Alana free porn video

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Alana by She-Devil ***** Alan looked himself over in the mirror carefully, picking a bit of fluff or lint here and there from his tight, pink, angora sweater dress. The black patent belt around his waist was too wide and tight and the black patent spikes on his feet were too tall for him to ever think of walking very far. Alan combed a little more mousse through his ultra-short champagne pink hair. The punkish single finger of hair, tinted from pink to lavender, hung at his nape down between his shoulder blades. His make up was perfect. In the mirror, Alan was an alluring, sexy woman - all except for the neat dark mustache `she' wore. Getting some white wine from the fridge, he still couldn't believe how he had gotten himself into this. Trapped as a woman with breasts, figure, and all! And all over a stupid mustache. Before all this, Alan Ross was one of the up-and-comers on Wall Street. He made big money, had all the hot investments, was definitely loaded. Along the way he met Sheila, blonde and beautiful, the perfect sort of female accessory for a soon-to-be power broker in the big time money game. Sheila moved in and made herself useful. Sheila started to input Alan's transactions into the personal computer in his study. Then, she started to run his projections. Sheila handled his bills, his calls, his schedule. With Sheila doing the grunt work of his life, Alan did whatever he pleased. He certainly had the time. Christmas Day was Sheila's birthday and Alan had a pave diamond bracelet from Tiffany's for her. But Sheila seemed distant and sullen. Oh what the hell! She's probably just starting her period thought Alan. "Sheila, I got you something to show you just how much I appreciate you and all you've done. I wanted it to be something really special and I hope you like it." Sheila ooed and aahhed but still she seemed not quite right. "What's up, Sheila? You're not yourself. Want to tell me about it?" "I know it's silly, but there is something that I'd really like. It wouldn't cost a thing, but I know it would be asking a lot of you." "So tell me what it is and maybe I can make it happen." "Would you shave off your moustache? You see it really bothers me. I keep getting tickled by when we kiss and I don't like the way it looks on you." No way! Alan was well aware that at 5'6" and 135 pounds that he was on the delicate side for a man by anyone's standards. His moustache was part his `masculine' image, part of what made him one of the boys. Sorry, but shaving it off was something he wouldn't do for anybody. "Sheila, I love you, really I do but I don't think I can do that. I would look like a kid or a girl or something if I shaved it off." "Dammit Alan! If you loved me you'd do it. I bet you'd rather dress like a girl than shave that stupid thing off." Angry now, Alan retorted. "If that's what you want to hear, you're damn right! I would. I'd rather dress like a girl than shave my moustache off." Sheila stormed out, sulking. These arguments are a drag. I need to get her in line. If she's going to start breaking my balls, this bitch is history. Alan stewed alone. ********* Sheila slipped out of bed. Alan snored noisily and stirred as she left but remained out of it. In the bathroom, Sheila pulled a small glass vial from behind a picture. Morphal X, the latest project at X Industries, where it was referred to as M-X. She knew the name came from the word morphallaxis, meaning regeneration of a part or transformation of one part into another by means of structural reorganization with only limited production of new cells. Sheila had paid a fortune...well, Alan had, after all it was his money.. for this stuff. Still experimental and hard to find even on the black market, it worked by taking up the fatty deposits and water buildup in the body and redistributing all that mass to the hips and breasts. X Industries saw potential in it to replace, or as an adjunct to, cosmetic surgery but hadn't dealt with the side effects of rapid hair growth and loss of height. How much to give Alan? The instructions said one cc for every twenty pounds. After his macho pig act tonight, Sheila wanted to make sure he got what was coming to him. The right dosage should have been 6.75 cc's, but the needle capacity was 9 cc's, so that's what Sheila filled it to. A little spray anesthetic hid the prick of the ultra-fine needle when Sheila slipped it into Alan's rear and he soon had the powerful drug coursing through his body. ********* "Oh my God! What's happened to me?" Alan was standing in front of a full length mirror by the time Sheila got to his room. Nice job that M-X did. Alan was shorter by at least two inches. He had what looked like a fat pair of `C' cup breasts and his hips were getting nice and wide. "Shut up, you little sissy!" Alan saw Sheila for the first time. She was dressed head to toe in black leather. In her six inch heels, she towered over the rapidly feminizing male. "Sheila, what did you do to me?" "I took you at your word. You said you would rather look like a girl than shave off your moustache. Now, you do. And a very sexy girl, I must say." Sheila caught a handful of Alan's now shoulder length chestnut hair and pulled him to his toes. "Let's get something straight from the beginning. I'm a lot stronger than you, I'm a lot smarter than you, and if you don't do exactly as I say, I'll make your life hell." Too terrified to speak, Alan could only nod his submission. To his dismay, Sheila pulled box after box of woman's clothing from the closets. It was obvious that she'd been planning this for some time. "I have to make a few phone calls. While I'm busy, I want you to put all your new clothing away neatly and throw all your old men's stuff in these boxes." Alan was left in a daze as Sheila made her way to the study. First, out came all the male clothes; suits, slacks, shirts, and shoes. In went dozens of pairs of sexy panties and bras. The bras seemed to run in sizes from 38C to 44D. These were followed by all sorts of frilly lingerie including tap panties, stockings, and garter belts. There were also several corsets that looked like they would be very uncomfortable to wear. Then there were the dresses, skirts, blouses, and sweaters. And the shoes! By the time Sheila returned, Alan had the bedroom switched around as ordered. Every stitch of male clothing was boxed and ready to go. "Well now, Alana. Oh yes, I've decided to call you Alana. We certainly can't call you Alan. Here are the rules: You are to get up every morning at 6 A.M. I want you dressed in your Maid's Uniform, made up, and in the kitchen by seven. At 7:30, you will serve me breakfast in bed." "After I leave for work, you will change into whatever clothes I have specified for you to wear that day. From then, until noon, you will clean the place from top to bottom, whether it's clean or not." "At noon, you can eat the lunch I leave for you." "After lunch, you will change into your third outfit of the day and watch soap operas and talk shows all afternoon. I'll be taping them so you had better pay attention. I might just ask a few questions. God help you if you don't know the answers." "Just before I return home, you will change again and have a drink ready for me. After the dinner you will cook and serve, another change of clothes for you and time to get all your changes for the next day laid out, give yourself a beauty facial, and, of course, care for your precious moustache." "See, that's the biggest joke of all. You won't grow any more facial hair, but you do have a little moustache problem, don't you? So many girls do. Well, if your a very, very good girl and you beg me every night before I put you to bed, I might let you have it electrolysized off.' Alan looked at himself in the mirror. Unbelievably, he hadn't noticed. His moustache was still there, ludicrous now on such a feminine face. "Sheila.." My God, he thought, even my voice is changing! "Sheila. I'm begging you. Let me shave it off. I'll shave it off right away and keep it off for good. Just don't do this to me. I'll do anything you want..." Sheila cut off Alan's quivering plea. "You'll do whatever i say because I tell you to and you'll keep that moustache until I decide to believe that you are sincere." "Now get dressed. Someone's coming over, and I have plans for you." ********* Alan's face was burning hot. His hair had been washed and was now being cut. Cut really short, maybe a quarter of an inch long. The floor was covered with long brown hair. One long lock of hair was left to trail down his back, and Alan was forced to sit as a thick white goo was worked into his hair. After a few minutes, his scalp was burning, but no one paid him the least attention. Finally, the hairdresser put his head back in the sink and rinsed his hair thoroughly for nearly twenty minutes. Now another lotion was being rubbed in. Alan couldn't see himself, they had covered the mirrors. When she came to the single lock down his back, she seemed almost to be painting. Rinsed again, now he could see what had been done to him. His hair was pink and that tail was purple. And so short! The hairdresser looked at Alan in his black spandex jumpsuit with the big chrome industrial zipper running down between his legs and snickered. "Listen, Dearie, I can't wait for you to overcome your little moustache problem and come into my shop for a total beauty treatment. I'd love to help you stay pretty like this." This was part of Sheila's plan and Alan new it. Even after she had bonded the false pussy... Sheila called it a duralatex cover his male genitals, Sheila had made sure that the hairdresser knew exactly what was being done to him. Alan was setting out tomorrow's changes under Sheila's strict eyes. Six changes to plan for, with accessories and make up to suit. Looking at what was now laid out made him feel even more sick and anxious. Alan had a hot, perfumed, bubble bath, followed by a mud mask facial. Sheila laced him into a wasp waisted corset that pushed his breasts up high and compressed his waist substantially. From 26 inches to 21, Alan felt cut in half. But scarier was the fact that the edges did not meet in back. It was going to get worse. There were ankle boots with ballet toes and no heels that locked his feet straight and stiff. Satin mittens that buttoned up to his elbows made his hands useless. Finally, after rubbing skin creams into his face, Sheila laced a lined satin helmet about his head. A rubber sponge filled his mouth. He could breathe through it but barely. The mask made him blind, deaf, and dumb. Sheila arranged her subject on the bed, his big breasts thrusting upwards nicely. Using wide satin ribbons from D-rings at his toes and hand pods, Sheila pulled Alan spread-eagle on the black satin sheets. The white satin of Alan's bondage contrasted fabulously. It was all going perfectly. Lastly, Sheila wheeled over a drip stand with a fat enema bag hanging from it. Into the bag she poured a powder and a big pitcher of water. `X Industries Destabilized Animal Fat', that's just what this sissy needs, thought Sheila. This stuff was reduced to a ratio of sixteen to one so that one ounce equaled a pound of fat. Sheila added another drop of M-X to the mix and fixed a long plastic tube from the bag to the white access tube jutting so conveniently from Alan's mouth. So tomorrow, my little sissy will be ten pounds heavier, and with the M-X, it will go to all the right places. Sheila couldn't help giggling to herself as she watched the treacherous fluid beginning to drip into Alan's sponge gag. He would have to drink every drop just to breathe. And in the morning, when all his clothes are tight...maybe even too tight to get on! Sheila found herself laughing out loud and not ever wanting to stop. ********* Alan carried the tray carefully into Sheila's bedroom. His dress was much too tight to go quickly. Thank God it was a stretchy fabric. At least he had been able to wiggle into it. And the way his breasts stuck out was really embarrassing. They hadn't looked this big last night. A 38C bra hadn't fit this morning, and now the 40D felt a little snug. "Good morning, Sheila. Your breakfast is served." Sheila eyed her latest undertaking. Look at the butt on this one. Alan had to be 40 inches across the hips and he was much more busty now. Alan couldn't keep the sway out of his hips now when he walked, and his hobble skirt only served to accentuate his feminine gait. But then, there was that silly moustache. "Good morning, Alana. How did you sleep?" Fearing some trick, Alan smiled. "Very well, thank you." Alana, I don't want you calling me by name anymore. Please refer to me as Ma'am and, whenever I enter or leave a room, I'll expect you to curtsey." "Yes, Ma'am." "And keep your eyes down. Speak only when spoken to. I want to see your hands limp at your sides unless doing something at my direction. And stand with your back very straight and shoulders back." Alan made the various adjustments as Sheila spoke. Visibly chastened, he docilely followed behind his Mistress as she showered, dressed, and prepared to leave. At the door, Sheila stopped to give final instructions. "Alana, I want you to have this place immaculate when I return, or I'll put you over my knee." ********* How could he clean dressed like this? Alan put down the lame stole that matched his long formal dress and polished the table. In two hours, he had put the entire downstairs right. Lunch was a tossed dry salad with diet soda. Now he was settled in, dressed head to toe in clinging black velvet, watching soap operas. Would Sheila really tape them and ask him questions about them? This was getting out of hand, how to escape? At dinner, Alan was a vision in blue taffeta and, after dinner, a vixen in red satin. After all his changes were set out, and Alan was bathed, his routing changed. "Put this on." `This' was a black rubber girdle, heavily boned, with two hard prongs built into the crotch. Alan whimpered as first the longer fatter one was inserted and then driven deep into his false vagina, exciting his cock under it. It was soon followed up his rear by it's mate. Alan laced up the girdle, pushing and pulling his bottom into two perfect globes. Then came the corset, the hand pods, and the heel-less boots. Was it the same corset? It seemed even narrower in the waist. Helmeted and spread-eagled, Alan couldn't see Sheila hook up another bag of forced fat feeding. But this time she added a few new goodies. Lactamorphonate-M. A dangerous test hormone designed to induce milk production in cows. First tested in the dairy industry, human females had been exposed by accident and found their breasts converted to constantly flowing milk factories. A mild stimulant and aphrodisiac were blended in. The tube was hooked up and Sheila made sure that Alan was getting his hormone milkshake. Then she attached two wire leads to the plugs filling Alan's holes. The vibrations made Alan go rigid. For the rest of the night, at random intervals, Alan would have a vibrator going in either his pussy, ass, or both. Sheila couldn't wait for tomorrow. ********* Alan tried to tell Sheila, but she wouldn't listen. Those things inside him had been vibrating. They really had! And now his breasts were even bigger. Only his 44D bras fit right now. His skirts still fit, but all his dresses and blouses were ridiculously tight across the bust. Looking at himself, in the mirror, in his exercise leotard, Alan knew how foolish he looked. So sexy, with a man's moustache. Sheila wouldn't listen to him beg. It was going to take going through whatever she had planned for him, before he could remove the moustache, and he was trapped for the duration. Why were his breasts growing so much? What was Sheila up to? When this was over and he was back to normal, Alan was definitely getting rid of Sheila. She was too damn dangerous. Exercise leotard. Nurse. Ballerina. Go-go girl. Cocktail dress. Today, it was all green and white. Alan had given up on trying to guess where Sheila was taking him. Time to get into his tutu and watch his soaps. ********* Alan was in obvious discomfort. His corset was laced down to 18 inches and his breasts were pumped up to 48DD's on M-X and his force fed diet. Sheila took notes as Alan struggled, tied to the bed. Hmm, third night on Lactamorphonate-M. Second night on Esterase-L. That one was a banned hormone used to put breeding stock in heat full time. human females exposed to it had become sexually insatiable. Now was the night to start him on Detestosterone. This hormone attacked any male hormone in the subject's body. It created a craving in the subject to remedy the loss of hormonal balance, since every normal human body produces both male and female hormones. Those exposed became addicted to male hormones, needed them in their system. Source of first preference was their species sperm. Won't Alan be surprised at all the special things about himself? Sheila grabbed one of Alan's massive breasts and squeezed. A stream of milk shot up into the air. Good! Sheila thought. By tomorrow he'll be a regular cow, pumping himself twice a day. I can't wait to see him drink his own milk. ********* Alan sat at the kitchen table. The electric pump hummed noisily. How can this be happening to me? One container was full and Alan was busy filling the second. Trying to put on a bra had brought forth a flood of milk. Alan panicked, but Sheila had explained that this was just a rare, but expected, side effect of the feminizing process. If Alan did as he was told everything would be alright. So Alan had learned to use the breast pump and now had to pump himself every other hour. It wasn't hard to tell when he was overdue; his breasts felt like they would explode. Alan switched the bottles and watched as the third was half filled before he went dry. Adjusting his nursing bra, Alan carried the bottles to the refrigerator. Neatly lined up inside were another ten. At this rate he might fell thirty a day. And he felt so hot. Itchy. He kept rubbing his false vagina trying to find some relief. Alan had looked for his dildo girdle, but couldn't find it. That afternoon as Alan pumped himself yet again, he found himself looking at the crotches of the men on television, not realizing that he was doing so. I wonder what it would be like... ********* Sheila sat in the study and reviewed her lover's progress. His breast growth had stopped at 55DD and Alan was pumping out more than twenty ounces of milk every two hours. His uncorsetted waist was down to 18 inches, while his hips had been compressed to stay at 40. He now stood 5'2" and weighed 147 pounds, mostly tits and ass. This evening when Sheila had shown him a much more aggressively endowed version of the latex girdle, Alan had been quite willing to impale himself and insert the leads. Even now, she could hear him sighing thorough another orgasm. The hormone drip was eagerly devoured after Sheila had added a touch of sperm to the brew. In a short time, she had taken Mr. Wall Street and turned him into a balloon titted cow, constantly in heat, and dying for a cock to suck. The fool probably thought that this was all over a moustache. Hardly! Sheila wanted to be rich and Alan certainly had been. Tomorrow, Alan would be drugged and taken to a clinic where he would undergo the surgery which would make him a complete woman. If things went okay there, it wouldn't be long before Alan got what was coming to him and so would Sheila. ********* Alan felt awkward. The new gleaming black corset did a lot to support his enormous swollen mammaries, but to actually walk around with his breasts bare, with little clear plastic cups catching the milk that leaked out to run down tubes to the collection bottles mounted on his hips! His panties were crotchless and the smell of sex followed everywhere he walked. And the men! He couldn't keep his eyes off them. Had that stretch in the hospital turned him gay or what? "Thank you for coming tonight." Sheila stood tall and glamorous in the middle of the room. "I know the circumstances are odd but Alan wanted it this way. All his life, Alan knew he was a woman in a man's body. He has gone through terrible trials to correct nature's mistake. He has worn a little stage moustache tonight to remind you of the old Alan and tonight he'll remove it, to show you the new Alana." The guest were staring at Alan and at, what was obviously, a vagina nestled between his legs and made conspicuous by the crotchless panties he wore. They marvelled at the bizarre fittings on his breasts, indeed at the massive size of his tits. Alan was oblivious to his surroundings and had been for some time. He wasn't even aware that he no longer wore an artificial pussy. His thoughts were kind of vague; so what if the moustache is gone? So damn what. Just look at that hunk over there! "So if Alan will come up and sign a few documents, we can move the evening along." Alan signed a petition for a name change from Alan Ross to Alana. That was going to be his full name, just Alana! He gave power of attorney over all of his affairs to Sheila, and then deeded all his property and transferred all his assets to her. He could never deny it. Everyone had seen him sign away his fortune. Most of the people drifted off, dazed at the spectacle of Alan so naked and degraded. But some stayed. Special people, friends of Sheila who had been promised a party like no other. Strong hands picked, the now tiny Alan, up and placed him, breasts down, in a metal frame. His big boobs swung free. A latex head harness that left his face free was first laced tightly on and then used to force his head up, facing directly ahead. A thick O-ring forced his jaws wide. Alan's legs were separated and tied with padded cuffs to rails that left his entire crotch exposed and ready. Someone entered Alan's new sex from behind. It felt so good to him. Now, someone was taking out an enormous cock and feeding it to him. Alan's throat opened to engulf the hard rod. It only took a few slight adjustments to the frame and Alan was enjoying his first deep throat. The pull of gravity on his breasts wasn't enough to keep the milk flowing. His breasts were taut with pent up milk. Alan's little hands kneaded and pulled at his mams, drawing the milk out. Milking himself, while being filled at each end, Allen couldn't remember how he had gotten here, except that Sheila had been so good to him to get him so much action. Sheila stood back and watched as her former lover, now simply a horny slut and not good for much other than as a party favor for the male guests, performed. Amazing! It's like this was what all he,..I mean, she.. was meant to do her entire life. Whatever, it's all she'll ever do from now on. Sheila looked back as she went off to another part of the party. Alana was working on a new set of cocks. I wonder if Alana will ever remember having been a man, or if she'll even care. Alana never saw Sheila go. Someone changed her bottles and she was perfectly content. FIN

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The program resumed with one more special performance, then another commercial break. “And now the time of reckoning has arrived for these sixteen hopefuls,” Ben began. “In order to have a top ten, the bottom three from each performance night will be eliminated.” “I will call up four at a time, two from each group and announce who has been eliminated and who will be in the top ten.” “Will Martin Kerr, Mark Day, Gary Morisette, and Drew Wright please come forward. Canada, you have voted...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Keisha Grey Opens Her Ass For Manuel

Keisha Grey returns for more ass pounding in this extreme scene with Manuel. This brunette hottie has got curves in all the right places and is looking hot as hell in her sexy black lingerie. Watching that ass bounce around is hypnotizing and makes you want to just reach out and grab it, combine that with Keisha’s ‘Fuck Me’ eyes and you know this slut is ready for action. This chick’s been jonesin’ for a huge cock, and it’s apparent by the way she goes to...

1 year ago
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HOW THINGS ARE FUCKING FANTASTIC BETWEEN ME AND MY SMOKING HOT SISTER MELISSA,Fuck we started off, the way we ended yesterday, Melissa had been licking, sucking, taking deep down her throat also sucking my balls, Melissa had been doing this for 35 minutes, none fucking stop!!, had already cum down her throat, she was fucking loving it.Her face has a curious expression, which is probably a smile with pleasure, but looks a bit out of place, since her mouth is full, i gently grab her hair, and...

2 years ago
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Jessica Chapter 3

By Jax_Teller From Chapter One: I went over and sat in my chair and Jessica said that was hot. I said yeah amazing things can happen with an open mind. Some totally unexpected, wonderfully kinky things. Jessica confessed she wished she was Dana getting fucked in front of every one like that. The freedom to say what ever came to mind not afraid of what everyone would think, just spontaneous raw fucking. She coyly shrank a little with a naughty grin as she said raw...

2 years ago
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Thanks for the Show

This is my first story with a non-incest theme, had an idea and decided to run with it. This is also my first story from the female POV, and my first non-series story, any feedback is greatly appreciated. “Oh fuck yes baby fuck me! Fuck my tight pussy!” I screamed as my boyfriend Jeff drove his cock into my pussy over and over.“Damn Sally, its like your pussy gets tighter and tighter every time we fuck!”I could only moan a response. Truth was he was right. I was 26, 125 lbs, and in my prime,...

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IFuckedHerFinally Vlada Sporty Cutie Undresses for a Curious Ohotographer

Stunning Vlada is blessed with a beautiful body with round butt, long legs, thin waist and yummy boobs. She spends long hours in the gym doing exercises that help her to keep fit and sexy. Of course, Vlada wants to share the beauty of her curvy body with the world. So when a dude offers her to pose on camera, she agrees right away. She takes a couple of positions for a start but then decides to spice the photo session by taking off clothes. The view of a totally naked hottie turns on the...

3 years ago
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My Reluctant Wife on the Appalachian Trial

Many years ago, when I was 35 years old and my wife Joan was 32, we decided to hike a section of the Appalachian Trial, starting in Hot Springs, North Carolina, and heading north. We lived in Knoxville, Tennessee at the time, so it was only a short drive to our Hot Springs starting point. It was the beginning of the summer, and our two kids, ages eight and six were at summer camp, and we were both able to take two weeks off from work for this adventure. We had done some camping with the family,...

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Sneha 09904848894 9825358299

Hi all ISS reader sneha is back.thanks ki aap sabne muje itne sare call,sms or mms bheje.aaj me khud ye maanti hu ki mein is duniya mein akeli nahi hu mere bhi bahot saare dost he jo muje call ya sms karte hai aap sabhi dosto ka dhanyavad ki aap ne muje call ya sms kiye. Thanks one again.aaj me aap ko ek sachhi kahani batane ja rahi jo mere naukar ramu aur uski biwi ke aath ke sex ki hai ya baat karib do mahine pehle ki hai dopher ka time th me ghar par akeli thi muje ramu ko bazar bhejna tha...

4 years ago
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My Teacher 3

This story takes place about a month after my high school band director and I began having sex with each other. We had a bit of time to play with each other one evening, because her husband had left for the night to go visit one of his old friends, and he left her home alone with me and a very comfortable king sized bed. We were just laying together on her couch in the living room neither of us really paying attention to what was on the tv at the time. She said she was thirsty so I walked to...

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Rayne Ch 06

Rayne retuned Gabriella to her home, reluctant to leave her, but knowing he had much to think about. His own affairs needed settling, and there was the crew to think about as well. They were not accustomed to being long in port and there were decision to be made. Then there was Navia, who he knew would be waiting for his return, as always. And yet, he could not see himself leaving Gabriella here alone and unprotected. Yet, there was very little chance of Torquemada presenting himself here, or...

3 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 53

Tiffany was sitting on the floor, her back against the bed. She had her knees drawn up to her chest. She was naked and staring at Phil’s empty closet. Phil noticed her eyes didn’t move. Nothing about her moved. He walked into the room but Tiffany’s focus didn’t shift from the blank wall of the empty closet. He sat down on the floor beside the young woman and tried to see what she was looking at. He had wondered if she had put a TV in there until he noticed she was not watching anything. Her...

3 years ago
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First Time With My Ex

I sat on the couch with my eyes fixated on the clock hanging above my TV. I liked to play this little game where I let my brain relax in order to dull my ability to sense things that are going on around me. In this case if I allowed my mind to drift it seemed as if my sense of time would slow. 1 Second became seconds, I wish I could say minutes or hours because it would sound much more poetic but the reality is that my perception could not really slow to such a degree. It was the first time in...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Black Horny Maid Vimla

Hello this is my first story on iss. This is my real life story how I fucked my maid. I am a student. 19yrs old average body with a 6″ cock any aunty or bhabhi or any lady if wants to have a nice fuck in Mumbai mail me on Let me introduce my maid. My maid is an average looking women she must be in her thirties. Her name is Vimla .She is unmarried with decent boobs and round ass. She was dark but good looking; I was never attracted to her or anything. But one Sunday I was home alone and was...

4 years ago
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Masseur and Red Bull

A few days later, I recognized a name on my appointment schedule. I’ll just call him red bull. He is a big, hairy hulk of a guy that liked to get rimmed and sucked. I loved seeing him that first time, even with his gruff and grunting ways, if there was a problem, it was only his size. He is huge, in every way and every sense of the word. In fact, I call him red bull because his hanging cock is the size of a red bull drink can. Heavy, thick and veiny. When he walked, memories of his first visit...

3 years ago
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The Masseur Part 2

* On Sunday morning, I woke up early from the sun shining through the skylight. I could tell it wasn't very far past sunup, and Skylar was in my bathroom. She was brushing her teeth with my toothbrush, and her profile was fantastic. When she was done, she stretched in front of the mirror. Fully naked and my dick gave a few twitches as I watched her. She padded back to my bed and looked at me with a big smile on her face. I guess after we'd fucked she didn't mind me seeing her naked...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Cheating Wife First Affair

I’m 30 years old now and I’m the same weight I was when I got married 5 years ago. I’m 120lbs and at 5’4’’ tall I have a nice curvy body. I’m pretty with dark hair and blue eyes. I work out five times a week and have kept my body firm and tight. I have well defined legs, tone arms, a flat belly and a big round ass. I keep my bush well-groomed on top but around my pussy shaved bald because I like it smooth and I think most guys appreciate a bald pussy when they go down on a woman, not that my...

1 year ago
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Desert JailChapter 5 Debbie Makes her Mark on Clarissa Megan is Freed

Megan had fallen asleep during the afternoon. Perhaps sleep was the wrong word. Drifting in and out of unconsciousness was a more accurate description. This last day had been the hottest of the summer and every time her skin touched the bars of her cage it was blistered. Although it was hell in her continued confinement she wondered how Clarissa was coping as she worked for ten hours a day in the same heat. Every day she eagerly looked out for her friend as the returning truck disgorged its...

2 years ago
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Humping My Cousin Alka In The Bath

Hi guys, thanks for the awesome response for my previous story. I am going to proceed ahead with what happened the next morning. Those who have not read my previous story, can find it . A quick recap about my cousin Alka. Alka is 5’5′ in height. She is really slim with a figure of 32C-26-32. She is really pretty with a peach-shaped perfect face, brown eyes, and silky brown hair. A little bit background about me. I am 5’10” tall, average built and dick size average. In the previous story, I...

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Undercover RoseChapter 97

It was too late to mark the fence line when they came back from Williamston, so we made plans to make it the next morning after breakfast at which time we all went our separate ways. I did some research on the Internet, then went to hang out in a chat room. It wasn't long till I got bored. I went to bed frustrated at that point. I hadn't paid any attention to the two of them driving into the compound or what they had done after I went to bed. So I guess I was a little surprised when I was...

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Thank God Im a CUCKOLD

April 7th, 2015I thought I would take this moment to talk about how great it is to discover my calling in life...that of being a cuckold. Even though this lifestyle has caused my wife to divorce me, the sexual intensity and addictive joys that being a cuckold have provided help me to not only understand why my wife of 12 years would divorce me, but when I think of how she chose her "Owner's" big cock over our relationship it usually turns me on and I'll soon be stroking my little dick until I...

2 years ago
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One On The Way Part 2

On Saturday morning, Ryan was alone sitting at his kitchen table enjoying his morning coffee and cigarette. Normally, Belinda was with him but she got a call from her job offering her some overtime and she bolted. As he smoked, he thought about Belinda's newest request. It seems that dressing in lingerie wasn't enough for her, she wanted to see him in a wig and makeup.While dressing in lingerie was definitely out of his comfort zone, this newest suggestion went way beyond what he was prepared...

3 years ago
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Brooke finished unpacking the last suitcase in the extremely large walk-in closet which had been provided for her by her new employer. Brooke had a completely new wardrobe due to the fact that she and her husband Kevin lost everything in Mississippi during the hurricane and floodBrooke had been working as a waitress for one of the floating casino's and lost her job to the total devastation along with her husband Kevin who had worked for the same casino. That's how they met and got married...

2 years ago
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Boy Scout Camping 1

As you know, or should by now ;), I have a bit of s “discrete, word of mouth” reputation. My son recently bridged over to Boy Scouts and this weekend was the first campout. I know several of the dad’s from cub scouts and other k** related activities but couldn’t attend myself due to Girl Scout commitments. BUT…I did need to take some extra supplies out to them last night (St. Patrick’s Day!). There is one guy in particular that I just don’t like…but to be honest he and my husband REALLY...

1 year ago
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I Came Here to DieChapter 24

"This special girl is Lana," John introduced his girl friend. She was an inch or two taller than him. Pretty face, gorgeous hair, trim shape with small breasts and perfectly straight white teeth. She smiled shyly at the those who sat with her. Erin was the first to embrace her, kissed her cheek and complimented on whatever perfume she was wearing. Being cold, Lana wore a heavy, high collared, white knit sweater, tight jeans, and leather boots with a two inch heel. Her chestnut colored hair...

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Началось всё как-то быстро. Внезапно, как по мановению волшебной палочки изменилась погода и день, казалось, поменялся с ночью. Такого на моей памяти точно ещё не случалось. Вначале в воздухе повеяло чем-то тревожным и влажным. Небо потемнело и со ввсей своей необъятной тяжестью навалилось на землю. Всё затихло вокруг и насторожилось. Ветра небыло, деревья и трава под тяжестью плотного серого неба,спускающегося всё ниже и ниже,стояли неподвижно и с порывами лёгкого и редкого ветерка нехотя...

1 year ago
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First Meeting

I could tell by the look in your eyes that you wanted me as much as I wanted you. We had been chatting online for months and my heart had grown to long more for you with each and every day that we were apart. I would awaken each morning and wonder what you were doing and if you were thinking about me too. Now that you stood in front of me, I couldn't take my eyes off of you. You were even more beautiful than I could ever imagine, and I knew that my love for you was not in my head at all. It was...

Quickie Sex
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Gypsy Sex in Portugal

Whilst on holiday in Portugal recently, a rather filthy event occurred... on a day excursion to a large gypsy market, I ended up buying more than just some counterfeit merchandise, I bought myself some down and dirty sex with a hot gypsy woman!It started by walking down one of the many rows of stalls. That's where she caught my eye. I had noticed some of the girls and women weren't too bad on eye, but she stood out the most. I saw her first from behind. Wide grabbable hips and a chunky peachy...

3 years ago
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Keris FamilyChapter 12

Keri stood behind Chris on the patio watching the others around her. She had showered and changed into another bathing suit, another skimpy bikini, just moments before her dad and Susan got home. Her dad had looked at her and raised his eyebrows when the two of them were alone in the kitchen for a moment and she had smiled and nodded her head. "They're good, Daddy," she whispered, coming up to him and kissing him, one hand going down to gently squeeze his massive cock. "But not as good...

3 years ago
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Shower for a shagging

Something happened the other day that reminded me of a past escapade in my life.A few years ago I was around 35 part of my job was working for a company that would buy old run down buildings close to town centres to operate as branch offices. Their business wasn't top class and done on the cheap but we were making money so didn't care. One property came up on the coast which was pretty remote and I met with the boss to agree what we would be doing. They already had a small office in the town...

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The Ward Part 1

Permission is granted to archive this story at any site that does not charge a fee provided you e-mail me the address (my e-mail: [email protected]) The Ward Part 1 By Bruce Leach I had known Anne since I was 4 years old. We lived a few houses apart in one of those neighborhoods in the suburbs that had once been filled with young families but had aged into older couples through the years. It was only natural we became friends, there was no other kids within blocks of...

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Pretending Ch 07

Pretending Ch 07 © 2009 All Rights Reserved "Connie!" Emily shouted at her sister happily while sitting on the front porch. Connie grinned as she stretched. She hadn't seen Emily in months. She got a shock, though, when Emily stood up—Emily was pregnant! "Em!" She ran over to hug her sister. They embraced, then Connie stepped back, looking at Emily's slightly rounded figure. "When did this happen? How far along are you? Why didn't you tell me?" Emily laughed. "Slow down, sis. I'm sure you know...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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REVENGE Stage 2 Error Solution

I waited by the door in the side hallway. She had to walk down there to go to the office where she planned to tell about me so I stayed put by the door. The door area was down a small hallway so I had plenty of space to hide and I knew she had an after school meeting that day, and seeing as how she already wasn't all that excited over telling about what I had done I knew she'd wait until the ery end. I stood there and waited, almost everyone was gone within 15 minutes after the last...

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The Crystal RainbowChapter 19 Coincidence

Helen sighed and pulled her bare feet onto the settee. She carefully tucked the afghan about her body and then turned to take up her cup of tea. With brooding eyes, she stared into the flames as she thought of the wasted years of her life. "All of this loneliness because of one mistake ... just because I gave in and allowed my temper free reign during the worst moment of my life. Sometimes, I wonder why me, but that is a pointless thought to pursue. And, then there are the 'what if I...

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A Little Poke

Mom was out with her friends for a girls night out which meant I had the house to myself. Being in my mid teens this meant a night of Xbox and some internet porn. Mom had been gone about two hours and I was into a hard game of Halo when mom and her friends came thru the door. They were all pretty toasted. They had Amy with them and she seemed way drunk, almost passing out drunk. They carried her to the back bedroom and threw her on the bed and came back out. Mom said "keep an eye on Amy, she is...

2 years ago
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I lost an Archery Competition

I lost an Archery CompetitionI’ve been shooting bows for a number of years. Being a virile 35 year old I still have the eye for a pretty face and act upon it.Rachael is an 18 year old red-head. Her freckles bloom in the sun but her figure is to die for. On her small frame her 38D’s look enormous and her bum balances her profile beautifully. Today she’s wearing a light summer dress showing a lots of athletic leg. My dick always salutes as I watch her form firing her bow. She always wears a boob...

1 year ago
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a good weekend for me

The weekend turned out to be decent, getting better as each day passed. On Friday we went to a swingers party in Providence and hit it off with a new couple. My guy got along so well with Steve we decided to play. Tina seemed to be about half of Steve’s age and it was my first time with an East Indian or Persian woman and her pussy tasted unlike any other I’d experienced. My husband and I gave it a lot of attention.Steve was a super guy but his cock was like a Q-Tip. However, he was good with...

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The Masterpiece

Author : Kshitiz Genre : Group HI guys I am here with a new story read it full and you will find it a great work of writing……… me as a artist I will call it my masterpiece……….the best I wrote till date……………….do remember that all my stories are a work of fiction……………………mail me at My wife Sneha teaches an art class for adults at a local adult learning center. She’s been doing it for the past 5 years, and at the end of each term she has a week where the students get to paint or sculpt using...

2 years ago
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Pinups Only Flaw

PINUPS' ONLY FLAW 1 Smile: White teeth Against Cherry lips, Wintry cold enhancing Luscious ripe red kiss-givers. Roses where cheeks should be. Hair, straight and blonde As poured honey, Framing the beauty Of her face. Her sparkling eyes Overflowing And effervescent As golden wine. It is her innocence no less Than her loveliness That makes me Hard with desire, With the need to become One with her, Inside her. 2 In profile, in the limelight, She stands...

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Felling Games

There is a variety of games, some are for individuals, others are for teams. Some involve kicks, others face sitting, some involve groin kicks, others trampling, some are softly, others are merciless, some end with the men being wanked off and others with submission, but all involve the girl first taking them man off his feet and then going on top of him, and all games are consensual: The men and women choose to sign up to take part. The men then choose which three of the women they are willing...


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