SpaceChapter 9 free porn video

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I phoned each of the guys and told them to stay put. I was going to visit each of them.

I knocked on Sam's door. His older sister Melody came to open the door. She saw who it was and just turned her head and yelled, "Sam, for you."

Sam hurried to me and we walked to his room. "Hi Wally."

"Hi Sam. Show me your computer please."

When we walked down the hall, we saw his younger brother Curtis already playing computer games in his room. When we got to Sam's room he said, "What did you want?"

The computer was already on and I fired up Internet Explorer because he didn't have anything else. I logged onto the bank in Trinidad. This was no simulation this time and perhaps not the last time either. I transferred twenty three thousand American dollars to the account Nadac kept.

I had proceeded slowly so Sam could see what I was doing. He saw the sum being moved or at least saw the figure. A note on the transaction listed the school Nadac was supposed to run. I listed Sam Lockhart as the person taking the course. A page came up stating the transaction was complete and asked if there was more. I got out of the program without printing a receipt.

Sam said, "What did you just do?"

"I enrolled you in a special electronic school."

"Did you just pay $23,000 dollars in US money?"

"Sure. Education does not come cheap. Now watch what I do now."

I logged onto the school page and logged in under my name and then filled out a form for Sam. I gave some data that I knew and checked that the funds had already been paid.

A moment later a new incarnation of Nadac came forward. His name was Sam too. I introduced the two and let them go at it. I didn't even say bye when I left.

Jerry was next. He came to the door to get me and one slightly older brother was in the kitchen. He had two more but they did not live at home. I did the same with Jerry as I did with Sam. Once introductions were made, I left.

Chuck got me at the door too. He had an older brother that was working. A younger sister that was at home and a girl cousin his age that was the daughter of his aunt and uncle.

Chuck had been playing a game and got out of it when I went to his room. He asked the same questions as the rest, and like the rest I asked him to watch and learn.

I went home then. The guys were going to be occupied for quite a while. Nadac acted... well alien to me but he acted very human to the guys. Well the guys and Betts.

Nadac had a present for me too. A larger supply of crystals. They came in a sphere about a metre in diameter. I threw in the money, the disks and all the paperwork I took from the warehouse after I removed the crystals. All I had left was some of the cash.

I fired up Bert's computer downstairs and looked at what Nadac found in the line of binoculars. I picked one of each and let Nadac handle the paperwork and the transaction. The military site had good watches and a few other things that would show that we were in some type of military organisation even if it were our own.

From another site I ordered mountain climbing equipment. There were very few mountain ranges within Greater Toronto but there were some tall buildings. Caputo's data processing facility would be a difficult building to enter. So far the only way I saw was to hit it from the roof. The roof was eight stories up.

On a different kind of search, Nadac phoned the local dojos to find if they would give private lessons to a group of five. Money would get anything we wanted but Nadac and I wanted quality.

People were not always available when you wanted them to be. I started processing crystals when Betts came down.

"Wally, did you show the guys this site?"

"I just signed all of them in. They're learning from their own tutor."

"I can see now how you did some things." She looked at the computer screen and asked, "What are you looking for?"

"A martial arts teacher."

"Any luck?"

"I can't get hold of some of them. I want somebody sympathetic to what I want, and mean to us personally so that we do what is necessary." Actually Nadac was taking care of this. I was just looking.

"Any more news... just news?"

"I haven't looked but I doubt that anything happens this fast."

There was a tiny knock at the front door. Betts let in Liza and gave her a kiss. "Hi Liza. Patty's upstairs."

"Thanks but... I was wondering if you guys would play with me too. I forgot. Is anybody else home. Mommy says I do not think about things enough before I talk."

"They are all at work."

"Good. Mommy says that she's sore and has work to do."

Betts asked, "That sounds like fun. What did you do to make your mom sore?"

"I only used my hand. We did this lots of time since Wally showed me. Mommy likes it a lot."

Patricia came running down the stairs and ran to her friend and hugged her. "Do they want to play?"

"I just asked them."

The girls turned to me not to Betts. I said, "You two go upstairs and have some fun. In a while Betts and I are going shopping. I guess we will take you two with us."

Liza said, "What are you going to buy?"

"I need a new computer. We need some headsets and networking supplies. I am going to buy some clothes and bathing suits. We then go to get some groceries and we bring home some steaks for our next barbecue."

"Do I get a bathing suit too?"

"I'll ask your mother first. If she says it is ok they we'll get one."

Patricia said, "Me too?"

"Yes the same goes for you."

I wanted to call the guys. I was never given a cell phone. My link with Nadac was much better anyway. I only wanted one because I could use it to make calls that had to be made in front of my friends. The same was true of a computer. I may not buy one today though. I could find what was good and Nadac could have it delivered to the house.

Betts ran next door to check and I called to her, "You be back here in ten minutes or less with or without a smile on your face."

"You are cruel but I love you anyway."

I made the calls and asked the guys to bike over. We would go into town in a minivan taxi. Nadac and I plotted out the places to go so we could get the best use of the taxi and still get a bit of exercise in.

I phoned up Lillian and got the receptionist. Lillian came on later.

"Hello Wally. Is there anything wrong?"

"Nothing. I want to go shopping. I want to take Betts, Patricia and Liza. The guys are coming too to protect me."

I heard her laugh. "You can go."

"Thanks Mom. I am buying a new bathing suit for me and one for Betts. Can I buy one for Patricia? She will want to wear it."

"Is it going to be naughty? I can't have that."

"Speedos for us all. It is only the guys suits that look like the bottom portion that a girl wears. We will just have all the same pattern."

"That is fine then. I don't want you wasting all your money on the girls."

"I won't. Every cent is worth it."

"You are a good boy but you do not always think like an adult. In the future just leave a note with Tess the receptionist if she cannot find me."

"Thanks Mom. Tell her that I asked if she was as pretty as you."

"Go on. You are going to have all the girls after you."

"I do not need many. I am selective. I just want the best. The best is not necessarily the ones that look nice."

"Go have fun Wally. Give my love to the girls."

"I will. Bye Mom."

The guys arrived soon after. There was a lot of talk about the web site but they didn't go into details with people present that were not in our unit. Chuck had purchased a new bathing suit but he did not mind owning another if we all wore them.

The guys didn't mind shopping but not escorting two younger girls. I said, "We are a unit now. They are civilians to be protected." This made a world of difference to the guys.

A taxi came and dropped us off downtown. The guys didn't mind the suits at all. I just picked out ones that looked a bit like camouflage and got the same for the girls too. This was a joke because all the girls we met would be looking at our skimpy racing suits or I hoped they would.

It was only ten minutes to walk to the computer stores. There were a lot in this area and most were run by orientals. They competed against each other and the prices were quite reasonable. The guys searched for headsets but I let them choose what they wanted. The laptops had come down in price. I hated all of their keyboards. We didn't buy until the third store and here it was just the headsets.

Nadac said, "There are better laptop computers for sale that you have not seen yet."

"What do they look like and how are they better?"

I got the graphic and the details. "That is impressive. Could you produce a computer that looks like it was made here on earth but uses some crystals that I make? I guess we have to have a lot of security on it."

There was a longer than usual pause then Nadac said, "I can make substitute. There are enough crystals here to complete the unit. To get the benefit of this unit, it will use your neural interface."

"What if somebody is looking at me when I use the computer?"

"I can put an operating system that looks normal and even add a keyboard."

"That sounds great. How fast will it be?"

I found that Nadac could get a bit angry. He was so closely bound with a computer that he objected to my terms and ideas of what a computer would be like. Operating in five dimensions made the best computers of today look... the best I could say is bad.

I looked at the cat 5 cable to interface with Betts' machine when I thought again. "Nadac could you make a communicator that will plug into the guys' computers to allow us to communicate? I was going to just connect to Betts' but it would be good to connect to the rest too."

"I will send you some different crystals that will operate in one of the ultrawave bands."

"Thanks Nadac. I am sorry for my remark about computers. I can only go by what we have on earth now."

"It is of no consequence."

I knew that it really was but said nothing.

Our walk led us by a different kind of sporting goods shop. This one had guns and ammo. It was slanted to both the hunter and the military. I lead my troop inside. We stayed as a group and looked around in wonder. I liked the thought of guns. Chuck and especially Jerry must have gotten an erection in here.

I shifted the group over to some awesome looking CO2 rifles and pistols. I was set to buy five of them when we found out that we couldn't do this legally. The guy behind the counter gave us a few pamphlets and we had to be content with these.

There were camo outfits and all sorts of equipment to get close to an objective without being seen. Besides this were the knives that I could see being used to take out a sentry.

Next to this was a wide variety of t-shirts with slogans to match the American, British or the Canadian military. Packs made for soldiers along with various types of headgear. There was even clothing for babies with words about their army dad. There were black shirts in our sizes and picked up a few and directed the rest to gather them if they found them. The younger girls did too but I didn't stop them.

This equipment the store stocked looked nice but I had to consider that others would see how we dressed and one day put two and two together. Even black shirts were only for the night.

We didn't even get into the store very far before Jerry stopped at the small compact crossbows. "Man, I would love to have one of those."

Chuck said, "How much you want to bet we can't get those either?"

The girls didn't seem to see anything they liked but I guess most girls wouldn't.

Under a counter was a wide selection of watches. This to me was acceptable. They were almost a hundred dollars each for the one I wanted.

I asked the clerk, "How much for five of these watches?"

"We can give you a 10% discount for that many."

The guys pushed over to see but Patricia pushed harder. "How about 25% if I get two of those watches over here with a smaller face." They looked like the ones I was already looking at."

"I'll have to ask the manager."

The guy walked away and an older man came back. "How may I help you young man?"

"I would like five, no six of these watches and two of those. I think that deserves a 25% discount and you swallow the tax. I will pay cash to get this price."

"That is a hefty chunk of our profit."

"If I do not buy then there is no profit. I am not going to drop my offer."

"Those are high quality watches worn by the airborne."

"The men know how to fight but that does not say their watches are any good."

"How about 20?"

"I am sorry sir but my last offer is the only one I will offer you."

"Show me the cash and you get the watches for your discount."

"And you swallow the tax."

"Ok I will accept that too."

I took out the fifties and the bundle of twenties from my pocket. There was no bill or cash register receipt. The shirts were added at the posted price. We got the watches and the staff helped us get them fitted to our small wrists. Some bands had to be adjusted and all of them had a strong buckle that had to be adjusted like a belt. They all looked large on us and the girls' watches though smaller looked large on them.

We left the store with everybody looking at their gift. It did not look too fancy but we knew they were good and strong.

I led the way into a restaurant that was not aimed at children through cartoon characters. I encouraged everybody to get something that was different from what they usually ate. I wish I had more information on the food because I was shooting blind. The guys were unusually interested in the current time and I felt good to be wearing the watch too.

The last place was the grocery store. I ordered steak for all of us and I made sure we had extras.

The taxi dropped us off and we went to the back yard to exercise. The munchkins joined in. Each of us had a turn to lead the rest. Pushups were not popular and we could not do more than a few before we did something else.

The munchkin unit were sent away to clean the barbecue while the rest of us suffered. We were just not up to this though I think we tried harder than we would have before.

We got some water and I marched the unit over to see Gail. She was a good hostess and invited us in like a lady. Her nose sniffed the air and I was ashamed of our smell. Apparently Gail liked it though and I could see that her nose was trying to suck all the smell in.

I handed Gail the last watch still in the case and said, "Put this on please." She looked at the man's watch but did as I asked. It didn't suit her long white arms.

Once she had it on I said to the guys, "Soldiers!" This was said with a loud voice. "Mrs Watson has agreed to train you to in one facet that an officer must know. If you fail her tests you fail the officer course. Your other courses could fail you too and you will remain grunts until you die. Do as she says. She outranks any of you."

Gail was quite surprised but she did pull through after looking at her watch. "Hello gentlemen and lady. Your commanding officer and I talked recently about your need to knock off a few rough edges. He believes that I have the necessary knowledge and skill. You will learn how to talk to a lady, how to dress, how to keep yourself clean up to military standards and beyond.

When this course has ended you will be able to function within polite society with ease. You will be able to talk to girls your own age without stuttering. You will talk about current affairs or politics without mentioning sports or yourselves. You will in fact be able to charm some young ladies out of their shorts."

The last promise seemed to do the best. I asked, "How do you wish to do this Mrs Watson?"

"One recruit at a time I believe is best. The time element will be a problem. The recruit must always be a gentleman but this may vary at different times of the day. I would like to have them for a day at a time.

"I see no problem Mrs Watson. The recruit will simply state that he wants to sleep over. He will come here to await further orders."

"That sounds satisfactory."

I took a few steps and said, "Gentlemen. A military academy puts out gentlemen not grunts. You know what others of your age knows but that is not enough. Your failures as well as your successes reflect on our unit. Doing callisthenics and unarmed combat are only a small part of what an officer must know."

An idea suddenly struck me. I was being monitored by Nadac but probably by King Rontem. "One day you will be reviewed by your king. He will look you in the eye and see how much of a man or a woman each of you are. At that time you will be happy that you took the training that is now being offered to you. I took a step back and tried to make a turn the way someone in the military did. I said to Gail, "We have brought provisions to feed our army and more. Will you honour us with your presence?"

"I would be more than happy to do this. Would it not be better to have this meal at my home? I have a large grill."

"That is acceptable. The troops should learn about KP from the bottom up. I make a good baked potato stuffed with bacon and onions."

"If you introduce me to your recruits I will endeavour to remember their names."

I introduced the boys. Betts was standing straight so I added her name as if she were not a neighbour. I stopped and Gail looked to the side. I then had to introduce her to Patricia then her own daughter.

This seemed to work well. Gail now took command and ordered her troops around. She called everybody by the first name of 'Private' except me. I was the Captain.

Gail's grill was cleaned by some and then food prepared by others. The steaks and fixings were fetched and she gave an impromptu culinary class. The boys were ordered to shower and put on their 'army' fatigues. The girls went next and they did not dawdle in the shower. They all came out wearing their speedos.

The boys got nervous as Gail gave an inspection. Her hand went out and felt the material of Chuck's suit. He started to get hard and she smiled and went to the next boy. I was sure she was salivating when she was done. "Those suits look very good. I should get one like that myself."

I went next door and put a note on the table mentioning our location. I spoke for Gail and asked that they come over when they arrived home.

I ran out the front door and down the walk when the doors of a red sports car opened and two guys got out. One was Tony Caputo and the other was one of his 'friends' from the party.

"Nadac call Betts on her cell phone. Use my voice and say I am going outside to see Tony."

"Very commendable. Did you know that he was being handed the reins of the company you entered?"

"No idea. You didn't tell me. He is going to be seriously pissed then?"

"I believe you are right."

"Hey asshole," Tony called out. "I want to talk to you."

I hope Betts and the rest came soon. I needed a lot of witnesses and quickly.

"If it isn't Tony the smooth talker. Did your parents teach you manners or did you grow up under a rock?"

"I am going to punch your face in."

"Threats now Tony. You, I think, are over 18. Hit me and I will have you charged with assault."

"I'll beat the fuck out of you and you will not be able to tell anybody, ever."

"Threatening me with death now? You are a poor piece of shit. You even have to bring a flunky to fight a twelve year-old. Does he beat babies for you too?"

Tony took a slap at me just like others had done. I stepped back though because I could not see any witnesses yet and there was two opponents. The flunkey moved much quicker and caught me. He dragged me to Tony and Tony grabbed my shirt just below my neck. "What were you looking at when you were at Frank's house?"

I was scared but I had to put on a front as best that I could. "A painting of you being fucked by a dog." The last was said with a gurgle because he tightened his grip on my throat.

"What were you looking at, I said?"

I could not breathe. I fought with my fists and even my feet but I could not hit him. It started to get dark when I could breathe once more. I was on the walkway on my back.

Somebody was on top of me. It took a moment to see that it was Tony. Standing over him was Gail with a long handled shovel. Beside me was the other guy. He was being beaten by the guys using shovels, fireplace tools and broom handles.

Tony got to his knees only to be wacked with the back of the head with the shovel blade. He fell back onto me.

In a moment the guys grabbed me and pulled me out from under Tony. When they got me to my feet I saw that Tony was bleeding a lot and so was his buddy. The buddy was conscious and very afraid of Patricia and Liza that were ready to stab him with carving knives.

Mrs Watson was excited. She said, "The police are on their way. I told them you were being killed by two men."

"I am sure glad you are in my army."

"We do our best, Captain." I didn't mind the title though it wasn't deserved.

Tony did not regain consciousness by the time two cop cars came. Though the girls had knives they did not draw guns on them. The thug started to scream that he was attacked by me and then the rest of our group. There were a hundred people around by now and many must have seen the truth but I didn't know if they would testify.

The questions had hardly started when Bert and Lillian arrived home. They raced to us and looked at the two guys now handcuffed in the back of different cars. One guy was still yelling. I figured he was really telling Tony his story so they could corroborate each other's testimony.

Lillian said in a powerful voice, "What happened here?"

I gestured to the cop taking notes. This way I could hear his interpretation. Lillian finally got him to talk.

"It seems that the two men came seeking some kind of information. There may have been some harsh words said by this young man. One of those arriving was struck. This young man's friends and neighbours came over and attacked the two men."

Betts came forward. I noticed now that she had an old VHS camera in her hands. "I think that you are trying to make that criminal sound good. I hate crooked cops like you."

"Young lady I could have you arrested."

"The people around here saw this. You never got their names. You never questioned them. I have a camera here and I photographed all of this. It shows your friend in the car as the one to attack Wally. Did you know that Wally is twelve? Did you know that he has difficulty walking? His kneecap never healed properly. I know that the two in the cars are over eighteen. They are men. We protected Wally's life when we came to his defence. How much is Tony or his father paying you?"

"That is it young lady. You are under arrest."

Lillian got in front of her daughter. "Arrest her you fool and I will have a legal team down on your ass so fast you will be on the unemployment line. Tell me why you did not question the witnesses and gather their names? That is not standard police practice or are you some type of trainee wearing a real policeman's uniform?"

Lillian turned to the crowd. "Wally was attacked by two adult thugs. Our good neighbours came to protect him. The police are not doing their job. I think I will talk to the Chief of Police to find out why this situation is being handled so poorly."

She did take out her phone and start pushing numbers. The cop in charge suddenly found reasons for his conduct. He may have not been paid by Caputo but he may have been trying to help the family and hope for a reward later. Another possibility was to not get the Caputo family mad at him.

My dad suddenly appeared and came next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. He said nothing though.

Mom was on her phone to the senior partner of the law firm she worked for. She used some colourful language and then stopped forward toward the cop and mentioned the number on his uniform. The investigation lasted much longer and the cop came over and apologised to Lillian. She was ladylike but was not swayed by his words.

When the cops left, Gail was in there with her shovel telling everybody about her actions. She made me out as defenceless and in a way that was close to the truth.

Dad came over to Gail's house and she started dishing out drinks. All the adults needed more than a few.

I pulled the guys together and said, "I want to thank you guys for saving me. Tony was seriously pissed."

Chuck said, "He sure was. Did you see how he got it twice by Mrs Watson? She is one mean woman when she wants to be."

"She is all woman. That's for sure."

Gail had heard this and looked at me. I figured she needed a reward.

We cooked the steaks or rather I did. I had not done this too much before. The guys got the rest ready and then served it to the slightly inebriated adults then we started to eat ourselves.

During the next hour the story was told a few times. The story changed each time by a little bit. Gail started to call the guys her army. She called them over and caressed them as she praised them up as she felt them up. Betts was smart enough to not let this happen to her or to the other girls. The boys didn't seem to mind this at all.

Betts and the girls were worked up too and looked at me with those predatory eyes. June came over later. It was not long until she found out about all the excitement. Women seem to sense something and they looked at me more and more. Lillian was the only one that seemed to only be interested in me as a person.

Mom and Pop helped Dad home or possibly they helped each other. The gang and June made sure Lillian and Bert got upstairs safely. We went back to Gail's home. She wanted sex and was taking her clothes off. The guys and I helped her strip and put to bed. She hugged the boys and kissed them often for their help. The fact that she was naked didn't seem to enter her mind or she was a good actress. She was now mentioning a personal reward for what the guys had done for her. Even the guys didn't think she meant money.

I tucked her into the bed with Patricia and Liza. I would have to cover the theft of a daughter in the morning if the parents sobered enough to remember. There would be three sore pussies by that time.

The guys were leaving and I said, "Thanks again for your help. I think you should tell your parents what happened but talk about Mrs Watson doing the deed. You guys were more than just a witnesses but not much. This way you are covered if you have to testify and you are free until then."

Betts and I got ready for bed. She said, "Wally, I don't want to sleep alone tonight."

"Neither do I, Sweetheart."

The next morning two adults were suffering from their drinking but they were still energetic even if they were in pain.

Bert wanted some better answers. I talked about the party at Wendy's house and how vulgar Tony was. I mentioned going into the open basement because it looked interesting. Other were in there drinking at the bar so it was open to those in the party. I confessed to not knowing what Tony was after. My suggestion that he may have been on drugs fell on fertile ground.

We were told to be careful today as they went to work.

As they left the driveway Nadac said, "There are some articles in the garage for you. You should get them now and start practising."

I was not sure what he meant. It was something in his voice that was odd.

The same invisible probe became visible. I opened the hatch and removed my new laptop. It was covered in an anodised titanium case. It was pretty but I didn't open it. There were five USB devices in a cloth pouch. What shocked me was the pile of guns underneath it. I took one out and looked at it. It took a moment to see that it was driven by CO2 and not powder. There were five very large boxes of what looked like 177 caliber pellets and then boxes of darts. The tins all had military nomenclature across them. The words on the dart cans stated that the darts were destined for the military purposes only. A quarter of these tins contained an anaesthetic dart. More stuff was in the bottom.

"What are the guns for Nadac?"

"They are to promote hand and eye coordination."

That was true but there had to be more. "What are you not telling me?"

"You will be told in time. You are required to use these weapons and be as accurate as possible."

There was something else. "We are going on a mission and we need these weapons. Is that correct?"

"Yes, your lives and those of many others is at risk. Learn quickly and learn well."

"What is this about?"

"Do not pursue this line of questioning. You are given some simple weapons. Train with them and become proficient."

Same as Space
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Wild Sex With My Friend Rithi

Hello everyone,Today I would like to share a unique experience which happened a couple of months ago. It was Christmas day when rithi (name changed) pinged me in hangouts appreciating my story. It was 6 in the morning when my phone buzzed and it was rithi’s message. I was genuinely happy as she liked my story and she provided some good feed back on my story. It was a holiday and I didn’t want to let go the company of her. We spoke to each other for couple of hours and quickly realized that we...

1 year ago
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Mirror Image Part I

As she drove the 3 hours to the hotel where she was to meet Him for the first time, her thoughts raced to each and every phone call, e-mail or text conversation they had ever had. Remembering how easy it was for her to give in to him, to submit to him. How natural it seemed to respond to every request he asked of her. They had spent nearly a year conversing back and forth as she became more and more enthralled with him. As she drove there was not one moment of hesitation, fear or regret in her...

2 years ago
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1. PreselectionYou must be desired by other women. This can be called pre-selection. If you are seen as attractive for other women, say your "quote on the market" will rise. Women like guys who are coveted by other women.They think, "If he is courted by others, surely he must have some attractive thing." Preselection is evident when you are always surrounded by women in a social environment. Another way is through some value demonstration stories.2. LeadershipYou must demonstrate leadership....

1 year ago
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BrattySis Katie Kush Molly Little My Stepsisters Ass In A Box

Jay Romero is on the floor looking through Christmas presents. His stepsister Molly Little and her friend Katie Kush find him and decide to mess with him. They tell him that there’s a special gift for him but that it won’t be under the tree until later. The girls have just finished putting Molly’s ass in a box for Jay when he returns. He’s super into his ass in a box! Molly and Katie decide it’d be super hot for Jay to fuck Molly, so Katie encourages him to stick...

2 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 17 A Piece That Fits

Allard and I signed in and then went next door to a deli to grab a quick sandwich. I came back to Fritz giving me the stink eye. “I know, I know,” I said, holding up my hand. “Who’s this?” Allard asked. “This is Fritz, the head of my security, and I’m in trouble for leaving the hotel without him,” I admitted. “I could be with you 24/7 if you’d prefer,” Fritz threatened. “I’ll make sure he lets you know,” Allard assured Fritz. I don’t think he wanted Fritz in our bedroom. What he didn’t...

3 years ago
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Orcs and Elves

The fires roaring around Griffin's Nest could be seen for miles as could the celebratory shouts echoing throughout the valley. The largest gathering was over one thousand strong centered on a bonfire reaching twenty feet into the sky. Drums filled the air with the rhythm the victorious army stamped their feet to. Every kind of meat imaginable was roasting over one of the pits and the warriors gorged themselves. There were barrels stacked upon barrels of liquors and ales the empty ones thrown...

1 year ago
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Billy and Wili Wound Too Tight 5 in STOPWATCHChapter 6

As much as he didn't want to ... Billy caved. First they went to the bank. Deposits in the special account didn't need both signatures so Wili took both checks to the teller. Billy was suddenly more interested in the teen in the next chair. "Waiting for a teller?" he asked, giving her a blast of those pearly whites and a direct eye to eye connection. 'Wow ... he's not looking at my boobs.' "Nope, waiting on dad ... mom works here." She threw her shoulders back and thrust out the...

1 year ago
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Dating A Chatting Friend After Three Years

Hi all. It’s been nice to meet you all thru ISS once again. I have been a regular reader of ISS and I have so far posted 3 stories in ISS. Now it’s time I pen down my 4th story which happened to me in the last week of December 2014. To give a small intro about myself, I’m 6ft tall, black guy. I’m from southern part of Tamilnadu. Recently moved to Chennai. I have been working in the field of sales for more than 6 years. I love matured ladies a lot and I love to do groping in buses or any crowded...

3 years ago
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mind control chip 4

Whenever I tried to crawl to the computer he would mount me. I tried to think of food but my signal was not strong enough to get through as all his baselines were probably off the charts. I tried to pull his lead out of the computer but the computer was the wrong way round and it just jammed it tighter in. Then shep had mounted me from behind and wedged my head under a cupboard. As he banged away I saw a pair of scissors on the floor underneath it. I managed to reach them and cut his cable...

3 years ago
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A Pleasant Surprise After

A Pleasant Surprise After Long Day Of Work As another long and boring dinner meeting finally ended, I begin the drive home. The tedium of the day has drained me, I long to be home. To relax and unwind. To forget the rigors of the day. As I pull into the driveway, I notice the house is dark. I enter quietly and the first thing that I notice is the silence. I put my briefcase down and begin to go upstairs. As my eyes adjust to the darkness. I notice a faint light flickering down the hall. I...

1 year ago
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Driving with Uber An Unexpected Benefit Part 4

It had been about three months since I had given Khrystiana that first (and last) spanking.  It was now the first week end of August.  As we had done the previous three months, Khrys and I were getting  together at her place to see how her finances were going.   We had also had a number of ‘dates’ in which we had dinner, had gone to a concert, had a picnic at the lake or just spent some time together.  The time we had spent together was 100% platonic.  Both of us just simply enjoyed our...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Kristen Scott Jasmine Summers Meant For Each Other Part One

Lovers Kristen Scott and Jasmine Summers have been dating for over 4 months now. Kristen believes that it was time to tell the love of her teen life how she really feels about her. Kristen nervously pours her heart out to Jasmine, declaring her undying love for her. Jasmine can’t stop smiling as she feels the exact same way! They embrace one another with kisses, expressing the happiness they foresee for the rest our their lives. Kristen and Jasmine continue kissing, their sexual desires...

3 years ago
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Penny Cute Slutty Babysitter

So in one of my other stories I mention a young girl named Penny, who introduced me to Susie, the sluttiest girl I've ever met. I've been in touch with Penny lately, so I thought I'd write about the first time we met.I was 22, and working as a service repairman for a large company. It was a slow Sunday and I got a service call in a older neighborhood of town, the part that's changing from lower middle class to trashy. A man about 40 answered the door and showed me to the kitchen and described...

1 year ago
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Reddit Legs, aka r/Legs! You just gotta love when a subreddit is so straightforward, and you know what the fuck it is about before you even click on it. I mean, it is simple, and it gets straight down to the point. It is called r/legs/, and if you appreciate women with nice legs, then you have come to the right subreddit. There are thousands of naughty posts for you to check out.You have a choice, you can either stick around and listen to what the fuck I have to say, or you can keep browsing on...

Reddit NSFW List
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Xanaduby Nicole LarsonGameStop closed at eight, and by the time Miles closed the store down and locked up it was eight thirty. By eight forty, he had been home, changed his clothes, and picked me up at my apartment. He drove as fast as caution would allow—heedless of the speed limit, and the thankfully oblivious cop that had been sitting at the light on Doyle street. By eight fifty, we were pulling into the parking lot of the Safeway by Dave's place, and speeding into the building. Miles' usual...

2 years ago
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SuperSister 8 Cheer Cheer For Old Smallville

Super-Sister #8: Cheer, Cheer for Old Smallville By Heather St. Claire "In Smallville one day, the people blink in disbelief as they see a girl dressed in the super uniform of Superboy, patrolling in his place! You will be even more amazed to enter the privacy of the Kent home to find a daughter living with mom and dad! Yes, the most freakish twist of fate imaginable changes the boy of steel into a lass of steel, when Clark Kent becomes...Claire Kent, alias Super-Sister!" September...

4 years ago
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My girlfriend gives a friend his birthday present

My girlfriend and I are both 28 and we’ve been together for the last three years. She’s 5’6′, very lean and medium body size. Last week a friend of ours was having his birthday party, but due to a lot of work we didn’t have time to get him a present. We got to the party kinda sad that we didn’t bring him anything, but he didn’t seem to mind. After a while at the party, we were at a table talking to some people and my girlfriend whispered to me, ‘I know what to give him for his birthday.’

1 year ago
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Seduction by Deputy Jane

Inside the car, Jane inhaled his male scent as she cuddled affectionately in the warm arms of her lover; her glassy eyes gazed at his handsome face. She replayed in her dreamlike state of mind how her life had changed. It was about a month ago, she was a happy-go-lucky Sheriff's Deputy, counting her days in a small town she called home. Despair A month ago... David Cunningham and Linda Vanier Cunningham departed Cancun, Mexico on Continental Flight 765/47 at 3.15pm. They were...

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Courtneys feet pt2

That Sunday I went back home still in awe. How could a guy like me have something like that happen to him? For some reason I had the strange idea of taking that sock I had stolen from her to school on Monday just to show her how crazily devoted I really was. Monday finally came. I walked in to school feeling like a new me, or the me that has any female contact at all. I waited eagerly for her to arrive in the morning for register check which felt like ages. I was obsessed. She finally walked...

2 years ago
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Head Games Blowjobs Tricks

We all know when a man is fully erect; his penis head is all puffed up like an umbrella, helmet, or mushroom. A man's cock head is made up of many nerve endings and if you work it over properly, you will have him ejaculating in no time. Having said that, there is only so much you can do with a penis head. We have all performed the standard foreplay mouthing of that mushroom by sucking it and popping our mouth off very quickly, or taking our tongue and licking the head along with the rim...

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GirlsWay Chloe Foster Alina Lopez A Friendly Shower

Alina Lopez and Chloe Foster just came back from the gym. They had a great work out together and are planning to go out in the evening and paint the town red. Chloe is about to go home and shower but Alina insists that she can just shower at her place. If she needs a wardrobe she can just borrow some of her clothes since they’re the same size. Chloe asks her if she’s sure but Alina insists that it’s totally fine; it will make things easier. When Chloe starts undressing, Alina...

2 years ago
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Relaxing Massage

I had called the massage place earlier in the day to make an appointment... the woman who answered (Bonnie) set me up for a one-hour session with Doris, at 2:30. I arrived around 2:20, early for once. No one was sitting at the front desk; apparently, they were a bit understaffed today. A well-dressed man came out from the back, looking to pay and leave. He asked if I was there to see Doris; when I said yes, he told me "She's back there, in room 7 - why don't you just go back?" I declined,...

2 years ago
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Ghosts of the PastChapter 14

By June, the group of friends had expanded considerably since the beginning of 1957. Robert Clark and Lisa Green were starting their new life together. But they couldn't get married until her divorce from the bastard Donald Price was finalized, which would take another eight months. They were being careful not to get Lisa pregnant. They wanted to be sure the baby wouldn't be born until after they were married. Larry and Maria Wilson's baby had almost been born out of wedlock ... Lisa and...

3 years ago
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Best GirlPart 6

Laying in bed, Todd heard someone rustling from the other side of the room. Not moving himself, he whispered out the side of his mouth. "Candy, do you hear something?" Chris woke up and said, "What?" "Shh. I think there's someone in our room." Both Chris and Todd slowly rose up and saw a figure standing at their dresser at the other side of their room with his back to them. Chris said, "What's a man doing in our room?" The man was stealthily and methodically going over the...

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Seducing my sexy mom

I was home on this Saturday just getting up. The only other person there was my mom. My dad had to work that day and my sister had spent the night at one of her girlfriend’s houses. I had just turned 13 a few weeks earlier and felt like a grown up. I have had a few wet dreams and I knew how to take care of my own needs when I felt horny. I kind of felt like it on this morning but I decided to wait until later on in the day. I opened my bedroom door and could hear moaning coming from down the...

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Glade and Ivory Ch 08

Glade kissed her young lover on the lips while Chief Cave Lion slumped on his back exhausted. A thin thread of semen trailed from his penis into the tangle of Ivory’s pubic hair. Now that Ivory had discovered her lover’s infidelity, Glade was actually rather more affectionate to her ward even when she was being fucked by the Chief. ‘You have become a more accomplished lover,’ mused Chief Cave Lion. He tenderly kissed Ivory’s pale thigh and cupped a buttock in a gnarled hand. ‘You have taught...

4 years ago
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Rush Time

Rush Time By Bea The phone rang. "I'll get it!" I called down to mom. "Got an idea it'll be John." "Don't forget that your sister's here too," she called back. "Nah!" I said, getting to the phone. Truthfully I'd forgotten she was back in the house for a great moment or so. "Al Here!" I said into the phone. "Hello Al," John said. His voice carried his excitement. "Counting the days, huh?" "Got THAT right!" I laughed and let out a sigh of...

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My baby

I was 17 years old and was 5 feet 8 inches tall. I belonged to an Asian country so I was considered very tall as people in Asia are not very tall. My complexion was as same as any Asian would have but I was always told by every one that I had very good features and most of the girls in the school wanted friend ship with me. I had one sister who was older than me and was a medical student. I hated studies and was an average student. In my holidays I used to live at my grand mother’s house...

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Didi Aur Uski Chudakkad Saheli

Sabhi reader ko mera sexy salam, mai ISS site ka naya author hun, ye meri pehli indian sex story h jo puri tarah se sachi ghatna h jo mere aur meri sexy didi ki super sexy friend ke bich hui, aapka sabhi ka jyada time waste naa krte hue story pe ate h.. Mera naam Sanket hai aur meri age 23 ki hai.. meri behen ka naam Nishita h unki age 25 ki h aur bahut hi sexy badan ki mallika h, baat aaj se 1 saal pehle ki hai ek din humare ghar pe didi ki ek nayi friend ayi jiska naam Disha tha wo didi ke...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 98

Since it was cold enough to be blowing snow outside, this time Kutzley couldn't leave the fire hall doors open, although the trucks were outside, gathering snow. The building was even more packed than it had been for the meeting in July, when the special assessment district had first been brought up. For the hundredth time, Kutzley wondered who the hell had told Mike McMahon about the retention pond, and in deer season, too. That wasn't good; half the cars in the back would have...

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Mirror ImageChapter 4

It was about midnight when Tom got up to go to bed. He headed for the girl’s room to kiss goodnight. As he approached the bed, the scene was dejavue. They were dressed the same only this time ... no panties. On their stomachs, hand between their spread legs. Tom was so beside himself. His cock came to life instantly. Their breathing was shallow as in deep sleep. This time he could not help himself. He leaned down and placed his nose almost on Rebecca’s ass near her pussy and sniffed. He could...

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Steamy Sex On A Rainy Evening

Hello there, I’m Raju a 25-year-old, working in a reputed firm. I’m a tall guy with average built. This is my first story so kindly bear with me. This incident happened a year ago with my girlfriend. Let’s call her Sunaina. She is a fair and tall girl with a lean body which looks quite perfect. Her stats are 32-28- 32. I have a thing for tall girls. Okay, let me jump into the story. We worked in the same company. However, we didn’t talk that much except on lunch break as the work is quite...

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Nude Beach

I finally have the day off from work and my friends have invited me to the beach with them. I’m really looking forward to a fun, relaxing day. Plus, I look hot in my new bikini and like showing off. Pulling into the parking lot, I notice everyone is already there. I get their attention and yell down, “Hey guys! Where’s the closest boardwalk?” “It’s all the way at the end of the lot. Just hop the railing and get over here already.” It’s a metal railing with a top and middle bar that seems easy...

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Dare into a relationship pt 1

So you know how we look, our friend group consists of 5 people: myself being 184cm, brunette and with an athletic built; John who’s 178cm, blonde, skinny but girls consider him extremely attractive; John’s girlfriend Amanda, she’s 164cm, hourglass figure and blonde too, with what always looked like really nice boobs; Maria, a Latina bombshell that has a really outgoing and outspoken personality, and Sara who was the shy girl of the group although she’s really pretty in a girl-next-door type of...

4 years ago
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Soul Sistah

I have searched the web long and hard looking for incest stories about black people. All the stories I have read involved white people. Don't get me wrong I love incest stories, but I would love to read one about black people. I know it exists between black people, because it happened to me. That's way I decided to tell my story. After I graduated from college I moved to New York City from Florida. I hated Florida. Back home I got no respect. I was what you called a black nerd. I was totally...

2 years ago
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My Mom The Dom

Back up list Back up list ??????????????? I had the house to myself. Mom and Dad were away for the weekend and my bratty little brother was spending the night on a boy scout camp out. It was raining, one of those long steady rainy nights that always make me feel romantic. I decided to have some fun all by myself.??????????????? I started by stripping naked, then I walked up to the ?great room?. That?s what we called the huge room at the top of the house. It could also could have...

4 years ago
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Love and Family During the Great DeathChapter 9 The Plot Thickens

David managed to enjoy a quiet evening with Ellen for a change, as no one came in to join them for the night. They appreciated their privacy, twice in fact. The next morning David got up early as usual and Ellen said she'd get some food started while David showered, then she'd get her own shower afterwards. When David suggested they save time and shower together, she had to admit she was feeling a little sore, so she'd have to postpone any more fooling around. Thus David went in to enjoy...

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MyGirlfriendsBustyFriend Alyx Star 26386

Lucas wants to throw a surprise birthday party for his girlfriend. He has her bestfriend, Alyx Star, stop by to help plan it. Lucas also needs an opinion on the gift he got his girl, which happens to be some sexy lingerie. Alyx is convinced the lingerie won’t fit her friend because the bra is way to big. To prove it, Alyx tries on the lingerie — seeing as her tits are much bigger. Sure enough it fits Alyx perfectly, which means it will be too big for her friend’s boobs. Never...

4 years ago
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Rough Sex

I originally intended to go to the tanning bed but then I remembered I forgot to put on a thong under my sundress. I wear a thong when I lie in the bed because I like the way the white lines accentuate my hips and make my legs look longer. I also put one of those red playboy bunny stickers on my chest. (You HAVE to put the sticker in the same place every time because if it slips that bunny is going to look like Abraham Lincoln.) I also HAVE to do this free form kind of peripheral wandering...

3 years ago
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Garden of Eden Generation Seven 2

Kandi kisses Centiger goodbye as she leaves with her parents through the green meadow, feeling like she’s in Paradise. But, of course, she is! Soon they meet her good friend Danny who greets her with a huge kiss. Yet, disappointment runs all over his face. Her parents smile, then hug him empathetically, “Good to see you, Danny. You mean a lot to us. We’ll leave the two of you alone.” Kandi sees his sadness too, so she gently runs her fingers through his long, silky brown hair, watching...

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Futa Naked In School 09 Innocent Girls Futa Awakening 3 Lolas Futa Epiphany

Chapter Three: Lola's Futa Epiphany By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Lola Lovell's Week, Thursday The sharp scent jolted me awake. Smelling salts. I stared up into Nurse Luann's face. Her hazel eyes studied me. I shuddered, trembling, this embarrassed heat rushing through me. I struggled together myself. I was lying on a bed in the nurse's office. I was here because... “Oh, no,” I groaned. “I'm sorry,” she said. “I didn't mean to spring that news on you so abruptly.” “A sugar...

2 years ago
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The Unfortunate Life of Carla

The Unfortunate Life of Carla (part 2) (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. I really advise anyone under 21 not to read my stories. It takes a certain degree of maturity to enjoy my writings without recriminations. Don't write a review if you don't like the theme of the story. That's just childish. But criticism is always good and helps me.) Carla Enters (Carla with a feminine sway walks out of her room. Her dress flows...

1 year ago
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From Office Worker to Dominated Slut 5

Chapter 5 It was Thursday afternoon, 4pm. Office hours were officially 9am to 5pm, but because the staff earned performance bonuses staff tended to drift away anytime between 5 and 5.30pm. Eveline knew that Gerry was usually one of the first out of the door, despite being one of the best performers on her team, but not tonight. Tonight was his first stint as her P.A and she had asked him to stay from 6pm till 8pm and he had agreed. Of the other team members Jenny and Angela would...

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Amutha Teacher Udan Kaama Aatam

Hi friends,  en peyar roshan vayathu 21 aagugirathu. Naan parka azhagaga velaiyaaga irupen, ithu naal varai niraiya pengalai usar seithu matter seithu irukiren. Azhagana pengalai paarthaal enaku migavum pidithu vidum, en kalluriyil padikum niraiya pengalai naan oothu irukiren. Aanal ithu naal varai entha auntyaiyum oothathu kidaiyaathu, en nanbargal niraiya per auntyai oothu vittu semaya irunthathu endru solluvaargal. Aunty mogam thaan osathi endru soluvaargal, ennai keli seivaargal ithu naal...

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Private Milena Ray Elegant And Horny

Today on, we have the pleasure of introducing you to Milena Ray, a sexy brunette who has come to Private Specials, Elegant Babes to take on the BBC of Jack Ripper and teach him a little bit of class and a little bit of style. Milena isn’t putting out until her man makes some effort, so when he finally decides to dress better… sex is back on the cards! A hot blowjob is reward enough, but it doesn’t stop there for the lucky Jack as he also gets treated to phenomenal interracial...

3 years ago
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Talking Dirty

© 2002 Debra has always loved those forbidden four letter words during sex, and likes to make a lot of noise. In this tragi-comic adventure Debra ends up living out some kinky fantasies inside a women's prison with an unlikely lover in a dangerous place. Critiques and comments welcomed by the author. Debra was the love of my life. Even though we had been partners for over ten years she still fascinated me. It wasn't that she was ravishingly beautiful or anything else purely...

1 year ago
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GirlsUnderArrest Vanna Bardot Happy Endings Parlor Raid

Officers Chad White and Domenic Kane are enroute to investigate a call, explaining to the cameraman that they’re checking into a tip about a massage parlor that’s known for giving ‘happy endings.’ They arrive at the massage parlor and stealthily make their way to the back entrance and go inside, where a couple of waiting male clients awkwardly scramble to make a quick exit and hide their faces from the cops. The police shout and bang down doors as they raid the parlor...

3 years ago
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loving amy

I saw she needed me as soon as I walked into her house. She looked so stressed and frustrated, I knew she had not cum in a while from our talks on the phone, and her hunger and need for release were radiating off her in waves. ‘Hey baby’, I said and kissed her. I felt her clinging to me in a kind of furious desperation, my fingers intertwined into her hair pressing her mouth closer into mine. ‘Come on baby’, I whispered into her ear, ‘I’ll make you feel better’. I led her to the couch and...

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A Cautious ManChapter 20

One Saturday in April, both Bill and Junior went shopping. It was a common occurrence and they would do the dry goods shopping first, leaving the groceries to the end. As they drove toward town, Bill pulled into the lot of a major Ford dealer who just happened to be a client of CSI. At first, Junior was surprised and wondered why they were stopping here. When his father pulled up to the showroom parking area, Junior climbed out and followed his father into the big display area. As Bill and...

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Sucking Young Black Cock on the Trail

My name is Ed, and I had just turned 45 years old and my wife Sue was 43. Sue had been encouraging me to start exercising to stay in shape. She was going to the gym near our home in the Pittsburgh suburbs, but it was more convenient for me to exercise at work. The insurance company I worked for also encouraged its employees to exercise. They installed a work-out area and shower facility in our building. That made it very convenient to go jogging either before work or over the lunch hour, and I...

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