Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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Jane -- The coming of Carol.
Jane lifted a dirty hand to brush the sweaty fringe of hair from her eyesand looked with satisfaction at the end result of her labours of the last fewweeks. Solid and sturdy, it looked smaller than she'd expected but she knewit would seem larger from inside. She walked around it, pausing at its doorto work its lock several times to reassure herself of its fail-safe operation,before putting away her tools, each in its proper place, and leaving the barnfor her kitchen and a well-earned drink. Behind her, in the hot, still airof the barn, the steel bars of the newly constructed cage gleamed in the sunlightflooding down from the skylight in the roof above.
Once in the kitchen, Jane lost no time in removing her sweaty overalls andtaking a large bottle of fruit- flavoured mineral water from her refrigerator.Standing naked on the cool tiles, she opened the bottle and took a deep drink,sighing with pleasure as the cool liquid slid down her throat. The wall-clockshowed twenty minutes short of noon; she wasn't hungry, and impulsively shewent over to the wall where the complicated timing apparatus she'd built overso many months hummed to itself. Switching it to battery operation, she checkedthe battery levels in the timer, then in the mitts she took from the shelfwhere she kept them, and finally in the collar which never left her neck. Noneof the batteries was fully charged, ensuring the failure of the various electricallocks and switches they controlled within six hours at the most. Swiftly, sheset the timers; the one controlling the door lock on the cage, the one whichoperated the tiny locks on her mitts, and, last of all, and with tremblingfingers, the timer which would switch on the power to the steel studs in hercollar. She stepped back and checked the settings carefully. Satisfied of theiraccuracy, she glanced at the clock again and saw that she had ten minutes beforethe timers switched on simultaneously. On an impulse she placed the littleplastic gag between her teeth and bit down upon it, feeling her usual thrillas it gently trapped her tongue beneath it before going out into the yard.
''Plenty of time!'' she thought, but she hurried her steps through the hotsunlight back to the barn just the same, her mitts in her hand, eager to testher latest creation. Inside the barn, she stood for several moments doing aquick mental check of the arrangements for her short forthcoming confinementand her subsequent release -- especially the latter! Happy with her conclusions,she kicked off her sandals and entered the cage, feeling the dry, prickly strawunder the soles of her feet. Pulling the door closed behind her, she slippedon her mitts and hurriedly went down on all fours. Then she waited for theseries of clicks which would announce the beginning of her short period ofcaged helplessness. They came; the noise of the solenoid bolt thudding homeinto its hole in the door-frame much the loudest. But Jane had also heard thetiny electromagnetic locks on her mitts click shut, and the faint sound ofthe switch controlling the current to the studs in her collar closing, readyto inflict agonising pain should she raise any part of her body more than aboutthirty-three inches above the straw-covered floor.
Jane relaxed. This was her first Bondage session since that terrible fourmonths of last year, and she was glad that particular ghost had been laid atlast. No longer did she wake in terror from dreams of Towser; and now she couldeven endure the occasional meeting with large unleashed male dogs on the street.It had been a long haul, she recalled; remembering a day in late December,nearly three months after she'd been freed from her slavery to Towser, whenshe'd had just such a meeting. The day had been warm, she'd been lightly dressedas she preferred, in only a thin frock over her skimpy underwear, and the doghad been of a size and mixture of breeds very similar to those of Towser. Evenits shaggy coat was of the same pattern, and when it walked towards her asshe crossed the deserted car park to her vehicle she had halted obedientlyfor it to sniff her shoes. It had sat and stared up at her, and she had droppedher eyes submissively before the gaze of its deep-brown eyes. Encouraged byher passivity, the dog had raised its head and poked an inquisitive nose intoher crotch, and Jane, enduring its attentions with her arms dangling looselyat her sides, had waited obediently for the familiar little yelp, peremptoryand menacing, with which Tower would command her to go down on her elbows andknees and raise her rump for him to mount her. But the dog had withdrawn apace or two, puzzled by her supineness, and Jane, remembering that she wasa human being, had lightly cuffed its head when it tried to resume its attentions.Afterwards, with the passage of further time and the resilience of youth, shehad become ready for new adventures.
Padding over to the door, she looked up at the gap between it and its frame.She could clearly see the bolt thrust into the door frame against the powerfulspring that would pull it back once the current was cut, and she knew thatshe was trapped. In sheer high spirits she rolled around in the dusty straw,only stopping when she broke into a fit of sneezing. Panting, she lay downfull length in the straw and stared up through the bars at the raftered ceilinghigh above.
She was woken from a deep and contented sleep by the pressure in her bladder.Rising to all-fours, she stretched luxuriously before crawling to a cornerand squatting. While she urinated she wondered drowsily how it was that shecould be so thirsty at one end of her body, and so eager to release liquidfrom the other, and she smiled at the thought as she always did. Then she curledup in the straw and prepared to spend the remainder of her brief captivityin sleep. She was wondering just how much time had passed when something broughther awake as if a bucket of icy water had been dashed over her.
She'd heard a noise, a simple, everyday noise; the noise of a car engine labouringup an incline. Frozen in apprehension, she lay and heard the noise of the engineincrease as it came nearer, then heard the swish of wheels as the vehicle itpowered drove into the yard and came to a halt. The engine stopped. Jane keptas still as she could, scarcely daring to breathe. Then came the sound of acar door closing and the sudden patter of soft footsteps. A girl's clear voicerang out. "Jane? Jane? Are you there?" Jane, rigid with fear, rackedher mind to explain the presence of this stranger. "Jane?" the voicecame again. "Jane; it's Carol! Where are you?"
Carol! Jane brain reeled. It was her cousin, Carol; whom she'd last met tenyears ago, and who had written to her a few weeks ago asking if she could calland see her. Jane had written back, and they'd fixed a day on which to meet.Jane now realised that she'd completely forgotten the appointment, isolatedas she was and obsessed with building her cage. What on Earth was she to do?The footsteps faded, evidently Carol had entered the house through the openkitchen door, and Jane imagined her wandering diffidently around in there searchingfor her absent hostess. She ground her teeth in mortification, guessing thather cousin would, very soon, having drawn a blank in the house, begin to explorethe sheds and outhouses of which the barn containing the cage was the mostprominent. Coming to all-fours, she stared fearfully at the barn's full-widthdouble doors. They were barred from the inside, but, to her horror, the littleJudas door through which she'd entered was ajar, allowing a patch of sunlightto flood through. Jane groaned silently as she heard the sound of footstepsagain. Soft at first, their slow patter increased in volume as they nearedher refuge. "Jane?" This time the voice was very near, just beyondthe doors, and Jane froze in terror. With horrifying inevitability a shadowfell across the threshold and the little door slowly opened to allow a figureto enter the barn. Jane closed her eyes in shame and embarrassment, feelingthe colour mount hotly in her cheeks, as she heard the footsteps stop justbeyond the bars and the tiny gasp of surprise her cousin gave at the sightbefore her. Burning with mortification, and frantically wondering what possibleexplanation she could offer for her predicament, she heard her cousin speak.
"Ah; there you are, Jane! Wow! This is a lovely cage; did you make ityourself?"
Jane eyes fell open in surprise. Of all the possible responses to her cousin'sfinding her locked in a cage, naked and on all-fours, this was not one she'denvisioned. It wasn't just the everyday words her cousin had used, it was thetone of interest and even admiration in which she'd uttered them. She stolea glance from beneath lowered lids towards where she thought her cousin was,and found her a few feet away, examining the tools neatly arranged on the bigwork bench which ran all along one wall. She was unable to look away beforeCarol turned suddenly and tripped back to the bars, smiling broadly. Jane staredfixedly at the floor, her face crimson.
"Oh, Jane! You ARE clever! And SO lucky, too; having this place to playin!" The voice was wistful, and Jane heard the words with astonishment.She turned her head to regard her cousin for the first time since she'd enteredthe barn, looking up timidly to see a slight, fair-headed girl smiling downat her, clad in a simple sleeveless linen dress of a light-brownish hue matchingthe light tan of her fair skin. Her slim legs were bare, and sandals protectedher otherwise bare feet. Carol turned away suddenly, picked up the small three-leggedstool
-- relic of the days when the barn had been a dairy -- and placed it nextto the bars. Then, with a quick and graceful movement of her arms, she pulledthe thin dress over her head and stood naked in the patch of sunlight comingthrough the little door. Jane heard her give a sigh of voluptuous relief, andher cousin said "That's much better! I've been wanting to do that allday!" Then she sat upon the little stool and regarded Jane through thebars with friendly interest, a smile upon her face which Jane found herselfreturning. "Fancy the two of of us having similar, er, interests!" hercousin began. "It must be fun in there, Jane. I wish I could try it out!" sheadded wistfully. Jane, her spirits recovering at the matter-of-fact -- andeven envious -- reception her predicament had received from her cousin, attempteda reply. But she'd forgotten her gag, so used to wearing it as she was, andthe only sounds she could produce were the usual animal-like gurgles and whines.Carol looked at her in momentary surprise and concern, then her face cleared. "Youcan't talk?" she asked. Jane nodded, and Carol sprang lithely to her feet,went to the cage door, and examined the lock. "A time lock?" Janenodded again. "How long is it set for?" Jane looked at her helplessly,and she frowned and re-phrased her question. "Will it open today?" Janenodded. "At eleven o'clock tonight? Ten o'clock?" By counting downwardsCarol discovered that the timer was set to release Jane at four o'clock. "That'sonly half an hour away, " she told Jane cheerfully. "Can you survivethat long?" At Jane's nod, her cousin resumed her seat, and an odd andone-sided conversation struck up. Carol asked to examine Jane's mitts, andexpressed her admiration. She looked at her cousin, now sitting doggy-fashionon the other side of the bars, frowned, and asked her if she could stand up.At Jane's emphatic negative shake of the head, Carol frowned again, seekingthe reason. Her eyes lit up when they fell on her cousin's collar. She askedto examine it, and Jane obligingly tilted her head upwards to allow Carol torun her slender fingers around it, both inside and out. "Oh, Jane! Howclever! You must tell me how to make my collar keep me on all-fours, too!" Atthese words Jane looked closely at her cousin for the first time and noticedwhat her shyness and embarrassment had prevented her from doing before. Sureenough, under the smiling face looking down at her, a plain leather dog collarsat around the base of her cousin's slender throat. Carol noted Jane's interestand touched her collar self-consciously. "I bought it for myself lastyear," she said selfconsciously. "I only take it off to wash andshower." Just then they both heard the loud click of the door bolt beingpulled back from its socket, freeing Jane at last.
The cousins crossed the yard together, Carol carrying her dress and Jane'ssandals, Jane still wearing her mitts and with her gag still in her mouth,somehow reluctant to discard these last reminders of her recent helplessness.She removed them in the kitchen and poured them both tall glasses of flavouredmineral water from the 'fridge. Carol picked up the little gag from the tableand examined it curiously before popping it into her mouth. Jane smiled ather as she tried to manoeuvre it into place over her teeth. After a few falsestarts Carol succeeded in trapping her tongue. She tried to speak and her eyeswidened at the uncouth, animal sounds which were all she could utter. She workedher mouth, trying to dislodge the gag in vain, and her eyes lit up with joy.Hooking an index finger under the plastic, Carol pulled the gag from her mouthand looked at her cousin with open admiration. "Please show me how tomake one of these for myself!" she implored her cousin.
Before Jane could answer Carol leapt to her feet in consternation. "Oh!" shecried. "I'm so sorry, Jane! Here you sit, sweaty and dirty -- and I'msweaty, too. I'm keeping us both from a much-needed shower! Come on!"
Impulsively, she took Jane by the hand and led her into Jane's downstairsbathroom, apologising for having found it while she searched for Jane on herarrival. The shower was large, with plenty of room for two people to showertogether between its white-tiled walls and glass door, and the two girls splashedand soaped each other, giggling in sheer high spirits. At last, Jane, aftera warning glance at her cousin, turned the shower to cold. They endured theicy water for several joyful, shrieking seconds before dashing breathlesslyfrom the cubicle to swathe themselves in the large, fluffy towels Jane likedso much, and to vigorously dry them themselves under their comforting softness.
Carol, rubbing dry her wet hair with her towel, stepped over to the floor-lengthmirror to examine her reflection. Jane joined her, her hands likewise raisedhigh, employed in the same exercise, and they stared at each other's reflectionsin astonishment and innocent admiration. They saw, to their surprise, two virtuallyidentical young women; both with short, fair hair -- now fluffing out in twingolden halos as it dried - both petite, but with broad shoulders, taut youngbreasts, narrow waists over flat stomachs flaring out to generous hips andfirm haunches over shapely, tapering thighs -- and they marvelled at each other'sbeauty.
"Oh, Jane! You ARE pretty!" Jane heard her cousin gasp. She saidnothing, but her expression made it clear that she thought Carol no less. Theycontinued to gaze at their reflections in fascination; apart from the collararound Jane's neck, they were difficult to tell apart. Carol took her own collarfrom the shelf where she had placed it, hesitated, and handed it to Jane beforebowing her head for her cousin to buckle it around her neck. They were bothflushed when Jane's gentle fingers left her cousin's throat, then, when theyreturned their eyes to the mirror they were really identical in appearance.
Later, Jane sat outside on the weathered wooden bench in the sun, unselfconsciouslynaked except for her sandals -- or Carol's sandals, it made no difference --luxuriating in the unaccustomed feeling of the warm, soft air on her bare skin.Carol had banished her there, insisting on putting together refreshments forthem both, and Jane could hear the cheerful noises her cousin was making asshe bustled about in Jane's kitchen. Carol came out to her, triumphantly bearinga tray on which stood a teapot, along with cups and saucers, milk and sugar,and even a plate of biscuits, and she put them down on the wooden table andtook a seat on the wooden bench opposite her cousin.
For several minutes there was silence as the two girls ate and drank withhealthy young appetites. Carol made and brought out fresh tea, and they drankit in a comfortable silence. Carol put down her cup and stretched out a slimarm to touch her cousin's collar. "Do you never take it off?" sheasked admiringly. "Can you wash and bathe wearing it comfortably?? sheadded, gently running a finger around the inside of Jane's collar to test itsfit. ?Nice and loose. I don't think collars should be tight; they aren't wornas a punishment." She withdrew her hand and waited for her cousin's reply.
Jane sat in silence for several moments, her hand straying to her collar beforeshe spoke. ?No,? she said at last. ?I never take it off.? She paused, guiltilyaware that she'd almost told the truth ? that she couldn't take it off, notnow, not ever. ?I don't even notice I'm wearing it now.? She flushed a littleas she went on. ?You're quite right, Carol; collars shouldn't be worn as apunishment, but to show the world that the creature wearing the collar is underthe control of another person....or another...." She stopped. A visionof Towser flashed into her mind; Towser with that yellow glare in his eyes,summoning her to go down on her elbows and present her upraised haunches forhis pleasure yet again, and she gave a tiny shiver unnoticed by her cousinwho was tracing the outline of her own collar with idle fingers.
They sat long into the evening, exploring each other's tastes and marvellingat the complete similarity they found. Although Carol had come totally unpreparedto stay the night it went without saying that she stayed the night -- justas it was taken completely for granted that she would continue to stay indefinitely.There were plenty of bedrooms, though none ready for the guests Jane had neverhad, and, in the end, they shared Jane's bed, giggling like schoolgirls untilthey went to sleep in each other's arms.
Woken early the next morning by the sunlight flooding into their bedroom throughits large window, they stumbled drowsily into the warm kitchen where they immediatelymade tea, working together like as a well-trained team. While drinking it atthe kitchen table, they continued their conversation of the night before. Theyfound to their mutual delight that their tastes in Bondage were exactly thesame; Animal Role Play. Jane had much more experience in playing roles overmuch longer periods of time than her cousin, of course -- though she didn'tmention the longest session of all -- but Carol had done 'pony-play', somethingJane had always wanted to try. ?But I really enjoy being a sweet little doggymost of all!? she laughed.
Over the next few days, they enjoyed themselves enormously. They thought andspoke as one, and they continued to share the same bed. Carol was used to goingnaked whenever possible, as her light, all-over tan indicated, -- and it waspossible all the time in this isolated place -- and Jane, in whom shyness abouther body had been a lifetime embarrassment, was encouraged to follow suit.She found it odd at first, but soon came to enjoy the sense of freedom hernakedness brought her (now that it wasn't enforced) and she soon gladly imitatedher cousin in never wearing anything beneath the thin dresses they both preferred,and they would occasionally break into fits of infectious giggling at theirown daring as they walked through the village, hand in hand like children.The villagers, who had long known 'Miss Jane', as they called her, had takento her cousin with open arms, and they enjoyed the spectacle the two presentedof fresh, innocent, girlishness. As for their odd habits of always wearingwhat seemed like old dog collars around their slender necks; well, it was knownthat such fashions were common in sophisticated places like South Molton andBampton ? to say nothing of Tiverton and Barnstaple, where anything went aswas well known -- and the local girls imitated the cousins in this eccentricity,some what to the disapproval of their more strait-laced elders. But everyoneagreed, when all was said and done, that it was a harmless habit.
The only flies in the ointment, as far as Carol was concerned, were her cousin'soccasional bad dreams and her sleep-walking. Sometimes, she would be wokenby the restlessness of her bed-fellow, protest drowsily, and fall asleep again.Then she would wake at their usual hour to find Jane curled up asleep on thefloor, with no covering of any kind. But the dreams were worse. Asleep in herarms, Carol would be woken by Jane's urgent movements; her cousin would mutterand groan in her sleep, then she would thrash about for a few moments beforebecoming quiescent. Then she lie unmoving for a minute or so, and Carol wouldbreathe a sigh of relief. But then Jane would open her eyes and slip out ofCarol's arms and out of their bed to the floor. There, under the sleepily astonishedgaze of her cousin, she would stand on all-fours before going down on her elbowsand staying in that position, her rump upraised, for a few moments. She wouldutter a deep sigh, then lie on her side, curl herself up against the cold,and fall deeply asleep. Carol, who had learnt from somewhere that sleep-wallkersshould never be woken, would lay a covering upon her oblivious cousin, but,when she woke in the morning, the cover would have been discarded, and Janewould be lying naked on the hard floor. Carol would leave her to wake of herown accord; Jane always did a few minutes afterwards, and she would join hercousin in the kitchen with an air of perfect normality and without any referenceto the night's events.
But, as time passed, Carol became quite used to this minor eccentricity ofher cousin's, and one day she had a happy inspiration. Saying that she hada surprise for Jane, she bundled her impetuously into one of the Land Roversand drove her off to the outskirst of Bristol, to the large Retail Park newlyopened there. They crossed the large car park hand in hand; two identical figuresin simple, light-tan dresses, bare-legged, and wearing sandals on their barefeet. As they walked along, they giggled as usual at their own daring, forthey were naked under their flimsy dresses, and they suspected that many ofthe men who paused to in honest admiration to watch them pass were consideringwistfully clipping leashes to the collars around the slender, sun-tanned necksand leading them away before shrugging off the attractive notion as an impossibledream. Jane, who had given up enquiring of her cousin where she was being taken,giggled and blushed as she recognised the the place they were heading for asa large branch of a world famous Pet Store.
Once inside the enormous barn-like structure of the store, they wandered around,blushing and giggling at the array of collars, leashes and other doggy paraphernaliaunder their eyes. Then Carol, with a determined air, led the way to the sectiondevoted to dog beds. A fatherly, middle-aged assistant hurried to their sides,his face wreathed in smiles.
"We want to buy a bed for our dogs," began Carol. "A comfortableone," interpolated Jane, who had now guessed the nature of her cousin'ssurprise. "For our two dogs," Carol added.
"How large are your dogs?" he asked them, looking in amusement fromone to the other "What breed are they?"
They giggled in unison, as though sharing a secret joke.
"Quite large!" said Jane. "No particular breed!" saidCarol. "And they're both bitches!" they said as one, and they giggledagain. The assistant smiled down at them, and said that wasn't important, beforeproducing for their inspection one of the biggest pet beds in stock. He placedit on the floor for them to get an idea of its size, and they regarded it solemnly.Carol fell in love with it at once. She bent to feel its thick, soft circularrim which would make a comfortable pillow for their heads, and she proddedits thick base to test its firmness. As for Jane, she stared at it entranced,fighting the urge to lie down and curl up in its inviting interior, and sheloved its colour scheme of velvety dove- grey imprinted with large, black paw-marks.Their guide pointed out the special feature of this expensive brand of bed;the little electric heater embedded in its base. This, he said, was backedby foil which reflected the heat upwards, keeping the bed's occupants warmthroughout the coldest night.
"We'll take it!" they said together, looking up at the assistantwith shining eyes. Infected by their high spirits, he laughed out loud as hemade a note on his clipboard. Asked if they required anything else, they wereabout to reply in the negative when Carol surreptitiously jogged Jane's elbowto call her attention to a display of brightly- coloured , shallow, plastictrays a few yards away. She heard Jane gasp in delighted disbelief, and heardher murmur "Oh, Carol! We couldn't!" But her cousin had already turnedto the store assistant and told him sweetly that they would take a large littertray and several bags of litter. He smiled and nodded, and told them to drivearound to the back of the store to load their purchases into their car, towhich place he himself hurried to get their order together, smiling fondlyat his mental picture of the two pretty young girls he'd just left, and wonderingvaguely as to the cause of the deep blushing of one of them in the last fewminutes.
Jane was still scarlet with embarrassed laughter when they drove away, especiallyas Carol had solemnly handed her the litter tray to stow in a safe place inthe car while the store assistant was loading it. "Oh, Carol!" shegiggled. "You surely don't intend us to keep that...that thing in ourbedroom and...and use it?" "Why not?" replied Carol briskly. "Wewouldn't have to make that long walk down that dark corridor to that old-fashionedup-stairs bathroom!" Jane blushed to the roots of her hair once more andlaughed helplessly.
On their return, nothing would do but that they must first put their new bedin position, even before having a restorative cup of tea. Jane had thoughtof a better place for the bed than the bedroom they'd been sleeping in. A muchsmaller room, at the end of the upstairs corridor, it was totally unfurnishedand eminently fit for the purpose, being directly over the Aga in the kitchenbeneath. Jane pointed out to the enthusiastic Carol that, to do the job properly,they should eschew any covering of any kind and sleep naked in the doggy bed.(Though she didn't say it, she herself had no doubts that she would be ableto sleep in comfort, but her cousin's ability to do so was not proven.) Carolagreed, and pointed out that some means must be found of locking themselvesin for the night so they would have to use the litter-box at need. Nothingeasier, declared Jane; adding that she would fit an electrically timed lockto the door later that day.
They occupied themselves about various tasks for the rest of the day, andspent the evening in their usual fashion, reading or watching one of theirfavourite DVDs. Carol's excitement at the prospect of spending the night intheir new doggy bed was evident, though to her cousin, with her much greater ? andpainfully gained ? experience of sleeping in canine conditions, it was nothingvery exciting. Finally Jane stopped teasing her impatient cousin by deliberatelytaking longer than usual about her bedtime preparations, and they mounted thestairs together, hand in hand.
The little room was warm and cosy, despite the bare boards of its floor whichCarol had thoughtfully covered with old newspapers against the possibilityof them tracking litter from the tray onto it. The doggy-bed, its heater pluggedinto a socket in the wall, stood invitingly in a corner. Jane closed the door,and they waited in a silence broken only by Carol's giggles until they heardthe click announcing that the timer had locked them in. Jane dimmed the over-headlight, rather then switching it off, for she felt that some light would benecessary to enable them to find their way to the litter tray, should theyneed to. Then they got into the doggy bed together. It was every bit as comfortableand warm as it promised to be, and soon they were asleep in each other's arms,like twin puppies in a basket.
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Ms. Nandhini – My School TeacherBy KINGPHANTOMContact Author, Email : [email protected] 1The Beginning – Dry Humping My Teacher’s Ass!Starring : South Indian Actress Nandhini aka Kausalya as Nandhini TeacherSchool days, they are the most colorful days of our life, so they say. I don’t know about others but in my case it’s completely true! My school days are the best because I am living the dream of every school boy in the world, yes the ultimate dream every boy wants to happen in...
Sherri waited on the computer the following evening at the time she and Randy normally chatted. She wondered if he would show up tonight. The time of their regular meeting came and went, but no Randy. Sherri did her best not to be too disappointed. After all, he was married and there could have been many reasons he was not able to show up. Sherri waited another 30 minutes, then turned off the computer and slowly went to bed. She did not sleep well that night. There were too many thoughts going...
We were both nervous as we got ready for our first meeting. We had been chatting for several weeks now, both wanting to meet, but then again trying to be discreet and cautious. You were looking for someone that could be romantic and gentle and someone that could make love to you, not just have sex. I was looking for someone to be romantic with. Someone that would enjoy and encourage my romantic nature. Someone that might enjoy reading my erotic stories. We had met each other on the internet....
Sherri watched Randy pull away from the hotel and give her a wave as he drove by. She knew he couldn’t see the tears on her cheeks, so she waved back at him. Just to make sure Randy didn’t suspect anything, Sherri started her car and pulled out of the parking lot. She saw Randy turn onto the highway and head toward his home. Sherri drove home slowly, her emotions all mixed up. She was so glad that no one was waiting for her at home. She really wanted to be alone and try to sort all her...
Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...
Jane & Bill: Enjoying each other and othersJane and I had been on the road for a number of hours and were getting close to the hotel we were going to stay for the night. Driving vacations could be tiring at times but tomorrow there was no need to start out real early so maybe we could really have a fun sexual evening. We both were looking forward to just letting go! Actually, Jane told me that she was feeling very horny. It all started with that great looking guy that served them dinner and...
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
My wife, Charlotte, thought it was very nice and thoughtful for Jaimie, the 23 year old preachers daughter now moving with us, and unknown to my Mrs, Jaimie was carrying my baby, "Jaimie, thank you for all you did around the house today, but you know, you are not our slave, are our guest!" If my wife only knew, that Jaimie was "my slave" and number #1 cum slut.Charlotte was always wild in bed when alone or away in a hotel or when our k_ds were not home, date night always got me plenty of hot...
He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...
Catherine and Alexander by: Bruce Leach Although the children never knew it times had been rough in the castle. Their father, the Duke of Beaufort, had in recent days made a number of unfortunate alliances that put not only his fortune but his entire properties and even his own life in jeopardy. In these days after the king's death the wrong friends could mean accusations of treachery and the Duke had made all the wrong friends. Things looked bleak until he had an...
This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestJane stood patiently by the post, arms behind her back, watching Towser ashe dozed in the shade. She heard six o'clock chime faintly as her grandfatherclock in the kitchen struck the hour. Immediately afterwards she saw Towsercome alertly to his feet, then, with an excited little yelp, he trotted overto where she stood. Standing on his hind legs, he gripped the upper loop ofthe leather leash tethering Jane to the thick wooden post and deftly liftedit off the hook holding it, four feet up on the...
by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...
Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...
Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...
Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...
Jane unpacked the last of the boxes and looked around. It wasn’t too bad for her first home. The rented one-bedroom apartment was sparsely furnished with the furniture from her room back home and some used pieces that she’d managed to pick up along the way. She felt so grown-up. 21 years old, her first job, and she was living in town, 2 hours’ drive from her parents’ house. Her life was truly going to begin now.She’d managed to get herself a job as an administrative assistant at a local mall...
Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way! The sound of the holiday song hit Gunther's ears like an ice drift on the open sea. He tried to open his booze-laden eyes to see who was making the racket and saw it was the blasted elves again. Those holiday-enthused cretins were so full of Christmas spirit that they made a nuisance at this time of year as far back as he could remember. He wanted to shout out for them to cease and desist before he made them into little pieces of elves all...
Jane's, English, 18 and exactly 5 feet tall with natural long blonde hair, stunningly beautiful, with blue eyes and the most fantastic slim shapely figure. She had just finished her final year at school gaining three "A" Levels and looking forward to university, when her life was changed forever. Although Jane excelled academically at school her real ambition was to be an Olympic athlete and, although she was good at athletics, her lack of inches gave her an obvious disadvantage over the taller...
Jane lay on the bed caressing her breasts. She had had a hard day and was attempting to wind down. A joint and a vodka and then a relaxing time on the bed seemed an ideal recipe for the evening. Her nipples were stiff by now. She had no bra on but was wearing a fairly skimpy pair of plain white panties. Long auburn hair and a slim but well rounded figure. Jane turned over, face down, onto the bed and began to gyrate her hips into the mattress, one hand cupped over her crotch. She did not hear...
BY Docker5000 Jane Jetson was taking a long hot relaxing shower; George and the rest of her family were still asleep. She quietly slipped out of her shower and dried herself on a large towel. She then slipped on a white short white dressing gown, and walked into the kitchen. Rosie the robotic maid was busily preparing their breakfasts. Jane said "good morning" to Rosie. Rosie turned to look at Jane then said. "Good morning Mrs. Jetson." Jane then asked Rosie "if she...
by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...
Jane the Model.IntroductionJane had just turned 18 and had left 6th form and was starting her new life in London at university studying modern art. She had led a sheltered life with everything she every wanted provided for her by her parents. She never wanted for anything, unfortunately both her parents had died in a car crash 2 weeks after her finishing 6th form. She struggled to cope with her lose but after help from her friends she was convinced that going on to uni and doing well in life...
Jane had just turned 18 and had left 6th form and was starting her new life in London at university studying modern art. She had led a sheltered life with everything she every wanted provided for her by her parents. She never wanted for anything, unfortunately both her parents had died in a car crash 2 weeks after her finishing 6th form. She struggled to cope with her lose but after help from her friends she was convinced that going on to uni and doing well in life would be what her parents...
"If you don't mind, I think I'll be resting up a bit there then," sighed Patty while Jane finished toweling off Patty's fair skinned naked body. Patty walked over to the wall and pulled the lower berth down. "Please," said Jane, using the towel on herself. It had taken two basins and nearly an hour, but the two women finally felt clean. Their repeated requests for bathing water was starting to annoy the porter. Jane was starting to fantasize of a long hot bath at her father's estate....
Jane Sullivan was forty-nine, and in what she would describe as okay shape. Her long, brown hair brushed a pair of slim, tanned shoulders, her breasts were not that large and sagged just a little, but only a little she reminded herself. She also had a slim waist, and shapely legs. But then she had the time to stay in shape, not quite a trust fund baby, but she had a nice allowance from an inheritance paid into her account once a month. Still, there was always room for a little more cash. Trendy...
This is Chapter 2 of New Rules at the Condominium Jane and John had suffered being disciplined by the dominatrix Miss D in front of the condominium’s Chair and Deputy. John was realising a long held dream although his wife, Jane, was unaware of that. Jane on the other hand wanted to find out what it would be like to discipline her husband, a real alpha male. This continues their journey in to the world of discipline ….. It was quite by chance that Jane met Miss D a few days later. Jane was with...
This is Chapter 2 of New Rules at the Condominium Jane and John had suffered being disciplined by the dominatrix Miss D in front of the condominium’s Chair and Deputy. John was realising a long held dream although his wife, Jane, was unaware of that. Jane on the other hand wanted to find out what it would be like to discipline her husband, a real alpha male. This continues their journey in to the world of discipline ….. It was quite by chance that Jane met Miss D a few days later. Jane was with...
SpankingIntroduction: Manish saved her life in more ways than one. This had been a bad idea from the beginning, vacation with her sister, to a resort hosting a singles week. It was her own fault. Jane had always had issues saying no, not wanting to hurt anyone, so now she was stuck here. Sure, the beach was beautiful with its white sand, and the ocean was a brilliant blue, but this wasnt her idea of fun. Organized ice-breakers, games, activities, and the nightly dances these were meant for people who...
This had been a bad idea from the beginning, vacation with her sister, to a resort hosting a singles week. It was her own fault. Jane had always had issues saying no, not wanting to hurt anyone, so now she was stuck here. Sure, the beach was beautiful with its white sand, and the ocean was a brilliant blue, but this wasn’t her idea of fun. Organized ice-breakers, games, activities, and the nightly dances – these were meant for people who were on the look-out for someone – like her sister,...
I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. My...
AffairThis is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...
Friday morning and Jane couldn’t get the fact that Tyler was going out of town with her out of her head. Her pussy was so wet with just the thought of what was going to happen. She lay across the bed, took out her vibrator and started rubbing her soaked pussy with the toy. She thought of Tyler while she started fucking herself with it, making her cum almost instantly. She lay there naked on the bed just thinking about what was to come. She got so relaxed she fell asleep laying across the bed...
CheatingI am married to one of the sexiest woman in the world. Jane is a stunning Irish girl, 5'6" with long reddish blond hair and a fantastic 36C-24-36 figure. Only 24, she has a beautiful face, creamy white skin and the most perfect round ass in the world. She loves to dress in revealing clothing and has a flirty way about her that makes her a magnet for horny men where ever we go. Not being the jealous type, I enjoy the attention that she gets and relish the fact that I am the only one who gets to...
Brian pulled the car into the pub car park.“Holy shit,” Jane said, seeing that it was full of cars. “I never expected this many… l don’t know if l’m ready for this, there must be thirty cars here.”“Mmmmm, lovely,” Suzy said, lifting her head from Jane’s breast, she had been sucking her nipples for the last ten miles. “The mood l’m in l’ll take them all,” she laughed.Brian found a vacant parking space. “It’s up to you Jane,” he said, “l’m not forcing you.”“But you want me to don’t you, l can see...
She was later than usual because she had wanted to talk to the woman in charge of the care home about her mother’s condition. He mother had been suffering with dementia for a number of years, but recently she seemed to have worsened. She no longer recognised her daughter and Jane’s visits often consisted of her sitting silently beside her mother as she pretended to be knitting. She checked her watch, it would be half an hour before the bus arrived at the depot, then she had to change to...
Wednesday finally came, and Jane phoned my work once again as my ‘Aunt’ to tell me her ‘cover’ story about how we knew one another. “If anyone asks, we play golf together Jane informed me. “Only my two best friends know about you”. “Also, 7pm is too early for you, arrive about 8.30pm and wait in the bar. I want to make it look like a chance meeting. Not an invite”. I was listening intently to Jane’s soft voice, getting slightly turned on. “Seems a bit over the top, but ok.” I replied before...
Jane was wearing a dark long flowing dress, spaghetti straps, open from the neck line all the way down to the small of her back, six white buttons down the front. She wore black Steve Madden Deja Vu platform shoes, red lipstick and a splash of smokey grey eye shadow.She was quickly walking down the street, as if she was late for an appointment. She was clenching her small purse in one hand and a ticket in the other. She walked down the stairs into the subway station. She could feel the warm air...
"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph," muttered Patty, looking up when Jane returned to the room. Patty was standing in the center of the room, looking at the pools of sexual fluid all over the floor. Jane's sudden return through the broken door, nude had startled her. "What happened?" asked Patty, taking in Jane's naked body. Half the semen on Jane was still wet and the other half dried flakes. "Aket, that's what happened," growled Jane, striding over to the basin. "And he has the...
"Now, Jane," he said, not whispering but still below a normal voice level. "I want you to answer me very truthfully. Did you or did you not enjoy sucking my cock and swallowing my cum?" Without flinching, Jane/Joe answered. "Yes, I did. To both." "And do you want us to do this again... and again?" "Yes!" "And how about ass-pussy fucking each other?" "Yes!" "And if I want to piss in your mouth and have you piss in mine?" Jane/Joe was quiet, thinking. Then: "Yes, even...
JaneMy wife, Jane and I, David, have been married for 21 years and she is 40 years old, while I am 45 years old. We met when she was 18 years old and I was 23 years old, at the same factory. We have 2 k**s, both have moved on with their lives and we have regular contact with them. She is still as good a looking woman as she was when I first met her, all those years ago. But sex between us has become a bit stale over the past few years, and even she admits to that. Jane stands 5 feet tall and...
JANE By Lorna Elizabeth Black CHAPTER 1 - NEW BEGINNING Two years ago, I was, to my mind, in a bad way. My marriage had just ended in divorce and I'd lost my job through redundancy about the same time. So all in all, I was what you might say, in a fairly desperate state. However things were beginning to improve slightly, I did manage to get another job as a clerk in an accountant's office in another town. Although I had spent most of my working career in the insurance...
9:13pm on a Sunday..... I was sitting in my living room watching the Chargers lose another important home game, when all of a sudden l heard my doorbell chime. l was too lazy to get up, so l decided to hit the call button and ask 'Who is it?'. A shy quite voice answered back, 'uh...l don't know if you remember me but it's...uhm..' l knew right away that charming but nervous voice was none other than Jane, the beautiful tart with whom l had a torrid romantic encounter with only a few...
Jane pretended to be asleep until Brian got up to shower, then she quickly pulled on her dressing gown and went downstairs to prepare his breakfast.She was stood by the cooker when Brian came up behind her, putting his arms around her, sliding his hands under her dressing gown and fondling her breasts.“Morning sexy,” he said, nuzzling the back of her neck.“Careful,” she said, trying to fight the warm glow that travelled from her breasts into the pit of her stomach. “Paul could come down.”“We’ll...
Jane’s Fantasy FulfilledMy wife Jane and I enjoy a very satisfying sexual life. It may be kinky to some, but we enjoy spanking as a part of our play. I'm the top and Jane is the bottom, and a very lovely bottom she is. I'm sure it would come as quite a surprise to Jane's very prestigious law firm to know that one of their most popular and professional attorneys can often be found with her skirt hiked up to her waist, her panties around her ankle's and her bottom cheeks subjected to hair brush...
Finally, mercifully, Jane/Joe felt it. The beginings of an orgasm. Thank you, lord, Jane/Joe thought just before he yelled out to Sir Cougar, "Now! Sir Cougar, sir! I'm gonna shoot, sir!" He felt Sir Cougar pick up the pace a bit, banging in and out of his ass with purpose, trying to drive himself to his own orgasm. Sir Cougar was now leaning over him and he could feel drops of the man's sweat hit his chest and belly. They both did their respective parts for a few second more. Then......