Soul Cakes
- 3 years ago
- 44
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Mr. Tracey blots away the beads of sweat that accumulate on his brow with a polka dot hanky. He folds it into a neat square and slides it back into the breast pocket of his faded denim blazer. He looks particularly disheveled as he sips from a white ceramic mug that reads ‘HOT FOR TEACHER’ in bold black Helvetica font. It’s probably filled with Jim Beam, I decide. His thinning hair is heavy with oil and is combed carelessly over to one side. Some of the longer strands seem to defy gravity as they flop about randomly over his forehead. He looks up at me from his desk as if he senses that I’ve been observing him from the back of the room. He performs an animated shrugging gesture and looks back down at his book. I knew why I was here but what the hell was his crime, I wonder. Mr. Tracey was my history teacher and was well known throughout the school for performing impromptu social commentaries in the middle of class with the timing of a seasoned stand-up comic. His doughy face was flushed to a bright red and set off by piercing gray-blue eyes. He was a cross between Steve Martin and George Carlin with a dash of Robin Williams from Mork and Mindy. He was well liked by the students but I imagined he wasn’t as highly regarded by his own peers or principal Owens. He was a rebel rouser and marched to the beat of his own drum and I guess I admired him for that.
I scan the room and survey the cast of characters that I will be spending the next month or so of my summer with. It is not very encouraging. Bruce Katz, Shane Connolly, Martha Kennedy, Janice Walters, Sue Shanihan, Joe Heller and some other assorted loners, losers, burnouts, bad-asses and slacker types. I glance over to my immediate left to see Tim Davies staring into space as he slowly blows the biggest bubble I have ever seen. It pops, spreading a thin film of bright blue Bubblicious all over his nose, lips and cheeks. Impressed with himself, he offers me a piece from the pack. Mr. Tracey quietly observes, shaking his head with a smirk.
Thank God for Tim Davies though. He was pretty chill and though we never really hung out much before, we have bonded somewhat over the past few days. We bonded in the way people might bond when sharing some traumatic event together. We were both in here for cutting too many classes and if we were to graduate with the rest of our class, we had to do the time. Tim was recently thrown off the track team for smoking pot on school grounds. Principal Owens threatened him with expulsion but coach Larsen stepped in and cut him a deal. Tim and I knew of each other but he was always kind of distant with me. Maybe it was because we both dated Marcy Herschowitz at different times. I dated her in the sixth grade and she would always let me get to second base. Tim and Marcy grew up together and had a thing but now they are just close friends. Tim is tall and lanky with shaggy brown hair and a chiseled jaw line. And he always dresses like he’s ready for a run. Today he reminds me of that Olympics guy from the Wheaties box. He wears a Budweiser tee, navy gym shorts and yellow and blue Nikes. A baby blue bandana is fashioned around his head like a headband. Bruce Jenner, I suddenly recall.
Mr. Tracey is now standing in front of the green chalkboard. With dramatic flair he writes the words KNOWLEDGE in pale yellow chalk.
Without ceremony he begins, “There’s a special place somewhere between Hell and Earth and it’s called Summer School. That’s where they send the unlucky few like me and you who need to atone for their sins against the man. I’m not sure why they call it ‘school’ because you’re not likely to learn anything here. Real knowledge is kept hidden and you need to seek it out for yourself. One thing you will learn is this…time goes by really fucking slowly when it’s a sunny eighty-eight degrees outside and your friends are at the beach and you’re stuck inside this stinking hot box with a bunch of losers who you usually wouldn’t be caught dead with.
The room burst into an awkward laughter.
“And you’ll wake up one day long after you’ve graduated and realize that all the crap and horseshit that you’ve been fed year after year was just that…a big stinking pile of horseshit. Now what? Who’s gonna pay for that? Oh, you will that’s who. You’ll pay with the money you earn being good little debt slaves working for the man. The man wants his money and you just run, run, run around on your little hamster wheels buying up things that you don’t really need, accumulating stuff and taking out loans and rubbing notions and lotions and potions onto your face and conditioners for you hair and new cars and new gadgets and…”
A loud bell rings out from the halls and there is a sudden rustle of excitement in the class.
“Okay, okay. Back here at twelve-thirty sharp everyone. And please don’t come back here smelling of the cannabis…not unless you’ve got enough to share with the entire class. Got it? Now go, get out of here!” he yells to anyone who will hear him.
We get into Tim’s yellow Mazda RX7 and head up to the Seven Eleven just a half mile or so up Talmadge Road. We purchase some Yoo-hoos and supplies and head right back to the school to share some smokes and chitchat until we are summoned back to class with the rest of the losers. This is becoming our regular routine and it’s a welcome little oasis in an otherwise long day together.
Tim bypasses our usually parking spot in the front and parks in a desolated area just past four big green dumpsters near the field at the back of the school. He turns the car ignition off and checks the view from the car’s side mirrors. Paranoid, I do the same and watch as he lights up a fat joint.
“Hell yeahs!” he blurts out spilling a trail of thick white smoke from his lips.
After a few good hits I start to rummage through our bag of snacks and mentally inventory its contents: Two Yoo-hoos, One Drake’s Apple Pie, a package of Tastykakes Butterscotch Krimpets, two bags of Lays Sour Cream and Onion Potato Chips, Watermelon Bubblicious, a pack of Parliament Lights and a pack of matches. After a few sips of myrefreshing Yoo-hoo chocolate beverage, I place two cigarettes between my lips, lighting them simultaneously. I pass one to Tim.
Yo, check it out,” Tim whispers and pulls out a magazine from under the drivers seat. “It’s a fuck mag. I swiped it from my brothers stash,” he adds.
‘PUSS-O-RAMA’ is spelled out in bold pink and orange lettering against a black background. A photo of a topless woman in a Little Bo Peep type costume graces the cover. I flip through the pages with some hesitation. Though I have seen plenty of Playboy and Penthouse magazines, this was completely different. There are close-ups of penises penetrating vaginas, clits, cum shots, blowjobs, and anal sex. Nothing is left to the imagination. “Wow, this is intense.” I say aloud.
I fumble with the magazine for some time, shocked and excited by its contents. It takes me a good minute or two to realize that Tim is even more excited than I am. From the corner of my eye I ccan see him stroking his already erect and rather large dick, his gym shorts pulled down around his knees.
“Put your seat back,” he says and hits the switch on his seat and clumsily falls back into a reclining position. As I stumble to find the switch on the side of my seat, I feel Tim undo the snap of my OP corduroy shorts. Leaning awkwardly over the gearshift, he yanks my shorts down and takes my half erect penis in his mouth. I just lie there stunned by the urgency and intensity of what is happening. I think about telling him to stop but I don’t. A wave of intense pleasure and fear overwhelms me. His mouth feels warm and strong and I gradually allow myself to sink deeper into its greedy, mind-numbing bliss.
HOT FOR TEACHER. I see the letters written in pale yellow chalk on the green board. Mr. Tracy sips from his mug.
KNOWLEDGE. His voice echoes in the distance. FIVE, FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE...
A rush like a million white-hot stars shoots up from my stomach and out through the top of my head. I yell out something unintelligible and I open my eyes as if suddenly thrust from another dimension. I can still feel the back of Tims throat again the head of my cock. After some time he releases his grasp and slowly tilts his head up revealing a sweaty, devilish grin, eventually maneuvering himself back into an upright position in the drivers side seat. He wipes his mouth with the bottom of his tee shirt.
“You came in my mouth dude,” he shares candidly.
“Uh, yeah I guess I did,” I reply.
“No, it’s cool man. Tastes pretty sweet actually,” he says checking himself out in the rearview mirror.
Tim grabs the bag of snacks and unwraps the package of Tastykakes. He hands me one.
“Mmmm, butterscotch,” he says with a big boyish smile, taking a big bite in the process. “And you might want to pull your pants up,” he adds. He reaches over and grabs my ball sack with some force.
“Well, this is awkward,” I deadpan pulling up my shorts. After a pause we simultaneously burst out into uncontrollable laughter, laughing so hard we start to panic, which only makes it seem funnier. We laugh for about eight straight minutes before finally regaining composure.
As we drive back to the front of the school to park I notice Tim nervously fiddling with the rabbit’s foot keychain dangling from the ignition.
I lower my gaze to his thighs and survey the fine blonde hairs on the tanned skin of his legs. His shorts have ridden up and I could see the coarser, darker hairs on his inner thighs.
“We’re cool, right?’ he asks with a certain seriousness. He reaches for a smoke.
“Yep. Totally cool,” I say.
“I’m not a fag you know,” he offers.
“Okay, good to know” I reply. I could have argued but I thought it best to remain neutral on this for the time being.
We devour a bag of chips in silence and head back to Mr. Tracy’s class. Shane Connolly greets me at the doorway with a hard punch to the arm. Its stings a bit but I resist the urge to rub it. Shane Connolly is always looking for a fight and I'm not in any state to oblige him. We go back to our seats in the back of the room and settle in. I notice the words ‘GET HIGH’ engraved sloppily into the top of my desk. I trace the letters with my fingertips and scan the room.Tim is staring into space with Zen-like detachment, chewing like a cow on a fat wad of blue gum. For the first time I observe how handsome he actually is. I look up and catch Mr. Tracy’s gaze. He stares intensely in my direction. He points to the word on the chalkboard.
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By helping the old lady next door put boxes in her attic I’m rewarded with a slice of cake and a bigger slice of life. From an early age I was attracted to older women and lucky enough to be seduced by the widowed mum of my sibling’s best friend. That theme continued with Aunt Joan, Jean the wife of the landlord whose house we rented in my first year at Uni and later, several others. In my second year at Uni there was an old widow living next door to our rented house, I was 20 and she was 70....
Adura blushed as she finally found her way in the door after work, cupping her chest gently with a slight wince, then gasping as she unbuttoned her blouse. Her breasts swelled against the soft pink bra holding them almost painfully, pushing the bottom of its cups away from her chest. She unsnapped it from behind her with a sigh, letting them free in the cool air of the house. She walked to the kitchen, the rest of her clothes falling in a line behind her. She stood in the kitchen, nude except...
* * * * * Copyright jeanne_d_artois January 2007 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. * * * * * However the main attraction of the former laundry room, which is my workroom as a potter, is Martha, the resident ghost. As a child I would sit on the scrubbed table and ask...
I made a sponge cake the other day. Unfortunately we ran out of icing sugar so it was a bit plain. We sat down to eat it when I said to my boyfriend "It's a bit dry without icing" "I could help with that if you like" he replied with a cheeky wink. "Go on then" I said. He looked a bit shocked. I was serious. "You really want me to? It might taste a bit funny" He said with a smile on his face. "Come here and unload over my slice. I want you to ice it for me. Do it." A stern look on my face....
I didn't get a response from Megan or from any of the girls regarding my enthusiastic "cake" question. After I shot my cum into Courtney's pussy, which completed the mutual loss of virginities while her three best girlfriends watched, I only wanted to know if there would be cake at Megan's 16th birthday party which was two months away. I thought it was reasonable to get a reply to my query. All distractions created by sexual activity were now absent, yet none of the girls gave any...
He finished the ghost story and watched as several of the younger campers huddled under blankets in groups of three and four. A wry smile came to his face as he stood and stretched out his legs. Andrzej Charron wasn’t much older than the campers, but he was 16 and had attended Camp Jumping River for eight years, so he filled the requisites to be a ‘Teen Counselor.’ ‘Tell us another one, Andy?’ a young girl asked. ‘Sure, Tammy,’ he said, returning to his blanket. He took a sip from his soda...
We finished eating at the restaurant. Then Anisha invited me to her flat for the biggest surprise of my birthday. We drove to her flat. It was a neatly maintained 2 BHK flat. There was a cake ready for me. I was so happy that she had taken care to make it a memorable birthday. Once the cake was cut both the sisters started to apply the cream on my face. I do not generally like it. But I did not want to spoil the fun. We were enjoying and suddenly Anisha asked us to stop. She came to me and took...
1 Week Before the Masquerade"That can't be your best line. What is it really?" Hector asked his new recruiting partner."It is, I swear. Women love hearing things like that. Some of them laugh, but they still like it," Jonas answered, while parking their black SUV."Whatever, man," Hector chuckled and continued. "I wouldn't tell you what my best line is either... But it's not even about the lines with me anyway."Both men flipped the SUV's sun visors down, slid the mirrors open and made sure...
ReluctanceCopyright, kayce69@fsworld Copyright, [email protected] ???????????????????????? Another story by Pagan ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? It?s all a piece of cake. ?Your fucking brother helps in the lab he ain?t no fucking scientist.??He fucking is and he has got that stuff and it does fucking work.??And you?re telling us he just used it, like mixed the horse stuff and his secret formula and you reckon that Neanderthal...
Judith Moyer sat on her sofa, she was scared, dazed and confused, she hadn't slept, all she had done was clean herself and her lovely house, she had tried to rid everything of the foul stench of those awful boys who had brought her wonderful life so much misery. Time and time again she had scanned those disgusting pictures looking for anything to prove them false, how could three idiots have been so cleaver as to rig them so well. Trembling she sipped at another coffee, she squirmed on the...
It was in the afternoon and my wife was at work while Im stuck at home out a job for now waiting to get back on my feet for that perfect opportunity to get my job back. So suddenly I get very horny! So I invite a black friend of mine over and yes I'm a white guy. Skinny and healthy, then after calling my black friend and asking if he'd like to come over and just hang out sense I was bored and very horny for black dick. Oh yeah I forgot to tell u I'm secretly gay I like to fuck black guys behind...
GayThursday afternoon. I came back from work and found my wife at home. She had made a wonderful lemon cake and the moment she saw me she started making coffee. The table was set in no time and was happy to relax sipping from my aromatic coffee and having small bites from the delicious lemon cake.‘I have to finish my project and will need your assistance to prepare the final file for the presentation.’ She said.‘Okay. Call me when you’re ready.’ Was my answer then I turned on the TV and started...
To Bake a Christmas Cake A fictional story, written by REIF DISCLAIMER: This is adult fiction with heavy transgender elements, if you find that in any way offensive then stop reading NOW. No character in this story is meant to resemble any actual person living or dead. Please respect the author and don't steal. Comments and feedback may be directed to [email protected] Chapter 1 There are few sounds more unique than that of snow crunching underfoot, it...
"One more outburst from you, Mr. Ericson, and I will hold you in contempt of court!" The judge's face turned a bright shade of red and I had to stifle a chuckle at her almost comic expression. "Mr. Young, I strongly advise that you get a rein on your client." I had been warned a few times already, but it's hard not to say "fuck" when "fuck" is a staple of your vocabulary and you're dealing with fucktards like the judge. I once had a guy tell me that he'd never met anyone who said...
Cutting Cake. By Tanya H. To all of the wonderful trans people who have been hurt trying to just live free, and to all those who were taken to soon. I left home in Yorkshire, went to London and joined the Metropolitan Police as a cadet when I was sixteen years old. After thirty years service I walked out of the job cloaked by a deep, impenetrable loathing for my fellow human beings. After getting sick of the relentless white-noise of uniformed, borough policing, where my...
It was Sarah's Birthday and after spending the day with family she was looking forward to going out at night, with here best friend Thelma. She got changed and and came down stairs… It was Sarah's Birthday and after spending the day with family she was looking forward to going out at night, with here best friend Thelma. She got changed and and came down stairs with a short dress on and high heels, black stockings etc, my cock was rock hard and she sat down on my knee and opened her legs...
CuckoldMy name is Rahul! I’m 22 year old! I’m an athlete, with 6′ long dick!It all started in my 12 standard holidays when my cousin sister Roopa (name changed) came to my house for holidays; we used to be like best friends share each and every thing of our lives. Forgot to tell you guys about her; she was 22 at that time with curvy body that any boy would easily get turned on just looking at her with clothes on!As I told you Roopa would share everything with me. One day she started telling me about...
He was running late, but he was able to get almost everything on the list from Whole Foods. Apparently they didnt have any all natural or organic fondant. No one likes the taste of it anyway he thought. But it sure helps make a neat looking cake. He made one more stop at a local bakery before heading home. Just as he was pulling into his community his cell rang. "Hey princess Im just pulling in now." He said as his blutooth came on. "~Oh Daddy ... I was gonna ask you to pick up one more...
My work orders allowed me access to the suite of rooms just down the hall from the Generals designated "conference" room. From what I could hear the party was going well. I slipped into a small room and met the women, with the cake. It was well before "the time", but I suppose they had nowhere else to be. Su Li was dressed like an old fashioned stripper with real tassels hanging from her small breasts. They covered up the damage done by Dr. Arkan or most of it anyway. Charlotte was...
It was near midnight when he pulled the pickup truck into the lower level of the parking garage and found a place well covered by the security cameras as well as within sight of the security guards station. This was not exactly a gentile neighborhood being near the docks and warehouses of the port. He grabbed two large duffle bags from behind the seats of the truck and headed out of the garage nodding to the half interested security guard as he walked past. To all outward appearances Carl...