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This is a long story, written as one piece, so I’m choosing to post it in one submission. There are actually only two sex scenes within a short period of time, but that means, of course, that the remainder of the story is not filled with that kind of content. Read as you like. The story reads better as one piece, rather than chapters.

A very heartfelt Thank You to Erik Thread for his fabulous editing. His skills make your reading pleasure better. If you find errors, it’s because I messed with the story after he worked on it.


‘What the hell kind of name is Shalane?’

‘It’s just a name, Angus. Who the fuck cares what it means? Shalane, that’s what Prissy said. All I care is that she’s a redhead.’

Although he was generally a silent man, Angus responded to Billy, ‘Okay man, okay. Don’t get pissed at me ’cause your girl wants you to wear a suit. Look at me. I haven’t had on a tie this tight since the last time I went to a funeral.’

‘Don’t give me that shit, big man. I know what goes in your suitcase when you go out of town.’

Angus growled, a fairly good imitation of the bear to which his personality was frequently compared. His few words reminded his friend, ‘You keep your trap shut, Billy.’

‘Yes, sir, ‘Doctor’ McCall, indeed I will.’

The additional warning was clear in the tone of voice Angus used, ‘Billy.’

Angus kept his non-ranch activities very private. That he was educated, no one doubted, although most people would have expected his education to be in a subject that benefited him as the owner of a large, very productive ranch. That his education was extensive enough to earn him a doctorate was something he kept rather quiet. His absences from the ranch were given little attention, even by those who lived there and worked for him. He was a private man. The ranch was enough distance from the city that he and the permanent employees who lived there did not feel they were residents of the city.

Billy’s eyes may have twinkled when he did it, but he used his thumb and forefinger to pull the tab of an imaginary zipper across his lips. He likely did not understand Angus’s absences had anything to do with insomnia. Billy had no problems with his sleep, nor would he have cared that anyone else had a problem. However, that did not prevent Billy from asking, ‘And tell me, why the hell are we going to this Valentine’s Dance in a truck?’

Angus looked around the inside of his truck. The rubber mats on the floor were clean — at least, mostly clean. The long bench seat wasn’t ripped and the windows weren’t too dirty to see through. ‘What’s wrong with my truck?’

‘Nothing Angus, absolutely nothing is wrong with it,’ Billy sneered and added, ‘Nothing that a new one wouldn’t cure.’

‘I got a new car at home and I like this truck,’ Angus added, defending his choice of vehicles. ‘Get off my case or I’ll leave you at Prissy’s house and go back home.’

‘You wouldn’t dare.’

‘Try me, asshole. This wasn’t my idea.’

Billy did not comment on the threat Angus issued, instead he easily changed the subject. ‘And don’t forget to have Jose pick me up tomorrow when he takes Maria to church.’

The two men continued their conversation, although if a stranger had heard them, he would not have thought the men were friends, much less very good friends who were employer and employee and had known each other their entire lives. Billy’s comments often took some time and required his listener to have patience while other subjects were mentioned. From Angus, comments or responses were often one or two well-chosen words, spoken in the deep rumble of his bass voice. Part of their conversation concerned the weather and the occasional flash of lightning in the western sky toward which they were travelling. Several of their comments and questions involved the animals on the farm and what to do if the storm came nearer.

After one particularly brilliant flash, still a long way off, Billy asked, ‘Is that thing gonna soak us?’

‘We could use some,’ Angus muttered. ‘Last I heard though, it’s gonna stay well to the west.’

* * *

Meanwhile, at their destination two women were frantically rushing through their final moments dressing for the event. Prissy had spent months planning, scheduling, and making telephone calls. The last few days involved executing those plans. Early today was devoted to last-minute decorations she added to their meeting facility, turning it from a hollow-sounding display hall to a softly lit, attractive nightclub. Perhaps as many as one hundred couples would spend that Saturday evening eating finger foods, drinking adult beverages, chatting with friends, and dancing.

Prissy was almost 40 years old and still very attractive, but she had to work hard to keep herself that way. She was short, had a very full figure and only her hairdresser knew she wasn’t a natural blonde, at least that’s what she thought. She was so obsessed with appearing to be blonde she had some very expensive and painful electrolysis treatments to remove any trace of her pubic hair. Billy had made a number of comments about her bald pussy, only some of which were complimentary.

For mid-February dances of previous years, no one had gone to the trouble to do much more than set a date, hire a band, and call a caterer. This year was going to be different. Priscilla Roundtree, affectionately known as Prissy, was the current chairperson of the Annual Valentine’s Day Sweetheart Dance. She intended to use the success of the evening’s festivities to launch her campaign for presidency of the Young Women In Business Association. While women fought to join primarily male organizations, there did not seem to be any male members, or even any applications from males, wanting to join YWIB.

One club member was married to a moderately successful talent agent. At her instigation, he had prevailed upon three of his clients to bring their newest adult comedy routines for a tryout before this discerning crowd.

The other woman rushing to be dressed in her finery before the men arrived was not similar to the wannabe club president. Almost ten years younger, in her own right and in her own sphere she was just as strong, as personable, and as organized, yet to many she was a mystery. As the few people who knew her would express it, ‘Oh well, that’s Shalane.’ Whatever the ‘that’ meant, it was appropriate for any situation when the speaker was unable to place a label on such an enigmatic woman.

‘Shalane, help me’ Prissy called from her bedroom where she stood in front of a full length mirror. ‘Look at this dress. Something is wrong with the front here.’

Shalane stood at the doorway and suggested, ‘Take off your bra.’

‘WHAT! I cain’t go without ma bra.’ Only because she was so startled did Prissy’s voice sound like the natural heavy southern accent of her birth. Prissy would normally have used her more polished and practiced business tone.

‘Why not?’ Shalane questioned. ‘The only one who will know is Billy when he holds you and I assure you he will enjoy it. Besides, from what you’ve said, he already knows what those boobs feel like.’

Prissy’s next few words displayed her cultured professional tone, ‘Are you doing it?’

‘Am I what?’

‘Are you going braless?’

Shalane turned her back to Prissy, showing the rear of the deep blue dress that shimmered with green highlights. ‘Now, where do you suppose I could hide the hooks in this dress?’

Prissy nodded as she looked at the wide vee formed by the back of the dress, extending from the nape of Shalane’s neck, showing her shoulder blades, to a mere inch above her waist. Prissy remarked that the woman was right, but for herself it was not a comfortable option.

‘Well, that dress screams you’re braless, but I can’t stand at that microphone and welcome everyone with my tits bouncing.’

‘Suit yourself, Prissy. It was just a suggesti
on. So, tell me about this man Billy is bringing.’

‘Oh, Angus is Angus.’

Shalane chuckled a moment at the way Prissy flipped her hand as if the original build-up she had given about the man was now inconsequential. ‘What is that supposed to mean?’

‘Well-l-l,’ Prissy’s voice was muffled as she bent over to buckle the straps of her high heel sandals. ‘I think him, Billy, and me are about the same age. He’s local, has a big place east of town. He and Billy do some male things together. He’s not a loner, but I don’t see him much. He’s a big guy, not one of those overweight lugs, just big. I guess my grandma would have called him barrel-chested. He’s sort of quiet, but in an intense way, looks at you, like he can see right inside you. It’s hard to explain. You’ll like him. He’s fun, too.’

‘Oh, I hear car doors. Do you want me to …’

‘No, I’m ready, I’ll do it. You get your jacket or whatever. That hall’s gonna be cold at first.’ It hadn’t been much of a debate. Keep the meeting hall as cool as possible, because after everyone arrived and the dancing began, the room would grow progressively warmer. They had arrived the previous morning to begin decorating and needed to wear light jackets for the first few hours.

After a greeting at the front door, where both men were allowed to kiss Prissy’s cheeks while she giggled at them trying to do it at the same time, she was singing Happy Birthday to Billy. Everyone turned to the corner of the room when Shalane closed the door to the upstairs guest bedroom and started walking down the stairs.

Someone should have had a camera to take a photograph of Angus when he saw her. He watched in anticipation. He was fascinated as the woman was revealed, from the dark red polish showing on each toenail of her bare toes in her high heel sandals, all the way up her long legs. The one nearest him was exposed well past her knee as the side slit in her dress parted when she took the next step down the stairs. Angus licked his lips as the clinging fabric moved across her flat stomach, yet he was unaware her short bolo jacket hid the fullness of her breasts. He imagined her slender torso, saw her elegant neck and the startling mass of brilliant fiery red hair piled in haphazard curls on top of her head.

However, the photographer would have needed to turn his attention immediately to the stairway to catch the moment’s hesitation in her next step, when Shalane saw Angus. For a heartbeat, or perhaps two, the strangers looked at each other and Billy smiled. Billy would have performed one of his ancestral war dances of victory, or high fived everyone in the county, had it not been such a fleeting moment.

‘Angus McCall, this is my friend, Shalane.’ To Angus, Prissy’s casual statement did not convey the importance of such a monumental event. It did not seem unusual for Angus to walk forward and take Shalane’s hand as she took the last step to the floor below. Angus did not know whether he intended to take her hand in a formal handshake or to be less formal and hold her hand when he nodded his head in greeting. He simply understood he had to touch her. Shalane did not realize she allowed him to hold her hand for longer than necessary for a traditional greeting. She simply knew she felt something from the warmth of his hand she had not known before.

Although Angus was not what would traditionally be considered a handsome man, he was impressive. Everything about him was oversized. He was tall at six foot three inches and the breadth of his shoulders told of his sturdy body. It was his dark auburn hair that attracted most people to take a better look at him. That is until they saw his eyes. His eyes were not green, nor were they blue, or even brown, but somewhere in the range of all three colors. However, people looked away from his eyes, they backed down from the intensity of his gaze. As Prissy had said, he ‘looks at you like he can see right inside you.’

After a short discussion, concerning the size of Prissy’s compact car and the large flower arrangement occupying much of the back seat, Prissy and Billy left for the meeting hall in her car. The arrangement would cover the base of the microphone she planned to use when she made her mildly veiled remarks. She planned to say she was responsible for the success of the evening and had high expectations for a repeat of that success during the next year, under her leadership of YWIB.

Angus followed Shalane to his truck to open the passenger door for her. She stopped for a moment, looking at the running board, estimating how high she would have to step to get into the cab of his truck. As she reached down to pull the lower part of her dress up so she could take the step, Angus moved behind her.

‘Let me help,’ Angus muttered as he put his hands around her waist, easily lifting her up to stand on the running board but noticing how stiffly she held herself. His hands remained around her until she turned to lift her hip and sit down. After closing her door, he walked around the front of his truck. Angus suspected, after following her to the truck and seeing the glimpse of skin below the bottom of her short bolero jacket, Shalane was probably absolutely naked under the thin fabric of her dress. Her dress slid across her skin when she had turned to sit down.

After only a few minutes in her presence, Angus knew that he would be fighting a raging erection for most of the night. It was already beginning. His cock hung down his leg, he could feel the fullness and the tightening of his scrotum. His body heat was building. He slung one leg up into the truck and sat down. The urge to adjust himself beneath the tight fitting pants of his suit was so strong he took a deep breath before he turned the key to start the engine.

During the ride to the meeting hall, Angus and Shalane exchanged a few comments, discovering a little about each other. For the most part he gave her simple answers of few words in response to her questions, explaining that he farmed and worked cattle and occasionally spent part of a day on a horse, but he also had men he employed who did much of that work. His answers were not a reluctance to provide information. He was just a man of few words.

Shalane sat stiffly on the far end of the truck’s bench seat as she told him she was a self-employed accountant with a small staff and a limited number of clients. More and more of her work was done without requiring face-to-face meetings with her clients. The internet, email, and document scanners were becoming more prevalent in her profession. The size of her business allowed her a great deal of flexibility with her office. She was considering purchasing a larger home and using one or two rooms for her business rather than maintaining a separate office space.

Although Shalane did not live in the immediate area, the company for which Prissy managed a branch office was one of her clients. Shalane tried to visit her clients at least once a year, and for the first time had agreed to stay with Prissy instead of going to a local hotel. Her visits were usually one or two nights, which gave her an opportunity to see a little of the communities where her clients lived and to take them out for a nice dinner to get to know them on a personal basis.

Prissy already had her table selected in a quiet corner of the large low-ceilinged room where she could watch everything and everyone. She directed Angus and Billy to that corner and told Billy what she wanted to drink. By the time the band was playing the second or third piece of music, a few couples were beginning to test the dance floor.

Angus spoke quietly, not caring to draw attention to himself or his partner, ‘Do you often have the opportunity to go dancing?’

‘Not often,’ Shalane answered. ‘And never with someone who can dance as well as you.’

‘I thank you, ma’am,’ Angus responded, ‘and my mother would also thank you, if she were here to do so.’

Shalane had relaxed some of her stiff posture
from the earlier ride to the dance.

‘So, your mother taught you to dance?’

‘Yes … and probably half the other people in this room. She gave a small class at the junior high school every Wednesday after school.’

‘Oh, that’s neat.’

Within half an hour, Shalane was removing her jacket and other women around the room were doing the same. A few of the more energetic male dancers removed their coats to allow for easier movement during the faster dance pieces. Some of the men stopped to speak to a friend across the room and traded dance partners for a turn around the floor. Small pockets of attendees seemed to be more interested in visiting and imbibing in the cash bar than dancing. After several more dances, they heard the rain beginning to fall on the roof of the building. Angus commented that he wasn’t surprised. He never did have much faith in the people who forecast the weather.

Twice during the night, Angus mentioned to Billy that maybe the smaller man should slow down with his drinking, but Billy had always been a heavy drinker. He claimed his Cherokee genes just made the drink go to his head faster than Angus’s Scottish genes. It was one of the reasons Angus always made sure he was in his own vehicle when he went anywhere with Billy. Although, Billy could no longer drive legally, his lack of a driver’s license did not always stop him from leaving the ranch in one of the many vehicles used for various chores.

After one particularly pointed remark, Billy responded, ‘Get off my case, you ol’ fart. Hell Angus, it’s my birthday and Prissy promised me an all night fuck. I’m just getting’ lubed up to enjoy it.’

Without telling the man to clean up his language, Angus left him at the bar when he ordered another double and a beer chaser. Billy was back at the table they shared a few minutes later, asking Shalane to dance with him.

Halfway through Billy’s dance with Shalane, Angus looked at the couple on the dance floor. For no reason, other than the look on Shalane’s face, Angus threaded his way through other couples and tapped Billy on the shoulder, telling him, ‘I’d like to reclaim my date.’

Shalane’s relief was obvious. She rested her head on Angus’s shoulder and relaxed in his arms until the band paused before they began the next song. For the remainder of the evening, she held herself less rigidly and enjoyed herself, occasionally commenting that everyone was having fun despite the weather.

As the evening grew late, Prissy began to make the rounds of the tables, gently reminding people how much longer the bar would be open and what time the band would play the last waltz to end the dance. She stopped by the table where Angus and Shalane were listening to Billy telling some old Indian tales, his voice getting more slurred as he continued to drink. Despite his affected state, he was so entertaining they were willing to listen to him relate some of his family’s stories. Prissy offered Shalane the key to her front door, but Shalane said she didn’t feel comfortable going into Prissy’s house without her there.

Finally, with just a few couples who looked like they were picking up their belongings and making their last few remarks to friends, everyone was making their way to the door.

Prissy turned and put her arm around Shalane’s waist, ‘Don’t forget darlin’, we’re having fun when we get home.’

Before Shalane could respond, Prissy looked at Angus, ‘Hey, big man, you don’t need to drive Shalane to my house. She can ride with Billy and me.’

Prissy took a few steps away, put her arm around Billy, kissed him on the cheek, and then turned back to smile at Shalane. She held up her hand with her palm toward Shalane then lowered her index finger putting the tip of her thumb across the fingernail to hold it down. Angus wasn’t sure if she was leaving the other three fingers upright to indicate the number three, or if the circle of her forefinger and thumb indicated a zero, or perhaps the signal meant the same thing as saying okay However, Angus did not like the way Shalane’s face paled before she shook her head.

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"Okay, I know you're nervous, I'm nervous too. Take your K-Y tubes in with you; there's a little table in there that you can put them on. We've got about six minutes before we have to go in, but I suggest you go now, the major won't keep you the full time and you might want to talk when you've finished your dance. I'll be out early too and I'll show you how to douche. So, take a deep breath and let's go dance." Jenny was so nervous and so scared that she didn't think she could...

2 years ago
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My Slut WifeChapter 6 The Birthday

The next week Phil had to go out of town on business. "Talk about me being ripe to fuck. I am ripe! And by now, I've got him ripe to explode too!" She said excitedly. "When I finally do wrap my warm pussy around Phil, I think he is going to cum buckets." I was excited that she wanted to fuck Phil. I wanted her to tell me about it all, in wet detail. I wanted to watch it and more than anything, I wanted her to love it. I wanted her to be addicted to his cock like I was getting addicted...

3 years ago
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The Second Audition

The week following my initiation, Ann continued my accelerated education. We spend every moment of free time in bed, well, the bed, the kitchen table, the couch, the balcony. Essentially, every possible surface you can sex on. I was eager to learn and Ann was thrilled to teach me. In our spare time, Ann let me into her world. She told me many of her adventures, but the thing that amazed and appealed to me the most was her dedication. It wasn’t just that she liked sex, it was her complete...

4 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 28 The Priestessrsquos Lie

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Zanyia The cloud of insects surged down at me, hungry. The world grew darker, an artificial night falling on me. My skin crawled. My stomach tightened. The swarm came at me from every direction. My tail swished. I had to go somewhere. I didn’t want to get devoured but— Purple sprang around me. A dome of mystical energy manifested a heartbeat before the insects engulfed my body. The bugs slammed into the shield. A great, angry buzz rumbled...

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Viele Monate hatte ich das Glück, ganz oben im Haus in meiner gemütlichen Dachgeschosswohnung komplett meine Ruhe zu haben, da die Wohnung neben mir leer stand seit ich eingezogen bin. Dass das nicht von Dauer sein würde, hatte ich mir gedacht. Und so kam eines Tages ein Brief, in dem mir die Renovierungsarbeiten mitgeteilt und sich im Voraus für damit einhergehende Unannehmlichkeiten entschuldigt wurde. Der Tag kam und die Bauarbeiter klingelten, um sich der Höflichkeit halber kurz...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 10 Chapter 11 The Dragons Pain

Book Ten: The Flaming Woman Chapter Eleven: The Dragon's Pain By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Knight Angela – Dominari's Lair, The Despeir Mountains Lady Delilah's draconic jaws opened above me. My arms burned. The power of Gewin's blessing buttressed my limbs, keeping the immense weight of the dragon from crushing me as her claw pinned me to the cave floor. But as I looked into her open jaw at the sharp teeth dripping, the reek of sulfur of her breath, I saw my death. I had...

2 years ago
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Doing MandyChapter 25

My sexual experience with my former boss, Mandy, had been incredible. I could hardly believe all that I'd known about her and then experienced with her since the first day she'd become my boss at work. Who would have ever thought that the total cold-blooded bitch that Mandy had once been to me when she was my supervisor would only a couple of years later but a lusty wanton naughty cheating wife and lover with me, and that she'd not only be fucking me on a regular basis, but at the moment I...

3 years ago
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An Alien Attachment

Stacy hadn't been expecting a package, and while her parents had occasionally sent letters or photos from their trip away, this would have been the first time they'd actually sent a gift. Maybe her sisters had gotten packages as well? She'd have to ask. She shook the cardboard tube gently, feeling a weight inside shift with a light thudding noise. Probably not a letter granting her extra credit for last semester. That was a shame - she really could have used the marks. It might have been...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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New Years Sex

It was New Year’s Day and I knew no one would be at the laundry mat. Last night had been a bust. I had gotten stood up for the New Year’s Eve party and because my date was my ride, the night ended with me toasting myself with the little bit of hard cider that I had in the fridge. I didn’t seem to have much luck in the dating department lately. Don’t get me wrong! I have gone on plenty of dates in the past year, whether they were suggestions from friends or matchups through an online dating...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Boobs in Bus

Hi to all readers. I am Raj, 24, I am regular reader of ISS and this is my first story to it. This happened just 2 months ago. Due to my job I have to travel lot and this happened when I was back from Singapore and was having a hectic schedule ahead. I came to Mumbai and as I was having a day in Mumbai and a 3 hour meeting after which I have a meeting in Anand so I left Mumbai at night in sleeping coach bus and I enjoyed travelling in it so I decided to travel in sleeping coach from Anand to...

3 years ago
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House of Ordeals

Brutal, non-consensual multiple rape fantasy story. Contains extreme graphic sexual sadism, obscenity, torture, snuff and offensive content. All characters are above 18 years and above. None of this is real. The arrival home. It’s nearly two in the morning. The black van cruised down twisted streets, surrounded by the monoliths of silent factories and warehouses. This district is deserted by night and filled with noise and smoke in the day. Down to the end of the farthest street,...

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Heat of Tennis Ch 05

She couldn’t believe her night. Yeah, the window incident was scary, but that kiss. Oh, that kiss. Brook wondered if every kiss with him would be like that. She would need to be a lot more prepared the next time. Brook sat on her couch smiling to herself. She was just glad there would be a next time. Aside from the issue with Casey, everything was falling right into place. Brook reached in her pocket and found Officer Shipka’s card. She turned it over in her hand while she thought about...

3 years ago
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Life on the Run in Skirts Chapter 19

CHAPTER 19 - Women are like police, they can have all the evidence in the world but they still insist on a confession. He inquired if he could come in. His intentions of looking for George were laughingly obvious. Ellen invited him in and led him to the kitchen table where she asked if he would like a cup of coffee. She began the process of brewing a pot. While her back was turned, he stood and asked if he could use the bathroom. Again, she was sure he was looking for evidence...

3 years ago
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Theater Sex

The man saw the woman as she paid for her ticket. At first he thought maybe she was on a movie date with someone. The movie they were both going to see had gained notoriety by nearly getting an x-rating because of its sex scenes which were crucial to the plot. The theater was an old one which had balconies which were no longer used and was what was called an “art house theater”.She went into the theater with him a few paces behind. The theater was crowded but they both found seats next to each...

1 year ago
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Maybe I was wrong Part 4

Maybe I was wrong - Part 4 Ridhi reminiscing about the last two years - tying up the open ends As I sat for my haircut, I did not know to what extent my life was about to change. Rose, my mom's salon lady, who often came home to do my mom's hair, nails, waxing and facials, was going to give me a haircut. Since I had not had a haircut for the last year and more, I did not mind and since I was not allowed to leave the house for the time being, this was a good opportunity to clean up a...

2 years ago
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The CompetitorChapter 4

Jenny sat in her cubicle with her chair tilted back, her feet up on the desk, and her hands clasped behind her head as she stared up at the ceiling. The past two weeks had been hard, but the smile on her face told anyone walking by that it had been worth it. The feedback received from Mr. Johnson encouraged her to complete the assignment the way she imagined the customer wanted it. The work took a lot of extra hours, but the target date had to be met. Mr. Johnson had told them that the date...

4 years ago
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Oh no what have I done

Oh no what have I doneI have worked for ten years in my current job and I have fucked almost every female that works here during that ten year span. A few I have fucked just a time or two but the others many many times. The other thing I really like to do is to go deer hunting which I have done since I was twelve and I don’t plan on stopping either one any time soon that is until Maria.My name is Andy I got married to a Latino woman four years ago her name is Maria. She had two girls Paula...

1 year ago
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Mani Pedi 2

My name is Anna Huggins. My mani pedi last week was the subject of a recent post by my daughter Nancy’s former boyfriend, John. Perhaps you have read John’s version of it; I thought I would give you mine. For anyone who didn’t see John’s post, I will briefly set the stage. John and Nancy dated during their senior year of high school, before going off to different universities. During the year they became lovers, but they broke off the relationship after graduation, recognizing the difficulty...

3 years ago
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How I Met My Wife

This is a true story about how I met my slut wife and my early lifeby eroscplIt is not complete but a work in progressBeginningThere she comes down the path towards the basketball courts. Darrel told me she comes this way on her way to her part time job.From my vantage point back in the bushes and lining the back edge of the park I can plainly see the courts and the restroom. I first saw her walking towards me down the hall in school. Conservatively dressed in slacks and button up blouse. Her...

1 year ago
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Car Park No 1

The Car Park No 1 The car park has always been a great place for meeting a fellow for a good time. I had been there several times over the years and felt a great satisfaction in satisfying the needs of a horny participant. It has become more of a challenge since the police seem to patrol it more often than in past years. However, I had the opportunity to have a few hours to my self as my wife was out. I decided to look in to any prospects at the park. I drove in and parked to view all in...

3 years ago
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She Felt His Hand Under Her Skirt

Trish Mulligan was a red haired Irish girl who spent more time studying her books than thinking about boys. In fact, up until that fateful Friday afternoon on the subway ride home from school, she had been seriously considering the possibility of a vocation and dedicating her life to the care and welfare of the poor people in Africa. Things had not gone well in school that day for either Trish or her best friend forever Kathy Sullivan who didn't have red hair but was Irish just the same. They...

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Now who is the slut I

My girlfriend was out for her weekly girls' night and I used the opportunity to watch some football on telly and had a beer or two. Actually, it was just a friendly and pretty boring and I was getting quite tired. Anyway, I didn't want to go to sleep before Emma got home. Sometimes, she would get a bit tipsy - a couple of times really pissed to be honest - from all the wine, so I used to be a bit worried about her walking alone from the subway late in the evening But this time, she had promised...

4 years ago
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Our gardener enjoys Anita at the back yard

Our gardener enjoys Ana at the back yard I arrived home very early that Thursday afternoon. As I walked through the living room, I heard a commotion noise outside the kitchen window. In the distance, I saw my lovely wife Ana and our Mexican gardener, Diego, a good man that usually makes some jobs. Upon closer examination outside, I saw Diego was doing more than just looking my wife. Ana was kicking and screaming as the man was fondling her right in the garden. My wife`s jean shorts covered...

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An Ebony Wifes first step to sluthood

We had been high school friends and dated for most of his senior year. I went to one local university and he to another. Always keeping in contact we were back together by my senior year, and engaged not to long after that. We were truly best friends and I was always very much in love with him.  I had always had a very strong sex drive. Our sex life was always great, never afraid to try a new position or add some spice into the bedroom. Some of my girlfriends really didn't like to watch...

3 years ago
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Found Chapter Ten

"So how was your talk Gracie?" Danny asks with a gruff tone from across the table. I can't help but roll my eyes as I push my food around on the plate, "It was really good. We made up, and everything is back to normal," I breathe out, glancing up at his disbelieving eyes."That's good! But be kind to my poor heart, my cooking is better right?" Eli shouts from the couch, holding his white to-go container full of French toast in his lap. "Oh Eli, no one's cooking will ever compare to yours," I...

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Stories from the Sub

Scanning the Craigslist casual encounter section again. She couldn't understand why it's so hard to for a girl to get laid. Well, that's not entirely accurate. It's not that hard to get laid but Cricket wanted something different. Nick text, "Come over." "Ugh!", Cricket slammed her phone down. Nick was a good hard cock that was always ready to 'go'; but they had dated for a year. A year too long, in Cricket's opinion. For some reason Nick had never developed a spine. Even after Cricket trained...

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Cum For Cover, sounding like some warfare cry from Shaving Ryan's Privates! I don't know why the pages come up with such crappy names, but there is something about that cracks me up. I guess I am in a good mood, and that's one hell of good news for the page that I am about to review. is a premium joint, meaning that the bar in my mind is set very high and that I am gonna use every opportunity to shit on stuff I don't like. Let's see if I'll dig up some dirt!Who...

Premium Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Federal Astral Transfer Agency

Federal Astral Transfer Assistance Agency I got in the elevator, pushed the button, and then flexed my toes inside my shoes while taking the ride up. For the upteenth time I cursed the dress code that meant I was stuck in heels. I managed to put on my "pleasant professional" face on before the elevator door opened. Mary the receptionist gave me a wave as I came in, and said, "Morning, Director." "Morning," I replied and headed for my office. Today was going to be a busy...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 353

A thought from genehark: I don’t know why people are so concerned about the corona virus. Most people know to put a piece of lime in the bottle to kill the virus. mixerman478 Added the following... A man and his wife go to their honeymoon hotel for their 25th anniversary. As the couple reflected on that magical evening 25 years ago, the wife asked the husband, “When you first saw my naked body in front of you, what was going through your mind?” The husband replied, “All I wanted to do...

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Training of Masters Girl

Book ISYNOPSIS : Master Jonathan decides that it is time for His slave girl to become a pain slut.  Her journey into the world of pain begins with unique training sessions conducted by multiple sadistic Masters, each man using her body to inflict His perversions and predilections for pain.  The pain administered to her body is beyond anything she has experienced or could imagine.  But in the end and after several days of excruciating training sessions, she learns that pain can be an...

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Rachel the Secretary

Rachel the SecretaryIt happened at the end of the 90’s. A big sale had gone through, so they had finished up early to celebrate. There were seven of them all together: Rachel herself, the other secretary Louise, Roger the Sales Director, his second in command Marcus and the three Arabs who worked as senior technicians.Roger had insisted they all dress up very smartly and paint the town red with a huge party. He was a force of nature that both repelled Debbie and fascinated her: despite a young...

2 years ago
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A singe wifes Glory Hole BBC awakening

This is a true story of what I did when I was 21.I got a divorce from my cheating husband on a Wednesday. He had been gone for a number months and I supported myself by working as a bartender in a biker. The work was fun, the hours were terrible (4PM to 2AM) six nights a week. Most of the guys hit on me at one time or another but I also had a couple of the guys who took it upon themselves to make sure no one really bothered me. The job paid the bills but left little time or energy to do much...

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Switch Kiss

Lady Kassy strolled briskly up the road, in the middle of the night. A homeless man looked straight at her, yet did not see her. Perhaps it was her black cloak which made her hard to see. But why, then, did he not see the other woman, wearing purple who was struggling to keep up? "What shall we do today?" asked Kassy, murmuring. "I-I don't know, my Lady!" she stammered. "I wasn't asking you, fool. It was a rhetorical question," said Kassy, in an angry and commanding voice. "Y-yes, my lady!" she...

Mind Control
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Rani ke mast chudai

Hi friends ……….. I am reading to the juicy sexy stories of for last almost 3 years, but I never wrote mine one. Last month (Apr 2009), I had an amazing and memorable juicy sex with one of my old girl friend Rani (not real name). I am 25 years old, living in Islamabad and have my own business of import & export. I am 6 ft tall with normal built and have 6 inch perfect tool. Rani and I had phone friendship some 7 years back, when I was in my last years of studies. We met for...

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A Darker Side of Justice Part 1

A Darker side of Justice By LaShaunda Part 1 It never ceases to amaze me, in hindsight, just how quickly and unexpectedly my life turned upside down. It was in my sophomore year of High School, and I NEVER would have seen this coming. And it was not just me, but everyone in my town and family who was ultimately affected. My life growing up was a paragon of normalcy. I was just a...

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