Matthew s Recruitment
- 3 years ago
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The afternoon with Carmen was terrific ... I really liked her innocence, and the drive this girl had shown in our lovemaking. It still seemed unbelievable to me that this shy, nearly backward young girl that I had met only a couple of weeks ago could have turned into such a sensual, sex-hungry girl ... she was looking better to me every time we were together. At the same time, I saw that the circumstances surrounding us, along with her parents' decree on her dating request, would keep things in check.
I know you guys have gotten tired of my saying this, but I had been so damn lucky to have met and paired up with the girls that came my way. I had friends and partners my own age, and I had come to know older girls & women. Barb had been an important person who kept things rolling in my life, but now Mary had proved herself to be a real "ringmaster", while confessing that her main goals were getting in the panties of any girl who caught her fancy, and still wanting to keep me around as her "boy-toy", or something like that. NO PROBLEM ... happy to help her reach those Goals!
All these thoughts were running through my brain from the time Carmen left the house, until the moment I put a key in the door. Now I had to roll back to the Barbershop and make myself miserable with a haircut I didn't need. It was 4:35 ... just minutes before their closing time. I hit it hard, getting there as quick as I could, but once again, I was granted a stay of execution ... one barber, five waiting. So I dodged the bullet yet another time. Ironically, when I got home, I checked the TV ... there was news there of the "British Invasion", and I saw film of the group I would eventually call my own, The Beatles. OHHH, the Long HAIR! The HORROR ... I couldn't wait to get my Mom's take on those guys...
Speaking of her, I figured it best to do something constructive as soon as I reached the house, like Laundry. I found some items in the hamper outside, and threw those boys into the washer. As soon as I stepped back out on the porch, I heard the phone ringing ... so I got there as fast as I could. "Hey", the familiar voice said on the other end, " ... glad I caught you ... I want you to check out someone" ... I laughed to myself, but wanting to come across as a good solder – since Mary had never been wrong – I said, "OK, what's going on... ?" My mentor reminded me of the Grocery store where she had first run into Joy, the girl in Bev's clique with the great "zest for life" ... I confirmed to Mary once again that I often went to that Grocery store, then she continued, "I want you get in there and see one of the checkout girls ... her name is Laura. I've been going thru her line every time I've been in there, maybe for almost a month now" I said "go on...", so Mary kept talking. "She's maybe 19ish, she goes to Womens College across town, she's cute and wears her hair in a pony tail, and in the knit shirts those girls wear, I can see that she's got nice tits ... she has – or had, until the last few days, a boyfriend back in Wilmington ... but I think they are on the 'outs'..."
"I was by there today, and she was sort of moping thru her work ... so I suggested that maybe she needed to get out of there and get in a better mood ... I asked her if I could give her a 'customer appreciation' dinner out, and she said ' OK '..." As soon as Mary stopped to breathe, I commented, "Damn, you were quick on your feet on that one, huh?" So she capped off her description with "she is around my height, very pretty when she smiles, and she smells great..." I took the moment to inquire "So you WANT her, is what you're telling me... ?" Mary proudly answered, "Hey, I figure we only go this way once ... so ... now we have dinner coming tomorrow night ... why don't you go by and get a look at her, on your way home from school tomorrow? Let me know what you think ... I have an idea that I may try on her..." Then, hearing a car – our car – rolling into the driveway, I said... "Yep, I'll get by there – but now I gotta GO..."
I immediately leaped from the far side of the kitchen, out to the Laundry room. I made myself look as busy as I could, even though I was hamming it up. When my Mom got to the door, she started grilling me on "failing" to get my hair cut YET AGAIN ... I just countered with, "You know, if I get out of school after 3pm, and IF there are a bunch of old men sitting in there, there's nothing I can do but wait. Sometimes it works, sometimes it DOESN'T." So in a huff, she turned and went inside. I was quite proud of myself – I had NOT told a lie, for I carefully used the great word " IF " ... yahhhhh ... so once again, my half-truth bailed me out of an argument, or worse yet, a BEATDOWN. I ate a quick dinner – only after sitting outside and waiting for the clothes to dry, so I wouldn't go inside empty-handed. After that I went to the safe space of my room, electing to keep my "ugly" self out of her sight.
Thursday was no big deal at school, just me showing up and logging the time. Carly did come up and remind me that her big game was in exactly one week – I happily told her, "Yes it is, I double-checked and saw it on the schedule – I WILL be there..." Carmen brushed by me twice during the day, and we quietly celebrated what we'd done the day before. So then it was up to me to bike over to the Grocery store, then get to the damn barbershop on time. I got to the market well before the afternoon rush, and picked up a few items I knew we would need. I made sure I looked at all the checkout girls, and I did find "Laura" in " #5 ". I made sure to go over when I saw that she would have a couple of customers to check out, before getting to me. And, most certainly, Mary was spot on ... this Laura was a very attractive girl, had the pony tail going, and seemed down to earth in her conversation with the customers. She was wearing one of the company shirts, it WAS form fitting, and I noticed the telltale signs of a very nice rack underneath.
When it was my turn in her line, I said very little, not particularly wanting her to notice me in any way. As I was leaving, I did catch a whiff of perfume, and it seemed likely that it was hers. I took a look at her right before going outside, and remembered that she and Mary would be meeting later. When I rode over to the damn barber shop ... once again I noticed that they had a full house. With cold milk, bacon, and eggs in the basket, I figured I'd better "hustle on home" and get those items in the fridge. Wanting to get home well before my Mom, I took the shortcut route on White Street, a long thoroughfare that stretched along the crest of the hill above my neighborhood streets. My Mom had repeatedly warned me of the "dangers" of riding my bike on that street, for it was the street where all the "negroes" lived, and they might stop me and beat me up ... what a bunch of total crap – in earlier times, when I was playing ball at the park almost every day after school, several of the boys from up on White Street would come down for a game ... they all were just as regular guys as anyone else, so I never bought into her warnings. I went thru there, waving at anyone I saw along the way, and was at the top of my street easily 10 minutes earlier than if I had taken the usual route to the house. The one revelation was that as I entered my street, ready to coast downhill ... I was headed right by Vi's house on the right ... And, sure enough, the car that had been missing from the driveway for about 10 days was right there in it's normal place.
I decided I'd go by and knock on the door, and check things out. Vi and her daughter Rhonda got to the door at the same time, and said a nice "HI" when they saw it was me. "So you guys are back! Anything I can do for you?" The extremely shy Rhonda immediately withdrew from the entrance, but took a seat in the living room, only a few feet away. Her Mom said that they had a great time at "Grandma's" and also mentioned to me that Rhonda was thinking about living up there. The conversation sort of came to a halt there, so I just voiced a cheery "OK, let me know if you need anything", then I backed away, and went for my bike again. When I took a final glance at the door, Vi had stuck a foot out onto the porch, and clearly mouthed the word "Saturday" to me. I nodded and was on my way. Vi looked a little tired, but I didn't over read that, I just thought to myself how good it might be to get her clothes off and go for her again.
My Mom and I had a confrontation in the kitchen shortly after that, one for the ages. She wanted to know exactly where I had been after school let out, and WHY hadn't I got my haircut. I was in a good mood when she started on me, so I didn't give in to her begging one bit. I just opened the fridge door and pointed out the items that I had brought home from the store. Then I put a slice of ham between two pieces of bread, grabbed a pepsi, and went to my bedroom for the rest of the night. I then imagined that Mary & her friend Laura might be eating a little better than I was on this evening.
When I got up the next morning, I felt a little sheepish about my part in the argument before dinnertime last nite, so I apologized to my Mom ... then I said that since Thursday & Friday were normally very busy days at the shop, why didn't I just wait until Saturday morning. "Well, this time I'm giving you an escort – to make sure you get in there...", she warned. I took that as an indicator that my stepfather was coming in for the weekend ... but I still took exception to her giving me the third degree.
On Friday morning I went the way of the school bus, leaving my trusty bicycle at home. In quick review, I touched bases with the girls during breaks, paid attention (sort of) in class, and took a couple of loving looks from Carmen between classes ... damn, she was looking good, dressing up more – and, getting attention from a couple of 8th grade studs. Oh well, it made sense to me ... I got home, realized my stepfather was in, then looked in on him down in the basement. When he saw me at the door, he asked if I minded that he was working on my bike a little. I saw the front wheel propped up against his work bench, while he had laid out the frame on top. I said "sure, thanks..." While oiling some parts, he said "well, I guess we have to ' get in there ' tomorrow morning, to keep peace in the house..." I jammed my hands in my pockets and replied "I suppose so..." Then he said, "after we get out of there and go for a cheeseburger, you got any extra time?" I looked at him, and he continued "I thought we might get out and look at some cars ... what do you think?" I reacted quickly with "Hell, yeah..." He pointed to my bike and said..."this is good for now, but maybe it's time for you to move up..." I thanked him, then went up the steps into the house. I was more or less straightening up my room, when the phone rang at the other end of the hall.
HaHA ... it was my girl Mary, with an update on Laura ... She said they had a good dinner last night, and that she finally got Laura to laugh a little. "I can give you the details, but – why not just meet me at the house on Sunday ... can you be there about 10? I'll explain everything then..." I told her fine, I'd be there. After we said goodbye, I figured that Mary must have something in the works – she sounded confident, as usual.
When I got back to my room, the phone rang again ... Bev asked could I come down and pick up some Chocolate Cake, to have with our dinner. It seemed easy enough, so I stuck my head thru the basement door to let him know I'd be next door and why, then went to Bev's backdoor. She came to the door empty-handed, inviting me in. In the middle of their table was a little package wrapped in foil – I could see the rest of the cake on a platter on their counter, and it looked very delicious. Bev said, "so, what did you think of the other day out there... ?" (pointing out to the woods in back) I told her it was terrific – and that she definitely had a future in the movies ... then she interrupted me with "how about a little more... ?" I looked sideways at her from the other side of the table, but when she dropped her shorts and hoisted herself up on the counter – showing me her pussy – I gave her my full attention. She put her feet up on the edge of the counter, exposing herself to me ... then reached out for me to come to her... "We don't have much time ... get me off." I pulled up a chair, which got me positioned perfectly to get my tongue in her. "That's it", she said as I tasted her... "give it to me ... suck me..."
Instantly she put both hands on top of my head, and pressed the back of her head against the pantry door. I teased her a little, getting her to quiver, but then went into full EATING mode, and brought her to Climax in no time at all. Her moaning advanced into a full scream when I hit home ... then Bev went into a panting spell, while she worked all her fingers thru my hair ... She finally got down from her perch ... then she said "thank you, Sir ... now get out of here... !" Thankfully, she did clean my mouth off with hers, and she remembered to give me "the cake" ... By the time I got back to HQ, I plopped down at my desk and tried to piece together that 15 minutes spent in her kitchen. It was a bold move for my neighbor, and exciting to boot... !
Saturday morning dawned, and the two men of the house were inside the barbershop at 8:50. When I got in the chair, my stepfather spoke up, telling the cutter "just a trim for him today" ... when I got out of the chair, I looked at my reflection in their wide mirror, and felt pretty okay with what I saw. On this day, I sat down after the cut – and still actually had some hair, for once. The big difference was, I didn't look skinned – the part that had always been the most embarrassing. He got in the chair, and said to the same cutter "I'll take one just like his..." We got out of there in about 20 minutes, went to the general store to kill time, then we were first in the door of the diner ... This particular time, my burger and chips just tasted a lot better than usual. He watched me chow down, and said, "now you look like a young man – it's called 'dignity'..." Then he took a monster bite of his burger, too. He brought something else up... "Have you seen that pretty girl again?" I knew he was talking about Mary, who we had run into at the diner a couple of weekends ago... "Oh yeah!" ... that got a grin of approval from him.
When we approached the car, he said "ready to ride around a little... ?" He got a "hell, yes" from me, and over the next hour or so, we stopped by the Ford dealer and a used car lot, and just looked around at vehicles. As we headed back, he asked me about some of the cars I'd looked at, and summed it up with "Y'know, you can get a pretty good small car for about $1,500. I told him that was a lot of money, but he said... "well, you see ... I have some pay saved up from two years of bonuses, and I'm about to get another bonus before the end of the month..." I asked if "she" knew anything about that, and he said a quick "NOPE!" We both laughed out loud on that one, and our fun carried us most of the way home. He finally said, "don't worry about it, just find out the Driver Training situation at school, and I will work on it ... we might just bring it home one day, and I'll tell her I got it to have something to work on – when I'm on the road, it'll be there for you..." I looked at him and said, "Damn good plan ... thanks, I appreciate it..."
When we reached the house, we found her note saying she and a friend from work were out shopping for the day, and she'd be back later. Then of course at the bottom of the page was the usual list of chores to be done. He said, "Hey, it's Saturday, get outta here..." and he grinned before going down to the basement. The morning had gone MUCH better than I thought it would.
When I was in the shower, I was wondering what I might find when I knocked on Vi's door in a few minutes. I left my "new" bike behind, and gassed up the mower then pushed it up the hill. When I knocked on her door, Vi came and greeted me... "well, good timing..." was all she said after her "HI" ... then she pointed for me to go to the back door. When she had me step into her kitchen, she put her arms around my waist and just held on, not talking. I looked around and said... "uhhhhh?" She saw the look on my face and let me know she'd taken Rhonda back to Virginia last night. I motioned for us to sit down ... and, a little surprised that Vi reached for her own chair, I pulled her to me, saying "Uh Unhhh ... I've missed you", as I had her straddle my legs. "Oh, this feels nice ... you know, I wasn't sure ... well, I've just had a lot of things on my mind..." I asked if she wanted me to mow the lawn ... but she said she needed help in a different way ... She lifted off, and pulled me to my feet, and we kissed ... the kind of kiss two lovers have after they've been apart. She took my hand, leading me to the bedroom ... but on the way, I pulled her in front of the bathroom mirror for a moment or two. I watched the look on her face in the mirror, as I kissed the back of her neck, under her hair. I pulled her sweatshirt up over her head, and saw that she was wearing a nice little bra. She raised her eyebrows and said "I know I don't really need one, but sometimes it's just fun to dress up..." That little item was off her in a second or two, and I went into full massage on her hard nipples ... Vi said, "oh, I need this ... do you still want me??" I simply said "let's go see..."
Getting Vi into bed, and seeing those beautiful legs made me want her so much. I got her completely naked, then as I undressed at the foot of her bed, she put one hand behind her head, and her other hand down to her pussy. I was kicking off my socks when I asked her... "do you like playing with your pussy... ?" "Sometimes", she answered, acting a little shy. When I moved my tongue into her, Vi put her legs full length down my back, and arched her hips to get more... "awwwwwww, it's better than I remember ... please, make me feel good..." I probed her with my tongue, then pulled out to work my fingers thru her thick bush ... but then she pushed my face down into her wetness, saying "don't stop ... pleeeease". I blurted out... "Oh, you want it NOW, huh?" When I looked at her she was repeatedly nodding her head "yes", with her eyes shut tightly. I gave it to her the best I could, and she arched herself upward so high off the bed, that I lifted myself to my knees, and brought her pussy all the way up to my mouth – with those long legs of hers limply draped over my shoulders. Vi was nearly upside down when she frantically tried to reach for me. When she couldn't grab me, she wrapped her arms around herself in a tight hug, then exploded. With every breath she yelled OHHHH louder and louder ... then she finally had a long exhale, took a few breaths and asked, "are you trying to KILL me???" and we both laughed at ourselves. I lowered her gently down to the bed, laid down at her side, and we had one of those fantastic body hugs ... It was different with Vi, because we were so close in height and length. My arms hugged her arms, her body hugged my body, my legs hugged her legs, and her feet and toes scrambled to hug mine. What a HIGH...
I took Vi's face in my hands, and asked "what's on your mind ... is is Rhonda?" She started with "When I joined the family for Christmas, I could tell she was having a good time there. My daughter is a little different, she likes a lot of open space, and freedom to come and go. She's a bit of a loner ... it's like my Mother knows more about how to talk to her and raise her than I do." I lifted Vi's chin and countered what she said with, "I'm not sure that's the way it is, but please, go on – I'm listening..." She gave me a kiss of appreciation, then she continued... "Up there in the country, she can go to a small school, with just a few students in her class ... and there is a lot less pressure on her ... you see, Rhonda doesn't know what she wants to be ... she's a tomboy, just like I was, and..." I interrupted my lady with "and remember, we know someone who grew up on the farm, then finally one day, she got away from there..." After a hug, Vi said, "I have YOU here, and more and more, I want what we do together – it's made me so happy ... you've given me feelings that I didn't know I could have ... I'm still learning how to love a man ... I'll be 36 years old in two months ... and my daughter wants live somewhere else, apart from me." I put all that Vi was telling me, with the tragedy I knew she'd gone thru, and I really felt for her. I started rubbing her neck, and said "well, I know there have been times where my grandmother treated me as if every day was Saturday ... so I understand what Rhonda is feeling right now ... it could be just something she's going thru, like a phase ... If she's happy there, and in school ... well ... I know you miss her, but maybe you can wait to see how it plays out..." I barely got that last word out, before Vi decided it was time to change the subject. She went down between my legs, put herself over my Dick and stretched out. Fully extended, her legs dangled far off the end of the bed. So she shoved herself back, put her knees on the floor, and just looked at me. I shifted down to her, and she took me in her mouth, while looking for both my hands so we could entwine our fingers. She looked so damned hot as she worked over my Dick. She teased me for a couple of minutes, then she decided that it was time to get focused. She sucked me with one hand, two hands, and no hands ... so I put my hand down there and fed myself to her. When I saw her put her hands behind her back, it gave me a charge ... and I got so hard, in moving with Vi, I saw my rod pop right out of her mouth and go due north. I grabbed her, and pulled us both back fully on the bed, and positioned her pussy right on the head of my Dick ... when I looked up, I told her "Fuck me all you want..." She went into full attack, jacking herself up and down on me with a passion I called out, "You need to do it HARDER", so my Girl bounced up and down on me as hard as she could. She finally stopped for a second, looked up to the ceiling, and came back to me with "CUM in me, BABY..." So then we traded thrusts until I had shot everything I had into her. It was fantastic to have her collapse on me, and cover my face with sweat and kisses. Then still lying in my arms, she said "Do you know that twice while at my Mother's, I got in bed late at night, and in the dark, I started thinking about times like this with you, and fingered myself until I came?" "I think it's terrific, Girl...", smiling at Vi.
We had a great shower together, focused on all those "dirty spots" on each other, then we both put on a shirt, went into the kitchen, and we made sandwiches ... We stayed naked below the waist with each other, making for a terrific 69 after we left the table. Vi was in a class by herself.
After that wonderful "welcome home" visit with her, the rest of the evening was fairly boring. Even though I had eaten just two hours earlier, I made my way to our own kitchen table, and faked my way through some Beef Stew with the adults. My Mom commented on both our haircuts, but my stepfather countered with something about "our usual barber was out, and we had a new guy today..." Then he shot a secret grin to me as soon as she turned her head. I came to the decision that after all this time, I had a new ally...
Sunday rolled in, I went straight for the shower, and announced at the breakfast table that I had some errands to run. The two "parental units" were in their own conversation, so they didn't bother to stop and have me go into any further detail. During the bike ride to Mary's house, I was wondering what she might have accomplished with "Laura", but also etched in my mind was the warmth I still felt from being with Vi again.
When my alarm went off Monday morning, it was time to get back to school – and, I hoped – to some fun adventures in the afternoons. The highlight of the first day back was seeing Bev's "clique" across the school yard at lunchtime, and stepping over to say hello. They were all in a little tight-knit circle, sharing wild tales of the holidays, and reacting with their usual girl-girl snickering. However, they did make a little space for me to infiltrate their group for a few seconds. Before...
Hey guys! This is Amal here, back with a recent experience that happened seven months ago. This story is a bit long because I have explained every little bit. I was working as an HR executive for a reputed firm. However, my life had been quite dry for the past year, and the moment came to spice it up when I went to a well-known college in Cochin for a campus-recruitment. Thus, I, along with one of my managers, went there and gave a presentation on the job profile and the salary package being...
Following an absolutely EPIC afternoon of harrrd lovin' with Mary, she threw the satirical question at me, wondering if I was giving Barb the same kind of attention. Truth was, I hadn't seen or heard from Barb in days ... weeks? I more or less assumed that she had set up shop with the sweet little Sung. It made perfect sense to me... So now it was Monday morning, and the trend continued that allowed me to lay low and hide out until my Mom cleared the driveway, en route to work. So on this...
This is a prequel to 'ReGenesis, Inc'. There are NO transformations in the story. Archival is permitted at any *free* site, i.e., no fees charged. ReGenesis, Inc.: The Recruitment (a prequel) By Bill Hart Vincent Martensen, known to both his friends and his acquaintances as Vinnie, sat alone at the counter in "Bart's Downwind Bar" waiting for the person he'd been told to expect and recruit. As each person entered the bar, Vinnie immediately checked them against the picture...
After a spectacular day on 12/31/63, I was ready for the ball to keep rolling in 1964. January 1 was a very special day, with nothing but wall-to-wall Bowl games on TV. I typically had no vote in choosing which television programs to watch ... but on this New Year's Day, since it was nothing but college football on all three channels ( 3 channels total??? I know, LOL, you guys ), I got my run of the TV & the Recliner from 11:00-to-late in the day – let's just say I demanded "dibs"...
So far, so good ... four days after we made our landmark decision, Carly and I were going great. Now I was about to find out about "her two projects" ... But on this Friday, I still needed to make a very important phone call North. I caught Vi in a good mood at the farm, but I absolutely had to tell her about the pact that had been made the weekend before. My dilemmas were many ... how could I carry out Vi's wishes without including Carly; how could I tell Carly that for several months,...
Friday was yet another landmark day ... I had successfully converted (with a lot of help) a young "fiance" – or is it "fiancee"? ... hell, doesn't matter – into a willing, energetic, loving partner ... a girl who invited me into her home and assisted me in Fucking her Brains out. And, this excitement had come on the heels of seeing the disciplined, buttoned-down Carmen become a girl who now craved attention and sex. Damn, what a way to start 1964... But alas ... it was now Saturday...
It felt great to be 15 ... I got to play Basketball for my Jr. High School, got out from under seven long years of piano lessons, and was starting to notice Girls in earnest. As most of you know, if there "are to BE any curves", ya' start seeing them at or about – 8th Grade! Seems I remember that summer between 7th & 8th grades making all the difference. In those first seven years, "book learnin' " had not come hard for me – I could slack off, take a glance at the study material the...
Saturday morning came, and I found out that Yes, I had screwed myself – as I had feared – by not following thru with the plans to "help a friend move" that day. I woke up to movement in the house, then I realized it was two people, and not just my Mom. Then came the lightning bolt, "GET UP IN THERE" ... the time, you ask? 6:50am. So much for sleeping in ... I may have been 15 (c'mon, almost 16!) and in near great shape, but there was still a physical toll on me, considering I was now...
I loved the new school. I am pretty, smart and charming enough to be part of the cool crowd, but not too much so to be a threat to the Mean Girls. As a matter of fact, I sort of liked most of them. I soon became BFF’s with the leader. She was a tall redhead with amazing tits. She was not shy in the girls locker and I knew that recruiting her would be great fun.One evening I invited her for a slumber party – just us two. I made sure everything was just right. I made sure I was waxed and had lots...
It was summers and college 4th semester has just ended. I was selected from my company to go on a recruitment drive. Lucknow was the first city selected in our itinerary. We went to BBD university for campus selections. I was glad to visit north India after a long time. I missed north Indian girls after living for past 9 years in Bangalore.That too Lucknow famously called ‘Randiyon Ka Saher’. I was secretly excited to see hot college girls. And Lucknow did not disappoint me. Fair, beautiful...
The next morning, Carly was waiting for me alongside the Gym ... the moment I saw her, we bolted for the door to go inside, in an effort to get out of the freezing cold. She took me by the arm, and led me to an empty spot in row four of the bleachers. Maybe ten seconds after we sat down, a friend of hers walked up below us at floor level, and started asking her something about an upcoming class ... Carly gave her the "evil eye" (as if to say "leave us alone!" ... something I had never...
I got in a few "licks" with the guys at our daily Football clash at the park. Most days, 12-15 guys showed up to kick some butt -- there were some highly competitive games. This whole type of thing was later to be called "male bonding" – HA! I walked home with the usual bruises, and brushed by my Mom quickly, hoping she might not notice my dirty jeans, and any scratches I brought back from battle. It was now fully dark, and she was watching TV ... not a word was exchanged between us the...
Pulling away from Glenna was NOT easy. We finally ate, standing up over the counter, our hips in contact the entire time – fair dinner, GREA T MOMENT ... I had to restrain myself from pulling off that T-Shirt she had put on, once we had decided we must get out of Bed. I was so glad the garment wasn't "HIS". We'd eat a little, talk a little ... and every damn time I turned to her, I could see the shape and nipples of her tits thru the thin cotton. I really had a ball with our exchanges,...
I'm on the bus headed for school. The night before, I could NOT concentrate on "studies" ... for, all I could think of was being at Sung's house, getting her to melt in my arms, and then watching two beautiful sexy women not just experiment – but go after each other. I had learned more about life, people, and SEX in the past few weeks, than any "book learnin' " could ever have taught me. I know I'm repeating, but all my braggart buddies at school were dying to be with a girl – hell,...
Even though we were well in to December, the usual thoughts of Christmas were watered-down, and the upcoming holiday would likely still be spent in the shadow of the tragedy in Dallas, only three weeks ago. At that point, most local television stations continued to have the assassination as their lead story every evening at 6:00. I had just come out of that incredible day with Vi, who experienced those "firsts"with me – that made most of anything else that had happened seem of little...
It had been quite an interesting day, and different than most Saturdays. I got home with about two hours of daylight left ... and discovered I had the place to myself. That suited me fine – for I had much to think about for the big week ahead ... there was the meeting with Mr. Rankin regarding my jump to 10th grade; I needed to hit the Manual again, to prepare to take the written & driving exams at DMV; and, I was kicking around thoughts about this new girl Kimberly ... I was fascinated...
The highlights of Driver Training on this day? ... the section of the Manual covering upkeep of the car, the need for insurance coverage, and other little tidbits ... plus, sarcastic glances exchanged between the little high school "snit" Judy and me ... and of course, further examination of "The Fruits of the Spirit". Certainly Mr. Wilder kept the 90 minutes interesting. All I could think of was edging closer to having a license and "wheels" in my driveway. On Thursday, 20 others and...
Laura seemed to be the perfect partner for Mary and I. She was very attractive, full of passion and curiosity, and was becoming more aggressive to get and give sexual satisfaction. She was comfortable with both of us, at any time. I woke up super early on Tuesday morning, and those were the thoughts that I had to start the day. As I lay in bed, with it still dark outside, I celebrated the terrific weekend, and a killer Monday afternoon. I had plenty of time to go down my mental checklist of...
The first session with Kimberly was educational for both of us. She took the chance to open up a little, while I learned quite a bit about what had brought her to me at this time in her life. It had been my good luck to introduce several girls to lovemaking, but I sensed there could be something very special about this girl – and I found it damned exciting that she had confirmed she was "giving herself to me..." Knowing we'd be getting started very early in the morning, once I got home, I...
This was to be a HUGE WEEK for me ... on Thursday, I would turn "16" and roll with all those new benefits! I wasn't exactly what they were, but I'd heard rumors. Hell, I was already living a great life. My personal interests ran easily ahead of the BEGGING at home, so I just figured life could only get better. My agenda for the week included learning just what had happened with Barb on Saturday, burying my tongue between the large breasts of Glenna, learning more about the tall, slim,...
I got grilled, or maybe it was teased (?), when I got home from the Mall. Bear in mind that my Mom believed I'd never had anything like a "date" in my life. Though technically she was correct – she had no inkling of what I HAD DONE in my life, especially in the past three months. Not wanting to tell an out-n-out LIE, I simply said that I did get to see the foreign exchange student from Brazil there, and that she was a 7th grader and very smart. Good ... a very convenient little half-truth...
Naanum enathu nanbanum dress edukalam endru oru maalku sendru irunthom, appozhuthu car parkingil carai park seithu vittu kizhe irukum liftil sellalam endru angu sendru ul ponom. En nanban ulle sendru irukum pozhuthu iru kaathalargal nadanthu vanthu irunthaargal, naan athai paarthu iruvar varugiraargal endru sonnen. Appozhuthu lift operator sirithu neram liftai niruthi vaithu irunthaar, appozhuthu puthithaaga thirumanam aagi irukum iruvar vanthu irunthaargal. Athil puthiya manaivi miga sexyaaga...
“Mom this will be the hardest thing I will have to ask of you, I need you to initiate the recruitment of Nanomage a very gifted hacker and if our sources are accurate; he is also a genius at robotics and artificial intelligence. Our intelligence has identified him as Christopher, no other information has been revealed about him. He will be about 15 years old now, an orphan and living off the grid. All his records as far as we can tell were deleted from all systems before he was 6 years old....
“Well to be honest Mr Simpkins, you are correct. We’re not like other recruitment agencies — and that’s exactly why we have such a high success rate. If you are seriously interested in the role, I’m afraid you will have to make the time to come into our office for the preliminary screening interview, there’s no way around it.” I held the phone away from my ear, and could feel myself getting ruffled by the guy on the end of the phone. “Yes, I’m prepared to see you after work, 5.30pm on Friday...
The great CUPCAKE MYSTERY continued unsolved, going into Monday. But I had to lay it aside for focus on Higher Learning. It was now mid-November, with the days getting shorter, and me enjoying life at "16". Bev (this time not accompanied by Carly) confirmed that they would be at my basement door no later than 3:30, and how much both of them were looking forward to it. To which I reacted, "and she wants to put me in her mouth – and possibly swallow my Cum... ?" I think that stark question...
I got a shout-out from next door... "HEY, let's go... !" I looked down the hill, and here was this short-haired blond standing on her back porch, doing a little "groove", shaking something in her right hand. Huhh? ... I moved closer to the fence, she walked up the hill. BARB had cut her hair, from near shoulder length to just long enough to curl around her ears. The new hairdo had streaks of brown in it, and she was wearing hoop earrings – damn, very sexy! I was laughing, and very...
In 1963, we had the makings of a very different Christmas ... with 8 days to go before the 25th, students were sent home, not to return until Monday, January 6 ... a long break. Moms were in the stores buying Christmas gifts for family members, reacting to being lured in by the usual festive window displays: Christmas trees, Santa, Snow scenes, and mannequins decked in Red & Green. Yet at the baseline of seemingly any and every store were small-to-medium sized American flags, and the...
It was mid-Fall in the neighborhood ... I was still hitting the park for football after school with the guys, but now I wasn't going down the hill until after dinner, leaving only about an hour of daylight to play each evening ... I told my Mom that my new strategy was to go play late, to help work off the calories I had just taken in at the table. Not sure she bought it, but it sounded good. Truth? It was more important to get the full two hours of freedom and independence each afternoon,...
At Saturday morning breakfast, I was able to weasel out of the "haircut gig", by telling my Mom that I really needed to get up the hill and clean the house, so that potential buyers could take a look at it. Luckily, my stepfather was there to back me up, saying that the Lady had put a lot of trust in me – and that I couldn't let her down. So, very reluctantly, the Queen Mother eased up on us a little. When she left the table to start Laundry detail, it gave us guys a chance to catch up. I...
The excitement of the week had drained me – both mentally and physically – enough that I crashed at 10:00pm Saturday night. But Sunday was a new day, and after a full breakfast (hotcakes included), and a long shower, I was ready to rock. It was cloudy and cold, making the bike ride to Mary's house a chilling experience. Both cars were there, when I rode around back and knocked. Mary opened the door with a lightly sarcastic, "Well ... remember me... ?" Before I could come up with a clever...
So I'm at the Dinner table, taking in everything my Mom is saying ... and though I am nodding in agreement, my mind is still downstairs in that Basement. I had just been with a Girl for the first time – I didn't know that at 15, whether I was running behind, or getting in there about average age ... but if the stories all my Guys told in the school yard were true, I knew I couldn't be ahead of anybody in the Sex Department. No, I didn't Fuck her, but I still felt GREAT ... I saw her...
There was an incredible amount of reflection, as I "lounged" in bed on Saturday ... somehow I had overslept – fatigue? – and it was 7:50 when I first looked at the clock. I heard nary a word from the rest of the household, so I determined that I would stay in this comfortable spot until forced to give it up. Friday had been an incredible day, highlighted by the two new girls. Joy turned out to be every bit the sexpot she'd advertised. And Carmen had done a total 180' spiritually ... well,...
I hustled out of the basement at Bev's house at roughly 5:10pm. As I passed by Barb, still sitting on the porch, I said "you're a Trooper" and "Thank you Ma'am". I got an amused but dirty look, and the question "Five Hours?!?"... "You really owe me now". As I dragged my mower behind me, I looked back at her and mumbled "I'll get my Rest". I was exhausted at the mid-point of this Holiday weekend, not only physically but mentally. It would be many years later, at the end of an...
I remember putting my hands behind my head on Monday morning, with a bunch of thoughts rolling through my mind. Because of the events of Friday, this had become an extended weekend, but it was certainly no time for enjoyment. I couldn't believe that it was 7:20am, and I had not yet been ordered to GET UP. I put on a robe and walked through the house, discovering that my Mom must still be asleep ... just another sign that it was a strange and uneasy time. So I eased back to my bedroom, shut...
December had arrived ... so as I got ready to head down for the bus, several thoughts were running thru my head. Of course I was still living in the glow of the three incredible days that had just passed, ranging from the "illicit" trip to Howard Johnson's with the very hungry Joann, to being FLASHED out of my mind by the unpredictable, I guess "raunchy" Christy Anne. Neither was I forgetting the three-ways with the younger girls, OR, the older girls. Thoughts of Vi were there too, as I...
After the very, very pleasant early a.m. with Mary, I pedaled to the Grocery store. My mind was all over the place, going from driver "ed". to Carly, to ways to make winter cash, to Carmen, and several times – to the deposit I had eased into Mary's mouth just moments ago. When I hit the parking lot of the market, it popped in my little peanut brain that – DUH – somebody I know works here ... and I started to wonder if Laura might be around mid-morning on a Saturday. And sure enough ......
What a dazzling start to my holiday season ... missions were more than accomplished in Bev's basement and Mary's safe (haaa) house. And on this Thursday night, I lay in bed thinking about how fantastic it would be to touch Glenna again, the very next morning. I had spent the afternoon on my bike, fetching the great plastic cups for an investment of less than $10 ... I had shown one to my Mom at the dinner table, telling her what they were for. She registered no real response, so I just said...
When Laura left, Mary commented "I think we may have a new partner" ... my contribution to that was "everything you do turns to GOLD", as I hugged her from behind. Mary held my arms in place around her waist, and I added, "That went about as well as we could have imagined, huh?" In my arms, she nodded in the affirmative. "The other night at dinner, she was at loose ends ... Laura even shared with me that most guys she'd been around treated her as ' one of the boys ' – something...
I slept hard on Friday night ... and woke up a little disoriented – maybe I had some sort of "jet lag" following two hard afternoons of lovemaking with those exciting girls. The session with Mai was rolling over in my mind, for it had turned out so much better than either Mary or I thought it could. I rolled over to see bright sunshine coming thru the blinds ... but was surprised to find I'd been allowed to sleep in this late... 8:40?!? Before I sprang out of the rack, I remembered the...
It had been an exciting weekend ... the session with Maria all but convinced me that her only desire was to be touched and treated like a woman, rather than trying to leverage some sort of personal agenda. Even bigger than that was spending the important time with Carly on Sunday, and getting her agreement (and more) that we could continue to meet with and explore possibilities with other girls. When I got out of the shower and sat down for breakfast Monday morning, my Mom was already...
PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
Naangal ippozhuthu thaan kalluri muthal aandu padithu varugirom, en vagupil priya ennum kaamamaana pen irunthaal aval parka azhagaga iurkamaatal aanal parka sumaraga irupaal. Priyavirku mulai perithaaga sexyaaga irukum athu matum ilamal ivalin udambu sexyaaga irukum, pothuvaagave kaamam meethu aarvam athigamaaga irukum pengal yaaraiyaavathu naam paarthu vidalam. Priya pasangalai sight adipaal kaama paarvaiyil paarpaal, enaku veru pasangal avaludan kaamam seivathai vida naan munthi kondu kaamam...
Wynne looked about to object, so I signalled her to stop and follow me. We went just a little ways out of camp, her judgemental gaze never leaving me as we walked. I held my hand up to forestall her. "I know. You don't approve. You don't trust Anders, because he keeps trying to escape. Honestly, the only thing that surprises me is that there aren't dozens of escapees. Wynne, you have to admit, the Tower is hard on young mages. Some templars abuse their power, and not everyone was raised...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestMother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
Maggie could tell by the way the music producer was looking at her that he wanted nothing more than to bend her over and bang her like a door in a hurricane. And who could blame him!? What, with Maggie’s long amber hair, misty blue eyes and lush lips? Her face alone was enough to make any man beg. ‘So, you ladies want to make a demo tape, huh?’ asked the producer as he starred at Maggie’s ample breasts. Maggie took the man’s chin in her soft hand and gentle lifted his eyes up to meet hers. ...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
The cell phone chirped on the desk. Simon Riley looked up from his laptop and squinted at the small screen. He didn't recognize the number, but he answered it anyway. "Hello? Simon here." "Simon. It's Joey." His voice was hushed and strained. "Joey!" He glanced at the number again. "Where you calling from?" "A pay phone outside the school." "We still have pay phones?" He rolled his desk chair towards the window and peered out across the street, trying to see his friend....
Molly watched her new friends drive away. When they were out of sight, she turned back to her mother. She stepped back in to her mother's arms and gave her a hug. Stopping the hug, she looked her mom in the face. "Mom, how about pizza tonight?" Kathleen looked at her baby, and she felt complete again as she realized the hole in her heart was once again filled. "What ever you want sweetie, the number for Pizza Hut is on the fridge like always." Shaking her head, she replied, "No mom,...
The day of the re-enactment of the Battle of Bannockburn dawned and Scott and the girls settled themselves and the two babies into the 4x4 and set off for Stirling. Bannockburn itself was just to the west of Stirling town centre with a visitor's centre adjacent to the site of the original battlefield. When they pulled into the car park Scott's wives spotted his parents and waved to them. Fergus and Heather ambled over to try and take charge of their Grandchildren if at all possible. Both...
Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
There is much to be said about one’s origins, that’s for sure. My name is Solomon Rashid Joseph. I was born in the City of Detroit, Michigan, to a Haitian-American mother and Lebanese immigrant father. My father, Rashid Ahmed, met my mother, Nicolette Joseph, while attending Wayne State University in the 1980s. Unfortunately, as luck would have it, he died while visiting his parents in Beirut, three months before my birth. My mother married a guy named Harold Jacobson three years later, and...
My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...