Victim/VictorianChapter 7: Persuasions free porn video

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Corky dreamed he was flying. Green, hilly countryside slipped away beneath him, heady excitement filled him. His mind reached upward and his frame followed without effort, proceeding with the effortless grace of a great fish of the open ocean. Gaining in confidence, he slid downward until he was brushing the treetops, banking from side to side for the sheer joy of his motion, reveling in the wind on his face, the gentle heat of the sun on his back.

Then, with a jolt, he was brought up short. He looked down. For the first time, he noticed that he was naked, save for a slender pink ribbon which circled his genitals and extended, taut, into the distance, holding him fast.

With renewed effort, Corky strained against the silken bond, banking frantically from side to side, but the ribbon held him fast. He realized that he was slipping backward and it occurred to him to look to the ribbon's point of origin. On the ground, he saw three titanic figures gathered together, one pulling him in at an alarming rate. Though he strained to make out their features, the details somehow eluded him, though their voices seemed eerily familiar. Before Corky could formulate a plan of action, a great hand, pale and warm, closed about his bare midriff, fingers thicker than his arms holding him fast.

"Oh, Mother!" said one of the giantesses, "What a lovely specimen!"

"Why, thank you, Margaret," replied the creature that held him fast. "He does look rather tasty, does he not?" As she spoke, she was passing the ribbon about him in a series of loops, binding his arms to his torso like a hapless insect caught in rings of spider silk "What do think?" she asked the third monstrous figure

"The poor thing," came the answer, in a voice that filled Corky with a thrill of hope and longing. "He seems dreadfully frightened."

"Ah, my tender-hearted Beatrice," said Corky's captor, as she bound his legs in like wise to his arms. "But you know I shall do him no harm. I catch and I release. It's ever so much more sporting that way."

Though her words might be reassuring, the knot she was now tying to secure the ribbons that held him fast was not. "There! " she said, hefting him in one hand, "I think he's ready."

She lowered him, and he suddenly noticed that she was as bare as he—nay, more so, given the yards of ribbon that now enclosed him. She reclined now on the grass, spreading her ample thighs widely. Her daughters knelt beside her, the gentle-voiced one's continued protestations not barring her from watching the proceedings raptly.

Corky's sight was confronted with a great tangle of thick brown hair between the giant's thighs. Beneath were great crinkled vermilion lips from which radiated a tangible heat and an animal smell both terrifying and seductive. In the next instant he was being pressed against that damp opening, his head passing between the lips for a moment before his moistened face was rudely shoved against a rigid clitoris quite the size of his two fists together, protruding proudly from its great wrinkled cowl.

The creature holding him released a long shuddering sigh. "Ah," she said, "Just the thing." Still Corky squirmed ineffectually in her steely grasp, desperate to escape the unspeakable fate that so-clearly awaited him.

"Oh, dear," said a voice from far above, "Isn't there some other w--" but the rest of the sentence was lost as he was plunged head and then shoulders into darkness, heat, moisture, and compression. A muffled bass drumbeat was all around him, while bands of muscle gripped his chest, then his ribcage, then his stomach as he was pushed further and further within. Occasionally, he was plucked into light and cool air for a moment, his face mashed against that ever-more-engorged clitoris at the apex, before he would be plunged further within. Now the mighty bands compressed about his hips, causing thrills of unwelcome pleasure in his rigid pego as the mighty hand manipulated him by his bound ankles. As the giant's actions became more agitated, the dew that bedecked her yielding chasm became more copious, less viscid. Deep volcanic groans reached him as the grip upon his lower extremities became palpably less secure. Finally, with a particularly potent pulsation of her portal, he was sucked in and entirely enclosed.

Without, Corky could hear cries of dismay: "Oh! My dildoe! I have quite lost it!" and the like, but now that he was no longer being subjected to constant agitation, Corky found the environment in which he found himself surprisingly congenial. There was something comfortable, soothing even, about this hot and narrow passage. Were it not for the anxious exclamations and the bouncing about of his passageway, he might quite drift off to sleep in such a place.

He heard his captor's voice call out to him, thick with perverse longing: "Oh little dildoe! Do come back out! We were having such fun, and I was so... so close!"

"Thank you Madam, but I prefer to remain where I am," he called back, enunciating carefully through the enclosing layers of flesh.

"Oh, a recalcitrant fellow, eh?" came the booming answer. "We'll soon see about that!" He felt a tugging at his genitals as the ribbon that enclosed them was seized from without, and then a terrible sharp jerk pulled him into...

... light and cool air. He attempted to sit up and found that he was bound to the bed in which he lay. He craned his neck. Maggie Dalrymple straddled his legs in an unladylike fashion, though this lapse of decorum was dwarfed by the one represented by her firm one-handed grip on his penis and testes. He was naked; she appeared to the eye to be fully clothed, though the feeling of warmth against his legs suggested a dearth of undergarments.

"Good morning, Mr. Brandywine," she said. "I thought it would be nice if you and I had a chat."

"You have me at rather a disadvantage, Corky confessed.

"Mother says power is neither so complex nor so simple as it seems," the girl mused, tuliping the fingers of her free hand around the rubicund tip of Corky's yard. "I wonder what she meant by that... ?"

"Well I suppose she—" Corky began, but the girl gave his tender privates another distressing tug.

"But enough airy persiflage! To the matter at hand."

Corky's eyes moved involuntarily downward to where her two hands were at work, one threatening pain, the other dealing out pleasure, like the proverbial carrot and stick.

Maggie giggled. "You take me too literally, Mr. Brandywine. I mean the matter of your feelings for my sister, Beatrice."

At the sound of that name, Corky twitched involuntarily. "What concern is it of yours?" he demanded.

Maggie cocked her head prettily. "A very sensible question," she said. "After all, she's terribly unkind to me, as well as being a dreadful old stick-in-the-mud. But I got to thinking: with only Mother and myself working on you, you'll probably get up your nerve to flee in no more than a few weeks. With Beatrice's hold on you, though, I can have you around to play with indefinitely!"

"Hold? Whatever do you mean?" Corky asked.

"You love her," Maggie said.

"I... I thought I did." Corky said after a long pause.

Maggie frowned slightly. Her gentle stroking of his penis stopped abruptly, just as her other hand tightened a hairsbreadth. "Now, you see, Mr. Brandywine, that is just the sort of ill-thought-out assertion that I am here to forestall. Such words might be very hurtful to a young lady with tender feelings for you."

"Lady!" Corky scoffed. "Your so-called 'sister' is no--arr!"

For the first time, Maggie had tightened her grip sufficiently to cause actual pain. Her expression turned stormy, but her voice was cooler than ever.

"I believe that a Socratic dialogue is in order here. Do you find me to be someone who values tact more highly, or truthfulness?"

Corky drew a deep breath. "Miss Dalrymple, I have seen nothing to suggest that you have any particular fondness for either." He braced himself for some violent and humiliating retribution for his harsh words.

Maggie, however, grinned. "Excellent! Full marks. It would be to your advantage to remain similarly forthright through the remainder of our interview. Mr. Brandywine, do you consider me to be of particularly or even ordinarily ladylike character?"

Corky glared at his tormentor. "No, I do not."

Maggie affected surprise. "I think you are ill-serving a sweet lass who has given you a great deal of pleasure and valuable instruction. But our concern here is not my views, but your own. So, in your hard and uncharitable view, what ladylike qualities could I possibly lack?"

Corky was not enjoying this game, but her continued grip on his gonads was powerful incentive to play along. "Modesty, humility, comportment, civilized table-manners. Ability with some sort of musical instrument is desirable, though not strictly necessary; and most authorities agree that undergarments are a near-universal attribute of every true lady. Need I go on?

Far from the chastened look Corky was hoping for or the towering rage he feared, Maggie appeared to be trying to suppress a giggle. "And yet my genitals are quite unambiguously female, would not you say?"

Recognizing now the trap that she had laid for him, Corky only glared at her in silence.

Maggie batted her eyelashes. "Is your memory flagging, Mr, Brandywine? I should be happy to reacquaint you with them..." she threatened, releasing his stones and beginning to make herself busy with her skirts.

"There is nothing wrong with your female parts," Corky conceded before his rebellious pego could stir to life at the prospect of some more face-sitting and humiliate him further.

"And yet you esteem me no lady," the girl astride him said, her hands returning to his genitals, this time with a gentler touch. "Quick, now, what name springs to mind when you consider who possesses the qualities you set forth?" Corky pursed his lips e'en tighter.

"I believe you may have a person in mind," Maggie said after a moment, "tho' you may be questioning your own judgment in that regard now. You saw her in a distinctly unladylike attitude recently, doing some beastly things to a sweet and innocent girl who deserves far better treatment."

Corky snorted.

Maggie leaned forward, her hand still busy on Corky's thickening cock. He could feel her hot breath on his cheek as she spoke: "But you must realize that, between sisters who believe themselves to be in private, standards of decorum are oftentimes relaxed. And though she was awfully unfair to me, I have found it in my heart to forgive her."

Corky was once again silent.

"Or perhaps it wasn't her conduct that offended you so, but that that pretty prick she has between her legs. Awfully rude, was'n't it, arcing up like that to violate my poor mouth? Oh! you're terribly hard of a sudden, Mr. Brandywine. What were you imagining when mother brought you off in the closet, you naughty man? Fucking my mouth or taking Beatrice's prick in your own?"

Corky's hips were moving in little involuntary jerks by now, while the head of his cock gleamed with a fat drop of lubrication. Noting the fact, Maggie scooted down until her lips pouted a scant inch from his bobbing rubicund tool. "Ooh! Mustn't waste any of that lovely fluid," she said, and his cockhead was engulfed in delicious warm wetness.

A moment later, her face was inches from his while her hand beat a steady rhythm along his straining shaft."Oh, Mr. Brandywine," breathed Maggie, "it is quite delicious to have you at my mercy like this. Here." She slipped a hand beneath her skirts, and did something that resulted in a deep exhalation and an intensification of the already-noticible flush about her face and neck. The hand emerged gleaming with fluid and she passed it beneath his nose, filling his head with a sharp and heady scent. "See how ready you've made me? Shall I fuck you now? I want to very much, you know."

"No!" Corky gasped, "Don't!"

She cocked her head inquisitively. "Whyever not? Don't try to tell me I don't make you randy, 'cos I know for a fact that I do," and she squeezed his prick so that he groaned aloud.

"It's not right!" he insisted.

"What's wrong with it?" she prodded patiently, like a school mistress guiding her student through his sums.

"Your virtue," Corky said. "I wo'n't take advantage..." His voice trailed off in the face of Maggie's giggling fit.

With effort, she suppressed her mirth enough to speak. "Think harder, Mr. Brandywine," she insisted. "Why shouldn't I put this lovely cock to use satisfying my poor swollen cunny?"

Corky desperately shook his head, trying to clear it, trying to figure out what to say, His body arched upward against his bonds as he strove to master the forces contending within him. "It would--"

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Ashley always had a crush on the popular guy Devon, which was sexy as hell! His emerald green eyes complimented his sharp jawline, and his tan skin tone. The way he ran his fingers though his dark hair made any girl stare in awe. They were about to graduate high school at 18 years of age, but Ashley had never gotten the chance of experiencing anything but a simple hello from this boy. Ashley's friends always encouraged her to make a move, but she was to shy to. But since the final days of...

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Warning: scenes of forced sex and humiliation. My stories with XXX ratings are not edited, sorry. Sold I spread bundles of cash on my table and smile innocently. Igor looked at the money and swallowed hard. "You are offering me less than half of what was invested in building this house!" Igor is shouting in anger, but his voice is also trembling now. It is a good sign, that means we are close to the end. I remained silent; sometimes silence is the loudest...

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Trucker bj

Working at a warehouse we get transport drivers all the time. One driver that delivers to us is a woman and I must say she is good looking one. Short, big hips, looks like a nice rack, glasses, cute for a truck driver. She rang the bell one day and I drove over and let her in to sign in and get the truck ready to be unloaded. "Can I tell you something and hope you don't get offended?" I ask her"Sure" she replied"I think you're a good looking woman" I tell her"Really?" She asked with a surprised...

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Order Of The Assassins

In the year 957, a group of self taught, highly skilled marksmen and women founded a group of assassins known only as The Illumination, the group and it’s members were influential in many affairs across the world, initiating wars, dethroning Kings and Queens to keep peace in the land and preventing atrocities from spreading far and wide. In 1115 the illumination faced a new enemy from within, high ranking assassins sought to use their power and influence for their own greed, purposefully...

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Editing Reality Book One Naughty Fantasies CreatedChapter 3 Modifying a Mistake

Steve Davies I marched behind Principal Atterbury, fear twisting through my guts. Kyleigh struggled in the iron grip of the older man, her black hair sweeping about the shoulders of her white blouse, her too-short, gray skirt swaying about her fifteen-year-old thighs. She looked at me, confusion on her face. I’d edited reality, modified how she developed. She thought it was right and there was nothing I could do about it. I had one last edit left on my phone, so I could easily fix...

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TRC Oni and the Farmer Ch 12 Male x Monster Girl

Ikuno!" Kal yelled above the howling wind, "Do you know of any caves nearby that we can wait this out!" "If there are, they aren't on this trail!" she called back from just ahead of him. "What about if you made us one the way you made your pool!" he yelled. "I can't!" she answered partly turning to look at him, "Using magic during a… Kal!" she shouted as she saw him slip on a particularly smooth rock slickened further by the rain. falling too quickly to catch himself she...

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BlacksOnBlondes Lauren Phillips Second Appearance

Lauren’s husband is a very well-known sports agent and reps some of the bigger named guys in football. She helps out at the office by scheduling appointments and organizing meetings. She’s had her eye on Rico and Jovan for awhile so when they needed to meet to go over next year’s contracts, she made sure to arrange a little extra time in their appointment for her. The guys can’t believe what’s happening but they soon take charge once she’s spreads her ass wide for their incoming cocks. This...

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Only Women Bleed Chapter 2

Brianne's New Year's Get Together came pretty fast. We spent a couple of hours beforehand preparing her upstairs' hangout room for what was still going to be a surprise for me. "Who exactly is coming again?" I asked for probably the tenth time that day. Every time I asked she seemed to avoid answering, but I was set on getting an answer. "Jus' a couple of guys. Calm it," she said, setting out some drinks. Unsatisfied with the answer, I sat down frustrated. I had decided to just wear...

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Hunt them follow them home

Its something most people dont realized , they are everywhere , wearing panty little white boy can be found and hunted down if you know what to look forscrolling grindr and driving on saturday night at midnigt, from park to park looking for one to teachthe new kit he bought in la senza bag on the backseat , he love to do this, find one shy boy and hunt him down like a pet nothing beats helping a small cock shy white teen in panty and make him fall into itthe eyes they make looking up , bbc cock...

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The Nature of the Game2 Two Ships Passing

The next day, Jacob approached just after first period. Taylor turned his back, newly interested in a discussion with his friends. Jacob continued past, not responding like two ships passing in the night, though Taylor noticed his cockeyed grin. He paused in front of Taylor’s locker, took a slip of paper out of his shirt pocket and dropped it in the vent. Done, he turned and caught Taylor watching. He raised his brow, smiled, and walked off. Taylor was curious, but didn’t dare draw...

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Sins of the Ancestors

Sins of the Ancestors I'm never honest when people ask about my mum. It's a question that is always there when people see us together and, much as it irritates, I get why. I'm a middling height white guy with a body earned by a gruelling gym regime, with dirty blond curls, blue eyes and a mischievous smirk that took hours of practise in the mirror to get right. My mum, however, has a couple of inches height on me, black hair and the rich caramel skin of her Indian parents. Yeah,...

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SyntheticChapter 36

"What?" Renee said, then shook her head when he began to repeat it. "No- fuck, Matt, you said you'd give me warning!" 'I have given it, ' retorted the AI. 'Speaking any earlier was likely to cause distress, sibling. And a brain marinating in adrenaline will soon lose the edge.' The synthetic bit back a curse and strode out of the room. The younger Simon scrambled to his feet, like a soldier caught sleeping on watch. "What does Henry do when he gets home?" asked the girl. She...

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Sians CousinsChapter 16

Adrian stepped - or more accurately, limped - quietly into Sian's bedroom, checked the door was closed behind him, and plonked himself down on the floor next to us. His face appeared to be covered in female juices, and he looked utterly exhausted. "Are you okay, mate?" "Yes, that was amazing, but I'm absolutely knackered. They insisted on a threesome, with one on my face and one on my cock, and they kept swapping places! I'm going to have to have a kip before I can be of any use to...

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Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch 06

29. The Challenges Lay Alongside Piker Temple met Dycke and Chad Snyder at the principal’s office in the morning. Piker told the principal that due to the change in Dycke’s circumstances, the school now had a security problem and there were only two ways to solve it. Dycke was now a high risk student, because he had inherited a great deal of money and it was now, or would soon be, in every newspaper, on TV and on the internet. Every person in the world, with evil intent, would know where Dycke...

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Aunty Jayne My Last Shoot

“You seem to be enjoying yourself love?” My husband smiled as he asked the question, he noticed my look, one he knew only too well, “ Am just saying you look very good, I got some great shots of you deep - throating Tony, he’s your type of guy,” “Yeah he’s doing a good job, hope Gerald will be happy with the end product,” I answered trying to change the subject, “ You know he’d be happy if you just sat there reading a book, hr’s smitten with you ... nearly as much as I am!” John’s voice...

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The queen and the thief

She looks at him and smiles with a look of desire, and with her finger beckons him over to her bed. He slowly walks over to her removing his shirt and climbs onto the bed beside her. He leans in and caresses her face with his hand and slowly kisses her sweet tinder lips with his while looking deep into her green eyes. She puts her hand up behind his head and pulls him closer, so not to beak the kiss. The touch of his lips on hers sends flames of desire throughout her body. Like always when he...

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Incest GamesChapter 12

Glynn caught his sister coming out of the bathroom on Sunday morning. She was still glowing, but looked a little mussed, as if she had gone through a long and grueling night. "Hey, sis--how did it go? He locked the door, and I couldn't ease into your room to watch from the closet, but I wanted to." She smiled. "It's a good thing dad and mom sleep in different rooms; he's still in there all wrapped around Jean. Now he's fucked all three of us women, just as you have." "All...

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The RescuedChapter 8 Day 0

Even as Steve Miller began to awaken, he realized something weird was going on. Normally, he awoke quickly and easily. This time, he was groggy, and felt like his brain was wrapped in cotton. He was lying on his back, which he never did. He always slept on his stomach, or on his side; his sinus problems meant that sleeping on his back resulted in snoring, which resulted in his wife poking him until he rolled over. Twelve years of marriage made avoiding his back completely automatic. There...

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Jason DunlapChapter 2

Big Ass Betty was startled when she went into her office that evening to find Jason Dunlap sitting in a chair to one side of her desk. He stood and bowed when she entered; "Good evening, Madam Betty. You owe me $50. Big Ed Johnson is not longer of any concern to you." "Yes, I heard of his demise and assumed that was your doing. I certainly admire your quick work and method of resolving my problem. I feel like I owe you a bonus—how does $500 sound?" "Dear Lady, that is really overly...

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Lesbian Lust

My first lesbian encouter started strangely. I had never been seeking female sex before. I was in the library on Saturday afternoon studying. I was wearing a tight tank top that hugged my tits and skimpy shorts. No bra or panties. I had been busy for over two hours when a sexy young gal came to my table and sat down. She was hot with full tits and a beautiful face. I could see she wore no bra and her nipples were hard. She sat by me and rubbed her hand up and down my arm. She told me she had...

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PureTaboo Madison Hart One Day At A Time

The camera tracks along a stretch of road, slowly coming upon a teen girl as she lays twitching on the pavement. She is dirty and frothing slightly from the mouth, as the whites of her eyes roll back and she mutters incoherently. Lying beside her is a kit with needles, a spoon, and some unmarked powder. An unmarked cop car pulls up in the distance, its lights flashing. From a dutch angle, we see two officers step out and walk over to the girl. They feel her pulse and root through her pockets to...

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Double Fucked

Stacy moaned as his entire hot length filled her. Her hands slid from around his neck. Her fingernails trailed down the middle of his back and then into his flesh as she ventured closer to a climax her hips rising to met him. She heard him groan and moved her hands down to his butt. Spreading his ass she squeezed both cheeks. Carl loved it when she grabbed his ass. Her hands were soft and the feeling of her fingers spurred him on even more. “I’m cumming baby,” Carl...

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Aunty Ki Fuddi Mari Beti Ke Liye

Hi friends my name is Aryan and I am from Chandigarh me is site ka regular reader hu ye meri pehli story he jo ki ek dum real he ye story he meri and mere padoss ki ek aunty ki us aunty ka name he Anupama wo sirf 28 years ki he me ek student hu mene graduation complete ki he. Me ghar me tutions deta hu chote bacho ko to us aunty ki beti bi mere paas ati he study ke liye about me ek handsome boy hu 5.11 inches height Athlete body fare color and with 8 inch dick Anupama ka figure he 34 30 36 and...

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Seducing Wife8217s Friend 8211 Part 1

Hello friends My name is rakesh I am a big fan of Indian sex stories since long time, have been reading most of the stories. I am married have a lovely wife who is bit fat with big boobs 40 even having sex regular with her I am starving for sex every where I keep on looking for sex & also been lucky to have sex with many females. Here I am narrating a story about my sex with my wife’s friend sangita who looks very sexy with beautiful figure & very bold in her outfit I always had an eye on her...

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