weekend routine where we would meet at her place and have the weekend to live out a D/s relationship. On our first official date, I handed out some rules for her that if broken, there would be punishment. She agreed and the relationship began. First three months we explored everything, the play was intense, and she was extremely sexual. Later I began to notice that our play was lacking in intensity, I was not sure if it was me,...
So my baba is now ready for the next lesson..“What lesson’ I asked with great astonishment.”……… Till this you read in my earlier stories.. ( MY ABC OF SEX I & II ) how Veena taught me to Suck her boobs and how to kiss. Now my next lesson…!She made her hand reach to my shorts and put inside it. My fucking machine was almost fully hard to go for any lesson. She undress me, pulled down my shorts and grabbed my penis in her hand. Veena kneeled down to me with a smile on her face and dropped down...
Magic Crayons by Maggie O'Malley This story is dedicated to my Auntie Sara the Art Angel. Her beautiful creations both art and literary bring joy and love to all they touch. Yet as wonderful as they are, they are not the greatest gift she possesses. The greatest gift of all is the beautiful young woman herself. Auntie Sara you are a kind, generous, and gentle soul with so much love to give, and so many who want to give love back to you. You bring a smile to my face every time...
I thought I could make it all the way to Montreal. I was battling sleep as I drove north on New York Rt 87. Dozing in and out of consciousness as I neared Albany, but the increase in traffic around the city helped keep my eyes open and I though I had it beat. 15 minutes later, as I passed Clifton Park, I bagen to slip away again. By the time I neared Exit 23 I knew I couldn't make it and decided to find the first room I could. The Lodging signs told me that a Super 8 was near, so I exited at...