my wife doesn t mind chapter 6
- 4 years ago
- 35
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Copyright @ calibeachgirl
All rights reserved, 2012
Thank you for reading. A special thanks to Bill, Michael, Lewis, Cassandra and Elliot for editing, reading and commenting to make this tale that much better.
Chapter 26: A minor inconvenience
Three weeks after Solvang…
Diego Gonzalez casually strolled down the hallway, a bag of chips in one hand and a soda in the other, slowly twisting his head to watch the three cheerleaders sway by. Although he had only three minutes left to get to class, he was in no hurry to get to the other end of the building. He upended the bag of chips, caught several in his mouth and started to chew them. He turned around for one last look at the girls.
He had taken a more circuitous route, avoiding the football players that had lay in wait to take away his food. Of course, Diego knew there’d never be a teacher in sight to help him. For that matter, he was sure the teachers didn’t like him very much, either.
He finally arrived at his geometry class and took his seat near the back. Borrowing a piece of paper from the girl in the next desk over, he patted his pocket for a pen and finding none, also borrowed one from her. He set about drawing his version of a KISS poster.
In the front of the room, the woman put down her blue marker, turned and looked directly at him. ‘Mr. Gonzalez, will you kindly pay attention!’
Diego hated Mrs. Smith, the harbinger of low grades his entire year. ‘So what,’ he said under his breath, ‘who cares about an obtuse angle, anyway? God, I hate this class.’
‘All right, turn to page 148 and we’ll go over obtuse angles once again for the benefit of Mr. Gonzalez who seems a little obtuse himself this morning.’
A loud collective groan rose from the rest of the students, for they had gone over everything at least twice, every time Diego refused to pay attention. Several football players were convinced that another meeting after school might be just the thing that Diego needed to study harder. They needed to finish the course to keep their grades up and be eligible to play.
Diego nervously looked at his classmates, all of whom had turned and were now watching his every move. He was a victim of ‘no child left behind.’ He already had two study halls in his schedule and they wouldn’t let him take another. He preferred summer school with girls wearing shorter skirts and tighter blouses. Besides, he thought, they always had cigarettes and were willing to share.
‘Sorry, Mrs. Smith…’ his voice dropped off as he realized no one cared for his insincere apologies. One football player was already catching his eye, one fist hitting his palm, his stare drilling a hole in Diego’s head. Diego put his head into the book, trying to block out the view of the larger boy watching him. He watched the clock… only three more minutes until the end of class. If only he could survive ’til the bell rang.
The evening heat hung heavily over the neighborhood even though it was less than a mile from the beach. Diego watched as the pretty woman in the next house finally came home. He spent most of the afternoon waiting for her, hoping that she would once again forget to close the bedroom blinds. Too shy to speak to her, never-the-less he had fallen in love with the wife of Sergeant William Smith, USMC, currently on patrol in Afghanistan. The fact that she was married only seemed a minor inconvenience to Diego as each night he watched what he could through the windows. A minor inconvenience, he reasoned, since it didn’t seem to stop her from dating two different men instead of dutifully waiting for her husband to return from the war. And, he reasoned, if she was able to date two men, what was one more? All he had to do was convince her he was worthy of her attentions.
Of course, the fact that he was only fifteen never entered his mind as a major inconvenience. He’d find a way to convince her, it was just a matter of time, just a minor inconvenience. His mouth dried. Wiping his moist hands on his pants, he started out of his room and went into the kitchen to get a drink of water.
Not satisfied with watching from his own bedroom window, Diego had found that he could stand outside her bedroom window and see everything that transpired inside much better. This night, he had brought his cell phone along, determined to gather enough memories to satisfy himself on the rare nights that she stayed at home alone.
She had brought home a new date this time. Diego waited a few minutes before leaving by his back door and then quietly skulking around the fence and up the driveway. Finding his place among the shrubbery outside her bedroom window, he brought his camera up to the glass and prepared to enjoy himself for as long as the private show should last and capture the action for future enjoyment. What he saw, though, caused him to drop the phone into the soft dirt next to the house and run down the street as fast as he could, screaming like the young fool that he was.
Frank opened the refrigerator and peered in. ‘Oh, well,’ he said to himself, ‘time for a pizza… or maybe I’ll just take her out to eat. Going out to eat… I’ll just say I want to treat her.’ He heard the key unlocking the door and went into the living room to greet his wife who, to his surprise, was moving much slower than her usual quick pace.
‘All I need is a stiff drink,’ Caitlyn said, raising her arm and groaning. ‘Damn, my shoulder feels like it’s been used for target practice.’
‘Let’s see.’ Frank led her to the bathroom, turned her toward the mirror over the sink and slid her loose-fitting green sweater over her shoulder so that both the line of her throat and the swell of her breast were visible.
A dark purple bruise had appeared beneath her collarbone but she suddenly lost interest in it. Her attention was on their reflection in the mirror and to the way his gaze slid over her body like a warm summer breeze. Gone was the easy-going, lighthearted man she loved. In his place was a hard-edged man, a dangerous man set on revenge. It was a good thing the molester was already dead. Garrett had seen to that. She wouldn’t have given his life a chance, either in jail or out.
The sight of Caitlyn with her oversized sweater down one shoulder… he brushed one finger over her collarbone, lifting her hair away. ‘If something happened to you, I would have killed him,’ he said, all interest in going out to eat gone.
‘He’s already dead. Garrett shot him. Is it bad?’
As he pulled the sweater lower in the back, he tried to control his anger. ‘Yes.’
‘No bullet holes, though… right?’ She tried to relieve his fears, her voice soft, husky. Her skin was hot and he could feel the desire between them like steam in a sauna.
‘No, no bullet holes.’ The urge to bury himself in her warm and willing body was evident, his erection pushing against her. He met her eyes in their mirrored reflection and found a loving temptation that overcame his fear and anger.
Waves of desire flowed through her body and she swayed lightly, her hardened nipples brushing against the palms of his hands. He brought his mouth to hers, tracing the outline of her lips with the tip of his tongue until she moaned.
‘Let me kiss it and make it all better,’ he said.
Though Caitlyn responded slowly, Frank held her closer, coaxing her mouth open so he could deepen the kiss, awakening and intensifying her desire. Her thoughts fragmented into wisps and floated away like a meteor breaking up high in the sky. She could no longer think of anything but him and what he was doing.
His hands slipped under her T-shirt and she heard him draw in a shaky breath that blended with her own moan when he cupped her naked breasts. She couldn’t blame it on anything except the love that had grown each day for him and when he pulled her sweater and T-shirt over her head and off, she reached for his, needing to feel her breasts
against his naked chest and the smooth skin of his back under her hands.
‘Sweetheart,’ he said as she moaned once again.
He frantically pulled off the rest of his clothes and then pulled her close again, kissing her mouth, her throat, pausing at her breasts just long enough to taste first one and then the other, driving her wild. Her full lips parted to let him come in and ravish her tongue. He was already aroused. She could feel his erection pressing hard against her and she snuggled closer, feeling her own need grow and then explode within her.
His fingers disappeared between her thighs as his mouth left hers to kiss his way to her ear. He knew she was more than ready for him and he wanted to take forever but he knew that was impossible and then he was inside her, wrapped in her moist warmth and she moved with him in perfect rhythm as they showed each other the way to make love.
‘Well, this is interesting,’ said Garrett. ‘We might have a witness to the festivities, so to speak. Seems the boy next door was doing some investigating of his own with his cell phone and once our techs go over the video, we might have a photo of our killer.’
‘That would be a big break,’ said Caitlyn, ‘if it’s true. It might be THE break we’ve been waiting for. It’s about time. I guess we better call Barbara and Frank.’ She pulled out her cell phone and made the call, hoping that maybe, just maybe, once and for all, they had caught a break.
A little less than an hour later, all four were watching the teenager in the interrogation room.
‘He looks nervous, wouldn’t you say?’ asked Caitlyn, smiling. ‘Maybe this is it. The woman’s no help, she’s still in the hospital. She might be able to speak to us later, the doctors aren’t sure.’
‘God, I hope so. Between his testimony and what we’re going to pull off from his phone, we’ve got a good chance to catch this guy. Let’s let him sweat a little bit more and then scare the hell out of him. Has he asked for a lawyer?’ Garrett pulled out a Snickers.
Barbara looked at the candy bar in her husband’s hand. ‘I thought you gave those things up. No, but I think we should wait for his parents. Last thing I want is for this to go south, no matter what happens.’
‘Parents are divorced, probably why there’s no strong male presence in his life. He looks like he could use a good swift kick in the ass.’ Garrett looked like he wanted to be the one to do it.
Later that morning, the boy’s mother arrived. It had taken two uniformed officers to convince her grocery store manager where she was working to let her go and not lose her job. Frank was afraid she might be illegal and so did his best to be friendly.
‘Mrs. Gonzalez, thank you for coming. This is a very delicate situation and it’s important that we explain what we need before we speak to your son. Now, first I want to say that he’s in no…’
Frank pushed two color photos across the table to Diego. ‘Is this what you saw?’
‘Yes, I didn’t mean to… you know, but she’s so… she’s so pretty, you know and I didn’t see any harm to it. Am I in trouble?’
‘Look, if this was just a simple situation, I’m not going to lie to you, you’d probably be looking at community service, maybe more but what you saw overrides that. You understand?”
‘Yeah, I get it. Yeah, that’s what I saw. But, you got it all wrong. It wasn’t a guy, it was a girl.’
‘A girl?’ Frank pulled one photo back and looked closely. ‘You’re kidding!’
‘Nah, look, I could tell because her cap fell off and her hair fell down when she saw me and ran.’
‘How’d we miss that?’ Frank looked at the photos once more. ‘Don’t we have anything better than these two?’
‘I’ll call down and see what else they’ve done.’ Caitlyn left the room and walked over to her desk.
‘Let’s get a sketch artist up here. All right, Diego, here’s your chance to be a hero.’
Later that evening…
‘…tonight’s news starts with a lead on the Lonely Hearts Murder cases. This woman is a person of interest. If you know this person, you should call NCIS as soon as possible…’
The television was on at Murphy’s and as the woman’s sketched face flashed onto the screen, Johnny Trittle spewed his beer out onto the bar top. ‘Holy shit!’ He reached into his pocket for his cell phone and quickly called the number on the television.
‘Hello? Listen, I think I know who that woman is. Yeah, she’s one of those Marines over at Pendleton. Her name? Yeah, right. It’s Maribelle Sampson. Swear to God. Hey, is there a reward or something?’
Two o’clock in the morning…
‘Well, Corporal, it seems like you have explaining to do.’
The woman sat there, silently glowering at the four, her eyes looking around the room like a cornered rodent. ‘I got nothing to say.’
Frank put his hands down on the table and gave her a killing stare. ‘Well, that’s too damn bad because there’s a cell at Gitmo with your goddamn name on it if you don’t start talking. We’ll find a way to make this into a terrorist act. You’re a disgrace to the uniform.’
‘And those women were a disgrace to their marriage vows…’ Sampson quickly stopped speaking, wondering if her outburst was enough to hang herself. ‘Ah, fuck it. What do you want to know?’
‘Why don’t you just start at the beginning…’ Frank was surprised it was going to be this easy. Maybe, he thought, his empty threat worked, after all.
‘Well, this has been going on long before I ever joined up.’ The woman squirmed on her chair, looking around the room at the two people staring back.
‘We know that,’ Barbara said. ‘Just start with your participation. Take your time and don’t leave anything out. Spell out the names when you need to.’
‘You’re going to take this into consideration, right? I mean, I never got around to actually killing anybody.’
‘Yeah, just talk.’
‘It all started when…’
Even though the corporal had eventually told them the name of the sergeant who brought her into the clique, that was as far as she would go. Frank thought she really didn’t know anyone farther up in the group. After all, something like this would only work if there was secrecy with all concerned.
The sergeant was arrested and brought in for questioning. Barbara could only guess how many would go unpunished, so many years had gone by. Even killings only a year old were unlikely to be solved since so many had been transferred in and out. From what they could discern, each person was assigned several targets, five at the most… and all had been originally the angry victim of a cheating spouse. What greater motivation, Barbara thought, could there be?
Two weeks later…
Ever since her trip to Solvang, Barbara had been more intense, more alive, more loving. Garrett had never felt so good in his life and while he wondered what had happened, he decided to just enjoy the result. He did notice her right hand diamond ring was gone and wondered if she’d tell him why.
‘I’ve never seen you this excited before,’ he said.
‘I don’t think I ever have been,’ she answered, grinning as he stood behind her, holding her by the waist.
They were a set, he thought, her dark features in sharp contrast to his, as if they were always meant to be together. Tilting her head back, she looked at his face.
‘My,’ she said, ‘how dark it’s gotten. Look at the sunset.’
‘The darkness makes me think of something else.’
He began with her lips, sweet, seductive and incredibly responsive under his. Slowly, tenderly, he kissed his way along her throat and lower until he touched the soft mounds of her breasts. He caressed one, then the other with his lips and tongue until she began to moan, then continued his journey farther down.
When he reached that moist warmth, he gently urged her legs apart until they opened, offer
ing him access to his quest. Hot and throbbing though he was, he refused to hurry. Placing his hands under the enticing curves of her buttocks and raising her, he took his time as he pleasured her.
Unable to speak, she made a sound in the back of her throat that sounded like a contented cat. What was driving her? Was he the reason or her own need to recommit herself to him? To banish the ghost that had ridden north with her and back again?
Her incoherence mixed with gasps not only told him she was on the edge but fired his own need to an almost unbearable pitch. When she cried out, he lost the ability to prolong his wait and rose above her, plunging into her moist and welcoming warmth, feeling her draw him deeper and deeper.
She called his name until it dissolved into nothingness as her voice rose in volume to a near scream. She wanted to tell him, needed to tell him… but it was too late for words. She couldn’t speak, she could only cry out as she had done, joining him as they both reached a peak and then broke through it.
Only when she returned to awareness and eased from him onto her side, then pulling him into her arms, did she realize she had to tell him.
‘I’m pregnant.’
Six months later…
‘How does that feel?’
‘Wonderful.’ Barbara looked down at her husband as he rubbed her foot, pressing his thumbs into the arch with gentle, circular motions. She moaned as he found a particularly sensitive spot and her head dropped back onto the pillow.
‘You shouldn’t have walked so much today,’ he muttered. ‘We don’t have to do everything in one day. You’re not in any condition to be so active.’
‘Nonsense.’ Barbara patted her round stomach. ‘The doctor says I’m disgustingly healthy. He doesn’t suggest running a marathon but normal exercise is fine. Besides, I love being here. You’re not going to make me miss everything, hear?’
‘I hear.’
Garrett kissed the curves of his wife’s foot and continued his massage. It didn’t matter how many times the doctor said she was fine, he couldn’t help worrying. But so far her pregnancy was progressing smoothly.
‘You worry too much. I’m surprised the doctor hasn’t started charging for those phone calls in the middle of the night.’
Garrett smiled.
They’d stolen a few minutes to be alone, leaving Frank and Caitlyn on their own at the resort. Easing his hands up Barbara’s legs, he touched her stomach and kissed it.
‘You still don’t want to know if it’s a boy or a girl?’ she asked.
‘Nope. I like surprises. The doctor can look at the sonograms but I want to do this in the traditional way, as a surprise. We’ll find out when the baby is born.’
He began to stroke her breasts with a touch that was less soothing, more arousing. Barbara quivered, responding instantly to the caresses she’d come to know so well.
‘I don’t think we’ve enough… oh!’
Garrett pulled the extra pillows from beneath her shoulders and lay beside her, scattering kisses across her throat and neck. The more he made love to his wife, the more he needed her. Whatever happened in Solvang seemed to light a fire in her soul.
‘What do you want? Diamonds? Emeralds? How about a sports car?’
‘How about just you?’
He smiled and untied the shoulder ribbons of her maternity dress. ‘You have me.’
‘That’s all I want.’
Garrett tugged the fabric away, freeing her breasts, now rounder with pregnancy, her nipples even darker than before… and, so sensitive. She was so generous, so responsive… nothing was held back.
Gently he brushed the darkly crowned center of her breasts with the back of his hand and she moaned.
‘This isn’t fair. There’s people walking around outside. They’ll hear us. We can’t make love now.’
‘Oh, yes, we can,’ he said tracing the valley between her breasts.
‘Caitlyn or Frank are going to bang on the door, wondering what we’re doing.’
‘Shhh… the door’s locked and if they can’t figure out what we’re doing, then shame on them,’ he whispered, throwing her dress onto the floor. He peeled his shirt off and shoved his pants down his legs. ‘They can come back later.’
‘Oh.’ She shivered in delight. It seemed so wicked to make love, knowing everyone was walking past their room in the hallway.
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xmoviesforyouI have been coaching my granddaughter, Michele, in gymnastics for sixteen years. I have taught her every apparatus and floor routine. Michele was in diapers when we started simple rolls. She was on top of the world holding number one all around, until puberty. Her body flowered and her breasts grew to a D cup. She could not manipulate her balance. Michele floundered. Sadly, she missed qualifying for the Olympics. There is an ancient proverb, "Those who can do; those who cannot teach." We...
Straight SexCarolina Sweets is one hot number who knows just what she wants, and in this case that’s her stepbrother Cody Steele. She tries making cookies dressed in a provocative outfit that highlights her tits and firm ass, but Cody is unmoved. Later, Carolina arranges herself in a bra and panties and covers herself with a blanket before inviting Cody to join her watching TV. Cody accepts, but makes himself scarce when Carolina reveals her skimpy outfit. Finally Carolina gets her way when she...
xmoviesforyouThe pub was packed solid most of the early session as if the customers needed to make up for missing a whole day's drinking time. We were rushed off our feet, but as always, we managed and we walked round to my flat at five o'clock."When are you going to look for a place?" she asked me."I look all the time, you know when I'm out and about, in the papers. I listen to people in the pub. I'm always looking."My phone rang then and I smiled to myself when I saw who it was."Hello, beautiful.""Hi,...
Love StoriesThis is my first attempt at story telling. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Even at an early age I had already begun my journey into a life of voyeurism, I just did not know it at the time. I have early memories sitting on the floor playing with my toys one morning, probably about 10 years old, my mum had some friends over and they were lounging around drinking coffee gossiping and such, not noticing the innocent young boy looking up their skirts at every opportunity....
Stacie Ward’s Week, Friday My stomach writhed as I sat naked in the main office of my high school. My heart pounded in my chest as I gripped my cell phone. I felt like I’d eaten a ton o lead. It just weighed me down, crushing all my insides with dread. My phone vibrated. Another angry message from Meaghan. My ex-girlfriend went scorched earth after catching me and my swim coach, Valeria Castellano, confessing our love for each other while in a passionate embrace in the girl’s locker room....
I woke up on the last morning of my stay at the secluded mountain cabin, with the sun shining in through the windows. I looked over at the mechanical clock next to my bed, and saw that it was still early. Today, I would have to gather up my gear and continue my extended wilderness hike through the mountains of Colorado, but I wanted to experience the warmth of the bed for a few minutes more. I also wanted to explore another form of comfort.When this happened, I was 20 years old, a bright and...
Mature“So I have to wait and see if I get more contractions?” “Yep. Do you want Raka or Jean to come and stay with you for a while?” “Can’t you do that? Don’t leave me waiting, you bastard!” “I won’t, Vickie. It is just that I can be called away at short notice, so I would like someone else to be here to look after you if that happens to me.” “Oh. Well, in that case, ask Jean to come to be with me. Sheila is out for now, and Raka does not know the way we used to deal with childbirth back home....
When I married Kandi I knew there would be lots of horny men! It really didn't bother me who would be after her! Shes a tiny blonde doll with full breasts and a perfect ass! I didn't think it would be me that set her up for some black guys I barely knew... weeks before the wedding! When we started dating, she told me about several workmates of hers, young black hustlers, that would hit on her daily! She seemed to enjoy telling me how she'd pretend to be thinking about "one last...
When I did wake up fully, Constance and Roberta were standing over my bed. As I opened my eyes, I found I couldn't properly focus, so other than knowing someone was there, I couldn't tell you anything about them. I tried blinking to see if that would help and things began to swim into focus. "Hello there," I croaked. Renata and Constance spoke at one. "You are awake. The doctor predicted you would rejoin the living almost two days ago, and now you are finally here." Constance was...
The Meeting The victory party was started with a speech from The Queen congratulating both fuckers in their match tonight. The Queen said she was so impressed with Everhard’s performance that she decided to reward him with one of her Sissies at the victory party, Megan. Megan was thin with long blonde with blue eyes. She also wore a cage over her clit. The Queen makes all her sissy wear a cage preventing them from being able to cum. Everhard made his way upfront to claim his reward. Megan was...
Jamie told me he wanted to go see a movie, so we walked up to Union Station; it was 10 blocks away from the house. I cannot remember what the movie was, but I DO remember that each time Jamie took a drink of his extra large lemonade, he would hit my leg with his leg and smile. At first, I thought it was just a mistake, but after the 3rd time he bumped my thigh, I knew something was up in his horny-ass mind.The movie was over, and as we left, I suggested we stop and grab something to eat to take...
When the three of us got to the car, we smiled at each other and Carol gave both John and I passionate kisses. I needed some time to process all that had happened and to talk to Carol alone. I dropped John at his apartment and told him to come over at noon. He was disappointed but we reassured him. Carol and I were quiet on the way home. When we got into our apartment we showered then Carol turned to me and said, "Make Love to Me."I took her in my arms, kissed her softly and led her into...
Wife LoversLee Martin sat by the window from where he had watched the sun rise. He had awakened an hour before dawn, unable to sleep or think of anything but what Millie had told him. She was pregnant! And what were they going to do about it? Whamo! Right smack in the friggin' mouth! For eons, he'd just sat and stared at her. They'd gone to her house from the stinko-party, in the wee-hours, of course, and plodded right into her bedroom, stripping to ball-it in the same old style... no prelims, no...
The three of them took a leisurely afternoon searching some of the local antique stores. It became apparent that Ted was determined to find a brass bed as the centerpiece to a set of props he needed. Jenny had always wanted one, so it was quite fun to help. She determined that he wanted something bigger than a single. It also had to look old if not actually be an antique. She loved his tastes! In one shop he stopped her in front of a mirror and asked if she liked her hair. Her mom came over...
There must have been 15-20 guys milling around the tiny hallways of the arcade, young guys in big shorts, guys in tennis shoes and quack hats, clean-dressed older guys, working guys with stubbled faces... a potpourri of Phoenix horndogs. I scanned the dvd's on rotation eyeing the dick-suckers silently eyeing me, then checked-out the hallways either side. Black painted hallways, close, red lights over little entrances into little black boxes... a partition hiding a chair and video screen,...
VOLUME-2 Chapter I Louise sapped.—Suspicions.—Lectures on virginity with live illustrations.—Drugged for inspection.—Camille's hesitation.—Absents herself.—The house in G.. d. n s.... e.—Baudy prints.—A feel, a sniff, and a kiss.—Out shopping.—Garters.—Dinner, and after. I went to work to get into Louise, having no compunctions, it seemed to me the most natural thing in the world. I had read about the naughtiness of seduction, but my associates had taught me, that every girl wanted...
Pictures are not her (just to enhance the story). I can't remember her name or link so please don't ask. Just a random slut I chose.So...just wanted to tell a of seeing an escort since I've been with a couple and the purpose of this isn't really to make you cum - it's to just tell a hot story but so you can also learn something (no...I didn't get aids or herpes; I'd NEVER fuck a stranger without a condom). There is was another girl but she wasn't really an escort. I've decided to never see an...
It was 1977 and I was 15 yrs old, I had been dating a 15 yr girl named dawn and over the past year I had been fucking her and her younger sister julie now 13.Her mother was a long haired med/slender blonde with huge natural 40DD size tits and had no problem showing them off with her clothes she wore.on many occasions she would make a comment about me starring at her beautiful cans and always with a smile since she really enjoyed every saturday morning I stopped at dawn's house to pick...
"Aw, what the fuck?" I said to no one in particular, as I watched dozens of brake lights flash on in front of me. Traffic came to a screeching, shuddering halt. Damn it! I flipped the radio on and listened to an ad for a local grocery store, one for a hospital, and a rather obnoxious ad for a car dealership, and then, finally, a traffic report. "Good afternoon, Akron. This is the Cowboy on Great 98 WLIT with you for the drive home. It's a hot one today—eighty-nine degrees and humid—a good...
Hello friends mera naam Priya hai. Ye meri pehli post hai ISS. Par mujhe likhne ki adat nahi hai toh ho sakta hai ap logo ko kahani lambi lage. Ye kahani mere devar Arav ke sath ki hai. Meri abhi 1saal pehle shadi hui hai par mai Arav ko pehle se janti hu kyunki meri love marriage hai. Shadi ke pehle se hi hum dost ban gaye the par shadi ke bad humari dosti aur strong ho gayi hai. Mai apne pati se bahut pyar karti hu aur kabhi socha nahi tha ki mere life me aisi koi ghatna ghategi. Maine Arav...
I was waiting for my girlfriend Becky when she got home from the bar after a girls night, but it was dark and she didn't notice. She closed the door behind her and walked into the room, and I crept behind her. As she turned on the light, I slipped behind her, my hand clasping over her mouth. "Don't worry," I whispered, "This will only hurt for a minute."She struggled, but I was too strong for her. My body guided her to our bedroom. As we walked I felt her breasts through her shirt. "I love when...
After we landed and exited the choppers, they flew on to Entebbe International. The spare was going back into the hangar fully fueled; it would receive a thorough post trip inspection - by the book – tomorrow, since the flight today was over 500 miles and the first long flight since leaving the shop. The other one was coming back fully fueled in case it was needed for emergency embassy business. It needed a full tank. After a long hot shower at the Hilltop Hilton and a change of clothes to...
The Secret Cheerleader Vote - #8 The next day was Sunday, so Zane slept in. He was exhausted from the previous night’s activities and the fitful sleep that followed. He spent the entire night dreaming of the things he had seen. Five girls, naked, all over each other, doing things he never would have imagined. He probably still wouldn’t have believed it if not for the video that Stephanie had taken of the whole thing. He was hard from the moment he woke up. Not you’re regular morning wood,...
The three incestuously occupied family members lounged briefly on the bed, but Jessica decided to get up. “Come on, boys, you need to get up, too.” “Aw, Ma, do we have to?” whined Toby in an excellent mimicry of Andrew when he was little. Andrew snorted derisively, but Jessica laughed loudly. “Yes, you do! Come on, get up.” “What’s next?” asked her youngest. “Not what you think, buster. I think we should go out for dinner tonight.” “Huh?” Andrew may have been taking the new relationship...
Ich bin die 32jährige Ärztin Sabrina. Vor 4 Jahren war ich in Afghanistan im Einsatz. Meine gut schulterlangen naturgewellten blonden Haare passten zu meinen leuchtend blauen Augen. Mit meinen 28 Jahren und meinem bildhübschen Gesicht, und meiner Figur, bei 185 cm wog ich 68 kg, hätte ich durchaus Model sein können. Meine Pussy war rasiert. Eine Handvoll Busen mit kleinen Warzen, Nippeln und Vorhöfen, eine Wespentaille ohne gleichen, mein Knackarsch und meine superlangen, wohlgeformten Schenkel...
Room Service Thanks to world events, the great zombie apocalypse, followed by the collapse of western civilization, then the roving bands of scavangers, the global population being reduced to a fraction of its former size..... Okay, Covid, thanks to Covid, our favorite - okay, MY favorite - Mistress and sissy have spent months apart. And, ladies and gentlemen, bois and gurls, I can promise you this, absence most certainly does make the heart grow fonder. So we find ourselves, on...
They left at first light with a rousing send off from the townsfolk, and a kiss from Helga and Freda. Gunter guiding a twenty dog team with obvious expertise. They made good progress with the farm coming into sight within two hours. "Tell me" asked Gunter as they drew well out of sight of the town. "Under what authority did you dissolve Adolph's and Grasilda's marriage?" "None what so ever." said Tony. Gunter laughed so loudly and so much he nearly fell off the sled. "Tell me,"...
“Please!” Alice cried as yet another almost orgasm began to build within. She’d lost count of the number or times she’s almost gone over the edge, only to be pulled back yet again. Enough that she was willing to do exactly as Nobody had claimed – beg him to release her and do whatever he wished to her as long as he would finally let her climax.“Please release me and make me- oh! Oh no. Not again!”She barely heard his chuckle so intent was she upon the bumblebeetle within her pussy vibrating...
Fantasy & Sci-FiShe was warm and supple in my arms, the smell of her filled me with desire. We continued kissing. Her tongue entered my mouth gently, tentatively. I cupped her left breast, felt the stiffness of her nipple. She unbuttoned her blouse and opened it, surrendering her breasts to me. They were beautiful, round and full and firm, the nipples small and pink and hard. I kissed one gently, then the other. She murmured, “Ohh.” My heart hammered my ribs and it was difficult to control my breathing. “Can...
Sandy looked across the table at us. “Um, I suppose we ought to go out with you and have a celebration of some kind.” “We could do some kind of lunch, if you know some place, and don’t mind driving. We took a taxi from the airport to here, and we’ve an early flight in the morning out, so we’ll want to be back at our hotel fairly early.” Len looked at Sandy. “I think we can do that. Let me go bring our car around.” She nodded, and he headed out. Sandy stood up and erased the white board,...
Tony showed up promptly at seven, dressed in what looked like a two-thousand-dollar suit. My wife answered the door and he acted like he was going to have a heart attack as he looked her up and down. “Mrs. Henderson, you look positively ravishing tonight.” Marissa smiled and curtsied. He took her hand, leaned over and kissed the back. I saw his eyes travel do her chest as he said, “What do you say we ditch your husband and my date and just the two of us go out?” After a pause he turned his...
Plans pounded through Yren’s head but he couldn’t see how any of them could work and keep his family safe. His own safety never even entered his mind, only the safety of his loved ones. He watched, his mind churning, as one of the Reds pulled the covering from his mouth and smirked, bending down to grab the two black swords at Yren’s feet. The metal whispered a warning to Yren, an image of caution and regret. Yren opened his mouth but shut it again quickly, his eyes closing. There was a...