Fate Ch. 02 free porn video

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Eight and a half weeks.

That’s how long Gage would be away for basic training, but they tried to keep in touch as much as possible. It was difficult being freshly engaged and not being able to be with your fiancé/fiancée to share the experience… That new love sensation. Natasha and Gage’s love was very new.

Although all their life it had been no secret that they were meant to be together they had never dove into the unmarked territory to find if they could be anything more than the best of friends. Now that they had all they wanted was to be together constantly, but that just wasn’t the case with Gage’s career in the air force. She looked forward to his graduation day parade so they could all go down to Lackland.

It was extremely difficult for Gage. He wanted to be with his fiancée, but he wanted to be able to give her a good future, and the Air Force could do that. He would be paid and if he wanted to get a college education, he could do that with financial help. He didn’t want to struggle and the Air Force was what he loved so why not?

The first three weeks hadn’t been that bad with him being away. They were still difficult, but Natasha had found herself keeping as busy as possible. She wasn’t going to take the college route since it just didn’t seem to be for her so she was working at her mother’s salon. It was the best in the area and Natasha’s specialty was hair and makeup. Whenever her mother had clients that were in any field of media that came into the area, her mother sent Natasha to do their hair and makeup. It was a great paying job and it was her passion.

It was going on the fourth week and for some strange reason, Natasha didn’t feel well. Natasha’s lower back had been aching constantly, but she brushed that aside due to the fact that she had been working out to keep her mind off of her boyfriend who wasn’t home with her. When she woke up one Thursday morning, she felt unusually nauseous. After laying flat on the cold bathroom floor for a good half an hour it seemed to pass. Well pass enough for her to proceed with her day.

‘Why the hell am I feeling like this?’ Natasha asked herself as she splashed some cool water on her face.

‘I haven’t eaten anything that I shouldn’t…’ She thought to herself calmly, having been allergic to just about everything food wise, she knew what to stay away from. She reached over for a hand towel to dry her hands and face.

Tossing it aside, Natasha plopped back down on her queen-sized bed, staring around her partially boxed up room. It had great memories. All of those nights that Gage would sneak through her window up until the last visit in which he did so. The most defining in her life. Natasha had always been afraid of losing her virginity, thinking it would be terribly painful, but surprisingly it hadn’t been. All of the foreplay had her well ready and lubricated so that when he broke through her hymen it was only a momentary pain and a little discomfort. Snapping back, she thought of what the future held for her. They were getting ready to move her into her own place. A grown woman of eighteen needed her own place especially if she would be sharing it with her future husband. Reaching for her dark blue LG phone, she placed it to her ear, waiting kind of patiently for her mother to answer once she dialed in the number.

‘Mom…’ Her voice was weary as she waited for her mother’s voice to ring through on the other side.

‘Hey sweetie! How are you?’ In the background, Natasha could hear the sounds of the blow-dryers at her mother’s salon. ‘Are you coming in today? You don’t sound too hot.’ Damn her mom was good. Just by hearing her voice she could tell that her daughter wasn’t feeling good.

‘I’m alright, Ma… Just not feeling too good. That’s actually why I’m calling… Would it be too much trouble for me to call out? I would have done so last night if I thought I couldn’t make it.’ Her voice was sincere. She hated being one of those half-ass employees who called in at last second leaving their boss with none if any time to find a replacement.

‘Sure. You take all the time you need. I’m going to call your father and see if he can check on you on his break today. We’re swamped here… Just make sure your father gets back to work on time. You know how he is. ‘

Her mother laughed, her voice full of love for the man she had met so many years ago and settled down with.

‘Okay… Thanks mom. I love you.’

‘I love you too, Natasha.’ Her mother hung up the phone and Natasha rolled over, falling back to sleep.

It was later that day around twelve fifteen when her father would arrive home. Natasha hadn’t answered when he called at the bottom of the stairs so he darted upstairs to see if his daughter was alright.


His voice was on the edge of calm as he approached his seemingly sleeping daughter. She didn’t respond so he gently turned her to face him so he could see her face better. That’s when Vladimir saw the blood on his daughter’s sheets where her genitals were.

‘Oh god…’

His face paled as it dawned on him that something was severely wrong. His stomach jerked as he dug in his pockets for his cell phone, dialing 911.

‘God please… No…’ He tried to shake his daughter awake, but she unresponsive.

‘Nat! Damnit wake up!’ He screamed as the dispatcher finally answered.

As any father would, he tried his best to remain calm, it would do his daughter no good to freak out. Rushing to give the squeaky voiced dispatcher information, he stayed on the phone, because it calmed him to be in touch with somebody and know that help was on its way.

The paramedics rushed into their home all the while Vladimir Stone was in tears, fearing that his daughter would be dying. It was traumatizing to watch the paramedics do their job, getting his daughter onto a stretcher, and into the ambulance. He already knew that he had just lost a grandchild, that was unmistaken, but his daughter had lost a substantial amount of blood. This couldn’t be happening. He kept reciting that in his mind.

‘This can’t be happening.’

Once he managed to pull himself together, Vlad drove to his wife’s work place. ‘Abigail.’ His voice was grim as he looked at his wife, pulling her out of her salon. She signaled to one of her workers to take up where she left off with a client.

His voice broke as he looked at his wife, tears streaming down his aged face. ‘We need to go to the hospital… It’s Natasha…’ As soon as those words left his mouth, his wife’s knees buckled beneath her, and she collapsed. He caught her, holding her close.

‘It’ll be okay, Abby… She’ll be alright…’ He didn’t dare tell his wife of how he found her or what he saw just yet, she couldn’t handle it.

The ride to the hospital felt like forever. It was any parent’s worst nightmare to not know if their daughter had or hadn’t made it. It was sheer torture.

When they arrived at the hospital, they made their way to the front desk, giving information about their daughter. The woman at the front desk told them their daughter was already stabilized and she was in the recovery unit.

A doctor saw them arriving, he sighed softly as he approached. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Stone?’ He spoke quietly as he looked at the couple. He immediately recognized that his patient looked just like her mother.

‘Yes…’ It was Abigail who spoke, finally finding her voice.

‘Hello… I’m Dr. Reed Tucker… Your daughter is okay… She was four weeks pregnant… Very fragile time when a woman is expecting in her first trimester… There was nothing we could do… She already miscarried by the time she arrived here… We ran some tests and once we have the results we’ll know if this is one of those chance occurrences or if she’ll have trouble if she ever decides to child bear again…’

He told them reviewing their daughter’s chart to make sure that she had already g
otten the tests done.

‘May we see her?’ Vladimir Stone cut in, desperately needing to make sure his daughter was okay for himself.

‘Oh… Of course… Just let her rest… She’ll be exhausted for a while.’ He warned as he lead them into her room.

Both parents were immediately by her side, relieved their daughter would be okay, but full of grief for the loss of their grandchild. Neither of them had known. Abigail had the idea that Natasha might have been pregnant and had plans of making her daughter take a pregnancy test today. It made her feel sick to her stomach that they had not been able to prevent this. They would need to be strong for her… Otherwise, Natasha might not be able to emotionally or mentally be able to cope with the loss of her unborn child.

‘I’m going to get in touch with Gage’s father… See if he can get in touch with Gage at Lackland… I think he needs to be here…’ Vlad said quietly, knowing that considering the circumstances a trainee in the air force could be temporarily excused from training. He thought this was a good enough excuse. His fiancée losing the child neither of them knew they were expecting. Besides… His daughter would need him here. That was most important right now.

As he left the room, Vlad felt angry. Angry that his daughter was even in this position. She was too young to be pregnant and to know the pains of losing a child. No woman should have to know that kind of loss. Hell, no parent should. It was unnatural and cruel for a parent to outlive their child.

Taking a minute to calm himself, Vladimir called Matthew. ‘Matt… It’s Vlad… ‘

From there, Vladimir explained the events of finding out about Natasha’s miscarriage.

‘I need you to call and see if there is any way we can get Gage temporarily excused from his duties… He needs to be here more so than there. Just try…’ He sighed heavily, glancing at the clock. It was nearly three p.m.

Matthew felt numb knowing his son had fathered a baby and that his son’s fiancée had lost the baby. He was afraid to have to be the bearer of bad news, but it was necessary.

He got in touch with the superiors at Lackland. It took a lot of communication and recounting the story of the child’s loss and his son’s fiancée being in the hospital, but finally they were giving his son a two day pass off base to get home to take care of things. He hung up the phone and got ready to go visit his future daughter-in-law.


‘Trainee Gage Benevento! Report!’

A T.I. barked the command after approaching the thirty training future airmen and airwomen. Gage had been in the middle of sweating his ass off and focusing on learning the ropes during one of the drills. They still made time for drills although they were finally getting into more involved things during basic. Hearing his name being called, he couldn’t help but wonder if he was in trouble. His best friend Ricky who was in the line beside him couldn’t help but think the same thing.

‘Sir! Trainee Gage Benevento reports as ordered!’

He saluted his superior and stood at attention, waiting to be saluted before lowering his hand.

‘Be at ease, Benevento. We just got a call. You need to come with me.’

The T.I. felt for the young man who was about to feel his world crash around him, but at least he was getting the chance to deal with it. Some cases like this weren’t taken into consideration and he wouldn’t be granted permission to leave until he graduated to the status of airman. But the T.I. had put in a good word for Gage, knowing this boy had great dedication to his career, and it would take no time for him to get caught up.

‘Sit down, Benevento.’ He said once they got to a private office. Once Gage sat down on command, the T.I. continued.

‘Pack your bags. You’re needed at home. You’ve been given a two day pass to get things in order and then you are to return and continue on with training. Understood?’

‘Sir! Understood, sir!’

Gage said in return.

‘Sir! May I ask you a question, sir?’

He was obviously confused as to why he would need to go home.

‘Ask away, trainee.’

‘Why am I needed at home, sir?’ Gage’s back was straight, but not from posture, but because he was tense. He was scared, thinking that maybe his father had passed away, or something to that effect.

The T.I. inhaled deeply, making eye contact with Gage. This was one of the few fresh bloods he liked. Gage easily lost his sense of individuality. He came here with a good sense of knowing the basic ropes of how to report and most things someone interested in the air force should know. He was easily up to par for all of the physicality tests and the boy was smart. The T.I. saw talent in him and hoped that the news wouldn’t be taken too hard and after some grieving, he would be as good as new.

‘Your fiancée miscarried and she’s in bad shape… She’s in the hospital right now.’

Gage gasped as if trying to bring air to his lungs, but none would come. Tears sprang forth in his light colored eyes. His fiancée had been pregnant? Why hadn’t she told him? Why? Why didn’t he know this? And now… Now they had lost their child? It felt like a sucker punch to the gut and all the wind had been knocked out of him. He was going to be a father… But the opportunity was swept away. Gage knew he was too young to be thinking about children, but the idea of having a baby with Natasha filled his heart with joy… But before he could even take grasp of the dream it had already been taken away from him.

‘Breathe, Gage… Breathe.’ The T.I. was being informal now, knowing there was no need to be formal when something like this was going on.

‘The baby… She was pregnant…’ He just shook his head, it made no sense to him. Gage felt so sick and heartbroken. He had never known he would want to be a father, but losing the child he didn’t even know he was going to have, stirred something within his soul. A longing unlike any other.

After getting Gage to come around and get back in his skin, the T.I. dismissed him, telling him his taxi would be here in half an hour. He didn’t bother packing anything, because he would be returning soon, and the ride home to Wimberley, Texas would only be about an hour and a half.

Once inside of the taxi cab, Gage found himself wondering if Natasha had known she was with child… Had she known and neglected to tell him? Was she planning on having abortion? Was that why she hadn’t told him? Could she have not have known? His mind decided for him that she had neglected to tell him, because she wanted an abortion, although in his heart he knew Natasha wouldn’t be that kind of woman. He was just so emotionally distraught right now that his heart and mind were in a war. He just prayed that the love of his life was okay and one day down the road maybe they’d be given the chance to have another child.

All he could think about was having a son. Carrying the little guy in his arms and singing him the U.S. Air Force song. He would teach his son everything there was to know. How to throw a football, how to ride a bike, and how to get a girl’s attention without pulling on her pigtails. He chuckled to himself at the last thought, his heart aching something fierce.

If he had a daughter, he would never let her out of her sight, especially if she was a beauty just like her mother. He would make sure that his daughter knew she was his princess. He would spoil her endlessly and never give her a reason to cry.

Oh how he desperately wanted to cry.

Arriving at the hospital in his hometown was a numbing experience. He had no idea how he ended up at her hospital room, not recalling asking anybody for the directions, or even walking there. It was easy to say that Gage just was not himself.

He knocked on the door with a teddy bear from the gift store in his hands for Natasha. It was a shade of pastel green, wearing a white nurse
hat, and had the words ‘I love you’ engraved in it. He hoped this might help to cheer her up a little bit.

Her mother was by her side and Natasha was awake, looking frenzied. It was evident that she had been crying by how flushed her face looked, the puffiness of her eyes, and how they glistened with tears when she saw him standing in the doorway. Unconsciously, he took in the sight of the hospital room. Drab. That was the only way to describe it. The neutral tones of grays and whites that could depress the happiest of people. You would think since most people in the hospital had to stay overnight, the people who designed these would add a splash of warm colors. No, none what so ever.

All bitterness, guilt, and anger were swept away with the way she looked at him. With so much love. He knew they could get through this and be a stronger couple than ever. He hated himself for not being here for her, for not being able to prevent this.

‘Tasha…’ He breathed out a sigh of relief as he rushed to her side. He stood there for a moment, just admiring her natural beauty. Abigail excused herself to go get some coffee so they could have a little private time.

‘I… I got this for you…’ He held the teddy bear out to her, giving her his ever slightly crooked grin. The one that made her heart skip a beat if only for a moment before it recovered and continued to beat stronger than ever. He was so nervous to be here with her, nervous she might not want him there, or that he was say something dumb that would just hurt her more.

‘Thank you… It’s adorable.’ Natasha happily took the teddy bear into her arms, hugging it tightly to her body. It comforted her slightly.

‘How are you feeling?’

Gage felt tense and he felt scared… Overall, he felt vulnerable. He didn’t know what to do in a situation like this. He knew what he wanted to do though. He wanted to hold his fiancée close and whisper to her words of love and encouragement to let her know that this mishap would never stop him from loving her. He wanted her to know that this wasn’t her fault and she wasn’t to blame.

‘I…I’m alright… Sore…’

A tear slid down her cheek.

‘I missed you so much… I… I’m so sorry, Gage.’

Natasha started crying hard as it all suddenly hit her. Losing their child and being the reason he was here instead of training to pursue his dreams. She felt like a wreck right now. What kind of woman couldn’t healthily bare a child? Or at least that’s how she had been badgering herself, making herself feel worse than she should. It devastated her, it made her feel broken. She knew that lots of women had problems when it came to pregnancies and just being able to get pregnant was a good sign, but it was difficult.

‘Shh… Shh… It wasn’t your fault, Nat… It wasn’t your fault…’

Gage carefully sat down on the hospital bed with her and wrapped an arm around her. The bed was hardly comfortable, the mattress rather stiff, but the endless amount of pillows allowed for comfort. His woman should never feel this way and it was his job to make sure she stopped feeling like this.

‘I love you so much, Natasha… and we can have another child… And if we can’t… We can look into adoption, but don’t you dare for a second blame yourself for this. We’re young, babe…. And there is lots of time for us in the future to try at having another child… Okay?’

He wanted to hear her agree. He wanted to make sure that his future wife would understand that nothing could stop him from being with her.

‘O-Okay… I didn’t… I didn’t even know.’

Her lips trembled as she struggled to get the words out. It was still a shock to her that she had been pregnant and lost their child. She never even thought about her period being late or not arriving at all, it wasn’t the first thing on her mind.

His words were comforting, but they still did not ease the pain she felt over their loss. Her baby. The thought made her sick to her stomach and it was like a dagger in her chest being plunged in repeatedly.

‘I know, babe… It could have happened to anyone… Okay? But now we know to take precautions… Alright?’

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SRU: Justice Shall Be Done By Alec Stevens 1. Almost Caught Frank Lopa parked his car down the street from the home of Gina Sert; a former girlfriend of his whom Frank believed was involved in a scheme against him to ruin his life. Frank didn't have very good people skills and many people he had met and associated with hated him. The fact that his parents had both been murdered and the loss of his job had caused the rational Frank's mind to snap. He had leaped to the...

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BBC Billy

These events took place about about six years ago when I was 35. I had known for years that I was bisexual. If I were to tell the truth, I have known since high school. It took me until I was 32 to finally try it for real though. By the time I met Billy I had already had many experiences with several men and had learned, for sure, that I was bisexual. I was married to a pretty hot woman at the time, but still craved my M2M time occasionally. I met Billy on an online chat...

3 years ago
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Afternoon with my Son

Let’s us get the basics out of the way first. My name is Debbie and I am 34 years old. My husband died in a car accident two years ago with a drunk driver leaving me alone with our (at the time) thirteen year old son. Actually I should not say alone because my mother and Dan’s (my husband) mother have been there to help. In fact Betty, my mother in law, has become my best friend. She has been the driving force to get me out and meeting people, but because of my son and work it has not...

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Georgia on My MindChapter 8

Jamie couldn't wait to get back to Aunt Ellie's the next summer. Emily had been writing him about the good stuff her sister was telling her. She had asked, "Can you get any rubbers. I suppose you get them from Walgreens or some other drug store. I can get the K-Y jelly." This latter caused Jamie to put the letter down and go into his bathroom. Upon returning to his bedroom he took up the letter and finished reading. "Mama just got a new baby that they named Olivia. Henry was thinking...

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Final Fantasy

Cloud's body writhed in pain as he hit the lifestream. It was the most pain he had ever been in, and as a warrior he felt a lot of pain, but it was also the most incredible sensation he had ever experienced. "Now I know why Sephiroth wants to merge with the lifestream" Cloud thought. "This is an incredible rush." The lifestream began to infuse itself through Cloud's body. He began to see things, past, present, and future. The lifestream flowed through tout the world, no, the universe he...

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The Cheerleader

I’d heard she’d turned to being a call girl, and I’d seen her around town wearing expensive furs and jewelry she could have never afforded on her own, but apparently she couldn’t even stay at that level.She had been head cheerleader, only dated the quarterback, and routinely fucked the entire team (so I’d heard), but she would never look at me other than with disdain and never made a sound in my direction except for one time. “If you ever speak to me again, I’ll have David (the quarterback)...

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Lust For My Cousin Turning Into Hunger

Hi guys and girls! This is Manmathan and I from Trichy. I am currently 23 years old and I am brown in colour. Ladies willing to have sex contact me through my mail I fucked only my busty cousin till now. First sex experience is very memorable in everyone life. My first and only sex experience was with my cousin. This is my real life sex story. I had sex with my cousin when I was in 12th standard. My cousin was married at that time. Initially my cousin and her husband were enjoying their...

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My Sister My Girl

My name is Bob. I have a sister. Her name is Hanna. I'm 19 and she's 18. We have a mom and dad. Her name is Mom and his name is Dad. We're into the summer months about three weeks. In the fall I'll be off for my second year of fighting the books and Hanna the Hyena will be off for her first year of fighting the books.H the H is out for the evening and mom and dad are just finishing up supper. I already ate pizza. I sit down and say, "I would like to talk about something."They both say, "Sure....

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Blackmailed Bride

Lori was a very beautiful young bride as she walked down the aisle toward her soon to be husband. Her white gown helped accentuate her deep blue eyes and long blond hair. Her breast filled her gown to near overflowing. A good bit of her cleavage was spilling over the top of her gown's bodice. The form fitting gown wrapped around her firm body and offered a nice view of the shape of her tight butt. The gown's short train flowed behind her as she walked toward the altar of the church....

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GirlsWay Shyla Jennings Abigail Mac Serena Blair VAMPIRES Part 3 Calling The Cavalry

After two stepsisters move to Los Angeles in the wake of their father’s untimely death, they cross paths with a coven of vampires when one them swipes right on the wrong dating profile. Sister Lucy (Abigail Mac) finds out her hookup Willow (Melissa Moore) is a vampire soon after they meet. She is seduced into an all-girl orgy with her date’s whole family, and then slated for death. Lucy’s date convinces the coven leader to spare Lucy’s life and turn her into a vampire...

3 years ago
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Mature Jill Gets Her Revenge

[Complete Version][Contains: M/Mature F, Hardcore, Impregnation & Babymaking]I gasped in surprise as I felt the cock force its way into my wet cunt. I knew it was big but was not expecting it to feel so big. After all, my cunt was not as tight fitting as it used to be when I was younger. I was 57 years old and had been around the block a bit during my time. I'd been married and divorced 3 times – and to be honest each divorce was my fault entirely – I'd whored myself around quite a bit and...

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The Twins

I met Karen and Leanne at one of my photo exhibit during my first year of college. I was showing some candid shots of people in odd circumstances. Their beauty took me aback, and like everyone else, I thought they were identical twins. The only people that knew different were the administration clerks or people trained in identification. I made no effort at all to acknowledge their beauty though they were breath taking. Certainly not playboy models, or women one might see on vogue but quite...

First Time
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without limits part 2

during the evening the four friends were in the pool, swimming or tanning, Yvonne looked very sexy with her pink bathing suit, too short, his body wet and her nipples outstanding success to the rest of his friends. Rolando in while preparing some drinks for the company observing the scene, Ivonne approaches, gives the drink and passes his hand through the vagina, and then leaves, glass sinks in the water inside, and rubbed her breasts stroking the ass, but the magnate sack to force the water,...

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Gluteus Maximus Chapter 11

Previously in "Gluteus Maximus" - Chapter Ten"Josh, I'm inviting your ass over. You want to come or not?" he askedmatter of factly."Um, and like have sex with other guys?" I asked stupidly."Ugh, I'm tired of this Little Bo Peep shit. Look man, I don't want toupset your little white bread sensibilities, but I'm going to be over herewith a couple of my peeps and we're going to be fucking and sucking all dayand into the night, you get that?" he asked authoritatively."Um, yeah." I answered...

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Change Part Two of the Brandt Family SeriesChapter 3

Watching Rockie stroll down the sidewalk towards the walkway that led to her condo, JR noticed that the sun was still relatively high in the western sky. He closed the door and returned to the kitchen where a glance at the clock on the microwave confirmed that it was not even six o’clock yet. There were at least two hours before sunset. He put any food items that required refrigeration away but left the rest of the clean-up for later. He could finish that after sunset, but he couldn’t clean...

1 year ago
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A New Day Dawns for Susan Pt 03

‘And she was looking at herself. And things were looking like a movie. She had a pleasant elevation. She’s moving out in all directions, oh, oh, oh.’ -Talking Heads, ‘And She Was’ Troy was enthralled. Not by the trance Julie had brought him out of moments ago, but by me. He’d turned to face me on the cloud we were both on and now had his leg propped up on it with one foot still in space. In the back of my mind, I knew we were in That Place where they’ve taken me before, where nothing matters...

4 years ago
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New Dream Come True

New Dream Come True By Paul G. Jutras Some people believe that every person has both male and female traits to their personality; that you went to bed one night and learned just how true that fact really was. That?s what Paul found out one night. It was cool 63 degrees outside and a warmer 74 degrees inside the house with the heat on. Paul?s favorite women?s clothing store was going to be having a one day only sale in the morning and he could hardly wait. Getting out of the...

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It Was Bound To Happen

It all started when I got a new job where he was the manager. The moment I saw him I knew I wanted him. The fact that he knew Brazilian jiu jitsu and did cage fighting only made him more attractive. His muscular arms alone sent shivers down my spine. And I knew he felt the same way about me, he had no problem telling me that. The fact that I filled a D-cup and had curves in all the right places made him check me out constantly. He even made a bet with me once that I lost and had to wear my...

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Show me what Im looking for

Rosa looked skeptically at the packet, turning it over and over with her fingers. About three hours ago, she was on her way to the market for her monthly supply of fresh fruits and vegetables when she passed a small store with darkened windows. What struck her was that she couldn’t remember whether she had ever passed it before, whether it was new or not. It was the name, etched on the dark glass window, which had gotten her attention. The script and language was unlike any she had seen, and...

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Wedding Reunion

He’s standing at the altar. It’s the first time in ten years that I’ve seen him and my stomach leaps up into my chest cavity. The faces on either side of me blur into a mass of toothy smiles as the church organ roars into life. I try to focus on my job as maid of honour. I straighten out the train of Zoe’s dress and press my lips together into what I hope looks like a smile. He’s the best man, and my ex--the one that got away, I guess. We’re told to sit down after the opening hymn and I steal a...

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A Trip To The Colonies Chapter 3

Ace drove the SUV to the base and headed straight to the Officer’s Club parking area, fond a place not too distant from the entrance and parked.   He normally would have driven his classic Jaguar XKE, but with Mary joining the group, the ‘two seater’ just wouldn’t do tonight.   Besides, if the club wasn’t active enough, he and Nicole could slip out to the parking lot and fool around, something they both got off on regularly, the thrill of being in public one would guess.   They walked the...

Love Stories
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Sex With My Sexy Sister

Hi I am Prashanth 23, resident of hyderabad; we are having a family of4persons my younger sister Ritu who is around 12 and me and my mom&dad .my dad is a auto driver and my mom is home maker.we have a two room own house in hyderabad . My father is a dranker.i am working as a marketing executive in private bank.every day me and my young sister sleep in the hall and my mom and dad in bed room. Taht bed room does not have a door.we used to sleep at 10 pm every day. My dad comes at home at 10 o...

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Sister Angelas Bad BehaviorChapter 3 Sister Angela and the Hypnotist Monsignor

The unfortunate circumstances of Sister Angela’s abduction along with her young student Bucky were rumored to be a subject of much titillating speculation in the upper echelons of Vatican Hierarchy. Even the future nuns in the novitiate daydreamed of being used in such an obscene manner by rough thugs with no semblance of respect for a dedicated religious person of the female persuasion. It was decided without much input from poor Sister Angela perspective that she should be detached from...

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About my Asian wife

Everything I post here will be fiction. I have been married to my Asian wife now for 15 years and have fantasized about her with other men many times. To be sure I am positive that she has cuckolded my many times although she wont admit to it but I can tell by the way she openly flirts with almost any guy that comes around and even flaunts it in my face but still she denies it when I ask. I have told her that I would like to watch her with other men but she just says I couldn’t do something...

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Blowjob Universe

Your name is David. You are a disgustingly skinny moron who has been a huge failure at life. You lost your job, you dropped out of college, and your semi attractive girlfriend broke up with you. Your head is shaved, your armpits stink and you have proven repeatedly throughout your life to have about as much common sense as a monkey. Like all men you have an unquenchable desire to get blowjobs from beautiful women, a desire which has never been able to be fulfilled, primarily because you are...

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My Favorite Babysitter Ever

My name is Andy, I am 5'11", have sapphire eyes, and technically I am sixteen because I still got a few months to go. This great, and true story, happened when I was 13 and just starting to understand the addiction to the pleasures of masturbation. When I was little, around six or seven, I was too short for my age and my mom put me on hormonal treatment. I grew taller and so did something else. My penis, when I measured it when I turned ten, was about eight and a half inches. My best...

2 years ago
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Wifes revenge

We were on  holiday. Spanish island. Nice beaches good social scene and many good looking people.Just arrived we took a walk. Chris, my wife, had been so busy she hadn't had time to have her hair waxed so we went looking for a Pharmacia. We found one in the old town which had some real nice local stuff. So back to our apartment and we set to depilating  Chris's armpits and legs. She and I have had a lot of practice. You know, it often hurts a lot as that hair is ripped out. It's kind of fitting...

Wife Lovers
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The Ah KungChapter 6

After they had gone, Roger went out on the patio to think a while. This house had created its own set of problems. In order to be able to keep it he had to get a job that would pay enough to be able to afford the utilities and the taxes. He had always thought about starting another company but the startup money wasn't available in this tight market and probably wouldn't be available anytime soon. He knew that there was a market for knowledgeable people that could go into a company and set...

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Crossdress swaps clothes and gets assfucked in pub

A few years ago I was on a weekend trip to Brussels and Amsterdam with some friends, and found out a girl I knew from Ukraine was now living in Lille, not so far away, so I decided to make a quick trip to see her the evening before we were due to fly home. I caught the train from Brussels to Lille and she and her boyfriend picked me up at the station. She was a short, curvy blonde, with equally large breasts and ass. She loved wearing sexy outfits which showed them off. This evening she was...

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KNICKERED - a journey into a masquerade ? by: Nicci Knox Chapter I - Experimentation - the beginning. It was almost exactly three months prior to my thirteenth birthday when I was old enough to be left in the house by myself, during the day at least, that I finally plucked up enough courage to obey a desire that was becoming more and more urgent and crept upstairs to my sister's room to try on some of her cloths. By 'some of her cloths' I mean, of course, her underwear - and...

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My History of Sexting and sending Nudies

I am a female, and I began sexting when I was just thirteen, and am I ashamed of it? In a word, ‘No’. Everything about me was changing, I was more aware of who I was, strange new me, with tits that made men stare, my bum lost my ‘puppy-fat’, as my physical activity increased, and hearing those wolf-whistles, actually made my knickers wet. After one such strenuous workout I went home and bathed, came out of the bathroom and went into my bedroom, turned on my computer, my webcam, and had the...

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Asian1On1 Cindy Starfall 22841

What the pho! You ordered Vietnamese food and you only give the sexy delivery girl Cindy Starfall a few coins for a tip?!? You deserve a banh mi sandwich and a roadmap! But luckily, Cindy’s a lot more forgiving than that. In fact, she’s giving you the deal of a century: she’ll let it go if you just fuck her to kingdom come! Face it, there’s no way you’re going to turn down that big beautiful butt of hers, pounding it while she’s hurling Vietnamese dirty talk your way. No tip and you get...

4 years ago
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Akshay Fucked My First Love Again After Marriage

Hi all, I am writing here about my recent date with my graduation classmate. We met accidentally at a shopping mall after 12 years of gap. Before I start with the incident let me tell about myself. I am Ritika, I am 34-year-old. We are a family of 4. My husband Sachin is an administrative professional in a reputed company. My mother in law and father in law are retired government servants. My daughter Prisha is 8-year-old. Ours is an arranged marriage and it’s been quite a happy simple life....

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CherryPimps Eliza Ibarra Gia Derza Dysfunctional Cock Leads to Functional Cuck

Eliza Ibarra is tired of not getting fucked by her husband Johnny Hill! She leaves him to shop with his money, so he can enjoy some physical therapy without her. Maybe his therapist can get his dick working again, too! In comes his therapist, Gia Derza, and she’s ready to work. She couldn’t help but notice that he has such a smokin’ hot wife, and he cannot even fuck her! Eliza returns and needs to show off her lingerie to someone who will appreciate it. Of course, Gia loves...

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My Lil Slut Wife Tom

Originally it made it easier to think my wife was making up these stories but my best friend confirmed after reluctantly admitting to it in some detail. A short time later I began to entertain more of these thoughts and frequently found myself strangely aroused. During sex we would talk about her fucking men we knew and she would moan in approval even suggesting she’d be a good lil slut and the best fuck he ever had. With her bedroom eyes glazed over with lust she would openly fantasize...

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Threesome after concert 2

When Toni looked up at me and asked when are you going to fuck her ass? I looked at Kelly she just smiled I looked at Toni and said you really want to watch me fuk her ass don't you? Toni rolled over onto her knees and slid up between Kelly's legs pushed them apart then ran her hand up over Kelly's wet pussy past her big tits and stuck two fingers in Kelly's mouth she kept pushing her fingers in until Kelly started to gag. When she removed her fingers they were slick with Kelly's...

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Here There and Everywhere

Edited by Angie Everhart Foreword This is my first Sci-fi short story. Angie encouraged me to give it a try and I wish to record my gratitude for her unstinting and patient encouragement. I would also like to thank her for editing my work, injecting character into the dialogue and colour into the descriptions. Thank you Angie. 19 Dec 2017 At 3:30 pm, Briggate was a riot of colour. Christmas illuminations decorated the street and all the big stores - Debenhams, Harvey-Nichols - had elaborate...

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