Controling Grace
- 3 years ago
- 27
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Control Through Fear
By Sonya Esperanto
E-mail: [email protected]
Author’s Note:
This is the third story to my Lovecraftian horror-sex Anthology-Trilogy. The first was Witness To Horror and the second was Hotel Trap.
This story is more or less adapted from two of HP Lovecraft’s stories, namely The Rats In The Walls and the Lurking Fear. The latter had been adapted many times as a horror films, in movies like The Breeders (starring the famous actor Rutger Hauer) and Castle Freak.
The two stories were basically about subterranean monsters hiding beneath people’s houses, living in cavern-like underground cities and attacking people up on the surface at night, when they least expect it.
This story has such elements.
Basically the story is set in the Philippines (like my first story Witness To Horror), and it about a rivalry between a wealthy bitchy spoiled selfish Filipina named Marina and a strawberry Blonde Danish foreigner named Brigitte.
Marina’s boyfriend, a Filipino guy who looks like Enrique Iglesias named Robert (many Filipinos have Spanish and English names), had left her for Brigitte. One reason was because Brigitte is an attractive white Blonde who is easygoing and not so dominating. The second reason was because he has had enough of Marina’s wicked ways.
As for what is Brigitte is doing in Philippines, she gets money from some Danish institute, for taking all kinds of pictures and doing all kinds of things for them. She gets more than enough money to survive, over in Manila.
As for what are the physical characteristics of all three of them, is as goes:
Robert is a tall guy at 6 foot; 27 years old, with a slim body, dark-brown complexion, short black hair, cute face, and works for a hotel.
Marina is a short woman at 5 foot; 25 years old, quite fit as she works out, brown complexion (but more like tanned Latina than like that of a Filipina), and wealthy because of her daddy and mommy. She is also a part time model, who demands everything her way.
Brigitte stands at 5 foot 9; 22 years old, slim, sexy, breast size at 40D, white, long reddish-blonde hair, blue eyes and gets money from the organization she works for, which is located in Copenhagen, capital of Denmark.
Since their break-up, about a year ago, Marina had been contemplating revenge. Against Brigitte. Marina is going to execute her revenge, and with a little help from dark forces.
You see Marina has a dark secret that no one knows about. When she was a teenager, she and her friends had stumbled upon an underground city, really beneath Manila.
It was an underground cavernous city populated by flesh-eating humanoid type of creatures, since ancient times.
The only reason why Marina survived, was because she sold out her own friends, to save her own skin (I confess that I borrowed this particular element from one of the 8 Films To Die For movies, titled Tooth & Claw, but hey it was such a good horror film better than most of the ones made by Hollywood).
Marina was even worshipped by the creatures, as some kind of goddess and even made friends with them. She even learned to speak their language. She even learned that there were even many buildings and houses in Manila, that had walls leading up to entrances, that would take them down to this underground subterranean city.
Now, Marina is a woman in her mid 20s, like Brigitte and like Robert. She even finds out where Brigitte lives. Brigitte happens to live in a house, somewhere in the suburbs.
Conveniently for Marina, that house has a secret passageway linking it to this underground city and the only reason why Brigitte has that house was because she had inherited it from a wealthy eccentric English guy who live there (he knew about this underground city but had no luck or trying to find the secret passageway) who acted as her sugar daddy and left her the house in his will, before he died.
Marina had studied which passageways would lead up to that house and one fine night, Marina and her flesh-eating friends pay Brigitte a visit, through that house secret passageway.
This is where our story begins:
The Story
Brigitte woke up. Her eyes started adjusting to the darkness.
?I’m sorry my dear but did I wake you!!? Marina taunted in a sarcastic tone of voice.
?Who...who is there??? Brigitte cried.
Brigitte had an intruder in her room but from she could tell and even smell, she had a lot of unwanted visitors but even in that darkness, she could only make out one human-like figure. The others didn’t seem right. She knew something was wrong.
But to her horror, she was going to be proven right. Her bedroom light had been switched on. But before Brigitte could scream or move, two of the creatures rushed out towards her with ferocious speed, , onto the bed and grabbed her by the arms and covered her mouth.
Brigitte had never been so scared in her life. Her heart pounded really fast, and hoping this was all some kind of sick nightmare. She was being overpowered by very two ugly stocky creatures, that looked like trolls.
Not far from her bed, she saw five more of those things, and a human figure. A Filipina.
?I won’t let them hurt you!! They are under my power!! My control!! Mine!!! I also will tell you that your house is so far from so many of the houses and that if you scream, no one is going to come and save you!! Now if I tell them to let you go and not hurt you, will you behave and do as I say??? asked Marina.
Brigitte wept a tear, and nodded. Marina uttered something to the two troll-like creatures pinning Brigitte down. the two monsters let go of Brigitte.
?Look!! I?I?have money?I!? panicked Brigitte.
?Just be quiet!!!? Marina ordered.
Brigitte kept her mouth shut, still feeling scared from what was happening to her right now.
?I can see now why he likes you!!! Your white skin!! Your long Blonde hair!! Your blue eyes!! He thinks he is going to get good sex with you!!! Even your accent tells me you are not from America!! I heard that your name is Brigitte, and that you inherited this house from an English guy whom you slept with!!! So tell me, you fucking Blonde puta, where are you from?? asked Marina.
? from Denmark!!! Look I don’t know what I?? Brigitte cried.
But Marina cut her off.
?Just be quiet and I will tell you all!!! So you are Danish eh. You are from one of those white Blonde countries, where women act a lot in porn films, having sex with different men at the same time. Your countrywomen have no shame, with their long blonde hair and big titties which they happily flaunt. I know you women like men with dark skin, which is why you often have sex with black men and end up in websites like, America’s multi-trillion porn site. I will tell you who I am!! I am someone you have wronged!! If you had not wronged me, I would not be here right now, making your life miserable!!? Marina lectured.
?Who are you??? asked Brigitte.
?My name is Marina!! I am Robert’s ex-girlfriend. He left me for a puta like you? Marina said.
?You are his ex??!!? Brigitte stammered.
?That is right!! And these creatures, are my subjects!! You can say that I met them in Hell literally!! But they are loyal, unlike some people I know!! Now Brigitte, my dear, I also would say this!! If you go to the cops and tell me about everything that happened tonight, they will not help you!! I have power all over the Philippines and even have contacts and influence with the government, the wealthy and the military. We can do this the easy way or the hard way!!? Marina threatened.
?Look?.Marina!! If you want, I will never see Robert again!! I will even leave Philippines for good!!? Brigitte cried.
The strawberry Blonde Danish woman was so scared of Marina and her monstrous trolls, that she would give up without any fight or any form of defiance.
?Brigitte!! What you had put me through cannot be changed!! You have hurt me so badly that you have to be pay the price!! You must compensate me in some form of punishment!!! Now this is the deal. Either you agree to what I am about to propose to you or I let my pets, my subjects, devour you!! I will let you choose!!? Marina toying with Brigitte.
Brigitte looked at all the troll figures inside her bedroom. They were about 5 foot 8 but stocky, had gnarling fangs, sharp claws, sharp bent noses, deep-set black eyes, had pointed ears, and had greenish-scaly leather skin, with some natural brownish fur on them. They really did remind her of trolls from Danish myths she used to read about as a little girl.
?What?.what are your terms??? Brigitte asked in a scared tone.
Anything was better than death, or to be devoured by such monstrous troll-like creatures.
?That for the rest of your life, you will live as my slave, will do whatever I say, exist only for my pleasure and whims, always be loyal and not try to run from me, nor hurt me or go against me!!! That you will be my girl and acknowledge that I own you and your entire existence revolves around my desires!! I will give you ten seconds to decide!!!? Marina stated.
?I?.I?..will be your slave!!? Brigitte bowed down, in a meek and humbled tone.
?Good!!? Marina smiled wickedly.
Marina continued looking at the poor scared strawberry Danish Blonde, who just stayed there, in her nightgown, on that nice large bed.
?From now on you will address me as Diyos. And from now on I will address you as Puki!! I mean what we are called is only a reflection of who really are and how we conduct ourselves with other people!!? Marina smile.
Diyos was Tagalog (the main language spoken in the Philippines) for God but can be use to refer even to gods and goddesses in plural form. The word itself is of Latin-Greek origins, normally used for Jesus but has its roots on the Greek God Zeus, lord of the gods of Greek myths.
Puki, on the other hand, meant ?pussy? and implied that Brigitte whored around and spread her legs for so many men, like Robert, like the English guy who gave her this large house and perhaps many more men, in both her native Denmark and the Philippines.
The idea of calling Brigitte Puki excited her more than hearing her being called Diyos.
?Listen Puki!! This is what I want you to do!! You are going to ring Robert’s cell phone number!! You are going to tell him that you are breaking up with him and that if he tries to come anywhere near you or even ring this cell phone number again, the police will know about it!! And make your voice sound like you don’t care about him anymore!!? ordered Marina.
?Yes..Diyos!!? responded Brigitte.
Brigitte picked up her cell phone and did as Marina demanded. She called Robert and told them that that it was over between them, then hung up.
Marina laughed at the background.
?That’ll teach that jerk to dump me for a bitch like you!!? laughed Marina.
Marina looked at Brigitte. She knew that many Filipino guys lusted after white women, especially the Blondes one. She thought that if she had been a guy herself, she too would have wanted Brigitte for herself. As far as her sexual orientation was concerned, she was a hetero, who was after only guys.
?Puta I want you take off all your clothes!!? ordered Marina.
?Yes Puta!!? bowed Brigitte.
Brigitte slowly stripped off her night gown, until she was completely naked. Marina could see how big the Danish woman’ boobs were. She even saw the thinly shaved pubic hair between the legs.
?My!! My!! You really are an original. You really are a Blonde puta!! I know most white girls have brown hair and so they dye it Blonde, just to get guys!! But you know something, I want to try a little experiment and see what is it about Blondes that drive guys wild!! But before I do, I want you to do something for me first!!? remarked Marina.
Marina climbed over the bed and took off her own clothes, until she was completely naked.
?Now I am not a lesbian but there is a first time for everything!! I want you to make love to me!!! I want you to make love and worship my body at the same time!!!? ordered Marina.
?Yes Diyos!!? responded Brigitte.
Marina laid on her back, on the bed.
Brigitte kissed every inch of Marina’s body, from lapping her tongue on her tummy, to licking and kissing and sucking each of the Filipina’s nipples. She even pushed her face between Marina’s legs, licking the Filipina’s clitoris, causing Marina tom cum on her face and her drinking the Filipina’s cum.
?Your tongue feels so good between my legs!! I want you to stop for a while!!? ordered Marina.
Brigitte stopped giving Marina oral sex. Marina positioned herself so that her back was to the wall that faced the upper part of the bed.
?Now I want you to suck each of my toes!!? ordered Marina.
Brigitte prostrated her body before Marina, on her bed. She took each toe from Marina’s feet and sucked on them. Marina considered this as a way to not just humiliate and degrade her former rival but to also get some sexual satisfaction from it.
?You suck very well Puki!!! But enough of that!! Now I want to enjoy you, the way many guys like Robert do!!? said Marina.
Marina made Brigitte lay on her back. She then ordered at least four of the troll-like monsters, to grab her wrists and ankles, positioning her in a spread eagled position. It was like Brigitte being tied up.
Marina sat on the strawberry Blonde Danish woman’s tummy, groping her breasts and fiddling with it.
?You got very big boobs Puki!! I am sure they have served you well!! Now just relax and let me have fun with you!!? Marina ordered.
Marina pressed her lips towards Brigitte, forcing both women to French kiss each other, as if they were lesbian lovers. Marina then moved her head lower and started sucking on Brigitte’s right nipple while fiddling with her left one.
Brigitte moaned really loud, since Marina was sucking on her nipple too hard and exerting physical pressure on her left nipple.
?Ok you know what!!! I am not really into this!!! I can see that you want me to keep on making love to you, as if we are both dykes!!? Marina whined.
Marina then did something that shocked Brigitte. By uttering words to some of the other troll-like monsters, three of the troll-like monsters lined up and the first one came voer the bed, shoving his humongous cock over Brigitte’s blonde pussy, sending her screaming while he fucked her and sucked very very hard on her right boobs.
Brigitte’s screams were music to Marina’s ears.
The troll-like monsters took turns having sex with Brigitte, as if she was being gang-raped. Watching all this happening to Brigitte was making Marina sexually excited, that she started putting her fingers into her own cunt and start fingering herself, masturbating herself.
The monstrous creatures fucked Brigitte so hard, that not only their cums dripped from her pussy butt hat her entire body was exhausted, like some kind of ragdoll.
Marina ordered them in their language to flip her body over and hold her in the same position. It was like as before, except it has Brigitte’s ass and not her face and tits, that faced the ceiling. The troll-like monsters took turns fucking her asshole, sending her screaming some more and their sperm shooting down her anus.
All this happened while Marina watched. It excited her to see the cocks of those monsters penetrate and enter Brigitte’s white Nordic asshole.
Brigitte’s screams were getting louder and louder.
Marina told the monsters in their language to stop fucking Brigitte but keep holding her in faced-down spread eagled position. Marina walked over to the bed. She was touching Brigitte’s ass cheeks. She saw the monsters’ cum stains on her sexy Danish asshole.
?Please make them stop!! Please!! They are hurting my body!!? begged a crying Brigitte.
Marina told the Monsters to let go of the crying Blonde’s ankles and wrists. The ankles and wrists looked really reddened. The monsters had a very strong grip there. Marina sat on the bed, fondling with her ex-rival Blonde slave’s long reddish-blonde hair.
?I would have thought you would have enjoyed that!! So many big cocks, just for you!! Cocks for your pussy and cocks for your ass!!? Marina trying to be comforting.
?It is too much for me!! I will do anything you want!! Just don’t let them near me again!!? pleaded Brigitte.
Marina decided that it was better to try and taking care of her white slave. She gave Brigitte some neck, and back massage. She did this for half-an-hour.
30 minutes later, Marina and Brigitte sat up on Brigitte’s bed. They exchanged cell phone numbers. While playing with Brigitte’s breast, Marina spoke to her.
?I suggest you get an early rest!! I will be at your house tomorrow morning!! I am going to come here and pick you up!!! But whatever you do, try and stay loyal to me!! Don’t try to run or scream for help!! Because if you do, your next fate will be a hundred times worse than what happened here tonight!! Whrever you go, me and my monsters will find you? warned Marina.
?I?I?I won’t try to run away!! I will always obey you!!? Brigitte responded in a whimpering tone,.
She nodded her head, as of trying to convince Marina that she really was telling the truth and not lying to her Mistress.
?Now you just stay here!!! We will turn off the lights for you!!!? Marina smiled at her slave.
She kissed Brigitte on the lips, and then pulled her left nipple.
Brigitte laid on the bed and before she knew it, the lights had been turned off and she heard her bedroom door being closed. Now she knew that her former rival had some dark powers, controlling demonic monsters and that these monsters were the same trolls she had learned about, in Danish myths and legends.
The next day, Marina showed up at Brigitte’s place. Brigitte got dressed and followed her Mistress to her Mercedes Benz. The strawberry Blonde sat at the passenger’s seat while her Mistress sat at the driver’s seat.
They first drove to somewhere on the outskirts of Manila. They travelled to a farming village. The village was in the middle of nowhere. There were kids playing around, buffalos walking in murky waters, house and huts built from woods and lots and lots of palm trees. The ground was natural and there were no street pavements, just grass and dirt.
Marina made Brigitte follow her to meet some village women. The village women all had very dark skin and much shorter than Marina. They all ranged from young 20s up to 60s and were mostly thin.
Marina was talking to the village women in Tagalog. Brigitte didn’t understand a word of Tagalog and only got by, by speaking English.
Brigitte noticed Marina handing them over her plastic bag and even saw her giving one of the ladies a $200 Philippino peso bill.
After much talking, Marina motioned for the sexy Danish woman to come and follow her. The two of them followed these women all the way to a certain hut. They walked right in.
Once inside the hut, Marina made Brigitte take off all her clothes and lay down, with her face towards the ceiling and her arms and legs to her side. The female villagers took out all sorts of things and started working on Brigitte’s body.
The first thing the female villagers did was to pour oil all over Brigitte’s body. After they have been covering her breast, face, legs, arms and pussy with oil, they then used some small sharp razors to slowly slowly shave off the front body hair off Brigitte.
Then one old lady, in her mid 60s, used a small knife to cut off the yellow pubic hair between Brigitte’s legs, from their pubic bone roots. Now Brigitte was completely clean shaven.
The feeling of her body being touched and covered with oil, and being massaged and handled and treated this way, was a very good physical and sensual feeling for Brigitte.
But before Brigitte realised it, one of the young girls came over to her face and covered her face, with a cloth that has chloroform on it.
Brigitte lost consciousness and blanked out.
Marina smiled, knowing that what is about to happen next to the poor Danish strawberry Blonde, is going to be even more humiliating and degrading, permanently.
The village women went and brought with them all sorts of instruments, including needles, strings, buckets with coloring liquid on them and they laid out a large paper the size of a poster, right before their very eyes, on the floor (something that was inside the plastic bag that Marina handed over to them),
The village women started tattooing all over Brigitte’s body, with their eyes sometimes looking back at the designs Marina had intended for her, as can be seen in the paper body drawing illustrations.
When they finished tattooing, the next thing the female villagers did, was use some needles to pierce both the unconscious Danish woman’s nipples, and then insert two rings. Two silver rings, one for each nipple.
After they had finished working on her body, they let her lie down on the hut’s ground for about half-an-hour and then they dressed Brigitte back on and even helped Marina carry her body all the way to her car, on the passenger seat.
With all that done, Marina smiled and said something in Tagalog to the female villagers, and drove off.
?Hey sleepyhead!! Wake up!!? Marina talked to an unconscious Brigitte.
It was already somewhere around 7PM and Marina’s Mercedes Benz was parked outside Brigitte’s house. Brigitte looked beautiful, while being in deep sleep.
Marina got annoyed. She raised her right hand and gave the poor Danish Blonde a tight slap on her face.
?I said wake up Puki!!? screamed Marina.
Brigitte slowly blinked her eyes and woke up. She looked all around her, realising where she was.
?What?what?happened???? Brigitte asked Marina.
She then instantly remembered that they were in a village, with some other ladies, in a hut. She remembered being knocked over too.
?Puki we are going inside your house!! We are going inside your bedroom!!! I bought some clothes for you!! This is my way of saying how much I like you!!? said Marina.
They got out of Marina’s car. Marina opened the back door of her car and carried some shopping bags with her back to the house. A few hours ago while Brigitte had laid unconscious in her Mistress’s car, Marina had took the liberty to go shopping at some shopping mall, and had even paid the people at the car park to keep an eye on her ?sleeping slave?.
Once they were inside Brigitte’s bedroom, Marina ordered Brigitte to strip completely naked, and right in front of her human-sized bedroom mirror. She realised that her body was no longer so pale but more tanned. She was as dark as the locals now.
But when Brigitte found herself naked, she was shocked.
?My God!!! What did you do to me??!!? screamed Brigitte.
Brigitte saw that she had two nipple rings, which kept her nipples firm and hard. She started noticing her body tattoos.
On both her thighs, she had images of two snakes. The tails of the snakes were towards the knees but the heads of the snakes, were towards facing each other, by her shaven pussy. Their mouths were open and tongues hissing out. This would give the impression that they were about to strike towards her pussy.
They looked like the two snakes on the shoulders of the Philippines most famous comic book character (who also inspired so many horror films too) - Zuma, a green-skinned bald human figure, who had two snakes on his shoulder, like the Indian God Shiva and the GI Joe cartoon-comic book villain Serpentor.
Apart from the two snake tattoos, she also had other tattoos. Above her pussy, were the bold tattooed words PUKI. Below her large breasts and by her tummy, were the words LAROAN MO AKO (Play with me).
Brigitte could see that on both her arms, she had tattoos of words in Tagalog. On her upper right arm, she had the large imprinted words PUTA AKO (I am a whore). On her upper left arm, was an ankh, the Egyptian pagan cross. The ankh looked like a Christian cross, except the top part was a circle.
?Now turn around and see what you have at your back!!? ordered Marina.
Brigitte turned around over the mirror. She looked back and saw the tattoos on her back.
On her back thighs were more snake tattoos, positioned, just like the ones up front. At the back of her thighs, the two snakes looked like they were going to strike at her ass cheeks.
On her right ass cheek, were the small imprinted words: Made in Denmark on her left ass cheek was the small Danish flag.
All over her back was a map of all the Philippines islands, like how one would see it on a world map page. On the back of her neck were the words MARINA.
Brigitte felt both like some cheap whore and a slave that had been purchased at some North African slave auction.
?Stop looking so gloomy!! You only exist for my pleasure remember!! Smile like the slut that you are!!? ordered Marina.
Brigitte tried smiling but she could only maintain a false smile. Marina was OK with that.
Marina dumped all the clothes inside the shopping bag on the bed. Marina picked up the clothes and then walked over to Brigitte.
?Here!! Put these on!! They don’t come cheap you know!!!? Marina cried.
Brigitte put the clothes Marina bought for her. Apart from that, Marina also handed her some high heeled shoes to put on her feet. Once she finished dressing up, Marina made her sit down while she put powder and make up on her face. Marina also tied her Blonde hair behind her back, making her have a ponytail.
?There!! Now let us go and look at yourself in the mirror!!? suggested Marina.
Brigitte stood up and looked at her reflection in the mirror.
She had high heels on; white fishnet stockings on her legs that were strapped to a very thin white transparent underwear which she had on (people would be able to see her pussy). The only thing covering it is a small black leathery mini-skirt.
What she also had on, was a thin white transparent bra (people would see her ringed nipples), and a small thin greenish-black snake-skin made leather jacket, to just cover the upper half of her upper body (meaning her boobs but not her tummy).
With all these clothes on, her powdered tanned face and her thick red lipstick, she looked like the typical Danish prostitute living and working the streets of Copenhagen.
Many Southern European, Latin American, Sub-Saharan African, East Asian, Muslims and Arab tourists visited Denmark every year, just to pay lots and lots of money, just to have sex with such local prostitutes (not just the Russian-Eastern European-Thai import ones), especially Blonde and Redhead ones.
?I look like a whore!!? Brigitte sighed.
?But you are a whore!! Come!! The night is young!! We will get something to eat outside. This is a night to have fun, celebrating your new life, your new clothes, your new body tattoos and nipple rings!!!? cheered Marina.
As far as Brigitte was concerned, this was preferable than to have those ?monsters from the day before? at her again.
They left the house and drove away at Marina’s car.
By the time it was 8PM, Marina and Brigitte had dinner at an expensive Chinese restaurant, in some street in Manila’s Chinatown. It was ran by Chinese-Filipinos. The customers who ate inside were mostly Chinese, Filipinos with some Chinese ancestry and even Spanish one (Meztizo).
A lot of the men, whether they were businessmen sat together or men with their families were all looking at Brigitte. Brigitte was just sat there, dressed up like some kind of white hooker, and Marina noticed everyone noticing her.
She heard the women in Tagalog, calling her (meaning Brigitte) a ?puta? and she heard men who were sat down by themselves, talking in Tagalog about how they would love to fuck the brains out of Brigitte, and right in front of everybody else.
As they were eating Chinese food, a Chinese waiter came and approached them. he put a bottle of red wine on their table, and two fine glasses as well.
?These are from the gentlemen sat down on that table!!? the waiter said.
The waiter pointed to a certain. table There were six young skinny guys sat down. some looked like they were part Chinese but some looked more like the average Filipino. All were in their 20s, taller than Brigitte and far skinnier too.
From the table full of six Filipino guys, one of the guys came over to them approached their table. The guy looked like he could be part Chinese.
?Good evening ladies!! I hope you are having a lovely evening!!? the guy said in English.
?Oh we are having a very fine evening indeed!! Thank you for the wine!!? Marina replied back in Tagalog.
?Listen, are you two free tonight??? I mean me and the guys were thinking of going to a night club later, you know, to have a good time and everything!! Would you two care to join us later??? the guy asked back in Tagalog.
?We aren’t free since we got our own plans but actually there is something you can do for us!! We are kind of short of cash and we were hoping that you guys could pay for our dinner!! And in return?? Marina speaking and smiling as if she is suggesting something.
The guy smiled back at her, also excitedly.
??.and in return??? Ok, tell you what!! I will go talk to the guys and be right back here!!!? the guy said in Tagalog.
The Filipino guy left their table and went back to his, talking to the five other guys.
?I know it was nice of him to buy us that wine but what did he want??? Sorry I don’t really understand your language!!? said Brigitte.
?Just eat your dinner!! How are the dim sums??? asked Marina.
?They are really great!!! We don’t get much foreign food in Copenhagen. It is not like America or England or Germany or Holland!!? commented Brigitte.
?But you still have a lot of women walking around at night in lingerie and having sex with stranger!!? Marina said in humble monotone.
Brigitte felt as if she had just been slapped on the face.
?Well thank you for this meal!! I am sure it costs a lot of money!!? commented Brigitte.
?It does but someone has got to pay for it!!? commented Marina.
?Well I know it won’t be me!!? chuckled Brigitte.
Marina smiled wickedly, after hearing that comment.
That same Filipino guy, from a table of six, came back and talked to Marina. Conversation was once more purely in Tagalog.
?They are ok with it!!! We can pay for your dinner tonight!!? that guy said, in a horny smiling tone.
?And what you get in return!!??? Marina asked back.
?Since you two have plans, we thought of having fun with your friend. My God, she is beautiful. Is she a hooker??? Where is she from?? We don’t often see white women, or white Blonde women, around here for that matter!!!? the Filipino guy said.
?Where is she from?? How about you take a few guesses!!? suggested Marina.
?A white Blonde hooker!! Is she one?? Is she Russian?? I know many Russian prostitutes solicit here in Manila!!? the Filipino guy said.
?Nope!! Not Russian!!? Marina shook her head.
?No she can’t be!! Her tits are too big!! Russian girls have small tits!! Is she American? No she can’t be!! She isn’t fat!! English?? Many English girls go out with Pinoy guys but many of them are pretty fat too!!! She has got a good sexy body!! Is she?Swedish???? the guy asked.
His tone of voice implied that he was getting more and moir? excited. And more and more hornier too.
?She is from Denmark!!? Marina said.
At hearing the word ?Denmark?, Brigitte knew that they were talking about her, but not sure in what way.
?She is from Denmark!! My God!! This is a night come true!!! She is not just any white Blonde!! She is Danish!! Not American!! Not Russian!!! The guys are going to be excti9e to hear this!! Danish women are hot sexy machines!! Always dreamt of having sex with one and sucking those big Danish tits. Did you know that many guys dream of drinking Danish milk!!? the guy said.
Marina laughed, evilly.
?Look!! You guys can have fun with her!! She does everything I tell her!! She owes me and so has to repay me in ways she could never repay back!! When we are finished eating, we will send you the bill!! Then you can come back to our table!!? Marina said.
The Filipino guy went back to his table.
When they finished their dinner, Marina waved her hand at a waiter. She told the waiter that the guys who bought them the red wine are going to pay for their dinner tonight. After the six guys paid for their dinner, they got up and walked over to Marina’s table.
Brigitte looked up at them. She was scared. Why are six guys hovering over them?
?Brigitte, these guys paid for dinner tonight!! I told them that you were going to pay them back in kindness, of having paid for our dinner tonight!!!? Marina said in a cold tone.
?Pay them??? How??? Brigitte asked.
She was surprised at how this was happening to her. To some extent, Brigitte was slow, na?ve and daft.
?Hey how about we take this outside!!!? one of the guys said.
?The alley by the corner is a good spot!!? another guy interjected.
?Get up Brigitte!! We are going outside!!? ordered Marina.
The 6 Filipino guys, Marina and Brigitte left the Chinese restaurant.
?Thank you!! Please come again!! Have a good time tonight!!? one of the waiters shouted back at them, as they all walked through the front entrance.
?Oh we are going to have a good night tonight, alright!!? joked one of the Filipino guys.
Marina and the 5 other guys laughed too.
Brigitte felt like some kind of Russian whore, who was about to be loaned to a couple of guys who had paid for her, and guys she had no interest in at all.
As Brigitte walked, she felt the cool air touching her nipples, her rings and her shaven pussy. Since her underwear and bra were transparent and thin, they weren’t going to protect her private parts very much from the elements.
They all went towards an alley, full of large plastic garbage cans. There were cats running around. They walked until they were in the middle of the alley.
One of the guys pushed Brigitte towards the brick alley wall.
?Ok Brigitte, the six of us paid for both your meals and now we are going to have some fun with you!!? he told Brigitte, in a horny but menacing tone.
Brigitte looked scared and her blue eyes looked towards Marina, begging for her to intervene.
?Puki, tonight, you are going to do as they say and you are going to give them a good time, letting them have fun with you!!? Marina said.
?Puki??!!? one guy said.
All six guys laughed.
?I would love to fuck her Blonde Puki!!? one guy expressed vulgarly and without shame.
?I would love to fuck her Blonde Puki too!!? said another guy.
Brigitte sighed. She gave in, knowing that she had no other choice but to do what they want and as they say.
?Ok bitch!! Go down on your knees and give me a blowjob!!? ordered the first guy.
Brigitte knelt down before that guy and took his cock into her mouth, sucking it and drinking his juice. As she continued sucking him, he put his hand on her Blonde head.
?Man I always wanted to have sex with a Danish Blonde!! Now my dreams are coming true!! And she can really suck too!!! What more could a padre want??? the guy said.
Padre was Tagalog for ?mate? (as used by the Brits) or ?buddy? (as used by Americans) or ?comrade? (as used by the Germans and Russians).
After having sucked that guy’s cock, Brigitte sucked a second guy’s cock. She routinely worked her mouth this way on all six Filipino guys, and all because Marina had asked them to pay for both their dinners.
?She really is such a Puta!!? commented Marina.
?I wish I could make clones of her!!? a guy whose cock had been sucked by Brigitte, expressed his sex fantasies.
When the six guys all had their cocks sucked, her face and mouth was covered with sticky sperm.
Two of the guys forced Brigitte to stand up. They pulled down her bra and then her mini skirt, then her panty.
?Well, will you look at this!! She’s got rings on her nipple!!? the guy in front of Brigitte said.
The guy in front pulled her right nipple’s silver ring.
?UUUUGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!? Brigitte groaned.
The guy in front of her and the guy behind inserted their cocks in her pussy and asshole, instantly fucking her. The guy behind her was not just fucking her ass and filling her ass with his sperm, but also kissing and biting on her nape. As for the guy in front, his cock was shooting sperm down into her pussy while at the same time, licking, sucking and kissing on her right nipple while his hands are fiddling with her left nipple’s silver ring,. causing the Danish Blonde some agony.
?Man having my cock up her ass feels good!!! She really has such a nice tasty ass!!? the guy fucking Brigitte from behind cried with joy.
?Having my cock fucking her pussy feels good too!!! Her breasts are nice to play with too!! Big, bouncy and soft!! I wanna marry a Danish Blonde myself one day!!? the guy fucking Brigitte’s pussy cried with joy too.
Brigitte felt cold sperm flashing down both her sexual holes. She didn’t like it when they played with her nipple rings. It hurt her. But apart from that, she did like the comments they were saying about her, as if they were complimenting her.
?AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!? Brigitte screamed, while she getting fucked by two guys.
When those two guys finished fucking her pussy and ass, two other guys took their turns with her pussy and ass. And after that, the last two guys.
Marina grabbed Brigitte, walking away from the alley.
?Hey if you want us to pay for your dinner next time, we would be more than happy too!!? one guy shouted back to both ladies.
?Come again!!? shouted a second guy.
?Next time, bring another Danish woman!!!? screamed a third guy.
?Make sure she is Blonde too!! With big boobs and nice pussy!!? shouted a fourth guy.
Marina and Brigitte finally made it to the spot on the street, where Marina had parked her Mercedes Benz. Marina notice that Brigitte’s panty was on her thighs and not covering her pussy and asshole. Marina could see and smell the cum stains between her legs and her as.
?Puki, be a good girl and pull up your panty!! I can see those guys’ sperm dripping down your Blonde pussy!!? Marina told Brigitte.
?Yes Diyos!!? responded Brigitte.
Brigitte pulled her transparent panty up, behind her mini skirt. They got in the car, put their seat belts on and Marina drove away. Their next destination: a Night Club.
Marina had parked her car on a pavement, off a street. They (she and Brigitte) walked across the street, heading over to a Night Club on the other side. On top of the entrance was the name of the Night Club: Vampira.
Brigitte thought this was a night club for people like Gothic people or homosexuals or people with weird type fetishes, most probably eccentrics.
Outside the Night Club were two bouncers. One was a tall dark skinned guy and the other was a Filipina the size of Brigitte, with a pale Oriental-type complexion. As they walked towards the front door, the female bouncer recognised Marina and told the male bouncer that Marina was a regular and that they could come in.
Marina led Brigitte by the hand, and walked right in.
It was a large night club. There were green and red disco type neon lights everywhere. The smell of beer and alcohol aroma was very very strong. As they walked, Brigitte saw lots and lots of people dancing on the dancing floor and there were lots and lots of tables, with couples making out. The loud music being played at the background was some new song, the latest from MTV (America’s International music Television).
They both walked to the bar counter. A Filipino guy who looked gay took Marina’s orders. She ordered two glasses of beer for both of them. The bar tender gave them their beer and Marina paid him. Marina made Brigitte carry both their beer glasses and they found sat themselves down on a lone empty table by some corner.
?I guess you are a regular here!!? Brigitte said.
?Yeah I’ve come here too often!!? Marina said.
They both sipped their beers. Brigitte enjoyed drinking beer, since that was the norm among Danish people.
But before Brigitte could say another word, four Filipinas, who were roughly shorter than Brigitte, at 5 foot 5 to 5 foot 7 came and joined them. Two of them, carrying their beers, sat down and cornered Marina on her side while the other two sat down and cornered Brigitte.
Brigitte notice that all four Filipinas were thin but tough looking, dressed up as tomboys.
?Hey how ya doin??? You’re new around here, aren’t you!!? the Filipina tomboy nearest to Brigitte, told Brigitte.
That girl who was next to her, had a baseball cap on, but backwards. The girl next to that girl was dressed in black leather, had dyed green hair and looked like some kind of punk.
As for the ones next to Marina, the one sat closets to Marina, was dressed like a normal girl but kind of looking like some slut and also looked kinda weird, like many of the women who would show up in the news channel Russia Today, especially those white American women who were anti-white and anti-Republican. . The girl on her side, was plump with short crew cut hair and wore thin white singlet.
?So you two alone?? Looking for a good time??? the tomboy closest to Marina asked them both.
?Actually we are fine being by ourselves, thank you very much!!? Brigitte cried.
She was not comfortable having four stranger coming down and sitting with them.
?That is no way to talk to any of us girls around here!! We are regulars!! You are not just a new face!! You are not Pinay!! You are a foreigner!!! You know you should be nice to your host!!? the tomboy nearest Brigitte told her off, in a diplomatic way.
?I’m?I’m?sorry!?!! It is just that I don’t know any of you!! I mean do you know any of them??? Brigitte asked marina.
?Nope!!? Marina shook her head in a calm way.
?I am not trying to be rude but I don’t really talk much to strangers!!? Brigitte trying to defend herself.
Brigitte thought these women were shorter than her but that there was four of them and anything could happen.
?Ok you’re forgiven!! This time!! I’m Angela!!! The girl next to me is Trish!!! The two other girls next to your friend are Gabriella and Dolores!!!? the tomboy sat down next to Brigitte introducing all of them.
?I’m Brigitte and this is my friend Marina!!? Brigitte forgetting her place, not wanting to reveal the humiliating truth about her and Marina.
Marina laughed.
?What is so funny?? Gabriella (the weird-looking slut) asked Marina, in a nice smiling tone.
?My friend!!! She is funny!!? Marina laughed.
?What is so funny?? Is she your girlfriend or something?? Did you guys come here to make out??? asked Dolores (the plump woman in the white t shirt).
?Girlfriend?? Make out?? No, we are not dykes!! We are not some fucking lesbians!!? protested Brigitte.
?Watch your tongue, you white bitch!! Do you know where you are?? Look around you!! You better not let everyone else hear what you say!!!? warned Angela.
?Why not!!? Brigitte tried sounding defiant.
She did not like anyone thinking she was a lesbian, or even just getting that impression.
Brigitte looked all around her. The more she looked, the more she realised. She was shocked, with her jaw dropping open. On the dance floor, were men dancing with other men. And women dancing with other women. On the tables, she saw women kissing each other.
?Marina??is this what I think?? Brigitte cried.
?That’s right dearie!!! You’re in one!!! You’re a homophobic Blonde foreign bitch who is having a drink in a night club full of dykes!!? Angela tsskked her.
Brigitte looked at all four tomboy Filipinas. They were lesbians. Apart from the one called Gabriella, the other three looked like doms and butches (lesbians who behaved like guys and acted like guys and tried dominating their sub-fem partners).
?Look!! I am sorry alright!! I didn’t know I was in one!! Did you know we were in one??? Brigitte asking Marina.
?Yup!!! You know here I was thinking that because you are a sexy beautiful white Blonde woman, you would have enjoyed the attention and compliments coming from all the butches and lesbians around here!! I mean your country is full of them!!! Thought you probably had pussy once in a while!! Guess I was wrong!!!? Marina being sarcastic.
?You know something Brigitte, you kind of look like a hooker!! Are you one?? Your fishnet stockings!! Your small leather jacket, not even covering that fucking flat tummy of yours!!! Your mini skirt!!! I think you owe me and the girls an apology!!? bullied Angela.
?I’m sorry!! Look how about I make it up to you by buying you all drinks!! And I am not some hooker!!? cried Brigitte.
But before Brigitte could continue protesting, all four lesbian Filipinas took out their flip knives and pointed them towards Brigitte.
?You better shut the fuck up before we give it to you!!? warned Angela.
Brigitte gulped. She didn’t want to be stabbed by their knives.
?I think we should teach this bitch a lesson Angela!!? suggested Trish.
Trish was licking her lips. The idea of humiliating a sexy attractive hetero Blonde was very appealing to her.
The four lesbians had ushered a frightened Brigitte to follow them all the way to where the DJ was, with Marina trekking behind them (purposely of course). Angela had a word with the DJ and the DJ stopped the disco music and let her take the mike.
?May I have all your attention!!!? announced Angela.
All the gays and lesbians looked towards her. The three other lesbians were holding onto Brigitte, right beside Angela, for all to see.
?Tonight this white foreign Blonde homophobic bitch bad mouthed us all!! Now how many of you believe that she should be punished for her transgressions????? screamed Angela.
The Filipina lesbians roared their ?yays?.
?Then come and follow us to the warehouse!!? Trish roared over the mike.
The four lesbians ushered Brigitte out of the Night Club, onto the street and marched her all the way towards a nearby warehouse. A crowds of angry Filipina lesbians followed behind, like some kind of mob.
Marina followed behind too.
The warehouse was a large abandoned building that was used by the Filipina gays and lesbians to carry out all sorts of activities. Once inside, the lights had been turned on.
Angela and the three other lesbians made Brigitte stand right before everyone else, below a strong neon light above them.
The first thing they did was forced Brigitte to strip completely naked.
?Would some of you grab some ropes!!? Gabriella ordering some of the other Filipina lesbians.
Some of the lesbians went to look for the rope and returned with it. Angela ordered them to tie some ropes over Brigitte’s big boobs, so as to bind them together. As the rope was being tied, over Brigitte’s big boobs, binding them together, Brigitte cried a little,. Her boobs were not just pushed together but that they expanded and so did her nipples, with their rings.
?She looks much better now!!!? chuckled Trish,. Who sadistically pulled both her nipple rings.
Brigitte winced and screamed in serious pain. Watching her scream in pain made all the lesbians present tonight laugh.
?Hey this bitch is full of tattoos!!! Puki?? Puta Ako??? Laroan Mo Ako!!? a sweet innocent young teen lesbian was reading out the tattoo words imprinted on Brigitte’s body.
?She hates lesbians and she herself is a foreign whore!!! Guess she is here in Philippines, looking for Filipino guys to come and fuck her cheap pussy!!? commented a butch, among the crowd.
Angela had Brigitte’s wrists get tied behind her back, and forced down to get on her knees. Because she was so tall, it would be easier to have serious fun with her if she was not standing too tall for them to abuse.
Then, they lowered two ropes, with hooks on their ends, over the bonded boobs. Each hook had been placed over each nipple ring and somewhere from behind, Angela was pulling on some leverage. That made the hooks pull the nipple rings upwards, causing far too much physical; agony and pressure on Brigitte’s boobs and nipples.
?Please stop!!! It hurts!!! It hurts!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? cried-begged a suffering Brigitte.
?It is nice to watch her this way!!? commented a fem lesbian from among the crowd.
?Ok everyone!!! Grab your bats!! We are going to have some fun with this Blonde bitch and make her pay for the way she bad mouthed us all!!? cried Dolores.
Marina watched the lesbians walked towards a spot that had lots and lots of opened up crates. On one crate, there were lots and lots of baseball bats. Each angry lesbian grabbed herself a bat and then walked over towards a kneeling agonised Brigitte.
The first angry lesbian to actually hit Brigitte was a thin attractive fem, with long silky black hair and kinda looked part Chinese. She raised the bat over Brigitte’s flat tummy and then hit with unpredictable speed.
?AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!? Brigitte screamed in pain, with tears rolling down her pale eyes.
Then more and more of the lesbians started hitting her. but it was not just her tummy that they were hitting.
Dolores raised her bat and looked directly towards Brigitte’s shaven pussy.
?So you want us to play with you huh!!! Well we are going to play with you alright, like the fucking whore that you are!!? cried Dolores.
Dolores used the bat and whacked Brigitte’s pussy with it.
Brigitte had screamed her loudest yet. Brigitte’ pussy was now reddened with welts.
Gabriella then came behind Brigitte, eyeing the tattoos on her back.
?So you’re from Denmark!!! Well if you are looking for those stupid straight Pinoys who like pussy, you are in the right country!! All the dumb straight menfolk around here just love women like you, for sex mostly!!! But since you did say you are a whore and that you want us to play with you, I think you should be able to take this kind of bugging!!!? taunted Gabriella in both a kinky and malicious way.
She shoved the bat up Brigitte’s ass.
Brigitte screamed really really loud, as her mind and body were now in extreme physical agony, feeling that she had died and was being punished in Hell by the Devil himself.
?She really is a screamer!!? chuckled Gabriella.
?Music to my ears!!? chuckled Dolores.
More lesbians continued whacking her tits and ass, and even her bonded bulging breasts. All Brigitte could do was scream in pain and wince her body.
Angela who was holding the lever, that made the ropes with the hooks pull Brigitte’s boobs higher up into the air, called for Trish to hold on to the lever for a while.
As Trish kept on holding on to that very thing that caused pain over Brigitte’s boobs, Angela grabbed a bat herself, and yanked at Brigitte’s blonde hair.
?Please let me go!! I beg of you!! I have learned my lesson!!! I will never say anything bad about you again!!! Just let me go!! It really hurts!!!? begged/cried Brigitte.
Brigitte cried, with tears rolling down her blue eyes. She had never suffered so much instantaneously in her whole life.
Angela quickly shoved the bat up the Blonde woman’s cumming cunt.
Brigitte’s mind had finally shot into agony.
?Thank you for this good show Angela!! You and the girls do me proud tonight!! I knew calling you over the phone this afternoon was not a mistake!!? Marina shaking Angela’s hand.
?Hey we’re old pals!! Too bad you never switched sides!! But I think she has enough punishment tonight!!! Maybe we better take her back to her place and let her recover!!! You can have some more fun with your new slave tomorrow!!!? suggested Angela.
Brigitte’s mind was far too much in agony top have paid attention to what was going on. The whole thing was a set up, for Marina’s pleasure.
That same night, the lesbians helped Marina bring Brigitte back to her home.
The next day, Marina paid Brigitte a visit. When Marina came over to her place, she brought her young cousin with her. Her cousin was a young skinny boy who was about 12 years old. His name was Marcel.
Marcel had his remote control car with him. Marina told Brigitte that she was dropping him off at her place, so that she can look after him, and that she would be back to pick him up later, from whatever it is that she has to do.
But before Marina left, she made Brigitte walk around only in her silky black underwear while attaching both the Danish woman’s nipple rings to the remote control car, through some chained strings.
Marina also told Marcel how he could have fun with Brigitte this way. The idea of what he could do with Brigitte really really excited him.
?Ok you two!! Have fun!! Will be back in an hour!!? Marina cried, before closing the front door behind her.
?Alright!!? cried Marcel.
Marcel used his remote controller, to make his car move automatically. But as his car drove on its own, it was forcing Brigitte top run behind it, as her nipple rings were attached to the back of his car.
?Marcel please slow down!!? begged Brigitte.
?No!!! You are here to keep me happy and show me a good time!! I think watching your boobs bounce is a way to keep me happy!!? Marcel cried.
Brigitte could see Marcel’s cock stiffen under his pants.
What a horny bastard, she thought.
The moving remote control car not only forced Brigitte to run behind it but that it was also exerting pressure on her nipples. They were being elongated, and causing Brigitte to make unintended groaning sounds.
While this was happening to Brigitte, Marcel laughed excitedly.
At one point he gave her a break and stood behind her back.
?Wow you have a map of the Philippines behind your back!!! So you were made in Denmark!! Ate Marina said that women like you are Putas!!? commented Marcel.
?No Marcel, she is dead wrong!!? shrieked Brigitte.
Marcel went over to her front, eyeing her bog boobs and her pussy.
?Above your pussy, you have the word in Tagalog for pussy!!! You know I have never touched a woman’s puki before. You are going to be my first!!? remarked Marcel.
Marcel put three fingers inside Brigitte’s pussy and started fiddling with her clitoris. He wanted to know what a woman’s pussy felt like. As Marcel kept on fingering her, Brigitte moaned sexually.
Marcel laughed, finding the whole experience funny. Playing with her pussy, with his fingers, also felt somehow good.
?Ate Marina said that women like you like dark skinned guys like me to play with their pussy. I guess what she says is true and now I know what a puta looks like, if I decide to look for one!!? Marcel commented.
Marcel kept on fingering her, until he pulled out his fingers and found cum satins on them.
?Yuck!!! You got my fingers dirty!! Clean them off me!!!? ordered Marcel.
Brigitte took Marcel’s fingers and put them into her mouth, licking and sucking them away.
?That feels good, having your mouth sucking my fingers!!? complimented Brigitte.
Brigitte stopped sucking his fingers and then smiled at him.
?So I guess that makes us friends then!!? Brigitte trying to play a game.
?Um no!!! You are here to keep me happy!! Now I want to play with my car and your boobs again!!? protested Marcel.
Marcel once more took to his remote control and made Brigitte run after the remote control car, whose back was attached to her nipple rings.
Marina finally came back and took Marcel off Brigitte’s hands. But before Marina left with Marcel, she told Brigitte that they were both going out tonight.
That Same Evening
Marina took Brigitte to a special bar where people can go inside and lay pool on various pool table. This was a pooling place-bar located off some highway, in the middle of nowhere. Around it was nothing but small grass and not even trees or hills.
As for the bar itself, it was a place that attracted some of the worst elements from Manila ie gangsters, drug dealers, drug addicts, ex-convicts etc.
Inside the bar, Marina was playing pool with some guys. These were a group of eight men, and they all looked like some kind of gangsters, with their leather jackets, tattoos and the way they smoked their cigarettes. They even had two Dobermans on a dog-leash too.
The guy playing pool with Marina was the leader oft his gang. His name was Toledo. He was a very dark-skinned skinny man who was not from Manila originally but from the island of Negros; in his mid 40s, tough-looking, bald, skinny, looked like a dodgy person who could get to a fight with anyone, short-tempered, easy-to-anger, has two small scars on his right cheek, a pudgy nose, shirtless and had a tattoo of a cobra on his tummy.
?So Marina how much do you wanna bet this time??? Have not seen you in these parts for a long time!! You got another job for me and the boys??? Toledo asked in Tagalog.
?If I had wanted you to knock down my ex boyfriend, I know how to reach you!!? Marina smiled at him.
Marina was dressed in small mini skirt, a red shirt, high heels and looked like some college student.
As for Brigitte, she was dressed in high heels, short leather hot pants, a thin blue shirt and a black collar on her neck. Her hair was tied back into a ponytail formation once more.
What was happening was that while Marina and these guys were playing pool, drinking, smoking and talking about stuff in Tagalog, Brigitte was being ordered by Marina to be on stand by, doing things such as going all the way to the bar, picking up all their beer drinks and handing it over to them.
Every time she gives beer to Toledo’s guys, they always patted her on the ass, touched her tits or her legs, saying things in English like ?You fee tonight? or ?I got a big dick and it is just for you? or ?how much do you charge per night?.
Brigitte tried ignoring them, knowing it was useless. After all, they all looked tough and mean and that they could gang rape her at any moment, that is, if they really felt like it.
Marina and Toledo were betting but Toledo was winning most of the games and Marina had to pay up.
?Marina who is this white woman with you??? Toledo asked in Tagalog.
?Someone who owes me too much money!! She owes me for the rest of her life!!!? Marina remarked in Tagalog.
Toledo hit the ball with his stick, getting two balls inside their holes.
?I win this game again!!? Toledo cried again in Tagalog.
Marina was checking his purse to see if she had any more Peso Bills but not much.
?You have already taken most of my money tonight and seems now I owe you!!!? Marina smiled to him wickedly, in English.
Brigitte heard that, and she was now worried.
?Yes you owe me alright!!! Now how are you going to pay up!!! You know I don’t take credit!!? Toledo said it very loud in plain English.
Toledo and the guys looked wolfingly towards Brigitte, licking their lips and even dropping saliva down the floor.
?I am sure there is some way you can pay me back!!!? Toledo commented, while looking towards Brigitte.
Brigitte looked at Toledo’s gang members. All their cocks were getting harder and harder and their Dobermans were barking ferociously.
?If you cannot pay me back now, me and the guys would have to be paid back by other means. You know I once read watched this English movie. It was called Merchant of Venice. The Jewish guy told the Christian guy, that if you cannot pay me back my money, you must give me a pound of flesh!! In this case, me and my boys want ourselves some real white flesh!!!? Toledo talking like a serial rapist.
Brigitte looked scared, looking pleadingly towards Marina.
?Puki, you are going to let Toledo and his men have their ways with you!! You will obey them and do as you are told!! I never owe anyone any money and I am not going to start tonight!!? Marina shouted towards her coldly
The other people who were also playing pool (mostly men but few slutty-looking women) looked towards their direction, excited at what was happening.
Toledo and six of his men surrounded Brigitte. One guy was still holding on to the two Dobermans, forever shouting at them and telling them to keep quiet.
?Ok bitch, now take off all your clothes!! We want to see you naked!!? ordered Toledo.
Brigitte took off all her clothes, until theyw eer all on the floor and she was compleetyly naked.
?Oy guys!! Check this out!!! She has the words Puki tattooed above her pussy. She even tells us to pay with her and that is a puta.
?Hey check out her tattoos on her leg!! Those look like snake tattoos. They both look hungry, like they are going to bite and strike at her ?Puki?? one of the other guys chuckled.
All eight of them laughed.
?Hey Marina what is her name?? Is she American??? Toledo shouted towards Marina.
Marina was just stood there, smiling wickedly.
?Hey Puki, tell them why you have your new name tattooed above your vagina!!! And please do turn around for them so that they can get an idea where you are from!!? ordered Marina.
Brigitte’s fingers were trembling, as she pointed towards the PUKI words imprinted above her pussy.
?That is my new name?..sir!!? whimpered a frightened Brigitte.
Brigitte also slowly turned around and around for them. they saw the tattoos on her ass. they saw the Danish flag and the imprinted words MADE IN DENMARK.
?She is from Denmark!!! This is better than I thought!! Did you know that me and the guys were planning to travel to America and to Europe, and to Denmark, just so that we can have a good time with the beautiful local prostitutes over there!!? Toledo cried with joy.
Toledo made her go down on her knees and take turns sucking each of their cocks. Now when she sucked on their cocks, she had to first kiss their cocks’ tips, then licking it and even licking their balls and then taking their cocks into her mouth as a whole, and that she has to suck as if she is trying to win beer drinking contest.
They also made her bend down over the pool table while they took turns fucking her ass. their sperm were dripping down her asshole, onto the bar’s wooden floor. They were fucking her as very very roughly and squeezing her boobs too, very very roughly.
?AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? was the sound that was being heard tonight by nearly everyone inside that bar.
They even had foursomes with her, while one guy laid on the floor and his cock up her ass, another guy would be fucking her pussy and she would giving blowjobs to any of the other cocks shoved on to her face.
When they finished gang banging her, Toledo fucked her on the pool table itself, but not fucking her pussy. He was fucking her tits, having his cock placed between her tits and she had to push her tits towards his cock, making him spurt more sperm towards her lovely ties and her beautiful Nordic face.
?Man this bitch is good!!? commented one of the gang members.
?I never knew Danish pussy and ass tasted this good!!? commented another.
When Toledo got off Brigitte, she still laid on her back, on the pool table.
?Man this bitch is good!!!? Toledo telling Marina.
?Don’t tell me you had enough fun already for one night!!!? Marina winked at him wickedly.
Toledo and the guys looked once more towards Marina. They all had malicious cutthroat wicked nasty evil smiles now.
?Ok guys!!! How about we play pool again!! And you all know, Puki here says that she wants us to play with her but that does not mean we only have to have sex with her!! There are so many ways of playing with her!!! Am I right guys??!!? Toledo screamed to his men.
?You are right boss!!? his gang cheered very very loud.
He gave them orders in Tagalog and before Brigitte could get up from the table, two guys came, pinned her arms behind her back and spread her legs up and made her sit on her ass on the pool table, making her pussy touch the pool table.
Toledo grabbed himself some balls and placed them between his stick and Brigitte’s cum-soaked pussy.
?Now we are also going to learn what is the other reason why your name is Puki!!? joked Toledo.
Toledo’s guys joked with him. marina laughed too. Everyone else (inc the bar tender laughed alongside them).
With one strike against the ball, the ball hit Brigitte’s pussy.
?OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? Brigitte screamed, shaking her head frantically and tears rolling down her blue eyes.
They all laughed and joked, watching her scream and being in pain.
For all the guys in this room and for Marina, it was sexually exciting to see Brigitte’s pussy being hit like this. It was turning them all on.
The guys took turns with the pool stick, using to strike balls towards her pussy. Each time they hit their target, Brigitte would scream at the top of her lungs.
As for Brigitte’s her shaven pale pussy was now turning really really RED.
?Do you still want us to play with your pussy this way Puki!!? Toledo taunted a crying Brigitte.
?No sir!!! Please stop!!! It hurts!!! It really hurts!!!? screamed Brigitte.
?Ok then!! There is also a way to make that pussy of yours feel better Puiki!!! That means you need to have someone fuck your pussy!! Are you ok with that Puki??!!? Toledo spoke to her, in a pretend-comical tone.
Brigitte nodded her head eagerly.
The guys helped her stand up on the floor but leaned her back towards the pool table.
To Brigitte’s horror, the guy who had the two Dobermans on their leashes was coming forward.
?I think they want to have sex with you Puki!!! You ever had sex with a dog before???? asked Toledo.
Brigitte shook her head.
?Please no!!! Please!!! That is disgusting!! They are animals!! They are not human!!? begged Brigitte.
?They are part of our gang!! They are part of our family!!! How come you have sex with only us but not with my other two gang members!! I think they like you Puki!!!! It is not often that they see a beautiful Blonde slut like yourself come down to these parts!!? chuckled Toledo.
The two Dobermans were sniffing Brigitte’s pussy.
?Please get them away from me!!! Please!!? begged a crying Brigitte.
Toledo angrily slapped her hard on the face
?You belong to us tonight!! You will do as you are told!!! You know I have done worser things to local people around here Puki!!!? threatened Toledo.
Brigitte saw at least two guys took out their flick knives, looking menacingly towards her.
Toledo took out his own flick knife, moving it all over Brigitte’s right breast, circling it lightly around her ringed right nipple.
?You have a nice silver ring on your nipple!! People who cut off other people’s flesh, normally are interested in these kind of items, asking themselves how much it’s worth and how much I can get out of it!!? lectured Toledo.
?I?I?I’ll do anything you want!!! Please don’t cut me!!? pleaded Brigitte.
Toledo took his knife away.
?We even both have a snake tattoo. You have two snakes looking towards your Puki. You know that tattoos have meaning. Your tattoos are alive. Now if both your snake tattoos are looking towards your Puki and their mouths are opened, they are just telling you that you are a Puta and that your Puki is meant to be free and open and for guys like me to have fun with, to play with, or even for my two furry four-legged members!!! Now will you do as I say?? Or you want to make things harder!!? threatened Toledo.
?I will do whatever you want!!!? bowed Brigitte.
Toledo knew she was broken. Better to fuck dogs than for her to be cut or stabbed by them. She could even end up dead, with her naked white Danish body found somewhere on some trash can, somewhere in the Philippines.
Three of Toledo’s guys, helped Brigitte stand in the middle of the floor. One guy helped his dog rise up and put his paw on Brigitte’s shoulder, while slowly slowly shoving that dog’s cock into her pussy, stroking its cock and instantly using words of comfort to encourage to start fucking Brigitte’s pussy.
?OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? Brigitte screamed, feeling both doggy cock and doggy sperm having total control of her pussy.
Marina, Toledo’s gang and everyone else laughed, watching the Danish woman being fucked by a dog, on her pussy.
Then, they helped the other dog raise its paw on her shoulders, but from behind. They helped that dog insert its cock, into her asshole. That dog was instantly fucking her ass, shooting down doggy sperm into her asshole.
Doggy sperm dripped down her two holes while she herself was getting fucked by the two Dobermans, screaming really loud.
When Toledo has had enough of watching the dogs just fucking her two holes, he then made them stop for a while. He made one dog be on all fours while Brigitte get down on all fours herself now while one dog would be on top of her, fucking her ass from behind ie doggy style, she would be taking the other dog’s cock and sucking it, giving that dog a blowjob.
Brigitte had never fucked animals in her life and she had never drank dog sperm too.
Everyone was enjoying the show and a couple of guys even masturbated, by stroking their cocks and ejaculating. Marina herself was putting fingers beneath her panty, fingering her clitoris.
Brigitte was never going to forget this night, but being humiliated this way was far better than having Marina set those monsters on her again.
For the last 2 months, Brigitte had been Marina’s girl. She had not only made the strawberry Danish Blonde prostitute herself in the streets of Manila (to fuck her ass for an hour would cost 200 Pesos) and acting as her pimp-madam. She even loaned her to aggressive lesbians and drug dealers for a large sum of money, just for one fucking night.
Marina had also taken control of Brigitte’s house too. She forced Brigitte to sign the papers, hading over to her full ownership of the house she lived in. .
Apart from that, she had even made Brigitte give up her Danish nationality and even bribed government officials to give her a new passport, a Philippines passport. Brigitte no longer had the protection from a Danish country, because she was no longer a citizen of it. now she was just another white woman living in some third world country, at the mercy of one of its richest and nastiest bitches.
Brigitte still lived in the same house. Sometimes marina would bring Marcel and some other young kids and they would have fun with Brigitte by tying her nipple rings to their remote control cars and planes and force her to run, or else her nipples would suffer pain, due to enforced elongation.
There were even times when Marina would throw parties at her own house, which is actually a mansion given that she is wealthy and not just upper middle class. Brigitte would be dressed up as a French maid, with guys touching her ass and tits and that she is the main attraction of the party, with guys and gals having all kinds of sex orgies and gangbanging with her.
One Fine Night
Marina was elsewhere. Brigitte was dressed up as a hooker, with her high heels, lacy lingerie and fishnet stockings and push-up bra, underneath some small leather jacket and red lipstick make-up.
Brigitte was standing on a street, by herself. She wouldn’t stand in a street with other Filipina hookers because they would be giving her trouble for ?being able? to steal their customers away from them.
A car drove by, with its window slowly opening. Brigitte smiled, like a trained hooker, and smiled over the window. She could not see who it was but knew that he was going to pay her a lot of money for an hour or two. All the Filipino customers paid her very well.
?Want a good time hun!!!? she said.
?Get inside the car!!? the driver said.
Brigitte opened the car door, sat herself in and closed the door. The driver instantly drove off.
?Well I work per hour!!! Two hundred pesos for my ass, a hundred and fifty pesos for my Puki and one hundred pesos to suck you nice brown dick!!! My name is Puki by the way!!? Brigitte introduced herself while her eyes were still glued to her working purse.
When she turned around to see who the driver was, she was shocked. It was Robert. He kept on speeding.
?I knew something was wrong here!!! You broke up with me, tell me to leave you alone!!! It’s Marina, isn’t it?? She is blackmailing you and threatening you with all kinds of things!!! She found out who you are and where you lived!!! Tell me Brigitte??? She is scaring you to become her slave or else she would be sending goons over to your place to rape you!!! Am I right?????????!!!!!!!!? emotionally screamed Robert.
Robert still loved Brigitte and he knew something was fishy. Brigitte actually still loved Robert, but left him out of fear of Marina’s wrath.
?Robert, I am so scared!! I don’t want this life anymore!! I want to get out of here but she took my passport away and even forced me to give up my own home!! Robert you have no idea what she is capable of!!? cried Brigitte.
For the first time since her slavery, Brigitte was glad. She was glad that it was Robert she had bumped into.
?I know what that bitch is capable of!!! Some friends told me she had done sort of thing to many of her rivals but most of them were Filipinas and some other Asian women. She has gone too far this time!!! She has no right to destroy your life like this!!!? Robert commented.
?Robert, what are we going to do??? I am so scared of her!!? panicked Brigitte.
?You are going to hide at one my friend’s house!! I trust him. He hates Marina’s guts too. Told me that she was evil and I made the right choice by dumping her!!! commented Robert.
They kept on driving until they reached a small house in the middle of nowhere. Robert parked his car outside the house and they both got out. They went towards that house’s front door. Robert knocked on the door.
The front door opened. It was a little girl, his friend’s daughter.
?Hi!! Is your daddy home!! We need to come and talk to him!!? Robert talked to the little Filipina girl.
The girl nodded, telling them to come in.
Robert and Brigitte followed the little girl to the living room and once there, Robert and Marina were shocked. The girl’s father and her entire family were being held by the same monstrous creatures that Brigitte had encountered the first night when the creatures, led by Marina, had snuck into her house, through the secret passageway.
Marina was smiling at both Robert and Brigitte.
?Please let of my daddy!!? the little girl begged Marina.
?In due time, dear!!? Marina told the little girl.
?You evil bitch!!? Robert shouted at her, angrily.
?You didn’t think I would know!! Robert, I have spies everywhere!! I have spies who spied on you every single day, since you broke up with me!!! I loved you Robert and you hurt me!!!? Marina became emotional.
?Look!! Is it me you want???!! Ok Marina, I will come back to you but please let her entire family go!! And let Brigitte go!! She is an innocent bystander. None of them deserve this!!? Robert screamed.
?Ok how about this!!! How about the two of you, you and that white Danish whore, come crawl over to me and kiss my feet, telling me how good I am and how much you all love me!!? blackmailed Marina.
?We?we?we don’t have a choice Robert!! We have to do as she says!!? whimpered Brigitte.
Both Brigitte and Robert dropped down to their knees, then on all fours and slowly slowly crawled towards Marina. Marina just tucked her shoes out. When they reached her feet, Brigitte started kissing and licking Marina’s right feet while Robert did her left one.
?You are Diyos!!! I live to serve you!! You are so beautiful, who can’t love you!!? Brigitte cried, while kissing Marina’s fee.
Marina’s feet smelled bad but neither of them had a choice at this point.
?I love you Marina!! You are the only one for me!!? Robert said, while looking down at her feet, continuing to kiss and lick it.
?Well if you love me, then why the hell did you leave me!!!? Marina screamed at Robert, grabbing him by his strong black hair.
?I am sorry!! I will never leave you again!!!? Rob spoke, as if he was pleading.
?No!! You will not leave me again!! No one dumps Marina!!! No one!!? Marina yelled at him.
Before Brigitte realised it, one of the monsters came behind Robert, and cut off hi9s head, with some kind of dagger-like sword.
Brigitte screamed, as did the family members being held hostage in their own house. Marina laughed, watching Robert’s head roll down the floor.
?You?.you? him!!? panicked Brigitte.
?He had it coming Puki!!! I think I was better off without him anyways!!! Besides, I prefer your company now Puki!!? Marina told Brigitte.
Marina said something to the Monsters in their own language and two of them grabbed Brigitte, dragging her up from the floor. As for the family who lived in that house (the little girl, her daddy, her mommy, her four brothers and two sisters), Marina looked at them coldly.
?I killed someone!!! We can’t have witnesses!!? Marina coldly looked at them and told them.
She uttered something to the Monsters in their language, telling them what to do.
Brigitte screamed, as she was being dragged away, listening to the entire family shouting and screaming for their lives as the monsters were butchering them.
One Week Later
One Night
It was special club, up on the top floor of a very high building. This was an exclusive club, normally registered only for its members, who happened to be very wealthy men.
Inside an auditorium, were rows and rows of round dinner tables, with foreign men from all over the world and wealthy local men sitting down, drinking their liquor.
It was a very large auditorium. The men were looking towards a stage, that had large red giant curtains pulled over them. the curtains slowly slowly pulled back automatically. On the stage was Marina, dressed in very expensive clothes. she was dressed up, as if she was in some special Movie Awards Night in Hollywood, giving out trophies to ?best films? or ?best actor? or those sort of things that were done on the stage, for a global audience.
Marina went over the mike. Because she was short, she had to stand up some pulpit.
?Good evening gentlemen!!! You have come from all over the Philippines and the world and paid lots and lots of money to see this exclusive show!!! I assure you that tonight you will be entertained like never before and that you had not wasted your money. Now if you would let me, the show will start in five minutes!!! So please sit back and enjoy!!!? Marina told the audience.
The curtains pulled back.
Four minutes later, the lights inside the auditorium got darker and darker, like in the cinemas. People were sat down quietly, sipping their liquor.
Then, the curtains pulled over. On the stage was a dead corpse laying on the floor. Then a naked Brigitte comes and starts going on top of the corpse, inserting its cock into her pussy, making it start to fuck her and using her pussy to fuck the corpse too.
Brigitte (out of real serious fear) was fucking the dead corpse of her former boyfriend-but-now-deceased Robert, like some form of necrophilia. She had been fucking the corpse for over 20 minutes, with the men from the audience roaring their excitements.
Then on the stage, appeared two strong and muscular Filipino men, carrying what looked like electric metal sticks. When the two guys tagged the dead corpse of Robert, all of a sudden, the corpse came to life.
With quick speed, the corpse instantly got up from the floor, moving and moaning like a zombie and still instantly fucking Brigitte, who was now forced her to wrap her legs around the zombie that had just been brought back to life.
The audience roared even louder and more excitement coming out from their screams. They wanted to see a white woman have sex with a Filipino zombie, and to see what it would be like.
The two other guys who were there on the stage left, allowing Brigitte and the zombie to have sex before the audience for about half-an-hour more.
The two guys returned again, but this time electrocuting another moving zombie towards the direction of zombie-Rob and Brigitte. As the second zombie moved closer to where Brigitte’s ass was, one of the guys quickly took that second zombie’s cock and moved it towards her ass. he electrocuted that zombie’s cock and then all of a sudden, it came to full speed and started fucking Brigitte’s asshole.
Brigitte was being sandwiched-fucked by two zombies that had been brought to life. Her screams made the wealthy men in this room really happy, bringing them to tears, as if they were little boys who had been given Transformer toys back in the 80s.
The show went on for another 45 minutes until the curtains had rolled over, with Marina appearing on the stage 5 minuets after that, on the pulpit and mike, saying,
?I hope you had all enjoyed that but next week, we are going to have an equally similar show to the one you had just seen before your very eyes!!! I want to wish you a very good night and please enjoy the rest of the evening!!? Marina smiled at them.
Somewhere behind the stage, Marina’s goons were leading the zombies away and made Brigitte stand up naked, with zombie sperm dripping down both her holes.
Marina approached Brigitte.
?The audience love you tonight!!! They paid so much money just to see you Puki!! To see you make love to your boyfriend, even if he is dead!!? Marina said it sarcastically.
Marina laughed evilly.
Brigitte looked down on the backroom floor. She now knew that this was her fate. She was doomed to spend the rest of her life in the Philippines and remain as Marina’s slave.
For the rest of her life
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FetishThank you to all my faithful readers who have continued to ask for this next installment and have waited so long for it. I know it has been a long time coming and I hope that you find it worth the wait. If you haven’t read the previous chapters you should. This will make a lot more sense if you do. I enjoy corresponding with the readers so if you send me an e-mail I will reply. Although I appreciate constructive comments and suggestions both positive and negative, Nasty or abusive comments...
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This story is based on the ‘Controlling Bobbi’ series written by the author ArtyGee. The original concept and the title ‘Controlling Bobbi’ are the exclusive property of the author ArtyGee and are used here with his expressed written permission. The author ArtyGee takes no responsibility for the content of this story. I am going to take my story down a different road. The two stories diverge at some point after either the second or third chapter of the original. I recommend you read the...
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Some of the greatest scientific discoveries have been made as a matter of chance. Fleming and penicillin, for example, or Calthorpe finding the fabulously appointed tomb of Nefertiti. My own breakthrough in the re-shaping of Helena Voutrakis came about by chance as well. After my call on Aristides Poloi, it had occurred to me that an excess of sexual stimulation might possibly produce a helpful response. As a result I had arranged a series of sessions for Helena on the Orrery. The Orrery is...
Tuesday, June 25 to Thursday, July 24, 2008 Everything was going so great, and I especially loved the gains I was making from understanding my abilities better, so a couple of days later I did another round of upgrades with my Second-Tier Helpers. Last time I'd copied upgrades from the twelve lowest-minded helpers. This time I upgraded with all fifteen of them, leaving them with one of my minds but keeping the copies of all of theirs. That added 9,421 minds, giving me a total of 16,592. I...
Mark Elsa coached me through the sixth checklist as she did it with me. This time we prepared and tested the back up hydraulics on the Boeing 737-700. I was again sitting in the copilot’s seat with Cindy in the jump seat as Elsa flew PIC – pilot in command. Both engines were idling and we were about to get our clearance, taxi, takeoff, and fly back to the mainland. Behind us in the passenger compartment rode the rest of our family and friends. I read back the status lights from the...
I progressed enough to reproduce a quantity of water well beyond my sample size, but maintaining its original mineral content still alluded me. I also wasn’t able to replicate anywhere near the amount required to fill a small pond, let alone a big lake or river. After countless hours of frustration, I finally had the breakthrough I was seeking! I developed a power storage containment battery that could recharge itself as it ran. It was similar to a cars alternator, but instead of requiring...
This story is based on the ‘Controlling Bobbi’ series written by the author ArtyGee. The original concept and the title ‘Controlling Bobbi’ are the exclusive property of the author ArtyGee and are used here with his expressed written permission. The author ArtyGee takes no responsibility for the content of this story. I am taking my story down a different road. The two stories diverge at some point after either the second or third chapter of the original. I recommend you read the original...
-Rory “How was this really happening?” I reeled as she just stared me down with a menacing look. Allie had never talked to me this way. It’s exactly what I had asked for, but now it terrified me. “So, if we are going to use this for now, how long am I leaving this on for?” “Why do you sound so pessimistic all of a sudden? Fear of reality setting in some?” She said. “No, not that, I was just wondering. So, what all does the ‘real way’ entail exactly?” With everything happening right now those...
FetishIt was Friday night, bedtime. Another week was over. Abby sat on the edge of my bed in her pajamas, brushing her long, curly red hair slowly. She looked at me standing naked, my dick a beam shooting straight from my body. At this point, it only took the simple thought of my sister to make it hard. Abby gave me a small smile and kept brushing her hair. I climbed into the bed behind and slid my legs under the sheets, my body and dick facing her back. I touched her lower back as she kept...
I was eleven when my Mom died. One moment she was here happy and laughing and a moment later she was dead on the floor. Aneurysm, they said. But you're a boy, you should man up and go forward. I didn't want to, I mean I didn't want to be a boy and even more, I didn't want to man up. Mom was my last hope for me to help cope with what and who I was. I was now alone with Dad. Dad was in the army. He was a Master Sergeant and worked at the nearby base, the training center they called it....
EXTRACTS OF FEAR. Hers January 10 th 2003 Dear diary, He wasn't in the best of moods again today. I didn't catch most of his rantingbut it was as usual about work. I know he hates his job. Why doesn't he dosomething about it? We don't seem to be close anymore. We never talk or maketime for fun. Can three years of marriage really do such damage to a relationship? I don't think ill try and talk to him about it tonight. He'll probably godown the pub soon anyway, and then I can clean up. His ...
I was expecting some sort of dream like I normally have, but nothing like that came about. I slept undisturbed through the night, which was surprising with the amount of people currently in my room when I do sleep. I woke refreshed and feeling energized. I also woke up before anyone else did. Not surprising considering the amount of sleep I got yesterday. I moved cautiously through the mine field of sleeping bodies and made my way to the balcony again. I had left the door open last night as...
I’m a control freak. There it is. I said it. I have an insatiable need to control everything around me. Even worse, I have a pathological need to control everyone around me -- especially those who matter most to me. Just ask them.There was no one better to call me out on it than my best friend Stacie. Stacie and I met at the architectural firm we both starting working at three years ago, after graduating from college. I work in the structural division. She works with interior design. We became...
BDSMControlling SarahNotes from the authors:New blog for this story: http://ControllingSarah.Blogspot.ComSarah and Suki had the generalities of this story about two years before it was written. I read some erotic fiction somewhere of a secretary hypnotizing her boss into being more successful and promiscuous. The objective of the secretary controlling her boss was an influence on the Nancy character I invented for this. There was a ?Nancy? villain in the original Suki Adult Romance series that...
Shaken, Mindy looked at Sandy, whose face was still flushed with arousal, even as she stared at the leather that claimed Mindy's sex. "Let me pleasure you," Mindy said. "No," Sandy replied. "We have to get this off of you. I want you to feel pleasure, too." But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get the device off. The leather was hard and stiff, and fit too tightly for Mindy to slip the belt off. At first, their intense frustration nearly overcame them, as both women...
I woke up early on Friday because I never really fell asleep. I woke up at sunrise and tried to call Angie again. I let the phone ring and ring, and the whole time I was looking at the shiny new cord that the maintenance man put in when he fixed the handset, after Becky Finklestein broke it. The call went to voicemail but I didn’t want to leave a message. I just wanted to hear Angie. “Oh my God this is totally Angie you guys. Leave a message or whatever,” the recorded voice said. She was so...
It had been quite an interesting day, and different than most Saturdays. I got home with about two hours of daylight left ... and discovered I had the place to myself. That suited me fine – for I had much to think about for the big week ahead ... there was the meeting with Mr. Rankin regarding my jump to 10th grade; I needed to hit the Manual again, to prepare to take the written & driving exams at DMV; and, I was kicking around thoughts about this new girl Kimberly ... I was fascinated...
I could feel the hands tighten around my throat, my hair being pulled, my neck arching up to accommodate the pulling. I felt the whisper of his breath on my throat. Hot and breathy, chills running down my spine, I moaned quietly as the tingling hit my pussy. I loved this feeling, for however long it lasted. The feeling of being controlled, having to submit to someone who controlled my need. I whimpered low in my throat as he slid his hand down my chest, lightly brushing my aching nipples, down...
BDSMCONTROLLING THE URGES By Charles E. Campbell Control. Looking back, I guess that's what it's always been about. Really about. Control.It's control over me. My control over it. When it would start. Keeping it incheck. What it would require of me to appease it. How long the urge would last.Keeping it as a long held private secret. Mine only. To know and fear, andyet, embrace. All of these things, and more, it has been for the better part of forty-fiveof my fifty-two years. But now, it is...
Congratulations due to some Cosmic Being you’ve awoken with the Control App installed on your phone. Don’t ask why and don’t ask how just know that a measly code won’t stop a cosmic entity from simply opening your phone to grant you control over another human being or several if you play your cards right. Granted there are rules of course that cannot be ignored no matter how hard you tried because guess what that’s how the universe works. You may have the power of the Gods in your hands but...
Mind ControlYou will really want to read the previous 3 chapters before you do this one. I appreciate all constructive criticism and comments, and it is often helpful to hear suggestions for direction. We seem to have found ourselves at the crossroads. Do they continue their adventure together as lovers, or does Ryan becomes a more controlling and manipulative Dom? Sorry it can’t be both. Or can it?????? Ryan As wonderful as her mouth had been, Bobbie’s pussy was amazing. I couldn’t believe that I was...
Bag two was larger than the first bag. Eva tentatively opened it whilst she remained in the washroom cubicle. She wasn't going to risk opening it in public. Who knew what master had packed inside!Once again there was a set of typed instructions, along with a plastic laundry bag like the ones provided in hotels for dirty washing.Submissive,Strip. Place your clothes in the laundry bag. I want you naked.Master.Obediently, Eva found herself removing her tailored business skirt, her shear blouse,...
HardcoreAll rights reserved by Author Edited by my friend, takemedown This story is from the imagination of tcs1963. It contains Bisexuality, light Femdom, some may even say coerced or forced Homosexuality. If this offends or doesn't interest you, please feel free to find another story. Thank you... Controlled Lovers I was late coming home from work. As I entered our house I noticed the living room was dark. The only light coming from the flickering embers burning in the hearth. Shadows were...
I will tell you a story.The story about how I ended up in absolute control over any person I desired, and how I used them for my pleasure.But before we start on the actual story, let me tell you a bit about my family.First of all my name is Jacob, and I am 18 years old.My mother and father got sexually interested in each other at young ages.My mother got pregnant at 16 years old, and gave birth to my sister Mary a couple of months after turning 17.At 18 years old she gave birth to me.After a...
Control By Sandra Silk This is all so crazy, that I guess I should just put down what happened and let you decide what I should do. To begin with, my name is Carl and I'm 15. Just 15 three weeks ago - and what a three weeks it has been. I live with Donna, my stepmother in a small town outside of New York City. She and my dad have only been married two years and he travels most of the time. So it's usually just Donna and I at home. And that can make it hard. See, I can't take my eyes...