Fate: Chapter 03 free porn video

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Ethan was laying on his back staring up at the ceiling when he felt Sabina stir next to him. He turned to watch her as she shifted in her sleep, on the verge of waking up. He'd found it strange when he woke to the room being completely dark, the strange part was he could see even though he was still aware of how dark it was. Sabina mumbled as she slowly rose to consciousness and turned her face towards him unconsciously seeking him even in her sleep. The dim shadows danced across her face, caressing her sun kissed skin in inky satin darkness. Ethan fought down a surge of desire as he watched her and tried to acclimate himself to the weird double vision of seeing the darkness and seeing through it as the same time. It was if the darkness was a filmy screen that with a thought from him would fade away to translucency and reveal the world it hid from everyone else. He smiled at her when her eyes fluttered open, even though he knew she wouldn't be able to see him.

"Morning," he said and she smiled.

"Morning little brother," she replied.

"Ready for your first day of school," he asked and she groaned and buried her face back into the pillow.

"Come on, it is seven now if we go bathe now there shouldn't be anyone in there," he said and she perked up at the word 'bathe' but groaned again when she remembered where it was. He cajoled her out the door and woke their mother and they all headed to the bath house together. The street was dimly lit and deserted as they walked to the corner and entered the big square stone building. Like every other building they been inside in this subterranean city the inside and the outside were vastly different. On the outside it was just a large stone square nestled against the neighboring buildings, but on the inside it was beautiful. The inside appeared to be made of white marble and decorative columns lined the walls giving it the look of an ancient Greek temple. Inside the door were rows of lockers with keys that they left their stuff in after stripping down to bathing suits. Ethan wouldn't have minded going nude for bathing but he knew that neither his mother nor his sister would be comfortable with that so he kept his bathing suit on so they wouldn't be the only ones. Just past the lockers was what looked like a giant pool but it was only two feet deep, the water was steaming hot and smelled faintly of kiwi. Ethan grabbed a wash cloth and a bar of soap from the stack near the end of the lockers and led the way to the bath. He sighed as he slipped into the steaming water and it immediately began to relax his muscles and sooth aches he hadn't even realized he had until they were gone. The bath house was as empty as Ethan had predicted and they had school in lessen then an hour so he began washing himself. After he was finished he washed Sabina's body as she washed his and her own hair. He kept the washing simply platonic since they were in a hurry but his cock was rock hard by the time he finished washing Sabina's hair and moved to repeat the process on his mother.

"It's okay honey. You two need to go or you'll be late for school," Lily said giving him a warm smile and taking the cloth from him.

"You'll be okay alone," he asked unsure. She gave him a peck on the cheek and pushed him toward the side of the bath firmly. He grudgingly agreed and left her there, to go get dried off and dressed. He and Sabina walked to the corner and turned to head out onto the field where the school buildings were, but slowed when they saw Aphrodite standing at the edge of the field waiting for them. She smiled at them as they approached and her gaze focused on Sabina with an intent expression.

"How do you feel about snakes," she asked when they came to a stop in front of her.

"Uhhh I like snake," Sabina said confusedly. Aphrodite smiled beatifically at her answer and motioned her to come closer and to hold out her hand. Sabina cautiously stepped forward and held out her hand palm up and Aphrodite placed an oblong egg that Ethan assumed was a snake egg in her palm. Only this egg was bigger than any snake egg he ever heard of, it was probably as thick around as a football only longer. Sabina's arm trembled as she struggled to keep the egg motionless. Aphrodite pulled a knife from thin air and cut a small gash into her finger and rubbed the brilliantly ruby liquid of her blood on the egg, her wound closed instantly. Then she grabbed Sabina's free hand and repeated the process, Sabina's wound also healed immediately.

"By power and blood I bind you," Aphrodite said. The egg flared an incandescent white and fade back to normal but in the silence after the light show there was a loud crack. It sounded like two giant rocks slamming together but Ethan had no doubt it was the egg because accompanying the sound a fissure ran across the surface of the egg. The more times the was a deafening crack of and three more large fissures in the shell and all three of them watched in rapt attention as the shell split into two halves. It fell both sides disintegrating into a silvery dust before they could hit the street leaving behind a small snake curled in Sabina's palm. The snake that came out of that massive shell was curled into a tight coil and could have fit inside a shot glass. It was the white of pure untouched snow but as it twitched and began to uncoil its color began rapidly change to every color imaginable. It also began to grow rapidly and in less than a minute it was roughly the size of Sabina's are and she was once again struggling to hold her arm immobile. The snake slithered up her arm and wrapped itself around her shoulders.

"This is Nasha, daughter of Menasha the snake goddess, she will be your guard," Aphrodite and the snake moved its head around to look into Sabina's face. Its tongue flicked out touching Sabina's nose and she giggled and wiggled his nose at the sensation.

"She is my guard? How am I going to go out in public if I have a giant snake on my shoulder," Sabina asked. Before Aphrodite could answer Nasha slithered back towards Sabina's palm and started to shrink. When she was only as long as wrist to elbow on Sabina's arm she wrapped around it placing her head on the back of Sabina's hand and began to sink into her skin. Sabina stared in open mouthed awe as in seconds the serpent became nothing more than a tattoo twisting around her arm and glittering metallically in the weak light of dawn.

"That would be how," Aphrodite said and vanished. Sabina gently stroke the glittering figure in her skin and the snake tattoo's tail twitched as if in response and Sabina grinned at it. She could still feel it wrapped around her arm but the sense of weight was gone and she could easily move her arm.

"How does she feel," Ethan asked her as she flexed her arm making the tattoo shimmer in the light.

"I can still feel her wrapped around my arm but she's is as light as a real tattoo now. I like her," Sabina answered and the snake gave her arm a light squeeze. He grinned at her and they resumed walking onto the field heading for the building they were taken to yesterday. As they neared the building the door opened and kids of various ages along with several adults began pouring from the building and heading off across the field in different directions. They waited patiently as the others exited the building, receiving several curious looks and causing whispers to start. Ethan stepped forward when Brand led the group of teens that they had been partially introduced to yesterday out of the building. Brand looked at him sternly and nodded and continued walking past, his smile from the previous day no longer present.

I don't think he likes you anymore," Sabina observed as they fell in following behind the rest of the group. Ethan let out a bark of laughter and wrapped an arm around her waist drawing her into his side. Sabina smiled and slid her arm under his and around his waist and he shifted his to her shoulders. She sighed contentedly and ignored the whispers from the people in front of them and the furtive looks over shoulders towards them. A few minutes later they were standing in the large open space that the group had been stretching in yesterday. Brand stopped and faced Ethan then crossed his arms over his chest; the posed would have been intimidating to any normal person due to Brand's massive arms. However Ethan had already been nearly killed by a harpy, found out he was a demigod, and also been told he was at the top of the hit list of every single male god in existence. Because of all of these things he wasn't normal anymore and he wasn't even remotely intimidated. He was impressed however, that Brand managed to fold his arm with all of that muscle hindering his mobility.

"We're not going have any problems today are we," Brand asked looking into Ethan's good eye. Ethan had allowed his hair to fall forward and obscured the blacken eye.

"That's not really up to me now is it," Ethan replied and flicked a glance at Jack who was standing silently in the crowd of students watching. Jack flinched under Ethan's gaze and refused to meet his eyes, so Ethan refocused on Brand. Brand scowled but didn't push the issue.

"Alright, first things first. I'll explain what you'll be doing in class. To start off each day you will meet me at the cafeteria like you did this morning. I'll do the roll call and then we will have physical training. This can differ from playing sports, to weight lifting, and weapons practice. Once the physical training for the day is done you will be sent to work with one of the craftsmen in the city or surrounding tunnels or caves. This is so you can become acquainted with each profession. Once you have found a skill you would like to focus on, and an opening can be found, you will start and apprenticeship under an expert in that craft. You do not actually have to pick a specialty you can instead choose to become competent in all of them without mastering any of them," Brand explained. Ethan and Sabina nodded their understanding thus far and Brand continued.

"Today we are simply running three times around the field. After you finish meet me back here and I will show you to your next teachers," Brand said. The other teens broke into a run toward the outside edge of the field. Ethan and Sabina turned and began to run at a measured pace and soon had caught up to the others. Both Ethan and Sabina had run for their after school activities and were easily able to match the speed of the others. The guys heavy with all that muscles weren't as quick on their feet but the handful of other female students were setting a swift pace. Ethan looked over to Sabina and took a minute to catch her eye.

"Want to race," he asked her. Some of the girls and guys around them heard and listened in as she spoke.

"Just to see whose faster? Or for a wager," Sabina asked. They were both pretty even in speed the last time they had gone running together she had even won against him.

"Definitely a wager. Loser has to obey the winner for an entire day," he said leering at her. Her cheeks tinged pink but she nodded her assent. Before they could start though one of the guys who were keeping up better than the other spoke up.

"I want in on that," the guys said.

"How so," Ethan asked and glance dubiously at the guy who was already obviously struggling to maintain this pace.

"If she wins you have to do all of my work for a day, and if you win I'll owe you a favor since you don't actually have any work to do," the guy replied.

"Your name is," Ethan asked him.

"Paul Grant," Paul replied.

"Alright I accept," Ethan said.

"We want in too," one of the girls said. Ethan turned to gaze at the dark haired girls who had spoken. Her hair fell down to the small of her back pulled for her face by a ponytail. She dark brown eyes stared holed at him as if she was trying to peer through his skin.

"We," he asked and she gestured to all of the girls around them. Counting the dark haired speaker and Sabina there were a dozen girls total.

"Terms," he asked her with a grin.

"We win you obey us for a month each one at a time, you we obey you for a month," she said.

"No dice, not unless you all have to obey me for a month for each one of you I beat," he countered. The girl bit her lip and looked over at the others. The girls were exchanging worried looks and Ethan slowed down a bit and tried to look winded without being obvious that he was doing so. Sabina noticed instantly and shot him a knowing look, as the rounded the first corner of the massive field, but said nothing. A few of the girls studied his weary appearing posture and slowly nodded their assent and the dark haired girl turn back to Ethan.

"Done we have a bargain, no backing out once it is sealed," she said and held out a hand for him to shake. He gripped her small, warm, soft skinned hand in his larger one and grinned deeply. He leaned forward slightly and shot forward into a sprint. Sabina who had been expecting it was neck and neck with him her breathing no deeper or straining then his own. There was a cry of surprise and the increase in pounding behind him told Ethan the girls had also picked up the pace.

"That was just low, pretending to be winded to sucker them into betting against you," Sabina said sarcastically and shook her head in mock disgust.

"Don't worry once I win this bet, I am going to have twelve slaves for a year, and the first order of business is to have them all lick you until you pass out from the pleasure," he said and shot her a lecherous glance. Sabina choked on whatever she was going to say next and stumbled a little before regaining her stride. But Ethan had used her misstep and was laughing as he ran now several steps in front of her. Sabina pushed herself hard but they were too evenly matched in speed and when he crossed the point at the edge of the field, where they had begun, he did so three feet ahead of her. He grinned triumphantly at all of the others behind him even though he was struggling to draw breath as if he was drowning and black spots danced at the edges of his vision. He walked over to where Brand was waiting and stood waiting for the others to arrive. When they did a few of the girls shot Ethan worried looks and appeared relieved when he didn't immediately begin spouting orders. The worried look returned when he smiled lasciviously at them. Brand noted the look and decided to ask Erik later if he knew what it was about.

"You all know where you are supposed to be, I suggest you hurry so you aren't late," Brand said to them and they headed off for their classes.

"Jennifer take Sabina with you and tell Alumina hello for me," Brand called stopping the dark hair girl who had made the bet with Ethan.

"After this class do we go home," Ethan asked Brand, who nodded.

"Jennifer," Ethan called stopping the girl again as she began leading Sabina off. She paused and turned to look at him worry in her eyes even though she tried to keep it off her face.

"See that my sister reaches our house okay," he told her. She opened her mouth, no doubt to let loose some scathing comment but stopped, and nodded. Brand led Ethan toward the far side of the field from the city. The field was right on the cities edge and on its far side only a scatter of small stone building sat. They headed for a small cluster of five or six squat stone structures all spewing a thick black smoke into the air but it quickly faded into nothing. Ethan could figure out where the smoke was going and he figured it was magic of some kind. As they drew near the first building Ethan heard the rhythmic pound of metal on metal and he knew where they were. Brand pounded on the door and the pounding stopped and a couple minutes later the door swung open. A man opened the door and Ethan nearly laughed at the sight but wisely decided to stay silent. The man had a bushy black beard and blue piercing eyes, what was so funny was the man physical build. He barely cleared the five foot tall mark and his arms where as big around as Brand's.

"Orlan this is Ethan a new student," Brand said and gesture towards Ethan. Orlan looked him up and down while a scowl, and continued to scowl as Ethan stood impassively staring back.

"What do you know about swords," Orlan asked.

"You stick the pointy end in people you don't like," Ethan replied with a shrug. Orlan let out a bark of laughter and stepped back letting the door swing open. Inside was pretty much what Ethan guessed an old-time blacksmith's forge would look like. Brand left closing the door behind Ethan when he stepped inside.

"Your job for the moment is to listen and do what I say. You work the bellows and I'll explain as I work," Orlan said. Ethan obediently moved over and grabbed the handle of the large bellows.

"Smooth steady slow compressions," Orlan said and Ethan immediately began to do so.

"This is called folding, it removes impurities in the metal and strengthens it," Orlan explained as he pulled the metal from the hot coals. He began pounding the lump of metal and soon the thick square block lengthened under the blows. He reheated the metal whenever it began to cool, when it was twice as long as it originally started out as he took a small axe and place it at the half way mark and began pounding on it with the hammer. The axe sank into the metal until only half an inch of metal held the two sections together. Using the hammer and the edge of the anvil, Orlan folded the two pieces back together and began hammer them once again. The day flew by as Ethan watched Orlan work and pumped the bellows. When Orlan called a stop to the day at two in the afternoon Ethan stopped pumping. He immediately groaned as his sore muscles cried out in relief.

"Good work today kid," Orlan said with a grin and clapped him on the shoulder. Ethan whimpered under the blow against his battered muscles and Orlan chuckled.

"You've got tomorrow free to let your muscles rest however come back here the following day," Orlan said and gestured for Ethan to leave. Ethan left and headed home to get a change of clothes and to head for the bathing house. Lily was standing at the stove humming away as she cooked and the smell of fried fish and homemade macaroni and cheese filled the house when Ethan walked in.

"Welcome home honey, how was the first day? Any more trouble," Lilly asked, hearing him come in. She came over and gave him a hug and a soft kiss. Her nose scrunched up, prettily, in disgust when she smelled him.

"What have you been doing? You smell like smoke and sweat," she demand and took a step back away from him. He made a sulky face at her as if her words were cruel blows to his ego.

"Oh no," she said laughing and took a step back away from him.

"I can stand the smell of your sweat, sometimes I even like it. But that smoke smell is horrible," she said and pinched her nose closed.

"Sorry I'm only here for a change of clothes then I am off to bathe. I was working in an honest to god blacksmiths forge all day," he said as he headed for his and Sabina's room.

"Isn't that dangerous," Lily asked with worry in her voice and returned to her cooking.

"A little bit but only if you aren't paying attention to what you are doing. Is really tiring though, all I did was pump a big bellows today and watch the smith work and my whole body aches," Ethan said as he grabbed a clean set of clothes and headed out into the living.

"Bye Mom, I'll be back in a little while," he called into the kitchen as he walked past the doorway. She called out a farewell as he exited the front door and closed it behind him. He stopped to consider how normal that had been and how much their lives had changed in the past six months. He shook his head to clear the morose thoughts from his mind and they were immediately replaced with the memory of how his mother's body had felt wrapped around as he buried himself into her4 over and over again. He shivered and felt the ache begin again, this time he was consciously aware of the start of the discomfort. The ache of his sexual hunger along with the aches from his six hour day in the forge we wearing on him. He considered going back inside and asking his mother for help but nixed the idea. She would help him, he knew that, but she already stated a dislike for the way he currently smelled and Sabina wasn't home yet.

"Damn," he said with a resigned sigh and headed for the bath house. He could take a bath and then he go seduce her. He didn't want her to think he was only using her to satisfy his hunger so he wouldn't tell her about it. He made his way into the bath house, which this time was no longer empty. Men and women alike were stripping naked and putting their clothes into the lockers. They looked at each other some with interest some without. The keys for the lockers had an elastic band so you could wear it around your wrist since you would have no place to put it. It was when Ethan got to a locker that he realized he hadn't brought his bathing suit. He shrugged and shoved his towel and clean clothes onto the top self of the locker. He then quickly stripped, his cheeks only flushed once when he noticed a good looking woman looked at him appraisingly. He guessed she had to be in her thirties, with a soft curvy figure and kind brown eyes. When she saw that he had noticed her look her eyes shone and she grinned a wicked smile at him. His face flushed crimson and she chortled and winked at him. Ethan smiled back at her tentatively and dropped his dirty clothes onto the floor of the locker with his shoes sitting on top.

"Looking good," the woman said as she walked past him letting her arm brush against his back. Her skin was soft as satin, a quality that Ethan had noticed most women shared, and he shivered and began thinking of complex math equations to keep little Ethan from rising to the occasion. He managed to keep from popping a boner but sweat beaded his forehead from the effort and the ache in his bones intensified slightly. It was only a small fraction of an increase but he was so aware of the ache that he felt the change. The woman smiled knowingly at him as she vanished around the corner toward the bathing pool.

Ethan followed after her only a moment later but she had already disappeared into the crowd. The pool wasn't packed exactly, you could get in and have plenty of room to move around but there would be absolutely no privacy. Ethan got and began preparing to wash with a new, small, bar of soap he grabbed from beside the door and a washcloth. As he lathered up the washcloth he spotted one of the girls from his ‘class' only twenty feet away. What caught his attention was the boisterous older man talking loudly to her. She smiled at him as he continued to talk animated and gesture wildly as he told some story. The guy was blonde and looked fit, not ripped like most of the guys in Ethan's class but in shape. He had blonde short blonde hair which looked to be graying a little but it was hard for Ethan to tell due to the light blonde color of his hair. The girl, who was now laughing at whatever the guy had said, had the same hair only a tiny shade darker. The bone structure of her face also matched the man's a little so Ethan figured this was either her father or some other relative. Feeling his gaze the girl scanned the people around them still smiled until her eyes fell on him. Her smiled died as she froze staring at Ethan as he lathered up the washcloth in his hands.

The man noticing her abrupt change in mood looked at her questioningly. He followed her gaze to Ethan who looked back at them impassively as he began to run the cloth over his arm. Soap, dirt, and soot that fell from his body remained in the water for two seconds before it vanished leaving the water clean and pristine. Ethan noted this absently, but still impressed with it, as he washed and continued to hold the girls gaze. It was the man who finally broke the eye lock calling the girls attention back to him. Ethan assumed from the curious and slightly hostile gazes from the older man that he was asking who Ethan was and if she had some kind of problem with him. The girl shook her head and spoke to the guy and turned her back to Ethan, she remained very tense though and Ethan could see it. The guy shot Ethan a glare that would have given him second degree burns if the guy could shoot lasers from his eyes. Ethan lifted one eyebrow in bafflement as he looked back into the guy's hostile glare. When Ethan didn't balk and break eye contact the guy moved toward him. It took the girl a few seconds to realize her companion was no longer there. She turned looking for him and when she saw where he was headed her face paled and stood displaying herself completely to Ethan's pleased stare. He drank her in as she rushed forward, too late to stop the man from reaching conversation distance with Ethan. She was average height, and probably weighted about a hundred and ten pounds Ethan guessed. She had small pert breasts probably an A-cup and she shave her pubes off completely. The sight made Ethan's mouth dry and he had to force his gaze back to the approaching man, who was not appealing at all, and not look back at her.

"Do you have a problem," the guy asked. His voice was quiet and still firm not wanting to cause a problem to the people around them.

"Not that I am aware of," Ethan replied, washing his chest now.

"Your staring is making my daughter uncomfortable. By the great goddess Themis if you don't stop," the guy said and Ethan quickly cut in before this could degenerate into threat. He didn't want to start solving all of his problems with force or bribery.

"It is my stare making your daughter uncomfortable. Look around there is plenty of guys looking at her standing there beside you," Ethan said. Sure enough with a quick glance around they saw over a dozen guys watching the girl's nubile body drip water.

"Ask her if you don't believe me," Ethan continued.

"Elaine," the guy said in question to the girl, who was now sitting in the water to hide from the watching eyes.

"It wasn't him staring that made me uncomfortable, Daddy," she said confirming Ethan's words.

"Well what is it then," her father demanded. Elaine let her head hang forward to hide her face and didn't answer.

"I can tell you if you really want to know," Ethan said, still washing.

"Well," Elaine's father demanded when Ethan didn't say anything else.

"What's the answer worth to you," Ethan said with an evil smile. The man gritted his teeth and turned back to Elaine who was glaring at Ethan.

"Tell me what's going this instant Elaine or you're grounded," he commanded.

"I'm eighteen you can't ground me," she shot back angrily.

"I suppose I can't but I can kick you out of the house," the guy replied. She looked startled for a moment then angrily gritted her teeth.

"Fine, I made a bet with him this morning along with some of the other girls and we lost. Now we are pretty much his slaves for the next year starting today. I was worried about what he was going to make me do, that is why I was uncomfortable," Elaine explained. The guy opened his mouth to speak but Elaine continued and rolled right over him.

"Also since you want me out of the house so much I'll be moving in with Tabitha tomorrow," Elaine said spitefully and stood and turned on her heel and marched off as fast as the two foot high water would let her.

"You should have just taken my offer and given me something for the information old man," Ethan said and began rinsing the soap from his body having finished his cleaning while he watched the two of them bicker. The guy spun to face Ethan his face mottling red and purple in anger.

"Don't bother threatening me; it is an exercise in futility. Your daughter has to obey my every command for the next year. You wouldn't want to make me angry now would you," Ethan said swiftly cutting off the man's tirade before it could begin.

"You can't hold her to that bet or tell her what to do," the man blustered.

"How sad, to see follower of Themis saying that it's okay for his daughter to welch on her deal simply because she made a bad one. Hopefully your daughter's word is a little more trustworthy. The man's face flushed to a dark purple almost a blue and his fists clenched and unclenched at his sides. Without another word the man turned and stalked off following after Elaine with a little more speed.

"You sure do make friends where ever you go," a familiar voice said behind him. He turned and came face to face with Rosa's black eyes. She sat in the water hiding most of her, but the tops of both of her tits were visible above the water as were her bare shoulders.

"What can I say, it must be my godlike charm and winning personality," he shot back and she snorted in amusement.

"Can't you go one day without making someone new want to pound your face in," she asked exasperatedly.

"Actually probably not, I did make Elaine tense like that. Nor did I make her father come over here and make an ass out of himself. I don't go looking for fights but I will finish them. I don't back down and I rarely sugarcoat the truth as I see it," Ethan said. She shook her head and then let it roll back on her neck. Ethan's gaze hungrily raked her body as she lounged. So engrossed in studying her tanned flesh and curves that he didn't notice her raise her head and watch him as he devoured her with his eyes. He did notice her nipple harden and her breast seem to tighten. His gaze flicked to her face and he realized she had caught him staring at her.

"You want to get out of here," she asked staring at his muscles chest. Her chest was lifting rapidly as the rate of her breathing increased and her cheeks flush with excitement.

"Yes," Ethan said and stood. Rosa gasped as his fully erect cock nearly smacked her in the face and then nearly moaned when she saw its size. She stood and quickly followed him out of the water and towards the exit. Near the soap stack was a door for storing the supplies for the bathers. When they got near she grabbed his arm and whipped open the door and dragged him inside. She hit the light switch next to the door and pulled it closed behind her. Then she paused when no one immediately came in to scold them she launched herself at Ethan. Her mouth sought his and crushed against it with bruising force. Then she broke free turned away from him and bent over placing her hands on the wall.

"Fuck me," she told him looking over her shoulder. He didn't need to be told twice and deftly positioned himself behind her. With one hard thrust he buried himself in her up to the hilt, his tip pressing almost painfully against the entrance to her womb. Her scream was muffled by her clenched jaw and Ethan didn't pause before withdrawing and ramming forward again. She grunted as he hit bottom and he began a rapid forceful thrusting.

"Oh my god," she moaned as he increased his pace to as fast as he could while still maintaining the force of his thrusts. After five minutes or so he pulled out and spun here around to face him and pushed her back, up against the wall. He pulled her hips forward so she was leaning back against the wall and crouched slightly to position himself. Once he was situated he stood tall and she gasped as he filled her. She had to stand on her toe tips to reach the floor or he would have her held completely airborne. She gritted her teeth from the pleasure of gravity forcing her completely down onto his cock along with the fact that her clit was grinding against him. She could feel her finish coming and her breathing was coming fast and heavy, the beautiful breasts heaving with each labored intake of air. Ethan curled forward and ran his tongue in a long sensuous lick from the underside of her breast to the nipple, giving the nipple a quick flick. She jerked at the sensation and he pussy clenched tightly around him. Her orgasm was swiftly approaching and then Ethan bit down on her breast. She screamed in pleasure and pain as his teeth dug into the soft springy mound of her tit, and she exploded in release. Her pussy clamped down so hard Ethan felt like a fist had clutched him tightly. Rosa began to thrash on him, pounding her hips back and forth in a frenzy as her orgasm rode her. He groaned, his teeth releasing their grip on her as he lost control and came as well. He shuddered and rammed his hips forward pressing her harder into the wall, even though he was already buried as deep as he could possibly go. She whimpered at the sensations his movements evoked in her.

"That was much better than I expected it would be," she said panting when she finally calmed down enough to speak. Ethan was slowly softening inside her and she was distracted by the small movement on her sensitive flesh.

"You expected me to be bad at sex? Was I any good compared to your other lovers," Ethan asked. His only previous experience had been Sabina and his Mother and even though they said he was good they were bias. Sabina loved him and had no one to compare him to and his mother would never tell him the truth if she thought it might hurt his feelings.

"I didn't mean it that way. I mean sex felt as good as I expected it to I've never had any other lovers," she explained.

"Oh, sorry I just figured… With how beautiful you are and the fact that there was no blood, that you had experience," he said. She blushed looking at him and then blushed even deeper when the silence continued.

"I have a few… toys," she said and embarrassed.

"Oh," was all Ethan could think to reply.

"That was fun thanks," she said and kissed him on the cheek before leaving the room. As she left Ethan could see his cum beginning to stream down her inner thigh and had to think very un-sexy thoughts to keep his cock from springing back to attention. After a few deep breaths he left the roof and headed for his locker. Rosa was already gone and he dressed and made it home without anything else unexpected happening.


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FateCHYOA Edition

A/N: OK! First story. Been watching Fate/stay night again and reading some eroge around it, really want to get into writing in this space! Welcome Fate/CHOYA Edition! This story will probably be heavier on the fighting aspects than most CHOYA stories but will definitely have the smexy bits you've come to expect on CHOYA! This story is open to the public. Rules of the story are at the bottom as well as a chapter with servant data cards. Fuyuki City, Japan. You are Shirou Emiya, an amateur...

3 years ago
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‘I love you Mommy! I love you Daddy!’ Natasha Stone giggled with her backpack dangling from her shoulder. She had just finished giving her father a hug and was now waving as she ran off into the classroom. Both parents had their eyes shining with tears… Tears of pride and happiness. Their five year old daughter was starting her first day of school. It was symbolic day for the parents who wished for nothing but the best for their daughter. They didn’t know that as their little girl ran into...

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Fate: Noun"The Development of events outside a person's control, regarded as determined by a Supernatural power." The last few months had not been going well for Sam, he lost his job and his girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend. After bouncing around from job to job he landed in a garage. A massive step down from his last job but thanks to a love of Cars given to him by his Father he was happy. He quickly found a kindred spirit in Owen, a fellow Mechanic and car buff, the two became...

2 years ago
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Fate of an Illegal Mexican girl

Fate of an Illegal Mexican girlBy Sonya EsperantoThe Story:?Hey guys,  let the good times roll!!?  screamed a guy named Barton.?Let the goods time rolls!!?  screamed the other  nine guys with him.All 10 high school male students banged their beer glasses towards on another,  then happily gobbling the alcohol down their thirsty uncontrollable throats.  It was Saturday  late  afternoon,  on  the weekend,   and the guys retreated to this cabin,  where all of them were now happily drinking beer...

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The Warning: Fate: The Preface Gaias? Warning:A Prophecy Fulfilled?The Rise of the Dark Creatures Has BegunDanyealle(no sex, plot)  Long after the staff had gone home for the night Darious and Modega were still there, sitting in his office quietly talking, waiting for the story one of the primetime news magazines was scheduled to run.? Sure, both of them had seen many people claiming to be vampires since the age of mass media had set in, but all the previous times it hadn?t been the...

4 years ago
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Fate Of Faith

FATE OF FAITHBy Sonya Esperanto  [email protected]:About a horny mother who was in need of drugs and had submitted herself as a slave to a friend of her son?s, in exchange for those drugs.STORY:Faith Mc Donald was a very attractive woman. She had long black hair and blue eyes. Men wanted to fuck her, as she had a nice ass and had large breasts. The mother was roughly at the age between 35 to 36, but was still far more attractive than many other mothers, or even younger...

4 years ago
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Fate of a Murderess

Fate of a Murderess Part 1: A Nasty Business Jennifer DeMoeira was now a widow. By marriage, she had become a member ofone of the wealthier aristocratic families. Though their title meant littleand had never had a corresponding seat in the House of Lords, their hereditaryland holdings and in more recent years wise investment of their finances hadmeant that in the modern age they probably had more influence than any of thosewho still sat there. The DeMoeiras were a close-knit extended family,...

3 years ago
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Fated Meeting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Alex. I am 19 years of age turning 20 at the end of the year. I have recently cut my dirty blonde hair and now it only reaches a bit over my ears. I used to keep it long but my previous girlfriend wanted it short for her Matric Farewell so I decided “What the heck” and cut it. My girlfriend’s name is Lelia or well she used to be my...

1 year ago
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Fate of the Elves

The sound of drums and chanting filled the air, and the walls of Illyen shook at the sound. Even then, the dark invaders swarm over the walls. This was it, the final battle their people would ever fight; the last remaining city of Elves was about to be sacked. There was no stopping them now, every elf who could fight had done so, and still they were overwhelmed. Now for the hapless inhabitants, escape into the surrounding forest was the only immediate option. How had the great, ancient high...

1 year ago
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Fate an unexpected ally

Fate, an unexpected ally. Chapter One (of many, I have 350 000 words to come!)I was devastated. After months of legal wrangling and hope…well, hope anyway, it was finally over. Jocelyn had been adamant that the marriage was over and her lawyers had finally won the day. The papers lay scattered at my feet as sobs wracked my body. I stumbled through to my bedroom and collapsed on my bed and cried the pent up tears of the last three years. I was about to fall asleep when my telephone rang. I took...

2 years ago
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Fate Released

The stars shone off of the impossibly tall buildings, the distant city skyline a glittering reminder of what was at stake. They had broken a protocol set for decades, and they knew what happened to the rebellious. It would not belong before morning. The rising of the sun would end this illusion, and the Foundation would come for them. Hearing the sigh of his sleeping breath, Calliope held Levan tighter. The warmth of his skin took her back, back to when they still had time. “Levan, I am to be...

Straight Sex
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Matty got up much earlier than usual for a Saturday morning. Slowly Matty stumbled into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. As she left the bathroom, she noticed Derrick was in the study on the computer. They were the only ones at home. “Hey Derrick, where is everyone?” Matty’s voice surprised Derrick, she usually would still be asleep for a few more hours.Derrick smiled at his younger step sister. What a beautiful and sexy woman she had grown to become. She was 20 and he was 22...

2 years ago
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Fate Of Lavanya From Rich To Bitch

Hi, this is south Indian fucker back with another story of a fantasy of my reader… I hope you all enjoy my stories… The names may have been changed in the story. … Kindly keep supporting me…. Please give your valuable comments and views on my stories My email… This story is about a young girl and her experiences I will be narrating as the third person…… The story begins…. Lavanya’s parents are quite rich and she is living with them in a posh apartment… This apartment was 5 floors with only...

3 years ago
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Fateful Christmas

FATEFUL CHRISTMAS PROLOGUE: This is the Christmas story that has taken me ten years to write. Bah...Humbug. It is a sequel to my story FATEFUL INTERVENTION. Of course this is a work of total fiction, any resemblance to persons or pets living or deceased is purely accidental. ---------------------- Natalie was doing some unneeded late Christmas shopping at a pricey, upscale big box store in a northern Chicago suburb. Just as she approached the checkout clerk, she was afflicted...

3 years ago
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Fates Prey

Their names were Jackie, Alice, Rachel, and Michelle. They were ordinary girls, for the most part. But something strange seemed to follow these girls all of their life. None of the four girls could seem to keep their clothes on for long, leading to all sorts of embarrassment at their seemingly inescapable nudity! It seemed that these girls were Fate's Prey, and that's exactly what everyone called them! Jackie was 21, a daring and outgoing girl who wanted to be part of something bigger than...

2 years ago
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Fater In Law

Jan had been on her hands and knees for over an hour while her father in law fucked her ass. She had been married for only three months but had been fucking her father in law for two years. It started while they were having dinner at his house and her husband to be had too much to drink so his dad drove her home. On the way home he told her "You have the sexiest figure. I just can't take my eyes off you. I know I should not think about it but I just want to see you naked. I actually would love...

1 year ago
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Fates Web

Fate's Web Author's note: This is a fan-fiction tribute to "The Incarnations of Immortality by Piers Anthony. All his characters belong to him, me sticking in someone suspiciously like me is my fault ... Much like Bilbo Baggins, my life underwent a big change on my 50th birthday. Not that my life up till that point had been without its share of adventure. As a woman who was born a boy and transitioned in my forties, "boring" was one thing my life hadn't been. But things were...

2 years ago
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Fates Hand

Chapter 1 Princess Adriana woke up in a strange place and she didn't know how she got there. She stood up and had to sit down again, as her legs seemed too week to support her weight. After a few minutes of sitting she tried again ... yes, much better! There was no light in the room, but she could see by the moonlight coming through the wide gaps in the ill-fitting wooden shutters at the windows. Then she walked over to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked. Just then he heard a...

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Fate Chapter 1

Sweat dripped from Ethan's chin as he guided the ball around the blocker and ran down the field. The other teamed converged on him trying to block his avenues of travel but that pulled them off Jake who was running down the other side of the field. Ethan passed the ball without looking to Jake just before one of the defender tried to steal the ball. Instead of hitting the ball which was no longer there the defenders cleat slammed into Ethan’s shin and with a...

2 years ago
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Fateful Encounter First Time

We have all had encounters that we remember and those we want to forget, but this particular one I had has stuck in my mind, even though I have for so long tried to put it out of my mind. I periodically I find myself remembering this eventful time in my life and I slip back to when it all happened. Maybe I wish it would somehow materialize again or that I could somehow go back and relive the experience. I have mixed feeling about it, but when it creeps back into my thoughts and I end up...

1 year ago
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Fateful Encounter Rewrite

We have all had encounters that we remember as well as those we want to forget, and this particular one has stuck in my mind, even though I have for so long tried to erase it. However, periodically I find myself remembering this eventful time in my life and as I slip back to when it all happened, it becomes as vivid as if it had just happened. Maybe I wish it would somehow happen again or that I could somehow go back and relive the experience. I’ve always had mixed feeling about what happened...

1 year ago
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Fateful Encounter

We have all had encounters that we remember and those we want to forget, but this particular one has stuck in my mind, even though I have for so long tried to put it out of my mind. However, I do periodically find myself remembering this eventful time in my life and when I slip back to when it all happened, I find myself wishing it would somehow materialize again or that I could somehow go back and relive the experience. When it does creep back into my thoughts, I find myself going back to that...

4 years ago
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Fateful First Time

We have all had encounters that we remember and those we want to forget, but this particular one I had has stuck in my mind, even though I have for so long tried to put it out of my mind. I periodically I find myself remembering this eventful time in my life and I slip back to when it all happened. Maybe I wish it would somehow materialize again or that I could somehow go back and relive the experience. I have mixed feeling about it, but when it creeps back into my thoughts and I end up...

4 years ago
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Fateful Night

Fateful Nightby wyspr26 ( ) * Athletic daughter comes home to find her dad pleasuring himself, only to open a door that changes both of their lives forever. (MF/f-teen, ped, inc, reluc, 1st, bi) * I was home alone one evening. My wife was out with the girls and my daughter was doing a sports party at school. I took the opportunity to break out my old porn tapes and watch a few. About midway through the first one, I heard the front door unlock and open. I quickly turned of the tape and started...

3 years ago
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Fateful Intervention

Bert Mortenson opened the front door to his more than modest home in suburban Chicago and was disgusted by the site of the two teenaged boys engaged in a steamy sixty nine on his five thousand dollar leather couch. Quietly bypassing the lovers, Bert made his way into the kitchen and retrieved an imported bottle of beer from the fridge. Sitting at the kitchen table, he vowed that this was the last straw. Bert had two female lovers, a bisexual brace of lovelies that had beseeched him...

2 years ago
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Fate Chapter 2

The tunnel deposited them in a large cavern next to a large three story stone building. Neither Sabina of Lily looked out into the cavern. They kept their eyes locked on Ethan who hung limply in Bernard's arms as they trudged along. They entered the building and found themselves in a comfortably decorate living room. There was a comfortable if worn looking couch a reclining chair and sturdy wooden coffee table in the center of the room. There were no...

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Fate on christmas night

This is my first story. It all started on a chrismas nite with my elder sister jasmin. We celebrated that nite with family and frnds in a grand style. My elder sis jassu who is 4yrs elder to me was in a beautiful blue saree was looking like a angel that day. I never really had any feelings of this sort before untill this magic happende on the fateful nite. After the party we were actually to drop my sisters dfrnd sanju to her house, so my sister who was in her saree wanted to change her dress...

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Fate Chapter 4

Ethan returned to the house to find Sabina just finishing setting the table and his mother carrying pots of steaming food from the stove to the table. He sat down across the table from Sabina and when she smiled at him he return the gesture but a trill of nervousness shot through him. He didn't allow the unexpected emotion to show on his face and he turned his thoughts inward to find the source what had disturbed his mind. Through most of the dinner he remained quiet and...

3 years ago
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Fate and the Wrong Number

This story is based on true events, names of course changed. I answered my cell phone and heard a sweet voice say: “ Sally?” There was no one named Sally in my life, but I decided to mess with her and her sexy voice. In my most breathless sexy voice I could muster, I half whispered: “Sally, oh my god is this Sara?” She said, “No, this is Connie, why has something happened to Sally?” I said, “Connie, I had to dump Sally, she just couldn’t fulfill my needs. There was a pause, then she...

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Fate and Destiny Pt 01

This novella is in ten chapters with a short epilogue, it has been split into two submissions to Literotica. Specific dialogue and scenes in this work are fiction, however, the general plot happened almost as written here. Names, locations, and characters have been fictionalized to protect what remains of the reputations of those that survive. Many have forgotten these events, but I remember, although I was only a minor character I was close enough to see first-hand how the affair unfolded and...

2 years ago
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Fate Ch 02

Eight and a half weeks. That’s how long Gage would be away for basic training, but they tried to keep in touch as much as possible. It was difficult being freshly engaged and not being able to be with your fiancé/fiancée to share the experience… That new love sensation. Natasha and Gage’s love was very new. Although all their life it had been no secret that they were meant to be together they had never dove into the unmarked territory to find if they could be anything more than the best of...

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Fate and Destiny Ch 02

SORRY, FOR THE STRUCTURAL AND GRAMMATICAL IN THE PREVIUOS CHAPTER. i HAVE TRIED TO DO IT BETTER THIS TIME. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT. CHAPTER 2- THE FIRST TIME A week passed after the incident at the pub and even so Leon hadn’t asked Noel for dinner. Moreover, he stopped coming home lately. Whenever, she called him he didn’t even talk much with her. He hung up every time making an excuse of his work. Noel is begun to doubt that Leon is backing away and the thought of him walking away was killing...

1 year ago
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Fate Had Brought Them Together

This is just a nice little fuck story with that happy ending that I just can’t seem to do without. * At his sat in the second floor Holiday Inn bar overlooking Clearwater Beach, Matt got his first glimpse of an honest to God thong bathing suit. He’d seen pictures but he’d never seen a real woman with her ass hanging out barely fifty feet in front of his eyes. It was a perfectly formed, extremely fine and quite obviously young pair of butt cheeks and he could not keep from looking. His...

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Fate and Destiny Ch 04

*** PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT.*** CHAPTER 4-LOVE OR LIFE Noel was shaking with fear and Leon was shaken by the entire incident. Mr. Davis was a very bad man and he was the worst enemy anyone can have. Mr. Davis’ anger was at its highest level and it felt like the volcano would soon erupt. ‘Nathan, tell everyone outside that the party is over and take Jake out of my sight now.’ Mr. Davis ordered his manager. Then he turned towards Mrs. Davis and said-...

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Fate and Destiny Ch 06

CHAPTER 6-IDENTITY *** PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT.*** ‘Noel, your mom is on the line.’ Sandy called Noel holding the phone. Noel picked the phone up and said-‘Christine, how are you?’ ‘Noel, I am your mother please call me ‘mom’ just once. I have been waiting for hearing it from you for the last two years.’ Christine answered sounding stressed. ‘Listen Christine, there may be enough proof that I am your daughter but I don’t remember anything.’ ‘But, why...

2 years ago
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fate sucks sometimes

open to the public! add whatever you want, so long as it fit's with the desired theme, MC get's an item that let's him change anything about a person physically, and can change what they think is normal, get's said item taken from him, and used against him. now then...who get's to live such a senario?

Mind Control
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Fate Grand Order foot fetish stories

We are assuming Chaldea is in state from before Lostbelt arc, to avoid spoiling those who didn't play that far, however meeting servants who appeared after it is still possible, for example you can catch Da Vinci in middle of trying out her younger self somehow, and have a story with Lostbelt Da Vinci etc. It was morning like many others in Chaldea Security organization, it's been many months since Incineration of humanity and appearance of all the singularities turned your life upside down....

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Fate Stay Night

Suddenly the ooze from the grail has dissipated with only Rider, Medea and Saber wearing red. Rin looks at Shirou with a pissed off look and yells at him. Sakura comes over and sees her brother half dead with him being the vessel with his command seals returned. She order rider to take her and her brother to hospital and says to Rin before leaving, "You cannot help to take things from me." Saber sees that Shirou has picked up caster phantasm and pushes her into the crooked knife and suddenly...

3 years ago
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Fate an unexpected ally

I was devastated. After months of legal wrangling and hope…well, hope anyway, it was finally over. Jocelyn had been adamant that the marriage was over and her lawyers had finally won the day. The papers lay scattered at my feet as sobs wracked my body. I stumbled through to my bedroom and collapsed on my bed and cried the pent up tears of the last three years. I was about to fall asleep when my telephone rang. I took a deep breath to steady myself a little and answered. “Hello.”“Hi Mark, It’s...

2 years ago
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Fate an unexpected ally Chapter Three

Chapter Three We did indeed receive the blessing of the family when we visited the following day, after which we went to sign the lease on the new flat. I didn’t know beforehand, but the new flat turned out to be a duplex penthouse unit and the owners were retiring to the east coast. As Mr. and Mrs. Gresham explained to us, they were in no need of money and we could purchase the unit at a very reasonable price if we wished. My sister and I didn’t need to think too hard and we agreed to buy it....

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Fate an unexpected ally Chapter Two

Chapter Two   Time ceased to be of any relevance and we eased into a languid rhythm of intense eroticism. I slid my hands under the hem of her negligee and I gasped with delight when my fingers encountered the ultra-thin straps of her thong. I just had to look. With the utmost excitement of a child opening a gift, I lifted the hem above her waist and the sight of her gossamer thin panties only just covering her vulva was almost too much to bear. As it was, I held my breath for more than a...

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It's been 15 years since the Fifth Fuyuki Holy Grail War concluced with Rin Tousaka as the victor. Ten years later in 2014, Rin Tousaka returned to Fuyuki with Lord El Melloi II and, despite opposition from the Mage's Association, dismantled the Greater Grail, thus forever ending the Holy Grail Wars. Yet five years later, on June 20th, 2019 in Orlando, Florida... something unexpected happened. Command Seals began appearing on people in the city. All of them had Magus blood in them and all of...

4 years ago
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Fate Luck and Karma Yeah Whatever

Well my name is John. John Smith. Yeah, real original. Just like my parents who could have called me a thousand other names yet settled on the fucking most common possible name, John. Not even Jonathan or Jon without the stupid ‘H’. People have even asked me if that was my real name! This is the story about karma fucking with me, but in a kind of good way, not that I considered it good until my now-wife showed me how to look at in with a new perspective. I’m not a gambler. I have the worst...

1 year ago
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Fate Steps In

I came from a broken home, my parents died when I was two so I don't really remember, when I was ten I was told that I had a little sister somewhere, but where no-one knew. My childhood wasn't so bad I suppose, I was adopted fairly quickly and though I always knew there was something different about my family I still loved my adoptive parents, even after I was told that I had been adopted. As I grew older I often wondered what had become of my sister, only the orphanage knew why we had been...

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Fate Is the Hunter

It is sort of funny how they got together. Frank Kinson had never dated a girl in his class, not one. He had dated older girls in other nearby high schools, or college girls. A handsome boy, who stood six foot, five inches, and a gentleman at all times. He was a comfortable, date for a girl who wanted a pleasant evening. There were two hundred and thirty-nine kids in his class, with some very attractive girls. What had pissed Frank off, early on, was the fact that the attractive girls dated the...

3 years ago
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FateChapter 2 Confrontation

When I got home Peggy was in the kitchen. I called to her and followed her voice. As I turned into the kitchen I saw my lovely lady standing at the sink, wearing the top to her microscopic string bikini that showed the full swell of her round breasts covering only the nipples and the larger areolas. Below she had on a pair of extreme cut off shorts, the cheeks of her ass showed nicely below the frayed legs of the shorts. I laughed to myself, she wore this when she wanted to distract me, and...

4 years ago
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FateChapter 3 Confession

The next morning was Saturday, at breakfast, as Peg set my coffee in front of me, she leaned down and kissed me sweetly, "I want you to know how much I love you and how much I appreciate the way you have reacted to learning about my dad and I. Over all the years I have worried about what would happen when you found out. It had to happen sooner or later. Some how I thought it might be like this. I hoped it would be. You are so easy going and our love is so solid, I hoped this would be the...

4 years ago
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FateChapter 5 Plans

Peggy smiled up at me as I crawled over the foot of the bed. She spread her long sexy legs and hunched her cum filled pussy up at me and said, "Eat me honey, eat my daddy's cum out of my well used pussy please my darling husband?" I looked into her eyes for a second and they were filled with lust. I was as turned on as she was and I smiled and lowered my mouth to her messy cunt. She moaned with pleasure and I had to hold on tight to keep my mouth attached. I swallowed a lot of his cum...

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FateChapter 6 Peggys Diary

From time to time Peggy will put a current entry to her diary in to help you understand her feelings about what has happened lately in her family and friends. And from time to time she will write a section of a Chapter. It will indicate [BY PEGGY] when that is the case. Otherwise it will be by me, John. I don't think anyone else will write any but it will indicate if that is the case. Who knows. [BY PEGGY] Dear Diary Once again I return to my diary to share my most intimate thoughts. I...

2 years ago
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FateChapter 8 The Next Sunday

This Sunday started out as a more normal day for us. We went to church after a lazy breakfast. chatted with a lot of friends. Occasionally during the service Peggy would lean over and draw my attention to a couple and say, "I have heard they swing. Would you like her?" I would smile and whisper in her ear, "Definitely... but you just want to fuck him, don't kid me." It wasn't very spiritual but it was a lot of fun. At one point I whispered to Peggy, "I bet you would love to fuck...

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FateChapter 9 An Evening With Peg and John

I was home alone on Monday, after John had left for work. I had sat over coffee for a while and thought back over the previous afternoon when I was at the motel with Doug and Skip. I had never been in a threesome before that and I now regretted missing that experience. I loved it. I was being played with or stimulated or fucked somewhere all afternoon and I loved that. The feel of one of their cocks in my pussy and the other in my ass as they fucked me, and their cocks rubbed against each...

3 years ago
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FateChapter 10 The Assistant Minister

By John: I looked at my watch, it was almost four. Things had gone well at work that day. I had given Pam a lot to do and she had been deligent in taking care of it so I hardly saw her. Stan stopped by and said he and Bambi wanted me to join them for a drink some evening soon after work. I told him I would like that, and then added that I had really enjoyed the lunch with his wife. Stan told me they wanted to tell me about a party the two of them went to over drinks soon. That I had been...

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FateChapter 11 Lunch With Patty

The restaurant where I had planned to meet my sexy mother-in-law, Patty, was on the edge of town. It was the nicest place in town. It was arranged so the booths were very private. A good place for lovers to meet. Patty didn't question me about it when I told her where to meet me. I figured she may have been there several times before. It was not the kind of place Robert would have taken her. I wondered who my sweet M-I-L had been playing with. I really was a born voyeur. As I waited for...

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FateChapter 12 A Phone Call With Carol

By John: I was missing my daughter something terrible. It wasn't something new. We had always been close. I know you are thinking I just want to fuck her, but not true. Well I do want to fuck her and from all I have learned lately that is going to happen as soon as she comes home next time. Should be soon, she comes home at least once a month. I can hardly wait. But I needed to talk to her. I really missed hearing her soft voice. I had no idea where it would go. Things had changed so fast...

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