Jane - The Sequel free porn video

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“Well, I don’t know about you, but after that fantastic experience, I’m ready to go all the way, lover. I ache to feel you inside me, and I’m not talking just about your fingers and tongue.”

With that she kind of pulled us both over so that instead of lying across the bed, our legs dangling over the edge, we were more in the centre of the bed, lying up and down. She stayed on top and when we were comfortable, she started to kiss me again, a long sexy kiss, the tips of our tongues exploring each other’s tongues, our lips wide open so that we could discover all the tender sensations of the fleshy inner membranes of our mouths. As she did this she gently lifted her body just enough to slowly rub her breasts back and forward across my chest, her nipples getting tickled and aroused by my chest hair, and in turn her nipples rubbing over and arousing mine. I lay passive and let her continue this sensual movement, and she supported herself on her arms and raised her lower body enough to roll her belly back and forth across my penis and testicles. They had softened a fair deal after our mutual orgasms, but as she built up her all over body massage, my brain could not ignore either what she was doing or what she had just said. My scrotum tightened and came to the stand-by position and my penis responded by rapidly firming up and coming to attention again, fully erect and now not just rolling to and fro against her undulating flesh, but standing its ground and poking against her abdomen as she moved. She was of course only too well aware of the effect she was having on me, and I decided it was time to take a more active part in proceedings.

I brought my hands to the back of her shoulders, and still kissing passionately, I began to stroke her long smooth back. She broke the kiss, and her lips moved to my ear. She breathed into my ear which was such a delicate feeling and quickly followed up with her tongue, licking round the inner folds. My hands had now reached her waist and as she transferred her lips first across my eyelids and then to my other ear, I brought one hand between us and tickled her belly button before running it up to palm one breast and thumb her erect throbbing nipple. The other hand I let fall over her hip and contented myself with just stroking her quietly as now her lips moved down to my neck and she nibbled her way round from one side to the other. Then she pushed herself up with both arms and presented her thrusting breasts at me, perfectly poised at about my arm’s length, and I brought both hands now onto her breasts, tickling, teasing, encircling her aureola before with thumbs and forefingers of each hand, grasping her turgid nipples more firmly and pulling them out and away from the breast, twisting ever so slightly, feeling the blood filling the tips, turning them a deeper shade of red. I knew she could not only stand this treatment of her breasts, but actively enjoyed it from the way she had earlier played with herself. She closed her eyes and threw her head back and her breathing again quickened and deepened, her lips open and her tongue moistening round her ample lips. I did not want to bring her to an orgasm just by stimulating her breasts, so I rolled her over on her back, and lying beside her still, brought my lips down onto hers, before moving my hands away from her breasts and down her body till I could ease her legs apart and play with her swollen sex lips. She herself stretched her thighs wider apart in obvious invitation, and I rolled over on top of her, my body between her legs but supporting myself on my arms, poised above her body. She opened her eyes and smiled at me, then licked her lips and placed her arms above her head with her hands holding the bedhead. Again this statement of her submission and desire and I knew I could keep neither of us waiting much longer. No further foreplay was called for; her labia were open and her juices were flowing copiously. I lowered my body judging the position of my penis in relation to her eager opening, and let the head just brush her clitoris, peeking out from between its folds of skin. I rubbed it up and down a few times which clearly turned Jane on, before sliding it lower. She sensed my intent and raised her pelvis, with the help of her hands levering on the bedhead, and came up to meet me. Now I moved forward very slowly and felt my helmet just slip within her outer lips then I withdrew just to the opening. Again she raised herself and I repeated the manoeuvre, just penetrating her and pulling back but this time not so much. She gasped and bit her lip as a deep flush spread from her neck down towards her breasts, and I pushed forward again, this time further, and simultaneously flexed the penile muscle to increase and decrease the girth within her. I felt her now respond by flexing her vaginal muscles, intent on not letting me tantalise her by withdrawing again, and holding myself still, I dipped my head and started to cover her breasts and sensitive nipples with kisses and nibbling little bites using my lips wrapped round my teeth. Her vaginal muscles now pulsed with a clear message, and without further preamble I took one nipple between my teeth, and immediately thrust forward to bury my erect penis fully in her warm lubricated sheath. She bucked, not in pain but I think in surprise at the double invasion of her nipple and her sex. I now took both breasts in my hands, and with my lips on her long slender neck, struck up an internal rhythm of moving back and forward within her enfolding flesh, but varying it enough to both friction her flesh in an in/out and in a rotational motion as well as continuing to work the muscles to pulse against her. I punctuated my attention to her with twisting and pulling both her breasts and the nipples themselves, biting softly the skin of her neck, and running my hands from her breasts up and down her sides to her hips and back. Her head was lolling from side to side, her fists were clenched tightly around the headboard supports, and she was calling out encouragement amidst squeals of pleasure and gasping for air. I could feel the sensations in my testicles and in the nerves of my penis building towards that moment of release and I deliberately eased the pace, and gently stroked Jane’s body rather than stoking it into a frenzy. Although she realised what I was doing she kept gasping out,

“Oh, lover, that’s incredible, fuck me, fuck me deep, my whole body’s yours, take me, please, I can’t wait to come, give it to me faster, deeper, make me come, please.”

I was not ready for this experience to end just yet, though, and I ramped up my pace again, plunging deep, but not allowing myself to get carried away with the passion of the moment. Then I withdrew almost the whole way back and rotated my penis just inside her sex lips which also meant that my pubic hair rotated to and fro across the erect nubbin of her exposed clitoris. She screamed this time, and again bucked, and I thrust deeper before coming back to playing with her once more. I could tell she was on a plateau of pleasure but desperately wanted to be brought to her orgasm. All this manoeuvring had had its effect on my sexual nervous systems too, and I knew I was ready to complete the task. But I had one more trick up my sleeve. I left the handling of her breasts and reached down to her knees. I saw her open her eyes as I picked each knee up in one of my hands, and bent her legs back up against her body, forcing them outwards as I did so. It was as well she was a supple and fit ex-horsewoman, for she did not even flinch as her buttocks lifted off the bed. Now her sex was even more angled up towards my body, her legs were stretched as far apart as they could be, and up alongside her, and I gave a strong thrust to commence this final movement of the grand symphony. She still held steadfastly to the bedhead, but now she used her pelvic muscles to rise and meet me as well as her vaginal muscles to grip me and pulse in response to my muscular rhythms. She was now quite vocal as well, egging me on, and for two or three minutes we worked together in perfect harmony, building our pace, increasing our rhythm, our senses becoming very sensitive to the mixing of our respective musky sexual aromas, to the sweat gathering between our bodies, to the increase in the rate of our breathing and of the beating of our hearts, to our simultaneously mounting arousal and approaching orgasms.

And then, her vaginal muscles milking me, my organ fractioning back and forth, in the back of my mind the sheer excitement that this was not my wife but Jane, Jane that I had secretly desired all this time. And Jane and I were on the brink of complete and utter fulfilment together. I felt her begin to tense and her gasps gave way to squeals and I felt my orgasm start, my testicles pumping, the muscles in my penis now working overtime, that delicious sensation in the prostate area at the base of my penis, and slowly spreading throughout my whole being, while under me Jane was now writhing, her vagina creaming copiously around my throbbing penis, her breasts heaving, her nipples now dark vermillion, her neck and upper chest a deep pink, her knuckles white as they clenched the bedhead, and screaming how wonderful it felt all the while.

For as long as I could keep erect I continued to slide in and out of what was by now a very well lubricated vagina, a mix of our natural lubrication, her orgasmic creaming and my ejaculation, and Jane kept up her encouragement with both physical and verbal stimulation. She went through a couple of further minor orgasms as I slowly thrust to and fro, wondering if I had the stamina to maintain the erection long enough to work up to another orgasm within her. But our exertions got the better of us, and we called it a day.

Jane phoned me a couple of days later.

“Hi, lover” she said when I picked up the phone. Her voice had a seductive edge to it, and I found that even when a phone line separated us, a certain part of my anatomy knew who was on the other end!

“I have never in my whole life enjoyed myself as I did with you. Frank never came anywhere near as inventive or, how can I put it, technically proficient. I don’t think I knew what a proper orgasm was until the other day. You can take me to those giddy heights any day.”

“I would be very happy to.” I replied. “You know that I haven’t exactly had opportunity to enjoy myself as much, so it seems like a good arrangement that we should continue with. And my wife has had to go back to her father who is seriously ill, so I have more free time on my hands with fewer complications likely to arise.”

“Oh, I am sorry to hear that, I mean about your father-in-law, not about your sudden availability” she laughed.

“So what propositions do you have for me?” I laughed in response.

“Funny you should say that, because I have a proposition for you that I hope won’t shock you. My 16 year old daughter, Pamela, and I still have a good relationship even though she is still living with Frank most of the time. You gave me some small love bites on my neck, and Pamela noticed them. She asked me what I had been up to, and I trust her not to blab to Frank, so I told her the outline of what I had been doing. She’s a pretty normal 16 year old and has had a few boyfriends but nothing serious, and she has complained about their immaturity when it comes to matters physically intimate. So I haven’t said anything to her yet, but it crossed my mind that I wouldn’t want her to settle for some jerk like Frank who wouldn’t know what to do with his prick no matter what, and I thought if she knew how good sex could really be, she would have a yardstick to judge boyfriends on. Are you following me?”

“I think I can see where this might be going” I said, not knowing whether to be truly afraid or totally over the moon. I had never seen Pamela, but if she was anything like Jane, she would be a teenage goddess. “You want me to deny you my talents for some occasion, and apply them to your dear daughter?”

“Well, nobody said anything about denying me, I was thinking more of sharing you. A threesome I think the expression is. That way perhaps I can let Pamela see what we might do together and if she thinks it is something she would like to try, I can be there to hold her hand, or tickle your balls, or whatever” she giggled.

“OK” I said, “I’m game for it, I would be daft not to, and at 16 she is old enough to give her consent so there is no problem. I’ll leave it to you to set it up for her, and you can tell me where and when.”

“How about Sunday at the place we were? Say about 10.”

And so on Sunday at 10 I turned up at the flat this time wearing a T-shirt, slacks, briefs and sandals. When Jane let me in I took the sandals off. She too was barefoot, and wore a kimono type housecoat, and I suspected nothing else. We embraced, and kissed passionately, and I ran my hands up and down the back of the kimono, feeling how sensuous the silk felt against what was confirmed as Jane’s body, her back and buttocks free of any garment beneath the kimono. Jane also was running her hands up and down my back, but with the objective of pulling my T-shirt up and removing it. Then I broke the kiss to let her pull it over my head and realised at the end of the hallway was a divine creature who could only be Pamela.

She was a little shorter than Jane, but with the same elfin face, her eyes twinkling in amusement at our embrace, and with the same page boy haircut. Thus far she was a teenage Jane. She wore a summer top consisting of two string shoulder straps holding a tightly fitting bodice that covered but did not in any way detract from a bust that seemed fuller than Jane’s two pert handfuls. But they were in proportion to her body. The bodice revealed her belly button in the modern style, and her waist was tight, but with the diaphragm of her tummy moulded sexily with it. She had on a pair of denim cut-offs and what I could see of her legs they were long and slender like her mother’s. She was also barefoot, which seemed to be a rule of the house.

Jane realised that my attention was no longer on her, and turned to Pamela. She ushered her forward and introduced her.

Pamela moved towards me and I put both my hands out and she instinctively took them in hers. So we stood at less than arms length and for a moment just looked each other in the eyes. She had clear blue eyes, and there was an almost hypnotic quality about them.

“Hi, Pamela,” I said, “you are every bit as gorgeous as your super-gorgeous mother here”
and they both laughed. I moved forward and she turned her face up to me, and I kissed her first on one cheek, then on the other, continental style. She blushed slightly which was very becoming, and I wondered how she would blush once I was doing to her what I thought her mother intended me to.

“I have said that Pamela can watch us, and when she feels like joining in she can. Is that all right with you?” Jane asked, winking at me behind Pamela’s back.

“Fine by me” I replied, smiling, and on an impulse, I bent towards Pamela, and kissed her on the mouth. Her lips were soft and cool, and she took her hands out of mine and put her arms round my neck. With my hands free I clasped round her waist between her top and her shorts. Her skin was so soft and smooth, and as we kissed I tickled her gently. She opened her lips, and her tongue brushed my lips. I opened my lips, somewhat surprised at her enthusiasm, and let my tongue play with hers, before breaking the kiss.

“Well,” Jane laughed, “it looks as if you two should get on all right.”

With that I kept one arm round Pamela’s waist and put the other round Jane’s, gave her a quick kiss of reassurance, and steered the two of them to the lounge. I sat at one end of the sofa, remembering that Jane had sat on my knee, her long legs along the length of it. Jane went to pour glasses of wine with Pamela, and when she came back I suspected they had been talking, and Jane chivvied me to sit further along in the middle. She then gave me a glass of wine, and she sat on my left side and Pamela on my right. We sipped our wine and made smalltalk, then Jane put her glass down, and took mine off me, and changed her position to sit on my knee, facing me, her legs either side of mine, her knees and lower legs on the sofa and bent back under her. The folds of her kimono still covered her, and I could feel her bottom resting firmly in my lap. Pamela put down her glass too, and moved to the side slightly to watch us as Jane once again moved in, lips open, tongue poking out, to meet my open lips. As we indulged ourselves in a long and passionate kiss, she used her hands firstly to massage my shoulders, then she moved down over my upper chest and started to pull and twist my nipples, which were quite sensitive to such attention and grew erect under her ministrations. I in the meantime had my hands round her back and was stroking her back and shoulders through the silk of the sheer covering. I knew that I was already erect and tenting my trousers, and Jane moved her position slightly to let her rub herself across my lap. And then suddenly another sensation hit upon my consciousness. I felt first the feathery stroke of a hand, the small fingers tickling up and down my spine, before my trouser covered erection sensed another small hand gently stroke and feel the heat and the length and girth of the shape beneath. Jane felt me gasp, and broke the kiss, and she and Pamela both started giggling.

I took advantage of this mother / daughter interlude to put one arm round Pamela’s shoulder and pull her closer towards me. She still had one hand round my back, but she had removed the other hand from my trouser front. I turned my head to kiss Pamela, and she gave every bit as good a kiss as her mother. Her tongue was as cool as her lips, and I let her play with my tongue and round the soft flesh inside my mouth, which was exquisite pleasure. As I kissed her, I used my free hand to caress her cheeks and her ear, tickling around her inner ear, then slid my hand down her neck to her shoulder. The thin strap of her top I moved off her shoulder onto her upper arm, and I stroked along her prominent collar bone to the base of her neck. In that position with my fingers pointing upwards towards her throat, my palm was just brushing the top of her chest above where her top began to follow the contour of her breasts. I now lowered my head to let my lips and tongue follow the same trail, from her lips down on to her slender neck, across to her bare shoulder, then back across the top of her chest. I realised Jane was lovingly holding Pamela’s head with one hand and caressing her cheek and the side of her neck. I turned back and met Jane’s lips, and Pamela leaned in to run her tongue round my ear. Somehow I had the feeling that it was not a case of Pamela watching and joining in our fun if she felt like it; she was determined to be in there from the start.

We paused for another sip of the wine, and when we resumed, I loosened off the belt round Jane’s kimono enough for me to slip the upper folds apart and reveal her firm pert breasts. Pamela did watch now as I kissed Jane on the throat, her head back to allow me to move my lips over the full extent of her long smooth neck, then down onto her upper chest. But the teenager not only watched but continued stroking my back with one hand and with the other began to undo the catch and zip on my trousers. This 16 year old needed no lessons on seduction. With my hands I moved the kimono off Jane’s shoulders as I kissed her and moved my lips to and fro across her collar bones, distinct as were her daughters. Slipping the kimono down I let my lips trail behind the revealing cloth onto her breasts, just brushing first one and then the other, leaving the nipples for a second pass, taking each between my lips and just letting the tip of my tongue lap at the very tips. Jane now held my head to her breasts, and Pamela slid her hand down my now open trousers to stroke my hard-on and then cup my testicles through the cotton briefs. The touch of her delicate fingers through the fabric was electrifying, and I tingled in anticipation. The kimono was now at Jane’s waist and still nuzzling her breasts I moved my hands down and parted the lower folds to lay bare her legs kneeling either side of mine, and as I let my fingers explore from her waist down over her belly to confirm my earlier impression that, like the previous occasion, she wore no underwear. She relaxed her grip on my head and I broke away and we both looked down, Jane to find her daughter fondling my briefs and the prominent erection within, and me to gaze longingly on Jane’s hairless sex lips, open in puffy arousal, moist with lubrication, and her clitoris just peeping from its hood and begging for attention. But Jane grinned and had other ideas.

“Come on folks, time we moved to the bedroom, before that daughter of mine gets you over stimulated. And seeing she seems to be taking part like a born natural, I think its time we saw her in her natural state.”

Pamela blushed but did not object and we untangled ourselves and wandered through to the bedroom. Jane left the kimono where it lay and was gloriously naked, and I dropped my trousers which would not have stayed up of their own accord. As we entered the bedroom, Jane gave me a look and a silent nod and I knew she wanted me to proceed with Pamela now before she had second thoughts. Jane placed herself against one wall, and beckoned Pamela across to her. She gave her a big cuddle and a kiss, and asked her if she was ready. A nod again passed between them, and Jane turned her round but interestingly took her arms and held them behind her. I walked across and once more placed my hands round her exposed midriff, before moving in to kiss her. Pamela didn’t flinch but engaged me in a deep open kiss, which seemed to go on for ever. As she did, I let my hands move up from her waist over her sides, taking her top with them, just letting my thumbs touch ever so lightly on the sides of her breasts as I passed, and gathering the top round her neck. After a few moments she broke the kiss and between her and Jane they removed her top. I looked her in the eye and then down at he teenage breasts. If anything they were slightly fuller than her mother’s, and had large deep pink nipples set proud on aureolae fully an inch across. It was a very sexy sight and pausing only to draw breath I dropped my hands onto her breasts, encircling each with gentle strokes from the outside working in towards her nipples. My thumbs then made contact with each nipple and she gasped and licked her lips. I delicately flicked the tips with each thumb before bringing in my index fingers and taking each nipple between finger and thumb. I rolled the nipples and taking care not to hurt such young and tender flesh, I squeezed and twisted them very gently. She was now, the little minx, thrusting her shorts forward the better to make contact between her belly and the front of my briefs. I took the hint and unfastened the catch on her shorts and pushed them down. Her mother helped, and they dropped to the floor. Pamela stepped out of them, and, Jane having released her arms, then placed her hands on my waist. I gave her an encouraging smile, and moved my head in to her breasts, this time going straight for her gorgeous nipples, letting my lips encircle them and my teeth nibble and draw them out. She squealed, not unlike her mother before her, but I felt her hands do what she had planned them to do, namely push my briefs off and as I kicked them away, I stood naked before her. I continued sucking and nipping her breasts as her hands wasted no time in wrapping themselves round the length and girth of my erection, and tickling round my tight scrotum. Between Jane and I we lost no time in removing her cotton briefs, and she stepped out of them, and then forward to press her naked pubes against my penis. I left her breasts and stood back to look at her and Jane had prepared her well for she was shaven and her flat teenage belly rose to a glorious mount, and as she opened her legs and placed her feet apart, her sex lips already peeled open like some tropical fruit ripe for the picking. Jane had explained that Pamela had a vibrator, and so was not technically a virgin, but she had never gone all the way with a boy or man.

I now took Pamela by the hand and led her to the bed. I sat her down and lifted her parted feet on to the bed, her sex at the edge at mattress height. I knelt and gently parted her labia further than they were naturally open, and fingering up and down the sensitive lips, I bent and breathed over her open vagina, before thrusting my tongue forward and laving the flesh at the entrance to her womanhood. Then I lifted my fingers and gently parted the hood over her clitoris and let my tongue roll round the little nubbin before softly nibbling with my teeth. Like her mother before her she bucked, and when I looked down lubrication was flowing from her vagina.

Jane was now behind me and had her breasts pressed against my back and her hands round me bringing my erection to its full hardness, teasing out pre-cum lubrication from the tip and with her thumb rolling it round the helmet in preparation.

“Why don’t you get on the bed, and lie on your back, and let Pamela get on top where she can control things better for her first time,” Jane said. I needed no second bidding, and as Pamela got up out the way, I settled myself comfortably on the bed and thought not for the first time how all my birthdays had arrived at once. But before Pamela could join me, Jane knelt between my legs and bent to take my stem in her lips and proceeded to lick generously round the upper part and over the helmet. I began to think I would peak before the main event, but Jane knew what she was doing and left me with plenty of battery charged for the delightful task ahead.

Then she moved away and took up a position lying beside me, and started to kiss me on the lips. Her hands sought out my nipples and aroused them, then finally stroked my manhood before rolling on her side and beckoning Pamela to come up. Pamela climbed onto the bed, her teenage breasts thrusting and engorged, her sex lips equally engorged and dripping, and positioned herself above my penis. At this point Jane took hold of it and helped Pamela make the connection, as Pamela lowered herself tentatively, allowing the tip of my penis just to touch her vaginal opening, scarcely disappearing inside her unfolding lips. Then, with encouraging smiles from Jane and myself, she moved up a bit and then lowered herself again, further this time so that I felt my helmet sucked inside the soft warm flesh, knowing that no man had ever experienced this burgeoning young woman, that I was experiencing a great privilege and a great sensation in my penile nerves. Several more times she adjusted her position, moving out a little and back more each time, each time my feeling myself deeper inside her warm moist vagina until I could feel her pelvis against my pubes and knew I was fully engaged. Having let her manage that part by herself till she was comfortable, I now reached forward and took her waist in my hands and steadied her as she began to seek out a pattern of movement that would be most arousing for her. Jane’s hand was now between my legs, stroking the sensitive skin between scrotum and anus, as Pamela found a rhythm that suited her, moving her hips up and down over about half the length of my erection and rotating her pelvis to achieve the contact of my flesh with every particle of her inner vaginal sensory nerves. As she seemed balanced in her rhythm I moved my hands up from her waist to her breasts and palmed them, rubbing and pulling her nipples as she threw her head back and gasped with pleasure. I had not taken any part in her sexual rhythm other than lying there within her, but now I started to flex the muscles within my penis trying to match her rhythm, and also moving my hips up and down to increase the thrust into her teenage womanhood. Jane was now not only touching my anus, but I noticed she was also stroking Pamela between her vagina and anus. Pamela was becoming more and more vocal, and her breathing was faster and shallower, and I could feel my semen rising. With a final almost doubling of her rhythmic bouncing up and down on my sturdy pole, she threw her head right back and screamed as she reached orgasm, and I managed to hold off for a few moments during which I maintained most of the rhythm, she hovering almost motionless above me, and then I too erupted into her, my testicles pumping and pumping copiously till I was drained. Slowly she subsided and then collapsed along my body, and smothered me with a long passionate kiss that said it all.

Then she grinned at Jane and rolled off to my other side. She reached over and began rubbing our combined juices up and down my softening stem, while Jane watched, and as she had the desired effect of arresting my deflation, she bent her head, drew back my foreskin, and lapped hungrily around the tip. Her lips and tongue were heaven and soon had the desired effect. I turned to Jane who was fingering her own vulva, and Pamela leaned back and said, “Your turn now, Mum”.

Jane turned and kissed her, no doubt tasting our sexual fluids on her daughter’s lips, and then raised her body alongside me and, with her back to me, put one leg over me, sliding her firm buttocks down over my belly till I felt her sex meet the head of my erect organ. Pamela watched open eyed as I could feel Jane adjust herself slightly and then push down as I lifted my hips to thrust up. The result was a perfect union, my manhood buried deep inside her, and her body lying slightly diagonally over mine. I reached my hands round to find her breasts and played with them as we got into our rhythm of thrust and counter-thrust, ebb and flow, jiggling and turning, and Pamela joined in by licking her mother’s clitoris and my testicles, all of which raised the stimulation that we both felt. Despite my earlier orgasm, it seemed that this double arousal was going to bring me to another outpouring before long, and Jane appeared to find the position stimulating as she increased her pace and her vaginal muscles started to milk me. I had no chance and as Jane peaked and I felt her shudder and her whole vagina go into spasm I came again in an orgasm that seemed to go on for longer than I would have thought possible.

We all collapsed in a heap after that and I gently caressed both mother and daughter as they too stroked and played with my body. We all I think were reluctant to break it up, and we enjoyed the feel of three naked, well satisfied and mutually adoring people for a while before getting ourselves together and bidding farewell, hopefully not for long.


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In Lust With My Mother The Sequel

A sequel to my other story on here, "In lust with my mother" It was when my mother died that I finally made my mind up, yes I would marry my son! The funeral service was well attended by mum's friends and a scattering of our relations, there was no one close though, only cousins and second cousins with a smattering of ancient aunts and uncles thrown in, back at the hotel where we held the reception Terry took me to one side in a quiet corner and asked me again, "I want to marry you...

1 year ago
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Rachel smothered unconscious in paradise Sequel

Rachel had just backed out of the room where she had seen Christie and her two large female black employees exit. She walked quickly to her room, she knew they would be back, one of them had been told to fetch the key to the handcuffs they had just used. They had left the door wide open and Rachel knew she had taken a big chance when she had looked in the large suite, she had seen a tall beautiful Asian woman laying on the sofa, one of her legs was hanging over the short back of the sofa the...

2 years ago
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Jane Bill Enjoying Each Other Others

Jane & Bill: Enjoying each other and othersJane and I had been on the road for a number of hours and were getting close to the hotel we were going to stay for the night. Driving vacations could be tiring at times but tomorrow there was no need to start out real early so maybe we could really have a fun sexual evening. We both were looking forward to just letting go! Actually, Jane told me that she was feeling very horny. It all started with that great looking guy that served them dinner and...

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Second Song of the Caged Bird the Sequel

Second Song of the Caged Bird: the Sequel Editor's note. Usually, I don't write sequels. But chastity is a wonderful topic, and K cared about the characters. Here goes.) If you think about it, dreams are dominant over sleep. Sleep is harmless, benign. You are never more vulnerable when sleep. It is a completely submissive state of mind. Dreams, on the other hand, take you over and control you. There is no turning them off. There is no altering them. They can twist you...

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Foreign Exchange Yet another Dental Care sequel

nature and may involve non-consensual sexual acts between underage partners. Any resemblance to persons either alive or dead is purely coincidental. This story is intended for ADULTS only. If you are under the legal age of consent in your local jurisdiction, or if you are easily offended, kindly STOP READING NOW. Foreign Exchange - Yet another "Dental Care" sequel - by - The StoryMaster "Hey gimme a break man!" Ray Barrette practically shouted into the telephone. "What...

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Janes Adventures in Self Bondage The Tether

Jane stood patiently by the post, arms behind her back, watching Towser ashe dozed in the shade. She heard six o'clock chime faintly as her grandfatherclock in the kitchen struck the hour. Immediately afterwards she saw Towsercome alertly to his feet, then, with an excited little yelp, he trotted overto where she stood. Standing on his hind legs, he gripped the upper loop ofthe leather leash tethering Jane to the thick wooden post and deftly liftedit off the hook holding it, four feet up on the...

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Weekend Woman The Sequel

Author's note: This story deals with transvestism and gay love. Please do not read it if you are under eighteen, if it's against the law in your country to read such stuff, or you are offended by such themes. I should also warn you that one of the story lines features a man of the cloth so if this offends your religious sensibilities; read no further. Whilst this is a stand-alone tale a better understanding of preceding events will be gained if you first read "Weekend Woman --...

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BiochemistryThe Sequel

BIOCHEMISTRY: THE SEQUEL by J R D IN THE PARK... Jack Smith, James Smith's father, was jogging through the park one day when two men jumped him. Now Jack was an athletic sort, a man who enjoyed working out, but these men clearly knew what they were doing and Jack was unconscious before he knew what was happening... ************** AT THE BEACH... Melissa Smith, James' mother, Jack's wife, drove into the beach parking lot where James and his new wife Samantha were...

1 year ago
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Forever Pregnant The Sequel

Forever Pregnant - The Sequel Synopsis: Robin and Chris continue living on campus as they note the continuing changes in Robin's body. I was sitting at the breakfast bar in our suite this morning. I had put on the Tee maternity top with the words, "Come Out, Come Out, Whoever You Are", on it that Chris had given me and I had pulled the bottom of it up and was examining my belly when Chris came out of her bedroom. "Find anything interesting down there?" She asked. "I've got these...

4 years ago
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Rumapringa the Sequel

Mary grew up in a Mennonite household. She chose to go on through high school (which was frowned upon in Mennonite society) but they did accept it. They wanted the Amish and Mennonite youth to return to their groups and families. She did say that the Amish do not usually educate their children past the eighth grade, believing that the basic knowledge offered up to that point is sufficient to prepare one for the Amish lifestyle. Mary never joined the church (wasn't baptized) but followed a lot...

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Voyeur in Big Trouble II The sequel

This story is a sequel to Voyeur in Big Trouble. I will try to make a quick summary of the first story, for those readers who don't want to read it: In this fictional story my name is Ray, and my wife is Ann. We are in our mid 40's. Our neighbors, Karen and Bill are in their late 20's. Karen is 5'6", 135 lbs., and has light red hair. She also has big full breasts and a beautiful bubble butt. I have thought of making love to Karen for years. Early this summer, Karen's...

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Dressed for Disaster The Sequel

FORWARD: This is the final episode of the Dressed for Disaster trilogy, by the author of The Jessica Project, a gender-bending thriller now available on-line from all major booksellers. DRESSED FOR DISASTER - THE SEQUEL (c) 2002 by Nom de Plume Patrick Summers wandered the streets of lower Manhattan in an aimless fog, the chaos surrounding him a lurid backdrop for the turmoil between his ears. He had just suffered two tremendous shocks: his narrow escape from the collapse of...

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Coma the Sequel

At the end of my story 'Coma' there was a twist thrown in. I will begin the sequel from that point. If you haven't read 'Coma' you might want to read it first to better understand the story. A big 'Thank You' to Linda62953 for editing my stories. I woke up and suddenly realized I had no idea where I was. I looked around the room and it looked like a hospital room. What was I doing here? Was I dreaming? I tried to sit up and fell back down due to being dizzy. I quickly found the nurses...

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A Turkish Delight in the making Sequel

A Turkish Delight in the making (Sequel)By Buck JonesAt an outside café in Izmit, not too far from the Marmara shore, Umut has just shared a glass of tea and some food with a friend who has now left. Umut is not ready to return home just yet, so he stares vacantly into the almost fantasy-like glow of the late fall afternoon. The setting sun on the Sea of Marmara radiates as a brilliant iridescent fog throughout the atmosphere. The sheer eeriness of the seemingly inexplicable beauty causes...

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The Pebble a Sequel

The Pebble - a Sequel By Janet Harris If you remember, I found a magic pebble which enabled my wife Amanda and I to swap bodies when our souls passed through the hole in it. We used it to be each other for several glorious weekends until its power just faded away. We tried all sorts of things to revive it and then gave up and put it away. About six months later, we were making love when Amanda suddenly had a fresh idea. She was on top and, after penetration, as we often...

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The door in the mirror a sequel

The door in the mirror - A sequel by QModo Note to readers. Don't read if you don't like poor grammar, this is rough. This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright... are you kidding? Edited by Amanda Lynn and Rosemary. Years ago, I was a science teacher at Portland High School. I'd found a door on the blind wall on Elm street while in a traffic jam. There was no door really. It was only visible in the mirror, and as I was in...

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Jess the sequel

I’ve been asked to write a sequel to Jess if you haven’t already read Jess may I suggest reading it it will give you the characters the original storyline and there are a couple of items which reoccur in this story Thank you.Jess usually took me to school we would kiss in the car and if no one was in view I felt her breasts for some reason this morning I walked we said our usual good byes I made my way to school which took ten minutes My thoughts going back to my darling Jess I had moved in to...

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The LardAss Saga a Sequel

The LardAss Saga – A Sequel A JEP StoryChapter 1:        One Way to Watch BaseballSimone’s naked body was swaying slowly as she controlled the orgasm that she knew would overtake her when she decided to let it come.  Her lips were moving slightly as she hummed a tune softly – an old Southern gospel hymn – ?Showers of Blessing?.  As all of this was going on she was looking at her surroundings, taking in the furnishings that she was so familiar with.  On the other hand, Patricia could see...

4 years ago
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The music room The sequel

The Music Room The Music Room.  Notes from a Diary Wednesday February 7th Dear Diary: Last night George again proposed anal sex, and again, I refused. I cannot help it. I just cannot relax back there. I shut up like a clam. Even when I am really excited I freeze if he touches me there. I?ve had anal intercourse once, years ago, with Paul, my boyfriend in college. I wish I could say it was horrible and that I hated it. It wasn?t. It hurt, a little, but it wasn?t too bad, and ? For...

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Family Services A Dental Care Sequel

nature and may involve non-consensual sexual acts between underage partners. Any resemblance to persons either alive or dead is purely coincidental. This story is intended for ADULTS only. If you are under the legal age of consent in your local jurisdiction, or if you are easily offended, kindly STOP READING NOW. Family Services - A Dental Care Sequel - by - The StoryMaster Chapter One "Uhhgg! Oh, my goodness gracious me, my child!" Dr. Martin Greeley commented huskily. ...

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Wild Riding to Dublin A Sequel

Introduction: A Repercussion of posting my first story Let me first inform you all that shortly after my true story entitled Wild Riding to Dublin appeared online I received an unannounced visit from my seriously estranged ex-husband. This visit was in direct violation of the terms of our divorce and he was no longer supposed to have a key to my home (previously our home). So James, I am herewith publicising my intention of securing an injunction to prevent you harassing, assaulting,...

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One Husbands HumiliationsSequel

One Husband's Humiliation By Ann The Sequel Ok, I guess it wasn't fair to stop my story right in the middle. You can pretty well guess how it ended though, right? I mean, looking at my pants and shoes and things it should be obvious. But if you really must know, I'll tell you how it ended. Let me start again a few weeks before I ended it. The last year or so had been the most humiliating time in my life. I lost my job and my money. I lost my status as husband. I...

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Jane Jetson Astro and the PaperLad

BY Docker5000 Jane Jetson was taking a long hot relaxing shower; George and the rest of her family were still asleep. She quietly slipped out of her shower and dried herself on a large towel. She then slipped on a white short white dressing gown, and walked into the kitchen. Rosie the robotic maid was busily preparing their breakfasts. Jane said "good morning" to Rosie. Rosie turned to look at Jane then said. "Good morning Mrs. Jetson." Jane then asked Rosie "if she...

2 years ago
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Jane Becomes a Latex Sex Doll

Jane the Model.IntroductionJane had just turned 18 and had left 6th form and was starting her new life in London at university studying modern art. She had led a sheltered life with everything she every wanted provided for her by her parents. She never wanted for anything, unfortunately both her parents had died in a car crash 2 weeks after her finishing 6th form. She struggled to cope with her lose but after help from her friends she was convinced that going on to uni and doing well in life...

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Jane got in way too deep

Jane had just turned 18 and had left 6th form and was starting her new life in London at university studying modern art. She had led a sheltered life with everything she every wanted provided for her by her parents. She never wanted for anything, unfortunately both her parents had died in a car crash 2 weeks after her finishing 6th form. She struggled to cope with her lose but after help from her friends she was convinced that going on to uni and doing well in life would be what her parents...

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Jane and Mary scat party

Jane lay on the bed caressing her breasts. She had had a hard day and was attempting to wind down. A joint and a vodka and then a relaxing time on the bed seemed an ideal recipe for the evening. Her nipples were stiff by now. She had no bra on but was wearing a fairly skimpy pair of plain white panties. Long auburn hair and a slim but well rounded figure. Jane turned over, face down, onto the bed and began to gyrate her hips into the mattress, one hand cupped over her crotch. She did not hear...

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Jane cums of age and how

Jane's, English, 18 and exactly 5 feet tall with natural long blonde hair, stunningly beautiful, with blue eyes and the most fantastic slim shapely figure. She had just finished her final year at school gaining three "A" Levels and looking forward to university, when her life was changed forever. Although Jane excelled academically at school her real ambition was to be an Olympic athlete and, although she was good at athletics, her lack of inches gave her an obvious disadvantage over the taller...

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Jane8217s Lesbian Slavery

Jane Sullivan was forty-nine, and in what she would describe as okay shape. Her long, brown hair brushed a pair of slim, tanned shoulders, her breasts were not that large and sagged just a little, but only a little she reminded herself. She also had a slim waist, and shapely legs. But then she had the time to stay in shape, not quite a trust fund baby, but she had a nice allowance from an inheritance paid into her account once a month. Still, there was always room for a little more cash. Trendy...

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Jane Takes Charge

This is Chapter 2 of New Rules at the Condominium Jane and John had suffered being disciplined by the dominatrix Miss D in front of the condominium’s Chair and Deputy. John was realising a long held dream although his wife, Jane, was unaware of that. Jane on the other hand wanted to find out what it would be like to discipline her husband, a real alpha male. This continues their journey in to the world of discipline ….. It was quite by chance that Jane met Miss D a few days later. Jane was with...

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Jane Takes Charge

This is Chapter 2 of New Rules at the Condominium Jane and John had suffered being disciplined by the dominatrix Miss D in front of the condominium’s Chair and Deputy. John was realising a long held dream although his wife, Jane, was unaware of that. Jane on the other hand wanted to find out what it would be like to discipline her husband, a real alpha male. This continues their journey in to the world of discipline ….. It was quite by chance that Jane met Miss D a few days later. Jane was with...

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Introduction: Manish saved her life in more ways than one. This had been a bad idea from the beginning, vacation with her sister, to a resort hosting a singles week. It was her own fault. Jane had always had issues saying no, not wanting to hurt anyone, so now she was stuck here. Sure, the beach was beautiful with its white sand, and the ocean was a brilliant blue, but this wasnt her idea of fun. Organized ice-breakers, games, activities, and the nightly dances these were meant for people who...

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This had been a bad idea from the beginning, vacation with her sister, to a resort hosting a singles week. It was her own fault. Jane had always had issues saying no, not wanting to hurt anyone, so now she was stuck here. Sure, the beach was beautiful with its white sand, and the ocean was a brilliant blue, but this wasn’t her idea of fun. Organized ice-breakers, games, activities, and the nightly dances – these were meant for people who were on the look-out for someone – like her sister,...

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Jane Stalwart and the Cock of OsirisChapter 9 Betrayal

"If you don't mind, I think I'll be resting up a bit there then," sighed Patty while Jane finished toweling off Patty's fair skinned naked body. Patty walked over to the wall and pulled the lower berth down. "Please," said Jane, using the towel on herself. It had taken two basins and nearly an hour, but the two women finally felt clean. Their repeated requests for bathing water was starting to annoy the porter. Jane was starting to fantasize of a long hot bath at her father's estate....

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Jane Part IV The Granny Gangbang

Wednesday finally came, and Jane phoned my work once again as my ‘Aunt’ to tell me her ‘cover’ story about how we knew one another. “If anyone asks, we play golf together Jane informed me. “Only my two best friends know about you”. “Also, 7pm is too early for you, arrive about 8.30pm and wait in the bar. I want to make it look like a chance meeting. Not an invite”. I was listening intently to Jane’s soft voice, getting slightly turned on. “Seems a bit over the top, but ok.” I replied before...

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Jane rides the subway

Jane was wearing a dark long flowing dress, spaghetti straps, open from the neck line all the way down to the small of her back, six white buttons down the front. She wore black Steve Madden Deja Vu platform shoes, red lipstick and a splash of smokey grey eye shadow.She was quickly walking down the street, as if she was late for an appointment. She was clenching her small purse in one hand and a ticket in the other. She walked down the stairs into the subway station. She could feel the warm air...

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I am married to one of the sexiest woman in the world. Jane is a stunning Irish girl, 5'6" with long reddish blond hair and a fantastic 36C-24-36 figure. Only 24, she has a beautiful face, creamy white skin and the most perfect round ass in the world. She loves to dress in revealing clothing and has a flirty way about her that makes her a magnet for horny men where ever we go. Not being the jealous type, I enjoy the attention that she gets and relish the fact that I am the only one who gets to...

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Janersquos first gang bang

Brian pulled the car into the pub car park.“Holy shit,” Jane said, seeing that it was full of cars. “I never expected this many… l don’t know if l’m ready for this, there must be thirty cars here.”“Mmmmm, lovely,” Suzy said, lifting her head from Jane’s breast, she had been sucking her nipples for the last ten miles. “The mood l’m in l’ll take them all,” she laughed.Brian found a vacant parking space. “It’s up to you Jane,” he said, “l’m not forcing you.”“But you want me to don’t you, l can see...

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Jane 1 Rape or Awakening

She was later than usual because she had wanted to talk to the woman in charge of the care home about her mother’s condition. He mother had been suffering with dementia for a number of years, but recently she seemed to have worsened. She no longer recognised her daughter and Jane’s visits often consisted of her sitting silently beside her mother as she pretended to be knitting. She checked her watch, it would be half an hour before the bus arrived at the depot, then she had to change to...

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Jane the porn star

Jane pretended to be asleep until Brian got up to shower, then she quickly pulled on her dressing gown and went downstairs to prepare his breakfast.She was stood by the cooker when Brian came up behind her, putting his arms around her, sliding his hands under her dressing gown and fondling her breasts.“Morning sexy,” he said, nuzzling the back of her neck.“Careful,” she said, trying to fight the warm glow that travelled from her breasts into the pit of her stomach. “Paul could come down.”“We’ll...

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Jane and Her Companion

Jane -- The coming of Carol. Jane lifted a dirty hand to brush the sweaty fringe of hair from her eyesand looked with satisfaction at the end result of her labours of the last fewweeks. Solid and sturdy, it looked smaller than she'd expected but she knewit would seem larger from inside. She walked around it, pausing at its doorto work its lock several times to reassure herself of its fail-safe operation,before putting away her tools, each in its proper place, and leaving the barnfor her...

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JaneJoes Prison OrdealChapter 5

"Now, Jane," he said, not whispering but still below a normal voice level. "I want you to answer me very truthfully. Did you or did you not enjoy sucking my cock and swallowing my cum?" Without flinching, Jane/Joe answered. "Yes, I did. To both." "And do you want us to do this again... and again?" "Yes!" "And how about ass-pussy fucking each other?" "Yes!" "And if I want to piss in your mouth and have you piss in mine?" Jane/Joe was quiet, thinking. Then: "Yes, even...

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JaneMy wife, Jane and I, David, have been married for 21 years and she is 40 years old, while I am 45 years old. We met when she was 18 years old and I was 23 years old, at the same factory. We have 2 k**s, both have moved on with their lives and we have regular contact with them. She is still as good a looking woman as she was when I first met her, all those years ago. But sex between us has become a bit stale over the past few years, and even she admits to that. Jane stands 5 feet tall and...

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JANE By Lorna Elizabeth Black CHAPTER 1 - NEW BEGINNING Two years ago, I was, to my mind, in a bad way. My marriage had just ended in divorce and I'd lost my job through redundancy about the same time. So all in all, I was what you might say, in a fairly desperate state. However things were beginning to improve slightly, I did manage to get another job as a clerk in an accountant's office in another town. Although I had spent most of my working career in the insurance...

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Jane was tending to the Bonobo chimps in the zoo

Jane has been in charge of the Bonobo enclosure for a couple of month, and she was enchanted with them. She has come here from ** where she had been in the staff of the local zoo, working with the Chimpanzees. She liked these lively and curious apes but their irascibility and mischief making especially of the hot tempered males- was a pain in the ass. You had always had to be on your guard never turn your back to them or else. She had heard of course, like everybody else, about the love apes...

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Jane Part II The Filthy Granny

The Friday after I had met Jane, just six meagre days since we had fucked hard despite meeting one another only a few hours beforehand, I was sitting at home watching TV with the events of that Saturday still on my mind. I had asked Jane for her phone number that night, but she had advised me that she did not own a mobile and I didn’t bother asking for her home number as I assumed with that answer Jane had no interest continuing our relationship after this, I was her one night stand. I then...

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Jane Stalwart and the Cock of OsirisChapter 8 Danger in Strasbourg

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph," muttered Patty, looking up when Jane returned to the room. Patty was standing in the center of the room, looking at the pools of sexual fluid all over the floor. Jane's sudden return through the broken door, nude had startled her. "What happened?" asked Patty, taking in Jane's naked body. Half the semen on Jane was still wet and the other half dried flakes. "Aket, that's what happened," growled Jane, striding over to the basin. "And he has the...

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Janes new toy

9:13pm on a Sunday..... I was sitting in my living room watching the Chargers lose another important home game, when all of a sudden l heard my doorbell chime. l was too lazy to get up, so l decided to hit the call button and ask 'Who is it?'. A shy quite voice answered back, 'uh...l don't know if you remember me but it's...uhm..' l knew right away that charming but nervous voice was none other than Jane, the beautiful tart with whom l had a torrid romantic encounter with only a few...

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Janes Fantasy Fulfilled

Jane’s Fantasy FulfilledMy wife Jane and I enjoy a very satisfying sexual life. It may be kinky to some, but we enjoy spanking as a part of our play. I'm the top and Jane is the bottom, and a very lovely bottom she is. I'm sure it would come as quite a surprise to Jane's very prestigious law firm to know that one of their most popular and professional attorneys can often be found with her skirt hiked up to her waist, her panties around her ankle's and her bottom cheeks subjected to hair brush...

1 year ago
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JaneJoes Prison OrdealChapter 3

Finally, mercifully, Jane/Joe felt it. The beginings of an orgasm. Thank you, lord, Jane/Joe thought just before he yelled out to Sir Cougar, "Now! Sir Cougar, sir! I'm gonna shoot, sir!" He felt Sir Cougar pick up the pace a bit, banging in and out of his ass with purpose, trying to drive himself to his own orgasm. Sir Cougar was now leaning over him and he could feel drops of the man's sweat hit his chest and belly. They both did their respective parts for a few second more. Then......

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Jane catches neighbor 3 Jane and Tyler meet up again

Friday morning and Jane couldn’t get the fact that Tyler was going out of town with her out of her head. Her pussy was so wet with just the thought of what was going to happen. She lay across the bed, took out her vibrator and started rubbing her soaked pussy with the toy. She thought of Tyler while she started fucking herself with it, making her cum almost instantly. She lay there naked on the bed just thinking about what was to come. She got so relaxed she fell asleep laying across the bed...

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JaneJoes Prison OrdealChapter 4

Barker bullshitted about flowers, of all things! How the rose was his favorite, blah, blah, blah. Hurry it up, you dumb fuck! Cum in my fucking mouth so I can go home all ready! Then Barker told him how nice it was that a young man like Jane could be so accommodating with his pretty young mouth. To Jane/Joe, the man looked lecherous, almost to the point of drooling, but otherwise he found the guy pleasant enough. Nice even. He didn't appear to look down on him. Jane/Joe appreciated that...

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