Controlling Wife Taster free porn video

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Controlling Wife We had been married for a few years, she'd been married before and it had ended acrimoniously, or so she said, not that she ever told me the reasons and I felt it wrong to ask her, though in retrospect the split and what happened to him was a bit confusing too. As to me, I was a shy and quiet person of small build, I suppose you might call me weedy and if I admitted it, I have quite a submissive nature. All my life I had always avoided any confrontations and I much preferred to shut up and accept things or walk away from any arguments. We met by chance in a bar, it was a hot day and I was having a nice cool gin and tonic when she suddenly appeared beside me. I had often seen her about, way out of my league, I thought, but I could look, couldn't I? I half glanced, peeping shyly at her, she was inches taller than me, her body well-toned, muscular even, her hair fair and aggressively short, you might almost have said that she was butch. It was she that started to chat to me, I wouldn't have had the courage to speak to her. I couldn't believe my luck, but we seemed to hit it off from there, though when I look back on it, most of that first conversation was her asking me questions all about myself. We married within a few months, it was a bit of a rush, but it seemed she didn't want to waste time and in reality, I was quite happy to go along with what she wanted. She organised everything, even telling me to move in with her before the event and afterwards we set up home together in her house. We seemed to live happily, I was so proud of her and I suppose I was totally besotted with her. They say that love is blind, so I didn't really notice that she was beginning to instil her dominance over me, exerting a control even at that early stage. She was the chief executive of a large clothing company, with all sorts of investments and controlling interests in a variety of other businesses and as a result her job was pretty high pressured. Meanwhile I worked as a teleworker in a call centre, arranging insurance, though that didn't seem to matter to her. It wasn't until much later that I was shocked to discover that the company I was working for was a part of her portfolio! After we had been married a few months, out of the blue, I was given the option to work from home and following a discussion with my wife, she strongly suggested that it was too good an opportunity to miss. So, she set me up with my own home office, giving me the run of the larger of the two rooms in the attic, where I set up a phone and computer as my work station. I have to admit that I am a bit of a couch potato and don't really enjoy too much physical exercise, the most I ever seemed to do was a walk in the countryside with her at the weekends though I suppose I'm lucky that I don't seem to put on any weight and remain lath thin. I made myself believe, however, that I made up for my lack of exercise by keeping fit going up and down the stairs to my office in the attic a few times a day. She was different, though, she just loved exercise, the more extreme the better and after work she went to classes almost every night of the week. Monday was kick boxing, Tuesday kettle bells, Wednesday Judo, Thursday spinning and Friday she would run a 5k before dinner, yet she seemed happy for me to be me. After we were married, to start with we shared the household chores, just like any couple, taking it in turn to cook and to clear and tidy up. I'm not really sure how that changed. She was involved in a pretty stressful thing at work, or so she said and she seemed to be coming home late and exhausted. I felt sorry for her and cooked, even though it was her turn. That week I cooked every night, dinner was ready for her when she came home and she seemed to be grateful for that. It was my turn again at the start of the next week, but when it came to her turn the next day, there became excuses and she said, "Would you mind making it tonight again love, I am completely exhausted." And of course, I did. Until it just slowly slipped into me making food and then clearing up afterwards, every night. I just did it, pleased to make her happy, nothing untoward dawned on me, I just enjoyed spoiling her. I thought our sex life was good, I really loved being in bed with her, even though she tended to be quite rough in her love making. I know that I'm not very well endowed but that didn't seem to matter too much to her, she seemed to enjoy every minute and I would always end up climaxing ecstatically. All was great in my eyes, until she suddenly began to complain that she was sore, down there. If you know what I mean. Because of that we gradually began to have sex, I mean actual penetrative sex, less and less. She went to see her doctor, or so she told me and she prescribed her with various ointments and hormones, both in tablet and in cream form, though I never saw her taking them. She told me that we couldn't have sex until she was better and, in my worried concern and love for her, I was happy to do whatever she told me. I only wanted her to get well. Things got difficult for me, however, when she decided that she still needed and wanted cuddles. "Just cuddles," she said. "You can't try to put your little thing in me, you know the doctor said that you mustn't" I did my best, I really did, but when you have a sexy woman in bed with you, with her legs intertwined with yours, rubbing herself against you and kissing you hard! She had this habit of biting my lower lip which fuelled my submissive nature and aroused me like crazy. It's very difficult not to get an erection when she did things like that and of course I couldn't stop my little penis from getting stiff and finding its way between us. Which made her terribly cross. "Can't you control yourself? It isn't too much to ask, I told you we mustn't do it, not until I'm better, but every time we cuddle you try to put it in me," she berated me. She was aggressively argumentative, no matter how hard I tried to apologise and explain that I didn't mean to and that it was only a natural reaction. Each time I ended up in her bad books, with her not speaking to me for a couple of days. That pattern seemed to develop in our lives, every few days she would want cuddles, in bed, usually in the morning. Her teasing ministrations would make me erect and my lack of control would lead me back to causing her angry annoyance once more. Each time ending in my begging desperate apologies, all over again. It was a few weeks after the start of this issue, which had seemed to take over our lives, when one weekday evening, I remember distinctly, she called me into the lounge. She was sitting in her armchair looking extremely sexy and she told me to stand in front of her and I did, like a naughty schoolboy, as she spoke. I didn't argue, I never argued with her, I just stood there in a mixture of submissiveness, which she always seemed to instil in me and a desperate want, to keep her happy. "I know how difficult this is for you love and I know you do try not to get your little man in the way when I want a cuddle and we both know how unsuccessful that has been. We both like cuddles, don't we? Hmmm?" I nodded my agreement. "Yes love." I didn't mean to sound meek it just came out like that. It made her smile. "I talked to my doctor about your problem," she went on, obviously satisfied with my reaction. "She made some suggestions and, on her advice, I bought you a present." Smiling encouragingly, she handed me a small white box tied up with pink ribbon. I took it from her feeling a little surprised and curious. "Go on then, open it." her voice had an edge to it, the sort of edge she had when she was getting irritable with me. I undid the ribbon and then cautiously lifted the lid, not really understanding what I was looking at inside. "Take it out silly." I gingerly extracted the light pink sort of feather weight plastic bits from the box, then looked at her in my confusion. "It's to stop your little man getting erect when we cuddle love." "Wwhat is it." I had an uneasy inkling what it was, but I didn't want to believe it. "Let's try it on you love, I can't wait to see if it fits and I'm desperate for a cuddle tonight. Now come on take your trousers and pants off" With nervous apprehension mixed with a tinkle of arousal, I did as she said and was quickly standing semi naked before her. "Give it to me and I'll put it on for you love," she was sexy, persuasive and smiling lovingly at me, so with a slight tremble I returned the box to her with the thing back in it. It was painful and uncomfortable as she fitted the ring over my penis and testicles, but she didn't stop even when I complained and told her it was too small and was hurting. "Don't be a baby," was all that she said. I gritted my teeth and tried to stand still for her. Eventually she got the ring in place and then she began to slip my penis into the sleave which I now realised would enclose it completely. The feeling of her touching my penis was so erotic that of course before I knew it, I was having an erection. "You love this, don't you? I can see that It's turning you on, but we have to get your little man into this tube or it's a complete waste of time." She looked me in the eye a second. "You'll thank me in the end love." With that she squeezed hard on my already tormented testicles. I squeaked, almost doubling over in the pain of her grip and of course my erection collapsed immediately. In a swift movement she took advantage of my situation, quickly slipping the sleeve over me and with a little giggle she clicked the tiny accompanying padlock in place. "There, it looks lovely, don't you think? I think that It really suits you." I was still gasping and wriggling from the pain in my testicles, let alone struggling with the oddly erotic feeling of this newly acquired constriction. "Don't you think it looks lovely?" Her voice was suddenly harder, more aggressive, strident and demanding. I reacted as I always did when she was aggressive with me and I did what she told me by looking down at myself, my penis was enclosed in a small semi-transparent light pink tube, which mimicked the shape of a small penis, it even had a small slit at the end. On the upper surface of the translucent little tube was a tiny white flower and where the tube met the ring there was a small silver padlock. "Don't you think it looks lovely?" The repeated words were a sharp bark. It wasn't a question anymore, it demanded a reply and of course being the sort of person I was, she often call me a whimp, I said what I knew she wanted to hear. "Ys Love." My voice small and soft as it usually was when I was trying to please and appease her. "Well tell me then, tell me you think it looks lovely," she continued in that strident assertive tone of hers "I I think it looks lovely love." My face burned even as I said it and a submissive tightness grew in my stomach as it always seemed to when I pandered to her will. "Well, aren't you going to thank me?" There was no end to her testing me, her words were snappy and sharp. My reply was an instant reaction. "Th thank you love, it, it's lovely." It was more of a mumble than anything and I felt my face burning as I said it. She smiled craftily and then knowing that I was watching, she took a silver chain out of the box and made a point of threading the key through it before standing and holding it up around her neck. Looking directly at me she spoke, the edge still there and unmistakable, it was as if she was revelling in embarrassing me. "Will you fasten this for me, you know how awkward I find these safety links," she turned her back to me holding the ends of the chain together behind her neck. I didn't have much of an alternative. "Ys love," I mumbled again and with nervy fingers I managed to fastened the chain. "There, safe and sound." She let the key dangle against her chest, she didn't have much of a cleavage. "Now put your clothes back on or you'll catch your death." She was already sitting back down and picking up the tv controller when I nervously found my voice. "Can, can I, t, take it off for now L, love, I, I can put it b, back on for you again later before we go to bed." I wished that I wasn't stuttering when I spoke, but the whole episode had made me feel extremely nervous and submissive. She looked at me and replied as if she was explaining something to a young child. "Good gracious no, my doctor said that you have to get used to it, she said that it would be more uncomfortable if you kept taking it off and putting it on all the time and anyway what a waste of time, you don't need to take it off do you? If your worried about going for a pee, its designed for you to pee wearing it, you just have to get used to sitting down, like a girl would have to." It was useless arguing with her when she was in this sort of mood and anyway, I just couldn't face having a further confrontation with her. Instead, I accepted it and stepped back as I usually did, heading out to the kitchen to make our evening meal as usual. When we went to bed that night, she wore a short black nightie and then insisted that I was to come to bed naked. She looked sexy extremely sexy, I felt hot, turned on, yet my poor penis, locked up as it was, only gave me discomfort which began fuelling a growing frustration inside me. In bed she immediately wanted to cuddle, we were on our sides and I faced her the way she usually liked me to. Teasing, she coaxed me between her legs, wrapping them around me pulling me against her. I whimpered my frustration as my poor penis struggled in its prison, whilst she grinned in an almost triumphant satisfaction, before making kissing shapes and noises with her lips. I knew what she wanted, she always did this when we cuddled, she wanted to kiss me. Over time she had developed me, creating a response within me, making it so that kissing was one of the things that made me lose all control and become submissively aroused by her. Now I obediently lifted my face towards her, puckering my lips as I knew she expected, bringing them to hers ready to kiss her, she liked to be the one in control when we kissed. I'd learnt that over the time that we'd been together, she didn't like me to give her kisses, she liked to be in charge, she gave the kisses and when she was aroused, she became physical and rough about it. She seemed to really love to give those strong bruising snogging French kisses and I had learnt to just kiss her softly, gently on the lips ready to accept for her to take control. She really liked to be in charge though, really in charge, I suppose it came from her work, but in bed she not only took charge, she also loved to tease me. I knew what she would do that night, I almost expected it and quickly after a few soft lip kisses she started kissing me harder and harder. It turned me on as she knew it would and I felt myself moan into her kisses, my natural submissiveness increased by my mixture of arousal and frustration. It encouraged her and she moved her mouth until she sucked my lower lip in between her teeth. It was something she often did and liked doing and I think she knew that it always turned me to jelly. She seemed to revel in her power over me and the passivity that I had learned to adapt to, when she did it and which I sensed she loved. This was a bit different though, that night she played with me, teasing me and becoming more and more dominant, driving me crazy, sucking and biting my lower lip, harder and harder, until it was almost numb. She rubbed her breasts sensually against me whilst she did it, the sensations driving me insane with frustration and increasing begging submissiveness. She carried on and carried on, unceasing, increasing my frustration until I was whimpering and desperate, she was owning me. I was so confused in that mixture of distress with my own pain and need that I didn't realise that she was becoming more and more aroused. Her 'cuddles' growing stronger, her kisses more violent, her legs gripped tightly around me, her sex rubbing against the awful chastity thing until she finally brought herself to a climax as she madly thrust herself against me. I could feel the tension flow out of her then as she relaxed and in post coital exhaustion, she pushed me away, like a used toy, before turning over to go to sleep. "Goodnight love," she murmured almost as an afterthought as she closed her eyes leaving me struggling to sleep in painful arousal and utter frustration. She was awake the next morning, wide eyed and bushy tailed, whilst I dragged myself out of bed exhausted, having had a painfully sleepless night. I tried to persuade her once again, to unlock the damn thing, give me some peace, but she wouldn't have any of it. "I told you what my doctor said, you will have to get used to it," she was losing patience with me, but then paused a second, looking at my frustrated disappointment. "Look I'll talk to her today and see if she can recommend something that will relieve the pain a bit, but regardless of what she suggests, it stays on, understand?" I nodded, disappointed and went for my shower. "I'll talk to her, ok? Now I must run, I've got an early meeting in work, byee." I heard the front door slam as I stood in the shower wishing that I had more courage to stand up to her, yet deep down I knew that I would do anything for her, anything not to lose her. I had no idea at the time however, where that was going to lead me. That evening I was in the kitchen cooking supper waiting for her to come home. That was nothing new, I usually finish work upstairs at four and it had gradually become a habit to set to and get our dinner ready by the time she finished work. Only this time I was feeling skittish and nervy, the chastity thing was a constant reminder which I had to struggle hard to try and ignore. She arrived home a little later than normal, all smiles and bubbling enthusiasm, she'd had a good day at work obviously. She went to change as I laid the table and when she arrived back in the dining room, she looked breathlessly sexy. She sat as I poured a glass of wine out for her, then I carried on serving out our meal. "You'd make a good maid you know," she grinned as she sipped her wine. "Wouldn't you?" she left the words hanging in the air as she looked at me, waiting for my response. For some reason my penis attempted to stiffen in its' prison and my heart fluttered stupidly, I don't know why, it was absolutely stupid and yet! "Yes love." My reply wasn't much more than a whisper. I don't know what made me say yes even, it wasn't that I wanted to be her maid or anything, but it was the sheer act of needing to reply to her. However, saying that and saying it in that way, made that feeling of confusing submissiveness grow inside me once again. I didn't really understand though, why it also made my penis tingle, why should it turn me on? "Ooo, well then, we will have to see about that won't we," she giggled as she put her glass down. We ate then with small talk, even though my mind was on the painfully frustrating chastity, whilst I tried my best to focus on her chatter about her work and employees. "Oh by the way, I called in to see my doctor on the way home." She changed the subject seamlessly, almost without a thought, her words matter of fact as if it was an everyday occurrence. I sat up, taking notice, hopeful. "We discussed your problem and she understood completely, she said it was what she expected. She has prescribed some tablets for you and she told me that you must take them four times a day. However, she said it will take a couple of weeks before you start to see the effect, though eventually they will give you complete relief. So, for now, she said that you should also take some pills to relieve your anxiety, until the others kick in and she gave me some of those for you." I looked at her feeling disappointed, nervous and concerned. "Pills? What pills love? Do I really have to take pills?" "Oh yes, definitely love, in fact you need them already, I can see that you're getting tense. Just a second I'll get them." She got up from the table and rummaged in her handbag, taking out a package, before disappearing into our bedroom and re-emerging with another more familiar looking box. She put the package in front of me first. "Those twice a day love, they are the ones that will deal with your anxiety for now." I picked up the package and took out the box of tablets, it said Benzodiazepine on the front. "But, but, do I have to? Aren't th, these terribly addictive love?" "My goodness what a whimp you are, you don't have to worry, as long as you listen to me. I'll make sure that I'll control any addiction and that you do what you're told, now go on, take one with your wine now." I looked at it dubiously, she was looking serious in what I presumed was loving support, waiting for me to take it, I took out one of the tablets and hesitating a second, looked at her. She nodded to encourage me, so I took a deep breath and finally swallowed it. "Good boy, now this one." She handed me the box that she had taken from her bedroom. "This one's four times a day, so you should take two now to get you started, then two before bed then one four times tomorrow." I looked at the box, I recognised it, these were the tablets that the doctor had given her, these were the hormone tablets that she had told me she had to take. "But, but, these are your t tablets love, you told me that they're hormone tablets," I squeaked. "For goodness sake stop moaning, they are for women and men. Especially men like you love. It wasn't worth her prescribing more for you when I already have a cupboard full of them, plenty to keep you going for a year. Now come on." She paused a second giving me a little smile of encouragement. "You do want to make me happy, don't you?" I half nodded, dubiously, especially men like me, what did she mean by that? "You want to have lovely cuddles again tonight don't you love? I know you enjoy them you as much as I enjoy them." I nodded, my penis beginning to throb painfully again. "Well then, come on baby, take them for Mummy." She gave me a beatific smile of encouragement. I opened the sealed box, not twigging that it had never been opened before and I took out two of the large white pills, then taking another deep nervy breath, I put them in my mouth and swallowed them. "There, now that wasn't so hard, was it? Before you know it, you'll forget all about your little problem. Now what have you got for my pudding?" Again, the change of subject was instant, the issue of medication a fore gone conclusion, it wasn't to be talked of again, it was now to become part of my daily life. She was right in some ways, though the way I started feeling worried me, within a few weeks I had begun to feel quite light headed and generally lacking concentration. Thank goodness, at least I wasn't constantly pained by the chastity anymore, though the continual and growing frustration of it was slowly driving me insane. Without realising it, I found that through my begging her for release, I began to follow her gradually increasing dictate. As a way of enforcing her will and to ensure that I did as she asked, she began a regime of actually allowing me some release, but even that she made a totally embarrassing action. With promises, 'if I'm a good boy' and to "prove her love for me" so she said, she promised me a weekly unlocking, but to my disappointment it wasn't all that I immediately hoped for. The first time it happened she sat once again, looking sexy as hell, in her armchair in the lounge, telling me to remove my trousers and underwear and to stand in front of her. I did it with a pounding heart and a painfully throbbing penis. She made a play of removing the key from around her neck and then teasing me until she finally unlocked the thing. She slipped the tube off me, leaving the ring around my genitals and of course I almost immediately became erect. "There, I'll give you fifteen minutes love, now go on, rub it nicely for me, show me that you love me." I looked at her in embarrassment, but she just gesticulated at my penis as to my surprise the kitchen timer appeared by her side, out of nowhere and she made a show of setting it. Blushing I brought my hand to my penis and embarrassingly held myself, eventually and extremely humiliated, I began stroking it, right there in front of her. I was soon focussed solely on my erection and was hardly aware of her picking up my pants from the floor where I had discarded them earlier. I was becoming more and more distracted and quite quickly I felt myself well up in that yearning desperate, body quivering release. She was ready, readier than me, her eyes closely watching my body language and as I came, she enclosed me in my pants capturing my ejaculations within the carefully positioned gusset. Coming down off my high, she slapped my hand away and I became aware that she was wiping any remnants of my cum with my pants, then taking out a surgical wipe from a box that I hadn't noticed on the coffee table beside her, she proceeded to wipe all around my genitals. "There, good boy, now wasn't that nice?" I gasped, blushing further my humiliation returning as she glanced up at me, awaiting my reply. "Yss love." I mumbled, deep down I wished that she didn't make me feel so submissive. "Good boy, now thank me for letting you come." I felt my penis stupidly twitching, swelling a little again, the mixture of her using the wipe and my submissive reactions having an effect. "Th, thank you love," I mumbled. "Naughty boy, now make it go down, or shall mummy help you?" she carried on running the wipe over me as she spoke. I knew her inference, I knew with a sudden fear what she was suggesting, but you just can't make your penis go down, not just like that, these things take time and effort The swift crushing pain in my testicles had her desired effect and once again my penis immediately shrank. "There, you know how much mummy loves to do that to help you, don't you? She spoke as she slipped the dreaded tube back in place over my poor penis, the lock following it with a click. I stupidly stood there, still in front of her, quivering, the pain in my tummy slow to subside. "Now let's put your pants and trousers back on there's a good boy." She held my underpants open for me to step into them. I could clearly see the gusset pooled in cum. "They, they're wet, m, messy L, love." I hesitated "You want to cum again next week don't you?" her voice was suddenly hard "Ye, yes love." "THEN PUT THEM ON when you're told." Her shout made me jump and I immediately stepped into my underpants. She quickly pulled them up my legs and in seconds I felt the slimy wetness between my legs against my testicles and perineum. "Turn around." It was an order, she knew that I wouldn't argue with her and I turned my back to her. She pulled my pants up higher, forcing the material wedge like between the cheeks of my bum, spreading the sticky sliminess over my most intimate place too. "Now get your trousers on and get me a nice glass of wine." I wanted to shout, to scream at her, no, stop this, get this thing off me, but I was terrified of the consequences, apart from the argument, I was afraid I'd lose her and I just couldn't live with that. So began my weekly routine which at the start of each week I almost dreaded, but by the end of the week I was almost begging for. She didn't just leave it there though, she was never satisfied and quickly became bored of repetition, so gradually each week she seemed to delight in introducing new and more humiliating things into her game, knowing that in my desperate need for release I'd accept. One day a large parcel arrived when she was at work, it was addressed to her and I showed it to her when she came home. That evening she presented it to me, once again wrapped in pink ribbon. "I've bought you a lovely present love, especially for your special days." I looked at the box in a mixture of dread and excitement, then unpacked it as she watched me. It was a shock when I opened it, it looked like a legless human torso made from some sort of latex rubber. "Go on take it out, let's see it, show it to me." She sounded excited. I hefted the thing out of the box, it was surprisingly heavy and I plonked it down in the middle of the lounge floor. It amounted to a pair of upper thighs, a bottom and the rest of the body, with no head or arms. Between its legs was a very realistic looking vagina and between the cheeks of its bottom was an equally realistic looking anus. It was all made in a very soft feeling latex rubber in an all too realistic colour. I looked at it and then at her, a little nervous, yet I have to admit, a little bit aroused too. "I know that you love our little games every week love, so I wanted to spice it up a bit. I don't like you touching your little man and I don't want you to do it anymore, so I bought Bobby to help you. Come here, I'm sure you can't wait to try." I felt a throbbing beginning in my penis, the familiar pain as it tried to stiffen in its restraint. "Come on undress for mummy, Bobby wants you naked." She pulled on a pair of latex medical gloves as she spoke. That familiar feeling of frustrated arousal and excitement was bubbling up inside me and I couldn't stop myself from quickly stripping naked as she had told me. I stood in front of her as I knew she expected and had become the norm, my heart fluttering. "Hands behind your back." I complied and she slowly removed the chastity tube, leaving the ring in place as usual. My penis stiffening even as she touched it. "You're looking forward to having sex with Bobby aren't you," she stroked my penis as she spoke I nervously nodded, my penis becoming instantly erect. "Yess love." It came out as an emotional gasp. "But you'll we have to keep Bobby clean, won't you?" I looked at her a little confused, then I noticed the condom in her other hand. "Y, Yss love." She undid the wrapper and then slowly slid the condom over my erection. "I bought the smallest I could find, because I know that your little man is only tiny." She revelled in humiliating me but her manipulations kept me teased in my stiffness. "Make sure you don't touch it now, or mummy will have to do something to stop you. You've got fifteen minutes as usual, now off you go and make Bobby happy while mummy watches you." I felt that awful mixture of humiliation and yet I was desperately aroused from the past frustrating week. Hurriedly, I knelt behind the partial sex doll trying my best to guide myself into the waiting vagina. I managed to get myself there against it, but it was too dry and tight to get myself in. I found myself perspiring as I struggled, I felt desperate to use my hands to aid my rubbery stiffness and was about to do that when I heard her voice beside me. "You're so selfish, don't you think that Bobby needs some foreplay, poor Bobby's dry, you have to show Bobby you love Bobby what do you think you need to do to make Bobby wet hmm?" I glanced at her confused. "Kiss Bobby, kiss and lick it nice and wet." I slid down flat on the floor, my face between the cheeks of the doll's bottom, craning my neck so that I could bring my lips to its vagina, my nose pushing into its anus. Lying like that on my throbbing penis only aroused me more and in seconds I was licking and slobbering madly between those pink rubber cheeks. "Seven minutes, you'd better hurry love." I could feel a sudden panic welling up inside me and I hurriedly got back to my kneeling position, wriggling my penis back to that place, now wet and glistening. My pushes were frustrating me as my penis bent and slipped as I struggled. "Twelve minutes, you'd better hurry." Eventually I managed to slip the head of my penis between the tight rubber lips, more by luck than anything, my thrusts hardly doing more than bending my penis against it. I struggled on trying, aware of her counting down the clock, then I suddenly felt myself slip a little deeper in to the latex sheath and that was enough. I started pumping madly and surprisingly quickly, felt myself coming, it was shattering, I thought my head would explode and I almost collapsed on top of the doll in my whimpering orgasm. I had no idea then that she had her hand inside her own panties playing with herself as she watched me. My fast collapsing erection slipped out of the condom, leaving it still in the doll and I sat on the floor in a feeling of exhaustion, my humiliation growing once again at what she'd made me do in front of her. "Stand up, come here." I slowly did as she said and she slid her hand around my now flaccid little penis. "Do you like your present love?" I immediately knew where this was going. "Yes love." "Aren't you going to thank me for it?" "Yes love, I'm sorry, thank you for my present love." My voice sounded weak, small in my ears. "Tell me that you love me then." "I, I love you, love, thank you for my present, I love you." I found myself babbling, fully aware that she was cradling my poor testicles. She smiled, that horrid smile again, then with a few strokes of the now regular surgical wipe she had me quickly encased in my prison once again. "Where's the condom?" I looked about for it and found it where I had left it. I pulled it out and showed her. "Bring it here, give it to me." I did as she said, expecting the deposit to end in my underwear again. "Turn around and bend over." I worriedly looked at her, but she gesticulated assertively and I did as she said. I felt her spreading my cheeks and I quivered nervously, fearful of what she was threatening. "You were going to put this into Bobby without a thought, weren't you?" "N, No love." I lied in protest "Don't lie to me, head right down, hands on the floor, bottom right up." I did as she said then felt the slimy stickiness over my poor little rosebud hole. "Noo, please love," I mumbled. It didn't stop her and to my shock I felt her pushing her latex covered finger into me there, lubricated by my own cum and pushing some of my own climax inside me with it. I gasped, it came out as a mixture of groan and moan and for an insane minute my penis throbbed inside its prison. "I knew you'd like that you little hussy." I could hardly speak, hardly reply to her after, such torrid humiliation, my twisted emotions tying my tongue. She made me bring Bobby up to the small bedroom next to my office in the attic and leave it on the single bed there. She made me leave the door open so that each time that I passed it in the following week, I would see it and it fed that never ending frustration, sending my poor little penis buzzing and begging to be touched. So the week went by, I tried not looking into the open bedroom door as I passed to my office, but I nearly always failed and once again that frustration grew daily, until I could hardly wait for the release day and she knew it. Eventually she told me to join her, naked, in the little bedroom. Again, the mixture of excitement and yet humiliation bubbled within me. It was an almost exact replica of the week before, except I was on the bed with Bobby, I seemed to struggle more and it took me a little longer to cum. The only other difference was, when she was locking me back up, before asking me if I loved her, she asked me if I loved Bobby. "Do you love Bobby?" again she was cradling my most vulnerable parts, though I was now worried that they seemed to be shrinking. I didn't have to think about it for long, I was afraid she'd crush my poor testicles again, so I said I did and she seemed pleased with that, though it made me feel funny when she told me to say it. "Go on then, tell Bobby, say I love you, Bobby. You don't want to hurt Bobby's feelings, do you?" I hesitated a second, feeling stupid, then I turned my face towards the bed. "I love you, Bobby." I mumbled. I don't know if it was her stroking my poor penis when I said it, or did the words excite me a little, because I twitched in her hand as I said it. "Yes, you do, I can see that you do," she could humiliate me so easily. I plodded on for yet another week of chastity, I was sure that the pills were having an effect on me, both of them. A submissiveness seemed to be growing daily inside me, an arousal continually fluttering inside me, yet I was experiencing a dreamlike calm that almost seemed to allow those inner feelings possess me more. She was also, if anything becoming more and more the focus of my daily life and I ever eagerly accepted all she did and said whilst I waited, with growing yearning, for my weekly release. Physically, my body did worry me however, my nipples had recently become very itchy and there was a concerning puffiness around them. Also, I was developing man boobs, which confused me, because someone of my age and frame should never be developing things like them. As for my penis, I couldn't tell except on release days, but I was sure my testicles were shrinking. It became almost a normal thing for her to demand cuddles every night now and each night her aggressive ministrations groomed me, dragging me deeper and deeper into a submissive yearning eroticism that left me wanting and frustrated whilst she seemed to revel in it and gain her satisfaction. My lack of fulfilment would grow and grow as she teased me until all I could think of was release day and the desperate need to sate my frustrations once again. The next release day went off much the same way as before, it was similar, yet it was different, each week adding a layer of humiliation to my desperation. This time she insisted that I say "I love you Bobby" over and over as I did my best to fuck the doll. It was weird, it made me feel funny and in the end I only just managed to cum before the timer went off beside her. "Ohh that was close baby. You nearly didn't get there, Bobby would have been really upset, if you hadn't cum, don't you think? Now give Bobby a nice kiss to show you love Bobby." I peeped at her in my post coital mental feebleness, taking in her usual gesticulations. I slipped off the doll, not knowing where to kiss it, then with a moment's thought I quickly kissed the cheek of its bottom. "Oh no, that's not good enough, that's like a slap across the face, it shows you have no respect. Now try again, you should know where you've got to kiss Bobby, so do it." I looked at the upraised bottom and the vagina that I had just been thrusting into, the condom still caught there between those tight rubbery lips. She saw that I'd noticed it and she came closer, hissing in my ear. "Lick it, suck it, then pull it out with your teeth, show how much you love Bobby." I took a deep breath then with a feeling of revulsion and self disgust I did as she said. Her arms slid around me as I lay wriggled down, my face between the dolls thighs and I felt her weight on me as she slid her latex clad fingers over my head to the condom. "Here, let me help, push your tongue out. In seconds she was feeding me my own semen, forcing me to kiss and lick the doll as she did so and ensuring that I swallowed it all. I felt so demeaned afterwards, totally debased, I couldn't look at her, even as she locked me up again. "There now, thank Bobby and thank me for helping you." I mumbled my thanks, wishing it was all over and not wanting to do it ever again, not until, that is, when I was madly frustrated again by the next week. It was another frustrating week, it was as if she was constantly trying to test me, to frustrate me, yet I still submissively accepted her domination. Last week's release replayed in my mind daily, until one day I found myself alone in the house, as usual at midday. With a fluttering heart I stripped naked and climbed on to the bed, I couldn't help myself. I slipped over the raised bottom and began rubbing myself against it, in seconds I was saying I love you Bobby, I love you Bobby, repeatedly, my imprisoned penis throbbing insanely and dribbling in its' plastic sheath. I was driving myself mad, I knew that I was, this was complete insanity, but I couldn't wait for my release; I was so desperate I was almost counting the hours. The time finally came again, I was up there in the little bedroom stripped naked already, waiting for her, that's how crazy I'd become that week. She smiled that quite evil smile of hers, I should have realised that she had something planned then. She unlocked it with the key she constantly kept dangling around her neck and gently removed the hateful plastic sheath. Almost instantly I bobbed to a feeble little erection. "I can see you've shrunk haven't you?" she glanced up at me after examining my poor penis, her medical gloves feeling cool and soft as she touched me. "Never mind baby, it doesn't matter that its tiny, we'll still have fun, won't we?" I couldn't speak, I just blushed in embarrassment. "It's lucky I managed to get hold of some extra extra small condoms on the internet and these are extra thick too, to give increased protection to Bobby. But I don't want you to get rubbed by them either, after all you almost rubbed yourself raw last week, didn't you baby?" I didn't reply, I couldn't think, hardly listened, I just wanted to fuck Bobby, so I just watched her as she produced a tube of ointment. "This will help you, I'm sure," she squirted some on her hands and slowly began to rub it all over my poor little bobbing penis. I almost thought I was going to cum there and then, it was a real struggle to keep myself from climaxing. "Now...Don't you dare cum while I'm doing this, or Mummy will get very cross." I tried to concentrate on the attic window, a glimpse of clouds, concentrate, concentrate. "There, now let's get your nice new condom on." I glanced down, the condom was pink, very small and did look a lot thicker than the usual one she'd made me wear. "One, hmm, I think we'd better put another on just to make sure, hadn't we? After all we really have to protect Bobby, we wouldn't want Bobby to catch anything horrible, would we?" I was past caring, I just wanted to get on the bed and find my desperate release. "There," she finished, patting me on the bum. "I'll just set the timer." There was a pause as she did so. "Ok, off you go then." I almost jumped onto the bed, I knew the drill, lick and suck a bit first until it was wet enough, then on my knees and thrust it in. Hurrying, I slobbered all over the doll then I got onto my knees. I brought my feeble begging pink latex sheathed erection to the slick vagina, I couldn't wait, but to my horror I couldn't feel a thing. I pushed and shoved and wriggled, but my penis was prodding about and bending a bit yet there was no sensation at all. I tried and tried in increasing frustration. "Ten minutes." Her voice had a sing song note to it. I brought my hand down to help me, it was a pure unthought rection to help myself. "NO. no hands." I still tried for a second, I could surely just start it in quickly. "NO. Hands behind your back, NOW." I hesitated a second, then frustrated, I did as she said, the click of the cuffs where swift, shocking and surprising me, I tugged at them with a whimper. "I warned you, now that's over eleven minutes gone already, you're wasting time, so you'd better hurry up." I struggled and wriggled and finally managed to get myself between Bobby's lips and after a valiant push into the vagina, it was more by luck than anything, the effort incredible. The sweat pouring off me, but I was in and I needed no more encouragement than to try to start thrusting madly. Insanely I heard myself saying I love you Bobby over and over again, like a mantra as I tried humping the thing in increasing rapidity. But though I was completely aroused and totally desperate, I couldn't feel a damn thing, I might just as well have been pumping into mid air for all the sensation that I felt. "Fourteen minutes, come on, come on, don't you love Bobby anymore?" Panting, I love Bobby, under my breath I threw my all into achieving something, yet there was no feeling. "That's it, STOP, times up." I collapsed in tears of frustration, the pink condoms remaining on me as I knelt back up "Well.... What a little sissy you are. Poor Bobby must be feeling so upset, she needs a real man, a real cock, doesn't she hmmm?" Almost crying in my frustration and undying embarrassment, I glanced over at her and to my shock I saw that she was half naked and wearing a large lifelike strap on cock. "Out of the way sissy, let me show you how it's done." She pushed me aggressively off the bed "Stand there and watch how it should be done sissy." I nervously took my place where she had pointed, beside the bed. "Now watch closely, this is what a man does." The head of her big fiercely stiff cock slid straight into Bobby, slowly and with no hesitation, gradually followed by the whole of its fearsome length. She held it there fully in, for a second or two, then began to thrust in long even thrusts, gradually increasing in speed. It surely must have been one of those strap-ons that was also embedded in her, either that or it was rubbing her clitoris as she thrust into the doll. though it didn't really make sense to me at the time, all I saw was that she was becoming more and more aroused as she did it, until, thrusting ever quickly, she obviously came. "Panting she turned to look at me and I could see the mixture of powerful aggressive arousal and domination in her face. "That's what Bobby expects, sissy, not a quivering half hearted attempt by your tiny little thing, after all it looks little more than a woman's clitoris, doesn't it? In fact that's what I think I'll call it from now on, eh sissy?" The embarrassment and humiliation coursed through me but she didn't stop her tirade all the rest of that evening. It was terrible, I had to admit it, due to the combination of the prolonged chastity and the hormones she was making me take, it was obvious that my penis was shrinking and I was finding it more and more difficult to become erect. Though that didn't stop her from putting me back into that evil chastity. It had been the start and from that time she constantly called me sissy in the days that followed. Progressively she was telling me exactly what to do and just to make sure that I wouldn't forget things, silly me, she would write down daily and weekly lists of chores, that me, her sissy, had to do. I was also very much aware of the fact that in bed she was becoming even more dominant in our 'cuddles' and in fact my lips were quite puffy now, feeling constantly numb, bruised and swollen. On top of that she had recently also taken to pinching my now stupidly sensitive, enlarged and erect nipples before kissing them, sucking them and then insanely arousing hell of me, almost making me cum as she actually bit on them too. Eventually, perhaps a couple of months after she had started me on her medication regime and a week after my failed release, one evening after supper, when I should have been looking forward to my next release, she called me into the lounge, to talk to me. Even though I was in a stupidly confused and frustrated state, I felt a worried apprehensive tightness in my tummy as she spoke. "You've been an obedient little sissy this week, I'm glad that you really try to make me happy and it's made such a difference to our cuddles when you act like a submissive little sissy, but I need more! I enjoyed having sex with Bobby and I am going to do it again, but I don't want our sex life to become boring. I really want to try something different, sissy, something more, I want to take you further, to really spice up our sex life," she paused, looking serious. "Are you going to be good, make me happy and do that for me sissy?" I was embarrassed by the constant use of that word and a bit bewildered by what she had said, had I dropped off a second, had I missed something? "Are you sissy?" she was looking into my eyes; she was so beautiful, so sexy, I was so besotted by her and she could be so very persuasive. "Yes love." It just popped out without thinking, it almost made me happy saying it, I really would do anything to make her happy. "Wonderful, now get undressed sissy, then wait until I come back." She disappeared from the lounge and I began to remove my clothes, my penis throbbing in its prison, full of excitement, hope and expectation. I was dutifully naked when she returned, standing with my hands discreetly in front of my yearning chastisement which I still found painfully humiliating for her to look at. "There, now put this on for me sissy girl," she held out to me one of her satin nighties, it was floral with red and white flowers all over it. I looked at it a bit aghast. "But, but it, it's a a nightie, it's, it's yours." I stuttered feeling suddenly confused. "I know sissy girl, but I want you to wear it for me. It should fit you, after all, you are a lot smaller than me and you said that you want to make me happy, didn't you sissy?" She paused looking at me questioningly, waiting my response. I couldn't face her so with only a short pause I nodded my affirmative. "So put it on for me sissy girl." I hesitated a moment, but then noticed a hardness flash into her eyes. "Now sissy," she uttered the clipped words to hurry me on I took the nighty from her and with trembling fingers and a flush of embarrassment pulled it on over my head. It cascaded down over my body until the hem rested on my hips, the cool satin tickling and teasing me, my nipples instantly and insanely becoming erect and tingling crazily by the sensation, whilst my entrapped penis started to throb earnestly. She smiled victoriously at me, seeing the effect it had on my emotions before producing something else from the pocket of her jeans which she again held out to me. It was the pair of panties, ones that went with the nightie. "And this sissy," she said holding eye contact. It was like a trial, but I was already defeated. I took it from her wordlessly and with a tremble of my hands I nervously stepped into them and pulled them up my legs over my bottom. They slipped into place, clinging tightly, enclosing my chastity their teasing touch madly affecting me, making me want to wriggle embarrassingly in submission to their cool satin imprisonment. I hardly got over the shock of their electric touch when, still fully dressed in jeans and tee shirt, she was on me, her arms wrapped tightly around me. Her attack, yes it felt like an attack, enfolding me, squeezing me with a powerful ferocity that took me completely by surprise, knocking the breath out of my weakened body. Her kisses hard, sudden, dominant and rude, almost immediately followed by her usual aggressive sucking of my poor bruised lower lip. Then, I'm not sure how it happened, she must have tripped me up or something, perhaps one of her judo moves, but I suddenly felt myself falling backwards, unable to stop myself. I hit the floor with a bump, it stunned and shocked me and before I realised it I was lying on my back, with her upon me. Trying to overcome the shock, I struggled beneath her, but she was too strong for me and she roughly held me down, forcing my legs apart with her muscled thighs, until her knees pushed aggressively between my legs forcing them apart and she forcibly settled herself on top of me. You couldn't call this cuddling or love making, she was violent, forceful and aggressive as she attacked my body. If our roles had been reversed, she would have called it rape, such was the way that she behaved. Her fingers found my nipples which as I've said had become horribly sensitive and swollen and now stupidly erect, she pinched them hard through the nightie making me yelp in pain and yet the effect on my senses was insane. It was a mad arousal but it was wrong. "Owww, oww stop it, stop it, you're hurting me," I managed to squeak. The slap took me completely by surprise and for a few seconds I'm sure that I actually saw stars. "Fucking shut up you bitch, I didn't say you could speak." Her words, her manor, the sound of her voice, they were all so violent and aggressive, so unlike her that it stunned me to cringing silence for a second. "P, p please," I began again after a pause, trying to squirm out from under her, but she raised her hand as if ready with another blow. I cringed, trying to turn my head away. "I said shat up sissy girl." It was as if she was in a rage and I stilled, giving in, quivering fearfully beneath her. She abused me then, pinching me, poking me, sucking, kissing violently, completely acting out a rape as she held me trapped there until I was a whimpering quivering wreck. She stood then, looking down at me, her face red, her whole expression one of violence, aggression and yet extreme arousal. She made sure that I was looking up at her from my position, scared to move, prone and trembling in shock on the floor beneath her. Whimpering, I watched her as she undid her jeans and pulled them down, beneath them I was shocked to see she was wearing a pair of dark blue boxer shorts. They soon followed, to her knees before she spun around, swiftly lowering herself down over my face, spitting the words as she did so. "Kiss me you fucking little sissy bitch, kiss me, lick me, suck me, worship me." I had little alternative as I was suddenly trapped under her, between her thighs, the boxers and jeans helping to enclose my head. Light, sound and air were obliterated as her heated moisture laden lips closed down over mine. I gasped struggling to breath, yet I kissed, then licking and sucking in fearful obedience for god knows how long as she writhed and roared on top of me. Sometimes she would be pinching and pulling on my nipples and sometimes she would be slapping at my poor imprisoned genitals, but always she was noisily, wetly, moving herself hard against my poor bruised enslaved lips until suddenly I felt broken, I couldn't stop myself and I was sucking madly, worshipping her, until her thighs tensed about my head, gripping me to her as I felt her finally climax, and her juices pouring over me squirting down over my face and into my mouth, almost choking me. She held me there like that for what seemed like forever as I strove to gasp for air, sucking against her until I thought I was going to pass out and die, then she lifted off me, leaving me eyes tight shut gasping for breath. By the time that I had controlled my breathing and opened my eyes, still panting, she had pulled her boxers up again and was following them with her jeans. She left the room without a word and I slowly, painfully, sat up shocked, battered and bruised by what had happened. Her swift return unnerved me straight away, I felt myself cringing from her, a fearful quiver gripping me. She was almost arrogant, carrying a glass of wine in her hand and she sat in the armchair, turning on the TV, barely looking at me, taking her time before she took a sip of it. Then she spoke. "I'm going to make you into a good little slut, sissy, remember this first beating, I promise that this won't be the last time you're raped you're going to have more of that girl, so you'd better learn to behave yourself and do what I tell you in future hadn't you?" She paused looking haughtily at me, seeing the effect of her words. "Or else there'll be real trouble!" her expression was quite terrifying. "Now go and wash your face and get to bed and don't you dare fucking change your clothes. Now get a fucking move on, get it warm for me." I couldn't speak, I felt so bruised and abused and frankly she was scaring me, she really was. Yet the insane thing was that deep down, even though I was physically bruised and mentally hurt and confused by it all, my emotions were all over the place. She really had made me worship her and I knew that I was even more completely besotted by her, deep down I also knew that regardless, I just couldn't live without her. What would I do, where would I go, what chance did I ever have of being with such a gorgeous woman again?

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Preachers Wife Chapter 9 and My WIfe and Wifes Fin

If you read previous stories, you will see at the church ladies retreat I had the preachers wife Pam, my sex slave cum slut, seduce my wife. Since that time, Pam had met with her 3 other times for romantic love making sessions, all of them caught on film.If you read my last story about the BBC gang bang my wife Charlotte had, this is the follow-on after she was devastated I found out she "cheated!"While I had my wife Charlotte set-up by Ed, her BBC 24 year old boy toy lover, and he had her...

3 years ago
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Controlling Bobbi AR Ch 01

This story is based on the ‘Controlling Bobbi’ series written by the author ArtyGee. The original concept and the title ‘Controlling Bobbi’ are the exclusive property of the author ArtyGee and are used here with his expressed written permission. The author ArtyGee takes no responsibility for the content of this story. I am going to take my story down a different road. The two stories diverge at some point after either the second or third chapter of the original. I recommend you read the...

4 years ago
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My wife housewife to hotwife 3

After Marie's first time being shared and having a strange cock pleasuring her she was hooked. Our sex life while never being dull was heated up considerably. We began playing more games in the bedroom and online with many others, both and female. Our games eventually evolved into me blindfolding and restraining her and pretending to be some total stranger having my way with her which brought her to fantastic orgasms. During this she would climax so hard that copious amounts of fluid would...

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My wife from housewife to hotwife 2

After our trip Biloxi where Marie really opened up showing off her body and playing a little in the theater we returned home and had several deep discussions about what happened and how she felt about it. She admitted that it really turned her on and that she would like continue and maybe expand her playfulness.We went a popular adult clothing and toy store in Jacksonville right on the main highway to look for some really sexy dresses for her. We were planning a first time visit to a local...

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Karen From Trophy Wife to Slutwife 1

PrologueEveryone calls me Rich. It’s short for Richard, but also because I’m filthy rich. I’m not the guy who flaunts his wealth, but I have a nice car, nice house, and I have a trophy wife. Here is where the story begins. My trophy wife is named Karen. I’m a thirty years her senior. She 24yo and has a smoking hot body. Hey, that’s why I married here. I knew she was after my money, but I figured that I would be getting that body to myself for the rest of my life. I mean she a real looker. Long...

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Shy wife becomes a hotwife

Two years ago I approached my wife about the possibility of a threesome with another man or me watching her with another guy. It completely threw her at the time and she wasn't very happy with me. She had an awful lot of questions and a lot of soil searching to do. We had been married 12 years at the time and we married when she was 18 and I was 20. During our entire marriage I had never even seen her so much as look at another man such was her mongamous attitude and she absolutely adores me as...

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How my wife became a Hotwife Part 3

So to catch you up from part 2....Bonnie and I were at our friends house attending a bbq. The part was an opportunity for my wife to show off her new swimsuit and pinup look...and boy did she. She looked incredible and garnered almost all of the attention from the male party goers. In particular, a neighbor of our friends named Hank...who Bonnie and Sharon had run into two weeks prior but Bonnie had left out that detail. Hank was a few years older than us and was a pilot for a local airline. He...

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How my wife became a Hotwife Part 3

So to catch you up from part 2....Bonnie and I were at our friends house attending a bbq. The part was an opportunity for my wife to show off her new swimsuit and pinup look...and boy did she. She looked incredible and garnered almost all of the attention from the male party goers. In particular, a neighbor of our friends named Hank...who Bonnie and Sharon had run into two weeks prior but Bonnie had left out that detail. Hank was a few years older than us and was a pilot for a local airline. He...

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Wifes Cousins Wife Nee Part II

Let me begin from where I stopped in my real life sex escapade with wife’s Cousin’s wife Nee. Check out the first part of this story “Wife’s Cousin’s Wife Nee Part – I “. This episode is a continuation of the First Part, in which Nee and Myself first met and how we got intimate and satisfied orally each other without removing our cloths. My email id is I sat there for some time I got up closed the door and came out of the bedroom of Nee and went to watch TV which was in the next room. I sat on...

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Wifes Cousins Wife NEE Part III

Before reading this check out my earlier submissions “Wife’s Cousin’s Wife NEE Part – I “ & “ Wife’s Cousin’s Wife NEE Part – II “. This is my real life escapade with my wife’s Cousin’s wife NEE. This episode is a continuation of the First & Second Part, in which I have narrated how Nee and Myself first met and how we got intimate and satisfied orally each other without removing our cloths and later on fucking for the first time. My email id is As described in the earlier part, we had a very...

4 years ago
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My exwife Chapter 2 My Cheating wifes story

It was a Wednesday afternoon that I came home early from work. My best friend and water skiing buddy, Merv was laying tiles in our bathroom at that time so I was not concerned when his car was parked in the driveway. I parked on the road and walked up the driveway to the house. I could hear no noise in the house which was unusual as my wife usually listened to music during the afternoon. I knew that she was home because I could see her car in the garage. Because it seemed so unusually quiet I...

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Karen From Trophy Wife to Slutwife 2

Chapter OneIt’s been about a week since my newly retrained slutwife has returned home. I can say that she was not wavered once in that time. She has maintained our house, keeping it clean. She’s had dinner prepared and ready for when I arrive home from the office. Now mind you, she never cooked before. Her meals have been scrumptious too.Each evening she is naked, except for her collar, in the “Ass up” position. It’s where she’s on all fours, with her legs spread, her head is on the floor, her...

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My wife knows I want her to be a Hotwife

So I shared this story with my wife and a friend on a Skype chat between the three of us. It involved them both. So like MANY MEN, I have long had the fantasy of watching my wife being sexually fulfilled by another man. It is only recently that Ashley has accepted my fantasy and agreed to the role play.Recently, over the past few months, Ashley has warmed more to the idea, constantly telling me she likes the look of this guy on TV or a guy she saw whilst we were out.Also telling me she was...

3 years ago
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Controlling Sister 2

--- Controlling Sister 2 (F-solo, m-solo, mF, MF, mf, Ff, 1st, blackmail, bd, inc, interr, mc, nc, oral, impreg, tg) by Krosis of the Collective --- After my sister Marie was found to be pregnant she came to my room one day. She and I were no longer hostile to each other, unlike the last few years, probably because she knew she needed all the support she could get. "JP, Mom said something weird when she found out I got knocked up," she said. "Yeah?" I replied. I was a...

2 years ago
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Controlling Sister

--- Controlling Sister (mf, 1st, inc, mc/tg, nc, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- I was playing with my dick while watching an R rated movie on the small TV in my room. The main girl character was getting fucked in the back seat of a car, and not entirely willingly...she wasn't saying no but not saying yes either, y'know? There wasn't actually anything more than a bit of momentary boobshot and lots of gasping and suggestive movement, but I had just turned 14 and...

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Controlling Bobbi AR Ch 03

This story is based on the ‘Controlling Bobbi’ series written by the author ArtyGee. The original concept and the title ‘Controlling Bobbi’ are the exclusive property of the author ArtyGee and are used here with his expressed written permission. The author ArtyGee takes no responsibility for the content of this story. I am taking my story down a different road. The two stories diverge at some point after either the second or third chapter of the original. I recommend you read the original...

2 years ago
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My hot wife turned hotwife

We had been going through a quiet patch in the sexual side of our relationship for some time. That was until Linda began to take more of the initiative in our love making. She had asked if I still wanted her to shave her pussy, she had some misgivings about it, her bush being part of her womaly identity. I thought that she should try it and I'd shave my cock and balls to se if she like that as well. I was expecting Linda to take a little more persuasion, but the next day after arriving home...

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Karen From Trophy Wife to Slutwife 3

Chapter OneSunday morning started out much like Saturday. Karen had my cock in her mouth when I woke up. Can there be a better way to start the day? The only difference was today Karen did not to get to cum. I let her worship her Master’s cock but she was left hanging. I had plans to do this all day. After breakfast, she cleaned the dishes while I prepared for some contact play. When she finally entered the playroom. I had some toys ready for her. As she entered the room, she fell quickly to...

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Wifey Pam Asian Jonny and a cum burger for the c

Wifey loves her technology, so there are a lot of shopping trips to the local Best Buy. She flirts with all the guys (and some of the woman) that work there. I’m sure she has had some hot wife dates with some of the guys; I hear the whispers and laughs behind my back when she lets me go in with her. But I’m not privileged to her dating life so I can’t say for sure, and I wouldn’t abject if that’s what she wanted (just wish she would let me watch). It was late on a Saturday afternoon and we both...

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Controlling Sarah

Controlling SarahNotes from the authors:New blog for this story: http://ControllingSarah.Blogspot.ComSarah and Suki had the generalities of this story about two years before it was written.  I read some erotic fiction somewhere of a secretary hypnotizing her boss into being more successful and promiscuous.  The objective of the secretary controlling her boss was an influence on the Nancy character I invented for this.  There was a ?Nancy? villain in the original Suki Adult Romance series that...

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wifey and her sister Peggy part 2

We get home and the girls run inside leaving me to bring in the bags from shopping. Of course I have to find the G-string bikini Peggy tried on and give it a sniff. Sadly, she didnt have it on long enough,so no smell other than new bathing suit. I walk inside and drop the bags by the couch they are sitting on, reminding them of our deal. I wanted to see Peggy in string/ G string bikini again. With a huff the both walked off with the bag. Peggy came downstairs first modeling her new bathing...

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Wifes a drunken slut

Introduction: wife comes home from club w 2 men My wife has a medical condition that makes her promiscuous and an alcoholic. Before she was diagnosed and stopped drinking she would drink in excess and then fuck any and all men around her. Later, when she sobered up, she would remember nothing and be quite a prude. There are periods of 3 days in which she drank constantly and has no memory at all. At other times when I was laying in bed, too tired for sex, she would sit next to me and scream...

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Reddit HotWife, aka r/HotWife! Well, we’re back at it again. It would seem that we have a new subreddit to review, and this time around it’s /r/HotWife that takes the stage. We all know as a place where you can find pretty much every kind of community. Well, this 18+ community seems to be a very unlikely one because of what it’s supposed to be about. This subreddit is all about people showing off their hot wife as she gets fucked by her boyfriend outside of their marriage. So, you...

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My hotwife lost a bet

After watching Sunday Night Football and being fucked by Kenny, her 8.5" Big Black Cock fuckbuddy. My wife made a bet on the AFC Championship with Kenny. If she won the prize was $1000 CASH but if he won she would dress in a French maid outfit and serve his friends drinks during his SuperBowl party.My hotwife lost the bet and spent the afternoon of the SuperBowl getting a manicure and pedicure then came home undressed, laid naked on our bed so I could shave her completely bald. While showering...

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wifes revelation 4 and regressing

Introduction: wife is suspected of gross cheating to epic levels (this parts alittle longer than the rest.) The inevitable Jack strolls out of the airport with his luggage in tow behind him heading to the car rental counters thinking about his trip and what his detective has for him. After some time he heads for the expressway towards town not knowing where he is actually going. He has not been able to reach his detective as to where he is although Jack did arrive a day sooner than expected....

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HotWife Cuckold Contract

"Ok, here are the key clauses for the husband:1. Upon entering this agreement, your status will now be a cuckold or simply cucky. Your wife will be known as the hotwife/mistress and her black owners will be called black bulls.2. Although you are still her husband, you no longer have permission to have any sexual intercourse whatsoever.3. You will be required to wear chastity belt all the time and your hotwife will hold the key to your chastity belt. Or should your hotwife chooses, she can give...

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Hotwife Captions

Do you know what a hotwife is? It’s a woman who enjoys the lifestyle of being able to enjoy as many different cocks as she wants while still loving her husband. Of course, for these kinds of women, the dick their husbands provide them with is not enough, so they have to go to other lengths to get the enjoyment they so desperately need. And while you might not be participating in this kind of thing and lifestyle, you might be aroused by it. Maybe you like seeing guys allow their wives to get...

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How my MILF wife became a hotwife told by a frien

Aurora was anxious. Nervous didn’t quite cover it. She was outwardly calm but inside the beautiful exterior her emotions and body were raging. Let me explain.Consider a beautiful woman, with some experience in life, by no means a virgin and certainly not a prude. In fact, Aurora had prided herself on being able to live life to its fullest, until tonight…For almost as long as Aurora and Daniel had been together, even after they had gotten married, they had talked about her many admirers. Every...

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Wife finally a hotwife

For years I have been unable to get an erection because of health problems and medication. I did not feel my wife should have to suffer without being fucked just because I couldn't but she kept refusing. She said she liked the way I used my fingers, my tongue and mouth, and toys saying I made her feel real good. We went to Niagara Falls for a vacation and stayed in the hotel closest to the Horseshoe Falls in Canada. We stayed high up to get a better view and it was beautiful. We slept with a...

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wifey and her sister Peggy

so its that time of year when i get to go crawl around the attic looking for summer clothes in a plastic tote. Normally a sucky day, unless your big titty wife and sister in law are trying on bathing suits. As i climb down the ladder I see wifey and Peggy standing there naked, shaved pussies and bouncy titties everywhere. I carry the totes over as they start going through them. I lay on the bad as they ask "what are you doing?".... and i reply "watching". Wifey found a black bikini and squeezed...

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Wifey TrainingChapter 5

Jane started the new podcast and then settled back into her pillows. "I need to be treated like Wifey by my husband." "I need to be treated like Wifey by my husband," Jane repeated. "I need to be like Wifey for my husband." "I need to be like Wifey for my husband." Jane dutifully repeated each and every sentence. Every podcast started the same, so much so that Jane had long since ceased to consciously process the introductory sentences. Of course, this meant that they...

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My Hotwife life of fun

My Hotwife Life of Fun:My life, in my opinion, is very comfortable, very happy and sexually fulfilling to a point. Not the greatest of opening lines, though true nonetheless. Emotionally, financially and every way I could wish, my life is all it could be, with one possible small exception. And that possible exception is that my sexual desires verge on the exhibitionist, somewhat carnal and can at times, prove to be incredibly unfaithful, regarding my marital vows, almost to the point of being...

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A Wad for Wifey CH 01

A Wad for Wifey: Chapter One Seeking a Diagnosis What an odd scene: a lone young man seated in a doctor’s waiting room surrounded by women of all ethnicities, shapes and sizes. Sid Harman was that 18-year-old boy — to his left sat Trish Harman, his stressed-out mother, and to his right, an obviously pregnant woman squirmed from one hip to the other, trying to find a comfortable position. “Sorry,” she said to those near enough to hear her. “No problem,” Sid whispered back, not quite sure...

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Slut wife hubby and friend fuck watching wifes f

This story has male bi sections. So don't read if that's not your thing. Wife's fav porno is Sasha Grey deep throating flick "Trhoat"I put "Group Sex" even though it's just a 3 way. I think "Group Sex" should be only for situations with 6 or more people.The three of us are on the couch watching one of my wife’s favorite porn flicks, Throat, starring Sasha Grey, about a deep throating slut who’s only able to orgasm by cocks hitting her clit which sits at the back of Sasha’s throat. Only deep...

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Wifey TrainingChapter 2

Jane spread the tools of her new therapy program before her. There was a pill, her iPod nano, and a vibrator. Jane stripped off her baggy sweater and sweat pants. It was 2pm and she had just come from work where she spent most mornings as the part-time floor manager for a small, independent bookstore. Fortunately, they didn't care what she wore, and so Jane was able to dress for comfort. Following Dr. Susan's instructions, Jane took the pill ("a mild sedative, to help you relax", Dr....

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A Wifes Gift to her Husband

Introduction: This is a stroy about rekindling love between a married couple. Bill walked into the lounge to find his wife. He was a little confused why she left him a note under the windshield wiper of the car to meet her here. This was the fanciest hotel and restaurant in town and they have never been there before. Bill looks around trying to spot his wife. He is very nervous and becomes much stressed when he doesnt see her. The poorly lit bar was very crowded with the after work happy hour...

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M Wifes Black Addiction

Introduction: A story of a white wife and mothers journey to black cock addiction! How many times have I witnessed this scene? Her gaze is directed at her Black lovers face, a look that tells him of her submission to him etched almost painfully on her face. Her look shows many things, a determination to take each inch of his hardness that he is forcing deep inside her body, a craving need to feel the fullness he presents in the form of his fat cock, but mostly her look tells him she is his, his...

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Hotwife Lifestyle

Understanding Our Man’s Hotwife Fantasy and How to Use That to Our AdvantageThe fantasy of having a “Hotwife” is growing, in fact, research shows it is growing at a higher rate than a good majority of the other lifestyle alternatives, including the old staple of “swinging” and the modern “open relationship”. Why is it that a fantasy that revolves around only one part of a relationship – the woman – going out and finding pleasure from another man more intriguing to an increasing number of men...

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My Slut Hotwife Life of Fun

My Slut Hotwife Life of Fun:My life, in my opinion, is very comfortable, very happy and sexually fulfilling to a point. Not the greatest of opening lines, though true nonetheless. Emotionally, financially and every way I could wish, my life is all it could be, with one possible small exception. And that possible exception is that my sexual desires verge on the exhibitionist, somewhat carnal and can at times, prove to be incredibly unfaithful, regarding my marital vows, almost to the point of...

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Controlling The Urges

CONTROLLING THE URGES By Charles E. Campbell Control. Looking back, I guess that's what it's always been about. Really about. Control.It's control over me. My control over it. When it would start. Keeping it incheck. What it would require of me to appease it. How long the urge would last.Keeping it as a long held private secret. Mine only. To know and fear, andyet, embrace. All of these things, and more, it has been for the better part of forty-fiveof my fifty-two years. But now, it is...

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