Beantown Weekend Chapter Two
- 2 years ago
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As my plane thuds onto the tarmac at Logan International Airport, I can’t help but feel a little giddy at the prospect of finally meeting Kate. It will be a busy conference, I know, but the evenings are mine, and it turns out that Kate is off for three of them. Would the unique chemistry that we enjoyed in our chatrooms, private e-chats and in emails, translate into spicey fun when we actually meet in person? I know she claims she is turned on by mature, fit fifty-somethings, but how will she actually feel about that age difference when we are face to face?
Kate and I have been chatting, flirting and sharing wild sexual fantasies for months now. She seems to be a young, fun-loving, hard-working, very sensual nurse, with a great sense of humour. I, on the other hand, am twice her age, married, fit and attractive, I suppose, for the “older man” category. We have, in common, very powerful libidos and wild, kinky imaginations. She had confided that she thinks about sex daily, masturbates regularly, and has frequent sex with her current FWB. However, she has no desire to take this relationship to the next level, at this point in her life. She enjoys the companionship and the physicality.
So, here I am in Boston for a Post-Production Trends and Breakthroughs conference, sponsored by two of the advertising firms I contract out to. A freebie, sort of. It is sort of a way for them to thank me for the last few years of successful ads that I have produced and directed. If I learn something at the conference that leads to better ads, it is a win-win, I suppose.
But as I arrive at the Boston Harbour Hotel, where my conference is to be held, and the site of my paid lodgings for the next three days, I am admittedly not thinking much about what media tricks I will be learning. Kate has agreed to meet me here for dinner tonight. I have not even seen a full photo of her yet, as neither of us feels comfortable putting ourselves out into cyberspace. I had sent her a body shot, at one point, with no face showing, but my cock fully erect, after one of our chat sessions. As I watch the floors light up in the elevator, I ponder how the reality of our full physical selves will interplay with the imaginary selves we have been tantalizing each other with these past few months?
After settling into my suite, I check the website to see if there is a message from her. She hasn’t given me her phone number or address, so, in the back of my mind, I can’t help but wonder if she might develop “cold feet” once she fully processes what it is that she is doing. Essentially, she is meeting a male stranger that she only knows through an erotica site! Hence, I figured that meeting at the hotel restaurant first would feel the safest for Kate, so I booked reservations for 7:30. There are no messages on the website, so I assume that all is a go. It is 7:25 when I get downstairs. Kate is finishing a short four-hour shift at the hospital today, and then heading home to clean up and “doll up” - her words.
I settle down to a drink at the bar, absorbing the beautiful harbour view, not to mention the table of lovely ladies having a good time near the window. These ladies look like they have had a few already, and they are laughing and having a very good time. All look to be in their forties, and have that naughty “girls night out” look in their eyes, complimented by very flattering dinner outfits. I wonder hopefully if they too are at my conference.
My attention is broken by movement at the door. Talking to the Maître D’ is a stunning, younger woman, dressed in a snug-fitting black leather dress that frames an eye-popping DD chest. The Maître D’s eyes are darting nervously, from her chest back up to her eyes, and I see him turn, with a nervous smile, and point in my direction. Oh my!! This must be Kate! I do my best to mentally “tamp down” the rising erection already forming in my trousers as I rise and make my way over to meet her.
Her very serious face suddenly breaks into a warm, sensuous smile as she sees me. That’s good! She is not immediately put off by my exterior. She may even like what she sees! LOL! I extend my hand and she grasps it and holds it.
“So, we finally meet, Kate,” I offer, “I must say that I expected you to be lovely, from the images I’ve conjured up of you in my mind, but you definitely bring ‘dolling up’ to a whole new level! You look stunning!”
She blushes, but looks me up and down playfully. “Well, you clean up pretty well yourself, Dale, especially for a guy that just got off a plane.” Then, with the hand still connected to mine, she pulls me toward her and gives me a tight hug. Her subtle perfume and the feel of her large breasts pushing into my chest, sends blood pumping back to my nether regions, and I again have to concentrate to avoid embarassment. “You are just like I imagined,” she whispers in my ear, as we embrace.
Kate’s youthful, sensuous presence attracts a number of looks from the patrons, even the table of exuberant ladies, as the Maître D’ takes us to our table. I can only imagine what many of them are thinking, but I don’t let it bother me as we take our seats by the window, overlooking the harbour. I look deeply into Kate’s green eyes and say in a low voice, “I have been looking forward to this. Tonight is going to be so much better than chatting on the computer.”
As she leans in to reply, my eyes are drawn to the generous view of her full breasts, offered by her low-cut dress. This time, I allow my responding penis to engorge, and I wiggle in my seat to allow the necessary room for my expanding manhood. This woman is so sexy!
“Well, at least we won’t have to put up with ‘lost connection’ messages when things heat up, will we?” She laughs, and the jiggle in her breasts while she does, is hypnotising. I allow my eyes to dally there longer than I should. What the hell? She knows what a horny rascal I am. And I also know how sexually driven she is, as well.
“And I must say that things are already heating up on this side of the table, Kate! You told me that you were well-endowed up top, but that dress you are wearing really sets off your figure. You look crazy sexy, you should know. Didn’t you notice all the eyes on you, when we walked to the table?” She blushes a little, while I wiggle and make one final adjustment to my trousers, allowing my hardon to creep right out to my hip, under the dress pants I am sporting. It’s a good think I don’t have to get up for any reason.
“Well, I’m glad you like it, Dale. It’s a turn-on for me, dressing up sexy like this, and I don’t mind drawing looks from others. But what most turns me on are the looks I am getting from the guy I am going to make very happy tonight. I can’t wait to see that big cock you have been teasing me with for these last few months.”
The waiter makes his way to our table, and his eyes go straight to Kate’s bust. She makes no attempt to dissuade him, but rather turns to face him with a friendly, acknowledging smile, her green eyes lighting up the room. His eyes finally move up to her face. “Good evening, ma’am. Good evening sir. Could I interest you in something from the bar? Some wine for your meal, perhaps?”
I take a chance, and order a bottle of Bella Union 2016 Cabernet Sauvignon. The waiter recommends it, espousing all of its particulars in impressive sommelier jibberish, all the while stealing furtive glances at Kate’s stunning features. After he leaves, I ask, “I think that waiter was all but undressing you with his eyes, Kate, as he dazzled us with his Napa Valley knowledge. I’ll bet he is wondering how I managed to score such a hot date.”
She laughs, her eyes dancing in the candlelight. “As I said, nice to be noticed. And I couldn’t help but notice what felt like a 'small log' pushing against me when we hugged, Dale.” It is my turn to feel a bit flushed.
I feel her bare foot touch my leg under the table. Then the foot wanders up past my knee, sliding along my thigh. “I like that I am turning on the waiters. I won’t lie. But the most fun will be getting and keeping you horny, this weekend, Dale.” As her foot reaches its target, I lean back in my chair, spread my legs a little, and exhale. She is bold. Kate smiles seductively at me, as her extended foot rubs up and down the length of my erect cock, which is now straining the fabric of my dress pants. “Ah, it looks like a lift-off!” she giggles. “I was wondering about this dress, but I guess I picked right!” I shake my head, and we both giggle this time.
As our wine arrives, Kate removes her foot and looks sheepishly at the young male waiter. I straighten up in my chair, and contemplate the probabilities of whether he saw anything. From the lusty look in his eyes, as he pours Kate a sampler, I deduce that perhaps he did. Or is it just her dress?
Kate straightens up her back, giving him a fuller view of her generous cleavage, and she picks up the glass, swirling the sample in the bottom of the glass. She lowers her nose to the edge of the glass, sniffs, and smiles coyly at the waiter, her eyes scanning him up and down. He has a powerful physique, big hands and is at least 6-foot-2. But he looks very nervous. She keeps him waiting as she sniffs again. He shuffles, his eyes darting down to her tits again. Are her nipples protruding in a more pronounced way, or is it just me?
Kate looks over at me, smiles sexily, picks up the cork, and brings that to her nose as well. As she inhales with a long sniff, her breasts rise prominently in their strained swing that is the top of her dress. The poor waiter. I wonder if he is fighting off a hardon. Finally, she takes a sip, closing her eyes and pausing for a long time as she does so. When she finally opens them, both the waiter and I are holding our breath, in anticipation.
“This should definitely get me out of this dress tonight, Dale. It’s perfect!” she deadpans. The waiter’s eyes are as wide as saucers, with a “deer in the headlights” look. I am ready to burst, but hold my laughter in. The hunky waiter is lost for words and nervously pours a full glass for Kate and then me. I am surprised that none spills. He puts the wine into the holder, clinking the sides of the holder far too many times in his nervousness. Then he bows to Kate, stealing one last glance at her prominent bust, and turns to make his exit. I follow him with my eyes, and am amused when he turns back and looks toward Kate one last time. He has a beaming smile on his face.
We hold it in for a few seconds, until he goes through the kitchen door, but then we erupt and are rolling in laughter, unable to speak for upwards of a minute. People in the neighboring tables look over, curiously, to see what could be so funny. Finally, as we wipe the tears from our eyes, I offer, “You take flirting to a whole new level, Kate! I’m surprised that poor waiter didn’t drop the wine!”
She sighs, coughing up one last giggle. “Do you think I was a little too blunt? After all the technical terms he threw at us, I knew I couldn’t impress him with my wine knowledge!”
“Well, I think your dress, and what is in them, impressed him, for sure. He couldn’t keep his eyes off your breasts.”
“Yeah, I think I got myself worked up, teasing you and teasing him. I will try to behave, I promise.”
“No, you have to promise NOT to behave. We have our whole lives to behave. This weekend is the time to be naughty.”
“Check! Hall pass we are giving each other, I guess?” I nod. The weekend is off to a great start.
We order a seafood platter each, complete with lobster tail, shrimp, scallops and mussels. The Cab Sav may not be the ideal choice for seafood, but we both are enjoying it very much, and it is fun getting to know each other without the computer screen being our buffer. Her sense of humour is just as I expected it to be, but it is her dancing, green eyes that I am most captivated with. As she bites into a slice of the warm sourdough bread, I also note her chiselled jawline and sharp cheekbones.
“Mmmm. This feast is delicious, Dale. I hope your company is paying for all of this,” she half-jokes.
I clear my mouth, swallowing the last of the creamy clam chowder, and do my best to come up with a clever response. None is forthcoming. “The buffet in the lounge is included, but that was not going to do for us this evening, Kate. But if you want breakfast or lunch there tomorrow, we can most definitely try it out… on the company.” I realize that Kate will probably have other plans during these days she is off, while I am in Boston, at the conference. I doubt whether coming down to the hotel for lunch will be practical for her, but I am hopeful that she will spend the night, and perhaps breakfast.
“So, you are assuming that I am going to spend the night with you, aren’t you, you cheeky thing?” she challenges. I am 75% certain that she is in kidding mode, but I play my cards carefully.
“Me? No, I would NEVER be presumptuous like that, Kate. I’m very surprised you’d think that of a mature gentleman like me. I just thought that you might be up for a free meal with some great company. That’s all. Purely platonic, pragmatic.” I see the glitter of the candles in her eyes, and I wait to see if this is indeed a gag. I am not drawing any premature conclusions. I only really know this young lady through our online connection.
“After all the chats and emails we have exchanged, I think I actually know your randy ways pretty well, Dale. Your plan is to ply me with wine here, get me up to your room, and have your way with this much younger, less worldly woman. Shame, shame, I say!”
I decide to go “all in” and call her ruse, though I am still not 100% certain that she isn’t being genuine. I dangle my own bait. “I guess some men just have no respect for innocent young women who are just looking for a nice meal and conversation. The nerve … “
“Yes, the nerve … “ she repeats, finally allowing a coy smile to purse her full lips. “Just because a woman says online to a man that she would like nothing better than to fuck him silly, amongst other things, doesn’t mean she can be taken for granted.”
“It most certainly doesn’t!” I add. Both of us sport looks of mock indignation, betrayed by our mischievous grins, as we dig into our creme brulee. My one hand slides under the tablecloth to her knee. She smiles, utters a moan of pleasure as she scoops up the delicious, syrupy sweetness. “Good stuff, eh,” I comment, spooning a dollop of the dessert into my own mouth.
“Exquisite!” she almost pants.
“Just like you… “ I say, softly, letting my hand slide a little up her thigh. I take the initiative to move my chair a little closer to her, so that I don’t have to reach. My hand is now halfway up her thigh, and I take a glance around the room, to make sure that I am not drawing attention. The long tablecloth hangs almost to the floor, and a section of it is draped around my left arm.
She turns to me and gives me a warm kiss, slipping her tongue briefly into my mouth. I suck on it briefly before we part lips. “It’s a good thing everyone here seems to be busy with their own dinners, Dale. I meant it when I said you were cheeky. You should know better … a man your age.”
“I really should, shouldn’t I?” My hand slides further up, under her dress now, to the edge of her panties. Her eyes widen a little, and she leans back in her chair, moving her leg toward me a little, giving me freer access. She glances at me, with a mixture of lust and fear in her eyes. My wandering fingers strike hot wetness and a more pronounced moan escapes from her lips. She closes her eyes and I feel her push her groin toward my fingers. I slide up her wet slit and find her clit, keeping my eyes on the room, as I begin to circle around her bud with two fingers. All patrons are busy with their dinners, as I rub her engorged, wet clit, so I feel confident that we are attracting no attention.
Kate quickly gets into the zone, and begins to gently pump her hips into my hand. Her eyes are open now, and she is looking wantonly at me, with a desperate smile. Her breath starts to come in pants, and her face is drawn into an expression of impending orgasm. I can’t believe that I could make her cum so quickly and easily, and in this public place! I can’t stop now, but I am fearful that her noise and movement level is increasing. With my left hand, I reach down to my own groin, and adjust my cramped erection to allow it to snake more freely down the leg of my trousers.
Light gasps start to escape from her lips, and her eyes close again. She grimaces and I watch her face as she cums hard, in her utmost attempt to be silent. I can feel her bald pussy twitch spasmodically on my fingers, as I scoop inside her, stimulating her G-spot. Her vagina walls flex and relax, gushing forth the warm juices that I look forward to tasting later. When her hips finally stop pumping, she lets out a long sigh, her flushed face expressing a combination of embarrassment, awe and contentment.
She adjusts herself. As she does, I can’t help noticing the peaks in her sheer dress, betraying fully erect nipples. Oh my!
“I can’t believe you just did that to me, right here in the restaurant!” she whispers, giggling like a school girl. Her eyes survey the room.
“I can’t believe you let me!” I retort. My right hand appears above the table, and I raise my two pleasure fingers to my lips, inserting them into my mouth. “Finger-licking good, they say.”
Kate smiles and shakes her head. “I always knew that I was a bit of a nymphomaniac, but you may be my match. You have a real crazy streak, don’t you, Dale. You are not going to get me into trouble tonight, are you?”
“I wouldn’t dare,” I offer, as I lean in and give her a long kiss, just as our cheque arrives.
The light of the sunset is dancing on the harbour as we stroll along the boardwalk, taking in the sights of this beautiful, historic city. The cool breeze blows through Kate’s dirty blonde locks, and has caused her nipples to again rise through the fabric of her sexy dress. She wishes she had brought a sweater, despite the generous attention she receives from the eyes of male passers-by. I try to cuddle her close to keep her warm, enjoying the feel of her body against mine.
When we get back to the hotel, we decide to have a drink in the lobby bar, as there is a pianist providing lovely background music. I sip my Scotch, while she sips her gin and tonic, and we share more about our jobs and lives. I can’t wait to get her back to my room and fully enjoy that full, youthful body of hers, to sample that powerful sexual appetite and to watch those orgasms that have only been described to me thus far. But I don’t want to rush things. We have all night, and all weekend, and this piano music is perfect.
When the pianist finishes his set, we finish our drinks and make our way up to my suite. We are alone in the elevator, and my hands go to her tush, framed so nicely in the snug dress. I pull her tightly in close to me, and we kiss passionately, as the elevator whirrs on its way to my floor. Her hand reaches down between my legs, and finds my rapidly engorging penis. As our tongues dance in each other’s mouths, she rubs, outside my pants, up and down the length of my morphing cock. “I can’t wait to get my hands, mouth and pussy on this thing, Dale. I’m going to get you back for the restaurant, you know.”
“Oh please, no,” I fake-plead, sarcastically. I am intoxicated by the smell of her perfume and the feel of her full breasts against my chest. “I could take you right here, young lady! You make me so fucking hard!”
The elevator pings, we break our embrace, and the doors open. I am aware of the now lewd contours of the front of my trousers and am thankful there is nobody waiting to get in the elevator. Kate giggles when she looks over at me, admiring the impressive tent I sport. She playfully grabs me by the “tentpole” and walks with me as if she is walking a dog. “I thought you Canadians didn’t carry weapons,” she teases, as we laughingly move awkwardly down the hall.
“Well, this one is loaded, Yank, so be careful not to pull the trigger!” I joke.
“I’ll show you ‘yank’!” she responds indignantly, and she gives my cock a firm tug, making me stumble slightly.
“Hey, watch that thing! I may need to use it later tonight.”
“No, sir. You WILL be using it … a lot!” She lets go and puts her arm around me, as we finish our stroll down the corridor.
We get to my suite, slip in the door, and as the door clicks, she turns and locks lips with me. We kiss for a full minute, tongues exploring each other's mouths, my hands wandering from the curves of her ass, up to the contours of those eye-popping breasts that I have been eyeing the whole evening. She finally breaks the kiss, and explains that she needs to head to the washroom to freshen up a bit. As she walks away, I marvel at her youthful curves and movement.
I look down at my hopeless erection, and decide that I had better get out of these pants. I take off everything and slip into a hotel robe. I mix Kate another gin and tonic, and pour myself another Scotch. I switch the T.V. on to some soft music with a subtle, but very primal bongo beat. I can’t believe that we are finally meeting in the flesh. And she is even lovelier, funnier and lustier than I even pictured her from our chatroom hookups. I am actually going to have sex with her!
Kate is sporting a sizzling, red, corded lace teddy when she appears. Her beautiful breasts are barely contained in the sheer fabric. Mmmmm. She moves toward me and I pull her close, kneading her round ass as we lock mouths and allow our tongues to again intertwine. Her one hand is weaving through my hair as we continue our kiss, while the other is pulling apart the knot in the cloth belt holding up my robe.
She finally springs my cock loose. She breaks our kiss and pushes me into a chair. She starts licking her way down my neck, my chest, my abs and finally down to my bobbing, hard cock. She pushes her voluminous hair to one side, looks lovingly up and me, and starts licking the large head of my cock, lovingly. Short little licks, looking up at me with a smile, in between each thrust of her long tongue.
Then she lets it slip past her lips, sucking the large head, pulling it in and out of her mouth like a popsicle. Plop! The warm, smooth friction of her mouth on my penis head brings a tingle to my balls quickly. As I look down at her, bobbing gently up and down on me, her full tits jiggling deliciously in tandem, barely contained in the teddy, I feel ready to explode in her mouth almost immediately. I am so horny.
I pull her gently off my cock and tell her to slow down. “I am so horny, Kate, but I am going to cum in your mouth very soon if you keep doing that. I want to last longer.”
“I know. I will slow down a little, but I want you to cum in my mouth … just like in our chats. You know how much I love to suck cock. This time, though, it’s not a gif. I am really sucking your cock. And we have all night, Dale.”
She returns to her sucking, and starts to move her mouth down the length of my pulsing cock. Her fellating skills are every bit as good as she described them in our chatroom exchanges. She had said to me, many times in the chatroom, that she couldn’t wait to get her lips around my seven-inch penis, and I could tell now that she indeed meant it. It doesn’t take long for the tingle to start again, and I know there is no slowing her down this time. She wants to make me cum.
No holding back now. I start to pump her mouth, and her tongue darts around my shiny cock as it slides in and out of her hungry mouth.
Kate then pulls my cock out and starts stroking it, as she frantically licks the underside of the head. Small beads of whiter cum begin to ooze out the head, the calm before the storm. She laps up the escaping semen, her tits wobbling gorgeously from her stroking motions.
Finally, I can hold back no more, and powerful pulses of sperm begun in my balls blast into her open mouth, one after another, in quick succession. She swallows some of the flood, but much seeps down the side of her mouth. She finally releases her grip from my still twitching cock, and I grab hold of it, squeezing out the last drops of semen for her to scoop with her tongue. Kate swallows again, smiling at me as she looks up.
I then take her by the hand and lay her on the loveseat beside the window. I follow the kissing trail she forged on me, starting at her mouth, then sliding down her neck to her DD breasts. I take a long pit stop at her breasts, and I remove the upper cords of the teddy off her shoulders, allowing me unfettered access to the mounds that have held the interest of so many tonight, including me. She moans as I caress, lick and suck her tits. Her nipples pop out for my lips to inhale, as I pull them into my warm mouth, only to release them again with a plop, making the breast jiggle and bounce. The purring noises Kate is making communicates to me how much she is enjoying this attention. I can smell faint whiffs of my cum still on her breath as her breathing becomes heavier. I love seeing her so content.
I finally let my tongue slide down her breast, to her abdomen, leaving a wet trail. I kiss her navel, then below, until I get to the bottom part of the teddy. She reaches behind her and undoes the last strings, allowing the teddy to fall off completely, exposing her completely shaved pussy. My tongue returns to her lower abdomen, with a southward heading in mind. I adjust my position so that I am on my knees, and I spread her legs to allow easy access for my mouth.
My tongue circles around her clit and labia, licking the pelvic area, her inside groin and the very bottom of her butt cheeks. She moans and arches her back to almost force her pussy into my waiting lips.
I finally zero in on my target, and start to lick up her drenched labia, to her engorged bulb, protruding vulnerably at the very top of her slit. I lick around it, then suck it into my mouth, causing Kate to gasp. Her hand goes to my hair, and she takes it in a bunch, pushing me into her. I open my mouth wide and devour her whole pussy, moaning as I let my lips and tongue explore its whole entrance.
As I lick away, I slip two fingers inside her, rubbing in a beckoning motion, on her sensitive G-spot area, an inch or two inside her vagina. Kate is starting to tremble, and I know that I am going to have to put up with some hair pulling. Her hand is still clenched tightly in my hair, and she starts to thrash her hips, like she is riding a bronco with one hand - the bronco being my mouth! She groans like she is in agony, cumming in gushes, filling my mouth and leaving my face soaked with her love juices. God, this girl can orgasm!
I rise from my crouched position and look down at this satisfied young woman sprawled in the love seat. It makes me feel good to be able to give her this kind of patient pleasure. And I know that pleasuring me is something she has looked forward to as well. It’s going to be a good weekend! Kate sighs and smiles at me. While she is catching her breath, I grab our drinks, and cuddle beside her. My cock is already starting to grow, and she looks at it, giggling.
“It looks like you are not done with me, big boy,” she teases, taking a sip of her cocktail.
“Hardly! I may not be twenty-five anymore, but when I have a ‘live one’ like you on the line, my rod is ready to cast any time.” I am not too sure about my imagery, after I have a second to think about it, and I don’t think Kate is either. She almost spits out her drink as she laughs.
“So you hooked me in like a fish here, Dale! I’m not sure I like the connotation, to be honest.” She gives me a punch in the shoulder, and I spill a little of my Scotch.
“Hey, hey! This is expensive stuff! I guess I deserved that, though. Come to think of it, you do kind of wiggle like a fish when you orgasm.” This time, I dodge her shot, saving the rest of my drink.
“As long as you don’t throw me back in the water, I suppose,” she laughs, green eyes dancing with mischievousness.
“No ‘catch and release’ on this trip, sweetheart. You are not getting out of this room until you are very well-fucked. It is good you don’t have to work tomorrow.”
“Are you worried that I might have trouble walking in the morning? You underestimate my stamina.” She looks coyly at me, one eyebrow raised, sipping her drink with her right hand, and rubbing my upper thigh with her left.
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Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 8, The Weekend Concludes) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....
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Alicia Sacramone flipped through her magazine somewhat impatiently on the plane ride home from China. The 2008 Olympics had been a letdown for her. She had hoped, just like her entire team, that the Americans would be able to leave with the Gold Medal, but due to her falling off the balance beam, and then falling on her floor routine, they had to settle for second. Alicia didn’t know what she would do next and she just wanted to get back home and not think. She was excited about seeing her...
Linda introduced Gen. Matilda MacArthur from intelligence to Jason’s group. “Matilda is the brains of our Intelligence outfit. She has already met with Major Connie Ross. They have been hard at work together, which is why you didn’t meet her at lunch. She will update you on what we know and have been thinking.” Matilda stood up to speak, “We have returned your senior intelligence assets back to the planet together with some of our people. “We are attempting to assess if there are other...
I set my tray on the table and collapsed back in the seat. The lecture had 'gone long, ' on a Friday no less, so I was worn out. Being over an hour late, most of The Girls had given up, gone to lunch, and already returned to the dorm. Only Amy and Jess had waited. "You feeling okay?" Jess asked between mouthfuls as she wolfed down her food. "Yeah, you're looking pastier than usual," added Amy, a hint of concern coloring her teasing. "I'm doing okay, just really tired," I replied...
Chapter 2.As we drove along Carrie wondered where I was taking her. We were heading out into the country towards the North York Moors. After about an hour I turned off onto a small track leading towards what looked like a farmhouse. It was a Friday afternoon and I finally told her that it's a small holiday cottage and I'd hired it just for us for the whole weekend. Carries heart jumped at the thought of spending a whole weekend together.As we pulled up, her heart started racing. What else have...
Deep under the earth, in the realm of gloom, and death Hades sat contemplating his predicament. There on his thrown, sitting next to his three-headed dog Cerberus, was Hades clothed in dark robes, waves of silk black hair to his shoulders, a beard like most Greeks which showed his intelligence that was achieved over the many centuries, weaved with the muscles of a true male god, and the face of a warrior who has had to live an existence in the darkness far too long....
DeAnn's Submissive Weekend Chapter 12 ======================================================================Five of the male dominate members came up on the stage where I was stilllaying. One of the men laid down on his back and others pulled me up and putme on my knees so I could sit down with his hard cock up my pussy. I ended upwith a cock in each hand and one in my mouth while another cock was beingrubbed all over my face.My hair was bunched up in at least two fists as my face was guided...
And yet, Boris always believed he was in control. How fool of him, and to that he could only agree, bound and sweating as he was, on the floor in the men’s bathroom of the night club, eyes closed so he could pretend he was not anticipating the moment he’d be finally pimped out in real life by a woman he had never met in the flesh before tonight. *** It all began with a simple click, as it always does, doesn’t it? Your usual ?Follow? button on twitter, one of hundreds accounts of dominant women...
[Author’s note: This chapter coincides with the second chapters of both “Abby’s Blackmail Attempt” and “Abby the Flute Girl,” which are different versions of the encounter Billy had with Abby Kowalski while his wife and son were out of town for Presidents’ Day weekend.] February 22 It’s President’s Day weekend and Mom and I left Saturday afternoon to go out of town to a big gaming convention I wanted to attend. On the drive down there, I asked her what was going on with her and Dad and the...
Roban thought about yesterday’s events after the girls had left but that got him horny, so he stood up to relieve his bladder and wash. He was hungry but before he went out to search for food there was knocking on the door. After he called out, “Come in”, the door opened and a woman he hadn’t seen before entered. The woman was of regal beauty somewhere in between twenty-five and thirty. High cheek bones, a thin straight nose, intelligent sparkling blue eyes and a rather small mouth with thin...
Ginger, Stacy, and I went into Work Mode for an hour after our short discussion about the night before. We compared calendars and talking about the various client jobs we had underway, as well as how we could best use Stacy and also help her gain some valuable consulting skills. Of course, the relationships we were building with some of the men and women at our client sites also came up. Stacy made a small chart of what was going on, adding in who our lovers were at each site, just to tease...
Chapter TwoGosia sat up, zipped up her shorts and replaced her right breast into her vest top adjusting the spaghetti strap to ensure it was covered decently.“Mmmmmm, that was sooo horny watching you sucking Carl’s cock like that, and when he licked his cum off your chin that really tipped me over the edge”, she said.“Glad it worked as well for you as it did for us”, I replied. Do you often wank on public transport”?“No, not usually, but it is such a horny book and you two doing your stuff...
------------------------ This short story follows Charlie on his rather unexpected weekend. The day is Friday and Charlie is making his way back from work, he enters his flat building and begins to climb the stairs. "What a day today has been, can't wait to collapse on the seatee" he says between huffs and puffs. Making his way up to the 3rd floor of his building Charlie retrieves his keys. *Klink* *Klink* *Click*, the door shuffles open and two feet make their way through the door....
At long last, Friday arrived. As 3pm neared I anxiously watched the clock mounted over the automatic dish sanitizer, it’s face fogged by the nearly nonstop clouds of steam that poured from the monster we named ‘Hobart’. “What burr is up your bonnet?” asked Daniel, our prep cook. “You’ve been clock watching for the last half hour.” “Well, maybe I’m just tired at looking at your ugly ass” I countered with a wink. “Go on, git!” he snapped a dish towel in my direction with a laugh,...
It was another bright spring day as James and Bayonetta made their way up the long walkway to Jeanne's estate. The compound was well fortified with a chain link fence, a brick wall, a guard station and several guard dogs. James couldn't help but feel intimidated as they approached the gate in Bayonetta's GTO, but the guards had waved them through as soon as they spotted her in the driver's seat. The warm sun and the smell of freshly cut grass greeted them as they made their way up to what...
Even though I was glad to have Jenny going with us, when the weekend began I was determined to make sure that I kept my position as the queen bee in Ryan's hive, no matter what that took. I started on that plan of action as soon as Ryan picked us up. As we had arranged, he picked us up at six o'clock on Friday. We threw our overnight bags in the back seat, and hopped in. Ryan had told me that one of the reasons he still liked to drive that old car was because it had a nice bench seat that...
To Break a Wishbone By Robyn Thanksgiving. Not my favorite time of year certainly. For most it is the time each year one gets to share the company of friends while eating a grand meal. For me too, Thanksgiving is the one day when all my family gets together from all over the country to celebrate together. Aside from being a time of turkey and talk, though, it is also the time of criticism and comparison. You see, I was born a twin. The "older one" as I'm constantly reminded of....
I fell in love at an early age. Really early. I remember it clear as day, seven years old, like a bolt of lightning. Her name was Stephanie Mahoney, and she was a sixteen year old goddess assigned to babysit my precocious little self. I told her within minutes of her walking through the door that I planned on marrying her, and bless her, she didn’t laugh, just smiled and said she liked younger men, but she expected to be kept in a certain fashion when we did get married. My parents were in a...
Hermione Granger clutched the old tome she had found closely to her chest as she moved through the halls of Hogwarts back towards the entrance to the Room of Requirements. 5 weeks into the school break, several members of the so-called Dumbledore's Army had returned to school for a little over a week (with their respective parent's permission, of course, or in Harry's case, cowed acceptance from his uncle, who was really more than happy to have him out of the house.) With Dumbledore's...
It was another long miserable wait in the airport followed by a short miserable flight. On the flight out I was sandwiched between an overweight and sweaty businessman and a grandmother who spent the entire time showing me pictures of her grandchildren and telling me about them. The flight home was similar, only I was next to a Spanish-speaking grandmother and an overweight and sweaty businesswoman. At least this time I was spared the crying baby behind me. I called Mom from the terminal, and...
Rob's turn: It's been a heck of a week. I nearly missed my flight this morning because the desk misunderstood when I intended to leave. They thought I was taking a day for local travel and sightseeing. This was my first time in Hawaii and I've had almost no time to see the beauty I know was around me. The most I did was look out the windows of my suites. I can't complain, this was a business trip not a vacation. I saw enough to know I want to bring Kay here sometime soon. I got a lot...
Please read previous chapters to get the whole story. Hope you enjoy.Chapter 8As we laid there, Carrie could feel the warmth of my body all the way round her. I had my arms around her and our legs were tied in knots. It felt so comfy. We just closed our eyes and fell asleep in each others arms. All night every time Carrie stirred, she felt me there with her with my arms around her. She just squeezed me a little and drifted back off to sleep with a big smile on her pretty face.As the sun started...
February 1999 – Something for the Weekend?The Tangled Web is a story spanning several years and is based on the complicated lives of a brother and sister and those they live with. Set in the English Midlands, the tale is told through a series of interlocking short stories. It was a cold Friday evening in February. Sara stood waiting outside the main railway station swaddled in a long dark winter coat and bright woollen scarf. She felt the cold light wind on her legs. Trousers, she thought....
IncestI had time to unpack my bag, put my laundry into the clothes hampers and then go into my office. I had started on the in depth review of the computer logs from the week and was working my way through them when I heard Kay come in. Everything else could wait. "Rob, Rob, where are you?" I stepped into the hallway to where Kay could see me. "Peek-a-boo." She set down the box she was carrying and hurried over to me. She came into my arms, wrapped hers around me and put her head on my...
Mom came in to tell me that if I didn’t quit playing on the computer and leave soon I would be late arriving to Lenny’s house. Well there isn’t anything planned at three, that is just when Paula told me to head over today. Dad decided that even though Lenny’s house wasn’t all that far away, he was going to drive me over. “David you are just going to have to roll with the punches next week at school. It is a complete crock of shit. Everyone knows it. Marlin and his cronies are going to be...
HotwifeI woke up during the night with Marcus cuddling me and playing with my pierced nipples, which once again was making me wet.I climbed on top of him and proceeded to rub my pussy all over his hard cock. It wasn't long after that I pushed myself down him which caused us both to orgasm again and then we fell back to sleep.We woke up about ten. We both needed a shower. Marcus proceeded to wash me paying special attention to my pierced nipples and pussy. I decided, 'Two can play this game.'I...
Wife LoversSaturday evening dinner the neighbors and we put on a buffet on our patio. I took a headcount when everyone was seated and there were twenty-four of us for our official orgy dinner. We’d more or less dressed for dinner, mostly less, but just shy of complete nudity. I’d never been to a nudist colony, but often on weekends one of our patios could easily have been mistaken for such a place. Quite a few couples had afternoon liaisons and accordant naps, but by seven o’clock were bouncing around...
Shift Happens: Lionel by Kaitlyn Autofield It had been such a long Friday, and Lionel was eager to get home to his apartment and rest for once. ?He walked up the two flights of stairs just as Silvia was on her way down. ?She flashed a smile at Lionel which sent tingles down his spine. Silvia was obviously dressed for a night out with her friends, making her quite a lovely sight for Lionel. ?Secretly, he wished he would sum up the courage to ask her out, but living...
Chapter 6Getting taxis wasn’t easy; Carl phoned two taxi companies that advertised locally without success. We stood on the pavement outside the club, all of the girls shivering in the dawn temperature. Very few clothes and a brisk wind blowing up the street. I think we all regretted at that moment our lack of sensible clothing.Out of nowhere a taxi approached, his availability advertised by the light on his roof.Carl flagged him down. Pulling into the kerb, Carl opened the front door and asked...
Bayonetta was dressed in one of her elaborate black leather bodysuits, as usual, which made James question what kind of “business” she could possibly be doing after she left. She certainly didn’t have time to go home and change since she had to be at the airport in less than an hour. James was dressed in the same casual wear that he had worn into the countryside the previous week and, of course, his purple leather “SLUT” collar which Bayonetta was using to tug him up the steps. As they...
The sun broke through the curtains and filled the room with a warm glow. Charlie began to stir and slowly began to open his eyes, adjusting to the brightness that was seeping in he focused on the sight before him, Alice. She was still asleep and appeared to be out for the count. "I guess that the travelling and our escapades last night must have exhausted her" Charlie thought to himself. Not wanting to disturb her he slipped out of the bed and exited the bedroom. Entering the front...
Originally written by 4Play and modified It had been two weeks since our wild weekend with Rachel and Jerry. They and my wife Chris had turned me into a total sex slave, using me for their sexual pleasure. I was made to dress like a woman and be sexually used as a woman. My ass had been dildo raped by both women as well as Jerry’s actual near-rape. They made me lick pussy for hours, often while filled with semen. I lost track of how many times I’d been forced to suck Jerry’s cock; sometimes...
On Monday I was faced with the age old dilemma: what to wear. I no longer felt like wearing the usual jeans and a top. I wanted to dress up a little, though not too much. Denim mini? Maybe. Or I could wear nicer slacks; no, too dressy. And then, in the back of my closet, I saw it. A full skirt, just more than knee-length, certainly modest, certainly flirty in an itty-bitty way, and it probably still fit. There's something light and airy about wearing a full skirt. Pencil skirts and most...
Parked outside of her brother’s apartment, Kirstin took a deep breath. It was Friday afternoon, not Sunday, and she knew that things were going to be a bit different. She was not exactly sure how, but after the last time she had been over and had stayed the whole day, she could sense he was getting ready to change things up again. Last Sunday had been very similar to the first time he had her do a strip tease a few weeks ago. She had probably not gotten a lot better at being a stripper, but...
Did you write the book of love? And do you have faith in God above, If the Bible tells you so? Now, do you believe in rock and roll? Can music save your mortal soul, And can you teach me how to dance real slow? --American Pie (Don MacLean) After we returned from the junior high where we performed the final performance of Music Man, Mr. Proilet invited me to a late afternoon at Vaughn's. "Jim, I'm quite amazed at the amount you were able to accomplish for the musical," my music...
It was another bright spring day as James and Bayonetta made their way up the long walkway to Jeanne's estate. The compound was well fortified with a chain link fence, a brick wall, a guard station and several guard dogs. James couldn't help but feel intimidated as they approached the gate in Bayonetta's GTO, but the guards had waved them through as soon as they spotted her in the driver's seat. The warm sun and the smell of freshly cut grass greeted them as they made their way up to what...
Originally written by 4Play and modified Tonight was one of our regularly scheduled Fantasy Weekends and, as usual on these occasions, I was both excited and nervous. We had originally set up these “special” nights to fulfill my desires for some of the wilder aspects of sex. Ever since she had brought other people into our private game, she had increasingly grown more perverse in her scenarios. I thought dressing me as Slut had been a onetime thing; now it was required every Fantasy Weekend....
Introduction: Hi guys. This is my first ever story, so please give feedback. I apologize for misspellings and grammar faults, Im Norwegian, and cant garantee everything is right. Hope you will enjoy. Here is chapter 1-3 Chapter 1 My name is Cora. 24 years old, slim, but got good curves, and big boobs, I got a double D cup. I got hair like Ariel, and it reaches down to midwaist. Im 1.57m tall. Or short, however you want to see it.:) I run towards the pub, late as always. I trip and the purse...
The big day is finally here. It is early on a Friday afternoon. The limousine that will take us from our home in the Silicon Valley area of Northern California to a four-star hotel in San Francisco is due to arrive at any moment.Two of the hottest parties of this, or any other year, will happen there. My husband Dave and I are all packed and ready for a weekend of partying courtesy of Jeffrey Scott, the President, and CEO of the high-tech company that employs me, and his beautiful and sexy wife...
ExhibitionismThe huge giant of a man smiled secretly to himself, a kind of childishly innocent smile, as he gazed around the living room full of well-dressed, softly talking people. The air around him was filled with the tinkle of ice in glass tumblers, the low, musical hum of cocktail conversation, and just the barely perceptible promise of excitement in the looks that shot from one guest to the other, inviting, teasing, and luring challenges from one to the next. Jackson stood with his huge arms...
Sorry to say this but it is the last in this series. Please read previous chapters to get the whole story. Hope you enjoy, please let me know your thoughts. EnjoyChapter 13Scott turned the shower on, Laura and Carrie went in first, taking turns to wash each other. My dick was aching as it tried to get hard once again. Watching Carrie wash another woman all over was something I never thought I’d see, especially this weekend. They made sure they cleaned each other everywhere. Me and Scott stood...
Chapter 3The cab stopped on Avenue Junot, Carl paid off the driver and we looked at the brass plaque beside the gate, ‘Hotel Particulier’, we walked down the little cobbled passageway into the beautiful garden that opened up in front of the beautiful off white painted stone elevations of the town-house. We walked up the pink dappled marble steps to the recessed front door and pushed it open, entering the dimly lit reception room astonished by the for Paris, incongruous red tartan carpet.Having...
After all the noise and smoke and killings of 1881, Tombstone, Arizona began attracting scribes the way a buffalo corpse attracts vultures and flies. It seemed as if every newspaper back East had to have an eyewitness account of the big shootout between the Earps and the Clantons. These overly romantic seekers of Truth and Beauty inevitably ended up sitting across from Big Minnie, buying her drink after drink at the Bird Cage Theater and scribbling furiously in their journals. Minnie had a way...
HistoricalMarch is here, and here in Arizona for my family means the start of pool season. Low 50’s in the morning and upper 70’s during the day. While for some still chilly, for me it’ll feel great to have that icy water to swim in. Also puts us up ahead of others wanting to clean their pools and get the chemicals for the pool. The first weekend of March is doing just that, cleaning and shocking the pool with chlorine to make it ready for use. The following week felt like it dragged on and on....
“It’s like I told you, Robby, I want to pay.” Robby Jones looked at Heather in a manner both skeptical and disapproving. “I don’t know...” The pair were in the back booth of a nice restaurant, the same restaurant they had gone to before the Homecoming Ball, a fact which wasn’t lost on Robby. It was also relatively expensive, another fact of which he was painfully aware. He and Heather had settled on a high sex and low-cost romance considering his tight budget, and he had definitely not...
The week when I would sit the all-important exams was rapidly approaching. There was just one weekend left to get ready. But Mirabelle and Sylvie didn't intend to spend the weekend studying. They agreed with their parents that it was better to clear the mind from all exam worries than to cram until the last minute, and planned to spend the weekend in the mountain hut. They would leave Friday afternoon and return on Sunday. Mirabelle told me with a wink that I was welcome to join them. None...
Sunny Leone porn, sex, and nudes! Pornstar Sunny Leone is one of few Indian actresses whose career has been very successful. She has also succeeded in founding her mainstream with plenty of works in Desi porn. She has also managed to convince a few of her friends to upload content on her site. Walk with and let’s find out what Leone has in store for us.To start with ThePornDude was very impressed with the fabulous layout, the colors, sexy pictures of Leone on the background and colorful...
Premium Indian Porn SitesThe drive had been treacherous; Cornwall hadn’t seen rain like it in years. Despite their obvious relief at finally arriving at the small countryside B&B, Connor and Sinead had shared a journey filled with laughs and conversation which stimulated both their minds, as well as other parts of their body. Their shared excitement at the opportunity to spend the weekend together in a countryside hideaway was obvious, but they both knew that the weekend would also be a chance to reconnect physically....
Straight SexThe sun shining through the bedroom window onto my face woke me up. I was a little surprised that I had slept all through the night, I think I had been expecting some kind of all night orgy. I looked across Ryan's body and saw that Jenny wasn't in bed. I found her opening cabinets in the kitchen, looking for something to eat. "Hey, kiddo, you OK?" I asked. She gave me a strange look. "Why would you ask me that? Hell, I didn't have open-heart surgery. I just had my cherry popped. No...
For the next few weeks, things stayed in a routine. An overworked, stressful, pressure-cooker of a routine, but a routine nonetheless. We played our games, and our practices also progressed very well. My professors kept on piling on the work, but we still found a little time to goof off and relieve the pressure, if only temporarily. We lost a non-conference game to the University of Miami Hurricanes by an embarrassingly lopsided score, but we had an excuse. More than half the team was struck...
As they entered the house, Gretchen steered Nina toward the living room, and had her sit on the edge of the couch. She knelt in front of her, and removed her ankle cuffs and her shoes. She sat back on her heels, and put her hands on Nina's thighs, pressing them open a little wider. She couldn't take her eyes away from Nina's pussy, which was fully engorged from the night's activities, and her own masturbation of it on the drive home. She finally looked up at Nina. "I still say that the...
Right after dinner on Friday Dad, all dressed up in his fishing clothes and hat, was ready to leave. He had to pick up my uncle. They love trout fishing on Lake Patchequaw where our families share a really cool lakeside log cabin. It’s a two-hour drive. This was a hastily planned weekend that Dad had encouraged uncle Ted to enjoy with him. Little did my uncle know the real reason behind Dad’s sudden need for a weekend away. After having personally witnessed the emotional joining of his wife...