So You re Gonna Fuckin Die
- 2 years ago
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"One more outburst from you, Mr. Ericson, and I will hold you in contempt of court!" The judge's face turned a bright shade of red and I had to stifle a chuckle at her almost comic expression. "Mr. Young, I strongly advise that you get a rein on your client."
I had been warned a few times already, but it's hard not to say "fuck" when "fuck" is a staple of your vocabulary and you're dealing with fucktards like the judge. I once had a guy tell me that he'd never met anyone who said "fuck" more than I do. Maybe I do say it a lot. I have to admit it just flows without thought.
Just as I started to speak I saw the judge tense up and Burt Young, my attorney and soon to be partner in the law firm where he worked, warned me to not speak so openly towards the judge, unless I wanted to spend a night in jail. The court recorder stifled a giggle as I am sure they were bracing themselves for the torrent of f-bombs that were likely to fly from my mouth
On the other side of the court room my ex best friend, his wife, and my soon to be ex-wife sat nervously looking around the room. Robin, my soon to be ex, looked shamed and downtrodden. Bruce sat there with defeat on his face and Cheryl; his wife sat looking pissed off. She obviously didn't like all of their dirty laundry being aired in court.
So by now you might be wondering about the events that led up to me being admonished by the simpleton fuck in the black robe about my conduct in her sham er, I mean court room. It all started one day, we'll call it Tuesday, because it was a Tuesday.
My name is Jack Ericson. I am a 32 year old foreman in the city maintenance department for the city of Stonemoore, Colorado. I started with the city two days after I graduated high school. In winter I plow the major thoroughfares, in summer I do whatever needs to be done. Robin works a few hours a week at the church as a break from her housework.
Our city maintenance department is split into four quadrants. Each quadrant has its own supervisor, and a foreman. I am not that supervisor. I never went to college, and use common sense so I could never get the position. Also I avoid having anyone's dick near my mouth; another disqualifier. Usually if a supervisor tells a crew to do something, they will ask someone like me before they waste their time. All of the foremen were promoted into their jobs while supervisors were directly hired.
Monday evening had brought one of those nasty ass June thunderstorms that produced a lot of high wind and hail. My quadrant got hit the hardest with the wind and hail so we had a lot of tree limbs and other debris to clear out of streets. I had six crews going around with dump trucks picking up that stuff.
I drove around in a pickup with a list of street flooding complaints. I'd check each complaint area to see if storm drains were blocked with debris. If they were I'd call out one of the two vacuum trucks I had at my disposal.
I also had four street sweepers running all day long. In the afternoon I surveyed problem alleys to see if we'd have to bring in gravel soon for them. None of my three parks got mowed; I'd have to get crews on that in the morning.
My wife Robin and I had a nice four bedroom two story home in an older neighborhood. We couldn't afford to live with the rich folk on the southwest side of town, but we didn't live in the east side gangland either.
We got along fabulously with our neighbors. Tom and Jeri McBain lived next door, Ron and Cindy Wood lived directly behind Robin and I, and my childhood friend Bruce Harris lived behind the McBain's with his wife Cheryl. All four households got along so well that we had no fences separating our back yards.
Bruce and I have been friends since we were in middle school. I got him in more trouble than he knew how to get out of and to make matters worse, his parents were extra religious while mine gave less than a fuck about "What God said." Dad often told me as long as I didn't knock some girl up or cost him a bunch of money he really didn't give a fuck what I did.
Most of the time if Bruce's mom and dad were going to nail him for something I'd tell them I did it and he was mistakenly blamed. I know they hated me so their opinion of me didn't really matter.
Bruce grew up to be as religious as his parents, if not worse. He went to a bible college and became a preacher. He is the pastor at one of the local churches. I don't go to church except for Easter and Christmas. Robin, on the other hand, goes to church religiously, pardon the pun.
While Bruce was at Bible College he met Cheryl. Cheryl could have been a Playboy playmate. Cheryl is 5'7" 110 pounds, blonde hair, blue eyes, and had 36D-24-34 figure. With all of that going on she is a prayer machine. Bruce is like the yin to my yang, but there isn't a damned thing I wouldn't do for him. Or so I thought.
I got home on Tuesday evening to find that I had to warm up leftover meatloaf from Sunday for dinner. I really didn't mind doing that, but my wife hadn't actually cooked a weekday meal in a few months.
I wanted to sit and put away a twelve pack, but the red dot on the calendar for that day told me I could have one beer with dinner and no more the rest of the night. Red dot days were the days I was on emergency stand by and could get called out at moment's notice to handle some issue.
I ate my dinner while Robin showered. I wished she'd spend as much time paying attention to my cock as she did in the damn shower. It was 7:00PM and I wasn't sure if I'd see her again that evening. I got a half assed "How was your day?" when I got home and that was about it.
This bullshit had been going on now for a couple of months and I was getting a bit tired of it. The worst part was our sex life. We used to get it on three maybe four times a week. In the past three months I had gotten Saturday night sex twice, missionary only, and two weak half assed tug jobs. She didn't even seem to notice me anymore, and that night was no exception, so I watched the Rockies play the Padres on TV and wished I could get my Jägermeister on.
Around 10:00 I was contemplating going to bed when my phone rang. I figured it would be Bruce bitching about the Rockies' bats failing miserably that night, or asking me to have my guys do something around his church, but it was the city/county dispatch calling to tell me of a water main break on the north side of town near the Birchwood Mall.
I packed a few snacks in my lunch cooler, and headed out the door. I almost went upstairs and told Robin what was going on but decided "Fuck her!" She didn't seem to give a shit anyway, so let the cunt figure out on her own that I wasn't coming to bed.
I got to the city yard and got the keys I needed. While I was waiting for my crew, which would be made up of guys from every quad that night, plus a supervisor from the city water department, and four of their guys, I hooked a trailer up to the new Kenworth dump truck and loaded a Caterpillar backhoe on it.
By time I was done loading that my crew was there and we all headed for the place where we figured the break was. When we got there it was obvious that the North West crews hadn't gotten to the storm sewers here because the street was flooded. I sent a couple of guys back to get a vacuum truck.
It was 1:00 in the morning before I pierced the pavement with the backhoe. With all of the water still on the street it was slow going. By 3:00 we had the pipe exposed and began hauling away the mud I had dug out of the hole. We would have fresh dry sand and gravel from the city gravel pit to fill the hole back in.
At 8:45AM the water guys had finally reconnected the pipe and tested their join. The building inspector Ok'd the fix around 9:30 and by noon we were ready to re pave the area. Since the paving would be handled by a separate contractor I was able to get the equipment back to the yard by 1:00.
At 1:45 I was pulling into my driveway with the knowledge that I was off work until Friday now. I unlocked the door and went inside. Robin didn't appear to be home. She was off doing whatever the fuck it was that she did all damn day, which lately didn't seem to include housework.
I went into the kitchen to grab a beer and a sandwich. I had just closed the fridge when I heard the unmistakable sound of a woman getting the fucking of her life. I seemed to be coming from upstairs. I listened for a moment and was pretty sure the sound was from upstairs.
"No wonder you don't fuck me anymore you filthy whore," I said to myself as I headed out of the kitchen. I opened the coat closet and pulled my Kimber Custom Crimson 45 from its hiding place and made my way up the stairs.
The sound was louder upstairs. I could see the door to the master bedroom was ajar so I walked stealthily up to it. I jumped through the door and leveled the pistol at the bed. No one was there. I quickly checked the bathroom just off of the bedroom and it too was deserted.
Back in the hall I was left with two choices. The guest bedroom door was closed. "At least she respected our marriage bed" I thought to myself. I opened the door and once again leveled the pistol at an empty room.
The only room I hadn't explored was Robin's craft room. I pictured her bent over her sewing table with a cock flying in and out of her cunt. I kicked the door open and jumped into the room ready to kill. The room was empty but the sound was loud in there. When I noticed the window overlooking the back yard was open, I looked out to see if she was fucking in the back yard. I saw that needed to mow my grass, but no one was in the yard. As I scanned the yards around my house I got the shock of my life. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?"
Tom and Jeri have a pool. I looked that way and saw Tommy and Brenda, the McBain children, fucking like rabbits on a chaise lounge by their pool. Tommy was a junior in college and Brenda was due to start her freshman year in the fall. She'd had a crush on me since she was twelve or so, and I absurdly wondered if she thought of me at that moment.
Neither one of them was anything to look at. Brenda did have a killer body though, and her bountiful jugs were wiggling wildly as Tommy pounded her. Then it struck me that I was witnessing incest. "I thought shit like this only happens in Mississippi and places like that." I said to myself.
I knew I shouldn't watch, but it was like a train wreck. I just couldn't look away. I wondered if Tom or Jeri had any clue this shit was going on in their home. I doubted it. They weren't as straight laced as Bruce and Cheryl but I doubt even the wildest people I knew would condone that.
"I bet they're watching us. Look at them Bren." said Tommy.
"Oh fuck that's so hot." said Brenda. She looked to her left and I followed her gaze. I could see Bruce's bare back in the upstairs window of his house. He was obviously fucking Cheryl. I thought I'd hang for a few minutes as that might have been the only chance I'd ever get to see Cheryl naked.
Then Bruce and his partner turned around. "MOTHER FUCK!!!!!" I yelled so loudly that the sex stopped in the yard below. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Bruce was fucking my Robin!!
I froze, not sure exactly what to do. I raised the pistol up and took aim at Bruce. Movement below caught my attention at the last second; it was Tommy and Brenda running stark ass naked for their house. I looked back up intending to send some lead Bruce's way, only to find that they had left the window.
"Motherfucking god damned filthy fucking whore!" I yelled as I went down the stairs. I stopped in my den long enough to grab my Mossberg Bull Pup and slam a hand full of 00 Buck shells into the mag. Bruce was going to die. The whore was going to die. Cheryl's fucking cat and parakeet were fair game as well,
I was going to kick his door in and lay waste to him and his whore. I tucked the pistol into the waist of my jeans and headed out of the door. I stopped about halfway down my driveway and just stood. I now understood a lot of things. I knew why my house wasn't clean. I knew why my meals came out of the freezer. I knew why my cock was neglected. I knew why the cunt took so many fucking showers that they were ready to name the city reservoir after me.
I walked back up my driveway and got into my truck. I backed out and left tire marks on the street as I headed for Lowe's. On the way I contemplated everything I knew now. She never cooked anymore because Bruce was wearing her out. She couldn't operate a mop or vacuum cleaner while she was getting her freak on either.
Biggest question I had was; "Why would the two people in the world I was supposed to be able to count on the most stab me through the heart like that?" I was on auto-pilot. I got to Lowe's and went directly to the door section and picked up three new lock sets. Jeannie at the paint counter waived at me and I almost didn't notice. I half assed waved back.
When I got home Brenda and Tommy were waiting in my drive way. "What do these perverts want?" I asked myself. They looked like I was going to march them off to the gallows.
Brenda offered me a sheepish smile. "We're sorry to have disturbed you Mr. Ericson. We didn't mean to offend you, it's just..."
I cut her off. "Look, I give less than a shit if you two fuck each other until your pussy falls off. It's none of my business. You guys aren't even on my radar of problems right now."
They turned sheepishly and walked toward their own house. I felt Brenda's eyes on my ass as I walked into my house. I set the lock sets down and went to find my tools. As I approached the kitchen I felt my blood boil. There sitting at my table was Bruce.
"What the fuck are you doing in my house you stupid cock sucker?"
"I came to talk to you as a friend..."
"Friend?" I laughed bitterly, "Fuckin A that is rich. With friends like you who needs an enemy? Do you think I am just going to say 'Hey Bruce ole buddy how was my wife's cunt this morning?"
"Jack it doesn't have to be this way. We..."
"Your right O Bruce Old pal o mine. Do me a favor and hand me that butcher knife." I slid a knife across the table to him. He looked at it and then looked at the Kimber in my hand.
"Come on Jack," he said a tad bit shakily. "You can't seriously expect..."
"PICK IT UP FUCKER! You love Jesus so damn much I want you to meet him! Now pick up the fucking knife and let me put the make my day law to good use, you trespassing piece of pious shit!"
Bruce jumped up and ran for the door. He stopped on the porch and turned back, "Jack we've been friends forever. Are you willing to throw that away?"
"I lost two people dear to me today Bruce. But I think when I get past all of it I'll realize it really isn't a loss. Where's Robin?"
"She's at my house. She's afraid to come over here."
"You tell her she has five minutes to get her cheating ass over here if she wants even the slightest chance of staying married to me. Now get the fuck off my property before I risk prison just to feel better."
Bruce scurried off and I wondered how long it would take Robin to drag her cheating ass home. Four minutes later I wondered no more. I heard her sniveling and sobbing long before I saw her. I bet people wondered what was going on when they saw Robin walking up the sidewalk crying her eyes out. She reached to hug me and I moved a step back. "Keep your fucking hands to yourself."
"But I love you baby. There's no one I want to spend my life with but you."
"Let's go inside, these assholes around here don't need to know our business."
I went into the living room and sat on my favorite chair. She sat on the love seat and asked me, "Would you sit here next to me?"
"Fuck no." I have never liked uncomfortable silences or pregnant pauses so I jumped right in. "So how long have you been fucking that shit heel?"
"He loves you like a brother. He's your best friend Jack."
"Was my friend. I doubt it. Friends don't fuck their friends' wives."
"It's just sex. I still love you."
"What a fucking crock of shit! It's just sex. Whoever thought of that fucking excuse needs to have their head caved in with cinder blocks." I yelled.
"There's no need to be angry. You still have me, I'm not going anywhere."
"The fuck you aren't! You are choosing Bruce over me and our marriage. You can't give me five minutes of your time anymore but you can bend over for him at the drop of a fucking hat. How fucking wonderful." I felt a headache coming on and put my head in my hands. She started getting up and walking towards me. "Sit the fuck back down. I hope it is worth a decade of marriage that you are tossing in the shitter babe."
"I'm not tossing our marriage out. We can stay married. I'll just have sex with Bruce. I just love the way his cock feels in me. I don't love him, just his cock. He says I can come take care of your needs once or twice a week."
"Well, isn't that mighty fucking white of him? I think I'll just go find myself someone else to take care of my needs."
"NO! You're my husband and no one needs to have sex with you except for me! We are still man and wife."
"Not much longer at this pace. Ex-wife is more fitting for a cunt that drops trou for a hypocritical cock sucker like Bruce Harris."
"No," she cried. "Please don't talk like that. I love you with all of my heart, but I love Bruce's big penis too. You just need to understand. Bruce has it all planned out baby. We all can be happy."
"Oh I fucking understand perfectly. You wish to have your cake and eat it too."
"It's not like that at all."
"Then fucking explain it to me damn it!"
"I can't. You'd never ... well um, I think ... Bruce wants me back in three minutes."
"What the fuck are you babbling about, you fuckin' nimrod?"
She looked like I had slapped her. "You've never called me names. You've never talked this way to me. What's gotten into you?"
"Oh well, let's see what might have me a tad bit on edge. It might have something to do with the fact that I haven't slept since six AM yesterday morning and I worked all damn night. Or it might just be that I got home to find my wife fucking a guy that wasn't me. YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT!"
She was crying and headed for the door.
"That's it you filthy whore. Go to Bruce; go get some of the thick cock your whore ass craves!"
She turned around at the door. "I don't see why we can't keep things like they are right now. It's not like you are home all the time. I can be his while you are at work and four or five nights..."
I slammed the door so hard I thought it splintered. "FUCK YOU!!!! GO EAT YOUR FUCKING CAKE!!!" I yelled so loud that my throat hurt for half an hour afterwards.
I sat with my back to the door for a while doing something that made me feel quite unmanly. Dad would have whipped my ass if he'd seen me with tears. So I sucked it up and got on with my tasks. I changed the lock sets on all of my doors and recoded the garage door opener.
At four I decided to take a break. I was dragging ass and needed to sit. I flipped on the TV and tuned into Jerry Springer. "How fitting today. A show about incest and cheating whores." I didn't make it very far with Jerry as exhaustion took me.
When I woke up it was well past nine and some asshole was knocking at my door. I got out of my chair and went to the door. It was Bruce. "What the fuck do you want asshole. I oughta beat the ever-loving dogshit out of you for being on my porch."
"I need a favor from you man."
"Well if you don't fucking take the fucking cake. I don't have a girlfriend yet for you to fuck shit head. Try elsewhere."
"Robin needs you. She's over there bawling her eyes out. Can't you call her and tell her that you're not angry and that everything will be all right?"
"I tell you what. She loves your dick so much, have it tell her everything will be OK. I'm fucking done with both of you. What's Cheryl gonna say when she finds out you're fuckin Robin?"
"She knows. She's happy you know so that the sneaking around can stop. She wants you two to stay together though."
"Get your sick perverted ass off my porch. Tell that whore that her shit will be on the porch in the morning so she can get it. Any door knocking will be met unkindly."
I slammed the door again and went to find a cold beer.
I'm still not sure why I did it, but I took my cold six-pack upstairs and sat in Robin's craft room and watched out the window. Soon it dawned on me I should have the video camera to collect evidence for divorcing of the slut. I went and got the camcorder.
As I sat watching the back of Bruce's house for activity, movement next door caught my eye. Jeri McBain was out at the pool. She was wearing a robe and I hoped to hell it stayed on or barring that, that she was wearing a one piece bathing suit underneath it. Jeri might be the nicest person in the world, but damn! She fell out of the ugly tree and did a double dip on every branch, and unlike her daughter, her body wasn't a pleasing distraction from her face.
Tom isn't much better, so it baffles me that Tommy and Brenda are only unpleasant to look at and not downright fugly. There must be some recessive genes at work there. Well, god just wasn't smiling on me that day. Jeri removed her robe and dove into the pool. I turned my attention back to Bruce's house.
With the camera on the night vision setting I could see Cheryl and Robin sitting on their back porch swing. They weren't talking loud enough to hear so I didn't bother trying to record them.
I saw headlights splash across the back of Bruce's house and I knew that Tom must be home. He manages a restaurant and works late most nights. He went straight to the pool and started stripping. "What the fuck did I do to deserve this?" I asked myself.
I watched Bruce's until I heard the splash of Tom entering the pool. They cozied up and embraced and treaded water. I could hear their conversation perfectly.
"How was work babe?"
"Busy as hell. I had to fire Juan for smoking weed on his break."
"You warned him. I heard something interesting today."
"Oh? Do tell."
"Jack kicked Robin out today."
"Yeah, he actually kicked her out today."
"Has he lost it? Those two would die without each other. I always figured she'd throw him out for his foul mouth. You have to be wrong."
"According to Tommy and Brenda, when they were cleaning the pool,"
"They were cleaning something all right," I thought to myself."
"They saw Bruce and Robin in Bruce's window having sex. I guess Jack must have been at home for some reason. They heard Jack holler a profanity and saw Bruce and Robin quickly stop their activity. They said Jack left the house and came back with a Lowe's bag and changed the locks on the house. I guess later Robin came over and when she left he slammed the door and called her a whore."
"I can't believe it," said Tom. "I'll have to see Jack tomorrow and make sure he's OK. I would like for you to stay away from Bruce. I always thought he looked at you and Robin a lot closer than he should have."
I shuddered at the thought of Bruce mentally undressing Jeri. The sick fuck.
"Brenda said she was going to take him a cake tomorrow to cheer him up. She's always thought highly of Jack."
"He's crude as hell, but I can't think of anyone else I'd want on my side. I saw him this morning working on a street by the mall."
"Was he wearing a hard hat?"
"Yes. You and your construction worker fetish. Maybe I can get Jack to model it for you."
I shuddered again. Normally a guy loves to hear that a member of the fairer sex finds him attractive, but for the first few weeks that we lived next to Tom and Jeri I thought they were a gay couple. Jeri can look quite manly.
"You're so bad," she told him. "I can't for the life of me figure why Robin would rather fuck Bruce when she has Jack at home."
"You're starting to make me get a complex."
"You know you're the only hunk for me my sexy man."
When I realized that a fucking was afoot I decided to go to bed. I wasn't sure I'd sleep, but if I did I didn't want to have nightmares about Tom and Jeri knocking boots. I turned a radio on just for some noise and heard the Heavy Metal/Grindcore show playing on the college radio station. I lay there listening to kick ass tracks by Carcass, Deicide, and Obituary. Just before the show was over, they played Cannibal Corpse's "Make Them Suffer." As I listened to the song I realized I wanted to make Bruce and Robin suffer. So as "Corpsegrinder" Fisher admonished me to "Make them suffer, Make them suffer, Make them suffer," I said; "I will Corpsegrinder. I will."
I was awakened the next morning by some douche bag pounding on my door. I shook off the last vestiges of sleep and went down to see who had an early morning death wish. I open the door, ready to yell at Robin for disturbing me, only to find Cheryl Harris.
"Oh, it's you. What the fuck do you want? Robin's shit isn't packed just yet."
"I don't want you to pack her stuff Jack. I want you to let her come back home."
"And here I thought you were going to ask for some unreasonable shit. I'm going back to bed." I started to close the door and she put her hand in the way.
"Wait Jack. Why are you doing this? Robin is hurting for you and you won't consider her feelings."
"What's to consider? She wants to be with you and Bruce more than she does me. I am allowing her to be with you two and I am staying out of the way."
"Bruce and I can't have her live with us. We have an image we have to protect."
"You fuckin perverts should have thought of that shit before you pulled MY WIFE into your sick game."
"Why can't she live with you?"
"Really? You don't see a problem here? I gave her a chance to stay. She chose your husband's cock over me. The most fucked up thing about it is that you don't seem to have a problem with it, but I do. Now leave me the fuck alone will you?"
"She still loves you Jack. We didn't want to take her away from you. We love her and you as well. I hate to see you throw your friendship with Bruce away."
"He's dead to me. So is she."
"You can't mean that Jack. She will still take care of your needs."
"Oh. Why didn't you say so sooner? I feed and board her. Buy her clothes, car and everything she needs. She continues to fuck you two, and I get tugged off once a week. Bruce gets his harem and doesn't have to pay upkeep. FUCK THAT!! Do I get time with you?"
"Sorry Jack. I am a one man woman."
"A one man woman." I said bemusedly, "Man I'd sure like one of those. Well then, that's what I have to go find. Tell the cunt her shit will be out here in an hour or so."
"Come on Jack. Stop acting like a cave man and join the modern age. Bruce and I have an image to keep up for our church. We can't have Robin living with us."
"Well, it sounds as if you have a dilemma. Sucks to be you!" I slammed the door and went to make me some bacon.
"Fuck their image." I said to myself. I can't believe anyone thought I'd go for this stupid idea. They want to appear squeaky clean while having wild sex with my wife. Corpsegrinder's words came back to me... "Make them suffer."
I called a guy that I worked with and asked him who had handled his divorce. He walked away with almost all of his hard earned assets when he caught his wife sleeping with her brother. Hmm, that incest thing seemed to be prevalent.
He gave me the name of the law firm. It seemed that Crosby, Stills and Nash specialized in representing men who didn't want to get royally fucked over in their divorces. I called and got an appointment that afternoon for a face to face with one of their best.
Then I packed all of Robin's clothes and toiletries into bags and put them on the front porch I boxed up a lot of the shit I knew she'd want and added those to the pile. Finally I put her car keys under the floor mat and went to the bank.
At the bank, I canceled all of the credit cards and closed my bank account, and reopened one in my name only. She had a card in her name that I didn't know about until then. I gave them Bruce's address so they could send him the bill.
At one in the afternoon I went to the law office. I had hoped to get David Crosby; he had a reputation for making quick work of any divorce attorney. Those he couldn't easily beat, he hired.
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Cheating"You've been invited to Courtney's Sweet 16 party," Mom told me in the kitchen when I returned home from school. I knew next door neighbor Courtney since I was six. I was fifteen now. When I was young I didn't like her because she was a girl. Boys don't like girls. Cooties and doll diseases and all that yucky princess girlie stuff. When I was older and interested in girls, I just wasn't interested in Courtney. The brunette was a little chunky, not fat or anything, she just could lose...
‘Hello, I suppose I should introduce myself. I’m Peter Nathan. No doubt you’ve been hearing a lot of new names lately.’ He had seen her around the office for a few weeks. He thought she was kind of attractive, tall, about 5’7′ with small breasts and a lean build. He shook those thoughts from his head. He usually didn’t bother to meet new people for a while but he seemed to be walking by her fairly often, either on the way to the rest rooms or coming back from the coffee shop. He didn’t want...
The pale blue cup cake - By Wankelschrauben Brian felt like celebrating, he had just bullied his sister to tears and his mother had just baked cup cakes for their birthday which fell just days apart. It was a cold day and he thought they'd be a good way to warm himself up. He head downstairs and saw the box of freshly frosted cup cakes on the table with a note attached to them that read "For Jessie and the girls! One Each BRIAN!!!" Jessie was Brian's little sister, she was having...
* * * * * Copyright jeanne_d_artois January 2007 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. * * * * * However the main attraction of the former laundry room, which is my workroom as a potter, is Martha, the resident ghost. As a child I would sit on the scrubbed table and ask...
I made a sponge cake the other day. Unfortunately we ran out of icing sugar so it was a bit plain. We sat down to eat it when I said to my boyfriend "It's a bit dry without icing" "I could help with that if you like" he replied with a cheeky wink. "Go on then" I said. He looked a bit shocked. I was serious. "You really want me to? It might taste a bit funny" He said with a smile on his face. "Come here and unload over my slice. I want you to ice it for me. Do it." A stern look on my face....
By helping the old lady next door put boxes in her attic I’m rewarded with a slice of cake and a bigger slice of life. From an early age I was attracted to older women and lucky enough to be seduced by the widowed mum of my sibling’s best friend. That theme continued with Aunt Joan, Jean the wife of the landlord whose house we rented in my first year at Uni and later, several others. In my second year at Uni there was an old widow living next door to our rented house, I was 20 and she was 70....
He finished the ghost story and watched as several of the younger campers huddled under blankets in groups of three and four. A wry smile came to his face as he stood and stretched out his legs. Andrzej Charron wasn’t much older than the campers, but he was 16 and had attended Camp Jumping River for eight years, so he filled the requisites to be a ‘Teen Counselor.’ ‘Tell us another one, Andy?’ a young girl asked. ‘Sure, Tammy,’ he said, returning to his blanket. He took a sip from his soda...
I didn't get a response from Megan or from any of the girls regarding my enthusiastic "cake" question. After I shot my cum into Courtney's pussy, which completed the mutual loss of virginities while her three best girlfriends watched, I only wanted to know if there would be cake at Megan's 16th birthday party which was two months away. I thought it was reasonable to get a reply to my query. All distractions created by sexual activity were now absent, yet none of the girls gave any...
We finished eating at the restaurant. Then Anisha invited me to her flat for the biggest surprise of my birthday. We drove to her flat. It was a neatly maintained 2 BHK flat. There was a cake ready for me. I was so happy that she had taken care to make it a memorable birthday. Once the cake was cut both the sisters started to apply the cream on my face. I do not generally like it. But I did not want to spoil the fun. We were enjoying and suddenly Anisha asked us to stop. She came to me and took...
1 Week Before the Masquerade"That can't be your best line. What is it really?" Hector asked his new recruiting partner."It is, I swear. Women love hearing things like that. Some of them laugh, but they still like it," Jonas answered, while parking their black SUV."Whatever, man," Hector chuckled and continued. "I wouldn't tell you what my best line is either... But it's not even about the lines with me anyway."Both men flipped the SUV's sun visors down, slid the mirrors open and made sure...
ReluctanceCopyright, kayce69@fsworld Copyright, [email protected] ???????????????????????? Another story by Pagan ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? It?s all a piece of cake. ?Your fucking brother helps in the lab he ain?t no fucking scientist.??He fucking is and he has got that stuff and it does fucking work.??And you?re telling us he just used it, like mixed the horse stuff and his secret formula and you reckon that Neanderthal...
Judith Moyer sat on her sofa, she was scared, dazed and confused, she hadn't slept, all she had done was clean herself and her lovely house, she had tried to rid everything of the foul stench of those awful boys who had brought her wonderful life so much misery. Time and time again she had scanned those disgusting pictures looking for anything to prove them false, how could three idiots have been so cleaver as to rig them so well. Trembling she sipped at another coffee, she squirmed on the...
It was in the afternoon and my wife was at work while Im stuck at home out a job for now waiting to get back on my feet for that perfect opportunity to get my job back. So suddenly I get very horny! So I invite a black friend of mine over and yes I'm a white guy. Skinny and healthy, then after calling my black friend and asking if he'd like to come over and just hang out sense I was bored and very horny for black dick. Oh yeah I forgot to tell u I'm secretly gay I like to fuck black guys behind...
GayThursday afternoon. I came back from work and found my wife at home. She had made a wonderful lemon cake and the moment she saw me she started making coffee. The table was set in no time and was happy to relax sipping from my aromatic coffee and having small bites from the delicious lemon cake.‘I have to finish my project and will need your assistance to prepare the final file for the presentation.’ She said.‘Okay. Call me when you’re ready.’ Was my answer then I turned on the TV and started...
To Bake a Christmas Cake A fictional story, written by REIF DISCLAIMER: This is adult fiction with heavy transgender elements, if you find that in any way offensive then stop reading NOW. No character in this story is meant to resemble any actual person living or dead. Please respect the author and don't steal. Comments and feedback may be directed to [email protected] Chapter 1 There are few sounds more unique than that of snow crunching underfoot, it...
I’ve been having a blast since I came home back to my beautiful children. They make me so happy, and I love making them happy. It’s been a month now since I’ve moved in, Kyle seems happier than ever before. Lilly however seemed bothered by my arrival, so one afternoon while she was skipping class I found her in a park smoking weed. “Howdy Lilly, whatcha doin’ here?” I said rather sternly “Ma! You snuck up on me” She squeaked. She threw the joint away thinking I didn’t see it. “I...
Fuckin Lisa sister in law It was a long day at work my wife had called and told me she will be leaving town on business. she said not to worry she had her sister at the house. It was around 10:30 pm when I finally decided to go home. I pulled around back not to block her sisters car in the driveway. Seeing all the lights out in the house I figure she was laying down or sleeping. I decided to come threw the back door quietly in efforts not to make much noise. As I walk past the...
hi this s kumar from hyderabad. i m now 21yrs of age. my mom is 40 now havin very gud breasts and ass. she s a sexy lady. my dad is working in singapore he comes twice in a year for 15 days vaccation.. so most of the time me and my mom only in home.. my mom talks with the others very casually. every one likes to talk with my mom. vegetable seller, gardner, neighbour uncle, etc etc. i didnt mind any.. while talkin with my mom every one enjoying her shapes.. i dont knw wheather my mom knowa that...
IncestHi folks.. Hows you all doin.. First let me say thanks to this site for makin us share our pleasures… This is varun from surat. Its been couple of years since ive completed my college. Presently am into business but still am in touch with my college friends. Kindly let me know your views about this story. My email id is: .pooja was one of my close friends in our group. And hardly anyone knew that we were into physical relationship. As friends and physical partners, we were enjoyin our...
Cutting Cake. By Tanya H. To all of the wonderful trans people who have been hurt trying to just live free, and to all those who were taken to soon. I left home in Yorkshire, went to London and joined the Metropolitan Police as a cadet when I was sixteen years old. After thirty years service I walked out of the job cloaked by a deep, impenetrable loathing for my fellow human beings. After getting sick of the relentless white-noise of uniformed, borough policing, where my...
It was Sarah's Birthday and after spending the day with family she was looking forward to going out at night, with here best friend Thelma. She got changed and and came down stairs… It was Sarah's Birthday and after spending the day with family she was looking forward to going out at night, with here best friend Thelma. She got changed and and came down stairs with a short dress on and high heels, black stockings etc, my cock was rock hard and she sat down on my knee and opened her legs...
CuckoldIn the little village in which I grew up, the whole idea of making soul cakes to give out to the poor on All Saints Eve was a bit … well … strange. Apart from the Mays (who owned both Manor Farm and the stone quarry) we residents of Lower Steadlea were all as poor as each other. Nevertheless, sometime during the last few days of each October our cottage was always filled with the heady aroma of allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon, and ginger as my mother demonstrated her skill as the village’s...
My name is Rahul! I’m 22 year old! I’m an athlete, with 6′ long dick!It all started in my 12 standard holidays when my cousin sister Roopa (name changed) came to my house for holidays; we used to be like best friends share each and every thing of our lives. Forgot to tell you guys about her; she was 22 at that time with curvy body that any boy would easily get turned on just looking at her with clothes on!As I told you Roopa would share everything with me. One day she started telling me about...
He was running late, but he was able to get almost everything on the list from Whole Foods. Apparently they didnt have any all natural or organic fondant. No one likes the taste of it anyway he thought. But it sure helps make a neat looking cake. He made one more stop at a local bakery before heading home. Just as he was pulling into his community his cell rang. "Hey princess Im just pulling in now." He said as his blutooth came on. "~Oh Daddy ... I was gonna ask you to pick up one more...
My work orders allowed me access to the suite of rooms just down the hall from the Generals designated "conference" room. From what I could hear the party was going well. I slipped into a small room and met the women, with the cake. It was well before "the time", but I suppose they had nowhere else to be. Su Li was dressed like an old fashioned stripper with real tassels hanging from her small breasts. They covered up the damage done by Dr. Arkan or most of it anyway. Charlotte was...
"Having your Cake..." (An Auto-Surgeon Story) Conrad Lee (Based on an Idea by Tearona Darvin) Logan Reed was bored with his life, particularly with his love life. For months now Logan had been balancing relationships with two women; Jaclyn Wade and Taylor Christiansen, and while Jaclyn knew about Taylor, Taylor thought she was the only woman in Logan's life as he had never been able to build up the...
Sister fucker By: horny_boy This story is dedicated to you all at Indian Sex Story Readers . I am Jitu . I am 26 yrs of age . 5.10 ft tall , 72kgs weight. About three months ago I got a call from my sister, she had recently divorced after being married for 5 years, and was moving back into town into a new flat that needed decorating - would I help? She knew I would, we had always been very close whilst growing up, I told her I would call around to have a look to see what needed doing. I live...
IncestThe following letter I just wrote to a couple seeking horn toad letters about fucking them. When I get inspired I like to write, and for whatever reason this couple did it. OK, well, their sex was the reason! Dearest Make a Cake, What a pleasant name! Do you bake love madly? Or love baking up some sex? Either sounds ever so wonderful! As to the Bears I always have hope for them every year. In case you were wondering the reason I even asked that is because I noticed the slippers you were...
The following letter I just wrote to a couple seeking horn toad letters about fucking them. When I get inspired I like to write, and for whatever reason this couple did it. OK, well, their sex was the reason! Dearest Make a Cake,What a pleasant name! Do you bake love madly? Or love baking up some sex? Either sounds ever so wonderful! As to the Bears I always have hope for them every year. In case you were wondering the reason I even asked that is because I noticed the slippers you were...
"I'd love to french kiss you," she said. "Oh?" he teased. She replied insistingly, " I'm going to French kiss you, put my lips on yours, part my lips, then push my tongue through my lips and into your mouth, swish it around in a little mating dance to attract the attention of your tongue, and then do the most French of all kisses." "I can do the Belgian kiss, which is similar because they speak French there, and at the end we spit out a waffle. Also, it might take a little more to seduce my...
When I got out of the Rolls Royce, they ignored me. When I came onto the porch, the boy’s eyes looked at me like a piece of meat. Two of the three blew their wads in their pants when I flexed my muscles. “David,” Trudy said. “You have a go-bag in the trunk of the Rolls Royce. I know you don’t care if you ruin your new clothes, but you should change anyway.” Tate invited me inside and showed me where I could change clothes. I found a pair of biking shorts, a t-shirt, sneakers, and socks. It...
Candy loved cupcakes . she loved how they looked and smelled and tasted they where so cute she thought. They smelled so delicious she loved cupcakes she also sold cupcakes. She would make them and sell them , she had her own cupcake bakery it was called sweety cakes , she had cupcakes picts on her wall of all kinds of cupcakes you could buy pineapple cupcakes ,strawberry cupcakes , lemon cupcakes, key lime cupcakes there where so many different kinds . She had someone want some of her cupcakes...
EroticOne or two days after I got placed there, I was on the computer watching gay porn. Randy had gone on a play date with one of is friends. I had turned on son gay porn, and was jacking off. I was full dressed, with my cock sticking out of my sweat pants. Randy had came in all cool. When I saw the door, Open I exited out of the video and hid my cock. I looked and saw Randy. ‘Hay Randy back so soon.” I said calmly “Yea, my friend John bit his sister, so he couldn’t play today.” He said as he...
“I can’t wait any longer, close the curtains and lets get down to it” says Randy. His wife smilingly agrees and heads for the C.D. player while Randy locks the door. As the recognisable porn music begins they undress each other lustily groping each others private parts. A large jar of sweet smelling lube is produced; a previous delivery via the postman. They both take a large handful; Randy pushes his between Hornyetta’s legs which she gladly opens for him as he works it into her pussy and...
My life is pritty normal I am just the normal bi that dates both genders. But last week end I relised that I fancied a boy at work he was 23 2 years older than me he caught my eye a couple of times lol and at lunch i caught him cheking me out my friend natasha said that he totaly had hots for me. A couple of days later when we where sitting in the wating room he asked me out i couldent help my self self i blushed a bright red and murmed yes so low that he could barly here me i felt happy i was...
Introduction: Life in the army is awesome when youre a lesbian! Authors Note: Please keep in mind that I am only a writer. Because of this, it is possible that some of the military terms and regulations included in the following story are incorrect. *** Barbie Lez has always been exceptionally smart. At age eight, two things in her life were certain, she was a lesbian and she would become a US Marine. As usual, it did not take long for Barbie to tell her best friend April about it. Both...
Introduction: A young woman gets lost in the jungle and loses her virginity to two chimpanzees! The jungle, an endless ocean of trees stretching out in all directions. Millions upon millions of different types of plants, trees, animals and insects work together to create an ecosystem unlike any other in the world. Somewhere deep in the middle of that ecosystem of African wildlife, a dozen jeeps remain stranded on a narrow road. With the tall trees creating a veritable roof high over them, the...
Introduction: A young man transforms into a dog and fucks his cousin! —Prologue— I live in a world you may not understand. Call me a liar if you like, but do not be surprised if I remain unfazed. I have been called far worse. But the purpose of this story is not to debate the laws of nature. I have put pen to paper for one reason and one reason alone. To clear my conscience. Before I begin, let me tell you a little more about the world I inhabit. A womans eighteenth birthday is usually a big...
"Okay, you ready?" she said."Yeah, I'm ready!" I said back."Okay, 3...2...1...GO!"She slapped her hand on the timer and it started clicking. Then she grabbed a pan, threw it on the stove, and turned the burner on high. I lifted up her skirt and yanked down her panties, exposing the big fat globes of her ass.She sliced a pat of butter into the pan and it started to melt. Then she opened a package of bacon and peeled off two slices. I pulled apart her ass cheeks and shoved my dick between them. I...
Następnego dnia rano wstali bardzo wcześnie. Zaspana Suka krzątała się po kwaterze parząc kawę i robiąc jakieś śniadanie przed wyjazdem.- Chciałbym dotrzeć na miejsce przed zachodem słońca. Mam pewien plan.- Dobrze, mój Panie - odrzekła Su, cała podekscytowana co tym razem stanie się jej udziałem.Pan był pełen niespodzianek, pomysłów, czasem szalonych, czasem lekko przerażających, ale za każdym razem mocno ekscytujących.Rozmarzona wspominała poprzednią noc. To w jaki sposób, dzięki Jego...
As you read this story, you'll soon se that time was one thing we never had on our side. For weeks we had tried to get together. Each time being interrupted or the meeting failed for one reason or the other. We had been attempting to show each other the love and wonders you receive when two people make love and offer up their bodies, minds and soles to each other. The thrill of sex with someone for the first time is one thing but when it's attached with love, the first time is usually...
Please read part one if you have not already ! The next day .........I was woken up by loud knocking on the door , Sam got out of bed and answered the door , in walked my mum and behind her was Janet I lay there feeling very nervous and a little guilty .My mum said come on hurry up breakfast finishes in 45 minutes Janet looked at me with a little cheeky grin and just acted asif nothing ever happened . My mum and Janet went down to breakfast and told us to meet them down there , Sam and my...
January 5, 2113Today was better than yesterday, at least. I was only forced to ejaculate seven times, compared with the 12 times I had to endure yesterday. I'm not sure what they think they're doing to me, but I know that if they keep it up, my balls will run permanently dry. They already feel like a couple of dust bunnies and I'm only halway through the week!January 6, 2113I was talking to a new "recruit" today about what's been going on outside these walls since I got here a year ago....
I would lick the Sweat from up under her Titties, witty emotional thriggy thrashin' pulses pouncin'while ousting your wet warm. Nani probably taste like VeNOM inner in a off vaginal wall.Rip thru when I fully feel fulfilling you, too, two maybe three times.Batch dont act like you dont wont it, like you dont miss it , Ya Silly - Simple Minded Shallow bitch , which brings me to follow your call all ya'll , smell it sweat , , , ,BITCH wet an damp damn ,I cant drink your Lady Lust Must fast enough....
The night was still young but we were ready to go. Mike and I had attended a small get together over a friends. The BBQ was a blast and we both were getting a little tanked. He was more tanked than I was, and I noticed our neighbor hanging on him once in a while. I am not the jealous type,so I just laughed it off. It was time to leave the party and she asked if she could catch a ride back home. Mike answered yes before I could even get out the answer. They both stumbled to the SUV as I went to...
my friend came over he was stayin with us for the weekend hes 18 and im 18. well lol at first we were showin off our musels then he said he could win in a wrestlin match so i we started to wrestle when i had him pin to the ground i notice he was hard so i grabbed his pants and pulled them off he saw me look at his hard dick he turned red as i sat there i laghed and said i will suck u off i lf i get to fuck u in the ass he said ok as i put my lips on his head and put it in my mouth he grabbed my...
It was first time of ever fingerin a gal usually I dreamt about it and masturbated to it... Anyway let me not bore u... I was in class getting some assignments done den she came to class men were those boobs huge aniway we were talking nd den I bought up d topic of sex asking her if she has done it before I den ask do it wit me she said ok. She den sat on my laps nd startd grinding me god was dat good I den dragged ha skirt down nd started fingering ha she nw started talkin dirty tellin me 2...
It was my very first Pagan festival and I was only 25. My soal filled with delight as I meet some of the most wonderful people in the world! The most joyous of times were spent around a huge fire pit, were there were drummer pounding away on there soal mates and beautiful dancers flickering in the fire lite. The thrid nite was very memorable, and I will tell you about it now. As I danced naked around the fire I noticed a gentelmen throwing glances my way. He watched me dance for hours, waiting...
My life is pritty normal I am just the normal bi that dates both genders. But last week end I relised that I fancied a boy at work he was 23 2 years older than me he caught my eye a couple of times lol and at lunch i caught him cheking me out my friend natasha said that he totaly had hots for me. A couple of days later when we where sitting in the wating room he asked me out i couldent help my self self i blushed a bright red and murmed yes so low that he could barly here me i felt happy i was...
In my office there is a girl named rupali, 23yrs 34-26-32 is her shape. I have been trying to get her attention from about 2 months. She has one hell of a breast, which excited me more. I just can’t imagine how pink and juicy her pussy will be. One day as I reached the office. I was informed that due to the local MLA’S death the office would be remained closed for the day, just then rupali joined me in the office, i had to create lot of database and hand it over to a firm in bangalore. So I...
When I was 20 yrs old I went to my sisters place for summer holidays. Though I too live in Mumbai it was a good change since I would spend time with my sis who was 18 yrs. Older to me.Her hubby was working in the gulf & she did not have any kids, I used to sleep on the same bed as hers.My sis used to wear revealing clothes that used to make me horny & I would masturbate atleast 3 times n a day.The colony my sis lived had female scavengers that would come to wash the toilets every morning this...