2014: A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 6: Community Outreach, Then Back To HQ free porn video

I got a shout-out from next door... "HEY, let's go... !" I looked down the hill, and here was this short-haired blond standing on her back porch, doing a little "groove", shaking something in her right hand. Huhh? ... I moved closer to the fence, she walked up the hill. BARB had cut her hair, from near shoulder length to just long enough to curl around her ears. The new hairdo had streaks of brown in it, and she was wearing hoop earrings – damn, very sexy! I was laughing, and very impressed with this new LOOK! I pointed both hands toward her pretty head, and said "uhhhh?" ... She took a swipe at my hands, saying "don't worry about it, let's go..." Of course I say "where"? She showed the KEYS in her right hand, then said "Dad has sent me out to get groceries, and I told him I saw you, and I might invite you to come along ... BEVERLY is under-the-gun with homework." I snapped to, when I realized it would easily be two hours before my Mom would show, so I willingly said OK.
As we were coasting down the hill, I was giving this girl the once-over, and realizing how much bigger her tits looked than before. I can't fully explain it, maybe some of you guys will agree with me on this theory – a girl with shorter hair, well ... it just makes a good rack look even bigger. Then a few seconds later, I watched her turn right, a full two blocks short of the "main drag" – the street that took us to the grocery store. I put the evil eye on Barb, as she just stared ahead, hands on the wheel in the prescribed "10 & 2 o'clock positions". She turned up a familiar driveway, where the grass in the front was getting longer. She rolled to the end of the pavement, and gave me another "let's go".
When she locked the door behind us, she threw her arms around my neck and said "I NEED TO FUCK, RIGHT NOW..." Knowing there was no way I could change her mind (haaaa), I started stripping her on the way to the bedroom ... when we got there, she had pulled my shorts down, briefs too ... then she twisted me around and not-so-gently shoved me onto the – our – bed. She stopped me from sliding too far backward, placing the bend in my legs at the edge of the mattress at the foot of our bed. Then she kneeled into me, getting her face between my legs, and doing the best she could to finish taking off her top and her Bra. Damn, they DID look BIGGER. She absolutely took over my DICK, and while gripping really hard on the shaft, started wildly bobbing up and down. With her hand wrapped tightly around it, and her mouth covering the first couple of inches of me, it felt like she had the whole thing inside her.
She lifted both my legs up over her shoulders, then started working very hard on me ... that gave me THE most terrific feeling. I lifted my head and said "you want it?". She picked herself up, and shoved me backwards, climbing up on me in the same motion. Then she looked down at me while getting firmly in the saddle. Sitting straight up above me, she was knock-out sexy. She had lowered herself onto my wet Dick in one try, and had already started a pogo motion up and down on top of me. "You like it?" came from her ... I tried to raise up, but she shoved me back down. I mustered "I love it!!!", to which she said "just be still while I GET OFF" In a couple of minutes, we were both sweating up a storm, especially her ... drops of her perfumed sweat were falling on my chest as she continued to RIDE the hell out of me. She looked and saw my helplessness, so she leaned over very slowly, opened her mouth, and aimed at my face, tongue first. We locked in that position for awhile, with tongues working very hard on each other – the many "flavors" I tasted didn't matter. I realized that she was trying to put words together, as she pushed kisses inside my mouth. She only had to put "two" together ... FUCK ME. She was grinding a little slower and more rhythmic, but then decided to straighten back up and go at it HARD. Then suddenly, she came to a dead stop ... letting out an "ummmm", she accepted every shot I could give her, maybe 4 or 5 ... Once things calmed down a bit, she climbed down from her perch, leaking all my cum back on me ... but then started cleaning me up with her mouth and tongue. At that moment, I had one of those "bolts of reality" that I would get every time I came back to Earth, and said "buttt" ... she knew that was coming, so between lightly working up and down the shaft of my very happy Dick, she stopped just for a second, and said... "Pill ... don't worry about it." I wasn't sure I followed, but I just decided to lie there, take her word for it, and let her finish her work.
She rested her head on my upper leg, facing me, and not letting go of my Dick, all the while staring me in the eye to get any reaction I had. It was a very tender stare, as if she were celebrating that I came in her pussy, so hard without hesitation. So I took that moment to play with her "new" hair. We laughed when we both sensed that my fingers were not working through her hair without some resistance ... Hair Spray! So she asked me what I thought, and I responded, "as usual, you shock the hell out of me – and oh yeah – your Hair is Great."
She raised up on one elbow, and, pulling me up by the hand, she said "will you Eat me in the Shower?". I just smiled, got up, and started pushing her in that direction. As we started the water with her facing away from me, all I could think of was I'm 15, this "woman" is 19, and we have full run of each other. Damn, I was so lucky. My blow-hard pals at school were itching for a chance to get in a girl's pants, almost any girl's pants ... but here I was with a Goddess, who demanded and gave everything she could anytime we were together.
When I put my arms around her neck from behind, I daydreamed a little, thinking of Bev ... but strangely, also about the brunette across the street, the tall slim Mom just up the hill, and "Joann", the mystery lady one street over ... as I turned Barb around in the flow of all that warm water, I dropped to my knees and ATE her better than ever. If we kept count, I would say she "exploded" four times in the next few minutes. Then she pulled me up into an incredible kiss, we turned off the water, and she offered... "maybe we should go find that grocery store?"
The grocery stop was a lot more fun than I had expected – I figured she might act distant and unconcerned in front of the other shoppers, as people passed us the aisles. But, with me pushing the cart dutifully, she followed just behind, calling out the next item. Whenever she sensed we might be alone, she played grab-ass with me, giving little kissy faces when I turned around to retaliate. And at this time, Bev was sitting in their room at home, studying ... it felt a little funny without her. On the 10 minute ride back, Barb looked sideways for a second, read the questioning look on my face, and said "Don't put a lot of thought in it ... in fact, don't THINK, just FEEL" ... I came back weakly with "well, I can say that YOU feel GREAT". It was abundantly clear that what she said had far more meaning that my little compliment.
Turning up the hill to our houses, she said "Bev said hi ... I'm going to tell her exactly what we did this afternoon, and then I'm going to figure out a way to free her up for you in the next couple of days ... I know you want her ... I'm sorry if you think I'm so forward, but I miss having sex, and I need it almost everyday." I told her that she didn't need to explain herself, and that I wanted us to stay close and try all kinds of new things. She countered with, "I'm going to get the two of you together, while I'm off working on something that will be great for all of us." I started to ask, but she put her hand on my leg, and said, "just let me see if I can make this happen – If I can, I promise it'll be special, OK?"
When I helped her put the bags up on her porch, she waved a little "bye" – my cue to ski-daddle. I remembered that I hadn't checked the mail so I went back around the front, found a couple of envelopes in the box, and turned for HQ. There appeared to be some sort of flyer wedged in the front door, so I went and picked it off. I started to toss it, but thought better, and opened it up. It was a simple, short hand-written note. "Please come over with your mower tomorrow, I will be working in the yard. Thank you Dave, Glenna." I had to sit down and read it again. Then I figured it out – all I had to do was raise my head, look across the street and I would be looking at the home of Glenna and "Marvin". I hadn't gotten her name earlier, but I knew the tall lady's name two doors up was "Vi", or something like that. It was hard for me to take my mind off the whirlwind trip with Barb ( and that I came in her so hard – because that's what she wanted ), but I did have a flashback on how cute the brunette – Glenna – might be. Then my mind drifted ... younger girl, older girl, married woman ... c'mon, no way!
I showed my Mom the note, figuring she'd be happy to see that I followed her directions. But she just glanced at it, and said "I'll have to put a canning jar up on the counter, where you can put the money after your Jobs." Damn ... all heart, as usual. The next afternoon, I gassed up and rolled my mower across to Glenna's house. She met me at the back door in a cotton top with flowers printed all over it – very nice, I think her pants were "Pedal Pushers", and tennis shoes. She was talking, but I was LOOKING. She had a big straw hat, and put it on so that she wouldn't get too much (Fall) sun – it wasn't exactly boiling outside at 3:30pm. She never mentioned "Marvin", so neither did I. She gave me a few pointers on how to do the back, then got her little shovel & shears, and went toward the plants that were along the side of the driveway. So I got at it, but every time I turned to mow a strip towards the back of the house, I looked for her. Then I got the inspiration to hustle up and finish the back yard so I could hook around front, and maybe work within sight of her – as she tended her little plants and flowers out there.
I was wrapping up the back yard, when I heard a shout from my left. I looked, and found myself backyard-to-backyard with the property of Joann ... it was her doing the yelling, and when I focused on her across the way, she was waving and smiling. She was sitting down on a blanket on the grass with a much older lady, perhaps in her 60's ... I guessed that since her guest was a female, the next door chaperones could not raise hell about her visit. As I moved on, I didn't mind that Joann saw me in action. Then maybe she would hire me in the future for something, and that way I could see more of this Greek beauty.
So I kept it up with the out-n-back mowing, then finally got to the point that I could roll back up the driveway, and try to get a look at Glenna in the front – well, I mean -- mow the front yard too. I immediately headed out on a line toward the street, along the inside edge of the driveway. When I made a right turn to do the edge along the street, I cut my eyes back to the front of the house ... and there was my new employer, on her knees just in front of the house, tending to her flowers. I could see that she was hard at it, for her gloves were getting dirty. I made a second right turn to go along the front of the flower bed, but I didn't want to blow her away with the noise. So I cut the engine in a second, and walked up to her. She looked up and smiled, "is everything OK?" I nodded yes, so she just looked back down at her work, and kept talking. I blanked for a second, when I noticed that in turning toward me, she was showing a nice gap of un-buttons in her blouse. I'm certain she was busy and didn't notice herself, but she gave me a really good look at the top of her tits. She was very white-skinned, like someone who never gets out in the sun. But I liked those tits, and I knew I would at least TRY to hang in, and come up with a way to see more.
When I apologized for the noise, she offered to drop her little shovel right there, and go in the house and get us a cold drink. I watched her go around the far side, then thought of my good luck in getting a free look. I cranked it up for more mowing. But after a couple of rotations around the yard, I stopped the mower at the driveway, and walked around back. I opened her back screen door, and said "Hello?", to which I got a "c'mon in". When I stepped into her kitchen, she had both drinks in her hands (everything in those days was "kool-aid in a tupperwear cup" ... personally I hated the stuff). When I took my cup, I noticed that she had adjusted her blouse back to normal (damn). I looked down at myself, and realizing I had grass on my shoes and legs, started backing out. I told I would have my drink outside, so she followed me onto the screened-in porch, sat down and said "take a break if you want".
So I sat across the little indoor/outdoor room from this lady, and just took her IN with my eyes. These screened- in porches were great ... a little dark, cooler than out in the sun, and there were NO mosquitoes. I just sat there, nodding my head, yet not listening to a word she said, for I was thinking about Eating her already. I had a flashback to Barb having my Dick at the end of "our bed" at the special house – and how she put my legs over her shoulders and just dominated me with her mouth ... I imagined going over to Glenna, pulling down her slacks & panties, then putting her legs over my shoulders, and EATING HER until she tightened her legs around my neck, and SCREAMED. Down Boy!

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