A Groupie Story
- 3 years ago
- 59
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Maddie's Turn:
I'm in COLLEGE! Yes, little Maddie Reynolds is in college. And I'm YOUNG for it. I'm two years ahead. It's because of the hurricane, you know. The hurricane hit last year and the storm surge pushed a wave through our high school and forced us to go to school at the nearest high school that was undamaged. Now you have to understand that I live in one of the least populous parishes (that's counties in the other forty-nine states) in Louisiana, so we're not talking about several HUNDRED students, but when we all descended on the next school, we over-loaded the place.
The guidance counselor reviewed files. Dad says he's the exception that proves the rule for government employees, a guy who actually puts an effort into his work. But I digress. Several of us got tested, a few got pushed up a grade. Or two. And I found myself on the stage getting a diploma two years early.
Mom and Dad freaked. Well, in a good way. We sat down and had a discussion. We bumped into one another and had several more. College is not a money problem. Mom and Dad letting their sixteen year old daughter loose in a college full of hormonally-challenged males IS a problem.
I saw myself headed for the nearby university, not a bad place in and of itself, but when it shows up on a resume', it makes no impact, or gets a 'huh?', at best.
I had a friend. It's a miracle that she was my friend, because in the years before, I was one of a little clique of girls who only spoke to her when we wanted to be bitchy and feel superior to somebody. She was on the edge of poverty prior to last year, and an easy target. Then this last year, after the hurricane, she showed up like a whole different person.
First, like me, she was thrown into a new school, so we were both outsiders, and us from the old school just gravitated towards one another. Second, she wasn't wearing Wal Mart's (or Goodwill's) best. She looked different. She acted different. From somebody who was just a face I recognized from last year, we became friends. Nikki. Last time I saw her, she was Nikki Domingue, daughter of a mom whose name showed up in a lot of the wrong kind of conversations.
This year, she showed up with a gold band on her finger. I naturally figured that from her reputed background that there was a baby at home and she was living with her 'husband' in his parents' house or something like that.
That she was as dull as her clothes were the year before.
That she'd dish out what she'd received from me and the little clique.
"I wasn't that receptive to being a friend that year myself," Nikki told me. "I was a wreck. Grandma died. I had to live with Mom. Mom might've not had any shame, but I had enough for both of us."
A bunch of us gravitated to Nikki's side. Actually, Nikki and Dan's place. Dan's her husband. He's Dad's age, maybe a couple of years older. Engineer. And a good teacher.
Let me explain. Rural parishes don't have a lot of places for kids to hang out in the first place. Add to that a storm surge that topped twenty feet, wiping out the few places there were, so you know you're going to end up at somebody's house. For those of us that still had houses.
Then you subtract the houses of people who had families you really didn't want to mess with, or who didn't want a bunch of teens in the house, and pickings get thin. So Nikki's house. Nikki's good. So's her husband. The place is clean. And we're welcome. Lots of pluses. Add to that the fact Dan's a very apt teacher at the beginning, and that Nikki herself passed the whole bunch of us up about a month into the school year, and academically it was great.
Socially, it was even better. Safe. The fact that it started out as a STUDY group sort of shielded us from a lot of bullshit. We had a little turnover, and there were a couple of kids that weren't regulars, but we coalesced into a group of regulars: Nikki, because it was HER house, after all. Me. Kellen, a year older. Slade, the rare intelligent and academically inclined jock, Holly. Bret. Bret the nerd. And by the end of the school year, Bret 'n' Holly, the unit.
So when Nikki tells me that she's a member of a sisterhood, a community, and they're all going to Auburn, I march in on Dad one day and say "Dad, can I go to Auburn?"
"For what?"
"Business and accounting." I knew Dad's biggest fear was that he'd dump a hundred K on Medieval Literature. "Like your office stuff."
"Why Auburn?"
"Looks good on a resume'," I said.
"And Nikki's going there."
"Mister Dan's new business is there. They're moving there. And I know that Nikki knows three others going there."
"She's doing engineering."
"I know. But it'll be like I have family there. You like Dan. So does Mom."
Dinner that night was interesting, but I nailed 'em. And here I am.
Oh, we had the big migration, you know. Dad says I'm not getting a car, not just yet, not without living at home. "You're not eighteen, Maddie." We worked out the idea that my friends would help me out there. Including flying me home for the holidays.
But we had the Trail of Tears as Mom and Dad deposited their only daughter four hundred-odd miles from home.
I have a room-mate, Anita Searcy, eighteen, a serious student I knew from church camp. And I had an apartment. Brand new. Two bedrooms. In the same building as Nikki and Dan. And Cindy and another Dan. And Tina and Alan and Terri. And Sim and Beck and Rachel.
Got the serious talk from Alan about the conditions of our living in that apartment. From Mom and Dad it was "treat Dan like you would your own father. And the others likewise. We can't be here, but we know you know right from wrong."
"Yes, Mom. Yes, Dad."
From Alan, speaking on behalf of the others, "This is not a party venue. You're sixteen. No underage drinking. No partying. No live-in boyfriends. The apartment is leased to your parents. And you're my unofficially adopted daughter."
"Who's a year younger than your wife," I giggled.
He TRIED to look serious.
I bowed my head. "I shall bring honor to you and your house, master."
"Oh sure," he laughed. "Nikki and Tina warned me."
So I'm part of this. Got to be a bigger part, because I exist within the Community, a real entity that revolves around 3Sigma Engineering and Auburn and the families with which I am associated. The other girls make regular trips through the engineering offices from time to time. So do I. It's a different world. Interesting. They didn't have an administrator. I knew that Nikki's Dan (Dan 2.0, I'm told) was not fond of those duties. Turns out that's almost a characteristic of engineers. They talked to Beck, an actual adult female, wife of Sim, mother of Rachel, the dark-haired one of the two community elves. Beck agreed to become a part-time administrator, part-time homeschool educator.
"So," I said to Beck, "If Cindy can be The Engineer's Apprentice, then can I be The Beancounter's Apprentice?" That idea was run by the engineers and now I schedule hours in the office around my school schedule and Beck's home-schooling efforts. I get to answer the phone. I get to work up billing.
I am NOT allowed to make coffee. That's a result of the great pot-washing of 2013. Dan 1.0's (Cindy's Dan) has a specific ritual for preparing coffee and although I couldn't tell the difference, he swears that I stripped the 'cure' from his pot. Tina commiserated with me. Beck offered me herbal chai.
I was sitting there talking one day with Susan about this little community. "You know, I felt the same way. I pick up one friend and end up with this whole crazy thing. It's like I fell down the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland." Oh, yeah ... go to class, I might just as well be wearing a 'See the Freak' sign, because I'm just barely seventeen, but honestly, I don't think that this first semester stuff is much of a hurdle. Anita's about the same. She was in advanced placement classes in high school, and that gave her a lot of credits. I took my counsellor's advice, since it was HIM that got me here in the first place, and tested out of several subjects, too. I'm pulling enough hours to be considered a full-time student, but It's not as scary for me as it is for some of my classmates.
Of course, I look at Nikki and Cindy ... Anita said, "They're almost scary. Nikki ... was she like that at school?"
"It's hard to say," I said. "She did what you expect from an 'A' student in class. A little participation. Turned in the homework. Took the tests. And smiled."
"You did all that," Anita said.
"Yeah, and so did you."
"But I was eighteen. Senior."
I giggled. 'Yet here we are."
"But this bunch ... Maddie, they're crazy smart. Not like that kid..."
"'That kid' was also 'scary smart'. And obnoxious. Seemed like he lived for inappropriate behavior. Finally ended up being taken out of school. As they say, 'He had issues.'"
"That's what I mean," Anita returned. "I think that Nikki and Cindy are smarter. And they act so normal outside the academic thing..."
"You mean, besides Cindy getting married when she was fourteen and Nikki was fifteen."
"Yeah, that too. I knew about Nikki in school. Jumped on the 'she's gotta be pregnant' bandwagon like everybody else. But no. Thought 'little slut-puppy.' But no. I wish I could say I always acted with as much decorum as those two. Or any of the others."
"Using 'decorum' in a conversation. Nice," I said.
Anita laughed. "Yeah, that's another thing. Where do I go to hear a good old-fashioned normal teen conversation with 'like' an' 'yaknow' and 'knowhatI'msayin?'"
"Stop outside the classroom. You'll get plenty..."
"Oh, gosh, I know ... But this bunch? Uh, no. I saw more stuff goin' on at my last family reunion."
"It's a strange world, isn't it?"
"Yeah," she said. "Strange. But they let us fit right in where we want to."
That was the case. Our circles overlapped a lot. I enjoyed the evening get togethers. I enjoyed the communal meals, even contributing side dishes.
And I picked up the little sister I never had. Two of 'em, actually, because you seldom see Terri without Rachel, or vice versa. The way this works is surreal. I'm sitting there with a textbook open, Anita's across the coffee table with her laptop, and my phone dings, announcing an incoming text. From Terri.
"Are you too busy for company?" - Terri.
I text back. "No. Need a break. Come on."
A minute later, the door opens. Terri. No Rachel.
"Where's Rachel?"
"Something Jewish going on. She's with her mom and dad. Whatcha studying?"
"Economics 101."
"Beancounter Basic," Anita added
Terri's got a delightful giggle, as is fit for an eight year old girl. "You sound like my dad," she said. "He says beancounters are minions of the Antichrist."
"And I am an acolyte," I said. Terri's knowing smile told me that yet again I had not exceeded her grasp of vocabulary.
"So what's in it? I suppose I need to know sooner or later."
"Anita," I said, "Let's give Terri a lesson in Econ 101."
Afterward Anita and I were watching TV.
"Terri," she said.
"What about her?"
"My sister's got a kid that age. First time I saw Terri, I thought they were the same. Same age. Same height. Both third graders. Thought they'd be the same."
I smiled. I know where this is going.
"Clarissa is ... Well, if you look up 'brat' in the dictionary, they have a picture of her next to it. Terri's not only an 'only' child, but she's got a step-mom and a bunch of aunts right there with her. If there ever was a kid in a position to be spoiled, it would be Terri. But she's not."
"Neither is Rachel."
"Yeah," Anita said, "but we know who the alpha is in that pair."
"Yeah," I said, "and just think of what would be possible if those two WANTED to be trouble."
"Scary," Anita replied. "But she just bopped in here and asked what you were studying, and acted like she expected you to take the time to teach her."
I smiled. "Yes, that's exactly what happened."
"And you got me involved and now I feel like I REALLY studied the stuff."
"You don't mean to suggest that we just got played, do you?" I questioned.
Anita shook her head. "I dunno. D'ya think she's THAT smart? And why would she do it?"
"I don't know how smart she is, but I don't think that's the limiting term. I don't know if she made a conscious effort, that's all."
"I'm afraid to ask," Anita said. "Might be some kind of magical thing, where if you ask, you break the spell."
"Oh, Lord," I said. "Now we're talking about magical powers. That means..."
"Cindy," Anita said.
"Nikki was always talking about Cindy at the end of last school year. Remember? We met her and the others at graduation."
"I saw you with 'er," Anita said. "I just figured she was, you know, a bright one, like you and me." She hung her head a little. "She's bright, like you and me. She's not, you know."
"She's not?"
"Not like you and me. I didn't pay attention to Nikki last year, either. Those two are scary. I asked Dad about the math they're skipping. Told 'im that Cindy was tutoring her teacher on masters' level math. Dad thinks she's a freak."
"Only her brain. She's normal. Laughs, loves, plays, lives. Just like us."
"Except she walks into the professor's office and tests out of a semester's worth of subject matter in a week."
"So does Nikki."
"I know," Anita said. "It'd be sickening if they weren't just so nice..."
"Like that kid..." I said. "They're not like that kid."
Cindy's turn:
We finally got to fire it. 'It' being our railgun. We got the bullet trap in and positioned and bolted to the floor. Susan and Jim the machinist finally gave us a set of usable copper rails. Jim's machine shop turned us a dozen projectiles.
We've run the voltage up on the charging system to a hundred and fifty percent of the original voltage rating of the capacitors, just once. And we dropped the sphere to trigger the discharge into two electrodes stuck in a plastic barrel full of salt water. The measured temperature rise was within a decent range of our calculations. It was time.
So we did it. A ten percent test. We knew that ten percent would get the projectile out of the barrel, or off the rails, if you want to be technical. Made a satisfying snap and a clang as it hit the scroll of the bullet trap. High fives and giggles and congratulations abounded, all witnessed (and participated in) by Doctor Embert and a couple of researchers from the university.
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You can feel my dick throbbing in my pants, its driving your mind wild and you can’t stop kissing me. I turn you around and start sucking on your neck. You can feel the head of my dick throbbing in my jeans; you begin to rock your ass against my rock cock, with every movement of your ass against me the dick grows larger, and harder. ‘The people—what about the people inside the lounge? What if they’re watching’?’ you ask in a innocent like voice. ‘So fukking what!... Her name was Dalilah...
FantasyYou can always tell when a doctor or a nurse is lying to you. It's when they are approaching you with a wicked-looking instrument or needle in their hand, and they say, "Now, this won't hurt a bit." About twenty minutes after hearing just those words, they were still trying to scrape me off the walls of the examination room. They had changed all my bandages, and cleaned and drained all my wounds, performing all these tortures with the cavalier indifference to my pain and discomfort that...
Hi guys, main vikas gill from delhi meri age 27 hai main delhi ka rehne wala hun koi bhi garam chut mujhse chudwana chahe to mail me meri id hai to dosto jyada time waste nahi karte huae aapka ab seedha story par aata hun hai yeh baat aaj se 4 saal pehle ki hai mere ghar ke saamne ek lady rent par rehne aayi woh married thi uski ek beti thi aur husband bahar job karta tha. Main jab bhi apni balocony mein khada hota woh mujhe dekhti rehti aisa kuch dino tak chala phir ek din hamara ghar road...
It was just a normal summer weekend for me. I went over to my best friends house, sipped on a few beers, and just played video games. My best friend and his girl went to bed on Saturday around 11pm and I was left to sleep in the living room. All of a sudden I heard a sound I was all too familiar with; the sound of her moaning as she cummed. I had had enough. Every time I went over they did this. I finally got up and knocked on the bedroom door and hollered at them, "You know, its really evil to...
EroticThey had been together for a little more than ten months, off and on.They shared tremendous affection for one another, but they both knew it was the sex that kept bringing them back together.She was fantastic in bed. He was fucking unbelievable.And they were both horny as hell 24/7.The first time they went out together they didn't make it to the restaurant, but ended up naked, tangled in crisp, lilac-colored sheets. Neither of them had planned it, the stars just must have been aligned or...
Straight SexHello everyone, myself Anupama(changed)a Punjabi housewife’s stay in Delhi, my husband is a renounced businessman and I have a son of 14years, I am,38years,5.3.,55kgs,fair ,longs hair .my stats are 36_32_36,this incident is the one which I got engaged with my young son, hope you all like it. It happened in last year summer. As my hubby travels a lot I really miss him. I was feeling the physical need. After few days of self masturbation I was frustrated suddenly a net friend suggested about my...
IncestChapter 1 He was having a deep, dreamless sleep, warm and cozy under the covers of the large four poster bed with its thick, soft mattress. From somewhere in the depths of his slumber, he felt a stirring, very pleasant, enticing and familiar. As he slowly emerged from the foggy depths of his sleep, he became more aware of his surroundings. He was lying on his back and could feel soft fingers trailing across the skin of his bare stomach, tickling his flesh gently. But that wasn’t the cause of...
Novels==============================================The Beginning Of My Journey To Becoming A Bull==============================================So for me this is where it all began, I had been dating this girl for a few months, we were both in our early 20's non exclusive and almost always having bareback sex. For a couple days she had been saying her breast were super sore and maybe she was pregnant.Knowing we were Not exclusive I asked her if she had had any other unprotected sex recently she told...
It was a family dinner at the Potter manor. Hermione and her mother had finally moved in fully and they were having a fine time. With them at the table was Harry’s twin sisters, Rose and Violet. The two sisters were chatting with Hermione about wedding plans and where she and Harry would go for their honeymoon. The meal went nicely as the conversation was merry./That night Lily snuck out of her room and headed to her son’s. Tonight was her night with Harry and she wasn’t going to waste it. At...
When I grew up I always thought I knew what I liked. Sexually, I mean. I always thought I wanted a skinny girl with a nice ass and a pretty face. That's the kinda gal I dated all my years, since Junior High. But it want' until Jeannie broke up with me that I opened my eyes to a whole new world that was completely worth exploring. I was browsing profiles on some internet dating site, when I got a message from a girl. It didn't say much, mostly that all she wanted was a fuckbuddy. I considered...
Pallas shifted in her place on the sofa, she cut her eyes to the left, and Kian was doing something in the seat beside her. She kept typing focusing back on the screen in front of her. She rubbed her eyes, fatigue as setting in but once she started typing, she wanted to finish before she called it a night. Kian was still shaking beside her. She could feel his eyes on her; he had watched her more than the movie all night. She'd given up on getting him to stop and had focused on finishing her...
ReluctanceBeth took his hand and followed him out of the bath. She saw a small clock on the hallway table and noted that an hour and a half had already passed. She knew that they had only spoken for about a half hour, so the bath that Brian had given her had been far longer than the ten minutes Mel had said it would be. Brian led her into room that had what looked to be a king sized mattress on the floor. Muted colored sheets, pillows and wedge shaped objects covered it from top to bottom. Beth...
First TimeAndie pulled up in front of the Honolulu Inter-island Terminal and saw her dad wave at her. She pulled over and quickly found the trunk button and pushed it. Ben tossed his two bags in, closed the lid and got in the car next to his daughter. She leaned over the console and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. "Where did you find this car?" "I borrowed it from my roommate. She's away for a couple of days so we can use it to look around," Andie said. "I'm anxious to see your...
I woke to my phone advising me that it was five in the morning. I felt fairly rested and went straight to the back entrance and stretched out. I began running after walking and jogging, and continued to run for close to forty-five minutes. The hotel gym was full of men using all the various weights and machines when I went in, so I skipped that and went to get cleaned up. I was driving to the patio ten minutes later, hoping that I wasn’t too early. I walked in with Chuck #1 who was all smiles...
Angela Sommers is sad that her beloved stepdaughter Elle is going college. But Elle confides to her best friend Kristen Scott that she can’t leave fast enough, not since their last therapy session, when she had lesbian sex her own stepmother. When Kristen meets the infamous Angela while Elle is running errands, she offers to step in while Elle is away, in case Angela needs any help. What starts off innocent enough turns into an uncomfortable situation for Angela. Kristen seems to be...
xmoviesforyouFun Times with Friends on Saturday, April 3, 2010 Chapter One I’ve been thinking about it ever since he called. “Hi babe. How are you doing?” he said in that low sexy voice of his. I checked the caller ID for his name and then I knew for sure that it was him. “Oh, Eric, hello lover, I’ve missed you very much,” I said in return, wishing that I would’ve thought of something more clever or enticing to say. Eric continued, “Hey, I’m going to be in town this weekend and I was wondering if you’d...
We had had sex earlier that day and she had decided to take a shower while i made dinner. After she got out, she came to the kitchen and sat with me. She wanted to know more about my fetish. The Dos and Don'ts, and all that other crap. She asked me if i needed to be there while people fucked her. I asked her the same question, do you feel i need to be there? Well, the only reason i fucked K on your bed was because i knew you'd hear and find us fucking, she said. I get so horny when i...
I’d not seen Lorna since I’d fucked her with my Dad a few months ago but we had been texting (lots of filth) and having a bit of phone sex. We’d also sent a few photos so I had plenty of images of her big tits and her cunt in various states of arousal and she had photos of my dick from every angle imaginable. She was my mate’s mum and my Dad was fucking her on the side. We’d explored quite a few of our fantasies while we’d had phone sex and since it was coming up to Christmas we decided to...
September 1978 Sally Johnson could not suppress the nervous feeling in her stomach as she accompanied her stepfather, Ted Bissett, into the crowded bar of an upscale hotel in downtown Los Angeles. It was a warm Wednesday night near the end of summer, and a small bead of sweat trickled languidly between her breasts, emphasizing – as if the stares of every man in the bar weren’t enough – that she was all but naked under her thin dress. The day had finally come, when Ted would start to offer her...
So, in you come stomping your feet, yelping about how everything you just cleared is covered again and there is nobody in the room to pity you or voice words of appreciation. You stomp louder before taking off your boots. The sweaty sock stays in the boot and your foot hits the cold melted snow, just adding to your miserable moment of the morning. It could have been a nice day, but jo time was cut short by the weather and you have to follow a schedule. You throw your hat on the counter where...
Keith Boyd- Fred Boyd his brother. Alice Boyd his sister in law. Nephew John 15 Niece Gabby 13 Jo Anne Wall old girl friend Windy Wall her ex husband. Lewis and Ellie Keith’s in laws. Sarah Marsh retro hippie General Briggs rd Doris owner of the consignment shop. Jo Anne Joyner Wall : Keith’s first girlfriend. Three girls 16 13 10 oldest daughter ginger Mr Jessup buyer of Keith’s scooter. Rebecca Avondale deacon and keith’s client. Marsha stylist to Rebecca Gulfcrest hotel/casino Elanor,...
Hostess With The Mostest By Michele Nylons Chapter Six - The Stew Zoo "Welcome to the Stew Zoo," said Marjorie Deakin. She was dressed in a navy blue stewardesses uniform. Her form-fitting jacket had silver piping along the lapels and cuffs and a pair of silver wings clipped to her right breast. Her legs were clad in sheer black stockings and her feet shod in four-inch black patent leather high heels. Her hair was blonde, but dark roots were visible and she wore heavy...
The Army band marched proudly down the parade ground at Fort Benning. On the reviewing stand were the Carlsons, but also the Kramers and the Christians. Ken, Brad and Bill were all in uniform, Ken as a major, while Brad and Bill were both captains. All were wearing the Rangers’ black berets. Kim was also in uniform, but wearing her Special Forces green beret. The band doubled back on itself, then took position facing the reviewing stand. A moment later, the presidential limousine drew up...
Val is in a really good place right now. Work is going really well, she’s acing her classes in college, and her favorite band even came out with a new album. Life is great! And you know whats the Cherry on top? She even met a great guy, Mike! Mike is handsome and charming and has a great personality…he’s everything Val ever wanted! Well….not EVERYTHING. Mike isn’t the best at returning calls or texts (its like hes always busy with something) and his job makes him...
xmoviesforyouIt was late June, in the middle of the day, and I’m on my knees in the back seat of my boyfriend’s brand new convertible. The top is down and Jay, a sexy black man I met on the internet is behind me, ramming his large cock inside my ass. It was such a tight fit that it was causing me some slight discomfort but the pleasure was trumping the pain. Thank goodness we had plenty of butter for lubrication. Jay was still wearing his dress shirt and tie and every so often, I could feel it drag on the...