Incompatibility free porn video

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I knew something was wrong the moment I woke up to complete silence in my parents' quarters.

The ship was old. There was always this heavy thrumming noise when we were still in hyperspace. I overheard my Dad say that the hypermotors needed to be repolarized. Anyway, the point was, I should be hearing them, but I wasn't. We weren't supposed to get to the Polaris 4 stargate for another two days.

I slipped out of bed. My nightgown caught and tried to pull up over my hips. I yanked it down with a flare of heat to my cheeks even though I was alone and I had at least panties on under it. Who was I afraid was going to see me?

I sighed as I ran my fingers through my ginger-colored hair. I was getting tired of this. I was sixteen and skittish about being nude in private. I hadn't even yet dated a boy. All because of my damn mother's precious work.

I felt a chill against my body, as my legs were bare and the nightgown was not very thick. The floor was cold against my bare feet, which was unusual. "Turn up the heat, please," I said, expecting compliance from the ship's AI.

"My apologies, Sarah, but I cannot comply."

I was so surprised at that reply, delivered with the usual and unfailing perfect politeness, that I was confused. "Huh? I don't understand. I just want it warmer in here, that's all."

"My apologies, Sarah, but I cannot comply. Ship power systems are in conservation mode during alert."

"During... ?"

An alert! So something had gone wrong. I almost hoped the hypermotors had finally burned out. Even if it meant the expense of getting someone to come out to fix them, maybe then I wouldn't have to deal with the awful racket they made. Anyway, it would be their own damn fault. They insisted on leaving port without my Dad. He's the only one that managed to keep this hunk of junk together.

And just maybe if it cost too much, my Mom would give up her stupid idea of a career. Shit. You want your life screwed up? Have a parent who's a xenoarchaeologist and a workaholic! I think even my Dad's tired of it. I think he made up that excuse so he didn't have to make this run with my Mom.

I sighed and turned towards the head to see about a shower.

I was just about to cross the threshold when the deck abruptly lurched under my feet and sent me to the floor. My heart started pounding. I don't care how old this ship is, that was not supposed to happen!

I bolted back to my feet in a panic. "What the hell was that?! Tell me!"

"My apologies, Sarah, but I cannot comply. The..."

"You stupid AI! Why can't you just..."

"... while battle stations are in effect."

I stopped. Suddenly I felt a lot colder. Battle stations. Oh my God.

There was a hiss that made me gasp and my heart leap into my throat. I jerked my head around to see that it was just the door to the quarters that had slid open. And I was never more glad to see that particular person in my life.

I ran over to her. "Mom! Mom, what's going on?! Why have we stopped?! Why did the AI say..."

"Sarah, please, hush!" my mother cried.

I stared at her, wide-eyed. My mother had a look in her eyes that was bordering on panic. She never panicked. Now I was really scared.

My mother paused, as if trying to compose herself. She gripped my arms tightly. When she spoke, there was a horrible nervous quaver in it. "Sarah, I need you to listen to me very carefully. Please. Will you listen to your mother? You will do what I tell you to do?"

I nodded quickly. I didn't even know what was wrong and I was already terrified.

"I want you to go down belowdecks and find someplace to hide."

I gaped at her. "You... y-you want me to what?!"

"Listen to me!" she cried, shaking me. She caught herself and took a deep breath. She was on the verge of tears. "P-please, Sarah. There isn't time for me to explain! Over on the port side, there are some crates marked 'Tau Ceti 6'. The artifacts in there disrupt sensors. Hide behind them. You'll be safe there."

Now I was in tears myself. "Mom, safe from what? What am I hiding from? What..."

The ship lurched again, and we both tumbled to the floor. There was a horrible metallic rending sound in the distance that reverberated through the ship.

Suddenly everything around us turned crimson and the klaxon began blaring.


I scrambled to my feet. "Mom! We have to get to a life pod! Mom? MOM!"

My mother groaned. She tried to rise to her feet, slipped, and fell back to the floor. Her eyes were taking on a glazed look.

I reached down and tried to haul her to her feet. "N-no, S-sarah," she said in a slurred voice, her eyes staring. "R-run... go belowdecks..."

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Stand up! Come with me!"

"I c-can't, it's affecting me... I... y-you're... incom... incompatible..."

I didn't understand a word she was saying! What was wrong with her? What...

I heard a soft thud in the hallway. I leapt back to my feet and dashed outside.

It was one of the techs. He had just slumped to the floor, with the same glazed look in his eyes as my mother. Down the hall, half a dozen other crew members were in a similar state. Some managed to stay on their feet, but wandered about like zombies.

"Sarah!" My heart lurched at my mother's voice. "R-run! Now!"

More frightened than I ever was in my life, I fled.

In my panic, I went the wrong way and had to backtrack. But when I was about to turn down the right corridor, I saw movement up ahead, though a cloud of steam from a ruptured coolant line. Quickly I ducked back and peeked around the corner.

It took me a moment to see anything. There were two of them, at the far end of the corridor. I could see only their legs. They were long and lanky, peeking out from flowing robes of silver-gray. At first I thought they were wearing some sort of blue-colored stockings, until I realized that it was the tint of their skin.

My blood ran cold.

Oh God oh God oh God. Don't let it be them. Anyone but them. Please.

Pirates. Black marketeers. Privateers. Rebels. Escaped criminals. Anyone. Just NOT THEM.

Yet the next moment, the steam cleared briefly just long enough for me to see one of them perfectly. I saw her tall, voluptuous form wrapped in her tight, thin robe. I saw the blue cast to her skin, and the fall of coppery hair. I caught the intensely violet eyes even from this distance. It was all I could do not to whimper in terror.

Velqui slavers!

There were two of them, carrying scanners. They were searching all the compartments. Occasionally I would see one disappear inside, there would be a pause, and she would emerge again. Frozen in my panic, I stared at them as they did this three times.

On the third time, the pause was much longer. This time, when she emerged, someone was with her.

My breath caught in my throat, and I had to bite my lip to stop from gasping. It was Terri! My only friend on the ship! And she was naked!

I wanted to shout to her to run for it! Until I realized it was already too late. Oh my God. She was... touching herself. They were making her do it. They made her feel up her own tits, touch her pussy. They had slaved her already! God, is it that fast?!

A third Velqui emerged from the end of the hall, took Terri's hand, and led her away. She padded behind the alien like a little puppy dog. It shocked me out of my paralysis and I ran.

But I didn't know where I was going. My only route to belowdecks was cut off.

I simply ran to the other side of the ship from where I saw the Velqui. My only chance was to stay away from them and hope they satisfied themselves with the other crew members. They never took a whole ship as slaves. They were very particular. They took who they wanted and let the rest go. Now I understood what happened to my Mom. They always inject the ship with nanotech that makes everyone docile before they board it.

But why didn't it affect me?

I ran until I couldn't go any further, which put me in the ship's laundry. I ducked in and around the huge hampers and found a tiny closet in the far end of the room.

I squeezed myself inside of it and slammed the door shut behind me.

Silence fell, save for my own ragged breathing. I could hear my heart hammering in my chest. I only realized then I was still dressed in just my nightgown and panties. The sides of the closet felt ice cold against my body.

I gasped when I heard a low vibrating sound. It was me. I was trembling so badly that it was making the metal walls shake.

I forced myself to take a few deep breaths. I had to calm down! Once the Velqui left, I had to remember how to activate the emergency transponder. We may be just close enough to the border for a Terran Hegemony naval ship to respond.

Oh God, I hoped my Mom is okay!

No, they won't take her. She's well into her forties. They'll take the young ones first. Young like... me.

No, they won't take me! They have plenty to pick from! There's Mindy, she's only a year older than me. And Frank, he's twenty. And the twins, Joanne and Jill, they're my age. They would be perfect for...

I stopped myself and nearly burst into tears. What was I thinking?! I didn't want to see any of them taken! How could I think of something so horrible?! Oh God. I already kept replaying Terri in my mind. The Velqui couldn't have been in that room more than a few minutes.

The Velqui used nanotech. A few minutes. A few minutes to rewrite a brain and erase a person. Terri was gone in less time it took most people to dress in the morning.

I tensed. I heard a noise.

I swallowed hard. My throat was so dry it made an audible click. The noise came again, closer. Someone was in the room!

Oh God oh God oh God...

Wait. Stop. Don't panic. It may be a crew member. Maybe the Velqui left and the crew was recovering. And now they were looking for me. It had to be that. I was all the way on the other side of the ship. They don't want me.

Footsteps. Coming straight for me. They were soft. Through the metal slats on the door, I caught a brief sight of a robe swishing around feet. No! NO! Not me! NOT ME!!

The door opened and all hope died.

I was too scared to move or speak. The Velqui stood for a moment, her head tilting to one side as she regarded me. She was beautiful. Her skin was smooth and perfect. Her robe was drawn tightly at her slim waist, her breasts swelling round and full against the fabric. She shifted her weight as her deep, violet eyes flicked down to the scanner in her hand. Her breasts jiggled slightly. She didn't wear a bra.

She lowered the scanner.

"Come out, little one."

Her speech was galactic standard, but with an almost musical, birdlike quality to it. It hardly sounded menacing at all. I cowered inside the closet anyway.

She smiled and lifted a delicate-looking hand. "I will not harm you. Please come out."

I was nonplussed for a moment at the alien's gentle manner. I had expected her to reach in and haul me out. Or just slave me and I'd be a mindless little toy. I still wasn't any more inclined to emerge. "L-leave me alone."

She lowered her hand. "As I said, little one, I will not harm you. But you must come out."

I began sobbing. "I d-don't want to b-be taken. I don't want to be s-slaved. P-please. Find someone else."

"At the moment, I am merely curious about you."

I blinked away tears. "C-curious?"

"You were not affected by the docility nano. This intrigues me."

"Does that mean y-you won't take me?"

Before I could respond, there was movement off to the side. I gasped as the second Velqui came into view. "You have found her. Is she... ?"

The first raised a hand briefly. The second one stopped and kept her distance, putting her scanner away and folding her hands before her. The first one turned back to me.

"I can promise you nothing, little one. Except that I do need you to come out of there."

There was a little bit more command in her voice this time. I sighed in defeat and slowly stepped out. What was the point of staying in there? I had nowhere else to run.

I felt my breasts loose against my chest. Flushing with embarrassment, I folded my arms over them.

"What is your name, little one?"

I blinked. The question was totally unexpected. "S-sarah."

The Velqui smiled. It actually looked pleasant. "Now, I wish you to answer truthfully, little Sarah. Have you any shielding?"

I looked at her oddly. "Shielding? You mean... like against the nano?"

"Yes, against the nano."

I shook my head. I didn't think there was any defense against it. The only way to protect against Velqui slaver tech was to not encounter it in the first place.

"You would detect it if she were, sister," the other Velqui spoke again, startling me.

"Most forms," the first answered. She raised her scanner again. "But some do not register."

I didn't understand what they were talking about.

"Still, little Sarah, you are not affected, and I need to find out why."

One of her hands tapped the side of the scanner. A compartment opened, and she extracted a small hypospray.

"Extend your arm, please."

I gasped, panicking, and staggered back towards the closet, shaking my head violently.

"I wish only a blood sample, little Sarah. That is all."

I swallowed, shaking. My eyes flicked over to the side. I contemplated making a run for it. The other Velqui must have sensed I was thinking this, for she shifted to one side and blocked any escape route.

It was useless anyway. There were likely just more of them out there.

I took a deep breath and extended an arm towards her. I flinched when her fingers closed around my wrist. Her touch was surprisingly gentle. I braced myself, tensing as she pressed the hypo into my arm. There was a tiny pinprick and a hiss, and it was over.

I snatched my arm back, heart thumping. If she had actually injected slaving tech into me, would I even know it? What would I feel? Would I even be able to ask these questions if I had?

The Velqui popped the hypo back into the scanner and paused. A thoughtful look came over her face. She gestured, and the other Velqui came over.

"See this," said the first, pointing at something on the scanner.

"Ah, yes," said the second. "A genetic abnormality."

"But not natural."

"Clearly not. Carrier RNA sequence rewrite method. Primitive, but effective."

The two lapsed into jargon that was far beyond what I learned in biology, but I caught enough to make my heart race. Somebody had altered me! Somebody gave me protection against their nano!

Suddenly I heard the second one say something that jolted my attention back to them.

"Can you compensate for the neurotransmitter incompatibility?"

My mouth fell open. That's what my mother had said! She said I was "incompatible". But did that mean the same as immune? Was I safe?

The first one looked thoughtful. My heart pounded. She glanced at me. "Not completely."

I swallowed hard. Was that good? Were they going to let me go?



Now the first Velqui turned to me again. I was quivering in fear again, and I backed up against the wall, my arms hugged tightly around me.

"Lower your arms, little Sarah."

My throat locked up. I shook my head.

"Please. I do not wish to harm you."

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Part VII - Questions and Precautions Suddenly, Holloran was scarce. No pop-in visits to Jocelyn's office, no spur-of-the-moment summonses to his office or even phone calls; all she got was the occasional desultory e-mail. They dealt solely with routine matters - no mention was made of the investigation or of what had appeared in the New York Sun-Tribune over the weekend. He wasn't the only one. Her secretary had called in sick, and any number of people she tried to reach on Monday...

1 year ago
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Cameraman Tom Daniel

Cameraman Tom & DanielNote: There is a “daughter” version titled “Cameraman Tom & Darlene”Several years ago I was trolling through some P2P files and found my friend!My friend, Stephen (Steve) lives right next door. He is divorced like me. He has a son, Daniel, who visits on some weekends. Steve is a big handsome guy who never seems to date. I always wondered why. Steve and Daniel appeared to be homebodies; I never saw them in the park or riding bikes, the normal family stuff.My...

2 years ago
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A Vacation To Remember Ch 04

The phone rang waking Heather up she heard Sara answer it. ‘Really? Okay you can just send him right up.’ Heather’s voice was muffled s she spoke though the pillow and Blankets. Who’s being sent up?’ ‘Oh no one just a young man with flowers, a shirt, oh and your glasses. So now I guess well get some answers.’ Heather rolled her eyes and tried to get up. It only took one mover to remind her about the bruises on her back. She let herself fall back to the bed and waited for the tremors to...

3 years ago
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Wife and her StepDad 2

Well I know I wrote this story but there is more to it. My wife Sam before we got married living at home with her mom and step dad. Sam and I went out on a date, went and saw a movie. We made out then I took her home. I had to get up early for work. Sam took a shower and put on her night gown and was ready for bed. She is a very horny girl, on some nights she like to masturbate. One day sometime in the afternoon, she was in her night gown watching TV, she raised up her night gown and started to...

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This is a true story

Three years ago I met two women at a local function, they were both in their 50's but looked to me younger. We were at a 200 club drawing with all the free drinks, food,etc. As the evening went on we became friendlier towards each sharing various thing in our lives including sex happenings. Some were funny and you laughed your ass off, others were so so. After the drawings(which none of us won the big prize) we decided to go to the local watering hole just a couple miles away. ...

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The Fantasy continued

The Fantasy Continued. What had I started? We fucked all week as she chatted about the imaginary guy we had met. I don’t know where she got the energy as she told me she had to work late 3 nights that week. She always seemed horny and turned on. I ran her a bath when she called to say she would be home soon. She loved to soak in the tub and it was not long till she slipped her naked body into the bubbles. I enjoyed picking up her dirty clothes to take them to the laundry basket her panties...

Wife Lovers
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A New Temptation Ch 02

Here’s my second installment of ANT. This segment will observe the progression of Elaine and Alex’s relationship. You also learn more about Elaine. No promises on the next chapter, however, I’m find it more difficult to leave these two characters. Please comment and vote! All advice is deeply appreciated. WF ***** A fortnight had passed since Alex lost the map to Lady Elaine. For the two weeks, she had plagued his thoughts. He wondered about her scholarly pursuits. Besides acquiring maps,...

3 years ago
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A Rape Fantasy

I began the walk home, dreading it. It is so far, through the darkened heart of the campus, all deserted during this holiday weekend. I trudged under the arches, a brief glimmering smile at their legend, and tucked my head against the whipping wind. My mind drifted, stopping on this, pausing on that. It was all a hazy dream, thinking of my bed, which was calling out to me from the distance. Thinking of how the day had been, of work and my classes and my parents and friends. And yet, thinking...

1 year ago
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Hell YeahChapter 6

Now that Shaun owned Mac's, he had rearranged the office to his liking. The ugly, old sofa where we'd first had sex had been relegated to the corner, and the desks, both his and mine, had been pushed together facing each other in the centre of the room. It was an ideal set-up, since we shared a computer and phone; plus it meant I could look up and see Shaun's sexy smile any time I wanted. Being promoted to manager had changed my workload. I spent less time behind the bar until the wee...

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Mr Millers Christmas Party

Mr. Miller's Christmas Party by Deputy Duffy It was a couple of weeks before Christmas, and I was driving my way overto the Miller's estate. People around here call Mr. Miller the "King ofParties." And I had finally turned 21, which meant, according to Mr. Miller,that I was now finally old enough to attend his famous parties. I had beenlooking forward to this day for some time, so I was thrilled when he calledto invite me, but a little anxious when he said that first I had to "provemyself." ...

2 years ago
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The Find Book 2Chapter 7

“Ron, how about Gulfport for the night. We could get the top floor at one of the casinos. Then it will be a short hop to New Orleans in the morning. Mark you on for that? Said Marty over the radio. “Yeah. Give us 10 minutes,” replied Mark. We were 2 ½ hours away. Arron called back, “We only need 1 floor! Eight rooms per floor, I already called in dinner reservations, so clean up on board. Tom had to call in to let them know we were coming in! No choice due to ranks!” “It’s okay, will it be...

1 year ago
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my best friend

when i began dressing as Ana i had three sexual experiences one with girls and two with boys.. this is the experience i had with my second boyfriend his name was Connor and he was this cute shorter boy with longish brown hair and he was so cute. anyways when we first met i could tell he knew somehow i was a boy but he still loved me and kept trying to be my boyfriend. one night we were in a movie and he began feeling me up.. i let him do what he wanted while we made out because he never grabbed...

4 years ago
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The Colonis Project

This story is inspired by June Cleaver's 'home economics' on TGFA. The bus slowly drove us round the buildings. Showing the think tank, and the labs surrounding it. Grinning we watched. It seemed too wonderful. Here it was. The restart of space, and we were in on the ground floor. Shaking our heads eagerly... we watched as the bus came to a stop. And we were let off. Just to think, a stupid game in a magazine, led to this. Hurrying along we came to the front door. The people here...

2 years ago
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Master and My Baby

Every woman wants a big cock.  All that talk about size being unimportant?  Bullshit.  We all want to be filled completely, and most of us want to be mastered by a dominant man, whether we admit to it or not.  Barbara is no exception.  All her young life she has had soft young boyfriends.  Their dicks may be young and point north constantly, but will they take control of her, and fuck her tight pussy mercilessly?  No.   She is 17 now, and growing tired of all the boys she has dated.  You have...

3 years ago
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Fucking An NRI Girl

Hi it is me rahul again this is my second share of personal chronicle i would like to narrate but before that warm hearted wishes to all my brothers and their sisters. Let me remind my email address so that all my wonderful ladies out there can talk to me one on one which i would appreciate a lot. okay the story goes all the way to los Angeles where i have to attend my brothers ring ceremony or sagai. This was my first time out of India i thought , was rather gonna miss back home ,but was...

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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex LifeChapter 8

I was up and at it early again Saturday morning with rather pleasant thoughts from the night before. Mom hustled me to grandpa’s shop and I went to it. Grandpa had clearly made more progress on the pit cart, with some metal cabinet doors now in place, along with a thin steel plate top. Work benches were getting cleared off and this was starting to look like a proper race shop again. Grandpa was out to help about an hour after I arrived. He ambled into the shop with a big thermos of coffee...

1 year ago
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Open House Open Cunts

Abe were a farm equipment mechanic and made big bucks compared to most of the other people in their holler. One Christmas they splurged on satellite TV and it was wonderful, a rarity bein the only one anywhere around. Everyone else got one local channel that wern’t worth much. When the couple learned that the Super Bowl was going to be on their new TV, they decided to have a party. Lulu Belle, Abe’s wife, made big plans to invite kin and neighbors to have a party that no one would fergit. It...

2 years ago
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The Glass Balls V

By the time Julia left us a week later, her virginity was gone for good. She'd been fucked a dozen times by Dom, and had been masturbated to orgasm by me at least as many times. We'd mapped her body to the extent that there wasn't an erogenous zone that she didn't know about. There was probably not another fifteen-year-old girl in New York who was so aware of the pleasures of her body than she was. We were somehow able to dress often enough, and long enough, to get out of the house from...

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HunterChapter 4

As Tim Brown sat down at the lunch table with Mike, he asked, “Do you like to fish?” Not recognizing the voice, Mike looked up from his plate. He didn’t know Tim all that well, and it took him a second to recall the man’s name. In fact, he had only met Tim in a couple of meetings. The man was normally very quiet, but people tended to listen when he spoke. He answered, “Yes, but I don’t have the time for it any more. My wife and I are fixing up our house. That kind of keeps us busy all of the...

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Mariannes Revenge

Marianne's Revenge By Cissy Gaye When I was dating Marianne, she knew I liked dressing as a woman and being humiliated. She enjoyed dressing me up and she really got off on abusing me, so we had many wonderful times together. One night as I was getting ready to pick her up from work, I thought it would be fun to see her face if she got in the car and found me sitting there in drag. I painted my nails and did my best slutty girl make-up job before I left home and I pulled...

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GirlsWay Dahlia Sky Samantha Hayes Clairvoyance Part Two

Dahlia’s story about Charlotte and the binding spell leaves Samantha dumbfounded. Sure, she see’s ghosts but to believe that magic exists is beyond her ability. Dahlia is eager to show the hypocrite Samantha that Magic is real, so instead of battling over whether magic is real or not, Dahlia leans forward and heals Samantha’s hurt leg. Samantha is astonished, but when she notices that Dahlia is weakened, she’s surprised to hear that magic comes with a cost. That nothing...

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Smitten By Smita

“How do you like my wife’s cunt, boy?” Patrick growled in Ben’s ear, giving his left buttock a fifth spank. His hips thrust forward, with nowhere for the shockwave to go other than into Smita since Ben’s cock was still buried in her pussy, being milked of the last drops of his young seed.“Answer!” SMACK! “Did you enjoy fucking my wife?”To Ben’s great credit, his first thought was of the older woman beneath him rather than of himself — and not just of the jiggle of her brown breasts with each...

4 years ago
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Hot Unsatisfied Housewife In Pune

Hi friends I am telling you the experience which I had with Aarti Name Changed a sexy housewife in Pune. I would really appreciate if you could get in touch with me so I can satisfy all you lovely women also. To tell you more about myself, I am from Pune. 5.11 ft tall fair with a athletic body and my greatest passion is to spread love among all the lovely women who are deprived of it. This story is about 35 yrs old married lady from Pune and her name is Aarti and she is a housewife. Aarti has a...

1 year ago
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Detention with Miss Chasterty

Hi, my name is Megan Tuck and I'm studying my A-levels at college. Last week was my eighteenth birthday and, until then, I had been a virgin. However, I loved to masturbate and would often do it three or four times a day. Anyway, my story begins on the day after my birthday. It was a Monday and I was back at college. My first lesson was double biology. I've always enjoyed biology, especially the reproductive organs, but the subject really started to grab my attention when we got a new teacher...

College Sex
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A Knock at the Door

A knock at the door. At this hour? Two men in dark suits, one tall and blond, the other much shorter and dark. "Mr. Bannister?" the tall one inquires. "Yes. What's this all about? You cops?" I ask, more than a little disturbed. The short one replies, "Not exactly. Can we come in?" I motion for them to come inside my tiny shoebox of an apartment. The remains of my dinner lay in the sink which is visible from the main room in which we stand. A tv flickers in the corner in front...

2 years ago
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Loud moans of pleasure filled the room along with the familiar aroma of sex, as Meg's eyes closed and her fingers tightly gripped into the cold silk sheets.The more she bucked and screamed the harder her nails pressed into the sheets. She could hear them tearing now and for a vague fleeting moment, she wondered if Emily would mind.But it didn't matter. Nothing mattered except this moment. It had been a long time coming and just knowing what she knew now turned her on even more.Her hips humped...

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The Dance Floor

I grabbed his hand and pushed through the door. The room was dark, except for the disco ball that was flashing neon green and red lights across the room. People were jam packed into the room and the music was way too loud. We pushed further into the room and I turned around to start dancing. “Come on baby, let’s dance!” I said to my boyfriend as I threw back my hair and swayed my hips to the music. His hands came down on my hips and pulled me closer to him. He leaned down and started kissing...

3 years ago
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You Cant Hurry Love Chapter 4

"Okay," Roxanna began telling Dan the story of her first husband. "I had long since gotten out of being a maid at a motel. I had taken a crash course and become a dental hygienist. When that wasn’t particularly satisfying or fulfilling, either, I enrolled in a junior college, where I studied for two years.” “You got an associate degree?” Dan asked. “Yes. In electronic technology. Soon after, I landed a job as an electronics technician, testing computer chips to make sure they worked properly....

Love Stories
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MommysGirl Kenna James Kenzie Taylor Serene Siren Lily Larimar Gyno What You Did Last Summer

Serene Siren and Kenzie Taylor are accompanying their stepdaughter Lily Larimar for an appointment with their family gynecologist, Kenna James. Kenna begins the checkup with some routine questions and when everything seems to check out, asks Lily what has brought her in today. Lily reveals that she’s recently become sexually active, so she thought now would be a good time to do a checkup. Kenna is supportive of this new development in Lily’s life and agrees to perform the checkup....

3 years ago
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Chained and Spanked MotherChapter 2

Tommy trusted his brother. Together they had plotted and planned, ever since reading their dad’s dirty books. Before that, each of them privately lusted after their hot mom. The books prompted the naughty secret they had in common, which bonded them greater than most brothers. When Robert mentioned their uncle’s name, Tommy’s jaw dropped. If it weren’t for their uncle, they never would have thought up and persisted through their elaborate, wicked scheme. About a year ago, Uncle Nick was...

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