Dylan Sweet - Sweet Dreams free porn video

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Dylan Sweet - Sweet Dreams by Spanky de Bautumn With apologies to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. My name is Dr. James Watson, I am an OBGYN by profession, but with all the cutbacks in Planned Parenthood, I find myself with more time on my hands than I prefer. As such, I find myself visiting with my neighbor Mr. Dylan Sweet, almost on a daily basis. Sweet is one of those unique individuals with an analytical mind of such wonder that many wonder if he is actually a machine. He often amazes me with his powers of deduction. He has gotten to the conclusion of many cases the police had long since closed with unknown solutions. I remember the Diamond Tiara Affair, which had all concerned about to give up in hopeless despair, and The Misadventures of the Senator from Montana. Why if it hadn't been for Sweet, that conspiracy might have ended in the loss of life. Sweet isn't a big man, but he is wiry. I've seen him scuffle and he's like a mongoose, relentless. Which is surprising because he is not a fan of physical exercise. The exercise he prefers is using his gray matter to solve some otherwise unsolvable problem. I have had certain obligations that have hindered me from dropping over to the Sweet Manor the last couple of days. For the reason that I have not heard from him leaves me with the impression that there has been a pause in his caseload or nothing in the newspapers had piqued his interest. When he finds himself in these monotone life moments, he falls back on his one vice, cocaine. He is normally a solitaire individual, but in his drugged induced state he really gets introverted. So, I have learned it is better to wait for him to reach out than be turned away at the door by Michelle, the housekeeper. In the past, I have seen him last three or four days before something knocks him back to reality, so I was somewhat surprised when I answered my phone and heard Sweet's voice say, "Watson, I hope I am not interrupting you in any way, but do you think you could find the time to stop over this evening? I have been presented with a very unusual request and I would like your advice." Of course, I agreed and told him that I would be over presently. *** Michelle lead me into the study where Sweet was in his usual thinking position. Sitting in his favorite armchair with his knees up almost under his chin, his elbows on his knees, his head supported by his hands, and his eyes closed. When I entered the room, he opened them and motioned me to have a seat. He then went back to his meditation. I am accustomed to Sweet's methodology and didn't find this action to be a slight. The wheels were turning. Michelle brought in coffee. She's a cute girl with an interesting past. She is extremely loyal to Sweet after he saved her from being framed for murder in a lovers tryst. The smell of the fresh coffee brought Sweet out of his reverie. "I'm glad you here, Watson, I fear I've gotten myself in a bit of a pickle." "I'm sure if anybody could find a way out, it would be you." "Thanks, you're a real friend. So tell me what have you been doing besides walking in the park and playing with dogs?" "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Well, it's simple, Watson. The red clay mud on your left shoe shows you've been in the park because that's the only local place I know it to exist." "And the dog?" "Come on, Watson, look at the blond hairs on your pants. I would be congratulating you if they were a woman's, but they appear to be somewhat too coarse, so I am thinking a golden retriever, maybe the one that belongs to the family that lives at the backside of the park." "You're right. I did take a walk in that very park this afternoon and was approached by just such a dog. I suppose he imagined me the friendly type or that I may have a morsel of food left over from lunch. Anyway, he rubbed up against my leg, then bolted when he heard a whistle from his master, I supposed." "Just as I pictured. You see what the powers of observation can bring, Watson. Now, onto the matter at hand." He lit up a cigarette and took a hit. "Have you ever heard of 'Big Ben' Hightower?" "Isn't he that small-time hood, hangs out in the Valley?" "One and the same. Well, last year he gave me a tip in that jewelry store robbery on Sepulveda. Now, he tells me he has a problem that he wants me to handle for him in return." "What kind of problem?" "That's what I don't know. I've been racking my brain, but for the life of me, I can't imagine what it could be. He says he wants to meet here tomorrow morning at ten, If you have no other plans, I would appreciate your company." "You can count on me." *** The next morning, the grandfather clocked chimed at ten o'clock. Sweet and I were enjoying an espresso as we waited for the arrival of our guest. We heard the doorbell and a moment later 'Big Ben' Hightower entered the room. It was obvious how he got his nickname. He stood at least six foot six and Michelle appeared to be a dwarf as she lead him in. "Aw, Mr. Hightower, come in, have a seat," Sweet said, "Would you care for an espresso?" "Sure, why not," he said roughly. 'Big Ben' exuded the false bravado that most small-time hoods put on to impress those around him. Minimal as they were, we exchanged pleasantries as we enjoyed our coffees. Sweet passed around cigars and we sat back to listen to 'Big Ben's' story. It seems that 'Big Ben' had met this ladyboy from Thailand by the amusing name of Bhoy Toi. She owned and operated a bar in the Valley called 'Cabaret' that specialized in drag shows. He was working her over for protection money and a little personal attention from the girls. 'Big Ben' is not the sharpest knife in the drawer and Bhoy Toi turned the tables on him by obtaining some risque pictures of 'Big Ben' and two of the girls. Now she was blackmailing him into leaving her alone or having the pictures delivered to his wife. It was hard to feel sorry from the wannabe gangster as he told his sorry tale. Sweet asked, "What would your wife's reaction be?" "Look, Mr. Sweet, I know you don't think much of me or what I do. But I love my wife very much and something like this would kill her and that would kill me and believe it or not I don't want to see anyone killed." "Not even Bhoy Toi?" "Hey, I'm a thug and a conman, I'll admit that. But, I ain't no killer. Help me get the pictures back, Mr. Holmes and I will be in your debt forever." "Have you made any attempts to get them back on your own?" "I figure they can only be in one of two places, the club or her house. I've had my boys search the club twice and found nothing. So, my bet is they are in the house, but we haven't been able to get inside, she's got a lot of protection." "You have her address?" "Yes." "Okay, write it on this pad and that will be all for the time being." "When should I expect to hear from you?" "Let's see, today's Tuesday. I should expect we could have something for you, tomorrow night or Thursday at the latest." "Okay. I look forward to it. Thank you, Mr. Sweet." The experience had taken all the bravado out of 'Big Ben' and he didn't look so tall when he slumped out of the room. "Well, my dear Watson, what do you make of this predicament?" Sweet asked. "Sounds like picking the best of two evils." "Quite, but this Bhoy Toi interests me. It is now ten thirty, meet me back here tonight at seven and we'll see what I have unraveled." I bid him farewell and was off to tend to my daily affairs. *** At seven that night I was sitting in Sweet's study having a nice conversation with Michelle, who I always had a fancy for and if not for Sweet's absolute dependence on her might have pursued the matter further. At a quarter past, the front door opened and a raggedy looking scruff walked in like he owned the place. "See here, young man, I think you are in the wrong house," I proclaimed. The hunched over gentleman stood straight up, removed the straw hat he was wearing and I realized I was staring into the face of my friend Dylan Sweet. "Well, you really had me fooled, Sweet" I said to him. "That's the idea, Watson." He excused himself and was back in a manner of minutes with a freshly washed face and a new change of clothes. He flopped himself down in his favorite armchair and called for Michelle. "Did you hold dinner as I asked?" "Yes, I did and it can be ready in just a few minutes. I have made enough for the good doctor if he would care to stay. We are having Malibu Chicken, rice medley, and a spinach salad." "What do you say, Watson? Care to tie on the old feed bag." "Sounds delicious, I would be happy to stay. In fact, my housekeeper is out of town visiting her mother, who is having a rough time with her gall bladder surgery, so this would be perfect." "Good," said Sweet, "I can tell you all that I have found out this afternoon." "If involves that get up you were wearing, I am all ears." Sweet gave me is pity laugh and said, "Let's get washed up for dinner, shall we. I am sure Michelle will have the food on the table shortly." *** After what turned out to be an excellent dinner, Sweet and I retired to his study to discuss the days' activities. I pulled out my pipe, as did he, and we enjoyed a bowl with our aperitifs. Nothing was said for a good five minutes. I always waited for Sweet to start these conversations as I am not particularly fond of putting my foot in my mouth. "Tell me, Watson, what did you think of my disguise this afternoon?" "I had no idea it was you until you removed your hat. I would bet you could have fooled your own brother, Barry." "Perhaps." "What was your reason for dressing in such a way?" I asked. "I think that the best way to find out about the resident of a house is to interrogate the staff, but to do so in a manner that they don't realize they are being interrogated, you see." "No, not really." "It's simple my good man, I dressed in those rags you saw me wearing, used a bit of tinted makeup to appear of Latin origin, and passed myself off as a hungry migrate looking for some honest work at the house belonging to Miss Bhoy Toi of Bangkok. She has lived in the house for three years, nobody is sure what she did before that. She has a French maid, named Sherry, who may be a lot closer to confidant than a maid, per the gardeners. She keeps to herself, doesn't have many visitors. During the weekdays, she always comes home from the club at seven to eat dinner and then returns at eight." "You learned a lot from the gardeners, then?" "Not only about Bhoy Toi, but it seems just about every house on the block was harboring some sort of secret. It is hard to keep secrets from the help and the help just loves to gossip about their employers. It sort of keeps the universe in balance. I suspect. But, the reason for my tardiness is that I stayed to make sure she arrived at her house at seven as I was told." "And did she?" "Yes, just two minutes after." "Is that important?" "Yes, very much so." "Are you any closer to discovering the whereabouts of the pictures?" "Not exactly, I am convinced they are in the house, exactly where, I can not be sure of just yet." "How do you propose to find them," I asked Sweet. This time he smiled and said, "It's easy, Watson, she will show me where she has hidden them." "What, why do you think she will show you?" "That my friend is for me to know and you to find out tomorrow. I will need your assistance tomorrow afternoon, say five. Meet me here at five o'clock and all will be revealed." My history with Sweet lead me to believe he had a plan and most of his plans were successful, although I really couldn't see how Bhoy Toi was just going to show him where she had the pictures hid. *** The next day I was sure to be at The Sweet Manor at precisely the stroke of five as I was anxious to find out how Sweet proposed to get Bhoy Toi to reveal the location of the offensive pictures. Michelle lead me to Sweet's study, where the man was pacing in his nervous manner. Hands clasped firmly behind his back, his chin tucked into his chest and taking precisely ten steps in each direction before turning and repeating the process. I took my usual seat as is my custom, trying hard not to disturb my friend's thought process. It can be an eerie feeling being in the presence of genius, knowing that the man pacing in front of you could be unraveling a riddle than has puzzled mankind for centuries. Sometimes I feel invisible and insignificant as I sit there watching Sweet perform the magic that he does with the seemingly slightest effort. A good five minutes passed, the only sound being the carpeted steps Sweet took as his superior mind unfolded each layer of the situation, like it was an onion being peeled for the evenings vegetable stew. Suddenly he stopped, turned to me and said, "Aw, yes, Doctor." He said, sitting in his favorite armchair, acknowledging me as if I had just entered and sat down myself. "How are you this afternoon?" "Ready for an adventure, I can tell you," said I. "Excellent. Earlier today, I was in contact with two of my Sweet Hearts." The Sweet Hearts was a group of young men and women, mostly school age, that follow Sweet's cases like a religion. He relies on their help to perform tasks that would be much easier for them than for Sweet. As a reward, he arranges for trips to local parks and concerts and twice a year has them to the Manor for a B-B-Q and pool party. "Two of the lads will be on duty at the time of our need, they have assured me." "What part am I to play in this penny opera?" I asked Sweet. "In due time, Watson, come now help me get into my costume for our penny opera, as you call it." As I helped Sweet turn himself into a quaint frail little old lady, he explained the plan. It all sounded like a shot in the dark to me, but I'm not the genius, am I? I was smart enough to know that it all had to be done in perfect concert or all would be lost. *** The watch on my wrist read six-fifty, I was assisting old lady Sweet going west on the street where Bhoy Toi resided. Next to her driveway was a group of McIntosh Pine trees. It wasn't yet seven, so we ducked into the shadows of the trees and waited. A couple of minutes went by before I saw two young men approaching on bicycles from the east about half a block away. Just as they crossed the street into the same block we were observing from, a silver Audi turned on to the street going the same way. At first, the boys turned back and forth across the street and wouldn't let the car pass. The driver hit the horn, warning the bicyclist to watch out. The cyclist acted agitated and yelled at the driver. When the driver started to turn into the driveway at Bhoy Toi's house. The cyclist jumped the curb distracting the drivers' attention. At that very moment, Sweet stepped out from the shadows and smacked the front right fender of the car with his hand. He then proceeded to fall to the ground and wither in supposed pain. The sound caused the car to come to a sudden stop. The cyclists, point to the feminine figure laying on the ground and then sped off. My job was to assist Sweet in his distress. With my credentials, I explained to the lovely Asian shemale that I was this ladies doctor, I had been distracted for only the slightest of seconds, but just long enough for my charge to step in front of the ladies car. That, I would be in her debt if she would be so kind as to allow my patient to come in and sit until she felt she could continue and perhaps a glass of water would help too. Bhoy Toi reluctantly agreed and I assisted the elder Miss Sweet into the living room and sat him down. Bhoy Toi left to get a glass of water and I still had no idea of how Sweet was going to find the pictures. He had told me only the parts of the plan that I was involved in. But the second she was out the door, Sweet jumped up, pulled a little capsule from the cloth purse he was carrying. He went to the door, looked both ways, pushed a button on the device and rolled it across the floor, under a sofa on the far side of the room. He was back in his chair just as she re-entered the room, she gave us each a glass of chilled water with a slice of lemon. Not more than thirty seconds later, I heard a little pop. Almost immediately there was a shout of "Fire," as a gray smoke started to take over the house. The French maid, Sherry came running into the room, insisting that we all leave. I felt Sweet push me to the door, left the room, and then the house. I noticed that Sweet was no longer at my side and considered going back in after him. Just as I had made up my mind and took two steps back toward the smoking building, I saw the shadowy figure of an elderly lady emerging through the haze. It was Sweet, as he approached me, he grabbed my arm and hurried me down the street. We had walked more than a block when Sweet broke the silence. "How shall we celebrate our success, Watson?" "Success? Then you have the pictures?" "Not at this time, but before long." "So, she didn't tell you where they were?" "Better yet, she showed me." "Why would she show you?" I asked my friend. "Elementary, Watson, when she thought the house was on fire, she went to protect the things most important to her. A midst all the smoke, I followed her to the next room, where she released a secret catch and one of the panels popped out and she took out a yellow envelope that looked like it contained pictures." "Why didn't you approach her about them?" "I thought of that, but I think we need Mr. Hightower on the scene to make sure all the pictures are there. So, when we get back to the Manor I will call and arrange for him to meet us at eight tomorrow morning and we will surprise the fair Miss Bhoy Toi and make the required arrangements." *** The following morning found us knocking on the door to Bhoy Toi's house at eight-ten. The door opened and Bhoy Toi's maid, Sherry greeted us. "Mr. Dylan Sweet, I presume," she said. This took us for a start. How did this servant girl possibly know who Sweet was? Sweet acknowledged that it was he and we were here to see her mistress. She said that would be a problem because her mistress had packed up and left to go back to Thailand. But to expect a call from you this morning. Hearing this Sweet rushed into the house and into the room with the secret panel. He performed the routine that he saw Bhoy Toi do the day before and out popped the panel. There was a yellow packet just as he described, but there was an attached note paper-clipped to the envelope and addressed to Mr. Dylan Sweet. Sweet picked the packet up, removed the note, and read it out loud. "Dear Mr. Sweet, I was really impressed with the little show you put on yesterday evening. When it was discovered that there was no fire, it was just a smoke bomb, I had to wonder what it was all about. I have been following your exploits and using your own deductive reasoning I think I have figured out your plan. If I am right, you are standing there with 'Big Ben' Hightower and probably that doctor and wondering what is going on. I will tell you. This envelope contains all the pictures and negatives you are looking for except one. I have returned to my homeland and never plan on returning to your country. I am keeping one of the negatives just for insurance, but you can assure Mr. Hightower that as long as I never hear from or see him again he has no worries about its release. Respectfully, Bhoy Toi" I looked over at 'Big Ben's face, his mouth hung open as if his jaw was dislodged and his face was turning a deep red. I heard a cackle and as I turned to Sweet his cackle turned to an outright belly laugh. *** "Hey, Dylan, honey, wake up." "Huh, what's wrong?" "You were tossing and turning and mumbling, it sounded like you were laughing." Suddenly, Dylan realized it had been a dream. He was back in the real world and it was Sunday morning. He was in bed with Michelle, his friend with benefits, at 'Big Ben' Hightower's Triple R Ranch, in Moorpark, California. It was all a dream, but what a dream it had been, he thought and it only reinforced his desire to be a real private detective. "You going to be all right?" Michelle asked. "Was it bad dreams?" "Uh-uh, sweet dreams." AUTHOR'S NOTE: Even I thought this was kind of clever.

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A few days later, Christina was groping her way through another post-deal celebration. The atmosphere was self-congratulatory, yet relaxed, and people began to let down their guards. Christina was at the bar when she felt a hand rest itself lightly on her shoulder. Surprised at what felt like unprofessional behavior, she turned with a slight feeling of excitement. Her face reddened as she saw that it was no other than the man who made her cringe with annoyance. He simply looked at her with...

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Revenge Is Sweet1

I don't know where this story is going, or even if it will continue. You will all be the first to know. I opened my eyes groggily as I slowly came to in an unfamiliar room and shook my head in a vain attempt to clear the haze from my brain. Had I been drugged? What was going on? The last thing I remembered was coming home from work, closing the door to my apartment and then: nothing. I looked around the room I was in and was surprised that it wasn’t a hospital room, which ruled out the...

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With a smile, Sarah clicked through the contact ads. She wasn‘t looking for a partner, but she found it interesting from time to see what other people with similar inclinations sought: Teacher is looking for female student  Female student is looking for teacher Father is looking for ageplay daughter  Daughter is looking for ageplay father Long-time teacher offers punishment for money Rubenesque lady punishes naughty boys Sarah found most contact ads unerotic, nevertheless, she found it...

5 years ago
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Sweetand Inocent ShelleyPt two

Shelley is the only daughter of Margaret and John, she is home taught by her mother, she has no knowledge of computers so she pay’s for Emily to come in once a week to teach her this. A short time ago she started on Shelley’s sex education, bringing her brother David in for this, having first tried the goods. The week after the exhibition Emily went for the lesson as usual, during which Shelley asked when she could see David again, seeing she had opened up a Pandora’s box, she knew she...

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Revenge Is Sweet0

I was having problems at school. I was being bullied by this guy, Hugh Rooney, who was 15, two years older than me and the son of one of the town’s top and richest businessmen. Like father like son. Hugh and his gang would abuse me verbally calling me ‘cock sucker’ and ‘faggot’ every chance they got but always out of hearing of adults. Everyone was scared of him, or rather what his father could do, and so I was on my own. I put up with it best I could by being a smart ass but the more...

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Sarah what have you been doing with sweetcorn edit

Sarah and Matthew Jones lived in a small terraced house somewhere in a small town in the south of England, they lived with their mother Elizabeth, but she was never there. She had attained a high position in her company and her job meant she was travelling a lot of the time. This was unfortunate but necessary and at least this allowed her to pay the mortgage and the bills. Elizabeth always remembered how she got the job and it was never far from her mind! As a result of her job, her...

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Revenge Is Sweet2

It was a normal day. He had been working late, as he had been for the last six months. He had been told a promotion was coming his way if he helped the company make the transistion with a new system. It had had its teething problems- and brian had been working hard. He was driving down the motorway towards home- he was meant to be staying in the city overnight- but decided to suprise his wife Carrie on their 10th anniversary. He picked up the box on passenger seat and opened it- one hand on...

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Destiny in Sweetwater Ch 02

The following is a complete work of fiction. The following story contains erotic situations between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now. Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author’s permission. Enjoy and keep voting! Chapter 2 Emy opened the oven door and pulled out the roasting dish and placed on the wooden chopping block. The radio she bought...

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Destiny in Sweetwater Ch 01

The following is a complete work of fiction. The following story contains erotic situations between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now. Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author’s permission Happy reading and remember to vote if you liked it! Chapter 1 Emy looked out of the dusty window of the diner she was sitting in and didn’t even hear the...

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Jodie Sweetin

Jodie Sweetin sat in the outside office waiting to see the producer of Dancing With The Stars. The pretty blonde former c***d actress had been invited to be on the upcoming season of the very popular show and was asked to come in and speak with the producer. She’d been waiting for about 10 minutes when the door opened and out came Mischa Barton. She looked up and couldn’t help but notice the large wet stain on Mischa’s silk blouse. Mischa hurried past her and then the secretary told her she...

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Sweetand Inocent ShelleyPt two

Introduction: Shelleys family arent what they seem Recap Shelley is the only daughter of Margaret and John, she is home taught by her mother, she has no knowledge of computers so she pays for Emily to come in once a week to teach her this. A short time ago she started on Shelleys sex education, bringing her brother David in for this, having first tried the goods. The week after the exhibition Emily went for the lesson as usual, during which Shelley asked when she could see David again,...

2 years ago
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Sweets Champagne and Roses A Blindfold Fantasy

As you probably guessed from the title of this story, my name is Sweets. No, not really, but we will go with that for this story. I am a fairly typical northern girl from the suburbs of a major Midwestern city. I have long had a fantasy of being taken by a man whom I do not know and never see. In my fantasy, I am handcuffed, blindfolded, tied down and my body is ravaged by some stranger. My animal instincts are set free, sexual appetite is completely satisfied and I am pushed way beyond any...

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The Stock Room Written By sxysweetsthrnhoney am

I wanna watch is all we heard before we turned around. We stopped making out and looked behind us. The first things out of our mouths were “Please don't report us to the boss, we will do anything.”. Our bulges were still rubbing as we plead our case to Lisa. She demands “ Go ahead continue kissing.” We had no option. We will be fired if not. We looked at each other reluctantly at first, but our cocks felt so good still grinding with our pants on “You want to see us takeout ma'am? “Yes...

4 years ago
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Sophiesweets A recent trip to my favourite sex cl

SophieSweetsGayHeaven's Hottie Join Date: Jun 2009Posts: 340Thanks: 234Thanked 864 Times in 220 Posts Sophiesweets: A recent trip to my favourite sex club.Not posted a story in so long, so I thought I might as well make it a true one... No names have been changed because I never bothered to find any of them out... This happened about 2 weeks ago.I'm mainly a weekend girl, and I like to think I’m pretty cute when I go for it. There are plenty of pics are on the internet for those curious (See...

2 years ago
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Awakening of Sweetlips

"So, how did you meet Dave?" -- Kevin said, half-turning around in the passenger seat to look at the backseat where Abby was sitting, - "He told us so much about you, but never that.""Senior year in college," -- Abigail said, - "He was dating my roommate then.""Wait," -- said Dan from the driver's seat, - "You mean to tell me you are Stacey's roommate?""The fat girl?" -- Kevin blurted before he could catch himself, and quickly added, - "Sorry. Sorry about that.""You didn't even know my name,...

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Sweeties Beginning

It began normally enough. Danielle and I were lying in bed in her apartment, simply fooling around. I would grab her boob; she would tweak my nipple. We would tussle a little and giggle. We usually did this when we had nothing better to do on the weekend. We would just lay in bed naked and fool around, and talk. We would talk about any number of things. Sometimes we talked about fantasies we had when we were younger. Sometimes we would discuss the news of the day or describe what it...

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Sweeties Beginning Part 2

I didn't see Danielle for a week afterward. I got really swamped at work, and couldn't get any free time. We spoke on the phone and exchanged cute e-mails, but didn't see each other face to face until that Friday. None of our conversations mentioned what had happened the previous weekend. I had almost completely forgotten about it when I walked up to her door late on Friday night. I had really missed Danielle, and was looking forward to seeing her. As soon as the door opened, we...

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Sweeties Begginings Part 3

I awoke the next morning before Danielle. I put on a robe I kept at her apartment and went in to the kitchen to make breakfast. I decided we would have pancakes. By the time Danielle woke up I had already set the table and was just finishing up on the last batch of pancakes. "Mornin' sleepy head," I said as I flashed her a quick smile. "Hi," she said as she yawned. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as she sat. I poured her coffee and served her pancakes. "I like having you...

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Sweeties Beginings Part 4

When we got back to Danielle's (and now my) apartment, Danielle went to the kitchen and began cooking dinner. I began unloading the boxes I had brought, moving them into her bedroom. After getting the boxes into a corner of the room, and hanging my work clothes in the little space I could find in her closet, I went in to help her with dinner. "Oh, hi sweetie. Why don't you help me out by cutting up these carrots for the salad," she said, handing me the bag of carrots she had...

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Sweeties Begginings Part 5

The next morning Danielle and I lounged around the apartment. We read the Sunday paper for much of the morning. At about noon, Danielle said it was time to clean. "You need to wash your dainties, sweetie," she said pointing to the bathroom. "While your in there, can you clean?" "Of course Dani," I said getting up and going to the bedroom. I fetched my panties and bra and went to the bathroom. I washed my undies as Danielle had shown me the day before. I hung them over the...

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Sweeties Beginings Part 6

After a light dinner, Danielle and I sat on the couch together. She rubbed the inside of my thigh under the robe. She smiled at me, and I back at her. "So," she asked, "how do you feel?" "I feel really good, Danielle. Really good," I replied, looking deep into her beautiful blue eyes. "But oh sweetie, your legs have goose bumps. Are you cold?" "Well, yeah, a little. Just my legs though," I said as I rubbed my hands down my newly smooth, silky skin. Danielle stood and went to...

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Sweeties Beginings Part 7

Danielle and I didn't have sex for almost two weeks after I moved in. I would try to interest her while we were in bed, but she couldn't be bothered. I asked her about one Thursday as we sat on the couch together. "What?" she asked, with total reprehension in her voice. "Well, Danni, we haven't had sex in almost two weeks. I want to know if everything is ok," I said hesitantly. "Are you kidding me? Are you really asking me that? Is that all this relationship is about: sex?" "No,...

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Sweeta And Her Sister

Hi dear readers of ISS , well , I am Rahul back with my second post of my incident , “Sweet college girl from Kerala” –[ Shweta ]. Well thanks to all the responses you all sent for the post. Well for the new readers, let me quickly introduce myself, I am Rahul from Kerala, having an average figure but out of an average penis size….7 Inches and out of an average girth of 4.5 inches….its quite mouthful…would appreciate your comments on Anyways, well with continuation to the previous story, as it...

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Summer Sissies at Sweetwell Park part 1 of 5

Summer Sissies at Sweetwell Park by PRIM Chapter 1: Nice boys and naughty boys "Mother, I can't wear this to go to church. It's too sissy. Take it off me at once." "Don't speak to your mother like that, my boy," said Thelma, holding onto the collar of his coatee in spite of her son's efforts at wriggling. "Wait until I have brought out your blouse collar and arranged it nicely around your shoulders." The boy waited with thin patience. The collar was very...

2 years ago
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Summer Sissies at Sweetwell Park part 2 of 5

Summer Sissies at Sweetwell Park - Part 2 of 5 a story by PRIM The story so far: Roger Pressington rebels against the sissy clothes his mother Thelma chooses for him. Fortunately the boy's grandmother Valerie is a match for his independence. However, Thelma asks her good friend Sonia Forbes-Withers for help, knowing that she and her mother Agatha have made a good job of bringing up her son Jodie as a pretty, nicely dressed boy. The Pressingtons are invited to Sweetwell Park to see...

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Summer Sissies at Sweetwell Park part 3 of 5

Summer Sissies at Sweetwell Park - Part 3 of 5 The story so far: Teenager Roger Pressington disappoints his mother, Thelma, 35, in objecting to the pretty clothing she wants him to wear to make him a 'nice boy'. Elegant Grandmother Valerie has a more direct approach and puts him into some of her garments when his awkwardness needs to be overcome by femininity. Thelma is lucky in having an old school friend, Sonia Forbes-Withers, who has brought up her son, Jodie, to be a very nice...

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Summer Sissies at Sweetwell Park part 4 of 5

The story so far: Roger Pressington shows a rebellious attitude when he is dressed nicely by his mother Thelma and her mother Grandma Valerie. They find a solution from Thelma's friend Sonia Forbes-Withers, whose son, Jodie, is a perfectly nice boy. She invites the Pressingtons to Sweetwell Park, where Sonia and her mother, Grandma Agatha, will help Jodie's sweetness to influence the young wretch. Sonia has made good progress with the boy while the two grandmothers are shopping in...

3 years ago
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Summer Sissies at Sweetwell Park

Summer Sissies at Sweetwell Park - a story by Prim in 5 parts The story so far: Roger Pressington has been brought to Sweetwell Park, the home of Agatha Forbes-Withers, her daughter Sonia and grandson Jodie. It is the hope of his mother Thelma that her friend Sonia will be able to share some of the successful upbringing with which she has developed sweetness and grace in Jodie. Roger's grandmother Valerie Pressington and her daughter hope that if the teenage boys play...

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Pyare sweeta ko choda

Hi Rahul here again from Surat main is site ka bahut purana reader hoon mujhey laga ki apna experience aap logon se share karte rahena chahiye. Mere 5 story pahle bhi achuke hai dost ke biwi ki chudi. Ye mere 6th story hai jise main ap logon ko sunane wala hoon. Main 22 sal ka young hoon meri hieght 5 feet 8 inch hai aur gora bhara hua shareer hai 7 inch ka lamba or 2.5 inch chauda land hai. Mainre paaswale flat main ek new family ai hai. Us family maine sirf dono husband or wife hai. Unke...

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1 My high School Sweethearts Young Sister Part 1

Chloe was my first real love. We started dating in high school and became inseparable after a few months. She was absolutely beautiful... long blonde hair, gorgeous smile, infectious laugh. In no time at all, I was head over heels in love and I figured she would be “the one”. I became very close with her family, spending more time at her house than at my own. A large house for a large family. Her younger sister, Cindy, was very pretty like Chloe, in a smaller frame, more innocent... not as...

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2 My High School Sweethearts Little Sister pt 2 more movie nights

A few weeks had gone by since Cindy had watched Chloe and me petting on the couch. I still felt guilty (and aroused) about it, but Cindy seemed to be cool. The three of us hadn’t been together on the couch together since that night, but when Cindy was around she was all smiles. I also noticed she often stood closer to me than she had before. I came over after dinner that Saturday to hang out and watch a movie. I have to admit I was excited to see what might happen, but a bit concerned as...

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3 My High School Sweethearts Little Sister pt 3 Truth Or Dare

A lot of things changed in the time that followed. My girlfriend, Chloe, went to another state to attend college. I chose a college in our home town. I was kinda lost. Chloe and I were still in love, at least I was with her... but I assumed she was seeing other guys at her new school.  Without Chloe, there wasn’t a legitimate reason for me to hang out at her house anymore. I would drop by to say “hi” every now and then, but it felt rather pathetic to hang around her family when we were...

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4 My High School Sweethearts Little Sister pt 4 sneaking back in

I drove from her house and parked a couple of blocks away on a side street where my car wouldn’t be recognized. I sat in the car, heart racing, for about 20-minutes. I knew what I was planning was dangerous, but I couldn’t help it.  I walked back to the house, snuck around to the back, and over to the side door on the lower level. If it was locked, Cindy didn’t want me sneaking into her room. I would be safe from my own destructive sexual urges, which I found uncontrollable at the moment.   ...

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5 My High School Sweethearts Little Sister pt 5 The Office

-------------Part 5: ■ THE OFFICE (Chloe comes home) ■ ------------- Chloe said she would be back home on the 5th. We had been in pretty close contact while she was out of state, but this would be the first time I had seen her in about six-months. It was almost three-weeks since I had played ‘Truth or Dare’ with Cindy, and I hadn't seen or spoken with her since then because I was scared of calling her house, and I was feeling pretty guilty about taking advantage of her innocence....

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6 My High School Sweethearts Little Sister pt 6 Cindy and her cute friend

A few days after Cindy came down to my office, she called me at home. “Jeff? I only have a few minutes... I think dad must have seen your car the night you followed me home. He came home a few minutes after I got back and grilled me about seeing you. I told him I was at Stace’s, and she backed up my story, but I don’t think he believed her. He told me I couldn’t see you. I got a lecture about my age and innocence, and that you were too old, and that you were Chloe’s boyfriend anyway.” I...

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