2014: A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 8: Laying Low In The Neighborhood ... NOT free porn video

I'm on the bus headed for school. The night before, I could NOT concentrate on "studies" ... for, all I could think of was being at Sung's house, getting her to melt in my arms, and then watching two beautiful sexy women not just experiment – but go after each other. I had learned more about life, people, and SEX in the past few weeks, than any "book learnin' " could ever have taught me. I know I'm repeating, but all my braggart buddies at school were dying to be with a girl – hell, ANY girl ... just to find out if "it" was anything like what their older mentors had told them. And here I am, having had the incredible fortune to be with someone my age, her older sister, and a grown woman from halfway around the globe ... I just let my head rest on the bus window, and stared out, not caring when we hit a bump in the road, for my thoughts were elsewhere. I was so damn relieved that I had no "pop quizzes" put in front of me that day, for I not was not prepared for school, hell ... I wasn't prepared for SOCIETY ... haaaa.
I mailed it in for seven hours, then retook my seat on the bus ... turning my thoughts to Glenna, and (I hoped) being in close quarters with her in her yard. I was walking up my street, got even with my yard, but then when I glanced to the left, I saw that my employer had gotten an early start on me. I said "HI, I'll be right over". She must have been focused, for she just raised a hand, and kept gardening. It wasn't the hottest afternoon, but I knew I might be getting down on all fours for my "clipping", so I donned shorts. Me and my clippers got to the other side of the street, and I asked Glenna "where do you want me to start?" She still didn't look up, and only said "wherever" ... Something seemed different about her. This pretty, energetic, happy lady was suddenly SO focused on flowers & dirt, she couldn't even look up and smile? NAHHH ... Anyway, I chose not to say anything ... I just went to the first shrub, got down on one knee, and got to work – since it was a PAID visit, after all. I worked my way around 2-3 plants, evening out the cut from a few days earlier, and (I felt) sprucing up the look. I glanced over to my "silent host" some eight feet away, and got a full view of her very nice butt. I should have been taking it in per usual, but because there was a questionable vibe in the air, I didn't immediately get the usual sexy thoughts.
I kept plugging away, thinking maybe she wanted me to finish and go. My instincts took over a couple of minutes later, and I just happened to look up toward her ... she was now facing me. I kept my eyes in her direction, while her head was down – and noted another wide gap between the buttons on her shirt, as had happened before. This time I got my best look ever at her tits, now hanging toward the ground, and halfway out of her Bra. I turned away immediately, for fear of being discovered. While clipping, I thought about the three sets of tits I had seen, and realized that while ALL of them had been great, THESE were likely larger and livelier (but this little voice inside me said, YEAH, SO WHAT?). I angled myself for another look, got the same outstanding view, then I realized that I'd had a shift in attitude, and had gone STIFF in my shorts.
Glenna straightened up and said "want something to drink?" I said that would be great, but I didn't DARE lift up to face her, for fear that she would see me with my hard-on. She was up on one knee, then standing over me, saying "we'll go around back" ... I stayed bent over, and said "sure, I'll be there..." She stood over me a few seconds, and it was suddenly pretty quiet in that little space. When I knew that I was alone, and it was safe to stand up, I worked my way around the house, after adjusting my Dick in my shorts, so as not to be so obvious. She met me at the back screen door (more kool-aid, ugh), put a tupperware cup in my hand, then said that we might as well sit inside on the porch. I didn't make quick eye contact with her when we both sat, because I was trying to find a way to sit "properly". I finally raised my head to look at this very pretty lady. She stared down at her cup, and volunteered "maybe we should have picked a better day for this..." So I figured what the hell, and answered with "are you OK, is something wrong, did I DO something wrong?" Glenna rubbed her forehead, and said "sometimes things just don't work out like you plan them". I thought she was talking about some kind of regret in hiring me to do the little jobs around her house, and started to form an apology.
She could read the confusion on my face, and started up again. "I have been in the house all day, I was looking forward to getting out front, then wanted to get you situated, so I could come inside and finish the dinner I had been working on most of the day. But then I got a phone call from my workaholic husband, who matter-of-factly informed me that instead of coming home tonight, he'd decided to stay in the D.C. area, and work through Friday..." I knew she was talking about "Marvin", but I didn't know how to react. "So-o-o-o" was all I could utter. She said "someday you'll understand, I guess getting disappointed from time-to-time is part of being married ... but lately, seems like I'm getting the short end of the stick, over-and-over. I couldn't think of anything to say that would help, so I put on a fake smile and said "so, wh-what did you make?" She stared in the other direction, but then (I think just to be polite) she answered... "Pot Roast and everything that goes with it" ... to which I said "Damn, that sounds really good!" She did manage to perk up a little, then she edged up to the front of her chair, and said, "tell you what, I don't want this to be a total loss – I haven't been a very good host, so why don't we get back out there, get back to work, and – well, when does your Mom come home?" The first thing that popped in my head was "WHYYYY?", but then I just put on another fake smile, looked at my watch, and said "it won't be long".
Glenna stood up with more energy than I had seen in the first hour of my visit, and, collecting my cup, said "let's get back at it, I'm going to snap out of this, we'll get the rest of the front yard done, and then – I have an idea" Hell, no argument from me ... so we returned to the front, and back down alternately from a knee-to-all-fours, and eventually started talking about first one thing and another, just like all the other short conversations we'd had.
It wasn't long before the familiar '62 blue Ford Fairlane was headed up the street, and turning 90 degrees to the right, into my driveway. Glenna stood up immediately, took her gloves off, and said "how about I make up for my crummy attitude, by inviting you to have dinner in a few minutes ... somebody has to help me eat all that." I took one look across the street, saw my Mom getting out of the car, then noticed that Glenna was edging down her driveway toward our house. She was looking back my way, as if to get an answer. I said "well, Hell yeah" ... I think my choice of words startled her a little, but then she smiled, and kept walking toward the street. Then I saw her shout out a greeting to my Mom, who turned our way for the first time, staying in her tracks. I gave her a "here I am" wave, then just settled back on my haunches to watch this ... Glenna and my Mom both moved to the two curbs across from each other, exchanged a few words, then there was an "OK...". My Mom continued around the back of our House, and Glenna came straight back to the flower bed. She said, "OK, looks like I get a second chance – do you like Roast Beef, potatoes, carrots, green beans and hot bread? ... just say YES". I raised both arms and said "YES, of course". Such a DEAL, and I was getting HUNGRY anyway.
Glenna stooped back down to her tools, and said "I'm giving it another 10 minutes, then I'm headed in to get food on the Table – how much do you have left?" I faked a look-around, and said "I think I can wrap it up right behind you". Her cheerful return was, "Great, just come in the back porch when you are ready. I'll put it together, and we can talk – y'know, like before." I said that was good with me. So she gets down, sped up her work, and gave me several more "accidental" angles, that would get me right back in the same shape in my shorts that I had to battle about 30 minutes earlier. This Lady had, for all I could see, definitely FINE TITS. It was hard to keep my focus on clipping ... hell, I even sneaked around behind a shrub, and made sure I had it between us, so that I could cop a few looks thru the branches and get more of her. Then, in a few minutes I could see her collecting herself and her tools, and getting ready to go inside. She hustled away, then turned... "come on in as soon as you're ready" ... my answer was "Nooo problem" – yet I had a definite problem in my shorts – again ... IT felt good, but I had to get control before I stepped in this Lady's house.
After I "subdued" myself, I knocked at Glenna's inside back door, and caught the aroma of dinner-to-come. She came to the door cheerfully, now sporting an apron – yet I noticed that the gap in her blouse had NOT come to her attention. She looked down my front, and stopped below – I sensed a quick panic that she "noticed something", but instead she said, "wow, you got a little dirty out there". I looked down in relief, seeing that I had grass stains on my shorts and legs, with a pair of dirty knees. I lifted up and gave her a "now what do I do?" look. I said that I should run across the street, get into the shower, and come straight back – this was a HARD thing to say, for I knew that I'd have to pass by my Mom, and possibly explain "WHY I asked HER to GIVE ME DINNER!?!?" – which, as we all know, was a distortion of what actually happened. Boy, did I know my Mom, or What? Glenna said, "NO, it's not important enough for you to take all that time. Just go down the hall, take the second door on your right, and wash up ... there's plenty of soap and some towels there". I started to make some sort of excuse, but she took a step forward, took my arm and pointed me toward the hallway. "Just go do what you need to, you DON'T have to be perfect to eat at my Table" ... we both got a laugh out of that one, and I decided to follow her suggestion. While I was in the bathroom washing up, I looked at myself in the mirror, once again thanking my lucky stars for the past few weeks. The next hour or so might not be AS adventurous as the flashbacks I'd had all day, but hey, any face time spent with Glenna was likely to be fun, right?? Especially now that her mood had improved ... I got myself cleaned up, squared away and dry, and then I looked one last time in the mirror, and said under my breath (to myself, no less)..." ohhhh, there IS a GOD... " Thank YOU!!!
When I sat down, she put the bowls and plates of food on the table, then splashed her hands with water, pulled off the apron, then stopped cold before turning around – SHE had found her open blouse, and was carefully, semi-secretly fastening those buttons. She paused a little, I think to make sure she was smiling when she turned around, then in one motion, was sitting down at her chair. Then she looked across, I think caught me staring at her, and said, "Do I look OK?" ... I changed my posture and said... "GREAT". She looked at everything, then stood up, moving her plate from wayyy across the table, to a spot on the side to my left, just an arm's length from me. She commented, "I thought it would be right to sit all the way at the other end, but that's silly – how can I pass the food to you from there?" I gave my famous silent shoulder shrug, then she continued, "no reason I shouldn't sit where I always do". All that was fine with me, for now I could glance at her sorta at will, instead of sneaking in looks at long distance.
Then a really stupid person at the table – ME – blurted out what he THOUGHT he was just thinking. "You're really a very pretty woman..."... (WHAT?)..."DAMN, uhhhh, I mean ... I'm sorry, I meant ... well... " Then completely red-faced, I looked up at her smiling back at me. "I'm so sorry, I ... I... " All she said was a cheerful "let's EAT". She laughed, so I laughed. We talked about her nice house, and how much she enjoyed living in the neighborhood ... I was seriously chowing down, thinking she was too, then she stopped and asked "Do you really think so?" Although I had plenty of space behind my chair, I felt suddenly pinned in the corner. I looked up and made sure that she could see me looking deep into her eyes... " I really do"
She immediately looked down at her food. I had to say something, but before I could come up with anything, she was out of her chair, and doing something in the sink. Then she turned and walked behind me. I didn't have the courage to move a muscle, I just waited for her to say or do something. Then I felt her right behind me, and then, I felt her hands on my shoulders, from behind. I completely froze, fearing the worst. Neither of us was moving at all, and it was getting a little awkward at the Table.
Then she returned to her seat, and acted like the last minute had never happened. The conversation was suddenly playful, so I decided to relax, and hold up my end of the talk. I told her that the food was Great – for it was, and how much I appreciated her feeding me, and NOT sending me home immediately. Then I helped her put the dishes in the sink. I was about to say some "thank you's" in leaving, when she turned to walk into her living room, while still talking. I followed her, then when she sat down, I sat down on the small couch right next to her. We were facing each other, and I had a flashback of Guilt over what I had blurted out in the kitchen. She touched my knee (giving me a jolt), and said to forget about it, and that she really enjoyed dinner, AND my compliment.
Then she adjusted a little, relaxing her head on the soft back of the couch. I sat there perfectly still, as she started telling me that marriage was not as much fun as before. In the next ten minutes, she admitted that she and Marvin had stopped doing things together and it (her Life?) had stopped being fun ... Hell, what could I say to all that? She went back to their dating in college, and slowly gave me a quick account of their life from those days all the way the present. He was driven to make a big paycheck, and all he wanted to do was work, make money, get awards, and be home to bring his dirty clothes, pick up clean outfits, and hit the road again.
I brought up that my stepfather was a long-distance Trucker, and his being on the road for days at a time – but how was talking about THAT going to make her feel better?? DUH, STUPID! I felt like a damn 10 year-old, trying to be an Adult, and FAILING. She talked a few minutes more, but then things kinda spiraled downward, ending up with her sitting straight up on the couch, then leaning forward to rub her fingers gently in her eyes, and put her face in her hands. Suddenly I felt really out of place, and said, "well, it's getting dark, so I'd better get back and do a little homework for tomorrow". We moved toward the back porch, and right after I went thru the screen door, I turned and thanked her so much for the dinner. Then I offered, "I hope you feel a lot better tomorrow..." her response was "what time can you come over and clean up my car, it really needs a good wash before the weekend " At that moment, I really felt she was giving me an "OUT", so I said "sure, I'll come over same time tomorrow and take care of it for you..." She smiled and said, "please forget all that nonsense I was talking about, would you?" I just smiled, and shook my head a little, hoping she would understand that I meant "Don't worry about it, OK".
Then I turned for home, knowing I'd get the 3rd Degree when I got there ... you see, in my Mom's house, the rules of order were to "do what you're supposed to do, don't ask questions, and above all, don't spend your time on anything other than finishing chores, keeping your room clean, doing your homework, and making good grades"If I gave it any further thought, I'd link her attitude towards me as "paybacks" for me badly disappointing her when I gave up the piano lessons – but that would have been a long time for her to carry that torch ... Okay that's a bit exaggerated, but that's the environment I felt I was in. I was lucky that I only got a quick stare and a reminder of homework, as I passed by her in the living room. I shut the door behind me and figured that I got off pretty easy, all in all. Then after a hour of homework, and a shower, I turned in ... my thoughts were of the views I had gotten of this pretty woman across the street, the pleasant but slightly strange dinner we had, all the things she had told me, and YES ... the fact that I was headed back over there the very next day. Then I started wondering if I might ever enjoy her tits – and immediately went STIFF under the cover. That might have been a record, three times in six or so hours, with NO results. I lay there a little longer, but just couldn't lay aside my fantasies for her. Then I saw myself nailing her repeatedly, and telling Marvin where he could go ... Fortunately, pure exhaustion hit, maybe a carry over from the afternoon before, and I finally CRASHED.
In what felt like two hours, I had a knocking at my door. I shook a little, then the door opened and my Mom was standing over me in the dark. Out of her mouth came, "Why were you there so long? Why did you bother her for over an hour?" "Geez, what is this?" was all I could get out, only semi-awake. "What time is it?" Then I heard "it's time you get up, get a shower, and get on the Bus" ... then I finally got the presence of mind to look at the clock... 5:57 ... Hell, the alarm wasn't supposed to go off for another three minutes – ONLY leaving me 85 minutes to walk to the bus. So I blew past her, was in the bathroom in 2 minutes, and took a hot, hot shower, went straight to my room and got dressed, grabbed a banana from the kitchen counter and bolted ... all while SHE was taking a bath. So what IF I sat on the curb 30 minutes waiting for the bus? All I had around me was birds singing, cars passing the corner, a couple of people waving at me -- it was wayyyy better than the BEGGING I would have had to endure in HER HOUSE. When the bus finally rolled up, I got in and went all the way to the back, and slumped in sideways.
School was okay, though I must have had a "don't mess with me" look on my face – guys & girls who would normally speak to me just waved and kept going ... then about mid-day I realized this was nobody's fault, it was that I lived in a house captained by Attila the Hun ... that thought made me lighten up, and I immediately snapped out of it, and became myself. I saw Bev way across campus, and yelled out to her, then we exchanged waves ... I was thinking it was about time to pay more attention to her. Bus time came, and I remembered that I had a chore to do across the street. So, good man that I am, I proceeded over, and when I got to the back of Glenna's house, all the materials were there waiting for me on the back steps ... bucket, soap, brushes, towels ... everything. I got a yell from inside the back door... "Hi, everything you need is out there, you can hook up the hose at the corner..." I tried to read in Glenna's voice what kind of mood she was in, but then, figuring she was busy, I got on with it. I was pretty good at this, and took extra care to clean out the inside of the car, too. There were no little extras inside, so it amounted to a wipe-down only.
I finished in a little over an hour, then started getting the bucket and other items cleaned up to turn in. As I was giving the hood a final swipe, I look up thru the screen, into the indoor porch. I could clearly see Glenna (or someone) sitting in a chair, well across on the other side. The sun was shining thru, and I could make out a profile. I said "hello", but there was no answer. So I stayed with it, but looked up maybe 3-4 times to see the figure sitting still in that chair. I wanted to do a complete job, so I stacked up the hose into a nice ring form, right under the outlet. When I went to the back door to leave everything, Glenna said "come in". I got just inside the screen door, when she asked me to sit down there. As my eyes adjusted to the darker conditions, I could see that she had made some changes in the room. She asked, "are you in a hurry". I said NO, then she started talking. She went into a lot of apologies for the nite before, saying she was in a terrible mood, and was very sorry she involved me in her problems. I stayed silent, thinking there was more she wanted to say. "I hope you will forget all that, and still want to come and help me from time to time..." Then I finally jumped in and said, "Of course, I enjoy being here, giving you help, and I understand you – it's okay to feel – uhh, the food was great ... and you were so nice to me, thank you so much"

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