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Pallas shifted in her place on the sofa, she cut her eyes to the left, and Kian was doing something in the seat beside her. She kept typing focusing back on the screen in front of her. She rubbed her eyes, fatigue as setting in but once she started typing, she wanted to finish before she called it a night.

Kian was still shaking beside her. She could feel his eyes on her; he had watched her more than the movie all night. She'd given up on getting him to stop and had focused on finishing her writing project.

They were friends and he had been supportive of her taking some extra classes focusing on more things that are creative. She was taking a business class, which is where she met him, her parents wanted her to have a good business background. They had seemed to overlook and tried to even suppress her creative side.

However, writing and drawing had always interested her and she really excelled in those things. Her parents were paying for her classes that they approved of but she had to take a part-time job to take the classes she liked. She had a project that was due after the holiday and was blocked all week, and now the ideas were flowing; but of course, this was the day that Kian wanted to sit up and watch movies.

She kept saying, 'Let me finish this,' and 'Ten more minutes.' But, that had turned into an hour and half so far.

Kian was still moving slowly next to her. He had come over a little drunk and unhappy that his latest romantic venture had ended with him frustrated and his wallet $250 lighter.

Pallas had refrained from saying 'I told you so,' and agreed to stay up and watch movies with him.

Kian was very attractive. Tall, blue eyes, devil-may-care smile, blond wild hair, tanned skin. He was a walking dream to 99% of all breathing girls. He was very charming, very generous and as worldly as he was, he was very quick to fall in 'love'.

She had given up on giving him advice, but was happy to always be a shoulder to sigh on between his various bedmates. He always came over talking about his conquests. And when he flirted with her, she shot him down time and time again not wanting to be another notch in his belt that was probably the size of Orion's.

On her too many to mention lonely nights, she had regretted her decisions, wishing he was there beside her... inside her as she pleasured herself.

That night, after he had coaxed his way into her apartment (she had told him she had to get her paper done) he didn't seem as upset about the evening’s turn of events as he initially seemed to be.

His eyes were on her as soon as they sat on her sofa. He seemed to have no sense of personal space either; sitting right next to her on the large soft, their legs touching.

His rhythmic movement beside her was continuing. What the hell was he doing? The motion reminded her of something, but she didn't want to think about.

He couldn’t, wouldn’t be doing that.

She finally looked over at him. He was smiling slyly at her, causing her stomach to flutter and looked down as his arm moved back and forth...over the bulge in his pants.

She turned away quickly feeling her face burning.

“Kian, what are you doing?”

“Rubbing my cock,” He said in a low, sexy, matter of fact voice.

“Why? I mean...” She looked back over her shoulder. He continued smirking at her. "If it's that serious, go home, or to the bathroom at least.”

“Does it make you uncomfortable?”

“Ahh, yeah. Take that outta here.”

“Then I can't watch you while I do it.”

“What'dya need to watch me for?"

“Who do you think I'm thinking about?”

He always said the most outlandish and sexy things just to see her squirm.

“Shut up.”

She looked back over at him and he still hadn’t stopped. Still smiling at her, his hand rubbing over his bulging pants. He adjusted in his seat still staring at her and still stroking himself.

“Cut it out. Oh my gosh,” she squeaked out flustered.

“Oh, my gosh...” he said mockingly and laughing. “ Why? You know you like it?”

“No, I don't.”

She lied.

“Just 'cause Jessica, Brittany, Nicola or whoever you went out with tonight didn't pan out, I'm not gonna be your back-up.”

“You're not a substitute; I didn't want to go out with Keily anyway. She was boring. You're way more fun.”

“Ha ha ha,” Pallas huffed sarcastically, cutting her eyes to the side.

He was still rubbing away.

“Will you cut that out?”


She was at a loss. She couldn’t work, she couldn’t sit back and she truthfully didn't want to get up and leave.

She did like it; she liked him. His bold, lascivious ways. He always pulled it off with her, turning her on but not scaring her off.

She sat still just staring ahead not even looking at the TV screen.

“You wanna touch it?” he asked after a few minutes.

“Ahh...” her breath caught. Her clit fluttered throbbing to life, her panties filled with a gush of moisture.

He chuckled feeling her nervousness.

Her chest began to heave.

He liked watching the rise and fall of her large breasts. She always had them hidden behind a tee shirt.

“Are you scared?”

“I'm not scared,” she turned looking at him defiantly.

He knew her buttons well and that one phrase would always get her going in a direction she normally wouldn't, but the direction the wanted her to go tonight.

“Then touch it,” he said resting his elbows over the side of the sofa looking down at his straining member, spreading his legs wider.

She hesitated, weighing the ramifications of the challenge.

“Touch it,” he said again in a low silky voice.

She swallowed hard looking deep into his blue eyes that egged her on.

He raised his eyebrow as he waited.

“If you’re scared then...”

“No, I'm not. It's just a ….”

“A cock.”

The way he said the word, heavy and velvety, sent a flash of excitement through her.

“Yeah,” she blushed. It was a cock, but not just any cock. It was his. She wasn't a dick loving type of girl. Penises in general weren’t that great to her or turned her on unless she was really horny.

It was 'who' it was attached too. In this case, it was attached to someone she'd harbored feelings about for a long time.

She began tentatively reaching out for him. Her lips and his parted in anticipation as she hovered her hand over his crotch; he lifted his pelvis slightly to meet her hand and she rested it on the stiff protrusion.

She let her hand close around it, with a sigh from her and a gratified moan from him.

“It's so big,” she said not realizing she had said it aloud.

“Fuck, yeah it is...” he answered, looked at her confidently.

She looked at him blushing again, but not removing her hand. She began to rollover and over him. Feeling his size through the fabric of his jeans.

He watched her through heavy lids as she took her time touching him; he had wanted her to touch him for the longest time. His reputation causing her to pull away. He'd asked on many occasions to sleep with her, but she had told him no every time, thinking it was a joke.

“You wanna see it?”

She didn't need to be coaxed again. Her blood was boiling with desire.

“Yes,” she said demurely, before she could stop herself.

His excitement was growing, and he smirked as he fumbled with the button and zipper. Then carefully let his painful erection emerge from his boxer briefs.

She looked wide-eyed as he out pulled the long thick veiny monster. She had only seen cocks like that in videos and pictures, never anything like that in person. Her few previous relationships had been of adequate size but nothing like this.

He was a beast, at least 8-inches long and thick. Nice, meaty and thick. In her fantasies and her toys, she liked the thickness. She liked what she was looking at.

She smiled in spite of herself and looked back up at Kian, who hadn’t once taken his eyes from her.

Her enjoying him turned him on.

“Touch it.”

She hesitated only a split second then reached out again, with a finger at first. Touching the veins on his hot skin, then she slowly took it in her hand, she heard Kian moan and lay back.

“Stroke it,” he said, almost commanding her.

She didn't need instructions and she let her hand glide up and down the long hot shaft. Precum oozing from the tip, easing the motion.

She had an overwhelming desire to put it in her mouth, to taste him, feel him inside her. She moved close to him, her hand moving up and down the full length of him. His pubic hair was cut close, and his flat stomach added to his size. He began to moan deeply, his hand moving to her back and stroking her as he enjoyed her touching him.

She watched him, his mouth open slightly, his pelvis moving slightly too, coming and meet the downward stroke of her hand. He was so sexy, even when he wasn't trying, but now he as off the scale.

He pulled his shirt up with one hand, his muscles in his ripped stomach visible and quivering.

He began to pant, guttural lusty groans coming from the back of his throat.

“Faster,” he hissed.

Pallas increased her speed on his thick hot flesh, as he continued to moan. He leaned over, breathing hot and heavy in her ear. The sound of his moaning overwhelming her, turning her on even more.

She could feel herself getting wetter and wetter.

She watched his face almost in a haze while the heat, passion and desire rose in her. He gripped her waist pressing his lips against her ear.

“I’m coming,” His voice was almost an inaudible growl of pleasure. His statement was an erotic challenge, which she couldn’t resist.

It hit her they were in her apartment on her semi-new sofa. She couldn’t have cum all over it. At least that's what she would use as an excuse, when this was all over.

She leaned down taking his quickly swelling cock into her mouth. A sense of urgency pushing her. Any reservations she may have had, she pushed them out of her mind.

Kian gave a surprised high-pitched moan at the erotic shock of Pallas engulfing him, which made her giggle as she began bobbing her head up and down the length of him.

Kian didn’t know what to do. Whether to stop her? Never! Instead, he stroked her hair and held her down on him. He was confused, to say the least, but it didn’t last long as the added stimulation of her doing it so suddenly.

The hot delicious waves spreading through him, as the sight of her lush full lips around him had him bucking into her mouth moaning instantly.

Pallas pulled up from him letting her tongue slide, glide long, deliberate, and sensuous strokes up the length of him. She did this several times before looking up at him, eyes fiery and libidinous.

He wanted her so badly. He thought for a second that he was having a dream. Her looking up from his lap. Her lips wrapped tight around his cock. He reached down sinking his hand in the top of her shirt and under her bra palming her full-swelling breasts. He felt her moaning; her throat and mouth reverberated as she sucked him.

She couldn’t believe what she was doing, but she loved it. Loved feeling him in her mouth while also loving the way he was looking down at her, completely aroused and surprised. She even loved his hands on her. She wanted to please him, make him happy. Her thoughts were foreign, strange, but familiar and maybe of things she hadn’t wanted to admit she wanted to do.

Pallas had braced herself feeling his balls tighten and his dick swelling, she tried to relax her throat as the onslaught of thick hot semen spurted over her tongue and down her throat.

It was so much though that she could barely keep herself from gagging. Once. Twice. The third time, huge gushes spurted in her mouth then several smaller ones before the floodgates closed.

She sat up wiping her mouth, not believing what she had just done, while coughing lightly.

Kian stared at her even more enamored than before. Shattering happiness filled him, as his attack was swift and complete; he was on Pallas the instant she raised from his lap. His mouth covering hers in a deep impassioned and probing kiss.

His one hand mauled her breast while the other held her neck as his bruising kiss continued, his tongue licking and sucking hers.

Pallas halfheartedly pushed against him as he easily overwhelmed her senses and any further resistance she may have had. His kisses trailed down her cheek to her neck.

She had revealed to him on a drunken night of talking, that kisses to her neck especially on the left side sent her over the edge so quickly. He was so drunk that night, not being able to take advantage of the newfound knowledge because he passed out. But now…

His tongue and lips lavished affectionately over Pallas's super sensitive erogenous area. And, as promised her body opened up, relaxing into his attentive care to that area as she basically melted underneath him. Her legs opened as he maneuvered excitedly between them. His restless lust causing him to pull and tug at her clothes in an awkward frenzied attempt to get her out of them.

He looked down on her as she beamed. His cock hard again against her leg.

She was so beautiful. Hazel eyes with green flecks peering up at him from under the veil of her dark brown bangs that hung in her face. He pulled off his shirt effortlessly and then went about pulling her from her own as well.

Pallas was tempted to cover her chest as her heart thundered in her chest. Panic and clarity striking her at once realizing where this roller coaster of lust was taking them.

“We shouldn’t…” She said reaching for her shirt that he had just moments ago thrown to the side.

“Yes, we should.” He insisted kissing her neck. Her body responded immediately relaxing back on the sofa, but fear had too strong a hold and she pushed him off again.

“Really Kian, we shouldn’t. I don’t want to confuse things.”

“I’m not confused. I want to fuck you.”

Tact and eloquence were not his strong suit when he was horny. He dove for her neck again.

A pang of sadness and regret flooded her while completely out weighing the passion she was just feeling. Seeing that she was nothing more than another fuck for him.

She had told him repeatedly that a friend with benefits was not her style, and she saw that this was where this would be heading. She knew she didn't have the right to demand anything more. She wanted to keep the lines to their friendship clear and defined and it didn’t include what was about to happen.

She pushed on his chest more forcefully, holding his off.

He groped for her to stay under him.

“What is it?” He said still trying to kiss her.

Yes, what was it?

Her head was spinning, was that what it was... She was trying to put a stipulation on this experience. All the halting thoughts in her mind were threatening to overwhelm her. She wanted to label this, say what it would lead to. She closed her eyes to shut them out, to silence them. It would ruin everything.

Pallas flung her arms around his neck, kissing him hard, while pushing back all her fears and terms. This would be a one time only occasion, so she would make the most of it. Not get all clingy and weird.

She wanted him now more than ever and obviously he wanted her. She felt his lips trailing down her skin to her chest.

He pulled her bra down roughly freeing her breast; his hot mouth devoured her pert nipple. A loud moan escaped from Pallas. The only thought whirling and growing in her mind now was more!! More!!!! MORE!!! A mantra of pleasure building in her.

She would always be his friend but if now was the only time he would be with her like this, she wanted to make the most of it.

Kian stared at Pallas not realizing the battle she was having with herself.

“Is anything wrong?” his hands still fumbling with her clothes.

Her eyes snapped opened looking in his concerned face... again thoughts to talk this out, see where this was headed tried to resurface. Her mind and body hadn't ever been so at odds and deliciously out of control. She didn't care, not anymore...

She shook her head no.

Not that it really would have mattered to him, his hand already trailing down her body slipping into her jeans and under her panties.

Her eyes widened at the realization and before she could protest (not that she was going to), his mouth was on her again, his tongue pushing through her lips as she tried to speak perhaps to tell him to slow down..

His large hand slid over her pubic bone feeling the almost bare mound. Thoughts of her neatly shaved pussy sent a delighted thrill through him His fingers slipped into the soaking wet warmth of her, her slit slick and her clit swollen and hot. Her moans were deeply passionate. His mouth making the rounds to her nipple, then to her open mouth.

His nimble fingers sinking deeper in her panties finding the flooded tight opening. He began to dip his fingers into her.


Her reaction shocked them both.

“Why not?”

“I don't like fingers in there.”

He stared at her dumbfounded.

“...I don't even put my own in there...” It was true when she played with herself, it was always her clit, anything that went in was a toy, never her fingers. A little quirk she wasn't proud of, but there it was.

Kian wanted to laugh, but thought that would ruin the progress he had made; he couldn't stop the smile spreading across his face though.

She was so weird, but he loved it and her.

“Don't laugh at me.” She turned her head pouting, pulling on her bra and trying to re-secure her freed breast.

He kissed her again softly.

“I have something better anyway...” Pulling his glistening fingers from her panties and licking them clean, slowly while she watched gasping. He pulled her hands from her bra to stop her from trying to redress.

Taking the waist of her jeans, he unbuttoned them and was pulling them down her legs faster than she could stop him. She was squirming and pulling on the jeans while he struggled playfully to get them off her. Before she knew it, her jeans were discarded to the side, like her shirt.

Then her panties, the sopping wet mess they were, came off.

She held her hands over her body in a feeble attempt to cover herself.

“Really?” Kian said plainly, cocking his eyebrow, his dick stiff, bobbing in front of him.

She still didn't move her hands but looked away blushing.

He took her shaking hand covering her mound and moved it up to her quivering flat belly.

He stared at her bare lips, swollen wet, inviting him to taste.

He had his hands on the underside of her thighs pushing them up over her chest, staring at her as he slowly engulfed her.

Pallas' toes pointed as she pushed her pelvis up to his hungry mouth.

She didn't have to beg him or coax him down there. He wanted to do it. Other guys she had been with had been quite eager to receive, but were skittish to reciprocate.

Pallas panted, mewling, her eyes rolling in her head. Thoughts clouded in euphoric shock as his tongue flicked at lapped at her hot wet sensitive skin.

He was sooo good. He wasn't shy. His mouth taking her, sucking her petals gently then more firmly, rolling her clit in his mouth. His tongue seemed to have a mind of its own, gliding lusciously over her tender flesh. Then the thick wet organ wormed its way into her.

She squealed enraptured by the sensation, looking at him.

His eyes on her face, watching her reactions closely. He rolled and wriggled his tongue inside her; retreating only to suck her erect clit then back again. His hands holding her legs open and she began to tangle her hands in his hair guiding him where she wanted him to go.

Within minutes, he felt her flesh throbbing. Her grip on his head got tighter and her legs wrapped around his neck holding him in place. He braced himself, still lapping at her flooding pussy.

Pallas's body stiffened for several heartbeats, as she cried out in excitement.

Kian grabbed her ass firmly digging his fingers into her hot skin, her licking her clit roughly, as she came. Pallas' breath caught as she squirmed, her hips grinding his face, riding out the most intense orgasm she had ever had.

Kian's tongue continued to thrash away at her now sensitive pulsing clit. Not stopping until Pallas pulled him by the hair, up between her legs. His face polished with her juice, he sat up smiling at her.

"Did you like that?"

"Yes," she said breathlessly still feeling the echoes of her orgasm.

Kian moved easily, quickly between the quivering welcoming legs of Pallas. Without ceremony, he sunk the aching mushroom head of his cock into her hot slick entrance. That caught her attention, her eyes refocusing on him now.

"Kian...” her hands went to his hips, holding him off.

He grabbed one hand, then the other, holding them over her head.

"I want you so bad, Pallas." He grunted sinking down into her.

She winced at his size, her legs bowing out to accommodate him. He held her wrists with one hand, then taking the underside of her thigh and pushing it up by her chest.

He stopped a moment filling her up, his cock into her all the way to the hilt. They lay belly to belly, Kian staring in her. Pallas looked away, her pussy flooding.

Kian kissed her neck softly, and began moving his hips. Slowly at first, pulling out and sinking back in, then again, and again. Pulling out farther each time and each inward thrusting a bit harder. He kept it up, Pallas' arms over her head her legs opened wide to him as he began to stroke and thrust harder and faster.

Pallas whimpered happily under Kian. He let her hands go propping himself up on his knuckles, his thrusts into her tight silky pussy now an urgent pumping; slowing only to roll his hips and grind into her then pump repeatedly again.

Pallas' head lolled back and forth, her body arching up to his as he fucked her, her hips rolling in answer to his powerful thrusts. Another huge orgasm barreling toward her. Kian's rhythm increased feeling her twitching and throbbing around him.

"Do you like it baby?" Kian grunted between thrusts and moans.

"Yess!!" Pallas cried out. "Don't Stop!! FUCK!! DON'T STOP!!"

Her words, her body, her hot moist flesh under him were driving him over the edge, too.


Her pussy clenched his ramming cock, as her body seemed to explode in blinding pulsing pleasure. Her limbs stiff for several moments while Kian pounded into her, his cock throbbing now, as her inner walls continued to twitch and convulse.

"I'm cumming... Pallas, I'm cumming...” his body collapsed on hers, his head buried in her neck his hand groping her breast, his hips still bucking, ramming into her like a piston. A guttural grunt and a last powerful shove and Kian burst into Pallas. Hot thick surges of cum filling her up.

Pallas' clit prickled with electricity feeling the waves of his fluid spilling into her, overflowing from her.

Kian relaxed his body after what seemed a long while of his rocking languidly into her, rolling over on the sofa taking Pallas' thigh and pulling her on top of him.

"It's about time." Kian finally spoke kissing Pallas on the cheek, smoothing her damp hair out of her face.

She smiled down at him, her hands roaming over his body taking in the lean muscular maleness of him, feeling very comfortable, very happy. Feeling like she could get very used to this.

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Petra Olson was busy getting everything ready for Laura's arrival. "Let's see," she said out loud, "diapers, bottle with formula, baby toys, baby powder, and baby oil, that ought to do it," she continued, placing everything in the spare bedroom, the one set up like a nursery. Petra was especially anxious for today's session as it had been three weeks since Laura's last visit and Petra was a bundle of raw nerves, so when the door chimes went off, Petra practically ran to the door, excited that...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 14

At the sound of the rifle, Wolf pulled his wards up around us for protection. "You'll just stand there, or the next one will take one of you out," we were told by a voice that came from back in the trees. I could detect a number of men moving through the forest approaching us, now that I was paying attention to our surroundings. I had also added my wards to Wolf's during this time. Several men in long hunting shirts, leggings, and moccasins appeared out of the forest. They all carried...

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The Greek

Rich looked out over the mirror-like water. The air was still and the heat from the sun was almost unbearable. He wiped some sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand and then pushed up his sunglasses which had slid down on his nose. The beach was busy but not overcrowded. Mostly families with a splatter of single people baking in the sun. A child laughed and then began to cry as it fell head first in the water. Rich smiled, it had looked funny.A movement to his right made him turn and...

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Scenes from a Marriage

Scenes, by Vickie Tern, TG Femdom F/m m/M F/M etc This is a tale about a married couple who try to meet each other's needs, and also their own. What they think are each other's needs, that is. What they think are their own. It includes explicit sex scenes. Married sex, mostly, gentle, loving, and appreciative, mostly. If by reason of age, temperament, or moral principle you shouldn't or don't want to read about such things, think hard what to do about it, and you'll figure...

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Chacha k bete sy chudai

I am seemi naz, from pakistan. Ye meri 1st story hai iss pe umeed hai aap ko pasand aay gi, Ye story meri aur mery chacha k bete k sath hony waly milan ya saaf lafzon main sex ki hai, wajahat mere chacha ke bete hain iss wajah say hum ek dosry sy bila rok tok baat kersakty hain, wajahat mujh sy 5 years bary hain tool hansum and good lucking hain. Aur main 36-27-36 hon jo k akser lerkon ka ideal hota hai..hon bhi buhat attractive age 23 hai. Ab main aapko apni story pe lati hon…, huwa kuch yon k...

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Jessinta Ch02A School remastered work

Over the course of the next twelve months, these parties and of me getting drunk at them; was becoming a regular occurrence. By the time I was close to sixteen, I think I would have suck on ever biker’s cock in the club. I pleaded with Bones; whom I had a major crush on; to fuck me. He was like most of the regulars at the club, declining my invitations and basically telling me; “I was too young”. Although I was fitting in at the Club and I felt welcomed; where I wasn’t was at...

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If I know anything about you fucks, it’s that you want to get your grubby hands on the best damn content out there without having to pay an arm and a leg for it. I get it. I don’t want to break the bank just to blow a load to horny babes getting railed, either. I’d be fucking broke if I went out and paid for every video that I saw. And, hey, you righteous cucks don’t need to worry. I’m not suggesting that you go out and steal or torrent content. Screw that shit. I don’t want some cop busting my...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Wife turned into a BBC Whore Part 6

“Fuck me you bastard, fuck me, you can do better than that, come on, fuck me” my wife said as I pumped her doggy style. But there it was, right where I could see. A tattoo on her right shoulder was the number 515, a signature symbol of the largest gang in our area. Next to it was the queen of spades, a symbol reflecting that she preferred black men. “Come on fuck me, feel that nigger cum in my pussy, feel it all over your small white cock.” Jamal her bull with a 10-11 inch nigger cock, had...

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GILF wifersquos Diary Sexual dysfunction 2

Going back in time to my first ever time in bed with two men, it was my then boyfriend Adrian, who later became my husband, and his friend Allan. There’s not so much to the tale to be honest. The advent of the pill being commonly available to women in the seventies, had changed a lot of young women’s ideas about virginity, and keeping yourself for you husband was now outmoded, luckily for me. Of course, if you let a few guys take you out, and then let them into your panties, then you would be...

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My Son My Best Friend

Suddenly I woke up. My hand slipped to his thigh. A large rod warm. I side the bed sheet & to my believe it was my son. He was fully naked. The penis was fully erected & standing. He was smiling. I suddenly hug him & kiss him. Lips with lips a warm timed kiss. I was excited. He was expecting me & mastrubating. Let me cool. But he was warmed & not in a mood to leave me. His hand was holding me tightly. I simply let him to fulfill his desire. The desire of every men & women. The sex. Every one...

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Teenage SorceressChapter 2

Suddenly, Mark’s beautiful fourteen year old daughter became the mistress of the house without a shot being fired. “Mom”, she told her mother. “Daddy likes it when you are sexy. When you finish your shower, he wants you to wear your black lace peignoir to breakfast and there is no need to close the front. He likes to see your wonderful boobs being showcased by the built in support and to see your pussy flash when you walk.” “Yes, Dear. Why are you naked?” “Because Daddy likes it when I am...

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Montreal 2

The following day being a Sunday, and as I had no plans for the day I kind of took stock of my situation. I had to admit to myself again that I not only liked the slutty life, but actually preferred it to the vanilla lifestyle. My ex husband had introduced me to it over the years, and we kind of lived a double life. Sex with him had been good, we did it in every imaginable way an in a multitude of situations. I'd often taken it up my ass to please him; he was often full of surprises that helped...

4 years ago
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Melissa's Story It was my duty, but I really did not want to do it, however I had no choice, and besides, it would, I was sure, have a very pleasant result in the long run. But I hate crying women, despise them. I knocked on the girl's door and let myself in without waiting. She was still in her bed, the covers loosely bunched about her hips and her luscious body nearly bare, dark hair spread widely across her pillows. But then the sun was barely up, painting her gold and red. I felt the...

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Courtney and Michael

I wrote this last Christmas Eve and sent out to friends who've provided me their email. I tried to include the photo that was the inspiration but couldn't get it to show ... it was stellar! So enjoy ..."Oh Michael, you're company's holiday party is always so boring! Do we really have to go?""You know Courtney that I am expected to be there. I AM the Senior Vice President, after all."Michael wore his typical grey business suit with a festive tie to the event. Courtney, a tall,...

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Our Office Fantasy Part 2

You answer the phone in hushed tones. “Hello baby.” “Hi gorgeous, how are you?” “How do you think? My nipples are hard and my pussy is wet!” I know how she feels. Since our affair began, her texts and phone calls make my body react too. The mere sound of her voice, or a sexy photo sent to my phone, causes me to leak pre cum. It’s an amazing feeling, and I love that she does it to me. “Did you take a look at the website I told you about?” you whisper. “Yes I did babe, damn it turned me on....

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The New Neighbour Part 10

As agreed, the next day, I was delivered to Phoebe’s salon. She spent a lot of time closely shaving my face and applying layers of makeup. I watched this process in the mirror and was astonished to see the way she was able to project the face of a passable, rather sexy woman onto the features of a dull, middle-aged male.I was then dressed again and instructed to practise walking, sitting, bending, curtseying and standing with as much feminine grace as possible. Jennifer was highly amused, but...

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Road TripChapter 31

I never went to Dr. Davis’ office. I knew where I’d find him. Bingo! “Hi Amy. “Hi Karen. Good summer?” “Pretty much. Made a lot of money from my stretch of the creek.” “What?” Amy said. “I thought everybody knew. I’ve been dredging Wolf Creek from the bridge at my house ... I own the land to Keystone road. I do not have sole use of the water, though. Circle K has water rights from the source to the confluence with the Tongue. “Remember the fuss during the dry spell two years ago? No?...

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Bait and Switch Retype Ch 1718 Really

=================================== Ch 17 All I want to do is walk into my familiar bedroom, play a few video games, read a comic or two, or maybe even re-watch an episode of Battlestar Galactica. Is that too much to hope for? Unfortunately, I'm afraid it is, for there’s a sock on the doorknob. I’m a bit surprised by that, as Dennis and Robin haven't been too shy in the past, and haven't cared when Gina and I'd watched them. For a minute or two I stand there, debating on just...

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Chapter 22 Aunty Amandas Nursery

Chapter 22. Aunty Amanda's Nursery Helen pulled out her mobile, punched a number and pressed it to her ear. When someone answered, she quietly spoke. "We're coming up to your street now." She listened for a moment, said, "Thank you," and hung up. She instructed her driver, "Turn right here and drive down this street, all the way to the end, Rose. It's the last house at the end facing the street, the grey one, and the garage door should be open. Drive straight in." Helen glanced at the...

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ComrieChapter 62

It was the morning of the Órarduine celebration at An Clochán when Sarah's Clan entered the common area. They were surprised by cheering when they stepped through the archway. "Sarah's Clan," said Star, "our family would like for you to say a few words to begin the festivities." "Are you sure?" "Yes," replied Star along with Amy's, Siobhan's and Maureen's Clans. As Sarah's Clan made their way to the stage the cheering continued unabated. On reaching it, they said in unison,...

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The Gamer Protaganist Preorder Deluxe Special Edition

(???'s POV) Ohhh....fuuuck me, my head! Goddamnit, I feel like a semi just smashed me the face then backed up over it, waited until I tried to get up then ran me over again. What the hell happened to me? Wait...WHO THE FUCK AM I?! Ok ok, calm down dumbass, if you have learned anything from midnight horror movie marathons it is that panicking solves nothing. I'll start slow and qork my way through this. Let's get one thing straight first...am I male or female? {Author's Note: The next few...

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The Battered LampChapter 27 The Passion of the Concubines

Thursday, January 28th – Paradise, Mount Rainier, WA "So what do we need to cast this spell?" Kyle asked Christy. The witch looked at her husband, then out at the eager concubines kneeling on the floor. She remembered what she had read in the books on spells on how to enhance a creature or a human into something else. "We need a focus to bind the spirits we captured too," she answered. It had taken Sable a few minutes to bind the spirits into her tourmaline pendant. "Something that...

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The Making of Jesi Part 2

Strange things began to happen over the next several weeks that I did not fully understand. Things I usually chalked up to my being so paranoid. But still I wondered why Uncle Jim had asked me to start addressing him simply as Jim? I had always called him Uncle Jim for as long as I could remember. Coupled with the fact that I found a type written document referencing adult internet sites in the alley behind his home just a few feet from the garbage cans. Was it odd or just very coincidental...

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Does the first time count

Yet another true story of the sexcapades of SinSeeker.I'll start off with a little bit of a physical description of myself. One of the comments on my first story mentioned that it would be better to get into more detail on the people involved and I figured I'd follow his advice, since it does sort of make sense.Now, I'm just shy of six feet tall, and I mean only like a quarter inch shy, so I say I'm six feet. I'm about 220 pounds and built something like cross between a refridgerator, truck,...

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Neighbor SurprisesChapter 6 First Real Date

Tammy was back about 30 seconds later exclaiming, "Mom said I can go!". She grabbed my hand, tugging me towards the door while I protested." Slow down, Sweetie. I've got to get dressed and shower before we go." She got a mischievous grin on her face and asked, "Need some help?" If you think I said no then you don't really know me. We went into the bathroom where I started the shower, warming up while we both stripped. I stepped into the shower with Tammy close behind me. Once...

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cuckold to the gardener

Mum an Dad had split up and dad left he told it was because mum was fucking someone , but on the up side i got a lot of money as dad was very rich an he told me to get my own place an have some fun for a few years (as i was only 19) an then call him for a job if i wanted one . so that's what i did a nice house with a garden an a pool , a nice car an a sexy little blond teenage girl called Lisa .Lisa was 17 an just out of school, about 5ft 2" tall she was slim but had a nice full bubble butt an...

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Drinking Milk From Mangalore To Bangalore

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hi, Friends, this is Rajesh, presently 38 years working as an Engineer in an MNC, and settled in Bangalore now. I am fair in color, well built with a gym body and most important with an 8-inch dick. I was aware of the woman anatomy at that age by reading sex books and watching porn, but never had any chance to see a woman naked, but was longing to see a naked woman and masturbating myself thinking about it. This is an incident...

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Our Stories Christmas Party

A year after we had moved from Maryland to Massachusetts, I was working a job with a large technology company. It was a decent job, interesting technology, pretty good people, and the company was making money. The downside was my new boss.He and his family moved to the area from California. He was a small man and was way more concerned with being liked than being a good manager. I would avoid talking to him because every answer he gave was something straight out of whatever management book he...

Wife Lovers
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Caught Masturbating by Hostel Roommate

I've always been a horny little devil, but when my cycle comes around, I'm 100 times hornier. I'm traveling through Central America looking for the most beautiful yet inexpensive place to retire. I am staying in youth hostels because I enjoy the ambiance of international travelers and the low-cost of their city-center locations.One of the downsides of staying in a dorm room is that there is never any privacy. So if you're a couple or just a horny individual like me you have to be creative to...

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Hey There Cutie

Hey there Cutie Chapter 1 Liam Weber woke up screaming from his dream. He wiped the hair out of his face. He could not remember any details of it, but the dream gave him a sense of uncertainty about his life. In his mind, his dream made him feel like his life was a just a dream. He kept on screaming until the door to his room opened and a strange yet calming voice said, "Wendy, dear, are you alright?" He answered 'yes' to the question. His voice was high. That dream he had was so...

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His cum in me all night

Ok so, ohhhh yesss meeting that Handsome, Hot guy, was awesome!!! we have so many encounters in so many different places, to mention some of them, in his house: at the kitchen, the living room, his room most of the times, in my house: my room and wow once on the couch of my living room, mmm mmmm, in his car, on the hood of his car and well we had to park in different places too so we wouldn't get caught, all of our adventures were always so hot and all of them bareback. so having his load...

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The weekend trip

The weekend tripMy cock slut. She had always loved sex, everything about it, sucking and fucking, she was about it and she was great at it too. But this story is about something else, something totally different, something we had talked about but I never thought would actually happen. We had a great sex life and had recently spiced it up a little with some fantasizing about her being with another guy, she would tell me about “the guy from the grocery store that she took to the car and blew...

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DreamFucking Amanda

 She appeared from the inky darkness of my morning dream. Her large wide-spaced eyes lending instant recognition. Her small mouth with a brooding smile somehow said, “I’m so glad I found you.”Her thin fingers toyed the top button of her loose blouse until my throat tightened. Each new button revealing more gloriously unbridled cleavage. The blouse sloughed from her shoulders and she stood naked and ready at my feet, a vision of beauty and unrestrained sexuality. As quickly as she...

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Black Arrow Lord Ch 02

***So, … off to Japan. Not to a part that he’d ever really heard of, but one goes where the money is, after all. Valdemar learns first hand what Cor had been talking about regarding becoming known and trusted. In case you need to read it, the characters and placenames in this are fictional. 0_0 —————————- When autumn came, they set off, Valdemar along for the ride to learn the way of things. It would be well into winter by the time that they arrived. His mentor on the trip was the man...

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Bernadette Love at first sightChapter 4 Another Encounter With Bernie

Bernie rang me as soon as she got home. I asked how her aunt was and it seemed things were not so bad. They had started her on antibiotics and they think things should clear up. "Anyway it's you I really want to see. Can you come round now?" "Well, I've got to finish washing up the tea things and I'll be round. Actually Mum says she'll finish up so I'm on my way." I kissed Mum to say thanks and Dad offered to give me a lift so I was back at Bernie's house in record time. Belle...

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Compensation an Incomplete ManTwo

“Mr. Aho, are you unhappy with me? Or the way I have been taking care of Oona?” I raised my eyes from the newspaper I had been reading and looked at our babysitter, Minna. “No, Minna, not at all. I’m sure that we both have been more than happy with you. Why ... oh, now I get it. It’s because I haven’t needed you that often!” She blushed a bit and I couldn’t help feeling a bit guilty. Minna had pretty severe dyslexia but she was determined to become a children’s teacher. She was able to get...

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Green DoomChapter 15 The Young Thief

Tattered clouds sped across the night sky like lost souls, alternately hiding and exposing the faces of the three moons that swung low overhead. Keeping to the shadows, Chinzel slipped cautiously along the deserted street. He sternly suppressed a nervous quiver as a sudden tropical shower spattered the cobblestones with large drops of rain. He decided that a sudden movement in the darkness was only a stray cat, dashing into shelter. "There's nothing to worry about," he scolded himself....

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Didn8217t Expect This Pleasure From Her

We both grew together, we spent days together, but were never thought something like this would happen between us. She was not cute when she was young, neither is she now, but was always close and caring to me. She used to live in her uncle’s home not for from my place. We were like best buddies, more like brother and a sister. As we grew I left the city and went for higher studies to bangalore. The dream city, where I wanted to live rest of my life. But things change, and change is the only...

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Feeding an addiction Part 2 Ch 5

Scarsdale, New York: Monday 12th December 2017Sue slowly came back down to earth, the tension now gone from her spent body. As her eyes opened and she looked at me I realized there was no hint of embarrassment or shame in her face. I’d thought that now the excitement had passed, there might be some adverse reaction. But Sue’s face was pure undiluted contentment. Fully satisfied and not caring whether the lover who’d pleasured her was male or female.As I kissed her softly and we shared a moment,...

Wife Lovers
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Matt and Milf Gets Deeper

As time would pass by and I got closer to Matt, I was becoming very distant from my husband. We would no longer spend time together or do anything together for that matter. All my good times and orgasms were coming from Matt and him only. I had a long conversation with my husband one night and we came to a mutual agreement that it be best if we took some time apart from one another to see if our lives get better. I started to look for an apartment since I didn’t want to stay at my house. It...

Cheating Wifes
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Saint and a SinnerChapter 21

Michelle had been sitting in one of the three tiny, airless, cramped interrogation rooms for the past hour in what would have to be the longest day of her life. The coffee in the stained, chipped mug that she now just played with was nothing but cold sludge clinging to the bottom of the cup. She was tired, hungry and had a headache big enough to sink the Titanic. And they still wouldn't let her go home. She sighed and rubbed the heels of her palms against her dry, irritated eyes, wishing...

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Fuck With Maid Saraswathi

I am Vivek aged 19 years with athletic body. I was so fascinated of having sex with my maid. She is so hot and has 34-D size boobs that kill me. She has so big ass that are amazing that makes me to die by keeping my head in between her buttocks. Whenever I feel of masturbating I dream of her ass and my cum start flowing out like a volcano eruption. She is around 46 years of age with most mature parts that every man feels to be possessed by a woman. She is married and has two sons yet she is so...

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