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Chapter 1 Life Cycles

Alan Marshall was a fine, respectful, upstanding young man. He visited his grandfather in the hospital every day after school He was a senior, and in his last semester, and he had plenty of free time, just counting the days until graduation. After graduation he had an internship at the local newspaper, a job he had won through a writing contest he had entered with one of his school newspaper pieces. Since getting into college and winning the contest he had passed off his editor-in-chief duties on the paper to his successor.

His grandfather was dying of congestive heart failure, and he had spent the last month in the cardiac care unit. There were no private rooms in the CCU, but there was a comfortable chair next to his grandfather’s bed, and when the old man was sleeping, which was most of the time, Alan sat next to him and did his homework. When his grandfather was awake they chatted, mostly baseball, their common passion. One day while Alan was visiting, a new patient was brought into the room, and placed in the bed next to Alan’s grandfather. Alan stood and looked over his grandfather’s hospital bed to see the new arrival, but the nurse quickly drew the curtain to block his view. Soon after the new man was brought in, the nurses left. Alan then noticed that his grandfather was stirring, and the conversed for a bit, before he drifted back into unconsciousness. His parents arrived and they all stayed a few hours before going home for dinner.

A few days later Alan was leaving the hospital room and he couldn’t resist the urge to have a peek at his grandfather’s roommate. When he put his head through the curtain he saw that the man was awake, and he was gesturing at Alan to come closer. With a bit of trepidation Alan approached him. When he was right next to the bed the old man reached out and grabbed Alan’s exposed forearm and gripped him tightly. Alan felt a strange sensation throughout his body, sort of like an electric shock. Then he heard a voice and looked down at the old man, but he could tell, even in the diminished light in the curtained off area of the hospital room, that the old man was not moving his lips.

‘I am giving you my gift.’ The voice in Alan’s head said. ‘You have the power to control the actions of others, and more powers will come to you as you develop your skills.’ Alan was scared by this strange experience, but he couldn’t remove himself for the old man’s grasp. The old man was staring up at him intently. Soon the strange sensation passed, and he stood rooted in place for a few seconds. Alan then realized that the old man was now talking to him.’ You are such a good boy, so devoted to your grandpa. You are a worthy vessel to carry the Seed. Use it well, and all you desire can be yours.’ The old man’s voice was weak and raspy. When he released Alan’s arm, his eyes closed, and an instant later all sorts of alarms on the monitors went off. Alan quickly left the room, passing two nurses and a doctor as they rushed to attend to the old man.

The next day the bed next to his grandfather’s was empty. When the nurse came to change his grandfather’s bed Alan asked her about him, and learned that he had died the previous evening, shortly after Alan had left. Alan thought about what the man had said, and couldn’t make heads or tails of it. If not for the strange feeling in his body when the man had held his arm, and that voice in his head, Alan would have chalked the whole experience up to coincidence: the man’s death and their encounter happened at the same time merely by chance, but he knew that something had happened between them, and that the man’s last act was deliberate. He had given Alan something called ‘the Seed’ and had done so by the touch. Alan didn’t know what the Seed was, but instead of doing his homework while his grandfather slept, he kept replaying yesterday’s strange scene in his mind. He didn’t even notice when his parents entered the room. Alan had been sitting still in the chair for more than two hours, and he hadn’t even noticed the time.

When they got home that evening Alan’s father asked how his day was. For a brief instant Alan considered telling his dad about the old man and the Seed, but he quickly reconsidered. He didn’t understand what had happened, and he was certain that his father could shed no light on the situation.

The next day in school Alan found himself thinking about the old man and his message, and that strange voice in his head more and more. He wasn’t concentrating, and during English class he was flustered when the teacher had asked him a question and he was so lost in thought he hadn’t heard her. She raised her voice slightly to get his attention, but because Alan hadn’t been paying attention he had no idea how to answer the question.

‘Alan,’ she said with a note of exasperation, ‘I know you and your friends are suffering from senioritis, but you really do need to pay attention in class.’ Alan was stung by her rebuke, but only slightly so. English was one of his best classes, and he had been earning very good grades all year. He apologized to the teacher and the class continued. He resolved to pay more attention to the lesson, but was soon drifting out again, though this time he was concentrating not on the strange episode, but on his English teacher, Ms. Kelly. This was a familiar distraction for Alan and his male classmates. Ms. Kelly was a drop dead gorgeous example of the feminine form.

She stood about 5’7′, with dark red hair worn perfectly straight down to her shoulder tops, porcelain white skin dusted with a few very small freckles on her face. She had a slim figure and nicely rounded breasts, though she dressed conservatively, usually wearing a skirt which fell past her knees, and never too tight so as not to flaunt what Alan and his friends imagined was a spectacular ass, coupled with a blouse and a sweater in order to hide her bust. This being springtime, it was a cotton knit, a light yellow. She never dressed to turn the little boys on in their seats, but the effect was there, despite her better efforts.

Alan didn’t know how old Ms. Kelly was, but she had been teaching at his school for two years, so he estimated her to be about twenty five or so. She looked younger, and one of Alan’s friends once remarked that she wouldn’t look out of place on the high school’s cheerleading squad, waggishly adding that she would raise the standards of that squad considerably.

When the bell rang to release the class to lunch Ms. Kelly asked Alan to stay after. As Alan approached her desk at the head of the classroom he felt that strange buzzing in his body again, the same one he felt in the hospital with the old man, but this time it was concentrated in his head. After the class had exited Ms. Kelly busied herself with some papers on her desk, leaving Alan to wait quietly. This was part of her classroom management strategy, making a student wait after he or she had wasted class time by either inattentiveness, as in Alan’s case this time, or by disruptive behavior. She thought to herself, ‘That Alan is usually pays attention, I wonder if there’s something going on with him. Most of the boys I catch daydreaming are usually staring at my legs, but he seemed to be staring into space. I’ll ask him if he needs to see the counselor.’

‘Did you say something, Ms. Kelly?’ Alan asked. He could have sworn she had just told him to see the counselor, but wasn’t sure she had spoken to him.

‘Pardon?’ she asked back.

‘Did you just tell me to see the counselor’ he asked.

‘Did I?’ she thought. ‘Could I have been speaking aloud while thinking?’ Figuring she had indeed mumbled the last of her private thoughts she looked up at Alan and said, ‘You know, Alan, that might not be a bad idea. Is something troubling you? You seemed to be out of it today, and that’s not like you.’ Alan thought about it, and though he knew that she was referring to the incident when she caught him thinking about the Seed, he also knew that he wa
s staring at her throughout the second half of the lesson. He grasped for an excuse.

‘I was visiting my grandfather in the hospital yesterday and I saw the man in the next bed die.’ That was a good one, he thought, and it had the added benefit of being true, well, at least part of the truth. She swiveled in her chair and put her hand on Alan’s, expressing her sympathy about that traumatic event, and then asked about his grandfather. Alan told her that his grandfather wasn’t expected to live long, the doctors and nurses were just keeping him comfortable in the face of the inevitable. She rose and gave him a light hug, just to show that she cared. She really wasn’t supposed to have physical contact like this with students, but she felt that in this situation a little hug wouldn’t be inappropriate, and Alan had always been a respectful and conscientious student, one of her best. She just pressed her head up against his shoulder, and clasped his left hand with her right.

‘Wow,’ Alan thought, ‘I should have told her some sob story months ago. I wonder what it would be like to kiss her.’ Immediately the light buzz in his head intensified, and Ms. Kelly tilted her head up, running her pink tongue over her lips. Her head came forward and she stood up on her toes, her hand at the back of his head, leading him into her. Alan stood about four inches taller than his teacher and angled his head down to meet her lips. Her tongue shot into his mouth, caressing his gums on above his upper teeth before snaking past into his mouth, stabbing his tongue and licking the roof of his mouth. They both moaned softly and Ms. Kelly’s arms came around his body, pulling him into her. Alan hoped no one would come into to spoil this.

At that moment, walking down the hall towards Ms. Kelly’s classroom was Judy McClould, assistant principal of Harry S. Truman High School. She and Ms. Kelly had planned to meet for lunch that day, but just as she was about to reach the classroom she stopped. Without knowing why she turned on her step and went back to her office, carrying her brown bag lunch.

Alan was in heaven. The most beautiful woman he knew was passionately kissing him, holding him close. He could feel her heartbeat in his chest, though he wasn’t completely sure it was hers he was feeling, and not his own, and her hands were exploring his back with an almost frantic abandon. He brought his hands up to feel her back and hold her, and her tongue became more frenzied, exploring every corner of his mouth. But when he dropped them down to rub her behind, she stopped suddenly and pulled back.

‘What the hell do you think you’re doing?’ she asked archly.

‘Me? I didn’t do anything, Ms. Kelly. You kissed me.’

‘You better get going. Right now.’ She was still breathing a little hard. Alan hesitated, and Ms. Kelly repeated, ‘Now!’ So he took his leave.

There were only two periods after lunch, and Alan was even more distracted than before. Not only was he still puzzled about his encounter in the hospital, he couldn’t wrap his mind around what went down in the English classroom. His last period of the day was Physical Education, and he was so lost in his thoughts that he never noticed the basketball headed towards his head as he ran down court. It didn’t hit him that hard, but it unbalanced him, and he tripped over his own feet, his head striking the gym floor with a sickening sound. The coach ran up to him, but he was already hauling himself to his feet, telling his friends that he was OK. The coach had told his friend Greg to take him to the school nurse, and no amounts of Alan’s protests could dissuade him.

‘What’s up with you Alan?’ Greg asked. ‘The whole day it’s like you’re in a daze. Hello? Earth to Spaceman Alan?’ Alan just told his friend that he was distracted by his grandfather’s condition, and Greg left it at that.

Because the nurse made him lie flat on a cot for more than an hour he missed the final bell and the hallways were nearly silent as he walked back to the gym to change into his regular clothes. After retrieving his stuff he realized that he needed to get a couple of textbooks from his locker before heading out to the hospital for his daily vigil. As he turned the corner to reach it he bumped into Ms. Kelly. Startled, they paused for a moment. Alan began replaying the kiss in his mind, remembering the soft feel of her lips, how her body shuddered in his arms, her perfume.

‘Oh, ah, Alan. I’m, eh, glad we ran into each other. Could you come back to the classroom. I need to speak with you. Alone.’ Ms. Kelly was almost stuttering, and she had a vaguely unhappy look on her face. Alan followed her back, enjoying the view. When they reached the classroom Ms. Kelly locked the door. She was almost red-faced about the lunchtime events, and she did not want any stray person in the hall hearing what she had to say to Alan.

‘Alan, I don’t know what came over me before. I’ve never done anything like that with a student, and I don’t want you to get the wrong idea about me. Just know that nothing like that will ever happen again.’ Alan was just staring at her. She wasn’t sure she was getting through. Alan wasn’t listening because he found it hard to concentrate with the object of his desire so close, and that damn buzzing in his brain had returned. Fighting the buzz, the only thought running through Alan’s mind was, ‘She’s so damn hot. What I wouldn’t give to fuck her.’ All of a sudden Ms. Kelly’s felt very warm, and extremely amorous.

She stepped up to Alan quickly, embracing him tightly, tilting her head up into a heated kiss. Alan was almost as shocked as earlier, but he knew better than to turn down a good thing. He pulled her into him, and they once again began exploring each other’s mouths with their tongues. This time Ms. Kelly’s moans were louder, though when Alan cupped her ass after thirty seconds of necking and she pulled back he thought it was going to be a replay of what happened during lunch period. This time however Ms. Kelly had pulled away so she could get her hands free to unzip her skirt. Alan’s head was spinning. The buzz he felt had receded and he was astounded by the vision before him. Ms. Kelly was now pulling her sweater over her head, and her face was flushed red. She quickly shed her blouse and was standing before him in a white bra and matching panties. ‘So hot…I’m so hot,’ she kept repeating.

She stepped forward, pressing her body into him again, reaching out to pull his shirt out of his pants. She ran her hands under his shirt and up his chest, groping him. Their heads came together and they were kissing again. After a minute she pulled her head back and then leaned into him again, licking his ear. ‘Take me, Alan. Right here. Right now. I need you to, to, uhh, uhhh, so good, that feels sooooo good…’ Alan had unhooked her bra and it fell to the floor between them, her nipples hard, rubbing against the fabric of his shirt. Her tongue shot into his ear and she moaned again.

‘Get undressed, young man. Now!’ As he lifted his shirt over his head he felt her opening his belt. By the time he had tossed his shirt to the corner of the room she had zipped down his fly. He unbuttoned his pants and she frantically pulled them down along with his briefs, and then knelt before him, untying his shoelaces. Once she had his shoes off he lifted his legs one after the other and she shucked his pants off around his ankles. Swiftly she rose, pulling him into her again, her nipples raking across his chest. She was sweating, and it served as lubrication as she slid her body up and down her chest. ‘Touch me Alan…I’m so hot…I’m hot for you. Please?’

Alan picked her up an sat her down on the edge of her desk, then he leaned over and began suckling at her breasts. ‘Oh, Alan! That’s so good. You know how to touch me. You know how to make me feel good.’ Her head tilted back, and she let out a low-pitched moan in pleasure. Alan put his hands at her hips and began to edge her panties down, and Ms. Kelly wrapped her arms around hi
s neck for leverage and lifted her ass off the desk so he could pull her panties off. Alan stared at her pussy, admiring the neat triangle of her downy red pubic hair. Leaning her back so she was prone on the desk, he bent down and leaned forward so that the backs of her thighs were resting atop his shoulders. He saw that she shaved around her vagina, presumably for swimsuit purposes. The thought of his teacher wearing a skimpy suit made his blood boil as he advanced his mouth towards Ms. Kelly’s womanhood. ‘Oh My God!’ Ms. Kelly exclaimed as she felt Alan’s hot breath, soon followed by his mouth, on her pussy. She began shaking and groaning in excitement as her young student began to eat her out in earnest.

Megan Kelly was by no means a virgin. She had given up her cherry on prom night, and when that bastard dumped her not a week later she was crushed beyond belief. During college she had slept with a few men, but only in the context of long-term relationships–she had learned her lesson. Up to this moment she had had five lovers, but none had ever put his mouth to her pussy. She wasn’t even sure if she had ever orgasmed. The one thing she was sure of at that moment was that she was receiving more pleasure from Alan Marshall, high school senior, than she had ever felt before. Soon her body was bucking and thrashing wildly, her pelvis rising up to keep in contact with the lips and tongue of the young man before her. After just a few minutes the pleasure became almost unbearable. Her head started to shake from side to side, and her speech became indecipherable.

Alan knew she was about to come. He had only been intimate with three girls, and had only fucked one of them, but he knew the signs of approaching orgasm. Ms. Kelly’s body became stiff, her knees bending around his neck to trap his head in her crotch, and she let out a prodigious scream: ‘Yes, yes Yes! I’m coming, Alan, I’m coming!’

Alan stood up and watched her as she came down from her orgasmic high, studying her body. He was proud of his work, her nipples were visibly erect, her body covered in sweat, and by the looks of her she was hyperventilating. Her eyes were closed and the corners of her mouth were curved up in satisfaction. He leaned over and began to kiss her, first her perky breasts, and then up her neck, to her face, coming to rest at her lips. She opened her eyes and stared at him. She could not stop thinking that about the pleasure he had given her. Now she was sure-she had never orgasmed before today. Now she knew what an orgasm was. The student had taught the teacher. Their tongues continued to duel, and she began to become more relaxed, her breathing evening out.

Alan pulled her to an upright position, and then sat beside her on her desk. Their hands began roaming over each other again, and naturally her hands made it down to his cock. Alan was nervous. His cock was a respectable six inches, and while that was good enough for high school girls, he was worried that it wouldn’t be enough to satisfy the goddess who sat beside him. At that moment he felt the buzzing in his head intensify, accompanied by a similar tingling in his penis. He shrugged the feelings in his penis to his excitement, but when he looked down at his crotch the sight amazed him. Ms. Kelly was masturbating him, and his cock was just to the point of full hardness. His cock looked much bigger. First he thought his mind was playing tricks on him, but he put his hand down next to it to get a reference to its length, and it seemed to be half again as big, nine inches. It was also growing thicker than before.

Alan couldn’t wait to try his new cock out, and he new exactly who the correct test candidate was. He extricated himself from Ms. Kelly’s ministrations, and had her lay back again. She knew what was coming, and couldn’t-wouldn’t-object. Alan stood between her outstretched legs, guiding his massive cock to her pussy. When he made contact, he rubbed the head up and down her wet slit, teasing her, just a little. He knew that he couldn’t hold out much longer with out penetrating her. Ms. Kelly began whimpering softly, her eyes looking up at him expectantly. ‘Put it in me, Alan, please. I need it, I need you now…so hot…I’m so hot.’ Alan shifted his weight forward and head of his enhanced manhood penetrated his lovely teacher. She sighed loudly, and then began to gasp as he pressed himself inside her. ‘So good, Alan, so hot.’

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Second ChanceChapter 55

"Mr. Crane, there is no chance I would hurt Jennifer, especially in her condition. If you, Sherrie, and Jennifer want me to hang around for a little while, I can as long as we all understand that the second I am a bother, or in the slightest way inconvenient for you all, I'll be on my way. "Ok?" He smiled when he heard me agree to his request. I soldiered on. "Mr. Crane, What is Jennifer's medical problem? She seems so loving, an adorable that I hate to think of her being so...

1 year ago
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My sister teaches me a new way to fuck

100% fiction! My sister Jill lives about two miles from me. She was widowed two years ago. I divorced my wife Amy when I discovered she was having an affair with someone else. The divorce was completed six months ago. I missed thed sex I used to have with Amy and masturbated quite frequently, always in the nude. If the weather was suitable I did it outdoors on my lawn, which is not overlooked. If not suitable I did it indoors. When Jill or I wished to visit one another we would telephone to...

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Home for Horny Monsters Book ThreeChapter 11 Nine of Wands

Mike wasn’t sure what he expected to see once inside the tower, but it certainly wasn’t this. What he had thought was the entrance to the tower was in fact an outer wall. A large courtyard full of flowers and creeper vines would have been impressive enough, but the sheer number of butterflies, bees, and even birds had him staring in awe. An entire ecosystem had been formed inside these walls, complete with a small waterfall that flowed out of the cliff itself and fed into an irrigation...

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Deputy PorterChapter 7

The man had a roguish charm I had to admit. He had absolutely no problem asking the most embarrassing questions. He even made it seem as though they were harmless. He honestly expected me to answer them, which was a completely different take from asking them just to embarrass me. He was maybe three years older than me, then again maybe not. He told stories about college, so if he had finished, he started business at twenty-two just like me. Unlike me, he seemed to have been building his...

4 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 17

With that business out of the way, we started out. With the need for us to go slow because of the travois, we still managed to make good time. It was a walk in the park for Miya with her long stride. Everyone else was riding horse, mule or travois. By late that afternoon we spotted the cave home we knew off in the distance. This caused us to move faster. However dark was beating us, so we stopped for the night in a nice cozy grove of trees. We set up a small camp and laid out sleeping furs....

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Story Of Arpita 8211 Part V 8211 Mr Richard8217s Fuck Toy

Arpita tried to understand what his husband was telling. She knew about Mr. Richard, the owner of the company. She also knew that he was coming over to India during the Diwali when he will confer some key promotions. She knew all of this because Rahul was among one of them expecting a promotion. Rahul expected to become a Vice President, while Unmesh was expecting to become a Director. But what that has to take with her revenge, she didn’t understand. And Pritam was starting to feel irritated...

2 years ago
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Teacher and her lesbian schoolgirls Part 4

Finally, I have written the next part to this story. Hopefully, part 5 will follow a lot quicker!!!That afternoon I found it hard to concentrate on my teaching, especially as the last lesson of the day would have my two new young lovers sitting at the front of the classroom.Sure enough, just as the lesson began, the two of them walked into the classroom and sat down immediately in front of me, and just as immediately, opened their legs showing me that under their short uniform skirts they were...

2 years ago
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Dads Best Friend 2

As I awoke the following morning, all I kept thinking about was, did I dream what happened between me and Mike the night before? Absolutely not possible. I got up, got dressed and that's when I realized it was no dream. My entire body was sore. "Good morning mommy!" I said as I walked into the kitchen."Good morning sweetie," she answered."Where's dad and Mike?" I asked looking out the window for dad's truck."They left about two hours ago headed to work. Why?" she replied."Ah, no reason, was...

Straight Sex
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Lindas Awakening Phoenix Style

Linda’sAwakening Phoenix Style Linda awoke to the buzzing of an alarm. What the hell? Dan must have left it on accidentally. He had told her he was going to get an early start, maybe sneak out of a session early, and she might have an exciting day, or something to that effect. She reached over, had to rise up and scoot across the bed to hit the alarm. At the same moment, she heard a quiet rap on the door accompanied by the soft call of “Room Service”. Oh, hell, she thought, as she got up,...

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My sister in Law

Several years ago I had to move to my parents in law as we were moving house. They were well off and had a huge house an lots of room so we stayed there for three months whilst we bought a new home. We had a lovely big en suite room and a massive king size bed. Living here was a bit of a pain but it had two positives. Firstly the mother in law was a true Milf. in her 50's but posh and vey well turned out as they say. Also my sister in law was 17 at the time. I had known her for her entire life...

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A Homecumming Surprise

A Homecumming SurpriseThis story was written rather hastifully and my mind was in two places at the same time. Please bear with me if you happen to find a mistake or two. At the end of the story you will find a transcript of my wife and I over the last two nights. They have not been doctored in any way other than having important information removed.In our modern world it is often difficult to know what is real and what is not. I would guess that over 95% of stories and videos are pure fantasy...

2 years ago
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Once You Go Black

Pete and I had toyed with the idea of swinging for about a year, not really doing much about it. But one night, as we were fooling around, we started talking about it again and we agreed that time wasn't waiting for us to make a decision, and that if all we did was talk about it, we'd never actually do it. We didn't know anyone who was into it, though, and we were too embarrassed to talk about it with any of our friends, so that pretty much left swinging clubs, which seemed sort of sleazy, or...

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Space Adventure RPG

Astrodate 41012.4 Finally! All those years in the academy have lead up to graduation day. It's a sunny June day in San Francisco and your apart of graduating class 2428. You've worked as hard as you could to reach a place at the top of your class and earn a position aboard Astrofleet's newest and most advanced Astroship: the Massachusetts. You along with a little over 1,000 over crew members will be lucky enough to experience her maiden voyage to unknown parts of the galaxy. You stand at...

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Sharing Cousin Nancys TentChapter 3

As part of my “growing up” process, I started to bang juicy Cousin Nancy fairly regular after passing eighteen. She was twenty now and had that air of sophistication that girls get when they are getting laid by a variety of guys with different techniques. I wasn’t jealous of her dalliances because she generally made her body available to me on short notice and with an enthusiasm I felt certain was not feigned. She had kept Marsha, her BFF, close to her side most of the time except for the...

4 years ago
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A Visit to Germanys Sex Doll Brothel

Meet Elena, 168 centimetres of flame haired sex doll complete with ample bosom and a butt tight enough to crack the toughest of nuts. Sadly, she is not my doll, but I did enjoy the pleasure of an hour and a half in her company, thanks to Germany’s only bordello staffed by dolls. Elena, for want of a better description, is a working girl, a TPE temptress who turns tricks.Elena entertains her clients at the aptly named Bordoll, a brothel hidden away in the suburbs of the industrial city of...

1 year ago
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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 16 The Visitors

Ryan summoned one of the four seat air cars and it had just landed when Amanda returned. Neona and Amanda took seats and the air car rose. When they were safely on deck, the air car returned to the ground for Ryan, Erika, and Summer. Neona gave Amanda a tour of the AC, which would not have taken as long, if Amanda had not asked numerous questions, but Neona laughed and answered each one. Amanda looked around her with wide-eyed pleasure and excitement. At last, Neona crawled on the bed and...

2 years ago
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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 6

Sky entered the front door and saw his father working behind the counter near the trading tables. “Dad, I have something for you,” he said as Raif turned to see his son standing there with a rifle. “The General brought two crates of Henry rifles and many crates of cartridges that were given to him by Mr. Henry in my honor. I wanted you to have one of the rifles from me.” “Sky that’s very generous of you and very generous of the Henry Arms Co. to send you rifles by the General.” “Yes Sir,...

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Blindfolded encounter

I really had that fantasy and have gone thru with it. It still turns me on to think about that encounter and sometimes feel like doing it again. Just a bit nervous about risking it again!*******************************************************************I have been having this craving for a BBC and a special fantasy for a while! Well.. I always crave BBC so that’s not new and I often get little fantasies I like to play with but sometimes some are more intense than others and you just have to...

1 year ago
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Learning The Hard Way

A Piece of my Imagination Editor I’d like to thank Mulligan and Steve T for their assistance in turning this into a better story than my initial effort, any errors remaining are of course mine. The piercing scream captured the attention of everyone in the hold. “What d’you think your doing?” called the big woman in the grey uniform as she turned towards the disturbance. The young man let go of the girl he’d been dragging by the hair and turned to face the new threat. “This bitch,” he...

2 years ago
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Aunt and Uncle Sex Slave

It was the summer of '82 and mom and dad were going through an awful divorce. They decided that it would be best that I stay with some good friends of theirs, Charles and Betty, while they got through this difficult time. They were an older couple, both were around sixty at the time.By this time I was a fully fledged cross dresser and no one knew of my secret except a neighbor. I had all of my own lingerie, heels, wigs, panties and hose, including breast forms to stuff my bras with. This was...

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A Visit to the North Part 6

A Visit to the North - Part 6 by MadQuill This is a mystery story of Annabelle's life and the changes she encounters. The characters are all fictional. Please read the earlier parts and leave your comments. Mistress Donna had a splendid home with a view over the western city. There was light snow falling and someone had prepared a large fire. "Douglas please help our lovers feel comfortable near the fire, and ask for some drinks to be served." He moved about sliding a chair...

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I FUCKED THE FEET SECOND TIME OF MY FRIEND'S WIFE OLGA.One week later,I went to same massage saloon after I fucked the feet of Olga.I said that I want Olga for massage.Saloon owner told me go to room and wait for her.I went to room and took my dresses off.I began waiting for Olga come.Almost, five minutes later she entered room.She was wearing a very short green dress with flower design.There were same white flip flops on feet.Her foot was so sexy as she was every time.There was red polish on...

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The Show1

Cormac stood up and turned to face me with a sexy smile on his face. I leaned in to kiss him and explored his mouth with my tongue. I got on my knees and lowered the loose briefs. I could see he wasn't hard yet, which just succeeded in making me more horny. I placed his soft floppy penis in my mouth and carressed it with my tongue. In no time, his three and a half inch cock was rock hard in my mouth. Not yet, I kept telling myself. I kept sucking him until his warm gooey cum filled my mouth....

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Meri Bhabi Ki Hawas

Hi friends mera nam vash hai mei Haryana k karnal sheher ka rehne wala hun meri age 22 yrs hai aur mei ISS ko bohot time se pad raha hun. Mera loda 6 inch lamba hai mjhe aurton ki lene mei bada maja ata hai aur bohot sari auntyo ko chod chukka hun aur jisko choda fan ho gai meri. Mei roz ek story pad kr muth marta hun aur apne din ki shuruwat krta hun. Agar apko story achi lagi to please mjhe mail krna Ye baat piche mahine ki hai mei law kr raha hun aur aj kal meri chutiya chal rahi hai mere...

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Apni maa ko ji bhar k choda

Sab say pehlay to pakistani chodu ka aap ki phuddion ko salaam aor YEH STORY LAMBI ZARROOR HAY PAR PADH K AAP LOGO KO MAZA AAY GA yeh story padh k aap ki choots aor lun paani chor day gay hi reader this is my first story main umeed karta hoon k yeh sachi story aap logon ko bohat pasand aayay gi main ik 20 saal ka ladka hoon aor mera naam prince hay main aap logo ko apna real naam nahi bata sakta main pakistan lahore main rehta hoon chalo ab asli story ki taraf aatay hain meri maa ki age 52 saal...

4 years ago
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A Weekend with my Sexy Colleague pt 2

"Oh my good god that was amazing!" Lauren says while we spoon. "Yes it was, thanks to you", I flirtingly replied. She adjusted herself so that my semi hard cock was nuzzled between her thick booty. She would shake it and twerk on my cock a little bit while I would kiss her shoulders and nibble on her earlobes. I was rock hard in no time, and she then started grinding a little harder. She turns her head as she keeps rubbing up on me, and we start kissing again. Very slow, sensual kissing. By now...

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The Secret Cheerleader VoteChapter 9 Captains

Captains Zane reflected on the events that had taken place the night before. Bella had finally surrendered herself to him. She had thought she would be able to just have sex with him and get everything she wanted. Instead, she had surrendered herself to him totally. More importantly, she had surrendered to him recording everything, so she was essentially his slave now. His pet. His toy, to play with however he chose. As a result of that surrender, she also became the “property” of the rest...

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New life for Ruth

Ruth Anderson sat at in her new office, she had been promoted six months earlier and it still excited her being on the tenth floor. Ruth was a quiet lady just past her forty-fourth birthday, she had been brought up in a strict catholic family, an only c***d with a dominant father who because of his wrath she had obeyed to the letter. She had spent the last twenty four years in a cold almost sexless marriage, the biggest surprise was that her and husband Donald had produced a wonderfully...

2 years ago
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Sandra is Different Pt 1

by Vanessa Evans She may not want to get ‘involved’ with, nor spend time with other people, she may even be a Loner, but she still has a lot of fun. Part 1 Hi, my name is Sandra and I am different to most women. I’ve been told that I am anti-social, a bit of a recluse, an introvert, and I tend to agree with those assessments. As I was growing up I realised that I had great difficulty making friends. I watched other girls talking to other girls that they hadn’t met before but I had no...

4 years ago
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SS NerdChapter 25

Our first day was spent touring the island and all of Mark's discoveries and improvements. The natural gas discovery was huge and was being piped to Limon for sale. The island had sufficient gas escaping from the field to fuel all of the islands' needs and more. What would normally be burned off out in the water was being diverted to the islands. All of the carts, tractors, and other vehicles had been converted to natural gas. Mark had even been experimenting with a way to fuel the light...

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My ex wife and I first threesome

This story takes place a few years ago when I was living with my wife at the time. It was a Saturday afternoon and my son had gone out with my parents and my wife and I had the house to ourselves. My wife was 5'3 130 lbs with long brown hair and fair skin. she was a beauty and that day was warm. she decided to take a shower and she left the bathroom door open while I decided to take a peek. she was washing her hair and I could see her trimmed pussy and ass as the water ran down her legs. her...

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New Roomie

Her new roommate By: Catherine 1 At first I was hesitant when she dropped the idea to me. To move in with her, and two other girls. One roommate was moving to LA, and they desperately needed to find another roomie before the end of the month. She is Katie, we had worked together for about four years. She had recently turned 24. Her roomies were Jamie and Jonna, 23 and 25, respectively. Me, I was 29. The only reason I could think of to say no was...

1 year ago
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The Preachers Wife Chapter Six A MILF in Bed

"How many men have you fucked?" Brian asked. They were laying on their backs, naked, in a large, luxurious bed in the Stanley Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya."That's a personal question, you impertinent twerp," answered Maggie tartly, but with a smile on her face."I'm interested in the sex life of a MILF." He kissed her on the cheek."Am I your surrogate mother?"Brian smiled back. "No, I've not yearned to fuck my mother - although I would be interested in what she could tell me about her sex life." He...

Straight Sex
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Picnickers FChapter 3 Progress

By Monday morning Marilyn’s itchiness had almost disappeared, and by Tuesday night she felt fine for her date with Andy. Afterwards, he scratched quite a different itch. “I love you,” he said as they got into the front seat again. “Yeah, but only on Saturdays,” She was in a silly mood. “I love you all the time. I want you all the time. I get you on Saturdays.” Clearly, Andy wasn’t feeling silly. “Do you really want me all the time?” Now, she sounded like she was fishing for...

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