Plant Persuasion - Taster free porn video

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Plant Persuasion It is a curious tale that I am about to tell, I always thought that the book, "The Day of the Triffids" was a story of pure fiction. Well, who on earth could imagine a situation where plants take over the world! That's just a story, it's pure fiction, isn't it? Let me start at the beginning, ever since the damn pandemic thing began, everyone was too scared to go out and so it was with me, i was locked down in my own home. In reality I was ok though, I was used to being alone. I'm single, well educated and in my mid twenties, I like my own company and I mostly work from home anyway, so things weren't that different. I had my laptop for my work and I had my hobbies to see me through and keep me sane. You see my hobby was a love of plants, no not in that kind of way, I just enjoyed planting them and watching them grow. I loved to see them flowering, their seed pods developing and watching how they spread the seeds with new plants growing from them. I know that lots of people enjoy that sort of thing, but with me it was a little different. You see I was particularly excited to find new, different and diverse plants, something totally out of the ordinary. The weirdest ones intrigued me the most, I became fascinated in them, spending all my time studying them closely as they grew. It was winter now though and another never ending lockdown, the weather was miserable, cold and wet, I couldn't spend any time outdoors and everything was dormant. I was fed up, at a loose end and desperate to find something to do to break the boredom. I found myself browsing the web almost every day, looking for some distraction, even spending hours looking at all sorts of porn, but even that began to bore me. Then I came up with an idea, to set myself a challenge, if you like. To find the most out of the ordinary plant that I could find and to see if I could grow it in the winter, indoors, successfully and hopefully with any luck, make it thrive and grow. Now that idea is easier said than done, I already had cacti of various shapes and sizes and of course the usual succulents and even some Venus fly traps, but nothing really special. I began my search on line, for that something totally out of the ordinary the thing that could provide the fascination, the challenge that I yearned for. Slowly the days went by and I felt that I was becoming depressed at my lack of success. My frustration was growing each day so much so that I took to emailing the actual wholesale suppliers and even plant importers to see if anything interesting was available, but they all seemed to have the same old stuff. Then one day after asking an importer, that I had come to know with my constant pestering and that I bought from previously, if he had anything, anything at all that was really different on order. I received the same reply, it made me give an exasperated expletive, I couldn't help myself. He was quiet for a minute, he had obviously heard my frustration and for a while I thought he had hung up on me. Then he spoke quietly, almost in a whisper. "Look, if you want something really different, there is someone that you can talk to, but let me tell you, this isn't exactly legal and I don't want any comebacks, so I didn't tell you about it." I suddenly felt hopeful and a shiver of excitement went through me. I quickly agreed that I'd keep his name out of it if he could give me the contact. He went quiet again as if thinking about it for a few minutes, then in a great deal of reluctance he agreed, giving me the name and number of a Chinese gentleman. "Ask him, but don't use my name, just tell him what you're interested in and that someone suggested you speak to him." He spoke in a barely heard whisper. I gratefully wrote down the details and thanked him. "Just don't come back to me about anything, it's on your head be it." The phone went down as he said it. I felt quite excited, it was like going on an adventure and I immediately set about contacting the man. Without going into the minutia of the detail, I finally got to speak to the mysterious Chinese gentleman and after explaining the sort of thing that I was looking for, he readily agreed to sell me something which he said was a unique plant which would suit me perfectly. The price was high and the delivery awkward, with an import description of machine tools. I would almost have agreed to anything, so keen I was to get this curious plant, the description of which he was quite evasive about. It took over two weeks for it to be delivered, two weeks of hell as I waited impatiently, partly afraid that I had been conned out of the money, yet excited also at the prospect of seeing the unique plant that I had bought. The box finally arrived and when it did, I was surprised at the size of it, it was surely a three foot cube and quite heavy. I dragged it into my dining room and opened it carefully. Just inside the top was a basic note from the supplier. It said that the plant didn't need much depth of soil which should be of a coarse sandy mixture and the "pot" should be a wide flat dish, trough or box. It advised that a small packet of feed was included to start me off and it went on to say that he recommended the cheapest feed to use for the plant in future was readily available anabolic whey protein and he said to mix the protein powder with water and water through the roots. That sounded the weirdest thing that I had ever heard of, but he was the expert so I found myself just shrugging. I'd just have to go online and order the whey protein that evening. I didn't want to damage the plant and it seemed far too big for me to empty it out of the box so I fetched my garden knife, then I carefully cut the cardboard away to finally reveal the plant itself. It was a curious looking thing, its roots were long purple rubbery tubers, almost as thick as my wrist and were encased in a plastic bag, obviously to keep them moist. There was a mixture of growth above, some thick blunt ended uprights which I assumed were growing stems, then there were the leaves. They were large leathery looking leaves, some open and some closed and looking closely I could see that they looked like lobes, not dissimilar to those of my Venus fly trap, but much, much larger. Lastly there were strange stalks, the last few inches of which were covered with bristly white hairs. I had found that my Venus fly traps were fascinating plants, but this thing made them look like tiny seedlings. I carefully looked it over and immediately I felt a little worried, i could see that the long journey had had its toll and it was looking a little the worse for wear. The leaves and growing stems were looking distinctly droopy and wilted, if I was to save it and successfully grow it then the sooner I got it into some growing medium, watered it and fed it, the better, or else it would die and all my efforts would just be a waste of time and money. Hurrying I managed to find a large wooden tray in my garage, it was surely four feet long by three feet wide, but it was only a matter of six inches deep and ideal for the purpose. The next hour was taken up with me carefully unwrapping it and planting it, before finally mixing the feed that had come with it, with water and liberally applying it to the sandy medium that I'd planted it in. Now all I could do was wait and hope. To take my mind off its health I immediately went online to order a next day delivery of the whey powder, keeping my fingers crossed that it wouldn't die from the stress of its journey. Surprisingly by the next day it did look a lot healthier, the leaves and stalks seemed to have straightened out and become much more upright and the colour seemed to be a little stronger. In addition to that, the high protein whey powder arrived by midday and after some soul searching, I gave it its first feed of it that afternoon. After all it was what the note with it had said, I could only try and hope for the best It all appeared to work, which surprised me and gradually the plant appeared stronger with more growth appearing from the base each day, whilst the original stems and stalks were more erect and were certainly growing. In reality and trying to think back, if I had known then what I know now, I would never have bought the plant, because having cared for and nurtured it things suddenly changed. The real start began one morning a few weeks later, but let me first explain about the routine of my life a little. As I had said before, I live alone, in a bungalow with three bedrooms a living room, kitchen diner and a conservatory. I was worried about the plant getting cold, I wanted to keep it warm yet I wanted to give it as much light as I could. So I managed to put the wooden tray it was planted in, on the floor, just inside the left hand of the two French windows that lead out from the kitchen diner to the conservatory. As it was winter, I draw the curtains every evening as an additional effort to keep the heat in and then I pull them back in the morning to let the light in. Its what I do routinely when I get up for my early morning cup of tea. It was a Monday, I remember, I awoke at seven o'clock as usual, I tend to sleep in a nightshirt in the winter and a long baggy tee shirt in the summer. Not that there is that much difference between them, only that the tee shirt is made from a bit thinner material. As usual I felt thirsty when I awoke, ready for my cup of tea and I got out of bed, heading bare footed to the kitchen to put the kettle on. My normal routine was to go around drawing all the curtains back whilst the kettle was heating, then afterwards, I'd look out at the garden until the water was fully boiled ready to make my tea. Each morning when I came to the French windows, I'd first pull back the curtain covering the right hand French window, then I'd either squeeze between the plant and the other window to do the same with the left hand curtain, or often I'd step across through the plant to reach the curtain and its tie back that way. So it was this Monday morning, I put my right leg over the plant, finding my footing on the floor against the window, whilst my left foot was still on the floor the room side of the plant. I have to admit that I don't wear any underwear to bed and I was only wearing my nightshirt that morning. As I stood there reaching for the curtain, I felt something against me tickling my inner thigh. It was obviously one of the plant's stems, but it was like a tease, a definite tickle and quite erotic, it made me smile as I leaned across to feel for the curtain tie back. But as I leaned further over, transferring my weight to my right leg I felt a sudden biting sting. It made me jump with a shout, bloody hell the thing must have stung me. I managed to jump back without damaging the plant or myself, but my immediate reaction to pull my nightshirt up to look at the damage. There on the inside of my upper left thigh was a weal, a white weal of about an inch long with a definite red line inside it. I touched it, feeling it gently to see if there was a sting in it, but there didn't seem to be. It almost felt like a nettle sting, but worse. I rubbed it, it eased the hurt and in fact rubbing it, well perhaps the best way I can describe it as, it gave me great satisfaction! In fact it made me feel curiously funny and weirdly aroused which is absolutely crazy. I glanced over at the plant, I couldn't see anything that might have stung me, though one of the tall hairy stalks was perhaps the obvious culprit as it was somewhere close to where I had been standing. I looked closely at it, the weal on my thigh had started stinging again begging me to rub it, there were bristles on the stalk, but I couldn't see how they could have caused me that weal. I touched it carefully with my fingers, afraid of being stung again, but no, the bristles felt soft and silky, in fact not unpleasant at all, on the contrary the stalk felt delightful and I unthinkingly began to stroke it upwards. I suppose I must have stroked it, mesmerised, for a minute or so before my mind cleared a little and I began to think once more. I looked around, if it wasn't the plant then it must have been an insect that stung me, but I was confused, I wouldn't expect a wasp or a bee to be around in the winter. I sat there on my haunches for a while, my nightshirt still pulled up to my waist and unthinking, still giving in to the yearning and desperately stroking the weal on my inner thigh. Eventually I must have come to some sense and got myself to my feet, then without really thinking, instead of making my tea, I went over to the kitchen and prepared the feed for the plant. I returned to it moments later, stupidly humming to myself as I carefully watered it in before finally going to get my tea. Nothing much further happened that day, but my mind was continually drawn to the sting and several times during the day I found myself desperate to touch it and wanting to rub it through my trousers, drawn by the feelings that it gave me when I did so. That evening I did manage to draw all the curtains as normal, though I was very cautious with the curtain by the plant, perhaps my trousers afforded me some protection, or was I just being stupid. Stripping to go to bed that night, I sat there naked studying the weal for a few minutes, I couldn't help myself. It had faded a little, but still left me with a little white scar on my inner thigh and it still begged me to run my fingers over it. I forced myself to ignore it, put my nightshirt on and get into bed, but the desire to touch it filled my head as I tried to go to sleep. I suppose that I must have succeeded in getting to sleep in the end but it wasn't a restful sleep, in fact I was wracked with the oddest nightmares, all of an insane twisted sexual nature. They woke me up and yet horribly, when I managed to get back to sleep again, they almost seemed to resume where they left off, which was something that I could never remember happening before. Tuesday morning, I got wearily out of bed, I'd overslept as a result of the nightmares and it was 8 o'clock. I trundled unthinking into the kitchen, put the kettle on then began drawing curtains letting the morning light spill into the house. It was just the normal everyday routine until I came to the French windows. I carefully pulled the right hand curtain back and tied it in place then I looked at the left and the plant still in the shadow. I could swear it had grown a bit more overnight and as I looked at it my heart started fluttering in my chest and for some inexplainable completely crazy reason my penis started to tingle. I moved forward towards it, something in the back of my head telling me not to be so stupid, but somehow I couldn't help myself, I was just drawn to it. I kept telling myself it's only a plant and I'm just reaching over to tie the curtain back, there's nothing to be afraid of. I was trembling slightly as I lifted my right leg over it, being super careful, my heart in my throat as my foot gently touched the floor on the far side taking my weight as I leaned across. I reached for the curtain. Once again I felt something tickling my inner thigh, it was on my right side this time and once again it was a soft almost teasing tickle. I stopped, holding my breath, it was moving I was sure it was moving, tickling me there and the tickling made me want to wriggle. Gently, ever so gently, I pulled the curtain back letting the light flow in around me and the plant. The tickling still persisted and if anything grew more. I thought how stupid I am, a bloody stem tickling my leg and I'm getting off on it, I must be going mad. Pull yourself together you twit, I half grinned to myself and reached for the curtain tie. It wrapped around my arm as I pulled it free. The sudden sting on my inner thigh made me jump again and I gave a squeak, for some stupid reason the curtain tie had got itself tangled around my wrist as I jumped, preventing me from immediately leaping back away from the plant. I struggled to unwrap it, but as I did so I felt another tickling sensation towards the cheek of my bum. "Nooo..." I was quivering madly now, still tugging to free my wrist yet in the total insanity of the moment, my naked penis had started buzzing stupidly. The second sting on the lower cheek of my bum felt almost as if I'd been swatted with a cane or whip, it made me jerk away from it. "Owwww!" I gave out a small shout, not that anyone could hear me. I shook and tugged to free my hand, struggling as I tried to keep my balance, feeling another tickling touch on my other cheek, I tried to lift myself away from it, when suddenly the tie back just seemed to disentangle itself. I should have jumped away then, as quickly as I could, but I sort of froze. The tickling sensation was making me wriggle again, my head was telling me to get away from it, get back before it stings you, but my penis was tingling like crazy and I couldn't seem to coordinate my senses. Insanely I was wriggling my bum against it as it tickled my cheek. I should have been prepared for the next sting, I should have realised that it would happen after the teasing tickling, but I wasn't. Again, it felt almost like a whip, a lash. "Owww Owww." I must have got myself off the plant then, though I wasn't aware how I had managed to do it. All I knew was that I was suddenly sitting on the floor in front of it, looking up at it, my nightshirt once again around my waist. The cheeks of my bum were stinging fiercely and I could see that there was another white weal this time on the inside of my right thigh. But the really insane thing was my penis was erect and throbbing like crazy. I haven't got a large penis, in fact it could be described as embarrassingly small, perhaps two and a half to three inches fully erect, but that had never been an issue and I'd never really worried about it. I hadn't ever been one for the females, since being humiliated as a young teenager, I had enjoyed my own company through college and since then I had kept myself pretty much to myself. I know that I'm not experienced sexually but nothing had made my penis throb like that and before I knew it, I was in some kind of stupor and stroking it madly. My groan was more like a whimper when I finally ejaculated, my jism squirting out in front of me onto the roots of the plant and leaving me sitting there half naked in unthinking climatic exhaustion. I am not sure how long it took me to come to my senses, but eventually I got myself up off the floor and wobbled my way into the kitchen. I made the plant food without a second thought and watered it, hardly remembering that I had actually cum on its roots. A cup of tea and a gentle shower all helped to get my head back a little straighter, but my stinging bum and inner thighs were a constant reminder of what had happened. I dressed slowly, carefully, it seemed that my clothes were continually aggravating the stings, nevertheless I eventually struggled to focus and get myself going with my work. .....................................

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This happened in December, 2002. My first semester at Clinton State University was nearly over. Most of the kids had already gone home for the winter break, but I was stuck with a final exam scheduled on the absolute last day of the term. I guess I didn’t really mind the peace and quiet which was a nice alternative to the 24/7 party atmosphere that had permeated the dorm hallways from pretty much the time I’d moved in.I was never really great at parties. I didn’t really like to drink or do a...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Asian Persuasion

I’d been working as a doorman of this club called The Loft for two years now. It was a good job. Good pay, $30 an hour. Flexible hours so I could study during the week, I typically only worked Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. People always asked, doesn’t it suck having to work every weekend while they got to drink? Not really. I was used to working weekends so it didn’t bother me. And who says we didn’t drink? Security was notorious for having a scotch or two while on the job. And staffies...

4 years ago
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Pleasure and Persuasion

Saying I was pissed was an understatement. Being in the presence of such ignorance and stupidity made me literally boil with rage. I kept telling them that the sedative was going to hinder my data and corrupt any theories that I could draw from this little experiment . But no they just ignored me and finished placed all the sensors and monitors on the male wolf test subject. His fur was black where he wasn't shaved to make room for the pads that needed a flat and smooth surface to stick...

Mind Control
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Christal Persuasion Ch 3Where are the Clowns

If you haven’t already, I would suggest reading Chapters 1 and 2 of Christal Perusasion. didn’t do it right away, had to swap shifts at the ER, claim a fami1y emergency to get time off. Then it’d taken another few days trolling the places “prick filet” had recommended. But we did discover the older man’s home base. During the hunt, Alex had told me more about Petra. Her life had been even...

4 years ago
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Passion and Persuasion

I find us a place for you to sit/lay down, and after locating some lotion, I'd start rubbing your feet for a while, working my way up to your ankles, onto your calves, the lotion making sure I don't give you an Indian burn. Gently and slowly working my way up till I can feel your thighs in my palms, tracing circles at this point, making my way to the insides of your thighs, I stop just shy of your sweet spot as I motion for you to turn over onto your stomach... You oblige, and my hands go back...

3 years ago
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Spousal Persuasion

Cindy fresh out of the shower stood glazing at herself in the full length mirror admiring her gorgeous married figure like she has done so many days before. A natural blonde gifted with large natural full breasts. A thin waist most women would die to have and full round hips with an adorable round ass. She loved to flaunt her petite body and enjoyed the attention she received from other men. Married for nine years to a wonderful man that adored her, provided for her and gave her anything her...

2 years ago
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The Essence of Persuasion

Warren knew his marriage was in a mess, now more than it had been, it was now so toxic that mere words could develop into a major row. He put a lot of blame on the latest downturn on the 'religious' that his wife was becoming more involved with and although sexual relations had been going downhill for many years, the recent months it had become so bad that a mere touch could result in an almost mini war; not that it would have mattered much for the constant refusals of his wife in that area...

2 years ago
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Hardly Any Persuasion

Copyright© 2002-2003 I dined with Lord Hughing Fitz-Bluing Who said, "Do you squirm when you're screwing?" I replied, "Simple shagging Without any wagging Is only for screwing canoeing." Mom turned into a ball away from me and sobbed loudly, "What have I done", she repeated over and over. She was hiding her face in her hands, as if hiding from the reality of my bed. Me, I was breathing deeply, trying to relax my sweaty quivering body after such a surprising and enjoyable fuck. I...

2 years ago
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Ethnic Persuasion

I think that this story is borderline to the kind I ought to be writing, but I am going to do it anyway. The background for writing this tale is that last weekend in Copenhagen, a 30-year-old girl was raped by a group of teenagers (two of them under 15). Indeed I should point out that I feel a lot of sympathy with the poor girl, and that this story in no way suggests that she provoked the situation. The reason for writing this is that I have been intrigued by what might cause a group of young...

4 years ago
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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 47 Friendly Persuasion

"You do realise that I'm putting a deal of trust in you Mr. Hacker?" The change in tone from the friendly banter and the using of his Christian name to the more serious tone and the use of his surname said as much. "Absolutely Estelle and I promise not to abuse it. After all I, we--" he turned to Carol and smiled "--count Justin, and his girlfriend Vikki, as very good friends. And," he smiled again, "it's not just for the sex." "No, indeed it isn't just for the sex," said Carol...

3 years ago
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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 5 Persuasion Comes in Many Forms

Fletcher and his goon reentered the office. The goon had an almost feral smile now. Fletcher walked behind his desk. “Ok now? Clothes off.” “Wait.” “What? You said you’d undress after your five minute powwow.” “No, sir, I said we needed time to discuss this between ourselves. Now that I have a complete picture—well, not complete but perhaps a sightly better one—I know what we need to make this work maybe a little better; at least for six of us. The other two are much more...

1 year ago
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Earths CoreChapter 51 Dogmatic Persuasion

The one sided exchange was two days long. When it ended, Yurnal left got up, briefly look at his son and Mernug before concentrating his gaze at Supreme Ruler Ar Yen and then leaving. Another two days later, Elijah got up from his crossed legged sitting position and met with Supreme Ruler Ar Yen. Yimin and Mernug were in an unconscious state, compelled by Supreme Ruler Ar Yen’s soul technique, which only affected the latter because it was enforced on him by direct contact. “Well, was it...

2 years ago
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IntemperanceChapter 13a Lines of Persuasion

Austin, Texas June 7, 1984 They moved about the stage, their motions pulsing, frantic, as they closed out Almost Too Easy. As the last beats were hit in a carefully timed crescendo, Jake, Matt, and Darren moved backwards, entering the safety perimeter that would keep them untouched by the coming explosion. By now they were well practiced in this maneuver and there had been no mishaps. The last beat was hit, the last strings strummed, and the two canisters detonated, sending a boom and a...

2 years ago
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IntemperanceChapter 13b Lines of Persuasion

That night, after eating the dinner Manny had prepared for him — something with an unpronounceable French name that was made out of chicken breast and rich white wine gravy — Jake walked into the office of his new place. There, beside the computer desk and the filing cabinet was a black case that had been moved from his apartment in Heritage to his apartment in Hollywood to a storage house during his first tour to his first condo after it to another storage house during the second tour and...

1 year ago
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Sharons Busy DildoChapter 3 Friendly Persuasion

"I'll tell you what it is with me," said Sharon Pettibone. "O.k., Sharon," said Angela, "you tell me all about it." "Don't be so sarcastic," said Sharon. "It's not nice. I have something sexy to tell you. You listen and you just might learn something." "That ought to be good," said Angela. "Me, a black girl, learning something from you, a white bitch. I mean really. And about sex, to boot. Really, Sharon. You Pettibones are just too fucking much." The black girl rolled up...

3 years ago
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EggplantChapter 3

That night I again dreamed of having sex with my little sister. I woke up in the morning to a mess in my bed from the wet dream. I still felt guilty but convinced myself that no harm had been done. I changed my bedding and cleaned up the mess. After going through my morning routine I went down for breakfast. It was a repeat of the day before. Jen was looking relaxed and happy and Mom was busy with breakfast. I had an early class so I wished Jen good luck on her test and left for school. I...

2 years ago
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Planting Young Rice

Part 1 – Tran had worked his rice fields for nearly his whole life, at 42 he was comfortable in his life. For some people, farming was back breaking work, sloshing around in the mud planting rice, then harvesting and all that went with it. Tran saw it as a great pleasure, he paced his movements, never rushed and always finished his daily tasks and had time to rest and sit under a tree and appreciate the natural beauty of where he lived and the simple routines of his life as a farmer. Maybe...

3 years ago
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Selina Kyle drops silently from her perch into Ivy's greenhouse. She had been scoping out the place for hours and had seen no evidence of Ivy being there. It was the perfect chance to steal the Emerald of Life. Selina wasted no time and went straight to the vault. This wasn't the first time she had robbed Ivy. She typed in the passcode that she knew so well and entered the vault. On a pedestal in the middle of the room was her treasure. She walks confidently towards her goal, oblivious to the...

4 years ago
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EggplantChapter 5

When we were all done we stood in the kitchen looking at each other. Jen looked a little apprehensive and I thought maybe she was having second thoughts. I have to admit I was too. This was a big step and could end up very badly if we got caught. "Jen. we don't have to do anything more. We can stop right now. Or we can just do what we did before dinner. It's up to you. You don't have to do anything you don't want to." "No! I want to make love with you. I'm just a little nervous now...

2 years ago
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Plants Part 2

Chapter 2 "Welcome everyone to the channel 5 morning talk show!" said the talk show host "First off, we're sitting down with a botanist about the strange Pink and Blue plants that have been growing all over town. Welcome Dr. Rex Greene" A middle aged man wearing a turtle neck and khakis walks in shakes the newscasters hand and sits down. "Welcome Doctor" "Thank you" "Now I hear you are studying the plants that are growing all over the county I believe?" "Yes it's the...

3 years ago
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Plantation Slave

X53211, Plantation Slaveby David Koury with the art of Shorterbus and Snap as edited by SirJeff. - do not use without permission.The beautiful naked blonde hung by her chained wrists from the whipping post on the auction block, her body still bearing the scars of her vicious bullwhipping at the hands of the disciplinarian. She had received 100 lashes with the « special » bullwhip which was only used on incorrigible slaves who dared to try to escape. She was easily identified by the numbers...

1 year ago
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Plantation Slave

The beautiful naked blonde hung by her chained wrists from the whipping post on the auction block, her body still bearing the scars of her vicious bullwhipping at the hands of the disciplinarian. She had received 100 lashes with the « special » bullwhip which was only used on incorrigible slaves who dared to try to escape. She was easily identified by the numbers which had been branded deeply into her breasts. « X53 » on the right breast and « 211 » on the left. The intense tropical sun beat...

3 years ago
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Transplant by Chrissy Some of the chapters may have scenes of an adult nature and if you are offended by such things then you are advised to read no further. Part One. Blackness....... Darkness......then light so bright I see nothing else. Then Darkness once again. Murmurs.......mutterings in the dark.......wait....voices....I can make out voices. The blackness fades to grey and then I can make out shadows, no wait its people all around me. My vision is becoming...

4 years ago
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TRANSPLANT By Annie James The sensation was a familiar one for an awakening teenager. Lying on my back with a raging erection sticking straight up under the bedclothes, I tried hard to roll onto my side both to free myself from the pressure of the covers and to conceal my state of arousal from the persons whose voices could be heard talking softly together in the room. Rolling over proved more than I was able to accomplish. It was as if I were tied to the bed. Was I at camp and some...

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All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

4 years ago
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The Beginning:Donna Reynold’s nineteenth birthday had just passed. I-Day was less than a month away. She was rapidly approaching the most important day of her life. I-Day was exactly one year from the date of her graduation. She had to make her decision by then. I-Day was the deadline for her to decide whether or not she would be implanted.It was quite an accomplishment for Donna when she graduated from her Third Level schooling.  Only one-third of the students made it that far. She remembered...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Plantation Overthrow Gangbang

‘Bend over, nigger,’ Master demanded, as he prepared to **** my ass again, preventing me from getting the table ready for dinner. I reluctantly obeyed, like the full service slave I was, having learned the consequences of disobedience as the scars on my back showed. Master, a disgusting man in his sixties, his wife long dead, used me for his sexual fulfillment, using my mouth and ass for his pleasure daily. He left my cunt alone because he didn’t want any mixed-race babies tainting his white...

2 years ago
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Plantation Overthrow Gangbang

"Bend over, nigger," Master demanded, as he prepared to **** my ass again, preventing me from getting the table ready for dinner. I reluctantly obeyed, like the full service slave I was, having learned the consequences of disobedience as the scars on my back showed. Master, a disgusting man in his sixties, his wife long dead, used me for his sexual fulfillment, using my mouth and ass for his pleasure daily. He left my cunt alone because he didn't want any mixed-race babies tainting his white...

3 years ago
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Plantation Slave

X53211, Plantation Slave ?????????????????????????????????????????? X53211, Plantation Slave The beautiful naked blonde hung by her chained wrists from the whipping post? on the auction block, her body still bearing the scars of her vicious bullwhipping at the hands of the disciplinarian. She had received 100 lashes with the ?  special ?  bullwhip which was only used on incorrigible slaves? who dared to try to escape. She was easily identified by the numbers which had been branded deeply...

1 year ago
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Plantation Lullabies

Plantation Lullabies Plantation Lullabies What would make a person spend $20,000 on a week-long session with a pro-domme?? Believe it or not, Mistress Emmanuelle, the Black Dominatrix who arrogantly charged the exorbitant fee, was booked solid for eight months in advance with her popularity growing by word of mouth alone.? Charles Trenton was intrigued by the concept when he read about her on his favorite BDSM message board.? The thread was started by someone who claimed to have been a...

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A Little Persuasion meets the Price of Admission

Two Sequels in One The two blonde girls lay side by side on two old double bed mattresses, separated by five or six feet of bare stone floor. Both girls were similarly bare, their arms tied out over the sides of the mattress and the rope looped under it, using both the strength of the ropes and their the weight of their own slim figures to hold them in place. Their legs were identically bound, spread wide as though they were straddling a horse. When he led his other pair of captives into...

1 year ago
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Plantation Living

Chapter 1 There’s no way to fully describe the magnificence of my family home. The house was over a hundred years old and was huge. To this day I still don’t know how many rooms there were. The house was always full of people, music, wonderful foods, and lots of other beautiful things. I remember the trees, the honeysuckle, and the creek where I went swimming on hot days. It truly was a wonderful life, if you were white. South Carolina was the heart of soul of southern living before the Civil...

2 years ago
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EggplantChapter 9

Jen and I stayed in the house we had lived in all our lives. Mom and Dad had purchased the house right after they were married. It was home. But we made plans over time about what we would do after we graduated. Jen graduated from High School without much more help from me. She was a smart young lady and once she got her confidence built up she really didn't need much help. I didn't use Eggplant any more. I managed to graduate from University at around the same time. My major was...

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