GenerationsChapter 30: A Country Weekend free porn video

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“It’s like I told you, Robby, I want to pay.”

Robby Jones looked at Heather in a manner both skeptical and disapproving. “I don’t know...”

The pair were in the back booth of a nice restaurant, the same restaurant they had gone to before the Homecoming Ball, a fact which wasn’t lost on Robby. It was also relatively expensive, another fact of which he was painfully aware. He and Heather had settled on a high sex and low-cost romance considering his tight budget, and he had definitely not planned on an expensive dinner.

“Robby, this is my treat!” she replied. She reached out and took his hand. “Please, let me. I wanted this to be a surprise. I’ve been saving up for this night. Please let me treat you,” she pleaded.

Robby snorted and smiled, relenting. “My father would have a cow if he thought I was letting a woman pay my way. It’s not in the code, you know?”

Heather smiled but held on to his hand. “Please, I want to make it good tonight and this weekend. I want to tell you how much I love you and want to make you happy. Please, Robby!”

He smiled wryly and pulled her hand to his lips, kissing it gently.

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry to be such a pain.”

“Never!” she said firmly. She smiled brightly. “Do you like my outfit?” she asked.

“Yeah! It’s very nice. New?”

“For me. I borrowed it from Lauren.” Heather had on a long gray wool skirt, a wrap skirt that showed a lot of black-stockinged leg on one side. She also had on a rose-colored satin blouse that clung to her pleasantly. She was wearing a pair of black stiletto heels. “Do you really like it?”

Robby smiled and nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah!”

“Remember when we were here the last time?” she asked.

Not precisely sure why the sudden change of topic, Robby answered “Yes.”

“Remember what I was wearing other than that dress?” she asked teasingly.

Robby’s forehead scrunched up as he remembered that night. There had been so much that happened that night, not the least of which was that he and Heather had managed to relieve themselves of their virginities together. She had been wearing the dress, of course, and a wrap, he thought. Other than that, there had been those wonderful stockings and high heels, which had been all she had worn underneath it.

Suddenly, as if a light bulb had gone off in his head, his jaw dropped open and his head whirled around to stare at her. Heather giggled and gently turned her torso from side to side. Her unbound breasts jiggled pleasantly under the pink satin. “You mean ... Wow!” he exclaimed under his breath.

She touched his hand again. “I really want to be good for you tonight. Robby, I know you can’t afford to take me places like you want, but that’s not what I want.”

“I know, I know, it’s just, well, a guy is supposed to do things like that. I want to treat you right.”

“Robby, let me ask you a question. If I wanted to go out with a rich and fancy guy and get treated that way, do you think I could find a guy like that?”

“Jesus!” Robby swore. He knew several guys around the school who would be more than happy to have Heather as a girlfriend, and several had hit on her already. “Sure!”

“But I’m still with you, right? Maybe money isn’t what I want in a guy. Maybe I just want you, to love me, okay?”

Robby shook his head in disbelief. He would never understand why Heather cared for him, though he desperately loved her. “You deserve better than me, but I love you so much!”

“I love you, too, baby.”

Midway through their dinner, Robby turned to Heather and smiled. “Are you really wearing the same thing underneath that you wore that night?”

She looked at him curiously and said, “Yes, why?”

“Prove it.”


“Prove it.” He grinned at her and looked around. They were in a booth towards the rear of the dining room and the lighting was dim. “Nobody will see. Just undo a couple of buttons on your blouse.”

“You’re crazy!” she replied.

“Please?” he begged.

“Oh, all right,” she replied with a touch of exasperation. She looked around to see if anybody was watching, but the room was filled with couples with their own concerns. Nobody but Robby was watching as she unbuttoned two more buttons on the blouse. Slightly small on her, it pulled away pleasantly, showing a deep Vee of skin, down to the top of her cleavage.

“God, but you’re beautiful.” He leaned over and kissed her quickly, pleasing Heather immensely. He sat back upright with a gleam in his eyes. “Keep going.”

“What?” she said with a shocked tone.

He twitched his fingertips in the direction of her blouse. “More.”

“You’re crazy!” she replied. Nevertheless, after glancing around furtively, Heather surreptitiously undid another button, and then at Robby’s pleading look, yet one more. “That’s it!” she whispered.

Robby smiled. The blouse had pulled back far enough to show her flawless skin halfway between her breasts and her navel. It was obvious that she wasn’t wearing a bra.

The waiter never batted an eye when he came over to clear away their plates, though Heather blushed furiously. He returned with their coffee and desserts, and Robby became bolder. After the waiter had left, he slid across the bench seat towards Heather and laid a hand on her leg. Heather smiled, but then her eyes opened wide. Robby had slipped his hand through the slit of the wrap skirt and was caressing her stocking-clad thigh. “Robby!” she protested.

Robby simply kissed her, quieting her complaints, and moved his fingers deeper and higher up her leg. Within moments he was flicking a fingertip across her naked pussy lips. “Just checking,” he commented wickedly.

Heather’s face was red, and not simply from embarrassment. She was incredibly excited by Robby’s bold maneuver. She allowed him to touch her for a few seconds more, then gently pushed his hand back. “Well, that should prove it if nothing else does! Now behave or that will be all the proof you get tonight!”

Robby laughed as he moved back to his plate and began eating his dessert. Heather smiled and sipped at her coffee. Both could barely wait for the check to come before leaving.

It was bitterly cold in Robby’s truck on the ride to Brynston, only fifteen minutes from the restaurant. Heather stayed bundled up inside her parka. She had buttoned her blouse back up before they stood to leave, and the glow in her cheeks seemed only to be the result of a delicious meal, not the anticipation of a night of romance ahead of her. Once more, Robby drove to his cousin’s house, to find it with a few lights on and a note and key in an envelope. ‘Same rules as before. Sheets are in the linen closet in the master bathroom. We’ll be back after noon on Sunday.’, was all the note said. Robby unlocked the door and let Heather in.

As before, a fire had been laid in the fireplace. The teens shucked their heavy coats, and Heather watched as her boyfriend lit the kindling and got the fire going. She stood there, waiting, until he climbed off his knees and stood before her. Although they were no longer nervous virgins, Robby felt he shouldn’t do as his basest instincts told him to do. He wanted nothing more than to rip Heather’s clothing off her and screw her brains out. That seemed counterproductive. He stepped closer and reached out to caress her face with his fingertips. “Heather, I...”

Smiling, Heather reached up and placed a fingertip on his lips. “Sssshhh.” Stepping closer, she stood on her toes and kissed his lips gently, then moved back slightly. “Tonight is your night.”


“Robby, the last time we were here, you said the night was for me, remember?” The teenager nodded mutely. Heather smiled. “Please Robby, let tonight be for you. The whole weekend is for you. I want it to be special again, like that night. Please?” she begged.

Robby’s eyes lit up as he began to consider the implications. He leered down at her briefly, saying, “Well, if you put it that way...”

Heather giggled, then said, “Let me do everything.” Robby had not dressed for the evening expecting a fancy dinner; he had worn clean khakis and a V-neck sweater. Heather grabbed the waist of the sweater and gently pulled it up his chest, exposing the bare flesh beneath. She caressed and fondled what she exposed as she lifted the sweater up, and Robby helped by raising his arms above his head. He stood bare-chested before her, holding her in his arms briefly, then Heather pushed back softly. He moved to undress her, and she stopped him. “Let me.”

Slowly, she unbuttoned the satin blouse, exposing more and more of her cleavage, farther than she had dared in the back booth of the restaurant. She stopped at the final button, at her waist, with the fabric drawing taut across her massive breasts, glowing in the firelight. Next, she undid the catches holding the wrap skirt together and tossed it aside dramatically. She stood there in her stockings and heels, her pussy hidden by the barest amount by the shirttails of the blouse. Finally, she popped this last button and allowed the blouse to slip down off her shoulders and arms, to lie at her feet, and she stood before him in near naked glory.

“Jesus, but you’re beautiful!” he exclaimed in a hoarse whisper.

Heather gazed longingly on the slim but wiry torso of her lover, and the huge bulge in his trousers. “So are you!” she said with a smile. Robby laughed at this but stood still as Heather came closer and knelt before him. She was intent on prolonging his agony. She unlaced his shoes, and removed his shoes and socks, tossing them aside. She slowly undid his belt and zipper and allowed his slacks to slip down in a puddle around his feet. His cock pressed against the front of his briefs, a wet spot of precum already showing his excitement. She pulled away his pants, then slowly tugged his shorts down to the floor. His massive cock bobbed in front of her.

“I want it to be so good for you, honey,” she said. She gingerly rubbed his cockshaft with her fingertips, and Robby groaned as he tried to keep from exploding. Precum was almost dribbling from his cock by the time Heather opened her mouth and took the glans inside.

“Oh God!” he moaned. “You ... you’re so ... oh God that’s good!” he whimpered.

This simply spurred the girl on. She began sucking on Robby’s cockhead, as one hand began stroking his shaft and the other reached under to cup and fondle his balls. She had discovered much to her chagrin one night, that Robby’s balls were almost painfully sensitive. She couldn’t do more than rub her palms and fingers across them without causing him pain. Still, she fondled them briefly, then slipped her hand between his thighs. She ran her fingertip around the ring of his asshole, then gently pressed it inside.

“Oh, God! Oh, God! I’m going to cum...” Robby was panting as he stood there before Heather, his cock in her mouth and his hands in her long hair. He began thrusting his hips forward, fucking his cock into her face. “Don’t stop, don’t stop!” he pleaded.

Heather pushed her finger even further into Robby’s ass and began suctioning his cock head. It was well back into her throat and the swallowing sensation on the sensitive tip drove him over the edge. Gurgling out an incoherent cry of relief, Robby unloaded into her mouth. She felt his cock expanding even further, and the spasms as his cock pumped into her sent her into a small orgasm also. She sucked him dry, then leaned back and smiled up at him.

“That was something else!” he said with feeling.

“I’m glad you liked it. Come on, lay down here and let me take care of you.” Robby sagged down to the sheepskin carpet and allowed Heather to push him flat. She knelt at his side, allowing him to caress her thighs as she placed several throw pillows behind his head. She bent over and began licking his crotch. “I want you good and stiff,” she said lewdly.

Robby tapped her on the leg and said, “Great, but let me work on you too.” He motioned her to straddle his head and Heather eagerly moved into a position of sixty-nine. By the time she was leaning over and licking at his limp prick, he was already eating her pussy to orgasm.

Despite having cum just a few minutes prior, Robby’s cock quickly grew inside Heather’s mouth. The girl adjusted her position, twisting her head slightly and angling it properly to start deep-throating him. The gentle upwards curve of his magnificent shaft slipped back through her lips and over her tongue, filling her mouth and gliding back into her throat. With his pubic hairs tickling her nose, Heather began sucking fiercely as she used both hands to jack his cockshaft, balancing herself on his thighs with her forearms.

Even though he had cum shortly before, Heather’s ministrations were having a pronounced effect on her boyfriend. Laying below her, his face lifted to eat her pussy out, Robby was having an increasingly difficult time concentrating on his job. The furious licks and nibbles on her pussylips and clit, subsided slowly, as he let out an occasional whimper and began thrusting his hips up, forcing his cock even deeper into her mouth. Heather was swallowing a steady stream of his precum, and Robby gave up. Sagging back into the pillows, he closed his eyes and groaned, then cut loose, spurting another endless stream of jism into her mouth. Heather happily sucked him dry a second time.

Momentarily sated, Heather carefully crawled off her lover and twisted around on the sheepskin, crawling up along Robby’s side, and the young man put one arm behind his head and wrapped the second around her shoulders. “Wow!” he muttered.

Heather smiled smugly as she snuggled against him. “I thought you might like that,” she commented.

“Oh yeah!” Robby’s eyes were cross-eyed in shock. “Sorry, babe, I, uh, wanted to, you know, hold back a bit.”

Heather crawled partway onto his chest and looked him in the eye. “Oh, no, no, I wanted you to cum in my mouth again. I love to swallow your cum, Robby, I love it! I want this whole weekend to be for you! If you even think about getting stiff, I want to take care of you, however you want me to. However! I’m going to try and dress the way you want and do the things you want, whatever. Please, it’s for you!”

Robby twisted his head sideways and stared at her in disbelieving wonder. “But I won’t enjoy it if you don’t,” he protested.

Heather grinned, reaching down to playfully tug on his limp prick. “Don’t worry about that! I’m enjoying every minute of it!”

“So, is that the reason for all the suitcases?” he asked. “You packed everything you own that I might like?” Robby had simply tossed a few clothes into a gym bag along with a toilet kit. Heather had packed both a suitcase and an overnight bag.

“Robby! It’s not that much, I mean, we’re here for three days!” she protested.

Robby laughed. “Honey, today’s one of those days, and you aren’t wearing anything!”

Heather gave him a poke in the ribs. “Would you prefer I go get dressed?” Robby kept an arm around her, holding her in place, laughing. “I take it that’s a no. Did you like my outfit tonight?” she asked. “Was it too fancy?”

Robby rolled onto his side, facing Heather and stared in disbelief. “Huh?”

“Well, I mean, how do you like me to dress? Dresses and skirts? Jeans and t-shirts? I mean, we’ve never really talked about it, you know?”

“Why, didn’t you like that skirt and blouse?” he asked, confused.

“No, I liked it, but what about you? What do you like me to wear? I like to look pretty for my guy!” Robby simply shook his head, and she continued. “I’m serious, Robby! I try to look nice for you! Don’t you want me to?”

“Yes, I mean, no, it’s not that...” Robby began sputtering out an incoherent reply. Finally, he got his wits about him, and he answered. “I love that you want to look pretty for me. It’s just that you’re so beautiful! You could wear a cardboard box and look great!”

Heather smiled, and said, “You’re not being very helpful.”

Robby’s eyes got a wild look. “Okay, you want to know what I like?” Heather nodded eagerly. “Just what you’re wearing now! I mean, I know in school and stuff it’s different, but on dates - skirts and dresses and blouses and stuff. Fancy undies and stockings, or no undies, like tonight. Shoes like that. Jesus, you looked so sexy tonight I wanted to make it with you right there on the table!”

“Really?” Heather felt inordinately pleased at that. “I wouldn’t have minded,” she teased him.

“No? The manager of the place might have said something, don’t you think? Seriously, though, you want to know what kind of clothes really get me going?”


“You are going to hate me for this, but here goes.” Robby took a deep breath and said, “Stuff like they wear in Playboy.” Heather gaped at him. “Yeah, like the high heels and stockings and fancy lingerie and dresses and stuff. I’ve been sneaking my dad’s Playboys for years and you’re as pretty as any of those girls. Prettier!”

“You’re crazy!”

“I’m serious! You’re so beautiful you could be in a centerfold!”

Heather felt very complimented by the statement. “What, you plan on sending them my picture?” she giggled.

“I think you have to be eighteen.”

“And if I was?” she teased him.

“Sure. Just dye your hair blonde and be ready to do Hefner,” he teased back.


“He likes blondes, and an awful lot of his girlfriends end up in the center of the magazine. He’s got an entire harem of blondes with big tits!” He reached over and caressed Heather’s nipples.

“Oh my God! You’re kidding me, right?”

He shook his head. “It’s the Viagra, sweetie. He likes teamwork, too, you know, in case he can’t take care of all of them.” Robby was starting to make stuff up, though he suspected it was true.

“You mean, like they do each other, too? You guys really like that stuff? You’d want me to be with another girl?” Heather knew from watching porn flicks that this was true, but she had never considered her Robby to be like that. She was shocked!

“Well, only if I can watch,” he replied.

Heather’s head whipped around to stare at him. Robby had a serious expression on his face, but within moments, a crinkle appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his clenched jaw gave way. He started laughing loudly at Heather’s expression, and she realized he had been joking with her the entire time.

“You rat!” She started trying to punch him in the ribs, but he grabbed her arms and pulled her down on top of him. She squealed and struggled. “You are going to pay for that!”

Robby silenced her protests with a kiss and began rubbing his hands over her back and breasts. He was quickly stiffening again, and as soon as Heather realized it, she swung a leg over his midsection and sat upright. Straddling his waist, she lifted up and lowered her drenched pussy onto his upright prick.

Robby guided her motions above him, enjoying the view in the dying firelight. “You know, I really meant what I said.”

“About what?” asked Heather. Her clit was rubbing against the topside of Robby’s cock, and she shuddered with the pleasure.

“About you being pretty enough to be in Playboy.”

“What about the other stuff?” she asked teasingly.

“Well, maybe not about becoming a blonde and doing Hef.”

She smiled down at him. “And what about my doing his other girls?”

Robby grinned up at her. “Uh, do I get to watch?”

“You rat!” she squealed. Heather moved to punch him in the chest. Robby grabbed her fists and lifted them to his lips, then pushed them towards her crotch. Heather moaned, and Robby reached up to cup her breasts. He teased her nipples as she rode him to orgasm. Robby’s seemed to want to blast her off his crotch like a rocket. Her pussy almost dripped with his cum when she sagged down against his chest. Straightening her legs out, Heather gasped and curled up in his arms, dazed with her pleasure.

After a few minutes, she roused herself and asked, “Are we sleeping down here tonight?”

He smiled. “Only if you want to. Or would you prefer to try out a king size bed?”

Heather sat upright. “Really? Cool! Can we?”

Robby shrugged. “Sure, why not. Jack told me we had to change the sheets before we left, but to use his and Lisa’s room.” He struggled upright.

Heather climbed to her feet. “Uh, I need to take a shower. Give me a few minutes, Robby, please?” She grabbed a suitcase and headed towards the stairs, flipping light switches on as she went. Robby gazed happily at her ass, swinging in a perfect figure eight, as she wandered through the house wearing nothing but her stockings and heels. “Can you get the other bag?” she called out over her shoulders.

Robby stood and pulled his pants back on before carrying the remaining luggage upstairs. He deposited it in the bedroom, then went back downstairs. He cleaned up in the half-bath off the foyer, then picked up their remaining clothing and tidied up the living room. The fire was dying out, and he blew out the two candles he had lit. He wandered back upstairs with their clothing under his arm.

Heather was still in the bathroom. Robby grabbed his toilet kit from his bag and wandered back down the hall to brush his teeth in the hall bath. When he arrived back in the bedroom, the bathroom door was still closed. He turned down the bedcovers and turned on the light on the nightstand, then turned off the ceiling light. He quickly stripped off his clothing.

It was chilly! He grabbed a pair of briefs and a t-shirt from his bag and debated putting them on, then dropped them on the side of the bed where he planned on sleeping. Although he and Heather rarely slept together, they seemed most comfortable with him on the right side, so he kicked the underwear just under the bed on that side. Shivering, he slipped between the cool sheets and hoped that Heather wasn’t putting on a flannel nightgown!

The door to the bath opened and Robby whistled tunelessly. Heather was definitely not wearing a flannel nightgown. She was barely hidden beneath a transparent red baby-doll nighty! The sheer little outfit was held together by a single bow beneath the overflowing bra cups of the fly-away top, and by a pair of bows at the sides of the tissue-thin panties. She smiled at him nervously.

“Wow!” he commented. He sat up slightly in the bed, propping himself up against the headboard with his pillows. His naked body was covered by the sheets only from the crotch down. He smiled at her.

“I wasn’t sure you would like it,” Heather commented. She stepped closer and Robby patted the bed beside him.

“That’s a joke, right?” he laughed. “I mean, why in the world would you think I wouldn’t like it? It looks gorgeous on you!”

Heather blushed. “I don’t know. I was just a bit nervous. This is our first night together, you know.” She crawled into the bed and sat next to Robby; her feet tucked beneath her. Robby grinned at her, his eyes feasting on the vision of her stiff and expectant nipples pushing against the sheer red fabric.

“You are the most beautiful woman in the entire world,” he said softly. “I love you.”

“Oh, Robby! I love you, too!” she whimpered back. She reached out and tugged the bedsheets off his body and suddenly Robby’s chill was gone. She gazed hungrily at his cock, laying thickly between his thighs, only partially filled with blood. Even in the moments she watched, it stiffened further, rising to a vertical and then pulling back against his abdomen.

Robby sighed with delight as his lover reached out and firmly grasped the long and thick cockshaft and began stroking it. “Mmmmm...” he murmured contentedly.

Heather giggled. “You know, I was just realizing that three whole generations of women in the family are probably doing this right now.” Confused, Robby turned his head to stare at her. “Well, there’s me of course.” Heather gave his cock a playful little tug. “And you have to know that with all the kids gone, Lauren is undoubtedly in bed with Peter right now.”

“Well, actually, no I didn’t know. She got rid of the other two tonight also?”

“I thought I told you. They’re spending the night at friends’,” Heather explained. She began using both hands to fondle Robby’s cock, eliciting another groan of pleasure from the teen.

“Okay, so that’s two generations I suppose. I take it you’re not talking about Holly.”

“You pervert! She’s just a baby!” Heather snorted as she saw Robby’s face look at her in a ‘Gotcha!’ expression. “No, I mean Shirley and Helen!”

It took Robby a second to recognize the names of Lauren’s mother and mother-in-law. “No ... you don’t mean...”

Heather nodded and giggled. “Listen, you remember from Health class how they said that old people can have sex, remember? Well, none of them are really all that old, they’re only in their fifties. Lauren says her parents are still very active.”

“She told you this?” exclaimed an amazed Robby.

Heather nodded. It had been back around the time she and Lauren had first been discussing her becoming ‘sexually active.’ “She even told me she’s seen them!” Robby gaped, and she continued, “Yeah! Since they live by themselves, they can fool around whenever they want to, okay? So, this one time, Lauren was going over after dinner, unannounced, and as she got onto their front steps, she looks in the window and saw them. It was last fall, before it got chilly, and they were both wearing shorts and t-shirts, only Shirley’s t-shirt and bra were on the floor, along with Frank’s shorts, and she was giving him a hummer! He’s lying on the couch and she’s kneeling on the floor with her head in his lap! Lauren said it must have been the end, since her dad’s eyes were closed and his hands were in her mom’s hair, and about thirty seconds later she hears him moan through the front door and Shirley suddenly started bobbing her head frantically in his lap. Then she stands up and they laugh! Lauren said she made some noise at the front door, and they got dressed quickly.”

“Well, that’s three generations, all right. You said Lauren’s mother-in-law, what’s her name, Helen was getting some, too?”

Heather nodded. “I overheard Lauren and Shirley talking about her a few days ago. She has a new boyfriend that she is spending her weekends with, and they are going at it hot and heavy! According to Shirley, who got it from Helen, when Helen goes over to this new guy’s place - he’s a doctor who’s younger than she is - he immediately strips her naked and they get it on! Afterwards, she spends the entire weekend in nothing but a robe, and any time he wants to he takes off the robe and they make love again!”

“Sort of like us this weekend,” quipped Robby. He reached out and tugged the bow under Heather’s breasts loose. The cups opened and her spectacular bosom sprang out. He began caressing her tits.

“Oh, Robby!” she moaned, her eyes closing as she shuddered from the sensations.

Robby helped Heather to lay down at his side, and the remaining pair of bows holding her panties together came loose next. The pair kissed and fondled each other in the dim light of the nightstand lamp until neither could handle the anticipation. Heather rolled onto her back, spreading her legs, and Robby rolled on top of her. He was inside her at once, thrusting slowly but surely, and the teenage girl gasped as his cock seemed to enter her endlessly. She clutched at him, calling out his name, as his thrusting became heavier and heavier, faster and faster, until neither could stand it any longer. His back arching, Robby moaned out Heather’s name, and she wrapped her arms and legs around him as the spasms of his spurting cock drove her over the edge to a massive orgasm.

Robby smiled down at Heather, as he kissed her and rolled off her to his side. He reached up and turned out the light. He felt plenty warm under the covers with her at his side; underwear wouldn’t be needed after all.

It was almost eleven the next morning when the two teens stirred themselves awake. Both Robby and Heather briefly contemplated a morning love-making session, though neither acted on it; Heather because she desperately needed to brush her teeth - they felt positively scummy - and Robby because his bladder felt like it was about to burst. Robby waited long enough for Heather to brush her teeth and crawl into the shower, and then he used the toilet.

Finished, he brushed his teeth and glanced over his shoulder at the shower. His lover was clearly visible through the partially frosted glass of the shower door, and she looked very inviting. He rinsed his mouth out and grinned, then went over to the shower. Heather didn’t notice his approach until she heard the door slide open. Whirling her head around, she looked at him in surprise as he stepped inside. “Robby!”

“We need to conserve water.” Just like they had done that first night together at the chalet, and occasionally since then in Heather’s basement apartment, Robby took the soap and began washing her back. He was already stiff, and she whimpered as she felt his cockhead grazing her asscheeks as he moved behind her. Heather eagerly moved into position when he whispered to her, bending slightly at the waist, and taking a wide-legged stance in the shower. Robby grabbed his soapy cock and slipped it into her pussy from behind, pushing in with a single smooth motion.

Same as Generations
Chapter 30: A Country Weekend Videos

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For King and Country Part 1

King & Country (part 1) By Miss K Prologue: Tangier.. Heathrow.. Vauxhall I heard the sea breaking below my window just before dawn and woke. I knew I was to fly back to London that morning. My leave of absence was over and I was to return to work. I lay in bed, feeling the grumble in my belly and rubbing the stubble on my chin from three days' growth. The heat was rising now, inexorably moving the coolness of the night aside as the blinds rippled in the rising...

2 years ago
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Fall Cross Country Fall of a Marriage

My name is Mike Cosby. I'm about 5'9" 170lbs relatively fit and trim and my sandy blond hair and green eyes kind of stand out. When I was in college and in high school, I was never the biggest guy around so I went into some of the peripheral sports. Instead of basketball or football I ran track and cross country. Running cross got me respect in school if not star status. Even for cross country and track, I was never the star on the team, but also never the dog. I was a solid middle of the...

4 years ago
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Valley View Country Club

I joined Valley View Country Club as it was more affordable than the Galion Country Club. I was addicted to golf since my days as a caddy at Columbus Country Club.I not only got addicted to golf as a caddy, but developed a deep thirst to someday make the kind of money that would allow me to join a country club.As a youth, I was greatly impressed by the wealth and trappings that were on display at Columbus Country Club. Some of the obvious trophy wives were of the trappings that definitely...

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The Country Cop

Before ‘Anonymous’ tells us that this is all bullshit, the following is loosely based on a true story. The incidents involving the policeman, the drunk and his wife actually did happen, of course some changes have been made to make the story more credible. The road into town passes a sign that reads ‘Morton. Population: 250’. But the sign can no longer be believed because no-one has bothered to change it for twenty years. On one side of the main street is the railway station that once thrived...

4 years ago
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My Final Fantasy Part I A Country Home

My Final Fantasy: Part I- A Country Home John had decided to locate his new marketing and distribution center just outside Durham, off Thorpe Road. As he would need to do some entertaining John leased a large country home in Langley Park about 5 miles west of Durham. The home is convenient as it is just off the A691. The main house is a large 5 bedroom home with a big entertaining room that extends onto a large outdoor deck. The home has an indoor Jacuzzi pool and outdoor swimming pool, a large...

2 years ago
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Two city girls visit the country 1

I'd met my new friend Tessa under circumstances that were, to say the least, strange. We had both been masturbating in the ladies room at University and ended up trading panties. So far so weird, but Tessa had gone to a lot of trouble to find out where I lived, and when she came round to my flat it wasn't long before we were rolling around in the bed like women possessed.Now Tessa has an uncle, who owns a mixed dairy and arable farm in the Lowlands, and she suggested that she and I go down...

Group Sex
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Two city girls visit the country

I'd met my new friend Tessa under circumstances that were, to say the least, strange. We had both been masturbating in the Ladies room at University and ended up trading panties. So far so weird, but Tessa had gone to a lot of trouble to find out where I lived, and when she came round to my flat it wasn't long before we were rolling around in the bed like women possessed.Now Tessa has an uncle who owns a mixed dairy and arable farm in the Lowlands, and she suggested that she and I go down...

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For King and Country Part 4

King and Country part 4 by Miss K Four: Tsuruga, Fukui Pref., Japan... Red Fist of Justice Complex ("The House")... and Kamchatka, Eastern Siberia ==== "THE PROBLEM IS," said the voice, "YOU HAVE NO FRAME OF REFERENCE FOR THIS EXPERIENCE, DO YOU?" "No," I replied. "It's just that this is so insane that I can't fucking believe any of it." **** I was still sitting on the floor. I was sitting on the floor of an enormous, natural cavern, within the hillside. Within the...

2 years ago
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Duty Honor Country Family Part Seven

Duty, Honor, Country, Family- Part Six By Danielle J Author's note- Thank you to Stacy for her help. I must also say thank you to the creators and writers of the television show, Get Smart. ***** Gabrielle Tanaka watched as Hong Kong faded away from view, the FBI agent looking out a window on the Cathay Pacific flight she was a passenger on. In four hours Gabrielle would be physically back in Tokyo again. As for Gabrielle's heart, it was somewhere else. It was with Tom...

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My Final Fantasy Part I A Country Home

My Final Fantasy: Part I- A Country Home John had decided to locate his new marketing and distribution center just outside Durham, off Thorpe Road. As he would need to do some entertaining John leased a large country home in Langley Park about 5 miles west of Durham. The home is convenient as it is just off the A691. The main house is a large 5 bedroom home with a big entertaining room that extends onto a large outdoor deck. The home has an indoor Jacuzzi pool and outdoor swimming pool, a large...

Love Stories
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The Honor Of Serving My Country High Heel Camp

THE HONOR OF SERVING MY COUNTRY - HIGH HEEL CAMP By Katharine Sexkitten I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. Can you imagine? For a feminine-leaning man like me, one more or less just discovering his passion for cross-dressing, what could be better than waking up every morning and opening the door to a closet full of pretty clothes? Skirts, dresses, blouses, leggings, shoes. The works. Plus, every kind of lingerie item imaginable, all in my sizes. Like a free pharmacy to a...

4 years ago
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More Sins of my Country Girl Sis Me

(More) Sins of my Country Girl Sis & Me (Part one) Morning Remembrances I raced downstairs carrying my high-topped clodhopper work boots ready to face an early fall day on our two-hundred acre cattle farm. I’m sure my thunderous descent alerted all that an energetic young man of nineteen years in age was making his presence known. Yesiree, I was bull-strong, hardheaded, and I had a single-minded goal in my head. Here it is in a quick, concise statement of fact; I wanted another...

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The Country Affair

‘Mary, your hair is fine! The carriage is at the gate, now please stop stalling,’ Elizabeth Beauclerk called upstairs for her sister. The house had been buzzing all morning, preparing for the family’s long journey west from their home in London to the countryside of Worcestershire. With a quick twist of dark wavy hair she pinned the last curl in place and looked at herself in the mirror. She tied her straw bonnet over her hair and smoothed down the folds of her powder blue dress. The color...

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JUST A GOOD OLE COUNTRY BOY GAY ADVENTURE STORYAs I admired Mikes magnifficant perfectly sculptured8 1/2 inch glistening Cock up close for the very first time,his command to get busy slowly Bitch Blowing him sent musicthrough my totally gay ears. Yes on my knees right in frontof him, the age old act of submissive Cocksucking was yetto add another hot spirited queer Suck Off to its ever growinglist. Like all attractive fully passable youthful looking SheMale Sissy Dicklovers, my long red...

2 years ago
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Take Me Home Country Road

I was about twenty when I decided I wanted to leave my country in search of a better life abroad. I always knew I wanted to go to America. I'd seen a lot of movies where they showed the country life and how amazing it looked over there. I should probably tell you that I'm a city girl, but I've always had a love for the outdoors.Two weeks later I found myself at the airport, ready to say goodbye to my old life. I made my way through check in and through the gates. For two hours I sat at the gate...

Straight Sex
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Duty Honor Country

This story is for enjoyment only. It may be reposted or archived in any free location, but not used commercially. It's not for children. Please take due care to keep it from those who aren't mature enough to understand that it is fiction, not advocacy of a particular lifestyle. ______________________________________________________ Duty, Honor, Country by Brandy Dewinter Chapter 1 - Tradition? The lines of uniformed bodies stood patiently in sunlight brightly...

3 years ago
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Sins of my Country Girl sis Me

Introduction: Sin, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder JackassTales…Tale # 58…Readers; here is another i****tuous brother/sister tale. I hope that the ages of the sexual participants are adequately sufficient to justify a story of undeniable hormonal rage and hunger for sex. brothers are male and sisters are female; so let nature run as wild as it will!Sins of my Country Girl s*s & Me***(Part one) The Truck: Awakening Lust & LoveThat meddlesome sister of mine just had to have...

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Country Wife

  I’m Steve and I’ve been married to my gorgeous wife Darlene for three years now. I guess you could say we are country folks. I grew up living and working on a farm. Darlene is a country girl. A real blue jean, sneaker wearing girl. Never saw her wear a pair of high heels until our wedding day and not a pair since.   We live in the little single wide trailer my Daddy put here for us as a wedding present. We’re back in the woods up on a hill not far from Daddy’s farm. I make a living fixing...

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Country Roads

"Mickey! We got another email from Kait." I looked up to see this vision coming out of the shower. She was gloriously naked with beads of water reflecting the interior lights off her skin. I thought once again that I was so lucky to have the love of this woman. She brought me out of my revelry by sitting down next to me and turning the screen toward her. "What does she say?" "You can read it all later, but the basics are that she passed her finals scoring a 3.8 overall." In the months...

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Country Club Dance

Hi, I'm Katie Richardson and did I get away with something cool! My parents are always trying to get me to do what they want and stuff. Well, their latest plan was to have me join in with the junior country club set and kind of be a nerd. Hah! My friend Claudette and I changed their plans as you'll see when you read my latest story. Every June, the Young Texas Wranglers put on a "Start of Summer" dance at the Big Spring Country Club. Now, I'm not too sure what the club is all about,...

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A Weekend In The Country

Author’s note: This story was inspired by the lovely English actress Christina Cole, and her performance in the movie ‘Marple: Murder at the Vicarage’. * * * * * Late one Wednesday afternoon during the last week of July, 1952, I was sitting at my desk in my room at Oxford. I was trying to concentrate on an essay that I was writing that was required by Friday, and was far from finished, when my roommate Tony came rushing in. Tony was a rather excitable sort of chap, and something obviously...

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Country Gal Story 2

I was traveling down US Hwy 69 through east Texas when I passed her – a country girl, in tight blue jeans and a very tight white blouse, walking all alone in the high grass on the side of the road. It was a warm day, not too hot and not chilly. I was about five miles outside of Mineola, when I saw her. I didn’t see a car on the side of the road and the area was kind of remote, so I did a uturn and headed back towards where she was walking on the side of the road. I slowed up a bit as I drove...

Straight Sex
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A Country Girls Dildo

Not only country boys know how to survive even though the song that tells of their prowess would leave that impression. We country girls have ways of seeing to our needs also, and can do that quite well thank you.One of our country girl needs is to keep down the level of sexual stress to a point where we can function otherwise. Of course, there are lots of ways to do that and we usually find them and that's what this little story is about, how I found mine.I suppose I was like most girls in...

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A Country Girls Dildo

Not only country boys know how to survive even though the song that tells of their prowess would leave that impression. We country girls have ways of seeing to our needs also, and can do that quite well thank you.One of our country girl needs is to keep down the level of sexual stress to a point where we can function otherwise. Of course, there are lots of ways to do that and we usually find them and that's what this little story is about, how I found mine.I suppose I was like most girls in...

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The Country Girl Next Door

Writer's Note: This story is my first ever erotic or pornagraphic (whichever you wanna call it) story. I understand it might not be very good, so take it easy on me. haha Living in a small town was not easy for me when I was younger. I was born and raised in Chicago, but my family moved to Eastern Indiana when I was 13 when my dad found a job with a local engineering firm. I tried my damndest to adjust as the "fuckin' new guy" through middle school and even high school, but didnt really gain...

4 years ago
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The Queen of Country Music

The Queen of Country Music By Tyrone Slothrop Chapter One: Reporter "Why there's Bobbi Jo now! That's the new minivan. Now, mind you, Bobbi Jo's a bit sensitive about the weight gain. And those boobs and butt are pretty big. Well, big's bein' generous, monumental would be better. We had to get all new chairs to handle that rear end. "Now, mind you, I kid Bobbi a bit myself but we're like family and that's my right. You, bein' from LA and all, please don't say the word fat. Bobbi...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 10

Duty, Honor, Country, Family Part Ten By Danielle J Synopsis- A clash between Hiromi and her grandfather nears even after a unexpected event shakes the Watanabe Yakuza. At the same time the Swan Song committee prepares to bring Agent Ripley in from the field, whether she complies or not. Warning- There is a one scene involving violence against a woman that while not graphic could shake up sensitive readers. Thank you to John and Puddin for their help. Author's note- Readers...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 26

Duty Honor Country Family- Part 26 By Danielle J Thank you to Puddin for all her help preparing this story chapter for publication. ***** Grant Williamson and Robert Mueller discussed Agent Ripley's Swan Song presentation as they travelled to their Alice Springs hotel. "What are we going to do about Chuck McBride? He could blow Swan Song." Robert was a little testy with Grant, maybe due to the jet lag he was suffering. "I know that, Grant. Tomorrow, I want you to speak to...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 31

Duty Honor Country Family- Part Thirty One By Danielle J Thank you to Puddin for all her help preparing this story chapter for publication. Also a note of thanks to Kimmie and Kris for some help they gave me. ***** Japanese Justice Kunio Hatoyama was in his own chambers, looking out over the Tokyo skyline, on the phone with FBI Director Robert Mueller. "I will have an interview with the Prime Minister this afternoon in order to discuss Swan Song with him." "Thank you,...

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Little Piggy Series Nascar Ole Country Style

Warning: This story has Dom/Sub, Wife sharing, Brutal Anal, F2M Oral, male creampie cleaning, Alc., Humiliation, and Nascar. If you’re trying to quit watching cars drive in a circle, PLEASE STOP HERE.One thing that us Southern backwoods inbred, white trash trailer rednecks are known for it Nascar. Now add some friends, Alcohol, and me, a dutiful wife, and you got yourself a good time! Cum see how I pleased my hubbies desires. Don't forget the shine.Once Upon a time in a Southern backwoods...

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Your Wish Come True revised Chapter 21 Country Life

Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 21 Country Life She learns some more but the mystery deepens. "I'D be happy just to have this place," Mandy pronounced. "Yes, it's a delightful house, isn't it? We didn't need to do much with it, just some new furnishings and a few new pictures, plus the Wifi and security upgrade that was asked for," answered the woman. "Of...

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The Country Cottage Part 2

Lorraine and Alan Robertson's marriage had become very rocky and Lorraine had originally booked a few days in a country cottage in the hope that the marriage could be revived. By the time of the holiday, the marriage had declined further and the holiday looked like being a waste of time and money.They had been arguing on the journey to the cottage and were hardly speaking when they arrived, but the owner of the cottage, Miss Beryl Lancer, quickly assessed the situation and prescribed a remedy....

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An American in the West Country

It was an emotional trip back to England for the Texan. He had been there once before with his wife – doing the standard tourist thing & staying largely in London apart from the mandatory flying visits to Stonehenge & the White Cliffs of Dover. They had always promised each other that they would come back & see the real England – country lanes, villages, country markets and the like – but they had left it too long. Cancer had claimed her & he was just plain burned out from the...

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A Country Boy Can SurviveChapter 4

Across the river gorge which formed their east boundary, there were eyes watching them through binoculars, as they ran. Each of the three men had binoculars. They were dressed in camo clothing, with camo grease paint on their faces. “Would you look at the damn tits on that bitch. I told you guys, I’d seen them once before when they came around there in a little Dodge pickup. It wasn’t that jacked-up truck he drives that looks like a fucking army tank.” “Wonder where they got that camo...

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SurprisesChapter 3 Dinner At The Country Club

I woke up about an hour later, and as I shifted to get up, Mom’s eyes came open as well. She moved her hand from where it was caressing Daddy’s limp prick, then climbed off the bed. Daddy didn’t move at all; if anything, he was sleeping sounder than ever and started snoring. We stood up, leaving him in the center of the bed, and Mom motioned me to follow her out of the room. Out in the hallway, Mom closed the bedroom door so we wouldn’t wake Daddy. “I think tonight we should have your father...

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Sex in the Country and in the Rain

Last year, I met this woman at the gym where I had started working out several times a week. Her name was Catherine Wells and she and I seemed to hit it off right away. I remember the day, it was just about a year ago in October. She was on the elliptical machine next to mine. We were moaning about wishing we were somewhere else at the time. After we finished our work outs I asked her if she wanted to have a drink with me after we showered and she accepted. Well, the relationship had been...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 20

Duty Honor Country Family Part Twenty By Danielle J Thank you to Puddin for all her help preparing this story chapter for publication. I'd like also like to thank Kimmie who gave me some assistance. Author's Note- A Hong Kong Dollar is equivalent to a little under thirteen cents in American money. ***** The Slaters missed their connecting flight to Seattle at Chicago's O'Hare Airport. At Air France's expense, the couple and their grandson were put up in a nearby hotel and put...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 21

Duty Honor Country Family- Part Twenty One By Danielle J Thank you to Puddin for her help preparing this chapter for publication. A note of thanks to Kimmie for her assistance also. ***** Yeijiro Mazaki sat himself down in a chair across from Inspector Yoshida. "Yoshida-san, my partner and I are working on a murder investigation that has led us to the Watanabe Yakuza. Since we know so little of this organization, I was hoping you could lend us a little of your expertise." "Is...

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Tales From A Far Country

INTRODUCTIONIn the world around us there are those that will prey on the weaker, the unprepared, the vulnerable. In pursuit of their own desires or seeking to profit from the desires of others there are always those whose acts are hard for us to understand. Once more, it is October 2009. Angela is trying to balance her teaching responsibilities and research projects, spurred on by the Dean’s ambitions for the academic standing of the University; Joe McEwan is planning his trip to Cambodia in a...

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A Country Vicar

Simon Craig was proud of himself. And justifiably, too! He had a stew cooking in the Aga in the vicarage kitchen and had performed the Morning Eucharist to a surprisingly large congregation considering it had been held at 9am on a Thursday morning. He had visited sick and elderly parishioners, giving kind words and prayers for those who wanted one and offering practical advice and help where he was able. He was nearly a year into his first parish after four years as curate to a dipsomaniac...

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An arrogant husband gets his comeuppance on a cross country trip with his beautiful wife of twenty years and their passenger a young black man

I couldn’t help staring at it. It was not only the biggest cock I’d seen, there was an aesthetic quality to it that begged a lingering look. Veins coursed over thick black flesh ending in a perfect golfball sized half-dome. It had to be eight inches long and, Lord Almighty, it was still soft! The first word that jumped to mind was “superior” I was staring at a superior penis. The kid’s voice snapped me back to reality. “Wanna hold it for me, Prof.?” he...

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Drive in the country

Drive in the Country: You both have a day off and decide to go for a drive in the country, Debbie likes speed and to be driven fast and your sports car thrills her and if she were honest it gets her excited, turned on and her pussy wet………….before you set off you say if she wears your favourite sheer crotch tights you will drive even faster than usual….she excitedly agrees her heart racing as she goes to her tights /stockigns draw and pulls them on whilst sat on the bed…..low heels on and jacket...

4 years ago
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Take Me to Another Country

There is a house (almost fortress like) in a far off country where your wildest fantasies can take flight. Some people would think that this house would be every girl's greatest dream come's got everything they could ever want. Tennis courts, state of the art gyms and workout rooms, a movie theater, a spectacular ball room, and a swimming pool that is always at the right temperature and is more like a lagoon with a waterfall running into it. The bedrooms are to die for...or at least...

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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 18

The rest of the weekend and then the next week continues as before. Linda and I take Mandy rollerskating, and the three of us have a blast. Then we hit an arcade and hang out together until almost 9. Mandy is actually pretty good at Frogger. Finally I drop them off and get a lovely kiss from Linda.That Thursday I pick everybody up and JD tells us that since this is a new campaign start we can change out our characters if we want. Keith decides that he wants to pull out his old ranger Markoff...

4 years ago
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The Country Store Clerk

I was on a short business trip to Texarkana when I realized I was low on gas. I quickly checked with Siri and determined there was a small country store near near a small town about six miles off the interstate. I steered my car down the two lane black top and through the pine trees flashing by my window. I wasn’t in a particular hurry and had some spare time to kill before my appointment. I pulled into the drive of the small country store, which was on the outskirts of the small town. As luck...

Quickie Sex
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NORTH CAROLINA COUNTRY BOY & PANTYHOSE PLAYDuring my 14th summer, I spent two weeks at my grandma’s in rural southeastern North Carolina. Though she owned a large piece of property there would not be a whole lot for me to do during the days as she did not drive and my grandfather spent his days in his garden. They didn’t go anywhere but into town once, maybe twice a week for groceries. Those instances would essentially be my only opportunities to interact with others unless I attended...

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Sex in the Country Part 1 The Things Wet Dreams are Made of

Let me begin these memoirs by telling you that I was adopted when I was three years old by a young couple who couldn't have children of their own. My mom to be was infertile. Three years after adopting me, they adopted twin girls, Rachel and Renee, who were five at the time. Four years after that, a few weeks after my 10 th birthday, “Dad” was killed when he lost control of the twin engine Cessna that he was piloting and crashed into the side of a mountain. After that, “Mom” raised us as a...

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Double Blacked in the Country

I had been keeping in touch with Ernie in the country after our hot session at his country home 40 miles outside the city. We chatted on the phone and I sent him some pics when he wanted me to dress up in some stuff at times. He wanted me back again and one night he called and told me his buddy he had been friends with for years was up for some fun with us.After our first meeting he told me he had a buddy who might be game for some white head and ass. Ernie told him he met me online and what...

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Country Club Lifestyle Part 1

Country club communities are sprinkled all over the area where I live. So it's no surprise that there are a lot of lonely housewives looking for a distraction while their husbands are away on business or out playing golf. The other thing they love to do is throw parties, and as a caterer I get to meet a lot of these housewives. Here is one of their stories;Karen called me about an event she wanted to host in her home. She lived in a gated country club community where all the homes were...

1 year ago
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Drive in the country

Drive in the Country: You both have a day off and decide to go for a drive in the country, Debbie likes speed and to be driven fast and your sports car thrills her and if she were honest it gets her excited, turned on and her pussy wet.............before you set off you say if she wears your favourite sheer crotch tights you will drive even faster than usual....she excitedly agrees her heart racing as she goes to her tights /stockigns draw and pulls them on whilst sat on the bed.....low heels...

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Country cowgirl interracial

Wow, I haven't put up a story on here in forever. I have gone through some sexcapades in the meantime just every time i got on here, I ended up watching porn instead of putting up one of my stories. Well here is one of my newest ones. It involves me and this country girl that I met through a site. Enjoy!Well i met this one girl through a website. It wasn't a sex site but a legit dating site. Any dating site can be a sex site really. I spoke to this girl for about a month before going to meet...

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Summer Country Club Job

It was the summer between my Freshman and Sophomore year in college and I guess I was lucky to even get a job. I was a gold course maintenance/caddy boy at the ;local snooty country club.Things went okay for about three weeks and I was eventually doing more caddy work than maintenance. The caddy stuff at least paid some tips.Tuesdays are ladies day at the course and my second Tuesday I was a bit surprised when the caddy manager told me I was going to help Ms. Andersen with her club maintenance...

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