Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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Saturday morning came, and I found out that Yes, I had screwed myself – as I had feared – by not following thru with the plans to "help a friend move" that day. I woke up to movement in the house, then I realized it was two people, and not just my Mom. Then came the lightning bolt, "GET UP IN THERE" ... the time, you ask? 6:50am. So much for sleeping in ... I may have been 15 (c'mon, almost 16!) and in near great shape, but there was still a physical toll on me, considering I was now FUCKING 2-3 days every week (but more accurately 7-10 times total, as you may recall) ... add intensity & passion to it, and throw in a day like Friday, where a tragedy turned into a miracle at Joann's house ... and I was whipped on this particular Saturday morning ... maybe it was a good thing that I had not sold the "move" story, for if I had gone over there, I might have walked into a situation with the TWO Wild Girls at Sung's house that would have throttled me and caused me to spend Sunday entirely IN BED ... MINE ... HAA!
I found my way to the breakfast table, to eat with my Mom and my Stepfather, who had come in off the road during the night. This 3-person table was something that only occurred 3-4 times every month, because of his heavy travel schedule. The most unpleasant thing about being there on Saturday morning was that invariably, I would HAVE to go get a HAIR CUT – didn't matter whether I needed it or not. Without going into THAT saga too far, I can say that without a doubt, I had the shortest hair on a guy in my junior high school. Between ages 7 & 14, I went EVERY FUCKING SATURDAY MORNING to the Barber. My Mom had the attitude that "longer" (aka normal length, in the opinion of 99.73% of the rest of mankind) hair looked "dirty" ... and that if I had it, I would look like a HOODLUM (the term, in those days). Also, this little news item, that would come to be known as (ready?) The British Invasion (not WAR, just great MUSIC) was on TV practically everyday, with HOODLUMS such as The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, and other groups performing on television, from the U.K. or America. Let's see, quoting the Great Lady, they were: "dirty, evil, they must have smelled, AND besides, Rock & Roll was Ugly and Lurid – now there's a word – and no one should watch it... ' they ' would not only take it off TV, Rock &Roll would die out in a month or so." Had she NOT heard from the great DJ Alan Freed (one of my transistor radio HEROES) the landmark statement, ROCK & ROLL is HERE to STAY"... ? Heaven Forbid!!! Bottom line, only if I were clever enough to have an excuse to get me out of the house on Saturday mornings, could I avoid this ordeal – wait a second, make that punishment.
While at the table, my Mom chastised my stepfather for not bringing home his paycheck (at 12-1:00 in the a.m.), NOW they had to go pick it up. So,.I did manage to dodge THAT BULLET, for I was not yet dressed to leave. I was told that I would be showered and dressed by the time they returned, so that I and my stepfather could then go to the Barber Shop, which opened at 8:30 ... Jesus Ch-rist... ! After they pulled out, at least I had the run of the place for awhile ... right before I jumped into the shower, I looked out the bedroom window facing Barb & Bev's house. The car was still there, meaning Barb likely hadn't left for Sung's place ... Dammit to Hell (sorry, had to get that out... )
I was taking a LONG SHOWER ... so in doing that, I took a load off, and daydreamed a little. With the water hitting my face, I reviewed my incredible group of girls ... Bev was a simple, sweet girl, who was learning to enjoy and crave intimacy and sex (I did laugh, when thinking back to her bratty, loud, over-the-top pre-teen days). She was the perfect student for Barb, who thought nothing of demonstrating what to do with her (hands on), and showing her how much fun it could be. Barb was independent, bold, smart, and a terrific sexual mentor, who would make the most of any opportunity to FUCK ME, SUCK ME, SWALLOW ME and drive me crazy. Sung was still an unknown, but possibly, a very willing sex partner – who had, in a roundabout way selected me to FUCK her, out of loneliness. My thoughts went to what might happen today, sensing the possibility that the two Girls would be together all alone, then maybe decide that having a "girl friend" could make for a good lifestyle – after all, Barb had confided to me about her continuing attraction to this wanting Korean Girl, while Sung just days before, had been approached by Barb in her own bed, and immediately accepted her affection, and gave it right back to her, too. Glenna was the curvy one of the group, and I was hoping and praying to have more time to "work & play" with her – after all, she twice asked me to promise that our first adventure would NOT be our last. And then, of course Joann, who I went thru an emotional ringer with, just one day before. She was different, exotic, and like two others, missing affection and intimacy. I knew I had been on a roll of incredible luck, getting to know five girls who were tailor-made for a guy to step into their lives. I figured maybe I was due very soon to cross paths with someone, get attracted, and be too aggressive and give myself away, and get MY FACE SLAPPED, HARD. POP! went the bubble, then I focused on getting ready for the forced trip to the Barber Shop. I finally got out from under that soothing hot water, dried off, then when I got to my bedroom to get dressed, I instinctively DID peer again out the window, and now the Car was gone, almost certainly with Barb in IT. I had blown my chance to be a part of that, but I still had the good highlights of yesterday in my pocket ... plus I knew I would try everything to get a word with Barb before the weekend was over, and get a status report.
When I got in the car with my stepfather and closed the door, I was able to cut short (and eliminate) all the directions that my Mom was reciting – to both of us. I'd like to think that she meant well, but she HAD to be the dominant one in the house. My stepfather was a guy who did not finish school, for at the time, he was needed in the tobacco fields at his parents' farm. He may have gotten as far as 7th grade, before he quit. I knew very little about him, other than he had been in the Army, and that he worked like a dog, so he could come home 4-5 nights per month, and hand his entire paycheck to her ... Didn't seem right to me...
We started a brief conversation on our way; he stated that he needed to pick up some tools at the store, then we would go to the Shop. At first I didn't like hearing that, but then he quickly added, "we don't have to do exactly what SHE says ... after we get done at the store, we'll get to the Barber's, most likely have to wait awhile, get our haircuts, then we will go next door to have a Cheeseburger (! )." I turned to him and grinned broadly ... it was at rare times like this, that he would come up with a doozy of a plan that would derail her best efforts to control our lives! Haaaaa. So in about 2hrs, we found ourselves not only "skin-headed", but waiting outside for the Burger place to open. We killed time by going two doors down in the short strip of shops, to the general store where he got us Candy (for his road trips, and for my satisfaction!!!! YEAH! Score one for the men in the family, FINALLY ) That Cheeseburger, with Chips and Pepsi was incredible – not only did it taste great, it felt like we had gotten away with the ultimate caper – something like breaking into Fort Knox and escaping without getting Caught!! It took some of the sting out of what looked to be a disappointing day. When we got back, we were told to "shake out our heads on the porch, that she didn't want any loose hair in her house" Geez ... Any QUESTIONS???
So after ANOTHER SHOWER, I redressed and immediately decided I was OUT OF THERE. I blew past her, and said, "I'm taking the lawnmower, to see if I can get a job this afternoon – extra cash, right?" I was told to be careful, and be back no later than 5pm ... as tonight she was making Fried Chicken. Well, at least she had THAT going for herself. I beat it down the driveway, and took a rare right turn up the hill. I had been itching to get a look at that tall lady two doors up. When I went to their door, with lawnmower right behind, I knocked. The Dad came to the door, I told him who I was and why I was there, and he automatically turned and yelled "Violet!!" – he was watching the game, and was not interested in anything I had to say. Then this very, very tall lady, maybe 35, came to the door, recognized me immediately, and stepped out on her porch with me. She said that from her backyard, she'd seen me mowing & washing cars, and YES, she wanted my help. I pointed in the direction of "Mr.", but she said he had a bad back, and stayed away from physical labor – doctor's orders.
Then she changed the subject, saying "man, you are tall!" to which I said, "have you checked the mirror lately, ma'am?" She said she was 6'1". We both stood up perfectly straight, and even though I stood eye to eye with this woman, I "thought" I was only 6' – geez, was I getting taller? So what?, I asked her if she had played sports ... she said with obvious pride, that she had played basketball in High School, and even now, she played on a Women's Volleyball team in City Rec. I told her I had played basketball, but I was taking the year off to concentrate on studies, and also making money doing odd jobs in the neighborhood. By this time we were sitting on the porch, at the top of three small steps, when she continued. "My little girl (the tomboy, from earlier sightings) wishes she was a boy, but I am trying my best to get her to do 'Girl's Things'. I would rather pay someone like you to do little jobs around my house, than have her out there, thinking she should work in the yard."
So we struck up a deal for me to come late in the week and do her full yard, adding that the car(s) would be a catch-as-catch-can type of thing. We agreed on $10 (allowing me to do the $5 / $5 split, YES). I asked "Vi", as she wanted me to call her, if next time she would tell me about her games, before and now. She thanked me, and went back inside ... leaving me with the thoughts that she could be quite pretty, maybe even sexy – even though I could make out NO TITS for her, at this early juncture. Those long legs, and that chic hairstyle with her medium brown hair just long enough for her (or someone else, we'll say) to curl it under her ears, made her uniquely appealing ... just one more thing – she LOOKED like a "VI" ... she did NOT look like a "VIOLET". I rest my case ... for the moment...
The rest of the street looked pretty dead, so I went to the top, and cut a direct left – shortly putting me at the top of the hill of Joann's street. I walked between two houses, and then to my right. There were the makings of a young family in the front yard of the 2nd house down. So I went towards them with a smile ... there were two youngsters playing near the front walk, just short of the entrance to this house. Things looked a little unkempt there, and the front yard was up to about three inches. I said HI to the Wife, who immediately fired back, "Well HI YOURSELF" The husband was taking some boxes out of the station wagon in the driveway, and looked at me as if to say "where the hell are you going". The wife was walking out to meet me. She said "I'm Christy Anne, what's your name, son?" I told her, and her husband, but he just ducked back into the wagon. The two boys were maybe between 4&6 years old. Then Christy Anne said, "so why the hell are you here"?, in something like a New York accent. I had met a few people from the New England states, who talked abruptly like this lady did. She said "I'm from Joy-see" (maybe meaning "New Jersey"?) So I spat out "I do lawns in the neighborhood, and wash cars too. She wanted to know how much is it, so I told her $5 minimum per job. She thought that was "fa-yuh". I observed, "Your lawn's getting kinda thick and shaggy", and she agreed. When she put her hands on her hips and turned to speak to her husband, maybe 25' away, I FINALLY noticed that starting just inches below her chin were TWO WORLD GLOBES, with a definite center dividing line. They stood out greatly, for she was a fairly thin woman, with small features. Now THAT was interesting ... We agreed that I'd check back with them Monday and maybe set up a job.
When I turned to go to the street, I saw Joann in front of her house, watering the grass by hand. Her eyes followed me as I got to the street and turned right. So I angled over. When I got past the "HI" part, I told her she looked nice that day. She got past that lame greeting with "You had a big day yesterday, didn't You?" I apologetically smiled and said "Yes, I did" ... then, giving her body the once-over, I added, "And you were great". She immediately looked down, as if not to miss a spot with the spray, but I could see she liked my answer. See looked then at my sidekick, the infamous Lawnmower. I explained with, "Oh, just out drumming up business". Without looking up, she remarked, "I hope you won't think I am being too forward, but I still have some totally free time before my little-Nicky, and the wardens get home tomorrow ... if you're not too busy later today..." I blurted out, "what about Now?" She turned around, pulled the rest of the hose back to the outlet, and turned off the water. "Put your Mower between the Car and the House, OK?". She got almost to the front door, then advised, "go around back" ... at this point, I did exactly as I was told, thinking ahead to a nice reward, should I follow directions.
I turned toward her porch, and as I climbed the steps, I looked across two back yards to first see a 2nd car in Glenna's driveway, then a male out in the backyard – this apparently was the SOB that was neglecting his wife. Before I could take my thoughts any further ... the back door opened, I went through it, and felt it close very quickly behind me. Joann was right behind it, out of sight. Then suddenly I felt her warmth, inches from me. We gently took hold of each other, but turned our faces away – maybe thinking we should ease into this surprise chance of being together again. She said, "I know it's silly, but I really felt empty when I woke up during the night, and you weren't there" I lightened my grip on her, freed our faces, and said from 2 inches away, "let's make up for that". She asked how much time I had, to which I answered ... as long as it took to make her happy. I started with her top, but edged my hands inside her bra as soon as I could. I playfully said, "Ma'am, you are perspiring" ... and not waiting for a reply... "let's get a shower, and be perfect for each other". There was no argument, and in seconds we were standing in the shower, closing the curtain, and under the warm water, kissing like teenagers – well, after all ... It felt so great to take my time, hold her beautiful face in my hands, and let my tongue explore every part of her mouth. The fact that she was so willing to let me go anywhere on her I wanted was thrilling to me, and my Dick. After a 10 minute session in there, I reached around her, turning the water off, then stepped out to receive her with a towel. She liked my looking out after her first. We went into the bedroom, and I lay down in the center of the large bed. I pulled her on top of me, so she could sit on me and look down. I couldn't help but think how it felt so great that I was so quickly looking at this beautiful slightly dark body, and KNOWING a guaranteed FUCK was about to take place. "You know, from there – if you put me inside you, you have full control ... you can get as little as you want, or as much as you want ... you can move fast, or slow ... Lady's choice". She moved to take me in her hands, then said, "How long did you say you'd been with Girls?" To which I replied, "I didn't ... but I will say they taught me everything I know" She immediately bent down and gave me the softest, quickest, and most gentle tiny kiss on the head of my Dick, then popped up immediately, as if to say "that wasn't me, I didn't do that". I laughed, but that didn't stop me from getting harder in her grip ... she started to jack me off very, very slowly, while looking down at my growing Dick, proud of her work...
So I licked my fingers and just as gently slipped them in her Pussy, already pretty wet. She closed her eyes immediately. "Was what we did yesterday really different than before?" She said, "I felt a part of it, instead of feeling like I just had to give up, and accept it." She then focused on my eyes, saying "Do you want to Fuck me again"? ... I half whispered, "I want you to Fuck me, anyway you want" ... I got an "ohhhhh", as this beautiful Girl chose to go directly to work. Her eyes did not leave mine, while she moved forward and back, experimenting to see what felt best. Even though I didn't want to break up the mood, I said "Five years ago, it wasn't very good, was it"? ... she kept moving, but managed to shake her head no. "That guy – your fiance – didn't give you a chance at all, he just forced himself on you." She kept looking deep into my eyes, and said "I hated him". So then I decided to get back to THAT sometime in the future.
After she felt that I'd let that subject go, she started moving with purpose, and said "this is so good ... I mean YOU are so good" I managed somehow to delay my EGO, and said, "Babe, you're doing it all, get everything you want." That really set her in motion, as if she broke out of some sort of restraints. She started pounding on my Dick ... when I brought my knees up behind her, that made her move up and down – giving me the chance to see this pretty, thick bush move up, exposing the length of my Dick, and go crashing down, making my Dick disappear. She saw my excitement, and just went up and down harder, finally letting out a big scream. She caught herself and put a hand over her mouth, which I took away. "This is our bed, do ANYTHING you want, and don't STOP MOVING." She shifted into an even higher gear, then just as suddenly froze, exhaled with an AHHHHH, and totally collapsed forward on me. She was doing her best to catch her breath, while I marveled that her tits were now on my face. I turned loose of her arms, going nuts on her nipples, back and forth. She boosted herself up, just enough to be able to watch me as I nibbled on them. But then she closed her eyes and gave me a body hug from above, with her arms & legs clutching. To which I said, "YOU JUST CAME" That made her laugh out loud, and drop her tongue in my mouth, licking every inch that she touched. We were both in a laugh mode, until I said, "try again...". She sat straight up, and this time, there was no gearing up – she started in 3rd gear, and was pumping hard, this time with little squeals of OHHHH's and "DAVE'ssss".
This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
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After a spectacular day on 12/31/63, I was ready for the ball to keep rolling in 1964. January 1 was a very special day, with nothing but wall-to-wall Bowl games on TV. I typically had no vote in choosing which television programs to watch ... but on this New Year's Day, since it was nothing but college football on all three channels ( 3 channels total??? I know, LOL, you guys ), I got my run of the TV & the Recliner from 11:00-to-late in the day – let's just say I demanded "dibs"...
So far, so good ... four days after we made our landmark decision, Carly and I were going great. Now I was about to find out about "her two projects" ... But on this Friday, I still needed to make a very important phone call North. I caught Vi in a good mood at the farm, but I absolutely had to tell her about the pact that had been made the weekend before. My dilemmas were many ... how could I carry out Vi's wishes without including Carly; how could I tell Carly that for several months,...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
Author’s note: This story was on another site a few years ago. Now it’s back with some revisions. If you like the SubmissiveLand concept, please consider buying the full-length book on Amazon. (Search ?SubmissiveLand?, one word.) A third book is in the works but I need help from the community to make it happen. Hugs and kisses to all who visit and post at this site. XOXOSubmissiveLand – By B-Dreamer Chapter 1 ?Welcome to SubmissiveLand: the only vacation spot in the world...
It felt great to be 15 ... I got to play Basketball for my Jr. High School, got out from under seven long years of piano lessons, and was starting to notice Girls in earnest. As most of you know, if there "are to BE any curves", ya' start seeing them at or about – 8th Grade! Seems I remember that summer between 7th & 8th grades making all the difference. In those first seven years, "book learnin' " had not come hard for me – I could slack off, take a glance at the study material the...
Friday was yet another landmark day ... I had successfully converted (with a lot of help) a young "fiance" – or is it "fiancee"? ... hell, doesn't matter – into a willing, energetic, loving partner ... a girl who invited me into her home and assisted me in Fucking her Brains out. And, this excitement had come on the heels of seeing the disciplined, buttoned-down Carmen become a girl who now craved attention and sex. Damn, what a way to start 1964... But alas ... it was now Saturday...
When my alarm went off Monday morning, it was time to get back to school – and, I hoped – to some fun adventures in the afternoons. The highlight of the first day back was seeing Bev's "clique" across the school yard at lunchtime, and stepping over to say hello. They were all in a little tight-knit circle, sharing wild tales of the holidays, and reacting with their usual girl-girl snickering. However, they did make a little space for me to infiltrate their group for a few seconds. Before...
Pulling away from Glenna was NOT easy. We finally ate, standing up over the counter, our hips in contact the entire time – fair dinner, GREA T MOMENT ... I had to restrain myself from pulling off that T-Shirt she had put on, once we had decided we must get out of Bed. I was so glad the garment wasn't "HIS". We'd eat a little, talk a little ... and every damn time I turned to her, I could see the shape and nipples of her tits thru the thin cotton. I really had a ball with our exchanges,...
The next morning, Carly was waiting for me alongside the Gym ... the moment I saw her, we bolted for the door to go inside, in an effort to get out of the freezing cold. She took me by the arm, and led me to an empty spot in row four of the bleachers. Maybe ten seconds after we sat down, a friend of hers walked up below us at floor level, and started asking her something about an upcoming class ... Carly gave her the "evil eye" (as if to say "leave us alone!" ... something I had never...
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
This is my very first story, Please be Nice"Well, here I am," I thought to myself. I didn't know why I came to this remote little beach. "Now what?" I heard myself say aloud.The day had been a really hectic one. Stress at home, stress at work, stress, stress, stress. I thought for sure I would crack. I knew I had to get away, even if only for a little while. My boss almost fired me for a co-workers error. Thank god she had the balls to step forward and take the blame. Unfortunately for her -...
It had been quite an interesting day, and different than most Saturdays. I got home with about two hours of daylight left ... and discovered I had the place to myself. That suited me fine – for I had much to think about for the big week ahead ... there was the meeting with Mr. Rankin regarding my jump to 10th grade; I needed to hit the Manual again, to prepare to take the written & driving exams at DMV; and, I was kicking around thoughts about this new girl Kimberly ... I was fascinated...
Even though we were well in to December, the usual thoughts of Christmas were watered-down, and the upcoming holiday would likely still be spent in the shadow of the tragedy in Dallas, only three weeks ago. At that point, most local television stations continued to have the assassination as their lead story every evening at 6:00. I had just come out of that incredible day with Vi, who experienced those "firsts"with me – that made most of anything else that had happened seem of little...
I got in a few "licks" with the guys at our daily Football clash at the park. Most days, 12-15 guys showed up to kick some butt -- there were some highly competitive games. This whole type of thing was later to be called "male bonding" – HA! I walked home with the usual bruises, and brushed by my Mom quickly, hoping she might not notice my dirty jeans, and any scratches I brought back from battle. It was now fully dark, and she was watching TV ... not a word was exchanged between us the...
Lisa looked at Miss Sanders with horrified, young blue eyes. Her teacher was standing over her naked body with a long, sinister whip that dangled to the floor. Several teasing passes had been made along the inside of her thighs, and one, cruel blow had administered a searing, red welt across her backside. Now Miss Sanders was about to add a special surprise for the precocious girl. ‘It made me faint when I first experienced it,’ said the teacher. ‘What?’ There was a...
Lisa looked at Miss Sanders with horrified, young blue eyes. Her teacher was standing over her naked body with a long, sinister whip that dangled to the floor. Several teasing passes had been made along the inside of her thighs; and one, cruel blow had administered a searing, red welt across her backside. Now Miss Sanders was about to add a special surprise for the precocious girl. "It made me faint when I first experienced it," said the teacher. ...
Love StoriesThe highlights of Driver Training on this day? ... the section of the Manual covering upkeep of the car, the need for insurance coverage, and other little tidbits ... plus, sarcastic glances exchanged between the little high school "snit" Judy and me ... and of course, further examination of "The Fruits of the Spirit". Certainly Mr. Wilder kept the 90 minutes interesting. All I could think of was edging closer to having a license and "wheels" in my driveway. On Thursday, 20 others and...
I'm on the bus headed for school. The night before, I could NOT concentrate on "studies" ... for, all I could think of was being at Sung's house, getting her to melt in my arms, and then watching two beautiful sexy women not just experiment – but go after each other. I had learned more about life, people, and SEX in the past few weeks, than any "book learnin' " could ever have taught me. I know I'm repeating, but all my braggart buddies at school were dying to be with a girl – hell,...
Laura seemed to be the perfect partner for Mary and I. She was very attractive, full of passion and curiosity, and was becoming more aggressive to get and give sexual satisfaction. She was comfortable with both of us, at any time. I woke up super early on Tuesday morning, and those were the thoughts that I had to start the day. As I lay in bed, with it still dark outside, I celebrated the terrific weekend, and a killer Monday afternoon. I had plenty of time to go down my mental checklist of...
He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...
This was to be a HUGE WEEK for me ... on Thursday, I would turn "16" and roll with all those new benefits! I wasn't exactly what they were, but I'd heard rumors. Hell, I was already living a great life. My personal interests ran easily ahead of the BEGGING at home, so I just figured life could only get better. My agenda for the week included learning just what had happened with Barb on Saturday, burying my tongue between the large breasts of Glenna, learning more about the tall, slim,...
I got grilled, or maybe it was teased (?), when I got home from the Mall. Bear in mind that my Mom believed I'd never had anything like a "date" in my life. Though technically she was correct – she had no inkling of what I HAD DONE in my life, especially in the past three months. Not wanting to tell an out-n-out LIE, I simply said that I did get to see the foreign exchange student from Brazil there, and that she was a 7th grader and very smart. Good ... a very convenient little half-truth...
The first session with Kimberly was educational for both of us. She took the chance to open up a little, while I learned quite a bit about what had brought her to me at this time in her life. It had been my good luck to introduce several girls to lovemaking, but I sensed there could be something very special about this girl – and I found it damned exciting that she had confirmed she was "giving herself to me..." Knowing we'd be getting started very early in the morning, once I got home, I...
The great CUPCAKE MYSTERY continued unsolved, going into Monday. But I had to lay it aside for focus on Higher Learning. It was now mid-November, with the days getting shorter, and me enjoying life at "16". Bev (this time not accompanied by Carly) confirmed that they would be at my basement door no later than 3:30, and how much both of them were looking forward to it. To which I reacted, "and she wants to put me in her mouth – and possibly swallow my Cum... ?" I think that stark question...
Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...
MISS ANDIPetronella Courcheval, manager of the PainCafe’s Gift Shop, looked enthusiastically at F.X. Copeland’s newest creation. ?It’s an android?? she said. ?God, it looks just like me.?And it was—black hair in a Cleopatra cut, full lips like purple berries, intense hazel eyes, cantaloupe breasts encased in a purple halter?and long, fishnet legs. It was Petti to a tee.?Yes’m.? Cope grinned. ?I had to have a model, a muse, like?you’re so cute, y’know.?Petti smiled. Cope was so guileless. He...
It was mid-Fall in the neighborhood ... I was still hitting the park for football after school with the guys, but now I wasn't going down the hill until after dinner, leaving only about an hour of daylight to play each evening ... I told my Mom that my new strategy was to go play late, to help work off the calories I had just taken in at the table. Not sure she bought it, but it sounded good. Truth? It was more important to get the full two hours of freedom and independence each afternoon,...
The afternoon with Carmen was terrific ... I really liked her innocence, and the drive this girl had shown in our lovemaking. It still seemed unbelievable to me that this shy, nearly backward young girl that I had met only a couple of weeks ago could have turned into such a sensual, sex-hungry girl ... she was looking better to me every time we were together. At the same time, I saw that the circumstances surrounding us, along with her parents' decree on her dating request, would keep things...
I’ll always love you, grandpa! I was hiding in my bedroom, hugging my ragged stuffed bear, waiting for the storm to pass. I had considered crawling under the wooden frame, but I was no longer a child. My curvy ass and generous boobs were making it impossible to use my old hiding places and short of instantly becoming invisible, this was the end of the line for me. There was nowhere else that could be safer, except outside. But it wasn't safe for me to bolt out now. My mom was drunk again...
At Saturday morning breakfast, I was able to weasel out of the "haircut gig", by telling my Mom that I really needed to get up the hill and clean the house, so that potential buyers could take a look at it. Luckily, my stepfather was there to back me up, saying that the Lady had put a lot of trust in me – and that I couldn't let her down. So, very reluctantly, the Queen Mother eased up on us a little. When she left the table to start Laundry detail, it gave us guys a chance to catch up. I...
The excitement of the week had drained me – both mentally and physically – enough that I crashed at 10:00pm Saturday night. But Sunday was a new day, and after a full breakfast (hotcakes included), and a long shower, I was ready to rock. It was cloudy and cold, making the bike ride to Mary's house a chilling experience. Both cars were there, when I rode around back and knocked. Mary opened the door with a lightly sarcastic, "Well ... remember me... ?" Before I could come up with a clever...
So I'm at the Dinner table, taking in everything my Mom is saying ... and though I am nodding in agreement, my mind is still downstairs in that Basement. I had just been with a Girl for the first time – I didn't know that at 15, whether I was running behind, or getting in there about average age ... but if the stories all my Guys told in the school yard were true, I knew I couldn't be ahead of anybody in the Sex Department. No, I didn't Fuck her, but I still felt GREAT ... I saw her...
In 1963, we had the makings of a very different Christmas ... with 8 days to go before the 25th, students were sent home, not to return until Monday, January 6 ... a long break. Moms were in the stores buying Christmas gifts for family members, reacting to being lured in by the usual festive window displays: Christmas trees, Santa, Snow scenes, and mannequins decked in Red & Green. Yet at the baseline of seemingly any and every store were small-to-medium sized American flags, and the...
Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...
I got a shout-out from next door... "HEY, let's go... !" I looked down the hill, and here was this short-haired blond standing on her back porch, doing a little "groove", shaking something in her right hand. Huhh? ... I moved closer to the fence, she walked up the hill. BARB had cut her hair, from near shoulder length to just long enough to curl around her ears. The new hairdo had streaks of brown in it, and she was wearing hoop earrings – damn, very sexy! I was laughing, and very...
There was an incredible amount of reflection, as I "lounged" in bed on Saturday ... somehow I had overslept – fatigue? – and it was 7:50 when I first looked at the clock. I heard nary a word from the rest of the household, so I determined that I would stay in this comfortable spot until forced to give it up. Friday had been an incredible day, highlighted by the two new girls. Joy turned out to be every bit the sexpot she'd advertised. And Carmen had done a total 180' spiritually ... well,...
Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...
Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...
Hello girls and guys. I am Shivang here with another incident. Thanks to your love and praises for “Saath Chudwaana Saathiya”. I am Shivang, early twenties, from Mumbai. Tall about 6’2 with a few extra kilos and my tool measuring around 6″ . So friends, you know now this story is between me, my neighbour’s cousin sister and her mother! First a character introduction- my neighbour’s cousin Ishita. She is a busty girl, not an hourglass figure, having extra pounds around her body. She is 21,...
I remember putting my hands behind my head on Monday morning, with a bunch of thoughts rolling through my mind. Because of the events of Friday, this had become an extended weekend, but it was certainly no time for enjoyment. I couldn't believe that it was 7:20am, and I had not yet been ordered to GET UP. I put on a robe and walked through the house, discovering that my Mom must still be asleep ... just another sign that it was a strange and uneasy time. So I eased back to my bedroom, shut...
Dear readers, this is my true story. My name is Subhash and I am 32 years old. My wife’s name is Shital. We have been married since last 7 years. Shital is very beautiful and got very curvy body. Her figure is 36-32-36. She is very fair and attractive. I can say she is just as sexy and hot as woman should be. Her main attraction is her rosy lips and sexy boobs. All of my friends were jealous about me for having such a sexy wife. Shital was having lot of lust. She never gets tired of sex, she...
by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...
I hustled out of the basement at Bev's house at roughly 5:10pm. As I passed by Barb, still sitting on the porch, I said "you're a Trooper" and "Thank you Ma'am". I got an amused but dirty look, and the question "Five Hours?!?"... "You really owe me now". As I dragged my mower behind me, I looked back at her and mumbled "I'll get my Rest". I was exhausted at the mid-point of this Holiday weekend, not only physically but mentally. It would be many years later, at the end of an...
Escort services are vast in nowadays everywhere, but our services are the best. We have an exclusive collection of females that you like in your first sight. We have a large collection of delightful beauties in our agency. Those who seek for a love and delightful moments can come to enjoy here and can make their moments memorable. They all open-minded girl and know their job well. Our first and foremost task is to gather the customer needs and work according to them. Then an escort will be...
This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...
December had arrived ... so as I got ready to head down for the bus, several thoughts were running thru my head. Of course I was still living in the glow of the three incredible days that had just passed, ranging from the "illicit" trip to Howard Johnson's with the very hungry Joann, to being FLASHED out of my mind by the unpredictable, I guess "raunchy" Christy Anne. Neither was I forgetting the three-ways with the younger girls, OR, the older girls. Thoughts of Vi were there too, as I...
I slept hard on Friday night ... and woke up a little disoriented – maybe I had some sort of "jet lag" following two hard afternoons of lovemaking with those exciting girls. The session with Mai was rolling over in my mind, for it had turned out so much better than either Mary or I thought it could. I rolled over to see bright sunshine coming thru the blinds ... but was surprised to find I'd been allowed to sleep in this late... 8:40?!? Before I sprang out of the rack, I remembered the...
What a dazzling start to my holiday season ... missions were more than accomplished in Bev's basement and Mary's safe (haaa) house. And on this Thursday night, I lay in bed thinking about how fantastic it would be to touch Glenna again, the very next morning. I had spent the afternoon on my bike, fetching the great plastic cups for an investment of less than $10 ... I had shown one to my Mom at the dinner table, telling her what they were for. She registered no real response, so I just said...