Country Girl Day One Evening free porn video

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Country Girl Day One Evening By Lauren Westley (Authoress's note: of course all disclaimers are still in place regarding characters etc. MOST IMPORTANT NOTE: I will be working on 'Suddenly' for awhile so I apologize that Country Girl will be taking a back seat to those who like this story. This particular episode is very XXX with pee scenes etc. I suggest those who don't like this kind of story not to read on. I know I make both grammatical and punctuation mistakes. I promise all of you I will try harder every time to get it right. Hey what else can a submissive do? However, I do know many parts of my stories will not appeal to all of you. I only wish there is enough to make each of you happy. To those who have given me constructive criticisms as well as those with praise thanks. And to all of you, may your memories be yesterday's dreams.) Lauren Westley. On the way back to my room to change I lost control and just started peeing through my sea green panties. I couldn't stop it. I was ashamed of losing control of my bladder. I wasn't even the girl I thought I was going to be. From down the hall I heard BikerMan ask, "Hey cunt, what are you doing?" "I can't help myself," in a whimper I crackled. "I couldn't hold it. I lost control. I'm sorry Sir." BikerMan came lumbering down the hallway (which was only a few steps) and grabbed me by my hair. "What the fuck is wrong with you, you are one dumb cunt? Do you need to be paper trained?" With that he pushed me down towards the floor where I kneeled in the pee. Then he pushed my face down into the pee and rubbed it around like training a puppy. It smeared my makeup and I could feel my eye shadow rubbing off. GorillaMan got there a moment later and handed BikerMan a towel saying I should be made to wipe it up and the towel would be my pillow tonight. With that, BikerMan pulled on my leash until I was on all fours. He dropped the towel on the floor and started spanking my ass saying, "Let me know when it's all clean and maybe I'll stop." I was crying and trying at the same time to wipe everything up as quickly as I could so he'd stopping swatting my ass. BikerMan didn't spank me quickly but instead he had a long stroke and when it hit both hurt and also would knock me off my knees into my pee. After I had finished Sir Houser took the leash from BikerMan. I was led, like a dog on all fours, down the short hall and into the bathroom right in front of the toilet I was licking clean earlier. Sir Houser slapped the back of my head and my head went down with my face just below the porcelain rim. As you already know, the seat was in the upright position. "Now for your punishment from this morning and your girly weak bladder making a mess in the hall," Sir Houser said as he tied the leash to the towel bar, "you are to either have your face in the bowl or licking the rim for the next hour." And with that he spanked my ass twice and left. I lifted my head up a bit and heard Sir Houser in the hall exclaim, "You'd better be licking the porcelain girl!" Of course I began licking the porcelain rim. I didn't want to get in any more trouble. But even so, Sir Houser came back into the bathroom slapping my ass and saying, "Actually girl, I want you to lick the rim and all the porcelain not under water in toilet. That means under the rim as well. You are to keep it clean and shiny. Do you understand?" And as the last smack landed on my sore ass I answered, "Yes Sir Houser," and started licking the inside edge. "Good girl," Houser said as he was leaving. "Remember licking or your face down." And with that he walked out. I wish I could explain the smell of a toilet bowl after fifteen minutes of licking and the next forty-five minutes of my head in the bowl. My nose was only a couple of inches above the water. It's a cold, dank, nasty smell. I would have thrown up but I didn't have anything in my stomach. I had missed lunch and you know what my breakfast was. Fortunately my sea green panties were beginning to dry but my knees were aching against the hard cold tile. It was then I heard someone come in. "Ok, sweetie, move tighter to the wall, I have to take a wicked piss," Master Cock said. He was feeling my ass as I heard his zipper come down. I must have pulled my head up a bit as I moved towards the wall because all of a sudden he slapped my left ass check and said, "keep your fucking face where Sir Houser told you to." So, I was up against the wall on my right at what would be about four- thirty on a clock against the tile when Master Cock said with approval, "Now that?s where you should be whenever you hear a man come in." He started kneading my ass and then just as he started to moan I felt his urine cascade over my blond hair and drip over my face into the toilet water below. "Wow," Master Cock snickered, "my piss is the same color as your dirty blond hair. I guess this is like that hair color commercial. What's their jingle? Oh yes, 'because I'm worth it. And baby you're worth it.' My hair became so covered in pee that my hairstyle washed out with the pee and my long hair fell in front of my face and into the pee water below. "Ah," I heard Master Cock intone as he was finishing and shaking his last drops all over. Then he cleared his throat and hocked up a huge lugee (is that what they call it?) and spit it out. It landed on my head and moved just enough to reach my forehead and the more liquid part fell into the toilet leaving a slow moving wad of phlegm that eventually decided to stop around the bridge of my nose. "You know Prissy I think you'll need to lick the toilet clean again. I seem to have gotten a lot of my piss on the rim and on the side of the bowl. Are you having a good time Prissy," he asked as I heard his zipper close? "Yes Master Cock," I replied in the manner I was instructed months ago when we first came together on-line. Just as he was finishing BikerMan intoned in his deep voice "Hey, you going to be much longer? I think those six beers I drank have turned to piss and I need to take a leak as soon as possible." "No problem, I'm done," Master Cock said as he walked out and BikerMan took his place by the toilet. Although I couldn't see him I could picture his fat stomach. I heard his belt unbuckle, his zipper come down and his pants fall on the floor. With that BikerMan said, "It's too bad you're down there because I wanted to take a leak up your pussy. Wouldn't you like that?" "Yes Sir," was the only reply I was permitted. "Wouldn't you like my piss in you as you walked around doing your chores," BikerMan chortled. "Yes Sir," I answered. "Good, well perhaps later," said as he grunted a bit and a giant raspberry echoed against the tile in the bathroom and the odor finally sank down into the bowl and seemed to concentrate there as I breathed. It was one of the foulest farts I had ever smelled and I dry heaved as I breathed it. "Oh yeah," he said as he started to pee, "too ripe to stay in," and his pee hit my head. But then, he started to pee on my neck. It rolled down over my front and back. My bra soaked the pee like a wick and before long my breasts were drenched in BikerMan's pee. Then he peed a little on the seat of my panties soaking them and my ass. He said, "Bitch lift your head out of the toilet I want to piss down your throat. And make sure you put your lips over my cock and swallow. Don't you dare spill a drop? OK?" "Yes Sir," I answered and lifted my head out of the toilet. He was squeezing his penis so the pee wouldn't come out. His big beer belly hanging like it was filled with ten gallons of pee. "Hurry up twat, I still have five beers left to piss," BikerMan laughed. And then he saw Master Cock's lugee. "What a pretty piece of jewelry," BikerMan said. I put my mouth over his soft penis his belly against my head and he grabbed my ears and started lightly pinching them as his pee hole leaked into my mouth and down into my tummy. "Yes, you'll do nicely twat," and with that he let out another fart saying, "I guess since you rim the toilet you won't mind rimming my ass later. It's nice and hairy and now you are familiar with the odor. My tummy was starting to fill and I could feel it push against the waistband of my pee wet sea green panties. "Just two more cans to go twat. But don't get too happy. I'm going to go back to the fridge and get another six-pack, BikerMan said." He enjoyed holding my ear lobes with his thumb and forefinger and pulling me tighter to his belly. Finally his pee started to slow. I guess the hormones made me start a whimpering cry. "The cunt is sad there's no more piss?" he chortled with a grunt. His cock finished dripping and he let go of my ears and told me to lick the toilet clean and make sure when I was finished my face was back in the toilet. As he pulled his cock from my lips, he leaned down and started playing with my tits. My mouth was still open My mouth was still open when he snidely laughed, "What did you think cunt that I was going to kiss you? I don't think any man is going to kiss a piss mouth. What do you think?" "Whatever you think Sir," I replied. "Start licking the toilet rim bitch," he continued not even paying attention to my reply. I started licking the rim as I cowered in the corner but my wet hair dripped pee. I realized before I was done I'd have swallowed nearly all the dripping pee from my hair by licking the toilet. He put his penis back in his jockey shorts. I could see his yellow stain from earlier pees and the little new wetness where his penis head parked itself. Then he reached down to pull up his jeans and stopped. "Open you mouth and close your eyes cunt," he said and instructed me to lean my head back while facing him. I complied like any submissive. And then I heard him hock up a wad of phlegm. It sounded huge. And of course it was when I felt him spit the wad into the back of my mouth. It hit my tonsils and sat on my tongue. I don't know how big it was but it felt huge in my mouth. And my taste buds roared 'nasty'. "Ok. Now close your mouth but don't swallow. I want you to let it slide back in your throat. Then lean forward and kiss my cockhead in my jockeys then you can swallow my wad girl," BikerMan snickered. I leaned my head back while closing my mouth and felt his spit gurgle up over my tonsils. Grabbing my nose and pulling my lips to his cockhead behind the yellow cotton briefs. He held my nose while my lips touched the wet stain on his shorts. I couldn't hold back and swallowed his disgusting load down into my stomach which was already filled with his pee. With that he let go and I had to thank him. I went back to licking the toilet best I could as he pulled up his pants and left. I don't know how much time passed before I was finished licking the dripping pee from the rim of the bowl. But now my hair had fallen back into the pee water since my face was down in the bowl. My mouth tasted acrid and my nose felt like the only odor it new was nasty. I cried a little and thought about how I should have used my little blonde brain a bit better when I signed that Contract. Who could have guessed the abuse I was and would suffer but then I realized Master Cock had not guessed but he had planned. My inner being was demoralized as I knelt there. I couldn't think of anything other than a submissive woman. Even though I had a small penis buried in my panties I felt like the weakest pussy on earth. Sometime later Master Cock came in and told me I was to clean the bathroom up, take a shower and then clean the rooms in just a pair of clean panties, stockings and heels which he had put on the bed so I wouldn't ruin all my other outfits. After those chores I was to go to the kitchen, read the instructions on the refrigerator regarding dinner. I was to cook, serve dinner, and clean up. After I was through I was to go to my room and freshen up my lipstick and perfume and wear the outfit Master Cock laid out and read the note Master Cock would leave on my bed. Master Cock also said, "Someone will come get you when the men need you. But, you'd better be ready you stupid bitch." I felt quite a relief having the time to freshen up. Especially sitting on the toilet and letting out all that pee BikerMan and Master Cock had filled me with. I brushed my teeth three times and rinsed with mouthwash at least as many times. I can't tell you how many times I used my body soap and rinsed off. But, I guess you know how good I felt after I was cleaned up. No one bothered me while I walked around in a pair of pink panties, pink thigh highs with a red scalloped border (which had been left out for me) and matching pink heels. I cleaned Master Cock's room and bathroom; also the room Sir Houser slept in. And in both rooms the men had left their dirty underwear and t-shirts on the floor. I picked them up with my thumb and forefinger wobbling a bit on my four inch high heels and I brought them to the washer. Doing my chores gave me a feeling of being a woman which I liked but I don't think any of my previous thoughts had me understand to what depths I would be taken. While in the kitchen the men walked in and out of the house looking at me but instead of demanding anything they seemed busy setting something up in the living room. There was a sheet they had put up that blocked my view. When I was walking in the kitchen I especially felt BikerMan's eyes on me and I sort of looked up out of the corner of my eye. He knew I looked and he moved his hand cupping his crotch. I lowered my eyes quickly and felt his pee and phlegm in my stomach. I knew he had just started using me. I had to put my hand down on the counter to steady myself. I don't know if he saw me but I did know he would make me do all sorts of things as long as he was there. On the refrigerator was a note about dinner. It was about 4pm and the note said I was to have dinner ready and served by 7pm. I was to set the table and serve. It was expected I would eat my dinner while making theirs. My dinner would be a cup of consomm?, a small salad with no dressing and a glass of tap water. And, I was to stand in the corner against the wall away from the table. I would either hold my cup of soup or my salad putting the one I wasn't using on the credenza to my left. You probably think I'd want something more substantial to eat; but actually after what happened in the bathroom earlier I was relieved by this diet. The men were to have burgers with all the trimmings and chips. That seemed easy enough but the note also said I was to make dessert. The instructions said it would be yellow cake with chocolate icing. Fortunately this would be accomplished by using a box of Betty Crocker mix and a Duncan Heinz ready made icing. Also, besides making the cake, I had to set the table and get everything ready in just my panties stockings and heels. I was to serve dinner in the same outfit and clean up after. Then I was to go back to my room and get dressed according to the new note that would be on my bed and wait. Interestingly as I stood making the cake in just pink panties, stockings and heels with my small breasts exposed and the men working in the living room I again felt completely like a woman. So, somehow, in this madness I was where I had always belonged and wanted. I know it's probably hard for you to even imagine the feeling I was having. For most of you running away would be your option. But, at this moment I realized I had run away from a conventional boring existence and had arrived here. So without boring you with all the details of the next few hours (I'm sure no one need a cooking lesson.) 7pm arrived and the men came to the table and sat down. I had just started serving by bring in the bowl of chips when another man walked in. He was big and looked like the man in the movie 'The Green Mile.' His size scared me. I wasn't sure what to call him; but my mind settled with BigMan. He was carrying a big brown bag which he put on the table. Out of it was two handles of Johnny Walker Black Label and one of Makers Mark. BigMan was huge. I just stood there almost in shock. I knew not to look up but still I could see he was huge. That's the only word to use. Smack, GorillaMan slapped my pink panty assed. "What the fuck is wrong with you. Get another place setting out right now cunt," GorillaMan said with another slap. As you know I had set the table for the four of them (you know by now, Master Cock, Sir Houser, BikerMan and GorillaMan). Well, I walked back to the kitchen to get another plate. Fortunately I had made 12 burgers so there was enough food. But, it hadn't occurred to me while I was cooking anyone else would be coming. In a very deep voice I heard what could only be BigMan saying, "That cunt has a very nice ass. I can't wait to fuck her." "With your cock, you'd split that girl in half. I bet you can't get it half way up her," Sir Houser said. "Well, I bet later tonight she'll be able to take a lot more than half," BigMan replied. And before you know it they had placed bets on just how much of BigMan's dick my hole could handle. I heard them placing odds and betting and heard someone put $100 on BigMan getting it all the way up. I wasn't sure who it was but I did hear they would pay 3 to one on that bet. Of course I shuddered and brought out another place setting. BigMan grabbed my wrist as I was about to go back and get their burgers saying, "One moment baby. I've got something in this bag that will help you." He took out a box with his other hand and threw it to Master Cock to open. Master Cock took out a big black butt plug. It must have been eight inches long and thick. "Pretty nice, why don't you do the honors," Master Cock said, putting it on the table sticking straight up. With that, BigMan reached into the bag for something. I couldn't see what it was the way he was holding me but I did feel his hand slide down my panties and his massive finger playing with my crack. Then he pulled his hand out and made me lean down and at the same time pulled my panties down to my knees, "Now, that is one fine booty," he said and then squeezed what later I knew was lubricant up my hole. It was cold at first but warmed and over the next few minutes he worked that butt plug up my ass. I felt like I had a tree up my ass. Finally after what seemed like a painful eternity he was finished. I knew this when he pulled my panties up, gave me a light slap and said, "Just keep that in until later honey. I'm nearly 3 inches longer and definitely thicker so you'll thank me for this." And with that he let go of my wrist. The men laughed as I walked (waddled) back to the kitchen to get the platter of burgers from the oven where they were warming. Well, dinner was finally over and I'm sure you aren't much inclined to hear how I washed the dishes and put them away. I went back to my room and found Master Cock had laid out a very interesting outfit. There was a slinky black mini dress with a very loose skirt. Of course black panties (with the little clit pocket), soft (no under wire) black bra, black garter belt, black thigh high stockings and a pair of black stiletto high heels. Besides that there were several accessories. There was a black choker, black fingerless arm gloves and a black bow with a barrette to attach it to my hair. The note said to wear the deepest red lipstick and nail/toe polish. The nail polish was easy to do since my nails just need a fresh coat over them since they were blood red already (Country Girl Day One). Doing my toes was always a chore even if I was just touching them up. (Oh, sorry, again writing stuff that you are interested in.) The note also instructed me to just come out into the small hallway and say, "Prissy is ready." I wasn't to come any further but into the small hallway. So about 9:30 pm I was all dolled up standing in the hall saying in my sweetest feminine voice, "Prissy is ready!" Master Cock came around from the living room smiling and sweetly said I looked, 'beautiful.' Well, you can't believe how nice I felt with his remark ringing through my ears. Then Master Cock took a black blindfold from his pocket and of course put it over my eyes. "Prissy, tonight is your cumming out party," Master Cock said in a gentle way. Little did I know then it was to be the last gentle words I would hear the rest of the evening. Next he had me open my mouth a put a gel like silicone mouth ring in which kept my mouth open like an O. But my mouth was opened so much my jaw hurt for awhile. When I touched the ring with my tongue it had the texture and pliability of natural lips. It was as if I had two pair of lips; and inny and an outty. After he was finished he put his arm around me and walked me, to where else, the living room. This is too difficult to describe blindfolded; so I will just tell you where and how I was when the blindfold was removed. I was kneeling with my hands to elbows held down with Velcro straps. Also my ankle was held down with Velcro. A small metal, I assume like a T started from this box I was on, just between my knees and angled a bit back up to my stomach and then formed a t across my waist with some comfortable soft (like gel) bar giving me support. Another similar but smaller and curved bar came up under my chin to support my head and keep me from bending my head down. I was in the middle of the living room between the sofa and fireplace (with my ass towards the fireplace). Fortunately no fire was burning. Oh, I forgot to tell you both my knees and arms rested in a molded comfortable sleeve which the Velcro was part of. Also, as I later found out I was in a groove that would move me forward and backward by about eight inches which was the same length of motion as the black butt plug still sitting in my ass. It was obvious the men had been drinking since the liquor bottles were on the coffee table (should be called the liquor table) and glasses were sitting around with different levels of alcohol They had comfortably heated the room. There were Master Cock, Sir Houser, GorillaMan, BikerMan, BeltMan and now BigMan as well. (Six men and not a one of them a gentle man.) There wasn't enough room for all of them to sit so BigMan just stood there on my right. But what came next was not the 'penis pounder' of the earlier part of the day. Instead, Sir Houser came around, patted my bottom saying, "Good girl, your kept the dildo in your pussy." With that Sir Houser took something in his hand and screwed it into the bottom of the butt plug. A few moments later I felt a warm liquid fill inside me. "Just douching your pussy," Sir Houser continued. "We all want you to have a clean and sweet smelling cunt." So, without going through all the details, about fifteen minutes later I had been thoroughly cleaned inside even though I hadn't really eating anything all day. I had peed for quite sometime earlier before I had dressed. While Sir Houser douched me I remembered sitting on the toilet peeing for quite sometime before I got dressed. Somehow it was over. The butt plug was out of me and my hole felt so open I was afraid it would never shut again. But before I had time to even think about my gaping hole something was pushed up behind me and something a little larger than the black butt plug pushed it's way into my hole. Gosh, I couldn't believe anything bigger would fit but Sir Houser made it happen. Then with my hole wrapped around what felt like a cannon and my mouth opened in an O, Sir Houser stepped out in front of me and said, "Well men, what do you think?" "Shit, that bitch looks like a fuck machine," BigMan laughed. "Oh, just wait," Sir Houser said as he picked up a remote and pressed a button. Well, how do I explain this? Instead of that 'pussy pounder' earlier in the day I was the one moving back and forth on a stationary big silicon dick. So far this whole situation fit into my submissive desires unlike the afternoon's wild events. It was then I realized as a submissive I could not control what the men would do. Some of it would please me. Some of it would disgust me. But all of it I would have to do. "So men," Sir Houser piped up, "We have a little fuck bunny. You can stick your cock in her mouth, press this button and she'll suck you off without a complaint. Actually, I think you might hear her softly moan her approval as the machine does its magic. And best of all you will feel all lip on your cocks." The funny thing is they just ignored me for awhile. Someone put on the movie CaddyShack and they drank, laughed and talked about some basketball game. There I was like some steer that had been roped at the rodeo. I almost laughed when I thought about it since all cows are girls. But laughter wouldn't last forever. Oh no, before long BeltMan got up and excused himself to the other guys saying, "I've got to take a load off my cock!" Everyone laughed and then BeltMan walked over to me and unzipped his fly right in my nose. I don't even know what he was looking at because of the position I was in. He cock came out, thick, flabby and flaccid. BeltMan took his thumb and forefinger (both of which had dirt under his clipped short nails), lifted his cock up and just lay it into my mouth through the forced gel opening. He let go and his uncut head fell right onto my tongue. "Yes, the double lip is good," he said. My tongue was filled with saliva. Not because I was looking forward to this but when you mouth is held open the saliva builds up. I don't know why but if you ever find yourself in my position I'm sure you'll experience the same thing. And for a brief moment his cock remained in the same place; while I saw his hips turn to the left a bit and answer a question someone asked him. All I heard Belt Man say was, "Sure." It didn't take long for me to realize what the 'sure' meant. In just a few seconds I felt a hand lift the skirt of my dress, which was resting on the implant in me, and lay it on my back. Then, whoever it was slapped my right ass check hard and my head bumped into BeltMan's stomach. BeltMan must have hit the remote because this is what continued to happen for quite a while. The machine I was on pulled me forward further up BeltMan's root and then it would push back onto the dildo in my ass. When I started moving forward whoever was behind me slapped my ass again. The cock in my mouth grew larger. The soreness on my ass became more stinging and as the next ten minutes went by it must have turned Cayenne. No, I won't compare any of this to riding in a Porsche. Soon his cock became full size, engorged with his hot blood coursing through it. I could feel the gel lips push against my teeth making my mouth just a bit wider. Not much but still frightening. And when I was pulled forward his cock would extend past my tonsils into the area where we all know makes us want to throw up. Get it out is all I could think. But of course I couldn't do anything but accept it deeper into my throat. I could feel my Adam's apple (sorry I do have one) pushed forward and my throat filling like a sausage casing. Somehow, you don't throw up. Instead every time you have a chance you try to lubricate it with your saliva. And every time his thick root pushed down again I had to pass the point of trying to choke it back up. Mentally, although I'll never know for sure, his cock seemed to throb even more at the moment between that choke point and pushing down deeper. It was as if that was his most thrilling moment. BeltMan's cock pulsed and I knew he was going to cum. But I don't know why he didn't come until the exact moment the man at my backside smacked my ass again, I moved forward, BeltMan's cock pushed near my choke area and his spasm of precum shot warm fluid lubricating into my throat as his cock pushed pass my choke point. He shot two more loads, this time thick cum, into my throat as I still moved forward. I don't think the whole thing lasted more than a second but in my head it will always take me at least several minutes to replay. It was different than any thoughts of being a cock sucker. It was different than even thoughts I had had back in my on line time with Master Cock when he said he was going to do it. I was not a virgin anymore. I was not a man anymore. I wasn't even a sissy. More to this will follow eventually but not for awhile: [email protected]

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 04

Title A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 04 ((Authors Note – This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 03’ and is the final part of this series. As with all multipart series, it’s best read after the earlier episodes, but I’ve tried to make it stand on its own as far as possible. Of course you’ll probably need to know about the Alien spaceship, stranded in Gotham due to a lack of a key energy source, and the innovative way that they found to replenish it with some involuntary...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 03

Title A Day in Gotham — 9 – Batgirl Wins 03 ((Authors Note — This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 02’. As with all multipart series, it’s best read after the earlier episodes, but I’ve tried to make it stand on its own as far as possible. This is part 3 of what will be a four part story. In brief , this follows a part of Batgirl’s life where she’s been through a long recovery and rehabilitation period after the near tragic events in that old warehouse battling Leopard...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wishes Pt 03

((Authors Note – Please note that this is adult fiction, so only read further if you qualify! This is the third and final part of this series covering Batgirl’s experiences after the ‘Wins’ series. As before, it’s best read after Parts 1&2, but just as a quick summary… Batgirl has just about recovered from her traumatic experience with Batman (see Batgirl Wins), and has surprisingly been reconciled with Catgirl again, just as danger threatens from another quarter when Catwoman receives a...

2 years ago
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Anna and Ramone Ch 02

Hi guys, Thank you for reading the story and also for your feedback. I hope you enjoy the second chapter as well. T-Wnjk ********* Present Day ‘Anna? Anna?’ Ramone called looking concerned. ‘What?’ ‘You’re crying.’ ‘Oh,’ Anna said while wiping her tears. ‘Excuse me Ramone.’ Anna bolted to her bathroom and locked the door. Her heart was beating furiously and she rested her elbows on her sink with her head bowed down. She didn’t dare look at the mirror for fear of what she would see....

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Country cowgirl interracial

Wow, I haven't put up a story on here in forever. I have gone through some sexcapades in the meantime just every time i got on here, I ended up watching porn instead of putting up one of my stories. Well here is one of my newest ones. It involves me and this country girl that I met through a site. Enjoy!Well i met this one girl through a website. It wasn't a sex site but a legit dating site. Any dating site can be a sex site really. I spoke to this girl for about a month before going to meet...

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Shivani Fucked In Front Of Her Husband Uday

Hey all… Myself Raj back with yet another new experience and yeah this time something new. Drop your comments @ Firstly wanna thank all the true/fake/despo/ladies and other profiles or people who dropped comments showed interest and then create negative environment. Sorry guys,girls & ladies. These are my true experiences and I would not like any of my sentiments hurted. Appreciate you behave properly. Anyways back to fun… Out of all mails received I got a mail from a Muslim couple from...

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Anna and Ramone

I’d like to thank michchick98 for her help in editing my story. Any grammatical errors found in the story are purely mine. Present day Anna and Ramone were eating ice cream in her apartment whilst reminiscing of their time together. They’d been friends for 20 years now and although life had pushed them into different directions, they remained the best of friends. It was November and they were discussing their plans for Christmas. They’d both turned 30 in the course of the year and were...

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Country Girl Day One

Country Girl Day One Morning By Lauren Westley I was awakened at 6am by the little clock on the side of my bed. It didn't buzz or play music. Instead it repeated over and over, "Get up cunt." There was no snooze button. No way to ignore its command to me. No way for me to believe this had been a little girlish fantasy dream I was just awakening...

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The Shiny LadiesChapter 12 Ramone

Kay spent a moment, considering what tact to take. "Tell me about Ramone Diaz." Monica blinked. "My fiance? We met in college. He is a resident at Chihuahua General Hospital." "He must be busy." "Very. He works eighteen to twenty hour days. The few days he has off he spends sleeping." "When did you last see him?" "I take the bus once a month to see him. I last saw him two weeks ago." "How do you think your new job will affect your relationship?" Monica shook her head. "I...

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Part 2 ndash The Crone The girls and the two brothers

The Crone is always the ruse, the black magic woman who attracts the young, pretty teens to help her with her ‘disability’ and her ‘plight.’ She is obese, appears ‘sickly’, ‘helpless’, ‘depressed’. The girls often have pity on her, with all her ‘homeless things’ weighing down her wheel chair. “Push me somewhere safe dearies, there are bad men always stealing my things.” The girls comply; bring her somewhere ‘safer,’ sometimes, to the ‘safe house’ where she pretends to be staying. A dilapidated...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Begins 03

((Authors Note — here’s the third and final episode of my Batgirl Begins trilogy. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing about my favourite super-heroine. As with all such series, it’s probably best to read episodes one and two first, but if you can’t wait here’s a very, very brief summary of events so far. Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) has just started out on solo patrols. With Batman’s help she captures a dangerous criminal called Marco. Flushed with success she goes to Wayne...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 18 Ahh Kiyone

"Ok," Kiyone was saying evenly, halting as she was passing through and under the Torii. "Now repeat it back to me." "No touching, no button pressing, no lever throwing." Mihoshi sighed, taking the final step up. "No cable disconnecting, no tying or untying for that matter." She continued after pausing beneath the Torii's arch, reciting in a sing song voice complete with rocking her head back and forth in time with the meter of her words. "And if I see anything in my way higher than...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Begins 01

(Author’s Intro…. This story (Episode 2) is a ‘prequel’ to the ‘A Day In Gotham’ series that I wrote a year or so ago. In particular, it precedes ‘Batgirl’s Dilemma’ which is the first story that I wrote and technically is Episode 3 in the series. I always had it in mind to come back to Batgirl at some stage (she’s such a fun character!) and fill in some gaps, and this story attempts to set the stage for some of the later action. As it developed, it grew (as usual!), so I’ve split it into...

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A Chance Encounter Batgirl Babs and Renee Montoya Part One

Introduction: Batgirl while on duty saves Renee Montoya, only to have the tables turned. The fight had been going on for the better part of an hour with Batgirl trading punches and kicks with the East Side Rangers, a well organized group of gang members led by a woman who called herself The Mask. Driving a particularly hard punch to the side of her seconds woman, Batgirl finished off the young girl only to have a blow land at the base of her skull that literally threw Batgirl into the water...

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A Chance Encounter Batgirl Babs and Renee Montoya Part One

The Mask shoved Batgirl's head into the steaming water of the fountain as she brought her forearm down into the small of the caped woman's back trying to force all of the air out of her ample chest. Holding Batgirl by the neck she intended to drown the woman as she delived yet another solid blow to her back and then kicked Batgirrl in the back of the knees. own Dazed by the hard blow, Batgirl landed in the fountain and then sank as The Mask pressed her own body down on Batgirl's. Her...

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Country Girl Day One later

Country Girl Day One Later By Lauren Westley (Authoress's note: of course all disclaimers are still in place regarding characters etc., except for one small truth since so many readers asked me to answer this question. Most of the things I write about I did at some point in my life. Perhaps they were not with as many people but at least one person was there. And they were absolutely not done in the order written and there are some things I've done that haven't made it into any of...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 07

The trip to San Francisco, California, goes at a faster pace than Boone likes because Peter, the trader, is pushing to get there and back home. Boone has little choice about matching Peter’s pace if he wants to get the extra money for hauling the goods. At camp on the night after the first full day Boone walks over to Peter and ask, “Is this the pace you’ll be keeping all the way to San Francisco and back to Arizona City?” Peter looks up at Boone from where he’s sitting as he says, “Only on...

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Robot Ponygirls

Robot Ponygirls Robot Ponygirls?By Sarah  ??????????? Sarah and the rest of the cheerleaders at PonygirlUniversity were special.? They were the best of the best in the school, when it came to being proper show ponies.? But not everything at Ponygirl University was as it seemed.? Soon, the new freshman class would learn just what life was like at the University.  ??????????? Jennifer and her friends got off the PonygirlUniversity bus, and stared at the imposing statues flanking...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 03

After Boone sees everyone in the camp is properly set out for their first night in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, he goes over to the cooking fire for the Gray contingent, asks for both Olive and Nellie to walk with him, and he walks toward the horses. He stops short of the rope corral they’ve put up for the stock, turns to the two young ladies, and says, “A couple of weeks back your mother told me both of you want to be my wife and have insisted I’ll be your man for some years. Is that...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 08

The trip of about five hundred miles to Santa Fe should take them about twelve to fourteen days to make the journey. After much talking on who’ll go Mary decides Nellie and Sam will accompany Boone and he’s to hire three or four of the Apache as scouts. After the decision is made preparations are made for the trip, the three family members will share the gold between them in their saddlebags, and the ladies will lead two pack-horses carrying their camping gear and food supplies. To ensure...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 04

Bright and early on Monday July 1st, 1861 the doors to the barn are opened and the four wagons move out. Yesterday afternoon was spent cleaning up the barn and stables and now they’re leaving after several weeks of living there while getting ready to go west. Three of the wagons are fully loaded and the fourth is mostly loaded, they’ll finish loading it when they reach Columbus, Ohio, where they plan to buy a great deal of salt. Nellie is at the reins of the lead wagon pair with Heidi in...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 05

When rolling into town mid-morning Boone has a stray thought of, Something must be wrong! This is a Tuesday, not a Monday. We never get anywhere except on a Monday. He’s amused by the thought. During the afternoon they talk while they unpack the wagons, and Boone says, “While in Council Bluffs I caught up on the news. There’s been a dozen or so battles between Army units in Missouri since April, hundreds of shootings and killings in Kansas, and militia attacking the people all over Kansas...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 02

Following the talks in December 1859 Mary, Heidi, and Boone start their preparations to leave Virginia. Materials and things are bought and put aside, for now. The tensions and troubles increase with each passing month of 1860. Mary, Heidi, and Boone become more worried with each rise in the tensions between the two major political forces. Boone starts to build a wagon like his father made using his father’s drawings which Mary has. They don’t have a farm wagon so he builds two of the large...

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Hermione Ginny Harry Rons Sore Arse AdventuresChapter 8 Harry Hermionersquos Hiney Holiday

Howlaween It was Halloween night and the house was still. I settled in with a bourbon boiling brew and chocolate bars. Finally alone downstairs I had a chance to go through a large orange plastic jack-o-lantern found after scores of years in the attic. I poured out the contents inside my eyes lit up as bundles of vanished photos wrapped in orange and black ribbons like presents from decades fell to the coffee table. They had been mislaid decades earlier and found after my wife, Hermione,...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 06

The trail west from Fort Laramie, Nebraska Territory, is well marked due to the many hundreds of wagons along the trail in the past twenty years. Many of the worst parts of the trail have been improved by earlier wagon-trains; which just means the trail is wide enough for the wagons, it’s well marked, also some water crossings have stones in them to stop the crossing from washing away, and some of the worst crossings now have ferries in place to make them easier. There are still some places...

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Anna and Ramone Ch 03

Hey guys, thanks for reading the series and for your comments and votes! This chapter is shorter than the previous two. The next chapter will be up shortly and will be longer than this one. Enjoy reading and keep the comments/votes coming in! Tabzwnjk ******************************************* ‘Well it’s about time you got back home’, Ramone said. Anna jumped at the sound of his voice. She’d spent the whole day with Jamie and all she wanted was to get home and sleep. ‘What are you doing...

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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 18

The rest of the weekend and then the next week continues as before. Linda and I take Mandy rollerskating, and the three of us have a blast. Then we hit an arcade and hang out together until almost 9. Mandy is actually pretty good at Frogger. Finally I drop them off and get a lovely kiss from Linda.That Thursday I pick everybody up and JD tells us that since this is a new campaign start we can change out our characters if we want. Keith decides that he wants to pull out his old ranger Markoff...

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Home Alone with the Indonesian Girl

I visited my new Indonesian girlfriend one Friday afternoon when I had the day off work. She had just had a shower. We had not progressed beyond kissing and touching but today was going to be different. She told me that her brother, whom she lived with, was out at university and won’t be back for another hour. I took the opportunity to do something nice for her. I began by kissing her sweet mouth, touching her, putting my hand down her top and cupping her warm little breasts. Her nipples...

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Sarah and Emily Sister Ponygirls

Sarah and EmilySister PonygirlsBy Sarah        Sarah and Emily awoke to the sounds of their collar chains rattling, and the sunlight beginning to filter into the barn where they were being kept.  The girls smiled to each other as they lay on their hay bed, playfully kissing each other as they awoke.  As they looked around their now familiar stall, their pussies moistened at the thought of what had passed, to lead them to their current lives.Chapter 1: Kidnapped and Transformed        Sarah and...

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Ponygirl for Hire

Part-Time Ponygirl Ponygirl for Hire?By: Long JohnsonNote: This is a work of fiction, derived entirely from my own imagination.? Any similarity between any persons living or dead is strictly coincidence, or my good luck.? I?ve never been to Arizona, I just picked it because my atlas was open to that page when I picked up. This is written in several parts (8 so far) so all of the characters listed are not in each part.? I wrote this before the Kari series.    Characters at Ponygirl...

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John Nee Rosy Kee Dhkadhak Chudayee Kee

Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot01my email se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek spicy story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sacch haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa.Uskaa naam ha- Rosy. Ab aagey kee story Rosy kee Shabdoo mee-Hiee , mee Rosy Mumbai see huu.Meeree hott nd horny frends ek hott gal readers...

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Batgirl Returns Part One

Introduction: Oracle redons the latex costume as Batgirl once again. Oracle had redonned the Batgirl uniform once again, it had been a few nights since her intial return to crimefighting and subsequent take down. One she did not want to have happen again, her body still ached all over. She entered into the Old Gothaam Adult Toy factory, it had long since been abandoned and used by derilects and such. She walked through the main area, she walked past display vacbed, and tables that had custom...

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Programmed Ponygirl

Programmed PonygirlBy Sarah        ?Sarah, you know I love you, and want to spend my life with you.?        Sarah and Jim cuddled in each others arms.  Sarah, having turned 18 the day before, was dressed in her boyfriend’s favorite outfit, her cheerleading uniform.  She had her hair in a ponytail, and was laying her head up against his shoulder, as he reached over and cupped her C cup breasts and rubbed her pussy over her skirt.        Jim was 23, and a junior in college.  He had met Sarah on a...

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The Rape of Persephone

Deep under the earth, in the realm of gloom, and death Hades sat contemplating his predicament. There on his thrown, sitting next to his three-headed dog Cerberus, was Hades clothed in dark robes, waves of silk black hair to his shoulders, a beard like most Greeks which showed his intelligence that was achieved over the many centuries, weaved with the muscles of a true male god, and the face of a warrior who has had to live an existence in the darkness far too long....

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The rise of the ponygirl transportation system in the world

The Rise of the Ponygirl Transport System in the World The Rise of the Ponygirl Transport System in the WorldBy Sarah The following is a story based on predictions of global oil producers and what a loss in oil would mean to the future of transportation in the world.? It is not the only solution, but it could be one possible scenario.? This is still just a work of fiction, but it would be interesting to see if it comes to pass. Prologue ??????????? Scientists and world leaders...

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Batgirl Returns Part One

It was a slow night for Roland. He hated the late shift, especially patrolling the adult toy factory. His girlfriend had left him several weeks ago and seeing all the sex toys made him wish he had someone to play with. But he didn't really have time for a relationship right now. But he needed to get laid though. As he walked the factory he heard a noise and he pointed his flashlight in the direction. He saw a woman in a skin tight costume. "Hold it right there!" he called...

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Amy Criminal Ponygirl

Amy – Criminal Ponygirl By Arnold Puttwyn? This story is a work of fiction, made up entirely in my own mind. Any similarity to any person or persons living or dead is coincidence.This is a story using the society from ‘Kari in Training’ The time is fifteen years after the finalization of the Slave Act.     Society had to change because an unknown genetic disorder caused men to have many more X chromosome sperm cells, so the birth of females 2 to 1 over males made the population change to 67%...

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Forced to be a Ponygirl

This is one of my fantasies. I’ve always dreamed of being made into a ponygirl, so here we go?Amy couldn’t remember much of what had happened last night. A college girl, she had been in a bar for a while. A handsome man, a fair bit older than her, had bought her a drink and chatted her up for a while. Amy was a slim brunette who normally had her fair share of successes attracting guys in bars, so this was nothing out of the ordinary. But then there had been something about going home in a taxi,...

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Boris meets Goddess Persephone

And yet, Boris always believed he was in control. How fool of him, and to that he could only agree, bound and sweating as he was, on the floor in the men’s bathroom of the night club, eyes closed so he could pretend he was not anticipating the moment he’d be finally pimped out in real life by a woman he had never met in the flesh before tonight. *** It all began with a simple click, as it always does, doesn’t it? Your usual ?Follow? button on twitter, one of hundreds accounts of dominant women...

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Batgirl and Robin Greener Grass

This story utilizes characters owned by DC/Time Warner/Warner Bros., and does so strictly in a not-for-profit, parody fanfic usage meant for the enjoyment of comic fans everywhere. Consider this a sort of Elseworlds type story, not really set in any of the normal Bat realms. Our imaginations do not necessarily work within the usual DC Comics realm. From Eric - Ever since I read Steve's great story, "Batgirl: Who, me?", I've been obsessed with it and he, kind and gracious as always,...

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The Jokers On Batgirl

INTRODUCTION: Attention - this work of fiction contains scenes of comic book violence, super villainous rape and bad puns. It is not a “safe space” and no doubt abounds with micro and mega aggressions. If reading this will cause you to visit the fainting couch or get the vapors then by all means don’t read. Stick to something more to your tastes, I wouldn’t want to lose sleep worrying you might need therapy or counseling due to my warped mind. To those that wish to read, enjoy my take on...

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IBE The Days Of WanderingAddendumDayton

I tried to sleep, and I nodded off for a few hours, but it didn’t stick. I was tossing and turning. I was hot, and my various joints and muscles were aching me more than usual, or perhaps I was just more conscious of it than I usually am. In any case, I was tossing and turning. I was conscious, too, that this might be hurting Kelly’s quality of sleep. After an hour or so, I was wide awake, nervous, in pain, and feeling like a nuisance. I got up and went back to the downstairs bar. While we...

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The Jokes On Batgirl Sequel to The Jokers On Batgirl

(The Sequel to The Joker’s On Batgirl) By rutger5 Copyright 2016 Barbara Gordon peppered the heavy bag with one final flurry of punches but like all previous efforts it left her feeling somehow unsatisfied. Grabbing a towel she wiped her brow then tossed it into the dirty bin before heading for the gym exit. If anything the humid, summer air felt even stickier against her alabaster skin than the steamy gym interior had but it didn’t cause Barbara to change her plans. After a quick...

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Mark 2 Batgirl Who Me

This story utilizes characters owned by DC/Time Warner/Warner Bros., and does so strictly in a not-for-profit, parody fanfic usage meant for the enjoyment of comic fans everywhere. Characters in this story are loosely based upon the Batman Adventures animated show, since in the comics Batman, Robin, Batgirl and Nightwing do not appear or work together. Consider it a sort of Elseworlds type story, not really set in any of the normal Bat realms. My imagination does not...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Vexed

A Day In Gotham – 8 — Batgirl Vexed (A promise fulfilled, a catty surprise, a dangerous enemy) (Follows episode 7 — Batgirl Undone) (Authors Note — It’s taken a while to pull together, but thanks for your patience if you’re following the series. As this implies, this story follows on from my previous efforts, but it can be read as an isolated story if you wish. As usual, Batgirl is still trying hard to sort out all her complex personal relationships with friends and foe alike!) * ...

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A Fresh StartChapter 59 Colonel Featherstone

When I woke again, everything seemed very bright. Not the bright at the end of the tunnel, just bright, like a bright room. By the time I got around to opening my eyes, I fell asleep again. It seemed like this went on a few more times before I managed to get my eyes open enough to see where I was. I could see a white ceiling of some sort, and I tried to move, but I couldn’t move. I could feel things, but I couldn’t move. I was able to turn my head, and rise slightly, and it looked like I was...

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Wishbone Along Came Jacki

Wishbone: Along Came Jacki By The Sympathetic Devil [email protected] Dave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn't be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother's apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother's clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is...

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Country Boy City Girl Authors Notes

Author Notes.I have had a lot of questions and responses over this story, and thought I would try something new. If you do not want any backstory or information feel free to stop reading now. This is in no way required reading or part of the story.Background, this started as an idea I had to try and drag the actual sex in a story (sex as in the main character’s penis entering a vagina) as long as I can. So many stories are 10 paragraphs long, and the main characters are fucking by the end of...

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Country GirlChapter 1

At some point in our lives we go through some introspection as to why you are the way you are. Me? I've been accussed of being a sex crazy bitch, a slut, near animal, and insane. Some of which I consider a compliment, some distasteful. But sex has played a major roll in many of my life's happenings so I wonder how some are more sexually oriented than others. Sex, wonderful sex, sexual disposition, attitude toward sex, is it genetic? Is it from past invironment? Does it just...

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