DóchasChapter 26 free porn video

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Erica said, "Okay. This will be quick as I'm getting antsy." Many laughed. "First, we ask that if you want to wander around that you do so in at least pairs. If you think you will go out of sight of the buildings, then take a radio with you. They are available at the registration desk, as are trail maps. This resort is almost an island as we are at the end of a long peninsula of a fairly large island. It is almost like an island attached to an island. On both sides of the narrow road leading inland there are either swamps or dense brush. The road goes to the principal town. Supposedly, it is possible to traverse the swamp by foot, but very few are known to have been successful. The beach side is completely isolated from the main part of the island as it is just like the road, swamp or thick brush to either side. It was this isolation that we found attractive. This aspect also makes it a popular nudist resort although there is a lot of passing small boat traffic.

"Security is of prime importance to us. Even though I told you of the barriers, the perimeter is being patrolled by a unique security force. It is probably the most unique security force on Earth. I am going to ask them to join us so they can meet you. Please don't scream when you see them as they are friendly."

"Okay you can come in now." With that the door opened and four pairs of lions walked into the room. Several gasps were heard as the lions entered.

"To you, they are as friendly as a house cat. They are not predatory toward those who are supposed to be here." One walked over to Siobhan then carefully licked her cheek. Not to be out done, Siobhan turned and kissed the lioness as she wrapped her arms around the lioness' neck in a tight embrace. When they broke the kiss, the lioness remained next to her with her head on Siobhan's shoulder. "They will be looking for uninvited guests. They can be your guides if you decide to go on a walk. You will need to indicate that you want them to join you. They can also assist you if you get lost or have a problem. I know some of the scary stories told about domesticated lions on Earth going wild. However, these are not Earth's lions. They only go 'wild' toward an intruder. If you will be kind enough to let them sniff you, it will help them know you. Oh, you can pet them if you would like too, but you don't have to go as far Siobhan is unless you want too." Several chuckled. The lioness Siobhan was cuddling, gave Conan a wet cheek before going to check out the rest of the group.

"That takes care of my piece and I see it is very late. Jim, Amy, Rusty, Sarah would you come back up to take questions."

"Before we begin with questions," said Sarah, "this has lasted quite a bit longer than we anticipated. We know you are excited to be here and tomorrow you will wonder exactly what you heard. Well, we have a solution. Thankfully we thought ahead and recorded the presentations. If you want to watch them again, just let us know or ask Donna. I believe you can also access them at the same terminals used to access our library. OK. Questions?"

A woman in the back raised her hand. "If I wanted to go home, when can I go?"

"Just tell us and you can be on our way in less than an hour. We do hope no one wants to leave. If any do, please see us when this is over."

Another woman stood up, "Why are you giving us all physicals?"

"It is a way to say, 'thank you' for taking the time to consider the opportunity we are offering. We know that most of you are looking for jobs and this visit is keeping you from that effort. In terms of completeness, this is a physical you couldn't get any place on Earth."

A man stood up, "When can we see the ship?"

"We had thought about starting tomorrow around noon. Each visit will take about three to four hours including travel time. We would like to limit the number to around 10 or 12 on each trip. We recommend you take the physical before you go to the ship. If you do not, you will have to stay with the tour group."

Sensing a change in attitude Sarah said, "The reason is safety, in particular your safety. The environment in space is dangerous. There is a saying that space is a harsh mistress. It is very true. A momentary lapse in respect is an opportunity for disaster. Our safety procedures depend on telepathic communication. If you are not telepathic then we need to know where you are at all times so if need be we can assist you. Now, as we mentioned earlier, we believe all of you can hear telepathically. During the physical this will be determined. Even if you are telepathic, you will have to sit through a safety orientation before you can have more freedom to look around."

"Thanks," said Conan. "I didn't think I had groaned that loud." Many laughed as Sarah shrugged her shoulders. "The reason I stood was that I wanted to thank all of you for this opportunity. Siobhan knew I had some reservations when we agreed to come. I now have no doubt that coming on this trip was a smart decision. I hope the rest feel the same way Siobhan and I do. The openness with which you told us of the issues of working in this society is refreshing. Now it is just coming to a decision that feels comfortable."

"Take your time deciding, while from our stand point a decision this week would be nice, it is not a necessity. You have all worked in small groups while at school. I would suggest that besides considering this by yourself you also discuss it within your group and perhaps between groups. Please do not hesitate to ask questions or voice concerns. While we would like for you all to join us, we will try to answer your questions in a neutral way. You can either ask Donna, or ask her to find one of us."

"How do we do that?"

"In most areas you can just say 'Donna' and she will respond."

"Does that mean all of our rooms are bugged?"

"You could look at it that way, but that is not the reason for the monitoring. Donna is responsible for ensuring the site functions as it is supposed to. This includes our welfare and security. The sensors listen for signs of distress or violence besides someone saying, "Donna." If you are uncomfortable with this, then ask her to secure your room. This will turn off any oversight until a door or window is opened or there is movement through them."

"That is an interesting concern," said Sally. Rusty nodded agreement. "Since we have been with this society, we have known Donna was available to us at a moment's notice. During that time, we have never felt she was intrusive. Having lived in Earth's society I can understand your concern, but having been active in this society for some five months, I don't have the same concern."

"Speaking for someone else, which is always dangerous," said Brandan. "I think the comment sounded harsher than it was meant to be."

"He is right," came the previous voice. "I did my normal foot in mouth routine." Several laughed at the comment. "Sounds like, I have company." This led to more laughter.

"Okay, it is nearly midnight and I think all of us are tired," said Amy. "Breakfast buffet starts at six and runs till eight. There are snacks available in the dining area at all times. At eight we will all be here for an hour, or however long you want to stay to answer general questions. So I propose we go to bed for some rest and whatever."

Maureen stood and started clapping. She was quickly joined by all the guests. Before they left for the room everyone personally thanked one of the hosts for giving them this opportunity. A lion tagged along with each group when they left. The one with Siobhan was nuzzling her leg as they walked away.

Several women came up to Rusty and Sarah with concerned looks on their faces. Nancy and Julia saw them and came over. They all looked very nervous and ill at ease.

"I don't know about the others as we just met," said Aoife uncertainly, "but, I think I would like to go back." The others nodded indicating their agreement with her comments.

Sarah looked at them thoughtfully, "That is not a problem, but can I ask you a couple of questions first?" They nodded yes. "Whether you answer is up to you? Okay?" To this they nodded a bit more firmly.

"I suspect none of you are really part of any group."

They nodded yes.

"Does the nudity bother you?"

"Well yes and no," replied Aoife. "Seeing any of you naked doesn't bother me at all." The others nodded their agreement with her. "But, me being nude with others around is something I don't think I can do."

"So, don't do it."

"But, we will stand out and be shunned like we were in school."

"Not to make light of your concerns or what happened at school, but do you think you would stand out more than us with our exceptional height?" said Sally grinning. The rest slowly matched her grin and chuckled

"Well, I guess not," replied Aoife slowly.

"I can remember a few times in school when I was referred to as the 'red headed amazon' and I was considerably shorter then. I wonder what the idiots would say now." The group laughed along with her.

Joyce had come up between two of them and placed her arms on their shoulders. "We will take you back now if you really want to go, but would you consider giving it a try for a little longer. I can sense that all of you are shy and perhaps intimidated by the way we look." Several nodded. "Believe it or not, but our ages are not much different. I grew up in a clothing optional house, but at school I think I could out-shy any of you." They chuckled. "I think if you go back now, in a couple of years you will be bothered by the question of 'What if I had stayed?' So why not try it for one day, or even a few days, then if you still want to go back it will be for firmer reasons rather than just reacting. Okay?"

They nodded yes.

"Good. Let's meet after breakfast and we can figure out what we can do together."

"Okay," said Aoife. "What you say makes a lot of sense and I can't fault your logical reasoning."

"She said I was logical," said Joyce to Rusty, Sally and Sarah and then stuck her tongue out at them. Everyone laughed, their antics lightening the mood.

"I will be looking forward seeing you at breakfast," said Aoife with a grin. The others nodded their agreement and started toward their rooms, with a lion trailing behind them.

"I hope Aoife stays," said Sarah. The rest of her clan voiced their agreement too.

"She is a strong telepath and appears to have considerable psionic capability," said Rusty and Sarah. "She has sensed and used her telepathic ability from time to time but it scares her. She also thinks that there is more to her ability."

"How did you come on all this information?" asked Sally.

"It was kind of strange. She told us but doesn't realize it."

"Interesting," said his spouses. With that they looked around and realized they were the last ones there.

"Let's go back to our room as I'm tired. Tonight will be a short night for us."

They walked back to their rooms arm in arm, sharing their individual observations. They were quite pleased at how smoothly today's plans had worked even with the two surprises when picking up the groups of candidates. Nancy and Julia, with Donna's assistance, had done a superb job in finding excellent candidates. They made a note to make sure they found time to thank them for the effort. They knew that last night had really stressed Nancy. Reaching their room they quickly got ready for bed and they were soon cuddled together sound asleep.

Just as dawn broke, Joyce opened her eyes then heard Donna softly say that if they wanted to be in the dining room by the time breakfast started, they needed to get up. Joyce slowly tried to extract herself but just that slight move triggered the others to begin waking. She felt a kiss on her neck and shoulder. It made her shiver at the love it conveyed. Knowing they were waking she kissed every one of her spouses on the neck. As they woke, their mind-link became more active and they all felt the expression of love with each kiss.

They reached the dining room just in time to assist Ann's Clan in setting up the last parts of the buffet. Sarah thanked them for the fine meal the previous evening and relayed the comments she'd heard. Hearing the positive comments had the whole group smiling.

Sally said, "Why don't you hang out in the dining room if you can? It would give our visitors an opportunity to meet you."

"We can do that to some extent," replied Ann.

Amy's Clan arrived and once everyone had either juice or coffee they began to review the details of the trips to the ship. The plan was to have an excursion that gave their guests 3 hours on the ship. When travel time and turn around was included, it amounted to a 5 hour cycle. They decided to use one shuttle today and make just two trips. One would leave right after breakfast and the second would be late morning. The group would be limited to 16 people plus 2 staff members on each trip. Sally and several others thought they should increase the time on the ship. They decided not to make any immediate changes.

They reviewed the activities of the previous two days. All were pleased with the smoothness of the overall effort to bring the guests to the resort. Sally, Terry and Erica all raised a question about the surveillance of Siobhan's group and the subsequent event of a woman joining Maureen's group. After a short discussion, they agreed that if it had been only one instance, then it could be a coincidence. Two made a coincidence unlikely and if you added Briana, it made coincidence even less likely.

Sarah said, "What if it is the same group behind the disappearance of Briana's friends, the surveillance of Siobhan's group and the woman who joined Maureen's group? Those at Sylvia's, and Briana's friends, were good fits for the parameters we used to identify candidates to be crew members."

"Sure makes sense, but seems to be a bit tenuous. What would be the motive or purpose?" asked Terry. "We know why Briana's friends were abducted. Was that the plan for the others?"

"Yes, it is tenuous," responded Erica. "However, we should definitely take some precautions because there are too many coincidences. I don't like the thought of losing any of them because we weren't cautious enough. Donna, do we have sufficient drones to cover all the groups we've contacted?"

"Not unless we reduce coverage of some areas. Those would be the island, Enclave and here."

"Star, do we have more surveillance craft on the ship we can use for this?"

"Yes, but they are in storage. It is fairly straight forward to activate them, but to do that we would need to pull crew off other projects."

"Have the ship's crew make this their top priority for today," said Sarah. "They should be placed into service as they become available. This may complicate our plans for the guests touring the ship. We should tell our them that the crew is responding to an urgent project so we would prefer to delay the visits." Everyone agreed with her.

While they were conferring several groups of guests arrived for breakfast and were going through the serving line. Others had already sat down after getting juice or coffee. They went to get some breakfast and sit with their guests. Sarah's and Amy's Clans listened to the conversations surrounding them. By the time they were done eating, they were fairly certain that all of this group would join them. Some were apprehensive, however their reasons were similar to those they would have. They thought these would diminish quickly once they became better acquainted. They were surprised that none were concerned with nudity and that most them had come to breakfast naked. Several looked a little uncertain at first but quickly relaxed when they saw how many others were naked too. Many of those wearing clothes weren't wearing very much.

Joyce met Aoife in the serving line and then went with her to a table. Jill and Janet joined them as did the other women wanting to leave with Aoife last night. Joyce was pleased to see that all of them were quite a bit more relaxed this morning. Donna quietly confirmed her observation. They both noted that while the women were wearing a wrap, that was all they were wearing, as their 'head lights' were clearly showing.

When everyone had finished breakfast, Rusty and Sarah went to the front of the room and stood by the podium. The room quickly quieted down. "Good morning," they said. "I hope everyone slept well. We did but it wasn't for long enough." Many laughed. "We noticed quite a few of you have opted to make clothes optional. That's great. For those that haven't, please don't feel it is something you have to do. IT IS NOT something you have to do. ONLY do it if you want to. If this is your first time, we can guarantee you will feel a bit uncomfortable in the beginning, but those feelings usually quickly disappear." Everyone nodded their head.

"Before we ask for questions from last evening, we would like to thank everyone for picking up your dishes and cleaning off the tables. So THANKS. Now, any questions?"

Carine said, "Although you said, it wasn't a requirement, Betsy's presentation of the differences between us and your species almost sounded like a sales pitch to change our bodies."

"It definitely wasn't. We wanted you to know the differences between the groups. Some of you may decide to join us, which leads to the possibility of becoming involved with either someone or a clan. We think a clear knowledge of the differences between the species up front is much better than misunderstanding or suspicion due to a lack of knowledge.

"I think I just misused the term 'species', but maybe not. As we saw last evening, there are several distinct differences in our physical structure and physiology. Whether that amounts to a divergent species or not, someone else will need to answer.

"Now let me complicate my response. If you join us and wish to receive treatments altering your body to be more like us or the crew then that is YOUR choice. It is a choice for YOU to make, not US. We will not push you to make it. Now, there are some operations on the ship that will be difficult or impossible to do without the physical changes. IF that becomes a problem, we will address it then. I hope I was clear in spite of my stumbling around."

"Yes. I guess my fundamental problem is that I have never been around people who are as open as you are." Several nodded their agreement. "From what you have just said, my understanding is that we have choices and those are our choices to make. However, those choices could limit our contributions to this society. If that is the case, I can live with that and be very glad I decided to come!"

"You are correct in your understanding. We have secrets, but it is a fundamental part of this society to not have or use secrets to take advantage of another. If you do that, or try to do it here, you will quickly become an outcast or worse."

"I stand by what I just said, I am very glad to be here. It appears so good; I feel it must be a dream." Several nodded their agreement with her comments.

"Can we visit your Enclave this week?"

"Hmm, we hadn't thought about that."

"Yes," responded their spouses.

"I was just told we can do that as well."

"Why did you pause?"

"We were waiting for a response from our spouses. Didn't you hear them?" Several looked puzzled, but Maureen, Siobhan and Aoife nodded. "As was indicated last night, we are mind-linked essentially all the time. Some aspects of it are more obvious than others. We, Rusty and Sarah, are currently tightly linked, that means that the two of us are functioning as one intellectually and vocally. The rest of our spouses are loosely connected with us, even so they feel our emotions along with understanding our words."

"Wow," came several voices.

"Sarah, are you sure that you are carrying four babies? You don't look big enough to be carrying that many at five months."

"Yes. Our babies are usually smaller at birth than human babies. Their heads are a little smaller and our pelvic opening is more accommodating. Our babies are about 4 to 5 pounds at delivery and by the second day they usually weigh about ten pounds. Also, we don't carry as much weight in the form of placenta."

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Riley Star and her boyfriend area great time hiking around a beautiful forest when Riley gets a hankering for some big cock. Her boyfriend cannot resist while Riley looks so hot in her cute, nerdy glasses and her little pink bikini top. So, as soon as they get the chance, this size queen turns her focus from tree trunks to her boyfriends big wood. She strips down by the river and takes her boyfriends massive meat out for a slobbery, sensual blowjob. She works her mouth up and down his shaft,...

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All Black X! If I ask you if you like Black porn, what comes to mind? There are interracial scenes where blonde chicks are getting hammered by monstrous BBC, a staple of any premium porn site with a good collection. There are also Ebony scenes where a White dude gets to smash a Nubian goddess. For whatever reason, it’s not as common to see a Black guy fucking a Black chick in pornography. Enter AllBlackX.AllBlackX.com is a newer paysite specializing in exactly what it sounds like. The landing...

Premium Black Porn Sites
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USA Mein Group Chudai Part 1

Dear all I am regular reader of ISS, and many stories I have seen which inspired me to write my life experience when I was working in a leading telecom company in USA. I am RAJA, MALE, 38 YEARS OLD, any female, who need a good friend in USA, especially in California, who want to have sex with me can mail me at So here is todays story,,,,,,,,,,,, The reader will recall that on my return from England (for more arousing time read ‘Rama, the adulteress), I had given up my nine to five job and set...

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The Diver

The Diver This story was based on an idea by Debbie Cybill and written over a few weeks from September to November 2000. This story covers transgender issues and should not be read by minors. If there any comments or errors spotted in the story then please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Nothing in this story should be construed to be factual and all characters are fictional and not based on any person dead or alive. Copyright 2000 by Elaine. Synopsis A mine...

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A Willing Subject

A Willing Subject is about the length of a short story and should pay off slowly. ***** 1 ‘Oh please! I’m sure Heather won’t mind.’ Sarah pleaded, her expression affecting helplessness. Sam couldn’t remember her so animated. Blythe and always indifferent to him, she hadn’t given him the time of day for years. ‘There’s money in it for you.’ Sam was torn. As a struggling acting student about to become a struggling actor he needed an ear to the ground for the next gig. And as gigs go this...

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Birthday Present

Hi I am Rajesh today I want to tell me readers how I presented the most valuable to gift to one of my friends. Her name is Pooja, she works with me in my office. Our friendship is very cool we share everything with each other our hobbies, shopping, movies and even our sexual fantasies, but don’t jump into conclusions as she is not my girl friend that is we don’t have sex. Now Pooja is I must say a good looking girl have quite a good figure like models. Her statistics are 36 28 36 any red-...

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Bhabhi Bani Biwi 8211 Part 3

Agle din subha, tino hi mujhse pahle uth ke apne kaam mein lag chuki thi. Mujhe college jaana tha aur late ho raha tha. Lund mein bhi jalan si thi. Pahle kabhi sex kiya nahi tha isliye subha himmat nahi thi ki sex karun. Sushila ko sharmate hue se bataya toh muskura di aur boli. Hadbadi karoge toh sahna hi padega. Fir oil le kar aayee aur room band kar ke halke haathon se maalish karne lagi. Lund puri tarah tan gaya aur oil ke karan jalan kam hui. Maine Sushila ke kamar aur pet pe haath ghumana...

2 years ago
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Pickup LinesChapter 2

Kat didn't take long to get around to the medical issues regarding them. Smoking was one obvious concern, as well as Karen's bladder, which had been weakened by her past pregnancies. Karen had an older daughter, but she wasn't in the bar and was over the age, plus Kat had already met her quota of concubines with Lyle and Karen. Lyle had some hearing loss as well, but it wasn't as serious as Karen's issue. Kat found out that she had some blood clots, mostly from smoking and Lyle had his...

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Loretta Ch 1

[u]Welcome to the world of Loretta[/u], young and vibrant, eager to pursue her dreams in the wide world, she is attractive, also curvaceous and definitely buxom. Red hair, hazel eyes and freckles frequent all parts of her body, Loretta admits to being shy, but a horny devil underneath. As with most people she has her fantasies, that may or may not be fulfilled in her life, she is enthusiastic and hopeful - yet full of apprehension for new adventures - soon an opportunity may arise to play...

1 year ago
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Namitha Aunty Part 1 Helping My Neighbor

Hi friends. This is Ranjith from Bangalore. I am 27 years old, good-looking guy, handsome and fair with 5.8″ in height. I got a well built athletic body. I am working in a reputed MNC company in Bangalore. Today I am here to share my real experience which happened very recently and changed my life completely. I hope you people enjoy my story. For your feedback, you can mail me at Well, its all happened recently, I live in an apartment which has many flats above and below my flat. One day late...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Nicole Bexley Mom Is Not Pleasing Dad StepDaughter Uses It To Her Advantage

Things have been a bit rocky in our household lately. My wife has been stressed about a lot of things lately, money, work, etc….which has definitely been affecting our sex life as she hasn’t let me fuck her in almost 3 months. Unfortunately I also think all the tension has been affecting our 18 yr old daughter, who normally is sweet and innocent, but lately has been very bratty and disrespectful. She and her mother just got into a heated argument because she wants more money to go...

3 years ago
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Being picked up by a handsome black guy

I was away from home on a business trip. The first two days had been absolutely boring; all my mates were old men and none of them could satisfy my aroused horny state of mind.Before leaving home, Victor had fucked me so good; but now I was again getting aroused by the minute.On the third night, after dinner, I went down to the lobby for a drink.Then I moved outside of the main entrance; I needed some fresh air.I was wearing a sexy black dress with no underwear. Outside I felt the nice breeze...

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One Lucky White BoiPT 7Spliing the Royal Beans

One Lucky White Boi---Chapter 7—Spilling the Royal Beans Apparently some people had called some people—and they called some people—etc. The Chief showed with the three officers that had booked me into jail that day I stomped Ricky's dad's ass, along with Ricky and Marky, and even Kelso and Patroni showed up. Jeez—once again, I'm in the spotlight. With a silence now like a church service, I finally take a sip of my coffee, and spin around on the bar stool facing everyone. “Up until this...

2 years ago
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Morning Has Broken FChapter 2

Q&A A few days later, Jen got a second draft of the questions about David’s and her marriage in the mail. These were his and hers compiled. “I’ve put these in some sort of order,” he wrote on a cover letter, “and put our questions together when I thought they were the same. I’ve left a little space for you to write (or type) in your answers. If that’s not enough, use a separate numbered sheet of paper and put the number, circled, on the question sheet. We’re not aiming for concision,...

4 years ago
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A Train Ride to LoveChapter 10

(Crisis) They reached the offices of RCR & Matins and Associates at dead on ten o'clock. The girls prided themselves on their punctuality even though they relied entirely on public transport. Maggie marched up to the receptionist and grinned at Mrs Brown the same receptionist as before. "Good morning," she said brightly, "SCraMBle Computers, appointment for ten." Mrs Brown smiled back at her and stood up. "Good morning ladies, if you would just come this way; I'll show you to...

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"Bless me Father for I have sinned. In the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit, my last confession was six months ago.""Go ahead, child. What grievous sin have you committed since your last confession?"I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to gain my composure before I confessed."Father, I keep having these sinful thoughts about a man, I know it's wrong but I cannot stop these feelings. I keep thinking of ways to attract his attention. I have also started...

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Muslim Arab Dick part 2

As told to me by a good friend (I'm so jealous) A few months after meeting a young 26 year old Jordanian man in an adult video store for sex, I happened to run into him again at a Churches Chicken near my house. It was shock to see him working there. My dick went hard and I almost felt faint seeing him. He was well hung with a 9.5-10” thick monster cock!He recognized me and I noticed he went over and said something to his co worker who looked to be only about 19-20. He also looked to be of...

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Oh BoyChapter 12

My morning run on the beach was wonderful. I loved to see the sky lighting up, but I couldn't see the sunrise as the beach faced the west. I wanted to make sure I was home to watch the sunset soon. I'll bet that's beautiful. The girls wanted me to go with them to a shopping center after breakfast so they could get some clothes, but also so I could begin filling out my wardrobe. We enjoyed going through the stores to find just the right tops, shorts, and shirts for the girls. We went to...

4 years ago
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Craig HillChapter 73

Mark quickly settled in again and Roger, wishing him the best of luck, left for Tripoli. Robert Johnson to his credit said nothing derogatory about him. Sergeant-Major Winstanley was loyal to his Company Commander but Mark noticed that he did not speak enthusiastically about him and he did let one or two criticisms escape him. What did strike Mark was that the platoon commanders and the soldiers were bored which was a bad thing. He discovered that the former were not encouraged to take their...

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SandcastlesChapter 2

If I thought the night before had been rough, the next couple of days made what happened then almost seem like a vacation. Almost. Sally was so preoccupied with Janey she could think of nothing else. Janey, for her part, apparently couldn't think at all. She wouldn't react, wouldn't talk, and wouldn't move. She just lay there. Sally was able to clean her gently every day, although only behind a locked door, and gently force a few bites of food down her, but other than that, nothing. I...

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Die Stckelschuhe Episode 1 Gesucht und gefunden

Die St?ckelschuhe Episode 1 - Gesucht und gefunden! © 2003 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es geschah an einem Fr?hlingstag, so wie man ihn sich am meisten w?nscht. Die Sonne schien und es war angenehm warm. Zwar lie? eine k?hle Briese hin und wieder sp?ren, dass es bis zum Sommer noch ein wenig hin war, aber dennoch wurde es zu einem der sch?nsten Tage seit Monaten. Einen Tag, auf den die sonnenausgehungerten Menschen nur gewartet hatten - und das an einem Wochenende. Folglich lie? sich ...

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Good neighbourhood Chapter 1

Chapter 1. Dreaming of her boyfriend. A usual family that consisted of three persons moved from a small town into a big city. They were Clair, Tom and their 15-years-old daughter Kate. The life in the big city was much harder that they had ever expected. The family had lived well at their home town but here, in the big city, everything was out of control. Like Clair, Tom couldn’t find any work at all. it seemed that everybody wasn’t interested in their skills. No matter how hard they tried,...

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JulesJordan Anya Olsen Worships Mandingo8217s Giant Big Black Cock

Anya Olsen can’t get enough BBC in this all out fuckfest with Mandingo! She’s quickly moving up the ranks as one of the hottest whores around. Anya is what dreams are made of, legs for days, perfect perky tits, and those bright blue eyes. What more could you want? She teases in her fuzzy white top and tiny blue panties as she’s anxiously waiting for Mandingo to show up. Anya’s giddy as she feels the size of Mandingo’s monster cock through his sweatpants,...

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Andy 12

Andy by Transbonder, translated by Leah from the German TWELVE Mom was mending clothing, sewing on buttons and such stuff. I sat down with her. "Mom, can I ask you something?" "Sure." "I've never heard of anything about your brother before?" She laid down the blouse between us and sighed. "Sometime this conversation had to come. I'd always wished it would be later." "Why?" "Quite simply because you are too young to understand some...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 822

This compliments of J & B PENIS SURGERY A man wakes up in the hospital, bandaged from head to foot. The doctor comes in and says, “Ah, I see you’ve regained consciousness. Now you probably won’t remember, but you were in a huge pile-up on the freeway. You’re going to be okay--you’ll walk again and everything. However, your penis was severed in the accident, and we couldn’t find it.” The man groans, but the doctor goes on, “You have $9,000 in insurance compensation coming, and we now...

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The Chance Meeting

After a lucky session at the blackjack table, you’ve led me to a secluded area of the casino…my panties on the floor where you dropped them after tearing them off… I’m up against the wall as you kiss my neck…your right hand under my skirt caressing my ass… We hear laughter and talking as another couple walks around the corner, obviously looking for a little privacy also…as they walk by the gentleman winks at you whispering ‘you dropped something’ as he points to my ripped panties lying on the...

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Going HomeChapter 1

Anita Carlton was sitting on her living room couch relaxing after a long, hard day of work. Her job was very important to her; she was the Vice-President of the Springfield chapter of the man-hating group, The Feminist Rights Are Going To Dominate. She had joined the group on Diane's third birthday, and it had been growing at a steady rate now for over twenty three years. FRIGID, as their enemies had called them, was made up of mostly militant lesbians and abandoned mothers, like Anita. They...

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Sweet Sexy Pari Ko Jamm Ke Choda

Hi friends sorry lambe samay ke baad update kar raha hu Mera email id kisi ne hack karr ke entire account delete karr diya isiliye mene new email id create kiya he aap is id pe muje contact karr sakte he By the way thanks jinhone pichli story pe response kia Jo log pehli bar padh rahe he unhe batadu aadi here 22M from junagadh gujarat. A cool handsome guy to fullfill all needs of womans & girls. Ab aap logo ko jyada bore na karte huve apni story pe aa jata hu baat 2mahine pehle ki he muje...

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Mind Body Soul

Bright lights. That's what Ronald McGuire remembered seeing, followed by the momentary sensation of floating before a dramatic crash and the sound of what seemed to be the world exploding in his ears before everything went black. It was a miracle that anyone lived afterwards, though he supposed fortune often smiled on the chosen few. He just thought he wasn't one of those. "W-Where...?" he began slowly, his mouth barely functioning and his words were choked behind gauze and the sheer taste of a...

4 years ago
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Punish Me

My heart pounded furiously as I sped through the busy streets of New York. I bit my lip in anticipation hoping I wouldn’t’t get fired from my job. This was my fourth time being late and only God knows what my bitch of a boss would try to do to me today. Her name was Reylin, Reylin Hothworth. She had long gorgeous black hair with a nice firm ass. Her long tan legs led up to this glory and made every male and female in the office want a piece. “If only she wasn’t such a bitch” I murmured softly.

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Daughter Law

I walked up stairs, passing the main bedroom where I heard the shower running. I slowly opened the bedroom door and walked in. On the bed were a pair of blue jeans, and a white cotton top. I picked up the top to find a white thong and matching white bra underneath. I picked up the thong, unzipped my pants, and started to rub my coick with it. My heart rate increased knowing that Laura was in the bathroom nextdoor while I was using her thong to release myself. I increased my pace as I...

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Secret Lives Part 2

Secret Lives - Part 2 Joanne Foxcourt, 2004 Forward Welcome to part 2 of my story about Melissa "Josh" Stevens. If you haven't read the first part (chapters 1 - 7) then you probably should or none of this will make a lot of sense! This is a work of fiction so any resemblance to persons living or dead, in whole or in part, is purely coincidental. All of the usual copyright rules apply, but this story may be posted freely on any site that does not require a fee for accessing it....

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Jean Exposed in Paris Chapter 1

The early June weather in New York City was a perfect send off to my much-anticipated rendezvous with my husband, Jacque, who was on an extended business trip in Paris.  We had spent many days apart over the last few months while he traveled to both London and Paris, and I had to stay home for work and family obligations.  But the longing to be in Paris and to rejoin him was finally over and my flight from La Guardia to Charles de Gaulle was tonight. I spent the previous day in Manhattan...

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OMG VII The Dress

MEANWHILE, ACROSS TOWN "FUCK!!!" the voice of Michael Mitchell rang out across the crowded boardroom. "I'm sorry, sir. We're trying to find him now. I'm sure he'll turn up soon." "Listen, your stupid shit, If you don't find out where your prima donna of a CEO is in five minutes I'm going to execute one of these pretty young interns of yours on live fucking television. "Yes..." "Suit." Turning away from the nervous assistant. "What's the damage?" "I believe that the only...

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Tempest of LiesChapter 23

Norlan rushed through the corridors of his palace, his stomach still rumbling for the evening meal he had just been denied. The moment he stepped into the parlor, a stone-faced High Lord Ardon thrust a parchment into his chest. "Is this what you are supposedly looking for, Lord Ambassador?" said Ardon in a strained voice. Norlan took the parchment and examined it. He nodded once and tried to return it, but Ardon had turned away. "An expense report in my name but not written by me,"...

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