Country Roads
- 2 years ago
- 28
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I’m Steve and I’ve been married to my gorgeous wife Darlene for three years now. I guess you could say we are country folks. I grew up living and working on a farm. Darlene is a country girl. A real blue jean, sneaker wearing girl. Never saw her wear a pair of high heels until our wedding day and not a pair since.
We live in the little single wide trailer my Daddy put here for us as a wedding present. We’re back in the woods up on a hill not far from Daddy’s farm. I make a living fixing tractors and other farm implements around the valley.
Darlene makes quilts, curtains and anything else she can sew on that little old machine of hers. Her parents live on the other side of town which is about five miles away. Her Daddy drives a big truck around the country delivering those brand new John Deere’s.
When Darlene was little she use to ride with her Daddy across the country. She learned how to sew from this lady she use to visit outside Knoxville. She learned how to cook from her mother. Can’t do any complaining about the food around here.
I can’t complain about the sex I get either. Darlene was a virgin when we met in high school and I was the only guy she ever dated. She learned all about sex going on those long deliveries with her Daddy. Now before you get the wrong idea about her Daddy let me explain things a little better.
Darlene and her Daddy use to stay at these cheap motels along the way. Darlene said she’d get bored and go out and play or just find things to do around the motels where they stayed. They always stayed in the same ones so Darlene got to know some of the people.
There was this motel somewhere in the middle of Ohio that had a lot of black folks. Darlene said she was peeking in a window one night in one of the rooms just down away from where her and her Daddy were staying. She said there was this big old tall black guy standing near the bed. The drapes were wide open and anyone walking by could see inside.
Darlene said the man talked to her earlier in the evening when her and her Daddy pulled in. I could surely understand why after Darlene told me what she saw. There was this blonde white girl on the bed. Darlene said she had her legs spread wide open waiting for the black man to get undressed.
Darlene described the size of that black cock to me like it was the size of her forearm. What Darlene described to me was this poor blonde white girl begged to be black bred by this much older black man. Darlene said she remembered watching that couple bred for over an hour until her Daddy yelled for her wondering where she was all that time.
Darlene started to head back to her room but not until she got to see that black man shoot his sperm inside that white blonde woman he was fucking. Next morning when they were getting ready to leave, Darlene saw that black man standing out in front of his room with a coffee cup in his hand.
He was fully dressed but all Darlene could think off was that long fat cock the man had between his legs. Darlene said he smiled at her and said. ?Morning young lady.?
Darlene smiled back and noticed the black man’s eyes were fixed on her blouse. You see, Darlene has always been very large endowed and like the tom boy country girl she is, never wears a bra. She wasn’t wearing one that day for sure. He seemed to take a liking to Darlene since she was young and blonde like the woman he’d fucked the night before.
Darlene said she saw a car drive up with a white guy driving. He said something to the black man who turned around and cracked open the motel room door. A few seconds later Darlene said the blonde woman emerged from the room. She was dressed in jeans and a blouse much like Darlene wore with big old tits like Darlene’s.
She got into the car with the white guy and they drove off. Darlene thought it was rather unusual. Her Daddy was still in the shower so she wandered over near where the black man stood.
?That your Daddy’s rig out there.? The black man asked Darlene.
?Yep. We’re headed up north into Michigan. Have to deliver those two tractors.? Darlene replied.
?Wait just a minute while I get you something young lady.?
Darlene watched as the black man disappeared into his room and brought out a paper. He walked over and handed it to Darlene starring at her tits.
?That’s a discount coupon for your next stay. I’m Chet and I own this place. You and your Daddy are welcome back anytime.?
Well, Darlene gave the coupon to her Daddy who was always looking for deals when they stayed somewhere so whenever they traveled toward that area Darlene’s Daddy would stop at that little old motel.
She got to know Chet a little better every time they stopped.
Chet would flirt with her telling her how gorgeous she was and all the white boys would be chasing after her someday. Darlene said she ran into the white woman a few months later outside the motel. She had a big belly and was defiantly pregnant.
Darlene remembered how she heard that woman begging to be black bred. She was wearing a wedding ring and wondered if she were married to Chet. She got nosy and asked Chet when she saw him.
?That blonde woman your wife??
Chet laughed than replied. ?Nope. She works here cleaning rooms. Her old man works down at that corner gas station.?
Darlene started wondering but only remarked. ?Guess she is going to have a baby.?
Chet laughed really hard grinning as he replied to Darlene. ?Yep. She’s going to have a baby alright. A black baby.?
Darlene looked puzzled but was very nosy for her age. ?Her old man black?? Darlene asked.
?Nope. Just love black dick.? Chet starred at Darlene than asked her. ?How old are you young lady??
?Just had a birthday last week. Just turned eighteen.?
Chet kept starring at Darlene’s tits like a dog would a bone. ?Well. I guess your old enough to know.? Chet paused than said. ?Her old man is a cuckold. Loves having other men fuck his wife. Especially black men like me.?
?You mean you’re the babies father??
Chet laughed. ?For a young girl you sure want to know everything don’t you??
Darlene blushed. ?Just wondered is all.?
Chet kept looking at Darlene’s tits. Her nipples were clearly visible thru her white blouse.
?I’m the Daddy if you really want to know. How old did you say you were again?? Chet asked.
?OK. Just wanted to make sure. Your not fibbing me are you??
Darlene replied. ?Nope.?
Chet thought a minute than replied. ?She loves big black dick like a lot of other white women.?
Darlene just kept starring at Chet for more answers. ?Let me tell you something girl. I have a list of slut white wives that I service regularly and that’s no bull shit. Women around here know me as, Horse.?
Chet made Darlene grin. She knew Chet wasn’t telling stories. She saw the size of his cock with her own eyes when he bred that white woman last time they were here.
?I believe you. Just wondered why they all attracted to you. Don’t their husband’s have big dicks??
Chet laughed out really loud. ?You wait until you get a little older and get married yourself young lady. You might understand things a little better when you do.?
Darlene told me that story a million times and I always got a hard on every time she told it. Darlene likes to tell the story every time we have sex. The best part didn’t happen to later on that evening. Darlene said she was hanging around the back of the motel that night after her and her Daddy ate at the caf? across the street.
Chet had a small house around back behind the motel. The little house had a nice porch out front where Chet would sit on his favorite chair. The moon was shinning bright that night and illuminated just about everything that night. Including the porch on Chet’s house.
Darlene said she heard people talking. Coming from Chet’s front porch. She was being careful not to be seen so she hide in the bushes listening to the conversation.
?Suck it bitch?.. That’s it??? Take it all the way down your throat.?
Darlene peeked around the corner. It was the pregnant white woman sucking on Chet’s big black cock. Darlene said she stood there watching until Chet shot his load inside the woman’s mouth. Darlene saw her stand up than walk toward her car parked along side the motel and leave.
Darlene tripped over a board or something. ?Alright now. I hear you in there. Come on out where I can see you.? Chet said.
Darlene came out into the moon light where Chet could see who she was. He started laughing as soon as he saw her face.
?Did you learn anything back there young lady??
?Sorry sir. I didn’t mean to ease drop on you.?
Chet stood up. His pants were bunched up down near his feet.? Come around here young lady. Chet said.
Darlene walked around starring at Chet’s big black cock.
?This is what I told you about. These white women go crazy for this big thing of mine.?
Darlene didn’t know what to say as she starred at the big cock up and close but said. ?Guess God gifted you in the right places.?
Chet laughed. Than he starred at Darlene’s tits again and said. ?Come here. Don’t be afraid. Come closer.?
Darlene walked slowly forward until she was within reach of Chet.
?Go ahead. Touch it.?
Darlene starred at the big fat cock but said. ?My Daddy would kiss us both if he found out.?
Chet blurted out. ?You said you were eighteen, right??
?Yes sir.?
?OK than. Your old enough to touch it. Go ahead and just feel it with your fingers.?
Darlene was hesitant at first but slowly reached out and took hold of the big thick cock. Chet sighed when he felt her soft white fingers touch his cock.
?Go ahead. Stroke it a little and see how big you can make it.?
Darlene could smell liquor on Chet’s breath so she knew he had been drinking. Darlene told me many times how quick that black cock grew in her hand. It could so big it started to scare her a little.
About that time Darlene heard her Daddy calling her name and let go of Chet’s cock. If it wasn’t for Darlene’s Daddy calling her at the split moment than she might not have been a virgin when I married her.
?I have to get going.? Darlene told Chet.
?Listen wait a minute.? Chet said pulling his pants up. Chet pulled out his motel business card and gave it to Darlene than said.
?If you ever get yourself married and your old man can’t provide you with the proper dicken than you give me a call. You hear??
Darlene just shook her head and turned and walked quickly back to her room.
Yes sir. Darlene talks about that night often. She even still has the card Chet gave her that night tucked away in her jewelry box. Darlene’s Daddy never got a delivery back in that direction while Darlene rode with him so she never saw Chet again.
It’s funny. Darlene always talks about Chet’s big black dick when we’re having sex. Her pussy gets wetter than a soaked sponge with a vise clap around it. I always tease her that she should give old Chet a call someday and tell him she’s married now. Just to have some fun.
I have to admit that my dick gets hard wondering what Darlene would do with a fat black cock inside her pussy like Chet’s. We talked about Chet many times. Darlene guessed he must be in his forties. She has always been attracted to older men. Maybe because of her Daddy or something.
Yep. Darlene talks to me like I’m a little boy sometimes. Steven! Did you wipe your shoes off when you came into the house? Eat all your food Steven. Starving children around the world would love to have what you have on your dinner plate. Than there is the brush your teeth before you go to bed routine. It goes on and on but I love her so much.
We did get into this big argument this morning. It’s about kids again. Darlene wants a house full but we haven’t had much luck yet. My Daddy told me to keep trying. Could never wear it out he always told me. The remark that pissed me off this morning was when Darlene told me she would call Chet and see if he’s still around. Said Chet could give her a baby. I told her to go ahead. See if I cared any.
She was so mad at me that she fetched Chet’s old business card out of her jewelry box and walked out the door and drove off somewhere. Wait. I see a cloud of dust coming up the road. Turning into the driveway now. It’s Darlene.
Darlene stopped the car just short of the trailer and got out and walked up toward the porch where Steve was sitting.
Steve looked up at Darlene and asked. ?You still mad??
?No.? Darlene replied and leaned over giving him a big hug.
Darlene gave him a kiss on the lips holding his cheeks. ?Go wash up while I make dinner.?
Darlene walked into the trailer as Steve followed.
Steve sat at the dinner table looking over at Darlene. ?Did you call him.?
Darlene looked puzzled.. ?Who? Daddy??
Steve thought Darlene must have forgot about what she said about Chet. ?You said you were calling Chet.?
Darlene continued eating but stopped long enough and replied. ?I didn’t really mean it.?
Later that evening when they were cuddling in bed Steve asked Darlene about Chet again.
?Why don’t you give the man a call and see how he’s doing. Maybe he could give you some advice on us having kids.?
Darlene said she would think about it. They both fell asleep soon after.
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This story is the property of the author. All copyrights belong to the author. If you have the chance, please check out my other stories under titles with "redneck," Toby Keith, Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw, etc. No claim to any actual person's sexual preference is noted here (get it fantasies). Check for more stories under; section prolific authors. E-mail is [email protected], thanks for all the great e-mail from Nifty's republishing of some of my stories. Kenneth STR8...
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About 30 minutes later Holly knocked on the door, and wow! Her black sweaterdress with the white belt, dangly earrings, and instead of her usual poofed out hairstyle she had it with no hair spray and pulled back into a simple ponytail.“Holly, you look great!” I said as I hugged her. And she was wearing a perfume that would give an erection to a corpse. “Do you know where we're going?””Yea, he gave me his address, but I have no idea where it is.”“No problemo,” I said, and went into the game room...
I called Holly and the girls, and 10 minutes later Holly was sitting next to me as I went to get Mandy and Linda. A little later we were pulling in front of the used car lot in Reseda and getting out, and Peggy jumped into Mandy’s arms. “It’s ready! It’s ready!”She took us into the back and there it was. A yellow Volkswagen Thing, complete with a black convertible top. AM-FM-tape deck stereo, and all the bells and whistles. We spent a few minutes as she showed it off to us, and her uncle was...
On Saturday I drove over to Linda’s and Rosie drove us to the rink in Parthenia. Holly and Keith arrived shortly after we did, and we all took seats and watched the routines.Mandy was next to last and second oldest of the performers, most were from 6 to 12, and the oldest was a 22 year old guy. It opened with an exhibition by one of the instructors, showing what was expected from each of the skaters being evaluated. Then they all started to take their turns, in order of age from youngest to...
Once we were back in the room, the girls insisted that Keith and I shower and change as they sat in the sitting area and talked. So with a shrug we each did that. I put on a pair of swim shorts I had and a tank top and rejoined the girls.The girls had showered earlier, so Linda, Peggy, and Mandy all went into our bedroom together to get changed, and as soon as Keith returned in a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt, Holly went off to do the same. I got the champagne out and set up the glasses as I...
Finally it was time for the con. We took an extra day off of school and with the top down were driving down the San Diego Freeway for our weekend of fun. We hit the expected traffic, but none of us cared. This was going to be a great weekend.Surprisingly enough, Mandy said she and Peggy wanted to come as well. They had come to one of the games a few weeks ago, and Peggy thought it was cool also. Thankfully we were having dinner with Rosie at the time and she cut that off. “Sorry k**, but nope....
Finally it was Saturday, the day of the dance. I was a bit nervous, but also anticipating the night to come. I spent the morning pulling everything out I was going to need, and more time than I wanted going through boxes that were still packed in the garage I had not thought I would need again any time soon.After lunch I called Linda and we chatted for a bit. She told me not to pick up Holly, she was already on her way over there and that Keith and I should just pick them both up at her house....
The next morning I got up and took a shower. I took a long sniff of my fingers before climbing in, enjoying one last moment of Linda’s scent. Then once I got dressed, I went downstairs to clean up Scout.I had done little more than open all the doors and the rear hatch before I felt arms around my waist and Holly saying “Good morning Fairbough.” I returned her hug, and then she stepped back and examined my car. “Well, I knew something was up when you got home” she said, with a smirk on her...
Well, the new school year started and I was quickly learning how things were in LA. I had made a few friends, and was learning about things I had never known about back home.Like Dungeons and Dragons was not only played by the geeks and nerds. One of the members of the group that taught me how to play was a fullback on the football team, and 2 were cute girls that were on the Drill Team. I still mostly listened to Country and Top 40 music, but I was gaining an appreciation for more varied...
A short story - enjoy.The couple wanted to get away from it all and have some fun. The Husband rented country house for a naked weekend of sex and debauchery together. It was perfect venue, secured private compound, with the house high on a hill with distant views to valley below. The house wrapped around the pool, making it very private. It was summer and warm, from the moment they closed the front door behind them they were naked. Nude swimming, sex at pool, sex in lounge, sex in bed,...
Life is good for Cindi and I I'm 37, she's 35. We both stay in shape and she still gives me great actionVacation sex is awesome, on the balconies, sheer dresses at the nightclubs, topless beaches, you name itShe's 5'5" AND 120 LBS. sHE DRESSES HOT AND HER HAIR IS MEDIUM LENGHT (BLOND)We have a great time at the county club and spend quite a bit of time thereI reserved a massage every Tuesday after my round of golfThis time there was a new employee. Abut 25 years old, dark brown hair and very...
I have been into some wild parties, with all kinds of sexual games and the like, but recently, it's caused me a bit of stress. I guess I should start by telling you about my friend Tim. I met him at the collections agency I started work for. He started work there right after I did, and we kind of hit it off. He was fun, but god was he naïve! I mean, I came from a small town, but this guy... If you couldn't milk it or harvest it, he didn't have a clue what you were talking about. And here he was...
I lived out in the country on a gravel road.All that was around me was cotton and rice fields.The houses were spaced out my nearest neighbor about a mile. It was peaceful and plenty of privatcy.I was 18 and kind of wild and horny.I had been with alot of girls and was quiet good at throwing the ole dick.I was glad to hear that someone new was moving in down the road.when i saw them moving in i went and interduced myself.It was a recently divorced woman and her daughter.I was blown away by the...
Country Girl Day One Morning By Lauren Westley I was awakened at 6am by the little clock on the side of my bed. It didn't buzz or play music. Instead it repeated over and over, "Get up cunt." There was no snooze button. No way to ignore its command to me. No way for me to believe this had been a little girlish fantasy dream I was just awakening...
Country Girl Day One Later By Lauren Westley (Authoress's note: of course all disclaimers are still in place regarding characters etc., except for one small truth since so many readers asked me to answer this question. Most of the things I write about I did at some point in my life. Perhaps they were not with as many people but at least one person was there. And they were absolutely not done in the order written and there are some things I've done that haven't made it into any of...
Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on hereI was overcome with temptation and I reached a point where I gave into his desires.I moved to Seattle in 2002, at the age of 24 to get a better job. I grew up in a rural white community and I found the mixture of cultures in the city to be fascinating and yet almost alien compared to my life in the country. I finally got a job at a night club and I...
I am just starting college and had to move to this new town and find a job which I did at this country and western store-they sell cowboy stuff and I like that. There are alot of hot girls working here so I was hoping to score some cooch along with some new clothes cheap. My girlfriend is going to a different college so I am plenty horny as I have been very busy getting settled and getting used to college and all which can be tuff for a eighteen year old.It was a Tuesday night and the woman I...
It is Friday afternoon and Jessie is all excited he will be spending the weekend with Mandy. The funny thing is he knows Mandy is biologically male kind of but he doesn't care because all he wants to do is spend his life with her. As he was going through the clothes the phone rang and picked it up on the 3d ring and it was Mandy. He said, "Hello." She asked, "Are you sure you still want me?" He said, "Heck yes and you know what I think I want to spend my life with you. That is...
Jessie woke up and he for a moment he forgot what bed he was in until he looked over and saw Mandy and realized that this wasn't a dream and he looked at his watch couldn't believe he slept until 7. He bent over and kissed Mandy and she stirred and she slowly opened her eyes. Mandy said, "Morning handsome, I must say I am so glad I didn't dream that last night." Jessie said, "If it was a dream we are both in the same dream I hope neither one of us wakes up." Mandy said, "We can...
When we got there they had just opened the door, so I handed Linda the money for the tickets as I grabbed our skates from the back. “I wondered what those bags were, and a few other things you left in the back. You both have your own skates Pete?”“Yep. I bought Linda's sister a set 2 years ago, that was when she first got into performing. Last year I decided to get a set for Linda, and got a set for myself at the same time. They are better than any pair I've ever rented, and they have almost...
That morning we all had breakfast, then Kim took us out to the corral. Linda and I stood at the rail as Aunt Darla put Kim through her paces on the ring. “We let her take some time off since you guys were visiting, but Trixie there was getting restless. You can't leave a horse like that alone, or they get moody and fat,” Uncle Dave said.“She's really good!” Linda said, watching Kim do several runs then applauding. “How long has she been doing that?”Uncle Dave chuckled. “Oh, since she was around...
It was the last full day of the convention, and after breakfast Ginger met us and we were on our way there. She once again said how much she had enjoyed the game the night before, and I told her she was more than welcome to join us that night for champagne.Once we got there, we had barely started to wander the floor when I heard my name over the PA. Mr. Cummings was there with Roy, and after going to a private room they told me that all the arrangements were being made. Mr. Cummings had become...